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Each character has 8 main statistics, 8 secondary statistics and 4 combat statistics. The combat stats are each used in separate ways and change during the course of action, influenced by wounds and exhaustion etc. The way to generate these statistics is only dependant on the 8 primary stats. The rest are the result of an equation that usually involves only the primary statistics.

The best way to generate statistics is based upon the power level of the campaign to be undertaken. This power level is an abstraction of the level of competency for the starting characters. The GM should be careful to ensure the characters can actually make it to the main gist of the campaign. Killing off characters that are „too weak‟ when you as the GM assigned their „power level‟ is bad form. When assigning power levels to the characters an amount of character-points are given with which to generate primary STATS. Remember that the human average for a primary STAT is 10.

There is an exception to the secondary statistics. That is Appearance. This is purposefully left to the agreement of GM and player. A general guideline to the APP stat is to remember it should be within 5 or 6 points either side of the CHA stat.

GUIDELINES TO POWER LEVELS The amount of stat points a player has at the beginning directly effects the 'power' of the character to be made. This can vary greatly. Working on the human average for prime stats being 10 if a player has 80 stat points then they can average human-average stats across the board. Using 80 stat points as a reference a group can estimate the power-level of the campaign to be undertaken. Use the charts below as a descriptive guide. For first time players I recommend making characters with 130 to no more than 150points. After a few games and the world is more developed, has some places and factions that are familiar, and the players are used to transportation and gear, try using 120 points. Starting the first game with a great deal of points will colour all future perceptions of games and what a character will (or should) be capable of.

STAT Points Power level Notes Average STAT 50 Crippled A character will not even be the average specimen of 6-7 their race 80 Low The PC’s will have to suffer in one area to excel in any 10 other, or have completely average stats across the board 100 Moderate The PC’s stats will be similar to most adults of their 12-13 species 120 Above Average The PC's will have to be adaptive and ingenious to 15-16 accomplish harder tasks, but they will easily stand above the average populace in ability. 150 Heroic Characters will be able to excel in many areas and this 18-19 amount of stat points should be considered only for games where the challenges will be tough from the outset. The average citizen is a complete pushover and the PC is on par with most experts. 200 Superior The PC's are either hyper-beings, or what they will be up 25 against is extremely powerful. A mega-tough NPC should rarely have 200 pts for stats; the bulk of their power coming from high skills instead.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] STATISTICS The actual mechanics of character creation in Black Dawn are point based. There are few advantages that cost points and no disadvantages that give points. All a character gets is background points to reflect some experience of the world before the campaign begins in earnest. This is to cut back on the min-max temptation that many gamers cannot resist. The GM should determine the power level he wants the characters to play at. Power level being the highest level of stats a character may start off with. He should then compare this to the skill level of the beginning characters. This can help dictate the initial stat maximums. When creating a character the points are spent one for one on each of the 8 primary stats.

PRIMARY STATS The 8 primary stats are split into 4 mental stats and 4 physical stats as described in the table below. TYPE STAT Abbreviation Physical Strength ST Constitution CO Dexterity DX Mobility MO Mental Intelligence INT Psyche PSY Awareness AW Charisma CHA

Statistics can generate bonuses to some actions. The bonus is equal to the STAT minus ten.

PHYSICAL STATS The various physical stats make up the characters physical scope. They influence all the raw survival aspects of a character and their body.

STRENGTH: [ST] Strength is a measure of ones ability to move mass and apply physical power to an object/person etc. ENC amount is the amount a character can carry in arbitrary encumbrance units of this game. For Max lift consider this to be kilograms. TYPE ENC AMOUNT/KG DURATION Pack ST+(WT/10)[WT/10 is BWT] EXH x 30 minutes Carry (ST multiplied by 3)+BWT EXH in minutes Lift (ST multiplied by 5)+BWT EXH in CR (3 sec) Max (ST multiplied by 8)+BWT EXH/3 in seconds

ST is fundamental in calculating the base throwing range for a character. This is how far the character can throw an object of 1 ENC in metres. Calculation for throwing range is ST + BHT. Items that are heavier divide the throw range by their ENC rating. Throwing skill can increase the distance an object his thrown (see Skills: Combat: Thrown Weapons).

Throwing Range Calculation Examples: 1) Clem has a ST of 26. His BHT is 1.83. He can throw an item of 1 ENC up to 27.8 metres. 2) Carver has a ST of 14 and his BHT is 1.88. He can throw an item of 1 ENC up to 15.8 metres. 3) Binnar has a ST of 36 and a BHT of 2.67. Binnar can throw an item of 1 ENC up to 38.6 metres.

CONSTITUTION [CO]: Constitution is a measure of physical endurance and resilience. It also effects ones fitness and resistance to diseases, poisons and is used in the calculation of EXH.

DEXTERITY: [DX] A measure of ones fine motor skills and eye hand co-ordination. It is not how agile or manoeuvrable one is. That is the domain of the MOBILITY stat.

MOBILITY: [MO] Running, jumping, back flips etc. are covered by MO. A person with a high MO tends to have a light frame and be more adversely affected by wounds. (They have more to lose. [re: the CRT formula]) The MO stat dictates movement speeds and influences

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] leaping ability. RATE ACTUAL DURATION Walking MO/2 in kph EXH times 30 minutes Jogging MO in kph EXH times 10 minutes Running MO+3 in kph EXH in minutes Max MO+5 in kph 2 EXH per CR

LEAPING DISTANCE Standing HT/2+(MO/10) metres Running HT/2+(MO/10) metres Sprinting HT/2+(MO/6) metres Note: To find the movement rate in meters per CR (combat round or 3 seconds) divide the movement rate expressed in kph by 1.2.

MO Movement Example: 1) Tarriis Keyes has a MO of 17. He can walk at 8.5 kph and run at 20 kph. When running he can cover 17 meters in a CR (20kph divided by 1.2).

Characters can sacrifice any continuous movement upon landing in place of extra distance. This means that if one was to fall over after a leap, instead of trying to land and keep running or sprinting, one may leap further. This will give at least an extra 10 percent distance. The whole process can be modified by athletics type skill tests with each point of SM adding MO in centimetres to the leapt distance.

MO Leaping Example: 1) Clem has 6 levels in Athletics: Leaping, is 1.94 metres tall and has a MO of 22. Clem sprints to leap a gap of 4.5 metres, sacrificing continuous movement, and the player rolls for the Athletics skill test. The difficulty is level 12 and Clem‟s player rolls a total of 14: SM is 2. Clem‟s total leap is, 0.97(HT/2)metres + 3.6metres(MO/6) + 0.44metres(SM 2 times 22 as centimetres) = 5.01metres. Clem makes but lands unceremoniously on his behind.


INTELLECT: [INT] A measure of the combined traits of general knowledge, adaptation, logic processing, abstraction, objective thought and ingenuity! (imagine each of those was a stat) PSYCHE: Is a measure of ones mental resolve, self discipline, mental focus and presence of mind.

AWARENESS: [AW] The most straight-forward of the stats it represents how aware one is of their surroundings. A very high AW reflects a unification of the senses so that one sensory input is not as dominant and the other senses can be used to fill in all gaps.

CHARISMA: [CHA] CHA represents a characters personality, how like-able they are, leadership ability, capability to inspire others and social graces. In general it is the ability to sway people to your wants. A character with a charisma at high levels (18+) has an „aura-of-attraction‟ that most people will respond to positively.


DERIVED STAT CALCULATION TABLE Derived Abbreviation Base Value Critical Threshold CRT (ST*2+CO-MO)/4 System Shock SS CO/3 Exhaustion EXH CO Hit Points HITS CO+Race Hits+Armour Size Technical Aptitude TECH ([INT*2]+AW+DX)/4 Willpower WILL (PSY*3+INT)/3 Appearance APP Choice (CHA +/- 6) Power Points PP WILL/4

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers]

CRITICAL THRESHOLD: [CRT] Anytime the character takes damage that amounts their CRT rating or more, they must make an SS roll. Any damage that exceeds the CRT rating is taken off the subsequent SS roll. (see System Shock below)

CRT Example: 1) Jonesey has a CRT of 6 and is hit for 9 damage. He must make a SS roll at –3. Whenever a character receives a critical they will be at the mercy of their SS roll. This determines how severe the critical wound is. The minimum effect of any critical wound is –1 to all skill rolls and the effectiveness of any STAT.

Note: Penalties from critical wounds are cumulative.

SYSTEM SHOCK: [SS] System shock is the roll that governs the effects of a wound in terms of stun value, bleeding and maintaining consciousness. The roll is versus a total of 10 with 10 or higher being successful resistance of system shock effects. Every point of damage that exceeds the CRT rating is a penalty to the roll. The adds for the roll are the SS score itself.

CRT & SS Function Example: 1) Jonesey is bayoneted in an ambush. He takes a total of 7 damage. His CRT is 5. Jonesey has to roll a SS with a –2 modifier. His is SS is 4. Jonesey rolls 1d20+4-2. He needs an 8 to carry on with no extra penalty.

Below are the effects of SS failure. Each point of failure up to the CRT of the character is a lost action due to shock/stun. Every 2 points of failure are additional penalties to all skill rolls and effectiveness of STATS until healed of that wound. A FM of more than the characters CRT indicates a KO. A FM of CRT+CO means coma (character will take 1 HIT per CR until dead). A fail of CRT+CO+PSY means instant death.

Failure Margin Effect FM:1 Reduction in actions that round FM:2 Penalty to all actions (skill rolls, STAT effectiveness) CRT + 1 Unconsciousness CRT + CO Comatose CRT + CO + PSY Death This table summarises the effects of SS failure.

HIT POINTS: [HITS] These work like Hit points in other games. A total measure of damage capacity. A character can go into negative hits, in this system, quite a long way. When a character reaches: 0 Hits: incapacitated, can no longer fight, move appreciably or undertake any action that uses a skill roll. Negative CRT in Hits: unconscious, is not aware of anything. Negative CRT+CO in Hits: comatose, unconscious until revived or dead. Negative CRT+CO+PSY in Hits: character is dead. In general limbs have no more hits than a characters CRT + SS. Thus if an arm took 18 damage and the characters CRT + SS is 8, the arm is pretty much destroyed and the character has to make the SS roll with all normal penalties. Just use your best judgement but if you develop a formula, stick to it throughout the game session. If the formula is to change then inform everybody of its change at the start of the game session.

HITS Threshold Example: 1) Tarriis Keyes is caught in the fringe of a plasma grenade blast and reduced to –18 hits. Since his CRT+CO=19 he is unconscious and near the brink of a coma. Better hope he gets some serious medical aid or else he'll be dying real soon.

EXHAUSTION: [EXH] Exhaustion is used differently for various purposes. HTH combat uses 1 point per minute. Other actions use EXH at a different rate. Basic starting EXH is equal to the CO stat.

TECHNICAL APTITUDE: [TECH] A measure of mechanical and technical aptitude. DX alone can't pick a lock. TECH can be used as an arbitrary reference to basic skill type actions to resolve problems such as simple re-wiring, figuring out how to use simple equipment (such as a new type of closed circuit cameras) etc.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers]

WILLPOWER: [WILL] A measure of the characters control over the physical body and it's inherent spiritual power . It is also a measure of ones focus. To use magick one must have a high will. Will influences the rate of advancement by experience points of a character.

APPEARANCE: [APP] Appearance. The physical attractiveness of the character to similar races and cultures. Can modify an NPC's instant reaction.

POWER POINTS: [PP] Power points. The measure of spiritual/mental power. When certain powers are invoked they drain PP. The more severe the effect, the more PP used up. EXH is spent, to varying degrees, when PP is used.

SKILLS AND SPECIALISATIONS Skills are select areas of competency and ability constrained within a specific scope as defined in the SKILLS section. Specialisations are narrower, more focused, areas of competency and ability within the scope of a skill that the character possesses. A specialisation means the character has an area, or areas, within the scope of the skill in which they have greater competency. The specialisation is like an additional skill-level that is added for all tasks that are within the scope of that specialisation. Skills and specialisations are complementary but in character generation are developed from different points. Skills are developed using skill- points and specialisations are developed through background-points or background-packages.

SKILL-POINTS To figure the amount of skill-points for a character total the character-points spent on Mental STATS. The total number of character-points spent on Mental STATS are the number of skill-points that can be used to purchase skill levels. Each point can buy one level in any of the skills that are available in the campaign setting for a starting character. The skill-points total may be modified by the purchasing of education packages with background points (see Background). Skill-points cannot be used to purchase levels in specialised skills.

SPECIALISATION-POINTS The focused nature of skill specialisation is one that usually comes from experience. The only way to get specialisation points is from background points and actual experience points gathered during play (see Experience). Specialisation levels count as skill levels when calculating skill level adds (see Skills).

SKILL LEVEL AND AVERAGE COMPETENCY TABLE Skill Level Competency 2 Below Average (Beginner); Mid high school level 5 Average (Competent); Standard competency, enough for good employment opportunities 8 Expertise (Experienced); Expert employment, management level expertise, Bachelor’s degree 10 Mastery (Veteran); Job leader, experienced personnel, veterans, masters degree 12 Doctor (Superior); doctorate, superior skill, very experienced personnel 15 Professor (Advanced); Advanced study and practice with elite of the field 17 Elite (Elite); Prize winner, Research leader, chief of staff, grand-master 20 Preternatural (Savant); beyond the abilities of most mortals, true mastery and understanding to an intuitive level 25+ Preternatural Elite (Legend); the absolute masters in this field, invariably of genius intellect and an almost omniscient awareness of the subject Note: competency levels are the difficulty of tasks that a character can achieve in 50% of all attempts using minimum time.

Skill Level Competency Examples: 1) Tarriis Keyes has level 6 in Space Ship Repair: Customisation. He is considered to be Competent. 2) Clover is well versed in the use of a staff as a weapon. He has 12 levels in Armed Combat: Staff. Clover is considered a Superior staff fighter.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] 3) Brena has level 10 in Electrical Technics. She is a Master Electrician. 4) Trinity has level 22 in Computer Technics: Security. She is a Savant computer security specialist. 4) Trinity has level 22 in Computer Technics: Security. She is a Savant computer security specialist. Note: Remember that specialisations are a type of skill level.

PC STAT MAXIMUMS As a simple rule of thumb there is no set in stone maximum, as long as it has a plausible explanation. Use a maximum of 18 on all stats except INT and PSY for most races before stat bonuses are applied. INT and PSY are hard to measure from the onset and an experienced player will not put too high an INT on their PC. The reasoning behind this is that it is hard to pretend to be more intelligent than you are. Good players will know when a stat is too high and will adjust it accordingly.

This system is geared towards any genre of gritty fantasy, in which PC‟s are above average examples of their race. The main emphasis in good games is plot. Plot is made much more involving if it involves a character‟s past history and personality (as well as help the GM when stuck for possibilities). It is good to know just which school a PC came from and if they had many friends there. If it comes up during in-character conversation the player has something to actually say instead of pausing while they make something up. (ie; You receive a phone call from John Ferguson whom you went to high school with back in Sydney. He asks you to meet him at a coffee lounge not far from where you work. When you arrive he stands and greets you warmly although he has a look of distress on his face. He sits you down and tells you about how he became addicted to heroin {you always knew it} and he needs your help to get the dealers off his back.)

That is a simplistic example but one that is more likely to get the PC‟s genuine interest than the old notice board in the pub, hiring hall in virtual reality, or story on the TV. It also gives the character a past that adds flavour to an otherwise bland collection of facts, stats and colours.

BACKGROUND It is vitally important to the „long term‟ success of any role- playing game for the PC‟s to have extensive background information. For quick and dirty games that aren‟t expected to eventuate into campaigns a few details can be enough. However if the characters from those games turn out to be fun and lasting a detailed background should be added at the earliest opportunity.

Campaign players (with a concern for helping continuity and the GM) should invest the major portion of character creation time in devising a detailed background with the campaign GM. The campaign GM should not use this as restrictive process but one that can help the players add something of what they want into the story and create small personal rewards that progress the plot. Personal plot-involvement can add a great deal of tension and motivation to any session. In my experience the more personal involvement in a game the more fun the game becomes.

Short term and long term goals for the character are good but are not enough for a campaign. The knowledge of just where a character has been, what they did while they were there and where they intend to go is much more useful. “Why?” You may ask. A character with some past history has a framework for behaviour on which to base future actions and lend plausibility to those actions. The rich background also means that a player is starting with a history before the game has commenced: much more involving than a level one adventurer from place X.

Answering all of the following questions about your PC will come up with a decent amount of history but if you were to answer in the shortest possible manner, eg. Do you have any goals? Yes. Then you will not get the information that is being targeted by these questions. Of course if the BG of the character is not relevant to the campaign about to be played then skip it.

How old are you? How old do you look? Who were your parents? What kind of people were they? What did they do? How did you spend your early years? Did you travel? Where did you go to school? What was it like for you there? How were you treated etc.? Where did you go to high school? What was that like?

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] How were you treated by your colleagues? Did you go on to tertiary academia? What was that like? How were you treated by your colleagues? Did you play any sports? Do you still play? Did you have any hobbies? Do you still have them? How would you define your moral code? How were your motivations formed? What motivates you? Do you have any goals? Do you have a grand plan? Did you ever get married? Are you still married? Any children? Do you support them? What do you do for a job? How are you treated by your colleagues? Is it what you wanted? When did you first realise your calling? Where do you live now? Why? What‟s your house/flat/condo/etc like? What are your favourite hang-outs? What are they like? Who do you hang-out with? How do you know them? What quirks do you have?

Answering all these questions from the character‟s perspective (or position) will give the player some good foundation information. An account of where the character has been, what kind of a life has moulded the character‟s actions and what kind of contacts the character can expect to have made, and make, in the future of the character‟s game history are the ideal result of this process. I strongly recommend that players do this with the GM who‟s steering the bulk of the plots or is „in charge‟.

Character background creation can easily take up too many hours. If you are going to play a game as a time-filler or as a quick plot, don‟t bother with background. However, if you are planning on playing in an intense campaign, create a character background rich with interest not power.

Why not use the background to make my player-character more powerful? Powerful characters without an agenda or limitation have nothing they can aspire to. This can quickly turn into an „arms race‟ kind of a game. Powerful tech is a part of a future genre but it can become like a comic book (re: Power Armour Guy, Make-anything Man, etc.). Strong magic in medieval fantasy, items and spells, take on the same role in a character with no agenda. They become the arms of the race.

If your intention is to make a powerful character that does have an agenda that is „above‟ the beginning power level of the character, this can be an aspiration to motivate an entire campaign. Operating as a background sub-plot for just about everything a character attempts and does. Work with the GM on this.

Experienced GM can spot a power-monger character before the totals are calculated. The signs are in a character that is rich, well armed, well connected and without obligations. Power never comes like this in human history. Compare to any historical „power‟ figure. They always have debts, promises and secrets. That is part of the path to power throughout human history and will be for millennia to come.

BACKGROUND POINTS Background points are like miscellaneous stat points that can be spent on almost any STAT or SKILL. The limits should be tightly monitored by the GM and all that are to be present in the campaign at character creation. Background points (BG pts.) are to help flesh out the character in the direction described by the background description the player came up with.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers]

These points equate to freebie points, miscellaneous skills and abilities, pick-up skills and past experience. If players are creating their characters in each others presence allocate them equal points or give the player who put more effort into their background more BG points than those that did not. Be sure to tell everyone that is why you gave the player the extra points too. I have had players who will do no more than a sentence for background and that is only if I asked! A good incentive is to give bonus BG points to extra long backgrounds of quality. Perhaps 2 points per solid plot-hook element as a benchmark figure.

Background points are allocated by whatever means the GM deems necessary. Points allocated should generally not exceed 20 and should be more than 4.


Roll dice Each player rolls 3d6 and the total is the amount of background points the player has.

Set points Varies based on the campaign. Usually I roll 3d6 secretly then give all players what I rolled.

Award the BG When all players have written backgrounds then award the backgrounds, publicly or privately, based on the content and game- usefulness of those BGs. A poor BG would receive four of five BG points. An average BG would receive nine to twelve points. Excellent BGs should receive over 15 BG points. Those BGs falling somewhere in between should receive an appropriate difference in points. Really terrible BGs should receive maybe one or two points or the player be told to rewrite the BG.

HOW TO SPEND BACKGROUND POINTS Background points are used for a variety of purposes. They can be spent to increase STATS (primary or derived), increase skill levels, purchase specialisation levels, buy education packages, buy background packages, gain wealth, or buy equipment.

Increasing Primary STATS Each point raise of a primary STAT costs one BG point and no more than 2 points can be spent on 3 primary STATS. A reason must be described on the character sheet.

Increasing Derived STATS Each point raise of a derived STAT costs one BG point and no more than 2 points can be spent on 4 derived stats. A reason must be listed on the character sheet.

Increasing Skills Combat Skills: only one combat skill can be raised by no more than 2 levels at the cost of 2 points per level. Other Skills: any single skill can be increased by no more than 2 levels at the cost of 2 points per level.

Buying Specialisations Costs to buy any specialisations are: Level 1 = 1 BG point (total 1 BG point). Level 2 = 1 BG point (total 2 BG points). Level 3 = 2 BG points (total 4 BG points). Level 4 = 1 BG point (total 5 BG points). Level 5 = 1 BG point (total 6 BG points).

Specialisation level for starting characters should be capped at two levels lower than skill-level caps. If starting skill levels are capped at ten then the specialisation level should be capped at eight.

Warning: This is the area that power gamers will abuse. Tips on spotting a power gamer are shallow reasons (or worse, no reason) for STAT increases, things like “Tough”, “Fit”, “Big”, “Good with guns”.

Background And Education Packages Background points may be used to purchase an education package. Education packages that promote greater learning cost more background points. The rationale being that greater learning requires greater devotion. Education packages will have a collection of

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] skills that may be increased and a total of skill points that can only be spent on the skills listed within the package. Each skill will have a maximum increase level that is specific to the education package and no matter how many points the education package contains that skill cannot be increased above that level. This is also true if the skill was purchased and raised outside of the education package. For this reason it is advisable that if education packages are used in the world that you are gaming in they be spent before the skill points derived from the mental stats. Below are some basic education/background packages.

Apprentice (craft) BG cost: 6 Skill points: 6 Replace (craft) with one Craft skill. Eg. Leather Craft. Skill Collection: (craft), max level = 6 Mathematics, max level = 3 Appraisal : (craft), max level = 3 Description: the character was apprenticed into (craft) at the earliest legal age for their culture. The time spent in the craft was enough to understand the techniques and materials as well as appraising other craftsman‟s work. Genre: Any.

Formal (technics) training BG cost: 8 Skill points: 9 Replace (technics) with one Technics skill. Eg. Metalworking, max level = 5 Compulsory skills for (technics), max level = minimum needed level + 1 Business, max level = 2 Research, max level = 3 Description: character entered into formal training and practice in a field of technical endeavour. The character may have entered young but may have migrated from another field of expertise. The character completes this package with a firm understanding of (technics) and its application in business. They will also have an understanding of businesses that rely on (technics). Genre: any where (technics) is common enough to learn.

Violent past BG Cost: 5 Skill Points: 5 Unarmed combat, max level = 5 Armed combat, max level = 3 Perception, max level = 2 Body development, max level = 3 Adrenal Moves: Frenzy, max level = 2 Description: the character had a violent past, be it from abusive environment, terrible temper, chemical imbalance, etc. From this the character understands the application of violence and can probably take it as well as serve it up. Genre: any.

Academic training BG cost: 8 Skill points: 12 Any Linguistic skill, max level = 5 (this includes up to 3 different Languages) Any Academic skill, max level = 5 (don‟t forget to buy the compulsory skills) Description: character is literate and has read some books, a few of which they have been tested on for academic grades. These grades are useful in the characters culture and assist in achieving gainful employment or status. Genre: any. Notes: A package such as this is especially good for reflecting a given society‟s compulsory education.

CHARACTER CREATION EXAMPLE To best explain how to create a character using this system I will have to talk you through it. As with most systems you should start with the primary stats and work through to the end. It is best to have some concept of what your character will be like before you start.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Character Creation Example: Tarriis Keyes is a Yad smuggler who is a handy knife fighter and a knowledgeable black marketeer. The power level is 120 and the GM directs that all players will roll 1d20+100 for actual points. A roll of 13 gives 113 points for stats. The player decides on ST 11, CO 13, DX 14, MO 13, INT 18, PSY 14, AW 16, CHA 14, being a Yad gives +2 ST, +1 CO, +2 DX, +4 MO, and –1 CHA. Adding up the mental stats I find a total of 62 (Count only the points you actually spend on the stats as this is the amount of skill points the player will have to work with. The expenditure rate is one for one level in a core skill and as above for a specialisation). Taking into account the setting (gritty techno-magick sci-fi) of the particular campaign, the GM gives the player Mathematics Level 3 and Linguistics: Terran Level 3 to reflect the level of literacy and education. The player makes the skill choices as shown on the example character sheet. After that it is time for Background bonuses. For ease we just roll the background points then pick a few bonuses and specialisations. Use a roll of 3d6, get 11. Body dev increases ST+2: this is an increase in ST because he worked out with his older brother during his teenage years. Good Eye-Hand coordination DX +1: a talent from ball games and handling small bits while working on skimmers with Mum. Specialisation in Scouting (Perception) +2: From watching his back all the time in a rough neighbourhood. Spec. in Space Ship Repair: Customisation +2: From working on starcraft with Mum he became familiar with many modifications. Spec in Streetwise: Space Docks +2: Grew up there so he knows the ropes and etiquette of that class and environment. Spec in Trading : Smuggling +1:from experience and knowledge gleaned from his father's position as traffic control. Spec in Appraisal : Contraband +1:from experience(it's how he makes a living) not only in current career but through his acquaintance with the streetwise people of his youth. Notice no bonus is higher than 2. This is because he has no actual training in his background. Only actual training in a specialisation for a starting character can give a bonus of higher than 2. This also costs an extra background point (Level 3 costs 4 BG pts). Other stuff is noted in due process of the game. The background of the character is all taken down on the sheet somewhere easy to find.

BLACK DAWN Character Name Tarriis Keyes Origin Anrugarin Race Yad Skin colour/texture honey gold tan Hair sandy blonde HT 1.54 metres Gender Male Eyes Green Style fur, short WT 67 kg Age 23 apparent 23-25 Statistics Prime Init Race Other Total Lift KG‟s Derived Init Race Other Total ST 11 +2 +2 bg 15 pack SS 6 CO 13 +1 14 carry CRT 8 DEX 14 +2 16 lift HITS 14 +3 +3 20 MO 13 +4 17 max lift EXH 18 INT 18 +1 19 Move Rates TECH 18 +1 19 PSY 14 +1 15 walk WILL 15 AW 16 16 run APP 14 CHA 14 -1 13 sprint PP 4 Skills SKILL: Type LEVEL STATS MAX TOTAL MISC/SPEC ADD TOTAL Mathematics 3 INT 19 3 Linguistics: Terran 3 INT 19 3 Physics 6 INT 19 6 Navigation: Space 5 TECH 19 5 Computer Operation 4 TECH 19 4 Body Dev: Hits 3 - 14 3 Space Pilot: Field Drive 4 TECH 19 4 Ambush 1 DX/AW 16 1 Armed Combat: Daggers/Knives 6 DX/MO 17 6 Unarmed: Karate 2 MO/ST 16 2 Region Lore : home sector 3 INT/AW 18 3 Streetwise 4 CHA/INT 16 4 space docks +2 6 Electrical Technics 4 TECH 19 4 Sensor Operations 4 TECH 19 4 Space ship repair 4 TECH 19 4 customisation +2 6 Perception 3 AW 16 3 scouting +2 5 Trading 4 CHA/AW 15 4 smuggling +1 5 Appraisal 3 TECH 19 3 contraband +1 4

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Handgun: Pulse 1 DX 17 1 Vehicle Ordnance: Engagement 2 DX/AW 16 2

TARRIIS KEYES BACKGROUND Tarriis grew up on the Anrugairn Space Docks. His father was in Traffic Control as a relief operator, Mother was a starship mechanic specialising in FTL-engine cooling systems. Dad liked to customise the transicruisers as a hobby and Mum would check that it was done to legal standards. This rubbed off on Tarriis. The family grew up on the edge of a seedy, rough neighbourhood. The schools he went to were blue collar and violent since Anrugairn was an anarchy. Tarriis learnt knife-fighting from his older sister and older brother who were both members of a street-gang for a year. Natural Charisma helped him talk his way out of most situations and Tarriis never joined a gang. He first got into smuggling when 15 years old with mates from school and the tale is: His parents were away on holiday and he took the latest customised transicruiser his Dad had almost finished for a drive with some friends to help complete a plan. One of his friends had set up a contact and the group ripped off a drug dealer from the star-port on Anrugairn. They made it through customs on Tarriis‟ gift-of-the-gab and his knowledge of ship modifications and parts.(He said the reading was from a drive coolant filter that used a similar compound to the drug being smuggled. This worked because it was true that some filters were of a similar compound.)

His friends let the word get out that Tarriis could get certain compounds through customs if he was told what they were beforehand and this gave him enough work to save up and purchase a small maintenance hangar. Tarriis started working out with older brother at a gymnasium and became involved in stolen ship parts operation through his maintenance shed. The operation mainly fenced and/or installed the goods for the people who bought them. The installation of parts was how Tarriis made decent money off the operation.

Now Tarriis lives in a low-cost apartment and because of the anarchic conditions on Anrugairn he has avoided capture by any off- world authorities that come to the city to break up illegal central operations. He keeps working as a smuggler of whatever goods he can get past customs easily. Sometimes Tarriis is asked to help out in gang fights by his old friends from high-school, due to his skill with a knife. Tarriis is now saving for an old AC-4 or an E-Flight tramp freighter and has his sights on leaving Anrugairn to see more of the galaxy.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] CHARCTER FOUNDATIONS AND ARCHETYPES The concept of character archetypes has been tried and proven as a quick and reliable way of creating a character. Of course the archetype means the character is just that and as such is somewhat limited in its individuality and scope. The idea of using archetypes more as a foundation has also been done but they are still restricted in their future development. The idea that following one career path will make another path harder to achieve is, in this author's belief, rather stupid as any character can adapt. It the character‟s environment that restricts which career path one would take.

The idea of using archetypes as a mechanism for power balance and GM control are for beginners. The only factors that limit a characters further development are time, money to practice with, the practice itself, the quality of the teacher and the kind of experience that expands the characters knowledge. There is very little difference between an archetype and an education package. The explicit differences are that archetypes cost skill points to buy, are not flexible in where the skill points are spent and dictate a large portion of the characters past is involved in becoming that archetype. Foundations and Archetypes are the only way to purchase specialisations with skill points.

If the GM wishes to construct some archetypes or foundations go ahead. It simplifies character creation and allows players to make a start much quicker.

Some suggestions: Work with packages that cost skill points. Specialisations are in square brackets [specialisation]. Specialisation totals are in parentheses (totals). Some specialisations are left to the player to choose, eg. An individual weapon to specialise in.

Package Skill Layout Example: Handguns +5: [choose weapon type] +3(8): [choose another weapon]+2(7)

MODERN SCOUT The modern scout is the point for a fire-team, most soldiers in recon or ranger type units, or any number of other „minimal assistance‟ combat operative. Modern scouts are adept at using technology to assist their field-craft and tactical roles. Training is usually through formal institutions like traditional armed forces or paramilitary groups. Skill Point Cost: 50 Survival (choose environment) +6 Endurance +5 Navigation +5 Perception +4 : Tracking +3 (7); Scouting; +4 (8) Weapon Skill +4 (Handgun or Longarm) Driving or Riding +3 Stealth +3 Ambush +2 Cookery: Camp +2 First Aid: (characters racial type) +2 Sensor Operations +2 Sensory System Technics +2 Technics: (other skill, usually repair) +2

MEDIEVAL SCOUT The medieval scout can be a tracker, an outrider or an explorer. They lead the main group through potentially hostile areas and report back at tactical intervals. Training is usually through affiliation and long practice for normal livelihood. Skill Point Cost: 45 Endurance +5 Survival (choose environment) +5 Archery OR Longarm: Crossbow +4 Perception +5: Tracking +3(8); Scouting; +4(9) Driving OR Riding +3 First Aid: +3 Navigation +3 Weapon Skill +3 (could be Archery, Longarm: Crossbow, Handgun: Crossbow, Thrown, Armed, Unarmed) Trapping +2 Cookery: Camp +2 Ambush +1

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] GUNFIGHTER The Gunfighter is the classic pistol-wielding gun-for-hire type in western and even post-modern fiction. They are shrewd, tough and skilled combatants. Training is often through an apprenticeship or from former membership in a formal military institution. Skill Point Cost: 37 Perception +6: Scouting; +3(9); Tracking +3(9) Sharpshooter +6 Body Development [coordination] +5 Handguns +5: [choose weapon type] +3(8): [choose another weapon]+2(7) Navigation +3

RIFLEMAN, SNIPER The Rifleman is much like the Gunfighter except for choice of weapon and a preference for long-range engagements. Snipers are patient marksmen that use their weapons to either assassinate or disable key personnel or materiel. Skill Point Cost: 40 Marksmanship +6 Perception +6: Scouting; +3(9); Camouflage +2(8) Body Development [coordination] +5 Longarms +5: [choose weapon type] +3(8): [choose another weapon]+2(7) Navigation +3 Stealth +3

MEDIEVAL HIRESWORD (MERCENARY) The Hire-sword is a mercenary who sells her combat expertise to the highest bidder. Hire-swords wield a chosen blade, or other weapon, very well and rely on body armour as much as skill to turn aside damage in combat. Hire-swords are often ex-armed forces or have left a company to privateer. Training is mostly self-taught except for their weapons skills. Skill Point Cost: 45 Body Armour +6 Armed Combat: [choose type] +5, [choose specialisation] +4(9) Perception +5 Navigation +4 Archery OR Longarm: Crossbow +3 Stealth +3 Tactics +3: Small Unit +2(5) Ambush +2 Body Building +2 Body Development +2 Endurance +2 Unarmed Combat +1

MODERN MERCENARY The modern mercenary is similar to the modern scout except they diversify somewhat more in their skills. They are expected to be able to deal with any hostile situation, from suppressing an insurrection to sabotaging a supply line. Mercenaries are usually trained in formalised military institutions. Skill Point Cost: 45 Body Armour +6 Longarms +4: [choose a weapon] +1(5) Perception +4: Scouting +3(7) Tracking +2(6) Demolitions +3 Handguns +3: [choose a weapon] +1(4) Navigation +3 Armed Combat +2 Heavy Weapons: [choose weapon] +2 Sensor Operations +2 Tactics +2 Unarmed Combat +2

MEDIEVAL ROGUE The medieval rogue is a subversive, thief, or spy that uses subterfuge to achieve his objectives. Stealing secured objects, tracking or shadowing a target, or even financing a black operation through crime. The rogue is almost always self-taught. Skill Point Cost: 45

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Stealth +6, Shadowing +2(8), Camouflage +2(8) Pick Locks: Mechanical +5 Perception +4, Scouting +2(6), Tracking +2(6) Ambush +3 Appraisal +3, Jewellery +2(5) Armed Combat: [choose type] +3, [choose a weapon] +2(5) Climbing +3 Duping +2 Trapping +2, Disarm +2(4)

MODERN SUBVERSIVE The modern subversive uses subterfuge, illegal-techniques and propaganda to achieve an objective. The subversive will utilise common technology to aid in their goals and is often in close connection with sub-legal organizations. The subversive is often trained in advanced educational institutes but then adapts their skills towards their goals. Skill Point Cost: 50 Streetwise +6 Falsification +5: Licenses/Permits +4(9) Electrical Technics +4 , Electronic Locks +2(6) Perception +4: Scouting +2(6) Propaganda +4 Stealth +4: Shadowing +2(6), Infiltration +2(6) Computer Operations +3: [choose operating system] +2(5) Pick Locks: Mechanical +3 Navigation +2

CYBERAGE DECKER The Cyber-age Decker is a computer cracker and hacker from the near future. The decker‟s skills are usually based on formal training and an extensive, almost obsessive, passion for the technology of networked computers and their security. The Cyber-age Decker will use their technical skills to engineer software for their own ends and even use limited social-engineering to bluff their way into secure environments. Skill Point Cost: 45 Computer Operations +6: [choose an operating system] +2(8) [choose another operating system] +2(8) Computer Security +4(10) Software Engineering +5: reverse engineering +3(8) Computer Technics +4: Cyberdecks +4(8) Mathematics +4 Duping +3 Electronic Technics +3 Psychology +2

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers]


Skills are totalled in a special way. On the sample character sheet you will see the column headings SKILLS, ADD, STATS, MAX, TOTAL, MISC./SPEC., ADD, TOTAL. Each of these is a separate column, although I'm sure you can guess which ones are connected. If not here's how it works.

SKILLS This column is where the name of the skill is listed. Take the name from the skill list provided. Eg; HANDGUNS

LEVEL [LVL] The level of actual skill. This is where the points you spend are listed.

STATS This is the name(s) of the relevant stats to the listed skill. In the case of Handgun Op. You would write DX in this column.

MAX The maximum level this skill can be developed to is dependent on the stat levels. If there is more than one relevant stat AVERAGE the numbers. DO NOT ADD TOGETHER.

TOTAL Total up the level columns and put the total here.

MISC Miscellaneous stuff is listed here. Specialisations, training and background adds are listed here. See example character for ideas. The misc. column options are varied by campaign and should be made up by the campaign designer.

ADD This is the bonus generated by the Misc.

TOTAL [TSB] Take the first total and add it to the Misc. column. Write the result here. Total Skill Bonus.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] SKILL TESTS Situations will arise in a game where a character will want to achieve an objective that requires time, knowledge and effort to succeed. Nearly all situations can be governed by a skill listed in the SKILLS section. A character with the appropriate skill level should be able to achieve a task of that level of difficulty half of the time. Therefore a character with expert-level metalworking should be able to achieve expert-level metalwork results half of the times attempted. Of course most experts take extra time to ensure that they achieve expert-level metalwork all of the time (see „Time And Success‟ below).

To see if a skill test is successful, one must roll 1d20 and add the relevant skill total bonus to the die result. If a natural 20 (the die rolled shows a 20) is rolled the die may be rolled again and added on top of the original 20. This process does not stop with each consecutive roll of 20 being added to the total. As soon as a roll under twenty occurs the additional rolling stops. Conversely, on a natural roll of one an additional roll is made and the result is deducted from the original roll. If this following roll is a 20 it is deducted and the die is rolled again with that result also deducted. Further rolls of 20 are also deducted. This process does not stop. This concept is called open-ended die rolls.

If the final total is equal to, or more than, the GM assigned difficulty number (or target number, TN), the character is successful. The more the total exceeds the target number, the better the skill is performed. The amount a character exceeds her target number by is referred to as the Success Margin (SM). Conversely the amount a character fails a skill test by is referred to as the Fail Margin (FM). When the SM is zero the character did the absolute minimum for success and to use an old phrase; scraped in by the hair on their butt.

Skill tests may also be assigned a level for difficulty; for instance a level 22 skill test. The level is the needed total to succeed. This eliminates the difficulty chart in most cases but calls for the GM to be more arbitrary in her decisions.

DIFFICULTY LEVELS TARGET SAMPLE ACTIONS Easy 10 Climbing a fence, Shooting a person 5 metres away Normal 15 Picking a cheap padlock, Breaking down a weak door Moderate 20 Disabling a standard car alarm, Shooting a coin at 5 metres Difficult 25 Picking an expensive mechanical lock. Hard 30 Driving a truck on 2 wheels. Cracking an old bank vault. Very Hard 40 Breaking out of handcuffs by brute force, hacking into Government files Insane 50 Driving a motorcycle through a china shop at 60kph. (no breakage) Almost Impossible 75+ Putting up a tent in a tornado. Hacking protected military files. N.B: Don't forget to add in other mods.

Skill Test SM Example: 1) Tarriis Keyes is trying to repair his space craft. He rolls against a difficulty of 22 and ends up with 31. This is an excess of 9 and gives Tarriis a SM of 9. [easy?]

Contested skills such as Stealth and Perception are rolled in a highest total wins. Each skill contestant rolls and adds in all personally applicable modifiers. The highest total will succeed.

DRAWING IN SKILL CONTESTS In the cases where there is a draw the skill contestant which rolled with a greater total of penalties will fail. If the draw involves skill contestants with the same amount of penalties the winner will be the contestant with the higher total skill bonus.

SUCCESS MARGINS The result of a skill test success is pegged to the SM (success margin). If a skill test has a TN:25 (Target Number of 25) then a skill test with a result of 25 has an SM of 0 but still succeeds. For any extra success a skill test result of 26 or higher is required.

Some skills require a minimum SM to be effective such as Frenzy. The SM delivers a pool of points that can be used in certain ways. These skills are varied and a GM can always give a basic pool of points equal to SM + 1 in these skills if she wishes.

The success of a skill test may be regulated by the margin in a ratio fashion. If a ratio is expressed as three points (SM:3) then for each three points of SM one point of effect is gained. Thus a SM of five will have two points of effect and a SM of ten will have four.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Success margins can also be divided for effect. This is expressed as SM/# or SM/3 to divide by three. In this case the SM is divided by three and the result is the applied for the specific effect. Round fractions normally.

FAILURE MARGINS Just like a skill test succeeding one can fail. The amount of failure is the difference between the total skill test result and the target number. This is the FM (Failure Margin).

The FM can also effect the severity of the failure and can be based on an FM ratio. Thus an FM:2 works like an SM:2 but to increase the severity of the failure.

FM can also be divided for effect like SM can be. It is expressed as FM/# or FM/3 to divide the failure margin by three. In the case of FM/3 the failure margin is divided by three and the result is applied. Round fractions normally.

UNSKILLED ACTIONS There will often be a time in a characters adventuring and activities where they will attempt something that they do not have any skill in doing. Lack of skill means the character has little useful knowledge and practice of a subject or area. Thus a soldier with no levels of skill in Demolitions, although militarily trained, has little idea on how to place an explosive charge to bring down a bridge. What is true in this case is that the soldier will have an understanding of physics, probably one level, and know that the point that should be destroyed is the pylon that holds the bridge up. The skilled part comes in how much charge to use and where exactly to place it for maximum effect.

This illustrates that often a character will have a skill that could help them choose the best course of action even though a much more useful skill exists: albeit outside of their repertoire. Relating skills to a situation is best done by GM decision or a quick group discussion. In most cases a level or two of physics will get the character through any physical situation and a level or two of psychology can be the base for a whole gamut of social situational decisions.

In the case of a character having no skill and no related skill then the action becomes unskilled. Bonuses default to the most relevant statistic.

Unskilled Actions Example: 1) Tarriis Keyes is trying to remove a barbed rifle dart from Ephram Zed‟s knee wound but has no surgery skill. In fact Tarriis has no medical skills at all. Tarriis will be rolling with his TECH stat.

The character is extrapolating their limited knowledge of the situation from other related situations. In the example above the problem is a medical one yet the character has no medical skills at all. The limit of his medical knowledge is clean the wound, put a clean covering (bandage) on it and maybe take a painkiller before resting early. More medical knowledge may be extrapolated from biology or a number of other academic skills but the character in the example doesn‟t have any of those either. It is truly an unskilled situation. The truly unskilled situation is very difficult to role play because the player will always have their own frame of reference and set of knowledge that is effecting what the character hopes to achieve in the first place. In genres where the player has superior knowledge compared to their character it can be testing to differentiate between the player‟s knowledge and that of the character.

Steps for resolving unskilled actions: 1) Determine the difficulty level for a skilled character to resolve the action. 2) Double that difficulty level (TN). 3) Character rolls against the doubled difficulty level using the bonus of the statistic which governs the most relevant skill as an add to the roll.

Unskilled Actions Example: 2) Tarriis Keyes begins to cut around in Ephram Zed‟s knee to remove the dart. The GM assigns a difficulty of 22 because of the lack of tools. This is doubled to 44 and Tarriis adds his TECH bonus (+9) to his roll on 1d20. He needs to roll 35 to remove the dart without further injuring Ephram. A twenty is rolled, then a five, and the total FM is 10. Tarriis fails and inflicts 3 points of damage on Ephram‟s knee in the process of removing the dart. The GM decides that there is no infection because Tarriis does understand the need for cleanliness.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers]

TIME AND SUCCESS Taking a longer amount of time to perform a task usually leads to a better chance of success. Complex tasks have base time for success with a set TN. Use the time multiple as a divisor for the difficulty.

Time and Success Examples: 1) Jonesey is writing a complicated program to automate money laundering across many financial institutions. The program has many contingencies so that it can avoid detection, tracing and tagging. The GM assigns a difficulty of 45 to the programming task and a base time of 200 hours. Jonesey decides to take 600 hours to make sure it is done right (his group has a lot of down time). This is 3 times the needed time taken so the difficulty is divided by 3 leaving 15. 2) Samson is designing a new handgun. The prototype will take 120 hours of work and the difficulty is 60. Samson decides to take 180 hours and the difficulty is divided by 1.5 for difficulty of 40.

CALCULATING BASE TIME Base time for a skill test varies on the situation and the complexity. As a guide cross reference the difficulty of the task with the skill type to find a base time.

Level Difficulty Athletic Design/Engineering Technics/Craft/Repair Power/Academic 10 Easy 1 CR 10 minutes 1 minute 2 CR 15 Normal 2 CR 60 minutes 5 minutes 4 CR 20 Moderate 3 CR 8 hours 30 minutes 1 minute 25 Difficult 4 CR 24 hours 1 hour 15 minutes 30 Hard 5 CR 120 hours 4 hours 60 minutes 40 Very Hard 6 CR 200 hours 8 hours 2 hours 50 Insane 7 CR 500 hours 24 hours 8 hours 75 Almost Impossible 1 minute 1000 hours 120 hours 24 hours 100 Preternatural 2 minutes 5000 hours 240 hours 120 hours Note: this is a guide only and not meant to be a hard and fast rule. If you have any reason to think the base time should be altered, change it!

SKILL TERMS Compulsory Skill(s) The character must have the listed skills at the minimum levels described before any levels in the skill can be learnt.

Compulsory Skill Example: 1) Ephram Zed intends to learn Computer Engineering. Before he can learn one level he must have Mathematics at level 3, Physics at level 4 and Electrical Technics at level 4.

Compulsory Specialisation A compulsory specialisation is the same as a Field of Skill. Some skill areas have a very large scope and thus require a compulsory specialisation. This is not listed in the specialisation column but in the skill name column. For instance Engineering: Computer. Compulsory specialisations can have further specialisations, eg. Engineering: Computer (Cyberdecks).

Field of Skill A compulsory field of skill that separates the characters area of expertise from the general scope of that skill. (See Compulsory Specialisation)

Further Specialisation When a character already has one level in a skill she may specialise further to gain a greater bonus but with a narrower band of abilities. Nearly all skills will have a short list of possible further specialisations.

Specialisation See Further Specialisation.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] GENERAL TASK RESOLUTION General task resolution is the title for the game-system process of determining the outcome of difficult character actions. For those actions and tasks that do not relate to a given skill or STAT the general task resolution should be used. It follows the same premise as skill tests:

Target number is calculated representing the difficulty of the task. A roll of 1d20 is made and to it is added all applicable modifiers. The total of the roll and modifiers is compared to the target number. Success comes from equalling or surpassing the target number. The greater the surpassing of the target number the more success (if possible) the character has. Failure comes from falling short of the target number and is exacerbated by greater margins of failure.

Tasks are resolved by rolling 1d20, adding any applicable modifiers (STAT bonuses, skill levels, bad weather) and comparing the total to the target number assigned to the task. If the total is equal to the target number, bare success is had. If the total exceeds the target number, additional success is had.

BASE TARGET NUMBER TABLE TASK TARGET NUMBER Difficulty: Easy 10 Complexity: Below Average 12 Difficulty: Normal 15 Complexity: Average 15 Complexity: Expertise 18 Difficulty: Moderate 20 Complexity: Mastery 20 Complexity: Doctor 22 Difficulty: Difficult 25 Complexity: Professor (Advanced) 25 Complexity: Elite (Elite) 27 Difficulty: Hard 30 Complexity: Preternatural (Savant) 30 Complexity: Preternatural Elite (Legend) 35 Difficulty: Very Hard 40 Difficulty: Insane 50 Difficulty: Almost Impossible 75 Difficulty: Preternatural 100 Complexity: refers to a task that someone of that skill level can complete in 50% of attempts taking minimum time.

TASK RESOLUTION MODIFIERS TABLE CONDITION MODIFIER Distractions -1/-2 Exposure: Frigid -3 Exposure: Cold -1 Exposure: Hot -1 Exposure: Scorching -3 Wounded -varies by wounds Exhaustion: <75% -2 Exhaustion: <50% -5 Exhaustion: <25% -9

(OPTIONAL) DETERMINING TASK POSSIBILITY The GM will have to use their broad general knowledge to determine difficulties for most situations. In general the governing STAT of the relevant skill can be used to determine the absolute maximum TN of an extended task that can be attempted with any chance of success. In general the maximum TN of a task that can be attempted is four times the relevant STAT.

Example of Task Possibility 1) Jonesey has a TECH of 22. He can attempt extended tasks of up to TN:88. 2) Binnar Ghrek has an INT of 8. He can attempt extended tasks governed by INT of up to TN:32.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers]

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] SKILLS LIST

BLACK DAWN SKILL TABLE v1.6 Skills : Academic Relevant Stats Suggested Specializations Anthropology INT by culture eg Roman Appraisal TECH by items eg Jewellery Astronomy INT/TECH by home system eg Earth Biology TECH Botany TECH Trees/Crops/Fungi Business INT Chemistry TECH Industrial/Military/Basic Diagnostics TECH *Humanoid/Reepaxi/Vulath Engineering TECH *Aerospace/Software/Weapons/Nuclear History INT French/War/Space/Racial Law INT *by Legal System Mathematics INT Advanced/Hyperfield Music Theory INT Philosophy INT *Buddhism/Zen/Democracy Physics INT Astrophysics/Ballistics Planetology TECH Survey/Biosphere/Mineral Psychology WILL Forensic/Child/Xeno Research INT/PSY Computer/Investigate Surgery TECH *General/Cybernetic/Human Tactics AW/INT Guerilla/Calvary/Air Teaching INT/CHA by subject Zoology TECH General Trends/Specific Species Skills : Athletic Relevant Stats Suggested Specializations Acrobatics MO Athletics varies *by task or game Body Building NONE Body Development NONE Climbing MO/ST Contortions MO Dance MO Endurance NONE Riding MO *Motorbike/Horse/Dragon Swimming ST/MO Skills : Combat Relevant Stats Suggested Specializations Archery DEX Standard/Leg Shooting/Mongolian/Zen/etc. Armed Combat Varies Spanish Fencing / Kendo / Zanji Autofire ST By specific weapon type, eg. AK-47, Glock 18 Handguns DEX By specific weapon, eg. Glock 18, Colt Python Heavy Weapons DEX By specific weapon, eg. M60, Hager-plaz Longarms DEX By specific weapon, eg. Pellier Custom, SVD Marksmanship NONE pre-requisite: Op 1 level higher than Marksmanship Sharpshooting NONE pre-requisite: weapon specialisation. Throwing Weapons DEX Bolas/Knives/ & Javelins//etc. Unarmed Combat Varies Tae Kwon Do /Kyokushin /Sumo/ etc. Vehicular Ordnance DEX/AW Skills : Concentration Relevant Stats Suggested Specializations Adrenal Defence NONE Adrenal Speed PSY Coma State WILL Frenzy PSY Internal Focus WILL Missile Deflection NONE Power Sleep PSY/WILL Strength Feat PSY/ST Skills : Craft Relevant Stats Suggested Specializations Animal Handling CHA/ST Dog/Battle snail Cookery TECH Leather Craft TECH Cobbler/Taxidermy Masonry TECH/ST

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Smithing TECH/ST Armourer/Farrier Visual Arts TECH Computer/Painting/Photography Wood Crafts TECH Joiner/Cooper Skills : Linguistic Relevant Stats Suggested Specializations Linguistics INT *by specific language/Greek/Silethian/etc. Singing CHA/CO Opera/Gorgar Skills : Piloting Relevant Stats Suggested Specializations Atmospheric Pilot AW/DEX *by Aircraft Type Driving AW/DEX *by Vehicle Type Marine Pilot TECH *by Boat Type Powered Armour TECH *by Armour Type Space Pilot TECH *by Spacecraft Type & Size Skills : Power Relevant Stats Suggested Specializations Alchemy WILL/TECH Attunement WILL/PSY Channelling WILL/AW Directed Spells DX/WILL Fireball/Stun Bolt Dweomercraft WILL/INT Generation PSY *by Psychic field PP Development PSY Runes WILL/INT *by Magick culture Spell Casting WILL *Alchemy/Channelling/Dweomercraft Spell Mastery WILL Skills : Social Relevant Stats Suggested Specializations Acting CHA Method/Conning Diplomacy CHA/INT Duping CHA Gambling AW/INT Interrogation CHA/AW Force Information/Interview Leadership CHA/INT Military/Company Propaganda INT Seduction CHA/AW Streetwise CHA/INT Trading CHA/AW Slave/Drug/Smuggling Skills : Subterfuge Relevant Stats Suggested Specializations Ambush DX/AW Disguise AW/CHA Falsification TECH Pick Locks TECH Stealth MO/AW Camouflage/Infiltration/Shadowing Trapping TECH Trickery DEX/AW Pick pockets/Palming Skills : Survival Relevant Stats Suggested Specializations Navigation AW/INT Land/Sea Perception AW Scouting/Social/Tracking Power Resistance WILL Region Lore INT/AW Survival INT/AW Tolerance CO *Physical/Mental/Biological etc. Skills : Technics Relevant Stats Suggested Specializations A-Grav Technics TECH by specific generator type Computer Operations TECH by Operating System Computer Technics TECH Cyberdeck/Mainframes Cyber-Tech TECH Organs, Enhancements, Limbs, Neuro-systems etc. Demolitions TECH Electrical Technics TECH Energy Weapon Technics TECH Lasers/Plasma/GAUSS/(by system) First Aid TECH by Kingdom Type eg. Mammal/Insectoid/Silicoid etc. Metalworking TECH Mechanics TECH Mechanical Weapon Technics TECH Automatic Weapons/Artillery/Rocket Launchers Sensor Operations TECH Sensor Systems Technics TECH Space Craft Repair TECH Warp Drive Technics TECH Keeler/Field *= These skills are field based. A field of the skill must be selected, otherwise it covers too broad an area.

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Anthropology: [INT] Compulsory Skills; relevant History Level 4, relevant Psychology Level 2 Anthropology is the study of the evolution of human society. It is a respected skill as the people who are knowledgeable in this field tend to be knowledgeable in a great many other fields as well. It is specifically useful when dealing with members of a culture that has been isolated from the mainstream for some time. It helps to bridge cultural drift. Anthropology must be specialised between races. Human anthropology includes the Anthro's and the Auld society. Field of skill; Terran by Alien Race [eg. Silethian, Norse Brother, Gromek]

Appraisal: [TECH] Compulsory Skill; Mathematics Level 1 This skill allows the character to estimate the value of any weapon, device, object, real estate, etc. on the open market in its current condition.

Astronomy: [INT/AW] Restriction; Astronomy at Level 5 or higher mandates having Mathematics at Level 3 As some skills have compulsory skills Astronomy has a restriction based on level. Once an Astronomer's skill gains in breadth and focus some solid mathematics are needed to back up further study in the field. Consider all Astronomers with level 4 or lower to be amateurs of varying degrees. Fields of skill; by Planet of Astronomical Observation [eg. Earth, Gaskin IV etc.]

Biology: [TECH] Science of life and its adaptations to environments and pressured. Biology is a broad-based skill of knowledge that is generally utilised in combination with other skills such as Chemistry (Biochemistry). Further Specialisations; by Individual Bio-Sphere [eg. Earth, Anio-Greskin, Fillbins World, etc.]

Botany: [TECH] Specific knowledge of the diversity of plants and their reproduction, growth, habitat and properties. At higher levels the character will know the entire plant life of a said bio- sphere and maybe even at very high levels of a whole genetic incidence. Further Specialisations; by Bio-Sphere [eg. Earth, Eden V, Fillbins World etc.]

Business: [INT] Knowledge and practice of running or working within an organization geared for profit-making within restrictions. Further Specialisations: by Business type, eg. Industrial, Informatics, etc.

Chemistry: [TECH] Compulsory Skill; Mathematics Level 3 Direct knowledge of elements and their nature. Basic knowledge includes methods of atomic bonding and laws of molecular construction, while in depth knowledge of compounds and their attributes comes at higher levels. On it's own Chemistry is a foundation skill of many other sciences and is limited in application outside of an industrial facility. Basic levels of chemistry will allow safe creation of explosives and toxins given the right equipment and materials. Further Specialisations; Metallurgy, Material, Explosive, Fuel, Pharmacy, etc.

Diagnostics: [TECH] Compulsory Skill; First Aid Level 4 Diagnostics is a medical skill and it entails the assessment of a patients condition. This includes disease, dietary deficiencies, injury and congenital disorders. Equipment and tests on the patient increase the likelihood of success dramatically. Diagnosis is essential for any Doctor who wishes to become a surgeon. Further Specialisations; By Racial Type [eg. Human, Orc etc.]

