66 CRABBS CROSS. WORCESTERSHIRE. r COWLEIGH, see Great Malver.n. CRABBS CROSS is a hamlet, partly in Feckenham Post, M: 0 . .& T. Office.-Percy Bertram Colver, subi pariSh, Upper Halfshire hundred, partly in the Southern postmaster. Letters through Redditch arrive at 5·30. division of Worcestershire, and partly in Ipsley parish a. m .. & 3 p.m. & are delivered about 6.30 a.m. &; 3·15 attd South-Western division of Warwickshire, r! miles p.m.; dispatched at ro.5 a.m. k 5.15 & 7-35 p.m.;. west fu'om Studley station, on the Redditch, Evesham sundays, arrive 5.30 a. m. & dispatched 7·35 p.m and Ashchurch branch of the Midland railway, 7 south- Wa11 Letter Box, bagtail, cleared 1!t 10 a. m. & 5· 15 & east from Bromsgrove. and 2 south from Redditch, in the 7.30 p.m. ; sundays, 7.30 p.m petty sessional divisions and county court districts of Puirtic Elementary School (boys, girls & infants), opened Redditch and Alcester. Here is St. Peter's Mission in 1877 at a cost of about £4,2oo, & enlarged in 1B97 chur-ch, in which morning and evening services are at a cost of £r,joo, for the district of Crabbs Cross.. conduct~d, and there is also a Wesleyan Methodist .. part of Headless Cross, Walkwood & Hunt End; it chapel. The principal landowners are Thomas Entwistle has class rooms & a detached house for master & esq. the trustees of Sir J osiah Mason's orphanage at mistress, & will bold 176 boys, 93 girls &; 130 infants;, F;rdington, Warwickshire, and Frederick Ernest Muntz average attendance, 149 boys, 133 girls & 136 infants, esq. of Umberslade, Hockley Heath, Birmingham. Thomas E. H. Parker, master; Miss Towns,end, mis­ tress; Miss Sarah Ann Pegg, infants' mistress Cotton Rev. Arthur William (ourate Clark John Henry, game food & dog Mosford John, farmer of Headless Cross), Evesham road biscuit manufr. & pheasant breeder Orchard Hugh, shopkeeper Mountford Charles, Tanners croft Colver Percy •Bertram, draper, Post 1 Parkins Albert (Mrs.), haulier Parker Mrs. Gothic villa office Portman Prances Elizh.(Mrs.),butchr Cook H. J. & Co. needle manufactrs Shrimpton Albert Vidor,boot repairer COMliiERCIAL. Crow Orlando, insurance agent Shrimpton Victor, g-rocer _"Alcestsr Industrial Co-operative So- Gardner Frederick, shopkeeper Simon J ulietta (Mrs.), coal dealer ciety Limited (branch) Harris George, fish hook maker Spencer Arth. shopkpr. Evesham td Bird An drew, hair dresser Hill Albert, baker Stanton Arthur, fried fish dealer ~Chambers Albert Ed~ard, butcher Hobday John Frederick, beer retailer Strain Alfred, shopkpr. Evesham rd . Cha.mbers Oscar, boot repairer, Eve- Jones George, shopkeeper · Styler Alfred, cowkeeper sham road Keyte Charles, butcher, E\·esham rd Swallow John, Star & Garter P.H • Chambers Wm. ErnMt, shopkeeper Lyndon Arthur, farmer,Priestfield fm Whitehouse Richard, wheelwright , Dhambers William Henry, news a-gnt Mills Clarence Charles, beer retailer Wilkinson John William, boot re"" • Charman John E. Fleece P.H Moseley George, grocer, Evesham rd pairer, Evesham road CB.ADLEY is a. parish and extensive and populous j bridge) Limited, Harper and Moores Limited, Samuei . district on the borders of Staffordshire, the river Stour Evers and Son, and Mobberley and Perry Limited, of &eparating it from Cradley Heath in that county; it the Lye. The soil in general is a rich loam, and is ha$ a station on the Birmingham and Stourbridge noted for the cultivation of cabbage plants; it also . section of the Great Western railway, 2_! miles east produces potatoes and all kinds of grain, and forms from Stourbridge; 4 south from Dudley and 9~ south- excellent pasturage; and the lands on the north and west from Jlirmingham, in the Northern division of the west of Netherend (a part of the township of Cradley) . county, hundred of Lower Halfshire, Stourbridge petty abound with thick coal and fire-clay. The area is 8x8 sessional divisi{)n, union and county court district, rural acres, including 6 of water; rateable value, £19,573 > · deanery of Dudley and archdeaconry and diocese of the population in 1901 was 6,733, and in xgu~ 7,277. Worcester. The town itself lies a little off th~ main Netherend, Colley Gate, Overend, Two Gates and Col- road and forma part of a populous mercant1le and man Hill are near the town . manufacturing neighbourhood, in which the iron trade Parish Clerk, Joseph Fellows Bloomer. is oarried on in all its branches ; water is supplied by the South Staffordshire Waterworks Company and gas by Town Sub~Post, M. O. & T. 0. O.ffiee.