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White House Special Files Box 1 Folder 7 Richard Nixon Presidential Library White House Special Files Collection Folder List Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 1 7 N.D. Brochure Brochure written by Igor Gouzenko entitled "Memorandum: Trudeau, A Potential Canadian Castro." 1 pg. 1 7 04/16/1968 Letter From Igor Gouzenko to RN RE: Canadian politician Pierre Trudeau. 2 pgs. 1 7 07/05/1961 Letter Copy of a letter from RN to Igor Gouzenko RE: filming "The Fall of a Titan." 1 pg. 1 7 04/16/1968 Other Document Envelope from Mudge, Stern, Baldwin and Todd to RN. 1 pg. Wednesday, September 16, 2009 Page 1 of 1 \S \5 ~ ~ \ V) 2 ~ ~ '3 (J. --I f\L . ~ <;C! >­ . () ~ )IC. <­ ~ v ~ Z ~ <t W 0 'Z: C{ uJ ~ I.,!) OJ . 0 ~ \fJ ~ ::> 0 . L l ~ ~ IGOR GOU ZENKO o M TR UDEAU, A POTENTIAL CANADIAN CASTRO Because Canadian and U.S. press, radio and television largely ignored the past activities and writings of Trudeau, the public is not aware of a real possibility that on the 6th of April, 1968, the next Prime Minister of Canada might be a self-admitted radical socialist, and Canada might with ever increasing pace turn into a second Cuba. The situation is already pregnant with a multiple threat to Canadian freedom. The present Minister of Justice, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, was elected to Parlia ment only in 1965. Before this he was professor at the Uni­ versity of Montreal; he was the founder of a r adical left magazine, Cite Libre. He is careful not to call himself a communist, but as a matter of record, he was once ba rred from the United States as a com­ munist. Below is the clipping from the Toronto Daily Star, dated February 16, 1968: In another 1-evelation, he admitted he 'was once blacklisted by U.S. immigration a~tthoriti e s because they suspected he was a Communist. Yet in spite of this background, shor tly after Trudeau was elected to Parliament in 1965, Prime Minister P earson appointed him his Par­ liamentary Secretary, and then made him, of all things, the Minister of Justice. Pearson now supports Trudeau in the leadership race in obvious preference to other candidates. Press, radio and television are giving Trudeau unprecedented publicity, building him up as an intellectual, ignoring the fact that many of his so-called new ideas are borrowed from the outworn, reactionary writings of Lenin and Mao. The Liberal Convention will choose not just a new leader, but a new Prime Minister. The next Prime Minister, therefore, would be elected not by the Canadian people at a general election but by several hundred delegates at the convention. The responsibility of the delegates, therefore, takes truly a historic proportion. IGOR GOUZENKO CANADA Mr. Ri char d M. Nixon April 16th, 1968 2 0 Br oad\.-lay St• •udge, St ern, Bald"ri n and Todd Nev York, N.Y. Dear Mr . Ni xon : May I dr aw your attention to the dangerous situation in Canada as a r esult of sudden rise to power of Pier r e Tr udeau. Canadian; Enclosed i s my memo r andum , 'Trudeau, a potential '(Cas t r o ' • It wa s published i n linli t ed number s only, and wa s mailed t o some voti n g delegates to t he Liberal conven tion which took place on April 4, 5 and 6th of 1968. If t his memorandum had reached all 2500 voting dele­ gates , t he r esul t of voting might be di ffer ent, and i n stead of Trudeau Canada wo uld have Wint ers for the Prime .tlnister . However , l ack of funds made it i mpossible to publ ish more copi es and t o mail them. It is becomi n mor e and mor e evident that while l eft i s t s are helping eacb ot her vigorou sly (see the ca se of ~ e ars o n givi ng $5000 award to Ro ber t Bryce , friend of Al g r Hi SS, page 3 of t he me orffildum ) , the ant i - communists shy each ot her. As a result t he l eft - wingers are gai ning t he grounds. Th e col d, indif fer ent and unexcusably