' X •■-X ■ I ■ !♦' MONDAY^ MAY 11, 1969 I^^^OUSTGCN iKanrHe^^r lEupning l|pral{i Avcniire Dtily NgI P r«M R on . Thfi WfiBllMr i Far the Weem Ended Foreeaat ot D. •. Hraatlwr 6 b y fith, I96fi| ilio intocuUvg-hoard ot CharUr The executive board of the Var- WAXES ChNidy, warm, boimM, aunttfitod Oak Lodga. B'nal B'rith, ^^'in niMt plancfc PTA will meat toraoriwV , 1 2 , 9 2 ( ) phowera nr tkaadasulMiwern te- .^i)OUlTowii I Wedne^a.v night at S o'ctock at night at 7:30 in the school library. DAT OR V t ^ t nigitt and Wedneedajr. Low tonlgbt All Ihromlng and outgoing oRlpdrs, i Honors Mothers' ■ Jarrls Africa, 2*3 fc. Center .St. BY RXPl Membtr et the Audit near fiO. Rtgli Wedneeday nmr t U U«neh«itcr High School commUtee chairmen and cjafnmtl- Bureau of Clrenlatiea. p r o ’«!tU hold • Huoinooi iMoUng Dr. Ralph D Kelpdr. direrlor bf tee membeCa are requested to be The ManchaaUr WATER held a ARTHUR ORUa Manchester—~A City o f yulhge Charm Md tfMtion hf ortlcer* tonight nt research for tke BvangellcaJ present. Inatailation 'ceremonies; Mother’s Day talebratlon recently, T;80 «t the high school. Foundation, will he the key aneak- will be held, the PTA scholnrihlp ; and praaanted red and wiilte nose­ __ er at the Oalyary Temple, Hart- swarded and plaali fnr the family : X y o u LXXVIII, NO. 189 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN„ TUESDAY, MAY 12. 19.S9 (Clnaslfled Advertising on Pnge 11) PRICE FIVE CENT'S 8t. Margaret’s Circle, Dattghtere , ford, tomorrow night at 7:«.V He picnic discuss^ ' gays to the oldest mother pre­ at iMbella. will meet tomorrow at I will he speaking at the prophetic sent, the mother of the youngest CHARGE YOUR t tMB. at the K. of C. home. Mlaa ; conference which opened yerter- The EJtds^niapman Joy Circle of ^ child, snd the mother of the most the Noblh Methodist Church W"!!! I XnM LaOace. the regent, urges day and mil continue through grsndchildren. PRESCRIPTIONS HERE the entire committee for the month Thureday. meyt St the church Wednesday af- Ribicoff SignsjDillon Gets! of May to attend thU meeting. ,t*fnoon at 2 o’clock. Those who Mrs. Georgisnns Bressettc wss House Backs Town MeiRben are also reminded to , The Story Clrrle of the Sout^ ' plan to work on the quilt are asked the oldest mother; Mrs. Betty bristf material for work tm the Melhbdlat WSCR will 1 to come at 10 o’clock In the morn- Badlowskt wss the mother of the Bill to Abolish Wednesday at 10 a.m. a*"the.^iiie jng. Members sre reminded t6 youngest child, s 2ii-month-ol^ m m PINE cancer project. - .ylKtmmKgm p r a r m a c t of Mrs. Rose Unpihart, Birington. bring gifts for the maybasket. j ('hiid: and Mrs. Celia Moller wsS Right to Condemn Marine Pfc. Datid P. Custer, son the mother with thf most grand­ State Counties ot Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Custer. 42 Members of the Sth '6iatrtct Fire The Holy Name Society of St. j children. 27. Blgtdow at,. Is senlng aboard the Department willkhld a drill to. .lames’ Church will hold g ^father The program, held at the Itslisn m ^ E N T E R ST. Hartford. Mav 12 (>!?)- attnek aircraft carrier USS In­ night at 11 o'cljcjefi at the hrehouse. and son program Wednesday night American Club, included dancing dependence, operating with the At- Co 1 will h' a'meettng after the at 7 o'clock in St. James’ School and singing by children from the Or Buy Water dlo» Abraham Ribicoff t'O*qd • y aigned into law the abolition Wfifihington,'May 12 </P)— IsnOe Fleet in the Csnbbesn.. t drill. hall. Earl A’ost.' Herald sports Gertrude iSder Dance Studio. The Senate Foreign Relations writer, will show slides of the lO.'iS Mrs. Betty Sadlowski was win­ ARE YOUR CAR of Connecticut’s 293-year-bld, The May meeting of Rockvllla' The^ Holy Ghost Mothers Circle World .lerles and baseball spring ner of the top monthly award for (Committee today put off until A bill gitnng the Town o ft''°‘'k out a compromise on an ex- system of county govern-’ Emblem. No. 5. will be held: wMl meet tomorrow night at A training. April, having lost 12 pounds. Mrs. Pa y m e n t s t o o next Tuesday action on the M anrheater the riirht to b u v h ’‘*'*V“" the act. Plnney ment. tVedneaday. preceded by a poUuck>A clock at the home of Mya. Wil- Frances Klein and Mrs. Harriet Manenester tne rignt 10 ouy ,,„„eited Jan. is, m i. and! The Governor signed the hiatoric nominations of C. Douglas at 6:30 p m. Under the chairman^'! lii.m Meaimer. 