26 April 2010 TE Prepublication Page 1 Nomina Generalia General Terms
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26 April 2010 TE PrePublication Page 1 Nomina generalia General terms E1. Modus reproductionis Reproductive mode E1. Reproductio sexualis Sexual reproduction E1. Viviparitas Viviparity E1. Heterogamia Heterogamy E1. Endogamia Endogamy E1. Sequentia reproductionis Reproductive sequence E1. Ovulatio Ovulation E1. Erectio Erection E1. Coitus Coitus; Sexual intercourse E1. Ejaculatio1 Ejaculation E1. Emissio Emission E1. Ejaculatio vera Ejaculation proper E1. Semen Semen; Ejaculate E1. Inseminatio Insemination E1. Fertilisatio Fertilization E1. Fecundatio Fecundation; Impregnation E1. Superfecundatio Superfecundation E1. Superimpregnatio Superimpregnation E1. Superfetatio Superfetation E1. Ontogenesis Ontogeny E1. Ontogenesis praenatalis Prenatal ontogeny E1. Tempus praenatale; Tempus gestationis Prenatal period; Gestation period E1. Vita praenatalis Prenatal life E1. Vita intrauterina Intra-uterine life E1. Embryogenesis2 Embryogenesis; Embryogeny E1. Fetogenesis3 Fetogenesis E1. Tempus natale Birth period E1. Ontogenesis postnatalis Postnatal ontogeny E1. Vita postnatalis Postnatal life E1. Mensurae embryonicae et fetales4 Embryonic and fetal measurements E1. Aetas a fecundatione5 Fertilization age E1. Aetas ab ovulatione6 Ovulation age E1. Aetas ab inseminatione 7 Insemination age E1. Hebdomades post coitum8 Coital weeks E1. Hebdomades post menses ultimas9 Menstrual weeks 1 E1. Ejaculatio The reflex process of ejaculation occurs in two phases: in the first – emission – contraction of smooth muscle of glands and ducts delivers the various components of semen into the prostatic urethra; in the second – ejaculation proper – the striated muscles of the urogenital triangle (particularly the bulbospongiosus muscles) contract spasmodically and expel semen from the urethra. 2 E1. Embryogenesis Embryogenesis is the process of embryo formation. It entails the formation of the principal organs and systems and the acquisition of uniquely human surface features that are apparent with the unaided eye. The process begins at fertilization and ends, somewhat arbitrarily, 56 days later. It is divided into 23 internationally accepted Carnegie Stages (O'Rahilly R, Müller F. Developmental stages in human embryos. Washington DC: Carnegie Institution of Washington; 1987). Each Carnegie Stage is an arbitrarily defined cut through the time axis of the embryo but is based upon carefully-defined external and internal morphological criteria and not on either measured length or estimated age. Thus, an embryo of a particular length or age is not necessarily an embryo of a particular stage. It is important to note that, while the stages have not been redefined, the norm for the estimated age of certain stages has been revised in subsequent papers and textbooks by these authors on the basis of ultrasound investigations [see footnote31]. 3 E1. Fetogenesis Fetogenesis entails the growth and differentiation, particularly functional differentiation, of the conceptus after embryogenesis is completed. It thus begins on day 57, following the Stage 23 embryo that already has its principal organs, systems and distinctly human features, and ends at birth, when the fetus becomes a newborn infant or neonate. The time in which fetogenesis occurs may be divided into early, intermediate and late fetal periods, which correspond to the trimesters of pregnancy in which they occur. There is, however, no agreement on precisely which weeks are encompassed by the first trimester: here it is regarded as beginning at fertilization and as being occupied by embryogenesis and the early fetal period, the 9th to the 13th post fertilization week. 4 E1. Mensurae embryonicae et fetales The norms for measurements of lengths, diameters and circumferences in mm and of weights in grams are given for each postfertilization week in Table A-4 in O'Rahilly R, Müller F. Human Embryology & Teratology. 