Essentials: Family: . Temperature: eggs and Also known as : . larvae, about 24°C. Adults, longfin tuna. from 10 to 28°C. Life span: up to 15 years. Alalunga comes from 2. Albacore Tuna Can swim at an estimated the Latin ala longa, (Thunnus alalunga) average speed of 4 km / h. “long wing”.

It can be identified by a white line along the outer edge of its caudal fin.


The name Thunnus alalunga Larvae in the refers to its long pectoral fins. top 20 m Juveniles in the top 40 m Hatch from a 1-1.5 mm Ø egg and can grow up to 140 cm long and weigh up to 40 kg. Did you know that REPRODUCTION PREY small planktonic • albacore tuna is a very cosmopoli- Age of first reproduction: Larvae: tan oceanic species 2 years for the Mediterranean population and for oceanic Adults as far that we still have a lot 5 years down as 200 m to learn about? albacore. Juveniles and adults: , , • female albacores are smaller and small than males? Spawning season: They breed in the spring and summer, Main predators: other • fishermen sometimes find them during 6 months in tropical ocean tuna species and where there are fin whales, feeding waters and 3-4 some on the same months in the prey –krill? Mediterranean.

They have been found as deep as 450 m distribution

spawning grounds migration routes

Conservation status: Because albacore are present in all the oceans, Some of the albacore’s spawning NOT OVERFISHED their management is controlled by 4 Regional grounds and migration routes have not Management Organizations (RFMOS). yet been accurately located.

Advising experts: Sámar Saber, Victoria Ortiz de Zarate, Pablo Quelle, and Patricia Reglero. Design and illustrations: Flavia Gargiulo. For more information about our sources please consult