KAJ NEWSLETTER A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun

י"ד אלול תש"פ September 3, ‘20 Volume 51 Number 1

MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD The Board of Trustees wishes all our members and friends best Kesiva vaChasima Tova wishes, for a successful, safe, and healthy year. Facing the ongoing pandemic, we look forward to the upcoming year .in the manner we are used to עבודת ה' that we can return soon to our רופא כל בשר with faith in the

WELCOME BACK The KAJ Newsletter welcomes back all its readers from what we hope was a pleasant and restful summer, wishes for the Kehilla’s membership and friends. At the same time, we כתיבה וחתימה טובה and expresses its wish a Tzeisechem LeSholom to our members’ children who have left, or will soon be leaving, for a year of study elsewhere, whether in Eretz Yisroel, America or elsewhere.

As we begin our 51st year of publication, we would like to remind you, our readership, that it is through your interest and participation that the Newsletter can reach its full potential as a vehicle for the communication of our Kehilla’s newsworthy events. Submissions, ideas and comments are most welcome, and will be reviewed. They can be emailed to [email protected]. Alternatively, letters and articles can be submitted to the Kehilla office.

RETURN TO OUR BEIS KNESSES As with other Shuls around the world, protection against the COVID-19 virus is requiring the implementation of changes to our normal routine and Minyonim. Our Shul is no exception. We understand that some of these changes may be difficult, uncomfortable and disconcerting, but we are trying to work within the CDC and New York State guidelines and ask for your understanding as we try to ensure everyone’s safety.

Anyone who comes into Shul must wear a mask covering both mouth and nose at all times. No exceptions!

If you find it difficult to keep your face covered, please step outside.

Social distancing is required. To accomplish this on the Yomim Noro’im, when there will more than usual number of people in shul, the following rules are in place: Only people with a confirmed seat reservation may enter the shul on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. • All men will have assigned seating. Your assigned seat may not be your usual paid-for seat. Please do not sit in any seat other than the one assigned. o We are attempting to accommodate all women – for both days. Because of limited seating in the women’s section, available seats will be marked. Please do not sit in any seat other than one that is marked. Vol. 51, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER 2

o Availability of babysitting on Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur is still being evaluated. o Shofar will be blown in Shul again at 12:15 PM (approximately 20 minutes after the end of Davening on the second day.) In addition, Shofar will be blown in Shul again 5 minutes both before Tehillim and before Mincha. o Seating in the downstairs ladies' section is severely limited and will be by registration only.

If you receive a confirmation (yet to be sent) but do not plan to come to Shul, please email the office. This will enable someone else to use that seat.

While the Board of Trustees has implemented these procedures to provide a safe environment in shul, each individual must make his or her own decisions as to when it is advisable and appropriate for him or her to come to shul.

In addition: • The Mikve will not be open for men on Erev Rosh Hashana, Erev Yom Kippur and Erev Sukkos.

• Non-students may not daven in the Beis Medrash at the current time. However, there will be a Mincha Gedola in Shul from Sunday to Thursday.

GUIDELINES—ראש השנה שחל בשבת It has been 11 years since Rosh Hashono last fell on Shabbos. KAJN thanks Mr. Yisroel Strauss for submitting the following review of some of the Dinim and Minhogim that are unique to our Kehilla. This was originally published in 1996, after a 7-year gap.) are זכרון תרועה In the Tefillos and Kiddush, according to the Shulchan Oruch and our Minhag, the words.1 Most other Kehillos combine the .יום תרועה said, as in the Posuk in Parshas Emor, instead of the words .יום זכרון תרועה two phrases into 2.The Piyutim referencing Shofar are generally exchanged for the second day's Piyutim or else changed to .of the Shofar זכירה the 3.Usually, the Kohanim open the Aron HaKodesh for Sim Sholom after the Duchanen. However, because Ovinu Malkeinu is not recited when Rosh Hashono falls on Shabbos, the Oron Kodesh remains closed .ויהי בנסע until 4.Ovinu Malkeinu is not recited. This is the Minhag of the Ashkenazim and Chassidim. Some Sefardim, however, do recite Ovinu Malkeinu. .while in most other places they are omitted הוצאה The 13 Middos are recited at.5 6. Shofar is universally not blown on the first day as per the first Mishna of the final Perek in Masseches Rosh Hashono. as opposed to after the Haftarah (which is when it takes place הכנסה The Rav's sermon takes place after .7 when the Shofar is blown). this explicitly indicates that Rosh Hashono ;ואת מוספי יום הזכרון הזה before ואת מוסף יום השבת הזה We add .8 has two Musafim; one for Rosh Hashono and the second for Rosh Chodesh. Most other Kehillos combine .ואת מוספי יום השבת הזה ויום הזכרון הזה ,all three Musafim into one phrase Vol. 51, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER 3

In the Eastern European .ארשת in לקול זכרון Our Kehilla, and most who use the Rödelheim Machzor, say .9 .is omitted entirely ארשת tradition, the prayer 10. On Shabbos Rosh Hashono at Mincho, the final three Brochos of the Shemone Esrei are sung by the Chazon in the Shabbos Mincha Niggun. So is the Kaddish Tiskabbal that follows. .do recite it מחבר Those who follow the .רמ"א is omitted, following the opinion of the צדקתך .11 12. Tashlich is not recited on Shabbos but on Sunday, even in those communities where there is an accepted Eiruv. The following is extracted from “Piyutim” (Tiferes Tzvi Spring 2002) [There are] two places in our Machzorim where, due to small print, it is possible to inadvertently follow Minhag Metz instead of Minhog and KAJ. The following is our Minhag, small print notwithstanding.

שליח צבור is said by the"כל יושבי תבל" The line beginning with –שבת falling on ראש השנה First Day of • .(אדר והוד it is not said, however, after) אדר והוד out loud before

is said out loud before "תעיר ותריע" falling on Sunday – The line beginning with ראש השנה Second Day of • (it is not, however, said afterwards) אדרת ממלכה GENERAL MEETING OF KAJ AND ELECTIONS Due to the unprecedented restrictions on gatherings and social distancing requirements, many of our normal activities continue to be postponed or curtailed. The annual meeting of the Kehilla will take place on September 13, 2020 in 90 Bennett at 6:30pm. If a quorum is not present, the meeting will be adjourned to 6:45pm. The only item on the agenda will be the election of officers. Voting will take place until 8:30pm. The following are candidates for the Board of Trustees: Mr. Dovid Braham, Mr. Herbert Israel, Mr. David Rubinstein, and Rabbi Joel Stern. The following are statements which were submitted by some of the candidates: Mr. Dovid Braham: In K'hal Adath Jeshurun, I am definitely known as my Father-in-Law's Son-in-Law, and the Sterns have a long history of working for the good of the Tzibur. I am honored to have the opportunity to follow their example and work for this Kehilla.

