' X •■-X

■ I ■ !♦' MONDAY^ MAY 11, 1969 I^^^OUSTGCN iKanrHe^^r lEupning l|pral{i Avcniire Dtily NgI P r«M R on . Thfi WfiBllMr i Far the Weem Ended Foreeaat ot D. •. Hraatlwr 6 b y fith, I96fi| ilio intocuUvg-hoard ot CharUr The executive board of the Var- WAXES ChNidy, warm, boimM, aunttfitod Oak Lodga. B'nal B'rith, ^^'in niMt plancfc PTA will meat toraoriwV , 1 2 , 9 2 ( ) phowera nr tkaadasulMiwern te- .^i)OUlTowii I Wedne^a.v night at S o'ctock at night at 7:30 in the school library. DAT OR V t ^ t nigitt and Wedneedajr. Low tonlgbt All Ihromlng and outgoing oRlpdrs, i Honors Mothers' ■ Jarrls Africa, 2*3 fc. Center .St. BY RXPl Membtr et the Audit near fiO. Rtgli Wedneeday nmr t U U«neh«itcr High School commUtee chairmen and cjafnmtl- Bureau of Clrenlatiea. p r o ’«!tU hold • Huoinooi iMoUng Dr. Ralph D Kelpdr. direrlor bf tee membeCa are requested to be The ManchaaUr WATER held a ARTHUR ORUa Manchester—~A City o f yulhge Charm Md tfMtion hf ortlcer* tonight nt research for tke BvangellcaJ present. Inatailation 'ceremonies; Mother’s Day talebratlon recently, T;80 «t the high school. Foundation, will he the key aneak- will be held, the PTA scholnrihlp ; and praaanted red and wiilte nose­ __ er at the Oalyary Temple, Hart- swarded and plaali fnr the family : X y o u LXXVIII, NO. 189 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN„ TUESDAY, MAY 12. 19.S9 (Clnaslfled Advertising on Pnge 11) PRICE FIVE CENT'S 8t. Margaret’s Circle, Dattghtere , ford, tomorrow night at 7:«.V He picnic discuss^ ' gays to the oldest mother pre­ at iMbella. will meet tomorrow at I will he speaking at the prophetic sent, the mother of the youngest CHARGE YOUR t tMB. at the K. of C. home. Mlaa ; conference which opened yerter- The EJtds^niapman Joy Circle of ^ child, snd the mother of the most the Noblh Methodist Church W"!!! I XnM LaOace. the regent, urges day and mil continue through grsndchildren. PRESCRIPTIONS HERE the entire committee for the month Thureday. meyt St the church Wednesday af- Ribicoff SignsjDillon Gets! of May to attend thU meeting. ,t*fnoon at 2 o’clock. Those who Mrs. Georgisnns Bressettc wss House Backs Town MeiRben are also reminded to , The Story Clrrle of the Sout^ ' plan to work on the quilt are asked the oldest mother; Mrs. Betty bristf material for work tm the Melhbdlat WSCR will 1 to come at 10 o’clock In the morn- Badlowskt wss the mother of the Bill to Abolish Wednesday at 10 a.m. a*"the.^iiie jng. Members sre reminded t6 youngest child, s 2ii-month-ol^ m m PINE cancer project. - .ylKtmmKgm p r a r m a c t of Mrs. Rose Unpihart, Birington. bring gifts for the maybasket. j ('hiid: and Mrs. Celia Moller wsS Right to Condemn Marine Pfc. Datid P. Custer, son the mother with thf most grand­ State Counties ot Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Custer. 42 Members of the Sth '6iatrtct Fire The Holy Name Society of St. j children. 27. Blgtdow at,. Is senlng aboard the Department willkhld a drill to. .lames’ Church will hold g ^father The program, held at the Itslisn m ^ E N T E R ST. Hartford. Mav 12 (>!?)- attnek aircraft carrier USS In­ night at 11 o'cljcjefi at the hrehouse. and son program Wednesday night American Club, included dancing dependence, operating with the At- Co 1 will h' a'meettng after the at 7 o'clock in St. James’ School and singing by children from the Or Buy Water dlo» Abraham Ribicoff t'O*qd • y aigned into law the abolition Wfifihington,'May 12 A clock at the home of Mya. Wil- Frances Klein and Mrs. Harriet Manenester tne rignt 10 ouy ,,„„eited Jan. is, m i. and! The Governor signed the hiatoric nominations of C. Douglas at 6:30 p m. Under the chairman^'! lii.m Meaimer. 73 MshoC Oirclf, Nerl ware tied for Mcond place, HIGH? e r condemn the Manchester poMiwy April 16, i96i. shir of Gladys Fmlev. Mother>Day ■ East Hartford. Mrs. Harding Car- i measure without comment at 10:10 Dillon to be No. 2 man at the Hr each with a loss of 9 pounda. The But Ardhaon declared that this a.fii. rcill also be observed.■ X rter will'be the ro-hostess. Wll- Marine Exhibit next meeting will be tomorrow at Water Co. was passed by thei State Department and Ogden X 1 11am Missamer, speech therapist State House o f Representa-i P'an wa# unacceptable and pushed • Tlie nieaaiA-e received its final 7 p.m. at w’hich a specihr weight Hvea th is afternoon and aen titor passage of the original bill. approval by the/LeglslatureReid yes- to be ambassador to Is­ Conference Miss Judith Clifford, worthy jid? for Manchester schools, will be the Scl'for Museum discussion will be held. - TRADE n v es im s a iiern oon aim Aronson In urging pas- terday when tha*Benate, which had rael. .vlrcr of Manchest^ Aieembly Or­ speaker. ■ —J t ' *kge of the 4)1H was Rep. David ' previously passed the bill, voted The action came after unexpset- der of Rainbow Wr Girls, will pre- Commencing Wednesday, the ■The hill aet off conaiderablede -: ^ Barry, also a Manchester Dem-1 acceptance of It r.gain. ed opposition developed to the Sixth grade pupils of the Hollis­ Stalemated sidd at the Mainsas sesalon and Luta .liintor Museum will feature a bate in the House before It was „crst, i This second trip to the .Senate nomination of Dillon to i^ under- election ofuinlcert tonight at 7;30 ter School will present a program. „ South School PTA DOWN Marine exhibit in the center hall passed on a voice vole. Barry noted that the ^Eighth nertasitated by the action of secielary of state sticceedlng lathe MaiwnlcTemple, Mrs. Eliga-, for the PTA at Its pieeUng at 8 of the building at 126 Cedar St. WE NEED LATE MODELS An attempt to amend the bill to Chrl.#tlan A. Herter Wbo heesme both doiarier■‘'^bf ' the Advisory j o'clock tomorrow night. The arl- To End Season Utilities District alread'Blrea^ had the House ot Representatives in , , ,, . ,,, Harry Ballinger, well-knowm OF ALL KINDS take .away the town's power of power of condemnaMim over0 the amending it twice. The House following Xhe illness of A t Geneva Boai^ wnU award merit pins and nusi electicn of offleers will,follow. marine artist who has heien giving condemnation was defeated on a Top Allewaaoca Madal water compan.v. H#Xaid the bill peaned the bill last week 144-129. >o^i Poster IJutle# bora. water-color demonstrations In the The South School I*TA will hold , roll call, 139-104. merely gave the.'tDwnth^-1x>\LTt ttthe iame County covemment, which datea Oppoattion to Reid had been ex^ MeAiorlal Temple, Pythian Sis­ elementary grade.s during the past its final meeting of the year in the i The amendment was sponsored right. /iback to' 1«66. cease# on Oct. l,|P''«lrd. but tjib asssiilt on Dillorf Geneva, M«J^ 12 (iTO—The The 63th spring council meeting ters. ijill meet in Odd Fellowa Hall form of a pothick tomorrow night' by House GOP Minority Leader of the Girli’ Friendly Society, Dio- .two weeks, is loaning a niimber of Aronaon arjfued that without the I 1P60. From that, dale on. moat Demotratir inemhera of the :?f>viet Union, today propofiod at 7:.30 tomor-L v night. A Moth­ pictures for the exhibit, the same at 6:3(). Beauprt Motori A. Searle Pinney of Brookfield. power of condemnation by. the I chore.x how performed by county j came aa a aUrprlee. caea of Connecticut, will be. held er's Day program will be held. There’s nothing like a few situpa with somebody hdldfhg your r V pictures the school children have Mrs.'Glendon Duqlap is chair-1 BROiAD ST. AT Pinney declared that the ^ w er tj,, wat6r company could set 1 personnel will be the responsibility lissell R. Long (D-Lal V imnifediate admi»sion of Com- Saturdav 4t Chiral Ckurch Cathe­ The degree staff Is asked Ip be legs doiyh to keep the did belly trim. Here contestants use said h^ could not support Dillon’s dral, Hartford Mrt. AVilllam watche." slovakia at^the foreign minifi- are reminded to bring gifts for the torical Assn, at Mystic, including Fifteen Excel would .hinder Its operation as a He, said he understood the price governVncnt but retain their geo- t ^ f d the "fooiii8"dy" adminlstra- , arrangomenta. and Mlaa Hannah cup auction, cakes for th« the cake the maximiim, and no fair using elbows. (Herald Photo by Robert Johns, music instructor, ] ter.8 conference, The West re­ a miniature dikrama of a whaling utility, ------I graphical character mostly for ju- "uon of the foieign aid piogram In | K. Jenaen. 468 E. Middle Tpkf .. walk and articles fnr the gift card. Pintoi: will talk about the musical 'pro­ “You don’t toas the power of fused and the formal aesaion chairman o f ' finance, will give a ___ expedition. (ContiiiNiNl im Page Eight) ' diclal and election purposes. which "Ihieves, -ackeleers and; In Display of gram in Manchester schools. A | condemnation around lightly." grafters" benefit ab'oad. 1 ended with, the dispute atill rep ort on ‘’Friends of Holiday] Cowles Strickland A recent donation to the museum brass quartet composed of Peter Pinney declared. freshments nijiy bring their dona­ Pantalink. Martin Chimeleckt,; Long and 'Sen. Wayne Morse iin.spttled. House," an a u x ill^ to the Holi- second Congrega- Is a large collection, of fine shells Assumption Ladies tions either t( the church hall or Um Pinney iuggested that be would (D-Orel objected strongly to a| day H ouse w h ich ■ helps develop Q(,urch will meet tomor- from all over the world, plua sev­ Stephen Morrison and .leffry T y - . The argtimeni over the two^Ealrt Youth Fitness k the k of C Ho'ie after 2 o'clock Your withdraw hi# amendment if aup-1- ^Steam Roller^ Charges suggestion by Committee Chair- j Kiiropean countries might tie 'tip tha G. F. S. program. j night at 8 o'clock at the home eral books on shells, the gift of bur will participate In the program | porters of the bill would put a Slate Cartl Party Friday afternoon. which will'be at 8 o'clock. i j man .1. William Kiilbright iD-ArUi | the conference In a long procedural ‘'XT. ... .1 j ; of Mrs. Samt-el Pierson, 116 Con- Mrs. A. D. Brochu,’ through her Charqt Plan time limit on the measure. that Sen. Frank tliurch iD-Iriahot 1 Mra. Charles S. House. Westland : . nr daughter. Mrs. Philip Holway, 143 Fifteen Manchester youngsters The business meeting and elec­ wi-angle which, could delay work gave outstanding performances at l ^ r Oppoaea Time Limit put off questioning Dillon- until a | un Beillii and German problems. at., a member of the Advisory | ' _ _ Adelaide Rd, The most inj,erestlng The Ladies of the Assumption tion of officers will be at 7:30. But Rep. Irving L. Aronson ( D- Board to the Service Bureau for the Jiinlor (Chamber oi Commerce closed committee session lom or-1 But one western delegate said h* Beverly ant Lee Burton of the of these shells will soort.'be dis­ will sponsor the fifth annual presi­ Police Sav Man Hit . Dolivarln Manchester) said that tow n.offl-j Republicans Protest row.. I Women's Organisations, will be played in the science. ronm'iatJLhe Physical Fitness contest held Sat­ dents’ card I .irly- Friday evening did not believe the Russian# would ; Beverly Bollino Burton Dance urday afternoon at Memorial oials were opposed to any time Church quizzed Dillon sharply ] the foreign visitor chairman for j Studio are appearing tonight at museum. at 8 o’clocK at the Knights of Co­ Inst telephone y6ur order tor Insist loo long on expanding the the tenth annual June conference Field'. Ex-Wife’s Visitor Umit on the hill. I about the secrecy policy on the conference. j Hancock Hall In Boston. They lumbus Hone.. drug needs and cosme.ties— giv­ Aronson said this' would only coiintry-by-counli y breakdown of ; to be held by the Service Bureau. Those who will receive tiiophies Mrs. Wait'll McNally, current AUTO ing your Charge . Plan num­ Foreign Minister Andrei Gromy­ I have been studying in Boston for among the girls 8 to 11 years old Leo O. Maheux, 41, of 341 Cen­ build tip pressure on the town to' Haste on Budget Bill military assistance to foreign' Jane 4 through June 6, ' at the i.a number of ycaia and operate a past p eofdent of ^the organization, ber act perhaps more quickly than i t , ko spoke for the two Soviet Sa- Hartford Seminary Foundation School Board Sels are Mary Rivard, Patty Hathaway lO D Y countries, partictilai !y in Lstln j dance studio here in town. is ser.'ing as chairman. Those as­ ter St., who allegedly beat a man OLLIE’S ' waa ready to act on the matter. 1 America. lelllles. sajdng they should be ■ I and Beverly Werstlen Among G «t sisting her are Mra. EHmer W. visiting Maheux'a estranged wife, The bill first came up in, the, Despite the prolonged question­ brought in to work on the Ger­ Mrs. Melcolm R. Wilson, 17, .. X j , , girls 12 to 17 who will receive ★ W EEING Curriculum Talk Graham, tickits, Mrs. .Henry Skel- was arrested Saturday and charg­ ImnleclifttY Mouse yesterday, but Was delayed Hartford, May 12 -The ad-r The appropriation for county ing of Dillon, the committee went ' man problems because they had Salem Rd., a finalist in the third i Among the divorces granted last trophies are Stephanie Bautiller, suffered more than other countries graj^ naUonal bake-off of the'week In Superior Court. HarUord, •ly refreshments, and Mrs. Foster ed with breach of the peace and ★ A im0 EDDY and DfellTYry while ,an attempt waa made'tojminiatration's general operating |-government, instead of being for | Us plana for conaidera- 1 Pam Germond and Charline Mc- Williar... and V ,s. Jame Horvath —------^ ^ — !------I budget hill, amounting to $457,-' 21 months, a# the Governor origin-| today of the nomination of Three priaonera peer over biirik# and bed clotlring alacUed up In front of their cell at B’ort Pillow, In'World War IT. PUlabury .Co., will act as advisor were the following 16 Manchester The Board of Education will ! Cloud. aaaault. FENDER REPAIRS j Tenn.. a# they talk to prison officials about terms they wnni before they release the two guards they for this yi»r's bake-off, the nth I resldenU: Maxine H. from Clay- hold Its last special curriculum Jt. prizes. Police said Maheux stnick E(2- 212,611, has left the Leglalature’s ally asked. Is for nine months to ogden R. Reid ot the New York U.S. Secretary of Slate Chris­ |- Boys 8 to 11 who did outsland- Mr. and Mrs. .T. Edward Mc- ★ COMPLETE CAR Appropriations Committee with a | carry the program up to the cu t-, n^-apaper publishing family to be . hold as hostages. The prisoners are armed with knives they marie themselves. ( AP Photofaxi. to be held by tjie company, The ton Thompson; Hazel A. from meeting, of the year tonight at the I Ing w'ork were Leroy Beckett, Glen ward Slane. 21, of East Hartford, tian A. Herter. Selwyn Lloyd of event this vear will be held hj Bev-1 John Wright. $1.8 weekly alimony; South School at 7:30. The aiibjert Keever will act as host and hostess then fled from the scene. 'The fight PAINTING Britain Plans fav'orable .report. ‘ off date. I anibaasador’to Israel. | Britain and Maurice Couve d* I Potter, and Gary Kurkham. Boys of the evening, cppducting the However. Republican members As the law requires, the budget j, Dillon has been nominated to! I erly Hills, CatU. Pearl S. fi'bni Thomas Murdock; of the meeting will be music, art, ; 12 to 13 were Arthur Rivard, Rich­ occurred at 895 Center SI.. ac­ LAC({UER and ENAMEL I’ickrl or Iloh Murvtile of France spoke /mt Phyjlis C. from Hamilton M. and physical education in the games of .military whist and aeU cording to police. .Maheux'a wife lof the committee-who are in the i*'{n balance. Newsmen receh-H-erij become wdewecretary of to j 2 H o B t a g e ^ 111 P c r i l in - succession against adding .Other ard Gingras'and George Katz. TEL. MI 9-M3S (SMiatii minority—refuked to vote on the » breakdown of the figurea in. the 1 replace .Tones, 110 weekly support for each schonls. leek. recently was granted a divorce. PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY Space Bid with ^the I feplace Christian A. Herter, given New 'York. May 12 (S8 -*t- -nations to the conference.4t thU The three lop boys in the 14 to meaaure and ififimedlately isstled a budget from Ferland and Rep. j the top .Stale Department position lime.. of five children, all on the grounds I This will brT the fourth meeting 17 year class were Edward Dell, All mer-iers of the organiza­ Slane was taken to Manchester 281 ADAM S ST. 901 MAIN ST/r-Ata I-8S3I Thonias Vindal fared a tough' of intolerable cruelty, and Edward the Board has held this year in ad­ tion who have recei\ed tickets Memorial Moapitiu where, author­ Btatement criticizing tlie behavioi , Rubin Cohen (D-CoIche#ter). c o -, after the illnes# of John Foster choice yesterday. As one of the The.v urged Gromyk® to ahetve- Throw Them] Robert Goehring and Fred Kos- U.Si, Partners of the Democratic fliember# when 1 chairmen of the Appropriation* . Dulles. from Mary M. Shensis, on the dition Its regular meetings, to ' lenko. through the 'ma'l are urged to ities say, he' was treated for duta nonprnfessional workers^strik- the proposal for th6 Ume being, DONT Away ''grounds of desertion. study the curriculum. Earlier meet­ jiiake returns immediately, sp that on his forehead and received'■sev­ ^ the report was announced ye»ter- Committee. Raid. 33. faces more , inten.«ive Besieged Convicts Ing six ho.spital.s, he wss an American spokesman said, and I The calegoiie.s in which these \ I Still plenty of wear left In | ings were focu.sed on the curricu­ ^tickets may be .made ayailabla, to eral stitches. London, May 12 1^ Prime * , Aj In his statement on the bill and queationing under a new coniinitlee carrying a , sign in a picket to let the Big Four get on with ahoea when bronght here for | I contestihls excelled included pull- todavj PaiterWHi (R-Old: ^chat went on in committee, Tyler. ' policy of Insisting on a thorough Among those who took the oath ; lum at the high school, the junior ups, standing broad jump, push- { others wishing to attend. Maheux posted a $.800 bond for Sllnister Macmillan said line. a discussion German probltTni.. I expert repairing. ' of allegiance to the j Members wishing to donate re­ court appearance Monday. ^ yLynie) sold the TJemocrat# ro#ort- j the ranking Republican member, J screening of political appointees to high, and the elementary schoola. I ups. .80-yard dash, .softball throw, Brltaih.Js getting ready t-o entrt ed to''irteam rtjiler” tactic# in mov- jgig; kmbassadorilil p6»ta. But he had an itch. Assistant ^Seerttaav of StiiZt Friday in ceremonies in U.S. Dis-1 A fifth meeting, to examine the The ^’eu-e»t in Prinj:*! -After a brief struggle with Andrew Herding said "The meet-' WORH DONE WHILE trict Court were Erwin Anderson. ^ I shuttle run, and situps. In addition the artificial Earth aatellite field. thg the'bill out qf coinmItt*#, . ^ '’The administration budget bill; There were indication# that Bu itd Barricades TOD WAIT guidance and remedial reading pro­ I the boys 14 to 17 ’ had a discus Ameritex fine quality cottoit. Drip- his conscience, he put down Ing ended the, matter itlll ,31214 Main St., William and Lu^,- grams,, will be held In the fall. Macmillan said Britain may! "Republican 'members of ,the'approved bv the Democratic mem-i Reid, former president and editor | the sign snd went into Mount up lir the air.” j throw. I m dry, crea.se resistant, piieshrunk. ithe'r j cohimlUe* demanded a 24-hour op- ■ bers of udL Appropriations Com- of th* New Yofk Tribune and still | gina Ratlazzi, 8,’> School St..- and' • The senc.s of special meetings is ■end eatellitea into orbit either . .•tlnai Hospital. /'Olramyko first proposed the td- Arvids, Alma. Elza and Aiistra j The program opened with cere-1 Needs little or no ironing. with the cooperation of it# British.} portunItY to Mtinine tly ■ppi'b- j mltte*,. whfifawhTfhJejapnoaed J# .impBosed to rep-j — — ^ j Fqrt Pillow,' Tenn., May It #iip their billy e 1 it b I without SAM YULYES iifider the. direction of Wllliani E. ! monies conducted by Jaycee presi- ...1 , ------I liTiSie 1 (coBttnoed on Page Eight) There he waa treated for' ptittanca of Poland sind Ceechoahs- Ozols. 49 Doane St. Buckley of the Board of Ediioa- FOR SALE .Oommonweaiui partnere, or with } priations J>ilh M6eu#e of the many | resent a' 'fkwffffWlp-Ofi-'$8 ^mlUion. | —.'Yw, rioting convicts sur- a struggle. "bai'ber'a itch." a fungus in­ valda- before the openiiilK' Of 'the -SHOE REPAIRINO ; dent Robert Murdock who admin- j the UiiMoa aute#. * 1 change# conuined In It .from the attuslly represent# . no reduction rend6re.d peiicefuil.vat 10:30 The primarv-. spokesman for the o r THE BETTER KIND” tion. - islered the Junior Championship fection of the face. He picked conference's second eeaelon. Co. 3 of the South Manchester , "We therefore plan to send t o , Governor’s original budi^t doou- at all because estimated revenues a.m. (PST) toilny lb end a 14 convicts. Leonard Thompson, 26, up medicine to take home, anil Gromyko made the Polish-Ciech 38 OAK STREET ; Fire Departmetn will hold .a drill oalh. Washington a team of experts to ! ment,” he said. ; for. the coining biennium haVe been of Minneapolis.. Minn,, presented Same Side aa Watkins In < harge‘ of the contest were ; hour siege of the Fori Pillow left. move the day after he was defeated : tonight at 6:30 at fire headquarters, | discuss possible Anglo-American; However, the ''Democralic m a-‘ reduced by the same amount.” Paris Rumors Mtate iMeon Farm toUay. the list, of- complaints, which He has a clinic appoiptmeirt on his bid to make East Germany, i 183 Spruce St. Teslimoiiial Set Matthew Maetozo and Richard ' cooperation," the prime niinJeter jority of the committee put,the bill; Passage of the county govern- ranged"^ft'oiii bad food to alleged Braun. - Farm Field Neither of the two -guards tomorrow. If. the strilje' i# still a full participant. told the House of Commons. to an immediate vote after the , ment agd ' court reorganization bnitalll.v. ■ Other Jaycees who assisted were held ae, hoetage# waa 'Injured. on then, he'll ‘ hays another The considered the For Dr. Caillouelle "■ W O are also opening coilsuUa- Senate chairman. Maurice Ferland j bills '’In auih a way aa. to. ,rpake Hint Algerian Thompson, serving a slietch for decision to m a k e ./ [Leonard Johnson, John Johnson. tlons with other Commonwealth iU-DanielsonI, refused the R e-1 them effective at a later dfttd than new issue so important that Deputy Fort Pillow Prison Farm'. Tenn.. biirglaiy, said the revolt was i)of. Foreign Minister Valerian Zorin > John Jeffers, John Smoyda, and $2.00 Cu. Yd. a countries." .. publican request," Patterson said, i originally anticipated in "the Gov a sudden decision. 0> MANCHKSTKR A testimonial dinner, honoring Nathan Agostinelli. The Jaycees May 12 i>Pi Faced by uneasy stale- ■ was sent to tell reporters about it' MINIMUM 6 CUBIC YARDS Magmillan said British experts The budget Is for $5,107,119 less ernOr’s budget has,resulted-in sub-: Truce Talk Set "We tried letleis of protest to at a meeting at the press oenter,.-- FLETCHER C U S S CO. Dr. George A. CalUouette. presi- I also had the cooperation of the are studying the possibility of thafi >vhat Gov. Abraham A- Rihl-. stantlally all .of. this reduction on ! mate, convicls who hoW two prisprl »ntchell (Jenl of Connecticut Elks Assn., Hampton but he never got- them, "■ Aeflectlng Gromyko's arguments 9-7879 I Board of Education and the R ec-, adapting as satellite projectors eoff recommended . in hi» budget , both sides oU the state’s accounts.” farm guards as hostage busily Court Orders will be held at Bristol Lodge Sat­ : reatlon Department. TEL. Ml 9-4824 10 Yard ‘ Pari# May 12 ifFl — Rumors he said.."We talked about it for a in tjie conference, Zorin eald the U8 WE8T MIDDIJ!; TtTRNFIKE rnllltary rockets now under devel- message to the Legislature. he said. spread througr political circles in I strengthened the ban icades at long time. This thing goes back two East European - nations were urday. Certificates of performance,! In .all, $6,033,929 was trimmed I their besieged dormitoi-.v, today. opmept in this country. The greater part of this reduc- Paris today that active negotia­ two or threfc months." "the first victim# of aggression'by CORNER DURANT ST. A roast beef dinner w.ill be signed by Bob Richards, a track 36’* Wide from the Govembr’a original budg­ Tile guards were^elzed last niglilj Rehearing of served at 7:30 p.m. Buses w-ill and field star, were given to all ’ " ’This," he said, will j/ut us in ' tion# are un _r :>vay for a truce The highway patrol ordered Hitlerite, Germany" and that their et requests. However, other items I when 130 men staged an unex-’ people "justly merited by the Mood * NEW LARGER QUARTERS leave Manchester at 6 p.m., taking participants. Trophies wdll be given a position, should we decide to do j in Algeria. I peeled riot. They threatened to kill about 80 men to the scene. "You will love the small old fashioned fo, to make an all-British effort.’’ we're added to the budget and these they, e'hed in the war the right to local Bilks'to Bristol. ; to the .top performers in each of calico patterns and paisleys In new deep amounted to $926,810. *rhe net N o . one in an official position the guards If offlceis rushed the The pi'isoii farm is locatedlocaien iieaivnear/ Crowley Case PLENTY OF FRONT AND REAR PARKING Ticket. fi5r the dinner are avail­ j the five age groups, if the winners Britain has arranged- to Mart would comment on the rumors. All the .Mississippi River about / tone colorings. . Fori dresses, blouses, reduction. comes id’ $5,107,119. building. They demanded a con­ (Continued on Page Eight) able at the Elks home from Pki- will visit the physical education work Immediatelv on the con ,, P*'l**‘^, ^ Among rnajor reductions in.flgures ; eburces checked merely denied all ference with state officials on pris­ miles north of Memphis.Memphl II is' a I Tokyo, Ma'J' 12 i/Pi The Tokyo skirts, H>ortswear, ' children’s wear, Btruclion of the Instruments v„ and-of - $2,750,000 for the expenses AUTO GLASS INSTALLED ward Edgar, ticket chairman, and ; department at the high school' any men’s shirts, etc. of the origtjtW budget are $450,000 ' knowledge-of-them. on farm conditions. j minimum securit.v prison no cell# District Court loday ordered a re­ Charles Tusker, steward. iday .aftel: school this week. •- ■. ! If the ■•I'umor.. are true, it Is Keith Hampton, stale commis-. 01- walls. hearing in the trial of American **^'mto*stmment^*nd iiistrmndiL oroeram*willpro^tgm Avill be i toaa virilfbe abolished aa of. GLASS FURNITURE TOPS (Gqnllnn 1 on Page Five) probable that the negotiatlona are Sioner of institiitions. flew in from .Most of the Inmate# #/e up fo.r businessman, Joseph P. Crowley, MORE and MORE OF THE auptrvised by a Britikh National' • , y. . being directed personall.v b.v Pres­ Nashville to-fionfer wltli leaders of retotlvely minor offenses and accused of killing his brother-in- CeinmitLee of Space Research be­ ident Charles de Gaulle.' Five days MIRRORS (Firtploc* and Doer) FINEST QUALITY the revolt. After several talks with ' law. Bulletins ing***» set up by theLHC AhAl^Y*l'Royal OLsLlCLjiSociety V •• T^T V ^ ago in Boui-gts, De /Jaiille said them he said negotiations had bog- i (Unntinueo on Page Nine) It set the new hearing for Fri­ SPECIALS FOR TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "The da.v is in .ight when Algeria ged down. - i from th« .AP Wirfk DELICIOUS FRYING Needs a Scapegoat day, May 16. PICTURE FRAMING (all types) LARGE BARBECUED will be lacifled.” He gave no date Hampton said the convicts at Practical Polilica The cour': did not explain Its'or- Masaey. He .vyill head the team of 1 or details.’ first agreed to accept solitary con­ der that' tne "hearing shall be WINDOW and PLATE GLASS CHICKENS CHINO CLOTH ^ experts going to Washington. According to the rumors, any finement as pi‘ui#hinent for the riot reopened." STATES RIGHTS BILL VOTED Baltimore May 12 i/P- — CHICKEN LEGS Twelve color# In the moat populiU‘- Macmillan said he was unable: with the state agreeing that their Washington, May 12 WRAPPED IN ALUSIINU8I scuiemsitt would start off with SoMfc -'1II g e ii 1 o u a women Tin* , defer- deliveied its final iJP)— CONTRACTORS: WE HA'YE IN STOCK FOIL. READY- TO SERVE fabric thia year. Fdr dreeeea, akirtfi*' to eetimate what it would cq#t; an admission by France that the "good time" would not be touched. Southerners and their allies on blousea. jacket#, abort#, ■ slack#; Yd. Juveniles Exploited Ihoiu^l t dairies should contin­ aiguments Feb. 20 and was await­ Britain to put a satellite'ln orbit; Nationalist# have not been defeat­ "Good time " is the time lopped off ing the terdlct' when 'he' court the Holme Judiciary Commlttaa MEDICINE CABINETS and SHOWER DOORS aportaweai*, etc. ,1 , a sentence for good behavior. ue--to ;e ..ired to date the overrode It* leadership knd a-^ Lh. if it decided to. ‘Use a British. ed. This would be a face-saving eo.i.a.neri. O' miik they sell In suddenly. -lallcd in, ((te defense OPEN SATURDIlYiS—OPE.N THURSDAY EVE.NINGS e „ h * l 3 9 ,A7eo ktriped rhino In S-eolor ® 45" wi^je rocket. j concession to the rebels. Before the agreehrienl could be counsel and the prosecuiora to an­ proved today a state# rights b 11 the the y. alined at a Supreme Court de­ combination...... 99c yard ^R«f- 11-49 Yd.' . ‘!At the mortient we are spend-! The statement wbuld stress. .a nounce the decision for reopening ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN By American Adults convicts upped their demands to As city council mef.bers ar­ cision. The hill by Rep. Howud LYNN POULTRY FARMS Ing substantial but modest sums, j however, that the natiohaliats are rived, I'.i ‘ iV V, m e'n ' s Civic the iai. y more in hundreds of - thousands of no punishment whatever, pin.# in,- Smith- (D-Va) would declara X not in to position to win the war Leagi-e passed . out .undated Crowley, 49, a former Yale Uni­ PAUKADE Hale'$ Notion D8parin$]8ni h(a$ Tha HEW 'A pounds than millions, for design of ! militarily. The fighting has been sistence that their conditions be that no act of C/ongreaa tpper- broadcast h.v radio. j miik con xirei.i on which they versity football player and busi- sedes a stole law unleaa Con­ the instruments and to make the | (NOTE —-govenlle delinquency#’queney in this country la compll- going on for 4H years. The French nessmar froir. New Haven, Conn., MIDDU lURNPlKI • • • MANCHlliTER la perhaps the most talked' about, The new conditions were reject-j ha-.l past.»d this warning: gress speeiftcally declare# Ita In-- necessary designs for modification chted, they -say, by the presa-tii-es Army ha# thrown 500,000 men into "This I-lilk is undated. Will Was' charged with the Japanese but least understood social of molderh llfei 'The public needs a ed. Hampton said the convicts 1 tention o f doing ao or unleaa the the campaign but has been unable fou take a chance and drink equivalent of manslaughter'in the problein In the United 8tnte« to­ scapegoat, and has found one in withdrew behind their barricade law* Are clearly InoompattWe. “VELCRO^' CLOSURE (Conttained on Page Fonr) it? ” ■ death of^T.AeD. Joqes Jr., 45, here day, Mix experts from six different at the front door. One of them I FOR ALL GARMENTS a JHST TpyCH AND CLOSE! ; ‘The irritating adolescent gnd the (Coailimed on Page Nine) The couhcil . voted imahl- ■ May 8, 1958. They were to Japan fields have Just spent nine months annoying delinquent.” shouted, "Cbnie in and gel us.” j GUARD ORDERED OUT- > o r.iously to upheld the women. on a business trip. ■ Raleigh, N. C., 6Iay 12 — ' '! The new Velcro cloaura Bortlpg! through fact and fantasy "The pub.li auddsnly- awakened The commissioner said rthe con -. A close /ote had been ex­ Ci-owiey pleaded, innocent. His ' conalatai Of. two. -. atripa .of to get at rile heart of the matter. to 'Its second pla<<« in the race to vleta were not goijjg to diktat?, tJov. Uither Hodges today or­ owalski Hits pected on,.the much-lobbied trial iasted 7‘ i month#. dered National Ouard units Into QNE ^ o 'woven nylon tape. When This, la the first of three stories thi moon, ha# pouncec' on the conditions. proposal to' junk the 42-year-* G A L I. pressed together they adhere on their report). schoc #nd-the .adolescent Jgarner. • "If we" can't control tho.se boys, | Hemiersoq to maintain order , at WE BUY old’ regulation. (Continued on Page NInp) (pe strlke-tOrn Harriet-Hender- aecuNly tb each otHet. a# the arch villain# responsible for News Tidbits we win have to close up andjjuit," [ FOR A L L j o Military Waste j aon icotton milla, The, order c*n o ;4Vaahable, dry cleanable. It# plight. Cullfid Ironi AP Wir«s he said. "They're going to come; J • CLOSEOUTS ' thitiveara the fabric to which (.AP Edni«tlon Writer) "The popular writer# of #t*Ke, ______out. one wa.v or another. W e ; after an emergency meettat it iaiSipgUed. t^ill ndt snag Washington, May 12 (A8—Amer- screen, radio,-'’,televUion .and press’ can't let prisoners run the prison.” > with atote law enforcement of­ o O f Manpowerj SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSi . ficer* and Henderson offlclida hr jafn. For drtaaes. skirts,' IcSiii adult# are exploiting the have i>een quick to exploit this a n.!,..,, To Complaint# that prisoners- • DISTRESS MERCHANDISE Hrouaers,, jpajaDias, aweatet)at Fisher, Liz about fresh outbreaks of IVashington, May 12 (P) — A 1 juvenile delinquent. situation." f l ^ Wo^k >ong hOt.« m the vanity skirts, sltpcovars? Aa Some are cashing in financially In the popular Image; ‘The de­ the new Republican National chair­ filed#, and often doubletime to riolence at the mill#' two plant#. easy to, MJply a^/aewing a colonel turned congressman, aaid ' man, will be guest ef honor at a • JOB LOTS today the. taxpayers are being i on youth’s natural rebellion, all linquent is.Maiik jkckdted and long and fro, Hampton snorted; "We'r 'aimple seam. haired. He rtm#r around -on a bright t w in i n g f a c e s SURfiERY charged $3.0 million to $40 million |the while bemoaning its behavior. They are griiiTg the adolescent and noisy niolorcycle or to a Cuba begins -ffoueuons J -J, ^-a's^Xf to'"the"! Private Wedding Today Waahlngton, May 12 UPl—A r­ a year to provide ser\’ant/i Itv uni-; . . t „ my doctor# will perform an ex­ EXPERT SERVICE • OBSOLETE GOODS form-forhrgh ranking offtcers. sr.uped-up hot rod. .He is briual. Rep' W a n ^ K ^ k ” >'lng. "I told you so." when he Ke l. cruel, H v 1. rietleis. He is W cr.n!."ja*n*ed in'“ " rUv.‘ ^n! ew^’hourk snei'^to^ ploratory cheet operation prob­ vasion attempt o( Central Amer- * By JIM BA photographers will record the; ably today or tomorrow" on GO). • IRAW MATERIALS i retiredrt^i^'dlm v c^roVel tormer^'w^^^^^ to “ ''e up to ,then. d.nge,jcusly-free •nd^urt nhibit.d ' everfis for poslerlty. ' .Nathan F, Twining, chalrmair of WE SPECIALIZE IN pointer,Pinter, and enli.sted manman, made They are neither read.v, willing : soxuallr. He ,1# aggressive. He ican lepubilc. a n . ''^Hh knives — seized the dorml-'j VegM, N«v- May ^2 m '/4 Yard nor able to understand the prob- tjavels with the pack, lie ia heart- United States, Blitainfand Rus-. , - in three lO-mlr.iite take# today. For the ceremony, Fisher Will; the -joint chiefs- Of staff. Tko ABC the estlntiffe; His ' statement was get into his blue suit arid Liz into 61-year-old Air Force general ALL FAMOUS MAKES! • isURPLUS lem; many of their complaints less . . .' . . - Jda agree to deliver more than II,- Guards J S Voss 49 and Hu-1 *‘»4’, welcome charife accounts I 'JfpVT .Orren Trading Stamp# dows and serve canapes." Kowal- ! Town - that "’there is "no such lion.to traffic, .violators. ■ ' ! velopment Conultisslon reports tick today and wai Veporiedin «®i

4 *