73 MshoC Oirclf, Nerl ware tied for Mcond place, HIGH? e r condemn the Manchester poMiwy April 16, i96i. shir of Gladys Fmlev. Mother>Day ■ East Hartford. Mrs. Harding Car- i measure without comment at 10:10 Dillon to be No. 2 man at the Hr each with a loss of 9 pounda. The But Ardhaon declared that this a.fii. rcill also be observed.■ X rter will'be the ro-hostess. Wll- Marine Exhibit next meeting will be tomorrow at Water Co. was passed by thei State Department and Ogden X 1 11am Missamer, speech therapist State House o f Representa-i P'an wa# unacceptable and pushed • Tlie nieaaiA-e received its final 7 p.m. at w’hich a specihr weight Hvea th is afternoon and aen titor passage of the original bill. approval by the/LeglslatureReid yes-to be ambassador to Is­ Conference Miss Judith Clifford, worthy jid? for Manchester schools, will be the Scl'for Museum discussion will be held. - TRADE n v es im s a iiern oon aim Aronson In urging pas- terday when tha*Benate, which had rael. .vlrcr of Manchest^ Aieembly Or­ speaker. ■ —J t ' *kge of the 4)1H was Rep. David ' previously passed the bill, voted The action came after unexpset- der of Rainbow Wr Girls, will pre- Commencing Wednesday, the ■The hill aet off conaiderablede -: ^ Barry, also a Manchester Dem-1 acceptance of It r.gain. ed opposition developed to the Sixth grade pupils of the Hollis­ Stalemated sidd at the Mainsas sesalon and Luta .liintor Museum will feature a bate in the House before It was „crst, i This second trip to the .Senate nomination of Dillon to i^ under- election ofuinlcert tonight at 7;30 ter School will present a program. „ South School PTA DOWN Marine exhibit in the center hall passed on a voice vole. Barry noted that the ^Eighth nertasitated by the action of secielary of state sticceedlng lathe MaiwnlcTemple, Mrs. Eliga-, for the PTA at Its pieeUng at 8 of the building at 126 Cedar St. WE NEED LATE MODELS An attempt to amend the bill to Chrl.#tlan A. Herter Wbo heesme both doiarier■‘'^bf ' the Advisory j o'clock tomorrow night. The arl- To End Season Utilities District alread'Blrea^ had the House ot Representatives in , , ,, . ,,, Harry Ballinger, well-knowm OF ALL KINDS take .away the town's power of power of condemnaMim over0 the amending it twice. The House following Xhe illness of A t Geneva Boai^ wnU award merit pins and nusi electicn of offleers will,follow. marine artist who has heien giving condemnation was defeated on a Top Allewaaoca Madal water compan.v. H#Xaid the bill peaned the bill last week 144-129. >o^i Poster IJutle# bora. water-color demonstrations In the The South School I*TA will hold , roll call, 139-104. merely gave the.'tDwnth^-1x>\LTt ttthe iame County covemment, which datea Oppoattion to Reid had been ex^ MeAiorlal Temple, Pythian Sis­ elementary grade.s during the past its final meeting of the year in the i The amendment was sponsored right. /iback to' 1«66. cease# on Oct. l,|P''«lrd. but tjib asssiilt on Dillorf Geneva, M«J^ 12 (iTO—The The 63th spring council meeting ters. ijill meet in Odd Fellowa Hall form of a pothick tomorrow night' by House GOP Minority Leader of the Girli’ Friendly Society, Dio- .two weeks, is loaning a niimber of Aronaon arjfued that without the I 1P60. From that, dale on. moat Demotratir inemhera of the :?f>viet Union, today propofiod at 7:.30 tomor-L v night. A Moth­ pictures for the exhibit, the same at 6:3(). Beauprt Motori A. Searle Pinney of Brookfield. power of condemnation by. the I chore.x how performed by county j came aa a aUrprlee. caea of Connecticut, will be. held er's Day program will be held. There’s nothing like a few situpa with somebody hdldfhg your r V pictures the school children have Mrs.'Glendon Duqlap is chair-1 BROiAD ST. AT Pinney declared that the ^ w er tj,, wat6r company could set 1 personnel will be the responsibility lissell R. Long (D-Lal V imnifediate admi»sion of Com- Saturdav 4t Chiral Ckurch Cathe­ The degree staff Is asked Ip be legs doiyh to keep the did belly trim. Here contestants use said h^ could not support Dillon’s dral, Hartford Mrt. AVilllam watche<l him paint. Alst) featured man of tha supper, and will accept, w . m id d l e TPRE. of condemnation would be a threat price for ita property and of the State. niuniat -Uoland and Czecho­ present for rehearsal. Members only the stomach miiscles to puli'themselves to a sitting position, han^ng over the company ""6 ] Tlie counties lose their ay#t«m of promotion becaiise of what Long i Bryca, Irving St., ia chairman of will be loans from the Marine His­ while other contestants w’ait for the mats.
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