Mr. David Rubinstein: As a member of the Kehilla for over 45 years, my wife and I have had the great z’chus to be able to raise a family with strong roots in Torah true Yiddishkeit, which is no doubt due to the strong influence of Kehilla and Yeshiva.

THREE WEEKS The Kehilla, and Klal Yisroel, once again unfortunately experienced the days of 17 Tamuz through 9 Av as the Bein HaMetzorim, as opposed to the Moadim Tovim which we await. The somber mood of the Three Weeks was perceptible in the davening, through the melodies of Birkas Yerusholayim, the ends of Brochos, HaShem Elokei Yisroel, Shomer Yisroel, Keil Erech Apayim and, on Vol. 51, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER 4

Shabbosos, in Lecho Dodi. Likewise, Rav Mantel and Rabbi Joel Stern devoted the daily Divrei Halocho following Shacharis to timely laws. On Wednesday evening, July 15 / 23 Tamuz, Rav Mantel gave a phone Shiur on Inyanei Tisha B’Av. Mentioning the famous Gemara in Bechoros regarding the questions the Chachmei Athens posed to Rabi .מועד s being called a’תשעה באב Yehoshua, the Rav focused on one idea behind TISHA B’AV Tisha B’Av was observed in somber fashion, in a darkened—and socially distanced—Beis Knesses. Chazon Ezra Lasdun davened Maariv and Mr. Michael Gutmann led the Tzibbur in the reading of Megillas Eicho on Leil Tisha B’Av. Chazon Lasdun recited the special Kinno composed by Rav Schwab. Written at Rav Breuer’s request, this Kinno commemorates the Kedoshim of the Churban HoAcharon, the Holocaust, and has not only become a part of our Kehilla’s Tisha B’Av service, but that of many other communities as well. Chazon Lasdun also led the davening of Tisha B’Av morning, and Chazon Ezra Hes joined him in the saying of Kinos.

This year the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation’s video presentation, as well as offerings from many other institutions, were all online; video DVD’s of the CCHF program were available for purchase through the agency of Mrs. Frumet Tova Sussman—many thanks to her for arranging this.

CHODESH ELUL For Kehillla members, and all who daven in our Beis HaKnesses, the approach of the Yomim Noroim has been felt in increasingly perceptible ways, beginning from Shabbos Nachamu, with the insertion of the appropriate melodies at the end of the Friday night Kaddish, and the entire concluding Shabbos Musof Kaddish. Lefonnov Naavod was added as well on Friday nights during Elul. Likewise, for the morning Divrei Halocho, Rav Mantel has commenced learning the Orchos Chaim from the beginning, after last year having Vol. 51, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER 5

concluded the Sefer over the course of some nine Elul’s. The Rav will IYH deliver his annual Sisterhood Yomim Noroim lecture over the phone (see announcement in this issue), for both men and women, on Monday, September 7th/ 19 Elul. Thanks go to Rabbi Pinchas Ashen and Messrs. Ben Ettlinger, Jacob Lowenthal, Shimon Katzenstein, Menny Schwab and Gavriel Strauss, who provide the Kehilla with a twice- daily “wake up call”, by their Shofar blowing.

the pulpit from which the Rav ,פרשת ראה, שבת מברכים אלול In time for Rav Mantel’s sermon delivered on speaks has been fitted with a removable plexi-glass shield. Similarly, a large, transparent barrier has been created for the Bimo (pictured, also removable and foldable) separating the Baal Keriah and Oleh, who now, while wearing masks, can both stand next to the Sefer. Our many thanks to the Artus Corporation who both designed and manufactured these very useful additions for our Shul (and are doing so for our Yeshiva as well).

5781—A STRANGE YEAR, LUACH-WISE By Rabbi Yisroel Strauss 5781, a year which begins with Rosh HaShono on Shabbos and Erev Pesach also on Shabbos (and contains the minimum 353 days) is a very infrequent (last occurred in 5761) and strange year. It is the 3rd least frequent year type (and the two others which occur even slightly less frequently also have Shabbos-Erev Pesach).

Here are just some of the features which have not occurred in some time: Last Occurrence 7 Years Ago

10th of Teves on Friday

Last Occurrences 11 Years Ago As all the Tishri Yamim Tovim (except of course Yom Kippur) fall on Shabbos or Sunday, the number of differences (in davening, piyutim, mitzvos, minhagim) from other years run into dozens of items. Here are the most notable: As 1 and 15 Tishri are on Shabbos this year, we will not be able to fulfill the Mitzvos Min HaTorah of Shofar and Lulav Vol. 51, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER 6

In Chutz La’aretz on the 2nd evening of Sukkos (if not raining) we will have 6 Berachos as part of Kiddush/Havdalah (included are those who make Leishev last), the most possible No Shabbas Chol HaMoed Sukkos (so no KAJ communal Seudah Shelishis (note this event actually started 8 years ago))

Last Occurrences 13 Years Ago Purim falls on Friday

Erev Pesach on Shabbos (the only time KAJ says Haphtaras Vearevah) Shir HaShirim asher LeShlomoh (Kesuvim) is said on same day as Shiras HaYam (Torah) and Haphtaras Shiras David (Nevi’im) Shelishi starts at Vayyuggad which is before Sheini of Beshalach and is not a KAJ starting point during the 3 Kerios in the previous week (as Sheini then starts with Vayis`u MiSukkos)

this never א''י Nisan, HaMavdil bein Kodesh LeKodesh is not associated with Shehecheyanu (note in 22 happens)

The only time that in Parashas HaShovu`a that the date of the Keriah, namely, 1st of Av, Yahrzeit of Aharon HaKohen, is read