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Engineering: [TECH] Compulsory Skill; Mathematics Level 3, Physics Level 4 This skill of design and construction is of such a diversified nature that it is compulsory to choose a specialisation. The Engineering skill requires a good grasp of Physics and thus Mathematics but is a useful skill that is easily translatable to the adventuring type lifestyle of most PC's. Engineers are paid well by large industrial firms to streamline their manufacturing plants for maximum profit. The budding Engineer would do well to learn a few levels of Administration in this age of multi-tasking. Fields of skill; Aeronautical [planes, airfoils] Automotive [ground vehicles] Chemical [requires Chemistry to be 4 levels higher] Computer [requires Electrical Technics at level 4] Construction [bridges, sewers, large buildings] Cybernetic [requires Cyber-Tech at level 6 and Bio-chemistry level 6] Industrial [Industrial plants, machinery] Maritime [water vessels] Military [requires Demolitions Level 5 and Construction Engineer level 2] Mining [construction of mines and underground structures] Siege [construction of medieval artillery and undermining fortifications without explosives] Software [requires Computer Operations level 6] Spaceship [requires Computer Technics Level 4 and Aeronautical Engineer Level 5]

History: [INT] History of a specified culture, group, mega-corporation or world. The more broad the category the less in-depth the knowledge. A character with History can recognise major time periods and events of the culture specified by the skill. Further Specialisations; by aspect of History [Legal, Criminal, Military, Financial]

Law: [INT] The study and knowledge of a legal system. This skill involves a great deal of reading and memorization as well as the understanding of how laws are made and the evolution of a legal system. In many cases of older societies this skill will have little bearing because the law is geared to privilege a select few. In more modern, or freer times, the law becomes a powerful tool to those that know it well. This skill also gives the character knowledge of the court systems and how cases are started, filed, and the etiquette of those court-systems. Average level of Law skill is required to practice in most systems and Expertise as wells as a license of some kind is usually required to represent clients in courts that use juries. Particularly voluminous legal systems may require the further division of scope into Common, Criminal and Corporate law skills: depending on the GM. Fields of skill; By Legal System [TDE, Silethian, British Law, US Law, etc.]

Mathematics: [INT] Compulsory STAT; INT 3 Number crunching. Raw calculation and numerical problem solving skills. Level 1 is an indication of basic numeracy and comprehension of simple functions such as BOMDAS while level 5 and higher is a measure of skill that includes familiarity and comprehension of algorithms, logarithms and simple topological functions. Further Specialisations; Topology [numerical construction of complex 3 dimensional shapes such as landforms] Statistical [probabilities, distributions, permutations] etc.

Music Theory: [INT] Compulsory Skill; Mathematics level 1. Restriction; to attain level 7 or higher one must have Physics: Level 2. Rhythmic melodies based on sound waves. The character doesn't have to play an instrument although to undertake music theory like this is very rare. This is the knowledge of the numbers that make up music. Root notes, cadence, timbre, modal harmonics and tone are some of the jargon that is thrown around the musical theory rooms. Still it remains unknown to most normals what it is in music that makes it the universal language. (Level 19+ and the character knows so much musical theory that 3 levels in physics will open the gates to magick.)

Philosophy: [INT] Skill in the manner in which sentients formulate thoughts, ethics and morals. In some areas it is fair to say that Philosophy and Religion are the same thing and a character highly skilled in Philosophy will know the difference between well put lies and straight out duping attempts. Philosophy is a useful skill in terms of character ingenuity but simplistic role playing of a characters persona will never allow this skill, or it's real world counterparts, to become a part of such a game.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Fields of skill; Zen Christianity Scientology Democracy Communism Socialism Marxism Laissez-Faire Capitalism Anarchism Buddhism Hinduism Voodoo Platonism Hermetic etc.

Physics: [INT] Compulsory Skill; Mathematics Level 3 Mathematical study of the operations of the physical universe. A sound knowledge in Physics is required by many of the other sciences and is useful in numerous situations. At low levels characters are familiar with basic principles of light, inertia, gravity and electricity. At higher levels an intimate knowledge of most operations in the universe is achieved and the character will be able to see and formulate the reason for most phenomena. At very high levels (19+) the character will have achieved such a high understanding of the physical universe that magick will become accessible to them.

Planetology: [INT] Compulsory Skill; Physics Level 4, Mathematics Level 3 Science of the formation of planets and their environments. This is in no way a substitute for Botany but is for the assessment of a world based on the whole picture. The skill allows the character to make judgements on a planets suitability for mining, terraforming, seeding, or even colonisation based on the information available. Planetologists are in demand on exploration ships.

Psychology: [WILL] The science of the psyche. Characters skilled in psychology are competent judges of character and are able to ascertain a subjects general mood from their behaviour. Psychologists are those with the skill at level 5 or higher but it is not unheard of for a non- trained individual to become adept in the field due to the amount of accurate literature available to the general public. Further Specialisations; by Type of Psychology [eg. Freud, Jung etc.]

Research: [INT/PSY] Recommended Skill; Technics: Computer Operation Level 1 One of the most useful skills available. Research can speed up the time required to learn information of find rare facts or data through refined search techniques and a broad knowledge of archival systems. Invaluable for those wishing to learn new academic and science skills without paying tutelage costs. Research can be cross-applied by specific task to many other skills such as repairs, body development and even some combat skills.

Surgery: [TECH/INT] Compulsory Skill; Diagnosis Level 6 This skill will not make one an official surgeon as many paramedics and general practitioners have some levels in this skill. To be qualified to become a recognised surgeon a character must have the following skills; Surgery Level 5, First Aid Level 8, Diagnosis Level 8, Bio-chemistry Level 4. The actual uses of the skill are surgical repair of traumatic injury, ability to perform operations such as removal of malignant tissue, re-attachment of severed limbs and reconstruction of joints. Further Specialisations; General Cyber-Tech Human by Racial Type (c/f First Aid)

Tactics: [AW/INT] The knowledge and theory of combat tactics and strategies that allow a group to take advantage of it's enemies weaknesses. In game terms the commanders of the action groups make opposed Tactics skill tests. The SM of which determines the bonus to the winning side for all actions that are directly influenced by the tactic. It is recommended that this skill be of limited use in small scale actions (under 100 combatants per side) and should never replace ingenuity on the players behalf.

Teaching: [INT/CHA] Compulsory Skill/s; Psychology Level 4 plus Level 5 or higher in the skill/s to be taught. Conveying instruction in another skill to one who has no previous, or limited, knowledge of that skill. Effective teachers are some of the most highly paid individuals in Black Dawn and in most cultures respected to the same degree. Further Specialisations; Teaching to a specified method. [eg. Suzuki, Steiner, Pavlov]

Zoology: [INT] Study of animal life, how it evolved and where it fits in a planet's ecology. Zoologists are needed on bio-survey teams for inventory and classification of new alien species. Further Specialisations; Classification [general zoological patterns] by Planet [Earth, Iliom Prime etc.] by Species [Jalpa, Elephant, Dferei]


BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Acrobatics: [MO] Compulsory Skill; Contortions Level 1 Gymnastic skill of tumbling, vaulting and otherwise performing feats of agility, motion and balance. This skill combined with a specific compatible style of Unarmed Combat can lead to a fighter that is constantly in motion using the increasing inertia of his assailants against them. Spectacular and deadly, the highly trained martial artist who uses acrobatics to enhance his fighting skills, can often defeat many opponents with seeming ease. Further Specialisation; Apparatus [pommel horse, rings, trapeze, etc.] Tight Rope [tension lines, balance beams, etc.] Tumbling [somersaults, back flips, in air manoeuvres]

Athletics: [varies] Athletics covers general fitness and coordination in a spatial dynamic environment. Athletics can be applied to many actions that have no other skill. Athletics also applies to playing of Athletic Games. Each Athletic Game has its own application of STATS. The list of Athletic Games throughout any game universe varies immensely. Some suggestions are listed and the rest is up to the playing group and GM. A character can specialise in a single athletic game or task. The exceptions to this are those skills that are listed separately. Further Specialisations; High Jump [MO] Long Jump [MO] Shot-put [ST] Soccer [MO/DX] Grid Iron [MO/ST] Basketball [MO] Golf [DX/AW] Dorsa [MO/Unarmed combat] etc.

Body Building: [NONE] Training and exercise for increasing strength. Usually weights and resistance training combined with special diet or drug use.

Body Development: [NONE] Specialised training to increase pain tolerance and resistance to injury. Effectively body hardening. Popular in the martial arts and with Body Builders. Every level of this skill is added to the characters HITS. The level of this skill is also taken into account when figuring the characters SS. Maximum level of 20.

Climbing: [MO/ST] Scaling walls, mountains, trees, cliffs, abysses etc. The ability to climb is very useful to a character. This skill cannot be learnt beyond level 4 if the character is afraid of heights. Equipment greatly improves the climbing task and is often a necessity to attempt the action. CLIMBING RATE SPEED IN M/CR EXH COST Slow TSB/10 1 EXH per 10 minutes Normal TSB/6 1 EXH per 5 minutes Sprint-climb TSB/4 1 EXH per 1 minute Max TSB/3 1 EXH per CR

Contortions: [MO] A character with this skill is not averse to bending and twisting their bodies beyond normal physical restrictions. The character is a great deal more flexible than the average member of his race and at master levels is capable of feats the average masses will pay to see. A good contortionist can escape from most bonds and squeeze through any space their head (or whatever is the largest inflexible part of their body) will fit through.

Dance: [MO] Rhythmic movement to music for aesthetic or religious purposes. Dance has been in many cultures for all recorded time. It is one of the few dialects of the universal language: music. Dance can be used with seduction for greater effectiveness and this is probably the most common combination of skills known. Contortions can also help good dancing and the combination of these skills are essential for ballerinas and dervishes. Further Specialisations; by Type of Dance [eg. Ballet, Exotic, Pop, Disco, Rap, Tap etc.]

Endurance [NONE]:

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] The endurance skill adds its level to the EXH derived stat making the character of greater stamina. Popular with athletes and foot- travellers. Maximum level is 20.

Riding: [MO] Riding is broken into 2 distinct areas. Riding of vehicles/machines and riding of animals. The specialisations reflect this distinction. Riding is a popular means of travel for the solo oriented traveller. Self powered vehicles are still popular on pollution conscious worlds and riding animals are favoured by those with an apprehension of powered transport. Fields of skill; Animal Further Specialisations; Horse Jalpa Griffin Vehicle Further Specialisations; Jet-bike Motorbike Jammer Skimmer bike Recumbent Trike

Swimming: [ST/MO] Athletic skill of moving through a liquid medium. Some equipment may be necessary for extended underwater movement. Speeds and EXH expenditure for Swimming: RATE SPEED IN KPH DURATION Normal TSB/4 1 EXH per 5 minutes Fast TSB/3 1 EXH per minute Sprint TSB/2 1 EXH per 2 CR Max Total Skill Bonus [TSB] 2 EXH per CR Further Specialisations; Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus [SCUBA] Swimming Diving


Archery: [DEX] The practice with and maintenance of bows for combat or hunting purposes. Accurate shooting and knowledge of weapon quality and condition are included in the skill. At master levels an Archer can make and repair their own arrows. Making bows requires the Wood Craft: Bowyer skill. For crossbow use see the Longarms Operation skill. Further Specialisations; Recurve Bow Self Bows Compound Bows Foot Bows

Armed Combat: [Varies] Study and practice with a melee type weapon in a combat environment. When this skill is selected the character must choose what type of armed combat is being learnt. This will be one of the fields of skill, one-handed, two-handed, paired-weapon or specific fighting style. When a character learns Armed Combat one of the fields of skill must be chosen from the following list. Further specialisation in an individual weapon may also be taken. In the case of specific fighting styles a cluster of specific weapons, or narrow weapon groups, are assigned to the style and these are the limitations. When listing paired weapon type specialisations note which weapon is in the off-hand. Fields of skill; 1 Handed [MO/DX/ST] Further Specialisations; Axes Chain/Morning Star Club/Mace

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Daggers/Knives Lancing [Compulsory Skill; Riding Level 4] Long Swords Short Swords Shields Sickle/ Whip 2 Handed [MO/ST] Further Specialisations; Axe Mace/Hammer Polearm (, , Scythe) Rope/Chain Weapons (Kusari Gama, Rope Axe) /Staff (, ) Sword/Staff (, , Bo) Paired Weapons [MO/DX/ST] Further Specialisations; Axe/Sword (off-hand) Sword/Club (off-hand) Sword/Shield (off-hand) Specific Fighting Style [varies] Further Specialisation; Spanish Fencing [DX/DX/MO]: Light swords (foil, epee) Heavy swords (rapier, sabre) Iaido [MO/MO/DX/ST]: Long (, Dai-katana, Hojiu, etc.) Short (, -to, etc.) Knives (Tanto, etc.) Staves (Bo, Jo, etc.) Blunt Long (, etc.) Florentine [DX/MO]: fencing with light European weapons, the off-hand using a short basket, or quillon, hilted blade such as a main-gauche.

Autofire: [ST] Compulsory Skills; Handguns Level 1 and/or Longarms Level 1. Controlling full automatic weapons fire with useable combat results. Also gives knowledge of the autofire capabilities of any weapons that the character has the operational skill for.

Handguns: [DEX] Firing and maintenance with handguns and machine pistols to a combat ready skill level. The character is also aware of weapon maintenance and at master levels can repair or even modify the weapons they're familiar with or specialised in. This skill also covers the following weapons types: Hand Crossbow Powder/Rocket/Gyrojet Handguns Laser/Beam Handguns Plasma/Pulse/Blaster Handguns Gauss Handguns Concussion/Force/Implosion Handguns Flame Handguns Gravitic Handguns Sonic Handguns Further Specialisations; By individual weapon and calibre (eg. Glock 9mm, Colt .45, Ruger Redhawk .44 magnum etc.)

Heavy Weapons: [DEX] This skill is the firing and maintenance of support and heavy weaponry. The weapons this skill governs are those weapons which are crew-served and are generally fired from a support or mounting because of prohibitive recoil, weight or heat. This skill does not cover the use of such weapons as the main gun on a tank or spacecraft weaponry. The types of weapons covered for use by this skill are: Heavy Laser/Beam Heavy Powder [machine-guns]/Rocket/Gyrojet Heavy Pulse/Plasma/Blaster Heavy Gauss Heavy Concussion/Force/Implosion Heavy Flame

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Heavy Gravitic/Grav-sheer Heavy Sonic Further Specialisations; By individual weapons (eg. M60, M2, Ripsaw, Rapid 60, etc.)

Longarms: [DEX] Firing and maintenance of rifles and sub-machinegun sized weapons. At master levels the character becomes competent in repair and modification of weapons familiar with or specialised in. This skill covers the following weapon categories: Crossbow Powder /Rocket/Gyrojet Laser/Beam Pulse/Plasma/Blaster Gauss Concussion/Force/Implosion Flame Gravitic/Grav-sheer Sonic Further Specialisation; By individual weapon type (c/f. Handguns)

Marksmanship: [NONE] Compulsory Skill; appropriate weapon skill at least 1 level higher than marksmanship skill level. This skill enhances a character's firing accuracy with any projectile or missile weapon only when aiming. It is a difficult skill to learn and most campaigns should not see any characters starting with more than level 5. (Refer to Aiming in the Combat section)

Sharpshooting: [NONE] Compulsory Skill; Specialisation in an appropriate Handgun, Longarm or Archery weapon. Sharpshooters can quickly gain a full accuracy shot. They are practiced in the snap shot. In game terms Sharpshooting gives an accuracy bonus with a particular specialisation that is equal to the level of the sharpshooting skill. The total of the Sharpshooting skill can be added to any snap-shot or trick shot up to and equalling the penalty. Sharpshooting is never more accurate than regular shooting. It is all about speed and adverse conditions. Trick shots include ricochets, blind shooting, using a mirror or reflection as the only sighting media etc. Normal shooting and aiming will render this skill inapplicable.

Thrown Weapons: [DEX] A great deal of practice to give the coordination to throw weapons with enough accuracy and force to be considered a viable skill in combat. Basic throwing range in metres is ST + BHT. The SM of a thrown weapon attack can be added to the distance in metres not exceeding the Thrown Weapons Level Add. Further Specialisations; Explosives [grenades, dynamite sticks, etc.] Hurled [spears, etc.] Thrown [axes, knives, etc.]

Unarmed Combat: [Varies] Combat using only the natural body and refined techniques beyond natural or socially learned aggressive behaviour. This includes all the martial arts but not their associated training's. For example Ninjutsu is composed of 2 styles. One being the actual art of stealth (ninjutsu), the other being the fighting art (tai-jutsu). Practice in this skill would give the character the levels in tai- jutsu but the ninjutsu arts would have to come from other skills such as Stealth. Further Specialisation; Streetfighting (most common) [MO/ST] Aikido [MO/DX] Boxing [MO/ST/DX] Olympic Wrestling [ST/ST/MO] Tae-Kwon-Do [MO/ST] Kyu-Kushin-Kai [DX/ST] Tai-Jutsu [DX/MO/ST] Sumo [MO/ST/BWT] Savate [MO/ST] Caiepora [MO/MO/ST] Muay-Thay [MO/ST/ST] Kung-Fu, Southern [MO/DX/DX/ST]

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Kung-Fu, Northern [MO/ST/ST/DX] Kung-Fu, Animal [MO/DX/ST] Zomar Duo Ri (Alien Martial Art) [ST/MO/MO/DX] etc.

Vehicle Ordnance: [DEX/AW] Use of vehicle type weapons in a combat environment. This skill also covers artillery and other non-portable weaponry specifically engineered for vehicles or mounted to vehicle-sized carriages. At lower levels the character is capable of minor maintenance and is conversant in various weapon types of that nature and their capabilities. At master levels the character may begin to make full repairs and overhauls of the weapons provided adequate tools and facilities are available. Note: The skill bonus can only be added to a weapon the character is in control of manually. Any weapon that is computer controlled or targeted [not including computer assisted targeting] will receive no addition from the character. Note: It is possible for many smaller examples of Vehicle Ordnance to be effectively utilised with the Heavy Weapons skill however larger examples of Vehicle Ordnance cannot be used by Heavy Weapons skilled characters. Further Specialisation; By Individual Weapon type. (c/f. Handguns)


Adrenal Defence: [NONE] Training often connected with the martial arts. Adrenal Defence boosts the character's reflexes and increases the pre-emptive abilities of a combatant. It is an exceptional skill in melee combat. The total skill bonus can be divided amongst incoming attacks that the character is aware of in the same manner as a PARRY provided the character has enough remaining activity points.

Adrenal Speed: [PSY] Character focuses reserves and energy to achieve a burst of speed for a short duration. The SM is a pool that can be added to DX, MO or Initiative. The duration of the Adrenal Speed boost is limited by EXH expenditure at 2 points per CR. Adrenal Speed is also useful for making long jumps from a run up.

Frenzy: [PSY] The ability to enter a frenzied state where the character fights in melee with absolute ferocity and merciless decision. Frenzied characters cannot normally distinguish between friend and foe with all able combatants considered targets. To avoid attacking allies a character can make Perception checks while Frenzied are at a penalty equal to the SM of the skill test. The SM of the skill test is a pool of bonus points that can be added to attack rolls, ST, HITS or EXH. Frenzy Example: 1) Jonesey rolls to Frenzy and has an SM of 8. He adds 2 to attack, 2 to ST, 3 to HITS and 1 to EXH. 2) Clem rolls to Frenzy and achieves an SM of 21! He decides to add 4 to attack, 6 to ST, 5 to HITS and 6 to EXH. 3) Ephram Zed rolls to Frenzy and achieves an SM of 11. He adds 6 to ST and 5 to EXH. Frenzy persists until the character can force themselves back to a normal state (another skill test against Frenzy) or they drop from exhaustion. A character in Frenzy burns EXH at 2 points per CR.

Internal Focus: [PSY/WILL] Internal focusing upon mental tasks is similar to a mental adrenal move. This can be casting a spell, generating a psychic power, researching a problem or resolving a philosophical conundrum. Add SM divided by 4 to the skill test roll. This add is capped at a maximum of the PSY of the character.

Coma State: [WILL] Body damage stabilisation is the purpose of this skill. A character's force of will throws the body into an all out regenerative coma- state. The body's entire resources are pitted against keeping the brain oxygenated and then repairing damage. Healing at a normal rate can begin and will work against even Critical wounds provided the roll was successful. This skill will stop the character from dying from minor critical wounds at average levels and at master levels the character can stay alive after severe injury. Note: that if you are killed then you are indeed dead. This skill will not help you. This skill may not suit some genres.

Missile Defence: [NONE] Similar to Adrenal Defence but applied to missile fire situations. The skill of parrying missiles is sometimes referred to as yadomejutsu or arrow-cutting. Note: that bullets, slugs and shells from modern weapons do not count as missiles. Missiles in this context refers to thrown objects and arrows or crossbow bolts/quarrels.

Power Sleep: [PSY/WILL] Ability and practice in falling into a deeper more restful sleep quicker and maintaining it for longer periods. This results in a more restful sleep per hour than non-power-sleepers. SM of skill test is number of hours reduced from normal sleep time to a maximum

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] reduction of two hours total for a full rest. Power Sleep does increase the recovery of PP from rest periods shortened in the use of this skill.

Strength Feat: [PSY/ST] A focussing of strength to perform feats beyond the character‟s normal capacity. Success adds one point to ST for one CR. Each four points of SM can add one more point to ST for one CR of duration. This time cannot exceed the skill level in CR. The ST bonus cannot exceed the Skill Level. The ST bonus cannot exceed the characters ST (maximum of double ST). Strength Feat Example: 1) Clem attempts a Strength Feat to try and break the handcuffs with which Jonesey secured him to a locomotive. He rolls a total of 22 and succeeds by 7. His SM is 7 and Clem can add two points (SM of 0 adds 1, SM of 1-4 adds 1) to his already formidable ST of 22 for a duration of two CR. The GM allows him to break free with minor injuries to his wrists.


Animal Handling: [CHA/ST] The character with animal handling is knowledgeable about the behavioural patterns of the chosen animal types and how best to handle them for domestic use. This includes the best way to distribute a load, harness to a plough and guide through tricks. The skilled (level 5+) Animal Handler can attempt to train animals and other creatures with a sub-sentient intelligence. Further Specialisations; by Specific Animal Type [eg. Jalpa, Elephant, Dferei]

Cookery: [TECH] Knowledge of preparation of food and cooking thereof. At average levels the character will know about food spoilage times, hygiene, nutritional content, special preparation techniques and optimum storage conditions for prepared and unprepared food. Further Specialisations; Camp Desserts Fast Food Game Saucier Seafood etc.

Leather Craft: [TECH] Working with skin to produce items and goods. Manufacture of leather goods is common throughout Black Dawn as nearly all races have evolved from hunter/gatherer societies who at one time used the skins of their prey to produce various goods. Frequently leather craft has evolved into fashion through social taste retrogrades. Further Specialisations; Armourer : Manufacture of leather armour and military accoutrements. Cobbler : Production of footwear. Tailoring : Production and design of leather garments. Tanner : The preparation of fresh skins to be cured, boiled or oiled into leather which is useable for manufacture.

Masonry: [TECH/ST] Working with stone is a trade that has never gone out of fashion or been replaced by modern technological substances. Stone in its raw form is cheap and abundant. This has carried through the ages in most construction areas and is now a well hedged art that has few rivals in popularity or status. The mason can carve and fit stone for use in construction and decoration. Further Specialisations; Fortification [The focus in construction of stone fortifications is a low-tech skill that is popular on separatist colonies and primitive culture worlds.] Furnishings [Manufacture of fine stone furniture is a status symbol of affluence that has spread throughout Human associated culture.] Sculpture: Compulsory Skill; Visual Arts Level 4. [More for artistic expression and thus great deals of money if popularised, sculpture is the production of fine art pieces of stone work.]

Play Instrument: [TECH] Restriction; Level 6 cannot be attained in this skill without Music: Theory Level 1. Skill and practice playing an instrument for music and entertainment. High skill levels (8+) are needed for an attempt at making a career from this skill and even if the character has level 19+ it still comes down to a matter of effort, originality and luck. Fields of skill; by Instrument Type [eg. Bowed Strings, Drums/Percussion, Horns/Brass, Keyboards, Plucked Strings, Reed/Woodwind]

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Further Specialisation; by Individual Instrument Type [eg. Electric Guitar, Harp, Glockenspiel, Viola, Clarinet, Pedal Guitar, Mouth Harp]

Smithing: [TECH/ST] Practice in the low tech metal working trade. This infers pre- mechanised metal working tools (welding tanks are considered mechanised and not useable by this skill). Knowledge at average levels includes the smelting of raw materials and the temperance of finished goods. A smith will be able to assess the workmanship and effectiveness of any item made by another smith as well as the quality of base materials. This skill can be less effective than Metalworking in a technological setting equivalent to the late 1800‟s on Earth and by the 1950‟s is a rare skill. Further Specialisations; Armourer [making and repairing Body Armour] Farrier [shoeing horses, metal work for bit and bridles] Iron Monger [nails, gates, hinges, general items] Weapon Smith [forging melee weapons and tools]

Visual Arts: [TECH] Visual Arts covers a broad area of mediums but knowledge is easily transposed between these mediums. Specialisation is the key difference between the quality of a characters works. Further Specialisations; Computer: Compulsory Skill; Technics: Computer Operation Level 2 Drawing: Painting: Photography: Pottery:

Wood Crafts: [TECH] The knowledge of wood quality, suitability to a set task, construction techniques thereof and maintenance of wood products. Also covers the selection of wood working tools relevant to the task. Further Specialisations; Bowyer [includes crossbows and fletching/arrowmaking] Cabinet Making [furniture, stairs etc.] Carpentry [construction] Cooper [barrels] Sculpture Compulsory Skill; Visual Arts Level 2. [fine art in wood] Shipwright [boats] Wagonwright [wheels, wagons, carts etc.]


Linguistics: [INT] Linguistics is the study of languages. It covers how to speak, write and compose in them. At low levels only basic communication is possible, while average levels are needed for normal conversation, but expert levels are needed to speak fluently on any subject the character is conversant with (in his native tongue). Complex subjects such as temporal physics and philosophies require a level of at least 8 to be able to communicate accurately with another. Cunning linguists are said to have better luck with the ladies. Fields of skill; By Specific Language Terran: This is the most commonly spoken language in the universe. It is a debased version of English with an incredible amount of sub-groups and slang types. Most Alien races speak Terran as a second language. Khouli: Spoken by the Silethians. Khouli incorporates words that are rich in vowels and tend to begin with harsh consonant formations such as, kng, gh, kh and ck. Reepaxi: The venomous goats speak a stoic language that has changed little in 3 centuries of war. The language sounds like ancient Latin but incorporates word structuring similar to Old Germanic Earth tribes. Gromek: Big Lizards that speak in a rolling lilting language that has an uncanny resemblance to some Scandinavian tongues from Earth.

Singing: [CHA/CO] The enviable skill of making music with the one instrument we are all born with; the voice. Truly good singers are hard to find in

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] an age of incredible computer technology and this is part of the reason behind the resurgence in 'purity' sub- cultures. Most contemporary singers work off the Operatic/Vibrato method but would be considered less than level 6 in the bulk of cases. Fields of skill; Circular Resonance [Mongolian style] Gorgar [Discordant growls] Operatic/Vibrato [Sustained notes]


Atmospheric Pilot: [AW/DEX] Control of atmospheric flight vehicles. These vehicles can be of myriad types and designs but the skill governs their use by size and propulsion type. The skill also handles the reading of the relevant instrumentation for safe use of these vehicles. Fields of skill; A-Grav Jet Orbital Propeller Further Specialisations; Bomber [covers any military craft larger than a fighter] Carrier [military craft larger than a bomber] Fighter [covers military craft up to Heavy Cutter in size] Haulers [covers civilian craft larger than a liner] Light [covers the standard civilian versions of the said craft] Liner [covers civilian craft larger than a transport] Transport [civilian craft up to Heavy Transport in size]

Driving: [AW/DEX] Control of ground vehicles not covered by the riding skill. This includes cars, trucks, tanks and APC's. Fields of skill; Car [any car, van, pick-up or station wagon] Truck [any bus or truck that is not articulated] Tank [military vehicles that aren't covered by the other categories] Articulated [semi-trailers, articulated buses, vehicles with large trailers, b-double] Construction [cranes, bulldozers, power shovels, drag-lines etc.] Further Specialisations; Rally/Off-road [controlling the vehicle on unfinished surfaces] Combat Driver [controlling the vehicle on the battlefield or in a vehicle melee situation] Track Circuit [top speed racing around finished track or circuit] Drag Strip [fastest acceleration and straight line speed possible] By Specific Vehicle [eg. McLaren F1, UrboCar, etc.]

Marine Pilot: [TECH] Driving (qv.) of marine vehicles such as boats, submarines, hydrofoils and hovercraft. Fields of skill; Air Cushion Hydrofoil Hydro-Jet Magnetic Induction Propeller Further Specialisations; Cruiser [covers military craft up to Heavy Cruiser in size] Carrier [military craft larger than Heavy Cruiser] Cutter [covers military craft up to Heavy Cutter in size] Light [covers the standard civilian versions] Transport [civilian craft up to Heavy Transport in size] Freighter [covers civilian craft larger than a Heavy Transport] Super Freighters [for piloting Super Freight class vessels]

Powered Armour: [TECH]

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Ability to control deep sea suits, industrial power-chasses, haz-duty EVA suits, mechanised armour and other walker type armoured vehicles. Tanks and other such machines use relevant driving skill. Further Specialisation; by Individual Powered armour model eg. Kodiak Mk3a. (c/f Handguns)

Space Pilot: [TECH] Compulsory Skill; Astrogation Level 1: Physics Level 6: Mathematics Level 3 General ability to manoeuvre space craft from location to destination. Character with this skill will be able to control most common space craft and should be able to figure out similar vessels with enough time. Fields of skill; Field Drive Hyper Drive Keeler-Drive Further Specialisations; Warships [cruisers, carriers, dreadnoughts] Fighters [interceptors, sleds, snubfighters] Transporters [cargo vessels, tugs]


Alchemy: [WILL/TECH] Compulsory Skills; Metallurgy Level 19, Chemistry Level 19, Physics Level 19 Magick of composition and construction. Spells and preparations include potions, amulets, weapons, munitions, armour and para- prosthetics. Alchemists of competence are often sought after by relentless power mongers. This is the reason the bulk of Alchemists lead secretive lives in regard to their magickal work.

Attunement: [WILL/PSY] Compulsory Condition; some kind of a sensitivity to magick. This is the ability that allows a magick sensitive person to assess the triggers and powers that are contained within a magickal item. Attunement can be seen as a limited psychometry in regards to its de-cloaking of an items abilities.

Channelling: [WILL/AW] Compulsory Skill; Any Spell Casting Level 1 The magickal skill of absorbing PP from external sources. These sources can be of any kind but the precise location and time of the sources emanation of power must be known.

Directed Spells: [DEX/WILL] Compulsory Skill; ability to cast and practice with any offensive spell. Practice with an offensive spell to hone accuracy with its release. This skill is meant for bolts, and other shooting type spells. It can be used on explosion type spells but it will affect only the placement of the epicentre and not the explosion itself. Further Specialisations; by Individual Spell Type [eg. Plasma Lance, Lightning Bolt]

Dweomercraft: [WILL/INT] Compulsory Skill; Psychology Level 19, Perception Level 19, Physics Level 19 Magick of mind, environment and reality. Dweomercraft is some times referred to as Human Alchemy as it works on the basis of senses and the affect of will on reality's fabric. Dweomercraft can produce instantly spectacular effects and is commonly thought to be the most powerful of the magick fields.

Generation: [PSY] Compulsory Ability; Psychic Power. This is the skill of utilising psychic abilities. It allows improved use of ones reserves of power in the same manner as Spell Casting.

PP Development: [PSY] Compulsory Skill; Spell Casting Level 1. Practice with magick to refine the use of Personal Power so as to achieve an effect with less expenditure. In game terms the skill increases the characters PP on a one for one basis for every skill Level.

Runes: [WILL/INT]

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Compulsory Skill; Linguistics Level 19, Physics Level 19, Visual Arts Level 19 Magick of words, pictures and symbols. Runes is seen as the least spectacular of the Arts but it is known by those few who practice it to be the most subtle and influential of the magicks. A sign carved in the air or left on a mirror can make for interesting results. Runemasters are renowned for a guile that is thought to reach beyond even their own life- spans.

Spell Casting: [WILL] Compulsory Skill; either Dweomercraft Level 1 and/or Alchemy Level 1 and/or Runes Level 1. Working knowledge of the castings associated with a Magickal Theory. The skill level represents the ability to cast more and more complex spells and rituals. The total bonus is a reflection of how many spells/formulae/functions etc. the Magick User has a demonstrable formulaic knowledge of magick. Fields of Skill; by Field of Influence Empathy Motion and Inertia etc.

Spell Mastery: [WILL] Compulsory Skill; Spell Casting Level 1 Refining the produced effects of a Spell through practice and more practice. Spell Mastery is the slow road to incredible power and few Mages teach it. Most of those that know this skill learnt it through trial, error and disaster. Failed Spell Mastery rolls indicate a loss of control over the magickal energies that the caster was trying to manipulate. The unfocused energies can sometimes cause disastrous results whether in a lab or anywhere else and it is not unheard of for a Mage to be injured, killed, vanished or worse while experimenting.


Acting: [CHA] The skill of convincing others you are the genuine article. A brutal way of looking at it is as a lying skill. Low levels indicate some one approximately equivalent to a high school punk, average levels a police chief, expert levels a politician and master levels a top deep cover field agent. Further Specialisations; Conning Impersonation [False/Alternate Identity] Method

Diplomacy: [CHA/INT] This skill governs the actions of an individual attempting to resolve conflict (usually in a political or industrial sense) between themselves and another party. It also gives the ability to be a mediator. The idea behind the skill is to present a solution that benefits both sides as much as possible. Skilled Diplomats are able to put forward solutions that seem to do this but actually benefit one side, namely theirs, more than the other. Skilled Diplomats who are also conversant in alien culture and languages are highly paid and sought after individuals. Use in combination with Leadership for public speaking situations.

Duping: [CHA] Talking quickly and confusingly to stall, misdirect or misinform a target. Duping is not magickal and should only be used in relatively normal situations. A character should not be allowed to dupe his way out of arrest for the murder of a police officer although he could convince a passer-by that someone else was responsible and fleeing the scene and he was giving chase to help the police so he wouldn't get in trouble because he had a fine and they didn't like him because of his colour and …. GM's use your better judgement.

Gambling: [AW/INT] Compulsory Skill; Mathematics Level 2 Knowledge of games of probability, how they are played and strategies for winning. The game has to be one where an element of skill or counting can help with winning, otherwise it simply conveys the knowledge of the games etiquette and, at higher levels, variations. Further Specialisations; by individual Game [baccarat, dominoes, poker etc.]

Interrogation: [CHA/AW] Compulsory Skill; Psychology Level 1 There are 2 variations to this skills use. One is the questioning of a subject in a structured fashion that forces them to make errors so that the interrogator can discern the lies and the facts. The second being forcing the truth out of the subject by imposing discomfort of some fashion. The skill works best when the 2 variations are switched between with subtle guile. Further Specialisation; Interview Force Information

Leadership: [CHA/INT] Enhancing of one's charisma, the enforcement of an image of respectability and consistency are part of this complex to describe

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] skill. Good comprehension of relationships is essential to the want to be leader. Some individuals with this skill have it by nature not practice and are said to be 'born leaders'. Further Specialisations; Administration Combat Military Political Popular

Propaganda: [INT] Compulsory Skill; Psychology Level 3 Propaganda skill relates to the influence of others without the use of direct communication. This can include such methods as leaflet drops, rumour mills and even long term plans that include these methods and others. Be inventive.

Seduction: [CHA/AW] The skill and practice of seducing. Think of Don Juan de Marco or Cassanova. This skill does not guarantee success but can greatly change the targets outlook towards the character. When this skill is used by a master (level 12+); the influence extends into the emotional and sub-conscious minds.

Streetwise: [CHA/INT] Slang, people and places where sub-legal activities are undertaken is the focus of streetwise. At lower levels it is a simple knowledge of which areas of town to stay away from if you are of a certain socio-economic class but at average to expert levels the character has developed contacts and information sources throughout the "underworld" scene. Master levels indicate a character inextricably linked to the seamy side of life and they will often find that just the possession of this skill makes life very interesting, not to mention, dangerous. Further Specialisations; by Culture [eg. Terran, Silethian, Tusk bears]

Trading: [CHA/AW] Compulsory Skill; Appraisal Level 2 Marketing and commercial knowledge pertaining to purchase and resale of goods and even services. Trading is especially useful on the open market and at second hand shops. Anywhere a chance to barter is presented this skill could help gain a discount on an item or sell it for a little bit extra. Consider trading rolls to be opposed skill tests. Further Specialisations; Art Drugs Low-tech Slaves Smuggling Weapons etc.


Ambush: [DEX/AW] Setting and carrying out Ambushes is a skill that many soldiers and mercenaries are adept at. Para-military groups, including the police, are especially fond of this skill when dealing with armed offenders. Ambush adds to the initiative roll of the first strike against a surprised foe.

Disguise: [AW/CHA] Working with make-up, padded clothes or prosthetics the character can take on the physical identity of someone else. Size differences must be accounted for with the Difficulty Modifier reflecting this. A character should be within 10% of the HT of the target identity and 50% of the weight. This skill relies heavily on equipment.

Falsification: [TECH] Compulsory Skill; Visual Arts Level 5 Forgery. Plain and simple copying or modification of official documents or currency. Skilled forgers who are reliable in their silence are greatly in demand and work for fees that make them wealthy very quickly. Falsification is reliant on available equipment. Most good forgers have a kit worth over 20,000cr. Further Specialisations; ID's

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Currency Documents [other than ID's]

Pick Locks: [TECH] Opening (sometimes closing) locks without the proper key or codes. This skill is taught mainly by the criminal tradition and the law-enforcement arm (there's a difference I'm told). It should be noted that for safes and vaults the lock types are often a combination of the 3 fields of skill and if the character does not have levels in all, the task may be impossible (see Demolitions). Fields of skill; Bio-Identifiers [retinal scanners, thumb print locks, etc.] Electronic [key pads, pass cards, smart keys, etc.] Mechanical [padlocks, safes, key locks, etc.]

Stealth: [MO/AW] Moving unperceived or in a manner likely to be unperceived. Further Specialisations; Camouflage: Ability to further enhance ones stealth by using samples of the local environment, make-up and other equipment to break up silhouette and absorb light or heat. This skill can be applied to objects as well as oneself. Infiltration: Infiltrating "secure" perimeters without noise or visual signals. The Infiltrator can ascertain likely positions for detection equipment and the tell-tale signs of their camouflage. Infiltrators are also aware of manual techniques to avoid sensors; such as moving less than 1 metre per minute. Patience is an art form! Shadowing: Following someone without arousing suspicion or being noticed. A must for the espionage types.

Trapping: [TECH] The setting and construction of traps. Trapping covers knowledge of detecting and building traps. When constructing a trap it is important for the character to announce the intention of the device before collecting materials so the GM may make a decision on costs and/or availability of the needed items. Trapping in conjunction with Demolitions allows a character to build traps with explosives very effectively. Further Specialisations; Small Game Large Game Lethal Non-lethal Disarm

Trickery: [DEX/AW] Compulsory STAT; DX above 4 Trickery is the skill of prestidigitation and sleight-of-hand. It works on the principle that the hand can easily fool the eye. Trickery is essential to charlatans and pranksters as well as gamblers who wish to cheat. Further Specialisations; Juggling Palming Pick Pockets


Navigation: [AW/INT] Compulsory Skill; Mathematics Level 1 Direction finding in specified environment by any means available. Navigation in space is handled via the Astrogation skill in the academic section. This skill covers the use of simple navigation techniques and equipment relative to the terrain being traversed.

Perception: [AW] Practice and in some cases training to use the characters available senses to a higher order. The skill is used for alertness and the ability to notice objects, people, and happenings of importance to the character and their situation. Further Specialisations; Scouting [Military perception; detect camouflage, Ambush sites, traps, etc.] Social [Detecting lies and charades. General mood and bearing of target gleaned through body posture, mannerisms and voice tone. Close relationship with target increases chance of success.] Tracking [Following a quarry by the physical marks of passing. See also Stealth: Shadowing]

Power Resistance: [WILL] Skill level gives a direct bonus to resisting specified type of powers. This is often learnt by accident in those who spend a great deal

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] of time meditating on their own identity, cognition and emotive states in response to, and the context of, their environment. Fields of skill; Psychogenics [psychics, psionics, telepathy] Dweomer [Dweomercraft, magick] Alchemy [Alchemy, Thaumaturgy] Channelling [Channelling, entital magicks] Further Specialisations; by Specific Power Type [eg. Charming, Thought Scans etc.]

Region Lore: [INT/AW] Knowledge of the region selected and its important sites, people and tales. Region Lore gives the character a sound knowledge in the myths of an area and at master levels the truth behind these myths. Survival: [INT/AW] Survival techniques for finding food, potable water, shelter and suitable materials for construction of improvised tools and traps. The skill does not cover any needs such as an atmospheric filter or high grav stress relief but if the character has the equipment to handle the primary needs of survival in such hostile environs as these, the skill can be applied. Fields of skill; by Environment [eg. Forest, Urban, Plains, Artic, Desert, Spore Zone, Methane etc.]

Tolerance: [Varies] Tolerance is used to increase the resistance of the character to various conditions that would otherwise be harmful. The use of the tolerance skill cannot give a flat out immunity to a harmful condition or affect but in most instances can delay or lessen the affect to such a degree as to be close to harmless. In game terms this means the minimum effect of any poison, disease etc. will be equal to 1. Whether this is 1 point of damage or –1 to activity is relevant only to the situation. Fields of skill; Biological (Diseases, Viruses, Infections)[CO] Chemical (Poisons, Narcotics)[CO/PSY] Mental (Interrogation, Hypnosis, Fatigue)[PSY/WILL]


A-Grav Technics: [TECH] Compulsory Skills; Electrical Technics Level 4, Physics Level 5 Repair and construction of existing models of anti-gravity propulsion and generation systems and vehicles or other non-weapon machinery that utilise those systems. Further Specialisations; by generator model.

Computer Operation: [TECH] Operation of various standard computer operating systems in terms of low level programming and user tasks. Any complex software oriented task requires Engineering: Software. Further Specialisations; by Operating System/PoV compressor type [eg. Feric, Demigod etc.] Cyberspace Navigation

Computer Technics: [TECH] Repair and construction of standard computer models and components. This skill covers a large range of makes and types as well as their integration into an existing compatible system. The character will know what parts are or aren't compatible at the appropriate level of skill. Further Specialisations; by computer type [eg. Cyberdeck, mainframes]

Cyber-Tech: [TECH] Compulsory Skills; Electrical Technics Level 4, Computer Technics Level 3, Mechanics level 4. Repair and maintenance of electro-mechanical cybernetic implants and devices. The character is not able to implant cyber-tech herself. That requires Surgery: CyberTech. Further Specialisations; Organs Limbs Neuro-systems Weapons Cranial Systems etc.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers]

Demolitions: [TECH] Knowledge of safe use and storage of explosives. At average levels the skill allows a character to assess the strength of a target and determine the amount of explosive needed to topple, destroy or breach it. Demolitionists may follow existing recipes for explosive production but cannot make there own from scratch (vs. Chemistry). Further Specialisations; Bridges Buildings Safe Blasting Vehicles

Electrical Technics: [TECH] Fluency in electronic system jargon as well as capabilities of repair and construction of existing hardware. Electricians are constantly in demand and a character can easily pick up odd jobs to make cash on the side with this skill at a competent level. A requirement for many other Technics and Engineering skills. Electrical Technics is used for cracking electronic locks and other security measures. Combine with Sensor System Technics for comprehensive security system knowledge.

Energy Weapon Technics: [TECH] Compulsory Skill; Electrical Technics Level 6, Physics Level 5, Mechanical Weapon Technics Level 5. Covers repair and, at higher levels, construction of all energy type weapons such as lasers, plasma weapons, ripper-guns, gauss weapons and disintegrators. Anything that can't be fixed or built by Mechanical Weapon Technics is an appropriate task for this skill. Further Specialisations; by Energy Weapon type [eg. Plasma, Laser, Disintegrator etc.]

First Aid: [TECH] Ability to perform minor medical assistance to the injured and sick of the racial group. First Aid at average levels (5+) can be called Paramedic and at expert levels (10+) is known as Medicine. By the time First Aid reaches level 4 the character should have begun to learn the Diagnosis skill; which is much more useful in traumatic injury and field aid situations. Fields of skill; by Animal Kingdom [eg. Mammal, Amphibian, Hybrid etc.]

Mechanics: [TECH] Coverage of many technical areas including automotive repair, hydraulic systems and industrial machinery. Broadest of the Technics skills. A simple guide is if it uses lots of moving parts use the Mechanics skill. Further Specialisations; Hydraulic Combustion Engines

Metalworking: [TECH] Skill and practice with metal fabrication techniques and knowledge of materials. Metalworking ranges from smithing to machining based on the technology level of tools available. Further Specialisations: Machinist Welding

Mechanical Weapon Technics: [TECH] Compulsory Skills; one level of Machinist for every 3 levels of Mechanical Weapon Technics. Covers powder weapons and other slug throwers that do not need an energy source to fire. If it isn't covered by this skill one will need Energy Weapon Technics. Further Specialisations; Automatic Weapons (non-powered) Manual Repeaters Handguns Heavy Weapons Artillery (non-powered) Rocket Launchers

Sensor Operation: [TECH] Operating sensory systems of all kinds.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Further Specialisations; Medical Space Craft Tactical Vehicle Based

Sensor Systems Technics: [TECH] Compulsory Skills; Electronic Technics Level 2, Computer Technics Level 3. Repair and maintenance of sensory systems of all kinds, including smart gun rigs and targeting reticles & visors. Further Specialisations; Medical Space Craft Tactical Vehicle Based Targeting Systems

Space Craft Repair: [TECH] Compulsory Skills; Electrical Technics Level 4, Mechanics Level 5. Repair of any system or sub-system that is not classified in the following: FTL drive, computer, weapon systems on- board a space craft. Further Specialisations; Customisation Life Support Power Systems Armour

Warp Drive Technics: [TECH] Compulsory Skills; Physics Level 6, A-Grav Technics Level 5, Electrical Technics Level 8, Computer Technics Level 6, Mathematics Level 6. Any FTL drive or its sub-systems are repairable with this skill. Specialisation increases knowledge of likely problems and makes diagnosis thereof easier. Further Specialisations; Keeler Drive Warp Drive Hyper Drive or by specific Drive Type

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] COMBAT

The Black Dawn combat system hinges on activity points as a measure of activity per CR (combat round, 3 seconds) and initiative as a measure of situational awareness and preparedness.

BASIC ELEMENTS OF COMBAT This basic elements of combat in the Black Dawn system are named in this section. These basic elements of the Black Dawn combat system are required in all genres of combat.

COMBAT SKILL ADD Refers to the level add only. This can include specialisations.

COMBAT SKILL TOTAL Refers to the highest total a character can have at that time with the COMBAT skill.

ACTIONS/ACTIVITY POINTS= DX(bonus) + MO(bonus) + COMBAT SKILL ADD, divided by 3 per CR (3 seconds) Actions are abstracted movements that can take place in combat. This is the basic system of combat in Black Dawn. The number of actions a character has in combat per CR is based on their Combat Skill ADD, DX, MO and AW. Add the bonus (or penalty) from each STAT (DX, MO) to the Combat Skill Add then divide that by three. The character‟s AW is the cap, or limit, of the actions per CR. Thus if the total is greater than the character‟s AW use the AW itself as the number of activity points per CR.

Notes: 1) A character‟s AW is the limit of activity points per CR. 2) A character with positive, DX or MO and AW will always have at least ONE action per CR. 3) Only characters with a DX of zero or a MO of zero will have no combat actions in a CR. 4) Characters with AW of less than one are unconscious or dead and thus cannot make any attacks.

Calculating Activity Points Examples: 1) Clover has an Combat Skill Add of 7, DX of 18(+8) and MO of 14(+4). His AQ is 17. The total of the bonuses is 19 divided by 3 equals 6 and a third, round normally gives 6 activity points per CR. 2) Binnar Ghrek is an Ogre and has an AW of 14. His Combat Skill Add is 4, DX11(+1) and MO 12(+2). The total of the bonuses is 7, divided by 3 is 2 and a third, leaves 2 actions per CR. 3) A Lightforce Sentry Drone has an AW of 11. The Combat Skill Add from the program is 17, DX of 12(+2), MO of 30(+20). Total is 39 divided by 3 is 13 but 13 is higher than its AW of 11 so the number of activity points is capped at 11 per CR. 3) Ephram Zed is wounded and his AW is 18. His Combat Skill is at level 8, DX of 7(-3) and MO of 4(-6). Total is minus one but Ephram‟s MO and DX are both positive values which has his activity point total taken up to one point per CR.

All combat activity is composed of various actions with a minimum cost of one point. If you are unsure of how to determine the amount of points some action will take consider the examples.

Activity Points Usage Examples: 1) Jonesey is under fire but behind cover. Jonesey wants to cut a door-lock. His plas-torch is in his satchel (side-slung). The GM counts the actions based on what constitutes a basic action (one point); reach, open satchel, reach for plas-torch, ready plas-torch and begin cutting. It is after 5 activity points are used that Jonesey begins cutting the door lock at the plas-torch‟s rate. 2) Clover has used 4 out of 6 actions and with 2 remaining wants to pole-vault a nearby trench, enter a foxhole and throw a grenade through a machine-gun slit. Clover has his staff ready for the pole-vault and this precludes any grenade from being ready. The GM and the player count through the actions: run the distance (will take 2 actions), make the vault (skill-roll as well), enter the foxhole, remove grenade (from belt), prepare the grenade (will take 2 actions), throw the grenade. This adds to seven actions and Clover will only perform the first two actions with him about to pole-vault at the start of the next CR. The GM allows this as a dedicated action (see Initiative).

Basic actions cost one activity point. Full actions cost two activity points. Complex actions cost three activity points.

Examples of Actions Costing One Point:

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] 1) Firing a readied weapon at a perceived target without changing facing 2) Vocalising a very short phrase (1-8 words) 3) Hitting the switch that the character was ready to trigger 4) Reaching for something (grabbing) in the frontal 180 degree arc of the character 5) Readying a held weapon 6) Aiming a readied weapon 7) Making a basic melee attack with a readied weapon 8) Removing an object already reached for (grabbed) 9) Activating a simple device already held of readied 10) Running your allowed distance per action (see below)

INITIATIVE= 1d20+DX(bonus)+MO(bonus)+COMBAT SKILL ADD [If ambush situation add in ambush total] Initiative is a contest between all combatants that are aware of their respective attackers. The initiative of a character is required if a combat is commencing. If a character joins a combat in progress they have to roll initiative on the spot and join in whenever they can (based on their initiative).

Since an initiative is a contest the SM that one combatant gains over their target (the thing they are going to attack) gives an attack bonus on a one for one ratio. The limit of this bonus is equal to the AW of winner. This bonus is only for the very first attack made against that target. This is used in hand to hand, gun, weapon and vehicle combat. All combat initiatives except Power Combat (psychic, magick etc.) are figured this way. The skill level add is the key to this system. Characters with a low add will be slower than those with high adds. This reflects skilled and experienced peoples far greater ability to react without hesitation in a combat situation.

Initiative Examples: 1) If Tarriis Keyes won an initiative contest by 18 over a ghoul that he is going to attack he would only receive an attack bonus of 16 because that is his own AW score. 2) Willy Pork wins an Initiative by 3 points over a giant spider and gains a plus 3 modifier to his first attack. 3) Ephram Zed is poisoned and loses an initiative contest with a Byzgotium by 7. The Byzgotium has a plus 7 modifier to its first attack of the CR.

After all initiatives are rolled the character with the lowest declares their first action, then the next highest declares their action, then the next highest, until the character with the highest initiative declares last. This represents the situational awareness that the highest initiative in a situation possesses; the ability to react before others impending actions. It also allows a great deal of selection. It is vital that unperceived characters have their declarations kept secret.

Dedicated actions are those actions that are committed to in a previous round and cannot really be stopped. These actions, if performed as the final of a CR, gain an initiative bonus in the next CR equal to the applicable skill total bonus or STAT bonus. Most dedicated actions are non-combat and therefore do not receive the initiative win bonus against other combatants.

Dedicated Actions Examples: 1) Clover has dedicated to a pole-vault over a trench. The initiative bonus for this, Clover‟s first action, is equal to his MO bonus of four. Clover has an additional +4 to initiative in that CR. 2) Ephram Zed has dedicated to ramming his truck into an obstruction set into the courtyard at a hostile installation. He adds his driving total skill bonus to initiative for the next round. Unfortunately at the start of the next round Ephram sees the obstruction is laden with explosives but the ram is dedicated and he cannot change course.

Moral of the story: you act first, you probably live.

ALLOWED RUNNING DISTANCE PER ACTION A character can cover their MO in metres per CR when running. Divide the MO by number of actions to find the allowed running distance per activity point. Round to nearest single decimal, eg. 3.4. Activity Point Cost: One (per distance moved at a run)

Allowed Running Distance per Action Examples: 1) Clover has a MO of 14 and has 6 actions per CR. His allowable running distance per action is 14/6 or 2.3 metres. 2) A Lightforce Sentry Drone has a MO of 40 and 11 actions per CR. Its allowable running distance per action is 40/11 or 3.6 metres.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers]

Note: Just because a foe is performing an action that costs two or three activity points does not mean that a character can run three action points worth of distance.

BASIC COMBAT MOVEMENT The basic combat movement is a distance that a character can move in one action. This is usually a fast walk or crouched run. It is half the allowed running distance per action.

OBSERVING (DOING NOTHING, HOLDING BACK, etc.) It is impossible to do nothing for one‟s turn in combat. A combatant that holds back is actually observing the conflict and deciding on a course of action. This does count as an activity and will use one activity point. Observing allows the character to make a perception roll to garner information about the situation. The difficulty is based on the situation. Holding back is synonymous with hesitation and he who hesitates in combat, dies. Activity Point Cost: One.

BASIC COMBAT MOVES AND MANOEUVRES These are the standard ATTACK and DEFENSE moves. Others can be made but should be modelled on the existing ones for system continuity.

BASIC ATTACK= 1d20+COMBAT SKILL TOTAL+INITIATIVE WIN BONUS If successful; the listed damage of the weapon is inflicted (see also DAMAGE below). For melee weapons the SM divided by 4 is additional damage not to exceed the character's maximum with that weapon. Any attack counts as one basic action. Activity Point Cost: One

BLOCKING= 1d20 + ST(bonus) Blocking is the commitment to defence of the body with whatever is on hand for the character being attacked. The best way to block attacks is with a shield. The character basically tucks in behind their defensive object and holds in tight trying to minimize damage. It is a last ditch defence against opponents that are much quicker than oneself. If the blocker has a shield, use the parry bonus of the shield. If the blocker has a weapon, use its parry bonus. If the blocker is wearing armour, use the THR rating of that armour. Blocking is the ONLY move that costs no activity points and in general is only done when being attacked and the defendant has no activity points left to spend on parrying. The Blocking total is rolled once for the rest of the CR and that total is the TN for any and all frontal attackers. Note: just because Blocking costs no activity points doesn‟t mean that a paralysed character with zero activity points can perform it. One must still be able bodied. Activity Point Cost: Free

BASIC DODGE= 1d20+MO(Bonus) The basic dodge is the sudden movement of the defender to avoid, or hamper, the attack. The roll is applied against the attack total. Any success means the attack was dodged. GM‟s may allow the basic dodge to be used against missile and firearms attacks at ranges beyond close. Activity Point Cost: One

BASIC ATTACK AND MOVE= 1d20 + COMBAT SKILL TOTAL + INITIATIVE WIN BONUS + 1 Difficulty The character is attacking on the move with some kind of ranged weapon. The movement rate is reduced, to stabilise the ranged weapon attack, to one half of the allowable running distance. Distance covered is thus half of MO divided by Total Activity Points. Activity Point Cost: One

Example of Attack on the Move Distance Calculation: 1) Clem has a MO of 21. He has 6 activity points. 21/6 is 3.5metres per CR when running. Attacking on the move is half of 3.5metres, or 1.7metres.

MELEE COMBAT Melee combat is any hand to hand fighting involving striking weapons, fists, feet, etc. It can be thought of as armed and unarmed combat or any combat that does not involve a gun or other ranged weapon.

MELEE ATTACK= 1d20+COMBAT SKILL TOTAL Using the total for the relevant melee skill (the GM will tell you) roll using the formula above. A successful strike will apply normal damage plus ST bonus to the target. Each point of SM will add one point of damage to the normal damage rating up to the

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] maximum damage. Like all attacks, it uses a basic action. Activity Point Cost: One

HOLDS/GRAPPLES= 1d20+COMBAT SKILL TOTAL+ (Attacker's ST-Defender's ST) Attacker rolls to strike like any other attack but applies the extra modifier based on the differences in ST. If the defender is stronger, it acts as a penalty to successfully grapple them. Is best used to immobilise a foe after a parry. Grappling is a full action unless performed after a successful parry where it is a basic action. Activity Point Cost: Two (one if immediately following a parry).

FIGHTING WITH ONE WEAPON IN EACH HAND Combat with a weapon in each hand is a superior technique that is used by most serious fighters. Having a sword and a shield is the most common form of this approach to combat. The shield is used to parry for advantage and the sword to drive home the wounds. It must be noted which weapon is in the off-hand of the wielder. Weapon size is a factor in the penalties that are achieved when fighting with weapons akimbo.

Weapon Off-hand Weapon Penalty Off-hand Penalty Larger than OH Is weapon -2 -4 Same as OH Is weapon -4 -4 Smaller than OH Is weapon -4 -6 Weapon smaller than OH Is shield -1 -2 Weapon same size as OH Is shield -4 -6 Weapon larger than OH Is shield -6 -8 Shield smaller than OH Is shield -4 -6 Shield same size as OH Is shield -6 -8 Shield larger than OH Is shield -8 -8 Note: OH refers to the Off-Hand object.

