124 H!DZOR. \V'O ROES TERSHIRE. [KELLY'S a~sisted by eminent gard~>ners. The soil is various, A Catholic (Certified efficient) School was opened here principally a stiff marl; subsoil, clay. The chief crops in 1902; average attendance, 14; Mrs. Kate Moverley, are all kinds of cereals and roots. The area is 987 mistress acres of land and 9 of water; rateable value, £1,829; Letters received through Droitwich, which is the nearest t ~e population in 1901 was 124. money order & telegraph office, 2 miles distant Parish Clerk, George Crump. Wall Letter Box, Manor farm, cleared at 6.45 a.m. & The children attend Oddingley school 6.35 p.m. week days & II-55 a.m. sundays PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Butler James, gardener to Major H . .Moverley Frank, assistant overseer, Galton Major Hubert George Howard G. H. Galrton J.P I Home farm RA. ., JP. H a d zor h ouse Cottrill Robert, horse dealer, Han- Moverley Thomas, farmer, Home farm Gottwaltz Rev. Clement A. (R. c.), bury wharf Palmer Ralph Jn. farmer, Court farm The Presbytery McClafferty Edward, farm bailiff to VPrncombe John, gamekeeper to Major H. G. H. Galton R.A Major H. G. H. Galton R.A COMMERCIAL. Mars•hall Robert G. (Mrs.), farmer, Watkins Thomas Aldhelm, farmer, Bennett Stephen, farmer, Manor farm Dean farm Cockshute Hill HAGLEY is a parish, on the road from Stourbridge to I style, were made •by Sir Charles Lyttelton, in the reign Bromsgrove, with a station on the Worcester and Wol- ' ef William IlL; the present Hagley Hall was erected verhampton section of the Great Western railway, 2~ by the rst Baron Lyttelton, from the designs of Mr. miles south-east from Stourbridge, II south-west from Sanderson Miller, of Ra-dway, Warwickshire: it is a Birmingham, 7! north-west from Bromsgrove and 6 plain, uniform building of stone, in a cold classic style, north-east from Kidderminster. The Great Western but has some fine rooms, one of which contains a carved Railway Co. have a motor car service between this oak chimney-piece, the only relic of the old fHall, which place and Stourbridge. The parish is in the Mid stood not far distant. Hagley Hall was in the last cen· division of the county, lower division of Halfshire tury visited by Pope, Shenstone, Thomson, Addison and hundred, Broms>grove union, Stourbridge petty sessional many other persons of genius and literary talent; it division and oounty court district, rural deanery of has been carefully and thoroughly restored, and is no"W Swinford and archdeaconry and diocese of Worcester. the seat of Viscwnt Cobham M.A., D.L., J.P. who, as The church of St. John the Baptist is an ancient 5th Baron Lyttelton, succeeded to this viscounty on the edifice of stone of the Decorated period with some Nor- death in r889 of the last Duke of ·Buckingham and . man remains, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, south Chandos K.G. Viscount Cobham is lord of the manor • porch and a western tower with spire containing 8 bells: and principal landowner. The soil varies from a stiff the chancel and nave were rebuilt and enlarged by clay to a sandy loam; subsoil, new red sandstone. Th& su!bscription in r858, during the life of George William, chief crops are corn, peas and potatoes. The area is 4th baron Lyttelton K.C.M.G. as a testimonial for his 2.407 acres of land and 24 of water; rateable value, public services to the county, and in r865 the fine tower £r5,6r8; the population in r9rr was r,541 in the and broach spire were completed from the designs of civil and 948 in the ecclesiastical parish in 1901. the late J. E. Street esq. R.A.; a lych gate, of oak Blakedown was transferred for ecclesiastical purposes and red sandstone, also designed by the same to Churchill parish by Order in Council in r888, and architect, was erected in 1876 by the parishioners; will •be found under the heading of Churchill. the chancel has been further restored and decorated in memory of Lord Lyttelton (d. 19th April, r876), from Parish Clerk, Arthur Tandy. designs by Mr. Street, at the expense of the Lyttelton Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Mrs. Bertha Price, sub-post- ramily; nearly all the windows are stained: the vestry mistress. Letters arrive from Stourbridge at 6 a.m. in r891 underwent enlargement, at a cost of about £r5o, & r.so & 7 p.m.; dispatched at 9.25 & 11.40 a.m. &; and the organ improved, at a cost of about £r4o: there 6.40 & 8 p.m. ; sunday, 5. 