Haphtarah in KAJ (and most places) on 1st of Av is Shim`u (not Rosh Chodesh) Haphtarah on Re’eh in KAJ is Mochor Chodesh (source the Mordechai in Megillah) The full slate of Selichos are said before R”H (i.e., 7 days) There is Kerias HaTorah on Erev Rosh HaShana (note there never is Kerias HaTorah on Erev Yom Kippur)

Last Occurrences 20 Years Ago The only year that in most Ashkenazic shuls (including KAJ) that on no Shabbas Rosh Chodesh Haftaras HaShamayim Kis’i is recited (because of Shabbas Rosh HaShono, Shekolim and Shim’u) The only year that there is no Eruv Tavshilin at all (e.g., from Erev Sukkos through Erev Rosh Hashanah) No Shabbas Chol HaMoed

Vattodi`einu and HaMavdil bein Kodesh leKodesh are recited 5 times in Chutz La’artez and twice in Eretz Yisrael; both are respective records

1st day Chanukah falls on a Friday The regular Haphtarah of Mikeitz is read (only Vayeshev is Shabbas-Chanuka)

10th of Teves is Erev Vayigash (and not a week later) Parashas Mishpatim has 3 Sifrei Torah

7th of Adar is in the week of Terumah – not the usual week of Tetzaveh Terumah is Zachor Tetzaveh in a regular year (i.e., only one Adar) is not one of the Arba` Parshiyos Vol. 51, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER 7

Largest Kerias HaTorah (in Pesukim): Mattos-Mas`ei, Shabbas Rosh Chodesh

And, in KAJ, at least: Last Occurrences 27 Years Ago 6:00 start of Selichos on a non-Sunday Erev Rosh HaShono 5772, next year, Monday, September 6th 2021(since it is a legal holiday)

SENIOR SOCIAL CLUBS In the last two months, the Kehilla received virtual visits from two very prominent speakers, Rabbi Jonathan Rietti and Rabbi Dr. Warren Goldstein, chief rabbi of South Africa. Both delivered lectures on Zoom organized by the Senior Social Clubs of KAJ. Rabbi Rietti was introduced by Mr. Alan Ettlinger, and Rabbi Dr. Goldstein by Rabbi Dr. Johny Hellmann, all via Zoom.

Rabbi Rietti (pictured) spoke on “‘Oy Vey, I was only Kvetching’ – Hashem's View of My Complaining” while Rabbi Goldstein spoke about trying to see the coronavirus from Hashem’s point of view.

In the next month, the Senior Social Clubs will be hosting two additional lectures: one by our very own Baal Tokei’a Mr. Ben Ettlinger on “Shofar: From Head to Blow” and another by Rabbi Aaaron Lopiansky, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva of Greater Washington, on the Aseres Yemei Teshuva.

The former will speak on September 9 and the latter will speak on September 23."

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NEWS FROM MORIAH SENIOR CENTER Moriah Senior Center continues to step up and meet the challenges of serving our clients remotely. While the City took over food distribution, and consequently shut down access to our Food Budget monies, we found the City’s meals to be lacking on many levels. Moriah reached out to numerous private donors and asked them to help out and sponsor a week or more of meals for our Kosher Only clients. Since July 6, Moriah has been operating independently by preparing and delivering approximately 70 meals daily to our Kosher Only members. Our daily Zoom and phone-in meetings have really taken off and continue to help people feel connected socially and ease feelings of isolation. We are hosting recurring activities, such as a variety of exercise classes (Zumba added to our regular Pilates, Tai Chi and Yoga lineup), birthday parties, book club (books are being delivered to our clients’ homes) and our popular “Daily Meetup”. To date, we have also offered a myriad of special recreational activities. We have visited museums such as The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Frick Museum, the New-York Historical Society, the Mt. Vernon Hotel & Museum and the New York Transit Museum. We have gone as far afield as Eretz Yisroel and experienced the Kotel Tunnel Tours and a walking Tour of the Jewish Quarter in 360° Live photos and videos. We have heard talks on the history of the Financial District, Preserving Your Family Photos and Documents, the Highlights of Central Park, Bronx Memories, and the History of Coffee in NYC. Wellness activities have included more cooking/nutrition Zoom classes, a gratitude workshop and a lecture on Resilience during Covid and a very informative lecture about Telehealth and Telemedicine (You know that a lecture is on point when the attendees stay on the Zoom long after the presenters have left!).

Music has not been forgotten at Moriah this summer either! We’ve had music programming, opera programming and a special Zoom concert featuring Cantor Eric S. Freeman on the piano and Yonasan Rothman on the violin. Vol. 51, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER 9

We would like to encourage everyone to join our email list for announcements about these and other activities. This can be accomplished by sending an email request to [email protected] We have numerous exciting upcoming programs that you don’t want to miss, including a tour of the Lower East Side Tenement Museum and much more! We also distribute a "Daily Dose of Inspiration" via email to those who express interest in joining this additional email list. As always, Moriah continues to be available to help with other benefits, entitlements and insurance issues. Do not hesitate to reach out to us at the email above. If you are 60+ and currently not registered as a client with the Center, take this opportunity to join our programming anyway! We look forward to greeting everyone IN PERSON soon at Moriah! Stay healthy and well. SISTERHOOD YOMIM NOROIM SHIUR FOR MEN AND WOMEN Rav Mantel will give a shiur on Labor Day Monday, September 7 at 8:20 PM Via phone: 1-435-777-2200, then 85931#


Beginning Tuesday, September 8th, Rav Mantel’s Tuesday evening Shiur will take place in Shul,following the 8 PM Maariv.

THURSDAY NIGHT CHUMASH SHIUR We will resume the Thursday night shiurim REMOTELY by telephone (435-777-2200 code 85932#) on Thursday September 10 at 8:30 PM. The following list is yet to be confirmed.

9/10/20 Parashas Netzovim-Vayelech Rabbi Nosson Lowenthal, Rosh Kollel 9/17/20 Erev Rosh Hashonoh Rabbi Yehoshua Perlow, Novominsker Rebbe 9/24/20 Parashas Haazinu/Shuvo Rabbi Lipa Geldwerth

SISTERHOOD SHABBOS SHIURIM The following shiurim will take place in Dr. Moller Hall at 5:00 PM.