NANCHBSTBR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY. MAY 12, 1969 rjm u kim ' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1962 IPAOSTWO s I.—I . ' ' i - ' ----- Thera will be no teaebsr euper- oh Bcholarailpa, and two girls xf^o Bolton, vision for apeotatore lU the gamea. Public Needs a Scapegoat - work at Manchester Mqirforial arc alao addicted, waa a ehallanga Parents of . the participating stu­ Kowalski Hits Hospital, r QIait Oat ti IlM ttw i Indead, and her technical daxtenty dents. sbA tha apaatators, unless . Following the dlnii^'U ie gtrla Miss Parker showed to advantage. theif cMldnih use bicyclea or walk' will be ahown '. ahoiT movie on Thg Clair Da Luna ' could taka Sbeinwold on SchoolPlaus for trans|i@rtatton. are urged to ftMilary Waste nursing careara H i Sim far Tabla f i | M Casc^ine Station Competent in the erratielam better than the reaU' pick up their children promply af­ Juveniles Exploite The ficholarsbt^ OommiUae ie ^ the program becauae of tha'lia- Sesjsions to ter the gamea. ()f Manpower composed ot r^reaentatlvss of the Yoh emt. tfo maay Hits ZBA Snag tuca.,of I t But It seemed'out of COMPLAINTS EQUIPMENT NEEDED < TTie first scheilulsd game ot the Manoheatai /Medical Asaii., the thiiiffi with gIfltM foaia Piano Debut pitied to put any dynamlea In this FOR BUDOE OAMB Norik deate season will be played with the Manchastor Nurses Assn., Man­ mmm to bovo uiaon ethariial Debussy number. Even Norik-Seeth vutoenble Crystal Lake School at Blllngton (Omi« 4vnm Fags Or«) chester/Ttemorlal Hospital,.' and the ao-dfiarked forte paaaagea U.S. Maatwa Team CBanploD NORTH Brief Parents Ameriean Adults »wmi^ approval by Uit ^ o n i ti f 'What equipment do you need for on Friilay afternoon. the Uona Club. Dr. Bldward' Bea- By ANNE BTRICfUAND PRATT should onl^:,b8 comparative. 4 A Q } > tn a ftw m inut^’. automobile ride thay ora owy ta Iwap BooMI (4 Appoolo of plMi for »*l- game of bridge? A couple of ¥ A PTA Pothick Bel ■4r la chairman of tha committee. Pamela 8. Parker, pupil of Fred­ The contliuiity. of the final num­ ..TVo informal meetings at B< Reaervationa for the Parent- of where we slt,"\Ari»vy officers’ eloon. U t Ds hal|i yo i ttpt up a HUnc aUtton and fo- ber, the A Flat Polonaise, carried deMe of earde, a aeorepad, a A A 6 3 2 t4m aiemenUry School on May : (Coritiaaad from Pag* One) much more in avldenoe. tha meases “where on^\cail buy a erick E. Werner, was presented In pencil, ahd ao forth. You might 4 10 8 3 2 Taacher Assn, potluck tomorrow at piut there may have bean Iih m with SHTCostlom. rafo on U>« Willtmantie boulovard. well. To MUw Parkafa credit, WEST EAST and 'KHSt 7;4d pm. ivlll ba held 6 p.m. a t the school cafeteria may hamburgar which willvbehe cithjc ltl^ New Club to Hear recitsd last night in the chapel of She was ah much at home with also need a l2-ineh ruler, prefer­ for the benefit of parents of chll- trayed in Hunter's ‘Blackboard tolerance for the sowing of -wiM cooked by a sergeaDcant or Mirrors cut to oN shot. a M Ht 4totanc« oaat from Hobron the SouUi Methodist Church, the leas fanftllar parts as tha more ably of aoim heavy woq)l. ■till be made by calling Mrs. Jungle'; In Hal Bllison’s many pa­ oata, but today the machinaa and a sergeant or both." You are Raet. Your partnar dren who wlll-anter Grade 1 in Joseph Loerach or Mrs. Albert methods of rebellion are increas­ Talk on Marriage cantor, propoaod by Robert H. unusually large attendance pointed familiar oheh. Here her dynam­ September.- perbacks whose blurb announced Ms aaid tha Army uiea/d^s'yery Open 9 Days A WMi Rorton aad itobOrt Oaaaaio, on to the anticipation, and aiibnier of ics and change -of tempo were at opens the queen of dlamonda, and Hemingway. Members ' attending ingly dangerous. S AM. to 9 P.M. dummy wins with the ace. :?/ Principal Richard Matber; Mias ■re reminded to bring their own ‘Even their dreamt were dirty,’ Rapid social changes era ra- ■anior non-commissloneil offlcbn land owned by the former. Manchester's teenagefb was "on home and quite appropriate. Viola Larson, elementary super- to serve meals to i^clvilian ot'. Robert Alesbury -wlll speak Morris Kasanaa. who owns and her way." '' If this la a sample of tha first Naturally ypu drop the icing ot silverware. A silver collection will and in the cellule d extraviiganxas ■ponslble. The youpger generation . ^ p tha’^Young Adult Society Club The prograpr' involved a prodi­ 5W Viaor; Mrs. Alice Robert, achpol be taken to cover the cost of ml^t, flcials Md dfflcers id Its Pentagon oparatM a asnica statioh not far recital, let us'Hope our young ar­ dlamonda on this trick to unblock O K Q 3 10 * nurse; Mrs. Pagie Moody, M18a . . , which reached nay deptha in must be eonstaatly adapting Itself meases.^' The' A ^ Force haa 18 of. Manchester tomorrow evening from tne proposed new site, claims gious amount of memory work and tist will continue tq devMw as your partner'e suit. .♦874 sugar, cupa imd plates. the , recent ‘ movie ‘High School to conditions that the older genera­ at Kia Whiten Ubrary. J. A. WHITE GLASS CO. it was evident that the atudent was Josephine Leso, and Mrs. Imogene Fred Gaal, Eolton park com- tion, in growing up, didn’t know, ifmllarly aaaigned, that the notice for the hearing had wall as she has qtAited! Declare^ caehea the ace of Undemsu), Grade 1 teachers, -arlU CouEdentlal.’ he aald, andJA* Navy haa 12 aea- HlsVtopic ’)0lll be "PrepsraUon 31 IISSELL ST. PHONE Ml f-7322 well prepared. Her dynamica. and misaioner, has called a meeting of “Mhvie producers, publishara, didn’t experience, and couldn't for an^s Healthful Marital' Rela- not been advertised long: enough haarta, leiads a olub'to the king, participate in a discussion on pre­ the directors of the Junior Base- men aeryjiig In t^ lta House to be legal, and he is sustained In ,th^ clarity of expression as well as and then drawe three mme roun& authors and- cah)ie-book artiata Imagine. Maas production of the maaaes. tlons.’’’. A' brlqf business meeting '’^flexibility of fingering attested to paring children for entrance into boll League Friday di 8 p.m. at automobile, for Instance, has this claim by Coning Board Chair­ of triimpa, discarding low dia­ % ^ Bohool in the fall. are hardly insensitive to the great “W1IVhjr'^ahould the Army draft or at 7:80 wiir-.pr4cedeviir-pr*cede bis talk. Re­ man Robert P. DIman. It thus ap- that. Students Pick monds from the dummy. On the AH Pese ' the (kimniunity Hall for a dlacua- salet value of such an image on brought auto theft problems that enllK»yoQ loldlera to serva as chauf- freshments be served at tha naars U»l another hearing will ' Ona of the fundamentals of any. laat trump you nonchalantly dis­ OpeMi)| lead. —• ♦ Q Parents whose last names begin alon on teams and game sched­ the consumer market. TTherefore were relatively unknown when fern’s In the White House motor close of the program; performance la to "keep going" no card the four of spedee, hoping with letters. A through M are uling. Additional work oh the Boir tlUea and cover illuitrationa are father was a boy. ^ o l ? ” Xuwalskl asked. "Why The YA8C!OM^a newly ofgan- have to be held, later In the- month. matter what happens, and the abil­ tha meeting on May 25., property w'JI alao be discussed. one informative progriim each .fairly close together on the high- Bob Hope artd Rhonda Flemimr whip up a stdfm of laughs in the of spades. ■a the epitome of evil is. being sold research than ever haa been-done. gon . . . when civilian chauffeurs United Artists' lampoon of the legendary wdst in "Alias Jssse alonal. Miss Parker has been Fifteen students at 'Manchester S^.'th next leads m low apade and your ploj. will fall. (An expert Principal Mather also urged all Gael is seeking more coaches for aR It Is worth." It also callt for- adults to ^tach can be.hired? . . There are 15 month. Any IntebestedN young . way. One Is oumed and operated schooled in that, and It aerved her declarer would not take a second pawenta of Incoming first graders for all age group teams. Umpires adults are invited to stlend.N by Oarlton H. - Jones, established James ’ at the State Theater. Norman McLeod directed. Starts High School will take over the and flneaaea dummy's queens. What happens when the young- themselves emotionally frbm the aimven driving school buses In the Wednesday. well. chairs of government in Manches­ Naturally, since yor. are 4 -ery finesse anyway, but that’s ahother to bring their children to school for the games are also needed. Btera see movies like “The Black­ problem, ahd consider ailolescenta Washington area alone." a good many yews age. the sec­ Ona of the chief criticisms one story.) for i brief vlait some morning 4)r Men interested in donating their board Jungle" and “The Wild as paitictpatlng merfibera of a Kowalski contended the services ond by Kusman and the third as might offer was the erratic tem­ ter Thursday,- artd w^lie they will fine player, you nonchalehtly drop services should contact Gaal or this will be too many and to^near the Rev. John deSousa at a break­ the nine of spadee on thia trick. How do you proven’ your part­ afternoon this month to acquaint One?" Their reaction, says the highly volatile society. had put out misleading figures above. If approved. Some claim po. While the tension of perfo'nn'~- be rulers In name-—or aekt—only, them with elementary ach4>ol pi'4>- Paul )laneggia. It adds this word of hope: ivhen they reported about 17,000 to You together for successful' operation. fast meeting 'to be held at T:80 ing could prddiice such a condition. The idea, la to persuade South ner from reaching acroaq the table, report, is: “Gee, I thought I was they will see, how the, goi^rnment that ^hia finesse has ouc'ceedod. thus giving you away? cedUTet. Parents must accompany Boys 15- to i7-yeara-old who tough. That k)d is twice ax tough ^/’’Before teachers and parents 20,000 men aaaigned to various Others say It la a busy spot and a. m. Sunday. Members of the two It la aomewhat doubtful If it would ticks.' ' are interested tn playing baseball despair altogether of the future of service-type jobs^—Including reg more service there is needed. Some Congregational churches, Hebron bt auatalned throughout the pro­ Perhape he will .e fooliali enough That’s what • ruler .la for. Ona the children on these vialta. as me. So, that's what you hive All of them are juniors or sen­ to get back to his hand with the sharp rap >ver the kniloklea will on an intertown levri should call to do to be tough,’’ these youngsters, they should re­ ular cooks and stewards in the OPEN DAILY i complain about too much noise. and Gilead, elected to committees gram, but It waa ao. Trug, this may iors. and thgy were elected by OaB43er Report Gaal or Maneggfa by Thursday ace of clubs and flnesaa the jack remind-your partnef not, to reach Larry Fiano, chairman of tlie The popular Image la lna(ccu- member that the ‘Flaming Youth’ fleet and field, to which he does • A.M.te9P.M. ! If the plan goes through, the at the Tolland County Asaii. meet­ be called a atate of axaggerated their fellow studehts. of thia week. Games can be sched­ not object. CANDIES ! proposed hpw gas station will run ing, are; Men’s work, 1981, Albbrt rubato, but while It la necesaary of apadea. Then yov. will pounce for a trick the next tkne. (Inci­ cancer drive, reports 8181.50 has rate and exaggerated, aaya the re­ and tha ‘Lost Generation’ of the Paula Adams, president of the on the trick, with your king of dentally, don’t have more than ona uled in this age group with sur­ port. But it becomes a self-ful­ 19208'turned out to be good, sub- "Only a few enlisted men are SUNDAY. 8 A.M..8 P.M. I the week through, 11 hotirs a day. A. Coolldge; women’s work, 1980, for Interpretation, too much use been contributed to date in the rounding towns. senior class, president of thd hon­ spades, and South -Kill be down! rtiler in the house or your partner local campaign.' This amount is filling prophecy becaiue the young­ atantlal oitiseiu who. In turn, be­ Ilea. . .” Kowalski said. "Most of Work Session Set ' Miss Edna Latham; committee on makes the music border on senti­ A baseball practice aeaslpn for came Incensed at their own young­ the men performing these duties PINE PHARMACY evangelism, 1982, the Rev. Her­ mentality instead of sentiment. or society, and co-editor of the Hq will lose a spade, two dlamonda, may have one on the other aide 8450 ah'ori of last year's total. sters beghi''to act out what they «M CENTER ST. The Gilead Congregational High School World, will be the and a'club. of the table.) the 12- to 14-year-old boys will be have seen. And when this hap­ sters as they danced to the ‘wild are -actually hidden In some head IVomen's Fellowship will have a bert W, Dickerson. " In the Grieg Sonata Opua 7, the Townspeople are reminded to mall held this evening from 6 t4J 8 quarters or unit assignments, br first movement was the best. The town manager for the day. She Watah Out for Partner Dally Question their contributiona in the stamped pens, many people say, “Ah! See, Benny Gioodman awing music’ of work meeting tomorrow from 10 Thanks arc extended to the will accompany General Manager o'clock at the Bolton Dairy 4)ia- we told you ao! Hie author haa the 30s. are rotated." . a.m. to 4 p.m. Members are asked anonymous donor of 26 devotional Andante (second movement) In a case of this sort you must As dealer, you hold: Spades 8 envriopes which accompanied the mond.' Kowalski advised the subcom­ seemed not In sufficient contrast Richard Martin through a day's watch out for your partner. When 2; Hearta K Q J 10 9; Diamonds mall appeal. This year's campaign written a real-life story!” “Just so will (many of the) DOUBLE CALL MANCHESTER to bring lunch and any unfin­ booklets, now displayed on the activities. The 8- to ll-year-old. boys will It’s an ancient complaint, aay youngstera now addicted to Rock mittee to mount n 3-pronged at­ ished work. There will also be a literature rack for distribution. to the Allegro and the chromatics -declarer finesses dummy’s queen 8 T 4; Clubs A K 4. What do you, 1s being done completely by m ^l hold their practice aeaaion tomor-, tack on what he termed wasteful AUTO PARTS were confusing. 'The Mehuetto Philip Pineo will be mayor. Neil of spades, your partner may reach say? the experts, that the younger gen­ ‘n’ Roll become substaritlal, al­ TRIPLE’S BLUE TOLL FREE meeting of the Hebron Women's There Is an earnest call from the Instead of the house-to-house can­ row from 6 to 8 p.m. at the school eration - Is flighty, irresponsible though. complaining, parents of use of manpower—first "A hard held its own but the Finale waa a Prescott will be superintendent of out for the tri(^—-making it clear Anjwer: Bid one heart. This la a vass carried out In past years.' diamond. / critical look” at the use of service­ ROCKVnXE Fellowship in tha Lounge tomor Hebron religious education com­ schools. William Malausky will be and rebellious. the next generation,” row. St 8 p.m. mittee for volunteers as teachers severe tax on memory. Its very that he expects you to -win -with very sound, even though minimum, Ah additional volunteer who Circus Coining ' Today, however, conflict between men as orderlies gnd the like; TR B.15SS repetition enhances that. ' hUss the principal of the'high school. S-/Z the king. opening bid. helped in addressing envelopes for Tomorr4>w: What makes the de­ MANCHESTER Other Congregational an and helpers for the daily vacation Two new offices this year will The Bolton Volunteer Fire lie-: youth and adults Is sharper and linquent T second an effort to single out jobs Bible school to be held In July. Parker, with admirable self con­ Thia is, of course, a dead give­ (Copyright 1869, the drive is Mrs. Paul Arnold. partment and the Bolton Con­ in the services that are necessary MI 9-4528 npuncementa are that the Men's trol, wove her way through these be the student representatives to c IW» Trf H...M T.*~t W away. Declarer must be pretty Oeaeral Feariirea Cerp.) Fiano has also announced that a Fellowship will be addressed by the State Legislature in Hartford. stables Assn, have announced they but could better be performed by 8t. Peter’s Notes I’ntricate bits of repetition, and “Ladles’ Night” will be held on will jointly sponsor appeairances Homemakers. will be held tomor­ civilian empIo.ves; . third, . identi­ It was Young Churchmen’s Sun­ brought out the laat page with They will be Charles Saimond and row from S to 10 p.m. at Union Young Musicians Clyde Richard. Judy Gilbertson; and recreation June 3 at the'Community Hall at of the Hunt Etros. circus on' Aug. fication of actlrities which are not day at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church verve and assurance. superintendent, John Jacobs.- 8 pan. A film entitled “Breast Self 1? at the Bolton Dairy'lot cin Rt. Congregational Church In Rock­ essentially military and should be A 99ort9d SUMPS last weekend, and youth groups of Again in the Chopin Waits, in C Other officers will be the fire The day is known as Youth Oev- Etgamination” will be presented. 85. Afternoor and eveniag per­ ville. Mias Cora Webb, who will To Play BeneCit transferred to other agencies. C h o co lat9 9 the church auisted In the morn­ ■harp minor, her preclalon of AH'- chiefs, Thomas Ansaldi and Rob­ talk on her experiences in Iraq, emment Day, and is sponsored by Dr. Charles Peckham of MMches- formances are scHeduIed/for the $ ^ 3 5 9 2 t 7 0 ing services. Flowers on the altar gering was excellent, but .that er­ ert Olmstead; police chief, Joseph the Manchester Rotary Club. All tef will be present to lecture and day. ^ will be the featured speaker. The David Almond, trombonist, and were in memory of Mrs. Louise ratic mood crept In instead of the Mistretta; town clerk, Patricia public is invited to attend. . EVERY WEDNESDAY COUNTRY COTTAOE the students who took part In tha answer questions oh the subject. ' ■ihe Fire Deiparf ment da lobWng Carolyn Mather, violinist, will ba Nursing Hopefuls 1 tb. boa 7 lb. boa ROUTE UA, BOLTON NOTCH. CONN. Blume. amooth legato, with just a delicate Uttle; town engineer, Millie D« program will be the guests of the On June 10 a “Mch's Night" will be for a good used rsfri^ ra to r'to There will be a bowling league icing of the rubato that was need­ Felice; building Inspector, Ken­ ^tarlans at a dinner June 2 at held at the Community Hall at 8 be used in the kitchen/of the fire­ Adverilaement— the guest performers at the annual Guests at Dinner the finest, ftesheit candies you ANTIQUES of tho PAST, dinner Monday: Those interested ed. The same can be said of the neth Bird; water superintendent, tne Manchester Country Club. p.m. when a Him on cancer will house. If anyone knpwa of one, Save money on your car inaur- scholarship benefit conurt of the can buy . . . exclusively ours should contact Gardner Q. Shorey., Mendelssohn Scherzo Opus 16, 'Jean Martin; park superintendent. be shown. they should contact;' CJhlef' Peter a'nee. Others do, why not you ? Chaminade Music Club tonight at ...•.ciL firi*:' The rector. Rev. Douglas F. Pimm, which otherwise was delightful. Safe4!o is the answer. Call the Twenty eight girls will be guests PRESENT ani FUTURE... i t t i 8ch4)4>l Attiletirs Massolini or anj- ipember of the 8:15 In the 'North Methodist will attend the Y.F. Convention In the Bach Toccato and Fugue department. / Crt)ckett Agency, Inc. MI 3-1577. Church. at a dinner far future nursM to­ May 22 and 23 at Camp Wa-shlng- In D minor the Toccato fared besL Video Everyday An athletic program for •boys night at Cavey’s Restaurant at QUINN'S and glrU of (Jradas 7 and 8 of the Bulletin Jlo4srd Almond has studied trombone Announces its Opening ton. The church school board met 'Che involved Fugue again taxed Reaervationa t6r the chicken, Manohester Evening Herald for three years with John Halli- 6:30 p, n. The'^girls will be guests Monday evening at the Robert memory, and almost choked in its All. BigbU Reserved— elementary -school 'iq being 4»n- Boltim c4>rreapondent, Mrs. Louis of the Manchester Student Nurse WEDNESDAY, MAY 18. 1859, 10 A3T. to 8 RM. BURNSIDE BEST SHOWS ducted, as In the past four years, barbecue to be served Saturday weil of Pawtucket, R. I, On the PHARMACY FREE! ENAMELED ON COPPER KEY KEF.PERS Bartlett home in Columbia. This owTi Intricacies. This technical BUHNMDI AVF f HTn)|'"r',NO H. T. DIckeaaoa 4 Ou, lac. DImoek Jr,t telephone Mitchell keyboard he has studied with S4)holarshin Fund Committee. evening, members of the Great piece to which all good organists four afternoons a week bn the at St. Maurice Church should 1)4 Among the girls will 'be 3 senr TO OUR FIRST 80 Ci:STOMER.'v' . school grounds. There will be base­ n-.ade by Wfeditesday night with 9-9828. Roger Grzyb and !Mra. James MARTHA H. KENT1AL.L e EDNA D. ROACH Books course will meet at the home HilariouaJ' TONIGHT Thebado, both of Pawtucket, ’ and ions at ManchMter High School 87.3 MAIN ST. of Mr, and Mrs. Edward Montan- ball for the b ^ a on We4lne8 day, Mrs. George Maneggia or Mrs. who plan to enter training in the “AUNTIE MAME" TTiursday and Friday and softball John Avery. ,* • ' with Philip Treg'por of Manches­ PHUN^ Ml .‘1.41.36 don of Andover Lake. The CHANNEL Actor Peter Lorre ter. He has alao been guest or­ fall, three girls n<>w in training Women’s Guild will meet in Phelps S:tS -J* Coler for, the girls on Monday. Jaifiea-jiT, Lf^dlaw will show Objectives of the pr4>gram are color slides of nature scenes at the ganist and substitute,organist at Hall at 8 p.m. tomorrow. Slides on Surprise Co-Hit! ENJOY THE BEST ■.few churches In New EngMnd. Ha'wali will be shown by the Rev. to foster general physical develop-* mother-daughter banquet of the in Grave Condition j L “2 h e a d e d SPY” IN AUTO RADIOS ment, to develop skill in sports, to ■Waman's . Society for Christian . Miss Mather played lit tha Young and Mrs. Willard Thomen of An­ / 6:S0; 18:25 People's 'Symphony at the age of dover, ikBion ThU Profram H e promote g04)d sportsmanship, and Service or the 'United Methodist (OontinDed (rom Pnge '.am) The Fleur de Lis Order of St. I Have STANEK’S expel;!: to provide equal opportunity for all’ Church on May 23 at 8 p.m. at the nine, and waa soloist with the Snuek .church. Reservqtiona for the din­ Springfield Sinfonetta twicf. In Peter’a advertises the sale of car ■ervice depariment Install boys' and girls who wish to par­ Lorre First complained of feel­ * Looking For... 7^ ELECTRO*HCS ticipate. \ * ner should be mMi^-.-witn Mrs; John ing ill late yesterday during the 1954 and 1955 ahe received a schol- waste baskeU. in pretty' colors, 5 :3 0 a Transistor Auto lUulio ardiip. from tbe Junior League In ★ JALOUSIES under the captidn "Keep Hebron LABORATORIES In your car s4H>n. You get liie school athletic program will Erickson or Mrs. " Micjiael Gold- filming of > scene in the Sierra 'S Beautiful." JOHNNY PALMER prompt, efficient service not participate in any formal snider. Nevada foothills a few hiles out­ Sprinigfield. She la presently Study­ Windows and Doers Personal ART THEATER I at reasonable prices. league, but a few games will be. A meeting of the Christian-fei- side Grandda. ing . under a scholarship at the played with Hartford School of . Music with Horace W. Sellers sang first bass (HARTFORD) selected schools. listment ConimiUsie. of. tha-iJCon- The star waa rushed back to- his THE EARLY SHOW 277 BROAD Mlpliael Tobin, Grade 7 teacher: .'gregatipnaKchiirch will he . held hotAl and afferad the attack dur­ Gerald Gelobloom, conisert master ★ AWNINGS in the eighth annual .’spring con­ tlfih Franklin Ave., CH 8-8520 of the Hartford Symphony. cert of the Nayaug Male Chorus in wltl be'Suparvlsor for the progiraim' toiiight at HNo’cloicic at- the heme ing) the'night. ' YVES aiONTAND RADIO T f I I V I S I 0 N Pupils of- all grades may Stay of Marshall L ^ is . ' Ait attending specialist. Dr.’ An­ Both are students at Manchester ★ CANOPIES South Glastonbury. He was also High School. one of the accompanists. NICOLE BERGER after school to watch the scheduled Altar boys ^ St. Maurice tonio Ambitarte, said Lorre re­ ★ COM8INATION WINDOWS CluUnel S Hartfurd. Caaa. games provided they secure writ­ Church will m e e t^ is evening at sponded slightly after being given "PREMIER MAY" Ukaaarl a Nvw Uavae Uses. ten permission from their parerrts. 8 o’clock at the ch AND DOORS Manchester Evbning Herald He­ 6:30-9:25 Obaual IS Casa. oxygen but that his cbndition re­ Wheat Acreage Rises bron correspondent, Susan B. Pen­ The Frendi have delivered UhaaaH tt SprlBafleM. HaM. However, pupils are not permitted A rowboat found adrjft in Bol­ mained grave. PORCH ENCLOSURES dleton, telephone A'Cademv 8- a new laugh hit. Chaanal SS Na« Britain. Caaa. to remain after sehoo) to observe ton Lake last Friday niAy be . re­ Christchurch—Wheat being har­ 4r 7 :0 0 Ghaanel M Holjraka. Ilaai. practice aeasions. TTie permission claimed by the' owner ifNje 'will NOT ALL START WITH "A” vested in New Zealand this year O N E O F A SEf^lES S4A4. Bhis Revealing Co-Hit ALSO Cbaarrl SS Watarbarv. Dana. notes should be A4idre88ed to the contact John Garibaldi. towV,con- ★ TU8 ENCLOSURES Marlene Dietrich in BARRY BARENTS BOLAND ‘-A" is no.t the first letter of totals 140,000 . acres, the most ISLAND WOMEN S:IS < 1) Sl'SIE child's teacher and a separate note stable at the R4>semount every alphabet. Among, those not since 1950. T h e highest wheat MONTE CARLO STORY WNBC NEWS AT 7 ALE STAB PLAYBODSB land was in 1801, when 402,273 Your Best Bet Is To Call S:M ( S) CUMMECTICDT BANH- 369 CENTER ST. game 4>r one for all' the games. sponsored by Tollsnd County phabets. acres were sown. "INDIAN SHOOTING BEAR" STAMD ■ MAN5FIELD 7:10 ( S-4S) THE VERDICT IS Tel. Ml 3-6320 An Antique Ameriean Coin Bank Tel. Ml 3-2856 rWMfWM #r M» ‘-IX THE SRCBBT STOBB ^ f:SS 41S) LA^>NEW8 “Sheriff Of Fractured .law” I.AST TIMES TONIGHT 4!SS ( S) THE EDGE OF NIOHT It lit 4 S-4SI GABBY MOORE SHOW James Cagney, "Never Steal Anything Small," 6:00-8:30 NBC NEWS (IS CLUB HOUSE IS Saaatii OrekdirB Wrier, (4S) AHEBICAN BANDSTAND Star! Lewit. Jahn Jlalt4 and (n-SS>. COUNTY FAIB X Mertv Onalr S:M ( 3) FEATURE FILM 4 3 3 :3 4 ) DAVUD inVEN SHOW TOMORROW Thru SATURDAY 7 :3 0 "Tha SltaaaS Oaalk a ’ITatlit al the Kar” CONTINUOUS FROM 6 P.M.—FEATURE AT 5:10-8:80 Adolph Hitler" 4 SAS) TV EBESENTS JACK WEBB ( S-4S) POPE YE THEATER 41S) MIK^ WALLACE INTEB- EASTWOOD (1S)‘ TEBNSVILLE * ONE DAY STECIALS * 1SSI THE KIS8T SHOW -u ALL COLOR! . . mm . Kmmim DRAGNET "Madama. Dabanr" Frank Sinatrn J ob Hall (IS) BOY BOOkBS \ Dean Marlin Nax Adama StSS ( S-SS) WALT DISNEY AO- FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY! VENTUBE TIME DRY CLEANING SOME F t ^ i d d o n HOK'FUMIID 8:00 EABLV SHOW NiW LOW PStCE! CAME Islond DEAN FREDERICKS “la SMiair” \' RUNNING In color , t m .:«!»{’ SAME DAY SERVICE FLAV0R9UEEN 3:58.8:48 STEVE CANYON StSS I S) WOODY WOOnPRCKER US) 8CUBNCE FICTION THEA- ON REQUEST WED.: “ROOTS OF HEAVEN" Jesse James . „ (SS) THE------BIO10 PIPICTURE_____ LOAF tstt i S). NEWS, WEATREB * 8 :3 0 th e JIMMY 8POBT8- The-lndian Shooting Bear Bank, mads in 1888, is th'e dslight .SjSS ( S) POPEYE V (U) NEW8BEAT of antique coin bank cglLeetors and small boys. EAST WENDELL COREY, 433) SPOBT8 AND NEWS Fisher osnkrhlai-«aMa.Bait«aian RODGERS SHOW lU) PHONE YOUB ANBWEB dl4S ( S) NEWS Dry Olsasnrs, las, The Indian warrior, in full regulia, shoots a coin into the Bread ( S> NEira dt WEATHER ..AND WAIT TM- YOU fill TNS lANO.I ^Windsft7 MfNUTRa PfIOM (U> COUNTRY STLVE U.8.A. menacing bear. , , FOOD |iINO HEAVY WESTERN ECON’O-BEEF DEPT. lAGT HAHTPOae 9 :0 0 StIB (4S) TV 8POBTS PAGE 825 BroRd.nt.--.Ml 9-7111 i - KNUS Plus—TERROR, INTRIGUE, SlilSPENiEI " TtSS 4 S) fTHIBLYBIBOS H. L. HANDY FRESH RICHJiRD COOGAN r 4 S) IF YOU HAD A MILLION — NOW AVAILABLE — r- In olden days,'the rifle was a man's most important posses­ TONITK 4 IS) MOVIE AT r ■All ('olor Show “Bordar Banarada” M:SS 4 843) JOHN. DALY AND THB THE B(X>K OF KNOWLEDGE has sion.'', . , , Old man and DAN A N D R E W S ExposM a^oy IHngl> NEWS THE SEA** THE CALIFORNIANS . 433AS) WEATHER AND NEWS 413) oNk night stand permitted the reproduction of their 70 PORK (SS) CAPTTDAVID GRIEF 433) SKCRBT AGENT—1 year old original in amall quantitias. *'DAMN YANKEES ** 7:1S 433) H10HLIOHTS 431) UOLONKL FLaVa It proteted him from the dangers of the frontier—-it provid­ 4a> NEWS. DOUGLAS ED- Itltt (33) THE EABLY LATE SHOW These have been made exactly as WARDS “DsredrvliR of the Cloade’*' granildad made the original . . . ed him with food and with clothing. To the early fron­ SHOULDER Wadaeaday — ' 9 :3 0 t h e b o b 4SS) NEBS Chevy pickup puUg 1hxou|^*‘bonoiiiless' 1:M 4 3) WHAT IN THE WORLD ( 3) NEWS. WEATHER A handdaat in aand molds and hand- tiersman, a gun represented secjjVjty. 5-7 Lb. Avg. LB. "AL CAPONE" 433-3S) DRAGNET . SPORTS painted. We have obtained a few of Toaite la Bnmiior, Clab NIta THEATRt 44S> MAORENSIE RAIDERS U:SS 4 3) WGRUI'S BEST MOVIES CUMMINGS SHOW 4 3) SroARFOOT “The Orrea Yean" pastures to keep stock fed! I these authentic, reproductions which Today-f-as then-— all men seek safety, security, and the MANCHESTER “Tha AvaaSari" (tt) BIC NEWS may be puixhased from ua, while 3 FLAVORS Iftl BIST AHIAD 01 IHl RtSl 433) TV MAn. ORDER 4 8) NEWS. WEATHER AND they laat, -at our coat of $10.00 each. necessities and pleasures of life. ItSS 4 S) I I4)3T>! LUCY SPORTS 433-33) STEVE CANVON ^ (M) FEATURE FORTY A certificate of authenticity will be 10:00 th e DAVID 41S) MOVIE AT EIGHT U:U 4 3) FEATURE FILM At Ote Ball Broe. Deity Ferine Mentgom- on working until ^ qay quit Not before. provided with each bank. Today, however, the possession of a steadily growing sav­ “Ratal Rarlln’’ "The Haa Retweea" ,Wc aren’t ciaiming that eveiy Chevrolet ICE 44d) NEW VORR CONFIDEN­ (St) JACK PAAR SHOW erg.AUL, they say this 4-wheel drive Chevy SEE THEM -ON DISPLAY ings fund is our best surety of security and comwrt. NIVEN SHOW TIAL ft;te 433) JACK PAAR SHOW truck ia turning o u t ^ be a miracle^worker StSS < S-4S) TO TELL THE TRUTH 483) N ^ S ’ soUl yo anywhere ta keep, stitek- fed-even IN OUR l o b b y . 43I-IS) JIMMIE RODGERS 11:3a, 4 I) NEWS A WEATHER and averaging 100,050 miles before a vaive Today's man without savings is no more secure than ,the SHOW 4Calor) Oaaata; 1:SS 4 8) HEADLINES throuyh hub-deep Inuek that makes it a job. (Even though some are goiing 150,000!) Lea Faal and Mary Fard. .pioneer without his guri. CREAM CLOSING DATE FOR 1959-60 CIVIC MUSIC 1 0 :3 0 4 B) WV4TT E4RF Ayht ail the way. And yet after a full year you’re sure to find, however, that you can’t •* ’Tha CrelM^’.’ ALAN MOWBRAY ef .U—no meehanieal trouble of any klnd'I buy more truck dependability at any price. CURRENT ANNUAL Open a savings'fund today. Add to it each payday. It is And that’a borne Out by tbe fact, that more ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP EXTENDED TO FUR AND BOX Ussa 4 Ha) LOVE o r life ' your best protection against unexpected needs ^ nd COLONEL FLACK ( MS) OEOROII HUfmLTON Titot Chevy pickup nuiy not win any bMuty truck ownerii put their faith, and their pay- DIVIDEND RATE STOltAOB ' SHOW Rsvanto (till it’s cleaned op). But it’a sure loada, in Chevnleta than in any other nuske. emergencies. (tl-SS) TIC TAC DOUGH MANCHESTER lt;M (tt) SEARCH FOB TOMORROW waOdDf ott with the top priw for depend­ Tain your load ahd ichedule figures to your 11:00 4 MS) FANTOHIHE QUIE I33.sa> IT CIM'I.I) HP. VOU ability. And* that’s stRadard (Tbevrolet proce* Chevrolet dealer. He’ll specify, the beet way to BURKE-KENNEDY DRY CLEANERS (4t) YOUR TV THBATln dure. Put a Chevy.truek to work nad it-keepe handle both and aaye in the bargain. It!tS 4 3) THE OUtOINO UOHT 98 WEIXa ST.—MI 8-7254 l:tt 4 t> NEWS WNBC NEWS AT 11 ■ 4 MS)JJBKBACK SHOW | 413) AI^OMK WITH KITTY - t3t i2r ☆ (tS ) MOVIE MATINEE >• (43) YOUR DOCTOR SPBAX9' No Job’s too Wugb for a Chevrolet tnu^! eagpp tits 4t) OUR MISS RimOKS l;tS (4t) DIVORCE HRABINO is«.W s A V I M GS WORLD rUBN9 .V..-;/ LOAM lA \ *. -.») < I \ I I i) V New*8 the time-^eee your local auUtorvted Chevrolet dealer for a real truck buy! -J ‘Iff';"ll rim r«2nii«m m ar r nirairar /dW ridiSsim ' ' '' ■ '

r a COMPANY, ING. OHH M ^Y. TUESDAY, nUDAY UKPl, AP.M. .... m THURSDAiYril HOURI^ UMNTmUIW tx t VJ m p 4 m .. 0 ' i'

’ 1 ./ m - ,

MANCHESTBR EVENING BSRALD. MANCHEBTEIL CONN, TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1959 PAGE n v i JIANCHB8TER KVXNQIO HERALD, M A N C H EET ^ OONN^ tUESDAY, MAY 12. 1969 —— — — *"i*ea atratiim purpoMa, battery offleiala *Steam Roller* Charges aay. Catholic Unit Britain Plans CAMERAS Bishop^ Former Moslem Eleven Seek UConn HOTC Tha Ptrahing Rtflea, the unlver- DiNMRt F rim Zany Beach Hats and Bags FILM—PIABBBUUIB, aity’a drill team, la schadutad to A l p B^ a i t iiiiB t* OnOOUNT PBIOBS To^Speak at Methodist Confab Highway Posts Honors Due give a dfi-mtoute trick drill and f ^oiiiicU Loses Desire ior Court; Gives $3,550 Space Bid with manual of arraa demonstration. Republicans Protest ARTHUR DRUB IRTHUR DRUR A former Moelem mystic, later Eleven applicatlona have been Three youths from Mancheatet! ^ State Dbem^t^Drovide Rent To Aid Funds U.S., Partners • peofeMor of laUunlca an<>» a received to the office of General Big Business for Ex-Model Christian pastor, and now a biahap Manager Bicfiard Martin for the and one from Coventry win »»• S o r O p l i l t l l S l i r P i c k of the Methodist Church in India, town jobs of highway superinten­ Haste on Budget Bill Will be among 50 Army and Air Th* a t y Oe*KU Uwt ni«*it loWfby tlM Mtming «t~ Appeala. A bank book representing more (( trih* Fag* Oaa) dent and assistant highway super­ Force ROTC cadets acheduled to than. .|3,600 earned to various Los Angeles ( ^ —'T arts model­ -.will a-ddreaa the Norwich Dlatrlct Columbia Woman tttterwt til imrtat » OrwiU Otmrt h « u t^ . Of the Methdiat New Bhigland intendent. ^ receive 53 awarda and citations at W1 iwTuy • ^______o*JU.**____ tobe heard la projscts'~wae presentod to- the ing bathing suits at this fgahlon of tho military rocket should It Sottthfrh Conference' at U« Spring Martin’s omce reported today the Univeralty ot Connecticut to Kpdtyino under U»e new court Very Rev. John f ,' Ramani pastor be decided to uaa It," ha explained. tOouriuMd from, Page Otw) which would produba ■ surplus ot May 21. Mrs. t.-eola Beck, postmistress tn *r*queeted by a party who wanta show—I was still In coUsgs then Conference at South Methodist that five Connecticut persons, in­ ...... ^ I $2,528 on the beats of the $4.57,- lu te in wtsn it leemod that the to-mart .a small maeldne shop to of St. James' Church, bn benilf of lady asked mt, would "It la clear Britain ought to’ Church Sundair. He ia Bishop John cluding one from Manchester, have 'The students will be presented Coltimhis for a number of ytara,' the Ladiee of St. James by Mrs. from tha office of tlie eomptrol-1212.611 spending progrem. various prizes for outstanding atote eriU not he payini: for quar,- tha empty car showroom. Ths you like to 1nty~aJpiatnesa’’ play her part in thia advance of A. Subhan. head of the. epUcopal applied 'for the auperintendency. was elected president of tha Sorop- Oouncll nrevtooaly decided to con­ Joseph L'Heureux, outgoing presi­ area of Hyderabad. which pays a range of $5,876 to ler for the State’s group life! Originally, tha Governor esti- achievemani in military and air tlmist Club at Us annusi meeting tare. sider a sonc change from reelden- dent at tbe meeting last night. '.Key Castonwtos adttled a big aclentiflc effort*’ $7,280 anmudl.l’.' Ifiiurant# program; $127,000 from mated that revenue would come to science during tha unlveraity’e an­ Mayor Hennan Q. Olson said he Tha money has been earmarked straw hat ^ ' her ehamp«il^c> Starting at 3 p.m., the Confer­ last/ evening at the home of Mrs, tial to ,Mi imerctal for the entire Labor party loader Hugh Galt- For the assistantehip. for which the Board of Prison; 1208.810 tar- $472,836,699. After aiibstrscting nual Military Day exercises. Dur­ LIFE as s memorial gift of $1,000 blonde bun tii^eltpped a trifle off ence ■will be In the firm 'of a Margaret Pencheft, it? Baldwin arould talk to Edward Ftsher, ex- blocdi bounded by Union, Maple, akell auggeated Macmillan might the annual range is $5,157 to $6.^ ririarked for milk administration; an estimated deficit of $10,518,530 ing the day 1.500 student cadets toward the East Catholic High the subject. \ World Mlarions Fair, with booths f^r the current bienqium, this Rd. Mrs. Beck succeeds Mrs^Elizs- jieutiva secretary of the Ststo Judi­ W. Main and West 8U. try to get the Soviet Unlort’a co­ set up by 32 local churchee. Bia- 249, six persons have applied, with and $120,000 for the purchase of wtll pass In review before a group School fund and ths remainder “Isn’t this one\.fsbutoua’’ she one from’’Afas8achu8etts and five would have left an estimated total of military and civilian dignitaries. beth Ubert who la serving a sec­ cial Departhient ajwin. sad if Addlttonal Charges toward equipping a classroom in asked. "I call it, ‘Tu * its to Tour operation aa well aa that of the playa will re'Keaent regional and roil call equipment for the House there Is no dhance for the city to Andrew T. Graasette Jr., 23. of geogra;>hlcal areas where the from Connecticut. One of the lat­ of Representatives. revenus of $482,318,139. Army Cadet Col. Roger W. ond term. expansion project at S t James' Leader.’ ’’ United States or British Com­ ter is from Manchester, the office The original estimate of revenue Peterson, of 35 I»ckwood St., will Mrs. Hazel Anderson was named M t any flnancial help on the SB Spring St., whose case was-oon- School. Additional funds realised She Upped the atrsW\ forward Methodist Cburoh has miariona An appropriation of $20,000 for Uniied to June 8 yesterday to monwealth partners. said renting the' roll call equipment was cut $5,103,000 while in com­ be commander of troops for the vice president; Miss F.lizaheth Mur­ court and fadlitlea the matter will throughout the year were used for and idewed herself, to h ^ office "It would be eerier to get co­ projeota, aa >-eU aa Intdr-church The applications ivill now be for­ mittee. This Includes $2,60O,OOO in Rockville City Court was arrested the purchasing of card tables and cooperating Sgenclea, including the was substituted for the funds that day and wtll receive three awards. phy, sacrefsry; .Mrs. Margaret m Mtrmg tou-sm m m on two more charges. Originally mirror, through the celluloM^cov- operation with the Soviet Union warded to State personnel officials liquor^ permit fees for I960 which Cadet John Fardal, of Coventry, Pencheff, treasurer; Mrs, tonal **^^ev^ily the ma>-or had kitchen equipment ered eye holes to the drooping it It would join the United Na- American Bible Societ;- and the for screening and setting of an would have bought It. must go to the counties while they m tm m u P H S t ■ qtoken opUmistlcally of rentint charged With aaaaull. Graasette Father Hannon expressed his World Literacy Movement. Among the additions to the will receive the Department of the Sleith, coiTeapbndlng secretary; now faces new charges of break­ brim. Otaht blue eysbslls, mads of Uoni body eat up for this purpose,” examination date. are still in business, and $l,lT9.0n0 Army award for the outatanding and Dr. Ruth Fsnls and Mrs. Marj-j the court room in the new City sincere thanks to the Ladles and fabric, were glued kbove the eye' Mseralliaii reeled. The Soviet In the Scotit Room of'the church .The two officials are expected budget were $280,000 for the because'of the postponement .of z: Ball to the State (pr iU new court ing and entering and breach of the extended the gratitude of the Rev. there will be a continuous show- Judictsl Department to cover'dis­ student in Military Science 1. Taylor, representatives. j peace. stoU. Union boycotted Iset Week's first to be chosen after the examination the court reorgsnizsllon program Cadet Eugene K. Mastrangelo, Mias Bernice Juiil Invited th e' sj'steia. A special Jadgaa’ bench is James T. O’Oonnel, chaplain, in ab­ "Of course this one isn't for meeting of the U.N. Space Com­ tig 6 r , the. film. "The Long by’ Cheater F. Langtry, newly- tribution of traffic fines to towns until 1981. ^belny huUt to seat three Jud^s. as Police said GrasMttc went to sentia. He also welcomed the new S ^de." showing Christiana help- itoder the. epurt reorganization of 159 Maple St., will receive the group for Us snhual outthg at her me,’’ said Key. "My ayes are green. mittee, Bishop Subhan named deputy director of public UConn Air Society award fbr Columbia I.