FEINTING= 1d20+COMBAT SKILL ADD + AW/DX A fake attack to gain advantage for a follow-up attack by luring an opponent to parry, react, or otherwise waste concentration to open their defences. The purpose is to improve the attack the feint is covering. The Feinting roll is versus the Defender‟s COMBAT SKILL + AW/DX. The SM divided by 2 is added to the next opportunity to ATTACK. If the feint is the last action of the combat between the two involved combatants the SM/2 can be used as a bonus to next INITIATIVE roll. Takes one basic action to perform. Activity Point Cost: One

PARRYING= 1d20+COMBAT SKILL TOTAL[+Parry Bonus] The classic opposed skill contest. The attacker rolls to attack and the total is what the defender needs to equal or exceed with the parry roll to negate the attack. The roll includes the weapon‟s, or shield‟s, parry bonus. A parry is a basic action. Activity Point Cost: One

ROLL WITH AN ATTACK= 1d20+COMBAT SKILL TOTAL An attempt to reduce damage from melee attacks. The roll is against TN:20 with the amount of damage added to the TN. Thus a blow of 8 damage will have a TN:28. Each SM of one reduces the damage by one. The maximum damage reduction is equivalent to the Combat Level Add. A character with level 6 in a melee combat skill cannot reduce damage by more than 6 points. Activity Point Cost: One

MELEE DODGE= 1d20+COMBAT SKILL TOTAL Like the basic dodge but using melee skill and athletic ability to increase distance at the same time. The roll must exceed the attack total. SM is used as a metre of distance gained with a limit of the Allowed Running Distance. The melee dodge cannot be used against missile attacks of any kind. Activity Point Cost: One

SPECIALIST MOVES Some specialisations in armed and unarmed combat give access to certain special moves. These moves can only be attempted by those with the relevant specialisation level at three, the prerequisite specialisation level for that move, or the core skill at three levels higher than the required specialisation level (base of level 6).

THROWS= 1d20+COMBAT SKILL TOTAL+ (Attacker's ST- Defender's ST) Throws can only be performed from a successful hold, grapple or parry. If attempted from a hold or grapple the difference in ST is

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] the modifier to the ATTACK roll. Thus if the defenders strength is higher, the one attempting the Throw is at a disadvantage. Specialisation Level: One Activity Point Cost: One (performed only from a Hold, Grapple, Joint Lock or Parry)

WEAPON SNARE= 1d20+COMBAT SKILL TOTAL + (Attackers ST-Defender‟s ST) The weapon snare is like a hold or grapple but executed with the melee weapon. This is combat option can be used in place of a parry in which case the roll must exceed the attack that is being parried. Specialisation Level: One Activity Point Cost: Two (one if performed as a parry)

PARRYING FOR ADVANTAGE= 1d20+COMBAT SKILL TOTAL+SHIELD MOD This can only be performed by trained combatants. It works just like a normal parry except the attackers FM is added to your follow-up ATTACK. But, as with feinting, it is limited by your own AW total. Parrying for advantage counts as a basic action. Parrying for advantage does not work with power blocks. Specialisation Level: One Activity Point Cost: One

Parrying for Advantage Example: 1) You parry with a total of 26 versus your opponents total of 10. The attacker failed by 10 but unfortunately, your AW is 10 so you only receive +10 to your follow up attack. Parrying counts as a basic action. If the character fails; the FM is added to the opponents hit roll.

PASSING STRIKE= 1d20+COMBAT SKILL TOTAL Specialisation must be at least +5. Attacker rushes opponent, strikes, turns behind opponent and strikes again. The second strike, is only possible if the first was successful. It is a free blow that the target cannot defend against. If the defender successfully parries or defends against the attacker's first strike it spoils the whole move. Passing strikes inflict more damage on the initial blow: SM divided by 2 for extra damage on the first blow only. Uses a full action. The passing strike can be used as a DODGE and the roll must also be high enough to avoid the attack being dodged as well as striking (one roll does both). A passing strike can incorporate a basic combat movement. Specialisation Level: One Activity Point Cost: Two

KNOCKDOWNS (SM:7) Knockdowns are a SM option of +7 or higher. To clarify; anytime a trained combatant scores a hit with a SM of 7 or higher they may elect to knock the target to the ground. There is no extra damage or anything else. The SM of 7 is used up on knocking the target over but any extra SM (that is the points over the needed 7) can be used as damage. This will force the opponent to spend an action of re-orientation and another action to get up or be at –5 to all combat rolls. Specialisation Level: Two

POWER BLOCKS= 1d20+COMBAT SKILL TOTAL Strength oriented martial arts and many melee weapons techniques use this move often. All melee weapon combatants can attempt this move against unarmed attackers. Works as a parry except the SM of the parry divided by 4 is applied as bonus damage to a blow as if the attacker struck with the power-blocking weapon up to the weapon's maximum damage. If the attacker is unarmed, this damage is automatically assumed to go to the limb that was used to make the attack. When the attacker is armed the power block strikes the weapon. A SM equal to or greater than the attacker's COMBAT SKILL LEVEL is needed to land the power block on the armed opponent itself. Specialisation Level: Three Activity Point Cost: One

Power Block Example: 1) Ephram Zed is in a knife fight with a sand tusker. The sand tusker stabs at Zed with a total of 19. Zed power blocks the sand tusker's knife thrust with a total of 29 (way to go!). The sand tuskers COMBAT SKILL LEVEL is a measly 4. Zed drags the blade along the inside of the sand tusker's arm doing 10 damage (4 from the knife,+2 from SM, +4 from ST). The sand tusker's arm is now a dangling, bloody mess.

JOINT LOCKS= 1d20+COMBAT SKILL TOTAL A favourite of more defensive styles of unarmed combat such as Aikido and Jujitsu to constrict the joint of a target's limb to near breaking point for the use of control. The move is best done in place of a parry (Target number = Attacker's strike total). The SM is a penalty against the victim's ST for immediate escape. The best time to get out of a joint lock is straight away.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers]

Joint Lock Example: 1) Ephram Zed is being attacked by Larry. Larry rolls a total attack of 19 and Ephram Zed rolls a for joint lock move with a total of 25. Ephram Zed catches Larry in an elbow lock with a SM of 6. Larry's ST is considered to be at minus 6 for this immediate chance of escape. A standard escape test with minus six can be attempted by Larry as an immediate basic action (if he has one activity point remaining). If Larry does not attempt to escape immediately, or fails his immediate attempt to escape, Ephram Zed can attempt to inflict damage as if his ST is six points higher AND Larry‟s ST is still reduced by the original six points.

Anyone caught in a joint lock and failing the immediate escape test is at the captor's mercy. To hold the target the captor's ST can be increased by the SM to a max of triple the captor‟s ST. This increase cannot be used to inflict damage until the immediate chance of escape has failed. At any time after the immediate escape has failed, or not been undertaken, the captor can make a ST test against a difficulty equal to: the target's joint-locked ST, with a bonus equal to the original SM, to dislocate or snap the joint. Body Armour may make a joint lock ineffective and Combat Armour adds its AR to the effective ST of the victim. Counts as a basic action if done as a Parry. Counts as a full action if used as an Attack. See also Holds/Grapples. Specialisation Level: Five Activity Point Cost: Two (as an attack), One (if in place of a parry)

NERVE STRIKES= 1d20+COMBAT SKILL TOTAL Nerve strikes are uncommon moves taught in the more brutal martial arts. Nerve strikes are designed to temporarily cause great pain or loss of sensation by impact to ganglions and nerve structures in joints, cavities and soft tissues. The successful nerve strike will force the target to roll versus SS regardless of the actual damage. SM/2 is the penalty to the targets SS roll. Some damage must be delivered for a nerve strike to succeed thus armoured foes are more difficult targets than usual. Specialisation Level: Five Activity Point Cost: One

USING ACROBATICS WITH MELEE COMBAT The Acrobatics skill allows a character a great deal more movement in a combat environment: particularly a closed space. Using walls as springboards and push-off points for sudden changes in direction can assist a character in combat and enhance their effectiveness. The benefits are dependent on the terrain and the GM can assign a target number, usually TN:25 to TN:30, for the character to roll against. For each four point of SM a bonus to the next attack of one is added with a cost of one extra action point (maximum of three action points can be spent in one attack) for the increased activity. Activity Point Cost: add one to normal cost of move performed (maximum of three)


SNAP SHOT= 1d20+COMBAT SKILL TOTAL + 1 Difficulty A snap-shot is firing a missile weapon at the target as quickly as possible. It is quicker than aiming but for that reason inaccurate as the firer is moving too fast to attempt to use the sights. It is basically getting the firing end of the weapon toward the target and discharging as quickly as possible. To perform a snap-shot the character must be holding a loaded weapon. The only way to negate the snapshot penalty is to aim for the minimum time (see Aiming). Otherwise the shot is increased +1 difficulty. The Sharpshooting skill bonus can be added to each snap-shot although the +1 difficulty is still in effect with any and all snap-shot attacks. Activity Point Cost: One

Range Distance Difficulty Target Number Damage Modifier Point Blank within 2 metres Easy 10 None (Alt=Max) Close 10% of Effective Normal 15 None Medium ¼ of effective Moderate 20 None Long ½ of effective Difficult 25 None Effective Effective Hard 30 None Full Double Effective Very Hard 40 Half, 50% Extended Double Full Insane 50 Quarter, 25% Extreme Triple Full Almost Impossible 75 Tenth, 10%

Snap Shot Example: 1) Gunnar Brashahari is firing his crossbow at a pop-up target that is at one half of the weapon‟s effective range. Gunnar had the weapon ready but it wasn‟t even pointed at the target. The GM rules it is a snap shot. Normally the shot would be at a difficulty of 25 but the snap shot increases it to the next level of 30.

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AIMING Aiming is steadying the weapon to increase the accuracy of the shot. Aiming negates the snap-shot penalty but the aim time increases with the range of the target being engaged (see table below). Subsequent actions spent aiming may increase the accuracy of the shot. The range to target effects the amount of time that must be spent for increased accuracy.

Range Distance Minimum Aim Time Activity Points for +1 ACC Point Blank within 2 metres 0 1 Close 10% of Effective 1 1 Medium ¼ of effective 2 1 Long ½ of effective 3 1 Effective Effective 4 1 Full Double Effective 6 2 Extended Double Full 10 3 Extreme Triple Full 20 4

The minimum aim time is the number of activity points that must be spent preparing to fire. The snap-shot penalty still applies until the minium aim time has been achieved. Once the minimum aim time has been achieved subsequent activity points spent aiming can add accuracy to the shot. This bonus ACC is limited by the characters skill in Marksmanship. If a character is unskilled in Marksmanship, the limit is +2 to ACC. Activity Point Cost: varies

Aiming Example: 1) Clover is aiming his Polyoss w-460 rifle at a sand tusker that is at long range. The minimum aim time is 3 activity points. Clover wants to increase his accuracy by spending more time aiming. He has Marksmanship at level 5. Clover will receive an ACC bonus of +1 for each action he spends aiming after the initial 3 activity points. The ACC increases as below. The table shows that Clover does not receive an ACC bonus until he spends 4 actions aiming. The snap-shot penalty applies until the minimum aim time has been achieved. Activity Points Spent Modifiers 0 Snap-shot 1 Snap-shot 2 Snap-shot 3 +0 4 +1 5 +2 6 +3 7 +4 8 +5 9+ +5 (cannot go any higher)

Aiming Example: 2) Clover is aiming his gauss rifle at a target which is at double effective range. He spends the minimum aiming time of ten activity points and now wants to gain bonus accuracy. For each three activity points spent subsequent to the minimum time aiming he will receive an ACC bonus of +1. Clover still has five levels of Marksmanship and is thus limited to an ACC bonus of +5. Refer to the table below. Activity Points Spent Modifiers 0 Snap-shot 1 through 9 Snap-shot 10 through 12 +0 13 through 15 +1 16 through 18 +2 19 through 21 +3 22 through 24 +4 25 through 27 +5 28 through +5 (cannot go any higher)

RECOIL (RCL) Recoil's effect in game terms is the minimum strength one can have to use the weapon without reduction in accuracy. The actual procedure is RCL-ST= accuracy reduction. A negative figure is ignored. Anyone who is firing a weapon with a recoil penalty has

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] that same penalty applied to all shots made. Recoil penalties that exceed the firer‟s ST (eg. RCL = 2 * firer‟s ST) will cause damage on a point for point basis to a maximum of the RCL/4.

Recoil Examples: 1) Kan Shuei is firing a Volgensbach grenade launcher loaded with WP grenades. Kan Shuei has a ST of 7 and the weapon has a RCL of 20. The recoil penalty is 13, 6 more than Kan‟s ST of 7. The damage of recoil by the Volgensbach is limited to its RCL divided by 4, or 5 points. He will take 5 points of damage to his arms every time he fires the Volgensbach. 2) Gunnar Brashahari is trying to fire a 72mm mortar from the hip. Its RCL is 45. Gunnar has ST of 18. The recoil penalty is 27, 9 more than Gunnar‟s ST. The damage of the mortar‟s recoil is limited to 45 divided by 4, or 11. Gunnar is already wounded and has 4 HITS left. He fires the mortar and takes 11 damage knocking him out and placing him in a coma. The shot misses (RCL penalty of 27 is a –27 ACC as well).

Important Note: Modern combat armour adds its THR to the ST of the wearer for the purposes of RCL control.

AUTOFIRE= 1d20+COMBAT SKILL TOTAL+AUTOFIRE TOTAL Autofire is the term for burst fire on a single target. It is also called trigger lock, hosing and concentrated fire. The purpose of the autofire attack is to place as many rounds as possible on target. The SM is the number of rounds that strike the target limited by the ROF of the weapon.

Autofire Example: 1) Jonesey makes an Autofire attack versus a TN of 25. Jonesey‟s total attack is 29 which gives an SM of 4. Jonesey‟s Autofire attack lands 4 rounds on the target.

If the weapon has a recoil that the character cannot handle the SM functions differently. For every part of the SM that equals recoil penalty (must be figured per weapon per character), an extra round hits the target. If the recoil penalty is 6 and the SM is 7, then two extra rounds hit. If the RCL is 6 and the SM is 12 two extra rounds hit the target whereas 13 would be three. The weapon is considered to have fired its ROF in rounds. Minimum ROF of a weapon that can be used for Autofire is 3. If a character does not take the minimum aim time for the range of the target being engaged the snapshot penalty will also apply. Any character who has the Autofire skill may add in the TOTAL to the Autofire attack roll. A character can take extra time to increase accuracy as well and this bonus will stack on the Autofire attack roll. Activity Point Cost: One

Autofire Example: 2) Tarriis Keyes is firing his Sa-Tech Slagbolter at a fierce alien critter. It has a ROF of 4 and a recoil of 12. Tarriis has a ST of 15 and therefore has no recoil penalty. The alien critter is within close range, target number of 10. Taariis rolls 10, a small cheer and another roll adds 5. Add 8 from Handgun:Plasma and he has 23. To this he adds 8 from his skill chip for Autofire giving a grand total of 31. Tarriis hits with with all 4 bolts. 3) Tarriis is firing a Scar LMG with a RCL of 17 and a ROF of 9 at a fierce alien monster with a net TN of 20. Tarriis has a ST of 15 and a recoil penalty of 2. He rolls and ends with a total of 25. Three extra rounds strike the monster.

SPRAYING= 1d20+ROF+COMBAT SKILL TOTAL + AUTOFIRE TOTAL This is a very effective yet ammo eating attack. Character is firing wildly on full auto to lay down a blanket of fire over the target area. Chances are something in the area will be hit by a discharge. Figure to hit numbers as any AUTOFIRE attack and success is a single round hit. The SM divided by the recoil penalty is the number of extra rounds that hit. Maximum number of extra rounds that hit is equal to half of the ROF. Activity Point Cost: Two

RAKING= 1d20 + COMBAT SKILL TOTAL + AUTOFIRE TOTAL Walking your fire over a number of targets is the process that is known as RAKING. Difficult to master but easy to get some kind of result. It is an AUTOFIRE attack variation that is best used when outnumbered or for cover fire. Target numbers are calculated as follows:

Raking Step Method Range to first target Normal Number of targets +2 per target (not including the first target) Space between targets +1 per metre of space in the whole RAKING attack All RAKING attacks +1 DIFFICULTY (after mods)

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] The number of rounds required to complete the RAKING attack is 1 per target and 1 per metre of space between each target. If a combatant doesn't have a high enough ROF, only the first targets and metres of space can be hit. Eg. 4 targets with a metres of space between each. A required ROF of 7 but an actual ROF of 4. Only the first 2 targets will be hit on a successful roll, the third hearing a projectile whiz past the intervening space. If you have more ROF than is needed, extra rounds can be assigned to the start or end targets of the RAKING at a rate of one round per SM = RCL of the weapon used. Activity Point Cost: Two

Raking Fire Example: 1) Detective Johnson is firing on 4 Cyber-cutters that decided they want to remove the detective's spine. The first target is 12m away and 2 metres from the next 'cutter. The next two are very close, no space between them while the fourth is 1 metre further past. Johnson's weapon needs a ROF of 7 to hit them all, he has only 5. The TN is 15(range) + 6 (extra targets) + 3(metres of space) = 22. Add 1 DIFFICULTY to this makes 25. Johnson's player rolls a 9, adds COMBAT SKILL TOTAL of 13 and AUTOFIRE total of 5 = 27. The first target is hit, rounds fly through the space between the second target, then hit the second target and the third target.


DOUBLE TAPPING= 1d20+COMBAT SKILL TOTAL Any longarm or handgun with a ROF of 2 or higher is able to double tap. It is effectively a kind of short burst. The chances of a dual hit are greatly increased. The second shot hits if the SM is greater than 3. Activity Point Cost: Two

TRIGGER FLURRY= 1d20+COMBAT SKILL TOTAL+1Difficulty Using a semi-automatic weapon for a long time garners an intimate knowledge of the trigger mechanism. Most weapons will fire as fast as you can squeeze the trigger. Trigger flurry is the use of minimal trigger movement to fire as fast as possible. Essentially flexing the trigger just enough to repeat fire without letting the trigger come fully forward again. Some weapons it is not possible to do this. Character can fire as many rounds, up to the level of the specialisation with that particular weapon, in a long action. (Must have a Specialisation in that weapon at level 4 or higher) Activity Point Cost: Two

HARRIS DRILL= 1d20+COMBAT SKILL TOTAL+2 Difficulty Most often used with handguns at close proximity this is a rapid semi-auto trigger flurry that places 2 shots to the torso and one to the head. Basic success scores one torso hit. 3 points of SM scores the next torso hit and another 3 points of SM means the final slug has hit the target in the head. Harris Drill is only useful on humanoid creatures. Additional SM above that required adds damage to the first round. The weapon being used must have a ROF of at least two. Activity Point Cost: Two

Harris Drill Example: 1) Clover has a Glock-17C readied and is attempting a Harris Drill on a storming ghoul. The TN to hit the ghoul is 20. Clover rolls his attack and gets a total of 28. Total SM is 8. The first slug hits the ghoul in the torso (3 points of SM), the second slug hits the ghoul in the torso (3 points of SM) but the third slug misses (only 2 points of SM remaining).

DAMAGE Weapons inflict damage when a successful attack is resolved. The gross damage is a concept that applies to the attack as a whole. Net damage applies to the targets body. In the case of constructs, vehicles and objects the distinction between gross damage and net damage is not necessary. Net damage is the figure that is subtracted from the target‟s HITS. Weapons and attack types have a damage yield or damage rating (see DAM). Some wounds of high damage yield will have additional effects of shock and bleeding (see CRT and SS). Particular weapons and munitions are more capable of penetrating armour (see PEN).

DAMAGE (DAM) All weapons inflict their listed normal damage upon a successful attack. Each point of SM increases the damage by 1 up to the maximum damage listed for the weapon type except in the case of explosives and grenades (see below). Normal damage for melee and thrown weapons is increased by the character‟s ST bonus but is capped at the maximum damage listed for that weapon type.

ST Add Example:

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] 1) Tarriis Keyes has +4 ST add to a Knife. The normal damage is 3 and the maximum damage is 6. Tarriis inflicts 6 damage even though 3 +4 (ST) is 7 it exceeds the maximum of 6.

Alt DAM: For those of us who like to roll dice for damage, be it a special TK ability, or you think the set damage system sucks, use the reference to Alt DAM. The dice are rolled and totalled. All relevant bonuses such as ST bonus, pen/dam etc. are still added in the intended manner.

Note: Melee and thrown weapons generally have a normal damage that is one third of maximum damage. Handguns and Longarms generally have a normal damage that is one half of maximum damage.

PEN The PEN rating of a weapon is a damage add which is only applicable against the THR and AR of any armour. Some weapons may have two listings under their PEN rating such as +3/-1. The second number is the modifier to tissue damage.

PEN Example: 1) Tarriis Keyes fires a GE „Halloway Special‟ plasma pistol at Drachsam. The pistol has a PEN of +2/+1. Drachsam is in a suit of FerroCarb with an AR of 12. The PEN rating of the pistol effectively reduces the AR to 10. The pistol inflicts 12 points of damage and 2 points make it through to Drachsam but the PEN is +2/+1 so an extra +1 damage is inflicted on Drachsam for a total of 3 points of damage. Note Tissue damage attached to PEN ratings make the game more dangerous. Drop this if it is causing too many casualties in your campaign.

Note Tissue damage attached to PEN ratings make the game more dangerous. Drop this if it is causing too many casualties in your campaign.

CRT Anytime the character takes damage that amounts to their CRT rating or more, they must make an SS roll. Any damage that exceeds the crit rating is taken off the subsequent SS roll.

CRT Example: 1) Jonesey has a CRT of 6 and is hit for 9 damage. He must make a SS roll at –3. Whenever a character receives a critical, they will be at the mercy of their SS roll. This determines how severe the critical wound is. The minimum effect of any critical wound is –1 to all skill rolls and the effectiveness of any STAT.

Note: Penalties from critical wounds are cumulative.

SS System shock is the bonus to a roll that governs the effects of a wound in terms of stun value, bleeding and maintaining consciousness. The roll is versus a target number of 10 with 10 or higher being successful resistance to system shock effects. Every point of damage that exceeds the CRT rating is a penalty to the roll.

SS Examples: 1) Jonesey is bayoneted in an ambush. He takes a total of 7 damage. His CRT is 5. Jonesey has to roll a SS with a –2 modifier. His SS is 4. Jonesey rolls 1d20+4-2. He needs to roll an 8 to carry on without additional penalty.

Below are the effects of SS failure. Each point of failure up to the CRT of the character is a lost basic action due to shock/stun. Every 2 points of failure are additional penalties to all skill rolls and effectiveness of STATS. (CRT penalty) A fail of more than the characters CRT indicates a KO. A fail of more than CRT+CO means coma (character will take 1 HIT per CR until dead). A fail of CRT+CO+PSY means instant death.

SS Examples: 2) Jonesey is bayoneted for the same damage as in Example 1, rolls the die and scores a 6. The crit gives him a –2, (-1 base plus –1 from FM/2) penalty to all actions from the wound. 3) Ephram Zed, the hobgoblin shadowslinger, is cornered by GalPol after a snitch's tip-off. GalPol fire on him and the first round hits for 28 damage. Ephram Zed's CRT is 7 and his SS is 6. Ephram's player must roll against critical shock. 28 – 7(CRT) = 21. The roll is 1d20 + 6 – 21. The needed roll is 25! Ephram's player rolls a 1 and ends with a total of –14. The FM is 36. (eek!). Ephram Zed's CRT + CO is 23. Ephram Zed is KO'd by the shot and put in a bleeding coma.


Grenades and explosives inflict tremendous damage in their immediate vicinity. Black Dawn breaks any blast into concentric 'zones'. Ground zero, or the first zone, is where the full damage of the explosion is applied. Each zone, or BR, outward from ground zero and the damage is halved (round all fractions down); out to the maximum blast radius. Consider the Black Frag Mk-2 Grenade. It has a PEN of 6, DAM of 90, BR of 5 and a MAX of 25. Each zone is 5 metres in radius. At ground zero, the first zone, full PEN and DAM is applied to any targets within 5 metres of the detonating grenade. Zone 2, the next zone more than 5 metres up to 10 metres away from the grenade, PEN and DAM are halved to 3 and 45 respectively. Halved again in Zone 3, PEN is 1 and DAM is 22, from greater than 10 metres to 15 metres. In Zone 4 PEN is halved to 0.5 which becomes 0. No PEN bonus for the shrapnel. The damage is down to 11. Zone 5, final zone at 25 metres, damage is halved again to 5.

See the diagram entitled: BLASTZONE DIAGRAM

Grenade Blast Zones Example: 1) A GalPol "Baby Bomb" detonates in open ground. Zulweiger is at 116 metres, Drachsam is at 60 metres, Clem at 26 metres and Ephram Zed is 6 metres from the grenade when it explodes. Looking at the grenades stats it does a massive 580 damage, has a BR of 15 and the MAX is 115. Ouch! Ephram Zed is considered to be at ground zero and takes full damage to his armour or whatever else is about to be destroyed. Clem is inside 30 metres and is thus in the second zone, he takes 290 damage. Drachsam is at 60 metres and in the fourth zone. He takes 72 damage. Zulweiger is at 116 metres and outside the final zone, it takes no damage but feels the blast as a warm wind carrying grit and bits of Ephram Zed. Moral of the story; don't shoot it out with GalPol!

ARMOUR Armour in Black Dawn is kept as simple as possible while trying to reflect the fact that futuristic composite can absorb tremendous damage before being breached. All armour has 3 statistics. 2 of which are closely related.

THRESHOLD [THR] The threshold of an armour suit is the amount of damage it can sustain without harm to it or the wearer. The wearer refers to anything the armour is meant to be protecting. This is closely related to the AR in game terms.

Armour THR Example: 1) Drachsam is protected by a suit of Ghanifrede FerroCarb plate; THR=5. He is hit by a round from Willy Porks' gopher rifle that does 5 damage. The armour is unscathed.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] ARMOUR RATING [AR] The AR of a suit is the amount of damage that is needed to injure the wearer. If a suit receives damage that exceeds the THR but not the AR then the suit itself takes the excess damage. If the damage exceeds the AR then the wearer takes the excess damage.

Armour AR Example: 1) Later on in the fire fight with Willy Pork, Drachsam is hit with a ripperbolt which delivers 28 points of damage. His suit of FerroCarb plate has an AR of 12. Drachsam receives the excess of 16.

STRUCTURE [STR] STR of an armour suit measures it's HITS. Any damage in between the THR and the AR is applied to the STR. If the STR falls to 0 then the suit is rendered ineffective.

Armour STR Example: 1) The hit from the ripperbolt that penetrated Drachsam‟s suit of FerroCarb would have taken 7 off the armour's STR.

ENCUMBRANCE [ENC] Encumbrance of the armour is its arbitrary weight and awkwardness while worn. It effects the amount of gear a character can carry as well as their maximum movement rate and EXH expenditure. Combat armour is often very heavy.

ARMOUR SIZE [ASZ] Armour size is not a stat that is listed with the equipment. It is needed to determine the exact statistics of your size of armour. Larger armour is heavier, more durable and more costly. Calculation is based on HT and WT. Where HT is the character‟s height in metres, eg. 1.7 and WT being the characters body weight in kilograms.

Armour size = N / 100 ( rounded to the first decimal place ) where; N = ( HT times WT ) – 24.

Note: This can also be used as an effective body size measurement with 1.0 being the average Black Dawn human.

Armour Examples: 1) Tarriis Keyes is a Yad smuggler. He is 1.54 metres tall and weighs a meaty 67 kilograms. 1.54 times 67 = 103. 103 – 24 = 79. 79/100 = 0.79 Tarriis Keyes armour size is .8. Armour size is used as a multiplier for armour STR, ENC and COST. All results are rounded normally, eg. 2.5 = 3 and 2.2 = 2. 2) Tarriis Keyes wants to purchase a suit of Blonskavich Light combat armour. Its modified stats are as follows: STR = 24 Enc = 8 Cost = 5200.

Some weapons are specifically designed to defeat armour and deliver damage to the wearer. Examples include bodkin arrows, estoks (a type of stabbing weapon), shaped charges and sabot rounds. To handle the special effects of these munitions and other weapons Black Dawn uses a penetration [PEN] rating (see Combat, Common Procedures, PEN).

STRUCTURES IN COMBAT Structures are functionally just like armour. They are protective shells that surround an interior. In the case of a building this is walls, windows, floors and rooves. Inside the building further structures protect sub-areas of the building such as interior walls, doors and partitions. Based on the purpose of the structure and its material a few numbers should be calculated to represent the integrity in game mechanics terms. Use the table as a guide. Layering applies only to AR and STR.

Material THR AR STR Layering Notes Chipboard 1 5 5 1cm Cheap furniture Particleboard 3 7 10 1cm More polymer than wood Softwood 8 10 10 2cm Pine, bamboo, etc. Hardwood 12 16 20 2cm Redwood, oak, etc. Soft metal sheeting 10 20 20 1cm Tin, zincalum, etc. Hard metal sheeting 14 24 30 1cm Boiler plate, etc. Walls THR AR STR Layering Notes Plaster 2 4 5 1cm Dry wall, fibro-cement, etc. Adobe 4 8 15 5cm Cob, formed earth, etc. Mud bricks 6 10 20 5cm Sun dried

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Rammed earth 8 12 30 5cm Bricks 10 14 30 5cm Fired clay, cinderblock, etc. Concrete 10 16 35 5cm Mortar, sandstone, etc. Reinforced concrete 10 20 40 5cm Steel internal skeleton Stone 15 25 50 5cm Marble, granite, bluestone, etc. Plasticrete* 38 48 80 5cm Cement with polymer Duracrete* 52 62 100 5cm Metallic cement Steel 20 30 130 1cm Cermaisteel* 60 70 2HP 1cm Macrocarbon* 2HP 3HP 2KP 1cm Can be transparent Windows THR AR STR Layering Notes Normal glass 4 6 10 1cm Silica glass Double glazing 5 7 20 1cm Laminated normal glass Plate glass 8 12 60 1cm Tempered glass that is laminated Plexiglass 10 16 100 1cm Perspex, polymer based Polycarbonate 10 18 150 1cm Ultra rigid transparent polymer Transparent Aluminium* 50 60 500 1cm Crystanium* 1HP 2HP 1KP 1cm Crystalline titanium Macrocarbon* 2HP 3HP 2KP 1cm Can be opaque for use as walls Reinforcements THR AR STR Layering Notes Softwood beam 20 24 60 Per unit Pine, bamboo, etc. Hardwood beam 24 28 100 Per unit Redwood, oak, etc. Steel strut 20 30 50 Per unit Small pipes, large brackets Steel beam 30 40 100 Per unit Steel girder 40 50 200 Per unit Major structural member Ceramisteel strut* 40 50 150 Per unit Small pipes, large brackets Ceramisteel beam* 55 65 500 Per unit Ceramisteel girder* 75 85 1KP Per unit Major structural member * denotes hi-tech materials.

THR 10 Thickness Table Material Cm Notes Concrete# 1.5 Cement, rammed earth, etc. Glass 1.5 Silica glass Reinforced Concrete 1.2 Steel skeleton Stone# 1.1 Fitted stone, mortared stone Hardwood 1.0 Redwood, oak, etc. Plexiglass 0.8 Perspex Polycarbonate 0.7 Hard enough to make knives Plasticrete*# 0.6 Polymer cement Duracrete*# 0.5 Metallic cement Steel 0.3 Basic steel, iron Transparent Aluminium* 0.25 Standard spaceship porthole Ceramisteel* 0.1 High tech Crystanium* 0.05 Crystalline titanium Macrocarbon* 0.01 Almost diamond Note: materials that are in the structure guide and not in the THR 10 thickness table can never have a THR of 10. They are too soft. * denotes hi-tech materials. # these materials are so brittle that they would crack under their own weight or minor loading if used as a wall at this thickness.

COMBAT PROCEDURE Combat is resolved in passes. Each pass is performed from highest initiative to lowest initiative and encompasses the declaration and resolution of actions. The score of the initiative is the time that a character can initiate action. One who has action initiated against them can respond if they are both aware of the action and have activity points remaining to react.

Remember that the character with the highest initiative score for the round will hear all the other combatants declarations.

When a character has initiative they can expend activity-points as an attack-movement.

The combat procedure is essentially as follows:

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] 1) All combatants who intend to take part in the combat must roll initiative. 2) Combatant with the lowest initiative declare their action then the next lowest declares and on and on until the highest roll declares last. The combatant with the highest initiative roll resolves their attack first, then next highest, etc. Any initiative draws are resolved between the opponents who drew by rolling initiative again between themselves. If this time they roll another draw then the dice have 'decided' they attack at exactly the same moment, usually hitting each other without a chance to parry or take any kind of defensive action. 3) The characters being attacked (if initiative allowed them to) can attempt to take some sort of defensive action if activity points are available to cover the cost of that action. 4) After every combatant that is able has initiated an action those with activity points remaining can initiate another action starting with the highest initiative rolled. This is called the second pass. 5) Initiative is rolled again for any character in the combat has been wounded or otherwise had a stat changed. This includes EXH.

Combat Example: Willy Pork, Clem and Jonesey are trying to kill Drachsam the amateur mage. Initiative is rolled with a d20 and Drachsam wins with a 22 followed by Clem with a 20 then Jonesey on 14 and Willy Pork last with a total of 12. First pass: Drachsam intends to prepare his new magickal effect. A spell he calls “the gutburster” that requires 3 activity points to prepare and one activity point to actually attack with. The spell is a disruption of the target's innards through the use of the current and friction field of magick. Drachsam makes his spell casting roll now, 35 vs. TN of 25 (SM 10), and will throw the spell after 2 more actions of preparation. Clem is unarmed and decides to draw a throwing knife. This will take one action. Jonesey had a 9mm Berretta already drawn and in his hand. Ever the optimist Jonesey takes a snap shot at Drachsam‟s head. The range is medium, TN of 20, +1 Difficulty, for a TN of 25, Jonesey rolls a total of 19 and has a FM of 11. Not even close. Willy Pork unslings his ripperbolt rifle costing him one activity point. Second pass: It is still the same round, no-one has been wounded or lost EXH so initiatives remain as rolled. Drachsam is still preparing his spell (2 activity points spent). Clem throws his knife at Drachsam. He needs a 15 to hit and scores a 21. Damage is 12; [knife damage 4 max 10 Clem's ST is 22] +1 [SM 6/4=1.5]. Unfortunately for Clem, Drachsam is wearing FerroCarb plate armour with a THR of 5 and an AR of 15 and it damages only the armour (7 points are taken of the armour‟s STR of 28 leaving 21). Jonesey decides to take some time to aim his Beretta 9mm at Drachsam's head (one action). Willy Pork has removed his ripperbolt rifle and decides, based on Jonesey‟s dismal effort, to start aiming. Third Pass: Drachsam is still preparing his spell (3 activity points spent). Clem starts to close on Drachsam covering his running distance (based on MO of 21 and his activity points of 6, 21/6 = 3.5) of 3.5m in one activity point. Jonesey has aimed and fires his 9mm Berretta. He rolls vs. a TN of 20, gets a total of 19 again and misses (again). Willy Pork is still aiming his ripperbolt. Fourth Pass: Drachsam unleashes his spell on Clem. The spell translates PP to damage at 1:4, Drachsam spent 6 PP, so 24 damage is inflicted on Clem, SM of the cast was 10, adding another 2 damage. Clem takes 26 off his HITS and drops to the ground clutching his burst gut. Jonesey runs for his life not willing to be the victim of a gutburster spell. Willy Pork has finished aiming and fires at Drachsam. The TN is 20 and he rolls a total of 27. Drachsam attempts to perform a defences


NATURAL WEAPONS DAM Alt DAM Notes Humanoid fist 1 1pt :ST add is halved Kick 2 1d2 :ST add is halved Small claws 1 1pt :bear type claws add 1 damage Medium claws 2 1d2 :bear type claws add 1 damage Large claws 3 1d3 :bear type claws add 1 damage

HAND WEAPONS DAM Max DAM Alt DAM Parry Size notes Knife 2 10 1d4 -2 S Dagger 3 12 1d4+1 -2 S Short sword 4 14 1d6 -1 M

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Bayonet 4 13 1d6 -2 M/L Mounted it’s a spear Spear/ 5 14 1d6 L/P Broadsword 6 18 1d6+2 +1 M Katana 6 19 1d6+2 +1 M Claymore 9 26 1d20+2 -1 L Nunchaku 5 14 1d4+1 S Defender –2 to parry Cudgel 5 16 1d4 +1 M Mace 6 18 1d4+1 +1 M Warhammer 6 18 1d6 M Morning Star 7 22 1d6+1 M Defender –3 to parry Staff-Jo (short) 6 18 1d4+1 +1 M Staff-Bo (long) 7 20 1d8+1 +2 L

CARTRIDGE BASED DAMAGE size1 DAM Max DAM Alt DAM RNG 5.56mm NATO/5.56x45mm Rifle 3 6 1d6 400 30-30 Winchester Rifle 6 13 2d6+1 130 30-06 Springfield Rifle 8 16 3d6-1 800 308Winchester /7.62x51mm Rifle 7 15 3d6-1 700 9x19mm (9mm Parabellum) Pistol 3 6 1d6 100 38 Special Pistol 3 6 1d6 100 357 Magnum Pistol 5 11 2d6-1 125 44 Magnum Pistol 9 18 3d6 150 45 ACP Pistol 5 11 1d20+1 100 460 Weatherby Rifle 23 46 4d10+2 1300 50 Calibre BMG/12.7x99mm Rifle/MG 25 50 5d10 2000


This section deals with all the necessary and accidental things that effect a characters survival and health generally outside of combat. Falling and perhaps radiation may provide hazards to challenge a characters survival in combat but they are in this section.

FALLING Falling is handled in two ways. Controlled and uncontrolled. When the character is in a controlled fall this means they are ready for it and were in control of their orientation when the fall commenced. Uncontrolled falling is being thrown off a bridge, pushed out of a window and other such scenarios. Falling from a great height invokes panic and this requires a resistance roll. Even controlled falling from a great height may invoke panic but the character is more likely to control themselves in this situation. Falling in a higher G environment causes more damage. Multiply the damage by the local gravity. Armour Rating affects the damage in a fall to a certain extent. The maximum amount of AR that can be applied to a fall is 10. Armour takes damage from falling as well if the fall damage exceeds the armour‟s THR.

Falling Example: 1) Ephram Zed has an uncontrolled fall from 8 metres in a 2G environment. He takes 40 damage before armour. 2) Ephram Zed is wearing a suit of combat armour in the above fall. The THR is 14 and the AR is 24. The armour receives 26 damage and Ephram has 30 damage inflicted from his rapid stop at the end of his descent.

Metres Fallen at 1G Damage 1 0 2 2 3 6 4 8 5 10 6 12 7 16 8 20

1 The gun size refers to the normal weapon size that the calibre is chambered for. There are exceptions to this in weapons such as the bushmaster auto pistol and the Goncz High Tech Rifle [9mm Parabellum].

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] 9 24 10 28 15 40 20 60 >20 70

COLLISIONS Collisions have similar effects as falling: the damage from the fall being the collision at the end. Collision damage is usually a combination of the following; gross internal organ damage, concussion, bone damage, haematoma, abrasions, impact fractures and hydrostatic shock. Collisions are reserved for vehicular smashes and other situations of similar nature.

To determine collision damage the speed of both parties is required on a common axis. Thus if two parties are travelling the same direction the fastest party‟s speed is reduced by the speed of the slower party. This is the net collision speed. If they are travelling in opposite directions on the same axis the speeds are added together. In angled collisions use the angle of impact as a percentage of speed for the faster party. Thus a T-bone collision will do 90% of the damage of a collision to the stationary object.

Collision Example: 1) Tarriis Keyes is driving a Thunder Pinto SUV and collides head-on with Ephram Zed driving his UrboCar in a game of chicken. Tarriis was travelling at 65kph and Ephram Zed was driving his UrboCar at 63kph. The collision speed is 128kph.

HEALING Characters heal naturally at a rate equal to their SS per week. Generalised burns take twice as long. Severe injuries and specific injuries heal at different rates. Use the below table for healing after a character has taken a critical wound from a called shot. Region of Specific Injury Type Time Head All X 3 Organs Burns X 3 Ruptures X 2 Toxin X 3* Bones Breaks X 2 Shatters X 5* Severed X 3* Burns # Nerves Severed X 3* Exposure X 3 Burns X 5* * = Varies with medical aid. Hi-grade care may reduce the multiplier. # = Burning of bones cannot be healed naturally.


Stun is the major danger of hand to hand combat whereas in fire combat, the large amounts of damage that the modern weaponry can deliver is plainly lethal. There are medical treatments for reducing, what in game terms is 'stun', and in medical terms is physiological shock, wound trauma, etc. Commonly, after the wound has been assessed as life threatening, stimulants and painkillers are administered to the victim to stabilise them for further treatment. Combat junkies have been using street cocktails of these administrations before entering combat, often called combat drugs by the media, they have names like, berserkocaine, martialdrene, meth-assault, etc. The bulk of these drugs are made by pharmaceutical dropouts to support their own vices or the vices of someone bigger and nastier. High-powered versions are available, often tailored with adrenaline analogue, testosterone, and laden with specific psychotropic properties that stimulate the instinctual fight-response. The most potent of these being the preparations that stimulate the same instinctual fight response as if protecting offspring.


All Black Dawn races require food and fluids to live. Intense activity or abnormal climate requires dietary intake increases to function normally. Dietary requirements are in arbitrary food and fluid units needed per day. Only keep track of this when rations are low or not available.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers]


There are many toxic substances in the Black Dawn universe. Some familiar to Earth and others from beyond the solar system. The Black Dawn system classifies poisons into four types and each affects the named portion of the victims' physiology. Poisons act in the following ways based on poison type.

Vasculature The vasculature poison affects the circulatory system and major organs related to the movement and processing of blood. Nervous System Nerve poisons affect all nerves, synapses, reflexes, spinal cord, and the brain. Muscular Muscular poisons affect all muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia. Dissolution The dissolution type of poison dissolves mass in the poisoned area. Usually enzyme based the dissolution poisons break down rigid proteins to liquid proteins. The method of 'delivery' varies between poison and race.

There are four vectors of poison delivery for symmetry with four types of poisons.

Contact The poison need only touch an uncovered area of the body to begin effect. Ingestion The poison must be taken as food or liquid and enter the digestive tract. Circulatory Must directly enter the bloodstream of the victim for any effect. Inhalation The poison must enter the respiratory system. Usually by being inhaled.

Poisons and toxins have a rating for potency that is called Toxicity, TOX for the abbreviation.

TOX rating is the difficulty of the victim being able to reduce or resist the poison effects. Once poison has been successfully delivered in the minimum dosage then a TOX resistance roll is made for the victim. If the poison has been delivered by stealth then the GM should roll for the victim. The target number is equal to the TOX rating.

Poisons Example: 1) Bracholytic Klimophage is a bacterio-toxin affecting the vasculature. It attacks the circulatory system through the lungs and air ways of the victim. The TOX rating is 25, particularly dangerous, through inhalation. Poor Jonesey bursts a bag of the BK and inhales just enough to be considered poisoned (one dose). He must roll 1d20 + vasculature poison mod (Cat: +3) + CO bonus (+2) with a target of 25. Poor Jonesey needs to roll a 20.

Racial make-up affects susceptibility to toxins and poisons. Check the survival chart for the race and the applicable TOX roll bonus based on poison type.

DOUBLE DOSE Extra doses of toxin increase the TOX by half the current TOX rating rounding down. Thus four doses of BK will have a TOX of 82 (25 + 12 + 18 + 27). First dose is 25, second dose (25 + 12.5) makes 37, third dose raises it to (37 + 18.5) 55, fourth dose (55 + 27.5) 82. Remember that the more doses there are the harder delivery becomes.

EXPOSURE Exposure to weather extremes can and will cause damage, stat loss, or activity penalties. Mild weather exceptions will increase food and or fluid requirements. Strong winds intensify the current climate. For example if it is 10 degrees Centigrade on the perimeter wall and the wind is blowing at 40kph then the amount of air that is coming into contact with the character increases dramatically. Wind effects can be negated or lessened by quality hostile environment clothes. Heat is in general less dangerous than the cold. High temperatures can be endured without protection for longer than extremely cold temperatures. Although when exposed to wind and direct sunlight, dehydration is accelerated, like a drying unit. Think of a 120degree Celsius sauna for example. One can enter and operate close to normal for a short time. Extended operation however is not possible without water. Heat is

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] harder to protect against than the cold. Extreme cold saps energy from a body very quickly as heat escapes more readily. Exposure temperatures have to be very general. There are five brackets that contain the severity of exposure effects. These five brackets are different for most races. To be exposed to temperatures outside these ranges without protection apply damage per CR based on the situation. Conditions Food/Fluid Damage Stat Loss Modifiers Frigid +2/- 1/ min. -1 CO & MO/min After SS as CR: quarter DX Cold +1/- 1/hour -1 MO/hour After SS as minutes: half DX Normal - - - Hot -/+1 1/hour -1 CO/hour After SS as minutes: half PSY Scorching -/+2 1/min. -1 CO & INT/min After SS as CR: quarter PSY Notes: Protective clothing only counters damage. Food and fluid requirements stay in effect. Wind can intensify climate conditions. Consider wind to act as a temperature modifier. A strong cold wind may take the conditions from Cold to Frigid.

RADIATION Free radiation of above normal racial tolerances will cause potentially lethal damage to most organisms. Radiation exposure is cumulative but it does slowly lessen with time as the body replaces some of the radioactive materials with non-radioactive materials. There are already various radiation-cleansing agents and treatments available in the real market. In an RPG setting there may be even more. Radiation damage is only immediately noticeable at very high levels. It will cause burns and tissue corruption. Hair loss and eyesight failure may come afterwards. If immediate effects or very short-term effects are this severe, death is certain in 8 hours to 7days. 400Rads will kill 50% of humans that are exposed. The other 50% will experience severe symptoms, hair loss, livid skin spots, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, fevers, haemorrhages, and great fatigue. Radiation Level Cumulated Rads Safe 50 Initial 100 Moderate 200 Severe 300 Lethal 400 All Rads received are cumulative and must be dissipated as below. Rads are normally delivered by the hour but in extremely „hot‟ zones Rads may be delivered by the minute or even second. Rads can dissipate naturally in a rate of 1Rad per 10 hours. With precautionary measures, such as thyroid blocking in humans with Potassium Iodide, Rads can be dissipated much quicker. With Rad-blocking the rate of dissipation is CRT in Rads per hour. A characters racial make-up will affect Rad dissipation and the radiation levels that can be tolerated. Some races are no more resistant to radiation than humans but can dissipate radiation much quicker, thus faring better in low to mid level radioactive environments. Check the racial information for specific radiation information and tolerances.

Damage is inflicted starting immediately after the Rad level exceeds Safe. If the Rad level stays above the Safe level for the damage interval, 24hours, then damage is applied again. In Severe Rad level situations radiation damage will quickly kill and untreated character.

DAMAGE LEVELS INITIAL: damage occurs every 24hours that the character has more than the Safe level of Rads. Damage is minor cell level corruption that may not even be noticeable in the short-term but could develop into something serious later in life. Condition Description Symptoms Nausea, headache, blood-cell changes (minor). Penalties -1 INT -1 PSY -1 CHA -1 HITS Recovery Reduce the Rads to below Initial level. Treatment Increase Rad reduction, minor analgesics

MODERATE: damage occurs every 12hours that a character has more than the Initial level of Rads. It is applied separately from Initial damage and may add to that Initial-level damage. Condition Description Symptoms Minor hair loss, small burns, vomiting, diarrhoea, minor haemorrhaging Penalties -2 INT -3 PSY

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] -2 CHA -2 EXH -4 HITS Recovery Reduce the Rads to Initial level Treatment Increase Rad reduction, analgesics, fluids, rest, light diet

SEVERE: damage occurs every 6hours that the character has more than the Moderate level of Rads. It is applied separately from Moderate damage and may add to that Moderate-level damage. Condition Description Symptoms Vomiting, major hair loss, skin spots, burns, moderate haemorrhaging Penalties -2 ST -2 MO -4 INT -6PSY -4CHA -5 EXH -10 HITS Recovery Reduce the Rads Treatment Increase Rad reduction, painkillers/blockers, blood transfusion , sedation, maintain electrolytes

LETHAL: damage occurs every hour that the character has more than the Severe-level of Rads accumulated. It is applied separately from Moderate damage and may add to any and all other radiation damage. This level of damage is not likely to be survived by 50% of all that are exposed. Condition Description Symptoms Severe haemorrhaging, immobilisation, delirium, loss of consciousness, nerve failure, organ failure Penalties -5 ST -7 MO -10 INT -15 PSY -10 CHA -10 EXH -15 HITS Recovery Reduce the Rads Treatment Increase Rad reduction, hospital care, blood transfusion, bone marrow transplant, sedation, electrolyte replacement therapy, prayer

Radiation Damage Examples: 1) Tarriis Keyes enters the hold of a ship containing unshielded plutonium waste that is releasing 2Rads/CR. He is in the hold for 6minutes and 12seconds, or 64CR. Tarriis has accumulated 128Rads. This takes him into the moderate range of radiation level and he begins to develop minor burns, a headache, nausea, minor hair loss and diarrhoea. 2) Tarriis Keyes quickly discerns that he is irradiated and begins treatment with Rad-away. His Rads begin to dissipate at 1 per 10hours naturally but with Rad-away the rads are picked up by the substance and passed in normal ablutions at the rate of 7rads per hour. Thus the combined rad dissipation is 8rads per hour. In 16hours Tarriis will have his rad-level back to zero.

CAVEAT If radiation levels are suspected to be outside of the character‟s racial norms Rad-blocking is the best measure. An ounce of prevention is worth many pounds of lead.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] GETTING OUT THERE


What quality sets a veteran apart from a greenhorn? How does the martial champion predict the moves of his opponents? How did that hacker guess the password on the second attempt? Why is experience important?

If you did it and lived; you did it right. This axiom succinctly states what experience is. Memory of correct practice. The more memory one has of correct practice the more likely one is to repeatedly practice correctly.

Experience points are a function of learning. The greater the interaction with the environment of the PC, the more that PC will learn. This is why the primary source of XP(eXperience Points) is roleplaying of the character. If a player takes on the 'persona' of that character, at least to a degree where the player is phrasing questions to other characters in the first person, not the first person referring to themselves in the third person manner.

Compare: Example 1) I ask him if he has seen a limo with that registration. Example 2) "Have you seen a limo with the registration P-S-K-W-2-3-9?"

I ask you which one sounds better in the context of a story? Which one are you used to hearing? If it is the former, you have my sympathy and understanding.

What do XPs do? As a PC progresses through game-life, they gather XPs at varying rates, based on the danger and learning curve of the situation. The more danger and the steeper the learning curve in the PCs game-life the greater amount of XPs that are gathered. The usual method is for the GM to allot XPs to players at the end of a gaming session. XPs are essentially stat points waiting to happen. You can use the character's gathered XP like stat points from the creation time. XPs can be pooled, or saved, until enough are acquired to be spent on some advance the player has declared they are pursuing before the accumulation of the XPs. Commonly players may want to increase an already quite high stat or skill and will need a great many XPs to do so. It may take 3 or more sessions to acquire the needed XPs. In this time it can be assumed that the character is doing little else in their spare time besides the needed practice, research and reflection to advance the ability in question.

Increase XP Cost Skill level is less or equal to MAX level new level x 2 Specialisation level is less or equal to MAX level new level x 1 Statistic new level x 5 Derived Statistic new level x 3 A skill that is at a level less than the MAX can be increased up to the MAX level; no more. A specialisation cannot exceed the MAX level either. MAX level is equal to the average of the governing stats for that skill. (See: Skills)


When gaming begins players should list skills and stats that they are endeavouring to increase on their characters. The use of XPs should be listed in serial. Thus when each XP is spent it is written what it was spent on. A solid record then exists of how the character has been spending time.

Example of XP expenditure plan: XP spent Intention 1-50 ST from 9 to 10 51 to 52 Navigation +1 (from 0) 52 to 55 Navigation +1 (from 1) 56 to 64 Navigation +1 (from 2) 64 to 66 Body Development: Hits +1 (from 0) 66 to 131 AW from 14 to 15

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] The XP spent to increase strength explicitly states that the those XPs are 1 to 50. This means the first 50 points of XP gathered are spent on ST. This could be a strict exercise regime. Next is to hone up on Navigation techniques (+3). That will require a lot of study and practice with perhaps orienteering on periods where multiple days of downtime are available. Next in the order is Perception. An active and dedicated research into body language, surveillance techniques and stealth detection, etc. A player may assign the spending of any amount of points that they want. The important thing is to do it before the XPs are actually earned.

In the case that more XPs are earned before they are allocated do not be too concerned. This is where the characters can pick up a few ranks in skills that were needed or heavily used during the gaming sessions. Players should create a list of XPs that will be spent including at least one more raise with XPs that they do not yet have. The plan is to have something on „the backburner‟ at all times. Players that continue to get caught with more XPs than intentions can be classified as unfocused and the GM should penalise them by mandating training periods before the increases come into effect in the game world.

TRAINING TIME (Optional) It may be fitting to slow down character progression. In many RPG systems it is sadly possible to become a master engineer in under a few months of heavy adventuring and study. Compared to the world we really live in this is simply impossible. Skills of various types can have a time per level figure that must be committed to by the character, in full, before the skill level advances. Experience points are spent prior to the time period passing. Skill Type Training Time Academic 6 weeks Athletic 1 week Combat 2 weeks Concentration 2 weeks Craft 1 week Linguistic 3 weeks Pilot 2 weeks Power 5 weeks Social 2 weeks Subterfuge 3 weeks Survival 2 weeks Tech 4 weeks

The training time can be done the easy way: spend the listed time practicing (full time, no adventuring or anything else). Or the training time can be done the hard way: spend the listed time per new level (eg. new level times listed time).

Training Time the Easy Way: 1) Willy Pork wants to advance in Metalworking to level 9. He pays his XP out of his available pool into his spent pool. It takes 4 weeks of full time study and practice. After 4 weeks have spent in game-time he increases Metalworking on his sheet to level 9.

Training Time the Hard Way: 1) Willy Pork is wants to advance in Metalworking from level 8 to level 9. This Tech skill is 4 weeks per new level. The new level of 9 times 4 weeks is 36 weeks! Most of a year. He pays his XP out of his available pool and into his spent pool. After the 36 weeks of game time are spent he increases the Metalworking on his sheet to level 9.

CAPPING SKILL LEVELS (Optional) As a control of power level in the group, and the NPCs at large, the GM can impose an additional skill level cap that cannot be exceeded without meeting certain criteria. These criteria can even be unknown to the character but the player should be aware the skill is being restricted.

Reasons for capping skills are manifold. The following is an example list of reasons and their circumventions that may also lead to further plots or quests. Skill Capping Examples and Solutions: 1) Rare or complex theories are required before advancement can be achieved. Find a teacher or resource that contains the theories. 2) Obscure equipment is required for practice. Find the equipment and practice with it. 3) The character has a personality flaw that limits their advancement. Overcome the personality flaw. 4) Characters education does not hold a strong enough foundation to advance the skill.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Become more educated. 5) Character is at the pinnacle of the field and cannot advance. Commit to full-time research; this means no adventuring!

EXPERIENCE LEVELS (Optional) Many RPG systems use experience levels for characters and monsters. In Black Dawn one can use a similar mechanic for describing characters and monsters. The Level is an abstraction of power.

EXPERIENCE LEVELS An experience level starts with one for a freshly made character and rises when a set amount of XP is gained. The character can then complete a segment of training and advance to the next level usually getting to spend an amount of skill points too.

A new level can have the character spend skill points equal to the average of their INT and WILL. Thus a character with an INT of 12 and a WILL of 14 will have 13 skill points to spend each level. If those STATS should change then the character‟s skill points per level will change accordingly. XP can be still be spent for STAT increases but those points spent in this fashion are lost forever and do not count towards an experience level.

Six options are presented for level advancement by XP. The options use differing XP reward schemes.

Level Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5 Option 6 1 1000 1000 500 10,000 1000 1000 2 2100 2000 1000 20,000 2000 2000 3 3310 4000 2000 30,000 5000 3000 4 4641 7000 3000 40,000 8000 5000 5 6105 11,000 4500 50,000 10,000 8000 6 7716 15,000 6000 70,000 16,000 13,000 7 9487 20,000 8000 90,000 20,000 21,000 8 11,436 26,000 10,000 110,000 32,000 34,000 9 13,579 33,000 12,500 130,000 40,000 55,000 10 15,937 41,000 15,000 150,000 64,000 89,000 11 18,531 50,000 18,000 180,000 80,000 144,000 12 21,384 60,000 21,000 210,000 132,000 233,000 13 24,523 71,000 24,500 240,000 160,000 377,000 14 27,975 83,000 28,000 270,000 264,000 610,000 15 31,772 96,000 32,000 300,000 320,000 987,000 16 35,950 110,000 36,000 340,000 528,000 1,597,000 17 40,545 125,000 40,500 380,000 640,000 2,584,000 18 45,599 141,000 45,000 420,000 1,056,000 4,181,000 19 51,159 158,000 50,000 460,000 1,280,000 6,765,000 20 57,275 176,000 55,000 500,000 2,112,000 10,946,000 21 64,002 195,000 60,000 550,000 2,560,000 17,711,000 +1 last level + Last level +5000 +50,000 (2*two levels Fibonacci * 10%+1000 +(lvl-1)*1000 past) 1000 Scheme A A A B B B

XP AWARD TABLE FOR OPTIONAL EXPERIENCE SCHEMES Action Award Scheme A Award Scheme B Successful skill test Skill test total roll Skill test total roll * 10 Accurate deduction 10-20 50-100 Avoiding bad situations (on purpose) 10-50 20-100 Cast a spell, generate psychic power PP spent PP spent * 10 Clever idea that fails 10-20 50-300 Clever idea that succeeds 20-50 100-1000 Combat victory, minor threat 10-30 50-100 Combat victory, major threat 50-100 100-250 Combat victory, terrible threat 150-300 250-1000 Complete a minor objective 20 100 Complete a major objective 50-150 200-1000 Complex plan that fails 20-50 50-200 Complex plan that succeeds 50-150 200-500

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Exploration 1 per 10km 1 per km Good teamwork (award each member) 10-150 50-500 Religious (varies by intensity) 10-500 50-500 Skill test (successful or not) TN of skill test TN * 10 Solid roleplaying (each instance) 5-10 10-50 Self-sacrifice (or a real potential for) 250-350 500-1200

CAVEAT Some GMs and players may see the option to increase derived stats as a way to power. Sure, this can be used to make an incredibly resilient character if they channel their time and efforts into things like, maiming themselves to deal with system shock! How many remotely sane people are going to practice that? In short use a little bit of lateral thinking and apply it to the situation.


