Our Hunsrück expedition

Explanation of pictures taken on from 29th of August until 5th of September 2010.

IMG_1132 ‐ Same evening of our arrival in Hunsrück we make our first stroll in the surroundings of Sulzbach (south of Rhaunen)

IMG_1133 ‐> 1141 – Wandering around in the neighborhood of Sulzbach and Rhaunen

IMG_1142 ‐> 1148 – Checking out the most important part of the multipart (and therefore ) not really existing but constructed mythical village of Schabbach.

IMG_1150 ‐> 1164 – Another part of mythical Schabbach: with the forge / Schmiede „Simon“

IMG_1166 ‐> 1176 ‐ Of course we needed to hike around in beautiful Hunsrück as well, and rest too. People (Celts and Romans) resided here already a long time (since the second century )

IMG_1177 ‐> 1180 ‐ Not going anywhere without my morning coffee.

IMG_1181 ‐> 1205 ‐ Mediaeval Herrstein has a “Traumschleife“ / Dreamtrail with wonderful sights and offered Marian the opportunity to tie me to a pillory and lead us along a cemetery into the fields with a place to lounge.

IMG_1206 ‐> 1227 ‐ Our excursion to local capital with a department in the the local Hunsrücker museum with props and pictures from the series 1 and 3. And a picture of Marian’s favorite character Marie Goot, together with director .

IMG_1235 ‐> 1238 – Nearby Kirchberg, a typical quiet Hunsrücker town.

IMG_1239 ‐> 1256 ‐ Expedition to the slate mines of where some scenes were taken of Heimat 3 and the focus point of the Robin Hood like Schinderhannes saga.

IMG_1257 ‐> 1276 ‐ Jewels centre Idar‐Oberstein is a nice intermission on our expedition from Schneppenbach to the “Teufel Fels” / Devils Rock.

IMG_1278 ‐> 1285 ‐ Birth and death are natural parts in this multi generation saga of Heimat so therefor the series need fake graves (recognizable by the white stickers indicating so) of the characters that passed away in the series 1, 2 and 3 and were buried at the cemetry.

IMG_1286 ‐> 1292 ‐ Of course life goes on in the Hunsrück. Nearby the cemetery was a big fair starting off with athletic games for the junior athletes (and their worried mothers).

IMG_1294 ‐> 1297 ‐ And next to all that is the Bismarck tower, built in 1902, with a splendid view of the Hunsrück.

IMG_1298 ‐> 1317 ‐ In Heimat 3 plays the old frame house “Günderrode Haus” a starring role as an image of the reconstruction of after the reunification in 1989. Nowadays it is a famous restaurant with splendid views on the river Rhine and the Loreley Rock. And of course we find Marians favourites unified in one picture: Hermänchen and Marie Goot.