V OL.13, NO.3 FALL 2002 The New England Consortium’s TNEC TNEC 2002 Open Enrollment Training Calendar TNEC University of Massachusetts Lowell, One University Avenue, Falmouth 202, Lowell, MA 01854 The New England Consortium’s uarterly Phone: 978.934.3197, Fax: 978.934.2012 or 978.452.5711 A Newsletter aboutQ Working with Toxic Materials, Health and Safety Training, Law and Public Policy www.uml.edu/tnec e-mail:
[email protected] Health and Safety Training All TNEC trainings are held at the TNEC Training Center, Wannalancit Mills, 600 Suffolk Street, 5th Floor, Lowell, MA, unless otherwise stated. November December January February March Health and Safety Training Providence’s Brownfields Job Training Program Graduates First Class 40-Hour M-F M-F M-F Hazardous 2-6 13-17 24-28 he inaugural class of Providence Waste Site Worker A Newsletter about Working with Toxic Materials, Health and Safety Training, Law and Public Policy Brownfields Employment and Quarterly TTraining Program graduated 8-Hour Tue. 19 Wed. 18 Thur. 9 Tue. 11 Thur 13 in August. Hazardous CONTENTS A “Brownfield” is a site, or portion Waste Site Worker Going Down the Road thereof, that has actual or perceived Page 1 Refresher contamination and an active potential by JIM HIGHTOWER Tony Mazzocchi, ‘Labor Guy’ enlist in World War II, fighting three Refresher for Hazardous Waste Site for redevelopment or reuse. This Special Going Down program, funded by the U.S. Feature Awareness Awareness Site Worker the Road ut in the countryside is where combat campaigns and ending up at workers.