One of the considerations when designing Black Dawn was the application of the game mechanics to all plausible situations. We recognise that the game mechanics may not handle some settings (most obviously the setting in superhero comic books) without the numbers becoming so large that the die rolls are almost useless.

The characters and situations that we feel the Black Dawn game mechanics will handle well are those where the characters bodies are not much different, or greatly superior to, the pinnacle of our real world athletes and the technologies are those that have appeared in the real world or have been conceived in popular fiction of many types. The avant-garde has many technologies that are vastly superior to the mainstream. One example of mainstream is a popular science fiction series where short-range (orbital distances) teleportation is banally common. An avant-garde example is daily immortality treatments and resurrection services.

The scope of technologies that the Black Dawn game mechanics will handle is relative to those that were part of the initial design. It is very common for gaming groups to develop house rules for situations that they feel are not handled by the core rules. If this is ever the case, document these house rules for reference and consistency then make them available to the entire group.

In another game system the option of scales of damage was used quite well but it creates different types of damage that have to be converted to the other scales. This adds complexity where it is not really required. If any character is in the situation where they are directly hit by extremely heavy weaponry the fact is they will be killed. Black Dawn game mechanics reflect this. In any situation where this is likely to happen and the GM feels it will ruin the game then fudge the roll and make the artillery miss, malfunction or in some other way not kill the character(s). This is dramatic license and part of the group fiction that a role playing game is really about.


Other systems can also be translated through the use of the Human Average (HA from now on). Approximate the other system's stat with the closest equivalent stat in Black Dawn. The HA from other systems is often given as a range, ie; Dragon Warriors 9-12, Palladium 9-15, SLA Industries 5, Cyberpunk 5, Battlelords 41-60, Rolemaster 25-74 etc. If a system does not have an actual HA consider the stats that generate no bonuses to be the HA. If the stats that generate no bonus is a range, consider the mean of that range to be the HA. Then figure the factor by which to divide or multiply that number to get 10. For example; Battlelords has a range of 41-60 that generates no bonuses. This gives a mean of 50.5 or for this case, a mean of 50 (easier to figure out). Divide 50 by 5 to get 10. All Batlelords' stats would be divided by 5 to convert to this system.

CONVERTING HARDWARE FROM OTHER SYSTEMS Converting another game‟s hardware to Black Dawn is an extrapolation of the HA (Human Average) principle. For damage ratings start with the HA for hit points (or equivalent) then use it to calculate a minimum and a maximum damage. If the system has a clause for extra damage at point blank then use the point blank rating. Black Dawn‟s damage ratings are based on the absolute maximum a weapon can inflict when used at the HA level. Extreme accuracy will increase damage.

Hardware Conversion Examples: 1) Glitter Boy boom gun. This is a high-tech gauss cannon mounted to a rare type of powered armour from Rifts by Palladium. It inflicts 4d6 mega damage and has a range of 3km. HA hit points in Palladium is calculated as 45: 15 (hit points) + 30 SDC (another type of hit points). One point of mega-damage is translated as 100points of damage and this means the Glitter Boy boom gun inflicts 2400 points of damage. The HA hit points in Black Dawn are 10 which is Rifts HA hit points divided by 4.5. Thus the Glitter Boy boom gun inflicts a maximum of 533 points of damage (2400 divided by 4.5) at point blank range in Black Dawn. 2) Rolemaster +30 enchanted broadsword. Since broadswords are already catered for in Black Dawn the real thing to focus on is the effect of the +30. All broadswords have the same maximum damage in RM. It is the bonus that helps the maximum damage be inflicted by the wielder more often. This translates into accuracy and/or penetration of armour. One could argue that accuracy will enhance penetration of armour as easily as one could argue that weapon quality will enhance penetration of armour. Since the +30 adds more to the accuracy of the weapon in RM by giving the wielder a net bonus to actually land a damaging blow it translates that this enchanted broadsword enhances the accuracy of the blade. RM is a percentile based system and this converts nicely to the

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] d20 based rolling of Black Dawn. Divide 100 by 20 to give 5. Thus the +30 can be translated to Black Dawn as a enchanted broadsword that gives +6 to the wielders attack roll.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] GLOSSARY OF GAME TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS TERM DEFINITION APP Appearance (character) AR Armour Rating ASz Armour Size AW Awareness (character) BG Back Ground BHT Base Height (Height of character in metres, same as HT) BWT Base Weight (weight of character in kilograms divided by 10) Cal Calibre (also use to classify specific ammo type. Eg; 12.7 x 99mm) CG Character Generation CHA Charisma (character) Char Character Chargen Character Generation CO Constitution (character) CR Combat Round (or Credits cost) CRT Critical Threshold (character stat, derived) DAM Damage DEX Dexterity (character) DX Dexterity (character) ENC Encumbrance units EXH Exhaustion (character stat, derived) FM Failure Margin FM:# Failure Margin ratio of # GM Game Moderator (or Master, Mistress, Magistrate, etc) HITS Hit Points (character stat, derived) HT Characters height in metres MO Mobility (character) NPC Non Player Character PC Player Character Pen Penetration rating PP Power Point (character stat, derived) (for magick, psychics and psionics) PSY Psyche (character) Pts. Points; of any type. Rad This is a measurement of radiation energy, usually expressed as rads per hour, eg. 7Rads/hr SS System Shock (character stat, derived) ST Strength (character) Stats Statistics, refers to any of the statistics of a character exclusive of skills. STC Shots To Clip STR Strength (character) or Structure (armour) TECH Technical aptitude (character stat, derived) TOX Toxicity (toxic strength) THR Threshold WILL Willpower (character stat, derived) WT Character’s Body Weight XP Experience Points

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers]


In some game-worlds there are abilities to produce effects for individuals, groups and species. These effects are a staple of heroic fiction and roleplaying games. Psychic and magical effects are generally the same thing achieved in different ways for differing reasons: an apparent non-physical causation of a natural or supernatural event.

Example: The Fireball The fireball is a staple of fantasy genre magic-users. It involves the magic-user waving their hands around, speaking some bizarre words, maybe fiddling with a piece of bat-guano, then a ball of flame is launched from their hand to detonate at a determined point with the force of a small incendiary grenade. There are no chemicals, apart from the guano, no devices, and no pre-prepared puddles of gasoline. It is magic!

Consider the example above. If I were to see such a thing right now I would be amazed and absolutely must check out the area, what burnt, where the flames came from (or I‟d hide under my table). In the fictional world of that magic-user the peoples would recognise the event as magic and react accordingly. The energy that fuels the magic is generally described as being from the ether, or mana, or from any number of sources: plants, gods, nodes, ley-lines, etc.

Psychic phenomena appears as the same thing in most genres. They tend to be more oriented towards manipulation of people (or other sentients) than creating pyrotechnics. The source of psychic power is generally put forward as being from a character‟s „force of will‟ or „internal reserves‟. Most genres have psychics staring intently, jaws clenched, brows furrowed, with great focus on their target as they „bend the force of their will‟ to produce an effect. In essence the same thing happens: a change in the universe according to the character‟s will and not as the result of a physical phenomena as we know it in reality.

GENRE SPECIFIC MAGIC AND PSYCHICS The riddle for a system-mechanic is that each genre handles magic and/or psychics differently. In one genre characters with psychic powers have almost no limit but are restrained by their physical bodies. Extremely powerful effects are possible but at great risk of aneurisms, strokes or for less powerful effects, nosebleeds. Frequent headaches and migraines are popularly associated with genres that have psychics as freakish occurrences; often as the result of secret experiments by the authorities.

Magic differs in other ways. A user of magic may have to assemble bizarre ingredients of organic and inorganic nature to combine by a ritual method within inscriptions of arcane symbols on a floor. Another genre may have a magic user that can commit a set number of spell formula per day to memory that is unalterable until a long rest or quiet period is available. Casting of the spell will erase it from memory until relearned through the use of a spell-book containing the precious formulae. Yet another genre may not require the magic-user to have a spell book but uses a collection of points to handle the casting of spells: the more powerful the effect the more points the spell uses. These points are regenerated in a similar fashion to hit points.

One thing that is common to almost all genres that use magic is that experience, whether it be personal or handed down from another, increases the power of the magic-user. In genres using psychics this is less common and the personal will of the psychic dictates the upper power as often as a birth-right can bestow immense psychic power.

The Black Dawn system mechanics are designed with a point cost for magic spells and psychic powers. The points are regenerated during rest periods. That is the PP system. It can easily be dropped in favour of some other magic system if the game group decide.

OVERVIEW Magic is the generation of effects in the universe based on special knowledge that is possible for anyone to learn with enough time, effort and practice. Psychic powers are genetic and one cannot become psychic unless their physical makeup is altered in a very specific manner (usually beyond most technologies).

Magic works on the presumption of a wisdom beyond and within science. The extensive knowledge of a field allows the caster (magic user) to produce the desired effects by consuming, or spending, power points (PP). Producing magical effects is called casting.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Psychic power comes from an individuals internal mental reserves and is closely connected to their willpower. Producing psychic effects is called generation. The individuals PP is spent, consumed, or otherwise temporarily used in the process.

The effects that can actually be produced are closely connected to the magical field (Alchemy, Dweomercraft, etc.) or the psychic field (Empath, Telekinetic, etc). Each field can produce effects consistent to that type. Learning another skill or developing another type can be performed through experience, training or an increase in willpower.


All psychic/psionic/magickal powers that a being possesses are bound to influence one specific field of affectation. The field is largely governed by the extent of the being‟s familiarity with the intricate workings of the nature of that field.

Psychic Occurrence Example: 1) Bio-geneticist Doctor Freiberg is a latent psychic and his powers develop after a gruelling day at the lab researching the properties of the eighteenth chromosome of the Farusian Farsel Hunter. He finds to his shock and delight that he can produce minor changes in the chromosomal make-up of any cell that he can see under his microscope. After secret experimentation during his solitary hours he later refines the ability to produce minor changes in simple living creatures such as algae and amoebae.

SAMPLE FIELDS OF INFLUENCE The fields that are suggested to begin playing the game of Black Dawn are kept to a moderate number so as not to detract from the game for the unfamiliar. A full listing of all the fields and their associated powers that the author could come up with would (you guessed it) fill another book entirely. As the idea behind Black Dawn is to provide a “single book stand alone RPG which can accommodate characters from any setting, save comic book type superheroes and Godlings, which suck anyway” the list of sample fields will be comprehensive yet relatively small. I feel that these fields are broad enough to cover just about any effect that one can invent.

FIELDS ACCESSIBLE TO ALL MAGICK USERS (In order of complexity, least to most)

Disclosure Powers of detection are most useful. Locating items, people or places is the main focus of this field. The more information the caster has on the target, the more likely the outcome of the incantation will be successful. Samples include: Presence, Sense Item, Scan Area, Remote Viewing, etc.

Empathy The foundation of this magick comes from the ability to sense the surface emotions of others. With experience and practice an Empathic Mage can send an emotion to a target. This is Tele-empathy. Sample Powers include Hear Thoughts, Emotional Barrage, Heal Neuroses and Cause Delusion. Empathy and Disclosure combined allow Psychometric effects to be attempted.

Motion and Inertia The influence of this field extends over the kinetic and movement type powers. This is the movement of mass and matter. Samples include such things as Force Intrusion, Telekinesis, Sense Movement and Flying.

Current, Energy and Friction Control over the electrical current of a target and the friction of it and it‟s surroundings is a fearful power when used offensively. This Field of Influence is the most destructive of all and offers the user power in many situations. Sample Powers include, the ever present Fireball, Lightning, Agitate Molecules, Spontaneous Combustion, Freeze Solid and Absorb Electro-magnetics.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] ALCHEMIST FIELDS

Transmutation The magickal effect of changing one thing into another thing is the field of Transmutation. When combined with another field the effects can be truly marvellous. Common spells include: Calcify, Petrify, Oxygenate(rust), Drop Elemental Group order, Organic- Inorganic, Steel to Glass, etc.

Enchantment The Alchemist of any skill in Transmutation can create gold out of lead and as such have little need for money. Laying spell effects on items of use is the new challenge to Alchemists. To begin learning the ways of enchantment an Alchemist must have mastery (level-10) of Transmutation and this is no easy feat. Enchantment can imbed skills, technological effects and any action or process into an item to be reproduced when triggered in the correct way.


Cognition This field alters or controls the perception (preception?) of reality by the target sentient being(s). This can be a true power that may easily unbalance an inexperienced GM‟s world. Samples include; Force Reality, Illusion, Private World, Mental Programming, Puppet Master, Mind Binding, etc.

Spirit Matters of the soul. Before attempting this field of endeavour the PC must gain mastery (level-10) in Current, Energy and Friction and expertise in Cognition. Conjuring ethereal beings and summoning energy creatures. Also deep understanding of life and how it comes about. The soul is a psychic energy shadow of the beings thought patterns. It can travel to the Astral Plane and, with some difficulty, to Hyperspace. Sample powers; Spirit Binding, Summoning, Force Departure, Possession, Exorcism, etc.

Temporal Without mastery of the „Spirit‟ field (level-10) and advanced knowledge (leve-15) of „Current, Energy and Friction‟, Temporal Magicks are completely inaccessible to the magick practitioner. It is very unlikely a PC will progress to this stage of magickal learning.


Glyphs Glyphs are spells that wait for a preset condition to be activated. They can only be placed on non-solid materials such as air or water (not ice).

Para-Linguistics The core of the Runemasters power comes from their magickal understanding of language. This field is the raw magick of communication. The ability to convert thought incidences into thought patterns. Sample powers include Charm, Beguile, Seduce, Bury Message, Retard Speech, Truthful Lies, Understand Language, Embed Knowledge.

Runes Runes are the signature field of the Runemaster. They are portable glyphs that can be inscribed on any solid surface to be triggered by any condition. They are easily hidden and may hold any spell or formulae the Runemaster knows or can have cast at their behest into the rune in progress. Affecting a small area they use less energy than wards and glyphs.


BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Effectively glyphs that are specifically for the protection and security of an area or building. Wards are intended for use on anything that is larger than one could carry. All wards are immobile.

FIELDS ACCESSIBLE TO PSYCHICS (In order of commonness, most to least)

Psycho-projection The field of Psychic ability that allows Astral perception and travel on a full conscious level. Some „dreamers‟ also achieve this field but the process is connected to old shamanic traditions and training with hallucinogenic preparations.

Clairvoyance Powers of detection are most useful. Locating items, people or places is the main focus of this field. The more information the caster has on the target, the more likely the outcome of the incantation will be successful. Samples include: Presence, Sense Item, Scan Area, etc.

Tele-empathy Specialists in this field are the Coreszians. The Empaths are capable of sensing the surface emotions of others from an early age and with experience can send an emotion to a target. This is Tele-empathy. Currently human Empaths are on the uprise and it is a useful field for espionage types. Sample Powers include Hear Thoughts, Emotional Barrage, Heal Neuroses and Cause Delusion.

Telekinesis The influence of this field extends over the kinetic and movement type powers. This is the movement of mass and matter. Samples include such things as Force Intrusion, Telekinesis, Sense Movement and Flying.

Psychogenesis The psychic field that alters or controls the perception (prescience) of reality by sentient beings. Cognition is closely linked with the mastery of the Empathy field. A competent Cognitive psychic can ride other beings perceptions of reality to force a bend. This bend can be a string of such good luck that no-one could follow the psychic to an extreme of leaving lots of indicators that the psychic has gone to another place and then when enough people believe it to be truth, it becomes reality. Riding other beings‟ perceptions of reality is almost a passive ability. Combined with Empathic powers like Cause Delusion, the psychic risks greater effect at the cost of being erased from existence. This can be a true power that may easily unbalance an inexperienced GM‟s world. Samples include; Force Reality, Create Synchronicity, Illusion, Private World, Mental Programming, Puppet Master, Binding, Precognition, Area-sensing, etc.

Energykinesis Control over the energy potential of a target and its energetic relation to its surroundings. It is a fearful power when used offensively. This Field of Influence is the most destructive of all and offers the user power in many situations. It is analogous to the magickal field, “Current, Energy and Friction”. Sample Powers include, the ever present Fireball, Lightning, Agitate Molecules, Spontaneous Combustion, Freeze Solid, Radar Intangibility and Absorb Electro-magnetics.

Vitikinesis Vitikinesis is the intimate psychic manipulation of the life force, or the soul. Before attempting this field of endeavour the psychic must gain mastery (level-10) in Cognition, superior knowledge (level-12) of Current, Energy and Friction and Savant knowledge (level-20) of Astral. Vitikinesis allows not only the conjuring of ethereal beings and summoning spirit-creatures, but also deep understanding of life, what it is and how it comes about and the soul. The soul, for Black Dawn purposes, is a psychic and magickal energy shadow of a sentient being‟s thought patterns and memories. The soul is intimately connected to a being‟s astral signature and could very well be one and the same. It can travel to the Astral Plane and with difficulty even to Hyperspace. Sample powers; Spirit Binding, Summoning, Force Departure, Possession, Exorcism, etc.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers]


The first limitation on casting any spell or generating any psychic effect is the level of the relevant skill. For Psychics this is Generation: and for Mages this is Spell Casting:. For every point of skill the character can expend one PP in the desired effect.

Examples: 1) Drachsam has Spell Casting: Empathy for a total of 9. He can spend up to 9 PP in one spell effect. 2) Ephram Zed has Generation: Current and Friction for a total of 20. He could use up to 20 PP in one psychic effect.

Some damage effects make more efficient use of the energy than others. Electricity does less damage for the PP than gamma radiation would. If one were to lift a rock with telekinesis and then drop it on your target it would do about 1 point of damage for 10 PP.

Each PP released counts as a unit of energy. The units are known as Psi-Amps, Brain Juice, Skull Volts etc. In game terms they are Power Points. Each unit is roughly a kilojoule of pure energy. As damage the PP will do a maximum of up to 10, depending on the effect used, with perfect aim. On average an effect will do only 4 points of damage per PP burnt. If players want more damage out of each PP then they have to consider the type of atmosphere they are in, the effect of perpendicular gravity, ambient radiation, magnetic fields, etc. A maximum of 10 and an average of 4 is quite generous.

Note to GMs: I strongly advise not to let players create any spells or generation matrices that can do more than 8 damage for each PP expended. Even though 10 is the maximum it will leave some „headspace‟ for mages greater than the PCs.

The number of effect points that are created by one PP is called Efficiency. It is possible to have less than one effect point created by one PP. These fractional Efficiencies are the mark of a formula created by a careful amateur mage or inexperienced psychic.

Remember that a beginning character should not have ANY magick abilities and that an advanced character may not have any either. Only very advanced and long term players who have quested for knowledge and truth of all situations should be allowed to learn magick. It is extremely powerful in Black Dawn and in the wrong hands could upset game balance in the worst ways.

OVERBURN Overburn is the side effect of undisciplined power expenditure in Psychics and Mages. The individual creating the effect will suffer exhaustion loss at a rate double each PP spent over the skill level governing the effect creation. If the EXH loss is negative an amount equal to the CO then the character suffers HITS damage for each extra point of EXH.

Examples 1) Drachsam with Spell Casting: Empathy at level 9 spends 11 PP. He also spends 4 EXH from overburn. 2) Garrison has Generation: Current and Friction at level 20. Garrison‟s EXH is currently 8 and his CO is only 3. He spends 26 PP and also loses 12 EXH from overburn but his EXH is only 8 leaving 4 points of overburn which are subtracted from his HITS.

HOW CAN YOU GET MORE PP? More PP gain be gained through training, practice, meditation or highly advanced hardware known as psionics.

Meditation can temporarily boost the PP total of a character. This is a skill roll versus a target number of 10 times the amount of extra PP to be added. Other modifiers can be applied for quiet surroundings, mantra, etc.

Training equates to the skill PP Development. PP Development works like Body Development HITS but for the characters PP stat. One must be able to cast or generate to learn this skill.

Hardware is rare, restricted and/or prohibited in most settings. The hardware that gives more PP for a psychic should be different in nature and design to hardware that gives more PP to a mage.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] HOW CAN I MAKE A PSYCHIC? Having a psychic character is the one way a beginning PC can do all the cool stuff mentioned above. To become a psychic a character needs a WILL score of at least 19. When a character has great WILL, they will also have a great AW, PSY, INT and probably a hefty CHA. Remember PSY is more important to a psychic as most of the skills/abilities are governed by that stat.

So you have a character with a WILL of 26 and you want to be a psychic; well ask your GM. If she says yes then you can use the following material to find out how psychic your character is. This chart will tell you which psychic fields you can begin to master from the character‟s beginning. Psychic Field Minimum Will Astral 19 Disclosure 19 Empathy 25 Motion and Inertia 35 Cognition 40 Current, Energy and Friction 50 Spirit N/A

For each point of WILL over the required amount, the character can purchase an extra level in the relevant generation skill.

Examples: 1) This means that if Brena had a WILL of 25 she could learn only one level of Generation: Empathy and 7 levels of Generation: Disclosure. 2) If Ephram Zed had a WILL of 29 he would not only be blessed but he could learn 11 levels of Generation: Disclosure, 11 levels of Generation: Astral and 5 levels of Generation: Empathy.

HOW MANY PSYCHIC EFFECTS CAN I PERFORM? Each effect that a character wants to be able to perform must be practiced. The process starts with a psychic trying to illicit an effect through experimentation. Mental visualisation of the outcome is first. Second is the summoning of the energy and third the focusing on the intent. Fourth is the transmission of the energy through the intent to produce the effect. The first few times a psychic tries this it will likely not perform as expected, if at all. The amount of practice needed is tied to the efficiency of the effect. Efficiencies are measured as ratios. The ratio is Power Points to Effect. Most easily explained with damage spells. 1PP to 4Damage. Non-combat effects burn PP for range, strength, duration, number of targets, and volume of target, etcetera. Essentially the efficiency is PP for intensity of the effect. 1:4 is average and carries average risks in event of generation failure. 1:2 is weak but safe, 1:8 is potent but failure is dangerous.

The limit of effects a psychic can develop is governed by INT and PSY. The average of these stats gives the number of effects per level of generation known.

Example: Ephram Zed has 4 levels of Generation: Disclosure, INT(28) and PSY(30). He can develop 29 effects per level of Generation for a total of 116 different effects.

Time is needed to practice the new effect. Calculating the time taken is moderately involved. From the efficiency ratio take the intensity for one PP and multiply it by 10. Then subtract the WILL of the psychic developing the effect. The remainder is the target number for the practice needed to develop the effect and the base time in days.

Process: 1) To roll for practice, 1d10 + WILL + Generation Total Skill Bonus (TSB). 2) SM reduces the number of days of practice required to minimum of one. 3) FM burns EXH and then, if EXH is taken to 0, HITS from failed generation attempts. A character can die from failed generation attempts.

Psychics should not want for lack of effects that they know. The critical component is time to practice and refine.

Summary: New effects have a target number. TN of new effect = (efficiency number * 10) – WILL Base Time required = TN of new effect in days Roll to practice new effect = 1d10 + WILL + appropriate Generation skill level

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Net time in days = Base Time – SM FM = damage to EXH then HITS (the base time is still shortened by the FM)

HOW CAN I MAKE A MAGE? First of all the character must be oriented to finding the truth and hidden knowledge. The character should also have a concept of reality as something they do not understand and believe in its flexibility or dynamics. It should be a major component of that character‟s personality. With that firmly established a great deal of experience is needed. The character needs to have developed skills of at least level 19 in the associated areas. Each magickal group of fields is based around 3 or more core skills. Once the level 19 in each skill is established, magick will be perceived, spell casting skill will be purchasable. Magick Field Skills Required at Level 19+ Alchemy Perception, Chemistry, Metallurgy, Physics Dweomercraft Perception, Psychology, Physics Runes Perception, Linguistics, Physics, Visual Arts

The character can then research and practice to develop the appropriate Spell Casting skill, eg; Spell Casting: Dweomercraft. Each level of Spell Casting allows the character to expend that many PP in one spell effect. Skill effects power.

Power Expenditure Examples: 1) Drachsam has Runes level 4. He can expend up to 4 PP in one spell effect. 2) Dietrich Knessenar has Enchantment at level 19. He can expend up to 19 PP in one spell effect.

HOW DO I FIND OUT HOW MANY SPELLS I KNOW? On first entering the realm of magick a character will have no spells. The first magickal effect a character casts is probably one that is hidden in a text, or formula, and it is cast subconsciously. The GM should introduce this first effect a few times in the game when it is needed in the plot. After a few castings subconsciously the GM should give the character the spell and from that point on the character can become a mage. New spells must be researched, designed, practiced and recorded.

Mages have the advantage of being able to utilise existing spell formulae to gain new effects. This is more difficult than reading some notes and casting a few practice spells. Almost every mage keeps their spell formulae in a different logical format, often with personal hieroglyphs, codes, abbreviations, inordinately complex formulae and emotional states represented by scratching of chickens‟ feet (maybe not the last one).

Any mage can attempt to reproduce spell effects of another mage if the formulae are recorded. The formulae are the most limiting factor in learning new spells. The difference in thinking and relation to the universe combined with the complexity of the spell- effect hinder the learning of a less accomplished mage.

The difficulty of learning a formula is the complexity plus the difference in thought. Complexity is equal to Efficiency rating times 10. The difference in thought is a single open-ended roll.

Example: Drachsam finds a notebook of spell formulae. The thought difference for Drachsam and all the spells by this mage is dictated by a roll of d10 and turns out to be 8. Drachsam tries to learn one of the formulae. Its efficiency is 4 and that makes the complexity 40. Add to this the thought difference of 8 and the difficulty of learning this spell is 48.

This difficulty is applied to the TSB for the field of magick.

RITUAL MAGICK This is the realm of power and the realm of great danger. Ritual magick is usually arcane and obscure its history dating back to the dark ages of civilization. This is the process of casting great and powerful magick through the use of group focus and a pooling of power.

Ritual magick combines the power of all involved and places it in the control of the ritual leader. The leader will be at the focus of all involved usually in the centre of a circle, or at the front of an assemblage, of participants. The group will have to achieve a trance like state so that their energies are synchronised to the leader‟s prompting. After this is achieved the leader will have to incite the arousal of energy, usually though a climax of ritual such as a sacrifice, destruction or creation, then extract the energy and focus

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] it with the intent. The intent is the part of the ritual that is concealable from the participants so it is prudent that participants trust the ritual leader.

EFFECTS, BONUSES AND LIMITATIONS OF RITUAL MAGICK The effective casting level of the leader is increased by at least one for each participant. Other mages contribute their casting level for that same field of magick. All the PP of the participants is available for the leader as if it were his own. The leader can alter the intent of the ritual as long as it is before the climactic focus. The required time of the ritual is a number of minutes equal to the sum of the following: a) Efficiency of the effect times 10 b) Difficulty of the ritual magick formula for the leader times 10 c) Number of participants d) Total PP pool of all participants excluding the leader The SM of the ritual reduces the required time. The SM will also buffer damage from overburn for the leader on a one for one basis. This buffer may be exceeded and overburn takes place normally. The FM of the ritual is multiplied by the Difficulty of the formula and the result is applied as PP for the ritual group. This amount divided by the FM is the leaders share of the PP spent. This can be lethal. The rest is divided evenly to the participants as PP expenditure. Excess PP expenditure in failure translates on to EXH then HITS. It is possible for an entire ritual group to be killed by a failed ritual.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers]

THE AURA AND THE ASTRAL PLANE Astral refers to a psychic-energy plane that closely parallels the material plane of normal PC and NPC residence. The astral- signature, or aura, of life forms and some objects are strongly visible amidst the normal plane-scape. A great portion of sentients capable of dreaming wander the fringes of the Astral plane and get into near harmless adventures and dichotomies with the bizarre scenes that it presents to their Astral-senses. Astral perception is linked to PSY and WILL.

Willpower means a great deal on the Astral plane and for one to travel consciously therein an exceptional WILL score is needed. A great WILL is also required to reach the deeper realms of the Astral plane. The deeper Astral realms are like the ocean. Dreamers walk only on the beach. Astral travellers traverse the open waves, out of sight, out of „sense‟ of the beach that is the fringes of this preternatural realm.

The psyche takes on the role of physical constitution in the astral plane. It absorbs damage, promotes endurance or weakness and gives the character its solidity in that form.

Casting spells or generating psychics in astral form can be perilous. The astral form cannot utilise the energy of the physical body to compensate in some situations. For this reason any time EXH or HITS should be subtracted the character loses PSY points on a one for one basis instead. These PSY points can be healed but the loss of PSY will drastically affect the character‟s abilities in astral form and may even remove the ability to utilise psychic power or cast magick since those abilities are related to the psyche. If a character loses enough PSY to prevent generation of casting then the astral form will try to return to the physical body. This requires a SS roll using the loss of PSY as if it was critical damage.

Example: Brena has travelled to the astral plane and after a dangerous combat with another psychic her PSY has been reduced to 3 in a vicious retributive strike. She can no longer sustain astral form and it tries to return to the physical body. An SS roll is made, her SS being 6 and the PSY loss being 19. Brena‟s player needs to roll 10 and then 3 to return safely. Good luck Brena.

Some very experienced astral travellers have been reported as saying that other life forms inhabit the deepest realms of the astral- plane.


TERM DEFINITION Adept Generally any psychic or mage of great power. A psychic who has achieved magickal knowledge. Casting Creating magickal effects through specifically established formulae that follow proven magick law. Efficiency This is a ratio of effect points to one PP. Thus a ration of 1:7 is an efficiency of 7. Field The area that a psychic or magician may influence and affect through generation or casting. Generation Creation of psychic effects by burning psychic energy through the brain. See also: Casting. Mage Refers to anyone who has the ability to use magick like effects. Magick The power of prediction, perception and influence through understanding. Para-Prosthetics Magickally enhanced cybernetics. Psionic The electronic augmentation of psychic or telepathic powers usually in the form of a psi-booster. PSY Psyche statistic of a character. Psychic Creation of paranormal effects through concentration or sub-conscious stress [force of will]. Reactive Magick Magick that can be achieved almost instantly. This is more common than it sounds. Ritual Magick Group magick that uses the resources of all involved. SS System Shock. A measure of a characters persistence in the face of grievous injury Telepath One who is capable of telepathy. Also a generic term for psychics utilising the field of Empathy. Telepathy The psychic power of reading minds from the Empathy field. TSB Acronym for Total Skill Bonus.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] BLACK DAWN



1991 Desert Storm worsens relations between USA and Muslim nations. 1992 Bosnian Civil war captures news headlines. 1996 Large armed clashes in the Middle East see minority groups being wiped out. The USA intervenes. 1997 Middle Eastern leaders try to provoke a minor skirmish that is quickly quashed by the US government. This attempt to provoke war seemed ridiculous in it's ability to succeed but later that year this was found to be a front for the foundation of the United Muslim Nations under Iran. The small scale skirmishes were a tactical ploy to influence the overseas forces into a sense of superiority. 1998 Police officials and communications engineers give a press release revealing the installation of mobile phone tracking programs installed 3 years prior. The officials defend the policy (which is supported by the governments who are of course immune to such surveillance) with the 'if you aren't doing anything illegal you have nothing to be afraid of ' rationale. UN summit declares welfare payments for the unemployed a human right. Countries such as the USA are strongly opposed to such an agreement but the UN representative of the USA votes in agreement. The representative is promptly dismissed. It is revealed within hours that the dismissal is too late for the documents have been signed. Media reports slam the decision saying it is extortion to prevent crime. Social welfare groups commend the decision for the exact same reason. A new prophet is recognised in the Middle East. He talks of Muslim unity and preaches with fervour and passion. Revisionist movements begin and many other countries send attaches to permanently be on hand for revelations. 1999 Large sections of some cities are in anarchy after UN summit revokes the new welfare payment scheme due to a US vito. Public outcry of corruption goes unheard by those with the power to correct it. Ramadan sees the declaration of the UMN. A surprise to many First World countries. The USA claim that any terrorist action in the UMN name will be considered an act of war that will be responded to with ultimate force. 2000 Y2K computer errors contribute to a limited nuclear exchange between the USA and the United Muslim Nations resulting in the deaths of millions and the first of many severe winters. Further errors cause power outages and food supplies go undelivered. An undercurrent of chaos threads throughout the First World countries. A prophet in the mountains of Norway speaks of the age of Ragnarok. Death Cults spring up all over Europe and sacrifices to Odin add to the hysteria of the end of the millennia. Crime rates reach an all time high as people try to feed and clothe themselves in an over populated capitalist society with too few jobs. Police are given new far-reaching powers that seem to contradict many previous laws. The appearance of the first dedicated legal revolutionary movements. Christmas pulls the lowest sales in history and war begins with the UMN. 2001 Army enlistment in First World countries trebles seemingly at the prospect of war. Food shortages abound with a genetically engineered airborne virus that attacks common species of rice and wheat. A small eco group claim it was a test for a real warning. It is hushed up after only 2 days. Border skirmishes with the now entrenched Israelis ignites into full blown action, the level of which has not been seen since the Yom Kippur war. 2002 The warfare of the last 2 years never ceases and the exchanges reach flash point between the USA and the UMN. Full scale conventional war rages across the Mediterranean and into Europe. Revolutionary groups attack the USA and many other western nations from within. Suspicions of UMN backing the revolutionaries are aired by the media ensuring negative public reaction. The awakening of the Auld is triggered and the first births begin. 2003 The war comes to a dramatic end when the forces and population of the UMN are crippled by a mysterious disease. The population decimated on the home front causes field troops to surrender or

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] desert. USA denies allegations of germ-line disease alteration. The Death Cults of Europe triggered a mass adoption of old rites and beliefs across the world with the culmination of the 'New Age'. 2004 A secret government department is established to investigate the benefits of research and recruitment of 'Auld' beings and powers. This covert operation remains a close and well-kept secret for many years. 2005 The first civil fusion power plant becomes operational and heralds the beginning of the New Renaissance. The first documented cases of physical magick are recorded on chat TV. This triggers the second wave of Esotericism. 2006 Disappearances and kidnapping's of 'Auld' leads to the underground recognition of the department known as JUDAS8. Freedom of Information inquiries into the existence of JUDAS8 meet with a firm denial. The office of the inquirers is destroyed in a "revolutionary bombing". Foul play is suspected. 2009 First sign of anthropomorphic animal mutation is recognised in America. 2010 Some countries legislate in fear that 'Auld' are not human and therefore have no rights. Groups of militant 'Auld' combine with revolutionary forces to bring about a change. 2012 Earth deploys the first multi stage space platform. 2013 Advances in nano technology and software engineering create the first nerve linked cybernetics. During the course of the research 5 sense virtual reality is realised with the complete sensory input attained form the neural linkages. This is the invention of the neural jack. 2015 ID chips are installed in all new guns. Owner, producer and retailer are all registered on these chips and scanners are used to enter information into a worldwide database. 2017 True Cyberspace is born. 2019 Public cybernetics become available. 2021 Nano technological advancements sweep the fields of engineering and medicine. Revolutions in hardware size power and ability are noted throughout the world and eventually becomes common place. 2025 The nanotech field, as it is now called, is stabilised by the advent of the Feric Software Engineer; an advanced thought controlled programming platform that allows construction of AI level programs in the home office by one person. Licensing and a potent team of lawyers ensures the monopoly on thought controlled programming platforms to Miguar Feric. He quickly becomes the worlds richest man. 2026 An American research facility investigating the Anthro phenomena discovers sentience in many subjects. 2028 Nano technology is put to work on the space program. 2029 Advances in miniaturisation of fusion technology lead to the release of the portable fusion pack. A light weight device capable of powering a factory for days. Arms designers pounce upon the technology and pull all sorts of laser designs from the back shelf. 2030 Ion drive improvements mean trips to Pluto are feasible in around a month. 2033 Lasers are now the most widely used military sidearm. Airfighters and warships are fitted with laser weapon systems including CIWS. 2038 The 'Auld' are given citizen rights through UN legislature after protracted struggles and violence begin to destabilise the worldwide economy. 2046 The first Anthro is shown to the world on TV. Public reaction is poor. 2049 Protracted struggles for Anthro rights legislature causes many lobby groups to become militant. 2051 Conflicts spark near civil wars that threaten many countries' stability. 2053 Anthros of the various types are now common place. They receive help from the former 'Auld' lobby groups and are given citizenship. 2054 Genetic research finally achieves what was previously thought impossible; the cloning of a human without a natural uterus. The first specimen to be 'grown' is shown all over the world to nearly every member of the science community. Plans to 'grow' cheap labour forces are the beginnings of more troubles. 2360 Weapon researchers develop a safe prototype plasma support weapon. 2062 Advance medical research produces a of potent regenerative stimulant that can effect any ails, from bullet trauma to bio toxins. Regen-serum producers HumanaDyne become the largest pharmaceutical concern on Earth. 2068 A repeat of the Anthro rights movement seems inevitable as big businesses and mega corps refuse to grant clones the rights of normal life. 2075 The Clone Wars begin with the terrorist bombing of the Mitsuhama Corporate Headquarters in Tokyo; a major clone labour company notorious for slavery type treatment of its clone workers. 2079 The first anti grav units are deployed for public use. 2081 With the use of recent anti grav technology scientists isolate 3 grams of anti matter. 2082 World powers agree on legislation that defines sentient life and how it could be integrated into human culture. The Clone Wars end. 2090 Anti matter is experimented with in electricity generation. With the destruction of the test laboratory it is

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] deemed too unstable to be a safe energy source. 2091 First Mars Orbital City is completed. 2092 Mother‟s become parents without pregnancy in private access to artificial wombs through HumanaDyne corporations special services division. Human population starts to increase rapidly with many womens‟ reservations about pregnancy removed. 2093 Anti matter research continues on Io. 2094 Humans have colonised every orbit of the solar system. The Saturnian lunar system has a population of over a million. Atmospheric mining of Neptune is undertaken using anti grav balloons. 2100 Prototype matter/anti matter reactors are successfully used on Io. 2108 Matter/anti matter engines are experimented with in Jovian local space. 3 costly failures cut funding drastically. 2109 Political instabilities between Earth and the rest of the solar systems colonies creates minor revolts and attempts at independence. 2110 Draft plans of the Terran Democratic Electorate are put forward to an initially unreceptive populace. 2111 TDE support grows substantially. 2112 Forming of the Terran Democratic Electorate. 2117 Sub light field drives are brought to a working prototype by Hades Shipyards. 2121 FTL jump succeeds in an experiment with a ship using a super charged field drive. This comes to be known as Warp Drive. Hyperfield mathematics is born. 2132 Hades Shipyards complete a successful FTL jump through use of an anti/matter reaction in conjunction with a warp drive at sub light speed. It is dubbed Hypershunt and takes over as main drive source for exploration and surveyor ships. 2143 Hyperfield Mathematics Nobel prize winner Johannes Keeler, demonstrates the Moebious Space Fold Warp Drive to the public. It is hailed as a great success. Keeler wins another Nobel prize. 2144 Daazig & Mahler produce the D/M energy converter. It is the closest thing to a perpetual energy source ever created as it converts dark matter into electricity. When fitted with scoops, it is used in the 'Keeler' drive program. 2145 The 'Keeler' space fold warp drive is successfully tested. It is in production after 2 years of vigorous testing. 2150 The beginning of the Great Human Colonisation explosion. 2152 Humans settle the Alpha Centauri system. The Stimow begin friendly relations with the Earth. 2161 Cloudmane the Horse-Shaman leads the first exodus of Anthro's to find worlds away from Humanity. Certain sectors of the media dub the fleet, 'The Noah-less Arks'. 2166 The Warp Drive market is weakened with the influx of cheap alien drive technologies such as the Stimow smooth space warp drive. 2199 The TDE comes into its prime with the expansion of the Electorate covering more than 3 hundred systems. The population reaches an estimated thirty billion. 2201 TDE exploratory ship, Athena, folded into the Larger Magellanic Clouds. They are the first Humans to leave their galaxy. 2207 In the Antares star system a skirmish erupts between TDE exploration fleets and aliens known as the Greys. The aliens are forced to flee the avenging forces. A TDE public release confirms the prior knowledge of incursions on to Earth by the Greys beginning during the latter years of World War 2. 2212 An old group known as CAUS [Citizens Against UFO Secrecy] successfully campaigns one of their members into office. He is murdered after only 3 months and all information relating to the case is suppressed under the hitherto unknown TDE securities act of 2199. 2213 An action group is formed to prevent secret passing of laws and legislation by the TDE. The group is named RIPOSTE [Residents In Protest Over Secret TDE Edicts]. 2216 Militant groups related to RIPOSTE are responsible for the bombing of the TDE council to the League of Greater Agriculturalists. There were no fatalities and the group who named themselves MRATS claim that they intended it to be so. The military response is subdued and supporters from some government departments begin to pressure the TDE for a release of all secret files from pre 2150. 2219 The campaign by RIPOSTE and its subsidiaries is partially successful with the release of hundreds of gigabytes of previously top secret data. Most of which predates the first Mars colony foundation. Many give up the campaign feeling they have succeeded and RIPOSTE loses its momentum. 2221 The Khazadians are encountered by the TDE and friendly relations begin shortly thereafter. 2222 Heralded by obscure prophecy the TDE Scoutship Kilamanjaro is kidnapped and released with a message from a race of aliens in the far reaches of the Perseus arm of the Milky Way. They claim to be the humans natural rulers and call themselves Atlantean. 2225 33 months after the Kilimanjaro incident the Atlanteans arrive on the outskirts of TDE frontier space.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Warships are dispatched but return without crew carrying messages of mass Spiritual Illumination. The Atlanteans make no more appearances and the efforts by the Naval Elite Pursuit Echelon to track them down come to naught. 2228 Gunnery sergeant Dietrich Knessenar, of the TDE Scoutship Kilamanjaro, appears on the station of Peeters near the Antares system. He claims he has been reborn as a great mage and will teach those willing to learn. When the TDE security department tries to capture him for interview each member of the assailing party vanishes. It is later found out that they were teleported harmlessly to their next of kins' residences. 9 out of the 11 teleported became his disciples. 1 committed suicide. 2245 The Knessenar School of Magi becomes an official supporter of RIPOSTE and the pressure on the TDE government is resumed with an intensity unheard of in any previous such action. 2266 The TDE government is forced into a position of denial by a RIPOSTE influenced committal inquiry into the allegations of corruption in Gharick Sector of Draco. During the inquiry evidence is heard of arms manufacturers' deals with sector government officials to continue armed conflict on all current fronts. The diplomacy bureau's funding was further cut in this years budget. 2267 Release of the bio engineered breed of Jalpa called the Kilkline. Sales are high. Scouts in Gharick Sector claim to have discovered an abandoned Atlantean base. The party disappear after their first press conference demonstrating some of the artifacts they discovered there. 2275 Weapons manufacturing reaches a new level of personnel portable destruction. The ripperbolt gun. Firing dense plasma sheathed projectiles through a gauss type system the low line calibres can penetrate over 150mm of ceramisteel. 2278 In response the new level of portable destruction many worlds prohibit all energy weapons. This creates the „powder worlds‟, worlds where the only weapons are powered by cordite and gunpowder. 2296 Not to be outdone the weapons manufacturer Gordon-Epoch produce the ultimate in sidearm lethality. The Gravitational Shear. 2300 Knessenar trained Magi are responsible for the defrocking of the Sector Governor of Gharick (noted for its alarmingly high crime rate and allegations of corruption). The ensuing trial brings down thirteen Sector Court Judges and the Knessenar Magi supervised the selection process for the new stand in Governor who was elected for 3 terms after their departure. 2311 The Gharick Sector Governor was assassinated by unknown radicals. 2317 First Contact with the Gromeks and Reepaxi during one of the aliens many engagements results in the TDE declaring war on the 2 races. 2320 It becomes apparent to the Gromeks and the Reepaxi that the TDE is not on the other's side so they form an uneasy alliance with the Terrans. 2323 Introduction of magnetic liquid hydrogen reactors as cheap alternatives to the Daazig/Mahler Energy Converters is met with public and private enthusiasm. The MAG LH reactors do not have the incredible output of the never need refuelling D/M converters but are less than a tenth the price and more easily maintained. 2326 MAG LH Corporation has become the fifth largest corporation in the TDE. 2340 The first of the Leviathan 5 Dreadnought class ships is launched into active duty from a secret Hades Shipyard facility on the galactic rim. 2344 The planet of Delsannin stages a magickally backed rebellion against the TDE placed local government. The TDE are routed with less than 230:1 casualties in favour of the rebels. The TDE Senate holds a referendum to try and constrict mages freedom. The referendum fails. 2349 A graduate of the Knessenar College of Material Sciences develops magickal cybernetics. They are dubbed para prosthetics. Abilities include stored spell parameters and formulae, astral boosting and aura amplification. 2354 A splinter of the Knessenar College of Material Sciences forms Knessenar Industries. A corporation of Alchemists and Runemasters dedicated to psychogenic and para prosthetic devices. 2357 The Knessenar School of Magi falls into disarray with the disappearance of Dietrich Knessenar, the founder, who is over 160 years old. The TDE government makes its move and forces legislation through the Senate that states; "All graduates of any school of magick or paranormal studies are to be registered on a galactic database accessible to all citizens. The files are to contain as much personal information as possible for the safety and security of the populous." There is a short uproar that is quickly quashed. 2359 The census of the TDE is released and the figures are phenomenal; over one hundred trillion citizens on 2 million, 4 hundred and ninety thousand worlds throughout the Milky Way local group which includes Andromeda, Fornax and Sculptor galaxies. 2360 The present.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers]

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers]


CITIES THE CITYSCAPE Living in the cities of the Black Dawn worlds can be best described in simile to a jungle. Due to the massive structures that the engineers and entrepreneurs build as edifices of testimony to their own power, the cities are split into canopies, just like any jungle. The floor canopy is for the bottom feeders of society; the people who are not part of the underground but ought to be for the better money it pays. It is dark for most of the daylight hours with what little light that comes from the local star amended by artificial units. Down here, amongst the buttresses and tubes that support and augment the towering dura-crete super-scrapers and docking silos of „greater‟ city life, is where the lower classes work and scratch through their lives for a decent house [one that has no transit tubes within ten walls] and a liveable retirement fund. Surrounded on all sides by a mismatch of architectural revivals and failures the confusing facade of any Black Dawn city is part of the reason behind every citizen‟s refusal to care about much more than their immediate family and even that is a generous generalisation. On one side you may see a building in the style of the eminent Frank Lloyd Wright while right across the main carriage lane a lumbering prefabricated industrial warehouse may blot out the sunset that would otherwise have lit up the glass and gravel fronted Wright structure into a work of construction art.

Detail, detail and more detail: Nearly every building has a facade of some size to cover the external additions and necessities of Black Dawn life. Power generators and auxiliary air filtration systems squat like mechanical gargoyles atop the flats, offices and pressure silos that make up the city. Transit tubes, shuttle pads, down sheds, and monorails are some of the structures that crisscross between the buildings like concrete and steel vines or ferns.

Every planet of any significance will have a city built around the starport. The cities of the ancients had a seaport built around the mouth of a river; the starport is like the seaport of those ocean traders long past, the sea now replaced with an ocean of stars.

FOOD Food in the cities of Black Dawn is almost invariably pre-packaged made from fresh and/or surplus crops and livestock. Grown on agro-worlds and processed in orbital factories to prevent pollution spilling back into the biosphere food quality is better now that it has been for centuries.

Livestock farming has advanced tremendously. Controlled environments on terraformed planets have created parasite-free living conditions for many meat and game animals. Simple culling and round ups are all that it takes to collect the carcasses for processing in orbit or at a large facility off-shore before being shipped to core worlds.

Some of the largest mega-corps are food producers and agro-corps that scout new worlds in hopes of candidate planets for agro- production and minor terraforming projects. Huge long-term profits are to be had. Such megacorps are Greenaways Incorporated, GalCorp, LMX Conglomerates, AgriCorp, FoodCorp and MegaFarms.

TRAVEL Travellers within the cities almost exclusively use anti-grav vehicles of various descriptions. Anti-grav describes any vehicle propelled by a gravitational repulser field. The technology of gravity is referred to as gravitics. The gravitic field is modulated to provide acceleration and manoeuvrability. These a-grav vehicles fly around the city in holographically marked lanes that appear as large green squares, hovering at various altitudes, each altitude numbered by route. Most people can afford the cost of a-grav vehicles with the average sedan priced at around three month's salary or 6000cr. These vehicles come in following four main types; the name reflecting their capabilities to an extent.

Jammers High speed skimmer bikes that utilise small fusion powered ion thrusters and high-output a-grav lobes for extra forward speed. In popular culture jammers are the symbol of a traveller‟s freedom and independence.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Skimmers Any low altitude vehicle generally of small to medium size, but can come in a great variety of speeds. Skimmers equate to cars, vans and light trucks. They use a variety of anti-grav or repulsor field engines.

Floaters Mid altitude, low speed vehicles that are generally of a large size. These equate to airships and helicopters; the helicopters being the small ones.

Cruisers Large anti-gravity, or gravitic, vehicles that travel at high speed at various altitudes are referred to as cruisers. Cruisers range in size from that of a large truck to large ship with a mass of 5000tonne being the largest. The largest cruisers are referred to as whales or mega-whales. Some of these large cruisers operate like trains with each trailer, or car, having an extra gravitic engine installed for its own lift.

Public Transport Public transport systems do exist but are often poorly maintained due to a lack of funding. The most common form of personnel travel, apart from the skimmer, has to be the air-bus. They come in two sizes, big and bloody huge. The bloody huge airbuses are generally called „whales‟. Whales use the transport lanes like hover trucks and are considered cruiser class vehicles. These titans can carry 300-600 people depending on the model and are usually armoured like tanks. The whales only live up to their nickname in size as many models are capable of sub-sonic speeds. Like cabs, whales sometimes carry advertising monitors that flash short, snappy 3-second adverts that are annoyingly catchy. These are only mounted on vehicles that are of lower speed and/or routed with frequent stops but as most whales are used as a kind of bulk express transport system this is not the norm.

For those that don‟t drive, for whatever reason, there is the ever-present taxi. These come in many varieties and are skimmer class vehicles colour coded by company. Much like 20th century cabs, the Black Dawn cabs carry advertising placards in the form of large monitors not dissimilar from a computer screen. The cabs usually have a monitor on the roof, tail, sides and belly of the vehicle; any surface that is easily visible by the public. Cabs are fast, or driven flat out, either way onlookers or passengers alike are unsure of their safety. An alarming number of cab drivers are ex-military service personnel who have trouble with authority figures but in some regions of a city you will be glad of this fact.

Buses are also common in Black Dawn usually where tube trains are not viable. Such places are hilly areas where the bedrock is unstable or the water table fluctuates greatly. Buses will travel overland from one outlying region to a more centralised, or connected, region. This makes buses more of a connectivity service than a staple. Buses rarely have much room for luggage unless the travel is over great distance.

Cargo and Shipping Cargoes are shipped around a Black Dawn city by skimmer and cruiser class transport vehicles (often called hover trucks) via transit lanes that are reserved for such vehicles, the reasons being for safety and traffic control. Some of these hover trucks can carry 500 tonnes and accelerate from standing start to 300kph in a little under 3 seconds. Drivers that stray into transport lanes and survive the incident will be invariably disqualified from driving for 1-5 years.

Surface trains are still built on powder worlds and many worlds where there is little surface animal life. A great many agrarian worlds are networked by surface rail systems to move produce from outlying growers to central distribution structures such as starports or processing plants. Surface trains are usually electric engines although steam turbines are common as well.

Skimmer trains are mega-whale anti-gravity vehicles that can be expanded with multiple trailers. They perform much like a train of old except that they can fly at altitudes up to around 3000metres. The skimmer trains are a little cheaper than surface trains but cannot lift anywhere near as much. Skimmer trains can reach speeds of about mach 1.3 in the fastest examples.

With the mass production of Brisenfeldt generators the airship has returned except in a heavy lift variation that is not as weak as those of the late steam age. The new airships can lift tremendous amounts of cargo but are slow and ponderous. Brisenfeldt transporters are popular for transporting bulk goods or product that does not spoil or is part of a continual supply conduit because of the vehicles slow speed. Thus a very heavy transport can be built to move ore by the kilotonne that does not require a full-blown star ship or the creation of a physical lane. Brisenfeldt lifters and transporters are most popular with mining operations of all kinds.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Tube Trains Tunnels and tubes that traverse and intertwine within modern metroplexes are the transit avenues for large trains. This mass transit system was conceptualised before the 20th century but was not recalled until crowding became prohibitive of personal transport such as the automobile. Black Dawn tube trains are magnetically drive duo-rails. They work on the same principle as mono-rails but with two rails. The power is transmitted through the rails as well as lift. Tube trains usually travel at around 200kph and on long stretches can reach speeds of over 500kph. Tube trains on resort worlds usually have plexisteel sides to allow a view while travelling.

SPACE TRAVEL Space travel is common in Black Dawn. Over 95% of TDE citizens have travelled into space and of those 65% have travelled FTL. Prices are accessible and are not prohibitive until intragalactic distances are required to be traversed in a short time. Many lower budget travellers that are crossing the galaxy will take many short hops and spread it out over a few months rather than pay the many thousands of credits for a ticket on a Keeler drive ship. This does not mean that Keeler-drive ships are not ever booked out. Frequently big business and mega corporations use nothing but Keeler-drive transports to keep the executive productive on their travels by reducing in-flight time. Warp-drive travel is seen as somewhat of a junket in business culture and to avoid being seen as cheap many businesses will send their travelling personnel via hypershunt craft.

Orbital and Intra-system Travelling from a planet to close orbit is within reach of all citizens in Black Dawn that have an income. It is usually cheap, around 25cr, and takes little more than ten minutes. Orbital travel is undertaken aboard shuttles and high-powered cruisers. Many technical and trades workers commute via orbital shuttle to zero-G orbital factories. This method of travel is amongst the safest in the TDE. Accidents are usually a sector level news event.

Travelling within a solar system, the planetary system around a start, or within a small sub-light distance of space is undertaken onboard cruisers and intra-system shuttles. These are usually of similar appearance and motive-technology as the orbital craft but larger for holding greater powered engines and fuel reserves or power generators.

Interstellar and Intragalactic Faster than light travel is the only thing that allows interstellar travel. This is analogous to 21st century Earth‟s jet travel between continents. Passenger liners are usually the size of small ships, around 3000 tonnes, and make the journey at around 1parsec/10hours.

Intragalactic travel is like interstellar except over much greater distances. The Stimow have a number of no-contact liners that are serviced by sub-contractors but flown and maintained by the elusive aliens. The Stimow are separate and uncontactable from inside these liners; that duty is for the subcontractors. There are some liner companies that represent themselves as the pilots of these vessels to help assure travellers that they have access to those that are in control of the vessel. Smooth warp drive is the hallmark of these vessels and fast smooth travel is what they deliver. No strange sensations or FTL sickness. The Stimow have perfected the art of FTL travel in comfort.

Some express-liners and cargo companies use ships with Keeler drive for long distance intragalactic travel. For instance a jump from one side of the galaxy to the other side would require a Keeler drive vessel. The majority of cross-galaxy travel is done on these long distance haulers.

Intergalactic Intergalactic craft are always Keeler drive monstrosities with a great deal of armour, shields, defensive weaponry and interior security systems. Life pods are available for every passenger and the seating is made to be very comfortable. Intergalactic travel starts with an orbital shuttle transfer to a loading station where luggage is scanned through customs and put on board the liner. The preparation phase begins before the passengers board with the Daazig/Mahler energy converters being brought on line to full power. Passengers board and the line leaves the station under sub-light field drive power. Once the liner in clear to fold the drive is warmed up and the course checked for the fifth time. All calculations are verified through a triple redundant system and if they pass the fold is initiated. The sensation is like being filtered through white light then put into a dream state. Most travellers opt for false sensory input during the initial fold. Once the initial fold has taken place the journey is just like other FTL travel. The return fold is then like a compression and release from the bright light stage of being in the middle of the fold. It is rumoured that some travellers who do not take the false sensory input for the final fold become delusional schizophrenics and have to be removed.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers]

The Extreme Edge Teleportation is still beyond the grasp of most. Great and powerful mages are known to be capable of the feat, the most famous being Dietrich Knessenar, but such magi are at least as reclusive as they are potent. As a technology it is still not viable because those who can produce it have such a strong reluctance to do so and put their incredible talents in to hiding themselves and their work. This ensures that such magi are not easily found let alone persuaded.


Newspapers A couple of centuries ago the companies got their acts together and started using fast growing bamboo variants for paper. This was after the refinement in the pulping process by Chinese scientists to remove the grainy texture and make the paper of greater use to Western presses. Ink retention was superior after only three years of research and the change swept the known world. Genetic engineering and robotics transformed the industry and the paper became ridiculously cheap to manufacture. Improvements in ink also saw the same price benefits with high quality colour inks easily available. Newspaper companies slowly transformed with the new technologies and economic strategies so that huge printing plants for newspapers are practically extinct. Information is an even more valuable commodity in Black Dawn than our own world. The Black Dawn newspaper is an up to the second freshly printed collection of articles that is customised by the buyer. The customer can select only the financial news and the stock reports or only the comics and the sports sections. These are bought from a news terminal. There are many different brands and thus appearances of newspapers but they all give pretty much the same result: a freshly printed newspaper. Common terms for newspapers are screamsheets, newsfax, newsprint, infofax and infosheet.

Telephone and Vidphone The phones of Black Dawn are cheap video cellular apparatus that have a range to tower of approximately 10km. There are cheaper models available that have no video feed and are wrist, finger and pocket phones. For a couple of extra creds you can have your phone fitted with a street map and nav-sat link. When globe hopping one can download the local street directory from their carrier. A dataphone connection is required for cybernet access. Each phone type can perform all the functions of the phone type above it. Thus a vidphone can do everything a basic phone can do and a dataphone can do everything a basic phone and a vidphone can do. PHONE Weekly Cost Basic 5 Vidphone 10 Dataphone 20

Radios and Radar This is an arbitrary translation of radio modulation and bands of transmission to create a hopefully simple method of dealing with such an open-ended transmission media. If you have knowledge of radio and can work a better and more accurate system than this please write it up and send it to Purple Reef.

