66 . . r COWLEIGH, see Great Malver.n. CRABBS CROSS is a hamlet, partly in Post, M: 0 . .& T. Office.-Percy Bertram Colver, subi pariSh, Upper Halfshire hundred, partly in the Southern postmaster. Letters through arrive at 5·30. division of Worcestershire, and partly in Ipsley parish a. m .. & 3 p.m. & are delivered about 6.30 a.m. &; 3·15 attd South-Western division of Warwickshire, r! miles p.m.; dispatched at ro.5 a.m. k 5.15 & 7-35 p.m.;. west fu'om Studley station, on the Redditch, Evesham sundays, arrive 5.30 a. m. & dispatched 7·35 p.m and Ashchurch branch of the Midland railway, 7 south- Wa11 Letter Box, bagtail, cleared 1!t 10 a. m. & 5· 15 & east from . and 2 south from Redditch, in the 7.30 p.m. ; sundays, 7.30 p.m petty sessional divisions and county court districts of Puirtic Elementary School (boys, girls & infants), opened Redditch and Alcester. Here is St. Peter's Mission in 1877 at a cost of about £4,2oo, & enlarged in 1B97 chur-ch, in which morning and evening services are at a cost of £r,joo, for the district of Crabbs Cross.. conduct~d, and there is also a Wesleyan Methodist .. part of Headless Cross, Walkwood & ; it chapel. The principal landowners are Thomas Entwistle has class rooms & a detached house for master & esq. the trustees of Sir J osiah Mason's orphanage at mistress, & will bold 176 boys, 93 girls &; 130 infants;, F;rdington, Warwickshire, and Frederick Ernest Muntz average attendance, 149 boys, 133 girls & 136 infants, esq. of Umberslade, Hockley Heath, Birmingham. Thomas E. H. Parker, master; Miss Towns,end, mis­ tress; Miss Sarah Ann Pegg, infants' mistress Cotton Rev. Arthur William (ourate Clark John Henry, game food & dog Mosford John, farmer of Headless Cross), Evesham road biscuit manufr. & pheasant breeder Orchard Hugh, shopkeeper Mountford Charles, Tanners croft Colver Percy •Bertram, draper, Post 1 Parkins Albert (Mrs.), haulier Parker Mrs. Gothic villa office Portman Prances Elizh.(Mrs.),butchr Cook H. J. & Co. needle manufactrs Shrimpton Albert Vidor,boot repairer COMliiERCIAL. Crow Orlando, insurance agent Shrimpton Victor, g-rocer _"Alcestsr Industrial Co-operative So- Gardner Frederick, shopkeeper Simon J ulietta (Mrs.), coal dealer ciety Limited (branch) Harris George, fish hook maker Spencer Arth. shopkpr. Evesham td Bird An drew, hair dresser Hill Albert, baker Stanton Arthur, fried fish dealer ~Chambers Albert Ed~ard, butcher Hobday John Frederick, beer retailer Strain Alfred, shopkpr. Evesham rd . Cha.mbers Oscar, boot repairer, Eve- Jones George, shopkeeper · Styler Alfred, cowkeeper sham road Keyte Charles, butcher, E\·esham rd Swallow John, Star & Garter P.H • Chambers Wm. ErnMt, shopkeeper Lyndon Arthur, farmer,Priestfield fm Whitehouse Richard, wheelwright , Dhambers William Henry, news a-gnt Mills Clarence Charles, beer retailer Wilkinson John William, boot re"" • Charman John E. Fleece P.H Moseley George, grocer, Evesham rd pairer, Evesham road

CB.ADLEY is a. parish and extensive and populous j bridge) Limited, Harper and Moores Limited, Samuei . district on the borders of Staffordshire, the river Stour Evers and Son, and Mobberley and Perry Limited, of &eparating it from Cradley Heath in that county; it the Lye. The soil in general is a rich loam, and is ha$ a station on the Birmingham and noted for the cultivation of cabbage plants; it also . section of the Great Western railway, 2_! miles east produces potatoes and all kinds of grain, and forms from Stourbridge; 4 south from and 9~ south- excellent pasturage; and the lands on the north and west from Jlirmingham, in the Northern division of the west of Netherend (a part of the township of Cradley) . county, hundred of Lower Halfshire, Stourbridge petty abound with thick coal and fire-clay. The area is 8x8 sessional divisi{)n, union and county court district, rural acres, including 6 of water; rateable value, £19,573 > · deanery of Dudley and archdeaconry and diocese of the population in 1901 was 6,733, and in xgu~ 7,277. Worcester. The town itself lies a little off th~ main Netherend, Colley Gate, Overend, Two Gates and Col- road and forma part of a populous mercant1le and man Hill are near the town . . manufacturing neighbourhood, in which the iron trade Parish Clerk, Joseph Fellows Bloomer. is oarried on in all its branches ; water is supplied by the South Staffordshire Waterworks Company and gas by Town Sub~Post, M. O. & T. 0. O.ffiee.-Miss Alice the Cradley Heath Gas Company. The ecclesiastical Christopher, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive from.

• 1 parish was .formed in 1799 from the civil parish: of Cradley Heath, Staffs, at 7·30 .& 10.15 a.m. & 2 & 6.30 · .. The church of St. Peter, 'E!rected in 1789, p.m.; dispatched at 8.45 & II.ro a.m. & 2.5, 7.ro, · -and until its consecration in 1798 a chapel belonging 8. xo & 9.25 p.m. ; sundays at 7·5 P· tn tl) Lady Huntingdon's Connexion, is an edifice of brick, Town Sub-Post & M. 0. Office, Windmill Hill. William repaired in 1874-5, at a cost of about £4,5oo, and con- Henry Adams, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from sists of chancel, nave, east porch and a brick tower Cradley Heath, Staffs, 7.30 a.m. & 2.30 & 6.45 p.m.; added in 1876 and containing ·8 tiells, shown in the dispatched at 7·3o & 10.55 a.m. & 1.5o, 6.55, 7·55 & Vienna exhibition of r873: a new font was provided in I 9· to p.m. ; sundays, 7·30 a. m. Nearest telegrapilJ 1867 and an organ built at a cost of £4oo: there are office, Cradley 750 s1ttings, 350 being free. The register of bapti!i!ms I Wall Letter Boxes, cleared at: Netherend, 7·35 & n and burials dates from 1785; marriages, 1802. The a..m. & 2.15 & 6.35 p.m.; sundays, 7·45 p.m.; Bridge living is a vicarage. net yearly value £250, in the street, 9·5 & 11.15 a.m. & 2.10, 7.10 & 8.15 p,m. ;· gift of the rector of Halesowen, and held since rgn by sundays, 8.50 a.m.; Drew's HoUoway, 9 a.m. & 2.40 the Rev. Henry Pearson Bennett B.A. of Hertford & 6.30 p.m. ; sundays at 6.45 p.m.; Twogates, 8 a.m. College, Oxford. The great tithes are held by the lay & 2.30, 8 k 9 p.m.; sundays at 8 a.m.; Overend, impropri:rtor,. Mr. Jeston Homfray. A vicarage house 7·45 &; II a. m. & 2. IS, 6.so & 8.45 p.m.; sundays.. was built in 1B99 by the parishioners, at a cost of 8 a.m £2,550 . In IBSz a !!'rant of land was made by th!' sons I County Police Station, 32 Colley lane; John Jennings, .of the late Rev. George ·Biggs (a former rector of Hales- sergeant in charge, &i 4 constables