Worcestershire. [Kelly'ii
96 BADZOR. WORCESTERSHIRE. [KELLY'II The chief crops a~ all kinds of cereals and roots. The area Catholic School (mixed), built in x88o, for 40 children. is 8gx acres; rateable value, £r,866; the population in 1881 average attendance, 32 ; Miss Kathleen Cantillion, mistres~ was 120. Letters received through Droitwich, which is the nearest money order & telegraph office Parish Clerk, Thomas Morgan. WALL LETTER lk>x cleared 6.30 p.m. weekdayg only Allsopp Th& Hon. Herbert Tongue. Lillis Rev. J. M. [Catholic] Goodyere William, gamekeeper to Major Hadzor house Bent Thomas, farmer, Dean farm H. G. H. Galtou J.P Allsopp Lieut. Col. Randolph,Hadzor ho Brown l<'rancis, farmer, Manor farm Morgan Thomas, shopkeeper Allsopp Capt. Fredk. Ernest, Hadzor ho Gibbs Philip B. farmer, Cockshute hill Palmer Ralph John, farmer, Court frm Hindlip Elizabeth Lady, Hadzor house HAGLEY is a parish, on the road from Stourbridge to framed structure with large dormers, and an over-hanging Bromsgrove, with a station on the Worcester and Wolver- gable at the south-east angle: to this building additions, in hampton section of the Great Western railway, 2J miles a heavy incongruous Italian style, weremade by Sir Charles south-east fron1 Stourbridge, II south-west from Birming- Lyttelton, in the reign of William Ill. ; the present Hagley ham, 7! north-west from Bromsgrove and 6 north-east from Hall was erected by the 1st Baron Lyttelton, from the Kidderminster, and is in the Mid division of the county, designs of Mr. Sanderson Miller, of Radway, Warwickshire: lower d1vision of Halfshire hundred, Bromsgrove union, it is a plain, uniform building of stone, in a cold classic Stourbridge petty sessional division and county court dis- style, but has some fine rooms, one of which contains a trict, rural deanery of Kidderminster and archdeaconry and carved oak chimney-piece, the only relic of the old Hall, diocese of Worcester.
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