*ke cottage, at a data K. prescribed in the new ayateih, ae- the home of his sstranged wife's officers and new members, saying But we make them with sU color Macmillan agreed, however, to ■Ing unchurched-: people in many works, who assumes duties here proram; $263,000 for continuing Cerdiny to Mayor Olson. mother, broke in and created a that he-was glad to see so many of parts of tbe world. the emergency -teacher-training W ontpn'a R iiIp Dphalcil meritorious achievement In the So­ tn he. decided upon In June. The, eyeballa" study the suggestion further. May 26. ciety. Soroptlmtsts (If Middletow-n also The Council decided to let work disturbance. A complaint was the old members present. There By we. 25-yesr-old Key was Supper 'Will be served in Cooper Charles Reynolds, South Church. program; and $19.3,000 for the pro­ continue on the bendt.' BuUdinf made to Constable Edmund F. are over 700 members In the Ladies Hall. Reeervationa may-be made The Willing Workers Clrtle bf the gram of scholarships t^r' public Bombay, India—Replying to Cadet Thomas J. Quigley, of 75 Invited the cluh to a dinner meat-; speaking of her own firm, Cali­ Arkansas* Birds Essex St., will rocelve the Depart­ Ing St the Commodore Mac-; Inspector KOlaad Usher said he Dwyer, resulting in the arrest. of St. James. fornia Accessories, which grossed to the ohurch office until Thurs­ WSCS will serve the supper.. health nurses. glowing praise of women's eblllty The dew charges will be heard day night. The teacher-training and nurses’ during a debate in the City Coun­ ment of Connecticut Polish Laglon Donough inn, Wednesday, May 27,: would like to have the bench for Mrs. Georgs Willard, new presi­ a quarter of a million dollars last After the hiislness session tJiehos-| a counter if It la not needed in the June 8 also. dent ths new officers and past Sclentieta Have catalogued near­ During the business session scholarships were originally to be cil over whether city administra­ of American Veterans, award for year. It supplies a good share of ly 800 different kindr ot birds in Local Stocks meritorious achievement in'Air teas. Mrs. Pencheff served refresh-; court room. Ohlcksn Berbeone president ware given corsages and the beach hats and bags bought local preacherii and lay preachers dropped, but were restored when tion ahould be handed over to womr presented to a receiving line. Arkanaae, including the rare tern, will be rornraiaaioned; the proposal drew heavy opposi­ en, Amy B. H. J. Rustomjee de-j Science II. nienla. Alderman Clarence IbsCarthy Hope Chapter No. 60, OES, will by girls who can afiord $15 to $36 COIN OPERATtD BOY SCOUT th o u ^ t that d a ^ court eeaslons sponsor a chicken barbecue. May Refreshments of fruit punch and whistling sWan, wtiooptog’ crane, The evening address by the tluntaUons PnrnisUed .by tion. cisrad Among othar feslures of the to look fetchingly tilsarre. BoIUtno cm ew and raven. day's actlviUes Vlll be a missile would sadd ' to* the eitys present 23 at 6 p.m. at the Masonic Tem­ cupcakes were served by Mrs. "I always wanted to be either in Bishop xvill be in the Sanctuaty, Notes and News Uoburn A Mlddlebro6k. Ine. The committee slashed by. 20 "tf men. In a chlvalroua mood, Malava Tinv but Rich parktef problem, and '*mey cramp ple. Prof. Roy E. ’Jones of Storrs Henry Michalak and her commit­ actress or own a buslnsss,” said and open tothe public. Bank Stocks per cent the funds allocated for hand over the city's administra­ and radio sj-stew'dlsplsy ael up by tee: Mrs. Edmund Tomesuk, l^ s . MAMIE DUE IN DENVER Bishop Subhan was born to Oal- each department's toll telephone tive duties to women, only God Battery C* 2nd AAA Missile Bn., Kusis Lumpur, Malaya — T h ^ *aw.»M*ie ns.” U to charge. •' Kay, switching hats and subjects. Denver, May 12 —Mrs. Bid Asked Thomas Kearns, Mrs. PhiUp Dowd eutta of a Hberral Moalem family. Cub Scout Pack 53, Waddell Corm. Bank and 'Trust calls, thiu reducing the total al­ could save if from nrtn." stationed at the Manchester Nike Federation of Malaya ia a He added that the city would be Union Church Picalo and Mrs. Edward Faber. (This time the' hat was topped Mamie EUsenhower is due in Den­ yiviiiy up nearly half of its new The annual Union Church Pic­ with a plaeUc lobster whose claws X Mia-iather was a lecturer on Mo- School, opened its monthly pack Co...... 41 >.4 434 location $121,119. Site. Two Nlke-Ajax practice mis Utile coimtr>'. it la no largec-tlian MOTHER’S RTNG Prises for the Hat show were ver tomorrow to join her mother, X|iammedanism and a designer of First Nattopal Bank of Hardest hij by this would be the , EASTER DATES siles and s mlUtsry affiliate radio New York State, but wltlvlM 'rub- builimiy to the state for a court­ nic is schedulsd for Juns 20 at awarded to Mrs. William Stenger, dangled realietically.) "So I went Mrs. Eilivera Doud, in celebraUon meeting with a color guard and I room without receiving anything Forest Park. .Those attending will to Daddy and told him I had to gold embroidery. The family had pledge pf allegiance to the flag.: Manches'ter ...... 4 3 olfice of the comptroller, w’hich ^ Easter can come ahy time from atation. will be seen. The station la her and tin It js therjgrgest net Bands of gold for father prettiest; Mrs. Edward O’Brien, of her Slat birthday that day. Do fleo’-froi'i the ancestral-home in All den were inspected .by pack I H.nrtfuro Nations. would have ifs telephone funds cut March 22 to April 25. Moat fre- able to aend mesaag(*s to any unit dollar earner in thp^ritiril Cqm- In return. bring their own lunches but the funniest; and M n. Adolphe Pa­ have the money td buy this busl- Mrs, Doud has been ailing. Your Wash fur and mother, birth stoncR* Mayor Olson suggasted that church-wlU furnish tee cream. neaa right away." Bmarfa after the Indian mutiny' committee for proper wearing of j ' Bank * Trust Co. . 85 37 by $50,000. Iquent day Js April 19. the cele- of the Armed Forcea abroad hy a monweatth a d ip^joya ktandards quette, most original. Brown Palace Hotel officials Poooios Wfcfifi ^**2 and aettled in Calcutta. For gen­ • The budget depends on eali-.bration falling on that date, on ai atenv of relays. A few messages; of llring whych are 'the envy of repre.seating fiach child in court aeastons would bring people HoapMal Notes Her fathir, Howard Cantonwine said they have reMryad the eighth uniforms, with pen 6 being de-; Fire insurance Contpanlea The next meeUngg of the Ladies —a former wrestler and now a ConvfNffint For You. erations ,lh Benares the family dared the winner. Gamps of "Skin i Aetna FireF i r e ...... mated revenues of $457,215.139,'the average, once in 26 vears. will be sent on request for demon-1 much of the famil.v. Into the city and would be a con- Admitted yesterday: Mie. Mary of 8 t James will he a p i^ic at floor presidential .auite for Mrs. . 71>, 7 4 4 ,Teniaaee for local residents who, Keeney, A Pleasant St.; Nmman sports promoter—didn’t have to K»y Cm Im w Im models her own merchsiidla*. Bhsenhower. They said they did were hereuitary office holders in the Snake’' and "Pptato Relay' Hartford lire ...... 182 192 I Mother's Rings are. cubt Center Springs Park June w. Re- put up much money. "It toI pretty WASH 20c \ the court of the Moghal emperors. 140 must appear in court. SUtham, 24 Dailey Circle; Louis fraihment tickets may be obtained not know the time of the Pirst were played National F ire ...... 132 trim made and must be or­ McCarthy als. pointed out that DelBene, 11 West 8L; Robert complicated," said Kay. * ^ e re was by Dr. F. V. Tobies of the univer­ is considerably higher than the Lady's arrival nor how long she As a boy the bishop learned the Tile following badges -w'eri Phoenix Bire ...... 81', 84'., from Mrs. Leo Kwaah, Mrs. someone else trying to buy the DRY 10c Koran by heart,. and was pro­ awarded: Richard Ricci, bobcat j dered in advance. Order if court aeaslfwis are held at night F a g ^ , is King St. James Gleaapn and Mrs. John sity shows that the number ll-ring previously bellevedT^OOOedT.OOi to 10,000. expected to stay. Life and Indemnit.v Ins. Cos. now. they will interfbcene with meet­ ischarged yeaterday: Roland buslneas, and they had a-big old MAYTAG ficient in Urdu. Arabic a'nd Persian pin; Stephen ’ Hoffman. Stephen Aetna Casualty . . . . .19.3 203 Knight. Schelbpnpflug. Mrs. Dorothy Ken­ law suit. , ' tongues. In 1118 quest for religious ! Lewkowici and Richard Reiger, ♦synthetic ings of d ty feroupe which could 63 Ward St.; Robert Rohe. ny is in charge of entertainment. Aetna Life ...... 240 250 Terryvllle. "But finally I got It tor just a CblN OPIRATED knowledge he studied Moham­ wolf badges; Michael Zemke, wolf Conn. General ...... 371 386 otherwino be held to the court The group was reoitoded of a litUe cash. I paid it off in a coupls One Child ...... |25.M room. Birth yesterday: A daughter to la u n d r y medan mysticism snd magic And silveif 'arrow; Robert Ricd. bear Htfd. Steam Boiler . . 9.3 9$ Sensational Special Pal'chase! Two Chlldreir ...... 80.90 Mass for living membars and a of months. Bustoess was fabulous, Bigger ’59 caj^foo costly? Foreign ears too small? bMame- a sufl. Because of his badge; Bruce Horn, lion badge; Aktermaa Oordoo Denaon agraed Mr. and Mrs. Joeeph Satemis, 25 corporats communion to bq held at . I / * * Travelers ...... 84'i 87 4 Three Children ...... 85.00 Cottage S t right from the start. Tou know, growing fanaticism his father sent Nicholas Scheidel, assistant den- : Public Utilities Fonr f^Uldren...... 40.00 that the oourtroom ootod ba utU> Birth today: A daughter to Mr. 8 a.m. June 7. Holy Hour will be grossed $15,000 that first yearT" No V’y'ciitincj him to school to learn the Eng­ ner stripe. j Conn. Light A Power 23 toed aa a meiating room. held that evening. "Oldtimers to - the dog-eat-dog 25V» I M ete.*Plns Tax and Mrs. Fetko, 146 West Main lish. language and acquire a Dads and Cubs lined up and Hartford Electfio Lt. 68's 71 Tbe dlscustion w u promptiBd by St. Members are invited to the apparel industry look with aWa on modern education. At school he sang to-their mothers "Let Me Hartford Gas Co. .. . 48 a letter from Fiaher who said tha meetinr of the Manehepter Coun­ the success of this young buslnsss -V J b , , Sale 2 Days Only! Admitted today: William Rannen- Rout* 83. RockviHi found a copy of the New Testa-, Call You Sw-eeUrtart.” In closing, ; Southern New Englajid DEWEY- City Coonca must vote to favor herg, Agawam, Mass.; Vaidis cil of Catholic Women on May 25 woman, who is pretty enough to be ment, joined the YMCA in Cal­ all Cuba gave the sign and repeat-j T^phone ...... 4414 of a Oroult Oouit before it can be at the school hall. The Ladles of her o'wn best model. What’s her N ix l to Hortmonn’fi 46^4 ' Abblf; 27 Pleasant S t cutta, and soon became a (Jhris- ed the promise. -The meeting ended Manufacturing Companies RICKMAN oonsidared foa one. 8t. James will be hostesses, 'with secret of success? tian. He received the Bachelor of with the 'cubmaster B benediction., Arrow Hart Heg Mrs. A. W. Oates to charge of re­ "Tou have to kqep up with the CLOSED SUNDAY j 65 68 Til* naiw OKy Hall win open to aad ThteMvflle Mere la Arts degree from St. John’s Col­ All cuta of the paeJt will rneetjAggocia led ’.Spring 21 23 767__ MAIN % ST.___ the pabUo ’nniraday, PYiday and through The • BaraM'e freshments. changes," said Kay. "Uks this. Get big caftoom, lege of the Anglican Church. For at the Keeney St. School play-; Briatol Brass Saturday of this weric, with Beekville Bnreau, 7 W. Mate St.. Bikinis are big this year. Right grounds Sunday at 1:1,5 p.m. furlf-oning 1 1 4 1 2 4 away we got this one o u t It'd z while he studied for the Roman 7.5 85 special attention being iHaced on TRenwut 6-tlM. small car economy I Bo B a m U o r! Catholic priesthood, but returned Cub Olympic Day. Cubs Should; Qu„hani' Biish ! 9 . . the Saturday open house. The called ‘Bikini in a Basket'” 8 Plans Underway She opened a-hag decorated In to the evangelical church. wear dungarees. Eni-Hart ...... 1. 47 50 Hf"'"u.''f"' building wW not be dsdleatsd at He has served as. head of Islamic On Memorial Day, Cubs, in com-1 p-g/nir Bearing' "n 53 56 this time aa tbe Police Dqiartment the -shades of aquamarlm, green FOR PLJLI S and purple gleaming this spring studies-^ at BareUly Theological piete uniform, w-ili meet across. Zanders Frarv.CIi 21 23 9 will nov have occupied its new High School PTO For Scout Trip from every fashion shop’s display 'Seminary and later at the-School from the old high school at 9 a.m .! Machine' 264 28 4 quarters yet SAFETY’S SAKr of Islarnics at Aligarh. .He alsb' ^to march in the parade. ! Noni, gnj j,n,d’;; , Plans to ergaaiss a conttogsnt of windows. From it she puUsd a 294 324 The aldemien dlaouseed the Elects Ballards couple of hanky-sized wiipa of served as pastor of the Central ■■'The pack’s family picnic will be i Bussell Mfg 254 284 need for a itag pole to front of ‘about 80 Bey Scouts, Explorers And Longer Tiro W t«r Methodist Church in Delhi, and as held''atCMmp John-son on Thurs­ and adult leaders to attend the cloth in matching color and a pair Stanley Works . .. 40'V, 49'e in STRIKING by CnCuiitte the building and will tiy to find aa Mr. and Mrs. A. W m thn^ Bal­ of sun glasses with big, purple Drivo In For Our assistant superintendent of the day, Junbvjl, at 6 p.m. Terry Steahv^.'.... 43 47 Inexpensive one. It wps agreed fifth annus! jamboree at Colorado Delhi District. While teaching at lard were elected presideBts of the Springs. Colo., in July, 1960, were flowers at the upswept outer ebr- Torrington 29 .31 that the present flag pole 'in Coi- ManchesUr High School FTO a t ners. Bareilly he earned the degree of Steak Teitftf Glou's U.S. Envelope, com. 2.5'-r 2 4 DRIP DRY TARTANS tral Park should remain there announced today by the Charter Bachelor of Divinitj'. U.S: Envelope, pfd. . 13 um Pool Goeto Extra gS.000 the final meeting of tbe season held Oak Oouncil.-Boy Scouts of Ameri­ ■ “ I often wear one of them my­ 14 4 self," she said, adding demurely, Bishop Subhan is the author of Rochester, N, Y.—A slritk tester Veeder Root ?...... 60 63 The municipal swimming pool at last night in the school auditorium. ca- FREE eeveral books on Mohammedan­ a are not to :'on the terrace of my apartment." that lights op when thee staftk^ is Henry Park will cost an extra Mr. and \Ira. F. S. Klock were The appointment of the coun­ She slipped on the glasses. "Do ism, the most, noted being ’’Sufism" be construed as actual marketa. ■Ji9- 1|S,000 to put in condition this year, elected ilee presidents; Mr. and cil's jamboree committee,' headed Front End, Brakt and done to your order has beerp-^iatevl* by D. Robert Newell, was an­ you think they make a girl look and -‘‘How a Sufl Found His Lord." veloped by k Rochester concern, p its popularity , makes the ex­ Mrs. LeRoy Olsen, secretaries; and overdressed?”' Skock Absorber Dr. H an’ey K. Mousley, district The dial of tbs detice is set to ^-flURASCHINO UQ.UEI’R penditure a necessity, according Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hansen, nounced today by F. Wallace. ' ■ Kay and'her mother own'a'fat-f superintendent, and Herbert J. Mc­ MBirksQhino, properly speaking, .Special Sylmerized Finish in a fine combed crease-re­ treasurers. Prelle, president of Charter Oak Inspection. rare, medium, or w-eli done and §~ to the aldermen. tory- in Laguna Beach where 23 fio* «vhy Rambler •utsolle not only moat big car Kinney, district lay leader, will be then its point is inserted into the : *s an ItaTtaq^ liqueur distilled Mrs. Allan Taylor presided at the Council, and Lewelen M. Stearns, RAMILER AMERICA*—TTieBebllgteiEewieeii Kim Work dona by experts on all directing the Conference. Chair­ sistant, water-repellent cotton. In red, green, blue. Alderman Rudolph Schmidt chairman of the council’s 50th an- women stitch, cut and glue the de­ makaa, but tha top live foreign cara combined. eoBventioBal makes ,of car. steak. A tiny bulb on the tc«p of 1 from the fertoepted juice of ths speaking for i ^ l commlaalon meeting. Announcement was made signs Kqy helps create. man of arrangements is the Rev. the thermometer lights up when marasca cherry. Maraschino cher- Junior and missy sizes* IIWKIKGSand of a scholarship, a gift of books to nlversr-y committee. Kay's younger sister, Betty, a Sava on price, gas, resale- Easier to. turn. Room ^ 1 8 3 6 H. Osgood Bennett; North Metho­ chairman Fred BCiinr, told the The jahiboree camp will corn- fm- six. Peraonalis^ Comfort: individually ad- I a Swali., the desired temperature has been riea are pre.served jri"--the liqueur Council that the concme pool miut the school library, and support of brown-eyed ^ rl with Idvendar •iMM. w t-mr asw a ML am MORIARTY dist Omrch, as.sisted by the Rev. reached. or an imitation thereon the Rotary-spemsored dawn dancs. rise 2,000 acres of Uie ranch of hair, helps Kay model her prod­ justabla tSront aaata. Go’ Rambler 6 or V-8. M laaiatLit Wf. aSaaUt ww- be treated with sandbibsring ami' That a strong program of extra­ >. and Mrs. L. M. Johnson in ;MTlil COVEIIS V etching to make the painthcdd. Colorado Springs. The Scouts 'will ucts. Even their- father sometimes Here's Hie Scoop: These processes will coat about curricular actiritiss exists at the gets pressed itto work, helping out DECORMfER MOTOR SALES 24 JCAPUC ST.. MANCBElhxR BROTHERS high echool we* evident when some be camping "a mile high’’ within at the factory. S0I-S16 CENTER STREET Items |2,000, and repainting the pool sHQ sight of Pike’s Peak. Telephone MI 3-5185 Ori< inal Our Side Price! cost another $1,000, he said. . ' hundrdd., students presented "Ac­ tivities Kaleldoeoopc.'' The - jamboree contingent Is open MAY IB SAPRTY C H IC K MONTH . . . C H IC K YOUR C iO t^ . . CHICK YOUR DRIYINI The pool commission requested students explained the pur­ to any Boy Scout who will be at 3.98 2.99 am additional appropriation to cov- pose* and vahisa of their groups in least 12 years of age by next Jan. African Bushmen r ! ■•qr this expense, but the Council a panel^acuaaion, \s1th Student 1 and to any Ebcplorer who has P e d a f ^ ^ ^e r 4.98 IWt' Ifiqtructed them to use $2,000 in­ OouncU n^Mdent Karl Reichelt as three months tenure or more by Aren’t Dying Out '8?" tended for a reserve fund for filter chairman. Representing the four July 15, 1060. Application forms SAVE Slim Skirt 5.98 3.99 replstbqment Another $1,000 ap> •a, the intoelists proirecT that will be available at the office of ^4 .liW S': Cape Town, South Africa—^Two ptoprlablon will be requested at the the potential abilities of all stu­ the Charter Oak Council. ^Tfipered Slacks 5.98 3.9Y 1/ BUUTIfUl , annual city meeting to June, ac­ dents cotod be .developed, if they scientific ex p ^tlen s to the Kala­ 10 COIORS L cording to Council vote. availed themselves of the oppor­ Peru’t Trade Slumps hari Desert are planned for this tunities offered. year as part of a project to com­ 3.99 The pool operating budget this plete a study of the bushmen. On i year is $8,000. A total of $4,000 Representing the various - dubs Lima, Peru—Because of the im­ NO OTHIR DOLLAR CARRIII were the following:. Mary 'I«u recent expedition, organized by the Plaid trihisbl ouse 3 . ^ 2.99 will be added to' toe budget for pact of an exchange depreciation University of The Witwatersrand, next year tor a rMeirve fund fop Oaprtlosst, Crafts Club, Art Serv­ of nearly SO per cent, higher cus­ On Famous Name Strapless filters. Pool receipts ifat year were ice Squad and Art Club; Shirley toms difiies, and a generally slow­ 11 scientists studied three groups O U lfI THB lA M I LOAD $4 .600. They are added to to® city’s Pyka, QutU and Somanhis; Nancy er sate of business activity, Peru's of bushmen. general fund. FoUansbee. High School World: 1968 ^imports, valued at $335,000,- In all, 10 gn'oups have now been studied, but there are believed to Another additional cost fdc rec­ Clifford Rautenl-erg, Palpt and 000, weto -16 per cent less than in m reation purposes was iroted for' the Powder and Sock and Buskin; 1987. The value of exports dropped be still some tribes about whom 11 doUan you use to buy oleetricity . city last night At a special city David Foster, Debating Ciub; 12 per cent, to $290,000,000; the nothing is known. Until recently, W a ca'n’t mention the fa- the bushmen were believed a fast do your wnshing, eby your dothfii, iron, cook, meeting, lasting a brief moment,' , Mary Pautler. girls’ clubs and volume of exports fell even more mous'^ maker's name but the aldermen approved the bor­ Ar.dio-Visual Club; Kerry Ann —26 per cent. vanishing race, but a census taken nfirigfigntBi clsan floon, run your radio and TV, rowing of $10,000 for the Lottie Getchell. Ubrary Page Club; Sam light yotor bodfie, finwie food, mix food, you'll see the label pn this iMiwije Plsk Memorial Recreation Build­ F m I*{', Varsity M and Science lace and nylon bra. Won­ ing. Fred McKone, chairman of the Club; Philip" Rice. Camera Club; sur condition your bedroom, run the futnion, Flak committee, called the short Richard' Allely, Modeler’s Oub: oiMBte ponrar toole--:wlMw! derful latex back essures Nationally’ etty meeting “jet-propelled city Philip Rice, Radio Club; Herbert eleetrk: ddlarf are busy! comfort «dl day long. Hook- Advertised I DOOII government." Kingsbury, Jasz Club; Sue Buck­ "BEFORE LOSSES IMfPEN, At 96.59 M CANOPIES Houatog Bills Voted ley. Current AKairs; Jean Martin, eye front. White, 32-38 A Girls’ Leaders. Aquaettes, Intra- 1NWREWITHLAPPEN"H iW I BC. The Council decided to pay bills 'tourals; Dunna Johnson. Futina of the Rockvins Housing Autho.^ Nurses; hiaria Pantajeo, foreign eLECTRICITY DOES 80 MUCM^YET COSTS 8 0 LfTTUf Ity from a contingency funi^'ln- language; Garry SutHffe, CtvU De- % stead of making a new apppdpria- ferse; Jay Boris, National Honor A- tlon. A letter vfss recelvqd^by the Society, and Karl RcicheKt Stu­ Council from Mrs. F r ^ i s Burke, dent Council. - PATIO. COViRS I secretary of the Authority, re­ YHB HARTFORD duBCTRIC LIGHT COMPANY questing $500 novrand $1,500 in The student government and the next budget. Student Coun-dl were oonsldered it It Was announced that flltratloh vital part of high School life by plant bids will be asked about May Reichelt. A student totoortog sys­ 23 and will b* due July 8. tem was Inaugurated "this j-ear, Residents were' again reminded which has proveo a sacbess. Reich­ ^ that cans and glass should not be elt consideni tbe local student put to garbage for city collection. l^ y the moft active and enthusi­ The aldermen pondered s'Way to astic in the stats, aftsr talking enforce this regulation and noted with other presidents to the-feder­ that after police 'warnings to ation. V SOMtoNE WILL PAY DOUBLE eeveral famUles, the violationB Varidus examples o' and 'exhib­ -I stopped. its by their groups were shown during the evening. Intenqiersihg ExcavdUoh Regstetton the program were musical numbers FOR THIS INVASION A regulation to control exca’vs' by the Round Table Singers. Bob m O T E D S T A M P S dona In the city wUI be.preeehted Jamaitis’ Band offered several se­ If your child should accidentally injure some , at a public hearing of the Zoning lections, aa did the Jazz Club member of the public, either at home or away, Fashion's Own Sun Glass! Commission May 26 at 7 pm . At Five, composed of Norm Gagnon, you might be sued for thousands of dollars. ths same t*me a zone change rc' Mike Susmieoda, Jon Seipel, Peter quest fcr. the former Roberts Mo­ You better make sure Comprehensive Personal WEDNESDAYS Jablon and Art Benson. Liability Coverage is included in yo'uf itorsonal tors property wlU be heard. Mist Anna McGuire, Misz Cath­ THICK m o The prapoised regulation will re- erine McGuire, a. Albert Pqarson insurance program. ' *! Oculens strict excavatlhg except for jier- and Robert Vater were faculty ad­ • tone working around their yard. visers and directors, and George Are you faced with an insurance problem w* ■ Safer for ' I t le intended to control such ex- Emmerling and Laurence Leonard can help you solve? We’ll be glad to give you' ■ i cavations es the out on Vernon assisted Mr. and Mrs. Tliomaa the benefit of our 35 years of profassioda! ex- Lb. i precious eyes ; A ^.) the alderman said. Variances Rollason with the program plan­ CORNED BEEF - to the regulation may be granted ning.. ' lienee in doing so right here in Manchester. Say we help? Try us, won’t you? U a n s l ic e d LARGE FO R S A L E John H. Lappen, Inc. Original sunglasa dTeations / INSURORS ^ REALTORS BACON with high fashion touches that will deiight you . . ^164 East Center Street—MI 9-5261 con ■parkltog rhinestones, mar- casitea and other multloo^- Open Thursday Evenings Until 9:00 oreit jewels. Cutouts, cer\e. and Saturday Until Noon s o d a AsMrted Flavora eSI Cfilw 26c apays,ys. 3 dimensional, pearl- $2.00 Cu. Yd. T Ilea roaterlais. All are pre-. #Uqh -fitted ^wlth genuine'^ i; • n » > ^ S CUBIC TABD8 An Independent Agent Serves You Beat Oculense* to protect ytmp Pkgs. ^P kg. eyes,.; ASSORTED f l a v o r s


j M i m ' MANCHESTER RVENTNO HERALD, MANCHESTER. OONH« TUESDAY. MAY 1*. 1$6» Maximlno Aponte, 34, of Hartford, w u presented with m tie clasp mIm ' South Windsor veered off Sullivan Ave. at tha Col­ ToUand County with a paat prsaldsnt’s pin. m It U M&tlmcat la faw r e( dlvaralen tosua, wtiloli Um Bapub- aeemed to be dotog very wSlL lins S-ourve May 7 .into the high­ Frank Shatdon praaantod the Car life Average way fence; and the oUnl', Guy D. following group of paneltota who rpitartag etluoatloaal normalt^y to iPkieiiidii Caught licans had decided to make their Bailey, for an open, direct visit You Should K n o w . . . NOTICE Connecticut major Urm' of the aeaelon. Hie the seat of oos Domeerat who For Sale Legion Plans Smith, 17, of Warehouafi Point, GOP Chooses dtocussad the tocreational pro­ Cmnrtiis Rrralb Uttla Itock'a lU*. ^tting Fires ReptibUeand had expeotod a m l had dpenod tha day In a rsdalel- Set at 11.1 YeaiH crashed out of control into a pole. gram offerad by tha town; Paul* WE HAVE MOVED! li la amtinMnt which conaldara ebaade o< wtauUiig oa this toaba, trant, defiant mood. When the key William Forbes David Alymer, 17, of B, Hart­ Finkbein, elementary teacher; MODERN A4LOOM Matthew Maetosa, haaiCof the . NOW LOCATED AT Ota Ui« welfare of all the children of Yankee both because they thought they vote came, on tha etudy comaoto- Detroit—The average life of Big Pai*ade ford, was fined 831 far breach of Mrs. Dressel Groton, May had a principle which might eut sloa pmsasal Ballsy held every VfUltaLm Farhee, drum mqjor oT the peace aa a result of the fracas phyalcaL aduoatlon fiepariment at Uttle Rock, the praaenmUon of ■fpEHR. ABMrieaa .ca n to about HOUH Md RATH the high school, afid James Herdic, lice have arreatod ahellm volun­ Bv A. H. O. acrose party Unea. and becaase last veto of Ms own, and May Io k the Mancheater Pipe Band, aat on Rt. 0 and Carmine H. Salvatore, 9 EAST MIDDLE TURNPIKE the public wihool ayatem, and the n il . ybiyra and lOADOO atlid. An Improvsusanto. large lot A most varied and colorful 16, of B. Hartford, waa fined 834 Mrs. (jatherins Dressel of Som­ director of raeraattoin. teer fireman for aettlhgL graaa •d- they thought Uiey had a deal or tore fiva t i hto, and waa eouhty gov» back at hto homa one evening and (CORNER OF MAIN 8TREET) end of educational chaoa for the cooking with a few Deaiocratic aramsnt whleh waa c l o b b e r Id . TMs to lepertod by tha Adtomo- • m eolto drtvowuy. Memorial Day parade honoring for reckieas driving. Hilda R. Pugh ers was elected State Central Com- Flnkbelp^tocuBsed the physical L DM firea In thla area. The 'secor.a epochal day In Uw began to talk of ihuaic, particu­ •ducaUan program in the elamen- city all more important than the legielatora They got nowhsrq, the g m test reform -mqinant of a bUa MaiMfdeturoro Aaaa, haabig Om etovo, iufrigoihtoc, wdi-ito. veteranR who hult their Uvea In the of Hartford, w-aa fined 69 for dU- mltteawoman by Republicans of i. TOetorday lUlpb E. K lip a t ^ htotory of the IfM General Ae- ito mtiiBhtoo on INO oerapplng regarding a traffic signal. schoola, Maetoaa the prd- COMMUNITY PRESS queetion o f . interrt|lion iteelf. and Bailey lost not a vote. redoubtaUa praetlAj politician. waO eorpe'tihg had lbiolo«B larly of Beottlah Highland muaic natlofi’e ware. Is being 'planned by the 35Ui Senatorial Dtotrict lu t •t Um Jr., 31, of the Poquonock Bridge kui^ly—the day on which It Hie next evetilag Bailey and flglhos. That lepnoeato a drop ■oor eoVortug, , Homeowners BleoS _ m In high achool and Herdic and the bagpipec on which it ia night;’ Mrs. Dreesel will fill tija the recreation program as It In­ It la, to pu' it realiatlcally, aen- Section of Groton waa arretted and^ abohahed connty government to Republican Stati Cbalrmaa Ed ooDBBmr BsoovnuNG froan aa oartlar teaghvity peak of traditionally played. Aba E. Miller Post, American Sam Kosty of Hilton Dr. haa Ml 3.S727 1 4 .3 years, which the .aaooelation vacancy crested oy the death' of cluded all oitltens from one to 90 Umant ^Rainat paying the price for charged with touching off foUr match tto reform of the state’s Jtay sat togethsr at a M-parttoan New Toik, May 13 (ff)—Tha Co­ PhOM Ml 94517 "Hie Jiga and reeto, y'know; in Legion, and ito AuxUiarv for May been elected president of the new­ minor cothtp—spawned a legend itical Ooclal occasion. Acoord- lumbia Fraibytorton Madloal Cen­ pays waO tha reault e l tereful ly-formed Pleasant Valley Estates Mre. Julia Keeney, whom she years of age. eontimied aegragation lhat Gov­ For FurtlMr IhfenimtloB fact, all the muaic wa aaaociate' 80. Arrangements for the parade At the conclusion of the pro­ blaaee In Groton in the paat tli likely to laet'-lonf in the political td report, May. f r m from ter reports that tolevtoioa and wasddng Airllig World War n . Homeowners’ Assn. Other new of­ served as secretary. erned Faubua and hie extremlata K ’With pipea, began aa folk muaic, and the memorial eervice at St. She will complete the unexpIred ram refreshments were served in weeka. . . folklore of the ngte. Bailey’s Nmarkabla orgtolssUon-radto star Arthur Godfrey might It'a an iacreaae, however, from balladry aort of, a ^png Ume ago. FraMie Field which will follow are ficers Indude Bennett WbUman, ara wUUng. to pay. term ending at the next State con­ cafeteria. More than SO acrea wOre burned . Part legend, pert-.t^tk,' wtilcbi- ■1 triumph of ths preeedlag day, laavs ths hospital In about two the average 'Ufo of 10.3 years and It began before the flraL bagplpea In charge of Reynold A. Burger, vice president; Frederick Wookev, ”* ■■■ •«•**•••••••«•••••••••« 1*21 to any caae, it haa long been ever it wai., 1* Minted-to the >»»- could not resist Infermiag Ballsy weska. aojmo mlloa to IMI. in Scotland. It vraa sung at' clan treasurer: and Mrs. Maurice A. vention in 1960. over. State Police aaid. poet Junior 'vice commander. State Rep. Margaret Strekas of Ofil^ clear that the aolutlon Of, the aitu- Kilpatrick ia a member of the iral direct on. It gave Ule.CT0Wit thst a dUfsraat outpoma awaited Oodtray to recovaring from an gatheringa, femat daya and What­ The parade will form at 12:30 Becker, secretary. and the bay for the day’s htotoric him on the morrowj^n the oouaty operation to romova a lufig ean- Tokyo—J^ian ssUa bisut half not PaawMl on from old to young. . Somera waa alio nominated, but atlon in Little Rock couM come Poquonock Bridge Fire Depart­ p.m. at the Volunteer Fire Depart' Appointed W'the executive com­ she moved the vote be made Nathan Hale PTA ment- On May 3, Ralph L. Van aeconptlshment in the field of government governmen toaue lEtoUey would be ear. Hs total exports of coramle prdd "Hiey uaed to work out the tunea ment Company 1 headquarters on mittee wer6 Stanley Bailey, Don­ from only one’ aotirce—the people reform to the state’s outstandingnir -.^bbered, or eomethiag to that Godfrey, B5, underwent surgery ucto to ths United Stotoe—worth around tha camp Area.’ Gave riae-to unanimous for Mrs. DrssssI after Pelt 81, of 40 Church S t Myetic. Ellington Rd. The march will start ald Bor^i John Hickey, Robert the ballot showed the latter had Meeting Tonight o f Uttle Rock themaelvea It did a member of the Myetic koae and practical politician, one Johnhn o t^ t. April 80. about 836,000,000 a year. tha way we practice wi' chanters at 1 p.m., going south on ElUqgton Mapkay .and Charles Rogers. Ed­ Bailey. 'Tha^e wai\ good raaaon for around in a group today. Any won two-to-one. net come from Governor Fougua’ Ladder Oo., wae arreeted on ilm- Rd. to the athletic field in Pleasant ward sLarkowski waa named Those speaking in favor of Mrs. The Nathan Hale PTA will hold mlHtia or hip educational anarchy, ilar chargea.' Originally, there had been some May's 'Twwrted optimism.. Hiara cause wa3 usually good enough to VaUey. A record turnout to ex­ chlrman of the community welfare Of rtfUib supposition that Bailey waa not were a mtotoer of Democrats more work up a new tune. In fact,. , . . Dressel’a election aaid it was a potluck at 6:30 tonight in the and it did not come from Preaident Thraa other nwn—hot firemen— pected along the 1-mlle pgrade committee and Thomas Carring "what Mrs. Keeney- would have have alao baen arraated for aatting too anxious to wear such a crown fascinated wRa the futura patron- well, here, let me play to show. . route. ton, of the membership commit­ school cafeteria. Eiaenhower'a federal troope, either, —that hs was for the party plat­ ags oppor-uniUaa of IIm oouaty Hto Scottish burr -thickened wanted.’ * « f a ft A. graaa firae in Groton and nearby Three bands will provide, music tee. Following the supper the last 'hie people of Uttle Rock, hoW' towns ainea' the first of the month. form, that he would go down the syatam which haiTuoins into thair TONieHT slightly ma he spoke on. He piped regular meeting ot the PTA this line for abolition of county govern­ hands for ths first tlhia than thay a few bare on a practice chanter for marching, These will be the A buffett dinner-dance haa been ever, may be beginning to do what Kilpatrick wae released on 83,- Bast Windsor High School Band, arranged by the social committee season will be held. The officers 000 bond for an appearance in ment. but that he would shed no wars with sooring anotmf reform and explained afterward, "only one Bowers PTA Sits for ths coming year will be in­ p ? haa to be done, out of their own Manchester, and Is the father of .the Charter Oak Sabers Drum And headed by Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pa­ Groton Court next Monday. great tears if the Repubiicans vidtory for Ribieoff and thdT^ssto- octave on a bagpipe, y’aee. But, two sons, William Jr., 18, and stalled. Anyone unable to attend mixture' of common, aehae and crattc, platform. / ■. Bugle Corps and the St. Augus tience. The affair will be held May aucceeded in doing him the favor CALVARY TEMPLE, HARTFORD I’m not really a piper. Here, listen Douglas, 14. He lives at 381 Mc­ Slate of Officers the supper but who wants to come decency. of defeating the reform and thus More than that* tha RepubUedn I to aome good playing" tine’s Girts Brigade Drum Corps. 23 at 8:30 p.m. at the Advance 21 (Thfirtor.Oak Avenue Kee St. Parading- units will Include the Caterers' Ballroom in Glaston­ to the meeting to welcome to do so. ' preserving it as a futura campaign aide of things seemed in e'xosltont^ * He placed a recording on the Since his arrival in ManckMter, All are asked to sign the at­ issue for the Democrats, to any shape, with most of ths party’s K 7:45 Serviec turntable of a high-fidelity player. 70th Irrfantry Co.,. U.8. Marine bury. ^ Mrs. Beatrice Emigh was in­ A Thought for Today In 1929, Forbes has worked as a color guard; National Guard Hdqs. stalled as president of the Bow- tendance meets which will be . Arm s For Iraq case, there was ont logical doubt high isvtl Independsnt mindi, who "Muirhdad and Sons, Edin­ About Town placed ip the kindergarten room. Sponaored by the Manrheetor " \ . DR. RALPH KEIFER machinist for Cheney Bros, and Co. troops of the 169th Infantry, era PTA at the meeting held last about his effectiveness In fighting wert openly known to Incline to­ burgh/* he aaid warmly aa tha skirl Pratt A Whitney Aircraft. Four­ The Wpmen's L«ague ' of Our Those coming to the aupper are Ireq^^Whlch aome obaarvara are Council of Chiirche* for the administration bill. His ward county reform, having of pipes in perfect time filled the 4Srd Division; Boy and Girl Scouts, Savior Lutheran Church will meet night at the achool. **Dikefi»etionali$m and Covenant Theology** - teen years ago he took a Job with Browntas and . Cub Scouts; Little asked to bring their own table­ ______. ».aa Democrats were a little reform agreed to go along with the party room. "Won the piping champion- tomorrow • at 7:30 p.m. at the Other officers installed Include ware and cutlery. fbr Em3mr—1 Mi ready tobo i^eede< toI Conununlat po- the Parker-Iiartford Oorp. and to­ Leaguers; Legionnaires and mem­ Mr. and Mrs. George Hatxenbuh- A# wedaeada]r-.a M litlcal li^tration, haa nevertha- Tie Leadeth Me’ weary, am. a little patronage effort to substitute a etudy com­ AtL WELC05IR ^ ship at Belfast last year. About day is a salesman for the com­ Pleasant Valley clubhouse. Host' nawidar—1 pm. hungry themaelyee; he- had sup­ mission for ths actual reform. the beat piping you’ll hear." bers of the Auxiliary; Wapplng eases include Mrs. Roy Krause and ler, first -vice presidaiita; ' Mrs. B.1B. T ■ asked Britain to become its He leadeth me, • pany and travels extensively Orange; Volunteer Firemen; and James Ganzer, second vice presi­ Highest V.S. Lake' Fw Seturlaa—t p. m In pastures green ? No not always. posedly twisted thetf arms on But, as ths legend has it, the Forbes talked on, occasionally through Connecticut and neigh­ Mrs. Thomaa Riordan. k. ------ClaMlflei deMune supplier of heavy military equip' court reform; smart leadership, taimt of the night before vtos plucking a book from the ahelf to South Y ^ dsor constables. dent; Mr. and Mra. John Ryan, dar of DaWeahoB V hw da^ Semetlmas He who knoweth best boring states. He has made a host Vehicles in the parade will in­ The Public Health Nursing Assn treaauren; Mrs. Frank Jeray, sec­ Highest lake In the United .•am. ment, and Britan has agreed.' In klhdnees lead's ms in weary for ita own sake, tries to refrain enough to bring Bailey to the corroborate a point, continually of'friends in his work, will meet ''Thursday at 8 p.m. at from constant use of prewpre. Oapltol that Thursday momint In bringing up odd facts and informa­ clude the Nike trailer from Bat­ retary, and Paul Finkbetn, Mrs. States Is Lake' Tulatnyo, north­ That Iraq shouh) ask is one surr ways Forbes’ hobbles are reading, tery A, 2nd Missile Battalion, 50th the Town Hall. Newton Moore and Edward Colt- east of Mt. Whltosy> In California, Tuesday, Mhy 13 Where heavy shadows be; Certain events of the two days a' mood to stake svsrythlng on ths tion-.and frequently interrupting prise, and that Britain should preceding the showdown on county outcome. ’Tht real battle of the himself to bring attention to aome particularly poetry and Scottish Artillery, stationed at Etost Wind­ Miss Karen Adams, daughter of man, PTA Council delegatee. which lieisat an elevation of 13,- Out of the sunshine into darkest history, and of course, the Kiltie sor; the town’s fire appsuatus cx- Principal and Mrs. Henry J. Coltman, outgoing president, 8 ^ feet. agree to another. Rut it would night government removed all doubt of day was perhaps aymboUasd wtv»n intricate reel or jig heard from one R oim d Pina T w o Sqaarts Bailey's Intent and determination in the brief recess before ths m t of his records, band. pludlng emergency standby units; Adams, was named queen of the Seem that there la sUU ln Iraq some I oft would yield to sorrow and .to The two hobbies are closeto al­ and the Civil Defense communica-' Ellsworth High junior prom Fri­ disposition to- evade the. Commu­ fright on the Issue. On the preceding and key roll call vote, both Bailey ForbcM, a native Scot, has been .By asking mofe than they ei Tuesday, the Democrats of ths and May entered the House cham­ a member and drum major of the lied for FOrbes. Hto interest m the tions truck. day night. Attendants included pactod to gat, the Riiaatana at Ge­ nist chitch, and that Brltlah policy Only for this; I know God holds pipe band has whetted his interest As usual, Gold Star mothers Miss Charlotte Cassarino and Miss, my hand. House had given an extraordinary ber, May for last minute cheer to Manchester Pipe Band—the Kilties neva have got what they did hope haa decided to play along With it, demonstration of solidarity on the a battle which, on the surface, —since 1930. J ie had been In in the history of bagpipes aind pipe will occupy the place of highest Brlf^to Rupner. The affair was So whether led in green, or desert' OUR GOAL - music, and, consequently, in the honor as they ride, along the line held in' the Sunset Ridge Ballroom for. tlie 1 ^ . G i^ a n and the in spite of the risks involved. land ' this country hardly a year before he Joined toq band. Since that history of bagpipes and pipe mu­ of march in dark limousines. In East Hartford. Weat German delegatlona are not We thus have a situation\ in I. trust, although I cannot undcr- sic and. consequently, in the Third Selectman Dexter S. sUnd. time the band haa become one of Wapping Community Church to be oeatod at the. main round which the West to supplying anrna is lo serve you so well in those things nearest and dearest history of Scotland. Delving into Burnham, Past Legion Comman­ women will hold an all-day sew­ ta^la, with the Big Four. But they to a Near East nation suppoaedl^ ''x to him. Soottieh poetry, he enjoys the ref­ der, will be marshal of the 3-aec- ing meeting Friday at the home of He leadeth me. ' erences to pipes and Highland mu­ tion pariide. TERMITES do have, separate, aquare, equal under Communlit influence, while The casual spectator could not Mrs. William Waldron on Cilark Reside still waters? No, not al- sic. , Details of the memorial /pro- toblaa, puahed up agidnst the rim the East supplies much of the mil­ wgys sb. ask for a more Imposing llrum St. Mrs. Marjorie Marks 'and Mrs. the handling of your insurance that y^u will regard "I could go pn for days and, gq|im at St. Francis Field will be of the main round table. Thus they oHlmes the heavy tempest round OUR major. Marching erect, decked Elizabeth Barter will be assistant itary equipment for Nasser's out in the KilUea’ adopted uniform nights on the subject,” Forbes says. admounced later by Burger, ar­ hostesses. NAT BE ATTACKING In Fine Whiskey... are In the main conference eet- United Arab Republic, which is ins blow, rangements chairman. - of the Seaforth Highlanders and “I’ve always been taken with it, A Council meeting of Wapping ttog aa permanent fixtures. They And'p'er my soul the waves and enemy to the regime In Iraq. Nas' bllldwa go. CONFIDENTIAL us as your insurance advisors, to be consulted twirling his huge, silver-tipped probably because of ito origins. Myetto Honored Community Church' will be held a n there aa equal fixtures, with ser to not against the regime in But when the storm beats wildest, drum major’s baton, Forbes is an "Y’see, in Scottish balUbdi^ and William S. Myet.te Jr. of Dart Friday at 8 -p.m. in the Ruth TOUR HONE FLEISCHMANN’S exemplar of the rock-jawed "tar- Hill Rd. waa elected a vice presi­ the standing of East Gearmany Iraq because it may be Communist and I cry Irish as well, there seem to he Crockett room. taned chief’.’ smding before the brownies and other iihaginatlve dent of the Young State Demo­ BE SURE...for a comptolo FREE InipMtieR Just as good' as 'that of iVest Ger­ as much aa he to against it because Aloud foS' help, the Master stand- FILES Mrs. Janet Kuezenski, Miss Hil­ eth by \ whenever assistance is needed on * insurance band. -r'. creatures running among the lines. crats, repreaehtlng the First Con- §4>25 many. it is anti-Nasser, but developments He does his work with a flour­ gruaionkl /Ihstrict, at the annual da Monaghan and Miss Josephine of your Hem* by o Ttrmitt Control Export is the BI6 buy! And whispers to my soul; "Lo, it It seems to be characteristic of the ' 4/1 QT. Tlila arraagement, in which con- In Iraq have served to p*it Nasser ish and has drawn comment from Celtic race. conveiiUph in New London recet- Zocco of the Pleasant Valley Suporviiod by Groduoto Entomologiitt. ■lil.” School faculty attended the spring (Bair. Taz fdrenca equality been achieved back on the side of the West, so Above the tempest wild I hear Him the audiences before which the . "A lot of the older songs are ly. President of-the South Windsor laelaSto) your home, family, car or business. Kilties have, marched. ’ Youpg Democrats Club,- he was conference of the In^natlonal for the Bast Oennana, aven though far as oratory and propaganda go B a y : bas^ on yuperstltlon and fantasy. "There’s probably a touch of the And without a touch of supersti­ nomipated by Sherifl| Stanley A. Reading Assn, at the University of TEL. Ml 9-9240 the Western mr :ben of the Big In the Near East. ^ "Beyond the darkness lies the per­ This may be news, but Hartford Saturd^. Mrs. Ruth 90 PROOF is whyl fect day: ham actor in nle," Forbes confided tion in your soul, your imagination Johnson of ’Rt. 5 and seconded by Four do not extend diplomatic with a grin, "and that’s doubtless, State Rep. William Hogan of Bris­ Petersen’s Gradq^class visited the BLISS hoi boon Sorving Hio Homo Ownor in So what could happen could be to every path of thine, I lead the we keep eonfldentiel files. They are maintained suffers." National SclMice Fair at the’ State ncognltieB to thotr nglme, is way." a help." tol. Ten local Democrats attended Conn, for ovor 78 Yoori. Tho Oldoit and a delightful situation in which for your convenience and protection. For relaxation Forbes often the convention. Armory In' Hartford. BLENDED WHISKEY • 00 fiflOOF • 65% BfiAiN. NEUTXAL SeiBlTg auecMM for the Rnsstana, and prob Forbes’ attitude towards any Iraq, using British arms, 'could be activity is the same aa toward the plays records of pipe music ("to Court Cesem A son was born at' St. Francis Lorgost Port Control Company in tho East. IHE FLEISOHMANN OISTILLINQ CORPOXAT|ON, NEW YORK OITV ably an much auoceas as they aimed So whether on tht hilltop high and ■very pharmacist keeps a complete record the 'hnguish of the rest ^ the -a Russian spearhead in t^a Near fair Kiltie band and the music of -the Two men who lost control of Hospital May 8 to Mr., and Mrs. for at the moment, even thopgh of prescriptions. A file number on a pipes, one of concentrated Inter- family. I expect"-) and, [s especial­ their automobiles and went off the Loren Martin o f 315 Benedict Dr. East doing battle with a Nasser, I dwell, or In the sunless valleys, ly fond of the piping- of Seumas they aaked for mon. Hie previous using .Russians arms as champion where medicine container enables us to identify quickly o b e rt Jo -Mt. Currently Forbes is a mem­ road were each fined 824 for fail­ 'll^ of the Mancheater Lodge of McNeill, considered ^ nne of the ure to drive in the established Auto insurance high? Then Western irlew, 'whldi triad to pre­ of the West The shadows lie —- what matter? any prescription, to tell you when it was filled greatest pipers today, and the check Safeco- rates. .Proudly rep­ Ood is there Mahons, a,member and past Grand lane by Judge William T. tend that East Germany was mere­ This could make Jyat a s ' much snd who your doctor was. Tall Cedar Of 'Nutmeg Forest, Tall Scotch and Irish folk songs of Fa­ Thresher in Town Court laat-pigjtt. resented by the Crockett Agency, ly a loet province without legal And more than this; Where’er the ther Sidney MacEwen. In addition, two youths involved in Inc. at MI 3-1577. Mnse as any oUier._part of big pathway lead. Cedars ht. Lebanon, a 32nd degree ■totua, manly awaiting ita rein- Should any member of your family Mason o f ^le Shrine Sphinx Tem­ Forbes’ activities with the lUltle incidents near the Bo^I-A-Drome ------■ . ■ /* power meddling in the Near East. He gtves me no helpless broken R and a woman charged with a traf­ Manchester Evening Herald corpontipn lata, Wtist Germany, accidentally swallow soma pills' REAL ESTATE ple of .Hartford and a member of band stl^ continue. Tonight he Control Corp* reed, m fic violation, were fined. , South Windsor correspondent El­ ; r H ITH ' Uk Omar Shnnq Club of Man- marchey'wltk the, Kilties in Hart­ haa received its .sym bol death But his own hand, sufficient far DtV. OF BUSS EXTERMINATOR COMPANY, Inc. from a lepg-forgottsn bottle, INSURANCEINCIE A INOtmPURATBO cHektor. He , to Also a member ford ftS part of the Armed Forces According to Town Court Clerk more Burnham, telephone Mitchell t^ blow. . Swaddling Rediscovered my need. Horace VUbert, one of the men, 4-0674. So where He leads me I can safe- this information; becomss exjroniely vital of the Washington Social Club and Day^arade. Next weekend he will 2 But tf thla fhay be a tactical has served two years ah..presldent ^ worrying over the organisation It should not paea'unnoticed, as I.V go, With it, a physician can detennine iiiunediataly H t MAIN fn „ GmfUND FLUOR - TEU Ml »-6S41 ^ gain for Ruaala, it ^ u l d alao con- And In the blest hereafter 1 shall of the International Cultural So­ o f the . dance at the Manchester we continue to. chronicle the prog­ whether or not emergency treatment is necessary. “ tNSURANSMItHS BlNOB 1114’’ ciety of Connecticut. / Ai-mory,’ the final event In the stituto a n lief for the .West. The know ress of our tlmea, Riit some very In paat weeks Fdrbes has TopCn Kilties’ anniversary celebration. SEE YOUR QUALITY BUICK DEALER... AND ^ West has had a hard and illogical Why In His wisdom He hath led These confidential flies repreeent TipuhitA modem 'uedlcal researchers have me so. , ■ general chairman of tha K^tier- It is perhaps fitting that the committee arranging the b ^ d ’s ^ time of it trying to argue that. In confessed a resort to swaddling —Author unknown . another service of your community pharmacist Kilties should have adopted the 45th anniversaty celebfatibn. He MaO^enste tartan and the uniform SUPER MARKETS S f partition of poet-war Germany, clothes for some newborn babies Submitted by: haa hustled around on nights and of the Seaforth Highlanders, a 1 onty one aide of that parUtion under their Jurisdiction. They did The Rev, Lawrence F. Almond weekends coordinatir^ the com­ Z naJly existed. If there Is to be a So. Methodist Church British Army regiment In which so for their own special reasons,- mittee's activities add last week­ Forbes scritod from 1923 to 1927, Get inside the clean * aolutlon of the German problem— end breathed a sigh of relief when not as a reconunendation to all WESTBROOK PEOLER WEDS * and then must be if there is to be the Kilties’ anntversary booklet mothers. But their own reasons New York, May 13 (FI—News­ QUINN’S PHARMACY jfinalljr rolled q|f the presses. • a solution of anything—it will paper columnist Westbrook Pegler might be taken, by the open- ' ' Forbes w m borft in the town of Germans Building < * have to rlae. from the recognition waa married yesterday to Mrs. Wick, County Caithness, Sco'tland DOUBLE minded, as evidence in favor of a Phone Ml 3-4136 ^ that East Germany, ROwever un- Pearl W. Doane. He is 05, she is 55 y e a r^ g o . In school he played custom long since considered prim­ 47. It. was - her third marriage. Roads in Fa^itpry «twM wi i»w» Aim mm.r m nai «nu. aw L* tm im 5 worthy it may be, ia Just as real assoctwon football—called soccer itive and barbaric because It de­ Pegler’s first wife died in 1055. in this country—golf ("but never W O RiO G R I^ Z as West Germany. Then now have nied freedom of action to the life file Oonneetieuf Barilc enough to' play at St. An- Stuttgart, Germany—Roads ate ^ to 1m tWn Gennanies Iwfore there beginning. ws” ) and enjoyed salt water being built in the factory these Z can be one. ^ ' days, saving four to five weeks of What the researchers were after AND'TRUST COMPANY'S ailing whenever he could. He 2 The fundamental danger-of pres- lea rn t the toolmaker’s trade construction time and reducing were some babies who would keep while.at school In Wick and served traffic delays and length of de­ • ant East-West dijdomacy la that It tours. St AM P S w will stop nt the point of recog- in good humor, who would not be his apprenticeship there. , Some of the clearest memorieil The developer of the process, is w nixing the existence of two Qer- crying all the time^ who would not MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES ■PT*' ' t ■ of Scotland are , the • highland Otto .Wintemitz, head of the city’s « manlea. As Khrushaiev observed get Irritable' when somebody WEDNBSDAY gamqs, the bagpipe bands and road-construction department. Z the other day, to Montgomery, touched or measured them,-whose various country activities such as While the old surface Is being Z none of the big potven involved In health would be likely to be normal gives you on the IN STA N T Ml plowing contests and the sheep removed and leveled and a bitu­ men-gravel subsurface bed ia be­ Z theee negotiationa reaUy wants to over a span of time,' whose heart, dog trials which are famed beats would be regular, whose , ' -I .. abroad. ing laid, 8-lnch-thick concrete sur­ r S P E C tA L S • unify Germany. Chancellor Ade- ■ / sleep would be regular and good. ROCKET gLDSMOBIlM of your choice! Forbes came to the United facing blocks are being ca>t. The w nauer' doean’t went it either, to States "just to visit” an uncle, blocks, when dried, are taken to ~ spite of aU this,'however. It ia the The researchers wanted all these George Forbes, who was a builder the road site, fitted over the bed, IMPORTED CANNED m | | m hiatormi necessity which mu/st be. things for their own convenience;, . . . tHB BEST H^LPBR fn Mancheater. The 11811 has been and covered with asphalt—ready -1 :' X had. The ^tost this current dl- they were Studying the newtem a long one. He is married to the for traffic without a wait for con­ former Margaret Stevenson, of crete to dry. Z plomacy Will be.' toen, whether. It babies for a. special pr^ect; s makes the mlKalce of trying to wanted to gqt their data fyom con­ YQUR BUDGET * ckee It off, thus , forcing It to tented, healthy babies. 'Sp they - achieve Itaalf hy ujUmate violW e. swaddled them. T • • ov ncoghiaes the necessity o f ad- They were well aware that they HAS EVER HAD! PICNICS S K I* vAteing the cause teie which none were Invading the newboni ffee- . Oynamti SS 2-Deer Sedae r M HeWdey SperlSedee I* 'He pgrtleipanto has- any ^ a l doms involved. But they had the W E B U Y lONELESS * enjubuflaem at tiie ^noment heresy to proclaim, that toeedom to not of paramount im p o r^ M to <* :— — A • CLdSEOOTS : « newbora'baby. Hieq.'reaM^ng- CORNED 2 Stirrings I » U ttle R ock ly, they nqCed that later on, when INSTANT MONEY ifi the range, the femily vacation, school • DISTRESS MEROf ANDISE j ; ' The other night the three entl' freedom is given to t|sose who'be- poitdnuing credit plin that lete or college bills, new clothing, new. gln life swaddled, '"^ey Itocdme you writF check! againet your hi-fi equipment. . . lite ra lly 2 Integration mva\tfk* o f the Uttle • JOB LOTS B E ^ LB. - Rock echbol board took action re- Just as unhappy about their free­ c r e d it ingte«d of your bank anythingl . • fusing to renew the contracts of 44 dom as those babies who have had Find out now hoW much it from birth. Hteety-HsM Cenvcrfibic CeOy* rMH«Bdeyt.ewl<>tipe balanoe. • OBSOLETE GOODS LEAN HEAD CUTS X toachers.Thls moyehy tht allies of Now -you can alwaye have a INSTANT MONEY will help 20ovam or Faubus apparenUy had WaUh Dai* Rhbtritan ta Tabs o/,W*U* Fargo an NBC-TV Monday Night* the coupon .for your 2 two ohiecUvea. The teachers may subqteniial fund of money-hi-the- you! M ih • RAW MATERIALS Along with Ihn most toljcod about ■"their "m ost liked” lisj;. But the best spokteman for 2 h«vn been eelecteil for dismissal on bank to pay for anything you applicatiim and foil information BEEF 2 th e ^ of their ownjviswa on went to buy, at any timet — or phone or atop in a t anji’ • SURPLUS INVENTORIES •tylo, on tho rood today g o o i por- But thiat’s far from all thes^' Buick ’5 9 -% id what itican do for formonco. now ovon to ewnon of o ^ e r s tell us. They talk about you—is a Buick itself. Why not go ^ caae, they are Jupt writs an INSTANT Connecticut Bank and Trust ANY QUANTITIES—LARGE OR’ SMALL provious B^iheh* • • a •'><1 groat .teechm who wou^ be ntoded If, M p f ^ y check to pay for a new Company office. *r t new operating economy from the| to yoiif Buick dealer and get the PATTIES LlL Iliiext fall, Uttle Rock ahould de- for'yqu to ihin. . \ most efficient power plant on the inside story, today? X*4de to reopen Its high sctiools ofi IN MANCHESTER YOUR S FIC IA L INSTANT MONEY TURN IDLE ASSETS INTO road today. About quality of fin­ w a beets of compliance with the leper MFIetto MCuMNlfy SmNhi Buick ’59 is livelier yet smoothePr SUNSHINE FHOmNUMMRIS Ml 3-1171 ish and detail, nnd of quietness • oooit dedeiona for at least a token PUT OF MONEY QUICKLY more powerful yet thriftier, as any ro owssKs or cam in "The leading wBHsgratlon. - previous Buick oWher will tell you. that even beats the best Buick LOw-PUCED J " . . . You’ll be surprised Grape Drihk 46di.ou< 4 can> *T°° m The tmmadiete aequel to the Vew # a e'f have to be m depeetter to qvelify for INSTAHT MONIYI > heretofore. They speak of reliabil­ SUBMIT DETAILS OR SAMPLES ■ And' credit goes to the turbine how easily you can own a Buiek LeSabre .ttu u i firing of teachers has been OHIVB OUT IN TH l ROCKNT smoothness of Buick transmissions, ity . . and they speak of the pure instead! Be sure U>,ttek your Buiek Dealer NAPIER CUT Xtha lavnehlng o f a-ni'vie movemmt GIVE QUANTITIES AVAILABLE tdeacure of owning.a Buick ’59 . . about -THE MOST IUPORTAf(t | Q A A 3IOP . 9 fliwat aarlM MANCHESTER. CONN. , ^ handling ease gnd finned-brake jPEHksA for the thteC other .mem? ■f'- RNJOY SAFE : Hcatiao ALLSTATES MERCHANDISE Beets , lOcansH*?^; y W iwqwnliig Uttle Rock’e schools BUOED OR IRBEOULAR WHOLE SMwt fall w ith' token IntegratlM fonmlundmetand it ooetaisM nothing to open Bn INRTANTM ONEY speount... SEE YOUR LO C A L A u th o r ize d q u a l it y buick dealer k o w . . . CORPORATION v RIPE ' *^th federal court or- __ Name-. I “From a Piah Kook To A Freight C ( ar’^ TOMATOES ■ ■ . \ YOUR QUAUt V b u ic k DEAX^IR BANANAS m ballad this public 118 ROEBLING STREET 1 IN THI8 AREA IB GORMAN libTOR SALES, lmi.2te mam st. I 6 to o eeUo fMfikOge la iittie Book la not santi- IN THilR OWN MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES - » , Broohlyii; 11, 'N . Y . V T ' , . la la fkvor of-lntegrar BVargreih 8-0337 Lb. 1 0 c 'i (unuT HOMES. u i o k ; 2 »br ^ 9 c in aanttment -ifi: i **your lA}cal: OkUti^ohilf 'Dealer^* \ ' Cable AddrfiM ’“ALMERCO’^ O m i |.’ BUY LOOfOB YOU SHOULD TOO CUVL,, -I^W- llff***^___ IL-JOIR VH CtRCU OF SAFETY.. . CHEI^ YOUI^ CAR>CHCCK.Y0UI DRIYIM-CMECK AfiCI0EKT8...SU..ItE YOUR lUtCX DEAL9 FM u m s D O AlM h PMerg pOMle M ii^ §12 WEST CENI^ ST. TELMIS-ISIT, i ONNfVINIlM . { - « r '••1 ' T ■A % V X;' : ■V. " O'- ■ . ■ w t . - f ■■

4 ’ '

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHBSHCR. e^ l session Monday at 7 p.m Church; Ladies’ Asen., 19:30 e.m., Hotel suite. at their annual convention. rator, merely Inked In Strauss’ WASLEY News Tidbits flect "opposition to Mr. Raid but srexa of disagreement 'bsween the rata Valw at flM ," outlined by Atty. John O'Qannoi It. flooding prevention. Action will bi'sinesamen, was cubmltted at the Rham High School offle*. The RepubUesn mayor suggeeted to Better Reading.” New officers St Coventry Grammar School. vestry; Second Congregational Akira Sheno, one of the defense The profetalonals even offered own pencil drawing. the decision to make hla S: teat teachers and the school board.’’ Present zomng ahd long ron ^ liMBnmcB A y n e y Amaaoa told the Houae Culled from AP Wires and a representative from PMaf be taken also on proposed side­ public hearinj last Tuesday in fa­ that since -county goveriunent Is win be insUUed by Mrs. Wiillsm Church choir, 7:30 p.m., Mhetu- lawyers, did not like the court’s prise for the most telling lam­ Adm. Arlelgh Burka's cartoon, had laamoil from a aource walk installatkms for Goiway St., case for political appointees.” He said no sgsads hs4 bean pre­ Maaehestor Bveulng HenM Aa- being abolished the city should in­ plonmng for the town will bb dis­ order. He said It was “unexpected and Sullivan, the New Haven vor of the purchase for parking pared for tha meeting since the Molkenson, PTA Council president ary; Explorer Scout Post 63, 7:30 poon of the lampoonists. AlUiopgk ■howlng a naval officer ordering fuaM to IdaatlfT that the actual Trebbe Dr., and Porter St. “And the same rules will apply dsver eorreepewleet, Mt*. Panl D. vite Civil 'Defense officials to iii- cussed. p.m.. “Duffys” Scout House. .and will contribute to another de­ tecturai. firm retained )»y the purposes. Genovesi’a petition, purpose will tis to “hear the' ideas only eight public servants of the a lubmarin* to dive with two car­ Will No Longer Be value o t the water company prop­ Public hearings on these items which he said he will submit to to all nonegreer- men,” he added. Pfsasttehl, tslsphetos - Fllgrim etsH their radio equipment in the The meeting is an outcome of a South St.; Fragment Society. 10:30 lay,” He said the trial ended 11 The^House. traditionally loath to church. Sen. Everett M. Dieftsen of II- at the taafehers.’’ Our Lady of FaUiha Mothers 90 invited to participate rose to toonists standing helplessly on the erty araa aomewhere around |7M,- .The variance was aopi^tit because consumed a four and one-quarter the Board tonight, was circulated 2-5858. City HslL The’ city would benefit eesslon held lost week with Max­ a.m.. Church Community' House; week* ago end the verdict had been the challenge, a 'few got In some Open On Thursday offena'veterans’ ' gorupt, votes to llnols. Republican Senate -leader, Osborn also stated It would not Circle will meet at the.home of well and the local Industrial De­ deck, was ■emt'wlth a covering let­ tm . give the A^eterans Administration the proposed 8-room.Aadltlon would hour meeting held last week. "Tiere to counteract the former petition, In that the Police Department St. Jude Council No. 5313, KofC, 8 expect!^ any day. . good llck^ ter saying “Without genUemen Nights Bxcept By Ha urged the Lagialature not to will be no public discussion tonight predicted Reid would give a good be possible to say whether the could use the Ysdio system, and Mre. Daniel Puslnot, 52 Bolton St, velopment Commission when aerial ■early |19 rittlUoa more than its be 10 feet from U » rear yard line he,said. p.m., St. Mary’s Roman Catholic A Japancae court can order a First prize wks awarded to Sec­ such as those who comprise the .^pointment itve tha town “the power e< ne­ without a suspension of rules. account of himself. matter of salary ^edu lae would Rockville would become the hub of tomorrow night at 8 o’clock. Co- maps were discussed in an attempt own House Appropriations Com­ which is 20 fp « closer than al­ Station an ‘Eyeaere’ hostesses 'Will be Mrs. Peter Cor- Church; Coventry PTA, 8 p.m., rehearing of a trial if It feels cer­ retary of Oommerca Lewie L msmberehip of your sssoclstlom gotiation without the poirer of More .opposition appeared brew­ Genovesi ard other North End- "He Is interested in being a e up as the most important the mutpsl sld program.. to expand local business and in­ Robertson School. tain ^inte 'need clarification to ------C a ll------mittee recom m endedPatrick B. lowed hy regulations for a Resi­ good ambaaaador,” Dirksep told a item of dlacussion« ‘ Hospital Notes ders and Mrs.'William Monk. dustrial zones.' At that... tiui* Strauss, who turned out a draw­ many on American citizen would ' condemnation." CUne, 3»-yesr-old New York City dence B Zdne. ing today in connection with the ers feel that the station, “an eye­ ' “Civil Defense should be' willing reach a verdict Barry declared that a major railroad property, in the form of a repqrte#. "From ail I could l« m The Regional Board, along with Maxwell expressed his opinion that ing entitled “ Point of View” show­ misB the full Impact of many Im­ Mr or MI .1-7149 poUee captain, ebooU self to death Also jo be ereertef] is a combina- sore,” should come down but that to continue to supply two dis­ Monehester Evening Herald Kyodo News Service quoted a portant iesuea and we might ail public intereat area concerned, that etltion circulating in the North he'doesn’t have any pollUeat am­ the Boards of Education of An­ ADMITTED TESTlStDAT; Ar­ The Friendly Orcle will hold Ite the present zoning regulstions ing a cartoonist drawing the M ause he feared going blliid, mnasium and auditorium using the site lo r parking would patchers s dsy," Olson said. In re­ Oeventry oerreependent, F. Paul­ court source os saytng th* court Washington Monument, shimmer­ take ouroelves and our job* too Office H oufii the MU affected every dttcen in nd. bitions.” dover, Hebron and Marlborough, thur Johnson, 56 School S t; Al­ turn tlje city $rpuld offer Its. 24- final meeting of the season at the need, to be changed as far os a Haatily-formsd citlMns groiip be connected tn the ex- contribute little to Depot Square has voted to use the Profeasicmal bert Hewitt First AVe-,.RoelH^let ine Little, todeplMMie Pilgrim had found some doubt ip the cause ing in the. sunlight, os a tottering. serioyly.’’ the Town of Mancheater. The Directors expect to- .meet business. They contend parking U He said he thought some Demo­ hour a day services, the mayor home of Mra Harold Iversen, 64 lo^-ronge plan is concerned. 2-6281. Weekdays flies petition eeeking ouster of Ting portion of the schbol by s with the Town Parking Authority crats were concerned that ^ d Services Salary Plan (PS8P) In Mrs. Virginia Hinds, Sunset Ihne, 'A e local commlaelpn has gone of Jones' death. The eompany now aervea a part three Uttle Bock eogregattonlst not really needed, and could be added. Thomas Dr., at 8 o’clock tomorrow 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. ef the northern auction of the town. pasbageway. at 7:30 to discuas tha proposal. was Interested tn using an ambaa offering contracts for the 1959-60 Bolton; Mr*. BeatriOb McConville, night. on record os ’ favoring continuity ochool directors who a week age In other action last night, the better served anyway by Improv­ year, The Rham . High School At s regular meeting lost night of terms of members. Members Saturday Moat of Manchaater ii aervad by On* of the circulators of the sadorship at a springMard for a Ellington; Mrs. Mary Katksuslw, of Team 9 o f Mutual Aid, com­ voted to dismiss 44 teach^a Zoning Board tabled for further ing an area around the Whiton Teachers’ Assn, has voted three 896 Tolland Tpke.; George Pinael, voted to abide by the recommen­ 2 Hostages in Peril the town'e water department. petltt.'n, Vincent Genovesl, Zon­ Liibrary ai.u Community Y in con­ possible Republican race for may­ prised .primarily of fire chiefs 9 A.M. to 12 Noon The bUl, aa originally aubmittad principals and secretaries.ySchool study a request for a apeciat ex­ or o f New 'York. times to reject the plan and an 10 Ch-estridge Dr.; Mra. Leah Mr. and Mr*. Wilfred CUrke, 20 dations of the General Statu'tsa Board member M rs./ "Charles ing Board member and Eighth Dis­ nection with the Robertson Park throughout the county, s oommlt- Henry 9t„ have returned home lent January, ynwld clear the amy ception made by Atty. Wesley C. trict treasurer, said it contained Sen. John Sparkman (D-Ala) undisclosed number of teachers ■Whipple, 11 Dralnara Pi.; Kathie, stipulating such terms of mem­ Strip paint redevelopment.. tfee was appointed to study the for the town to negotiate for pur- White, flrst Negro eletded to pub­ and Mra. Bernice B. Qryk to erect aald he te “ rather impressed with have not signed contracts for the Smith, Bolton 4>iiter Rd.; William from Florida, where they spent the bers. "niey were in agreement lic ofllce in Houston; Tex., since SO names, ahd urged renegotia­ Apprbvai by the Directors to­ msttei'i winter. After spending two (Baae o f the company, if thia were an office building at 115 Main St. tions with the Railroad to bring Mr.- ReM’s Intense interest in the coming year. Rhrsnburg, Taloottvllle; Deena Sweeney', who Is outMing High that such a policy..would facilitate aver dantred. . Reconstructions .D aya charges A plot plan submitted by Qryk night of the parte redaveiopment area to which the President has In the meantime, three new Bodo, South Windsor; Nancy months In Florida with them, their the work of such an Importance Besieged Convicts the price below $35,500. Sheriff, said the committee of fire­ ' H m aactton giving condemna­ that the Board/ta dragglag its feet showed the building would be 94 by and Bolton St. appropriations is teacher* have been hired under the daughter. Miss Jeon Clarice, flew group in future years, according - Bees Prtoe tiower virtually certain. gutipied him.” Morin, 80 Devon Dr.; Mrs. Evelyn men was instructed to contact in­ It’s fast and bfuiy when you us* tion nowara to the town waa in- in responsC/to a federal district 70 feet. Last night he told the / However, he said, "We have put PSSP from a group of applicants McOonkey, 74 Bretton Rd.; Mra. to Tanganyika, Africa, where she to Albert J. Stevenson. court intmiratlon order. Oenovesi said $27,000 might be If passed, town purchase of the coming Sheriff Nicholas Pswluk Is employed by the State Depart­ th* rithl paint remover. We recom­ a^rtad later on the recommenda- Board tantative plana called for a accepted--the amount he contend­ ''^ourselves on record with the State estimated at between 15 and 20. (Mlve Alien, Agawam, Maas.; Ben- concerning continuation o f the mu­ ALT Feotivol Entry tlea ot the Board of Dtrectora to building which would have a Colo­ railroad property will be subji Department that we wgnt to get ment American consulate general mend REGULAR Strypeeze for ed that the property could have to approval by* the Public UU^ea Three New 'Teachers Hired jdMin ' and Christine Scruggs, tual aid system at the county jail. Coventry Players will presepl^ a Build Barricades Ane wood, antique*. For metal or put teeth into negotiaUona, if any nial front. The building would be of away from political gppolnteea as Principal Carlton B. Seybolt an­ been bought for In the first place, Commission and a title seajrM of Coventry; John Klldiah, 28 Union The committee will report back to condensed version of Tennessee (K are aver held. masonry construction .and the estl- much as we can. And the lease we nounced today Louis R. Pallisa has St.; Beverly Lucloua, 83. S t John The Girt Scoiit -fiature ' training Williams’ “Glass Menagerij solid wo<^, use new Strypeeze Before Pinnay*c objectione were according td information he said the property. The property^aa al­ s special meetiiig Tuesday night. SPECIAL water-rinzabl* paint iree Admit mated cost was $72,000. was given him by a Parking Au­ can do is convince ourselves that signed a contract for Ui* coming St.; Mr*. Mary Twombly, 09 Alice The firemen wont to be sure that course will meet Thursday morn­ urday evening at the (Contlnood from Pag* One) V'onk, end three other firemen atatad yeaterday, aa Aronaop' legedly sold over a century ago year. Palllza, a resident of Craq- remoybr. Also ask for free booklet, Oryk sought the special excep­ thority member. The member, he for railroad use alone,- he is qualified for the asslgnmenL” Dr.; Mrs. Claire Kelran, 9 Foster the mutual aid system will be con­ ing from 9:30 to 11:30 at the Lutz Little Theater’s annual \-.'ers Injurfd. i aieiidiHent to rmeal a aaction^f tion as the planned office building Caiairman Fulbright has said be ston, R. I., has an educational field Dr.. Vernon. • tinued after county government Junior. Museum. Mias Barbara A'Very Memorial in Hartford. Wil­ are not considered “hard esse-'' While concluding tliat Reinhardt "How To Remove and the bill that would have r^Koved Many Breaks would be on the same lot with an and some other members have of chemistry, biology, general BIRTH YESTERDAY: A ends Oct. 1, 1960. Sweeney as­ Neill and Mrs. Norman Larson liam McCurdy o f Hertford wlll^ di­ types. failed to look to his left when FlhU the B fh th UtUiUea Dfiitrici'a apartment house in a Residence some grave doubts about Reid setence and guidance. daughter tc Mr. and Mra. John sumes the county commissioners are instructors. rect the players who will compete Thompson, a nice looking crew- crossing'tb* intersection, Corrigan icogatanding condemaaUOn power Five breaks into three Man­ Zone C. A variance for parking in professional qualifications. He U a graduate pharmacist of Mullen, 499 Adams St. will continue the operators’ sal­ with eight other Uttle Theater cut blond, was described by offi­ found alsr that Mauro drove ovar tha firm waa apfiroved. That Sen. Rjubert H. Humphrey (D- the College ot Pharmacy of the chester, business estabUshments a Residence Zone A, in which part Ministers in WrjHfigle DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: aries in the budget which they will, The next meeting o t the.Nay- groups for honors. cials as an unstsble fellow with through a red- light, while re aaetioo, leoommandM recently by vOf the property is located, la als9 Minn) said his own Inclination Is University of Rhode Island, now Mrs. Vera Kology, Stafford; Mrs. prepare -for the fiscal year Oct. 1, Playing the part o f Amanda a dozen arrests in his police file— spondlng to a box alarm,' at « the town's ton^^counael, waa op­ have been solved after, a 4-month to be sympathetic to the appoint­ doing graduate work at Northeast­ sug Yacht Club will be heid at saMbt. Florence Davis, Stafford Springs; 1959 to Sept 30, I960. The county the High Street School, South will be MrsC Raye Culver. William the lost one at Decaturvilic, Tenn. speec* of approximatriy 35 miles posed by E f fM District Di Investigation, police aal«^today. The Board, granted a variance ment but that Reid himself knows ern University in Boston, Mass. He Vrs. Ida Martello, Worcester Rd., now contributes nearly $4,000 in Dobson of Wapplng has the part State Safety Oommiasioner expects to complete work for his Glastonbury, Thursday night at 8 an hour. " motors. ' After a IS-hour period of Inten- sought by Roy Motors for a one On Pole, Cz6ch Seats he is in "for a reasonable, and fair Vernon; Charles Knofla, Coventry; sstsries for the two radio opera­ o f Jinylhe gentleman caller. Tom, Greg O'Rear said ’Diompaan had Both drivers were negligent, a v a i l a b l e a t t h e b e STO R E ^: ation power over the period o f questioning.” master's degree in June, 1980. o'clock. 'Visitors will be welcome ■ive interrogation yesterday and year period which. will allow the Mrs. Leona Lavery, 40 Packard tors, one of whom also gets lodging St this 'open house meeting. Amapua’s un, will be portrayed just 81 days to go bh bis 3-year said Corrigan. lies in the District Cfaar- company to sell 30 new and used Humphrey said he was not op­ He previously was on the faculty at the jsil, and $2,500 annually fpr by Walter, E. Tedford, and Laura sentence for burglary, but U U. J’ MORRIHON PAINT sad WALl Fa PER OO. this morning, police said, one of (Oontinned from Page One) of Cranston High Schom for two St.; Terrance Nails, South Cov­ MANUHR8TEB WALLPAPER sad PAINT CO. .. ««>, ...m town does not have the cars at the southeast corner of posed to ail political appointees entry; Mrs. Juditii Provencher CD equipment, besides space at bjf Mrs. Irene Sypher. named in a fraerol detainer war­ pdwe- now, and Ptnney yesterday for ambassador, citing Herter and years where he taught chemistry, Kindergarten registration for MANCHEATER PLUMBING and SUPPLY CO. three Middletown men confessed Winter and Center Sta. j t was Spe­ discuss and decide the probhims and son, 23 River St, RockvtHe; the jail. ' The program'will start at 8:30 rant on file her* charging auto fought the aectlc.i o f the bill that to breaks at Decl's, the New Sys­ Dillon as examples of non-profea- b lo lc^ ,' general science and guid­ Sweeney knows of no provision all Manchester schools will be held PAUL’R PAIN'F.s u p p l y LARSEN’S HARDWARE cified that a 6-incH barrier be now under consideration.’’ ^ The ance. He served as chief pharma­ Mrs. Marjorie Decker ard son, with the local Player* appearing theft in Memphis. arould have granted It. tem laundry and the New System erected In the front of the lot bord­ sional who have performed out­ In ths county government aboli­ tomorrow and 'Thumday after­ lost on the bill. E. A. JOHNSON. PAINT CO. OIA^OTT VARIETY STORES ' Herter, in his first ^ e e c h to standingly. cist of the Kent County Memorial Thompaonville; Mrs. Gloria Power — t ------— —THE ... W. G. GLENNEY CO. Plttney who announced he had 'Cleaners ind ImpMcaled his two ering on Center St. Roy Motors the meeting, immediately opposed tion bill for the Stole to provide noons from 3:15 to 4-:30. Parents Tedford wHl represent the Play­ BLISH HARDWARE CO. Humphrey said Dillon, a former Hospital in Warwick, R. I.; in 1951 and son, Range Hill Dr., Rock-vlUe; received a letter from a company colleagues. had sought permission to sell' an the Soviet proposal: He argued Doctor Says for mutual aid and Civil tiefenae. should bring the chlld'e birth er* in,on Interview on the Kathy attorney during the eeislon, felt investment banker, had proved' and 1952, as chief pharmacist "of Mrs. Donna Whittaker and daugh­ Police said Frank P. - Gardner, unlimited numer of cars. there would be m^ny difficulties ter, Stonington; Mr*. Sylvia Car­ certificate and vaccination and GodfiPey Show on television, Chan­ that giving condemnation power 25, confeaaed to the breaks and himself in State Department posts the Roger Williams Memorial Hos dlptheris inoculstioA ckrtificstes ^Poppy Day’ TORO The ZBA denied an application raised if "stan^rds of suffering” man and son, ■West WlHlngton; nel 18 at 4 p.m. Thursday. This to the town would make it diffi­ implicated Eugene D. Capraro, 24, and as an ambasasulor to France.. pits!-, Providence, R. L, 1952 and from W. O. McNally A Sons, Inc., were used In .assessing the claims BY EDWIN P. JORDAN, M.D. 1953; and from 1954 to 1958 as Mrs. Ferdande Valente and daughi if - svailsbla 'Will be in reference to the S-night cult for the firm to Issue bonds to and George S. Danforth, 23. The to erect an addition to a dwelling of nations Xb attend the confer­ Written for NEA Service. ter, 27 Charter Rd., RockvUIe; - Paris Rumors festival wMch starts that day. T h e Bank that gives you PLANNED SECURITY ftnince any Improvements. three, who were caught by New­ medical service representative of Set May 21 at 6 Morse lid. which would be 10 ence. Thc-'felg Four have primary Occasionally during the past the Abbott Laboratories. Mrs. Carol FAna and son, Uynwood The job of painting the Bunce About Town To Be Beferred ington Police Saturday night as feet from the rear yard line. This Center was fimehed last night by reaponprtiiUty for working out a fi­ few years there have been serious His experience in youth activities Dr., Vemonj Mr*. Jean Downing The Pilgrim Fellowship of the Mrs. Elmer-Rice and Carl Aronson today reported that hie -they fled from the scene of an­ is 15 feet closer than. allowed by nal peace aettlement, he said. About Town members of the'Ctviton C3ub and other break, also confessed to a outbrealui of a highly fatal diar­ includes a considerable amount at and daughter, .