BANKING TRACK Organized by the BankingTechnology Club during the Economic Mission led by HRH Prince Philippe to Turkey 15-17 October 2012 In cooperation with 1. CONTACT PERSONS Agoria BankingTechnology Club Agoria International Business Debbie Thys Peter Demuynck +32.494.46.43.30 +32.477.52.72.82
[email protected] [email protected] More information: 2. PROGRAM TUESDAY 16 OCTOBER - ISTANBUL 10.00 Visit to Ziraat Bankasi - Meeting with the Payment Systems Group President Ziraat bank is the second largest Bank in Turkey, after Is Bank. The bank has a strong focus on servicing its customers, having the largest service network in Turkey including ATM’s, Call Centers, Online Banking, Mobile Banking, etc. Ziraat Bank has a strategy to grow not only domestically, but also to enlarge its global footprint. Today Ziraat Bank has 76 service points in 16 countries. 12.00 Power Lunch ‘Banking’ in the Presence of HRH Prince Philippe from Belgium at the Residence of the Consul General in Istanbul Power lunch to promote the know how of Belgian IT companies, all suppliers for the financial industry, towards the decision makers of the Turkish Banks. Keynote from Minister Benoît CereXhe, followed by an introduction of the members of the Banking Technology Club. For more info on the Turkish participants, see addendum 1. Economic Mission led by HRH Prince Philippe to Turkey - Banking Track ______________________________________________ 1 15u00 Visit to Is Bankasi – .tr Meeting with the Division Head Information Technologies Is Bankasi is Turkey’s first public bank and premier national financial institution.