Mrs. Chaya Sima Koenigsberg כי תבוא Sept. 5 Mrs. Sarah Herbsman נצבים-וילך Sept. 12 Dr. Paul Breuer האזינו Sept. 26

Vol. 51, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER 10

SOCIAL REGISTER Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Rav and Rebbetzin Mantel on the engagement of their son, Yehoshua Asher to Chaya Brandeis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dov Brandeis of Manchester, England. Heartiest mazel tov to Rebbetzin Gelley on the engagement of her son, Shlomo, to Sandra Viniarz. We are happy to extend mazel tov wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Ezra Lasdun on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Yitzchak. Our good wishes to Mrs. Margot Lasdun, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Elewitz and Mrs. Rachel Elewitz. Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. Avram Cahn on the engagement of their son, Mordechai, to Esther Meth. Our best wishes to the parents of the Kalloh, Mr. and Mrs. Chalavna Meth, the grandparents, Hon. and Mrs. Herman Cahn, Rabbi and Mrs. Yoel Sperka, Mr. and Mrs. Meth and Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Litwin. Rabbi and Mrs. Solomon Jacobovits happily announce the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Eliezer. Mazel tov to the parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Yosef Jacobovits and the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Binyomin Guggenheimer. All our good wishes to Mrs. Edith Erlbach on the Bar Mitzvah of her great-grandson, Yaakov Degani. Mazel tov to the parents, Rabbi Eran and Malka Degani, the grandparents, Rabbi Dovid and Baila Willig and Dr. and Mrs. Degani. At the same time, we are delighted to wish Mrs. Erlbach another mazel tov on the birth of a son to her grandchildren, Shimon and Tziry Mayerfeld. Mazel tov to the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Aaron Moshe Gartner and Rabbi Uri and Esther Mayerfeld. Mazel tov also on the engagement of her grandson, Yaacov Greenberg to Esty Ausband. Mazel tov to the parents of the young couple, Rabbi Doniel and Naomi Greenberg and Rabbi and Mrs. Eliezer Ausband. Mazel tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Hoffman on the marriage of their son, Eli, to Baila Senderovits, daughter of Rabbi and Mrs. Mordechai Senderovits. Mazel tov to the grandparents, Mrs. Margot Lasdun, Mrs. Ruth Hoffman and Rebbetzin Rochel Leah Kviat.

It gives us pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Helmreich on the engagement of their granddaughter, Dina Blechman to Dovi Segel. Mazel tov to the parents, Dr. Tuvia and Zippy Blechman. Heartiest mazel tov wishes to David and Estie Klugmann on the birth of their grandson. Best wishes to the parents, Shimshon and Shana Klugmann, the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Chaim Zev Perlow and the great-grandparents, Mrs. Pearl Krieger, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Perlow and Mr. and Mrs. Nachum Stein. Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. Binyomin Bauman on the birth of their son. Mazel tov to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Avram Cahn and Rabbi and Mrs. Mark Bauman, the great-grandparents, Hon. and Mrs. Herman Cahn, Mrs. Rivka Moeller and Rabbi and Mrs. Yoel Sperka. Mr. and Mrs. David Rubinstein happily announce the birth of their granddaughter. Mazel tov to the parents, Moishe and Aliza Quezada, the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mordechai Quezada and the great-grandparents, Mrs. E. Rubinstein and Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Simmons. Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rosenstock on the birth of a granddaughter born to their children Yehuda and Chaya Ebstein. Mazel tov to the great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. David H. Rosenstock. Vol. 51, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER 11

Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Mr. Norby Wartelsky on the Bar Mitzvah of his grandson, Kalman. All the best to Kalman’s parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Ezi Wartelsky of Waterbury. Mr. and Mrs. Warren and Amy Katzman and Mrs. Inge Katzman happily announce the birth of a daughter to Yehuda and Chani Heller. All our good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Mendy Meyer on the birth of their daughter. Mazel tov to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. David Berk of Petach Tikvah. Special mazel tov wishes to Mrs. Martha Hexter on the birth of her two great-great-grandsons. The parents of the first little boy are Edo and Talia Weiser and the great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Naftoli Hexter. The parents of the second little boy are Dovid and Nechama Hexter, great- grandchildren of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Hexter. Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Mrs. Judith Levi (Wash. Hts.) on the engagement of her grandson, Nesanel Chaim Altmann of Zurich to Dina Yocheved Brunschwyg of Basel. Our best wishes to the choson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shimon Altmann. It gives us pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Mr. Uri and Mrs. Bracha Cohen on the birth of their son. Mazel tov to Rabbi Ronny and Mrs. Helen Levy on the birth of their great-granddaughter. Best wishes to the parents Yoni and Ruti Epstein and the grandparents, Yehuda and Rena Levy. At the same time, we are delighted to wish the Levy’s another mazel tov on the Bar Mitzvah of their twin grandsons, Moshe Menachem and Yehuda Levy and to the parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Levy. All our good wishes to Hon. and Mrs. Herman Cahn on the birth of their great-granddaughter. Mazel tov to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ovadia Luwish. At the same time, we are delighted to wish the Cahns’ another mazel tov on the on the engagement of their grandson, Moshe Levin, to Aliza Goldstein.

Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cohn on the birth of their grandson. All the best to the parents, Yitzchok and Henna Faiga Cohn, the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Shimon Katz and the great- grandmother, Mrs. Liesel Cohn. Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Shmuel Bodenheim on the engagement of their son, Yoel, to Tzipporah Jacobovits. Mazel tov to the parents of the Kallah, Rabbi Eliezer and Mrs. Devorah Jacobovits, the grandparents, Rabbi Solomon and Mrs. Bertha Jacobovits and Dr. Bernard and Mrs. Helen Neustadt and the grandmother of the Choson, Mrs. Sora Adler. We are happy to extend another mazel tov to the Bodenheims on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Naftoli Bodenheim of Kiryat Sefer. Mazel tov to his parents, Yaakov and Nechama Bodenheim, the grandparents, Yosef and Gitty Braunfeld and the great-grandparents, Mrs. Esther Goldman and Mrs. Sora Adler. It gives us pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Mrs. Ellen Isaak on the marriage of her grandson, Michoel Bornstein to Chavy Kagan. Best wishes to the parents of the young couple, Debbie and Menachem Bornstein of Atlanta and Mr. and Mrs. Dov Kagan. Mazal tov to Rabbi Meier Brueckheimer on the forthcoming marriage of his grandson Nafi, son of Elana and Yoni Lieber to Tamar, daughter of Miriam and Michael Gartenberg. At the same time, we are happy to wish Rabbi Brueckheimer another mazel tov on the marriage of his granddaughter, Margalit Silver to Matan Goldman. Mazel tov to the parents, Leah and Yitzy Silver and Stacey and Amir Goldman. Vol. 51, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER 12

