Holy Cross Group BROADCAST Of Churches

February 2021

Suzy Scriven

John Morley Tarka Littleton


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Broadcast February 2021 Update from Archdeacon Nikki

At the beginning of a new year already full of challenge I wish to assure you of my support and prayers. As you will know, the Reverend Canon Sue Oliver has been off sick for some time suffering with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and some other health issues. This will be reviewed at the end of January, but I anticipate it may be a while before she is well enough to fully resume her duties in the parishes. As soon as the

situation is clearer, I will update the Church Wardens about how we expect things to be between now and Sue’s retirement at the end of May, and how you will be supported. In the meantime, please continue to hold Sue in your prayers. I am conscious that you have been without Sue’s ministry and oversight during a season of change in the wider diocese, and huge uncertainty in the wider world. The ongoing impact of the Covid 19 pandemic is hard for us all, both practically, in risk assessing our church buildings and keeping abreast of constantly changing guidelines for safe worship, and emotionally, as we see loved ones and people in the community succumbing to this horrible virus. May I express my gratitude for all who have worked hard to keep the life of the churches going through recent months. As part of our diocesan transformation programme, a Bishop’s Pastoral Order has been issued changing our deanery structure from February. More feedback was received from the Holy Cross South benefice than anywhere else! We adjusted the proposals accordingly, and the benefice is now in the Redditch and Deanery. We will soon begin consultation on schemes to separate the parishes following this feedback, which suggested Blakedown, Churchill and Broome join with a Kidderminster team and therefore move into the Kidderminster and Stourport Deanery in due course; Belbroughton and Fairfield explore joining with a Bromsgrove team, and becomes a joint benefice with Hagley (this latter consultation is already underway). This will take some months, but upon Sue’s retirement I would anticipate the respective parishes would be building appropriate relationships in these various contexts. For the time being, you are still joined as a benefice as these structural changes take time to facilitate. We have asked a very experienced priest, the Reverend Canon Wyn Beynon, who is taking early retirement to move with his wife as she takes up a curacy in the Greater Deanery, to act as an Interim Minister (non-stipendiary part-time) for the period from Sue’s retirement until the schemes come into effect. This means you will not be navigating another vacancy, so soon after your last one. Wyn has helped his current benefice through similar restructuring, has been Rural Dean and Chair of the Diocesan House of Clergy and is a wise and gentle priest who I am sure will be a safe pair of hands to help the benefice navigate these changes. He will work collaboratively with wardens and PCCs, Licensed Lay Ministers and those retired and neighbouring clergy who provide cover to ensure ministry and mission continues through the coming months, within the constraints of various degrees of lockdown, and until we are clearer about the longer-term plans for the parishes. I am always willing to be contacted with any questions, and will be holding you all in my prayers over the coming months. Nikki Groarke, Archdeacon of Dudley

Broadcast February 2021 Letter from Pauline Jones

February already! Although I am, of course, writing this at the beginning of January, just after the end of the Christmas period. February contains one of the main signposts in the Christian calendar – the start of Lent. Ash Wednesday, this year, is on the 17th February. Lent is a time for Christians to prepare for the celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ at Easter. Many people

“give things up” for Lent even if they are not practicing Christians. It may feel to some that the pandemic and its associated lockdown has already taken much away from us already. But Lent is not really a time to nudge us into giving up the fattening sweets or the unhealthy cigarettes. Its purpose is to help believers come to terms with the more difficult aspects of their faith, and to disentangle themselves from worldly vices or distractions that turn them away from God. Christians are supposed to fast, not to “purify” themselves or break themselves of “bad habits,” but to focus on God and, specifically, on Jesus Christ’s sacrifice. So, just a thought - instead of less, maybe Lent 2021 is a time for more. More prayer, more reading of the Bible and serious Christian books and more focussing on God rather than ourselves. I don’t think that will be too harsh in this hard time. Jesus answered “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone’” Luke 4.4 God Bless Pauline

Be still, my soul: the hour is hast'ning on When we shall be forever with the Lord, When disappointment, grief, and fear are gone, Sorrow forgot, love's purest joys restored. Be still, my soul: when change and tears are past, All safe and blessed we shall meet at last. (Katharina von Schlegel, translation, Jane Borthwick)

MAGAZINES – ALL VILLAGES If you are a paid up subscriber and you are unable to receive this magazine over the next few months because of your distributor shielding, or you prefer to receive a ‘virtual’ copy, please contact the Editor at [email protected] and you can receive a copy via email, in the form of a PDF to read. As you can imagine, some of the distributors may be unable to deliver during Lockdown, so this would also mean you can continue to receive your copies.

Broadcast February 2021 A letter from Bishop John

It might feel as though we have been in the season of Lent for a very long time. Because of the pandemic, we weren’t able to celebrate Easter properly last year and the remainder of the year had a distinctly penitential feel to it, as has the first part of 2021.

There has been so much sadness, grief and loss during these past few months and we shall be living with the consequences of COVID- 19 for years to come. My hope and my prayer, though, is that not all of those consequences will be bad. Lent is the time for us to turn our faces towards Jerusalem and prepare to follow our Lord on the way of the cross. We do that knowing that out of crucifixion, God brought resurrection. That is the Christian pattern of things – God’s redemption involves bringing good out of bad, joy out of pain, new life out of death. After the resurrection Peter wanted to go back to fishing. It was what was familiar to him and he felt he could find comfort in that. But God was calling him to something much more exciting. It would be a sadness for us to try to go back to the way things were before the pandemic, just as it would have been for Peter simply to resume his life as a fisherman. Like Peter, I believe God is calling us to something much more exciting. This year, at the end of what feels like a very long Lent, it would be good for us to reflect upon and pray about what the ‘new normal’ might look like. I hope it will involve more care, more community, more goodness and more Godliness – but God will work things out much more wonderfully than I could ever plan. The Church of 's latest advice can be found at www.churchofengland.org/coronavirus where the FAQs are regularly updated.