3rd ed. New York: Wiley-Liss; 2001. 5 E1. Aetas a fecundiatione Fertilization age begins at the time of fertilization with the sperm penetrating the oocyte and the formation of the zygote. It is the true age of the conceptus and the preferred measure. 6 E1. Aetas ab ovulatione Ovulation age begins on the day of the ovulation that preceded fertilization and the formation of the zygote: it is about 0.5 day longer than fertilization age. 7 E1. Aetas ab inseminatione Insemination age begins when the sperm and oocyte are introduced in artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization. 8 E1. Hebdomades post coitum Coital weeks begin from the time of the coitus that resulted in the pregnancy. Normally, fertilization occurs early in the first coital week. Since the embryo does not exist for the first part of the first coital week, the term coital age is inappropriate. 26 April 2010 TE PrePublication Page 2 Crown-heel length; CHL; Total length; E1. Longitudo corona calx Standing height E1. Longitudo maxima10 Greatest length; GL E1. Longitudo corona nates Crown-rump length; CRL; Sitting height E1. Longitudo cervix nates Neck-rump length E1. Longitudo femoris ossificati Length of ossified femur E1. Longitudo pedis Foot length; FL E1. Diameter biparietalis Biparietal diameter E1. Diameter cavitatis amnioticae Diameter of amniotic cavity E1. Diameter cavitatis chorionicae Diameter of chorionic cavity Diameter vesiculae umbilicalis; Diameter sacci Diameter of umbilical vesicle; Diameter of yolk E1. vitellini sac E1. Circumferentia abdominis Abdominal circumference E1. Circumferentia capitis Head circumference E1. Pondus corporis Body weight E1. Pondus encephali Brain weight E1. Pondus placentae Placental weight E1. Cycli genitales feminini Female reproductive cycles E1. PHASES OVARICAE OVARIAN PHASES E1. Phasis infantilis Infantile phase E1. Phasis praepubertalis Prepubertal phase E1. Phasis pubertalis Pubertal phase E1. Phasis matura Mature phase E1. Phasis involutionis Involution phase E1. CYCLUS OVARICUS OVARIAN CYCLE E1. Oogenesis Oogenesis E1. Phases cycli ovarici Phases of ovarian cycle E1. Phasis follicularis Follicular phase E1. Ovulatio Ovulation E1. Phasis corporis lutei Luteal phase; Corpus luteum phase E1. Phasis involutionis Involution phase E1. Typi ovulationis Types of ovulation E1. Ovulatio uniovularis Uni-ovular ovulation E1. Ovulatio multiovularis Multi-ovular ovulation E1. Ovulatio spontanea Spontaneous ovulation E1. Ovulatio superovularis; Superovulatio Superovulation E1. Superovulatio inducta Induced superovulation E1. CYCLUS MENSTRUALIS ENDOMETRII ENDOMETRIAL MENSTRUAL CYCLE E1. Amenorrhoea primaria Primary amenorrhoea▲ E1. Menarcha Menarche Proliferative phase; Follicular phase; E1. Phasis proliferativa; Phasis follicularis Oestrogenic phase▲ E1. Phasis ovulatoria Ovulatory phase Secretory phase; Luteal phase; Progesterone E1. Phasis secretoria; Phasis lutealis phase E1. Phasis gestatoria Gestatory phase E1. Phasis ischaemiae Ischaemic phase▲ E1. Phasis menstrualis; Phasis desquamativa Menstrual phase; Desquamation phase E1. Menses Menses E1. Phasis postmenstrualis Postmenstrual phase E1. Amenorrhoea secundaria Secondary amenorrhoea▲ E1. Climacter Climacteric 9 E1. Hebdomades post menses ultimas Menstrual ("gestational") weeks begin from the first day of the mother's last menstrual period [LMP] before becoming pregnant and are the usual measure in obstetric practice. Since the embryo does not usually come into being until the first two menstrual weeks have passed, the term menstrual “age” is inappropriate.