Quarantine Stories


Gan Hong Li Shuai Yao Shiyu Compiler

Gan Hong Li Shuai Yao Shiyu

We are Gan Hong, Li Shuai and Yao Shiyu from TU Wien. This collection of stories is the open format for our project 'Daily Food and Everyday Life' which is under the 'Stoires of life and work: exploring work ethics and diverse economics in and around Vienna and beyond'. The main focus of our project is the food issue, we wonder how resilience of daily food and everyday life performs while all social systems lock down during the quarantine. And our research target group people is the international students who are vulnerable under pandemic. Preface

efore you begin this volume of 7 short stories, we would Blike to acknowledge that all of them are based on true cases. All these stories are about the everyday food life of international students in Europe.

When the Covid-19 pandemic swept around Europe, the international students here became a group of vulnerable people, for being not familiar with the surrounding especially under such circumstance of pandemic. We are also international students in Europe, we got the inspiration of collecting such stories from our own shifting daily food life. In our quarantine time, everyday we discover funny stories about food which we really want to share with my friends, some are quite ridiculous and some make us proud.

When we talked with our friends, we were so moved by the intelligence and strong reflected with the stories of them. The stories happened in quarantine time during their oversea time, but they are not normal due to the lockdown situation outside. They use their own way to enjoy their lives, in the same time staying safe and healthy. I came across ‘Quarantine food stories’ to use a simple art of storytelling, and you will find these stories mixed with the food of their dishes.

In this ,7 short stories, you can see the resilience produce by the strong and optimistic group of people! This is life, not always perfect like we wish, but we always do our best! Quarantine Food Stories Everywhere Zucchini Zucchini or Pumpkin?

Cuisine Zucchini





ecause the mistake of the translation, I Location: Vienna Kitchen condition: Bbought 3kg zucchini from M&Z Handels Double room dormitory with Gmbh in online delivery which I thought were private kitchen 3kg pumpkin. My origin intension is to store Frequency of purchase: Once a week some pumpkin for about one month. Now they Take-away preference degree: were zucchini! which cannot be stored for such a long time. Therefore in the following two Ingredients: weeks, I eat zucchini almost every meal, and Zucchini, zucchini and everything for me can be cook with zucchini. zucchini with anything else- Boiled zucchini, fried zucchini with prawn, - Purchase online from M&Z Handels Gmbh meat or fish... And I have a chance to practice cutting zucchini everyday, look! I can cut them into super thin pieces! Please call me Zucchini Master!

To be honest, zucchini is delicious, but 3kg in two weeks for only one girl just too much ...... Quarantine Food Stories My Omnipotent Cooker Cook everything with my rice cooker Taro Chicken With rice


Ready for Cook!

Super rice cooker!

Location: Vienna Kitchen condition: efore the pandemic, I really enjoy Single room dormitory with Bin public kitchen, and I usually roasted fish public kitchen Frequency of purchase: or meat, and never hesitated to cook variety Twice a month styles of meal. I am not going to hide the truth Take-away preference degree: that I am quite confident with my cooking skill.

Ingredients: But now, because of the corona virus, I really Chicken breast, onion, egg, don't want to use the public kitchen for taro, rice, corn, sesame-- M&Z Handels Gmbh reducing contact with others, which lead me to Rice cooker-- Cook only for totally depend on my rice cooker to cook meal rice to everything in my tiny dorm. My rice cooker was only for cook rice, but now it needs to cook everything. 'Worked hard' to my dear rice cooker...

Therefore, I don't have a chance to choose the style of meal, just everything together, only ensuring balance portion of and meat everyday to keep a healthy life ;-o Quarantine Food Stories Grace Under Lockdown Make as if I am in 'Cafe Sperl'


Julius Meinl Coffee! Pancake

Soft and creamy!

With Strawberry!

Location: Vienna Kitchen condition: efore the pandemic, I really like to go to the Double room dormitory with BCafe to enjoy a nice tea time, enjoying the private kitchen Frequency of purchase: diet culture of Vienna. Melange, Sachertorte, Once a week Kaiserschmarren, Apfelstrudel, Topfenstrudel... Take-away preference degree:

Since the lockdown begin, there is no chance to Ingredients: go to Cafe. What can I do? Nothing could beat Flour, Egg, Fresh milk, me! So I turn to find a way to make home like Butter, Cream -- Grocery Cafe, making cake and coffee at home. But the Microwave-- Instead of oven, key problem is that there is no oven in my room. for about 6mins No worries! I use the microwave to instead of the oven! Mixing as many dairy products as possible with egg and flour and microwaving for 6 mins, I get my unique "pancake".I spread jam and place frozen strawberry on the top to pretend to be graceful, telling myself that I'm in the "Cafe Sperl" ;-) Quarantine Food Stories Tasty Feast First day when I come from the grocery Bibimbap

Shrimp! Egg!