There is a weekly online Service video for all the churches within the group, the Services starting at 10.15 am each Sunday. People can join the Service by going to the "Services for this Sunday" page of the CBB website (see below). Some weeks will be led by Canon Sue, some weeks by members of the ALM. The link to the "Online Service for This Sunday", is now: https://cbbchurches.weebly.com/online-service-for-this-sunday.html and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCToVq6Co2UxmbzgrvYbzfUg

Both these links can be found on the church website www.bfc-worcs.co.uk

The Weekly pews sheet is available by email; please contact the church office at [email protected] to be sent one, or visit our website for the latest news at www.bfc-worcs.co.uk

Broadcast February 2021


During the continuing Coronavirus outbreak, it is still possible to donate to the work of Blakedown church online and via your mobile phone It is important that everyone continues to give as usual, as the high costs of running the church buildings still have to be paid - Covid 19 may have stopped most things but not those continuing costs unfortunately.

You can donate to Blakedown church by scanning the above QR code with your mobile phone, or you can simply click on this link to be taken directly to the donation page: https://thy.ng/CUR008645

Donate to Blakedown church at give.net

Simply click on the link below to be taken to Blakedown church's give.net donations page https://www.give.net/20179617 Donate to Blakedown church by standing order

Bank Account number: 0003385202 Sort Code: 30-98-21 You can donate to Churchill church by standing order

Bank account number: 30232351 Sort Code: 40-43-17 Free will offering envelopes: You can continue to donate to both Churchill and Blakedown churches using your Free Will Offering envelopes - please post them through the letterbox of number 69 Belbroughton Road while you're out for your daily exercise.

If you would like to have a set of Free Will Offering envelopes then please call (01562) 700543.

Broadcast February 2021 READINGS

Sunday February 7th 2nd Sunday before Lent (Green) First Reading Proverbs 8.1,22-31 Second Reading Colossians 1.15-20 Psalm Psalm 104.26-37 Gospel John 1.1-14

Sunday February 14th Sunday next before Lent (Green) First Reading 1 Kings 2.1-12 Second Reading 2 Corinthians 4.3-6 Psalm Psalm 50.1-6 Gospel Mark 9.2-9

Sunday February 21st First Sunday of Lent (Purple) First Reading Genesis 9.8-17 Second Reading 1 Peter 3.18-22 Psalm Psalm 119.17-32 Gospel Mark 1.9-15

Sunday February 28th Lent 2 (Purple) First Reading Genesis 17.1-7,15-16 Second Reading Romans 4.13-25 Psalm Psalm 22.23-31 Gospel Mark 8.31-38

These readings are available with your weekly pews sheet, which can also be found online at www.bfc-worcs.co.uk or emailed to you direct.

You can now donate to Blakedown church with your mobile phone; simply scan the QR code with your phone, or go to the donations page at: https://thy.ng/CUR008645

Blakedown Flower Guild

On behalf of the Blakedown Flower Guild, may I say a very big Thank You to our Post Mistress Jo, and the ladies and gentlemen who use the Post Office Library. Jo handed to me the sum of £345 for flowers. Sadly, we are unable to decorate the church – but the Altar will be dressed in Red and Green. Later this year, when all is back to normal, we shall decorate the church, as a Thank You, and all the monies left over will go to Blakedown Church.

Yours, Doreen Chatwin

Broadcast February 2021 NEWS

Update on Happenings at Blakedown Church Covid-19 has affected us all in so many ways and we have been very aware of the number of villagers finding life very difficult through most of 2020 and now into 2021. We have tried to be in touch with as many people as possible with phone calls and offers of help and also with the delivery of a “thinking of you” care bag treat. Although we have tried our hardest, I am sure there are other people who would appreciate this kind of contact, so please do let us know who you are and if you would like us to get in touch with you from time to time. You can call Mary Macdiarmid

700776 or Jan Johns 700543. We were not able to have the church open at times due to the lockdowns, but managed to hold Sunday services during December with thanks to visiting clergy, our readers and the two ALMs and it was good to have a communion service on Christmas morning. It is with regret that we have had to make the decision to suspend services in the church for the month of January and we will be reviewing the situation later in the month as the rapid increase in Covid cases is a concern. We are able to have online services on the church website so do join us on those if you can, details of ways to connect are shown in the middle section of this magazine. We were very pleased that through a legacy we received from the estate of Felicity Willows we were able to purchase lights for the tree in the churchyard. Felicity was a much loved member of our church, she was one of our Readers, a member of the PCC and instigated the “Open the Book” programme which saw members of the congregation acting out bible stories in Blakedown School assemblies. We also must say a great thank you to Aly Lench, who volunteered his time and equipment to install the tree lights. How wonderful to see our friends and neighbours supporting our village church! Hopefully the tree is a beacon of light in the village at such a dark and difficult time and will be there for many Christmases to come.