Mr. Jacob Goldsmith happily announces the birth of his great-grandson. Mazel tov to the parents, Chana Leah and Shaya Goldberg and the grandparents, Yosef and Ettie Pick and Dr. and Mrs. Goldberg. Mazel tov to Dr. and Mrs. Alan Brickman on the birth of their great-grandson. Mazel tov to the parents, Moshe and Baila Yanes, the grandparents, Yitzchok and Sora Faiga Greenblatt and the great-grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Dovid Greenblatt. Mazel Tov to Mrs. Gail Ashen on the Bar Mitzvah of her grandson, Yitzchak Zev Ciner. All the best to the parents, Eliezer and Zahava Ciner. Heartiest mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Katzman on the birth of their grandson. Best wishes to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mordechai Katzman and the ggreat-grandmother, Mrs. Inge Katzman. Our good wishes to Herbie and D.E. Schuster upon the birth of son to their children, Shimmy and Chayala Schuster and the grandparents, Dovid and Debbie Kazarnovsky At the same time, we extend our heartiest mazel tov wishes on the occasion of the birth of their granddaughter born to their children, Michoel and Bassie Gold and the birth of their grandson to their children, Moshe and Elana Schuster.

It gives us pleasure to extend our mazel tov wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Baruch Lichtenstein on the birth of their granddaughter. Mazel tov to the parents, Rabbi Shmuel and Yocheved Lichtenstein. Mazel tov to Rabbi Schemuel van Messel on the engagement of his son, Zechariah to Bracha Cohen of Atlanta. Best wishes to Mrs. Devorah van Messel and Rabbi Meir and Daliah Cohen. Nosson and Yaffa Baumann happily announce the marriage of their granddaughter, Adina Baumann to Doni Kaye, both of Manchester, England. Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Shuie Pinter on the marriage of their son, Shamshon, to Chana Baila Gruskin. Mazel tov to the parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Efraim and Naomi Gruskin and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Gerstle and Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Pinter.

We are happy to extend mazel tov wishes to Mrs. Rivka Moeller on the engagement of her granddaughter, Hadassah Steinberg to Yehuda Zev Oelbaum. Mazel tov to the parents, Rabbi Yitzchok and Mrs. Naomi Steinberg and Rabbi Pesach Dov and Mrs. Rivka Oelbaum.

Mazel tov to Mrs. Ray Adler on the marriage of her grandson, Aharon Komarow to Chana Feiga Shnidman. Mazel tov to the parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Avraham Shmuel Shnidman and Dr. and Mrs. Hirsh Komarow.

Our heartiest mazel tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Chanoch Katzenstein upon the engagement of their son, Yisroel Meir, to Miriam Goldfischer. Best wishes to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Katzenstein.

Rabbi and Mrs. Solomon Jacobovits happily announce the birth of their great-grandson. Mazel tov to the parents, Baruch and Chana Sternglantz and the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Dovid Yankelewitz. Mazel tov to Mr. Leon and Dr. Shiela Strauss on the engagement of their grandson, Mordechai to Esther Perel Herzberg. All the best to Mordechai’s parents, Rabbi Yekusiel and Mrs. Esther Rochel Strauss of South Fallsburg, the Kalloh’s parents, Rabbi Yitzchok and Mrs. Chanie Herzberg Vol. 51, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER 13 of Lakewood and the grandparents, Mr. Sidney and Mrs. Lois Meyers of Silver Spring, Mrs. Chaya Sara Herzberg of Monsey and Rav Yisroel and Mrs. Gittel Ehrlich of Brooklyn.

All our good wishes to Dr. and Mrs. Elliott Gutman on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Aryeh Leib Hutman. Mazel tov to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Hutman and the grandfather, Mr. Emanuel Hutman.

It gives us pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Zalman Schoenberg on the birth of their granddaughter, Shoshana. Mazel tov to the parents, Yoel Meir and Fruma Leah Schoenberg, the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Yaakov Freeman and the great-grandparents, Rabbi Alexander Freeman, Mrs. R. Premack and Mrs. Judith Emanuel.

Mr. and Mrs. David Rubinstein happily announce the birth of their grandson to their children, Bracha Eda and Yosef Axelrod. Mazel tov to the grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. Ira Axelrod and the great- grandmothers, Mrs. Clare Plaut and Mrs. E. Rubinstein.

Mazel tov to Mrs. Eva Bree on the engagement of her daughter, Sara Leah, to Asher Ringel. Mazel tov to the parents, Rabbi Yitzchak and Zahava Ringel and Rabbi Zadok Bree.

ANNOUNCEMENTS • Whenever Maariv is recited before nightfall, as it is in Shul on Friday evenings and the first Maariv on weekdays, one is obligated to repeat the three Parashiyos of Shema after night. • Mincha Gedola in Shul: Sunday (at least until Rosh Hashana) 1:30 PM; Monday through Thursday: 1:30 PM thru March 11, 2021. • The Semi-Annual Luach– for Rosh HaShana through Rosh Chodesh Nisan 2021 is in the process of being emailed to our members. Hard-copies will be available in shul vestibule. Please email or call the office if you wish to receive a hard copy by postal mail. • First Minyan Davening in Dr. Moller Hall – Selichos Monday-Friday (with the exception of Erev Rosh HaShana); Hoshana Rabba; Simchas Torah; Thursday October 22; all week Monday-Friday starting October 26. • Rabbi Reisman’s Novi Shiur – See flyer in this issue • The fall/winter second Sunday Shacharis Minyan will resume on Sunday, October 18th. • Eastern Standard Time begins Sunday, November 1.