All radios and radar have transmission strength. This is a rating that affects the chance of any transmission reaching its operational distance with perfect clarity. Weather, astronomical phenomena, jamming and other factors can reduce transmission strength.

Basic AM/FM/SW/UHF/Microwave: In 2095 the standard commercial frequencies were legislated into public domain. The same happened for FM 88Mhz to 108Mhz in 2106. It has since become even more choked with narrow broadcast amateurs and small private businesses. Data communication over these frequencies had become obsolete by 2113 because of the noise generated by intense traffic. BAND Shorthand #channels Basic AM AM-0 80 Basic FM FM-0 160 Basic UHF b-UHF 320 Basic Microwave b-mw 640

Advanced AM1-2/FM1/UHF/Microwave: Frequencies in and around the public bands that are reserved for government, corporations and law enforcement. Access is very easy for anyone knowledgeable enough. BAND Shorthand #channels Advanced AM1 AM1 160

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Advanced AM2 AM2 160 Advanced FM1 FM1 320 Advanced UHF a-UHF 640 Advanced Microwave a-mw 1280

Mil-spec AM1-3/FM1-3/SW1-2/QAM/UHF/Microwave: Mil-spec frequencies are in the Ghz range. They still monitor all known frequencies and modulation types. Data communications is fairly reliable but easily intercepted. Encryption by military is usually very solid. BAND Shorthand #channels Mil-spec AM1 mil AM1 160 Mil-spec AM2 mil AM2 320 Mil-spec AM3 mil AM3 320 Mil-spec FM1 mil FM1 320 Mil-spec FM2 mil FM2 640 Mil-spec FM3 mil FM3 640 Mil-spec SW1 mil SW1 1280 Mil-spec SW2 mil SW2 2560 Mil-spec QAM1 [data] mil QAM1 2560 mil-data Mil-spec UHF mil UHF 2560 Mil-spec MW1 mil mw1 2560 Mil-spec MW2 mil mw2 2560

Radar: Has to be included here for reference as the RAdio Direction And Ranging system uses narrow bands of microwaves that are easily vulnerable to jammers. Some real life radar bands are J-band and L-band. In Black Dawn we‟ll just split it into civilian, military and space with a couple of types of each. RADAR BAND Abbreviation civilian radar civ-radar civilian traffic control civ-traf-radar military radar mil-radar military tracking & traffic control mil-track-radar military early warning mil-EW space navigation sp-nav space traffic control sp-traf space tracking sp-track space close combat net sp-CCN

Cybernet (See also: Cybernet chapter) The Cybernet is the ultimate evolution of the Internet. Reaction times are increased to be close to the speed of the system itself. Thus instead of moving like a piece of eroding stone, you are moving at close to the speed of your own thoughts (no slow flesh to get in the way). This program comes under many legal guises, illegal variants and dangerous black market prototypes. The more sophisticated the Point of View Compressor, the more power the operator has within the Cybernet.

The Cybernet uses one standard communications protocol. Some PoV compressors use a translator to convert and condense the standard Cybernet protocol into a coded impulse that specifically tags certain functions for priority creating the sense of greater speed. This is the difference between the PoV compressor performances. Current PoV compressors include DemiGod, Feric 2360, Global, OmniTraveller, Callisto and UniNet. All have the power to transfer the operators point of reference to within the Cybernet. This is achieved through any industry standard Full Duplex Cyberdeck. The cyber deck is not to be confused with the actual computer itself as it is only the hardware needed for direct mental communication; although there is often little distinction between them in most peoples lives as the cyberdeck is almost standard equipment on all modern computers. It is important to note that a neural jack is not necessary to use a cyberdeck. A passive headset, conductive headset or even a hood can be used with similar speed and efficiency in the results. See THE CYBERNET (InfoCrime) for game details and mechanics.

MONEY MATTERS Yeah! It‟s still here. Try as they did they couldn‟t get rid of it altogether. As players you‟ll never have enough. Hard Currency is the stuff we‟re all used to. Notes, coins, tokens and bills. Produced by the TDE mints on most core worlds and some of the larger frontier supply worlds. All cash is made of bioplastic, comes with an embossed hologram, plain view serial number and a

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] camouflaged laser ident-pattern to prevent counterfeiting. Large denominations have extra security features such as molecular serial numbers and hidden infrared pictures.

Smart Currency Smart Currency is the programmable pieces of plastic and semi-conductors that are the most commonly used money media in the worlds of Black Dawn. The chits, stiks and ponts are the staple of everyday transactions through the TDE and are colour coded for easy identification of the items currency limit. The chits can only hold denominations of 20cr, 50cr, 100cr, 200cr, 250cr, 500cr, 1000cr, 2000cr, 5000cr and more rarely 10,000cr. A transaction that doesn‟t consume all the value of a chit will transmit the change to the owner‟s account. Chits are the electronic approximation of cash. These can only be used through a device known as, funnily enough, a chit reader. The chit readers are directly connected to the users accounts through an in-built cell-modem that contacts the banks mainframes directly to inform them of the details of any transaction. Cell phones are available with built in chit readers. Modular add on chit readers for most cell phones are also available.

Electronic Cash EFT is still around and is the most popular money media for large transactions. Electronic Funds Transfer uses the 20th century principle of EFTPOS in a more expansive way similar to cash chits and cred stiks. A specially constructed smart card is tied into the local cybernet with a code and ID# that are transferred via a „courier‟ program to the nearest authorised bank mainframe. This let‟s the user access all functions of the account through the card and an appropriate terminal. When this is linked to an invector band communications network; intergalactic banking becomes available.

Food Still bulky and if you want good food it is still relatively expensive. With the incredible number of races and their indigenous plant and animal species comes a bewildering array of cuisine. It is true that some of the races find other‟s choice of foods inedible, or outright toxic, but most races can eat the same cuisine without ill effect. The GM should run riot with this one. In general the Human Average food/sustenance per week is 50cr if cooked at home [wherever that may be] or 100cr if pre-prepared. Pre-pack is the most common dish and comes in many self-heating varieties. Some of the biggest brands are Insta-Meals, Six Seconds and Ain‟t No Wait.

Housing The bulk of city dwellers rent or lease self contained apartments. Most are no more than 10 metres on a side and cost 1000cr per month. Close proximity to the starport can increase the cost 1000% as can a tight security system with a monitored enclosure (luxury prison?), similar to a security estate in the late 20th century. Yuppies and trendsetters pay 10,000cr to 250,000cr per month for spectacular views and clean neighbours [looks is everything to these people]. If you want to buy a place outright then the price is, in general, 10 to 15 times the yearly rental cost.


Overview When demand is high for illegal substances, especially of a recreational or dependant nature, the prices will rise dramatically to compensate the danger of smuggling. This is well illustrated in the „War on Drugs‟ during the late 20th and early 21st centuries on Earth. Prohibition was proven even earlier to fail as a control measure.

Narcotics in Black Dawn are just as common as in the 21st century on Earth. They have become more specialised in effect with the advances in biochemistry since the „War on Drugs‟ era. Prices are always „affordable‟ but the profit margins are often huge. In underworld campaign settings characters will likely want to enter this lucrative but dangerous market.

Most narcotics are also toxins. Thus they have a TOX rating. To measure the effect of taking any of these substances go through the standard TOX rolls. Keeping note of SM and FM.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] The issue of overdose should be tackled first. Anytime a FM exceeds the PSY + CO of the user overdose will occur and they will first gain the effects of the substance but then begin to shutdown in toxic shock. This will affect the user as per the substances TOX type (eg. neural). The damage will be applied per minute or at the rate specific to the substance.

Prolonged use of a substance can cause physical dependency but usually psychological dependency is the toughest thing to overcome. Prolonged use increases the risk of using a substance that is not pure and thus carries other impurities that may cause physical damage. Fluctuating purities may also contribute to overdoses, or near misses, that result in permanent physical or psychological damage. From a game mechanics view point it is best to leave the psychological side of the drug addiction up to the player. Handling physical dependency is much easier.

Every time the substance being used affects a character they must fail the TOX roll by a definite margin to feel the full potency of the substance. Track the FM in a running total for that substance. When the running total of FMs for the substance reaches the Dependency rating the character is assumed to be physically addicted.

Withdrawal will set in when a dose of the substance has not been taken for the time listed. Withdrawal effects are the inverse of the effects of the substance. Eg. +1 INT becomes -1 INT. To physically overcome the withdrawal the user must make TOX tests against the current Dependency total. Long term users may never make it through withdrawal without medical assistance.

Euelerine (You-eller-een), or Yellow An interstellar hallucinogenic amphetamine derived from a sub-species of Silethian water flower that has been imported through quite a number of frontier worlds and then farmed in swamps and everglades. Normal dosage induces euphoria. Hallucinations come from large doses or long-term use. TOX 26 (neural) Dose Weight 0.1 gram Delivery Effects +3 MO, +1 DX, -2 AW Dependency 40 Withdrawal 25hr Overdose -2 CO, -3 MO, -1 HITS Availability Uncommon Legality TDE(narcotic), Silethian(trade permit) Cost 20 per dose Wholesale ratio 5:3

SH-12/20 Restricted access nerve gas. Powerful neural toxin that is easily absorbed through the skin of most life-forms. Destroys cytoplasm in neural cell structures. TOX 40 (neural) Dose Weight 0.1 gram Delivery Contact Effects -2 All PHYS, -2 HITS Dependency 600 Withdrawal 180hr Overdose -2 All PHYS, -2 HITS per CR Availability Restricted Legality TDE(Restricted military), Silethian (special trade permit) Cost ~2.0M for a kilogram

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Wastax (way-st-ax) Wastax is a purple cultivar plant with stems and fibres useful for production of cloth and paper. A combustible euphoric with slight metabolic side effects that is quite popular. Metabolic side effects include a slow in heart rate and nervous activity. Generally thought of as a mild depressant. Side effects at mild dosages include behavioural disorders and at higher levels brain chemistry malfunction often causing psychotic schisms and delusional paranoia. Users claim relaxation, heightened aesthetics, and in large doses, hallucinations accompanied by a reluctance to move. TOX 15 Dose Weight 0.5 gram Delivery Combust & inhale/Digest Effects -1 AW, -1 PSY, -1 MO Dependency 75 Withdrawal 48hr Overdose -6 AW, -2 PSY, -10 MO Availability Common Legality TDE(illegal substance), Silethian (commercial) Cost 10 per dose Wholesale ratio 5:3

LAW AND PUNISHMENT In 2360 laws have changed. All the basics are there, protection of property and person, but because of the new technology there are many new laws [more accurately regulations] that influence the way of life. In the TDE, which is the area the bulk of adventures will occur in, each planet has its own set of additional laws to the Galactic Law of the TDE. It is very much like the federal and state law. Each planet is a state in the federal body of the TDE. Galactic Law is divided into three tiers. Each tier governs a different area of space, planetary system, or planet-side. Galactic Laws override all other laws.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Section Deals With Galactic Law Space travel, Orbital law, Military Law, Heinous Crimes, Taxation Planetary Law Tariffs, Travel, Property, Civil Rights, Substance Regulation City Laws On-world Construction, Zoning, Parking of Vehicles etc.

Each of the sections will not be described in detail. A few crimes and punishments will be provided. These are the ones most likely to be referenced in an RPG session, hopefully not because of player actions.

Section Crime Punishment 12a, Galactic Law Piracy Frag Labour, Exile, 10-life in prison 14c, Galactic Law Hi-jacking Frag Labour, Exile, Thought Re- orientation 21a sub 3, Galactic Law Terrorism Frag Labour, Thought Re-orientation, Draining 21a sub 5, Galactic Law Conspiracy to Commit Terrorism Thought Re-orientation 22c, Galactic Law Murder Frag Labour, Death of Personality, Exile 22e, Galactic Law Attempted Murder 2-12 years in prison, Thought Re- orientation 22f, Galactic Law Conspiracy to Commit Murder 1-10 years in prison, Thought re- orientation 22h Manslaughter through negligence Thought re-orientation of the perpetrator 23 Rape Exile, Frag Labour, Death of Personality 23a sub 13, Galactic Law Sexual Assault 2-12 years in prison, Thought Re- orientation 35a Murder of a Minor Compulsory Frag Labour 35a sub 12, Galactic Law Rape of a Minor Compulsory Frag Labour 35a sub 14, Galactic Law Attempted Murder of a Minor Thought Re-orientation and 5-25 years in prison 42, Galactic Law Pollution of a Bio-sphere 2-20years prison (depending on volume and substance), Thought re-orientation for repeat offenders, habitual offenders Frag- Labour. 42 sub 7, Galactic Law Pollution of a Bio-Sphere with Death of Personality, Frag-Labour toxic substances 102 sub d, Planetary Law TDE Theft 2-20 months in prison, Draining 102 sub g, Planetary Law TDE Larceny 1-6 years prison 102 sub k, Planetary Law TDE Fraud [Includes the bulk of 2-10 years in prison, Thought cybernet crimes] Reorientation 102 sub k3, Planetary Law Fraud by Government Official 4-24 years in prison, Thought TDE Reorientation 108 sub a, Planetary Law TDE Theft of a Vehicle 6-36 months in prison 108 sub h, Planetary Law TDE Theft of Airborne Vehicle 1-10 years in prison 108 sub k, Planetary Law TDE Theft of Dangerous Vehicle 3-12 years in prison, draining, thought reorientation 112 sub f, Planetary Law TDE Armed Robbery 2-20 years in prison, Thought Reorientation

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] A Brief Explanation of Punishments. Prison is often filled with people who are nastier and have less to lose than one‟s character. Prisons are full of people who once entered into the criminal system could not find their way out again for whatever reasons. Prisons come in three generic types. Low security High Security and Maximum Security.

Low Security Often populated by more frag labourers than those with their brains still relatively intact, low security prisons are productive manufacturing plants run by the cheap labour of the inmates. They are privately owned and work on a contract basis with the local government. All sentencing within a certain band is to be carried out at the companies‟ premises for the rights to the prisoners‟ labour. All profits are taxed at a reduced rate by the government as an incentive for big businesses. Food is subsided to the prison for the inmates and staff. There is great opportunity for corruption in this level of prison.

High Security There once used to be a medium security but the distinction was blurred out over time as offenders corrupted each other with their maladjustment and disrespect. It was rare to see any prisoner rehabilitated. The distinction for high security came about after frag labour reduced the numbers in maximum security prisons and relieved the burden of violent repeat offenders on the system.

Maximum Security Supervised showers. No contact visits. Sleep deprivation. Isolation for disruptive behaviour or insolence. Subliminal conditioning and minimal sustenance to ensure placidity. Maximum security is wound up so tight many prisoners lose their minds. Prisons established for any length of time end up resembling a high tech recreation of an archaic asylum for the criminally insane.

Thought Reorientation One of the few real rehabilitative sentences. A government approved psychic will „settle‟ the parts of a personality that contributed to the perpetration of the crime. In the case the offender requires a severe process for re-orientation a psionic device will be used by the psychic for the operation. If a relatively minor experience will straighten a few kinks out of the mental processes the psychic will use direct psychic contact.

Frag Labour Fragging, in this context, is the process of mental tampering with an offender‟s brain to effectively neutralise most independent thought and imagination. It is currently reversible although very few offenders have been granted a reprieve from this punishment. If the offender was a PC they are effectively out of the players control. Frags are kept in low security prison factories and plants to become cheap labour for large companies. There are large companies that invest in the construction and licensing of such places to ensure a major share of all profits. Starting a frag labour plant has been a key part of the success stories in 3 out of 5 billionaires.

Death of Personality The offender‟s personality is wiped completely leaving in effect a blank body. People with rare incurable diseases are often given these bodies after it is bio-sculpted to resemble their healthy optimum selves. The personality transfer is officially 100% successful.

Draining The process is performed only rarely and by a representative of Knessenar Industries who has been highly trained in the use of the para-psionic devices to be employed. The process drains all the causal anger from the offender and replaces it with acceptance of the offenders perceived „injustice‟. The process has had no failures.

Exile Exile is never sentenced; it is an offender‟s option. They may choose to leave the Galaxy and all other jurisdictions of the authority upon death of personality if they are found to return. Before they leave they are stripped of all non basic goods and injected with a germline gene marking serum permanently marking their entire person, have nano bots implanted in their systems that will alert any ident-scanner at any starport and then delivered to Rimworld, the planet at the edge of the galactic local group, via GalPol police transport. From there they are left to there own devices with the few other exiles.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers]


The world of Black Dawn is populated by more beings than just the various ethnicities of humans. The Auld, races from times thought mythical have rejoined humanity and taken up many places as leaders of clans, states and nations. The advent of inter- galactic colonisation, the resurgence of magick and contact with other cultures has made the Earth of Black Dawn a place of inter- racial politics, corruption and intrigue. Predictions from prophets, whose accuracy is sustained, threaten a future stained with the blood of all. Most of the races eligible for PC's are in the following list.


GEN-HUMAN Human science has come so far as to create clones of humans and before the clone wars this was something they did profusely. These clones were not the science fiction kind with memories grown in them. That is beyond the most advanced technology. Often used as drone labour, or slaves, it was all too common for the clone to be worked to death. This eventually became one of the myriad ethical, political and corporate reasons for the clone wars. The clone wars ended with the Gen-Humans being recognised as a race. They are capable of natural reproduction themselves but this leaves the offspring's genetic make-up to chance and most Gen-Human's have their children through a high-tech birthing system involving samples of both parents DNA. The rest is done on computer to create a child with no congenital defects and superior growth capabilities. The Gen-Humans however are more susceptible to mental illness, usually the result of poor treatment by society, and are not as resistant to psychogenics as are normal humans. The psychogenic vulnerability part of the human genome retains its hiding place in the double helix. WT 85/110KG. HT 1.8/2.1M

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid ST/CO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -20 to –10 Cold -9 to 10 Normal 11 to 42 Hot 43 to 120 Scorching 121 to 130 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +1 Nervous +1 Dissolution +1 Muscular +1 Radiation Rads Dissipation +1/hr Safe 100 Initial 120 Moderate 200 Severe 300 Lethal 400

HUMAN A large description of the various human sub-species is not needed. All humans use the same stat bonuses (or lack of them). Humans have a societal advantage that portrays the uniqueness of an individual as something that is sacrosanct in the universe and affords a great many rights. This psychological crutch is responsible for a great strength of resolve that other races have yet to achieve on such a wide scale throughout their individual members. WT 50/100KG. HT 1.5/1.9M

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid ST/CO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -12 to –1 Cold 0 to 4 Normal 5 to 35 Hot 36 to 55 Scorching 56 to 190 TOX Modifiers Vasculature 0 Nervous 0 Dissolution 0 Muscular 0 Radiation Rads Dissipation +0 Safe 50 Initial 100 Moderate 200 Severe 300 Lethal 400


ELVES (SIDHE) The Elven race is just like the human race but they are taller, pale skinned, green haired and very slender. Elves have brown, dark green or black eyes that have no whites. The Elven race enjoys limited nightvision to around 30 metres and have pointed ears much more sensitive to mid-range frequencies generated in many animal vocalisations. All Elven species use the same stat bonuses. Perception: Hear+2 HT 1.9M/2.1M WT 65/90KG.

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid ST/MO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -25 to 0 Cold 1to 7 Normal 8 to 38 Hot 39 to 59 Scorching 60 to 125 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +3 Nervous +2 Dissolution +0 Muscular +2 Radiation Rads Dissipation +1 Safe 50 Initial 100 Moderate 200 Severe 270 Lethal 380

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] FEY-CHILDE Are sometimes mistakeable for children although they can grow beards and are fully mature. The Fey-childe race has various ethnic groups corresponding to humans. On the whole Fey-children are agile quick and adept at moving silently, they make good infiltrators and pistoleers. (Their stature hampers them when using large weapons such as rifles and shotguns giving a snap shot penalty of +1 additional difficulty and aiming takes 1 action longer.) HT 1.2/1.5M WT 55/70KG.

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid ST/CO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -20 to –6 Cold -5 to 4 Normal 5 to 35 Hot 36 to 55 Scorching 56 to 190 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +2 Nervous +2 Dissolution +1 Muscular +4 Radiation Rads Dissipation +2 Safe 100 Initial 140 Moderate 220 Severe 310 Lethal 400

GNOMES Short wizened men and women that possess an almost genetic penchant for things obscure, arcane and esoteric. Gnomes are miniature versions of humans derived from the same various human ethnic groups. They possess moderate nightvision to 15 metres. (Firearms use as Fey-childe.) HT 1.1/1.5M WT 50/68KG.

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid ST/CO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -12 to –1 Cold 0 to 4 Normal 5 to 35 Hot 36 to 55 Scorching 56 to 190 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +1 Nervous -2 Dissolution +1 Muscular +1 Radiation Rads Dissipation -1 Safe 50 Initial 95 Moderate 180 Severe 270 Lethal 380

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] GOBLINS Goblins are small but strong greenish grey humanoids that are the benchmark for the term Goblinoid. Goblins have conjoined toes, arms long enough for the fingers to reach the knees and a heavy bone structure. They are generally quite athletic buy possess a slightly smaller brainpan than humans. Goblin brains have less cortical folding than humans and this may explain their inability to master the more subtle side of linguistic communication and culture. Goblins possess perfect nightvision and thermal based darkvision to 20 metres although daylight causes discomfort and loss of visual clarity (-4 visual perception). Simple filter goggles can remedy this situation easily. (Firearms use as Fey-childe.) HT 1.1/1.5M WT 50/68KG.

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid ST/CO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -12 to –1 Cold 0 to 4 Normal 5 to 35 Hot 36 to 55 Scorching 56 to 190 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +1 Nervous +0 Dissolution +0 Muscular +1 Radiation Rads Dissipation +0 Safe 70 Initial 110 Moderate 200 Severe 300 Lethal 400

HOBGOBLINS Are larger goblins with proficiency for psychic ability not seen in any other Goblinoid races. Perfect darkvision and excellent physical agility are the Hobgoblin's major advantage. HT 1.3/1.7M WT 50/73KG.

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid ST/CO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -12 to –1 Cold 0 to 4 Normal 5 to 35 Hot 36 to 55 Scorching 56 to 190 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +2 Nervous -1 Dissolution +2 Muscular +2 Radiation Rads Dissipation +1 Safe 100 Initial 120 Moderate 200 Severe 300 Lethal 400

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] JOTAN-TOR Giants of Norse origin. They are rarer than Wolfen and are often the victims of unwarranted harassment. Well-formed humans of very large stature Jotan Tor are the largest of all the races in Black Dawn. The racial name translates roughly as Hill Giant. Not always physically oriented a few have made an exemplary career as engineers. HT 3.3/4.0M WT 320/500KG

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid ST/CO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -32 to –16 Cold -15 to –3 Normal -2 to 29 Hot 30 to 49 Scorching 50 to 90 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +0 Nervous +0 Dissolution +0 Muscular +0 Radiation Rads Dissipation +0 Safe 50 Initial 100 Moderate 200 Severe 300 Lethal 400

OGRES As a rule Ogres are large hirsute humanoids with heavy frames and large hands. Ogres are more common than trolls and fall into similar lines of work and crime. Ogres tend to be highly resistant to pain, hence the large amount of hits, and very strong. HT 2.4/2.8M. WT 210/260KG.

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid ST/CO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -12 to –1 Cold 0 to 4 Normal 5 to 35 Hot 36 to 55 Scorching 56 to 190 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +2 Nervous +0 Dissolution +0 Muscular +2 Radiation Rads Dissipation +1 Safe 90 Initial 140 Moderate 250 Severe 330 Lethal 470

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] ORCS(BORDER GOBLNS) Also are similar in structure to humans and are derived from the various ethnic groups therein. Orcs have arms that reach the knees and a heavy musculature across a broad strong frame. Orcs tend to be taller and heavier than their human counterparts and are almost always much stronger. Orcs have perfect nightvision and limited darkvision to around 20 metres. HT 1.8/2.1M WT 95/150KG.

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid ST/CO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -12 to –1 Cold 0 to 4 Normal 5 to 35 Hot 36 to 55 Scorching 56 to 190 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +1 Nervous +1 Dissolution +1 Muscular +3 Radiation Rads Dissipation +1 Safe 80 Initial 120 Moderate 250 Severe 370 Lethal 450

TROGLODYTES Are large hairy oily skinned humanoids that more closely resemble monsters than humans. They are mutations that can still be born to any couple of human, gen-human or Auld origin but are most commonly aberrations in Goblinoids, Trolls and Ogres. Troglodytes are very strong, armed with long rake like claws and completely psychopathic towards all the „pretties‟ (non-Trogs). Many spend their entire unfortunate lives institutionalised or worse, are killed at birth. Society has yet to receive this race of Auld. They are fearsome opponents even for Ogres. Perfect darkvision. HT 2.8/3.3M WT 260/320KG.

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid ST/CO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -12 to –1 Cold 0 to 4 Normal 5 to 35 Hot 36 to 55 Scorching 56 to 190 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +2 Nervous +2 Dissolution +2 Muscular +2 Radiation Rads Dissipation +1 Safe 100 Initial 160 Moderate 250 Severe 400 Lethal 500

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] TROLLS Huge and often ugly, Trolls are often employed as bouncers and other such professions that require brute strength and size. Both of these things a Troll excel in. They have tough skin, long claws, superior darkvision, strong bones and a heavy musculature. Despite this mountain of physical power bright light often causes physical pain (-2 activity and 1 hit/hour, and it can kill) as it calcifies the skin tissues through chemical reaction, but a troll's endurance is such that it can be coped with. HT 3.0/3.5M WT 280/350KG.

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid ST/CO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -60 to –21 Cold -20 to –5 Normal -4 to 35 Hot 36 to 65 Scorching 66 to 200 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +1 Nervous +1 Dissolution +1 Muscular +2 Radiation Rads Dissipation +0 Safe 100 Initial 200 Moderate 300 Severe 400 Lethal 480

WOLFEN Almost the rarest of the Auld the Wolfen were considered a stabilised form of lycanthrope who had evolved with the disease in permanent remission. This was later disproven after genetic test confirmed that the Wolfen were their own species. They are large humanoid wolves that are strong and quick. Heightened sense of smell that aids in perception and a resistance to extreme cold helps Wolfen operate in artic climes. Wolfen often live in frontier communities on pollution free regions in cool climes. Many such communities practice permaculture or bio-terraforming. Perception: smell +5 HT 2.0/2.3M WT 100/140KG.

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid ST/CO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -70 to –46 Cold -45 to -24 Normal -25 to 29 Hot 30 to 55 Scorching 56 to 90 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +0 Nervous +0 Dissolution +1 Muscular +1 Radiation Rads Dissipation +0 Safe 80 Initial 100 Moderate 200

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Severe 280 Lethal 370


The races now referred to as Anthro's get the nickname from a shortening of the word anthropomorphic. Which loosely means human like animal. Now that is exactly what it means. Anthro's tend to have a social stigma because of their superior physical abilities and the roles assigned to them before the great wars. Now they carry the burden of those racists who are unwilling to update their viewpoint to the new world. The reptiles have the worst stigma attached to them as a group. This comes from the cold- blooded reputation the early reptilian anthro's had when dealing with the humans who tried to integrate them into society.

BADGER Short, stocky and heavily muscled, Badger Anthros are physically an impressive race. They have keen senses and an awesome tolerance of physical abuse. Common traits are gruffness, loyalty and a vicious temper on the end of a long fuse. In appearance they have changed little from the animal. They now have longer legs and arms and 4 fingered hands with an opposable thumb. Tolerance: Physical +4 Perception: smell +2 Nightvision: 60m HT 1.5/1.9 M WT 65/130 KG

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid CO/MO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -32 to –16 Cold -15 to –3 Normal -2 to 36 Hot 37 to 59 Scorching 60 to 130 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +3 Nervous +1 Dissolution +3 Muscular +4 Radiation Rads Dissipation +0 Safe 100 Initial 120 Moderate 200 Severe 300 Lethal 400

BAT The bat anthros have changed most radically of all the anthros. They have developed a full set of shoulders for their wings and a separate set of shoulders for their arms. The arms are thin; ending in a hand with 2 clawed fingers and a thumb, and covered with the same short brown fur as the rest of the body. The wings however are still naked black leather. Some bats become opera singers because their voices can reach the highest frequencies audible to any of the races. Bats that are drawn to the adventuring life find their talents useful as scouts, night operatives and guards. Large individuals make excellent bodyguards because of their intimidating appearance. All bats have the special skill Spatial Location Awareness at level 2 plus the specialisation Sonar at plus 8. Unfortunately they are dependant on this sonar as they have trouble with normal vision, which is constantly at minus 6. HT 1.4/1.9M WT 35/70 KG

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid CO/MO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -12 to –1

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Cold 0 to 4 Normal 5 to 35 Hot 36 to 55 Scorching 56 to 140 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +0 Nervous +2 Dissolution +0 Muscular +0 Radiation Rads Dissipation +0 Safe 100 Initial 120 Moderate 200 Severe 300 Lethal 400

CAT Feline anthro's have carried that air of aloofness and the cold cunning of a killer into their Anthro forms. The cat is renowned for its incredible sensuality and can often insult human friends with an invitation to mate. Many adventuring cats are scouts and they often fall into the violent side of espionage. Same gender cats often can't stand to be in another's living space. This has been known to lead to deaths. Cat's have retained their retractable claws and night vision. Perception: Smell +3 Perception: Hear+2 HT 1.6/1.9M WT 65/90 KG

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid CO/MO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -35 to –11 Cold -10 to –1 Normal 0 to 35 Hot 36 to 55 Scorching 56 to 120 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +3 Nervous +1 Dissolution +1 Muscular +2 Radiation Rads Dissipation +0 Safe 100 Initial 120 Moderate 200 Severe 300 Lethal 400

DOGS The canine Anthro has become the most trusted of the Anthro races. It seems an obvious extension to the loyalty so often glorified in the animal's history. Now the dogs appear as muscular but lean men and women with facial features characterised by the sub- breeds the anthro's have developed from. The most common of these breeds are the Alsatian, Pointer, Boxer, Rottweiler and Doberman Pincher. Perception: Smell +3 Perception: Hear+2 HT 1.8/2.1M WT 85/135 KG

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers]

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid CO/MO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -35 to –11 Cold -10 to -1 Normal 0 to 35 Hot 36 to 55 Scorching 56 to 120 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +0 Nervous +0 Dissolution +2 Muscular +2 Radiation Rads Dissipation +1 Safe 100 Initial 120 Moderate 200 Severe 300 Lethal 400

FOX Anthros often have similar characteristics to their animal ancestors. In the case of the fox it holds true a great deal. They are paranoid, cunning, and devious. Always thinking of a way to further their situation. Fox anthros are of slight build and retain the fox head and tail on a lithe humanoid body. Japanese descendants dub them Hengeyokai, after the fox spirits that are prevalent in their tales. Perception: Smell +3 Perception: Hear +3 Tactics:solo +3 HT 1.5/1.7 M WT 50/70 KG

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid CO/MO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -70 to –46 Cold -45 to -24 Normal -25 to 34 Hot 35 to 59 Scorching 60 to 110 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +2 Nervous +0 Dissolution +0 Muscular +2 Radiation Rads Dissipation +1 Safe 90 Initial 110 Moderate 200 Severe 290 Lethal 390

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] GOATS Eating is a major aspect of the personality of most Goat anthros. They have a surprisingly common quirk that involves munching on small objects they find lying around them when bored. This can be anything from a twig to a friend's favourite CD or even a piece of a fallen foe. The sad thing is they barely know they are doing it. Goat anthros have retained the strong digestive system and can receive nutrition from arid food such as desert grass and even dried wood. The digestive system also provides a strong resistance to toxins making those goats that join the adventuring lifestyle find it is in their favour to sign on ARSAP missions involving strange biospheres. Goats can be any colour from white through brown to black. Tolerance: Toxins+5 HT 1.5/1.8M WT 50/80 KG

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid CO/MO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -30 to –10 Cold -9 to 4 Normal 5 to 39 Hot 40 to 55 Scorching 56 to 120 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +3 Nervous +3 Dissolution +5 Muscular +3 Radiation Rads Dissipation +2 Safe 100 Initial 120 Moderate 200 Severe 310 Lethal 410

HORSE "Gone are the shackles, my people. Rise up and know the glory of freedom. Forge your own future and never repeat the mistakes of our enslavers." --Cloud Mane, Shaman; address to the assembled Greater Horse Tribes, 2212. The Horse anthros adopted a lifestyle similar to the American Plains Indian except translated into a space-age starfaring universe. The Horses tend to belong to a tribe and have their mounts. These mounts are usually skimmer bikes. Tribes travel the galaxies in refitted transports and are often seen mixing with Space Gypsies. The Gypsies and the Horse tribes get on well most times. Fighting amongst the peoples tends to favour the Horse tribes, although it is rare. Recently the shaman Cloud Mane has begun publicly deliver his prophecy; a greater destiny for the tribes. He claims it involves adopting a new lifestyle, accepting the mistakes of all forbearers and striking out to the distant suns. Horse anthros appear as 2 fingered humanoid horses. They have an opposable thumb and are of large stature. Solidly muscled they retain their short coat and still maintain the appearance of the classical breeds such as palomino, dapple etc. Horses have can tolerate carrying weight loads than other races due to their unique bone structure. All pack and carry totals are 150% of normal. HT 2.2/2.6M WT 130/180 KG

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid CO/MO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -30 to –10 Cold -9 to 4 Normal 5 to 39 Hot 40 to 55 Scorching 56 to 120 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +0 Nervous +0 Dissolution +0

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Muscular +2 Radiation Rads Dissipation +0 Safe 100 Initial 130 Moderate 200 Severe 300 Lethal 400

LIZARD Greatly varied in appearance and colouring. Lizards are all long lithe and have a tough hide. Their hands are not as well developed as humans but they have only a small amount less dexterity. All lizards require less than half the water of a human and only 2 thirds as much food by body weight. Lizards tend to be scouts and snipers if in the paramilitary. Perception: sighting +2 HT 1.3/1.5 M WT 42/58 KG

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid CO/MO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -12 to –1 Cold 0 to 14 Normal 15 to 45 Hot 46 to 75 Scorching 76 to 220 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +1 Nervous +0 Dissolution +0 Muscular +2 Radiation Rads Dissipation +3 Safe 100 Initial 150 Moderate 250 Severe 350 Lethal 450

MOUSE The mouse has become a prevalent addition to human space. They live short but intense lives. Maturing at 4 years old and seldom living past 22 they learn, work and die with a fervour humans have almost lost. Many mice anthro's work constant double shifts in dead-end factory jobs for minimum wage because they are either too timid to aspire to greatness or simply do not want to. Those that do adventure tend to be intense, energetic, and clever. They are often terrifying in melee combat because of the ferocity their small frame belies. (Firearms use as Fey-childe) Perception: Smell +2 Perception: Hear+2 HT 1.0/1.3M WT 30/45 KG

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid CO/MO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -20 to –10 Cold -9 to 10 Normal 11 to 42 Hot 43 to 120 Scorching 121 to 130

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] TOX Modifiers Vasculature +0 Nervous +0 Dissolution +0 Muscular +0 Radiation Rads Dissipation +0 Safe 100 Initial 120 Moderate 200 Severe 300 Lethal 400

PIGEONS Still suffer the stigma of stupid filthy birds. This is not entirely untrue. Pigeons tend to lack the intellect of the other anthros and are often the butt of cruel racist jokes. These anthros have grown immensely from their animal size and now dwarf most humans. The pigeon has a thin downy covering of feathers from head to ankle and have a foot structure very similar to humans. They have large chests and shoulders that tend to be heavily muscled. Pigeons are often into bodybuilding and if in the adventuring lifestyle they tend towards the strength oriented aspects. Pigeons have completely lost any aerial capabilities but have retained their keen eyesight Perception: sighting+2 HT 1.6/2.2M WT 50/100 KG

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid CO/MO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -20 to –10 Cold -9 to 10 Normal 11 to 42 Hot 43 to 120 Scorching 121 to 130 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +0 Nervous +0 Dissolution +0 Muscular +0 Radiation Rads Dissipation +0 Safe 90 Initial 120 Moderate 180 Severe 280 Lethal 360

RABBIT Anthros of lean defined muscle mass and excellent mobility. The average rabbit adventurer has a vicious streak but the rabbit culture in general is much more placid. Rabbits mature at 6 and live to be 30, seldom having more than 6 kits. Perception: Hear+2 HT 1.2/1.5M WT 35/55 KG

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid CO/MO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -20 to –10 Cold -9 to 10 Normal 11 to 42

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Hot 43 to 120 Scorching 121 to 130 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +0 Nervous +0 Dissolution +0 Muscular +0 Radiation Rads Dissipation +0 Safe 100 Initial 120 Moderate 200 Severe 300 Lethal 400

RAT The rat anthro's appear as darker, larger mice. They are more intelligent than the mouse but are so intent on their survival they are often callous and unemotional. The rats that enter adventuring lifestyles seem to share the traits of cunning, and vicious forethought. Like cats they are drawn to the espionage lifestyle. If employed by a mega-corp they are often reporting to whomever they consider to be the strongest side, hence their superiors, secretly, or even another corporation. Perception: Smell +2 Perception: Hear+2 HT 1.5/1.8M WT 50/80 KG

Nourishment Food/Fluid ST/CO Exposure Units per day Frigid -20 to –10 Cold -9 to 10 Normal 11 to 42 Hot 43 to 120 Scorching 121 to 130 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +0 Nervous +0 Dissolution +0 Muscular +0 Radiation Rads Dissipation +1 Safe 100 Initial 130 Moderate 220 Severe 300 Lethal 400

SPARROW Anthros of this breed are still fully feathered except for the feet. The feet are a mix of human and bird, combining the better aspects of both. The sparrows have a limited glide capability due to the feathering of their arms, thus it only works if the air can reach their arms directly. Sparrows that enter adventuring lifestyles use their small size and mobility to their advantage. They do not lean towards any one area and are as versatile as any other race. HT 1.0/1.3M WT 30/45 KG

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid CO/MO

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Exposure Centigrade Frigid -20 to –10 Cold -9 to 10 Normal 11 to 42 Hot 43 to 120 Scorching 121 to 130 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +0 Nervous +0 Dissolution +0 Muscular +0 Radiation Rads Dissipation +0 Safe 90 Initial 120 Moderate 180 Severe 290 Lethal 380

SQUIRRELS Squirrels were always natural hoarders and similar to the pack rats, these anthros have developed a reputation as thieves. The Yads love hanging with squirrels, as they are better company than the traditional furry companion from Canyon. The squirrel Anthro has retained the tight muscular frame and the full body coat of striped fur. Common colours are grey and rust brown. Squirrels have good senses and are considered trained in one acrobatics and one climbing specialisation. Perception: Smell +1 Perception: Hear+2 HT 1.2/1.5M WT 38/55 KG

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid CO/MO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -20 to –10 Cold -9 to 10 Normal 11 to 42 Hot 43 to 120 Scorching 121 to 130 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +0 Nervous +0 Dissolution +0 Muscular +0 Radiation Rads Dissipation +0 Safe 90 Initial 120 Moderate 200 Severe 300 Lethal 400

TURTLE Movies of the 20th century had this kind of Anthro prancing around and doing elaborate martial arts. The facts of the 23rd century are that the turtle anthros have no such mobility. Their armour has, however, vastly improved. The single capsule like shell of the animal has extended and formed plates that cover the entire body. The turtle Anthro has slightly larger lungs than would be

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] expected of a creature this size. Turtles suffer the least of the reptile stigma but are still unempathic and callous by mammal standards. They get along better with aliens such as Vulath and Silethian. EXH +2 Natural Body Armour: THR:2 AR:4 HT 1.3/1.6M WT 50/90 KG

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid CO/MO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -12 to –1 Cold 0 to 14 Normal 15 to 45 Hot 46 to 75 Scorching 76 to 220 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +1 Nervous +1 Dissolution +1 Muscular +1 Radiation Rads Dissipation +2 Safe 100 Initial 140 Moderate 250 Severe 350 Lethal 450

WEASEL The weasel is constantly on the move, always trying new activities and experimenting with life in between meal breaks and naps. Sounds like a hectic schedule. The weasel anthros are tall slender and covered in fur coloured from a dusky grey to a rusty brown. All weasel Anthro's need to consume their own body weight in food each day, this is due to their increased metabolic rate that also allows them fantastic agility and gives a bonus to INITIATIVE. This is offset by a need to take constant naps, each usually 1 hour in length. These naps are only needed 5 to ten times a day. The nap that falls in the middle of the night tends to be 3 hours in length. Weasels make the worst neighbours. Weasels find themselves bored with normal life and they often seek the life of mercenary, criminal or spy. Weasels tend to be exceptional hand-to-hand combatants and if any of them find discipline to their liking, will become incredible warriors. INITIATIVE +4 HT 1.4/1.8M WT 45/80 KG

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid CO/MO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -32 to –16 Cold -15 to –3 Normal -2 to 36 Hot 37 to 59 Scorching 60 to 130 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +1 Nervous +2 Dissolution +1 Muscular +2 Radiation Rads Dissipation +1 Safe 100 Initial 130 Moderate 220

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Severe 310 Lethal 405

WOLF The wolf anthros are still socially arranged into the pack structure and when operating in such an environment are at their best. For this reason wolf anthros tend to colonise frontier worlds where they can start their own legal and governmental systems that are an extension of their pack hierarchy. Standing taller than the average human and still retaining the wolfish head the Anthro appears as the classic werewolf. This is an all too often insult used against a people who wish to lead a peaceful lifestyle in the tradition of their forebears. Perception: Smell +2 Perception: Hear+2 Leadership skill specialisation: wolf pack +2. HT 1.9/2.2M WT 90/145 KG

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid CO/MO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -32 to –16 Cold -15 to –3 Normal -2 to 36 Hot 37 to 59 Scorching 60 to 130 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +0 Nervous +0 Dissolution +0 Muscular +0 Radiation Rads Dissipation +0 Safe 90 Initial 110 Moderate 200 Severe 300 Lethal 400


HALF ELF The most common of the half-Human half-Auld races is the Half-Elf. Most humans brag about having an elf as a partner and the children from such couples are often arrogant and spoilt. Most half elves have limited night-vision and better hearing (hear +1) than the average human, clearer skin and only slightly pointed ears. Can easily pass as human anywhere. Modelling agencies love to hire half-elves for that exotic cross culture look. HT & WT as human.

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid CO/MO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -25 to 0 Cold 1to 7 Normal 8 to 38 Hot 39 to 59 Scorching 60 to 125 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +1

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Nervous +1 Dissolution +1 Muscular +1 Radiation Rads Dissipation +1 Safe 100 Initial 120 Moderate 200 Severe 300 Lethal 400

HALF-ORCS Occasionally humans and Orcs get together and have children from their relationships. Although the fertility chance is lower than normal (only 25% of couplings successful), it is not a complete oddity. The children are often less Orcish in appearance and have some of the vision abilities. They are often muscular, more heavily boned than humans and have the humanoid size brainpan. HT & WT as a large human.

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid CO/MO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -12 to –1 Cold 0 to 4 Normal 5 to 35 Hot 36 to 55 Scorching 56 to 190 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +1 Nervous +1 Dissolution +1 Muscular +2 Radiation Rads Dissipation +1 Safe 100 Initial 120 Moderate 200 Severe 300 Lethal 400

HALF-TROLL Again it is rare but it does happen. Some women want the security of having a Troll as a husband. A huge and powerful mate is often a delight to these females and why a human male does the same thing may very well be for the same reason. Children from such a union are massive, strong and mobile. Many pro-athletes are half-Troll. HT 2.0/2.2M WT 90/120KG

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid CO/MO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -50 to –21 Cold -20 to –5 Normal -4 to 35 Hot 36 to 65 Scorching 66 to 180 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +2

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Nervous +1 Dissolution +1 Muscular +2 Radiation Rads Dissipation +1 Safe 120 Initial 140 Moderate 220 Severe 320 Lethal 420


CORESZIAN The Coreszians are a human looking race from the Greater Magellanic Clouds. They appear to be golden-haired blue- eyed children but they are truly adults of their race. They just never grow the same features as adult humans, but are perfectly capable of reproducing and feeding children. Either gender can nipple-feed infants. All Coreszians are tele-empathic and often make for great fun to be around when they are in good moods. (Firearms use as Fey-childe.) HT 90cm/1.3M WT 35/50KG.

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid CO/MO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -25 to 0 Cold 1to 7 Normal 8 to 38 Hot 39 to 59 Scorching 60 to 125 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +0 Nervous -1 Dissolution +0 Muscular +0 Radiation Rads Dissipation +0 Safe 70 Initial 90 Moderate 150 Severe 200 Lethal 250

GROMEK Gromeks are a large muscular reptilian race that at a distance appear to be of Anthro origins. They are renowned for their physical prowess and seem to have a natural aptitude for ballistic weapons. Gromeks are from the Draco galaxy and have been at war with the Reepaxi over the sacred stars for centuries. Gromeks are reptilian-mammals, sharing body functions of both. Gromeks do not put on body fat, and thus make excellent body builders, at the cost of starving twice as quickly as the norm. The Gromek head is most closely approximated to a dragon with a reduced jawline and heavy brow. 6 tusk like protrusions about an inch long grow on both cheekbones. Females have only 3 but each of these is 3 to 4 inches long. Gromeks are often very aggressive and arrogant. HT 2.0/2.2M WT 90/130KG

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid CO/MO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -25 to –5

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Cold -4 to 6 Normal 7 to 40 Hot 41 to 69 Scorching 70 to 220 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +1 Nervous +0 Dissolution +0 Muscular +1 Radiation Rads Dissipation +1 Safe 160 Initial 200 Moderate 300 Severe 380 Lethal 470

KHAZADIANS Shorter and stockier than humans the Khazadians have dusky ochre coloured skin and dark red, or silver hair. Dense-broad bones and a heavily muscled frame underpin the strength that exceeds their size. Most Terrans call Khazadians, Dwarves, something they don't really mind. All Khazadians have an advanced immune system that makes them very resistant to disease and toxins of all sorts. Dwarves have good night vision and limited darkvision to 10 metres. HT 1.3/1.6M WT 60/75KG.

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid CO/MO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -12 to –1 Cold 0 to 14 Normal 15 to 45 Hot 46 to 75 Scorching 76 to 220 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +2 Nervous +1 Dissolution +2 Muscular +4 Radiation Rads Dissipation +4 Safe 150 Initial 200 Moderate 300 Severe 400 Lethal 500

KHESHIANS From a high grav world, the Kheshians appear human save for their too pale skin and completely blue eyeballs. The females have retractable claws similar to cats' claws that are translucent and very strong. The Kheshian society is primitive only just approaching the level of 1920's Earth, and as such they rarely travel except as athletes and weight lifters. Most finding it just too hard to cope with the rest of the galaxy and the pace at which life appears to move. Technological imports to the Kheshian homeworld are strictly monitored and restricted by the Stimow and few ships are ever allowed in-system. HT 1.8/2.1M WT 280/400KG

Nourishment Units per day

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Food/Fluid CO/MO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -45 to –25 Cold -24 to –10 Normal -9 to 40 Hot 41 to 60 Scorching 61 to 145 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +0 Nervous +5 Dissolution +0 Muscular +5 Radiation Rads Dissipation +3 Safe 90 Initial 160 Moderate 250 Severe 340 Lethal 460

MUNTRIANS From the planet Muntria on the outskirts of the Milky Way they are humans that seem to have evolved from gopher like creatures. Often stunningly beautiful, Muntrians are a docile race with few taboos and enjoy a good party. The race's moral strictures about sex and recreation have endowed a somewhat unfair tag on Muntrians as a race of bimbos. Many Muntrians are actually excellent technicians and earn a healthy living that way; it's just that for some, prostitution or work as a physical entertainer is higher profile, easier and more fun. Tech +1 HT 1.6/1.8M WT 65/85KG

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid CO/MO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -40 to –20 Cold -19 to –8 Normal -7 to 35 Hot 36 to 60 Scorching 61 o 160 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +1 Nervous +1 Dissolution +4 Muscular +2 Radiation Rads Dissipation +0 Safe 80 Initial 100 Moderate 200 Severe 290 Lethal 385

NORSE BROTHERS Appearing as large heavy framed humans of fair to honey tan skin with blonde, red, brown and coal-black hair. The have a Norse like religious system and laws that seem divergent from the Earth Viking cultures at about 400AD. The Norse Brother legend is that a whole town was abducted by Stimow and left on their current home world. They make poor pilots and receive –2 to skill

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] tests when piloting a vehicle type that takes into account altitude [although they have a reputation for being the best tank pilots and manufacturers in the TDE]. HT 1.9/2.3M WT 145/230KG

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid CO/MO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -55 to –30 Cold -29 to –12 Normal -11 to 33 Hot 34 to 50 Scorching 51 to 110 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +0 Nervous +0 Dissolution +0 Muscular +1 Radiation Rads Dissipation +2 Safe 100 Initial 130 Moderate 220 Severe 320 Lethal 400

PAXITIOKANX Paxitiokanx (say pack-sit-ee-oh-can-cks) have chocolate-brown to onyx-black coloured skin composed of a dense chitinous material that is effective armour. It is often as hard as light steel and the older a Paxitiokanx becomes the harder the hide gets. They have retractable claws of similar shape to a bear and these to are made from the same chitinous material as their hide, only stronger. The sheath acts as a sharpener, keeping the average individuals claws sharp enough to cut through tin-sheet. All Paxitiokanx have thermo-vision and sensitive hearing. Paxitiokanx eyes give off a dull red glow in pitch darkness that is only visible from 2 metres. They are deceptively weighty for their size. (Firearms use as Fey-childe.) Natural Body Armour: THR:3 AR:5 Perception: Hear +2 Thermal Vision HT 90cm/1.2M WT 40/60KG

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid CO/MO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -25 to –5 Cold -4 to 5 Normal 6 to 50 Hot 51 to 80 Scorching 81 to 190 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +0 Nervous +5 Dissolution +0 Muscular +0 Radiation Rads Dissipation +4 Safe 150 Initial 300 Moderate 400 Severe 500 Lethal 600

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers]

RASHEIN Commonly referred to as Gaunts and more rudely tagged Ghouls. They are tall and lithe hominids that have a disturbingly similar appearance to a sun dried human corpse. Their metabolism requires bodily movement to function and they sleep in almost narcoleptic bursts of 10-30minutes every few hours. Rashein have a predisposition to psychic generation, the most prevalent being Disclosure. Rashein skin is leathery and resistant to exposure in heated climes. They fare less well in cool and Artic-type climactic situations. Leathery Skin: THR: 1 Perception: Taste +1 HT 1.8M/2.1M WT 70/100KG

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid ST/CO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -5 to 4 Cold 5 to 9 Normal 10 to 50 Hot 51 to 80 Scorching 81 to 220 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +4 Nervous +2 Dissolution +0 Muscular +0 Radiation Rads Dissipation +2 Safe 200 Initial 250 Moderate 330 Severe 450 Lethal 550

REEPAXI Reepaxi is the plural for Reepax, but most people stuff it up like with dice and die. Reepaxi don't seem to mind though, they are too busy warring with Gromeks. The Reepaxi are best described as large reptilian goats. Their heads are goat shaped but with a shorter muzzle and deep set narrow eyes. Their head is covered in scales similar to a lizard or snake and has a mane of thick long fur that runs part way down the chest. The horns of the Reepaxi tend to grow to only 15cm but with age they grow longer and thicker. The age of a Reepaxi can also be estimated by how pale the mane has become, starting black at birth and then fading to silver with old age. Very few Reepaxi live long enough to have their mane turn silver, and those that do are treated with great respect. Reepaxi are renowned armourers. HT 2.0/2.3M WT 100/140KG

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid ST/CO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -70 to –45 Cold -44 to –20 Normal -19 to 25 Hot 26 to 55 Scorching 56 to 90 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +0 Nervous +4 Dissolution +0 Muscular +2 Radiation Rads

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Dissipation +0 Safe 50 Initial 100 Moderate 200 Severe 320 Lethal 410

SILETHIANS Silethians are blue amphibian bipeds with a long semi-prehensile tail. The Silethians are renowned for their wont of money and are thus the butt of many jokes. The average Silethian is lithe and quick, and they tend to be persuasive talkers. Silethians rarely feel guilt or fear. They have excellent cardiovascular systems and are able to process more oxygen for their lung size than a dolphin. Silethians make good long distance athletes. They have 2 nodules that protrude at the crown of the skull. These nodules allow for limited thermal sensing and are called head nubs. EXH is quadrupled Thermal Sensing to 10 metres HT 1.4/1.7M WT 50/70KG

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid ST/CO + 2 Exposure Centigrade Frigid 2 to 8 Cold 9 to 10 Normal 11 to 45 Hot 50 to 60 Scorching 65 to 90 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +2 Nervous -1 Dissolution -1 Muscular +2 Radiation Rads Dissipation -2 Safe 50 Initial 80 Moderate 120 Severe 200 Lethal 300

TUSK BEARS Originate in the Ursa Minor galaxy and are actually much closer to pigs than bears. They just call themselves that because in their culture the word "pig" is a verb for a rather deviant activity involving a candle. The Tusk Bears live a moderately peaceful existence and are awaiting the results of talks with the TDE for an alliance. In appearance they resemble Earth bears but walk upright have 3 thick fingers and a thumb ending in heavy talons that are semi-retractable. On the head they have 2 horns similar to an Ibex and tusks that protrude from the lower jaw. Tusk Bears love travel and make good boxers. HT 2.1/2.5 WT 135/200KG

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid CO/MO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -40 to –25 Cold -24 to –2 Normal -1 to 30 Hot 31 to 55 Scorching 56 to 75 TOX Modifiers

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Vasculature +0 Nervous +0 Dissolution +0 Muscular +2 Radiation Rads Dissipation +0 Safe 50 Initial 100 Moderate 200 Severe 300 Lethal 400

VULATH Vulath is the plural, the singular and the name of the homeworld for theses psychogenic people. Vulath accomplish most things through psychogenics which they learn in groups. Each group directly relating to the different types of magick, Alchemy, Dweomercraft and Runes. Vulath is a harsh desert world where the natives have developed a tough grey leathery skin that stops the winds drying them out and the sand tearing at their flesh. Humans cannot survive long on Vulath without protection. The Vulath, like most other desert people, prefer the unrestricted movement given by voluminous robes. Vulath tend to be tough and survival oriented, often viewed by humans as coarse and unfeeling. The Vulath don't care about what other races think because they generally are coarse and unfeeling. Natural Body Armour: THR:2 AR:4 HT 1.4/1.7M WT 50/70KG

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid ST/CO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -2 to 5 Cold 6 to 11 Normal 12 to 80 Hot 81 to 110 Scorching 111 to 200 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +0 Nervous -4 Dissolution -2 Muscular -2 Radiation Rads Dissipation +4 Safe 120 Initial 180 Moderate 300 Severe 360 Lethal 450

XCUNA Xcuna appear as the classic minotaur from ancient Greek legends. Xcuna are proud noble beings hailing from a warrior-trader society similar to monarchies of Earth in the renaissance period. Royalty have the greatest rights and the closer one is to royalty in blood relation, the more rights one has. Although the difference between the rights is trivial in comparison to equivalent Earth cultures, it is enough to create small-scale dissatisfaction amongst the Xcuna peoples. Many are leaving the home worlds for a better life amongst the TDE, usually in human dominated areas. HT 1.9/2.5M WT 90/165KG

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid ST/CO Exposure Centigrade

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Frigid -20 to –5 Cold -4 to 5 Normal 6 to 45 Hot 46 to 65 Scorching 66 to 100 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +2 Nervous +0 Dissolution -1 Muscular +2 Radiation Rads Dissipation +2 Safe 80 Initial 110 Moderate 220 Severe 300 Lethal 410

YAD The Yad are a race from the planet dubbed Canyon in the Ursa Minor galaxy that had discovered interstellar flight only 4 decades earlier when encountered by the Terran Democratic Electorate. After talks laced with practical jokes and many drunken celebrations, officials and anthropologists discovered the fun loving Yad race had only recently begun their technological revolution. On an Earth equivalent they had their renaissance only 160 years ago. The Yad race are generally quick to figure out complex machinery and alien technology. They are often employed as Alien Technology experts, AI engineers and designers of cognisant bio-systems. In appearance the Yad are shorter than the average human and covered in a thin but coarse brown fur. They are of lithe build and have sharp retractable claws similar to a cat in the ends of their 3 fingers and one thumb. Tech +3 HT 1.5/1.6M WT 50/65KG

Nourishment Units per day Food/Fluid ST/CO Exposure Centigrade Frigid -32 to –15 Cold -14 to 0 Normal 1 to 39 Hot 40 to 55 Scorching 56 to 90 TOX Modifiers Vasculature +0 Nervous +0 Dissolution +0 Muscular +0 Radiation Rads Dissipation +0 Safe 60 Initial 100 Moderate 200 Severe 300 Lethal 400


BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Elf (Sidhe) -1 +1 +1 +2 -1 +1 +3 27 -1 Gnome -2 +1 +1 +1 +3 +3 -2 12 Fey-childe -3 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 18 -1 Goblin +1 +1 +3 -2 -1 -3 6 +1 Hobgoblin +1 +1 +1 +2 -1 +1 +2 -3 6 +2 Jotan-tor +10 +1 -2 +1 20 +10 Ogre +4 +2 -1 -1 -2 -1 -2 10 +5 Orc (Border Goblin) +3 +2 -1 -1 -2 +2 -2 10 +3 Troglodyte +5 +3 -1 -1 -2 -3 -4 1 +6 Troll +6 +2 -1 -2 -2 -2 -1 -3 4 +6 Wolfen +3 +2 -1 +3 -3 5 +2 ANTHRO‟S ST CO DX MO INT PSY AW CHA MAX APP HIT MOD Badger +4 +2 -1 +1 +2 +2 -1 14 +5 Bat -1 -1 -1 +2 -1 +3 +4 +2 10 +1 Cat +1 +2 +2 +3 -1 +2 +1 +1 17 +1 Dog +2 +2 +1 +2 -1 -1 +1 -1 14 +2 Fox -1 +1 +2 +3 +3 +2 +1 16 +1 Goat +1 +4 -1 +2 -1 13 +2 Horse +4 +3 -1 +3 -1 +1 +1 14 +5 Lizard -2 +1 +3 +4 -1 -2 -3 8 Mouse -2 +1 +3 +4 -1 -2 15 -1 Pigeon +3 +1 -1 +1 -1 +1 -1 -2 12 +1 Rabbit -1 +1 +1 +3 -2 -2 +1 -1 14 +1 Rat +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +1 -2 13 +1 Sparrow -2 -1 +2 +4 -1 -2 +1 +1 19 -1 Squirrel +1 +1 +1 +3 -1 -1 +1 -1 15 Turtle +1 +2 -1 -2 -1 -1 12 +6 Weasel -1 -1 +3 +7 -1 -1 +2 -2 12 -1 Wolf +2 +2 +1 +2 +1 +2 +2 -2 16 +2 HALF-BREEDS ST CO DX MO INT PSY AW CHA MAX APP HIT MOD Half Elf +1 +1 +3 22 Half Orc +2 +1 +1 -1 -1 18 +2 Half Troll +4 +2 -1 -1 +1 -2 12 +2 ALIENS ST CO DX MO INT PSY AW CHA MAX APP HIT MOD Coreszian -2 -1 +2 +8 +4 +6 24 Gromek +3 +2 +1 +3 -3 8 +3 Khazadians +2 +3 -1 -1 +2 +1 -1 15 +3 Kheshian +10 +3 +10 +2 -1 25 +10 Muntrian +1 +1 +1 +2 -1 +1 +3 30 Norse Brothers +6 +3 -1 -1 -1 22 +8 Paxitiokanx -3 -1 +4 +6 +1 -1 11 +2 Rashéin +2 +3 +1 +2 +1 +2 -3 14 +4 Reepaxi +5 +4 +2 +6 9 +3 Silethian +6 +5 +3 +1 +4 +2 12 -4 Stimow* -1 -3 +1 +6 +10 +8 +1 14 Tusk Bear +6 +2 -1 -1 -1 +1 -3 8 +6 Vulath -1 +3 +4 +4 +4 17 Xcuna +4 +2 +2 -1 +1 -2 12 +3 Yad +1 +2 +4 +1 +1 -1 14 +3

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers]


INTRODUCTION Many individuals have shown signs of abilities hitherto unknown or disbelieved. The awakening of the meta-humans and various encounters with alien races has triggered a seemingly latent gene in many humans that enables them to trigger energy patterns with their minds that produce greatly varied effects from hypnosis to reality folding. Effects as pronounced as reality folding are rarely spoken of much less encountered and the average user of psychics or magick, when presented with the task, will flatly state it as impossible.