God bless you all, Andrew Yardley and Mary Macdiarmid Blakedown Churchwardens

Broadcast February 2021 NEWS

Thank you Thank you to the 30 plus households that took part in the 'Living Advent Calendar' during December last - we had many creative windows/decorations that brightened up our parish. Particular thanks to Jody at Crumbs, where the knitted Nativity Set was hosted for the whole month. We hope it may become a regular feature of our pre Christmas celebrations if villagers are willing to take part? Thank you also to the people that have supported The churches in many ways during the last year. We are grateful for the support from our regular congregations ,and particularly for other donations received towards our running costs, these have enabled our churches to continue to serve our communities. While not able to hold fundraising events we are very thankful for a donation of £2000 from the Norman Dawson Trust received in December. Please keep safe and follow the rules until we've all been vaccinated against this awful virus, and life returns to some sort of normality! Jan.

Sermon Podcasts Each week a sermon podcast is available to listen to and download from the Diocesan website. If you’d like a short reflection on the week’s readings, do have a listen.

Broadcast February 2021 NEWS


GIVING TO THE CHURCHES There are a number of ways that donations can be made towards the work of the three churches in our parish.

Free will offering envelopes: You can continue to donate to both Churchill and Blakedown churches using your Free Will Offering envelopes - please post them through the letterbox of number 69 Belbroughton Road while you're out for your daily exercise. If you would like to have a set of Free Will Offering envelopes then please call (01562) 700543.

By gifting online through give.net which is part of 'Stewardship' - a Christian Charity. give.net is easy to use.... Eg, go into www.give.net and click onto ‘Find a Charity’ Type “Blakedown and Churchill Churches, wait a moment for the church to pop up and then follow the simple instructions. NB it is quite common for this not to work first time, in which case please re-type and all should be revealed! For UK taxpayers, there is gift aid box to tick and Stewardship remits the tax reclaim to the church, thus easing the burden on the Acting Treasurer. The only income that your churches receive is from the generous gifts made by members of the congregations and communities. From these gifts the general running costs of the church buildings have to be met (there are always repairs needed to these beautiful old buildings) and the stipend of your Priest, the Rectory running costs and all church mission and outreach costs. So, ALL contributions are very, very gratefully received.

Broadcast February 2021 KITCHEN CORNER

Easy butter chicken

Prep: 15min Cook: 35min Serves: 4

Fancy a healthy version of your favourite Friday night chicken curry? The chicken can be marinaded the day before so you can get ahead on your prep.

Ingredients: 500g skinless boneless chicken thighs

For the marinade: 1 lemon, juiced 2tsp ground cumin 2 tsp paprika 1-2 tsp hot chilli powder 200g natural yoghurt

For the curry: 2 tbsp vegetable oil 1 large onion, chopped 3 crushed garlic cloves 1 green chilli deseeded (opt) small piece ginger, grated 1 tsp garam masala 2 tsp ground fenugreek 3 tbsp tomato puree 300ml chicken stock 50g flaked almonds, toasted


In a medium bowl, mix all the marinade ingredients with some seasoning. Chop the chicken into bite-sized pieces and toss with the marinade. Cover and chill in the fridge for 1h or overnight.

In a large, heavy saucepan, heat the oil. Add the onion, garlic, green chilli, ginger and some seasoning. Fry on a medium heat for 10mins or until soft.

Add the spices with the tomato puree, cook for a further 2mins until fragrant, then add the stock and marinated chicken. Cook for 15mins, then add any remaining marinade left in the bowl. Simmer for 5mins, then sprinkle with the toasted almonds.

Serve with basmati rice, naan bread, mango chutney, etc

© bbcgoodfood.com

Do you have a recipe to share? If so, please send it along to the Editor

Broadcast February 2021 Information at 11 January 2021

Birth, Death, Marriage, Civil Partnership and Citizenship

This is the current information for Registration Service.

Registration offices Please note: all registration offices in Worcestershire are closed to the public unless you have a pre booked appointment.

Death registration All death registrations are now undertaken by telephone. Once the paperwork has been received from the GP and/or Coroner we will call you to book in a date and time for the registration to take place via phone. A registrar will then call on the chosen date and time to register the death with you. The form for the funeral will then be sent directly to the funeral director and burial or cremation authority for you.

Births Information about registering or re-registering a birth and obtaining copies of birth certificates in Worcestershire can be found at www.worcestershire.gov.uk/info/20315/births Please note that you must register a birth within 42 days of the child being born. You should do this at the local Register Office for the district where the baby was born or at the hospital. The hospital will tell you if you can register the birth there.

Church of England latest guidance update:

The Government has asked us to stay at home to save lives and protect the NHS. Under the current regulations the Government has permitted public worship to continue, if it is safe to do so.

While many churches have decided to offer digital services only for the time being, others are continuing to remain open, in a Covid-secure way, for individual prayer and public worship. The circumstances in each place will inform a local decision.

We urge everyone to be exceptionally cautious and, in particular, to do everything possible to prevent mingling outside of households and support bubbles.

We acknowledge and share the sadness many are feeling at not being able to meet together as we would usually do at the moment and prayerfully and confidently look forward to better times ahead.

Churches can remain open for individual prayer, subject to safety guidelines.

Wearing of face coverings by all those attending a place of worship, including ministers and worshippers, where there may be other people present is mandatory. There are exemptions to this, including for those leading a service, detailed in guidance on face coverings.