timid a t t i t ude of some obviously anti-cOIIllIlU11 ists t o thei r friends paid terrible devidents now. Several years ago I appealed to you to hel p me to s ell the movie-rights of my novel , The Fall of a Titan . Your response wa s magni f icent, and I am gratef ul to you for your l etter. (1 encl ose c op~ of it). I f people in Hollywood would be l ike you, believing in freedom, def endi ng it courageous l y, t he film would be made . Unfortunatel y, t hos e who could have he lp~r a ctica lly di d not act . Th e result wa s t hat t he movie-rights were not sold, I have to l ive i n pover ty all last years , strug b .ng to survive, while leftis t s He r e gi ven all kinds of as sistances by men like Pear son. There are also indicat ions that Raymond Boyer, t he French-Canadi an mi l l i onair e , who wa s convicted a s a oviet spy as a result of my revelations in 1945, i s fri end of Trudeau and he hel ped Tr udeau f inancial ly in his el ecti on campaign. Trudeau is self-admit ted radical social ist . He wa s bar r ed f rom the U. S. a s a communi st. Even before he via s elect ed he thr eatened t o ' cri pple' the U.S. ef f ort s in Viet n am by stoppi ng all s ales of nickel t o your country. (see page l ;z, of t he memorandum . As the next Presi dent of the Un i ted St a tes, and I have Mr. Richard Ni xon - 2 ­ no doubt you wil l be the next President, you should be awar e of t h e potenti al Cas tro on your nor t hern boar der . Trudeau' s met hods of t ur ning country i nto r adical social ist st ate might be di fferent from Castro ' s , bu t the r e sult would be the s ame i n time. Trudeau already , on t he second day of his elect i on, proclaimed that he inten­ ded t o wit hdraw Canadian t roops f r om Europe. The dream of the Sovi et gover nment t o outflank t he D. B. f r o J t h e south and nor th i s becoming a realit y. I al so would l i ke to draw y our attent i on t o my f i ve- point progr a IIlIIl e which Tr udeau now wants to nullify by changing Canadian l aw. (se e page s 11 , 1 2 and 13 of the memo randum ) . The aim of my progr amme i s to br ing on our si de mo r e I1 Gouzenkostl with t he docu­ ments exposi ng t he Sovi et s py rings . Ti me pr oved t hat this i s only eff ective way to f i gh t t he Soviet e s pionage. Trudeau is now att empti ng to saf eguard t he work of t he Sovi et spie s l.n Canada. The moral of the t ragedy in Canada is clear : the anti-communists must help each other with the atm os t pr actical eff orts, otherwise freedom wil l be de s t r oyed by men like Trud.eau. I als o enclose the recent art i cle ' Risked l ife for Canada-­ Gouzenko says het s broke ', and art icle about Ph i lby. ~o t h articl e s appeared i n Tor on t o Tel egr am. I t i s Canadian Phi lbys of t he undi scl osed Soviet spy rings who made life f or my fami l y ext remely difficult . Any t hi nking per s on must r eal ize t hat without help of ant i-communis t s I wi ll not survi ve. Wishing you the great est possible success, Yours Sinc er e l y , ~ ~~ . 1'iy addr e s s : I nsi de envelope : Igor Gouz enko . out side envel op e : P.BrOvTl1 c /o R. A. Har r ise B,A . 1 Gr een sbor o Drlve (Ki pling and 401 Kwy ) Toronto, On t ario, Canada . RICHARD NiXON J uly '), 1 961 Dear Mr. G Ollzenko: I am truly g rateful to you for giving me a n opportunity t o -endorse -- enthusiastica.Lly and without reser v ation -- the i dea of filming The Fall of a Titan. The book itself. of cou rse, has had a tr emendous worldwide iDlpact on a vast audienc e'. But a film w ould, predictably, br oaden tl1is influ­ ence further still, and especially among younger people for w hom the battles of the 1940's and 1950's are fa s t b e c 0 Dl i n g "an c i e nthi s t () r y II • You and I both know, h oweve r , that the strugg l e o f freedom against de spoti sm goes on unabated.
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