Inventory Acc.12035 Ronald Black National Library of Scotland Manuscripts Division George IV Bridge Edinburgh EH1 1EW Tel: 0131-466 2812 Fax: 0131-466 2811 E-mail:
[email protected] © Trustees of the National Library of Scotland Correspondence and papers of Ronald Black, senior lecturer emeritus in Celtic, University of Edinburgh, and Gaelic editor and journalist, 1996-99, relating to the donor’s anthology of 20th century Scottish Gaelic poetry, An Tuil, published by Polygon, Edinburgh, 1999; and papers, 1937-89, relating to other work on 20th century Gaelic literature. Presented, 2001, by R. Black Esq., Peebles. 1-35 AN TUIL FILES 36 IAN PATERSON: POEM COLLECTION, ‘LEABHAR NAM PRANNAG’ 37-38 REV EWEN MACLEAN: PROSE SCRIPTS AN TUIL FILES 1-33. A series of editorial correspondence files arranged alphabetically by names of the poets included in the anthology. 1. Alasdair Braden (1963-98); Meg Bateman (b.1959); Alexander Cameron (1848-1933). 2. Angus Campbell ‘Am Puilean’ (1903-82); Angus Campbell, ‘Am Bocsair’ (1908-49); Norman Campbell (b.1942). 3. Angus Peter Campbell (b.1954); John [Seonaidh] Campbell (1859-1947); Myles Campbell (b.1944). 4. Anthony Dilworth (b.1929); Rev. Angus Finlayson (1897-1973); Duncan Finlayson (1897-1966); Anne Frater (b.1967). 5. Rody Gorman (b.1960); Calum R. Graham (b.1942); Donald Graham (b.1949); Donald Grant (1903-70). 6. George Campbell Hay (1915-84); Duncan Johnston (1881-1947); Hugh Laing (1889- 1974). 7. John Archie MacAskill (1898-1933); Donald MacAulay (b.1930); Catherine MacDonald (b.1925). 8. Donald MacDonald, ‘Domhnall Eirisgeach’ (1912-89); Donald MacDonald, ‘Domhnull Ruadh Chorùna (1887-1967).