KAJ NEWSLETTER a Monthly Publication of K’Hal Adath Jeshurun

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KAJ NEWSLETTER a Monthly Publication of K’Hal Adath Jeshurun KAJ NEWSLETTER A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun י"ד אלול תש"פ September 3, ‘20 Volume 51 Number 1 MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD The Board of Trustees wishes all our members and friends best Kesiva vaChasima Tova wishes, for a successful, safe, and healthy year. Facing the ongoing pandemic, we look forward to the upcoming year .in the manner we are used to עבודת ה' that we can return soon to our רופא כל בשר with faith in the WELCOME BACK The KAJ Newsletter welcomes back all its readers from what we hope was a pleasant and restful summer, wishes for the Kehilla’s membership and friends. At the same time, we כתיבה וחתימה טובה and expresses its wish a Tzeisechem LeSholom to our members’ children who have left, or will soon be leaving, for a year of study elsewhere, whether in Eretz Yisroel, America or elsewhere. As we begin our 51st year of publication, we would like to remind you, our readership, that it is through your interest and participation that the Newsletter can reach its full potential as a vehicle for the communication of our Kehilla’s newsworthy events. Submissions, ideas and comments are most welcome, and will be reviewed. They can be emailed to [email protected]. Alternatively, letters and articles can be submitted to the Kehilla office. RETURN TO OUR BEIS KNESSES As with other Shuls around the world, protection against the COVID-19 virus is requiring the implementation of changes to our normal routine and Minyonim. Our Shul is no exception. We understand that some of these changes may be difficult, uncomfortable and disconcerting, but we are trying to work within the CDC and New York State guidelines and ask for your understanding as we try to ensure everyone’s safety. Anyone who comes into Shul must wear a mask covering both mouth and nose at all times. No exceptions! If you find it difficult to keep your face covered, please step outside. Social distancing is required. To accomplish this on the Yomim Noro’im, when there will more than usual number of people in shul, the following rules are in place: Only people with a confirmed seat reservation may enter the shul on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. • All men will have assigned seating. Your assigned seat may not be your usual paid-for seat. Please do not sit in any seat other than the one assigned. o We are attempting to accommodate all women – for both days. Because of limited seating in the women’s section, available seats will be marked. Please do not sit in any seat other than one that is marked. Vol. 51, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER 2 o Availability of babysitting on Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur is still being evaluated. o Shofar will be blown in Shul again at 12:15 PM (approximately 20 minutes after the end of Davening on the second day.) In addition, Shofar will be blown in Shul again 5 minutes both before Tehillim and before Mincha. o Seating in the downstairs ladies' section is severely limited and will be by registration only. If you receive a confirmation (yet to be sent) but do not plan to come to Shul, please email the office. This will enable someone else to use that seat. While the Board of Trustees has implemented these procedures to provide a safe environment in shul, each individual must make his or her own decisions as to when it is advisable and appropriate for him or her to come to shul. In addition: • The Mikve will not be open for men on Erev Rosh Hashana, Erev Yom Kippur and Erev Sukkos. • Non-students may not daven in the Beis Medrash at the current time. However, there will be a Mincha Gedola in Shul from Sunday to Thursday. GUIDELINES—ראש השנה שחל בשבת It has been 11 years since Rosh Hashono last fell on Shabbos. KAJN thanks Mr. Yisroel Strauss for submitting the following review of some of the Dinim and Minhogim that are unique to our Kehilla. This was originally published in 1996, after a 7-year gap.) are זכרון תרועה In the Tefillos and Kiddush, according to the Shulchan Oruch and our Minhag, the words.1 Most other Kehillos combine the .יום תרועה said, as in the Posuk in Parshas Emor, instead of the words .יום זכרון תרועה two phrases into 2.The Piyutim referencing Shofar are generally exchanged for the second day's Piyutim or else changed to .of the Shofar זכירה the 3.Usually, the Kohanim open the Aron HaKodesh for Sim Sholom after the Duchanen. However, because Ovinu Malkeinu is not recited when Rosh Hashono falls on Shabbos, the Oron Kodesh remains closed .