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9789004291874.Pdf i  MariaPetyt–ACarmeliteMysticinWartime JosephChalmersetal.,2015 | doi10.1163/9789004291874_001 © -This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution .Noncommercial3.0Unported(CC-BY-NC3.0)License  ii Radboud Studies in Humanities Series Editor (SophieLevie(RadboudUniversity Editorial Board (PaulBakker(RadboudUniversity (AndréLardinois(RadboudUniversity (DanielaMüller(RadboudUniversity (GlennMost(ScuolaNormaleSuperiore,Pisa (PeterRaedts(RadboudUniversity (JohanTollebeek(KULeuven (MarcSlors(RadboudUniversity (ClaudiaSwan(NorthwesternUniversityEvanston VOLUME4 Thetitlespublishedinthisseriesarelistedat brill.com/rsh iii Maria Petyt A Carmelite Mystic in Wartime Edited by JosephChalmers ElisabethHense VeronieMeeuwsen EsthervandeVate LEIDEN|BOSTON  iv -ThisisanopenaccesstitledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution -Noncommercial3.0Unported(CC-BY-NC3.0)License,whichpermitsanynon-commer (cialuse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalauthor(s .andsourcearecredited .Coverillustration:MariaPetyt©UniversiteitsbibliotheekNijmegen,sign.OD694c26 LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData MariaPetyt-aCarmelitemysticinwartime/editedbyJosephChalmers,ElisabethHense,Veronie .Meeuwsen,EsthervandeVate (pagescm.--(Radboudstudiesinhumanities,ISSN2213-9729;VOLUME4 .Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex ,ISBN978-90-04-29186-7(hardback:alk.paper)--ISBN978-90-04-29187-4(e-book)1.Petyt,Maria .Carmelites--Spirituallife.3.DutchWar,1672-1678.4.Carmelites--Netherlands--Biography.1623-1677.2 .I.Chalmers,Joseph,editor BX4705.P48M372015 97102--dc23.’271 [B] 2015023027 Thispublicationhasbeentypesetinthemultilingual“Brill”typeface.Withover5,100characterscovering .Latin,ipa,Greek,andCyrillic,thistypefaceisespeciallysuitableforuseinthehumanities .Formoreinformation,pleaseseewww.brill.com/brill-typeface issn2213-9729 (isbn978-90-04-29186-7(hardback (isbn978-90-04-29187-4(e-book .Copyright2015bytheEditorsandAuthors .ThisworkispublishedbyKoninklijkeBrillNV,Leiden,TheNetherlands KoninklijkeBrillNVincorporatestheimprintsBrill,BrillHes&DeGraaf,BrillNijhoff,BrillRodopiand HoteiPublishing.KoninklijkeBrillNVreservestherighttoprotectthepublicationagainstunauthorized ,useandtoauthorizedisseminationbymeansofoffprints,legitimatephotocopies,microformeditions reprints,translations,andsecondaryinformationsources,suchasabstractingandindexingservices includingdatabases.Requestsforcommercialre-use,useofpartsofthepublication,and/ortranslations .mustbeaddressedtoKoninklijkeBrillNV .Thisbookisprintedonacid-freepaper ContentsContents v Contents Chronological Table vii List of Contributors ixii Introduction 1 Elisabeth Hense, Veronie Meeuwsen and Esther van de Vate Part 1 Maria Petyt in her Context 1 Maria Petyt – A Short Biography 7 Esther van de Vate 2 Maria Petyt against the Background of the Political and Religious Situation in Flanders in the Seventeenth Century 22 Esther van de Vate 3 Daily Life at the Hermitage in Mechelen at the Time of Maria Petyt (1657–1677) 53 Michel van Meerbeeck 4 Living as a Spiritual Virgin and Claiming Prophetic Authority: The Parallel Lives of Maria Petyt and Antoinette Bourignon 67 Mirjam de Baar Part 2 The Latin Manuscript about the Dutch War and Its interpretations 5 Some Notes on the History of the Latin Manuscript of the Life of Maria Petyt by Michael of St. Augustine 83 Giovanni Grosso 6 ‘Oh, How Spiritual Directors are Obliged to Remain Silent!’ Michael’s Redaction of the Writings of Maria Petyt: Some Initial Findings 92 Esther van de Vate vi Contents 7 The Latin Manuscript about the Dutch War and Its Translation in English 119 Veronie Meeuwsen (ed.) 8 Maria Petyt’s Support of the French King 240 Veronie Meeuwsen 9 The Spirituality of Teresa of Avila and the Latin Manuscript about the Dutch War (folios 30r–49v) 252 Elisabeth Hense 10 The Prophetic Spirituality of Maria Petyt in the Latin Manuscript about the Dutch War 266 Anne-Marie Bos Epilogue 282 Joseph Chalmers Index 289 292 Contents Contents v Contents v ListofMapandFigures vii ListofMapandFigures vii ChronologicalTable viii ChronologicalTable viii ListofContributors x ListofContributors x Map xii Map xii IntroductionHenseetal. 