The exact physiological mechanisms in the brain that allow psychics and magicians to produce their powers have been greatly researched since the first cases were documented. Some of the more advanced alien races such as the Stimow have even produced cyber-tech that allows an individual who formerly had little or no talent to produce strong effects with a little practice. Implants and bio-signal modules such as these are rare and expensive, or even in the case of the open market, governmentally restricted. The understanding of the physiological processes of psychic generations and magick casting is understood by only an elite few: usually psychic or magick themselves.

True power is measured by the psi-amperage, or power points (PP), an individual can generate. This is gauged by a simple piece of psi-tech commonly referred to as a psi-meter or brain gauge in the colloquial. The psi-meter is made of common materials often found in sensitive voltmeters and other electro magnetic measuring devices used by many technicians. It is possible for a character to build their own brain gauge with a successful Electrical Technics or other such skill roll and the appropriate tools. The use of such an instrument is up to the characters discretion and ingenuity. It is spoken of in adventuring circles that the military and some mega-corps have a kind of detection device similar to a bio-scanner that detects solely psychic beings. The burgeoning psychic should seriously consider the ramifications of this before undertaking any illegal activities involving said organisations and their fields of concern or responsibility.


General Commentary All psychic/psionic/magickal powers that a being possesses are bound to influence one specific field of affectation. The field is largely governed by the extent of the being's familiarity with the intricate workings of the nature of that field. For instance; bio- geneticist Doctor Freiberg is a latent psychic and his powers develop after a gruelling day at the lab researching the properties of the eighteenth chromosome of the Farusian Farsel Hunter. He finds to his shock and delight that he can produce minor changes in the chromosomal make-up of any cell that he can see under his microscope. After secret experimentation during his solitary hours he later refines the ability to produce minor changes in simple living creatures such as algae and amoebae.

Sample Fields of Influence The fields that are suggested to begin playing the game of Black Dawn are kept to a moderate number so as not to detract from the game for the unfamiliar. A full listing of all the fields and their associated powers that the author could come up with would (you guessed it) fill another book entirely. As the idea behind Black Dawn is to provide a "single book stand alone RPG which can accommodate characters from any setting, save comic book type superheroes and Godlings, which suck anyway" the list of sample fields will be comprehensive yet relatively small.

Fields Accessible To All Magick Users (In order of complexity, least to most)

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Disclosure Powers of detection are most useful. Locating items, people or places is the main focus of this field. The more information the caster has on the target, the more likely the outcome of the incantation will be successful. Samples include: Presence, Sense Item, Scan Area, Remote Viewing, etc.

Empathy The foundation of this magick comes from the ability to sense the surface emotions of others. With experience and practice an Empathic Mage can send an emotion to a target. This is Tele-empathy. Sample Powers include Hear Thoughts, Emotional Barrage, Heal Neuroses and Cause Delusion. Empathy and Disclosure combined allow Psychometric effects to be attempted.

Motion and Inertia The influence of this field extends over the kinetic and movement type powers. This is the movement of mass and matter. Samples include such things as Force Intrusion, Telekinesis, Sense Movement and Flying.

Current, Energy and Friction Control over the electrical current of a target and the friction of it and its surroundings is a fearful power when used offensively. This Field of Influence is the most destructive of all and offers the user power in many situations. Sample Powers include, the ever present Fireball, Lightning, Agitate Molecules, Spontaneous Combustion, Freeze Solid and Absorb Electro-magnetics.

Alchemist Fields

Transmutation The magickal effect of changing one thing into another. When combined with another field, the effects can be truly marvellous. Common spells include: Calcify, Petrify, Oxygenate(rust), Drop Elemental Group order, Organic-Inorganic, Steel to Glass, etc.

Enchantment: The Alchemist of any skill can create gold out of lead and as such have little need for money. Laying spell effects on items of use is the new challenge to Alchemists. To begin learning the ways of enchantment an Alchemist must have mastery of Transmutation and this is no easy feat.

Dweomercraft Fields

Cognition The field that alters or controls the perception (preception?) of reality by sentient beings. This can be a true power that may easily unbalance an inexperienced GM's world. Samples include; Force Reality, Illusion, Private World, Mental Programming, Puppet Master, Mind Binding, etc.

Spirit Matters of the soul. Before attempting this field of endeavour the PC must gain mastery in Current, Energy and Friction and expertise in Cognition. Conjuring ethereal beings and summoning energy creatures. Also deep understanding of life and how it comes about. The soul is a psychic energy shadow of the beings thought patterns. It can travel to the Astral Plane and to Hyperspace. Sample powers; Spirit Binding, Summoning, Force Departure, Possession, Exorcism, etc.

Temporal Without some expertise in the 'Spirit' field (level-10) and Professor level(15) in 'Current, Energy and Friction', Temporal Magicks are completely inaccessible. It is extremely unlikely a PC will progress to this stage of magickal learning.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Runemaster Fields

Glyphs Glyphs are spells that wait for a preset condition to be activated. They can only be placed on non-solid materials such as air or water (not ice).

Para-Linguistics The core of the Runemasters power comes from their magickal understanding of language. This field is the raw magick of communication. The ability to convert thought incidences into thought patterns. Sample powers include Charm, Beguile, Seduce, Bury Message, Retard Speech, Truthful Lies, Understand Language, Embed Knowledge.

Runes The staple of the Runemasters repertoire (funnily enough). They are portable glyphs which can be inscribed on any solid surface to be triggered by any condition. They are easily hidden and may hold any spell or formulae the Runemaster knows. Their only limit is their area of effect. Being small they use less energy than wards and glyphs.

Wards Effectively glyphs that are specifically for the protection and security of an area or building. Wards are intended for use on anything that is larger than one could carry. All wards are immobile.

Fields Accessible To Psychics. (In order of commonness, most to least)

Astral The field of Psychic ability that allows Astral perception and travel on a full conscious level. Some 'dreamers' also achieve this field but the process is connected to old shamanic traditions and training with hallucinogenic preparations.

Disclosure Powers of detection are most useful. Locating items, people or places is the main focus of this field. The more information the caster has on the target, the more likely the outcome of the incantation will be successful. Samples include: Presence, Sense Item, Scan Area, etc.

Empathy Specialists in this field are the Coreszians. The Empaths are capable of sensing the surface emotions of others from an early age and with experience can send an emotion to a target. This is Tele-empathy. Currently human Empaths are on the uprise and it is a useful field for espionage types. Sample Powers include Hear Thoughts, Emotional Barrage, Heal Neuroses and Cause Delusion.

Motion and Inertia The influence of this field extends over the kinetic and movement type powers. This is the movement of mass and matter. Samples include such things as Force Intrusion, Telekinesis, Sense Movement and Flying.

Cognition The psychic field that alters or controls the perception (preception?) of reality by sentient beings. Cognition is closely linked with the mastery of the Empathy field. A competent Cognitive psychic can ride other beings perceptions of reality to force a bend. This bend can be a string of such good luck that no-one could follow the psychic to an extreme of leaving lots of indicators that the psychic has gone to another place and then when enough people believe it to be truth, it becomes reality. Riding other beings' perceptions of reality is almost a passive ability. Combined with Empathic powers like Cause Delusion, the psychic risks greater effect at the cost of being erased from existence. This can be a true power that may easily unbalance an inexperienced GM's world. Samples include; Force Reality, Illusion, Private World, Mental Programming, Puppet Master, Binding, Precognition, Area- sensing, etc.

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Motion and Inertia The influence of this field extends over the kinetic and movement type powers. This is the movement of mass and matter. Samples include such things as Force Intrusion, Telekinesis, Sense Movement and Flying.

Current, Energy and Friction Control over the electrical current of a target and the friction of it and it's surroundings is a fearful power when used offensively. This Field of Influence is the most destructive of all and offers the user power in many situations. Sample Powers include, the ever present Fireball, Lightning, Agitate Molecules, Spontaneous Combustion, Freeze Solid and Absorb Electro-magnetics.

Spirit Matters of the soul. Before attempting this field of endeavour the psychic must gain mastery in Cognition, superior knowledge of Current, Energy and Friction and Savant knowledge of Astral. The field of spirit allows not only the conjuring of ethereal beings and summoning energy creatures, but also deep understanding of life, what it is and how it comes about. The soul is a psychic energy shadow of the beings thought patterns. It can travel to the Astral Plane and to Hyperspace. Sample powers; Spirit Binding, Summoning, Force Departure, Possession, Exorcism, etc.


The first limitation on casting any spell or generating any psychic effect is the level of the relevant skill. For Psychics this is Generation: and for Mages this is Spell Casting:. For every point of skill the character can expend one PP in the desired effect with no risk of overburn. Example 1) Drachsam has Spell Casting: Empathy for a total of 9. He can spend up to 9 PP in one spell effect. 2) Garrison has Generation: Current and Friction for a total of 20. He could use up to 20 PP in one psychic effect.

OVERBURN Overburn is the side effect of undisciplined power expenditure in Psychics and Mages. The individual creating the effect will suffer exhaustion loss at a rate double each PP spent over the skill level governing the effect creation.

Examples 1) Drachsam with Spell Casting: Empathy for a total of 9 spends 11 PP. He also spends 4 EXH from overburn. 2) Garrison has Generation: Current and Friction for a total of 20. He spends 26 PP and also loses 12 EXH from overburn which drops him; comatose.

Some damage effects make more efficient use of the energy than others. Electricity inflicts less damage for the PP than gamma radiation would. If one were to lift a rock with telekinesis and then drop it on your target it would do less than 1 point for 10 PP.

Each PP released counts as a unit of energy. The units are known as Psi-Amps, Brain Juice, Skull Volts etc. In game terms they are Power Points. Each unit is roughly a kilojoule of pure energy. As damage the PP will do a maximum of up to 10, depending on the effect used, with perfect aim. On average an effect will do only 4 points of damage per PP burnt. If players want more damage out of each PP then they have to consider the type of atmosphere they are in, the effect of perpendicular gravity, ambient radiation, magnetic fields, etc. A maximum of 10 and an average of 4 is quite generous. GM's I strongly advise not to let players have any spells or generation matrices that can do more than 8 damage points per PP burnt. Remember that a beginning character should NOT have ANY magick abilities and that an advanced character may not have any either. Only very advanced and long term players who have quested for knowledge and truth of all situations should be allowed to learn magick. It is extremely powerful in Black Dawn and in the wrong hands could upset game balance in the worst ways.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] GAINING MORE PP Train, practice, meditate or buy a Brain Battery. For the latter one needs to be registered as a Psychic or Mage to do legally. Brain Batteries are expensive pieces of cyber-tech that 'filter' the power from a standard fusion cell or other battery to the mental disposal of the mage or psychic.

REGISTRATION OF PSYCHICS AND MAGES Psychics are slightly easier to regulate that Mages for the reason that they are more easily detected through psionic means. Psychics usually manifest their powers at adolescence, more rarely through a traumatic experience and in exceptional cases at a very young age (about the time of language comprehension, 3-7 years old). Young psychic development is usually connected with those of greater power and those so developed are often dubbed as 'gifted'.

Psychics are generally first detected by their doctor in a regular check up or during a bout of adolescent sickness. In these instances the psychic is registered and a booking made through legal channels for a test screening. The test screening starts with the psychic being asked to perform certain tasks of increasing psychic difficulty. A session may involve these tasks: Can you tell me what is in the envelope? Can you read it for me or describe what is on the item? Is there someone behind the mirror? What about outside the door? Do you have any idea what kind of a mood I am in? What did I just think? What am I thinking now? You can have that 50credit chit if you can put it in your pocket without leaving or moving you chair? Can you pull this nail out of the wooden block? Hold these 2 rods. There, now try and make the needle move into the red zone.

Psychics that capable of Cognition when they are first assessed may be able to come out of the process without giving away their powers. It depends on the skill of the interviewer as a Psychic and if the interviewer is equipped with a mind cloaking rig.

The Mages must undergo tests to ascertain their capabilities. This is an intrusive process that is emotionally very distressing; some claim it is tantamount to mental rape. GalPol psychics who are masters of Empathy perform it. There is little chance a Mage will obfuscate the truth of their powers against such potent telepaths. Those with a chance are Para-Linguists and Cognitive Dweomercrafters.

HOW CAN I MAKE A PSYCHIC? Having a psychic character is the one way a beginning PC can do all the fantastic stuff mentioned above. To become a psychic a character needs a WILL score of at least 19. When a character has great WILL, they will also have a great AW, PSY, INT and probably a hefty CHA. Remember PSY is more important to a psychic as most of the skills/abilities are governed by that stat.

So you have a character with a WILL of 26 and you want to be a psychic. Ask your GM. If she says yes then you can use the following material to find out how psychic your character is. This chart will tell you which psychic fields you can begin to learn.

Psychic Field Minimum Will Astral 19 Disclosure 19 Empathy 25 Cognition 35 Motion and Inertia 40 Current, Energy and Friction 50 Spirit N/A

For each point of WILL over the required amount, the character can purchase an extra level in the relevant generation skill. Examples 1) This means that if Brena had a WILL of 25 she could learn only one level of Generation: Empathy and 7 levels of Generation: Disclosure. 2) If Ephram Zed had a WILL of 29 he would not only be blessed but he could learn 11 levels of Generation: Disclosure and 5 levels of Generation: Empathy.

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Astral refers to a psychic-energy plane that closely parallels the material plane of normal PC and NPC residence. The astral- signature of life forms and some objects are strongly visible amidst the normal plane-scape. A great portion of sentients capable of dreaming wander the fringes of the Astral plane and get into near harmless adventures and dichotomies with the bizarre scenes that it presents to their Astral-senses. Astral perception is linked to PSY and WILL.

Willpower means a great deal on the Astral plane and for one to travel consciously therein an exceptional WILL score is needed. A great WILL is also required to reach the deeper realms of the Astral plane. The deeper Astral realms are like the ocean. Dreamers walk only on the beach. Astral travellers traverse the open waves, out of sight, out of 'sense' of the beach that is the fringes of this preternatural realm. Only the true explorer with great resources braves the depths of an ocean and it is the same for the Astral plane.

Astral Magick refers to any magick that affects or is used in or on the Astral plane of existence. Aural Magick is specifically for affecting a being or object's aura. An aura is the same thing as an astral-signature.

Competent Astral travellers, Adepts, some exceptional psychics and mages are all reported as saying that other life forms inhabit the deepest realms of the astral-plane.


Adept: An adept is a Psychic who has studied long and hard to reach understanding on a magickal level. In general discussion it refers to any Psychic or Mage that has great power. Casting: The term for creating magickal effects. Casting, as opposed to Generation, is achieved through specifically established formulae; or in the case of an experienced mage casting new spells, new formulae that follow the established or proven laws of magick. Field: The area that a psychic or magician may influence and affect through generation or casting. Generation: The term for the creation of psychic effects. Generation is used by burning energy through the brain. It is a bizarre process that uses resonances on a higher energy spectrum. See also: Casting. Mage: A magick user or magick practitioner. Also refers to anyone who has the ability to use magick like effects. Magick: The power of prediction, perception and influence through understanding, interaction and manipulation. Para-Prosthetics: Magickally enhanced cybernetics. Psionic: The electronic augmentation of psychic or telepathic powers. Usually in the form of a psi-booster or brain battery to enhance the psychic's reservoir of energy. Psychic: The natural production of energy related effects through concentration or sub-conscious stress [force of will]. As opposed to Magick, Psychic phenomena are the result of personal ability without understanding. Understanding can still come, but it will be with as much endeavour as any mage. Reactive Magick: Magick that can be achieved almost instantly. This is more common than it sounds. Rifle Mage: a term to dub slingers that favour the rifle. Supernatural marksmen and snipers they are incredibly scarce. Rifle Mages favour one weapon heavily but are still beyond elite with other weapons. Ritual Magick: Rituals are almost always tied to other planar beings or religious ceremony. Most often both. The ritual calls on the reserves of all involved. It is usually with the leader of the rite that the power's use rests. Slinger: slinger is a term to describe a psychic or mage that travels or earns a living through the use of longarms or handguns. Slingers are the stuff of legend amongst mercenaries, black-ops crews, seekers and Azai. Telepath: One who is capable of telepathy. Also a generic term for psychics. Telepathy: The psychic power of reading minds. Also a generic term for any psychic ability.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers]


Byzgotium: A huge elephantesque creature that flies with the aid of methane filled sacks. They eat aerial foliage of the native trees on Filbin's World and drift with the gentle winds of the region. Stupid but aggressive they have been none to attack dirigibles and other LTA craft that tour past the region. Defensive fire from lasers, plasmatics or blasters, although highly destructive when hitting a methane sac on the byzgotium, is ill advised as the resultant explosion has claimed more than a dozen craft. Best tactic is from the traveller's advisory body: "When confronted or attacked by a byzgotium it is in the tourist's best interest to allow the creature to attack your craft as there is little damage the creature can do. Provided your vehicle conforms to the minimum requirements for hull integrity you will be faced with nothing more than loud blaring attack bellows and the occasional impact. It is rare but some byzgotium have attempted to mate with 'subdued' craft."

Hegenemous Worms: The hegenemous worm is an extra-planar parasite often found in the bowels of a ship amongst the FTL- drive coolant systems. They feed off residual energies from the jump drives and are generally harmless to sentients. It is common practice to hunt these creatures with airguns and stunners for sport. Bulk freighter crews have reported that while in hyperspace or space fold these worms sometimes appear in the ship amidst a small flash of blue-white light. It seems that some kind of planar shifting ability of the worms may be thrown off course by the energy field of the jump drives of spaceships.

Jalpa: Large bipedal birds similar in structure to an ostrich or Emu, the Jalpa's are native to Iliom Prime of the Anio-Greskin System from the Lesser Magellanic Clouds. The Jalpa are of avian nature and as such have a fast metabolism and hollow bones of great strength. The Jalpa are in popular commercial sales in 2 main varieties. The red and most common [as well as affordable] are the Siennese. A rust coloured bird of strong endurance and easy temperament. The less common being the Kilkline; a dark ebony coloured steed that is used by scouts and other such professions for middle distance travel. The Kilkline are renowned for their intelligence and loyalty. The rider and mount often develop a special bond that is akin to mutual protection and survival. There are reports of a significant number of Jalpa riders who were latent psychics that have had their powers triggered by their Kilkline mount being in distress. Kilkline are known to be able to cover 3 hundred kilometres in a day with rider and light supplies. This combined with their ease of training and willingness to work has given them a most respected position amongst the bio-oriented traveller.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers]


CYBERNET: The physical hardware that supports Cyberspace. CYBERSPACE: Interpretation of the pseudo-space between two or more computers.

Cyberspace is the 7th generation of the computer network written in 8th generation code and run by true 9th generation hardware. Cyberspace is referred to by many names some of which are;

CommNet Compunet Cybernet Internet InterVurt NetSpace Pseudospace SomaNet The Grid The Matrix The Net The Vurt VirtuaNet Virtual Net Virtual Space Virtual Universe Prime VR VurtSpace V-UP V.U.P. There are many more colloquial names, but they are all for the same thing; Cyberspace. So; what is it? Well it‟s many things and nothing. Not much of an answer I know but it‟s not easy to explain to a newcomer. OK I‟ll try it anyway. You know that computers can communicate via telephone lines right?… Cyberspace is the extension of this concept to include the machine-sentient interface; or Neural Jack. This allows for a full 5 sense interaction with the computer world through a sophisticated piece of software known as Point of View Compressor. The PoV Compressor creates the experience of travel, time and actually “Being There 2“, and then sends the sensory data to the brain via the neural jack. The PoV compressor also stores common thought patterns on board the cyberdeck to reduce the sensation of time passing by performing certain „thoughts‟ for the user and passing back the results.

The systems currently available on the Black Dawn markets translate information garnered from the closest server3 [ie. The server the character is connected through]. This information includes the name of the server (or exchange), its position in real space and its relative position to the other servers it is connected to. The information translator or interpreter is the core of the success of the Cybernet as a useful media. Mainstream Cyberspace Interpreters convert the navigation infotrons4 into a 3 dimensional landscape overlaid on a dark void that represents space unoccupied by the communication lines. The lines are dull purple for inactive and bright blue for active. Interpreters are available in many styles that effect the way the Cybernet is represented to the user. From medieval to bio-organic to 20th Century film nóir. It‟s a matter of taste or resources; much like everything else in Black Dawn.

Perhaps the biggest innovation in computers after the Direct Neural Interface would be the Thought Controlled programming platform first created by Miguar Feric. This has evolved to the various incarnations we can find today. Some of these are street level kits for creating NetSpace realms and lodges while others are elite Matrix Engineering Platforms for defining the landscape of

2 Being There : A POV compressor that is benchmark in civ-business standard. 3 Server is interchangeable with exchange due to current tech levels. 4 Infotrons: packeted data that is transmitted throughout Cyberspace.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] entire regions of CyberSpace in multiple interpreter specific protocols. The ability to construct intensely complex applications through thought issued commands has opened programming to anyone who can afford the hardware and software. After decades of competition it is very affordable for most of the earning population.


It‟s very simple: Checklist of Equipment -working phone or data line -working cyberdeck and software

[Yeah; that‟s it!]

Procedure: -connect cyberdeck to phone or data line -run connection software -jack in when connection software gives the prompt [That‟s easy too!]


DTN-v390, fastest copper trunk cables. Archaic and used on old worlds that never made it past colony standards. Some cables are still buried deep in many home worlds‟ major urban decay centres, still functioning well enough not to attract attention. FT-80 fibroptic trunk cables - make up the backbones and trunks of the homogenous mass of hardware that is the Cybernet. Massive bandwidth carrying cables that are usually armoured with up to 20cm of ferro-carb plating. FT-90 fibroptic trunks, superior network backbones of greater bandwidth and speed. 20% more bandwidth than FT-80 for the same manufacturing cost. Existing FT-80‟s are not replaced until broken as there are few places whose demand requires the full bandwidth of an FT-90.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers]

Cell-link (Cell-hub) A modular microwave transceiver for mobile phone and cell phone frequencies of digital and/or analogue communications. A cell hub has three main components. 1> Aerial transceiver: an array of transmitters and receivers to communicate with cellular devices. Usually situated up high and unobstructed. 2> Exchange comm-processor: control unit for the cell-hub to communicate with the exchange and re-route local calls back into the transceiver. 3> Hardlink to an exchange: physical cables to an exchange. Usually 1 FT-80 or FT 90 although high traffic cell-hubs on Core Worlds will have up to 4.

PDA-link (PDA-hub) Conceptually and functionally, the same as a Cell-hub except dedicated to PDA-devices and their higher bandwidth requirements. PDA-hubs have the same three main components as Cell-hubs.

Exchange Almost always automated. Constructed in hardened buildings with level-3 civilian automated security and corporate/independent power. Exchanges sometimes have staff for maintenance and upgrades and they are usually responsible for an entire district (suburb, county, shire, ward, parish, etc.). The demi-AI that runs the software and most of the hardware is on the Cybernet to support cross media communications that were born in at the turn of the 21st century and route all communications to the appropriate device (extension) or other exchange. Its ICE is usually moderate to potent in strength and rated as Orange or level 6.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Secure Exchange Kept separate from the rest of the comm-net by exchanges. Handles priority routed and encrypted communications (by layering) TelCom encryption on top of the information as it travels between secure exchanges. Secure exchanges are blast hardened and the demi-AI is armed with potent to extreme ICE. The whole Cybernet security setup is rated from Sienna level 7 to Scarlet level 9. The physical building is blast hardened and EMP tolerant. The secure exchange is usually located in a central metro area close to the corporate HQ for the region (state, territory, etc.) and is the gateway from the Cybernet to hardened exchanges and intra-system uplinks.

Hardened Exchange Separated from the comm-net by at least one secure exchange. Hardened exchanges have full blast hardening and EMP shielding. Access is usually underground from a nearby secure exchange or fortified within a tower that supports an uplink to the Invector interstellar comm-system. Internal computers are running top-end ICE, the best the TelCom companies can buy, which is the very best there is.

Uplink A dumb exchange for communicating with orbital satellites. Geosynchronous satellites are often arranged in a global network following the Iridium example. These satellites can communicate with each other in a relay-net arrangement to pipe communications data to another uplink closer to the target exchange and thus, destination. It is dangerous to be in an uplink dish during transmission, which is most of the time, because of the radiation level of the transmissions.

Security Colours and Levels. The colour codes are a way of referring to the security of a system in character with a standardised scale. The colour codes are often impressions of security and the real security on a system may be actually differ from that described. As a guide the level times 3 can be used as a target number on skill tests relating to the system. The level can also be used as the rating for software, IC, hardware and staff that maintain and protect the system. Security Colour Code Difficult Rating Leve l Green 1 Public access Ivy 2 Public access Teal 3 Public access Yellow 4 Orange 5 Moderate Beige 6 Sienna 7 Difficult Brown 8 Scarlet 9 Hard Red 10+ Very Hard Crimson 12+ Grey 14+ Insane Black 16+ Silver 18+ Almost Impossible Gold 20+ Blue 30+ Violet 50+ Ultra Violet ??? Never been broken!

Game Stats of Computers and Decks.

All „puters and decks need relevant game stats to interpret their interaction during contested tasks.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] Function- Internal Stats Abbreviation FPU/CPU speed, memory speed, crunching, peripheral connection SPEED SPD Storage space/volume for running app‟s MEMORY MEM POV Transposition Compressor REACTIONS REA HDD, FDD, Jaz, Cart, Ep, Data-cortex, Data-orb STORAGE STOR

Master Function Main Stat Abbreviation Neural Jack- the bottleneck of a high-spec deck. AEI is the ARCHITECTURE AEI maximum REA that a NetJacker can utilise. EFFICIENCY RATING

Functions- External Stats Abbreviation Case: Durability STRUCTURE STR Case: Protection ARMOUR RATING AR Case: Resistance THRESHOLD THR Cost in Credits COST COST

Program Function Stats Abbreviation Effectiveness, strength, power, ability, skill, etc. ABILITY ABL Size, storage used, memory space SIZE SZ PoV Drain, complexity, processor requirements COMPLEXITY PLEX

PoV Compressors

You‟ve heard of these PoV Compressors. What are they? These are the cyberspace interpreters that compress your perception of space-time to make it relativistically faster than most calculators. It is the only way to swiftly run the net and the only possible way to try and slice other systems in cyberspace with a fair chance of survival. In short, PoV compressors increase the sensitivity of times passing, enhance the speed of the Cyberspace Navigator‟s mental processors using the core memory of the deck as a kind of co-brain, the deck holding the bulk of the jackers decision making personality as routines and program modules.

Note: this technology does not work with physical movement. It is only for interface with a cyberdeck.

PoV compressors take advantage of modern neural jack architecture to implement the copying of a great many of the user‟s brain “routines” that allow the deck to co-process the incoming info and enhance the users reactions by deciding for the user in most situations. The PoV can also be programmed to decide in which situations to act on behalf of the decker. Deckers become very attached to their hardware and often patch and jury-rig old memory modules into newer decks for „sentimental‟ reasons. Some psychics have stated that the PoV area of memory in the deck takes on some of the user‟s aural signature and even begins to resemble a simulacrum of that aural signature after extended use. Another factor in all Cyberspace connections is the AEI [Architecture Efficiency Index] rating of the Neural Jack.

The Downside The more time spent with your brain operating at apparently a hundred times the everyday speed the more you are going to find everyday life slow. Deckers call it „meat life‟. They can‟t handle being away from the Grid for any longer than absolutely necessary. The bulk of them spending more time jacked in than in meat life; but that‟s how you get good, and who knows, one day you may even learn how to slice the grid.

Decking Process 1. Log-in 2. Orientation 3. Travel: Select a destination and go there 4. Browse: look for info or scout for a slicing opportunity 5. Slicing:

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] a) GM needs to check which defenses are in place and the stats and status of the net-environment b) PC should launch programs to gain access to the environment c) Battle ensues between automated defenses and the PC‟s deck setup [slicing programs] d) Target environment may have a guard decker. Guard decker may enter the battle [if an experienced professional, caution] e) If PC is losing may opt to rapid-retreat or jack-out cold. If rapid retreat guard decker may pursue. Jack-out cold may cause damage f) Target environment may send pursuers [various automated programs] g) If slicer wins, may rifle through that section of target environment at own leisure

Process by Skill 1. Log-in requires no skill test 2. Orientation: Computer Operations if already in combat and Region Lore: Cyberspace if not. 3. Travel requires no skill test. (Although correct destination can be reliant on a Computer Operations: Cyberspace Navigation roll) 4. Browse: Computer Operations: by PoV/OS 5. Slicing: a) GM‟s bit. b) Launch Programs: Computer Operations: by PoV/OS (modified by the software ABL stat) c) Battle: Combat process: Initiative: roll d10+PoV specialisation level+SPD+REA+all modifiers [highest wins] Loading a Combat program from Storage to memory is 1d10+SPD [replaces initiative] Striking: roll 1d10+PoV specialisation level+REA+ABL+all modifiers [must exceed the targets REA+SPD] {the SM of this is the damage to defenders system, if it exceeds the memory the defender is shutdown} There is no Parrying only… Damage Compensation: roll 1d10+PoV specialisation level+SPD+REA+ABL+all modifiers [regenerates the damage done by the Strike on a point for point basis.] Resolving Damage: Damage is inflicted on memory. Any memory that is damaged is unusable until rebuilt with memory rebuilding software. If the memory is reduced to below the amount needed to run the current PoV user is jack-knifed out of cyberspace (make a PSY test) and the enemy has full reign of the deck until power is switched off. d) Rapid retreat: roll 1d10+PoV specialisation level+SPD+REA+ABL(of any retreat software)+all modifiers or Jack-out cold: roll 1d10+DX+all modifiers (no Pursual possible) e) Pursuit: roll 1d10+Pov specialisation level+REA+SPD+ABL(of the necessary tracking software)+all modifiers if beat rapid retreat of target, have their connect location. [Must have tracking software]

Striking requires a Combat program in memory. Damage Compensation requires a Re-builder program in memory. Equipment is listed in the Computer section of the gear lists. One unit of memory is roughly equivalent to one hour of hi-res intense five-sense time recorded.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers]


specialist security software, power sources, weapons, MANUFACTURERS: starship systems, vehicles. Alliance: Motor vehicle company specialising in family vehicles and light transports. Gatzmeyer: new but very popular weapons manufacture. Main target are weapon lenient worlds and low to middle AMAC: Americorp Military Armour Corporation; body threat protection agencies. Produce lasers, explosives, heavy armour, mil-spec body armour, armoured vehicles, starship weapons, personal weaponry, crowd control systems and armour, modular armour systems, modular armour kits. light vehicle weaponry.

Anserke Space Systems: Spacecraft and specialist GenCorp: Eugenics, genetic engineering, germline gene parts, high performance engines and improvements. alteration, tissue regeneration, medical vat technology, organ and limb cloning, DNA post-keying, etc. Applied Systematics: Computer hardware, software, cybernetics, DNI Jacks, security software, privacy measures, Gordon Epoch: Massive mega-corporation. Largest AI software. weapons producer in the TDE. Create all manner of weaponry and weaponry related devices. Range is respected AVTEK: weapon systems, targeting systems, computers, and often the benchmark of excellence in many categories. cybernetics, personal weapons, advanced defense research Manufacture personal weapons, starship weapons, heavy ordinance and all related munitions. Blonskavich: Body Armour, sporting goods. GraniTek: combat-decks, hardcore software, advanced Brownchestington: Assault weapons, mil-spec weapons, computer systems and software, mil-spec cyberdecks and sporting rifles, energy weapons, portable weaponry. software. Affiliated with AMAC and Gordon Epoch. Gretsky: body armour, cybernetics. Candar Corporation: Construction, new-world engineering, colony modules. Humanadyne: cybernetics, medical, genetic-engineering, eugenics, hospital franchises. Cervox: energy weapons, starship defense systems; mainly shields. Illstrum: Electrical engineering, computer hardware, neural-jacks, manufacturing plant equipment, comm- EDF (Epoch, Dansen and Faraday): Body Armour, systems, scanners, sensors. Powered Armour, mil-spec armour, armoured vehicles, vehicle weaponry. InTek: cyberdecks, neural-jacks, computer equipment, manufacturing hardware, Artificial Intelligence. EnCom: weapon control systems, guidance systems, weapon computers, mil-spec computers. Knessenar Industries [KI]: The college formed these industrial workshops some time after foundation. All Faraday: Body Armour, energy weapons, power sources. Knessenar students gain work experience here and many of the most brilliant continue post-graduate on their projects as GalCorp: The TDE government owned mega-corporation. part of the industrial conglomerate; specialise in ultra-tech of Gal-corp have as many subsidiaries as a lot of companies all sorts. have employees. Main focus is on food production, infrastructure, construction, utilities and household goods. LightForce: extreme cutting edge military applied equipment often outlawed or restricted; secret ownership GalPol: Affectionately known as the „Pig Shed‟ or the „Pig through the Silethian managers although not Silethian Yards‟ in reference to the starship and vehicle divisions. owned. GalPol make their own equipment on large orbital stations, manufacturing plants near starports and monstrous Maxiloader: A division of Gordon-Epoch specialising in subterranean production facilities in large mined out military contract weapon design and production. asteroids. All manner of law-enforcement, espionage and counter-espionage gear as well as weapons and armour. Main Michiwa: large scale anti-grav vehicles, anti-grav categories; communications, electronic warfare, cyberdecks, propulsion systems, Brisenfeldt generators, engines, industrial equipment, construction equipment, transportation,

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] civilian computing, corporate computing, orbital villages, orbital construction, property development, construction. surveying, fortification and demolitions.

Micosm: computer chips, computer hardware, comm- systems. BLACK MARKET MANUFACTURERS:

Mikura BioLabs: Cybernetics, bioware, fleshwerk cyber Open Rogues: Very secretive and equally brilliant. They control systems. put out systems that shame the best that mega-corps reserve to offer large companies and small governments. Their prices Mitsuhama: Electrical goods, computer hardware, are very reasonable. It is accepted that Open Rogues have computer add-ons, entertainment systems, comm-systems. strong connections to pirate gangs including the Vorsh.

Oberstansh: Mil-spec computers, Neural-jacks, PowerComp: Some what famous since the release of cybernetics, targeting systems, computer peripherals, captain Barry “Raider” MacKenzie‟s biography and it‟s cyberdecks, body armour, para-military vehicles, vehicular frequent praise of their products. There are persistent systems. rumours that PowerComp are trying to set up a legit-org some place in the LMC. Specialising in ship-related Polyoss: Specialist weaponry, personal lasers, high- computer systems and tele-hacking devices PowerComp powered rifles, light body armour. have been known to cannibalise „pig-shed‟ technology.

Power Chassis: Powered armour, vehicular armour Sa-Tech: Sa-tech have an evil reputation for making modules, light military vehicles. inventive and uncompromisingly excellent equipment that is easy to use. Their products range from Black ICE to particle Sampson Arms: automatic weapons, personal weaponry, beam weapons and intrusion electronics and anyone with the security vehicles and light combat vehicles. money and contacts can go up against the big-guns of the security world. Sa-Tech are generally believed to operate Sedri-Motors Limited: vehicles; skimmers and cruisers from frontier areas of the Larger Magellanic clouds and in from civilian and transport to light military. deep intergalactic space and have a roving Cyberspace pocket that attaches itself to the Datasphere at random SNG: Massive conglomerate of Yad companies working to intervals via remote broadcast. Sa-Tech‟s software designers produce all manner of goods, services and specialty needs. are begrudgingly respected as the best in the TDE. Breadth of this mega-corporations fields outstrips all others, even GalCorp, but is enough to put SNG in the top 10 mega- corporation in the TDE. Manufactures weapons, computers, targeting systems, space-craft equipment, warp-engines, neural-jacks, armour, power sources, reactors, infrastructure construction, heavy machinery, recycling plants, etc.

Subata: primarily manufacture and distribution of vehicles and industrial machinery of civilian and industrial nature. Often contracts work from larger mega-corporations eg. Building chassis for Sedri-Motors or turbine blades for Oberstansh. Product line includes heavy vehicles, industrial machinery, sub-orbitals, construction equipment, industrial powered armour.

TuSat: previously known as TrueSat, the name was changed when the board suddenly retired over a industrial espionage court case that involved SaTech operatives. TuSat have managed to repair their credibility through the continued production of top-quality, affordable communications related electronics. Production includes space vehicle computers, navigation systems, comm- systems, sensors.

Vulcan Villas: Massive recent growth with colony world campaign to build cheap, strong, comfortable housing for the frontier. A mega-corporation with solid management and gigantic cash flow. Focus on, colony-world construction, security systems, residential development, ober-sphere

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Manufacturers] +2 HITS Drawbacks None Base Time 120hours BIOWARE Legality Legal Bioware is the organic contrast to cyberware. It is organic Cost: Substances/parts 40,000 and grown specifically for the patient or customer. Most Cost: Procedure 25,000 bioware must be pre-ordered by up to a full standard year although recent technology has developed DNA post- name: desc. keying. A bioware product is grown to readiness and is Thr later keyed to the customer‟s DNA for implantation with AR no risk of rejection. This is where the cutting edge has Abilities headed. Drawbacks Base Time Two flavours, implanted and induced. Implanted requires Legality surgery, to varying degrees. Induced require shots, pills Cost: Substances/parts and diets to take root in the customer‟s body. A good Cost: Procedure example of induced bioware is muscle fibre enhancement. name: desc. Thr IMPLANTED. AR Abilities Dermal Armour Grafts: Specially cultured bio-armour Drawbacks is implanted under the epidermis. It is very hard and Base Time ablates under heat to provide effective protection versus Legality most weapons. Cost: Substances/parts Thr 6 Cost: Procedure AR 9

Abilities +armour size * 5 HITS name: desc. +10% WT Thr Drawbacks -1 MO AR Base Time 6 weeks Abilities Legality Paralegal Drawbacks Cost: Substances/parts 60,000 * Armour Size Base Time Cost: Procedure 10,000 Legality

Cost: Substances/parts

Cost: Procedure MacroPlast Bone Replacement: Macroplast is a macro-molecular material of incredible durability with minimal weight. It is formed from bio-plastics and made in hi-tech nano-conversion tanks in zero gravity INDUCED. manufacturing stations. This contributes to the expense. Circulatory Efficiency: Nanite reconstruction of the Thr - entire circulatory system. All vessels are rebuilt to the AR - shortest route giving the whole system of circulation the look Abilities +armour size * 3 HITS of a well irrigated farm. Lines are straight and on smooth +3 effective ST vs. joint arcs, veins are prominent and firm. In the heat the person locks with this induced enhancement will be easily seen as their Drawbacks None veins will stand out in smooth arcs and straight lines. The Base Time 12 weeks end effect is the improvement of metabolism, strength and Legality Legal mobility. Cost: Substances/parts 100,000 * armour size Thr - Cost: Procedure 30,000 AR - Abilities +2 CO +1 STR MacroPlast Tendon Replacement: replaces major +3 MO tendon and ligament groups with superior macroplast Drawbacks Modification is obvious in analogue. Popular with full contact athletes like neo- heat wrestlers, turf ball players, etc. Base Time 6 weeks Thr - Legality Legal AR - Cost: Substances/parts 50,000 Abilities +2 ST Cost: Procedure 10,000 +2 MO

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Muscle Fibre Enhancement: Nanite swarms movement, energy transfer are all sped up. Designed programmed to regrow the musculature at a higher density originally for those with genotyped metabolic disorders such and efficiency. Maximum rating of 10. as CFS. Thr - Thr - AR - AR - Abilities +rating ST Abilities +2 MO, +2 DX, +2 CO, +2 +rating MO ST Drawbacks EXH is reduced by 1 per 3 Drawbacks Requires 150% normal rating levels food and water Base Time 2 weeks Base Time 100hours Legality GP prescription Legality Prescription (illegal in Cost: Substances/parts 20,000 times rating sports) Cost: Procedure 2,000 Cost: Substances/parts 30,000 Cost: Procedure 5,000

Macroplast Muscle Augmentation: Musculature is name: desc. augmented with macroplast fibres to enhance tensile Thr strength and performance. Result is a massive boost to AR short twitch muscle action. Abilities Thr - Drawbacks AR - Base Time Abilities +4 STR, +8 HITS Legality Drawbacks -2 DX Cost: Substances/parts Base Time 4 weeks Cost: Procedure Legality Legal Cost: Substances/parts 25,000 Cost: Procedure 500 BODY ARMOUR: For information on Powered Armour, see the vehicles Macroplast Bone Lacing: Nanite swarms are used to section. implant the skeletal structure with marcoplast reinforcements. Bone structure is more resilient adding durability to host. Armour size is needed to determine the exact statistics of Thr +1 your armour. Calculation is based on HT and WT. HT being AR - the characters height in metres, eg. 1.7 and WT being the Abilities +1 DAM in unarmed characters body weight in kilograms. +ASz * 5 HITS [Abbreviation = Asz] Drawbacks Increase WT by 10% Base Time 1 week N = ( HT times WT ) - 24. Legality Legal Armour size = N / 100 ( rounded to the first decimal place Cost: Substances/parts 50,000 ). Cost: Procedure 25,000 NB- This can also be used as an effective body size Poly-alloy Bone Lacing: As above but using poly- measurement with 10 being the average Black Dawn human. alloys instead of macroplast. Originally developed for Example 1) Tarriis Keyes is a Yad smuggler. He is 1.54 those operating in high-gravity to make the adjustment metres tall and weighs a meaty 67 kilograms. quicker. Also for those operating in zero-G for extended 1.54 times 67 = 103. periods of time. 103 - 24 = 79. Thr +2 79/100 = 0.79 AR - Tarriis Keyes armour size is .8. Abilities +1 DAM in unarmed Drawbacks +ASz * 7 HITS Base Time Increase WT by 10% Armour size is used as a multiplier for armour STR, ENC Legality Legal and COST. All results are rounded normally, eg. 2.5 = 3 and Cost: Substances/parts 75,000 2.2 = 2. Cost: Procedure 25,000 Example 2) Tarriis Keyes wants to purchase a suit of Metabolic Enhancers: Specialised nanite-factories in Blonskavich Light combat armour. It‟s modified stats are as lymph-nodes, digestive tract, circulatory system and follows: mitochondrial cells enhances metabolic rate. Patient STR (30 x 0.8)= 24 processes food and energy much faster. Healing, Enc (10 x 0.8)= 8

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Cost (6500 x 0.8) = 5200. THR 7 AR 15 STR 50 COMBAT ARMOUR Abilit -5 Stealth y Enc 16 Blonskavich Light: A full suit of light ballistic mesh. Cost 8,750 Can be worn under medium to heavy clothing.

THR 3 Faraday Heavy Plate: Heavy plate used by Storm AR 10 Troopers, fire-support personnel and landing action infantry. STR 30 THR 12 Abilit -3 Stealth AR y 45 STR 120 Enc 10 Abilit -7 Stealth Cost 6,500 y

Enc 22 Blonskavich Special: Light, durable flak style armour Cost 22,000 with numerous pockets and a utility belt.

THR 4 Faraday Hunter: Light plate armour favoured by urban AR 30 scouts and criminals. Average availability. STR 90 THR 4 Abilit -2 Stealth y AR 15 STR 60 Enc 9 Abilit -5 Stealth Cost 9,000 y

Enc 9 Colonial Kevlar: Multi-piece suit of alloy backed Cost 6,900 kevlar pieces. Includes LC-1 web gear.

THR 6 GalPol Vest: Standard issue for suburban cops in „safe‟ AR 16 zones. STR 130 THR 4 Abilit -4 Stealth AR y 9 STR 12 Enc 12 Cost 2,000 Abilit -1 Stealth y Enc 4 EDF Field Plate: Military field armour for standard Cost 1,000 infantry. Available from surplus stores on worlds that allow civilians to wear body armour. Full suit with grenade compartments, ammo pockets and utility belt. GalPol Heavy Vest: Standard issue for ranked officers and patrolmen in „low-risk‟ areas. THR 12 THR 6 AR 20 AR 11 STR 60 STR 18 Abilit -7 Stealth Abilit y -1 Stealth y Enc 20 Enc 5 Cost 13,000 Cost 2,000

EDF Light Plate: Very light plate used by security guards and some police. Very common in surplus stores. GalPol Patrol Armour: Standard issue for street-beat cops. A partial full suit. Protection is all over the front of the THR 3 body. From the rear treat the suit as half THR and AR. AR 10 Standard issue for „at-risk‟ zone patrolmen. STR 30 THR 8 Abilit -6 Stealth AR y 14 STR 35 Enc 11 Abilit -3 Stealth Cost 6,000 y

Enc 9 Faraday Battle Mesh: Heavy ballistic dampening Cost 6,000 mesh with ablative polymer interweave to lessen effects of energy weapon hits. Common police armour.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] GalPol Light Armour: Issued to SWAT snipers and Abilit -2 Stealth emergency response teams in urban combat zones. y THR 12 Enc 6 AR 26 Cost 7,000 STR 50 Abilit -4 Stealth KDA Battle Armour: Heavy infantry and armoured y support units almost exclusively wear this hard armour. Enc 12 THR 21 Cost 15,000 AR 31 STR 300 GalPol Assault Armour: Issued to Blitzer Brigade Abilit -9 Stealth boarding crew and SWAT entry specialists. In-built y comm‟s and other systems. Enc 28 THR 24 Cost 235,000 AR 34 STR 160 KDA Heavy: Popular heavy combat armour is one of the Abilit -6 Stealth best suits for the money. y THR 25 Enc 18 AR 35 Cost 30,000 STR 350 Abilit -10 Stealth GalPol E-SWAT Assault Armour: E-SWAT entry y specialist armour used by most of the teams except Enc 32 snipers. Cost 300,000 THR 28 AR 38 Oberstansh BT-Plate: Popular urban warfare armour for STR 360 corporate and law enforcement personnel. Abilit -7 Stealth THR 9 y AR 19 Enc 22 STR 250 Cost 280,000 Abilit -6 Stealth y Ghanifrede Ferro-Carb Partial: Popular light combat Enc 12 armour for mercenaries, security guards and other Cost 15,000 operatives that require a light cheap suit that will still be worth wearing in combat. Scorpion Light: Made by LightForce this ultra-tech THR 5 armour appears to be made of a lycra type material. It is AR 12 ablative under any extreme force, including lasers, bullets STR 28 and punches. This body suit come armour is so light and Abilit -5 Stealth advanced that many worlds are attempting to have it y outlawed. The material itself is radar absorbent and IR Enc 8 dampening, increasing the wearer‟s stealth incredibly. Its Cost 10,000 popularity makes it a rare item. Some have tried to wear more than one suit and have been suffocated by the second Ghanifrede Ferro-Carb Full: Popular light combat suit. All Scorpion cannot accept further modifications. armour for mercenaries and other seekers. THR 1 THR 8 AR 24 AR 18 STR 260 STR 100 Abilit +7 Stealth Abilit -6 Stealth y -4 IR scans y -6 radar scans Enc 10 Enc 2 Cost 20,000 Cost 260,000

Gretsky Chest Plate: Torso armour that will protect Scorpion Medium: Only difference to the light is the the user against most powder weapons. Fits under a jacket protection. All Scorpion cannot accept further modifications. or coat. THR 1 THR 5 AR 27 AR 25 STR 300 STR 75 Abilit +5 Stealth

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] y -4 IR scans AR 6 -6 radar scans STR 15 Enc 2 Abilit -1 Stealth Cost 340,000 y Enc 4 Scorpion Heavy: Thicker suit often worn under Cost 600 armour by heavy weapons operators on the front line. All Scorpion cannot accept further modifications. Armoured Clothes [Dress and Business]: Basic THR 1 business suits, clubbing clothes, dinnerware and formal AR 30 ware. STR 350 THR 4 Abilit +4 Stealth AR 6 y -4 IR scans STR 15 -6 radar scans Abilit -1 Stealth Enc 2 y Cost 400,000 Enc 4 Cost 2,500 SNG Scout Suit: Scout suit for elite rangers and similar units. Armoured Clothes [Tailored and Designer Label]: THR 9 Designer label and tailored clothing is often available in AR 20 armoured variants. The ballistic cloth weave often has STR 75 ablative cells that may be replaced by anyone and the Abilit -3 Stealth clothing repaired by a tailor. Popular with celebrities and y -4 Thermo scans glitteratzi. Cost increases with the fame of the name. Enc 8 THR 5 Cost 30,000 AR 7 STR 17 Wolverine Epoxy: Popular hostile environment armour Abilit -1 Stealth for off-world scouts. y THR 8 Enc 3 AR 40 Cost 5,000 to 25,000 STR 100 Abilit -6 Stealth Basic Armoured Long Coat: Kevlar, ablative plates and y sealed ballistic cloth constructed to give a normal appearance duster (500hours) or long coat. Enc 18 THR 4 Cost 16,000 AR 7 STR 18 Zircon Combat Plate: Made from artificial diamond Abilit -2 Stealth embedded plates this is some of the toughest armour y around. Enc 7 THR 42 Cost 850 AR 52 STR 600 Rex Paretti Armoured Trench Coats: Heavier armour Abilit -12 Stealth than the long coat. Uses primarily VX compound and y ablative plates inside a ballistic cloth weave. Enc 28 THR 6 Cost 500,000 AR 12 STR 20 Abilit -2 Stealth PERSONAL ARMOUR y All personal armour is legal on most worlds. Powder Enc 8 worlds tend to be an exception to this where most people Cost 2,500 need a permit to posses and wear body armour.