-5 Overlook Dr.; Hint Algerian First Congregational Church will biU to provide a gSO.OOO State regulations. , He declared also has spe- work in the Boy Scout, prograiq. Mrs. Hazel Ames and. son. Bast the Manchester Association for Priess, co-chairmen of the annual grant for a pilot program of can­ aeries of breaks in several Con­ rhea in newborn Infanta which has have a roller skating party at 7:30 Other Vartaneea Oronted ofal claims to be represented. He The Holy Angels Mothers Circle Two other teachers recently Hartford. the Help of Retarded Children. p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday at the American Legion Auxiliary me- cer patient cam at Manchester necticut towns spaced In at least The Board granted variances to: urged Gromyko to leave the ques­ caused great trouble to the nura- will meet tomorrow at. 8 p.fn. with hired are John A. Caruso . and Truce Talk Set About 30 men participated in the Memorial Hospital wiii probably four counties, police reported. Mrs. Raymond Tierney, 99 Ridge Lakeside Casino. Refreshments moridl poppy sale, announce that S^eSBMfor John L. Pratt, to erect a detached tion open fbr the time being. eriee of i: atemlty hoiqittals. Michael Bolotin. Caruso wil( teach NASH PLEADS NO CONTEST program. Which took just a week will be served in the vestry of the be referred to an interim commit­ Manchester Sgt. .Toseph Sartor, garage on a corner lot at 58 Wood- St. May 21 will be Poppy Day tn Couve de MurvUle recalled the Attempts to find the cause have Latin, English and histoiy. His Hartford, May 18 (JV—Leroy (CoaftaneJ \trsRi Page Qne) When the job was finished last church following the party. Simi­ tee for study. The Mil is not exr who headed the inquiry into the side St.; Allen R. Riley, 198 Cen­ history of postwar peace treaty eight years of teaching.weje spent Manchester. local breaks, Joined State Police­ not been notably successful. It to Three fires in dry grass and Nash, 43, who has eooaped five night the ladles, of the association lar groups Of the local Seepnd During the day and evening vol­ pectcd to be approved by the Ap ter St., to erect a free Standing writing and asked that the same primarily in Columbus . High served refreshments to the work- propriations Oonunittee, h« said. man Francis PIsch and Newing­ probable that this kind of epidem­ brush were rejMrted by the 8th times In other states but ha* to stomp out guerrilla activity and Congregational Church • and the unteers from the Legion and Aux­ lighted ground sign; 'Margaret pattern be followed now. By thia School, Boston, Mass. He has terrorist attacks. era Willimnntic First Congregational LOW Another MU In the.hiinda of the ton Det. Sgt. Frederick Callahan ic diarrhea of infants,is a virus District Fire Department during master's degree in education from hever beea- nhle to get eUt of tho iliary will offer poppies to the Dawood. 553 E. M i^ s Tpke., 4j> pattern the Big Four would work infection, although one or more The-' NstionsUste have never Church have been invited. Appropriations Committee Is one in the marathon quizzing session have a free stbiioing,' lighted out plans for a Gcfhian settlement the weekend. On Saturday at 11:55' Boston College and is now engaged Conneetiout State Prison, plead------. . people .of the town. which resulted in the confessions. germs (bacteria) are often pres­ a.m. firemen were called to 670 ed.no oontost todny In Superior claimed they 'could “drive the Hose and Ladder Co. ' No. 1, The Second Congregational During, the past winter approx­ submitted by Barry for a $25,000 identification 1118 0 ; Manchester and place a draft treaty eventual­ in graduate work for a doctorate Qiurch Pilgrim Fellowship will NEW SP0R7SMAN grant to Tale Medical School for Sartor, who was in Middletown, ent. N. Main St. where a large vacant Court to a charge a t attempted French Army out of Algeria. But Town Fire Department, will hold a imately 200 veterans in Rocky Carpet Center. 311 Main St„ to ly before a full dreos peace con­ at Harvard College. they have maintained they would sponsor a public round qfd square gtudy o f dyatle fibrosis. Barry where the three men are held, erect a standing lighted identifica­ ference. Usually, the infant who to lot was burned over from the street He is presently teaching in the eaoape. Judge J. Howard Roberto drill tonight St 6 o’clock at the Hill and Newington Veteran Hos­ ' WIsJ-Tunaal M awisg stricken appears to be healthy and to the railroad embankment A t found him guilty and contiaued remain in Algeria m s cancer in firehouse. dance- at 8 p.m. May 23 at the aald be \yUt urge approval of the from 9 a.m. yesterdky.to 1 o'clock tion sign. Lloyd-aaid he had no complaint Dean High School in Gouvemeur, pitals pave made 350,000 poppies • SewsrfuL quitk-tlarting S% this morning, said Town Court thriving. Suddenly the child be­ 2:11 p.m. the department was call­ tho oasei The charge was hosed the French system and that deep Church Community House for the Mil. even If it moans less money Berijljsrdt A. Petz, to erect a that Gromyko had raised the N, Y., and liviiqj; in the town of and the flowers to be distributed h.p., 4.«vcle snain*. warrants for the men’s arivst will comes drowsy and If awakened ed to Pal-ker S t where fire in a Oxbow, N. Y. on aa nnsuooeesfal attempt hy surgery—meaning independence— The weekly merting of the Man­ benefit of decorating the upstairs in Manchester are port of .these. would be granted to it In Ught of house..east of'17 Haxei St. on a lot Pplish-Csech issue here but he • Three-euiisr-bledse fiva be issued shortly. utteys a short wealc cry. The woode(l area near Pantaleo’s junk Bolotin has a teaching back Nash last OcL 9, when he left a la the only solution. chester Squsdron'bf Civil Air Pa­ auditorium. There will be a caller Watkins 'Bros, has again given ' the admlnlstration'a e e nn o m y which will be located 12 feet from pleaded that it' not be pressed. Ths poUtieal side o f the agree­ for the square dancing. (most'h 8 2 'iwsth. drive. Gardner and Capraro are ex­ the front zoning line. This la eight Like Herter, he said'that if the temperature is not usually h'gh, yard raged out of controt Glaston­ groiind in English, social studies dummy la his cell hed during n trol USAF will be held tomorrow the use of their store for Poppy pected to be charged with-, five generally beiiij below 100 degrees. bury forest fire rangers were called and science os well as considerable recreation period and then se­ ment, according to the rumors in The Mr. and Mrs. Club of the • 8*v*l gser tranemlulen pro- feet closer than allowed, by refflila- conference were ‘ to be enlarged Paris, would prm de a 5Jyeor truce night St 7 o’clock at the American headquarters where the volunteAs counts each of breaking and enter-' tlons; Leslie G. Andrew, 74 Rich­ Italy had every -ighb to be brought At a1)out the same time, or in finally to help put the fire out experience in coaching athletics creted himself In the prison sign Legion Home on Leonard St. Second Congregational Church will may secure. their supplies and vsfitt "isHiina’* and abrupt shop. He had just aboat finished for De Gaulle to put Into effect hla ing and larceny and D uforth wtth ard \Rd,, erect an' addition to in. He argued further that the within a few hours, the baby be­ At 9 p.m. Sunday, volunteers put and working on school publica­ leave at 7:30'p.m. Saturday from make returned tlsrit. ■ . gins to have loose, watery, yellow­ out a grasa fire at 12 Cumberland building a scaling ladder when A ambitious Qpnstahtlne Plan. This one count of the same charged, he dwelling which will be almost 10 people of The Netherlands, -Bel­ tions. , St. Eilxabeth’a Mothers Circle the CSiiirch Community House on a Any memmter of the Legion or • Exclwiive "Wind-Tunnel aald. , ■ ish bowel movements without any St. A graduate of Clark University, guard found him. calls for big investments by France and Mrs. Carl Hansen, Mr. and heuting detian pivse meet Obituary feet from the west sideline. gium, Norway .and Denmark had to bring industry to Algeria, put will meet tomorrow at 8:15 pjn. Auxiliary d

V PAGl re;N hIAN('HBSTER e v e n in g HERALDi M A N C H E S T E R , C O N N „ T U E S D A V , M A Y 12, 1959 ...... ' ' ■' ------IIANrH EST^ EVENING HERALD. MANfUESTER, CONH h W ESDAY, MAY 12. 19B9 PAGE ELEVEN j^AlLY CROSSWORD PUXZLB BUGS B U N N Y OUR BOARDING HOUSE wilh MAJOB HIRJPLK 1BB4. He waa bom In Kingston, last Fabruary while waiting to be 'dw.xttaivEVAA feeoued from their crashed plane. Y « OJTA UXK, ¥ MVOfEERl _ r/ayworo. dlsd Monday. He had been active; Found Alive and Dr, Robert Quinn, 32, were r '^AiaeR.ABEVlOU Inconclusive in adveHibilig clridea lrt< New York found last Tuesday. , ■Msaap CAR . Roesirte CLOTHSSLiNES t o M O M w hf r SAVE ME Acbobs T o d a y City and at ona time waa advertla- , ' COMPLETE VDUR VTAIWROBS.OR IS THAT (luflbi) By TUB ABSOCIATEO PRESS Ing exscutive foe Ufa Magssine, FrancoiUa, N. H., May 12 tMh- COME AKONEVi lAmtrlMii - Bt Indian waifht Slate Couple Killed r - l YOUR UNIFORM FOR BAVINS AT THE ALOON IN , Bnuelcr, Town olecUona produced incon­ He was-born in Wooneooket, B. D. Two Boy Scouts, loet on Cannon [vJELCOMt OF 5P«NS f HEH-HEH.'tlOWN.CaWWALUS.' •OBiOUcalwaad I* Om ) Mountain for 46 houib, used thair — jACtM clusive results Monday In New Woodlawn, Md.—John P. ROde, Augusta, Q*.. May 12 (/h—Mr. ■ L HOOftt FAR8 IS MORE SUCCULENT IKAN T H A I/ A«tar DOWK Milford, Burlington and Sherman. 43. a policy planner for the 'Civil scoutcraft knowledge to good ad­ - lOSaFlEO MUTTON.'------ay. t h ^ . aLnother let to.London, About Town vantage yesterday to attract res­ and Mrs. John F. Ottoshavett Sr., PRICE OF ALL RECORDS FROM I Up I H « w u n IJeka Both parties shared in the upsets Service Commission, died Sunday Danbury, Conn., wars killed yea- ______^ A r , m p lf wtli Mnoymoon in after suffering a heart attack in cuers. OTHER lUP. and STEREO FROM 9Se Up •iirly— SMmtahi The executive board o( theAlan- and defeats. terday while enroute to a Florida . _ rPACKASE o w , . ______BAVTER’5______, tndtr with (comb, form) Stii^^f uitUl Mtatt TajGor atarta a In New Milford, E. Paul Mar- thUrch. Warren Keene, 13, and- David movie in London Stay Sfi.-Fiaber chester Republican Women's Club .Suddath, 18, both ot Wellesley. vacation. Their car eoltlded with a \ll9ll -il-li/ S, ,^HOLt>lNS SAYS HE MIAS tiwlndianc SCda -tln, Democrat, won his third term Mbrganton. ^ C. Lawrence huge truck at a busy interaectlon will/ naaka personal appearancea will meet at .the home of Mrs. Massaho-vich, 67, a landscape artist Mass., sent up a smoke signal whan P otterton 's t Cam (wll.) dBird'tbeiM tS Today, lor dOIndivldua] Philip I. Hel'vay at I o'clock to­ as first sslectman. DsmocraU on the outaklrta of Auguita.' inilanea dlTatdte througbfui the United Kinerdom whosa work Is in many collectlona, they saw two search planet fly ISa C E im iB ST?. COR. OF CHURCH BY. ka \\\ • WASI^ UJroquoUn BDraadi morrow night Included on the were victorious in all the other over the area near the top of the Ottoehavett, 46. and Me wife. THE RECEFTlOM ------Indian • Empiop M Arabian dSPandhato whUO! ahe la-buay in iront of the died Monday after a long illneea. V agenda will be completion ot plans contested offices but one, ousting 4,060-foot movintain. Clare, 40, were turning off the 4- COMMITTSt.' J 11 Compaat point 7 Reotfvatat eonmandar------dSHirdy haretet eaiiiaraa. two -Incumbent Republican aaaes- Muuanovlch, who was bom aboard Idlchaol'TcMM Jr., the son ofMleir foi the ar. ual metUng to be held ship off the Oallfomla coast, was A helicopter waa dlapat,ched to lane Fort Gordon Highway to con­ nt Hlncunion BWoedyplanti STOnager 44;[,ahv«out on . May SO. eon. tinue aouUi on U.S. 1 when their 48 Araehnid Iayior'4 -'third husband, will be the eon ot B. Lorenzo Maasanovich, the boys and it carried them to the A L L E Y OOP BY V. T. HAMLIN I I Oriental colnt B Hep’a kiln te . Town Clerk Howard H. , Peck, mountain base where they were car went Into the path of a trant- I Id WflTiiF" bronti 10 rork^pnv 90 Haad (ft.) . 47 Petty Ruarrti best wan-IdF Fisher. Ha fMw in Republican, waa the only member Dalmatian musician. MAadant from a-meviS ideation in Spain os- lyUnion dea Fvaheo-Americains Jacksonville, Fla.—John S.' Ken­ greeted by their waiting parents. fer company truck traveling north l o o k o u t , M.Lty( ixetE (l KNOlW-n ITDomaalie llOannan riTtr SlZraet of his party to come-'out on top VWM*rr ANY­ Lc rs RUN IrM capital paclaBy for the . chore. Mra. How­ du ConnactleuL grouping the dall, 78, librarian for the Florida Gov. Wesley Powell also was there on the auMrhIghway. ilaVa I f Lampray, I I Separata in a test with a DemoerkL But The t r u » was driven by James ooou, ONE IN TMMT TME TVHNft BlRootflnial inddenta 4BPrrvaricator ard TayioTj '"Wifa of Ua" brother, French fra'emal organisations of State Chamber of Commerce since to meet them. V^kfiON! OOWN lIFkver J4 Arrival (ab.) lOOtharwlM will Klahd U]^ for the bride, ■ the fctate, will hold its 41at bien­ he had only a' 16-vote.edge * in 1945, died Monday. He was bom in The hoys had walked four miles R. Lankford, S8, of Augutta. The WATCH IT/,{ SlTurrata beating Democrat Raymond N EdSeeatw IdThiaafod I f Harden ^ Slinaial rack Only a hatfdful of cIbaa'Aianda nial convention in New Britain Illinois and was former city al- from the spot where they diaap- collision aent the couple Out of IIBaralagatly and biislneaa asaociatea will attend this col.Ung Satuiday and Sunday. Buonlviciho, 1.648 to 1,633. Peck temey of Carbondale, III. peered last Saturday. their vehicle. Mrs. Ottoehavett was 34 Pattarn ot the private ritea. Both Kddis’a and; has keen in office 23 years. "We were a little frightened at dead on arrival at University Hot- parfadion i r r r • r n r r Mrs. Walker ISrlggs, president Besides Martin, the selectmen night,” the bdyfi said, "but we pitsl hire snd her husband died s. 31 Boundary - L if parents-will be there, atong SbarekolderV The Chase Fund r with Benjamin Thau, boaa at MOM, of Uie WSCS o! the South Meth­ will be David Chatfield, DemocraL were never really scared. It was a few minutes ister. (eamb.lerm) r odist Gimrch, will appear on “ Fo­ and Frank E. Williams, Republi­ Judge TellvS Miami little chilly and we couldn't sleep Lankford, who euffared minor 50 Steamer (ab.) . L lf home studio. Eddie Cantor, i’ ri who dlacoYered Fiaher, also has cus,” C l^ n el 30, tomorrow morn­ can too well, but managed to get some injuries when hie truck overturned, Trust of Bostou of Boston S3 River barricn ing at B o'cloek.' She .will be inter­ In Burlington, all three incum­ sleep. We never ran out of food.” was booked on 'two techntesi IS Female iheep . been Invited; ' - leturn Auto Fines J oRNWALLIS HATES E r 5 There has been much' public, re- viewed by Una King concerning bent selectmen were unopposed. When they heard the planes chargee of mensleughter.' A balanced Mutual 14 Toward the 1 yesterday they built a tire which A Mutual Fund •TD gg DiSTUgBSD* 'acUon loiiaUy against the tpiick the WSCS. flowbe shower and They are Republican First Select­ (Continued froi.i Page One) Fund for current income fheltcroi dde n B luncL'ion Saturday. man Clarence Splelman. Republi­ sent up a plume of smoke, for SB Elevator divorce andjnarriage plans, since and posaibla long-term it has focuaad IntematUmal' atten< can FY-ank Pavlik, and Democrat "The boys were waving and inventor u. TT 29 B and fine violators until the Florida jumping up and down.” reported possible capital . - MFootUkepart 'M P tion on Novada’a Paul Gagne, Cok Mt. Dr., beat Earl Carey In the race for arm, was injured last Saturday C /u i/l^ P lo 4t Vemdn. fines. They are Oise Ketoh, fined while he ‘and other Boy ^ Scouts PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER 40 Command i singing at thp hotel. treasurer, and Michae. Flynn was *60 for drunken driving, and Gene 41 Abate i " He wound up his engagement elected tax collector, defeating from Wellesley were mountain a» w ewasiMixeiwwta CHASk PISTItIBUTORS ^WHAT A.PC30LISM EVERYONE KNOWSJ f C. Russo, a tsiephone repairman, tHAT’S SILLY! 43 "Love apple" early today, singing love .songs to The Reynolds Circle of the Charles Lyon.< hiking. Young Suddath stayed CORPORATION W H Y D O N 'T LITTLE GIRL...TO THE CHINESE S South Methodist Church will meet who mailed in 315 on a citation for with him while the others went vSAY A THING, ' AREN'T SPEAKINGj 4« Cuddle F r IT $ IT IT IT a Smiling Llx who watched from a In Sherman, vhere the Brst se­ running a stop sign. OUR COUNTRY IS WE JUST ASK MOTOR. B1 Xxuda ' front-row taWe. A capacity crowd tomorr■ however, that this might happen. Edmund^St, M ^ Patrick Peak healing Democrat Clifford Devine. appeal period lapse. D lvorc« have’ been, denied in the and Mrs. John A io r will be eo- In the only oth,. contested offlee, From March 1, 1968, to March I past when the party could not aat- hosteases. Mrs. Elsie M. Smith, Reipubltcan, 1959, Miami collected *936,168 | Isfaetorily prove intent to make took over the job of tax collector on traffic violations i)ot Including '/4V I irii Nevada Us legal residence. The. Tmty -‘Spencer Group wUl from the incumbent, Mrs. 'Virginia court-levied Lnes, *166,377 on 60,- MERCURY- T H E CAR BUY GF THE YEAR Jtl , ' FlaheiL however, has stated that meet tomorrow at 3 p.m. In Fel­ McKee, Democrat. 732 parking tickets and S749J311 BY AL CAPP and BOB LUBBERS ha and Miss Taylor want to make lowship hall of the Second Ck>n- Sherman voters also approved on 82,516 road citations. LONG SAM Nevada-their permaneht home once gifgational Church. Mra Grace the issuing of beer permits in their Where will the city get the ' 50 WIVWElVBSieNBPAIWy WHUTREWEtVI they return from Ekirope. ’ Tuttle and Miss Lillian Rowers heretofore drv town. In facL if the money for the refunds? nK-LETSEE Sunday he bought a |6B,000 home will be hostesses. w e^ had mustered just one more "It Andersori'r order stands,” i/metmueFomvHerA said Miami Bnance director George »&ce A41BIE COKPA6SO K) IZ 0 U IM « pr from the Desert Inn COuntry Club vote, they -would have authorized THE PLACE TD BUY-Moriartv Shaw, "the coiu-t will have to Brothers TNe ROES lU HAVE voNPRirzrr as a woddtng present foe Miss Tay­ permits for all types of alcoholic z CM CLAIM L0H6 lor. He said a New Vork decorator beverage!. order a special tax assessment be­ i r r Silv^rstelv Gets cause the city just ‘doesn't have >»At/oivNfr I,TOO, AM Y r->* ■ will work on the house while they the mor"'' to repay the fines.” . AKXIOUE- are gone. \ Institute Award E l CUV J haven't WON ONCE SlNtE WHY MERCURY The co^Ie dan't legally make Deaths XmsI Night WON WITHOUT BLOODSHED vou,y7uwiu. 1 BOO&HT TH1« N W ^ T ! CalltoTTiia'' Hielr permaneht home mkevnAr for at iMSt a year when Miss Rey­ Saul M. Sijvertteip of 38 Stephen At the beginning of the Mexican iHAvewi St., president of the Rogers Corp., By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS War in 1846,.’-Gen. Stephen Watts IS SELECTED AS ONTMfSfWCl nolds' decree becomes final. was hogoied by the Connecticut Should thb; couple ’live in Cali­ Hendersonville. N.C. — Samuel Kamey obtained the surrender of OPflVWi IMocesAn Labor Institute last M. Williams, 90, a retired execu­ all New Mexico without bloodshed. O ' l * * ' c fornia as man and Wife before next night tnvChAshiie for his contribu­ BEST BUY IN THE Febniary. the state could prosecute tive for Hearet and other newspa tion to Tabor-management. 'rela- pera, died Monday. He started as FisherTOr bigamy. Uona. ■[ _. , ' T.M. ,H . u.*. PM. a a . ' Miss Taytof's first husband was a reporter for-the old Cleveland MIDDLE-PRICE Y ^ ,W , , , HC, aMwM. I.M. He Was : praaehted i^th the Press some 60 years sgo .and at hotel heir fneky Hilton, whom she MacAuhffa medal by the RL Rev. H O L lY y ^ O O D "Bringa back mamorief, doftn't It? Tht Charlfsteiv— later dlyorcrt-tinnarry British ac­ one time was managing editor of JUDD SAXON . BY KEN BALD and JERRY BRONDFIELD Megr. Joseph F.', .Oonnelly of the the New York Evening Journal FIELD fhort dkirti— parking places-!-!” tor MJchaellVlMlng. They too were Archdiocese ol Hartford, at the bi- d iv o r ^ aiid Mias Taylor married and foreign bureau chief for YAr-MAM/ L..ANPITMIMK 3 C stllute’s TTth ahhukl awards din­ Hearst in London; He was bom in MOM, 1 /HISMOTHIRKNeW *0WAU the. lide sKdi^'an' Mike Todd, killed ner. ' ■ WHIR CHAia JUST M w n v ^ r r AIL a l o n e , a year ago in an air crash. The Norwalk, Ohio. HC'P TURN OUT OlON'T. ’ wedding will be the second tm Washington—Howell G. CWm okay; / F ’® s h e ..? BY ROUSON j.m;| E sPORtS Fisher. . ^ Correction 60, former head uaher at the White ou> Joe'r oto cuniiiT House, died Monday.. He worked eetted from SHEAIFFO Fishgi' t e SI. Mise Taylor and test-wheel to SHERIFFS Misajmynelds 4rf both 17. New-London, MayH3 OH—State at '^ e White House for 27 years, lASVTO RELAX IN OFFICE OFFICE sen. John .F, Pickett Jr. of Mld-- retiring two years ago because of front-wheel • hOss/ Reynolds ' has custody of propeUing, ot ‘her and raher’s children,. a bogy dletown Juis been reelected chair­ a heart condition. New York—George A, Gordon, to ell S-ineb ;snd girl. kB*s Taylor is the mother man of the hoard of the Young Democrats of Connecticut 63, U.S. ambaesador to The Neth: !ot three—two sons by Wilding and erlanda when that country was'bi' a EASY TO RIDE IN daughter by Todd. > The action took jHace at the $ 7 2 .0 0 grdhp's annuM meeUng Saturday vaded .by Nasi Germany in World I ^ In New London. William Galligan 'War n, died Monday. He entered • Uncertain of West Hartford waa elected the diplomatic service after World HeByweeS 9»er Teibt tm m m t S - / 1 f \ ‘‘president and Harold V. Allen Jr. W arT and retired in 1045. He was Bitt over eversg* toilet When the first time clock was of West Haven was chosen execu­ bom in Huntsville, Ala. bqwl. SlurdiTy con- B. C. BY JOHNNY HART constructed la unoertain. !t« in­ tive vice president. r Philadelphia—Alfred Chamber Mfii'-'-d. Eetilv cleened. vention is claimed by various In an earlier report of the meet­ lin, 46, former assistant of opera, SO DIFFlUeNT ON THE ROAD BIB BIFFERENGE IN PERFORMANOE BUZZ SAWYER people from the Chinese of 3,000 ing, it was erroneously stated that tions for the U.S. Internal Reven $ 5 1 .0 0 BY ROY CRANE B.C. to-the Germans of the 11th Pickett had been elected vice ue Service, died Monday of can eentury. / cer. He had been with IRS since ' W im YO WORK OUT AHP YOU CAN LOOK FORWARD TO A ROUSH there's one HEKiWEkE's ONE' president SO MUCH THE SAME IN PRICE... ANDTHERES ONE PtRFKTIMII-WmUK ROUTINE...AND A LOT OF HAH, WIDE THATtPO KS THAt LOOKS, LIK& WELDON DRUO CO. INniKlPTlOM TACTIC*... ANO HANOWMt FLY\N8. ------that l d c x s l ik e Authorised Dealer l ik e a f a c e . FIRST, HERKnCMOCIANA, AW QUiST'ONS? YVSAH .L. A PliS-. You! THEN FROM AIRCRAFT VWEHMWt TVlAT^'niEp|6! 901 MAIN BT— MI 8-6931 START? Mercury r ' \ is the car .kjk GMtAT MiW run Oil A Story DiVIlOFMfNTI ) for you 'If: !?>•- T Cm* 7*A Hw.^ ’*** S>fZ You Should Read /Irrt0 g i n g MOKTY MEEKLE BY D^CK CAVAI.L m if.. * You want, the most livable IT'S FOR'lOUR WIPE r LOVE TO WATCH A / ^ Buying a new car is no donbt one of the and easy to get in and out of MICKEY FINN w h D« t h e ___ lERWU^ANDHAA their REACTION BY LANK LEONARD COLLBCTipN M m BEEN FIRED WHSN ITPNALLV largest purchases a family makes with passenger compartment in AND CLANCY ISNT NO, INDEED.'HALF BOVOBOV.'IS.'WE W SAIDITFiCOR.' FDR, MR, [ Q- ' BINKI61N. the exception of buying a home and a Mercury’s price class. TMeONLVONeT 'THE MEMBERS OF THE SURE WERE LUCKY, Tuerm chaa/s/m’itJ BOOMER LODjSE HAVE ALSO MSMANUS-TO AGAINfwr PtSSITY/ family today should look around and O ^IN .' EVEN HAVE GOTTEN irSNOWUPTO make sure they receive the moat for OLD‘ KILL JOY" OURS AT la ' fGiS/ M l MANUS.' their dollar. We at Moriarty .Bros, feel • You want a car that’s sleekly ‘‘UMOjUll-ULORIES” IN that with the new Mercury, you the egr but not wildly styled and • buyer, will bg getting more in all ways. not by any means a blurred qarbon copy of some tfQNNECTl^in APPROVED So why -not stop-by and get a free ap­ other makg. praisal on your,, present car and let ua FRESH MILK GIVE .YOU show you how easy it is to own a beau­ STRENGTH PLUS ENERGY tiful new 1959* Mercury. , if.. * An outstanding combination. ■ r ^ ‘ In. IW. •« . V4 . Fh . ox. S-n of easa of control,, all-around (.APT AIN EASY /• BY LESLIE TURNER Yjour car here at Moriarty Bros., wheth­ riding comfort and : ' ' m er it be a Lincoln, Mercury,' Edsei, or a high-speed stability m GHE'fr ALMTMBDT 0FC0M5B VDU lOOKiMcKI:BE. l \ . WHTi------. you______b h o r p ^ » ThG"Armort(| CaioriGt” ifi Conn#cti- important to you. MR. ABERNATHY BY RAIJS'^’OK JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAV N9L,AHP i »K5HTBD old fine English Ford ‘is serviced by fac­ thatsTimAu WAUniG!------VDU'V UAAX*./ GET MV FORMULAi/THNiC IT OVER. ; ^ . «uV .ApprpVffl. Frtsh MIfk glv# you VfOW! THAT BAND uaaaajJ •orro,FORT>ii / notnuncimga tory trained mechanics, to your utmost UjJ I'LL SAY. r NEVER ...SO MUCH FOR t h e ! NATURALLY. 1 V yOUUIBIHTMB S,GP0D OF MANKh/GOilD WMBSSKIN SURE CAW *.;|ih0t#lM,. minGrol* ■ and Vitamin* In satisfaction. We have just started' a d a n c e d SO FAST sentimental s id e o f m u s ic . know-b e tt e r ', i T 0 H W » » n OHTRHRTIUBS', • You’re looking fpr a big I SWIKJG IT/ IN M Y u f=e ; edditipn to'thG tnGrgy tyy^ supply. ^ NOW FOR A JUMP TUN*/ Hfflps koop your pick-up and delivery service and if neces­ capable, roomy car with -.''^onnG'Ctlcuf ■ Approvad Ffa^ . Milk .Ty burnor cloon of it sary, we Will provide you with a loan car, an economical but capable whan your new guto is in for inspections, . engine. In your doily dieVFill halp you OG ■ - hoatt your homo I' ' .alGiJ, clGor Gyad, end'feGl. in par* Moriarty Bros, has been in business at l)1 RT-98 is the most compistely the same location for over 25 years and v^tM ’p h ^ ieo l cpndition, Dfirik-thi^G I agaetivs tusJ oil additive in use We will be happy to serve you. Won't smu DIMENSIONS i ' 'd^ieipus C^pnacTkid' ' t o ^ . This helps your oil bumsr deliver more dean, tie- ((• stop by and^see our aaleclion of new WhoelbMe ' 1126 in. to 138 In. Appn^yadf^jFrish ^IMc pvafy day, ’ peodsble beat. You get pre­ cars and safe buy used autos. . for o'^odth.Av i 'and ifG how mium earvioe. too. All designed Overall length ’ 1 217S in. to 293.8 in. to make home beating easy. J--I1 'M 2 : much Latter you will faail ’^ n k You Overall wMth rBO.7 in. IHE STORY OF MARIHA WAYNE. JEFF COBB I BY PETE HOFFMAN By W11*S0N SCRUGGS i 68.7 in. to 67a in. I GAVE i r HE HAD IT JUST ______.BUTOONTUeAVB/ C a tfJ a y h r Overall height WHVL BKAUSC YOU ABE BEAUTIFUL L JiaMCTDTHAMIC U'VM ., THE ONU PRINT BEFORE HEWAS QUITE A OUR"Qf------DIDVDU AMOTtlOCFDRE OBCNOOn^ TrEutemleatone Mm«-0-Matlie. Multi-Drive 'MDO FOR 1CUIM6 MEICCICTAIN THE NOISE OUTSIDE JOFTHAT^ MURDERED/.. AND ) COINaOENC:E' MIGHT Mobilhaaf a7!!^a II ' '■-* BUYAW ANDAWOMiW,AIJ0THBBEfi(*E ABOUTJia. AteR3U5URg \0FIXM R. I HASSTOPiPH), , 7T0 ALE)(RANPAL| NOW.. r > tHSSSl SHF wonY beamvtrouiu1 J nariu«/I MISS BILLINGS/... ^ ---- ABOUT THIS LETHAL WE QIVE OONTINBNTAL LINCOLN BIERCfURT ENOLMH FORD USB LIKENESS « YOU-. GREEN $TAMPS For fijcfriji Enarg/ . i , DklNK AT LEAST MORIARTY 301 CRNTOtST. MORIARTY

' 3 t 0 - .LASSES 'V Brothers ■■t/r ' Connacticut Approvad Over 70 Netfi-Cert in Stofk tp 301-315 CoEttr S tr ^ FRBH EAgrkANK TRIM 'L DAY ' Ml 3-513$ ‘i'VR % ‘ 1 • it *

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1969 MANCHESTER EV'ENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY. MAY 12, 1959 ^AOl - ...... ' "■ • — '■■ —’ ^-- - ■ - ' Ictdry in Succession Cichon Fires 69 to Pace Pro-Amateur F4 New Ellington Choice of’Two ' [ Sport Schedule llUConns Roll Up 14th Straight Win Injuns Top Maloney, 17-4 For Till> Fifshl American League Pro C o llects Today Hartford UniverkUy and Bprlng-AHarttord won 8-1. cam* in the ArstAwhlle Mda MOrbardt ddl)aztad Yesterday’# Reaulta Post Office, va. Flnait 135, 6;15 field College were the vlCtora In Inning and waa unearned three hits to pace the 12-Mt at­ New York, May 12 (iW—fnight. grtUng past W*shlngton 7-fthre# homers u Washington lost New York, May 12 l.»i— If -Chartar Oak'. the only college naaebail played tfi Hartford'* Boh Marianeua hit tack. Tha win was tfta lIUi lit 17 By PAT BOLDUC The iocaU concluded their scor­ Scheduled,.'' 2 with lata relief help from Loes, lU fcnirth straight and slipped into Seven Birdies you want to aee Uia Floyd Pat­ avitan V*. Corigos, 6:15—Mt. Cenneciicut yealerday. L o a a r a five itralght single*. For New: game*. ing spree with a.lone marker Ui the W. iZ p c t. GiB. The Bill Four of Baltimore’s a fourth place tie with Boston at terson - Ingoeaar Johaasoon Neho. N«»xoprtr to CCIL baseball pitching staff may be the who put away hla fourth save. It were the New Haven Teachlra and Haven, Bill MarlonI produced a j varfMe,.Maloney High School fifth and four runs In the'eighth. Cleveland ... 15 , / 9 .626 waa the only game scheduled in .500. A tw'o-run homer by Gena heavyweight Mtte fight June tS High track al East Hartford, 3. til* University of Bridgeport. On duible an^ two single*; *^thrse of the thUies riding home on Chicago . . , , 11 .560 wrong four, but they’ve been Woodllng, h|s flrat, and Gus Tri­ Yesterday’s opening Pro- you have two chotoe*: Wedenaday, Ms.v 18 Spiiivgflrid topped Bridgeport; Scholafitie BtfiebiU c t Mmden learned the hard the American League hnd .edged Ui* road: Connecticut whlpfied Smith’s deep blast to rlghtCield and Baltimore .. 12 J156 1*4 getting the job done for Oie the third place Orioles within .004 andos’ seventh chased Ramoq in a Amateur Golf Tournament at 1. Go to Yankee Stadium, MeihOdUt va.. St. Mary's, 8;1 5 - American International, 8-3: by coming from behind. Trailing! Wethersfield 3. Conard 2 (Id). ?•*>■ .waterday afternoon that another on pinch-hitter Jim Ma- Waahington. i ..U 14 .500 3 surprisingly persistent Oriol#s percentage points of the second- three-run fourth. the Manchester Country Club i. Go to one of the some Mt. rbfebo. Although Ed Kaftanowlcz of 3>r going into the ninth, the vial-1 HSU 3. Briatoi 1. it doesn’t pay to boat defend­ cauley’s dipibts to centerfield. Boston . .yC. ...12 12 .800 3 In the American League' pennant place (Chicago White Sox.. Both The Birds got three more runs waa featured by ^ o profes- t(M 'theaters which will bs telc- ,-WaImits v». Nike, 6:15 Robert­ Hartford let the New Haven tor* made their last ciianre count' Manchaater 17, MiUonay d. ing Champion Manchester. Maloney settled ^ r a pair of Nsw YojfK ...11 13 .458 4 race. trail flrat place aeveland by l*j in the fifth, on«ton Bob Nleman’s sionala who have iwently %1slng ths fight llva from the son. Teachers have eight bite,, he by acOrind four vital rims. j Platt «, Windham 4. KansajKClty ...11 14 .440 Bill'e vs. Green Manor, *;50 ■ Spread them around. The only New Ken aillum , sml Bill Stevens! NSW Britain 8, Hlimoiua 1 Coach Tom KeUay'a heavy-hJtUn* runs in the second frame and singis ♦ *4 Before the season started. Man­ garnet. fourth homer—the flrat off Waah­ been named to new posts— ringside. Detroit ---- ... 9 16 .360 * * * Robertson. Haven run in the game, which each homered for the UConn* 1 Chehey 13, Crdmweii ll, Indians more than gained revenge tallies in the thlrif, sixth, sevsnth ager Paul , Richards Tapped Jack ington relief ace Dick Hyde in al­ Wally achon of EUfnffton Ridge 'There will be *io home tels- for a pre\1otw 7-2 setback a and ninth innings. The losers com­ ORIOLES 7, SENATORS 3 — most a year. The submarine-bailer vislon. Promoter BUI RessN- /C leveland at New York. S p,m. Harshman. Amie Portocarrero, snd Bud Cordoro, of Old Lyme. wheqn>^C ronqne^- of their mitted six miscues and five of the, Billy O'Dell and Milt Pappas as Pappas, who waa 0-1 against the hadn’t been tagged for a home nia Beautiful weather greeted th# tohn made this announdement Bllrer City itvaJs In a t\Vo-Jjour 10 walks given up by the MeriiM —McLish (4-01 va. Dttmar (1-1). Senatora in Ms two-seaaon career, since Kansas City's Joe Demaestri player* with the temperafur*' In yesterday in revealing he had Chicago St Boston, 8:15 p.m.— hia big four, So far, only Pappas and 5S-minute marathon at Ijegloq. pitchers resulted In Silk ’i^efWn (4-0) has made it, joining up with gave up only four hits in his 6 2-3 hit one May 20, 1958. Fact ia, the high-70s. sold riesed circuit TV rights rark. markere. / Donovan (1-1) vs. Oelock (3-11. innings while beating the Nats a Hyde has allowed only five homers for the fight to Teleprompter Kansas City at Baltimore, 8:06 Hoyt WUhelm (4-0), J e rt/W a lk ­ Ciehon Carded a brilliant one Tl^e Mi-lnners, who have won erv­ Actually 12 of Manchester's er (2-0) and Billy Loes-12-1). the second time this year, . Loes, whose in hla 227 innings in the majors— und(|>P'bsr 33-36-69 on the strength Corp. for a minimum of 8800,- p.m.—Carver (3-1) vs. Walker (2- April trade to Washington was and Nieman’s waa the first by ,an 000. en atratght times since aufferlng runs were eamsd and four of Ma­ Oi. reliever the Birds tried to get rid pf fhssterful putUfig which netted the oiUy defeat on a record which loney’s tallies were gained in the of, but couldn’t. . voided because of arm trouble, Oriole. him seven birdie's. 'rhe,new Eillng. Ir\'lng Kahn, teleprompter now nambera eight wins, exploded Detroit at Washington, 8:05 then came In for 2',i frames of Triandos, who tieef Yogi Berra’s ton professional, who had shot a president,' said some 600,000 same manner. Th^‘> Icicals were p.m.—Lary (8-2) vs. Fischer (2- Those "Wrong Four” have sc- with a toUl of 15 hits, a season charged with only one boot in the, one-hit, shutout relief. Rookie Bob American League record for 'catch­ glittering 67 over the local lay seats Would be avaUable. If high. Kelley, who employed 20: 0 ). countett for 12 of the Orioles’ 15 Allison had' two of the Senators’ ers with 30 home runs last saaaon, fllled, this would break the rec­ long, drawn out contest which victories, While Harshman (0-6), out four years ago in the Nation­ players during the rout, began eub- didn’t sUrt until 3:50. Tomorrow's tOchediile hltf, smacking his sixth homer and has hit four of liis seven against al PGA qualifying round, teamed ord set In the Ray' Beblnson- atituUng as early as the sixth: Cleveland at New York, 2 p.m. Portocarrero (0-3J and O'Dell h - getting his second RBI w(th a Washington. And three of those with Bud WlUey, Ellington Ridge, Carnien Baslllo fight March 25, Inning after the locals had com-' '' Kelley hds nominated Eddie Cain Chicago at Boston, 2 p.m. 1) have been drapdffwlth nine of single. have come against • Ramos, 'fri- to capture low net honora, the 1958 when nearly 400,000 fani g o o d /%^e a r piled a safe 13-3 margin. The to facf Bristol In Thursday s 3;l5 Kansas City at Baltimore, 8:05 Baltimore’s 12 defeats, Pete Ram(>a, who won his first andos hammered seven against duo posting a 63. paid 81.400,000 to see the ac­ league-leading Indians pushed over . game at Muxey Field in the Bell p.m. Pappas won his fourth by-way three tl decisions, lost his fourth in Washington last season, with only l.a)w GrOes Winners tion on big screens In 174 thea­ at least one run in each of the Town. Detroit a t Washington, 8:05 of marking his 20th birthday a row, giyfhg up two of the Oriolep’ one off RamOs. , Cordure paired with Avon's ters. first five innings, routing a pair of Mas’ehesUr (11)' p.m. , : Stan Matozak to garner low gross The radio, TV and motion h po a e rbl lo o n ey pitchers In the process. ; SylvMier, r( , I laurels, carding a 34-31-65. Fifteen picture rights will assure Pst- Colleefed Two Blngtes Marsh, cl .... „ , JlaMonid League proa competed in the event and temon a purse of at least $420,- GUARANTEES Sarlor. 3b ..,. 0 , , Yeeterda.v'j Reacito 000. The Swedish challenger Centerflelder Dick Cylveslerl Pedemenis, 3b each was paired with three l'2-2) senior Wes Feshler <2-5),| Horan, 3b .... 0 Milwaukee 8, Chicago i RHAM Chalks amateurs. will make at least $190,000, • Captain Dick Avery (2-4) andj iTOlte, r( ...... « los Angeles U. Philadelphia lo. Host pro Alex Hackney joined Smith, rt ...... j .San Francisco 14. Pittsburgh 4. flnl baseman Larry Lovett (2-3)1 Feshler. 3b ... with Silk Town amateurs Ted this safety team each «onected two bingles off a; (ai Macaujey h) Only games scheduled. Up Sixth Win Plodzik (36-33-69) and Stan Hilin- tires quartet of Meriden chiicke'rs. i < McNeil, p :... akl (36-33-69) to finish In a three- Cornell Ready Savltkae. p ... 0 .'-Milwaukee ...... !.■) 9 .<25 _ Faahler. who hit safely In hls| Malausky If way tie for seventh place for low fourth consecutive game, raised | Wojnarowlcs. If 1 toe Angeles .,..1 7 12 .58# ?' In Succession gross honors. Alex encoutnered a Ms batting average to .316, second Avery, c ...... 0 anclnnatl ...... 14 n .s#o m To Come Back will keep you Swenson, c ... 0 San Francisco .. 14 12' .538 2 little difficulty on the 421-yard only to Lovett’s .33 mark. lAiVett. lb ..... Hebron — 'Hoat RHAM IJigh sixth hole where he posted an Aik fiboot o«r Itssarve outfielder Darcy SrrilUi j TwaronjUn 1b . 2 ...... <*3 3ii eight. McGeban, ss '. b Philadelphia .... ii 14 .440 4U School overcame a^3-L deficit with Right on the ISose In Preakness idso contributed a tremendous) Salmond. ss ... „ Pittsburgh '..... 11 14 .440 411 a three-run rally in the aigth in­ Behind the lanky achon’S spar­ WRrrTEN GUARANTIK! baass cisartng tiiprs with two* Richard, p. 3b r-Sl. Louis 9 18 3.33 Tit This stock car racer, driven by Bertram Lord of Ber­ kling 60, other leading pros were on the GO! ning, fronted by three sliiglM and Bob (rioughen of Ridgewood and Baltimore, May 12 (Al—The early down in the eighth inning. Avery Totals ...... Today't Uamee wick, Maine, came out of an end-over-end crash at Beech chased home three teammates to 40 17 16 27 I 1 13 Dick Lord's double, to edge Elling­ Ed Kowaltki of Edge wood who odds-makers figure Trainer Reg­ MaUnty (tl - Milwaukee at Chicago, 8 p.m.— ton 4-3 yesterday afternoon. The Ridge Speedway to balance squarely on its nose. Lord run hli RBI toUl to 14 this jBui'dette (6.1) ve. Anderson (2-1), turned in similar 72s. gie Cornell has already mada good spring. . ab r h po e rbl victory was the sixth in succession came out of the incident unscratcheil to pose smilingly Low Gross Chsslar. is ...... 6 1 0 1 0 0 I anclnnatl at 8t. I.oul8 9 p.m— for the host club which has not on hia 1958 vow to Come back to Second baseman Brifce MaRoy Piislunp, lb. r( .. 6 1 10 Lawrence (8-11 vs. Blavl'ock tO-D. beside his upended racer. (AP Photofax) Bud Qordore, Old Lyme- Mofloy. 3b ...... 4 1 4 7 ■lost since bowing to aAs^ B StOh Maiczak, Avon . 84-31—65 u^as a hrllUaht performer in Ma- W.■ GumliowsM.“ ■ ■* f. ,.8 1 1 7 , Philadelphia at Log Angeles-^11 the Preaknesa ”aome day with a kme^a fourth defeat in eight Papandrea, p.. 3b p.m. Conley (1-0) vg. Koiifax Waterford in the season's opener.' Ed Kowalaki-Ekl Punin- ijeties horae.” McCoIloni. or .... Bill Harriman went alf the way -sky, Edgewood...... 38-61—67 atarts. The youthful sophomore (Herald Photo) Horoxy, lb ...... (0-01 or McDevitt (l-ll, THE Cornell, who made the promlae! banged out a single, double and Prtroike. If ...... Pittgburgh at San Francisco, 4:30 to gain the decision after recover­ Wally Cichon-Bud Willey, after his much publicized Silky! NYJLlDN LARRY L ovtrrr two titles (third and fourth of Mitswikl, rf. p ... p.m.—Law (2-1) vg, Antonelli (4-2), ing from a shaky start, Ellington Ellington Ridge ...... 