Please check the latest guidance at https://www.churchofengland.org/resources/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-churches The guidance is changing frequently and should be adhered to. Broadcast February 2021

Church Officers

Licensed Lay Ministers Mr Gerald Dyer 01562 700748 Mr Andrew Hewines 07824 662344 Church Wardens Churchill Mrs Angela Stockley-von Statzer 07881 647005 Blakedown Mr Andrew Yardley 01562 700393

Mrs Mary Macdiarmid 01562 700776 Broome Mr Michael Clark 01384 373015 Organist Blakedown Mr Graham Rock 01562 884926 Parish Office Christine Thomas and Chrissy Roberts 01562 730777 Parish Safeguarding: Mrs Sara Brehony 01562 700691 Diocesan Safeguarding Officer Hilary Higton 07495 060869

Three Churches Website: cbbchurches.weebly.com Churchill Church website: Churchill -church.weebly.com Church Flowers Churchill Blakedown Broome 7th February Doreen Chatwin 14th February Doreen Chatwin 14th February Lent 28th February Lent

Broadcast February 2021 CHURCH SERVICES

All our churches are currently closed due to COVID-19. Please contact the church office for details, and watch the Noticeboards outside Blakedown Church.

Every Sunday at 10.15am Canon Sue’s streamed service is online People can join the Service by going to the "Services for this Sunday" page of the CBB website. Some weeks the service will be led by Canon Sue; others will be led by members of the Lay Ministry Team. The link to "Online Service for This Sunday", is: https://cbbchurches.weebly.com/online-service-for-this-sunday.html We can also worship together live with others from Hagley and Clent on Zoom. You are invited to “attend” Sunday Worship on Zoom – at 10.30 am every Sunday – See www.clent-worcs.co.uk .

This week’s Sermon podcast from the Diocese of Worcester can be found here: https://www.cofe-worcester.org.uk/your-faith/prayer-worship/sermon-podcasts/

The CBB church website now has a page carrying all the latest government and Church of England COVID 19 guidelines for the safe use and attendance of church buildings, plus the latest daily COVID 19 infection figures. The link to the page is: https://cbbchurches.weebly.com/government--church-of- england-covid-19-guidance-for-all-attending-services.html

Broadcast February 2021 LOCAL ORGANISATIONS

Rainbows 5.30pm Monday Blakedown Parish Rooms Term-time only Brownies 6.30pm Monday Blakedown Parish Rooms Term-time only Guides 6.00pm Monday Blakedown Parish Rooms Term-time only Beavers 5.45pm – 7.00pm Thursday Scout Hut Cubs 6.30pm – 8.00pm Monday Scout Hut Blakedown Scouts 7.00pm Wednesday Scout Hut E: [email protected] Chairperson of the Exec committee - Adele Reynolds Archery Times vary Scout Hut Parish Delivery Network Andrew Yardley Tel: 01562 700393 Short Mat Bowls 7.30pm Thursday Blakedown Parish Rooms Blakedown Baby 9.00am Tuesday Blakedown Parish Rooms & Toddlers Tel: 07740 373181 Blakedown Parish Rooms Tel: 01562 700788 Blakedown Women’s Institute Tel: 01562 700788 7.30pm 2nd Weds Blakedown Parish Rooms Blakedown Recreations Rooms (Snooker) Mike Pitt Tel: 01562 700818 Blakedown Tennis Club Tel: 07980 055823 Blakedown Cricket Club Tel: 01562 700623 Broome Women’s Institute 7.30pm 3rd Weds Broome Village Hall E: [email protected] Theatre 282 of Blakedown 7.30 Weds & Sun Blakedown Parish Rms Tel: 07578 154070 Probus Club Monthly at the Granary Hotel Alan Tel: 01562 884348 Hagley U3A Ian Powick Tel: 01562 883822 E: [email protected] Churchill & Blakedown Sports Centre Ian Challice Tel: 07786 545744 Churchill & Blakedown Historical Society Jim Long Email: https://candbhistorical.weebly.com/ Tel: 01562 701168 / 01384 371177 Signal Box Booking Jim Long Tel: 01562 701168 / 01384 371177 Blakedown Signal Box Website: blakedownsignalbox.weebly.com Churchill & Blakedown Parish Council Clerk: Angela Preece Tel: 01746 781171 Email: [email protected] Broome Parish Council Clerk: Beverley Drew Email: [email protected] Blakedown & Hagley Branch of the Secretary: Helen Roberts Tel: 03984 378934 Royal British Legion Email: [email protected] 07962 980446 Council - Wyre Forest Rural Ward If you have an issue regarding Wyre Forest District Council which you would like to discuss, then please do not hesitate to contact your Wyre Forest Rural Team:- Councillor Ian Hardiman Tel: 01562 631139 Email: [email protected] Councillor Marcus Hart Tel: 01562 851769 Email: [email protected] Councillor Lisa Jones Tel: 07854713819 Email: [email protected] Or Member Support on 01562 732501 and they will pass the message on. Worcestershire County Council (Chaddesley Division) Councillor Marcus Hart Tel: 01562 851769 Email: [email protected] Or Member Support on 01905 766650 and they will pass the message on.