ויהי בנסע until 4.Ovinu Malkeinu is not recited. This is the Minhag of the Ashkenazim and Chassidim. Some Sefardim, however, do recite Ovinu Malkeinu. .while in most other places they are omitted הוצאה The 13 Middos are recited at.5 6. Shofar is universally not blown on the first day as per the first Mishna of the final Perek in Masseches Rosh Hashono. as opposed to after the Haftarah (which is when it takes place הכנסה The Rav's sermon takes place after .7 when the Shofar is blown). this explicitly indicates that Rosh Hashono ;ואת מוספי יום הזכרון הזה before ואת מוסף יום השבת הזה We add .8 has two Musafim; one for Rosh Hashono and the second for Rosh Chodesh. Most other Kehillos combine .ואת מוספי יום השבת הזה ויום הזכרון הזה ,all three Musafim into one phrase Vol. 51, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER 3 In the Eastern European .ארשת in לקול זכרון Our Kehilla, and most who use the Rödelheim Machzor, say .9 .is omitted entirely ארשת tradition, the prayer 10. On Shabbos Rosh Hashono at Mincho, the final three Brochos of the Shemone Esrei are sung by the Chazon in the Shabbos Mincha Niggun. So is the Kaddish Tiskabbal that follows. .do recite it מחבר Those who follow the .רמ"א is omitted, following the opinion of the צדקתך .11 12. Tashlich is not recited on Shabbos but on Sunday, even in those communities where there is an accepted Eiruv. The following is extracted from “Piyutim” (Tiferes Tzvi Spring 2002) [There are] two places in our Machzorim where, due to small print, it is possible to inadvertently follow Minhag Metz instead of Minhog Frankfurt and KAJ. The following is our Minhag, small print notwithstanding. שליח צבור is said by the"כל יושבי תבל" The line beginning with –שבת falling on ראש השנה First Day of • .(אדר והוד it is not said, however, after) אדר והוד out loud before is said out loud before "תעיר ותריע" falling on Sunday – The line beginning with ראש השנה Second Day of • (it is not, however, said afterwards) אדרת ממלכה GENERAL MEETING OF KAJ AND ELECTIONS Due to the unprecedented restrictions on gatherings and social distancing requirements, many of our normal activities continue to be postponed or curtailed. The annual meeting of the Kehilla will take place on September 13, 2020 in 90 Bennett at 6:30pm. If a quorum is not present, the meeting will be adjourned to 6:45pm. The only item on the agenda will be the election of officers. Voting will take place until 8:30pm. The following are candidates for the Board of Trustees: Mr. Dovid Braham, Mr. Herbert Israel, Mr. David Rubinstein, and Rabbi Joel Stern. The following are statements which were submitted by some of the candidates: Mr. Dovid Braham: In K'hal Adath Jeshurun, I am definitely known as my Father-in-Law's Son-in-Law, and the Sterns have a long history of working for the good of the Tzibur. I am honored to have the opportunity to follow their example and work for this Kehilla. Mr. David Rubinstein: As a member of the Kehilla for over 45 years, my wife and I have had the great z’chus to be able to raise a family with strong roots in Torah true Yiddishkeit, which is no doubt due to the strong influence of Kehilla and Yeshiva. THREE WEEKS The Kehilla, and Klal Yisroel, once again unfortunately experienced the days of 17 Tamuz through 9 Av as the Bein HaMetzorim, as opposed to the Moadim Tovim which we await. The somber mood of the Three Weeks was perceptible in the davening, through the melodies of Birkas Yerusholayim, the ends of Brochos, HaShem Elokei Yisroel, Shomer Yisroel, Keil Erech Apayim and, on Vol. 51, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER 4 Shabbosos, in Lecho Dodi. Likewise, Rav Mantel and Rabbi Joel Stern devoted the daily Divrei Halocho following Shacharis to timely laws. On Wednesday evening, July 15 / 23 Tamuz, Rav Mantel gave a phone Shiur on Inyanei Tisha B’Av. Mentioning the famous Gemara in Bechoros regarding the questions the Chachmei Athens posed to Rabi .מועד s being called a’תשעה באב Yehoshua, the Rav focused on one idea behind TISHA B’AV Tisha B’Av was observed in somber fashion, in a darkened—and socially distanced—Beis Knesses. Chazon Ezra Lasdun davened Maariv and Mr. Michael Gutmann led the Tzibbur in the reading of Megillas Eicho on Leil Tisha B’Av. Chazon Lasdun recited the special Kinno composed by Rav Schwab. Written at Rav Breuer’s request, this Kinno commemorates the Kedoshim of the Churban HoAcharon, the Holocaust, and has not only become a part of our Kehilla’s Tisha B’Av service, but that of many other communities as well. Chazon Lasdun also led the davening of Tisha B’Av morning, and Chazon Ezra Hes joined him in the saying of Kinos.
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