Canning Estuary
DDeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff bbiioottiicc iinnddiicceess ffoorr eessttaabblliisshhiinngg aanndd mmoonniittoorriinngg eeccoossyysstteemm hheeaalltthh ooff tthhee SSwwaann-- CCaannnniinngg EEssttuuaarryy FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT May 2011 Valesini, F.J., Hallett, C.S., Cottingham, A., Hesp, S.A., Hoeksema, S.D., Hall, N.G., Linke, T.E., Buckland, A.J. Prepared for the Swan River Trust, Department of Water and Department of Fisheries 1 2 Development of biotic indices for establishing and monitoring ecosystem health of the Swan- Canning Estuary FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT May 2011 Valesini, F.J., Hallett, C.S., Cottingham, A., Hesp, S.A., Hoeksema, S.D., Hall, N.G., Linke, T.E., Buckland, A.J. Prepared for the Swan River Trust, Department of Water and Department of Fisheries 3 4 Disclaimer The authors have prepared this report in accordance with the usual care and thoroughness of the Centre for Fish and Fisheries Research (CFFR) for the use by the Swan River Trust (SRT), Department of Water (DoW) and Department of Fisheries (DoF) and only those third parties who have been authorised in writing by the CFFR to rely on the report. It is based on generally accepted practices and standards at the time it was prepared. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the professional advice included in this report. It is prepared in accordance with the scope of work and for the purpose required by the SRT, DoW and DoF. The methodology adopted and sources of information used by the authors are outlined in this report. The authors have made no independent verification of this information beyond the agreed scope of works, and they assume no responsibility for any inaccuracies or omissions.
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