Broadcast February 2021 PARISH DIRECTORY

Church Office: 01562 730777 [email protected] Priest: Revd Canon Susan Oliver Blakedown 01562 730777 Broome

Churchwarden: Churchill Churchwarden: Andrew Yardley 01562 700393 Michael Clarke 01384 373015 Churchwardens: Mary Macdiarmid 01562 700776 Honorary Reader: Mrs Angela Stockley-von Statzer Honorary Reader: Mr Gerald Dyer 01562 700748 07881 647005 Mr Gerald Dyer 01562 700748 Organist: Honorary Reader: Hon PCC Secretary: Mr Graham Rock 01562 884926 Mr Gerald Dyer 01562 700748 vacant Hon PCC Secretary: Hon PCC Secretary: Hon PCC Treasurer: Mrs Mary Macdiarmid Mrs Mary Macdiarmid Mr Andrew Hewines 01562 700776 01562 700776 07824 662344 Treasurer: Treasurer: Church Flowers: Mrs Janice Johns Mrs Janice Johns Mrs Fiona Middle 01562 700543 01562 700543 01562 887826 Church Flowers: Church Flowers: Mrs Judy Tromans 01562 700108 Mrs Pauline Hayward Distribution Manager: Distribution Manager: 01562 700476 Mrs Joy Gascoyne ------Mrs Diana Reed Daunter 01562 887735 01562 700481 Bookings Secretary for Village Hall: Broadcast Magazine Parish Safeguarding Officer: Mrs Carol Hingley 01562 701259 EDITORIAL Sara Brehony 01562 700691 Planned Giving Sec: The Editor 01562 730777 Mr Andrew Hewines Email:[email protected] 07824 662344

OFFICE OPENING HOURS: Mon-Weds 9-12am for Weddings, Funerals & Baptisms, Weds-Fri 9-12am for Broadcast Magazines COPIES Can be ordered from the Distributors or purchased from the Churches and ‘Crumbs’ in Blakedown CONTRIBUTIONS To: Church Office, 19 Church Road, Belbroughton DY9 9TE Email: [email protected] COPY DATE Is the 10th of the month. ADVERTISEMENTS / EDITOR Contact: The Editor (Christine Thomas), on 01562 730777 at Church Office, address above, or Email: [email protected] WEBSITE Blakedown, Churchill & Broome: https://cbbchurches.weebly.com/ Belbroughton, Fairfield & Clent: www.bfc-worcs.co.uk Clent website: www.clent-worcs.co.uk MISSION GROUP website: www.thebeneficemissiongroup.weebly.com

The PARISH NEWS accepts NO RESPONSIBILITY for the service, products or otherwise of Advertisers in this publication. Advertisements are reviewed on an annual basis, although ad-hoc adverts may be placed throughout the year. Should you wish to place a new advert or make changes to an existing advert, please contact the Editor Tel: 01562 730777 or Email: [email protected] to be included in this publication. The Editor reserves the right to refuse to publish adverts at her discretion.

Broadcast February 2021 Police and Crime Commissioner - John Campion

As your Police and Crime Commissioner, my role is to ensure your priorities are acted on, your voice is heard and your community is kept safe. I work hard to engage with communities across Herefordshire, , Telford & Wrekin and Worcestershire to hear their views and priorities on how to maintain a safe West Mercia. As the directly elected governance for , I hold the Chief Constable to account for the service we receive on your behalf. Part of my role is to set the budget for West Mercia Police, currently standing at around £238m per year. Some of that budget comes from your Council Tax, so I consult with local communities on not only the level of your Council Tax, but also on what Police services you feel it should be spent on. It is then my job to ensure that the Chief Constable provides you with an effective and efficient police service. For more information about my role, my priorities, and the work I do within our community visit my website: https://www.westmercia-pcc.gov.uk/ Hope you had a good Christmas and wishing you all the best for 2021. Police & Crime Commissioner John Campion Email: [email protected] Phone: 01905 331656

ADVERTISE your items for sale or business in the Parish News:

Starting 2021, we are offering our readers the opportunity to advertise in two ways: Buy/Sell items – do you have anything you wish to sell locally? Are you looking for something and want to ask our readers? Tradesmen – are you a self-employed local tradesperson? You can advertise your services cheaply in our magazine.

Adverts will be charged on a number of words basis (10p a word) They can be placed for a single, or several months.

Please contact the Editor at [email protected] for further information. The Editor reserves the right to refuse adverts which is not in keeping with this magazine, or when complaints are made.

True Promises God has not promised But God has promised Skies always blue, Strength for the day, Flower-strewn pathways Rest for the labour, All our life through; Light for the way; God has not promised Grace for the trial, Sun without rain, Help from above, Joy without sorrow, Unfailing sympathy, Peace without pain. Undying love. (Anon)

Broadcast February 2021 Extract from the Broadcast Magazine February 1921:

Broadcast February 2021 POETRY CORNER

What would JESUS do A Valentine

By John Winterbourne For her this rhyme is penned, whose luminous Whenever there’s a problem eyes, And I don’t know what to do Brightly expressive as the twins of Leda, I stop right there Shall find her own sweet name, that nestling And ask myself What would JESUS do lies Upon the page, enwrapped from every reader. Whenever I am feeling low Search narrowly the lines! - they hold a And just a little blue treasure I stop right there Divine- a talisman- an amulet And ask That must be worn at heart. Search well the myself measure- What would JESUS do The words- the syllables! Do not forget The trivialest point, or you may lose your labor Whenever my mind goes wandering And yet there is in this no Gordian knot To where it shouldn’t do Which one might not undo without a sabre, I stop right there And ask myself If one could merely comprehend the plot. What would JESUS do Enwritten upon the leaf where now are peering Eyes scintillating soul, there lie perdus Whenever someone’s unkind to me Three eloquent words oft uttered in the hearing It gets me in a stew Of poets, by poets- as the name is a poet's, too, I stop right there And ask myself Its letters, although naturally lying What would JESUS do Like the knight Pinto- Mendez Ferdinando- Still form a synonym for Truth- Cease trying! Whenever days go by You will not read the riddle, though you do the And I don’t know what to do best you can do. I stop right there And ask myself Edgar Allan Poe What would JESUS do

Never Let Go of Hope Poet: Jancarl Campi You will look back One day and laugh at what has passed you will see and you will ask yourself, that it all "How did I get through all of that?" has finally come together. Just never let go of hope. What you have Just never quit dreaming. always wished for And never let love has finally come to be. depart from your life.