MODIFICATIONS Armoured Clothes [Basic and Utility]: Ballistic cloth woven into normal appearing clothes. Hard to detect Heat Resistance: Half damage from fire and heat [not if you aren‟t expecting to see armoured clothing. including lasers, plasma etc.]. THR 4 THR -

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] AR - Abilit -rating to thermo-scans STR - y (max=10) Abilit 0.5 damage from heat Enc +rating y Cost ASz x (Rating x (rating x Enc +Armour size x 2 100)) Cost Armour Size x 500

Laser Resistance: -4 to Stealth rolls from the highly CLOTHING: reflective surface. +6THR and AR vs. Lasers. THR +6 Comes in so many varieties, colours, styles, intended AR +6 functions that the mind boggles. A list of generic classes of STR - clothing is adequate. If you want more, make them up to suit Abilit -4 Stealth your campaign setting. Use the list as a basis for costing your y own class of clothing. The costs is for the full exterior outfit; Enc - in general, pants, undershirt and overshirt or jacket. Cost Armour Size x 400 Type of Clothing Cost Electrical and Stun shielding: Immunity to such Work gear (drill pants, heavy shirt etc.) 90 attacks. Labour gear (overalls, coveralls, etc.) 100 THR - AR - Casual wear 100 STR - Sports Gear (track suit, bike suit, etc.) 120 Abilit Immunity Formalwear (Tuxedo, gown, etc.) 500 y Office Wear (business suit, power dress, 150 Enc - etc.) Cost Armour Size x 1250 After 8 (cocktail dress, dress suit, etc.) 250 Street chic 200 Sonic Shielding (Hyper Infra and Ultra): Half effect Urban chic 220 of concussion and stun grenades. Rural chic (moleskins, flannelette, etc.) 140 THR - Criminal chic 200 AR - Yakuza/Mafia/Organizatsia chic 400 STR - Cyber chic 300 Abilit 0.5 effect of sonics Military chic (Marine, SAS, etc.) 120 y Paralegal chic (SWAT, SOG, etc.) 120 Enc +Armour Size x 2 Cold gear (half damage in Cold) 150 Cost Armour Size x 1000 Artic gear (no damage in Cold, half 250

damage in Frigid) Gillie Suit: Heavy camouflaging armour modifications that not only break up the silhouette and colour of the Matching footwear +sam wearer but dampen thermal and sonic emissions too. e Increase stealth and hiding attempts while worn. In built survival and comfort options to help on those long waits Brands, types Mod for the perfect shot. The +15 stealth bonus is offset by the s armour‟s original penalty and can only give a maximum Cheap no-name x0.5 bonus to stealth of +8. While moving the stealth bonus is Generica x1 reduced by 3. Hi-quality generica x1.5 THR +1 Lo-end brand-name x2 AR +3 Hi-end brand-name x2.5 STR +20 Recent fashion brand-name x3 Abilit +15 stealth (see text) Latest Fashion brand-name x3.5 y -6 Thermal Scans Professional/expert quality x3 Enc +Armour Size x 5

Cost Armour Size x 20,000

Thermographic Stealth: Thermographic scans are – (rating) effectiveness. Cost increases greatly with COMMUNICATIONS effectiveness. Maximum rating is 10. THR - All comm systems have transmission strength. This is AR - factored in to any reception rolls involving said transmitter. STR -

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] RADIO easily vulnerable to jammers. Some real life radar bands are General Discussion of radio bands in Black Dawn. This is J-band and L-band. In Black Dawn we‟ll just split it into an arbitrary translation of radio modulation and bands of civilian, military and space with a couple of types of each. transmission to create a hopefully simple method of RADAR BAND Abbreviation dealing with such open ended transmission media. Civilian radar Civ-radar Civilian traffic control Civ-traf-radar If you have knowledge of radio and can work a better and Military radar Mil-radar more accurate system than this please write it up and send Military tracking & traffic Mil-track-radar it to Purple Reef. control Military early warning Mil-EW Basic AM/FM/SW/UHF/Microwave: In 2095 the space navigation Sp-nav standard commercial frequencies were legislated into space traffic control Sp-traf public domain. The same happened for FM 88Mhz to space tracking Sp-track 108Mhz in 2106. It has since become even more choked space close combat net Sp-CCN with narrow broadcast amateurs and small private businesses. Data communication over these frequencies Encryption: table to give jargon terms for the various had become obsolete by 2113 because of the noise ratings of encryption. Purely for flavour. generated by intense traffic. CYRPTO- Type BAND Shorthand #channels RATING Basic AM AM-0 80 1 Inversion codec Basic FM FM-0 160 3 Shuffling codec Basic UHF b-UHF 320 5 Inverse-shuffled codec Basic b-mw 640 10 Large prime number encryption Microwave 20 Huge prime number encryption 30 Polymorphic encryption Advanced AM1-2/FM1/UHF/Microwave: Frequencies 40 Polymorphic large prime in and around the public bands that are reserved for encryption government, corporations and law enforcement. Access is 50+ Polymorphic huge prime very easy for anyone knowledgeable enough. encryption BAND Shorthand #channels Advanced AM1 AM1 160 Advanced AM2 AM2 160 Advanced FM1 FM1 320 TRANSCEIVERS Advanced FM2 FM2 320 Advanced UHF a-UHF 640 Advanced a-mw 1280 GalCorp Little Mission: Designed for kids it can still Microwave accept scramblers and other modular add-ons. Mainly in the Datasphere DS 2560 list for comparison. A real bottom end unit. THR 1 Mil-spec AM1-3/FM1-3/SW1- AR 2 2/QAM/UHF/Microwave: Mil-spec frequencies are in STR 2 the Ghz range. They still monitor all known frequencies Slots 2 and modulation types. Data communications is fairly Band AM-0 reliable but easily intercepted. Encryption by military is Transmission +3 usually very solid. Strength BAND Shorthand #channels Range at 100% 600m Mil-spec AM1 mil AM1 160 Enc 2 Mil-spec AM2 mil AM2 320 Power Source batt Mil-spec AM3 mil AM3 320 Duration 120hrs Mil-spec FM1 mil FM1 320 Cost 75 Mil-spec FM2 mil FM2 640 Mil-spec FM3 mil FM3 640 Mitsuhama Junior Ranger: Aimed at older children this Mil-spec SW1 mil SW1 1280 is about the cheapest useful radio on the market. Mil-spec SW2 mil SW2 2560 THR 1 Mil-spec QAM1 mil QAM1 2560 AR 3 [data] mil-data STR 4 Mil-spec UHF mil UHF 2560 Slots 3 Band AM-0/FM-0 Radar: Has to be included here for reference as the radio Transmission +5 locater system uses narrow bands of microwaves that are Strength

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Range at 100% 2km room to add modules makes this unit close to the top of the Enc 4 civilian range. Power Source batt THR 5 Duration 120hrs AR 7 Cost 120 STR 10 Slots 6 Mitsuhama Super Ranger: The current most popular Band All basic CB on the market is only just ahead of the GalCorp Lynx. Transmission +12 Not bad if you only need a radio occasionally. Strength THR 3 Range at 100% 60km AR 5 Enc 8 STR 8 Power Source Batt or external Slots 4 Duration 200hours Band b-UHF, b-mw Cost 5000 Transmission +5 Strength GalPol THU-18: GalPol standard issue radio for ground Range at 100% 5km forces and planetary police. Comes with 2 add-ons: Enc 4 Security(GalPol), Patch-thru cable (Data). Power Source batt or external THR 6 Duration 120hrs or by AR 8 external STR 12 Cost 250 Slots 4 Band All basic + a- GalCorp Lynx: The second most popular CB on the UHF market. It is slightly more rugged than the Super Ranger. Transmission +10 THR 4 Strength AR 6 Range at 100% 24km STR 8 Enc 6 Slots 4 Power Source Batt or external Band b-UHF, b-mw Duration 200hours Transmission +5 Cost 2500-R Strength Range at 100% 5km TuSat „Mercury‟ Tactical Set: Currently the comm-unit Enc 4 for the Military Rangers and various commando units this Power Source batt or external represents the bleeding edge of technology. Built in add-ons: Duration 120hrs or by Security(MilSpec, SF), Patch-thru cable(data, cyber), external ECM(rating-10), Encryption(J-Z, 1-50), throat mike, Cost 275 atmospheric compensator(rating-6). THR 10 AR 16 Mitsuhama Super-cat: Powerful unit used by STR 20 enthusiasts and off-road travellers. Strong transmission Slots 2 strength and uses bands less crowded by schmos. It can Band mil QAM, mil accept a wide range of modular add-ons. Data, mil SW2 THR 5 Transmission +15 AR 7 Strength STR 10 Range at 100% 120km Slots 6 Enc 1 Band b-mw Power Source Micro-cell Transmission +10 Duration 6months Strength Cost 10,000-R Range at 100% 24km Enc 6 Power Source Batt or external Duration 200hours ELECTRONIC COUNTERMEASURES Cost 2500 Jammers are effective in a games mechanics way like grenades. They are at half effectiveness from their optimum GalCorp „Plains Explorer‟: Another powerful unit range per zone with one zone being equal to optimum range. used by enthusiasts, wilderness rangers and other outdoors They have 5 zones. officials. Multi-band, powerful transmission and plenty of

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Eg. Jammer XT-2 has a range of 500 metres. It has full Slots - effectiveness to 500 metres, half to 1000 metres, quarter Band all microwave to 1500, eighth to 2000 and a sixteenth to 2500 metres. Transmission +30 Strength Single band Jammers: Interfere with reception of a Range at 100% 1km particular band within a certain range at a set strength. Enc 4 Constantly transmits white nose at high power. Power Source fusion pack or THR 0 mains AR 1 Duration 5000hrs or as STR 2 mains Slots - Cost 3,500 Band any one basic or advanced Broadband Jammer: Jams all transmission frequencies Transmission +15 and radar. Expensive unit sometimes called a „blanket static Strength generator‟. Comes in an armoured case; something people Range at 100% 100m who use these are going to need. Enc 1 THR 12 Power Source batt AR 18 Duration 120hrs STR 16 Cost 120 Slots - Band all + all radar Selective Jammers: Capable of jamming many bands Transmission +50 but only one band can be jammed at a time. Strength THR 0 Range at 100% 500m AR 1 Enc 6 STR 3 Power Source fusion pack Slots - Duration 5000hrs Band any Cost 22,000 Transmission +15 Strength Range at 100% 500m PHREAKING (PHONE HACKING) Enc 2 Phreaking gear is illegal and treated as corporate espionage. Power Source batt or mains Against a telecommunications company that is like spying Duration 120hrs or as on the government. Penalties are akin to sedition. mains Cost 120 + 100 per Scrambler Box (olive box): Fibroptic encryption and band decryption for standard FT-80 fibroptic trunk cabling (used in most cities of the TDE). The olive box is an old phreaker Radar: Still illegal because city-traffic uses radar to tool from the early days of FT-80 implementation. The Olive monitor it‟s jurisdiction. Easily made though, Box is hardwired between your vid phone and the rest of the unfortunately. network. It scrambles all transmissions to a preset key that is THR 0 entered before communications begin. The olive box will AR 1 attempt to unscramble all incoming transmissions if STR 3 operating in scramble mode. If you want to talk to someone Slots - with the encryption active they will need to have the key as Band civ-radar well. Its use can be detected easily with the right equipment. Transmission +15 THR 1 Strength AR 2 Range at 100% 200m STR 4 Enc 2 Slots 2 Power Source batt Band FT-80 fibroptic Duration 120hrs Encryption Rating 11 Cost 1000 Enc 4 Power Source battery or mains Microwave: Microwave jammer has such a high output Duration 1000hrs or across a broad frequency that it is dangerous to be in close infinite proximity for more than a few minutes. Cost 1000 THR 1 AR 3 Scrambler Box (purple box): Like the olive box but STR 5 more sophisticated and effective. Uses large prime nuber

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] encryption on FT-80 and FT-90 fibroptic trunk cable. Can Simmons ComLog: Ovoid data link unit with retractable also be hard-linked into any mobile set through a cable to neural jack lead and an additional hitcher jack socket on the encrypt all the parts of your conversation except the bits side. The Simmons ComLog can be ordered in any of 3,000 the network needs to maintain connection. Purple boxes different colour variations. The case is durable and holds its are easy to notice on a line that is being monitored. finish well in harsh sunlight. Fusion cells are common and THR 1 easily refuelled. AR 2 THR 2 STR 4 AR 4 Slots 3 STR 8 Band FT-80, FT-90, Slots - cellphones Band DS Encryption Rating 20 Transmission 20 Enc 4 Strength Power Source battery or mains Range at 100% 20km Duration 1000hrs or infinite Enc 2 Cost 5000 Power Source fusion cell Duration 500hrs Sa-Tech Scrambler Box (scarlet box): Sa-tech Cost 2,500 make the scarlet box. Sly beast of privacy and subterfuge. Polymorphic encryption and location fogging in user controlled degrees. Encryption can be arranged with SatLink Association „Oyster‟: shaped like a scallop another scarlet box at the time of the call (strength -3 shell, not an oyster, the SLA Oyster Personal Datalink is a during transmission of the key). The scarlet box can link popular model that is comfortable to hold and durable. Its into all standard fibroptic and conductive telecom cabling fusion cell is rechargeable from any standard power socket as well as patch any cellphone, satphone or personal data as well as accepting dense matter fuel. The transceiver is link in to its system. Heavy duty shock and waterproof among the better for the price giving good error checking of case. data and noise compensation beyond most other competitors. THR 6 Macroplast casing makes the Oyster solid enough for police AR 9 operatives. STR 15 THR 6 Slots - AR 9 Band DTN-v390, FT-80, STR 8 FT-90, cellphone, Slots 2 PDA, satphone, PDL Band DS Encryption Rating 45 Transmission 24 Enc 5 Strength Power Source fusion batt & Range at 100% 55km capacitor (can charge Enc 3 from mains) Power Source Fusion Cell Duration 1000hrs & 40hours Duration 500hrs Cost ~25,000 (rare) Cost 3,600

Name: desc. PORTABLE DATA LINKS THR AR Portable data links are small computers with built in soft STR (wireless) links to the planetary datasphere. They access Slots the datasphere through an user identified account that is Band set up with any datasphere access provider. PDLs (pour- Transmission dals) come in many generic brands and abilities and have Strength been popular for over 100years. Stemming from remote Range at 100% Internet access with a cell-phone and laptop, or a body Enc computer that was rigged into a jacket, they filled a niche Power Source market in the early 21st century for those people who Duration desired constant web access. Cost

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Name: desc. (1000) THR K - M 250 each AR (750) STR N - W 300 each Slots (3000) Band X - Z 500 each Transmission (1500) Strength Number bounds 1 - 20 25 each (500) Range at 100% 21 - 50 50 each Enc (1500) Power Source 51-100 60 each Duration (3000) Cost Example: (Purchasing a general encryption module) PORTABLE ECM PACKS Ephram Zed is buying a module with A through C, N and O letter bounds. Ephram decided to buy number bounds 1 - 20 for A, B and C. 90-100 for N. 33, 77 and 99 for O. Thus Ephram has the following codecs: Auto ECCM: Prevents lock and jamming by rating as a A - C | 1 -20 skill total. Cost: 300 (100 x 3) + 1500 (500 x 3) Cost: 8,000 + [rating x1000] N | 90 - 100 Cost: 300 + 660 (11 x 60) Manual ECCM: Gives opportunity for the use of a O | 33,77,99 characters ECM skill. Cost: 300 + 50 + 60 + 60 Cost: 5,000 Whole module costs: 3230

Superior Encryption Module: Superior encryption modules may have number bounds higher than 100. They COMMS MODULES otherwise operate the same way as Generic Encryption Modules. Modular transceivers and transducers designed to plug Encryption Range Cost into any demodulator/amplifier. These are available at Codec (inclusive) every electronics stockist throughout the TDE. Cheap and Number bounds 101 - 499 100 each very useful when combined with the right scramblers. 500 - 999 150 each 1000+ 200 each Security: modular security transmission modifier to encrypt and decrypt all signals within a set algorithm. Atmospheric Compensator: a small module that has a Broken up into different security algorithm sets use the sensor which must be exposed to function properly. Senses following list as a guide. atmospheric radiation and conditions from which it can Type Cost compensate against transmission interference. Game effect is GalPol 5000 R - illegal to nullify weather and environment penalties up to its rating. SF (special forces) 7000 R - illegal Slots Taken 1 Milspec 6000 R - illegal Ability Rating based (see text) Elite Criminal 7000 R Enc - Power slave to master unit Generic Encryption Module: a generic encryption Source device that uses preset encryption codecs on all Duration varies by master transmissions sent or received (if necessary). Codecs are Cost 500 + (100 x rating) generalised for game simplicity into a letter and number. Letter bounds: A through Z Transmission Encryption Module: In-line module for Number bounds: 1 through 100 (are assigned to each wireless and cabled transmission. Placed between the „data- letter bound) handler‟ and the „transmission-output‟ it is for modular A module can have any combination of letter and number devices only (which is most devices in Black Dawn). Any bounds. signal sent through the module will be encrypted with a strength equal to the rating. Encryption Range Cost (all) Slots Taken 1 Codec (inclusive) Ability Encryption rating Letter bounds A - J 100 each Enc -

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Power slaved to master unit Enduranc 40 hrs Source e Duration varies by master Cost 50 + (Rtg x 500) Pocket Deck: The Pocket deck is another generic chassis type. It is a popular start point for lower class kids. Decryption Module: In-line decryption module Slots 3 between receptor and „data-handler‟ for most wireless and THR 2 cabled devices. Rating is decryption strength. AR 3 Slots Taken 1 STR 5 Ability Decryption rating Cost 50 Enc - Enc - Power slaved Power batt Source Enduranc 120hrs Duration varies by master e Cost 50 + (Rtg x 800) Coat PAD: On the many colder worlds in the TDE it is Throat Mike: microphone that attaches to throat just necessary to wear a coat nearly everywhere. These PADs above the larynx (on just about every race this works). were initially larger pocket PADs but soon coats began to Can mumble or even whisper into this mike and still come with pockets for PADs. Now they are their own size transmit clearly, a useful feature on covert operations. category. Again very generic. Slots 1 Slots 5 Ability whisper Tx THR 2 Enc - AR 4 Power Source passive unit STR 7 Duration - Cost 80 Cost 50 Enc 1 Power fusion pack Enduranc 5000 hrs Subvocal Rig: like the throat mike but with a special e cranial speak that transmits the sound into the bone of the skull. This allows only the wearer to hear what is being Forearm PAD: Similar to the development of the coat PAD received by the master unit. except on hot and tropical worlds. The forearm PAD was Slots 1 once the ultimate in working-holiday power-wear. Ability whisper Tx, Rx can‟t be Slots 3 overheard THR 2 Enc - AR 2 Power Source slaved STR 5 Duration varies by master Cost 50 Cost 150 Enc - Power batt Enduranc 120hrs Comms Modules: desc e

Hipster PAD: Popular in the para-military and law enforcement. The Blitzen Brigade used Hipster sized PADs in it‟s early days. Slots 3 COMPUTERS: THR 2 AR 4 CHASSIS STR 6 Cost 70 Wrist Chassis: So generic that there is no need to list Enc - brands or the difference between them. Brand bias is no Power fusion pack longer rooted in fact. Enduranc 5000 hrs Slots 2 e THR 2

AR 3 Satchel PAD: Ultra-light notebook computer at the turn of STR 3 the century. At that time the average Satchel PAD had a 200 Cost 30 TrIP processor. Enc - Slots 6 Power battery

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] THR 3 blast effects from hand grenades it is very effective for the AR 5 price. STR 8 Slots 9 Cost 100 THR 15 Enc 1 AR 26 Power fusion pack STR 40 Enduranc 5000hrs Cost 1500 e Enc 9 Power Fusion Basic X Enduranc 5000 hrs Slots 8 e THR 3 AR 5 Field Mouse: mid-sized combat deck chassis. Good choice STR 10 for combat operatives and assault deckers. Cost 100 Slots 12 Enc 2 THR 18 Power mains AR 30 Enduranc as mains STR 60 e Cost 2600 Enc 11 Hallbench Power Fusion Slots 10 Enduranc 5000 hrs THR 3 e AR 6 STR 10 SNG Hellkit round case that has all modules arranged Cost 125 around the core which holds the processor and its memory. Enc 3 Hellkit is heavily armoured and is used in some data havens Power mains but mainly by assault deckers. Once assembled with a Enduranc as mains processor and memory, the Hellkit is very hard to work on. e Increase TNs by 5. Slots 18 Moby THR 20 Slots 18 AR 30 THR 3 STR 68 AR 7 Cost 3000 STR 12 Enc 14 Cost 200 Power mains+ Fusion pack Enc 5 Enduranc as mains + 5000 hrs Power mains & capacitor e Enduranc 4hrs e PROCESSOR Ivory Tower: Very large case used in server farms and Type Slots Speed Cost REA data havens throughout the TDE. Cost is due to the Used Mod. independent power supply. None have been reported to Intek 986 1 10 200 +0 fail in normal usage. Intek Olshina 1 15 330 +1 Slots 20 Intek Mil-spec:8 1 26 1,400 +4 THR 6 Micosm Orion 1 16 700 +2 AR 9 Micosm Triumph 1 18 950 +2 STR 20 SNG Mota-6 1 13 250 +0 Cost 1500 SNG Hades 1 19 900 +1 Enc 8 Power Fusion pack POV COMPRESSORS Enduranc 50K hrs Type Slots Size REA Cost e Mod. DemiGod SRAM 2 - +6 6,990 GraniTek Bunker Buddy: This hardened combat Feric 2360 SRAM 1 - +2 1,,995 cyberdeck chassis is ideal for the entry team‟s data-assault Global SRAM 1 - +1 1,600 member. Able to withstand light laser hits and residual Omni-Traveller 1 - +2 2,395 SRAM

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Callisto SRAM 1 - +3 3,195 UniNet DISK - 19 +0 495 PORTABLE ECM PACKS Being There DISK - 18 +0 550 Are available off the shelf or can be put together with the Feric 2360 DISK - 35 +1 1,000 fantastic modular parts also available off the shelf from the Omni-Traveller - 45 +1 1,495 manufacturers. Start with any computer chassis, processor, DISK memory and storage then purchase your software, comms- modules, antennas, scramblers etc. The most potent part of BLACK MARKET any ECM pack is the software and the transmission power of Type Slot Size REA Cost the comms-modules. s See also Communications. PowerComp Fugue 2 - +5 10,000 SRAM Black Rhapsody DISK - 12 +3 15,000 USER INPUT/OUTPUT DEVICES |928 {pipe 928} DISK - 30 +1 6,000

MEMORY Std. Keyboard [I] Type Slots Memory Speed Cost I‟m sure you know what one of these looks like. Any PC Used keyboard. It‟s the 24th century why bother with one of these? Intek LogiCore 1 64 +0 100 Intek LogiCore 1 128 +0 180 Enc 4 Intek LogiCore 1 256 +0 380 REA Mod. -20 SNG Big Grey 1 64 +1 145 Slots - SNG Big Grey 1 128 +1 260 Cost 5 SNG Big Grey 1 256 +1 500 Micosm 1 128 +1 200 Keyboard Macro [I] SureStore Almost obsolete. Uses a programmable keyboard with trak- Mitsuhama 1 1024 +4 2500 ball and buttons. OptiStore Enc 4 Intek 1 1024 +5 3200 REA Mod. -10 PhotoniCore Slots - SNG Prismatic 1 1024 +6 3980 Cost 20

STORAGE Squeezers [I/-O] Type Slots STOR Spee Cost Old news. Tilt sensitive, limited-feedback, multi-keyed grips d Unit/Media with pinky-throttle, hats and dual triggers for index and Evolution 1 1024K -2 700 thumb and individual triggers for each finger. HDD‟s Enc 1 Mollusc 1 256K -1 200 REA Mod. +2 Secure HDD‟s Slots - Ottawa HDD 1 64M -3 2000 Cost 100 Zip-It 1 128K -3 250/10 Detachable Power Gloves [I/-O] HDD 3D sensitive feedback gloves monitoring entire hand posture Generic FDD 1 16 -8 25/1 and position in relation to your body. Allows use of all black Data Crystal 1 10M - +0 100/M market PoV compressors and advanced legit PoV Port 1000M compressors. Enc 1 REA Mod. +3 Slots 1 Cost 2000

Passive Headset [O] Use with hand gear (squeezers, gloves, etc.). Enc 5 REA Mod. -3 Slots 1 Cost 20

Conductive Headset [I/O] Apprentice Gear. Use with hand gear for extra speed.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Enc 2 AR 1 REA Mod. +1 STR 2 Slots 1 Abilit +2 Perception of video Cost 500 y Enc 2 Hood [I/O] Cost 1,200 For those of you who fear the CyberDoc. Essentially an aggressive conductive helmet. DNI without surgery (or Pocket Printer: Basic model prints up to greeting card the AEI bonus). The best nature can get without a hole size. drilled through your skull and nano-wires implanted in THR 1 your brain-stem. Hand gear gives no extra bonus. AR 4 Enc 4 STR 4 REA Mod. +6 Abilit +3 Falsification etc. Slots 1 y Cost 5000 Enc 3 Cost 160

OUTPUT DEVICES Desktop Printer: Prints large paper sizes in high colour. VaccTube (monitor): 20th century TV type cathode-ray THR 1 tube, big, heavy and cheap. AR 4 THR 2 STR 6 AR 6 Abilit +4 Falsification etc. STR 9 y Abilit - Enc 8 y Cost 160 Enc 15 Cost 50 Plotter: Print architectural size blueprints and schematics in full colour. Flat Tube: VaccTube with flat screen. THR 2 THR 2 AR 5 AR 6 STR 9 STR 9 Abilit +5 Falsification etc. Abilit - y y Enc 30 Enc 15 Cost 400 Cost 100 Auto Lathe: Engineering equipment. For working solids in LCD Backlit: Active matrix backlit LCD colour screen. a circular fashion. THR 0 THR 3 AR 2 AR 6 STR 4 STR 25 Abilit - Abilit +5 Technics etc. y y Enc 5 Enc 250 Cost 400 Cost 5,000

Plasma VDT: Plasma screen using controlled ionised Metal Bot: Manufactures most metallic objects. gases for a precision digital colour screen. THR 5 THR 1 AR 9 AR 3 STR 60 STR 6 Abilit +6 Technics etc. Abilit +1 Perception of video y y Enc 3000 Enc 7 Cost 20,000 Cost 700 Resin Caster: Resin is extra. Can cast 3D shapes from Gel Screen: Gel pack which can be rolled up and many different grades of resin. pocketed. Gives high-res full colour through bio- THR 4 luminescence. AR 6 THR 0 STR 11

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Abilit +5 Technics etc. y CYBERWARE: Enc 150 Cyberware refers to any implanted electronic/mechanical Cost 6,000 device to augment or improve a being‟s mental or physical function. The whole field of technology derived from Macroplast Caster: Macroplast is extra. Can cast 3D prosthetic developments that led to the fully-functional nerve shapes from many different grades of macroplast which is link, which itself led rapidly to the development of the neural very durable and the higher grades are suitable for jack. Presently in Black Dawn, cyberware is popular with polymer weapons or armour casings. those who wish to enter the mercenary circuit or just THR 6 improve their capabilities. AR 9 STR 13 Divided into categories for easier reference. Augmentation, Abilit +5 Technics etc. replacements and conversions. Augmentations assist or y improve on an existing bodily function. Replacements do Enc 150 that. Limbs, organs etc. are replacements. Conversions are Cost 50,000 the really large scale operations where the body is converted to perform a certain function. Prime examples of this are Bio Sculptor/Medi-droid: Medical bench and surgery military „borg conversions. Implanted power chassis, cyber- arm, requires specialist software. cat package, etc. THR 4 AR 6 STR 50 EYES. Abilit +software y Mikura Bio-Labs Replacement Eyes: Any colour, Enc 2,000 shape or pattern. These are the most popular cyber-eye on the Cost 100,000 market. The cost is per eye, although doesn‟t effect the

procedure cost. Surgi-bot: Full medical pod with 3 surgery arms and all Thr - relevant medical scanners. With correct specialist software AR - can perform field trauma surgery, bio-mechanical and Slots 2 per eye cybernetic installation. Abilities digital low-light vision THR 4 Drawbacks slight lack of detail AR 6 Base Time 2 weeks STR 100 Legality legal Abilit +software Cost: Substances/parts 700 y Cost: Procedure 1500 Enc 3,000

Cost 1,400,000

Zeiss Pure Vision Eyes: Favourite of snipers all over. Micro Bench: Electrical manufacturing station. Can The eyes are fitted with zoom(5km), auto-rangefinding using create low level computer products with specialist the base line algorithm accurate to 10cm, inbuilt low-light software (not included). and have sleep/dust-shutters as standard. THR 3 Thr - AR 6 AR - STR 12 Abilities zoom 5km Abilit +6 Technics etc. range finder y low-light Enc 200 protective see through Cost 70,000 shutters

Drawbacks shutters give -3 perception DNI Socket [out only]: For passive sensory reception. Base Time 2 weeks THR - Legality paralegal AR - Cost: Substances/parts 5000 STR - Cost: Procedure 2000 Abilit - y

Enc - name: desc. Cost 1,000 Thr AR Abilities

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Drawbacks name: desc. Base Time Thr Legality AR Cost: Substances/parts Abilities Cost: Procedure Drawbacks Base Time Legality Cost: Substances/parts Cost: Procedure

EARS. name: desc. Thr name: desc. AR Thr Abilities AR Drawbacks Abilities Base Time Drawbacks Legality Base Time Cost: Substances/parts Legality Cost: Procedure Cost: Substances/parts Cost: Procedure name: desc. Thr name: desc. AR Thr Abilities AR Drawbacks Abilities Base Time Drawbacks Legality Base Time Cost: Substances/parts Legality Cost: Procedure Cost: Substances/parts Cost: Procedure name: desc. Thr name: desc. AR Thr Abilities AR Drawbacks Abilities Base Time Drawbacks Legality Base Time Cost: Substances/parts Legality Cost: Procedure Cost: Substances/parts Cost: Procedure name: desc. Thr AR SMELL. Abilities Drawbacks name: desc. Base Time Thr Legality AR Cost: Substances/parts Abilities Cost: Procedure Drawbacks Base Time Legality Cost: Substances/parts Cost: Procedure ORAL AND DIGESTIVE.

name: desc.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Thr Legality legal AR Cost: Substances/parts 5,000 Abilities Cost: Procedure 1,500 Drawbacks Base Time Legality name: desc. Cost: Substances/parts Thr Cost: Procedure AR Abilities Drawbacks name: desc. Base Time Thr Legality AR Cost: Substances/parts Abilities Cost: Procedure Drawbacks Base Time name: desc. Legality Thr Cost: Substances/parts AR Cost: Procedure Abilities Drawbacks Base Time name: desc. Legality Thr Cost: Substances/parts AR Cost: Procedure Abilities Drawbacks Base Time BODY. Legality Cost: Substances/parts Cost: Procedure Implanted Power Chassis: A mechanical power chassis is implanted over the characters body. It is powered by fusion packs. A rare operation because of the psychological trauma involved. Few success stories. A rated system, INTERNAL. maximum of rating 5. Armour can be added as per powered armour construction. Circulatory Toxin Filter(Humanadyne): A filter Thr 10+2/rating unit that is implanted on the pulmonary trunk just before AR 10+4/rating the heart. Nanite mesh factory sifts the blood collecting Abilities +rating ST toxic molecules, blood viruses, parasites and free radicals. +rating MO Thr - +rating CO AR - +rating times 2 HITS Abilities +25 resist toxin in +rating times 2EXH bloodstream Drawbacks no epidermis Drawbacks genitals removed Base Time 2 hours physical sensation reduced Legality legal to system readouts. Cost: Substances/parts 5,000 Base Time 2 weeks Cost: Procedure 2,500 Legality Military Cost: Substances/parts 20,000 + (rating times 20,000) Inhaled Toxin Fliter(Humanadyne): Implanted on Cost: Procedure 250,000 the lower trachea it will not prevent burns to the trachea although the implant will prevent the inhaled toxins from entering the lungs. This will be enough to save the persons CardioBot: nano-system defibrillator to restart heart after life in most cases. Uses a nanite mesh factory. electric shock, impact, dim-mak and other non-destructive Thr - heart arresting trauma. AR - Thr - Abilities +15 resist inhaled toxins AR - Drawbacks Abilities can resuscitate after heart Base Time 2 hours failure (death)

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Drawbacks 4 attempts only per energy Cost: Procedure 10,000 cell: Recharge cell through Cerebral Effector & Co-processor: A data assist unit concealed chest socket used to effect the user‟s brain patterns and information flow. Base Time 3 hours Complex neural lines lace the cortex, placed at higher Legality Legal function nexus points. A nerve-link to an existing neural jack Cost: Substances/parts 5000 is included in the price. Upon initial implantation the CEC is Cost: Procedure 5000 almost useless as it has to „learn‟ the users brain patterns and skill processing arrangements between the various zones of the brain. This unit is amongst the most advanced of all name: desc. neural ware and should be considered the bleeding edge of Thr neural cybertechnology. The CEC will give its full benefits AR after an amount of time equal to the user‟s previous TECH in Abilities days. The CEC can execute skillsofts and talent chips if a Drawbacks chip-port is nerve linked. Base Time Thr - Legality AR - Cost: Substances/parts Abilities +4 TECH Cost: Procedure Drawbacks must „learn‟ brain before bonus comes into effect Base Time 10 hours name: desc. Legality Legal Thr Cost: Substances/parts 2.0 M AR Cost: Procedure 250,000 Abilities Drawbacks Temporal Lobe Augmentory Unit [KI]: desc. Base Time Thr - Legality AR - Cost: Substances/parts Abilities +6 AW Cost: Procedure +1 INT

Drawbacks Unknown Base Time 4 hours Legality Legal Cost: Substances/parts 5.0 M NEURALWARE. Cost: Procedure 1.0 M

SkillSoft SubProcessor: accepts skillsofts and allows Simsense Implant: The ultimate VR. This implant integration with thought. „hooks‟ in to the medulla oblongata and promotes nervous Thr - signals from an input source. This activity is translated AR - into „perception‟ by the hosts brain; thus VR. The Abilities can use skillsofts sensations are full and real. Cheap units may not dampen Drawbacks - motor response to induced stimuli from which a user may Base Time 1 hour get up and react bodily to the experience. This is where Legality legal the term Dream Zombies comes from. A side effect of an Cost: Substances/parts 2500 unshielded implant is electric shocks of low to mid levels Cost: Procedure 2000 cause intense but brief hallucinations, often vivid and chaotic. High level electric shocks do double damage. If Synapse Amplifier: boosts power of synaptic firings in the recipient has no DNI jack already, one will be short twitch muscle centres and reactive ganglions. A rated implanted for a 100cr surcharge. system with a maximum of 6. Comes with a psycho-trigger Thr - to toggle the system (mentally controlled on/off switch). AR - Thr - Abilities accept simsense input AR - Drawbacks electric shock causes Abilities +rating DX hallucinations +rating MO Base Time 4 hours Drawbacks lose EXH double rate in Legality legal combat Cost: 2000 + 500 for shielding Base Time 4 hours Substances/parts Legality para-legal

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Cost: Substances/parts rating times 15,000 Yad & Human Cost: Procedure 40,000 GalCorp [VR-2] None 8 7600 Oberstansh Anthro models cost 9 9000 name: desc. Mil-Spec Jack 1.2x Thr SNG None 9 10,000 AR “Illustrious” V- Abilities 7 Drawbacks Avantage None 9 10,000 Base Time “Express Legality Jack” Cost: Substances/parts Micosm Mil- No Auld or Half- 10 14,000 Cost: Procedure Spec Jack breeds Knessenar None 11 20,000 Industries THE NEURAL JACK. “Bronze” Complex bio-electric implants that translate digital Knessenar None 16 75,000 machine signal into 5-sense brain recognisable signals of Industries the specified type. Yes, this implies that the signals “Gold” (digital) have to be before-hand translated into meaningful Knessenar None 20 200,00 sensory input: that‟s what the PoV compressor is for. On Industries 0 its own the neural jack allows for unrestricted two-way “Diamond” data communication. Unfortunately a great number of „smart‟ rigged devices, such as cyberdecks, weapons and vehicles, have their own protocols that are so numerous GENERAL GEAR: most people cannot learn them all in less than 10 years. Thus the need for some sort of co-processor or data-assist BACKPACKS, FRAMEPACKS, BAGS device such as a Simsense Implant, Cerebral Effector & Generic types. Pay more for brand name and snazzy Co-processor (CEC) or a Temporal Lobe Augmentory materials. Unit. This downloads the needed protocol and creates an interface for the user via sophisticated firmware. Type Hold Enc Cos The neural jack uses the brains own electric impulses for a s t power source. Implantation surgery is a minor process; in Civilian type 70 4 40 terms of down time; but complex in its actual pack “installation”. A competent cyber-doc can have the Military type 130 6 120 process completed in 3 hours or less depending on the pack amount of assistance (eg. Surgi-bot, medidroid etc.). Framepack 90 6 90 Recovery time to activity is usually 12 hours. To fully Hiking pack 180 7 200 healed, 7 days. Satchel 20 2 25 It is true that 2 beings may connect via neural jack. This Webgear 40 3 35 leads to uninterrupted brain exchange. Communication at Pouch 4 - 5 its purest and most honest form. Those thrill seekers that Chestpack 50 3 40 have tried this experience what is known as „residual Hip-satchel 10 1 15 insanity‟. The communication is so powerful that common Large Pouch 7 - 9 thought patterns of the users are temporarily „burnt‟ in to Sack 100 2 8 each other. This manifests in the adoption of verbal and (Ubiquitous™) physical mannerisms of the other party. Shoulder bag 25 3 50

Handbag 15 1 20 Neural Jacks [2-way]

Type Racial AEI Cost

InTek Cortolink None 4 1000


Humanadyne Non-humans 5 1300 FIELD EQUIPMENT [Omni-link] Covers any equipment for use in the field that doesn‟t fit neatly under another category. Climbing gear, digging Humanadyne Only Humans 5 1200 [City-Jack] equipment, etc.

Illstrum Neon- None 6 2000 Ride Grapple Pack: A chest pack unit composed of macro- alloys and engineered with a potent hi-speed winch. The GalCorp None 6 2200 [URLink] grapple pack can fire a grapnel out to 100 metres and winch the wearer in at up to 30m/sec. The cable is made of light SNG Cyberlink Only Muntrians, 7 3000 weight macro-alloy weave that can hold up to 1500kg. The

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] smartrigged version can be jacked into and controlled by anyone with a TECH over 5. Caution: this unit winches the wearer in very fast and can cause injury to those CLOAKING AND MASKING EQUIPMENT without proper training or body armour. THR 12 AR 18 All the gear listed below is considered highly illegal and is STR 20 only made by companies such as PowerComp, Open Rogues, Skill Climbing level 2 (level 6 to etc. There should be no way a Streetwise skill roll will locate Needed resist injury when one of these devices for sale. The acquisition of any of the unarmoured) below gear, with the possible exception of a heat trace TECH 5 for smart-rigged dampener, should constitute a session heavy on roleplaying, version subterfuge and stress. Ability Climbing +10 Power Fusion Batt Assassin Class Cloaking Rig: Rare illegal device for Source full body and mind cloaking. The user leaves no trace of Duration 1000hrs their passing on any detection device. The chances of anyone Enc 9 finding such a unit through a mere Streetwise type skill roll Cost 8,000 [10,000 smart-rigged] are zero. THR 0 AR 1 STR 6 TRUNKS, CASES, BOXES, CHESTS Skill Sensor Operations level 3 Needed Wilco ArmorStor: large enamelled finish armoured Ability Stealth +9, Psychic, psionic and storage box. Comes with electronic combo lock and palm- magic scans are at –9 scanner. Enc 2 Thr 6 Cost over 2 million AR 12 Holds 350 Energy Field Suppressor: Modular electrically powered Lock Rating 10/20 unit that can attach to the magazine well of a weapon or the Enc 100 casing of any power source via small molecular adhesion Cost 1500 pads. It suppresses the residual energy of non-shielded power sources such as energy weapon packs, batteries, fusion packs Wilco SecuriStor: massive trunk sized box large etc. by transmitting a counter harmonic energy field. enough to hold a human with some room to move. THR 2 Armoured with palm scanner and user list. Gasproof and AR 5 fire resistant. STR 2 Thr 9 Skill Sensor Operations level 3 AR 15 Needed Holds 1000 Ability -15 to scans Lock Rating 20/30 Enc Negligible Enc 580 Cost over 5,000 Cost 2000 Heat Trace Dampening: Also called Infra Red Wilco HardCase: luggage sized case to carry your dampeners. The heat trace dampener is an EM absorption valuable suits and accoutrements. Armoured construction field specifically tuned for incoming and outgoing heat. It is available in a variety of enamelled finishes. Complex vastly superior to Thermographic Dampening. This heat is combo locks. used to augment the power source which is itself shielded. Thr 3 The unit is finely tuned when first arriving at a new AR 8 environment to provide optimum results. There is no “cold” Holds 160 spot at the users location with this device. Lock Rating 15 THR 8 Enc 20 AR 15 Cost 600 STR 8 Skill None Needed Ability -12 to IR/thermal scan Enc 2 PERSONAL STEALTH: Cost over 50,000 For electronic warfare see that section.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Molecular Cloaking Device: Bends light around the Datawire Tap Detector: Rating to detect datawire taps on users body and equipment to make them invisible. Cheap the installed line. models have no filter module for the eyes and thus cause THR - the user to be blind while the device is in operation. AR - THR 6 STR - AR 9 Skill Electrical Technics or Computer STR 8 Needed Technics Skill sensor operation level 3 Ability Detect Rating Needed Enc 4 Ability stealth +9 vs. visual only Cost Rtg x 400 Enc 1 Cost over 500,000 Optical Tap Detector: highly sensitive device for detecting optical taps. Mind Cloak Rigs: An anti-detection device that is worn THR - about the head. An array of thin shielded cables that cloak AR - the wearer‟s aura and passing aural signature making STR - them undetectable to psychics, psionics and magic. Skill Electrical Technics or Computer THR 0 Needed Technics AR 1 Ability Detect Rating STR 3 Enc 6 Skill none Cost Rtg x 10,000 Needed Ability -9 to psychic, psionic and magic scans Name: desc. Enc 0 THR Cost over 100,000 AR STR Skill Needed COUNTER ESPIONAGE EQUIPMENT Ability Enc Cost Sound Shield: high tech sonic field emitter that creates a sphere of „anti-noise‟. The sound is emitted to create sonic nodes and voids which prevent the bulk of any sound generated within 5m of the device from being heard more than 5m away. THR - AR - STR 2 Skill None Needed Ability -10 to be heard by others when within 5m of unit Enc 4 Cost 6,000

Bug Scanner: detects transmission circuitry in operation within 1m/rating. Generic types. THR - AR - STR 2 Skill None Needed Ability Detects transmission devices 1m/rating Enc 3 Cost 100 + (rating x 200)

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings]


A lot of equipment in Black Dawn requires a power source. The generic power sources are listed below. All are rechargeable. Fusion power sources are rechargeable by any material. Molecular density increases richness and time to utilise. Thus hydrogen is instantly useable but gives little duration. Most people fill them with waste materials and sewage. MAG-LH power sources are only refuellable with magnetic liquid hydrogen. MAG-LH Corp hold an almost monopolistic grip on the magnetic liquid hydrogen market. The units are far cheaper than fusion based equivalents.

Power Source En Duratio Cost c n Battery (batt) <1 120hrs 10 Battery standard 300hr 1 300hrs 30 Fusion Capsule <1 500hrs 250 Fusion Cell <1 1000hrs 500 Fusion Battery 2 5000hrs 2000 Fusion Pack 8 2years 5000 MAG-LH Porta-brick 8 1,000hrs 750 generator MAG-LH Backpack 24 5,000hrs 2000 generator

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] SECURITY EQUIPMENT Source Duration 120hrs (SUBTERFUGE) Enc 4 (6) Cost [AR - 9] x 50 +[STR - 9] x 30 Electronic Lock Pick Kit: A computer controlled and +[ability - 4] x 50 aided mechanical lock pick kit that uses a set of probes that are controlled via data cables. The probes are placed Picklock Release Gun: A semi-automated mechanical in the lock and the operator uses the computer interface to device originally developed in the latter 20th century for either assist in a manual attempt (useful if you suspect defeating mechanical locks quickly. The tools extend from a traps) or perform an automatic attempt based on a number small pistol grip and are operated in conjunction by the of options. The programming can easily be expanded to trigger. The tool bits can be replaces as needed with more cater for rare and intricate lock mechanisms. suitable parts that are included in the price of the gun. THR 3 THR 2 AR 4 AR 2 STR 4 STR 2 Ability +5 pick locks: mechanical Ability +2 pick locks: Power Batt mechanical Source Enc - Duration 120hrs Cost 150 Enc 2 Cost 400 PortaKeyMaker: nano-probe pick lock unit attached to resin caster. Picks mechanical locks and then creates a key IR Sensor Flooder: floods an area with specified IR out of resin (hardness equivalent to mild alloy) for later use. wavelength of an IR detection or motion sensor. THR 0 Effectively fools any detector with a successful skill test AR 2 to „tune‟ the IR frequency. STR 2 THR 0 Skill none AR 0 Needed STR 3 Ability rating Skill Sensor Operations Enc 3 Needed Cost 500 + (rating x 100) Ability Rating vs. Rating Enc 2 Power Shunt: capacitor that charges up from an electric Cost 5000 fence‟s own current then feeds it back into the system to attempt an overload. This usually shuts down the fence. THR 8 Mechanical Lock Pick Set: A standard set of probes, AR 14 torsion bars and other instruments for the picking of STR 18 general mechanical locks. Skill None THR 1 Needed AR 2 Ability Power shunt Rating STR 2 Enc 12 Ability allows attempt at 0 mod Cost Rtg x 100 Enc - Cost 50 Sonic Anti-noder: shields an area against eavesdropping by creating „anti-nodes‟ of sound that muffle or silence Mil-spec Electronic Lock Pick Kits: Are produced by anything originating in the suppressed area. Rating is many manufacturers. The sophistication of the software effectiveness. varies but the costs are generally scaled the same. All THR 0 come in armoured cases and are finished in light AR 0 dampening ferro-cote. Any increase to THR increases the STR 2 AR by the same amount and vice versa. The first numbers Skill none for the THR, STR, Ability, Enc are the minimum. The Needed number in parentheses (), are the maximum. Ability sound dampening @ rating THR 10 (30) Enc 3 AR 15 (35) Cost 200 + (rating x 100) STR 10 (30) Ability + 5 (12) pick locks: mechanical Power Batt

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] SENSORY EQUIPMENT Source Duration as main unit Enc 3 For all of you wondering what gear you can use Cost 4,000 effectively with the skill sensor operation this is the big list. A lot of this stuff is restricted from private ownership Mil-Spec Motion Tracker: As the above units except a without proper permits although the gear itself is simple military grade unit that is well armoured for rugged enough to build that it still proliferates on the underground operations. markets and under-the-counter home security sales. THR 12 AR 18 STR 15 Radar: Uses a narrow band of microwaves. Some real Skill Used Sensor Operation life radar bands are J-band and L-band. In Black Dawn Passive +5 we‟ll just split it into civilian, military and space. Active +8 RADAR BAND Abbreviation Range 250 metres civilian navigation radar civ-radar Power fusion batt civilian traffic control civ-traf-radar Source military navigation radar mil-radar Duration 1000hrs military tracking & traffic mil-track-radar Enc 5 control Cost 10,000 military early warning mil-EW space navigation radar sp-nav Bio-scanner: Monitors energy wave patterns common to space traffic control sp-traf known animals and hostile plants. Range is limited. Delivers space tracking sp-track general animal type data to the user via display. space close combat net sp-CCN THR 3 AR 5 STR 3 Motion Tracker: Sensitive seismic and vibration Skill Used Sensor Operations sensors feed information to a processor which calculates @level 4+ source of any detection based on the waveform of the Passive +2 input. In short it detects the effects of a mass in motion Active - and tracks its location, distance, bearing and speed. Range 70 metres THR 2 Power fusion cell AR 4 Source STR 5 Duration 500hrs Skill Used Sensor Operation Enc 3 Passive +1 Cost 50,000 Active - Range 50 metres Superior Motion Tracker Processor: Uses extremely Power fusion cell advanced filter algorithms to give more accuracy. Improves Source an existing motion tracker system‟s range by 50%. Duration 500hrs THR 2 Enc 3 AR 4 Cost 800 STR 2 Skill Used Sensor Operation High-Spec Motion Tracker: On most worlds this Passive original units requires a permit to own and operate. Uses combination of Active original units ambient vibration detectors and ULF pulse monitor to Range +50% locate any movement‟s source. This unit is more sensitive Enc 2 and will give the user an approximate mass of the source Cost 20,000 of motion. THR 3 Radar Tracker: Useful for locating and tracking radar AR 6 emissions. This is a passive unit that detects radar and STR 8 microwave emissions and overlays them as a graphical Skill Used Sensor image for the user. Colours are very artificial to reduce the Operation chance of blending into whatever the user‟s current Passive +3 environment is. Active +5 Cost: 5000 + 5000 per kilometre of sensitivity. Range 100 metres THR 2 Power as main unit AR 5

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] STR 4 Power fusion cell Skill Used Sensor Operation Source Passive +2 Duration 500hrs Active - Enc 5 Range base 10 km Cost 60,000 + 100 per Power fusion cell metre Source Duration 500hrs Infra-Red/Thermal Imaging: Uses Infra red spectrum Enc 3 detectors to construct an image of what is in the user‟s field Cost 3,000 + 1,000 per km of vision. The infra-red radiation is converted into an image map which is displayed in the eyepiece, colour coding Sonar Tracker: Sonic location tracker passively detects represents intensity. sonar type frequency emissions. Only popular in THR 5 underwater environments or when tracking specific AR 9 targets. Strengthened and waterproof for deep ocean STR 8 diving. Skill Used Sensor Operation THR 4 Passive +2 AR 7 Active +5 STR 6 Range active 2000m Skill Used Sensor Operations Power fusion cell Passive +1 Source Active - Duration 500hrs Range passive Enc 3 Power fusion cell Cost 5,000 Source Duration 500hrs Pheromone Imaging: Takes regular atmospheric samples Enc 2 and searches for pheromones. Any molecular matches are Cost 600 compared against a database and the type displayed to the user. A map of pheromone density can be displayed from the Density Scanner: Scans density of targets assigned by eyepiece or projected on to a flat surface or even cabled out user. Gives accurate approximation of status of armour to a vid-screen. and structural integrity of walls, tanks etc. Very useful in THR 6 urban combat. AR 9 THR 8 STR 6 AR 13 Skill Used Sensor Operations STR 8 @level 4+ Skill Used Sensor Operations Passive +6 Passive - Active - Active +4 Range passive Range base 20 metres Power fusion cell Power fusion cell Source Source Duration 500hrs Duration 500hrs Enc 2 Enc 6 Cost 80,000 Cost 15,000 + 600 per metre Magnetism: Works on the same concept as the Infra-red unit except with magnetic fields. An image is constructed EFD: Electromagnetic Field Disturbance detector allows using obvious computer graphic style and colours and then tracking and visual overlay of any object that disrupts the displayed to a small plas-screen. local ambient electromagnetic field. It must be calibrated THR 10 in an undisturbed location on any world before use. Very AR 14 useful for locating power sources, vehicles and people in STR 10 armour. Skill Used Sensor Operation THR 4 @level 2+ AR 8 Passive +7 STR 8 Active +10 Skill Used Sensor Operation Range active 200m Passive +6 Power fusion cell Active +10 Source Range base 100 metres Duration 500hrs

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Enc 5 Cost 20,000

Kirlian Aura-scanner [KI]: Machinae aura reader. TARGETING ACCESSORIES: Useful for highest security and for operatives that have no psychic member. The rating effects accuracy of reading, NON-MODULAR TARGETING AIDS depth of scan and scan range. Auras can be stored via The Smart Rig Processor. It takes data from a smart rigged data-link to appropriate system and use up a great deal of weapon and plots trajectory from current weapon orientation. MEM/STOR. Formula is: Also calculates ricochets, needed elevation for long range [Age in years x PP] + TECH + [WILL x 2] and lead arc for moving targets. Example: Drachsam is 36, has 16PP, 22 TECH and WILL 30. His aura requires 658 MEM/STOR (576 + 22 + 60). Better get a big HDD to store multiple auras. Avtek Eagle Eye™: High quality Avtek smart goggles THR 4 compatible with all standard smart rigged weapons. Comes AR 8 standard with armoured chromatic lens and IR/UV light STR 10 filtering. Skill Used Sensor Operations (5+) THR 9 Passive -4 AR 13 Active +2 STR 5 Range Rtg x (Rtg + 1) metres Ability +4 ACC Power Fusion Cell Power fusion Source Source cell Duration 5000hrs Duration 500hrs Enc 6 Enc 1 Cost Rtg x (Rtg x 50) Cost 8,000 [RARE!] GalCorp Smart Goggles: basic military issue smart Medical Scanner: integrates multiple systems to a goggles with armoured lens and a smart rig processor. The diagnostic computer and software. Rating is for the lens is auto-tinting in bright light. diagnostic software only. Software assists operator in THR 6 making a medical diagnoses. AR 9 THR 4 STR 4 AR 8 Ability +3 ACC STR 10 Power fusion Skill Used Diagnostics Source cell Passive +2 Duration 500hrs Active +8 Enc 1 Range 10metres Cost 4,000 Power Battery Source GalCorp „Elite‟ Smart Goggles: Come with thermal Duration 300hr vision mode, low light enhancement, flare compensatory lens Enc 8 construction and motion tracker overlay. Targeting add-in Cost 10,000 + (Rtg x 300) software incorporates the data from the motion tracker into an informational readout that is overlaid on the corner of the Tactical Scanner: integrated system with: hi-spec display. Motion tracker range is 50 metres. Maximum targets motion tracker, millimetre wave scanner, radar (MIL) and 8. rangefinder circuit. Rating affects range of all systems. THR 9 THR 20 AR 12 AR 26 STR 8 STR 15 Ability +3 ACC Skill Used Sensor Operations (3+) Power fusion Passive +3 Source cell Active +9 Duration 500hrs Range Rtg x 100metres Enc 1 Power Fusion Batt Cost 12,000 Source Duration 500hours Enc 5 Cost 15,000 + (Rtg x 500) MODULAR TARGETING AIDS

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Computer aided aiming devices that are linked to the Abilit flare weapon of choice by a wireless short range (1m) tight y compensation beam comm system. They are essentially upgrade-able Slots -1 smart gun rigs. Available as goggles, visors, glasses, Enc - monocles, fake eye patches or any other ocular accessory. Cost 8000 All are considered to have a smart rig processor hard- wired into the basic unit unless stated otherwise. UV Vision Filter: Re-constructs the user‟s field of vision Avtek Hawk Eye Pro™: Modular enhanced targeting incorporating UV light. glasses available in goggle, spectacles or visor profile. Abilit UV vision Armoured, chromatic lenses are standard. y THR 9 Slots -1 AR 13 Enc - STR 5 Cost 7500 Ability +4 ACC Slots 4 Bio-scanner: Monitors energy wave patterns common to Power fusion known potentially hostile animals and plants. Range is Source cell limited and uses 2 slots. Delivers general animal type and Duration 500hrs health data to the user via display. Enc 1 Eg. Crasher is scouting through jungle. Her bio-scanner Cost 15,000 picks up a predatory gorilla [healthy]. Abilit passive bio-scanning (as text) „Rex Paretti‟ Targeting Glasses: Stylish and y fashionable armoured visors or full wraparound shades Slots -2 that are a hallmark of financial success. They come with Enc - no modules hard-wired or otherwise but have 6 slots. Cost 95,000 + 5000 per 10metres of range [Max THR 22 is 2000] AR 36 STR 18 Motion Tracker: Uses combination of ambient vibration Ability +3 ACC detectors and ULF pulse monitor to locate any movement‟s Slots 6 source. Very expensive because of miniaturisation. Power fusion cell Abilit motion tracking 360degrees Source y Duration 500hrs Slots -1 Enc 1 Enc - Cost 25,000 Cost 50,000 + 5000 per metre of effective range. [Max is 100] Rhino-K16: Currently the most popular and modular recticle is the Rhino-K16. It is a monocular eyepiece with Superior Motion Tracker Processor: Uses extremely a light „squid‟ type support rig. The support rig has a cable advanced filter algorithms to give more accuracy. Improves to contoured and armoured anterior-cranial box which an existing motion tracker system‟s range by 50%. holds the modules. Abilit +50% range THR 20 y AR 30 Slots -1 STR 15 Enc - Ability +3 ACC Cost 30,000 [only one may be added] Slots 8 Power fusion cell Radar Tracker: Useful for locating and tracking radar Source emissions. This is a passive unit that detects radar and Duration 500hrs microwave emissions and overlays them as a graphical Enc 1 image for the user. Colours are very artificial to reduce the Cost 25,000 chance of blending into whatever the user‟s current environment is. Abilit passive radar/microwave tracking MODULES y Polarised Vision: Like most insects. Polarised vision Slots -1 gives the user the ability to look at extremely bright lights Enc - without damage or loss of vision. Effectively perfect flare Cost 5000 + 5000 per kilometre of sensitivity compensation. Polarised vision makes use of any light source. Overlay is in user‟s visible light spectrum.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Sonar Tracker: Sonic location tracker passively detects Abilit magnetic field vision sonar type frequency emissions. Only popular in y underwater environments or when tracking specific Slots -1 targets. Enc - Abilit passive sonar Cost 25,000 y Slots -1 Zoom Magnification: Simple optical magnification of an Enc - area in the user‟s field of vision. Useful for macro or micro Cost 2000 viewing through entire range of available magnifications. Abilit +3 Perception:Visual Density Scanner: Scans density of targets assigned by y user. Gives accurate approximation of status of armour Slots -1 and structural integrity of walls, tanks etc. Very useful in Enc - urban combat. Base range is 20 metres. Cost 100 times magnification. [Max of 20] Abilit active density scanning y Auto-focus: Very useful with a magnification Slots -1 enhancement. Keeps the magnification of whatever the user Enc - is looking at in clear focus. Cost 30,000 + 1000 per additional metre Abilit +1 Perception:Visual y EFD: Electromagnetic Field Disturbance detector allows Slots -1 tracking and visual overlay of any object that disrupts the Enc - local ambient electromagnetic field. It must be calibrated Cost 200 in an undisturbed location on any world before use. Very useful for locating power sources, vehicles and people in Combat Computer: Gives distance, vector and speed of armour. Base range is 100 metres. target. The combat computer module comes with integrated Abilit passive EFD detection radar scanner [2km], bio-scanner [100m] and density scanner y [100m]. Visual overlays give so much extra sensory input Slots -1 that the wearer gains up to +2 Perception in uncrowded Enc - situations. Track up to 10 targets basic unit: improve target Cost 100,000 + 10,000 per 100 metres of tracking up to a total maximum of 24. Takes 3 slots to sensitivty function. Abilit +2 ACC, +2 Perception (see text) Infra-Red/Thermal Imaging: Uses Infra red spectrum y detectors to construct an image of what is in the user‟s Slots -3 field of vision. The infra-red radiation is converted into an Enc - image map which is displayed in visible light to the user. Cost 1,500,000 plus 1,500 per additional target Colour coding represents intensity. tracking Abilit IR/thermal vision y A-V Recorder & Data-Storage: Stores all visual input Slots -1 from the targeting unit. Has its own microphone, which adds Enc - audio to the recording, with sonic-filter to prevent overload Cost 12,000 from explosions and other extra-loud events. The microphone can be turned off. Has a data-jack for input from Pheromone Imaging: Takes regular atmospheric external sources. Only has most basic functions, record, stop, samples and searches for pheromones. Any molecular play, pause and fast find. matches are compared against a database and the type Abilit 512 memory displayed to the user. Uses a high sensitivity pheromone y sampler to construct an image overlay of pheromone Slots -1 traces in the user‟s surroundings. Enc - Abilit track by scent +15 Cost 200 y Slots -1 Enc - Cost 100,000

Magnetism: Works on the same concept as the Infra-red unit except with magnetic fields. The images from this module are usually overlaid on top of the image with obvious computer graphic style and colours.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Ability +6 TOOLS Power fusion Source cell DIAG’PUTERS Duration 500hrs Enc 5

Cost 10,000 These computers come in the form of a fold up screen/keypad with I/O ports in the back. Each computer Oberstansh HK-101: One of the few licensed dual brand is (unless otherwise noted) useful only for the named diag‟puters available. Will work on LMX Conglomerate and brand. There are a few expensive exceptions to this rule. General Stardrive Incorporated ships. Designed for GalPol

Blitzers it has found its way into the corporate enforcement General Stardrive Incorporated gt-109: Comes armouries and maintenance depots. with vocal security and input, keypad that is print THR 4 perceptive and a DNI port with an AEI of 12! The gt-109 AR 16 is near the top of the heap for GSI vessel diag‟puters. STR 32 THR 2 Ability +12 AR 6 Power fusion STR 6 Source cell Ability +20 Duration 500hrs Power fusion Enc 8 Source cell Cost 150,000 Duration 500hrs

Enc 5 Proctor & Jones: Reeks of cheap. Has a DNI socket but it Cost 165,000 is limited by cheap cabling to handle only a bandwidth equal

to an AEI of 4. Groma Stardrive Industries Mod-Kit: Horrendously THR - overpriced, this unit‟s only saving grace is the advanced AR - electrical tool kit. The tools share the same case as that of STR 3 the diag‟puter. The built-in software also suggests Ability +5 appropriate tools for repairs. Power fusion THR 1 Source cell AR 3 Duration 500hrs STR 6 Enc 6 Ability +10 Cost 8,000 Power fusion

Source cell RepCo: Armoured case with holographic display projector, Duration 500hrs gel screen and voice entry. Has ports for keypad, neural jack Enc 12 leads and voice recognition modules of the standard decking Cost 500,000 type.

THR 8 Hades Shipyard GP-101: Small black folding partially AR 12 armoured keypad and screen comes with holographic STR 20 display, voice recognition and DNI socket. The unit is Ability +18 marked with a distinctive red Hades symbol. Power fusion THR 4 Source cell AR 6 Duration 500hrs STR 9 Enc 9 Ability +16 Cost 50,000 Power fusion

Source cell Duration 500hrs BLACK MARKET DIAG’PUTERS Enc 4 Cost 35,000 A few rogue companies including the infamous PowerComp produce high tech Diagnostic/Modification computers that LMX Conglomerates: Standard looking portable deck are cross brand compliant. These units are hand assembled that is not armoured and has a DNI socket and voice input with custom and generic componentry in durable plain system. It is lockable but even a child could open it looking, or sometimes brand name, cases. without damaging the actual computer. THR - PowerComp Vt101u: Useful on RepCo and Hades ships AR - this is a large unit that is well armoured. So far only two STR 4 varieties have shown up. A Hades case and a RepCo case. All

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] have been fitted with DNI ports, plasma screen and voice Ability +10 input. Enc 25 THR 4 Cost 7,500 AR 12 STR 20 Standard Mechanical (Grav-socket): Check any tool Ability +15 kit that is available in the 20th century and everything you Power fusion find in one of those kits is done by the multi-ratchet, or grav- Source cell socket. The grav-socket comes with built in fusion pack of Duration 500hrs 50,000hr duration. Should last 5 and half years if you treat it Enc 9 right. Grav-socket can do anything a torque wrench, ratchet, Cost 200,000 screwdriver or pliers can do! THR 9 Open Rogues Davenport: Open Rogues are a group AR 12 of deckers that produce some very sophisticated STR 10 equipment. They are wanted by GalPol for patent Ability +2 infringements and direct corporate espionage. The Enc 3 Davenport is the bottom end of their diag‟puters. Cost 300 THR 2 AR 8 Advanced Mechanical: Grav-socket, super grav-socket, STR 16 mag tools and laser gauge/file. Should be able to perform Ability +22 any repairs with this kit. The super grav-socket can drill, Power fusion grind, cut and hammer as well as pull rivets (even some Source cell construction rivets!). Duration 500hrs THR - Enc 6 AR - Cost 500,000 STR - Ability +10 to repair attempts PORTABLE KITS Enc 12 Cost 4,000 Basic Electrical: Absolute minimum for any diagnostic attempts and for all non-modular repairs. Includes pliers, Mechanical Weapons Kit: Grav-socket with hi-spec screwdrivers, soldering iron with fusion pack, micro- tuner, laser file and gauge, laser die, cartridge sizer and metal solderer and omnimeter. stress scanner. Should be able to perform all basic-moderate THR - repairs and modifications to mechanical weapons with this AR - kit. Lightly armoured case with integral rail mounts for laser STR - die and vice to provide a work surface. Ability +2 THR 4 Enc 6 AR 8 Cost 250 STR 6 Ability +6 to repair Standard Electrical: Accepted minimum for any attempts electrical based repairs. Includes all of the Basic kit Enc 16 components plus circuit scanner, optical circuit diag‟puter Cost 10,000 and other items. THR - Mini Plascutter: cuts through 2cm thick lock steel at a AR - rate of 1cm per CR. With the right skill can disable/open STR - most mech locks in 4CR. Fuel cells hold 10CR cutting time Ability +5 and cannot be recharged. Enc 10 THR 1 Cost 1,000 AR 6 STR 2 Advanced Electrical: A minimised and lightened basic Skill Pick Locks: Mechanical shop kit. All heavy tools have been replaced with light but Needed labour increasing alternatives. Includes more thingies and Ability (see text) doodads than most engineers know what to do with. Elite Enc 1 field crews need one of these. Cost Unit: 250 THR - Fuel Cells: 20each AR - STR -

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings]


Most manufacture and repair shops use a deck or „puter linked to a tech-bot or other device; see also Cyberdecks: Output devices.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings]


Weapons in Black Dawn have up to 12 statistics to describe the various attributes, actions and abilities.