32-36—67 O'Brien, p ...... Sullivan raif a ludicrous eighth in . the etasoo) in four trips to boost Despite being tagged for nine! Mike Mllewakl came on in relief Tomorrows Schedule scored ail of its rtms in the first George Ceffarau-Dr. Ted last year's big Pimlico raca, is Bamechl. p three frames. RHAM invades Lanezyk, Indian Hill. 36-32—68 his batting avsrage to a robust hits and five rtina in the seven with two oute in the opening W Olsrhrfikl ... Milwaukee at St. Louie, 9 p.m. Herald Angle back fdr Saturday’s edition vrith ..394. Centerflelder llleil McCoI-, D. Gumkowskt, p anclnnatl at Chicago. 8 p.m. Manchester tomorrow afternoon Ceffaratti-Emia Burgess, Innings that he worked, unbeaten! frame. The hard-throwing right- ______By Royal Orbit. V lorn, udw had a miserable day in' hander was bOIted for five solid | Touis ...... rt s 11 37 7 4 6 Pittsburgh at Loe Angelea, 11 for the first of Its two meeting* Indisn H ill...... 84-84—68 the outfield, banged out three Clyde Richard (5-01 encountered! p.m, with Cheney Tech. achon - Ted Bsntly, El­ Off his come-from-behtnd vic­ D o u b l a hits and five runs in the ,tWo and a—Doubled (of Feshler In 3th. tory in the Preakness Prap yeiler- aafeties. and along with Mollov little difficulty ih the 'face of his; ona-thlrd inninira (hat n.-nrlr>d ' b—Lined out (or Barnechl In 8th. Philadelphia at San 'Frgncisco, RHAM ...... 000 103 x—4-7-8 e a r l YOST lington Ridge ...... - 33-35—68 . accounted for seven of the loser> team's tremendous attack. 1 one in ira tnninga u iM o e worKea. | Manchester ...... 418 410 040i-17 4 :io p.m. Ellington ...... 012 000 0—3-6-2 Alsx Hackney-Ted Plod­ day, following up his fast flniah-1 , .J ' I After rau34iii|%adding caa sli tally 111in 1 Maloney 031 001 101- Sports Editor ing fourth in the Kentucky Derby l l hits off three Red and White C l^e moved over to third base, the second inning./he Silk Town-i 3b, Feshler. MMauley. Molloy: 3b Harriman and Dunnsck; Wood zik. Manchaater ...... 36-88—69 pitchers. / and Logan. Hackney - Stan Hllinaki, on May 2, Royal Otbit was tabbed with for the last two innings as Kelley I era exploded for'three, more runs MoUo.v^, Horoxy ;_8B^ Sylvesmx the probable third choice at 4-1 in gave youngelers Chris McNeill and, m the third on a walk, two wild HcGekan: SAC. Sartor. McGehan:. 8F. Secrets of Perpetual Youth Manchester ...... 36-33—69 OdL Standings, ' Mllewakl: OP, Sylvester to Sartor to Bob Kay-Chuck Burt, the first linS released by the track TOUthpaw Jerry Savitkas a chnnce.i pitches and singles by Lovett and Lovett; LOB. Manchester 1(1. Maloney [Maior League Ageless Satchel Paige, the Negro baseball pitcher who for the |lSO,000-added Preakness. , W . L Pet. to works woan inninguoiuiB apiece. !i Richard. ' Clyde extended hla hit- S'9: BB. Richard 1 McNeill 1 Savitkae Wampsneag ...... 35-34—89 Minchestcr 7. Papandrea 4. Mllewakl 7, O’Brien 3, Wild Mat Program proved that he could still fool majiy league batters even aftier Lmv Net As expected. Brookmeada’s ■oov, Veteranran Patsy Papandrea (1-1) - - -' : ting streak to five straig h t g a m e s. (iurakowski■ ■ 1' : SO,— RiRichard 9. Mllewakl L s O cI t I;—" All Steel-Cord ggj'Sword Daincer, second by a nose Hatt ....;. .75®!, opened agalnai the revenge-minded ’ wjth one single In six at bats. 2?!off. Richard 9 (of 6 he reached the age of 40, has six rules for staying young. The CYchpn-Willey ...... Wethersfield McNeil I for 0 runs Schedule Tonight es I to now-absent Tomy Lee in Ken- ■5711 Indians1 and was chased ______In the_ first; Single.s by Bill Malausky, Avery!™ " 'ssvitksilTfor“ -\mertcan l.«a)tue former Cleveland Indians moundsman, who toiled last season Cordore-Matezak ...... ’Windham ...... - ... . run In 1: PaM n- Kow*Itki-Puninsky oq 1 tucky, was figured as the likely •SOT inning after giving up four runss on and Sylvester, a walk, error, aacri-1 drea 1 (or 4 runs in 3-3: MllewskI 6 for Batting (Baaed on 60 or more at with Miami in the Interpational League, has revealed in ••• ■oOT four walks, two hit batsmen,, ((ndi firo «.-lia T-itoh * ™a» I" 3 1-3; O'Brien 3 (or 7 rune In In Hartford Ring Cdffaratti-Burgeaa ...... 67 2-1 choice, w.1th Christopher Chen- Hall ...... e n u itlc e wild pitch and F e sh le rsi^ M :. Barnechl I for 0 runs In 1-3: hats)—Kuenh, Detroit. .405; Fox, Kelly Tracs, distributed b.v Nichols-Manchester Tire, Inc., ery's First Landing, the third,Der­ Captiv^ir .500, a bases loaded single lo LOvett Harry Nctteioladf-Homer Oemard . . . . fourth double of the year were re- ■ D. Gumkowskt 0 for 0 runs tn 1: HBP, Chicago. .385: KaUne, Detroit, .359, the followingng secsecrets of his per-*— ^—■— ------:—^ ...... Wooldridge,, Avon . , by finisher, next at 3-1. .143! Twoo. o... Maloney helped sponsible for another four-run out-: ”T ' Maris, Kansas City, .337; Power, ,; Hartford—One of the wildest petual youth: • (1) Avoid fried Bristol .... the .Il k Town s c o r i n a I hnr.t in ths Vmirth Iwni..,. Mllewekf 2, O'Brien: W. Richard) L, Avery. Manchester High's fine Cichon-Baatly ...... •111 j the .Ullk .Towrn ecorin|:,'" I hur.atnur.st In in the fourthf o u rth Inning;Inning. ; Papandrea; PB. Gumkowskt. Oeveland and Runnels, Boston, tag team matches ever sUged here meats which angry up the blood. Followed by Manaaaa Mauler ' .330.' is due for repetition tonight when (2) Go very light on vices such as baseball catcher, has been accept­ (jeffacatti-Dr. Lenesyk .., Then came Royal Orbit, follow­ ------^---- ^"'--.1 ,r-'______- ______Don Chirtis and Mark Lewin tangle ed St Villanova. Danny Renn, Haclfney-Hiimskl ...... Safetyohield ed by Emil Dolce’s Manassa Maul­ I' Runs Killebrew, Washington, carrying on in society. TTie society Kay-Burt ...... '...... 24; Power, aeveland and Alllton, with the uproarious Graham ramble ain't restful. (3) If ypur shortstop v/ith the Indiana a year er,'6-ll Clairbome Farms' Dunce. Brothers at Foot Guard Hall. stomach disputes you, lie dowfu and ago, ia a freshman at Villanova Kowalski-Cliff Zerbe ..... 8-1: Eik.cam ^Stable’* Open View, •Rangers Outlast Ccomwell< Washington. 21; Jensen and Mal- this sMson . . . Myles McDoMSugh, Andy Bathgate zone, Boston an ^ Marta, Kansas They’re down for a possible three pacify ft with'cool thoughts.. (4) 10-1: King Ranch's Black Hills, if your Double Eagle its' .If I' a ty , 19, fails, with Anthony Bevins, the Ceep the juices flowing by- jan­ best known for his pitetog ex­ 15-1; Miss Patricia Jacobs' Our Runs Batted in-r-Cerv, Kan.4as Grahams’ valet who was carried gling aroimd gently as you move. ploits, has been elevated to the Meriden N e t m e n Dad. 20-1; Lester Robinson's Ma­ oqulppod with « Rukus Bats, Pitches Most Valuable a t y and Killebrew. Waahington, out on a stretcher last week, set to (5) Avoid running at Sil times, No. 1 spot—cteshvip—ih the Trin­ rauder, 20-1; Anthony Imbeal'a 23; Triandos. Baltimore, 22; Lem­ be back in the corner. It was Bev­ (6) Don’t look back. Something ity batting ortfer by Coaoh Dan Spank Manchester Rico 'Tesio, 20-1; Robert Lytle's ins who brought about confusion may be gaining on you; Jesse'e . , Major league baseball Sundown II, 20-1, and Cecil Msqh- Xaptivo-AIr Stool-Cord Player in NHL on, Washington, Maris, Kansas scouts Will be out In numbers a ty . 20. to the finish of last week’s match. Not a* fortunate'a* their achool- bach's Festival King, 30-1. Safety Shield goes fiat Cheney Tech to Win Hits —Fox, Chicago. 40; Kallne, For, cut and bleeding, knockeil out Wednesrsy afternoon at Storrs Two foT pue Ivhen UConn meets HUy Cross . . . mates on the bbaebali team the 'In yesterday'*' $5,000 PreakneSs Du s t y sch ttba ll l e a g u e Mont.-eai, iiay 12 (A>)—111* most Detroit, 37; Allison, Waahington, during the rowdiest first fall isver Manchester High School rac- Prep, Royal Orbit showed a re­ . Undefeated Don A8fllUs jQarage valuable play.r in the National BIT Taaby, Baltimore, Power, staged In a, mat bout here, he re­ Fish Story: I thought that I Spdrts Car Club of America will wo w ill... stage its. final major race event queteer* lost to Maloney for the markable similarity to Silky Sulli­ («-0) whipped ttd Nike 9-4 and Tall Bob Rukus pitched and batted Chenev Tech to a free- Hockey L~-agiie during the past aeveland. Maris, Kansas a ty and covered in tlMe to leap into the heard all the fish stdrieS that van with his tendency to dawdle there are but this new one hap­ of the ssason Sunday, May 24, at, second time this apring. 3-1 yes- unbeaten Q i ^ Manor (2-0) scoring 13-11 repeat victory over Ci-om'vYell High School yes­ season:; w-aa a man whole tekiri Bertoia. Waahington, ^3. ring during the third fall and with terday,;aftemoon in Meriden. The until the race was alraut half over. didn’t even make the post-aeason . Doubles---Williams, Kansas a ty , KILLEBREW CONNECTS-—This is the powerful swing the aid of a makeshift blackjack pened in my family. My sons, Thompeon Speedway in Thomp­ tftnmced Marines 15-4 in last terday afternoon in Cromwell. While going the route to gain son, Conn. victor* won two of the three ■in­ Then he also showed a notable dif-' l l s R oy fo r y o tn rood t«rvie« night’s kWinbill at Robertson playoffs. _ 9; Power and Strickland, aeve­ of Harmon Killebrew, Washington Senator third base- bowled over Curtis as he was pin­ Reed and DeaU) went fishing one ference by roaring- ahead in the credit for the victory in his hrst starting role, Rukus stroked aftemoon,Jast week after school. * e * gle* matches and one doubles PJuh. two singles and a triple in four at)^ He waa Andy Bathgate of the land. 8; Boyd, Baltimore. Fox, man and current American League home run leader ning Jerry Graham. That led to a ufatch. A aecond doublea match stretch for a half length vietpry Sant Hanison (home run and New York Rangers, who scored 40 Chicago and Siebern, New York, 7. beclouded decision rendered by a The boys were due home for dln- over Manassa Mauler and four y' 2s RtplocB th* thMd tri n o to o t bats and drove.home the t.ving and' Killebrew has blasted 10 homers and batted in 23 runs. nert«f 6:30. At 5:45 their places Off to Good Surt ’’waa not completed. •b«te) and ^tcher Jack O’Coln winning runs in the Rangers' four goals for. his team although he Triple a—Cerv and ' House. He was signed by Washington in 1954 for a |30,000 daaed referee and a "no contest” other Preaknesa ellgiblea. 'm e. skated with two damaged knees. Kansas aty. 3; Seven players tied ruling reversal by Athletic Com­ .at'the table were still vacant. Hotter than a firecracker during The foai wa* the seventh in nine WUN# and single) sparked the run rally in the seventh Inning bonus. This is his first season as a regular. (AP Photo- spring training at the Milwaukee matches for the Indians who travel Black Hllla was third, two ^ ^^ -3a Oiv* you full ollowBne* for ttn» DuPont . and ; The Silk Town southpaw, who He receives th Hart Trophy, aym- with 2. • , missioner'Dennis McMahon. Withh) acconds, both lads ar- X bol of the honor, and |l,000 in Home Runs—Killebrew,’ 'Wash­ fa.x) - Curtis and Leivin, Whose U.8.. riveid. Reed, age 13, cried out "I Braves’ baseball camp at way- to Bristol Thursday afternoon for lengths back, with the pace-set­ us*d tr*ad»w*ar if tir* 1$ O t ^ e Reddjek eqgKcollected two I lifted his Batting average to a " ^ ---- —...... - • ’; ■ croM, (Ja., Gene Johnson has a second meeting with the Rams. ting Marauder dropping to fourth. WnglM tor the vriiiftaa Missile- j laudable .462 (si.x hits In 13 trips), cash. ington, 10; Triandos, Baltimore, tag team championship belts are only caught one fish. A bullhead being held by McMahon p en d l^ .about 12 inches long. On the way started out in a like' fashion with Yesterday’s summaries: Ben Hatakin’s Master Palynch and dB itiogudl I* . " J "’alked five battcr.» and struck Bathgate was the one-sided Jensen, Boston, Colavito, ae v e ­ the aecond part of the King Ranch choice of the eports writere and land. Maris, Kansas a t y and Dodgers Winning hy One Run the outcome of this remalcli,'are home I saw the ice cream (ven­ the Braves’ farm (riuh at Eau Singles—Roland Petit (Mai) de­ ♦hSSI*, ? *uni In the first] out five. After giving up at* runs out to prove they deserved the de­ der) m'an iand I traded the fish for Claire, Wls., in the a a s s C North­ feated Jack Toomey (Man) 3-6, entry. Call The Witness, brought * « umingB, Green Manor coaated in the 'Dpcjilng inning, two njore broadcasters in the league who Lemon, Washington,. 7. up the rear and dropped out as vote 6n the award. On the basis of Stolen Bases—Aparicio, (Chi­ cision. Their spectgiiuTar double two ice creams." ern League. Johnson, Manchester’s 6-4, 11-9; Steve Thomas- (Man) DOUBLE EAGLE HAS BEEN “ “"’Ph ®V«r the Marines, In the second and still another tal- Only player in organized baseball upended Marc Levine (Mai) 6-8, possible Preakness starters. (M ). Howie August, Dick Krift- ly in the third. Rukus settled 11%'e for first place vote, three foC cago. . 7; Power, Cieveland, 6; "sleeper” holds gatiied them the Brother Dean, 12, verified the secoi . and one for third, he drew Smith and Landis, Chicago. KiUine, second fall after they had been dls- boast and had evidence to back up this season, bracked out a single 8-6, 6-4; Jere Smith (Mai) turned Backers of Manassa Mauler TURNPIKE-PROVED! 3 « and Jim Carey stroked two hits Oown over the last four frames, 133 points. Detroit and Mantte, New Ydrk, 4. eeze Bunt in qualifled for''their rowdyism dur­ the claim. The comer of his and double to help pace the Wis­ back Al Schwedel (Man) 4-6, 6-4, pointed'to the fact that the bar­ for u e winners while Wayne allowing Just two markers in the consin entry to a 7-3 opening 6- 8. m clm m , Ray Hall and Al Pietran- sixth. Second Went tq Gordie Howe of Pitching:—Wilhelm and Pappas, ing th«^ opening number. That was mouth was coated with chocolate. gain colt, claimed for $12,800 only Detroit. 60 points, and third to Baltimore' and 'McLish, Cleveland, a tMbg to see!! Curtis drew a • ♦ * game Win over Minot before 2,200 Doubles — Petit-jSmith' (Mai) last November, carried 120 pounds i “ if Sevvmth Inning beat Thomas-Toomey 4-6, 6-1, 6-0: Jean Beliveau of the champion 4-0, 1.000; Walker, Baltimore. Nails Down,Long Game chair on the m a t crowned the ref­ fans, tacidentally, there are two in the Prep, eight more than Tetted and proved on Nike * ^ '* ‘®| M®A«whiIe,histeamma:ies.,com- Montreal Canadiens, S®. . Terry Baumann. Boston, Larsen. New eree, Eddie Graham, Bevins, and Perfect Golfer « other Johnson’s with Eau .aalre, Levine-iBud Plotica (Mai) won Royal Orbit. They’ll all lug 128 in aCoin'aiid 4M-4-6! bmed eight hits and 10 walks to Sawchuck of Detroit wassfourth York, and Fischer and Griggs, (InaUy actually crowned Jerry Who is the perfect golfer'? As George who clouted two homers in the first set 6-3 but Schwedel-Nell the Preakness, which will be y' BLUE CmCLE 'Goodyear’* 5-mile oval the host club with 34.’ Washington, 2-0.1.000. New York;. May 12 (/P)—Memo to baseball fans in Los An­ Grahdlm, who had a difficult time far as anyone knows, such a speci­ the lid-lifter and Tippy who col­ Gottfried (Man) copped the second worth about $191,000 if the 12 track at San Angelo, . luer and C^ady. ■with four runs in the top of the Strikeouts—Wynn. Chicago, 43; wrestling the chair snuggled men'has not been bom yet. How­ lected a triple and a single. Thus, set 6-4 in th# uncompleted match. probables start. Bathgate played with a allvor geles: Your Dodgers are now back to normal-coming from • ■' ; O F B A F E T V Texai, where auitained nmnn If...... seventh, highlighted bv Rukus' plate in hii left knee and a steel Score, aeveland and Bunning, De­ around his neck. ever, one of the most popular past- the Johnsons collected six of Eau k ‘S S ft a n g e r s brace on hia right. Nevtrtheleas troit. 36: Wilhelm. Baltimore, 34; behind, booting the other club ahead, then scrambling ff'oni’ The semi-final has The Shlek and times of golfers, both amateurs aaire’a 10 hita... Appearing iri This meant year Double Eagle can Be fitted . high tpeedi can be -CamnlMll' ‘ n * t^4-10-3 erupted fOr six big runs in ■ the he scored 40 goals and had 48 aa- Terry, Kansas a t y , 33. behind again only to lose the lead before winning an 11-10 Princess Salina pitted, against and pros, is to select the perfect the same league with the Aber­ Mith the Captive-Air Steel-Cdrd SAFETY attained. ■CMnpbeU and B. AugustiN^Os- fourth inning after pushing across sieU for .88 pcints. He waa third ball, gajiie on a aqueeze bunt in the^ ...... Amok} Skaaland in a match slated golfer; Ihe )>erfect golfer is ari deen entry Is New Britain’s Steve -Finsterwald’s Golf.. .No. 20- SHIELD, the “inner spare” that fully supports good and BnUnard. ; A lone tally in the second. ninth. And all in a little more th&n in the indlveduii scoring race. Nationsl LeAgue for a possible three falls. "Red” rmaginary being wtio is a com­ (Wild Man) Dalkowaki. The left- your car afur a puncture or blowout. After picking iip two more runs The Rai.ger right nlnger ia the Batting (baaed on 60 or more 3'i hours. Yep, these are Ui*. .^feese’s third hit of the season- Bastien and Karl Von Hess are posite of eight of golf’s most ta.- handed pltcheC, who' has been try- c h u b e h 'l e a q u e I in the top of the sixth Cheney at bata)7r-Aaroh; Milwaukee, .486; Dodgers. all Pinch homers. paired in' a special match. The Jng to master his control, struck Anotent 16-hlt attack, paced bv I second pla.ver in the last 18 years m<]|us nsmes and posaesacs the best Al Kemp and Roas Hahn Still trailed 11-9 going into the to win the. troj^.v while playing Burgess, Pittsburgh, .389: 'temple, ' That's exactly the way they beat The game took three hours, 38 Zebra Kid takes on Spaniard Al that'each of these eight pros has out 15, walked. 14 in winning 1.5-7 Fade Spells Accuracy three Wnalea’aDiepr'H.r.CrH’m TBe win was the third BOB RUKUN on a non-playoff team. The o‘tl>er Cincinnati. .359: Pftiaon, Cin­ Philadelphia in Los Angeles last 'minutes, just flva minutes shy of Torres. . \ to offer. in his,first mouhd start, Dalkow- YOURTRADEdNS MAKE THE DOWN PAYMENT! Rangers who . (Hersld Photo) was Goalie Al Rollins of the Chi­ cinnati and Bouchee, Philadelphia, night, staying within a half-game th# NL record for nine innings s«?t How does the following “perfect ski Is said to own the fasteet fast cago Blsck Hawka in 19S4. 356., ' y- of Milwaukee's NaUonal League by St. Louis and Chicago In 1954. golfer” stack up against yours? bsll in bsseball but lack of con­ Yesterday's contest lasted ■ :v By DOW FINSTERWALD . ( Pitcher L«nnv Seader ^11 allowed___ _ the Run8---Mathew8, Milwaukee, 28; leading Braves with that iJ-10 de­ S lu g g in g Zalazar Drlvar Off the Tee—Ben Hogan: trol has halted His climb to high­ MORf PIOFLI RtDi ON OO0DYIAR TIRif THAN ON ANY OTHIR KINDI meers Juat>four hita; thrCe hours and 10 minutes. Pinson, anoinnati;--23; Neal, Los cision. I t wasn’t neat, but it was GIANTS 14. PIRATES 4— T^ei-*.,* Fairway Woods—Jimmy Demaret; er classification competition. PGA auunpion - Temple Beth .208 061 0-I6-16-1 Tomorrow afternoon the- locals Atigelea, ,22; Temple, anclnnati the Dodgers’ .third, straight vic­ Giants, rolling up their Wgfiest I W | | i a V l f l H p r i v i n n Long Irons—Bammy Snead; Short ' Ben Hogan became great when host strong RHAM High School tn Families Still Battle Dodg ers and Aaron. Milwaukee. 21. '/ , tory, ail by one'run. run toUl of the season without I -T “ Irons—Ken Venturi; OiippingT^- he develop^ the fade to cure the ------1110000- 3. 4-1 a 3 o'clock game at the West Side Dots and Dashes hook. ' .-r*^!**’* Roeenthal, siidog Runs Batted In—Robinson, Cin­ The Braves reUlned their lead benefit of « home run, were off and Johnny Revolta; Sand' Traps —- W); Stu Shurkus and Bteve^ur- Oval, The visitors have won , six cinnati, 31; Demeter. Lns An- the eaSy way, belUng the Oiicago Uinnlng with four unearned runs New York. May 12 ()P)--Vlctor aaude' Harmon; Putting—rBobby , Series of Friday night races' for ' Fading the ball, imparting a [ii'l KUA Lawrence (2)„ in A row After losing their opener, j Oil Sil6 of“ New Baseball Park gqlea 29; Banks. Chicago and C!hibs 8-1 in an afternoon game. in the fourth against Ipser Ben-! Salazar, the slugging Argentinean, Locke;' Temperament - - Julius sportsman and 'modified cars will alight laft-to-right trajectory, I GOODYEAR SDVICE STORE Cheney Terh (13) Mathews, Milwaukee, 27; Aaron, San Francisco's fourth place Giants nle Daniels (O-l), They got six, ^°Uo"'ed a pattern in his young Boros. , start Friday night at the Stafford have been able to place the Dunlop NICHOLS-MANCHESTER TIRE. r h po K BECSICATION leagcte M'«ndtUo. r. .... Milwaukee, 26. also breeted, Walloping Pittsburgh ih the sixth, with Bob Schmidt I boxing career. He either gets them Springs Fairgrounds a t '8:16. The which I play in position from 713 MAIN ST,~MI 9-5390 295 8ROAD 5 T .^ I 3-5179 . , Joe Burke’s .triple and Bob Mc­ Custer. Mi ...... Hits—Aaron, Milwaukee, 51; 14-4 last night In the only other socking his sscond two-run dou- ®ver with .quickly or he loses, card will be promoted by NASCAR where I may reach the green -with Kinney’s single In the last of the Parker, cf ...... Temple, ^nd Pinson, anclnnati. game acheduled in the NL. ble of the game. Jack Sanford ‘ night he had a new eXperl- Off the Guff .Manchester High’e one-two greater regularity. AcenmaEZo Ih kickcMl out of the family tent, sister's husband wss killed in the (5-2) w'as the wlnnyr, blanking *hce,'Me won a fight on decision—■ Btubby Johnny Risley, standout pitching punch, righthanders a.vde a^enth inning provided the Tele- Vaiciulii.'^rf ... n ; The Arechigas put up the tent Neal, Los Angeles and amoli, St. • * • • The fade ia started deliberately ^im s Co. with a hard-fought 7-6 Brnwii, 3b . . . . war, but .vou came in and tore Louis, 37. the Bucs on four hits until the •*** *?y means—when hs pltohar . with the UCXinns this Richard and Pat Mls^tta, rate to the left and comes back on the Ruku.‘4.r p ...... J ;aft(>r being • evicted bodily from down these houaei." DODGRRg IT, PHILLIES 10-^ seventh, when Ted KluMewskl * unanimous verdict from spring, helped Manchester’s Mori- with any schoolboy twosome in ' HOLLYWOOD SERVICE CENTER EHLER’S AMOCO STATION tri^ph over First National last Chaves. If two house.s thejr ^occupied in Doublea—amoli. St- Lo))ls, 12; Norm Larker put down the bunt target, ft is a controlled shot which night at Charter Oak Park. Irv Sullivan. 2b Booed each Ume she tried to Temple; Cincinnati and Burgess, doubled and Bob Skinner hmnered. J'hbh^h’juuiiddleweight chfcmplon. arty’s win the F • rmlngtou Valley ctate scholastic baseball circles.. has minimum-rqll.and thus places 342 E. CENTER ST.->-MI 9-8187 128 E. CENTER 5 T .^ I 3.14774 01 Chavez Rav)ne, being cleared for that brought in the winner for the Klu’s second double Counted . an- Wllfle Greaves, at 8f. Nlcliolaa League championship last aum- Moe Morharilt is still rapping the Foster's three-run homer got the s 12-million dollar Los Angeles apeak. Mrs. Wyman left the cham­ Pittsburgh, 11; Aaron, Milwaukee, Dodgers. Don Demeter had opened emphasis on accuracy. v l e ^ off to a 3-0 lead in the first ...... 44 13 3 21 3 .3 4 ber vUibJy upset. She has been 10; .Cepeda, San Francisco, 9. other In the eighth, and Dick Stu­ Arens. He weighed 160<4, (jreavea , met. Rlslej, formerly of Coventry baseball at ia fast clip, getting It is not to be confused with the rrnmwril (II)' Dodger ballpark and recreation the ninth with a.double agalhat los­ art hit a plnch-hoiner in the ninth. 163. ' IM.' Mmueal. 37,200'Will be dirtrlbuted to female o.f 16 per oeiit over a yotf; Tha ilgniflcBncej This the opinion of or a amall outboard motor, a buUi Daytona Beach, Fla. (NEA) —< these the 23 homers he hit In the Skinnefi'iPirates (3) ' WAA iwndly booed by the vocal Hartford University 8, Nawv Ha­ Dick Farrell, Out winning reliever 329 E v C E N tlR S T .-w M I 9-1 270H iU tti|^D R|. Ah* JmsMUiM, p t- Boichee. Phillies (8)’ , - ‘ profeasjonal geiifera. Top prise is ven Teachers L Woman’s' ■ InteimstloiMluiBowllng the MarcuTy outbriiard company bead la an instructor in th* ways Naaegr drivara roca for $1,281,968 six' remaining National League 300, Art Fowlsr (2-2) gave up a tying Congrssa has 1,006,500 .Riimpat, which claims tq have ah abundance of nature and perhapa a proving In prise money during the present . rrssse, FhlUisa (8) 31'.800, The ^ampionthip will be I Connflcti«ut.[t, American inter- home run by pinch-hitter Qehe **T®^**** Woods, 145, parks in 1X966 and you gat a total OouneUwoman' RpeaUndrWymaii,l a 73-ho)e evwt. i(Batlonal I. '( ahflSit 17 per eent mere t t ^ a fimt, 96'botb in thalr Wlscorisla back- groujid for manhood. t ^ olason. ' « ■ ef 46. ! » F t h m ta Um \ alghth. It wait ago. ■ ■ •' ’b '■ I -■ ■ ■ f 'T - ‘ ' - ■■ ■ :■! It ■ V- » ■ t ( i :(ANCHE8TER EVENINO h er a ld . MANCHESTER, conn., TUESDAY. MAY 12. 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1952 FAGS rUERE OUCHTA BE A; LAW BY PA&ALY ind SH O iri^ Artidw For BaIa 46 Housshold Gadds 51 BuMam Scrrtecs Offered 18 Wuitad—To Bay 58 Business Locations Hooset for Sale 72 Houaea for'Rale 7* Houaea for Sale 72 Legal Notica njBcrnuLUX owmcKA- pnmpt RUMMAOl). SALE — May 14, 10 JUST ARRIVED FROM .for Rent -6 4 [00 m m : fM «TTM» MUCH ] r WAN1ED,T0BUY AT A UOUllT o r, PllOaATB. h*(6 «|rvic« Ml jrour ■Seetro' JJIPtf* y u n vacuuM a.m.-l3 noon. Artlclaa 1.0c. St. S3 STRICKLAND St.-Vacant. Very MANCHESTER—Six finished room at Jlanohjjter. within ana tor Formal Hearing Lack" Seen «NO0T JPOl“‘ lHg(WVfIMU«TOO<, [iTktAOMouM'nay SIMMONS ■ Good uaen resaiabie furniture, desirable location. 0 rouma and Cape. A Boat, Needs a bit of paint CLASSIFIED lin (R) ctoantt. Pick up uu] IM Ar ONA tOHOH-TMHMO . CLtsNiiLgacKicrgMC Maurice Church, Hebrco Rd., STORE IN Odd Fellows Building at District of Mancheiter, on the nth day New sofa beds andTnettrewee at tlao anaan oprigM and aptael the Canter, also suitable (or office. large attic, garage. New ol' heat­ HILLSIDB MANOR. Vembo - insida and out but asking only of Mfty 1869 Urerp. OiD |0«etrolux autlM>rlB«<) «UNR»f wa/fiogtiir- VKI 0 0 0 0 ^ ,lOU Bolton Center. Present, Hon. John J. Wallelt Judit, u laa aau Mrvtee.'Ml A dm or JA rHHOwfaiScTlOH? tremendous aavlrig*- Approximately 1100 square feet. ing system, new copper piping, Choose your own high wooded lot. $6,900. P. V. Tongren, Bix&sr. l o Reason for Upholding Appeal newly painted outside. WUllng to For your new Ranch, Split or 8-6821. Usute of Joseph^H. Trotter late ot MlM. PtMM ark tor Aufurtii.r , tnojm x* oo«T' WATKINS y Watkins Used Fufniliirt Inquire Harry F. Sweet. Phone 60 Manchester. In said District decessto. ADVERTISING Ksaitanrlrt. . w.cooloyou CHILD'S. LARGE sisa spring 8-7887i or C. 8. Roberts' Jr., Ml talk price. CaU 60 1-7700. lontal. R F, Dlmock Co., Realtor, V- Tbs szectttor having exhibited his i Failuto to hold a formal public horse, Uk4 new, $18. Ml M189. - Exchaage 3-8281. ' 60 9-6245, or Barbara Woods. >0 admInIstraUon account wtth said sa­ Columbia , LIHDMfSOUR USED FURNTTORE TODAY’S BUY u te to this Court (or ailowance. It Is hearing on propoaad rovliiona to TV ANTENNAS rapalrsd and in­ MlKMAgTlMI EXCHANGE 15 Oak Street VERNON—4 room house. Modem 9-7702, Retort Murdock. 60 8-8472- ORDBHED; That ths 3rd day of Ct,AaKlOTIgn ADVERTISEMKNI DEPT. HOURS stalled. Call Modem TV Ssnrloe. THREE WCXlDlMf comMnatleo kitchen, central hot air heat. $16,900 Juae. 1189, at ten o’clock, forenoon, at tha aubdlvtalon ragulatlona befora 8:15 AJf. to 4:30 P.M. Ml S-n88. doors. Good condition. Sise tfi^OakBti^t SuburlHUi for Rent 66 $8,600, Phllbrick Agency, 60 VI the hrobale ortlce in ^ the MunlclpaJ they' were adopted was aolaly rt- Babe Ruth Teams 81HX81H. CiU after 6. MI 9-8483. 9-8464, Modfrh alx room Oetonlal. Lirge Building In aald Manchtsttr, be and Open ' Thurwiay evmlngB until $ Rooms Without Board 59 ths same is assigned fdr a hearing on •ponaible for a Court of Common Closed Mondaya GILEAD—5 room flat, modem eeo- 6IANCHESTER Exceptionally living room, flrsplace, dtittng the allowanct of aald admlnlstrMon Schedule Opener COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. MORTEN8BN TV. SpaolallMd RCA USED UNIT gas heaUr M.F.D. veniencea, 376 monthly. Refer­ BRAND NEW ranch. Here’s an nice 7 room CdonlaU Spacious liv­ room, kitdhen. Three pleasant to(T account with aald estate and this Court Pleas decition yeaterday In uphold­ MOWPAT Tkrm nUPA¥ lOHe AJI.—•ATUBDAT t AJI. Suspends from ceiling, three years 1150 square foot home In Jean- tolsvlalaa, aarvlea. Ml 9-4M1. MOVING — 40" Croaley dalnxe rUBNlSHKD room, one minute ences. Willlmantlc AC 8-9075. ing room, dining room and !:ltchen. rooms genereus cloaet apace, ga­ direcu that notica o f. the time and ing a local contractor’s appeal. T M u tt old. Excellent condition. Otitput walk from ICaln St. ILight house oheater Green that gives vou a place assigned for eaM hearing be The Babe Ruth League of the Co» TkukiXS 83,000 BTU per hour. Coet $460, stove. Whirlpool li^ e ria l dryer, 8 large bedrooms and separate rage. Quiet neighborhood, given to air------persons ------known, “to bo inter- li Judge Vine Parmelee, who yoa* lumbia Racraation OnmcU’a baoe> PLEASE READ YOUR AD FLOOR SANDING and roftnistitng. Maytag Ironer, FOrmloa and keeping. Woman only.y. 60 9 T9N. large kitchen, $ nice bedrooms den. 1-car attached garage. Large estsd therein to ‘ appear------—■■ and be heard Specialising in old floors. Ml ■ tOUff LSU04 asking $280/ MI 9-0474. ' Summer Homes for Rent 67 ftdih a lavatory off Om m..4ttr thereon by publishing - a copy o( thia torday ruled that the revieed regu- ball program, opens its season Me­ ar *Waat Adk” aie takee' orar tka pfcaaa aa a eoe- MU9fC0M,U\ Mtsaewstosr chrome table, four cluUni, Hke ROOM FOlt -gentlemen or couple, room. A flreplaca and large how acreened porch. 1% acre lot with H. B GRADY. Broker order In some newspaper having a latlona-adopted last October were morial Day with a double header oa tha adrartlaar akooM raM kia ad tka FIltST DAY IT new. 611 9-5800, • with private entrance, kitchen ROOM water front cottaga. window m the living room and a beautiful grounds. $28,800. The circulation In said District, st tsast "illegal, void and had ho effect," the Firemen’s Field. The Cardinals SAUS-Apex automatic wash- live days before ths day ot aald hear­ APPBASS m i RKOBT BKBUBS Id tkna (or tka aazt laaar> LAWN MOWERS shaxpsii^ FOR SALE—Electric stove, full ' privilegea, free parking. Inquire Ooventty, by week or month. (JaU rear porch that can be endoaed R. F. Dimoek Co., 60 94i2t8 or MI 3-8009 ing, and by mailing on or btfore May advised Atty. John D. LaBelte, rep­ will to matched agalnat the White Maa. Tka BacaU la raapoaaiMa tar oelp ONE iaeorrac* or ooilttod paired. Ail work guaranteed Free ir. Call MI 9-8863. sise $35, and 17" four cycle rotwy at 167 Maple St. 60 341861 or PI 2-8666. tor another room. Full ceramic Robert D Murdock, 60 S-6472 or 12, 195ft. by registered mall, a copy Of resenting Alexander Jarvis, and Box and the Yankees, the Red pick-up and delivery. We _ also i( c ia H 9 o e Barbara Woods, 60 9-7702. this order to Drumcre* Parish Church, iHertiMi (or aap adrarttawnnit aad tkaa oalp to tka oxteet at a mower, $26. MI 9-0431.' bath with colorad fixtures,'oil hot Portadown, Co. Armaugh. No. Irsland: TPown Counsel Philip Bayer, de­ Legs. - iik n c o ^ «■..•*«— Brroto arldek do aot leoaaa tka rahia o( sharpen axes, selsiora. chisels, v in o CAN’T OOZY FRONT^edroom, new mod­ CAPE <30D, Dehnlaport^Home for water heat, atteteked garage. Near Lota for Sale 73 fending the Town, Board of Di­ planer blades and knlvea Bruno G B VACUUM CLEANER, Used em ■,fUmlti»rC> Tile bath shower. rent. All conveniences, fireplace, 81. Mary'a Episcopal Church, o/o Uons Club memtora are prepar­ tka adwttaMBaat arm aot bo oarroctod bp “asake gaod~ laiartloB. HIT Mis twice, $30. MI 9-1797. WATKINS’ W Efil^DAY bus, school and stotoa. Price Herberi A. Phelan. Jr., Atty., 58 6;a8t rectors and Town Planning Com- ing tha field for that date. Moake. Ml 1-0771. psivew AV 1 r^ g e ra to r, free parking. 60 all finished off inside. Off season $16,990. McCarthy Entdrorisea, A ZONE 80x100 ft. lot. All utilities, Center'gl., Manchester. Conn.; Dolores S-7il6. rates. 60 8-0103. EAST HARTFORD- New Cape, M. ■'Trotier. c/o John R. Mrosek. Atty., mission, that the decision was Team aaslgnmenta includei CONNIE'S TV and Radio Service, WrTMQUT . 18" POWER REEL type lawn WONDER VALUES Inc., Manchester. Robert 'V A r vary central location. T. J. 923 Main St-, Manchester. Conh. based only on the fact that there White Sox: Georn V. Johnson. new, 60 4-0988 or 60 S-W76. overaized. PHA mJiiimum down, OiCkatt. 60 8-1577.‘ JOBn j . WALLETT. Judge. D ial M l 3-2711 available all hours. Satisfaction PlOUGlliNfr mower. Clinton motor. Call MI FURNftHED ROOMS to rent, free GIANT'S NECK Heights, next to $14,960, R. F. Dlmtok Co., Realtor, was ■''lack of B formal public Leslie Lewis, Gene Levesque, UPH AL9 i j 9-0730 at 8. On Sale 6 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., guaranteed. Call MI g-m s 10 parking. Call Ml 9-0826 between Rocky Neck, 4 room modem cot­ NEW 6 ROOMS, breezeway. double MI 9.5245, or Robert Mutootk. Ml 8T—Bop'a rareratblo gray and 1963 FORD hardtop. Automatic 8ebulp»^Ml 9-8919. tool and equipment rentals. Sales JUNE 27-JULY 18 CtotUce at miles. Carlton W. Hutchins, 60 XI the regulations were not answored rad atrlpa Jacket on Bowera Sdiool transraiasion, radio and heater. Chaim: (8) Turquoise, (1) rad tex­ hot water, parking. Lady or gen 9-5132. Judge. V Moriarty, Robert Slate and James and Service. Open evenings and tleman. Ml 9-7139. 69 Birch St. Chatham, Capo Cod. Moderate EAST HARTFORD-New ranch, Kelale of Henry iUbrrI Bpinki lata the judge said, since this ruling ap­ playground, Saturday. X I A-7SM. Will finance. $360. Call CH 6A410. HAROLD INSONS Rubbish Remov­ week-ends. A-P Equipment, 945 tured covem, $14.60. of Coventry, In eaid Diairtcl. dece'aecd. plies to the regulations as a Purvis. George W. Johnson and rates. 60 8-5871. MANCHESTER—Six room ranch, Exceptionallv large rooms. Com­ COVENTRY-Larga lot for ■ale. The Adminiatratrix having exhibited Frederick M%cht are coaches. al—Paper arid aahea Call Ml Center St. MI 9-3062, Reg. 3136.60 Habitant Pina table ROOM ’ Wirri kitchm privileges. 3 bedroom, 1,186 square feet of plete, $15,900, R. F. Dlmock Co., Call 60 9-6784. her admlntetraUon account with eald whole. 9-4034, aht;' coffee tables (3) step JaldaB. Ontfally ' located. Babies ac­ CXJVENTRY—Four room r -ttage, eatate to thIa Court for alldwauce. It la The regulations were adopted by . Yankees: David Cterd, Calvin POUND—Lady’a waldi on View 1967 HILLMAN Minx 4-door eedah. living area, basement. Price Realtor. 60 9-6245, or Robert Mur­ ORDERED: That the 15th day of Chowanec, Gary Tettelbach, Stan­ $1,100. Call CH 6-6410. TWO BLOND upright, lighted waU All 3 pieces, $75. cepted. Mrs. Dorsey, 14 Arch St. hot^ water, shower. 75 feet from $16,300. Owner. 60 9-6754 dock, 60 3-6472, Barbara Woods, 60 BUILDING LOTS for sale. 50x110 the Directors and TPC after anin- « t can MI »d016 after * p-m. FUNTAR, AMESTtS driveway cases with glass sliding doors. lake, July and August. Boat privi­ May. 1959. at 10 o'clock, forenoon, at ley Ctolab, Joe Jaawlnskl, George seal coating Average home drive­ Reg. $49.50 Contemporary End 9-7702. on Eaaex St. Best offer buys It. the Probate' Office In the Municipal formal public hearing waa held. No NOncaE IS HEREBY given that Tel. Ml 3-4097. Table; gray walnut, $9. ^ ' ROOM FOR RENT, privafh en­ leges. Call PI 2-7658. 420 Liake St . Building In aald Coventry be and the formal hearing, in which a written Peters, Russ Haddad, (Jary King, way $40. ^ o coats, machine trance. Gentleman preferred Near MANCHESTER eame la aaaignad for a hearing on the Richard HleWnt, Edward Mac- Paaa Book No E-1SS2, laaued by 1950 CHEVY, 2-door sedan, radio H)read. The beat coat so little- Roofing—-Sidins 16 U«lp Wanted—Fomale 35 Help Wanted— Male 36 Reg. $169.00 Wing Love Seat, two Terrific price cut, 5 room Cape . XVlIl " allowance or aald admtniatrailon aP- record is kept, was held before and beater, price $160. MI 9-1119. CJHeney 6Iillg' and bus line, Par’-- BOLTON LAKEl—For rent, water­ GREAT SWAMP Road, Glaston­ rounl with aald eatate and thia Court Dougall, Robert Monwarren, John The Savings Bank of Manchester Gives your driveway i lastiitoDOllUGHUN ROOFINO Company, REGISTERED NURSE, licensed PART-TIME Janitor work, prefer­ Boats and Accessories 46 foam cushions, box pleats, red ' Ing. 60 9-0596. front. 2 bedroom cottage. Avail­ (3 bedroom) porch with attached bury—128x296' with city water, the action was t^en. Atty. Charles has been lost and application has textured cover, $89. oversize garage, fenced in lot. 8 4>/i ROOM RANCH. lUte new, fire­ dIrecta that notice of the llmo and Crockett, to'wn counsel then, had James, Billy Gardner and Bob future. Tel. BU 9-e4M, E v e n in g s'^bm Aluminum siding, asphalt- practical nurse, part-time. Call MI ably a middle-aged couple. Office, able the month of June. Call 60 place, ceramic tile bath, amesite $2,600. 60 9-7819. place aaalrned for eald hearing he Hieklng. Thomaa Chowanec u been made to said bemk for pay­ 1963 VOLKSWAGEN aedan, $660. MI 8-4363.8-4382. r BOATS NOW In stock - Croalqr Reg. $859.00 Button-Back Sofa, ROOM FOR lady—Kitchen privi­ 9-9439. „ minute walk to Hartford bus Con­ given to all peraont known to he In- ruled that such a formaP hearing ment of the amount of deposit. BSbSstos roofing. Also alumbium, 9-2338. building, 66 E. Center St. ^ tm e venient to grade school and shop­ drive, attached garage. fuU price terealed Iharaln to appear and be coach. ■ 18 Jordt St. MI 8-8840. smvadlBed or copper gutters and ADams 6-1638, evenings JA S-866S. Fibergtu, Wolverine, Starcraft button arms, two foam euahlens, leges or board. Near bus and LOT 100 by 200, Route 81, In Coven­ heard thereon by mailing on or before was not necessary. - METRO APPLIANCE Service - HOUSEWIVES — Need extra and Cadillac Bvinrude motora, shopping. 60 9-8288. ring area. A real buy at $14,500. $11,900. R. F. Dimock Co.. ReOtor, try. Will aell for aasessment. CaU The Tciwn Charter does not spec­ Cardinals: James KoMaeon, DOST—Brown leather----- portable Repain on all makes of refHgera- readers. Ml S-T7()7. aqua textttred cover, $179. Minimum down payment to ap­ 60 9-5245, Robert Murdock, 60 May ISth,. 1959. by certified mall, a Tom Motchlsa, Scott Dimnack, radio, parking area of------Manchea money? Part-time work, party YOimO MAN aoipa mechanical new and used. Sales and service. Wanted to Rent 68 60 9-8500. ropy ot thia order (n Daley Kennefion ify that there ahsil be a notica and 1967 FORD dump truck. Call MI ton, freeien, washing machines, ROOFING SldlNO, palntlnx. Car­ plan. No collecting or delivaring^ ability, conscientious and reliable. McBride’s Sports Spot, 10ft Cdater Reg. 344.96 (4) Genuine Hitch­ PLEASANT LARGE heated room, proved buyer. 3-6472, or Barbara Woods, 60 Spinka, Stonehouae Rd., Coventry. formal hearing before eubdlvikion John Knapp, Tom Card, ftotort ter Memorial Hospital, April 30. dryen. range oU and gas burners. cock Chairs, rush seats. (3) maple, free paritlng. On bus line. 148 FOUR BEDROOM house in Man­ 9-7702. LARGE LOT in A zone. City water. Mildred Jonee, Coventry, Conn. Fletcher, Ruas Albair, Joseph Pl<^ Reward. Call Storrs, GA 9-221S. 8-6467. pentry. Alterations and additlans. Good commltsions aelling Celeste Apply in person, 10 Hilliard St., St. ELMORb TURKlriGTON. Judge. regulations are adopted. The de­ Ml 9-0883. All work guaranteed. Ceilings. Workmanship imaratt- Jewelry. 