You will look back and laugh at what has passed


MEETINGS Parish Council Meetings are still currently being held ‘virtually’ using the Zoom application. Residents are entitled and welcome to attend the meetings. The meeting identification number is displayed on the noticeboards and Parish Council website. Alternatively, please contact the Clerk if any assistance is required. PARISH COUNCIL VACANCY There is currently a vacancy for a Councillor to represent Blakedown Ward. If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor, please contact the Clerk for more details. WYRE FOREST DISTRICT COUNCIL LOCAL PLAN REVIEW The Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State at the end of April 2020, Mary Travers BA(Hons) DipTP MRTPI has been appointed as the Inspector to lead the examination in public. The hearings stage of the examination commenced in the week beginning 11th January 2021. It is expected that the hearings will continue until the week commencing 8th February 2021. Watching the virtual hearings: The hearing sessions will be live streamed on YouTube for non-participants and the public to watch live and can be accessed on the District Council’s website https://www.wyreforestdc.gov.uk/ This will enable anyone with an interest to watch the hearings as they would a conventional hearing in as close to real time as is possible when using a streaming service. The hearings will also be recorded by the Council and published on the Council’s YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChM0- nKmT95DrHjc-VfuOhQ. Members of the public are not allowed to make their own recording of the hearings. The Parish Council is consulted by the Planning Authority, Wyre Forest District Council, on planning applications that are made in the Parish. At the meeting in January 2021 the following applications were considered: 20/1027/FUL Land At Os 387232 280632 Sugar Loaf Lane Iverley. Proposed Agricultural Building. 20/1054/HOU Wannerton Farm Perryford Lane Wannerton Blakedown Repairs, alterations and extensions to existing farmhouse. And decisions were noted on the following applications: 20/0902/HOU 32 Gladstone Place Blakedown. Proposed single storey side extension and replacement of existing rooflight with dormer window to front elevation. Approved. 20/0901/HOU 61 Road Blakedown. Proposed demolition of existing carport and infill single storey extension and extension to existing flat roof dormer to front and rear. Approved. 20/0748/HOU Glebe View Cottage Churchill Lane Churchill. Erection of single storey infill extension, alterations to fenestration and conversion of garage to living accommodation, following demolition of conservatory. Approved. 20/0988/PNH 2 Wheatmill Close Blakedown. Proposed single storey rear extension. Granted.

Broadcast February 2021

The Parish Council has 3 Members for Churchill Ward, Chairman Cllr Richard Benney, Cllrs Mrs Pauline Hayward and Cllr Gary James. There are currently 5 Members for Blakedown Ward (with one vacancy), Vice Chairman Cllr Roger Shade, Cllr Brian Hession, Cllr John Lorton, Cllr Paul Mellor and Cllr Neil Rowlinson, If you would like any more information on the Parish Council please contact the Parish Clerk, Mrs Angela Preece, 01746 781171/07572108924 or email [email protected]. website http://www.parish-council.com/ChurchillandBlakedown/index.asp Angela Preece PSLCC Clerk to Churchill and Blakedown Parish Council Dated 7th January 2021


During this lockdown period Broome WI is still active on zoom and by telephone to keep up the spirits of its members. We had a Christmas Party and quiz on zoom and all members received a Christmas gift. We are updated regularly by our President during this lockdown period and Broome WI is still active on zoom and by telephone to keep up the spirits of its members.

Along with our own efforts, Worcestershire Federation of WIs have kept us busy with a variety of zoom events, including talks, courses and demonstrations. Several members took part in a Christmas table decoration and wreath-making course. This was excellently run by a very talented tutor and much enjoyed by all who took part. We are intending to hold a zoom meeting later in January.

For more information regarding Broome WI please contact: [email protected] or check our website: www.broomewi.com


Broome Parish Council are meeting on 27th Jan to agree the annual Budget and Precept.

Beverley Drew Clerk to Broome Parish Council [email protected] Look at our website hosted by WCC www.worcestershire.gov.uk


Update on Forthcoming Events at the Norman Dawson Sports Pavilion

We have planned a full programme of meetings for 2021, in the hope that we can resume soon! The Committee held a Zoom meeting in December, at which it was agreed that the first speaker’s evening, conditions allowing, would be 17th May after the AGM. The speaker would be Ken Knowles on being a Town Cryer. If necessary, this could be held outdoors.


Booking the Signal Box. The Signal Box in Mill Lane remains closed and is currently unavailable for bookings due to national restrictions to combat corona virus. In the meantime the Churchill and Blakedown Villages Trust is maintaining it as a Locally Listed Heritage Asset with help from the Historical Society. It is normally available for hire for small meetings and children’s parties. Full disabled access including lift. Free Wifi. Various seating plans are available - there will be one to suit your needs at just £10 per hour – proceeds and donations to the Churchill and Blakedown Villages Trust for the upkeep of the Box. Contact via Facebook, or phone Jim Long of the Historical Society 01562 701168 or email [email protected] for further details including bookings status or to confirm your booking. Signal Box lapel badges £3.50. Show everyone you are a Friend of Blakedown Signal Box by wearing our high quality enamel lapel badge! It comes in a sealed plastic bag. You can order by email from Jim Long and pay electronically. All proceeds to Historical Society funds.