Forthcoming Events

• General Membership Meeting Elections, Sunday September 13th - Dr, Moller Hall 6:00 PM-8:30 PM. • Sisterhood Opening Meeting: TBD


• Dates Auctioning of Mitzvos and Aliyos o For Rosh Hashana: Motzoei Shabbos Nitzovim-Vayelech, September 12, after Maariv. o For Yom Kippur and Yayin L’Kiddush Ul’Havdalah: Motzoei Rosh Hashana, Sunday, September 20th, after Maariv. o For Sukkos bidding will be done online: Vol. 51, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER 14

Submit bids for the first day of Sukkos at https://www.kajinc.org/form/sukkos-first-day- mitzvos-and-aliyos-2020.html Submit bids for the second day of Sukkos at https://www.kajinc.org/form/sukkos-second- day-mitzvos-and-aliyos-2020.html

th o For Shemini Atzeres and Simchas Torah: Motzoei Shabbos Ha’azinu, September 26 , after Maariv. • This year, due to the coronavirus, the Mikve will not be open for men. • Shofar will be blown on the Second Day at approximately 12:20 and again at 4:05 and 4:45 PM. Machzorim should be brought, as the Baal Tokeia will not recite the Brocha for those listening. • Tehillim will be said on the afternoon of the first day of Rosh Hashana at 6:00 PM and on the second day at 4:10 PM. • Derosho on Shabbos Shuva will take place between Mincha and Maariv (Mincha at 6:00 PM). • On Erev Yom Kippur the lighting of the candles takes place no later than 6:30 PM. If women want to light the candles earlier so that they can still carry their machzorim to Shul, they should make a silent provision that for them the lighting of the candles does not mean the beginning of Yom Kippur, otherwise they may no longer carry after they have lit the candles. should not be said at the time of lighting the candles, but should be said שהחינו ,In this case later with the Shliach Tzibbur in Shul. Beginning of fast 6:30 PM. • Kol Nidrei begins at 6:40 PM. if they ברוך המבדיל בין קודש לחול Women who leave Shul immediately after Neila should say • wish to carry or do any melacha before they hear Havdalah. • YOM TOV and CHOL HAMOED ANNOUNCEMENTS

• ·We will again provide catered meals in the Kehilla Sukka for our members and friends provided there is sufficient demand. Please make your reservations early. See letter and menu below. • The community Sukka will be open every day from after the first Minyan until11 PM • Security will be provided at the two Kehilla Sukkos from 11 PM through the night on Yom Tov and Shabbos. Donations to help defray the cost are appreciated. • The Kehilla Sukkah is available for rent for private affairs, upon prior reservation only with the Kehilla office. • Hoshana Rabba learning on Thursday, October 8th, will begin at 8:30 PM and the Rav will speak at 9:30 PM. • The Matnas Yad Reception will take place on Shemini Atzeres at a time and place to be announced. will be recited in the usual manner but the men and boys should not אתה הראת • congregate in front of the Omud or in the aisles. • There will be no distribution or collection of candy this year. • In lieu of the boys gathering on and around the Bima, on Simchas Torah for one of Aliyos before the Reshus for the Choson Torah is chanted: Family עם כל הנערים the last two members should submit the Hebrew names of the boys expected to be present Vol. 51, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER 15

to the office before Hoshana Rabba and the Korei will make a group Mi Sheberach by name for them after HaMalach is sung by the Kohol. • There will be no Simchas Torah party this year. Instead, the Yom Tov Lecture will take place on Simchas Torah in Shul. (please note change of date and venue) between Mincha and Maariv (Mincha in Shul at 6:00 PM).

PHOTO CREDITS: We thank Mrs. Shuli Gutmann and Mrs. Molly Resnick for the photographs featured in this issue of the KAJN:

this year will be overseen by ארבעה מינים The sale of Rabbi Shimon M. Margaliot and Mr. Yehoshua Heiligman, schedule to be decided.

Please contact them for further information and any questions

Vol. 51, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER 16

FROM THE KEHILLA Mr. Steven Pretsfelder and Mr. Gary Pretsfelder mourn the passing of their mother, our member, Mrs. Ina Pretsfelder (3725 Henry Hudson Parkway, Riverdale). Rabbi Moshe Halberstadt, Rabbi Yosef Halberstadt and Mrs. Eva Schwartz mourn the passing of their mother, our member, Mrs. Esther Halberstadt (1615 Avenue I, Brooklyn). Mr. Stuart Cohnen and Mr. Bernard Cohnen mourn the passing of their mother, our member, Mrs. Edith Cohnen (Palisades Gardens). Mrs. Shelley Bulman (15 Magaw Place) mourns the passing of her mother, Mrs. Esther Schwartzman. Dr. Ralph Silverman 127 Central Avenue, Lawrence), Dr. Rubin Silverman (500 Churchill Road, Teaneck), Dr. Marc Silverman (73-03 136th Street, Flushing), Mrs. Diane Lanzkron (730 Ft. Washington Avenue), Mrs. Ricka Breiner (875 Cleveland Ave, Bridgeport) and Mrs. Meta Bechhofer (50 Overlook Terrace) mourn the passing of their mother and sister, our member, Mrs. Edith Silverman (114 Bennett Avenue) Mr. Avrohom Gutman mourns the passing of his mother, our member, Mrs. Yitty Gutman (124 Gudz Road, Lakewood)

GEMILLUS CHASSODIM & FREE LOAN FUND Zum Andenken an Frau Rabbiner Rika Breuer, o.h. (Tishrei) ...... 173.40 Mrs. Eva Bree for Yahrzeit of her parents, Manfred and Blanca Plaut, a.h...... 100.00 Ms. Hadassa Buxbaum in memory of her grandfather, Salomon Nussbaum, z.l...... 100.00 Mrs. Rivky Cohn for Yahrzeit of her father, R’ Yitzchok Shlomo ben R’ Avrohom Boruch, z.l. (14 Elul) ...... 18.00 Mrs. Lucy Hess for Yahrzeit of her dear husband, Joseph Hess, z.l...... 50.00 Mrs. Rivka Moeller in honor of her granddaughter’s engagement ...... 18.00 Dr. and Mrs. Seymour Perlstein in loving memory of Arnold and Else Haas, a.h...... 250.00

To contribute to Yayin le’Kiddush, please click https://www.kajinc.org/form/yayin-lkiddush-2020.html.

To insert Rosh Hashana greetings in the Mitteilungen, please click https://www.kajinc.org/form/rosh-hashana-greetings-2020.html.

To arrange for names of departed relatives to be read by the Chazon on Yom Kippur during Hazkoras Neshomos, please click https://www.kajinc.org/form/yizkor-hazkoras-neshomos-5781.html.