Crab stick! Beef!


Hot-spicy pot

Location: Vienna Kitchen condition: ot-spicy and Bibimbap are always the first Double room dormitory with Hand optimal choice for the when I private kitchen just came back from the grocery. Why? The day Frequency of purchase: Once a week when I just came back from the grocery is the Take-away preference degree: day when my refrigerator is full again I would think the dish with many ingredients would Ingredients: not be a problem anymore, with various type of Vegetables, Crab Sticks, Shrimp, Meat, Egg, Sesamen-- vegetables, meat and seafood to mix together, Grocery adding sour and spicy sauces, wow! You see, am Hot-spicy source, Korean I rich in food variety? spicy souce-- Chinese supermarket Although it might take a long time to cook, but who cares? Time is the most abundant thing during the quarantine! Don't forget to bring the beer and now enjoy my great meal! Quarantine Food Stories Produce for Myself Find a excellent way to enrich the house-time Chinese pizza

That's the feel!

Lovely Dough!

Dough making! Pizza shape!

reen onion , or you can call it Chinese Location: Vienna Kitchen condition: Gpizza, is well known in , for it's easy Full-equipped kitchen in to produce and store, which is super suit for apartemnt Frequency of purchase: quarantine time! Once a month Take-away preference degree: The process of making the Chinese pizza is just like a kind of entertainment at home. Making Ingredients: it also need a lot of activities which can be a Flour, Shallot-- Grocery home exercise, doesn't it? I make it with my A twist of the wrist for dough making and you can invite all roommates, in the same time we watched the your roommates to join. films, what a wonderful time! For normally during quarantine time we don't have such interesting things to do together, and the green onion pie let us have a lot of interaction together again! This time we can make about 130 pieces, enough for one month to enjoy!

You must know the smell of the Chinese pizza! Just do it! Quarantine Food Stories Those still accompanies us No time to cook meal? Order online! Take-away

Chips! !

Fried chicken!

Leburger! KFC!

Location: Vienna ometimes online courses are intensive, so we Kitchen condition: Sdon't have enough time to cook by ourselves. Double room dormitory with Also we cannot dine out of course. Don't worry! private kitchen Frequency of purchase: There are still some restaurants accompany us Once a week online. Take-away preference degree:

After first try in Mjam APP, we really fall in love Ingredients: with it! We prefer to choose those we cannot APP for ordering food-- e.g. cook in our dormitory, like and mjam . Yes! Like KFC! Crazy miss the taste of the fried chicken wings! These things we used to eat in the restuarants, but now we order them in our room. How hard work are those delivery brothers! Super thank to them for they take the risk to delivery food for us!

It's so good to save time and meet our need for in quarantine time ;-) Quarantine Food Stories Upgrade to Everything can be homemade Fried

Lovely Baozi!

Delicious juice!

Dough making! Homemade stuffing!

Baozi shape!

ried Baozi is a super popular in South Location: Vienna Kitchen condition: Fof China, which is very delicious with meat Full-equipped kitchen in and soup inside, and the outside is soft on the top apartemnt Frequency of purchase: and crispy in the bottom. This snack we usually Once a month go to some famous restaurants to eat, because it Take-away preference degree: is so complicated to made at home. Ingredients: But now, we have a lot time at home and really Flour, Meat, Soup, Shallot, miss the taste of the Fried Baozi. You must Ginger, Wine, Sesame-- Grocery cannot imagine that we spend almost a whole Plenty of Time at home! day to make them, including preparing the stuffing and dough, everything is made by ourselves. For us this is quite like an experiment that we never tried before. So we learn to make this from failing again and again. In the end they look the part! Although they are quite different from what we ate in restaurants, but they are our "babys"! Postscript

From the collection of these stories, the question of how resilience is revealed from international students as individuals under pandemic can be answered. The resilience here can be devided into two dimensions: first is self-adaptation of the international students in everyday life on food, and another aspect is the response to the food system resilience. The stories in this collection give us a hint that self-adaptation is quite important for individuals to get over the difficulties while in the same time it can bring a lot unexpected effects. Also we can tell that the shifting and adjustments in food system give individuals some new options and procedures to get into, which help individuals to maintain the daily needs on food and the same time step into some new experiences.

This collection of stories as an open format is accopanied with a report and a film, together you can get a full image of the research and finding in this topic.

Hope everyone who read this collection will all have a optimistic and strong life! Jun 2020 In Vienna