60 9-1944. Manchester. (1) Black, discontinued pattems, Center St. Call 60 3-5002. chester or suburbs. Call Sivell AD ALICE CLAMPET, Realtor City sower. Madeline Smith Real­ fendants in the court action there­ trowskl, Charles Fischer, Edward 1964 VOLKSWAGEN, , In excaUent teed. A. A. Dion, Inc Autumn BOAT FOR Sale — 10’ fiberglas $29.96. 3-0029. MI 9-4543 or XIX tor. MI 9-1842. UMITATION OBDEB A f^ u se r, William Pleas, Mieboal DOST—Boy’s glasses. vicinity condition. New Urea. Engine O'ver- TAMKIR TREE Removal— land coated, 3100. 68 So. Adams St>, ROOM OR ROOM and board in AT A COURT o r PROBATE. h»M fore contended it was not neces­ Church St.. East Center, Ooburh cleared, firewood cut. Insured. St. 60 8-4860. • Reg. $52.80 Wool Blend Braid private family for working man. Mr. Johnson, MI 3-7357 BOLTON CENTER RD.—6H -oom at Usnchrsier. within end (or th« sary to hold the formal hearing. M sl^. Peter Bartlett and Chris Al­ Rd. Reward. MI 9-8M3. hauled and radio. MI 4-0138. Situations Wantied-> Manchester. District of Manchrslcr, on the 8th day bair. Jerry Dunnack is coach. Can collect. MI 3-8743, Paul A. FOR ANY TYPE of roofing, siding Rugs, 9x12 ft., (3) red, (1) green, MI 3-4643. FIVE ROOM flat. Working mother, ranch, three yehra old lArge Wanted—Real Estate 77 of May. 1959. Judge Parmelee, however, aald Elliaon, Female 38 $29.95. high school daughter. BU 9-3289. FIVE FA60LY, cabinet kitchena, beautifully landscaped lot, IH Present. Hon. John J. Wsllett. Judge. there was "no merit to this conten­ Red LegSt Jack Pringle, John Or remodelihg call Manchester SECRETARY tile baths, copper plumbing. Ex- Card. Bin CMfdK6Ilchael Kokosika, 1951 8TUDEBAKER 0>mmandar, Roofing and Siding, Inc. Al> work Building Materials . 47 Reg, $98.00 knotty Pine Harvest FURNISHED light housekeeping bathe. $21,000. R. F. Dlmock f BUY -T SELL — TRADE Estate of Leon Michael Burowlec aka. tion." P e ra o m li 4-door. MI 4-0588. IRONING DONE in my home, also room with private porch including celent condition, net return on in­ 60 9-5245, Barbara Woods, Leon M. Surotviec. late of Mancheater Jainea Hennequlh, Michael Bluia, guaranteed. Free estimates. 60 dressmaking, alteratlona and Table, 6 foot, $55. vestment nearly 15%. Carlton W. Want to aell your property? In said District, deceased. Several times when the Planning DOOR CLOSERS and locks re­ 9-8988. LatEe local cMWem has open­ WEEKLY SAVINGS LIST refrigerator, gsa plate, lights and Houses for Sale 72 9-7702 or Robert Murdock, On motion of Mary Della Eera of Commission and the directors were Ronald BlMMn, Brikn Bloaon, Beto VACUUM CLEANERS repaired in paired Or replaced. Call Ml 9-9030. ing for an aotperianced aecra- mending. Tel. -MI 3-7320. Reg. $34.95 Dayatrom Serving gas. Suitable for couple,- Phone 60 Hutchins, 60 9-5132. ;,-6472. Greenwood, Inc., will buy for all aald Manchester administratrix. nta McIntosh, Jack Hodges, Nod! my own home shop. Fortv veara Wagon, black wood grain Day- SWEEPING VIEWS - Six room caah or work a trade. Oulek ORDERED: Thai six mnntha from studying the proposed revisions, 1963' CHEVROLET atation wagon, tary. Shorthand and typing are Passage Locks $1.65 ea. 3-6838. action assured. CaU and get our LisBelle had warned that if the Wehner, Lewis Kaplah, Bruce factory expeneneo. ^ makes, low clean. 88 Homaatead St. eaaenUal as Well as good Judg­ stromite top arid ahelf, $18. ranch, fireplace, heated recrea­ MANCHESTER—5 room Cape, new the 8th day of May. 1959 be and the Gardner and Donald VertofeuUle. rates, free estimates, free pickup LANDSCAPING — Clearing land, Roofing and Chimneys 16-A WILL CARE for children In my Diaappearing' Stairways $23.95 ea. tion room, steel beam conatruc Timken burner, city water and (XXI) deal, no obligation. tame are llrntted and allowed (or the regulations were adopted without ment and abUity to meet peo­ Knotty Pine Paneling 13MiC sq. ft. Reg. $89.50 (4) 9x13 Hand Hooked crrdltora within which' to bring In the formal hearing the matter John Pringle and Edward Merritt and delivery. Mk. Miller, JA MI 9-6393. ple. Write P. O. Box 3108, Hart­ home days. MI 9-9476. tion, attached garage, $17,850. sewers, oif bus line. A good buy COLONIAL Sevan room older. Ex­ GREENWOOD. INC. their claims against said estate, and M9M. Trailers ROOFING—Specialising repairing %’’ Birch Plywood 44c sq. ft. Ruga, wool blend, black bordered Apartments—Flats— at $10,000. Cieazynski - P e 1 b e r laid administratrix Is directed to give would be taken to court on the are coaches. 6-A roofs of all kinds. New roo», gut­ ford, Conn., staUng butlnesa ex­ 24" Royal No.^1 Shingles $18.95 sq. Extra building lot availkble only cellent condition. St. Jameg Pariah. ML 8-1577 REUPHOLSTERY, slip covers and florals, $39.95. Tenements 63 $1,000. Carlton W, Hutchins, 60 ^ en cy , MI 3-1409, MI 9-4291. R. F. Dlmock Co., Realtor, 60 fmbllc notice lo the ri'rditnrs lo bring grounds that such action was un­ Praetloe Session P6c WASH—Do it yourself. Luoky 1966 SILVER STAR—46x8 feet, draperies custom made. Free es- ter work, chimneys cleaned, rr- perience, education, age and Oogs-^BIrds—Pets 41 Ehcotlc WaU PanOling 9-5132, n their, claims within aald time al­ constitutional. Practice at the school field each Lady Self-Service Laundiy, 11 paired. Aluminum aiding, 80 salary desired. from 24c sq. ft, 9-5245, or Robert Murdock, 60 ARE Vou CON81DEPJNG lowed by ptibllahing a copy o( this order week is tchedulwl as follows: Mon­ bedroom, full bath. Excellent con­ Umatea. Open evenings for your WATKINS BROTHERS, INC. FOUR ROOM apartment for rent. GOOD VALUES ' 3-6472, Barbara Woods, 60 9-7702. SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? In some -newspaper having a circula­ A spokesman for the Planning Maple'St. (across from Eirst Na­ dition. Call MI 9-6640. convenience. P A M Upholstery years' experience. Free eatl- Celling Tile, special 10*4c sq. ft. 985 MAIN STREET Heat, hot water, gas for cookin-, 343 SU6160T ST. Custom built five Friendly home, 4 bedrooms, 2 tion In aald probate district within ten Commission today said until a day.— Cardlnalai Tuesday, Yan­ tional Store Parking Lot). Shops, 207 N. Main St. MI 9-6324. mates. Call Howley, 60 8-5361, 60 •WANTED—Home for part Angora 6 Panel Colonial Doors, room frame, brick veneer. 1% Wa will appraise your p.’jperts daya from tha date of this order and kees; Wednesday, White Sox and kitten. Call after 6 p.m. -6CI 8-6919. MANCHESTER electric refrigerator and gas baths, large living room with fire­ (xxrv) free and without .any obilfaUon. return make to this court of the notice meeting of the members is held FURNITURE taken aa down pay 8-0768. / from $8.96 ea. stove. Call MI 9-4071 or 60 9-S779 storiea, living room, dining om, place. Sunny kitchen, garage with given. "ho comrrient" will be made on fu­ Thursday, Redlega; at 6:86 p.m. ment on mobile homes. .ExceUent SECRETARY with knowledge of Window Biinda, from $6 per pr We aleo buy property for caah. JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge. ORDERED TO BE SOLD from 5 to 7 p.m. kitchen, two todrooma, ceramic .patio. Bewera Area. NBIW SIX room Colonial 917,900. Member Multiple Listing ture action. ‘Luncheon la Served* Automobnes for Sale 4 lota available -at Mansfield. Jen- GARDENS PLOWED. MI 3-8093. bookkeeping (one-girl office). Con­ bath, on first floor^ apace for one Family home. Four rooms down, built-ui dlshwtkher, 1% tatha, Tile Women's Guild snd tha aen'a, Irio., (always reliable) Roll­ Heating and Plumbing 17 struction firm. 87M hour v/eek. Poultry and Supplies 43 We wiU beat our competitors ad BY OUR BANK STANLEY BRAY, Rea?tor AT A COURT o r PROBATE, held vertlaed prices by at least 6%. NEWLYWEDS additional room and bath on sec­ bedrooms up, good heatinr sys­ built-in stove and oven, Ctmplete BRAE-BURN REALTY at Manchester, within and for (he Ladies Society ot Columbia Con­ BEFORE YOU BUY a used car ing Hills, -Route 44-A, Mansfield; Must be able to assume reaponsi- BABY CHICKS and ducklings. S BEAU'nFUL ROOMS ond, open porch, full barement, tem. Front porch. Garage $18,800; ly landscaped, ^ e a ite *r'>v«r, R District of Manchester, on the 8th'day gregational Church will Jointly aee Gorman Motor Sales, iluick GA 9-4479. MOBILARK Welding Service — S. WATSON, PLUMBINO and heat- billty. Write age, business exper­ NOBODY—BUT NOBODY First month’s rent free. New lot 109x160, Marion Rotortaon, 60 8-6278 of May, 1959. Sales and Service. 286 Main Construction and repair. Portable Ing contractor. New InatallaUona, Orders taken for turkey poults. OF FURNITURE MADELINE SMITIL Realtor!^,;F. Dlmock Cof, Realtor. 60 Present. Hop. John J,. Wallett, .fudge. CEA Delegates sponsor ."Luncheon Is Served” at electric acetylene. JA 8-8831 alteration work and reoalr work. ience, salary expected. Write Box May delivery. 60 3-8020. LltUe A UNDERSELLS NA-nONAL 31.-2 room heated apariments Ap­ Broker. 60 $-8958^ 60 9-1642 '9-5245, or Robert Murdock. 60 SELLING YOUR HOME? For Estate of Leonard Land aka. Leonard Yeomans Hall Trursday a t 1 p.m. Street Ml 9-4671. Open evening#. D, Herald. McKinney, 16 Woodbridge St. & APPLIANCES pliances, indi'Vidual television an­ 8-6472, Barbara Woods, 60 9-7702, T. Land.' late, of Mancheiter. In said Auto DrlYlng School 7-A 60.9-8308. FOR BUILDERS WITH CASH VERNON —New six room Build­ prompt, efficient, oourteoui eerv- DIetrIct. deceaaed. Attend Conclave Thla la a fund-raising program for WANTED — Clean uaed cars. We FOR UNPAID BALANCE tennas and heat control, f-eundry MANcaiESTER. 81 Bretto'n Rd.— ive and appraising without obliga­ The administratrix having exhibited women's groups, ^oceeda will HAVE YOU BEEN engaged in WE GIVE SPECIAL DE,\LS. MONTHLY TERMS $18.18 equipment, car apace, picnic area, er’s Model Rancp, baaement ga­ her adminiilratien account with aald buy, trade down or trade any- I ARSON’S ConnecUout’s first li­ GARDENS PLOWED. Reasonabla. home dem<>nstrating? Have you Articles For Sale 45 rage, built-in oven and range Excellent one owner 5 room (xxvni) tion, call S. A. Beechler, Realtor, -Seven delegates from the Man­ benefit the church building fund. thsig. Douglaa Motors, 838 'lain. censed driving school .rained. Call J. Krieakl, MI 4-0398. moving—^Trucking— "SUPER" DELUXE" 15 minutes to Hartford Bridge. ranch, two todroome, full tile 60 8-6969 or Wesley R. Smith, As- estate lo this Court (or allowance,- It is County Meet n t Lake Certified and approved; la -'ow ot­ recruited imd trained otheto? Ex­ NATIONAL LUMBER. INC., 3 ROOMS O?" FURNTTURB - Adults. Phone 60 9-4824. TR 5-5776. colonial fireplace, executive M e bath, garage, haa concrete drive, COVENTRY—New 5t4 room anch, Boclates. 60 9-8952, Member 6iulti- ORDERED: That the 19th day of chester Education Assn, represent­ Storage 20 cellent manager’s position open. POWER MOWERS—Toro. . Jacob 881 STATE STREET. rooms;. Convenient to schools, three bedroom. Hiring room, kitch­ May. 1959, at eleven o'clock, forenoon, ed tha local group at the represent­ The Tolland County Youth OLDER c a r s, mechantca Vpe- tering claaaroom and behind sen, Yaioo and Snapping Turtle All 100% Guaranteed -large living room with fireplace, ple Listing Service. at the Probate Office In the Municipal Fellowship will meet May 29 and ctala, Oxlt yourself cars, always wheel Instruction for caenagera. Household Sernees AUSTIN A. CSIAMBERS Co. Local Send resume of experience. Host- NORTH HAVEN, CONN. ONLY $418.88 THREE ROOM apartment. tile shopping, Hartford, Manchester. two nice porches. Full plaster en an-l dining area, ^ ilt- ln range Building In said Mancheiter, be and ative assembly ot the Connecticut a good selection. Look behind our eaa Co., 33 Hillside Ave., Water- Reel and rotary. Also riding mow bathroom, llholeum, venetiar Only $16,200—30 vear mortgage. and oven, fireplace and niantie. the same Is assigned for a hearing on 30 at Camp Aato Wamoh, Oohim- MI 9-6075. ■ Offered 13-A moving, packing, atorage. Low bury. PLasa 6-6666. ers. Parts and service. Capitol CHestnut 8-2147 $18.18 DELIVERS house, rsdiant heat. Priced right. SELLING OR BUYING the allowance or said administration Education Assn, held Saturday In bla Lake. This la the summer office. Douglas Motors, 383 Main rates on long lotw distance moves to $18.18 MONTH blinds, heat and hot water fur­ Builder, Ml 9-1489 and MI 8 2465. $17,250. Shown by appointment Baaement garage, hot water heat. account with said Manchester,ancl__ . _be __ and MORTLOCK’S Mancheateria lead* EqUipmeht Ck>.. 38 Main St„ Man­ nished parking. Inquire 11 School Situated on one acre lot. Close to the same Is asxij the hail of the House of Repre­ camp qf the-lnrat Ckmgregatlonal TV SERVICE — Potterton’a. all 48 atatea. 6df i8-6187. AVON CALLINQ—Our repreaenta- chester.'60 3-7958. — YOU GET — VERNON—Distinctive 6-room Co­ only. Drive by. MI 3-6273. Brae Call i»lgnur , .place assigned1 for• said hear- Zander, Nathan Hnle School, preal-. olda Telephone Mr. Mortfock, 1931. Phone 60 9-4637 for beat tance movliiig, packing and stor­ fragrances, special gifts for men, fers .off street parkltw and de­ LEONARD W. YOST, Jeweler, re­ — PLUS — 9-0576. Only $18,600. FHA-VA fiancllr. place, fenced yard, near schools or Robert Murdock, 60 8-6472. dent; Robert Wolfert, Barnard be 94 Including four meola for two the lowdown on die lowest down Director of -Driver Edueaflon. service. age. Weekly van service to New and buses on quiet street. Ideal Barbara Woods, 60 9-7702. jng_ be, Iftven- lo all pcr ersons known to days. ColumlA young people who and smalieat payments anywhere. women, children and bathroom livery service. CaU 6u 9-9718. pairs, adjusts watches expertly. WESTINGHOUSE RBFR. Monthl.v payments $85. Only a few Tel. MI 3-5363 be tnterested therein In appear and be School, vice president; Izador Wolf, MI 9-7398. York. 6G S-8663. supplies such as toothpaste, pow­ Reaaohable prices. Open daily. TV SET AND CX)60!. RANGE FOUR R006J apartment, 2nd left—last chance. Call hullder, for youngsters. 4% mortgage can hyarri thereon by publishing Keeney School, chairman Of the are Interested, shcoild contact the Not a small loan or Onanca com­ CLOTHES that are cleaner, whit­ TOP SOIL—Possibly the cle nest Thursday evenings. 129 SpruM floor. N^ar bus line. Reasonable. to assumed, $14,900. MI 9-0632. (XXXVI) > this order In some newspaper having a Rev. George K. Evans. pany plan. Douglas Motora, 833 er, brighter and look fresher are 61ANCHESTER Package Delivery. ders, soaps. 40% commission Call Free atorage until wanted Fret MI 3-2465 or MI 9-1489. WANTED—Three bedroom houOe circulation In eald District, at least five legislative committee; Calvin Fish, ATTENTION teenagers—Ages 16 CH 6-1668. and most fertUe delivered in this Street. 60 9-4387. delivery. Free set up by our own No- children. .Write Box S, Herald. days before the day of said hearing. Hollister School, incoming chair­ Main Street to 18. We teach. Clasa room, Start washed, damp or (luff dried at Light trucking and package deliv­ area this year. Place your ^rder. $i3,20a -1956 SIX room Cape, fire­ VERNON—Manchester line. . Ne' / TW0-FA6OLY . plus four room with large lot. In Bolton oe-^orth ______JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. 6(ancheator Evening B now. We teach adults 18 to 80. Manchester Laundromat, 660 C!m- ery. Refrigerators, waahera and reliable men. FOR RENT—Four room .apart­ 6-room Cape. Breezeway and 2- home. Individual heating ayateraa, Coventry. Caah buyer/*walMng. man of the legislative committee; 1966 CADILLAC Coupe DeVille. Leonard' L. Glgllo A Sons, Bolton Phone for appointment place. birch cabinets, baa-^board Call A. J. Buckley. Vmles Agen­ AT A COURT OF PROBATE, held Millie Farr, Nathan Hale School; Oohunbta correapendewt, Mrs. Free home pick-up service. Three ter St. stove moving apetdalty. Folding CMI 60 8-7083. Garden—Farm—Dairy ment, available May 15. 'Tel. 60 heat, awnings, aluminum torms, car garage. Large rooms 2 baths. two-car garage. R. F. Dlmock CIo;, Donald B, Tattle, tele|SMBe Acad­ Very clean. New Urea, good condi­ instructors, no waiting. Ca;i Mr. chaira tor rent. 60 9-0753. GIRL WANTED for coffee counter. SA60JEL ALBERT. HARTFORD Good location. $19,500 Phllbrick Realtor.. 60 9-5245. or Barbara cy. Coventry, PI >7386 and PI al Manchester. within snd for the Robert Kudra. Buckley School; and tion. Ml 3-1577. Call MI 4-8913. Products 50 CH 7-0358 any time up to 8 p.m. 3-2068 or Mr. <31ark, 709 Main. garage, shade trees. Carlton W. I-79S2. District of Manchsster, on the 11th day emy S-S485. kliclette, Manchester Driving DICK’S WEATHERSTRIP Ciom- PICNIC TABLES r $16.96 Up, 8’ Hutchins, Mi 9-5132. Agency. 60 9-8464. Woods, 60 9-7702, Robert Murdock, of May. 1959. Avis Kellogg, Manchester High Academy. PI 3-7249. pany doors and windows, uustom $19.96 up. Sturdy, braced, con- See It Day Or Night COTTAGE ST.—Four rooms, oil 60 3-6472. Present. Hon. John J. Wallelt. Judge. School. IF YOU ARE looking for a good Painting—Papering 21 WANTED—Woman tb do spring APPLES SPECTAL. Baldwin, If you have no- means of trans­ Estate of Helen A. Gordon, late of clean used car, regardless of work guaranteed. Call 60 9-1583 cleaning for 2 full days. CaU 60 atruction. 2” western fir. Deliv­ Starks. 20 lb. bag $1.25. Also furnace, water heater, Cabinets, 1955 — THREE-family flat, d-6-4>i4, MANCHESTER Manchester.''In said District, deceased. The meeting at 9:30 a.m. and after 6 p.m. portation. I'll send my auto for counter. 60 9-4498. Tired of an apartment? Then see jXXXVJI) Lesal Notic'i make, year or model, we have BXTBjRIOR a n d interior painting 9-8746 after 6 :80 p.m. ered and assembled. Larger sixes small sizes. Louis Bunce. 829 W. baseboard heat, cabinet kitchens, The administrator having exhibited except for time out for lunch in Wagner Named Motorcycles—Bicycles 11 available. 60 9-8444. you. No obligation. tile baths, fireplace, very large this 6-room ranch built-in 1962 by his admlnlstrAtloti account with said them. We have cars from 875 to FLAT FINISH Holland window in -Manchester, Bolton, (joventry Center. 60 3-8116. ALMOST NEW duplex 6 rooms. TWO-PA6tH,Y — Excellent condi­ LiqVOB PEBMIT eatate to iMs Court (or allowance. It Is the Capitol cafeteria continued un­ $3,600. Over. 60 to choose from. PART-THdE— 12-5 p.m * Mwiday A—L—B—E—R—T—’S rooms, 1 acre, country atmos­ Annulli. Fireplace, hot water heat, ORDERED; That Ihe SOth day of til 6 p.m. The Ioc$I delegates parr shades, made to measure. All and Rockville area. Free es­ Wedneadsy, Friday. Some typing. FOR PR061PT , delivery o' rich FRESH ASPARAGUS, rhubarb, 43-45 ALL'YN ST.. HARTFORD Large living room, picture win­ one-car garage. Nice level lot; Con tion. 6-5, choice location, 816,700. NOTICE OF APBUCATION Jaycee Leader O ^land Motors, Inc.,- 387 Oak­ 20" BOY'S BIKE, excellent condi­ metal Venetian biinda rt a new timates. Call MI 9-9229. phere. Carlton W. Hutchins, 60 R. F. Dlmock <3o., Realtr-*-. 60 This Is to give notice that I, BAR- May. 1959 at ten o'clock, forenoon, at ticipated in discussions and gen­ land St., Manchester. Open eve­ Manchester Answering Service, loam, sand, atone, gravel nd fili. pansies and potted plants. Miller’s OPEN NIGHTS TILL 8 P. M. dow,-lovely birch cabinet kitchen, 9-5132. venlent locgtibn. Owner inovlng BARA L. LEWIS,. of______Route 44-A. Bol- the Probate Office In the Municipal erally supported the resolutions tion, $18. 23 Ulac St. low price. Keys mads while you MI 9-6660. CaU Ml 3,8603. " Stand, 150 Spencer St. 60 3-5564. SAT. 6 P.. M.' plenty sliding door closets, ceram­ out ot etatg. Aaking $15,600. 6tini- 9-5245, Or Barbara Woods, 60 ton. jia, ave (lied an application dated Building in said Manchester, be and The new president of the Man­ nings. hU 3-1446. wait. Marlow’s. PAINTER and paperhanger, deco­ 9-7702, Robert Murdock 60 May '4. 1959, with the Liquor Control the same la assigned for a hearing on Anally adopted, including the con­ rating. Good clean Job, reastmable ic tile bath, central location, heat, I WEST SIDEJ—Attractive ^ve room mum down payment- to approved the allowance of aald administration cheater Junior Chamber of Com- ARE YOU available for part-time SCREENED LOAM. Also humus. ASPARAGUS by the pound. Orders DINING ROOM set with 8 chslto, 3-6472. Commission (or a Package Store Per­ troversial change in the CEA’s po­ meixe is WUllom Wagner. lU 1988 PLYMOUTH 2 door sedan. Business Services Offered 13 WBIAVING of biima, moth holes gr|ca. S. Tencha. 60 9-6914 after hot water, Venetian blind.s, storm j home, enclosed breezeway ga- buyer. mit ,for the sale of alcoholic liquor on account with said estate, ascertain­ sition on merit rating. Very low mileage. Reasonable. work Saturday and Sunday? Some Schailer Humus Plant, Foster St., taken for freezing. Fern (wardens, china dloset, and buffet. ' Ma­ windows, attic, cellar and lovely rage. $13,900, assume the premises. Route 44-A, Bolton. ment of heirn and order of distribution, Barry Rd., superintendent of serir- and torn clothing, hosiery rune, South Windsor. MI 3-6712. 179 Fern St. 60 3-7278. hogany finish. 60 9-0310./ The business is owned by Bolton and this Court directs that notice of Other major deciaiohs, which the CMl CH 8-6410. ELECTRICAL work by Walt 2!ema- handhage repaired, tipper re­ typing. Manchester Answering yard. $185 monthly. 60 9-7885. mortgage, small cash. Ciu-itor W. ALICE CLAMPET, Realtor (xxxvm) Notch Package Stare, Incorporated, Ihe time and place assigned for said Ice and technical departments at nek. Prompt efficient service. PAINTlNO AND paperhanging. Service. 60 9-&850. Hutchins. 60 9-5132, - MI 9-4548 or Route 44-A. Bolton. Connecticut, and r hearing bs given to gll persona known local delegatea voted with the ma­ the Hartford Electric Light Co. placement, umbrellas '^paired, SPRINGr SPEOAL Asphalt mix NATIVE ASPARAGUS now in sea­ C06tBlNATI0N OI^ anermittee. of this order In some n'wsnaner hav­ to succeed Robert Murdock os black with light gray top. Origin­ ing Shop. cheater.- Raymonid Flske. ia ranch; ceramic bath, hot water WEST SECTION: Beat materials, BARBARA L, LEWIS. ing a circulation In said District, at Bachelor’s degree or a permanent president. . al owner. Price $1,036. MI 9-0476. M A 61 RUBBISH Removal Serv­ 9-9^7 Laundry, 73 Summit St. loam. Nuaadorf Asphalt Plant, $2 a dozen. Season is predicted to Harry F. Sweet. Phone 60 3-7587 heat, full cellar, large wooder lot. Co., Realtor. '60 9-5245, or Barbara Dated May 11. 1959. least five days before the day of said teaching cerUfleate, printing and 587 N. Main St. 60 3-2427. be short. Tei. 60 9-0474. Farmer’s Or C. S. Roberta Jr. Ml 3-8288. ■ Carlton W. Hutchins. 60 9-5182. beat conatrucUori. Convenient. Woods, 60 9-7702, Robert Murdock, hearing, and hv mailing on or before Other new offleers are Fred ice. Full time. Residential, com­ MlisicitI Instruments 53 Modern Ranch, large sunny Mav 12. 1959. by certified mail, a m w distributing a handbook for re­ Gayer, Internal vice president; 1966 OLD8MOBH-E, Holiday 98, 4- mercial. industrial. Attics, cellars, EXTERIOR and Interior Market. 819 East Middle Tpke., 60 3-8472. . LliMITATION OBDEB tired teachers, and establishing a ■ door hardtop, all pow'er. Going„to BnlIdlng>-Contraetlng 14 UCENSED NURSE for convales­ ALL ALU60NUM seamless tubing across the street from Shad-* Glen. FOUR ROOM furnished apartment s e v e n ROOM Colonial, 1% hatha, rooms. 2-cer garage. H. B. Grady, AT A COURT OF PROBATE, held of this order to Jack M. Gordon. 139S Donald Briggs, ojrterhsl vice presi­ yards, lawn mowing high grass Cetllnga refinlshed. PaperL. conical antennas, single bay, REGULAR $76 small Hohner aaml- Broker. MI 8-8009.^ at Manchester, ' wtlhin and for the Manchester Road, Glsatonburv. Conn.; new salary formula, using a ratio Japan. Must sell. Exciting' price. cut, Incinerator barrels. MI 9-9767. Wallpaper hooka. Ekitimates . [ven. cent home work. Tel. TR 6-9121. professional accqrdion, bSM, heat, gas, hot wa^er, lights and steam heat, garage. Good coiidl- (XXXXI) District of Manchester, on the 8th day Elixsheth G. Relchenbach. 20 Hsmlln dent; Robert Nelswonger, secre­ -MI 9-8605, or 15 Saulters Rd. BIDWELL H06IB Improvement $2.96; stacked conical, $4.’ .. Bar- parking space. Phone 60 9-2538. tton. Owner. Ml 8-0781. No agents. of May, 1959. St. Manchester, Conn,; Ruth G. Turk- and baaed on a minimum of 85,000. tary; and Robert Heavisides, treas­ Co. Alteratlona, additions, : ga- Fully covered by Insurance. CaU low’s TV, 1089 Tolland Tpke., 60 3 switches, case included. Prac­ VERNON—$12,900. N9w 3 bedroom Inglon, 17 Gerard St.. Manchester. One of the most heated discus­ RAOIO-TV REPAIRS, any make— Edward R. Price. Ml .9-1008. FkfWera—Nnrsery'Stock 50-B BOLTON—Two year .old four room Present. Hon John J. Wallett. Judge. urer. ragea. Roofing and aiding experts. 8:5098. tically new, $50. Phone 60 ,9-7883 f o r RENT-^3-room apartment, MAN(T!HESTER, Rockledge—S bed­ ranch, living room, moderr kitch­ ranch with carport. L ane Uvlng Estate of Veronica ,M. Oakes ska. Conn. __ sions concerted a resolution re- Oars.^ampllflers, phonographs and ■ Aluminum clapboards a specialty. Help Wanted—Male 36 between 4-9 p.m. en, full basement. Down payment, Vera M. Oakes. late of Manchester In JOHN J. WAU,ETt, Judge. The five new dlrecton era changers Over 47 years totaj ex­ PAINTING and paper hanging, also POTTED TOMATO plants, cat atove and ' refrlgejator Adults room Cape. Modem kitchen vylth room with fireplace. Aluminum said District, deceased. queating -he govenior and Gen­ George EMglesoh, Donald Osttorg, Mak* It Several Weyi Unexcelled workmanaMp. Easy outside painting. 35 years eseper- CLOTHES LINE poles installed, bage, broccoli, lettuce, kohlrabi only. See Mr. aark.'709 Ma|n. built-;ns tSvo fireplaces, walk­ $1,290. Phllbrick Agency, 60 cembinaUona, $12,800. R. F. On mqtton of Frank Oakes of said eral Assembly to reconsider a bill perience. 90 days guarantee on all budget terms. 60 9-«486 or TR p u l L TIME man for service sta­ all sizes, old poles reset,' iaason- Ranted—^To Bu.t 58 9-8464'. Mancheater, administrator. - Leroy Parker, SamudI Pietoon and work. Potterton’a. 60 9-4637. lence. Reasonable price, Ray­ tion operation. Mechanically lants. Krause Greenhouse, 621 out baaement. Good lot with gar­ Dimoc'k Co.. ’ Realtor Ml 9-5245. Latex Exports Largest , establithing a minimum salary for 6-0109. able. Also hydraulic truck Jack. [artford .Rd. 60 9-7700. 8\4 AND room garden type den area. $22,900. Phllbrick Agen­ or Barbara Wooda, Ml 9-7702, ORDERED: That six months from ■ _ . sf' school teachers. The-bill has re­ Edward. Swift. The selection of ail mond Trudau, 71 Jarvis Rd. Ml adapted. 6tust be honest, reliable, Ml 9-1363. WE BUY and sell antique and uaed - apartments,' Includes heat, hot WQOdEaHD ST. — New S room the,.6th day of May. 1959. be and the officers was dona by 80 per cent ALL TYPES of carpeiitry work 9-1614. willing to work. No free loaders. S cy. MI 9-8464. Robert Murdock, 60 3-0472. same are limited and allowed for the Kuala Lumpur. Malay a^fh-- ceived a favorable report from the STRAWBESIRY plants -^-Robinson, furniture, china, glass, -' It ;Vould establish a ANY KIND of carpentry and cabl' of house if desired. Roasonable Mechanical abilltv preferred but St., 60 8-7278. arid $105 monthly. 60 3-7925.' air heat, full basement. $16,500. amesite drive. Manv other extras, claims Withiq said time allowed by minimum salary ' of 84,000. Some Holyoke, Mass. He attended publld prices with free estimates. Work­ water furnace, electric ho* water pair Service and Sales. Talcott- Phllbrick Agency. ^ 9-t464. $12,500. Call MI 8-1435. publishing a copy of thia order in '7 per cent over the 1957 flgfure, and schools there, and was graduated net work done. Honest and rella not necessary. Full, time year heaters. Modem bathroom set. AFRICAN VIOLETS — Beautiful ville, 60 3-7449, fo r R)ENT —.5 room tenement, MANCHESTER— English Colonial, some newspaper having a circulation were the largest In Malaya’s his­ Mancheater delegates felt that ble workmanahip. Call Roscoe manship guaranteed. Call 'ihomas around. Apply In person. Don Six large rooine, large' sunporch, In said probate district within ten days salary mlnimums shoum to set on from Brown University In 1946 Harrison. 60 3-4884. Modem low radiators. Pipes and varieties. Reasonahle. 79 Cedar second floor, recently redecorated, PRKjED FOR quick sale. Owner CAPE C0P3 from the date of this order and return tory. Big increases were shown in with a bachelor of science degree Thompson, 60 8-1895 for eaU ,Willis Garage, 18 Main St. aoil pipes. Open daily 11-8, Satur­ Ridge Drive, Glastonbury. Call aluminum windows, oil furnace, 5- leaving state. 3- bedroom semi- lavatory, tile hath, modern kitch­ make to this court of the notice riven. shipments to, the Netherlands, New the local level. Others believed the mates . day 9-4. Cfaoman’a Housewrecking, 60 3-8J67. - minutM from Center Reasonable ranch. Large 23x15 living room-, 2 en, garage, amesite drive, plas­ JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge, Zealand; Italy, West Germany, figure'should be ctore realistic. As In electrical englneeri|ig. In 1948 PROFESSIONAL' paper hanger. FULL-TIME $13,300 — Four room expandable he was awarded a master of actence Workmanship guaranteed. For Stock Place, or cal] 60 9-2392. • SEPTIC TANKS rent. No children. 60 9-0865 be­ fireplaces and many extras. Call tered walls, full attic, hot water Cape, newly palntdd and in excep­ DECBEE ON LIMITA'nON OP France, Australia, and Japan. Eht- finally passed, the resolution re­ free estimates call -collect Col­ TRANSPLANTED plants- Balaam,. CLEANED and INNTALMQD tween 6;7. owner 60 9-0425. oil heat, ttoes, shruto. city utili­ tionally good condition, complete CLAIMS porta to Britain dropped by 50 per quested that a $4,600 minimum be degree'ftom Worcester-Polytechnlo METROPOLITAN Opening (or men on 2nd shift for FEDDERS AIR conditioners for Asters, Marigolds, Snapdragons, Institute. chester LEhlgh 7-8705^Ask (or general factory work. We will train ties, good location. Excellent con­ with aluminum atorme and acreena,- AT A COURT OF PROBATE holdcn cent, to 80,671 tons, and to the considered. Manchester currently BLUE PRINT CO. Dick Gregolrc, those hot months ahead, Coo',one Ageratum. etc. at 49c a Ce n t r a l ground level 3t4 room VERNON-Rambling Colonial. Six dition, Charles Lesperanpe. 60 at Cmrqntry within and for the District United - States by 6 per cent, to ha> a $4,000 viinimum, oa do the He married the former kliss you. room or complete house. Imihedl- Hybrid, Petunias, 69c a dozen. • SEWERS rooms, 1 floor. 2 years old 2 ameslte drive, nicely ahade^ yard. of Coventry, on .the lllh day of May. Apply apartment for qWerly couple or 9-7620. Ideal for. young or retired couple. A.D. 1959. 28,905 -tons. Majority 0 the towns in the state Barbara Glllis of Worcester in - 735 Connecticut Blvd, PAINTING, paper hanging. Free ate Installation. Substantial, sav­ Geraniums 60-75c each. Urns filled M A tm N E CLEANED bachelor quarters. Heat, hot water baths, spacious rooms, finished Present Hon. Elmore Turklngton, 1949. The couple have two ■ chil­ East Hartford, Conn. estimates. Nd job too small. John ings for cash and carry.. T.- P. add delivered, $4 and up. Tour- and gas atove, $90 per month. MI playroom, 2 (ireplanes,. patio, -2- 6IANCHESTER -TrSUt room home ''$14,200—Six room Cape' 2 unfin-: Esq., Judge. dren, Suzanne, 5 and Mark, •>' 1 Verfallle, 284 Lake St., 60 3-2521. SPENCER RUBBER Aitkin. Co., Tolland Turnpike, naud’s Greenhouses, 131 Lake St., • INSTALLATION ,8-0646 .ftiter B p.m. car garage. 4 milea from 6Ian- near but, schools and atore> F i^ iahed. oversized kitchen, fireplace, On motion of Edmond F. Woodward, Wagn«r has worked for the Chapel St. Manchester, 60 3-6793.. Executor, RD No, J. Wlllimantie, Conn., Manchekter, Conn; MI 3-7682. ' SPECIALIST Chester. $37,900. Phllbrick Agen­ price,' lll,'99(>. Short way out, ex­ excellent condiUon thtouphout, on the eatate of Mae E. Slater, late of by Irwin C»plan Hartford Electric Light Co. since DRAWING SUPPLIES cy. Ml 9-8464, pandable 1 acre land, full price, aluminum storm windows, awn­ Coventnr, within said district, deceased. The l^uckless Legion 1948. He belongs to the Hartford Bonds—Stocks Mortgages 31 Experienced Meat Cutter SELF PROPELLED 20” Torro Business Locations / 810,500, tWo 8 tod room ranches, This Court doth decree that six rotary - mower, now 399 96. (Reg. Household Goods 51 ENGLEWOOD DRIVE-Slx room ings, fenced in yard with many months be allowed and limited .tor the Industrial Managamant C2ub and PHOTOSTATS for Rent 64 assume large G.I, mortrage, shade trees. - creditors of aald estate to exhibit their SPRING CXEAN-UP time! Get rid Wanted, for 1189.95 discontinued model). Mar­ Town and Country Cape, oil heat, ceramic, tile bath, ■mall down payment, full price. the Illuminating Engineers^ Socle- ' of all those nagging btlla by con­ low’s, 867 Main St,. .SALE 14 OFF on wallpaper. Wall claims against the same to the Execu­ ty. The Wagners have lived in C0M60ERC3AL business or office tile kitchen, amesite drive, excel­ 111,700. Over 60 more from $6;S00 $16,900 -T- Overaized Cape Cod. in tor and directs -that public notice be BU 9-0655 solidating them into a single Self-Service Market Ulea 4c a - tile. KenUIe, from 7o Drainafd Go. lent condition. Owner moving out up. Mitten can fill your needs immaculate condition. Six finished gtven of this order by advertising In a Manchester for fix yean. monthly payment. If you own each. Green Paint and Wallpaper, space tot-, rent. Up to 6600 square of sMte. Priced for quick sale. newspaper having a cIrculaUon In said Wagner and the other officers -HUGHT STORM windows und full MIM143 feet. WUl-sub-dlvl()e. Main Sttoef. like a glove. Call EMsworth 6(itten rooms and fuUy plastered. Extra district, and by posting a copv thereof Saturday and Evenings property, dial CH 8-8897 and aak Write Short Resume to at the Grqen. Call Paul J.«Corrimti, 60 S-5S63. Agency, Realtore, Ml 3-6930, 60 large kitchen with dining area, on the public sign post In said Town of will be Installed In June. . JA 8-5493 Frank Burke or Mm. Carter how screens. 60 8-0017. Located near Center. Plenty of 9-6524. loventrd, nsarest the place where the you pay back second mortgage, parking. Phdiw 60 9-5229 or 60 RflUM.Cape Cod, shed former large todrooma, living rodni with .eceased last dwelt ninda at $22.25 per month per Box G, Herald. FOR SALE^—Lewyt Vacuum clean­ 8-7444. : '-X tile bath, fireplace, - open atal fireplace, aluminum atorma and Certified from Record CARPENTERS, experienced In er. .22 caliber Colt pistol. CaU 60 6IANCHESTEH—Six 'flniehed room screens, two-car garage. Excellent . ELMORE TURKIWG’roN. Judge. Coroner Rules building and contracting, altera­ $1000. .Connecticut Mortgage ilx- 0-6784. 86IALL STORE for rent Main St. case. Hot water oil heat, recrea­ overaized Cape. Extra large value and priced to sell. tions, addiUons, porches, etc. Spe change, 18 Lewis St., Hartford. PART-TIME MANCHESTER tion room, porch. Shade trees, rooms. WonderflJl place for chiL _ MMITATIOV OBDEB cialltlng In cottages, garages sid Nice location iParklng faclIUtes. good condition. CHiarlea 1-esper- AT A 'COURT OF PROBATE, held LAWN SEED, Umel fertilizer, For Sale EXCEPTIONALLY NICE Call 60 3-0211. dren. Even room for a saddle SHERWOOD A. BEECHLER 'at Manchester. within and for Ihe Driver Negligent Ingb. Guaranteed workmanahip. AUTO MECHANIC ance. 60 9-7620. horse on this lerge lot. - Dad, if District of Manchester, on the $th day 8-0781. Help Wanted— Female 35 peat moss, garden suppllea. .60 M3 HARTFORD SD. 6-ROOM CAPE , REALTOR of May. 19.59 Any hours, days, evenings 3-8020. Little A McKinney, 15 MANCHESTER—New 6 room spilt you’ve been looking for a place Present. Hon. John J. Wallett. Judge. Bridgeport, 6Iay 12 (JB — Ths FOR THE newest things in outside WANTED— Housekeeper, middle- COLE MOTORS Woodbridge St. New. Five Room Ranch. Built .4 down, 2 finished up. Nice' **1 NORTH MAIN St. — Barber ranch, with 2-car garage Modem like this for the kids, glv- us a 60 3-6969 Estate, of Frank J. Kwash. late of Fairfleid County coroner returned aged, good home. 3 adults Call yard, city water and sewers, ■hop, heated. Call JA 3-1549. ring, 'We’ll to glad to show it to Manchester In said DIstrlet. deceased. finding of criminal negUgencs home covermgs — Aluminum, MI 9-0980 by Charles PonttcelU. S. bed­ kitchen with built-ins. Two full you. P. V. Tongren, Broker, 60 W. R. S60TH, Aswiclata On motion of t,eo J. KWaah of said stone, etc —Call us. For the fair­ 60 9-7037, rooms, lovely large kitchen with amosite drive, combination baths. Close to schools $ls,900. Manchester, administrator. today against 6(ra. Breag 8. (^n- • t o r e f o r r e n t , excellent lo- 3-6821. 60 9-8982 ORDERED: ~ ninghSm, 89, WSslport, driver of est prices in years In alterations mahogany caMnets with built- storms and soreena. 1 block cation 600 square ft., alr-condi- 10% down, Phllbrick AgA*iny, 60 the 9th day PANEL and modernizations—call ns. For WANTED-=-Woman to care f eld­ to High School, shopping and 9-8464. 21 CGNWaY r d ,-S ix room ranch, an siuto which struck and killed erly lady days. Call 60 9-3850 be­ WANTED—Thra#. dependable men In stove, tile bath, Near shop­ honed optional. Tel. 60 8-1191. HIGHIAn D ST.^-Older home. 10 same are ll ___ _ John Cumminge, 21, son of humor­ changing your present home to a tween 4:30-6:80 p.m. 20-80 for set up and operating LOAM ping and schools, on bus line. buges. Priced to sell Imme­ rooms, steam heat, large porch, garage, patio, Iflreplace. storm creditors within which to bring .. inore beautiful home the way you pupch pressea. Apply Gunve- Mfg, Many , other featnres. diately at only $ 1 2 ,^ , n o r t h MAJN ST, - Hepted CAPE—SIX rooms, fireplade, nice­ garage, acre of grounds, near windows, near achoola. Owner MI claims against raid estate, and said ist Parke Cummings, os he was 8299 Uke it—call ua. All eatlmates free. CULTIVATED, CLEAN ly landscaped, enclosed yard, bua 9-4984. administrator is directed to give public raking IqavM on the lawR of his Ck>., 284 Hartford Rd. TOBACCO FIELD LOAM •tore, redecorated. Will yemodel schools. Your kids or in-lawa will notice , to Ihe, jcredltora to bring In 12h-7M Bank terms. Call the AK'iiated Phono Ml 9-9644 or m. F. DIMOCK CO. front to ilult tenant. JA 8-1549. line, achocla nearby. Excellent like this one. Price- $18,000. Ken their claims within said time allowed fomii^B Westport hom* April 20. BuUdliw Ctontractora, 860 Park TEL. Ml 9a06S0 \ MI 9-6243 commuting to Hartford, Owner. LAKEWOOD CXRCTLE -Ideal (or by publishing a copy of ,(h(/i order In Mrs. Cunningham, a real estate SHOE sa lesm a n —Part-time for Oetrinsky, Realtor, MI 8-5189. growing family, 6 room Colqnial, some newsDspsr havinc s circulstion An attractive ahirtwaister - in Ave.' Bloomfield, Conn.