Warren-Ballard Debate
WARREN-BALLARD DEBATE HELD IN FORT WORTH, TEXAS, July 23-26, 1952 BETWEEN THOMAS B. WARREN, Fort Worth, Texas AND L. S. BALLARD, Dallas, Texas Tape Recorded Transcribed by Betty Sue Baker Galena Park, Texas FIRST EDITION TELEGRAM BOOK COMPANY 608 PEARDALE LANE LONGVIEW, \VASHINGTON 1953 Copyright, 1953 By TELEGRAM BOOK COMPANY All Rights Reserved Printed in the United States of America, INTRODUCTION This debate is of outstanding value because it contains information and material not previously used in debate and made available to the general public. Although one may have a number of debates on the same subject, this one is worthy to takc a place with them; and it can be used as a ready hand-book of quotations from outstand- ing scholars on a number of arguments made in the debate. The name of Dr. L. S. Ballard is one that is familiar in the polemic field. As far back as 1913, he met E. M. Borden in debate, and is a veteran of many debates since. He is held in high esteem by his brethern, and was selected by them to defend Baptist doctrine in this dis- cussion. His work therefore is representative as he is one of the outstanding Baptist debaters today. Mr. J. Cullis Smith, President of the Orthodox Baptist Institute of Ardmore, Oklahoma, served as moderator for Dr. Ballard. Brother Thomas B. Warren, now serving as local evangelist for the Eastridge church of Christ in Fort Worth, represented the church of Christ. His brethren were well pleased with his work in this debate, although it was his second public discussion.
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