1 Introduction 1 ElisabethHense 3 VeronieMeeuwsen 3 EsthervandeVate 3 part1 5 MariaPetytinHerContext 5 5 ∵ Chapter1 7 MariaPetyt–AShortBibliography 7 EsthervandeVate 7 Chapter2 22 MariaPetytagainstthebackgroundofthepoliticalandreligioussituationinFlandersintheseventeenthcentury 22 EsthervandeVate 22 Chapter3 53 DailyLifeattheHermitageinMechelenattheTimeofMariaPetyt(1657–1677) 53 MichelvanMeerbeeck 53 Chapter4 67 LivingasaSpiritualVirginandClaimingPropheticAuthority:TheParallelLivesofMariaPetytandAntoinetteBourignon 67 MirjamdeBaar 67 part2 81 The Latin Manuscript about the Dutch War andItsInterpretation 81 81 ∵ Chapter5 83 SomeNotesontheHistoryoftheManuscriptoftheLifeofMariaPetytbyMichaelofSt.Augustine 83 GiovanniGrosso 83 Chapter6 92 Oh,HowSpiritualDirectorsareObligedtoRemainSilent!’Michael’sRedactionoftheWritingsofMariaPetyt:SomeInitialFindings 92‘ EsthervandeVate 92 Chapter7 119 TheLatinManuscriptabouttheDutchWarandItsTranslationinEnglish 119 VeronieMeeuwsen(ed.) 119 Chapter8 240 MariaPetyt’sSupportoftheFrenchKing 240 VeronieMeeuwsen 240 Chapter9 252 TheSpiritualityofTeresaofAvilaandtheLatinManuscriptabouttheDutchWar(folios30r–49v) 252 ElisabethHense 252 Chapter10 266 ThePropheticSpiritualityofMariaPetytandtheLatinManuscriptabouttheDutchWar 266 Anne-MarieBos 266 Epilogue 282 JosephChalmers 282 Index 289 Index 289 ChronologicalChronologicalTable Table vii Chronological Table TeresaofAvilalived 1515-1582 CouncilofTrent 1545-1563 JohnofSt.Samsonlived 1571-1636 Around1600 ReformofTourainestarted AntoinetteBourignonlived 1616-1680 ThirtyYears’War 1618-1648 MichaelofSt.AugustinebornatBrussels 1621 1January1623 MariaPetytbornatHazebroeck Mariacontractedsmallpox 1630/1631 InfantaIsabelladied 1633 MariawenttoschoolinaconventinSt.-Omer 1634-1635 FrancedeclaredwarontheAustrianandSpanishHabsburgsandin 1635 ;thesameyearforgedanalliancewiththeNorthernNetherlands -theFrenchtemporarilyoccupiedtheterritorybetweenAire-sur-la LysandSt.-Omer Marialeftherhomebecauseoftheplagueandstayedforawhile 1636 withheruncleinPoperinge MichaelenteredtheCarmelites 1637 LouisXIVlived 1638-1715 MariastayedatLilleatthehouseofapiousfamily 1639 1640s Jansenistmovementbegan 1641or1642 MariaenteredthemonasteryinGent -Marialeftthemonastery:shecouldnotparticipateinthedivineof 1643 ficeproperlybecauseofherbadeyesight Maria’sfirstprofessionasaCarmelitetertiary ?1644 -Theconstitutionsofthestrictobservanceweredefinitivelyaccept 1645 edintheBelgiumProvinceO.Carm TheAf-beeldingheofthethirdorderofOurLadyofMountCarmel 1646 .ofDanieloftheVirginMaryispublished MariaaskedMichaelofSt.Augustinetobeherspiritualdirector ?1646 MariaPetyt’ssecondprofessionasaCarmelitetertiary 1647 PeaceofWestphalia 1648 LouisXIVcrownedking 1654 1October1657 MariawenttotheCluyseatMechelen Mariareceivedherfirstvisions 1658 TreatyofthePyrenees;periodofpeacebetweenFranceandSpain 1659 from1659till1667 viii ChronologicalTable 5January1660 ApprovaloftheordinancesattheCluyse AntoinetteBourignonsettledinMechelen 1663 AntoinetteBourignonsettledinAmsterdam 1667 WarofDevolution 1667-1668 -April1672 LouisXIVdeclaredwarontheRepublicoftheSevenUnitedProv inces May1672 TheFrenchtroopsinvadedtheSouthernNetherlands ;December1672 WilliamIIIattackedCharleroiforthefirsttime;thisattemptfailed in1674and1677hetriedagain June1673 SiegeofMaastrichtandnavalBattlesofSchooneveld August1673 Spainjoinedtheanti-Frenchcoalition,alsoknownastheLeagueof TheHagueortheQuadrupleAlliance October1673 SpaindeclaredwaronFrance -August1674 AlphonsdeBerghes,archbishopofMechelen,subjectedthehold ingofprocessionstoastrictdiscipline The Republic of the United Provinces was completely freed of 1676 Frenchpresence,exceptforMaastricht July-August1676 WilliamIIIbesiegedMaastricht 1November1677 MariaPetytdied LatintranslationofMariaPetyt’swritings 1677-1680 August1678 TreatyofNijmegen 24April1680 DateoftheprefaceoftheCodexPost.III70 Kort Begryppublished 1681 LifeofMariaPetytpublished 1683/1684 2February1684 MichaelofSt.Augustinedied ListOfContributorsListofContributors ix List of Contributors Mirjam de Baar isProfessorofCulturalHistoryofEarlyModernChristianityattheUniversity ofGroningen.Hercurrentresearchfocusesontheperformanceofmaleand femaleprophetsintheDutchRepublic,theircommunicationstrategiesand
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