-Miss Alice the Cradley Heath Gas Company. The ecclesiastical Christopher, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive from. • 1 parish was .formed in 1799 from the civil parish: of Cradley Heath, Staffs, at 7·30 .& 10.15 a.m. & 2 & 6.30 · .Halesowen. The church of St. Peter, 'E!rected in 1789, p.m.; dispatched at 8.45 & II.ro a.m. & 2.5, 7.ro, · -and until its consecration in 1798 a chapel belonging 8. xo & 9.25 p.m. ; sundays at 7·5 P· tn tl) Lady Huntingdon's Connexion, is an edifice of brick, Town Sub-Post & M. 0. Office, Windmill Hill. William repaired in 1874-5, at a cost of about £4,5oo, and con- Henry Adams, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from sists of chancel, nave, east porch and a brick tower Cradley Heath, Staffs, 7.30 a.m. & 2.30 & 6.45 p.m.; added in 1876 and containing ·8 tiells, shown in the dispatched at 7·3o & 10.55 a.m. & 1.5o, 6.55, 7·55 & Vienna exhibition of r873: a new font was provided in I 9· to p.m. ; sundays, 7·30 a. m. Nearest telegrapilJ 1867 and an organ built at a cost of £4oo: there are office, Cradley 750 s1ttings, 350 being free. The register of bapti!i!ms I Wall Letter Boxes, cleared at: Netherend, 7·35 & n and burials dates from 1785; marriages, 1802. The a..m. & 2.15 & 6.35 p.m.; sundays, 7·45 p.m.; Bridge living is a vicarage. net yearly value £250, in the street, 9·5 & 11.15 a.m. & 2.10, 7.10 & 8.15 p,m. ;· gift of the rector of Halesowen, and held since rgn by sundays, 8.50 a.m.; Drew's HoUoway, 9 a.m. & 2.40 the Rev. Henry Pearson Bennett B.A. of Hertford & 6.30 p.m. ; sundays at 6.45 p.m.; Twogates, 8 a.m. College, Oxford. The great tithes are held by the lay & 2.30, 8 k 9 p.m.; sundays at 8 a.m.; Overend, impropri:rtor,. Mr. Jeston Homfray. A vicarage house 7·45 &; II a. m. & 2. IS, 6.so & 8.45 p.m.; sundays.. was built in 1B99 by the parishioners, at a cost of 8 a.m £2,550 . In IBSz a !!'rant of land was made by th!' sons I County Police Station, 32 Colley lane; John Jennings, .of the late Rev. George ·Biggs (a former rector of Hales- sergeant in charge, &i 4 constables <twen) for the enlargement of the burial grounds ·of PUBLIC OFFICERS. this parish, and a second enlargement of one acre was . made in 1874. Here is a Unitarian chapel, built in AssiStan~ Over~eer,. Rate Collector &; Clerk to Parish ·J796; the Baptist chapel, built in 1789, and rebuilt in 1 C~unCil, Edwm Bud, C:olley lane 1907, from designs by Mr. A. T. Butler, architect, of Excr~e Offic?r, Edward <? Conno: Hagan, Beecher :oa~ o(Jradley Heath, at a cost of about £ 3,000, is an edifice Med1cal <?fficer ~ Pubhc Vaccmat~r, Cradley D1stnct, .0 f brick and terra cotta, in the Renaissance style, and St:ourbrrdge l!mon, H.Ashley Belbm L.S.A.Coller G_ate will seat 450 persons ; the W esleyan Methodist chapel Regrstrar o.f Buths .& Deaths, Halesowen sub-d~stnct, -w-ag ere-cted in xSn. the Primitive Methodist in 1882, Alfred Hill, 36 Hrgh street; deputy, John Dmgley, and the United Methodist chapel in 1856. Messrs. Hagley road, Halesowen Harper and Moores Limited, Messrs. King Brothers (Stourbridge) ·Limited and Messrs. Samuel Evers and PLACES OF WORSHIP, with Times of Services. Sons are manufacturers of fire bricks, day retorts and St. Peter's Church, Rev. Henry Pearson· Bennett B . .!. crucibles, and proprietors of the Stourbrid~e clay. One vicar; Rev. Charles Frederick Coxon Simpson, curate; mile from the northern {"Xtremity of Cradley, in a 8 & 10.45 a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m. ; daily, 8 a.m. & 5.3ct romantic, ricbly·timbered vale, is a spring of salt water, p.m.; baptisms, mon. 3 p.m.; wed. 7.15 p.m called the "Lady Well," highly esteemed on account St. Catherine's Mission Room, Beecher street; sun. of its medicinal qualities ; in the summer it is very to a.m. & 6 p.m much frequented. Viscount Cobham is lord of the Mission of the Gpod Shepherd, Lyde Grern ; sun. C) manor. The principal landowners are the trustees of a.m. & 6.30 p.m the late James Holcroft esq. of Stourbridge, the Old Baptist, ,High street, Rev. Arthur Frank Scudamore, Rwinfrud Hospital, t'be trustees of Mrs. King, of W olles­ Cradley Heath; 10.45 a.m. & 6.15 p.m.; thurs. ~o~ute Hall, Sto'urbric!~~. )Iessrs. Kiug Brothers (Stour- . 7·3o p.m .
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