© Swabey – early village history

Broadcast February 2021

CHURCHILL AND BLAKEDOWN HISTORICAL SOCIETY https://candbhistorical.weebly.com

Our two villages – how did they evolve?

Many residents will have bought a copy of “A Pictorial History of Churchill and Blakedown”, published in 1997, still available from the Post Office. There are in fact three published village histories. Jim Long of the Historical Society has been looking at the first one, David Swabey’s 1976 “A History of Churchill and Blakedown”, based on the work of F W Young, a local historian and benefactor born in 1875

A History of Churchill and Blakedown The joint parish of Churchill and Blakedown lies in the Hundred of or Came in North Worcestershire between Kidderminster and . It is of average size, being about 2 miles by 3 miles, and about 9 miles around its boundaries. Its history is undistinguished from hundreds of similar parishes, it has produced no national figures and it does not have within its boundaries any stately home, yet its very anonymity makes it doubly interesting, for the ordinary people it has produced over the centuries and for the impact, however small, that national affairs have had on it. It only became a joint parish in 1888, when Blakedown, for centuries part of the parish of Hagley, was joined to the ancient parish of Churchill, thereby increasing its area by about one third. Another huge area, that to the west of a line from Four Dwellings along Stonewaggon Lane to the viaduct and then along New Wood Lane, and including Deansford, Park Hall and Wannerton, was added from two parishes of Kidderminster in 1902. Its neighbouring parishes are Hagley, Clent, Broome, , Stone, St. Mary's, Kidderminster, and . Churchill met Wolverley and Kinver at the Kinfare Stone at Five Ways or Catchem's End, where those in flight from justice in our parish could escape into the neighbouring county of . 17th Century Irrigation Scheme At the other end of the parish by the late seventeenth century a remarkable irrigation scheme had been put into operation. This was developed by Lord Foley and recorded on a map in 1737 and by Nash, the Worcestershire historian in 1782. The scheme watered eight farms, the Mearse, Bellington, Deansford, Dunclent, Heathy Mill, Hodgehill, Park Hall and Hurcott. The water came from the Bellington Brook from which was channelled a series of irrigation ditches, the first originating near Barnett Mill. Each farm had its ration of water repeated two days a week every three weeks throughout the year. For example over two hundred acres at Dunclent were watered in this way. Mr. Young could remember the scheme in full working order, and the water courses can be traced on an Ordnance Survey map as well as on the ground, but the water courses at Park Hall are now filled with daffodils and Deansford, the other farm of the eight within the parish, only has narrow ditches across its fields to show that the scheme once existed, though one, early in 1976, still carried a flow of water. Downstream from Deansford the 1737 Map marks a line of stones as the boundary

Broadcast February 2021 between Chaddesley Corbett and Kidderminster Foreign. This is now the parish boundary but the stones seem to have disappeared, perhaps into the stream. Enclosure of Common As the country's population grew rapidly in the eighteenth century, so more landowners wished to enclose this grazing land and turn it into arable. Churchill's common lands were enclosed by the passing of a Parliamentary Act in 1773. In 1832 it was Blakedown's turn. Parliamentary Commissioners visited the village in 1831 to hear the villagers' cases for and against enclosure of the common land, and in 1832 an Act was passed enclosing "the Blakedown and Harborough Commons". This was the land on either side of Belbroughton Road and stretching over to include Harborough Hill and much of the land adjoining Stakenbridge Lane. Only the Harborough valley around the Hall was not part of the commons but was farmed from the Hall. Where the packhorse way crossed Belbroughton Road, a gate, called Hack-man's Gate on the Enclosure Map, prevented animals from straying from the commons into Broome or Chaddesley Corbett parishes. (Later the name was given to the crossroads at Yielding Tree). When Malvern Commons had been enclosed there had been rioting and at other places the fences had been pulled up. By the time of the Blakedown enclosures the authorities had learnt their lesson and five acres of land opposite to Harborough Farm were given to the two villages of Stakenbridge and Blakedown in lieu of their common grazing rights. Other allotments of land were made to Sir Edward Dolman Smith, Thomas, Lord Foley, Richard Worrall and William Waldron among others. The land was soon fenced or enclosed with hedges to provide farming land for the two new farms, New House Farm and Harborough Farm which were set up on it. The Award also gives details of the roads and footpaths. The Birmingham to Blakedown Turnpike Road was to be forty feet wide, Stoney Lane, Stakenbridge Lane and Belbroughton Road were to be -thirty feet wide, whilst Forge Lane, the bridle path to Stakenbridge from the bottom of Harborough Hill and the bridle path from the main road past Broome Mill to the Belbroughton Road, were to be eighteen feet wide. The footpath to the Ladies Pool was to be ten feet wide and all other paths were to be four feet wide. Changing Face of Churchill and Blakedown The last 150 years have seen the greatest changes ever in the two villages. Blakedown has changed from being the 'black down' with a handful of houses on the road from Birmingham to Kidderminster into a village community of over 1,500. Churchill, on the other hand, has failed to expand, and has remained what it has always been, a rural backwater, it may even have lost population for as late as the 1920s when its school had over 50 pupils.