40 p.m are 427 sittings, 176 being free. The register dates Post & M. 0. Office, Lower Hagley.-Miss Gertrude from the year 1538, but is slightly imperfect. The Gale, sub-postmistress. Letters received through living is a rectory, net yearly value £250, including 53 Stourbridge. Box cleared at 8.40 a.m. & 5·45 & 7·45 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Viscount p.m.; snndays, 5· 10 p.m. Hagley, 1 mile distant, u; Cobham, and held since I9II ·by the Rev. James the nearest telegraph office Phelips M.A. of Jesus College, Cambridge, and pre- Wall Letter Box, Birmingham rmtd, cleared at 8.r; a.m. bendary of Timberscombe in Wells cathedral. The & 6 . rs p.m. ; sun d ays, 8 ·35 a. m church of St. Saviour, Lower Hagley, built in 1908 at a cost of £4,ooo, from designs of Mr. T. Grazebrook, Public Elementary Schools. is a structure of Has bury stone in the Mixed style: an Mixed, built in r827, for uo children; average attend- organ was provided at a cost of [750: there are 200 ance, 50 boys & 42 girls; John H. Heywood, master sittings. The charities amount to a.bout £r4 yearly. Infants, built in 1856, for so children; average attend- Hagley became the principal residence of the Lyttel- ance, 35; Miss Beatrice J. Porter, mistress tons of Frankley after their house at that place was Police Stations, Hagley, Arthur Kendall, constable; destroyed: the old Hall, taken down in 1760, was a Lower Hagley, Henry Griffin, constable timber-framed s·tructure with large dormers, and an over-·hanging gable at the south-east angle: to this Railway Station:- building additions, in a heavy incongruous Italian Lower Ha·gley, John Phillips, station master (Marked thus * receive their letters Cheshire John Henry, The Brake Grove :Mrs. Lower Hagley direct from Stourbridge.) Cobham Viscount D.L., J.P. Hagley Hackett Mrs. Ferndale, Lower Hagley (:\larked thus t receive their letters h~ll; & Brooks' club, London S W Hammersley Edwin, Poppyland, through Kidderminster.) Colhs Col. Charles Herbert V.D. Lower Hagley The Meads Hammond Herbert, Ravenstone, PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cookson Henry Benjamin, Rushohne, Lower Hagley Alien Thos. Rose cot. Lower Hagley Lower Hagley IIancox William Green, Whitecot, Ambrose Fred William, Cheshunt Cowdall Henry Charles, Rocklands Lower Hagley house, Lower Ha-gley Cox Mrs. Rosecroft, Lower Hagley Hand Waiter, Pendeen, Lower Hagley Arnold Geo. Lyndhurst, Low. Hagley Cox Thomas Gilkes, The Poplars Harris Ernest, Holmfield, Low.iHagley Astbury Frank, Ryecroft, Low.Hagley Crumpton George William, Lynwood, Harrison William King J.P Bache Charles Sydney, Melrose, Lower Hagley Hatton George, Hagley house Lower Hagley Davies :Mrs. R. Elvaston, Low.Hagley Hendley Frederick William, Colwyn, Baker Frank Morley, Ranworth, Davis George Frederick, West grove, Lower Hagley Lower Hagley Lower Hag-ley HPndley Mrs. Felthorpe, Low. Hagley Bal;er Harold, Rosslyn,Lower Hagley Downing William Edmund,Elm lodge Hill Wm. Hy. Elmwood, Low. Hagley Bannister Mrs. Thornton, Low.Hagley Evans Henry, The Lawn Hin.qley A.Harry,The Elms,Low.Hagly Barker Jn. W. Middlefield,Low.'Hagly Fairbairn Andrew Martin, Grey ho Hipkins Edwd. Laurence, The Cottage- P'lte Jabez, The Oaks, Lower Hagley Fellows Dan, Whitehall, Low. Hag-lr.y Homer William Henry, Cader-ldris, Rennett Charles S. Ferndale, Lower Fisher Col. Thomas Timmins V.D. Lower Hagley Haogley Lawmide Hooper Oswald, Golf house Bissell G~>orge Ernest, Lansdowne, Folkes Hugh E. Hagley grange Horner Samuel Bond, Raveloe, Lower Lower Hagley Freer Misses, Pendennis, Low.Hagley Hagley Bissell William Edwards, The Spire *Garratt Mrs. Wassell Grove Ho·agh Alfred Stinson, Rydal mount, house, Lower Hagley Garrett George, The Uplands, Lower Lower Hagley Brooks Chas. The Ferns, Low. Hagley Hag-ley Hough Joseph, Penrith, Lower Hagley l 'h~>ppe-Hall Rev. John Ode M.A. Grazebrook John Phillips, The Court Hunt Edward Graves, The Beeches, (qurate), Lower Hagley Griffin Wm. Pendyke, Lower Hagley Lower Hagley .
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