Vol. 51, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER 17

Dear Friend: We are pleased to advise you that we are planning to have complete full course meals served during Sukkos. However, in order to be able to make arrangements with the caterer, we must have a minimum of 25 reservations for each meal. MEAL # 1: Friday night, October 2, after davening MEAL # 2: Shabbos lunch, October 3, 12 noon MEAL # 3: Motzoei Shabbos, October 3, after davening MEAL # 4: Sunday lunch October 4, 12 noon MEAL # 5: Friday night, October 9, after davening MEAL # 6: Shabbos lunch, October 10, 12 noon The cost per meal is $37.00 per person ($32 for children under the age of 13) and must be paid in advance. The menu appears on the reverse of this letter. In order to avail yourself of this service we ask you to indicate your choice on the slip below and return it with your check payable to K'hal Adath Jeshurun or submit your order online at https://www.kajinc.org/form/sukkah-reservations-2020.html. The menu appears on that page. Please send in your reservations by September 7th in order that we may ascertain that we will have sufficient reservations to provide catered meals. In the event we do not have enough reservations to offer full course meals, we expect to offer other meal alternatives. Sincerely yours, SUKKAH COMMITTEE K'HAL ADATH JESHURUN (sgd) Sidney Gutman ------I/We reserve the following Sukkah meals:

Meal # 1 2 3 4 5 6__

No. of Adults: ______

No. of Children: ______

Total Reservations: ____@ $37.00 ____@ $32.00 Total Amount: $_____ (Make checks payable to K’hal Adath Jeshurun) Name: ______Address: ______

Vol. 51, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER 18

Vol. 51, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER 19

Vol. 51, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER 20

We are pleased to announce the publication by the Rabbi Dr. Joseph Breuer Foundation and Feldheim Publishers of

Megillas Koheles Translation and Commentary following the interpretive method of Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch, by his grandson, Rav Dr. Raphael Breuer.

The Chumash commentary of Rav Hirsch is based on his interpretive method of precise elucidation of the text and meaning of the words. Rav Breuer applied the same method for his commentary to Koheles, and has brought to light the timeless teachings of Shlomo Hamelech in an original, inspiring fashion.

Translated by Rabbi Daniel Haberman, this version is written in a modern, clear style and will attract both student and scholar alike.

The 212-page Megillas Koheles may be ordered from the Kehilla office at $17/copy, including shipping.

------Name: ______Address: ______

Please send ___ copies of Megillas Koheles @ $17/copy, including shipping. To order online, click https://www.kajinc.org/form/Koheles%20by%20Rabbi%20Dr%20Raphael%20Breuer Vol. 51, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER 21

We are pleased to announce the publication by Feldheim Publishers of the Hebrew edition of the

Hirsch Tehillim Copies may be ordered at $21/volume.

To order, please click https://www.kajinc.org/form/the-hirsch-Tehillim%20in%20Hebrew.html Vol. 51, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER 22


Vol. 51, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER 23

Vol. 51, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER 24

From the Memorbook of our Kehilla

Elul 15 Emma Guggenheim- 22 Salli Plaut- 1 Lily Moses-NY Amsterdam 2 Jonas Eschwege-NY 15 Heinrich Guggenheim- 22 Baruch Zimmer-Fuerth- 3 Alice Ansbacher-NY Amsterdam Tel Aviv 4 Jenny Katzenstein-NY 16 Arthur Moses-NY 23 Minna Ansbacher-Cohn- 4 Gertrude Katzenstein-NY 16 Max Nussbaum-NY Kopenhagen-Ffm 4 Margarete Weglein- 16 Jack Oppenheim-NY 23 Abe Wertheim-NY Stone-NY 16 Bernard Stone-NY 23 Edith Gruenebaum-NY 6 A. Gruenebaum-Bad 17 Meir Liebster-NY 24 Burkhardt Froelich-Bad Kissingen 17 Felix Strauss-Jerusalem Mergentheim 6 Bernard Falk-NY 17 Norbert Hellmann-NY 25 Rosa Weil-Ffm 6 Ida Rosenstock- 18 Chajim Plaut-NY-Israel 25 Simon Bodenheimer- 7 Sara Klein-Berlin 18 Fanny S. Berlowitz-NY Darmstadt 7 Isidor Halberstadt-Ffm 18 Selma Philipps-Ffm 25 Salomon Pfeifer- 8 Eva Stern-NY 18 Hugo Kugelman-NY Braunsbach 10 Paul Stern-NY 19 Moritz Levi-NY 25 Anna Pfeifer-Braunsbach 11 Michael Kahn-Ffm 19 Pinkus Klibansky-Ffm 25 Julia Pfeifer-Braunsbach 11 Ida Goldschmidt- 19 Hanna Sommer-NY 26 Bertha Stein-Ffm Gelnhausen 20 Adolf Neufeld-Nuernberg 26 Jul. Ries-Ffm 11 Arthur Morris-NY 20 Jacob Ehrenfeld-Antwerp 27 Jul. Gruenebaum-Ffm 12 Sara Berlowitz- 20 Shlomo Ehrenfeld- 27 William Katzenstein-NY Nuernberg Antwerp 27 Ricke Fromm-Muenchen 13 Walter (Wolfgang) 20 Meir Ehrenfeld-Antwerp 28 Salomon Nussbaum-NY Gonzwa-London-Ffm 20 Adolf Goldschmiedt- 28 Ilse Lehmann-NY 13 Jacques Schlanger- Zehlem (Ungarn) 29 Rabbi Dr. Leo Strasbourg 20 Herm. Dingfelder-Fuerth Hirschfeld-Giessen 13 Samuel Katz-NY 21 Max Distelburger-Ffm 29 Werner Blank-NY 15 Dr. Joshua Breuer-NY 21 Bertha Hamburger-NY 15 Max Ehrmann-NY 21 Max Hackenbroch-NY

מצבות אבן EVAN MONUMENTS MONUMENTS AND GRAVE BEDS GARY EICHHORN Showroom 1898 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11210 Telephone: 718 375-5333 Fax: 718 252-9300