Extracts courtesy of the original publishers Churchill and Blakedown Parish Council

Broadcast February 2021 PUZZLE PAGE

Broadcast February 2021 THE BIBLE GARDEN - Flowers

In our previous parts we have looked at planning a Bible garden, the seven essential Bible foods, trees and growing vegetables. This month we consider some of the plants that bring the beauty of God’s creation into our Bible garden – flowers. There are plenty to choose from that can be grown in our climate, and for example, here are some that I grow:

Anemone – or the ‘Lily of the field’ (Matthew 6:28-30) Daisy (James 1: 9-10) Doves Dung (2 Kings 6:25) Hyacinth (Revelation 9:17) Lavender (Song of Songs 4:14) Lily (Hosea 14:5) Mandrake (Song of Songs 7:13) Poppy (1 Peter: 24-25) Rose (Song of Songs 2:1) Tulip (Song of Songs 2:12) Water Lily (2 Chronicles 4:5)

Add to this list flowering shrubs and herbs such as Mallow, Broom, Hyssop and Rue, and you will be able to create a splendid display of flowers that blooms from early spring to autumn.

To keep your Bible garden authentic, it is worth trying to find varieties and colours that are usually found in the Middle East. As a general rule, I have found that white and red is often the best choice, for example, white rose, lily, daisy and broom, and red poppy and tulip. If you are puzzled by Dove’s Dung in the list above, this is subject to interpretation, as Bible plants often are. Some experts suggest it is a type of chickpea, some suggest it really is ‘dung’ probably from doves or pigeons and was used as food – usually when a city was under siege and the inhabitants were starving! The interpretation that I prefer is that Dove’s Dung is also the name of a beautiful small flowering plant known as the Star of Bethlehem. It has been suggested that the bulbous roots of this plant were sometimes eaten when food was in short supply. Personally, I think it is far better to grow them for the beautiful white star like flowers and leave the bulbous roots in the ground for another wonderful display the next year. If you are thinking about growing some Bible garden flowers, then now is an excellent time to do some research into their authenticity. Most of them will do well in pots. You will find lots of different views about the plant names, colours and species. I have found that you need to decide which of the experts you feel more comfortable with – and which will grow best in your garden. If it all gets too confusing you can always do as I do most years and fill in some empty ground with a packet of mixed wild meadow flowers to remind us of what Jesus said (Luke 12:27- 28) about flowers: Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labour or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendour was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you—you of little faith!

Broadcast February 2021 ROTARY CLUB OF HAGLEY

Rotary Club of Hagley No 1328 Godfrey Partridge phf, President and Public Relations Officer District 1060 5 Shelduck Grove, Kidderminster, Worcestershire DY10 4EF Tel: 01562 827 225 E-Mail [email protected]

The Monday Evening meetings on Zoom continue to keep the Hagley Rotarians engaged and entertained as our evenings at the Lyttleton have been suspended during the Lock-Down. Preparing for Christmas the Rotarians were keeping up with matters local and international with donations to our supported charities now including food banks and homeless contributions from all quarters. December is when Rotarians are charged to consider Disease Treatment and Prevention. Our efforts in eradicating Polio have now been complimented with concerns and local support for the Covid19 Pangamic awareness and support. We have been reminded that there are many other diseases apart from Polio that need Rotary International involvement in treating the less fortunate 3rd world as well as local and national concerns in the winter season, such as pneumonia and tuberculosis in which Rotary is active in providing practical help, support, and assistance for those less equipped to deal with illness and outbreak. Fortunately, there is a Rotary Club and concern available to meet the challenges as they arise and be provided with advice and support. The Rotary Club of Hagley wishes you all a Happy and Health New Year So, if readers would like to have fun with a purpose, consider joining our club who will be meeting at 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm on Monday evenings by visiting our website at https://hagleyrotary.wixsite.com/website. Should anybody require help or assistance or just a friendly phone call during the period of confinement just phone: Martin Freckelton on 01562 700 391 or Dave Santus on 01562 886 529 They will be delighted to tell you more about our club

Theatre 282 have had to postpone “Lockdown in Little Grimley” due to – you guessed it – Lockdown – and therefore their inability to rehearse at Blakedown. Keep safe and follow guidelines.

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Has anyone else's gardening skills improved during this quarantine like mine have?

I planted myself on my couch at the beginning of March and I've grown significantly since.


Spring is in sight

This month there are signs of the approaching spring, with bulbs appearing and wildlife waking up as light levels and temperatures increase. There's plenty to do indoors this month to prepare for the season ahead. Outdoors, as the garden comes to life again, it's time to prune shrubs and climbers, such as Wisteria as well as evergreen hedges.

1. Prepare vegetable seed beds, and sow some vegetables under cover 2. Chit potato tubers 3. Protect blossom on apricots, nectarines and peaches 4. Net fruit and vegetable crops to keep the birds off 5. Prune winter-flowering shrubs that have finished flowering 6. Divide bulbs such as snowdrops, and plant those ‘in the green’ 7. Prune Wisteria 8. Prune hardy evergreen hedges 9. Prune conservatory climbers such as bougainvillea 10. Cut back deciduous grasses left uncut over the winter, remove dead grass.

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Church Cutlery for Hire 10p per setting, 120 settings, Each comprising a knife, fork, dessert spoon & teaspoon.

Quality modern wheelchair for hire from Blakedown Church At a cost of £2 per day or £10 per week. Fits into family car. Contact: Mary Macdiarmid on 01562 700776

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