„Cail OH Thursday, nights and Saturdays. AFTER 6 F.M. Ml .3-7351 t^RGB STORE (or reht. 205 North .60 3-2645, JA 2-3838. m said probate district within ten daye dealer, was operating her auto Itolf Bites that can be made with 2278 2-9922 or at night call 60 “ 078 CLERK TYPIST Main at. 6(odam ne(v front. Good attractive features. Formal dining far in excess of the speed of 35 S ala^ and commiaaion. Apply l a k e TERRAMUGGAS—Six 'oom COVENTRY 8PBCIAL-86,600. 4 from the date of this order snd return or without the collar, and sleeve This lovely icene bf the Old Mill Mr. Draizen; Morion Shoes, 775 , hualneaa center. $65. rooms and bath, large sunporch room, corner cabinet. Screened make to tbi" court of the notice given. miles an hour when it left South dbolce. la quickly and easily enmroideretv FOR ALTERATIONS. addlUons, year around collage, enclosed with breakfast nook. Redecorated, porch, -Three 'twin size todrooma. JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge, Compo Rood, struck Cummings cabinet work, garagea. etc. ChUl I Opportunity an experienced Main St. porch overlooking lake. 12 miles No. 8299 with I*att-(>-Rajna la IMate one for youmelf and another i Clerk Typist capable of ban- gas heOt. Deluxe refrigerator, Generous cloaet space. Lavatory _ UMITATION OBDEB ' and traveled 700 feet whire It col-^ in idaea ISH, 14^, l6l^, i s ^ Girardin Woodworking Free eati- from Aircraft', $9,980. Phllbrick and laundry room first floor, Tvro- AT A COURT OF PROBATE, hold *or gift-giving! 1 dling a variety of duties. ApU- Agency, Ml 9-8464. modern- kitchen. Lake privileges. Uded with another car, ooeordlng- ,|0% . 22V4. 34H. 3664. Site 14^4 ' Pattern, No 22"8 has hot-iron matea. 60 9-8983. SEPTIC TANKS Will carry mortgage. No agents. car garage wi(h loft. Fence, land- ■t Uuichoxter.' wlHiln. end (or tho to Coroner Edgar W. Krentmom. t ^ e for figure work required. • MANCHESTER m ticaped lot. H. B, Grady, Bfoker, Dlxlrtci'of Mancheder. on the 11th dey bust, no coUar, 6 yards of 35- t i ^ f e r ; stitch Illustrations; color ALTERATIONS and remodeling — Air conditioned office, liberal AND MANCHESTER,' Sherwood Circle, Call PI 2-6298. of May. 1969. "An odor of alcohol vnulHBOot'; Inch. chart. NOTICE A . AA Location ^ 60 8-1009. ' Pre«ent.'.Hon. John J. W»Urtt. Judar. Sefcfy SerWie . kitchena bathrooma, attic;., cel­ benefit program. 37 hours. 8- First Time Oh Mlorfcet Five room ranch, full baaement; Ertete of Jownh C. TniemAn. tele tbs'" person of Mrs. I . To order, sand d5c in coins to To ordei', send 25c in coins to;— lars, residing, porches, roofing day week. Write P. O. Box The Annual Meeting of the In­ PLUaCEQ SEWERS 2 South Side—7 room home, J . two (ireplacee, plastered vails, full FOR SALE—648 Hartfprd Rd. New of Mancheiter in Mid Dhrtrlct. rde- and a aohool guard a t tlii> I Buo^&mett The Manchester Eve- Anne Cabot, The Manchester and room addtUons.' (;!onnectiput 2108, Hartfi>rd 1, Ck>nn.,.stating corporators of The Manchester V 2>A baths, 1st floor, com- ^ insulatipn, tile bath. 'Wood sheath­ fl've room rahch, built by (Jharles ROCKLEDGE SECT’ION, ceaied. thought that iM was in tig z ^ M e a ld . lUO AVE. OF Memorial. Hospital will be held H plete. living arrangement, a PontiepiU 8 todrixims, lovely Tql settle an estate ' On motion of George E. Trueman of Evening Herald, 1160 AVE. OF Remodeling Services, ‘Si Or.k St. business experience.- m ss BEAU TIFU L 5 -ROOM lUNCH ing with ahinglea, eidewalka aald Manchester, executoit the k ro n e r commented in'^ ^UBSIUClAfl, NEW YORK S8. N, THE AMERICAS, NEW YORK 60 3-1426. In the ndw auxiliary room In the NMhlm OI A 2 recreation room, attached J curbs. 'City utilities. Axnepite large Mtohen with mahogany cabl- ORDERED; 'fhal M mnntha from Y. 36, N.Y. For Ist-cteas mailing add hospital, on Tuesday, 6Iay 19,1959, Septic tAiike,'llry W«Us, Sewer Located on approximately 1% acre lot, 1% baths, 3 car ga­ V garage, beautifully land- # drive. Immediate occupancy, ‘ netaWitb built-in atove, tile batlL Splendid 5% room ranch with the n th dav of'May. 1959. be and the FwftM-alaas mailing add 10c for •At 7 :S0 P.M. for the election of Un- Lines. liiiitalMP-^llar Water­ rage, endoaed, large breeuway, aniealte drive, hot, water oil keaped. Evenings call 6 0 m - Near shopping and achaola; on bus beautiful birch kitchen, built-in Mm* are llmltae and allovad for Ihe 10c for each' pabtem. Print Name, heat, bow plotuto window, nicely landscaped. SAcrlflce price. C9iarles Lesperance, 60 9-7|l9Q. range and oven. Oversized garage reditora irtthtn which to briaS In their «u6i patUen. iPrlnt Name, ^Ad- Address wHh Zone and Pattern 16 / corporators and thiateea and for proofing Dona •-•MS or 6 0 4-1189. J line; 6fony other features. Phone ctalmi agalnat eald eatate. and aaiq with Zone, Style No. and Number. ■ • ^ CLERK .^TypISTr—Local manutao the transaction of any other buai- Family moving. S QUAINT ^ room Cape,' full shad 6 0 9-9644 or 60 8-7381. and many wonderful etttros. exaputor la., directed to give public l u y s ROOFINO CO., shlngla Md turing concern , desires good typ­ n u s proper to come befoM said ^ .Warren'li- Howland, 5 dormer, lli\ bathe, coimectlng A^ lovely home In' heffkct condi­ noUea 4o the creditora to . brill ■ ■■ It’s toady—the '80 Needlework MtKINNEY BROS. tion. Make a deal to see It soon. claims within said Hma ______(M d now ; for *the new AllmmI Flfty-alx pkges of pretty Mdlt-up roofs, gutter and uoixjuc- ist. Group . lhaurance, pehalon meeting.' Realtor • ; garage, screened pbrch, ' amesite 6CAN(3HESTER, 'Summer St.—Six auhUihlng a oany of this order in acme IM n g KSununar 160 laaue of our ■tor worjc; roa. chimney repaim. benefits, pMd holidayfi, ana excM- J. B. Wind , SwwMogw Dbpood Co. CHARLES LESPERAHCE, ttl. W f^TCII •79 Main « tra e t;drive, £ large dot with appU treei rooms, plastered wallt, oi heat, CsJlNnw! ' _ — ------'PtoWok- “il^ : plus free patterns (or Om b -\ ' lent working condition. For infor­ Secretary, Board of 1S«-1S> Pqarl 8t-.-aO S4MI enolqpM porch, city utiilUas go- citetapdkalt Ksma. aoc a oopyt iSLSfB’LaS' mation call JA 74361 E x t 380. Trusteas $18,000. Real, buy. O iarlsi 1\ ■I ' ■■■ Krijr^ "■ \ '■il‘ -V TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1959 Average Daily Net Ron E For aw Weaw The Weethw— ..V-H-V '(iV. ^anrliPStpr lEitittittg llrralb •f 0. erWaaOMr aoN

t -A '■ » .Our Lady of th* Uo«t Holy Mr. and Mrs. Hjalmar Carlson, 8 j academic, newspaper, and gov­ 12,920 Rotarv llolhrrs Clrclo will meet Hemlock St., will sail tomorrow Bellcr’slo Award ernmental carcera and points up ■keweia eafltag < own lomorrthir nifht at * o'clock at for a trip to Sweden and Europe. N i*ar t f Mw A tm t’ rlMMlyr eoeler by High hie work in flood relief liiid water DETOUR SPECIALS! ewa ef eUwaaOea. tb« homr of Mr». Joaaph Ramon- Music $cholan»hip resources study. His career as Manchester’^ A City of Village Charm near 88. i* Jaha & iakiua^ 4S ninUrn St., 'dMU, Vcmon. M*mb«r» are In- The Adult Inquiry and Dlscua- Manchester town manager since who WM dlachatfed from Uan- vUart to brlnr to hear Slon group will meet tomorrow a t ' BtaiM New, First Quality REGITLAR A music scholarship will be 1862 is also highlighted. cheatar MrmortaJ Hoopttat 1 a a t epeclal talk on hairdreaainK 6:30 p.m. In.Zion Lutheran'Chinch, He is "hs.dvorking. imagina­ CTOPER TIRES waak after, an opat^Uon. la ra-j ' ' ------and the Sunday School staff at awarded annually by Belter's Mu­ GASOLINE VOL. LXXVIIL NO. 190 (TWENTY-POUR PAGE8—TWO 8E(?riONS) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1959 (OlaaeUlee AdveMMag aa Page SS) sic Shop at lOir Main St., Ray- tive, and dedicated to the welfare fR^CB n V B CaEMTB euparlttSIf ^ the now,* of Mr. | t>on«1d P. Andereon. «nn of the 7:.10. of hla community," Stone aaid. and Mra. CJawica Maroet, Tan- Rev. and Mr#. C. Henry Anderaon. mbhd 'Beller, the owner, announced today. ' Stone ad led that Martin, who is keroaavi Rd.. Varaon. fiU wife i ae^phurch St., in reremoniea at The Immaculate Conception well knov/n in professional circles 8.78x15 Tube Typn—4laek, 2 6 ’ Mra. K ra Johnaom alBO a patient i Trinity College yeaterday aftei - ■Mothera Circle will meet Thursday Beller said an undergraduate pins tng and recappnblc ras­ insirumental musician will be sent for a bone dr,, wit, "has another Per Galloa (Cask) . G>nii. G). Asks ■ a t the local hoapital. haa been nooil, received the Colt’# Patent at * p.m. with Mrs. J. Raymond esaantlal oha’-arterisiic of; a com­ ing. Not rerape! Not used! tranaferred .to the Craatfield Con- ipirearma Mamifactiirlng Co.'a Audette, 42 Lam-aster Rd. The co- to the Laurel Music -Camp under Davies Confessian ^ petent public administrator"—the Sdft Veiiwn award aa the member of the Atr Uie terms it -thf scholarship. The ralaaoent Hoapital, hnateas will be Mrs. Bernard Fo­ camp is supervised and sponsored ability to meet dally probleme with ly 8 t Forte, ROTC rifle team who com- garty. continuing calm. r \ j ‘ ^ • o •*» » Vourt to Rule pilett the highest aeatonal record. by the Oonnecttcyt Music Edu­ The midweek aenice of Bihle A #ophotnpre. Anderaon ia a cadet c a t e Asan. Ike Ur ges Gas Tax Boost, The Women's Auxiliary of the 1 The n.usician will be selected by Of Connie Smith s SL^bitration Study on Uie ParaMe. of the elaff aerceant.' Hartford Medical Asan. wHl meet Boland Motors the music departiisnit of Mandhes- Piodlgal aon will be hield tomor- j F O R R EN T “'VOI,'h STUDF-BABER DEALER" of the May 20 from 1:30 to 4 p.m. at the. t’er High School. row at 7;30 p.m. at Ovenant-Con-1 The town committee home of Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert Heu- 588 CENTER ST.------MI 8-4078 Hartforo>.^ay 13 (IP)—The hold a 8 and 18 mm. Movie Projeetore fregatinna] Church. The meeting Manchester WVCA will bleln, Morgan Rd., Canton. All r-eoimd or silent, also 85 mni. Free Pickup and Delivery On All Repair Serricee Slaying Revealed Connecticut ~ toiday an­ of the church schdhl staff will fol­ leadership training ac«sion at the members are invited to attend. Martin Featured slide projertore. Use Adams St. to Center St., or Pork, tVnldot to Cooper S t, or nounced it h ash ed a request low at 8:30. Qlrl Scout ramp. Cahip Merrie- Broad St. to Coopor St. via West Center S t Turn Right At in the HartfoiYl Superior Wood. on Gardrier St„ starting al WELDON DRUG CO. Cooper St. •vancee, then put her body In the 8>.30 tomorrow morning. Alt board The reunion committee of the Torrington, May 18 (If)- Court asking for Asdeclara- Temple Chapter. OES, wnll meet class of, 1949, Manchester High In UCom i Journal M l .Main Bt. Tel. MI 8-5831 tnink of hie car and drove to hie members. rommiUee chairmen and Detailg the riecent confes- tomorrow at 8 ’p m. in the Masonic School, wilt meet at 8 o’clock to­ Calvary Speaker home in Thomaaton. tory -judgment on the dis­ $6 Billion More for Temple. The business eesslon will committee memebis are requested gion by Osoc^ J. Davies, 40, The next morning, with the body puted arbitration clause ques­ to attend, Baby-aitting service for night at the hoihe of Mrs. Mary Dr. Wilbur M. Smith, profeiisor General Manager Ricijsrd Mar- be followed by a sodat. Mrs. Donadio Enatwood, Bolton Rd., of T b ^ a sto n , now awaiting atm in the car, Davies, so he said, tion which has kept it and th* pre-school chll'dren will be avail­ at Fuller Thisologkal Seminary, tin has been featured In the May Vernon.' Issue of Connecticut Government, execution in state prison, to drove his' wife to work and then chairman of the refreshment com­ able. bus embloyes union ftoim Pasadena, Calif., author of nfany a pubjicatioii of the Institute xith no op­ Washington, May 13 (/P)—• St., IS observing hla 83rd birth­ D r.’Smith Is one'of a faciilt.v of main open and the inveeUgaUon portunity for the. company to de­ Secretary of State CIr I’r - T ' f a day today. He la well and enjoys will continue. - 'Thursday^^th the sanction of a President Elsenhower called The annual meeting of the speakers who will address sessions court order'f^om Superior Court cide on'other means of settlement.. A. Herter challenged R good health. Here is what, according to Wall, today for quick congressional : Greater Hartford Home Ectmomica In Hartford, Boston and other Judge Howard "W^ Alcorn. According to Earl R. Morte- mm large centers. Dr, Thomas G. Davies recenUy told inveatigatora today to action boosting the gasoline I ! Club will, be held at the Sunset ’"LARK'' who questioned him at the prison: The section of Vta river bank more, vice president and general in “serious, constructive ne­ 'Ridge Club House. East HS'rtford, May devolloiia will be held to­ Lawrence - of Calvary Temple Is which Davies Identflled as Con­ manager-of the company, the bus tax, revising the c o a 11 y morrow night at 7 o'clock at St. host pastor. The public is invited. Quality Davies said that on July 14, 1853, gotiation.” He said if the for­ [:on May 18. The meeting will be he drove to Lakeville and encoun­ nie Smith’s grave was washed out firm haa Submitted the arbitration wheat support and control I , preceded by a amorgaaboard at John's Polish National Catholic Carefree—pertcci description of The Lark! Fort to drive—iborter by the August and October floods question to the court for a de- eign ministers meeting here Church. Follovylng the devotions tered the Smith giH hitchhiking be­ program, and providing addi­ i 8:30 p.m. outside, yet .seats six; parks, turns, handles easier! stunningly styled, tween Lakeville and Salisbury. in 1855. Wall said. About six feet ciaton on its legality under (Con­ makes, satisfactory progress tional home loan insurance ea oiaiii auaer, jnancneaier the’ yo.ilh group will' meet. The •of the bank was washed a way,, he necticut law and haa asked for a Mother’s Day program, headed by- SUN-POWERED The Uttle girl got into hla car, it can lead to a summit con­ authority. ; Priced right: starts several hundred dollars under the so-called "low-priced^ ■aid. temporary injunctidn to reetrain ference. the Friendship Club, will be held EYEGLASS* saying she did not care where the dnion from taking any unilat­ 'The President told his news con^X 1 0 c 1 0 c she was going but that she was Davies is scheduled' to he'ex­ .Sunday at 3 p.m. by the Pollsl\,and field. iJjwest insurance and maintenance bills. Economy proved in the ecuted June IS for the 1857 sex eral action until the court issues ference a speoial metaage urging Sunda.v School milldren. HEARING AID Icmeaome and wanted to get away its decision. Geneva, May J3 (A*)— .\n-- the 3-way speedup would go to Mobilgas Run: The Lark \'-8, -with automatic shift, oubicpred all V.-8's, from a summer camp in Saiiabury slaying of Brenda Jane Doucette, the Capitol today. RUMMAQE SALE where she had been staying. 8, Bristol. “We regret we are forced to drei Gromyko is -understood FOOD SALE The American Legion will m eet! it eowiBie tv thi suni with 22.28 miles per gallon average. The “6"'did even Iseiter. See ,The ljirk,_ He confessed in 1857 to the slay­ The country’s rising prosperity RUMMAGE tonight at 8rl.y at the post home. N’ Davieg drove to the Hall Meadow initiate the court test of the legal­ to have told 'West Geriftan will be damaged, Eleanhower said, -it saniRr sroeis tun-i iMiiavi ing of Gaetane Bolvin, 16. of ity of binding ourselves presently A new slate of officers will be fun-dri.ve it, totlavl Rd. between Norfolk and Torring­ Foreign Minister Heinrich if the Federal Housing Adminis­ By ST. MAI RICE CHURCH •ATTiBT e e ia a r iD w h im Waterbury, for which he was in-- to future arbitration, but the re­ J. W. Hall store presented. ^ it ton to a spot near a dam, some five von Brentano today that the tration’s program is allowed to SALE \ NOT IN SUNI miles west of V Torrington center, dCted but not tried. fusal of union representatives to THURSDAY. MAY 14 Recently, Davies confessed not Soviet Union will reject the lapse for lack of the 86 billion *You purebatt Uaaaa as# irama af Avsllsbl* ts • S-doer snd kifloer and attempted to fondle the little join with us and to abide mutual­ additional insuring authority ha All repnesentatives of Catholic JO-12 NOON your choie* from your ow» Eyo^M only to the slaying of Connie Smith ly by a court determination of the western plan for German re* SOUTH METHODISfl Thuriday, May 14 Mothers Circles sre requested to BpOtfMlMil. MOsn, h*r(M«p sod sMiAM spqtS.. girl. asked in January. Davies said he choked Connie to issue leaves .us no course but to unification at the Gefieva 8:Sn A.M. meet for religious instruction by (Continued on Page Nine) More thousands of men will ba CHURCH Hebron Road—Bolton Center death when she Vepulsed htS' ad- file for a decision alone,” adld conference. Such a move jobleee, the President went on, un­ the Rev. Francis T. Butler, Thurs- | FREE DEMONSTRATION Mortemore. Sponsored by Marcia .\eu- (lay at 8 p.m. In the Church, of the ; would come as n6 surprise. less new revenues, are provided to Sponsored. B r QUINN’S PHARMACY He added, "W e have continually keep the maaeive highway bulld- Stanley Circle of W.S.C.S. bert CIrale of the Cnm- AssumpUnn hall. A meeting of all AN qrticits 10c toch miinif}’ Baptlat Church. ofBcers of the Combined Catholic PHONE IWl 8-4IS8 believed in the legality of our posi­ By J ohn m . h t o r t o w e r Ihff program going. Mothera Circles will follow the tion and it was oUr hope that the Geneva, May 13 (JP)—The He noted that the existing THURSDAY. MAY 14 I inatnictirm period. union representative* would admit highway bjll permits no 'more con­ Redr Chinese this and avpid costly and pro­ western foreign ministers struction in any. year than the longed court action. We can under­ 'showed signs today of be­ funds available will pay for In that stand a disagreement with our coming ied up witkg^ussia’s year. CHICKEN PIE SUPPER position but not a disagreement to insistence on addingRiore Red Costs now are outrunning the In­ Tibetan Rebellion nations to the Owfeva con­ Firemen, police and other rescue workers look for bodice in the wrecicage of a Capital Alrllnee Vie- come from highway-user taxM, Uniteil Methodist Chureh, Bolton h\ * (Oeattaoed ■■ Page Four) count turboprop airliner that disintegrated In the air near Baltimore yesterday. Bodies of the and Eisenhower has requeated that ference. pilot and co-pilot were found .jn this section. (AP Photofax), the federal gaaoUne levy be boosted ' New Delhi, May 18 UP) — Thee'sar at gunpoint, now lies quiet and Secretary of State Chriatien A. from 5 to 4J6 cents, Oongfess has rebellion in Tilwt appears to be subdued. under Chinese guns. One Herter piaiuied to use his power ■eemed little dlepoaed to comply. Saturday, May 16 dying and it may already be dqad. arilval from there said the huge aa today's chairman to try to Some leglslatore have Indicated PM monastery was under Red guard Eddie^ Liz Fly Srm N G S ATJJi.lO nnd 8:50.—ADULTS fl.75. CHn.DREN 81.00 R ^ r t s reaching the border oput the East-West debate on One Blew Apart in the Air they would prefer to meet the costs towns of Kallrn'Miig and Gangtok. and that pllgrima had to get clear­ (Jerman Issues for which • the, con­ 3 from State for a time .from general revenues. Menu: Chicken I'le, Pens, Coleslaiv. Mashed Potatoes, ' piscover what you'll af YOUR STUDEBAKER DEALER'S-TODAYl sing of Khampa ance froth Red troops before en­ ference was called. ' I.emon Meringue Pie, Rolls and Coffee, indicaU the uprtsinj To Gotham on Elsenhower, committed to a trlbeemen, which flared fiercriy tering. Aides said privately they were Killed in Plane balanced budget in fiscal 1880 Ig* ’- For reservations call Mm. John KrirksoD, Ml 8-5524 late In March and-early April, has Many rich Oyangtse merchants not sure he could pull off this nored the lafter poeeibility in' hi* for or Mrs. M. Goldsnider, .MI 8-tS6S. BOLAND MOTORS, Inc. been snuffed out by, the sup^or were reported in prison. On May Way to Europe maneuver unless the Soviet cam­ 33 Persons Perish news conference remarks, and uccopatlonf'Day Idial youtha 'were foroed to paign suddenly eased up—rsrnne- emiriiatlcally renewed hie a p p e a ls N 86* CPNTER 8 T .— MANCHESTER, CONN. guns of 'R e4 'Chinese New Hfivch, May IS (ei-^lliree • . X forcea shout Red (Chinese slogans and Uiing they dJ^not.^,gxpect. '' , Connecticut reeldento died yaeter-' that the budget be brought into chant ‘"We Want Reforms,” the -New To£h, May 18 (iPl—Bddi« A Fmtoh'sp^Mman said "we balance. IPileasiiM it JM FoTni45iitS’ th e pr'ovlaiohal government day In the explosion and crash of which the realatance forces ,pro- witness said. Fiaher 4uif Bliaabeth Taylori a think this aftecnoon's session will In "2 Plane Crashes Aq for the wheat surplui prob­ SKB THB STUDEBAKER TRUCKS . . .THEY COST LESS. TOOl clrimed a month ago his not been The informant said ho organixea I^lr of lovebirds winging their )>e wasted” on further argument an airliner near'Baltimore, All lem,'*be Preaidaat aaUt it la wors­ heard from. reforms have been begun yet but way to a European Honeymoon, over Soviet Foreign Minister An­ were executives. ening ihetead of Improvln)'. The Baltimore, May IS (Ab—civil Constellation, plunged over a 200- govmmant'^ill have S3\i billion - •aidi, a m o ^l p le a Fa u l ■s alue .-if:-**' Refugees straggling out of the that the Chinese are trying to win ■topped off here between planes drei Gromyko's ' proposal to give Dr. Leslie G. Boatwright, Cross- Himalayan Land of the Lamas over the peasants and laborers with Aeronautics Board investiga­ foot .embanxment at the Charles­ bridge Rd., Old Greenwich, was invested in sbrnlua wheat by mid* NO today, and professed themselves tors said toda.v an explosion rip­ ton, 'W,. Va., airport and burat into 'year, he said, Itnd action must be picture it aa held firmly under the promises of better wages or a big­ very happy. (Oonthmed on Page Ten) manager of sales development to t heel of Chinese overlords deter­ ger share of the fruits’ of ^belr ped apart the Capital Viscount flames, killing two persons and the Escambia Uhemical Co. of New taken speedily to^revlse the pro­ The couple literally had been in turboprop airliner which disin­ gram. DOWN mined to prove they can rule with­ labor. the clouds almost aver since their injuring at -least six. This flight, York City. Indian obaervers, who emphasise tegrated in flight late yesterday from Buffalo, Rochester'and Pitts­ He leaves a widow; and a young This is the most critical situa­ out publlff iqjproval — and without wedding Jate yesterday In Las Ve­ near here, killing 31 persons. Window Shades X, Buy These Special Values the Dalai Lama if need be. there is no way of checking the gas, Nev. Ike May Grant burg. also was bound for Atlanta. daughter. tion of all, Eisenhower akiA be­ refugee reports, believe the Chlnr The.r said it would be “prema­ One official at the Civil Aetonau- Walter H. Pollard. Church St., cause the wheat problem threatens Mod* to Ord«r PAYMENT Refugees say the main reason First they flew to Los Angeles ture" to speculate whether the the revolt failed was lack of wea­ eae are making an all-out attempt and then they took a je t for New ticB Board aaid it waa the first Greenwich, waa an executive of the to ‘-'craih of its own weight” to put down the rebellion as proof explosion was inside or outside time In, hla memory that a single 9 t, R cgii Paper Co., New Tbrk destroy the yvijale farm program.'^ ALSO pons. The handmade rifles and Toric. It arrived here at 7:08 a.mr^ IVikita’s P le a s the plane. Buy your heating, roafmg. aluminum windows, We(L-^8AM.to6PM. clubs of the Khampas proved no they can do without the Dalai after a trip of about 5 houre and airline Had had two fatal crashc* "Because the Secretary of Agri­ VENETIAN ILINDS match for Chinese artllery and Lame, god-king of the Tibetans 10 minutes. in one day. (Contlnned on Page Nina) culture Is required by law to an­ doors, insulation and sidiiig now, No down pay* U . S s Baltimore, May 13 t/P\—A Capi­ nounce a continuation of this Bring your old roUera In and machine guns. who has taken refuge in India. Accompanying the newlyweds For Tour The Conatellation crashed at I ments—410 monthly payments until Oct. 1st. Phone Reports published in New Delhi The Chinese apparently feel such were a friend. Miaa P at New­ tal Airlines Viscount turboprop Charleston at 5:28 p.m. The Vlc- thoroughly discredited program by UTo SAo per shade. the 15th of May, in January Y Ml 3*5141 for free estimates. say that nearly half the 10,000 a demonstration might make ’the comb, and 112 other passengers. A Washington, May 18 (/P)—The airliner, flying non-slop from New count tore apart at 6:18 p.m. while refugees who have flocked into Dalai Lama more willing to return crowd of about 200 persons gath­ flying at about 14.000 feet ovqr a urgently recommended corrective Eiaenhower adminiitration appear* York to Atlanta, blew apart in 31J.S. Fighters legislation," the message said. -STI'VALIIES India and the border 8tat6s of under Red terms, and embrace ered to watch them leave the reconciled to a poaaible visit by stormswept skies over Maryland patchwork of small farms about 16 Sikkim and Bhutan are Khampas. "socialist reforms” for his people. plane at Idlewild Airport. . Premier Khrushchev to the Unit­ late yesterday, spraying wreck­ miles east of Baltimore, "The deadline set by law ia now No •t"SSW quality is so much better** M ai^ are Believed to have been Thh would make it easier to com- Reporters carried on a kind of ed States this year, perhaps this age and the bodies of. 27 pas­ Weather may have been a factor Fly into Ocean only two days away. No such leg­ wounded -as they fled. munise Tibet. As long as the young running interview as the couple summer. sengers' and four crewmen over a, in both caaea. islation has been passed." hurried throughthe throng to a In advance of actual delivary of P aym ents Gyangtse, where the rebels were titular ruler remains in India, he-ls 2-mile area. A thundersquall - was sweeping . Myrtle Beach,'8. May 13 (•?) limousine for the Waldorf-Aatoria Top Officials are talking aerious- across Maryland when- the Via* C., the message to - CohgTess, Elsen- strong enough six w ^ks ago to a potential rallying point for those ly about whether to combine a Less than an hour before, an­ —^Three F-lOO Super-Sabre je t march away the CJhlnese oommla- opposed to the Communists. Hotel. One asked the actress how other Capital airliner, a 4-englne cwuht came through. Apparently U n til she felt; khruahehev trip with a summit fighter planes from Myrtle B.eaeh t o m a t o j u ic e x the .turbulence was causing rough Air Force Base crashed into the (Conttnned on Page Tea) s m ' "W hat do you think?” ahe ask­ conference in some American city. riding. October 1st Tfiia signals a change in attitude Atlantic Ocean before dawn to­ 2Np.2Cans ed in return. " It’e my.weddlng day No one eaw the plane the in­ Keehler and I feel wonderful.” by authorities whose 'views would day. ' ■ ■ • Adventure, a Way of Life stant it disintegrated with a fiery All three pilots were presumed Jan Hagpl 49c Fisher broke In: "We’re a little be important in deciding both la- News Tidbits aues. Until now, they have etreaaed flash—the sky was' covered with Ipet. weary but we’re very, happy." _ low-scudding ra.inclouds. But avia­ MONTGOMERY WARD TOMATO JUICE $w.oo When photograpbere asked the difficulties involved In a Culled troiii AP Wire* In -12n olf maeflea Crh C Bulletins Khrushchev visit br choosing an tion' engineers and others specu­ The jeta were on a bight navi­ 828 MAIN STREET 3 4 6 *O t. Cons .J B them to embrgoe for pictures. lated that a sudden, violent down- froqi the AP Wirea Miss Taylor declined and aaidr American site |for a summit con­ gational and air refueling training draft or updraft tore off part of a Delinquency “We're savihg that for our- ference. 1 Explosion on the sun, described mission. wing, rupturing a fuel line which aelves," If plans for a summertime sum­ as one of the strongest radio flares The Air Base said the three spewed kerosene into an engine. planes. were observed by others SUMMIT SITE. DATES Now i» the time for some ExeeptloNal Better coffee every time. , The couple was scheduled to mit meeting collapse, there is some ever recorded, kicked up a mag­ E. A JOHNSON leave-,by plane later today for netic storm in the earth's atmos­ The kerosene apparently ignited hurtling toward the ocean and Geneva, May 18 UB—San Fran­ wfll-earned Pleasant Moments... Qaan Vaiae prospect the bouncy Soviet leader with a roar, tearing the plane to that there apparently had been no lort not Sickness Spain but FUher said he had to will force the Issue by asking to be phere Sunday. . Cecilia Cooper, cisco appeared today to have aa pieces. collision. No one was seen to para­ PAINT CO. Now is the time for genial PM f'uII complete'naaeport arrangements allowed to open the Soiriet qx- New York Negro night club enter­ Inside track for a eiunnilt meet­ Keehler Pecan J t f % and their departure might be post­ tainer, named “MIim (jannes Film The plane had a radar unit chute from the planes. ing. And the opening date for th e ; lb position in the New York Coliseum Festival’’ yesterday ih beauty con­ aboard'but it waa not'operating ■The position of loss Is about 10 72.1 M A IN S T . \ ■* ______Randies 4 V C NOTE—Many Americans be-« personal possessions. The report poned until tomorrow. June 30. meeting of heads of government - Heve a ia t Juvenile deUnquents are set forth no hard and. fast rules test at annual film event. last night because of mechanical mllea bffshore. aouUieast of, this being mentioned by officiate here PHONE Ml 9-4501 NATIONAL 0ISTILLL8S P800UCTS COMPANY. NEW VORK, President Eisenhower probably difficulties, the alrtlne'reported'. A beach resort is Saturday or Monday, Aug. 1 or Just emotionally dis(wbed chil­ by which a family mig'ht be claa- (Umtlaued on Page Thrae) would aay “y ei” to auch a Khrush­ Edgar London .^person, de­ BLENDED WHISKEY. 86 PROOF. 65% GRAIN‘NEUTRAL SPIRITS' dren. They’re wrong»/Saya a panel aified, but ft did offer some guide­ signer and builder of first Ameri­ spokesnian for the airline in Wash-' Spotter .and helicopter planes 8. San Francisco heads' the list chev request. of sites prepared by the Big Font- of eiperto Who took a long, hard lines. The President would have no al­ can antomoblle, dies at his Phoe­ look a t the probtem. This Is the In the case of the lower claM nix home at the age of 89. , , Po­ (Continued on Pag* Four) (Continiied eh Page Nine) . diplomats here for the foreign' V SWANSON'S TV DINNERS ternative, . many officials beUeve, liceman and a .firemen pull Robert mlnlstere conference; Geneva la second of three stories on their youngster, for instance; now- that the Soviets have agreed fbididgs. Paiiama Says D; Thomas off. roof of 12-story second. Vienna and Qyebqe City It is unlikely that his parents to allow 'Vice President Nixon to seemed to be slowly dropping CHICKBN, TURKEY. BEEF and HADDOCK will belong to. service or fraternal downtown Los Angeles building lEAR AS YOUR TELEPHONE! open an Am.erican national exposi­ while hundreds below dare him to out. STOCK UP YOUR FREEZER. Cos* of 12 ...... 5.88 By G. K. HODKNjFlELD organieatlona. tion in Moscow July 26. . (AP Education Writer) Castro Delays Jump. His family probably, spends its Khrushchev has made no offlclal House GOP Preserves IK E TO S E E AIR CAIMBTS Washington, May IS (•Pf—Ju.ve- income on present pleasures rath­ Mrs. Mamie Ei'senhower arrives nlle delinquency — ateknees or, move yet to set up an American aboard private railroad car for her Washington, May 18 -017— er than saving for the future. Return of 86 visit. - But Soviet - buthorlties in •port? -He mhy quit school, or intend to second visit to her home city, Den­ President Elsbnhower win fly te Primarily It’s aport, aaye a re- Moscow have made it known that ver, in a ' llttle more, than two Principle of Home Rule Denver this weekend and visit - quit,' as soon a t it’a legally pos­ Panama, May .13 (ffV-Panama's "a senior offleisi” undoubtedly 8earoh report published this week sible. months, ! . . ’State Department the Air Force Academy ia near*: fres rozen —eport, adventure and a' way of government has told Oiban Prime woul^ go to New York to open the wants to set up a politico-economic by Colorado- Springs. The FARM HOUSE PIES U He may use poor English, such :/ Ufe. Minjeter Fide (lastro to watch his ■'Soviet exhibit. ' high command to direct this coun* Hartford, May 13 (/P)—Repub-S'make purchases up to 8800. Failed, White House announced today as “ain't," "I seen him,” of "When to n ^ e 'f he has hopee of getting The Soviets srs believed hold*' AT THE LOWEST P^ICE OF THE YEAR I / The big majority of delinquenta, he come in." .try’s countermoves to .economic llcaqs, the minority party in the 124-123. that Eiaenhower will leave here . according to alx expe.rta in the bacR- yS8 Cubans who invaded ing off. a decision s* to frhoiri to warfare UJr Soviet Union. state, Legislature, yesterday tri­ 2.'. Another placing, the Shelton eerly Setordey. .Inspect the, He probably 'Will tend to regard Papim a in an abortive attempt send until they eee how much pro­ ^Sove 20c on Every Apple or Blueberry Pie You Buy field, are essentially norinal Prince Mohamad, son. of Saudi umphed, over the Democrats on the Police Department on the merit Academy grobnds and buUdIngfr youngsters. They’re just running property whether hla own. or to" start X revolution. gress the foreign minister's meet­ ■ysteui, under control of an S4>- the school’s -t- as something to be Arabia's. King Saud, wine con­ principle of home rule. that o vo'ed down a move Of these could be helped by psy­ In the case of the middle claei of President~Emeeto de iaSGuar- owner ■' of c*r in which: , the nouneed that the eteto will een»r- ^ C A S E O F 6— 2.19 CASE OP 6—2.59 The 1957 act was aeslgned to to. reconsider the first Shblton bill. mark 8550,000 during the hex*. chiatric treatment—the rest are youngster: dla’e governmei.t to, getting the strangled body of Boston gambler was found May 4, charged with be­ permit Connecticut towns to They laughed when Democrats biennium fur a new state' fWrIC!’.' either Immdhe or allergic to it.. Hie parents. probably belong to help of the Organisation of Amer­ Teguciagalpa, Honduras, May protested that they were eincere service and frmtdmal groupa. ing an accessory after 'the fact of handle more of ' their own prob­ in the Milford area. The te|vw^ The alx authors of the report in­ ican States (OAS) against the in- IS (iP) — About 500 Honduran lems, without coming before the in seeking passage of the three r. 8. GRAbE A FRESHLY FROZEN > His older male relatives will murder. nor said tho money; will b* * 71,1 to 01/, LBS. NATIVE clude a pediatrician, a crimtnplo- vedere.. rebels were, reported In flight to­ Legislature. But it also allows bills. fift, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, generally wear suits and neckties Moreno reminded Aguero that day after an unsuccessful attempt . Japan eettlee her war debt with eluded In . the admlnistratk PLUMP HEN towns to ask for the Aseembly's The House also knocked down a bonding bill to be presented a soclolo^st and an authority on on the job. ' ' thb 'nvadefe -surrender^ uncon­ to seise Gracias, an old trading ShHith Viet Nam for 353,e00,00b... help if they .follow certain rules; bill giving, chiropractors the right CHIOKEN LESS cultural anthropology. Hie family will -probably aave ditionally and a.: e subject now to canter near the. Guatemalan Soviet news agency Tass charges the Legislature. The bill TURKEYS ' One of the rules says such pro­ to broaden their prsjctice. elude a lump sum provision' According to these experts, 85 its money for future use. Panemanioi, Justice. frontier. \ that Berlin airlift anniversary posals must be filed- with the state Democrats and ■ Repumicane per cent of all delinquents come The youngster 'frill do average The invader*, said they were re­ Th* goVOrnment said civilians celebrations were provocatory and State Parii DeveloppieBt *',p at least 10 days before the Legisla­ luiited to defeat') the bill over­ poeee, be said. from Idwer class families. They or better work iji school, o^. If he cruited by opponents o f . De la" helped 'tJrofipe rout the 'armed band aimed at worsenii^ political at- ture convenes. None of the three whelmingly on a'Voice vote; The acknowledge that terms like "low­ doe^’t.1 he will worry about it Guardia. , , ., when;-it attacked Gracias, the moaphere during (jw eva confer­ blUa yesterday had met that provi­ bill had been passed by the Sen­ XBODBB OXJARD WOl er claaS,’’ “middle class" and "up­ He will ‘ regard property i The body of the lone^uban frho capital of Lempira Statoi on Mon­ ence. sion. ! ate ■ and would Have permitted per Claes" grate harshly on Ameri­ ■omethlng to be ma^tained or was listed, as ^irtlll at targe was day night. -Conductor Leojtold Stokowski Dembcratlp argued that the biUe' chiropraotors to use electrotherapy UasleiaMi. N. C., Mngws^.. can ears gnd are difficult to define Improved. li«a brisk, 2-hour fight, the gov- Want a lubrication job. motor tune-up.nr any other »ervl<-e work* You don’J: found yeet^rday on a jungla trail obtains court order hMtraitiiiig should be considered' anyway. He- -ahd phyaleal tbenputtc maawues, —FHrat ahift worked f'S e l |Sliced Bacon, Mississippi Brand Ib. 59c In univeriMlly ^acceptable terina His primary aourca of money will near the Caribbean port of Porto- emiheht said, three rebels and Gloria Vanderbilt, hie former wife, publicans said the spirit of thb massage, exorcise, diet and. hy­ JENGUSn FORD AND GET IT* No fu.., no bother. But, they said, the class dlatlnc- be a n g u la r weekly or monthly belo. Authoritlea agld .he bad a Uiree anny men were killed and from ta|cing their sons out ot^Home Rul* Act 'would be weak­ giene in trea,.lng patients, as well tione are then, and are especially allowance. ' : ‘ buUqt wound in the head and ap- four' sollUers ware wounded. Manhattan pending outcome of ened or riiined the rule was thicken Wings ,.. lb. Important la g atudy juvenile as the manlmilatidn of elMletal Manchester Shopping Parkade,^'Middle Turnpike W. and . Hla way of life will reflect a pahwtly MM.ehol hlsuiMf. Ttiz rabals apllt into two groups custody wrangle, ;Driveriess trac­ waived. ' I ■tructucse of the human biody. ftoiteilia deUnquanep, i strong concern for the fpture, and A eerieus split developed in the and retreated'into the mountains. tor circles about highwray in Idaho; These frere the bUls; This was the third Uma-la re- Broad ,St„ Ma» Chester, Open Monday, Tuesdayi, 10 A.M. to As t£a ipiM rtI drew their line, jdannTng for the future. De Jg Ouerala edmlnlstreUon, One waj^aeported heading toward kUUng one man. Injuring another, 1. One eliminating the efBca bf oeat: years puch « blU f a ^ te be I BROTHERS —- Ml 3-5135 |6 P.M.-rWednesday, Thuraday, Priday, 9 A.M., to 9 P.M. aUae ;gtCtg8 S largely m atUr of -and crashing fnto a utility pole and pairchaalng agent im Shelton, and Saturday, 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. , ' ■ ■ taolly- agplrationa rather than (OyMaeed'aelSeeFW m r ) . itm o m m s m iMge Time). ^ . .(OMMMMi a o r a o 'n u a a ) allowing department heads te (OBBOaMd M litg* Triple-S Stamp Redemption Center—ISO Market Sguank Newington VT. —— .... I 1 . ■ 'V. . V ..Y t V'-'