Vol. 51, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER 25

From the Memorbook of our Kehilla

TISHREI 10 Max G. Schlessinger-Mainz- 21 Selma Loewenstein-NY 1 Joshua Goldberger-NY Auschwitz 21 Claire Wiesenfelder- 1 Max Gutmann- 10 Benno Levita-Ffm-Holland Bamberg-NY Burgpreppach 10 Karl Baumann-Zuerich 21 Josef Marx-NY 1 Clara Weil-Ffm 10 Eva Neufeld-Nurnberg 21 Alice Neufeld-NY 2 Rosette Kruskal-Ffm 10 David Freund-NY 22 Ruben Suessfeld- 2 Bertha Goldman-Leipzig 10 Bertha Katz-Guxhagen- Hengstfeld 2 Jacobine Wohlfarth-Ffm- 22 Selma Siegel-NY Theresienstadt 10 Gertrude Heckscher- 22 Max Herz-Reichelsheim 2 Amalie Kugelman-NY Hamburg 22 Dora Stern-NY 2 Rosy Bondi-Baltimore 10 Ludwig Katzenstein- 22 Hannah Schlanger-NY 3 Helene Offenbacher-NY Baltimore 23 Rosie Halberstadt- 3 Sophie Baumann-Karlsruhe 11 Eli Ascher-NY Hamburg 3 David Strauss-Ffm 11 Josef Birk-Sterbfritz 24 S. L. Bodenheimer- 3 Henny Strauss-Ffm 11 David Ginsberger-Ffm Biblis 3 Max Blattner-Schwanfeld 11 Gerda Bamberger-NY 24 Samuel Cahn-NY 3 Sara Blattner-Schwanfeld 11 Sigmund Hammelburger-NY 24 Max Rosenthal-Ffm 3 Luise Blattner-Schwanfeld 11 Else Lehmann-Hamburg- 24 Harry Katzenstein-NY 3 Fritz Nussbaum, Herta London-Melbourne 24 Selma Jonas-NY Nussbaum and children 12 Gertrud Warburg-NY 25 Leo Stern-NY 3 Gustav Hoechster-Fuerth 12 Salomon Andorn-NY 25 Siegfried Max Bier-NY 3 Paula Hoechster-Fuerth 12 Emma Morris-NY 25 Clothilde Weglein- 3 Hermann Schornstein- 13 Levy Wallheimer-NY Nuernberg-Theresienstadt Mainstockheim 13 Max Strauss-NY 26 Ida Goldschmiedt- 3 Emilie Schornstein- 14 Dir. Dr. Gerson Lange-Ffm 26 Therese Singer-Ffm- Mainstockheim 14 Jakob From-Muenchen Theresienstadt 3 Louis Grebenau-Ffm 14 Jeannette Loewy-Kuestrin- 27 Walter M. Strauss-NY 4 Rebecca Levisohn-NY NY 27 Frieda Neu-NY 4 Bjorn Bamberger-NY 15 Bertha Ehrmann-Ffm-NY 28 Isidor Goldschmiedt-NY 5 Babette Bamberger-NY 15 N.Homburger-Ffm 28 Isidor Kaiser-Ffm 6 Regina Adler- 15 Moritz Fuld-NY 28 Bertha Kaiser-Ffm 7 Meta Mariam-Ffm- 15 Simon Ullman-Gelnhausen- 28 Siegfried Salomon-Ffm Theresienstadt NY 28 Erika Goldsmith-NY 7 Levi Oppenheim-NY 17 Joseph Goldman-NY 29 Ruth Fulda-Loewenthal- 8 Moses Stern-Fulda 18 Max Klein & Family-Berlin Mainz 9 Ferdinand Ehrmann-Ffm 18 Markus Goldschmidt-Fulda 29 Martin Bondi-Berlin- 9 Valentine Kaufmann-Irlich 19 Bernhard Bechhofer-NY Theresienstadt (Neuwied) 19 Max and Blanka Stern and 29 Gutta Freudenberger- 9 Rose Stone-Long Beach-NY daughters-Voelkersleier Darmstadt 9 Ilse Katzenstein-Jerusalem 19 Herman Eschwege-Fulda 30 Gustl Goldman-NY 10 Adolf Oberndoerfer- 19 Fannie Saenger-NY 30 Meta Schwartz-Ffm Creglingen 19 Sender Ehrman-NY 10 Moritz Adler-Niedenstein 20 William Moeller-Hamburg 10 Selma Raphael Mariam- 20 Dina Bamberger-NY Blackpool (England) 21 Jettchen Apt-Angerod

Vol. 51, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER 26

SHAATNEZ Shaatnez (wool and linen) is often found in garments bought even from a reliable Jewish clothing store. Therefore, it is forbidden to wear any man’s, woman’s or child’s garment that contains wool or linen until it has been determined not to contain shaatnez.

WE ARE NOT ACCEPTING GARMENTS FOR SHAATNEZ TESTING AT THIS TIME ______Chevra Kadisha When the services of the Chevra Kadisha are required - Bar Minon - kindly contact any of the following immediately: OFFICE OF THE CONGREGATION 1-212-923-3582 LEON GERSTLE —100 Bennett Avenue Cell: 917-733-3639 PINCHAS KATZENSTEIN —100 Bennett 201-399-4494 All levaya arrangements must be made verbally with the Chevra Kadisha or the Kehilla office. Family members should not contact the Plaza Jewish Community Chapel. To avoid mix-ups, the Chevra Kadisha will communicate with the Plaza Jewish Community Chapel regarding levaya arrangements. ______CONTACT INFORMATION Synagogue, 85-93 Bennett Avenue, New York, NY 10033 Phone in Shul 212-923-3614 Office: 700 W. 186 Street 212-923-3582 OR 212-923-5936 Fax 212-781-4275 E-mail [email protected] Rav Yisroel Mantel (Study) 212-781-1345 Rav Jacob Posen 212-740-0020 Rav Chaim Kohn 718—252-3343, Email: [email protected]. Rabbi Moses Edelstein 845-425-9089, Fax 845-356-2938, Email:[email protected] Mikveh - 4351 Broadway 212-923-1100 Mr. Victor Sussman 212-568-2867 Yeshiva Executive Office 212-568-6250 Yeshiva Office 212-568-6200 Mesivta Office 212-781-3399 Kehilla Maintenance [email protected] Jewish Community Council 212-568-5450 Moriah Senior Center 212-923-5715 www.moriahseniorcenter.org HATZOLOH: 1-212-230-1000 or 1-212-387-1750