ACC = Accuracy Two figures are sometimes given for the accuracy of the weapon. The first is the inherent accuracy; this bonus is added to all attacks made by the weapon. The second is the maximum accuracy that can be gained from the weapon without replacing major components such as the barrel, the breech and it‟s mounting.

RNG = Range This is the effective range of the weapon. The second figure is the maximum range. In some cases the weapons are listed has having only one range. In this case it is the maximum range. Maximum range is the distance that the weapon loses half it‟s damage capabilities and as such is double the effective range. Ballistophiles may know that weapons can be fired out to distances of kilometres. This is true although the accuracy of the weapon at those distances is questionable and for this game irrelevant.

Range Distance Difficulty Target Number Damage Modifier Point Blank Within 2 metres Easy 10 None Close 10% of Effective Normal 15 None Short ¼ of effective Moderate 20 None Medium ½ of effective Difficult 25 None Full Effective Hard 30 None Long Maximum Very Hard 40 Half Distant Double Maximum Insane 50 Quarter Extreme Triple Maximum Almost Impossible 75 Tenth

RCL = Recoil The recoil of the weapon when fired. For every reaction there is a equal and opposite reaction. This is the reason that a gun that would knock a man off his feet would knock the firer of the gun off his feet. Most modern firearms have some recoil. Crossbows actually have some recoil. It is negligible and doesn‟t greatly effect the accuracy of the shooter. In general RCL is the minimum ST required of the firer. Any time the FM of a shot exceeds the difference of RCL- ST(negative numbers do not count) the firer has received damage equal to the excess. Combat armour will negate it‟s THR worth of RCL damage. RCL is also factored into autofire. For details see the particular entry for Autofire in the Combat section.

ROF = Rate Of Fire This is the amount of shots fired in one action. The figure has been standardised to compensate for characters with many actions. Most fully automatic weapons will produce a recoil that requires a „recovery‟ time. This too has been factored into the ROF.

CAP = Capacity Any multi-shot weapon has a capacity. It is the amount of bullets, pulses or charges a weapon has. If the listing gives more than one figure it means that the weapon has various magazines or packs that provide differing amounts of ammunition. Check the weapon‟s description for more details.

AMMO = Ammunition Type

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Due to the bewildering number of different ammo types that use the same calibre a distinction must be made. In our world there are over 5 types of .45 calibre pistol ammunition. Most of which could fit into one weapon but would be disastrous, if not lethal, to fire the wrong load in that weapon. The same is true with the Black Dawn weapons. Never load a gun with anything but what it is meant to take and never point a gun at anybody you don‟t intend to shoot. One last thing: ALL ASSEMBLED GUNS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED LOADED.

RLD = Reload This is the time required to reload the weapon by a practiced operator (someone who has the skill). The reload time for those unaccustomed to the weapon is two actions longer. To reload faster than the time listed is possible and to figure the reduction take the skill level [not total] and divide by four. This is the amount the reload time is reduced in actions. This reduction can never make the reload time less than 1.

PEN = Penetration The PEN rating of a weapon is a damage add which is only applicable against the THR and AR of any armour. It does not increase the tissue damage of the weapon. Some weapons may have two listings under their PEN rating such as +3/- 1. The second number is the modifier to tissue damage.

DAM = Damage This is the damage the weapon causes on a successful strike before applicable modifiers such as those from SM or ST for melee weapons.

CONC = Concealability The number given in this listing is the difficulty to conceal the item on a human size body. This may be modified by the size of the character trying to hide the weapon on his person, by the type of clothing worn or any other factor the GM and the players can agree on. If two figures are given the second is for the weapon with stock folded. Check the description of the weapon, as there may be other factors such as clip size, which modify the CONC of the weapon.

ENC = Encumbrance Encumbrance of the given weapon is expressed in terms of size and weight. Some rifles are extremely light but also very long and thus have a high encumbrance value. The encumbrance value is a representation of the difficulty in transporting the weapon efficiently.

COST How much money the character must part with to purchase the weapon. The given cost should be modified by the distance from the core worlds and the danger of transporting weapons through the neighbouring territories.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings]



Anaconda Heavy Machine Pistol Solid, reliable, heavy hitting revolver that is loaded by a complex relay mechanism. The shells are fed from a 40 shot helical clip that acts as a counterbalnce under the barrel into the 8 shot cylinder. The Anaconda can be field stripped and modified with one tool to perform as a standard revolver. It is a popular sidearm for many service groups. Some spellslingers have been known to enchant their Anacondas. Acc 0 RNG 300 RCL 6 ROF 3/80 CAP 40 + 8I Ammo .445 Super Magnum Ammo Cost 65/clip RLD 9 CONC 13 ENC 7 PEN +2 DAM 10 Alt DAM 1d10 COST 1,286

Auto 9 Mk-2 Glen Alvie Gunsmiths produce this weapon from their fishing city factory. A rip off of some weapon of 20th century movie, they have managed to produce a helical 81 round clip that wraps around the barrel without risk of dangerous overheating. The pistol is accurate and cheap. Acc +2 RNG 220 RCL 4 ROF 1/3/9 CAP 81 Ammo 9x12mm Auto Ammo Cost 78/clip RLD 5 CONC 16 ENC 5 DAM 5 Alt DAM 1d4+1 COST 1150

BA-133 Machine Pistol Nightshade clone. Fires the ancient 45 ACP round. Long magazine makes handling awkward and the unit difficult to conceal. Acc 0 RNG 140 RCL 4 ROF 3/40 CAP 40 Ammo 11.43 x 23mm Ammo Cost 30/clip RLD 4 CONC 16 ENC 7 DAM 6 Alt DAM 1d6 COST 450

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Name desc Acc RNG RCL ROF CAP Ammo Ammo Cost RLD CONC ENC PEN DAM Alt DAM COST



Gatzmeyer AP-75 Huge bore pistol for defeating armour. The AP-75 is famed for it‟s recoil and damage. Acc +2 RNG 280 RCL 15 ROF 1 CAP 10 Ammo AP.75 special Ammo Cost 200/clip RLD 4 CONC 14 ENC 4 PEN +6/-2 DAM 24 Alt DAM 4d6

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] COST 8000

Gordon-Epoch „Porsche‟ Compact pistol with full power load. Named after the porsche spider a stealthy arachnid that hunts other spiders in their own webs. Easily fits in a purse or organiser. Comes in a poly-ceramic version that costs five times as much for the unit. All magazines are of macroplast construction and the ammo is caseless. Acc +1 RNG 40 RCL 7 ROF 2 CAP 8 Ammo 11 x 36mm BAZ caseless Ammo Cost 80 per macroplast clip RLD 4 CONC 10 ENC 3 PEN +1 DAM 11 Alt DAM 1d10 + 1 COST 500

Nightshade Machine Pistol The machine pistol of choice. Style is the keyword here. Dark and sleek the Nightshade is not taken seriously by people in decent body armour but is taken seriously by the movie makers of Black Dawn. Acc +1 RNG 100 RCL 4 ROF 3/40 CAP 40 Ammo .45 ACP Ammo Cost 30/clip RLD 4 CONC 16 ENC 4 DAM 11 Alt DAM 2d6-1 COST 600

Pounder Mk-1 Machine Pistol The pounder mk-1 is a heavy machine pistol in the vein of the Anaconda. Fires a similar round but uses a much simpler reloading mechanism. Acc +1 RNG 200 RCL 5 ROF 3/12 CAP 35 Ammo .45 Winchester Magnum Ammo Cost 45/clip RLD 5 CONC 14 ENC 5 PEN +1 DAM 9 Alt DAM 1d8+1 COST 2650

Pounder Mk-2 Machine Pistol Improved edition of the Mk-1. Higher rate of fire and cost. Acc +1 RNG 200 RCL 5 ROF 3/18 CAP 35 Ammo .45 Winchester Magnum Ammo Cost 45/clip RLD 5 CONC 14

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] ENC 5 PEN +1 DAM 9 Alt DAM 1d8+1 COST 3100

TT-475 A Sampson Arms big bore pistol is seeing increased sales. Acc +2 RNG 160 RCL 10 ROF 1 CAP 9+1 Ammo .475 SA Ammo Cost 65/clip RLD 4 CONC 12 ENC 4 PEN +4/-2 DAM 10 Alt DAM 2d6-1 COST 990


Alpha-tek Gauss pistol Gauss snub gun used by cyborg hunters and extreme force reaction groups. The Aplha-tek fires massive velocity blunt nose slugs for maximum wound trauma. Acc +1 RNG 60m RCL 6 ROF 2 CAP 16 Ammo 12mm slugs Ammo Cost 40 RLD 4 CONC 12 ENC 7 PEN +6 DAM 26 Alt DAM 4d6 COST 8000

Gatzmeyer Long Eagle A long barrelled coil gun with the range of most traditional powder rifles. Slugs are hi-vel mid-expansion for multi purpose use. The Long Eagle is a distinctive weapon and is a combat-ised version of an extreme range target handgun. Acc +3 RNG 800 RCL 4 ROF 1 CAP 20 Ammo 8mm slugs Ammo Cost 1/slug, 15/empty clip RLD 5 CONC 18 ENC 9 PEN +6 DAM 20 Alt DAM 4d6-2 COST 11,000

Name desc Acc RNG

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] RCL ROF CAP Ammo Ammo Cost RLD CONC ENC PEN DAM Alt DAM COST


Gatzmeyer BB-93 Burst laser pistol packs good power into its short beams. Sold over 200,000 in the first quarter released. Gatzmeyer now has a factory solely for the BB-93. Acc +1 RNG 350 RCL 0 ROF 2/6 CAP 65 Ammo BB-93 cells Ammo Cost 265 RLD 5 CONC 11 ENC 3 PEN 6 DAM 7 Alt DAM 1d6+1 COST 17,000

General Photonics GP-13 Widely considered the most deadly of the GP series of pulse laser pistols. The GP-13 is a powerful package. Very capable of penetrating most low to mid level body armour, the beam is of high enough energy to cause explosive tissue combustion in organic targets. Acc +2 RNG 450 RCL 0 ROF 1 CAP 20 Ammo GP cells Ammo Cost 460 RLD 4 CONC 12 ENC 3 PEN 9 DAM 24 Alt DAM 4d6 COST 100,000

General Photonics GP-59 This is the first of the GP series laser pistols to be released for sale by General Photonics. It is now a benchmark for most other laser pistols on the market. Good beam cohesiveness and high energy allows penetration of most armour. Beams are fired in the visible spectrum of light. Acc +1 RNG 150 RCL 0 ROF 1 CAP 20 Ammo GP cells Ammo Cost 460 RLD 4 CONC 12

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] ENC 3 PEN 6 DAM 12 Alt DAM 2d6 COST 25,000

General Photonics GP-89 This is the laser for the pistoleer. It is accurate, stylish and comes with lockable carry case and a maintenance kit. The GP-89 shears holes in all manner of objects and critters and is very good choice for a laser sidearm. This pistol fires lasers in the UV spectrum. Acc +3 RNG 150 RCL 0 ROF 1 CAP 20 Ammo GP cells Ammo Cost 460 RLD 4 CONC 11 ENC 3 PEN 8 DAM 24 Alt DAM 4d6 COST 75,000

General Photonics GP-94 Not as popular as any of the other GP and for no apparent reason. Some people have compared it to a Ferrari station wagon. It‟s still a Ferrari, but it‟s a station wagon. This pistol fires lasers in the UV spectrum. Acc +1 RNG 360 RCL 0 ROF 1 CAP 20 Ammo GP cells Ammo Cost 460 RLD 4 CONC 12 ENC 3 PEN 5 DAM 18 Alt DAM 3d6 COST 45,000


Name desc Acc RNG RCL ROF CAP Ammo

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Ammo Cost RLD CONC ENC PEN DAM Alt DAM COST


Drescher KaiserPlaz Large combat engineered second-generation pure fusion fed plasma handgun. Balanced for rapid fire and with a burst mode option it is engineered for hard combat. No-gloss dark grey ceramisteel construction with VX grips and integrated smartgun rig as standard. Acc 0 [smartrig] RNG 250 RCL 14 ROF 2/4 CAP 60 Ammo Drescher Kaiser-pak Ammo Cost 1400 RLD 4 CONC 14 ENC 9 PEN +7/+4 DAM 32 Alt DAM 6d6-4 COST 16,500

Gordon-Epoch Halloway Special Compact plasma pistol in titanium finish with screw in power capsule. Small enough to for espionage use. The power-cap is partially shielded from sensor detection. Acc -1 RNG 40 RCL 8 ROF 2 CAP 18 Ammo GE-power capsule Ammo Cost 600 RLD 6 CONC 10 ENC 4 PEN +2/+1 DAM 12 Alt DAM 2d6 COST 4800

Gordon-Epoch PP-12 Five decades old but still used the PP-12 is a plasma pistol fired by fusion/nitrogen clips. Nitrogen is fusion fired into plasma state and gauss launched. Range is limited but this older weapon has been widespread by smugglers and traders. Although small the weapon is heavy and robust. Finished in matte black. Acc -1 RNG 40m RCL 12 ROF 2 CAP 40 Ammo GE PP-12 Clips Ammo Cost 200/clip RLD 4 CONC 10

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] ENC 7 PEN -2/+8 DAM 16 Alt DAM 2d8 COST 10,000

Gordon-Epoch PP-20 pistol Mid size solid pistol of bulky construction finished in black ceramic coating. Moderately powerful plasma pulse causes massive tissue damage but has a short range. Acc -1 RNG 20 RCL 12 ROF 1 CAP 9 Ammo GE-pulse cell Ammo Cost 460 RLD 5 CONC 14 ENC 5 PEN +6/8 DAM 18 Alt DAM 3d6 COST 9000


Drescher Ripper-Bolt Pistol The Drescher is by far one of the most used ripper-bolt guns in all the TDE provinces. Its intimidating appearance and chillingly distinctive keening upon firing has given the gun a reputation as a stone killer‟s weapon of choice. Many mercs consider those who carry such a pistol to be image mongers and not in the „true‟ league (whatever that is). ACC +1 RNG 120 RCL 8 ROF 2 CAP 25 Ammo 6mm Drescher Ripper Bolts Ammo Cost 250/clip RLD 6 CONC 7 ENC 5 PEN +6 DAM 22 Alt DAM 2d10+2 Cost 3800

F-21 Nighthawk The ripperbolt pistol manufactured by Lightforce is considered one of the best on the market. The Nighthawk is probably the best pistol available of any type, powder, laser, whatever. Inflicts massive tissue damage, has a long range and excellent armour penetration. Make sure you pre-order at least a month in advance because the nighthawk is in great demand. ACC +2 RNG 220 RCL 16 ROF 2 CAP 35 Ammo F-21 power clips Ammo Cost 14,000 RLD 4 CONC 11 ENC 6 PEN +8 DAM 34 Alt DAM 6d6

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Cost 55,000


Brownchestington Illumni Used by most militia and police forces throughout the TDE core worlds. The Illumni is a disruptor that can be switched between lethal and stun modes. In stun mode it can short circuit most races‟ neural systems to incapacity with one direct hit. Armour tends to negate this effect and the second lethal setting is then selected. As a disruptor the Illumni is a potent weapon and can kill 2 out of 3 times in one shot. ACC +1 RNG 80 RCL 0 ROF 2 CAP 16/8 disruptor Ammo BC-1 Power Clip Ammo Cost 5000/clip RLD 5 CONC 13 ENC 3 PEN -8/+6 DAM 15/30 for disruptor Alt DAM 3d6-1/5d6 Cost 1500

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] LONGARMS


Anaconda Police Issue SMG Heavier version of the machine pistol the SMG is a police issue weapon on most TDE worlds where energy side arms are banned. The SMG boasts a more reliable feed system with the absence of the revolving chamber. Anaconda enthusiasts call this weapon an abomination. Acc +1 RNG 350 RCL 6 ROF 3/80 CAP 50 Ammo .445 Super Magnum Ammo Cost 125/drum-Restricted RLD 6 CONC 16 ENC 6 PEN +2 DAM 12 Alt DAM 2d6 COST 1900R

ARES FMG Folding SMG from the Stoner Company‟s subsidiary ARES. It packs down to the size of an old radio or hipster PAD in just 3 actions. Acc +1 RNG 320 RCL 3 ROF 10 CAP 32+1 Ammo 9x19mm Parabellum Ammo Cost 25/clip RLD 4 CONC 15/6 ENC 5/2 DAM 6 Alt DAM 1d6 COST 900

AS-4 An automatic shotgun design that has been improved over the centuries by Colt. Now the main body of the weapon is a cerami-steel composite material that has drastically reduced weight and recoil of the original 18 pound monster. Configuration is similar to the venerable M-16. Acc -1 RNG 25 RCL 13 ROF 5 CAP 10 Ammo 12gauge 3" magnum Ammo Cost 25/clip of slugs RLD 5 CONC 25 ENC 7 DAM 16 Alt DAM 2d8 COST 675

ATR-40 [Gatzmeyer] Seven feet long and incredibly accurate this Anti-Toughguy-Rifle is a 40mm recoil operated semi-automatic powder weapon. It sports the most advanced counter recoil design available and is used by all serious long range enthusiasts. The shell is composed of a

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] tri-rhenium explosive that utilizes a piezo-grav shockwave device for penetration. Its construction is the most jealously guarded secret of Gatzmeyer. The ATR-40 can not be fitted with any after market recoil modifications. It has them all. Acc +4 RNG 3200 RCL 19 ROF 1 CAP 6 Ammo 40mm ATR Ammo Cost 90,000/clip RLD 7 CONC 60 ENC 20 PEN +350/+12 DAM 98 Alt DAM 2d10x5 COST 1.4M

BA-507 Auto shotgun Brownchestington generic auto-shotgun designed to cash in on the urban combat market and the resurgence of these weapons therein. Acc -1 RNG 33 RCL 14 ROF 7 CAP 30 Ammo 10gauge 3.5" Ammo Cost 50/clip of slugs RLD 6 CONC 27 ENC 11 PEN +2 DAM 18 Alt DAM 3d6 COST 1500

BA-508 Auto shotgun Slightly smaller version of the BA-507. Faster reloading due to compact design and enhanced safety features. Acc -1 RNG 33 RCL 14 ROF 7 CAP 30 Ammo 10gauge 3.5" Ammo Cost 50/clip of slugs RLD 5 CONC 23 ENC 9 PEN +2 DAM 18 Alt DAM 3d6 COST 1500

Brownchestington ACR ACR stands for Advanced Combat Rifle. Brownchestington manufactured a rifle intended to take the „powder worlds‟ by storm. It failed. The cartridge is a modified 9mm that has an enhanced projectile design for advanced wound trauma. In wound expansion is on average 500%. This means that upon impact the slug expands to a 54mm wad of metal. The low velocity of the powder charge is the only reason these aren‟t the rifle of choice on many bases. Acc +1 RNG 800 RCL 6 ROF 3/90 CAP 60 Ammo 9x40mm AT Ammo Cost 70/clip RLD 5 CONC 22 ENC 6 PEN +2/+4

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] DAM 10 Alt DAM 1d10 COST 4000

Brownchestington Storm Rifle The new standard assault rifle for all TDE infantry and many elite law enforcement groups. It is a floating breech standard layout ETA rifle of cerami-steel and poly-alloy construction. Incredibly tough and reliable. Storm rifles can fire a range of ammunitions. Battery packs and methane ETA propellant are integrated with the projectile magazine for ease of operation. Smartgun righ is standard on all weapons. Acc +2 [smartrig] RNG 1100 RCL 10 ROF 2/3/40 CAP 200 Ammo BC Storm Rifle clips Ammo Cost 300 RLD 5 CONC 28 ENC 11 PEN 5 DAM 22 Alt DAM 2d10+2 COST 44,000

Brownchestington Storm Rifle - Guard Edition A slightly smaller and lighter version of the BC storm rifle but in all other respects the same weapon. Acc +2 [smartrig] RNG 1000 RCL 11 ROF 2/3/40 CAP 200 Ammo BC Storm Rifle clips Ammo Cost 300 RLD 5 CONC 26 ENC 10 PEN 5 DAM 22 Alt DAM 2d10+2 COST 44,000

Brownchestington „Buzzsaw‟ High capacity multi-barrelled 9mm sub-machinegun. Incredible rate of fire allows for complete suppression of multiple targets. Urban shredding firepower for powder worlds. Acc -1 RNG 100 RCL 3 ROF 20 CAP 180 Ammo 9x19mm Parabellum Ammo Cost 100/drum RLD 6 CONC 18 ENC 6 DAM 6 Alt DAM 1d6 COST 7000

Gateway Armouries 3-10 Auto Rotary auto-shotgun with three barrels is a must have for heavy urban combat. When firing buckshot on full auto it is the ultimate in suppressive fire. Get one! Acc 0 RNG 200 RCL 14 ROF 9 CAP 50 Ammo 10gauge 3.5"

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Ammo Cost 80/drum of slugs RLD 8 CONC 33 ENC 15 PEN +2 DAM 18 Alt DAM 3d6 COST 7000

Gatzmeyer Blazer Floating breech automatic carbine. Top rear mounted helical feed magazine can be emptied in 2 seconds. Solid design of poly-alloy and cerami-steel gives extended durability. The blazer was initially forwarded without a 3 shot burst selector. Acc 0 RNG 250 RCL 6 ROF 3/50 CAP 100 Ammo 5.56x45mm (SS-109 NATO) Ammo Cost 60/clip RLD 7 CONC 26 ENC 9 DAM 8 Alt DAM 1d6+2 COST 100,000

Gordon Epoch Barrage SMG It can empty its drum in one squeeze of the trigger. This SMG is heavy because of its ammo capacity but is still popular for the powder enthusiast. Firing the Barrage has been described as “a rush of shredding power”. It sounds like its name. Still it is not considered a serious weapon by most mercenaries. Acc -2 RNG 150 RCL 3 ROF 3/150 CAP 100 Ammo 9x19mm Parabellum Ammo Cost 65/drum RLD 6 CONC 18 ENC 6 DAM 6 Alt DAM 1d6 COST 4000

H&K G-11 Mk-6 The current iteration of the late twentieth century caseless rifle that revolutionised powder weapons on Earth. The G-11 Mk-6 has carry handle with inbuilt IR scope and smartrig. The forestock has a concealed folding bipod for steadying the weapon in sustained fire or sniping type activities. Acc +2 RNG 900 RCL 4 ROF 10 CAP 50 Ammo 4.7mm caseless Ammo Cost 30/clip RLD 7 CONC 20 ENC 8 PEN +1 DAM 10 Alt DAM 2d6-1 COST 2200

Ithaca Mag 10 2-AS Although Ithaca weapons went out of business in 2104 Polyoss bought the rights to the name and it has been a successful rebadging department for Polyoss‟ unadvertised arms. The MAG 10 2-AS is a single barrel auto-shotgun that fires the venerable 3 and a half inch magnum shell. Sturdy and reliable the only thing it lacks is a high capacity magazine with the initial purchase. Higher capacity

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] magazines and saddle drums are readily available through any Polyoss dealer. 30 shot magazine: 100cr, +2ENC, +2CONC; 80 shot saddle drum: 300cr, +5ENC, +6CONC. Acc 0 RNG 200 RCL 14 ROF 4 CAP 15 Ammo 10gauge 3.5" Ammo Cost 35/clip of slugs RLD 5 CONC 28 ENC 12 PEN +2 DAM 18 Alt DAM 3d6 COST 1500

M41 series pulse rifle The M41 series pulse rifle was once the standard rifle for all TDE troops. It was replaced by the Brownchestington Storm Rifle in the last round of testing for new assault rifles. The M41 series is a light floating breech weapon and has three modes of fire, single shot, three shot burst and full auto. The M-41 is seeing massive resales on the civilian market through surplus store chains. Acc +1 RNG 270 RCL 8 ROF 1/3/15 CAP 95 Ammo 10mm caseless XTLAP Ammo Cost 75/clip RLD 4 CONC 22 ENC 6 PEN +1/+3 DAM 8 Alt DAM 1d6+2 COST 800 Some variants: M41A, incorporates under-barrel 30mm 6 shot grenade launcher, CONC:24, ENC:8 M41B, higher ROF on full auto (20) M41C, sniper variant, long barrel, no full auto fire, scope (+2), smartrig, RNG:350 M41D, tanker variant, shorter barrel, ROF on full auto is 16, RCL:9, RNG:250, CONC:20 M41SD, silenced short variant, Acc:-1, RNG: 200, RCL:5, CONC:19, PEN:-1/+3

PMG-9A 'Krait' Small SMG favoured by all lifestyles, manufactured by Sampson Arms the owner of which used to be an auto mechanic. It is only classified as an SMG because it is slightly larger than a machine pistol. Acc 0 RNG 110 RCL 3 ROF 9 CAP 40+1 Ammo 9x19mm Parabellum Ammo Cost 25/clip RLD 4 CONC 15 ENC 5 DAM 6 Alt DAM 1d6 COST 1540

Polyoss W-378 A center-fire blowback operation single shot rifle that is chambered for the potent 378 Weatherby magnum cartridge. Long-range sniper weapon; accurised and lightened for transportation over rough terrain, it is popular amongst snipers and mercenary scouts. Acc +4 RNG 1100 RCL 14 ROF 1 CAP 10+1

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Ammo .378 Weatherby Ammo Cost 30/clip RLD 5 CONC 28 ENC 11 PEN +3 DAM 20 Alt DAM 3d6+2 COST 12000

Polyoss W-460 Polyoss produce some of the top line powder weapons in the TDE. This is one of them. Recoil dampening on this blowback operated magnum single shot is achieved via a unique system of gas porting to pneumatic pistons. Poly duramide components insure a working life of at least 100,000 rounds before any parts replacements. The W-460 is a favourite weapon of many snipers and other hunters. Acc +4 RNG 2000 RCL 17 ROF 1 CAP 10+1 Ammo .460 Weatherby Ammo Cost 65/clip RLD 5 CONC 33 ENC 13 PEN +4 DAM 46 Alt DAM 4d10+2 COST 20,000

Scar Light Machine Gun Five barrel rotary magnum machine gun. Fires the old bear hunting cartridge that could have been used on elephants. Uses 250 rd belts that are slung under the receiver in boxes. Acc -1 RNG 1500 RCL 14 ROF 20 CAP 250 Ammo .378 Weatherby Ammo Cost 200/belt RLD 12 CONC 45 ENC 22 PEN +3 DAM 20 Alt DAM 3d6+2 COST 5000

Volgensbach HiVel Grenade Rifle Almost a heavy weapon the Volgensbach HiVel GL Rifle is used by assault forces and patrols. Long range, devastating firepower, are trademark abilities of this weapon. Helical drum-cartridge fits into the large macroplast receiver. Electronic trigger mechanism and firing allow precision burst fire. Not useable by most humans it is intended for the larger Auld races and aliens. Power pack for firing controls is a standard 300hr battery. Grenade types are listed as DP (Dual Purpose), HE (High Explosive), SC (Shaped Charge), PxG (Proximity Guided), WP (White Phosphorous), and CS (Capsaicin Smoke, aka Tear Gas). Acc +1 RNG varies by load BR varies by load

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] MAX varies by load RCL varies by load ROF 1/3 CAP 20 Ammo varies by load Ammo Cost per drum-cartridge RLD 9 CONC 50 ENC 32 PEN varies by load DAM varies by load Alt DAM varies by load COST 33,000 Volgensbach HiVel Grenades Ammo WP CS DP Ammo Cost 2860 2500 2800 Acc - +2 - RNG 1600 400 1600 BR 2 2 1 MAX 12 10 4 RCL 20 14 20 CONC 14 14 14 ENC 6 6 6 PEN +1 Gas12 +14/+30 DAM 300 Tear gas 190 Alt DAM 2d10*15 Tear gas 2d10*9 Volgensbach HiVel Grenades Ammo HE SC PxG Ammo Cost 3000 3600 6000 Acc - - +8 RNG 1600 1600 2000 BR 2 1 1 MAX 10 2 3 RCL 20 20 22 CONC 14 14 14 ENC 6 6 6 PEN +1 +125/+90 +1/+20 DAM 200 150 100 Alt DAM 2d10*10 2d10*14 2d10*5


Brownchestington B1S4 First of the Ultra-Rifle series the B1s4 is an accurate hard-hitting weapon. It is the choice of many rifle support units everywhere because of its extreme range and damage. The ammo is GAUSS propelled .66 inch shells with folding fins that extend to 1.3 inches on either side. The projectile in full form is similar in shape to a sparrow in flight. Acc +3 RNG 1500 RCL 13 ROF 1 CAP 18 Ammo .66 Finned Ammo Cost 1500/clip RLD 6 CONC 28 ENC 10 PEN +16/+12 DAM 38 Alt DAM 6d6+2 COST 1.0 M

Brownchestington B1S5 Second Ultra-Rifle with improved GAUSS propulsion system that yields extra range. The barrel is extended which makes it even harder to hide. Acc +3 RNG 1600

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] RCL 13 ROF 1 CAP 18 Ammo .66 Finned Ammo Cost 1500/clip RLD 6 CONC 30 ENC 11 PEN +16/+12 DAM 38 Alt DAM 6d6+2 COST 1.1M

B1S8 Boom Gun First of the MAG series GAUSS weapons the B1S8 is a staggered barrel long-range support weapon. Renowned for its incredibly loud firing report this second generation Ultra-Rifle is a potent piece of hardware. Capable of taking out light armoured vehicles at range it is used by elite storm troopers and successful mercs. Comes with a smartrig as standard equipment. Acc +2 [smartrig] RNG 5000 RCL 22 ROF 1 CAP 30 Ammo 10mm MAG Ammo Cost 50,000/clip RLD 8 CONC 55 ENC 18 PEN +10/+20 DAM 90 Alt DAM 8d10+10 COST 3.5 M

B1S9 Boom Gun Improved version of the B1S8 features enhanced scope and rangefinder, lessened recoil and more ammunition options. Smooth barrel shoulder fired weapon. Comes with a smartrig as standard equipment. Acc +4 [smartrig] RNG 5000 RCL 20 ROF 1 CAP 30 Ammo 10mm MAG Ammo Cost 50,000/clip RLD 8 CONC 56 ENC 20 PEN +10/+20 DAM 90 Alt DAM 8d10+10 COST 4.0 M

Gateway Armouries Auto Flechette Carbine Mk-5 Gateway Armouries entry into the GAUSS market. This particular weapon is considered the most versatile of current models available. Fires sliver packs or slugs out to 1700m. Slugs effects where different are listed in parentheses. Acc +3(+0) RNG 1700(2000) RCL 12 ROF 2/5 CAP 50 Ammo 14x47mm Ammo Cost 6,000/sliver pack (5,000 slug) RLD 6 CONC 26 ENC 12 PEN +2/+6(+8/-1) DAM 73(65) Alt DAM 9d8(8d8) COST 2.8 M

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings]

Gatzmeyer FR-9F Gauss Rifle Polymer butt-stock and pistol grip, shielded fore grip, assist in weight reduction for this excellent sniper weapon. Cost included scope is attuned for the high velocity output. The scope has UV, IR, a passive rangefinder and smartrig processor. Comes with case and 2 clips. The gun is 2.3metres long and breaks down into three major parts for quick assembly (base time=14full actions). Acc +5 [smartrig] RNG 6500 RCL 12 ROF 1 CAP 10 Ammo 12x65mm slug Ammo Cost 130/clip RLD 5 CONC 30 ENC 28/15 PEN +9 DAM 34 Alt DAM 5d6+4 COST 250,000

Gatzmeyer Pz-110 Heavy barrel auto-fire gauss rifle. Has seen moderate sales in the private sector and to some corporate security agencies. The magazine contains the battery to augment the main fusion-pack in the butt of the rifle. The fusion-pack should last for a few years of operation. Comes with scope mounts. Comes with a smartrig as standard equipment. Acc +0 [smartrig] RNG 900 RCL 6 ROF 1/3 CAP 25 Ammo 23x68mm Ammo Cost 460/clip RLD 5 CONC 23 ENC 15 PEN +6 DAM 25 Alt DAM 4d6+1 COST 14,000

Maxiloader PMX-22 Storm Rifle The PMX-22 was one of the losers in the TDE tender for a new assault rifle for the armed forces. It is still an excellent weapon and is being sold to many mega-corporations security and protection divisions. It is a folding stock automatic coil gun of poly-alloy construction. The expense is in the control system for the coil gun. Main power source is a fusion pack in the stock but augmentation batteries are integrated into the magazines to increase operational lifespan and reliability. Comes with a smartrig as standard equipment. Acc +3 [smartrig] RNG 720 RCL 10 ROF 1/3/20 CAP 80 Ammo 9x33mm HESH Ammo Cost 1960 RLD 5 CONC 22/16 ENC 13 PEN +9/-3 DAM 45 Alt DAM 4d10+5 COST 57,000

SNG Bolthammer 2000 GAUSS technology propels the various 12mm loads through this coil gun‟s barrel at over 4 kilometres per second. It is a favoured urban weapon because of its size and distinctive bull-barrel. The menacing appearance of this weapon is a factor in its selection by thugs and gangbangers throughout the galaxies. The SNG Bolthammer 2000 is the first weapon that SNG fielded. It is a basically a heavily modified construction tool. Acc +3 RNG 2000

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] RCL 12 ROF 1 CAP 50 Ammo 12mm SNG 2000 series Ammo Cost 300/clip RLD 6 CONC 25 ENC 16 PEN +5 DAM 26 Alt DAM 2d10+6 COST 295,000

SNG Bolthammer 5000 SNG Bolthammer 5000 is the new improved model of the 2000. Firing a larger series of ammunition and boasting a 150 round saddle drum it seems the 5000 is designed for heavy combat. Hard hitting with short range loads it is currently a powerful contender with the ripperbolt guns. Acc +3 RNG 500 RCL 12 ROF 2 CAP 150 Ammo 15mm SNG 5000 series Ammo Cost 600/clip RLD 6 CONC 32 ENC 18 PEN +3 DAM 32 Alt DAM 2d10+12 COST 290,000


Corsair Plasma Assault Rifle Expensive but popular, the CPAR is a desired weapon for all ground troops. Heavy damage at long range combined with accuracy and reliability make this a prime weapon for any merc. CPAR‟s are manufactured outside the TDE and as such are difficult to find. Comes with a smartrig as standard equipment. Acc +2 [smartrig] RNG 1700 RCL 16 ROF 3/25 CAP 100 Ammo CPAR drum reactor Ammo Cost 2,500/drum RLD 6 CONC 28 ENC 11 PEN +8/+6 DAM 86 Alt DAM 7d12 COST 200,000

Gordon Epoch PL-64 Gordon Epoch again produce a top-line weapon for a generic price. This plasma rifle has a perforated cooling jacket that is constructed from a new alloy that dissipates heat faster than anything to date and is augmented by an active thermoelectric cooling system similar to a Peltier device. Acc +2 RNG 320 RCL 15 ROF 1 CAP 100 Ammo GE standard PL reactor mag Ammo Cost 12,500/reactor mag RLD 7

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] CONC 24 ENC 16 PEN +6/+8 DAM 29 Alt DAM 2d12+2 COST 60,000

Gordon Epoch PL-49 A boosted version of the PL-64 plasma rifle that trades ammo capacity for damage and range. If it weren‟t for the massive signature of the firing report it could be used as a sniper weapon. Acc +2 RNG 1575 RCL 16 ROF 1 CAP 25 Ammo GE standard PL reactor mag Ammo Cost 12,500/reactor mag RLD 7 CONC 28 ENC 36 PEN +6/+8 DAM 54 Alt DAM 4d12+2 COST 124,000


Pellier Custom Rifles Custom fitted to the rifleman at the shop. Superior construction includes a fully adjustable stock for maximum comfort and control. Pressure adjustable trigger pull with three stage firing, safety, single, burst. 6mm UV-D beams cut through most non-ceramic armours with little loss of energy. Smartgun rig is optional and costs no extra. Acc +3 RNG 3500m RCL - ROF 1/5 CAP 200 Ammo Pellier cell (fits as barrel counter weight) Ammo Cost 6,000 RLD 9 CONC 24 ENC 19 PEN +9 DAM 19 Alt DAM 3d6 COST 55,000

Tandem PR-105 The PR-105 is an infrared laser rifle that inflicts moderate damage in relation to leading weapons systems. Good range, reliability and ammo capacity. Comes with under-barrel grenade launcher mount. Grey polymer construction in traditional layout. Acc +1 RNG 600 RCL 1 ROF 1/3/6 CAP 120 Ammo PR-105 clip Ammo Cost 1500 RLD 6 CONC 22 ENC 12 PEN +6 DAM 24 Alt DAM 4d6 COST 15,000

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings]



Aardvark Carbine From Gateway Armouries the Aardvark is a powerful weapon. 16mm ripperbolts can shred heavy mil-spec breastplates in three hits. For the price this is one of the best weapons on the market. Rifle mages consider this an excellent weapon for apprentices. Comes with a smartrig as standard equipment. Acc +2 [smartrig] RNG 1200 RCL 12 ROF 3/75 CAP 150 Ammo 16mm Ripperbolts Ammo Cost 20,000/drum RLD 6 CONC 22 ENC 7 PEN +20 DAM 70 Alt DAM 7d10 Cost 250,000

Gordon Epoch LX-8 Rippergun GE‟s entry to the ripperbolt market. This weapon is a generic base model carbine that is easily fitted with all manner of customisation accessories such as suppressors, moulded grips, laser aim, smart rigs and bio-chip integration. Acc +1 RNG 650 RCL 12 ROF 3 CAP 40 Ammo LX-8 Ripperbolts Ammo Cost 750/clip RLD 6 CONC 24 ENC 7 PEN +12 DAM 40 Alt DAM 4d10 COST 50,000

Trigon SMG Not actually an SMG but an automatic ripperbolt carbine that can shred an APC in under a second. Half a clip should take care of most armoured vehicles and if you come up against a tank chances are it‟s in the brown. When used on personnel it earns the nickname Superior Murder Gun. Acc +2

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] RNG 720 RCL 16 ROF 3/20 CAP 80 Ammo Trigon 12mm Ripperbolts Ammo Cost 8000/clip RLD 5 CONC 20 ENC 12 PEN +17 DAM 35 Alt DAM 3d10+2 COST 400,000


BA-903 Flame Rifle A cheap effective flame rifle that once again shows why Brownchestington are so successful. Acc +3 RNG 33 RCL 2 ROF 1 CAP 20 Ammo Fuel Mix 903 Ammo Cost 50/cannister RLD 7 CONC 30 ENC 18 PEN -10/+4 DAM 63 Alt DAM 6d10+2 COST 3000


GalPol Manufacturing „Bullgut‟ Rapid fire heavy concussion rifle used by the Blitzer Brigade and other TDE sanctioned armed response groups. The gun is smart rigged and has a trigger chip imbedded in the stock for use in zero-g. A cable can then be connected to a troopers vacc suit manoeuvre systems to compensate for the heavy recoil each time the gun is fired. The bullgut has two fire-modes; lance or spread. Figures for spread fire are in parentheses. Acc +1(+4) [smartrig] RNG 650 (350) RCL 22(26) ROF 1/3 CAP 100 (50) Ammo Bullgut cell Ammo Cost 2500 restricted by GalPol RLD 8 CONC 34 ENC 20 PEN -2 (-10) DAM 60 (90) Alt DAM 6d10 (9d10) COST 220,000 GalPol restricted

Trigon Assault The Trigon Assault is an automatic implosion field launcher that is disguised as an assault rifle. Potent to an extreme (a tautology but I like it) the Trigon Assault is a weapon that can hammer all but the most hardened targets into oblivion. Acc 0 RNG 1150 RCL 18 ROF 4

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] CAP 35 Ammo Trigon power mags Ammo Cost 56,000/clip RLD 6 CONC 27 ENC 18 PEN +10/+20 DAM 70 Alt DAM 2d10x4 COST 1.45M

Trigon Namari Named after the Namari, an ice cave dwelling octopi that hammers the permafrost with its mallet tipped tentacles to retrieve mineral salts essential to its survival. The Trigon Namari fires eight mallet blows per second out to 200 metres. Acc -1 RNG 200 RCL 16 ROF 8 CAP 100 Ammo Trigon Namari power paks Ammo Cost 56,000/clip RLD 6 CONC 22 ENC 16 PEN -6 DAM 36 Alt DAM 6d6 COST 400,000


Gatzmeyer RPG 70mm Shoulder fired five shot box magazine semi automatic rocket propelled grenade launcher. Bit of a mouthful but try receiving one of the shells from this beast and you‟ll understand its value to any fire team. Long-range delivery of potent grenades ensures its usefulness in all battlefields involving armour or light vehicles. Acc v RNG v RCL v ROF 1 CAP 5 Ammo 70mm Gatzmeyer RPG Ammo Cost per clip-rack RLD 9 CONC 46 ENC 36 PEN v DAM v Alt DAM v COST 13500 Gatzmeyer 70mm RPGs. Acc -1 -1 -1 -1 RNG 500 250 400 1200 RCL 25 28 26 28 MAX 16 28 8 10 Ammo HE HCHE Plasma Concussion Ammo Cost 400 500 1150 2150 CONC 16 16 16 16 ENC 4 4 4 4 PEN - -1 +6 +2 DAM 150 300 250 210 Alt DAM 2d10* 2d10*15 2d10*12 2d10*10 7 More Gatzmeyer 70mm RPGs.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Acc -1 +0 +1 RNG 380 270 650 RCL 28 26 23 MAX 25 4 - Ammo Super Plasma Heat Sabot Ammo Cost 7650 5150 15,150 CONC 16 16 16 ENC 4 4 4 PEN +8 +38 +55 DAM 330 350 160 Alt DAM 2d10*16 2d10*27 2d10*8


SNG Punch Gun The SNG punch gun disintegrator is a carbine-sized weapon produced by the infamous Yad corporation. The SNG punch gun has a large barrel aperture that facilitates wide beam dispersal; hence the accuracy. Normally disintegrators fire slower but the punch gun uses up to the minute technology to minimize power pack drain and facilitate semi-automatic fire. Acc +2 RNG 100 RCL 2 ROF 1 CAP 30 Ammo SNG Punch gun e-clips Ammo Cost 45,000/e-clip RLD 6 CONC 29 ENC 19 DAM 120 Alt DAM 5d6x4 COST 400,000



Gordon Epoch RAPID-60 Autocannon [Unit] Dual-feed 60mm rapid-fire auto cannon for mounting to auto-turrets, drones, vehicles and emplacements. Lo-velocity shells reduce effectiveness to that of an above average grenade launcher. Variety of loads is limited. Short barrel with perforated jacket for air- cooling Acc Varies by load ROF 1/3/5 CAP belts Ammo GE-60 x 60mm RLD 7 CONC 50 ENC 140 COST 38,000

RAPID-60 Autocannon [Ammo Varieties] 60mm rapid fire autocannon ammunition list. Ammo Cost is for 50 belted rounds in a standard macroplast box. Ammo HE DP AP Ammo Cost 500 750 900 Acc 0 0 +1 RNG 200 200 250 RCL 26 26 28 CAP 50 50 50 CONC 18 18 18 ENC 12 12 12 BR 3 1 1 MAX 15 6 2 PEN +0 +6/40 +12/20 DAM 150 120 120

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Alt DAM 2d10 x 7 2d10 x 6 2d10 x 6


XM-172 “Ripsaw” Manufactured by Gordon-Epoch the XM-172 is a powder machinegun of similar construction to the ancient benchmark the minigun. By no ways mini it is a large electrically powered six barrel half inch calibre machine gun. Useful against light armoured vehicles and heavily armoured personnel. A favourite perimeter weapon for secure compounds on powder worlds ensures massive sales. Acc 0 RNG 2000 RLD 19 ROF 40 CAP 500 Ammo .50 BMG Ammo Cost 230/belt RLD 12 CONC 50 ENC 56 PEN +4 DAM 50 Alt DAM 5d10 COST 48,000


AG “Autospear” Mk. 5 Automatic coil gun for long-range armour piercing support fire against armoured personnel. The Autospear fires either hi-density darts or flechettes. Acc +1 RNG 2500 RCL 32 ROF 3/25 CAP 200 Ammo 5 x 20mm coil ammo Ammo Cost FL 350, HDD 450 RLD 8 CONC 30 ENC 37 PEN 8 DAM 27 Alt DAM 4d6+3 COST 45,000

“Moyskar” Anti-armour Gun Very powerful rail gun that fires a 200gram dart at 12kps. The dart can penetrate a complete 21st century tank from the front glacis plate exiting the rear of the tank maintaining 3kps of velocity. Comes with folding tripod that takes 2 minutes to emplace the weapon on and be ready to fire. Sophisticated ballistic compensator sight package is available for an extra 12,500cr. Acc +2 RNG 5000m

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] RCL 60 ROF 1 per 4cr CAP 6 Ammo 25 x 75mm rail Ammo Cost 110 per round RLD 9 CONC >50 ENC 60 PEN 2000 DAM 240 Alt DAM 2d10 * 12 COST 350,000



Paglafire Anti-tank Weapon Shoulder fired plasma cannon with recoil compensator and sighting shield. It is powered by a rating 10 fusion pack via a lightly armoured cable that is 6 metres long: allowing the firer to keep distance form the fusion pack. The Paglafire is useful on light armoured vehicles and most powered armour. Acc +2 RNG 1600 RCL 14 ROF 1 in 5cr CAP 10 Ammo Rating 10 Fusion Pack Ammo Cost 5000 RLD 20 CONC 90 ENC 30 (110 for the pack) PEN 250 DAM 300 Alt DAM 2d10 * 15 COST 70,000

Name desc Acc RNG RCL ROF CAP Ammo Ammo Cost RLD CONC

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] ENC PEN DAM Alt DAM COST



BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] ACCESSORIES

Light Bipod Two „legs‟ that mount under the forward receiver or on the barrel of a longarm to improve stability and absorb some recoil. Great for snipers and most other combat users of longarms. The bipods fold. Acc +1 RCL -5 CONC +10 ENC +5 COST 100

Heavy Bipod Like the light but it is heavier and absorbs more recoil. Cannot be fitted to longarms with less than 10 encumbrance. Acc +2 RCL -10 CONC +15 ENC +9 COST 200

Light Tripod Three legged structure to support, stabilise and absorb recoil from longarms and small heavy weapons. Holds weapons from 15 to 50 ENC. Acc +1 RCL -20 CONC +30 ENC +20 COST 400

Heavy Tripod Like the light tripod but sturdier. Acc +2 RCL -30 CONC +40 ENC +30 COST 500

Support Tripod Built in recoil absorption mechanism and extra control of elevation and rotation. Support tripods are for longarms and heavy weapons rom 15 to 70 ENC. Acc +2 RCL -70 CONC +55 ENC +35 COST 800

Light Artillery Tripod The largest portable tripods are of this type. Acc +1 RCL -150 CONC >100 ENC 150 COST 2000


Name desc Acc

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] RCL CONC ENC COST



BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings]


Nearly all munitions are available in variant payloads. In general the more effective a payload is the higher its price. Some of the most readily available variations are listed below.

PROJECTILE MUNITIONS The types of weapons that can fire these munition variants are: GAUSS (Coil Gun & Rail Gun) Powder Weapons (Locking breech & floating breech) Electro Thermal Ammunition [ETA] Compressed Air Guns

Standard Slug: This is the standard round fired by all weapons and is considered here only for completeness. Shotguns are considered to fire these in the listings.

APDS: Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot. A high-density projectile that weighs about a third to a half the weight of a normal slug is fired in a sabot from on top of a normal propellant charge (or GAUSS force). The result is a small high- velocity slug that can penetrate a much greater thickness of armour than the normal slug. PEN +4, DAM is ¾, RCL is 2/3. Cost is double.

Shot: The shell is loaded with many spheres for a spread pattern to enhance the possibility of a hit. ACC+3 PEN-3 DAM+2 Rng is halved. Cost is as normal.

Standard Flechette: Similar in concept to the shotshell. Flechettes are tiny drag cone stabilised darts. They are low mass high velocity projectiles easily capable of penetrating armour at short ranges. ACC +3, PEN +2, DAM +2 Cost is times 1.5.

Sliver Pack [Tumbler Flechettes]: The tumbler flechette is a pack of aero sculpted metallic slivers; expensive due to the forming process. The slivers are formed to be spin stabilised in flight. Their leading edge is sharp and when fired in large clusters spread into a cloud of armour shredding shrapnel. The sliver packs are loaded in a discarding-sabot. PEN +4, DAM +6, Cost is 4 times normal.

Slash Coils: Only useable via a discarding-sabot. Coils of razor filament are compressed into slugs. Upon impact with the target a small charge detonates to rapidly uncoil the razor filaments. The effect is devastating on unarmoured targets. PEN-3 DAM tripled. Cost is times four.

Fragmentation: Also called Glaser or Safety rounds. Designed in the mid 1980‟s for interior aircraft combat, the rounds are designed not to penetrate the hull by fragmenting upon impact. This impact fragmentation holds true in flesh as well as on armour or steel. The effects on personnel are messy flesh wounds. PEN-4 DAM+8. Cost is tripled.

Grav-shok: Utilises a piezo driven grav-shok micro-warhead to deliver devastating crush damage to the target. High velocity rounds work best. PEN -6 DAM tripled. Cost is ten times normal.

Fire-Breath: Only useable in Powder and ETA weapons. Fires thermite down the barrel instead of an actual slug. Thermite in Black Dawn burns at 3000 degrees Celsius and is not good for the user life of the barrel. Ceramic composite barrels, such as those used in most ETA weapons, are immune to damage from firing fire-breath rounds. PEN-1 DAM+10 Rng 10% of normal. Cost is times five.

Note: The following ammunition cannot be fired in ETA weapons as it will explode in the chamber and probably kill the firer.

HEP: High Explosive Penetrating are also called cratering rounds. PEN +2 DAM doubled. Cost is times 4.

HESH: High Explosive Squash Heads are PEN is +2 DAM times 2.5. Cost is times 5.

HEAP: High Explosive Armour Piercing rounds are popular combat rounds. PEN+6 DAM times 1.5. Cost is tripled.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Gel-Slug: Gel the consistency of cold honey contained in a flexible bio-plastic film. Impact creates a heavy bruise with little chance of lethal damage. Gel rounds are the best non-lethal rounds available and so far out of the billions of rounds fired in riot control there have only been 13 deaths. Gel-slugs can only be fired by powder and compressed air weapons. PEN-10 DAM+2 [non-lethal] Rng is halved. Cost is halved.

High Explosive Slash Coils: Used in a sabot the razor filament is bound to an impact charge. The resultant explosion tends to liquefy flesh and powder armour plating. PEN -4, DAM times 3.5, cost is 8 times normal.

RIPPERBOLTS These are the few ammunition variations available for any ripperbolt gun.

Mjolnir: Named after Thor‟s hammer, this round is composed of a technetium core with a magnesium alloy coating that is consumed, on firing, by the plasma field, super heating the core to over 10,000 degrees Celsius. The slug retains the intense heat causing rapid combustion upon entry of the target. Gordon-Epoch is the only company that produce Mjolnir ripperbolts. PEN+3 DAM+12(if at short or closer range +16). Cost is tripled.

Ripperpellets: Effectively a shot shell for a ripperbolt gun. ACC+3 PEN-4 DAM+3 Rng is halved. Cost is doubled.

Hellbolts: Maintain the plasma charge after penetration to ignite or melt materials such as metal and ceramics. Hellbolts are easily enchanted. PEN+3 DAM+6&+4/rd. Cost is times four.

AP: High density ripperbolts for enhanced armour penetration. The plasma charge is not maintained as long as normal rounds. PEN+6 DAM-3. Cost is doubled.

GRENADES Grenades come in two types; launched and thrown. Launched grenades have a far greater range than any being could possibly hurl a warhead and with a large enough propellant they will carry a larger charge (read Missile). The advantages of thrown grenades are many but among them are; no need for another piece of equipment to utilise grenade adequately, easily variable timer [from 1-99 seconds is average] concealability of the weapon, tiny firing (throwing) signature and low weight of the total effective unit.

HAND GRENADES GRENADE PEN DAM BR MAX CONC ENC TIMER COST/1 COST/50 NOTES AGC acid grenade acid 60 1 7 5 1 digi-99 350 15,000 burns for 4 CR. Anti personnel 0 60 3 15 5 1 acid 3 90 4,200 A classic “pineapple” Anti Tank 120 60 1 2 14 4 digi-99 740 35,000 really anti-skimmer Anti tank M86 AT-7 250 300 1 4 14 4 digi-99 2,000 100,000 what it says Anti tank M87 A3 40 100 1 2 14 4 digi-99 750 35,000 really anti-jeep Black frag Mk2 Hand grenade 6 90 5 25 9 2 digi-99 250 12,000 Anti-personnel C-19 Fragmentation 3 35 2 8 4 1 acid 5 50 2,000 Mini grenade CMX 19 J 4 135 5 20 9 2 digi-99 340 15,000 room clearer CMX 19H 4 110 3 17 9 2 digi-99 285 14,000 room clearer CMX 23 canister 3 180 6 18 7 3 digi-99 505 22,000 CMX 66B8 5 330 5 25 7 3 digi-1:59:59 3,250 150,000 Concussion grenade C-73 3 35 2 6 14 1 mech-15 90 4,000 Non-lethal CX 41A3 3 90 5 15 9 2 digi-99 170 8,000 CX-41 3 67 5 18 10 2 mech-30 100 4,500 Enhanced propane canister 5 350 4 16 8 2 digi-99 2,160 100,000 intense heat Mini plasma hand grenade 5 300 3 10 10 1 digi-99 1,800 90,000 Plasma hand grenade 5 300 3 13 10 2 digi-99 1,800 85,000 Enhanced plasma hand grenade 5 300 6 18 10 1 digi-9:99 1,950 95,000 GalPol „Baby Bomb‟ 9 580 15 115 8 3 mech-30 2,000 80,000 Restricted to LEOs HG-409 2 130 6 20 7 3 digi-9:99 1,800 78,000 M-26 C 3 40 4 16 12 1 acid-3 65 3,000 M409 Super frag 4 135 6 15 9 2 digi-99 250 12,000

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] M-86 5 100 3 9 11 1 acid 330 15,500 Micro-fission 5 100 5 16 17 1 digi-20 1,700 52,500 RD-19 4 125 6 25 10 1 digi-99 300 12,000 RDX-275 5 70 12 40 8 2 digi-99 400 18,500 RDX-286 5 75 5 16 8 2 digi-99 360 16,000 RG-72 3 36 6 25 7 2 mech-12 55 2,500 stick grenade RG-82 3 72 6 25 7 2 mech-12 125 5,000 stick grenade RG-92 4 108 6 25 7 2 mech-12 225 10,000 stick grenade Super concentrate Mk1 4 210 8 28 8 2 digi-99 800 40,000 Super concentrate Mk2 8 210 9 28 8 2 digi-99 1,600 80,000 Super Plasma Mk1 4 390 9 38 8 2 digi-9:99 5,000 250,000 Super Plasma Mk2 6 390 9 38 8 2 digi-9:99 6,500 325,000 Super Plasma Mk3 10 390 10 38 8 2 digi-9:99 8,000 400,000

GRENADE: The type of grenade PEN: The penetration of the blast Like DAM, PEN is halved every zone of blast range out to MAX. DAMAGE: Damage of the blast at ground zero Is halved every zone of blast range out to MAX. BR: Blast Radius The dimension in metres of each zone of blast range. MAX: Max range of the blast in metres CONC: Target number to conceal one grenade of listed type ENC: The encumbrance of one grenade TIMER: Timer type and max duration. Format for time is hours:minutes:seconds COST: Cost of one grenade COST50: Cost of a case of 50 grenades


MELEE WEAPONS. Any weapon that has to be swung, stabbed, jabbed, thrust or manually brought into contact with the target is a melee weapon. Modern tech has created weapons that would be anti-tank in the early 20th century.

Gordon-Epoch Power Mace The power mace is used as a melee weapon where one-handed lethality is required. The injuries it can deliver in the hands of a well- heeled user make it more potent in terms of tissue damage than any non-powered weapon to date. It uses grav-shok technology to create a high G force field at the time of impact that forms a shock wave that can destroy steel plating and small girders. Its effect on the bodies of most sentient beings can best be described as messy. These are the stats for a one handed version. ACC 0 CAP 100 CR Ammo Rating 4 power cell Ammo Cost 400/cell RLD 4 CONC 16 ENC 6 PEN -6 DAM max26 (52) Alt DAM 2d12+2 (4d12+2) Cost 30,000

Lightforce Plasma Weapons Focused plasma contained in a weak force field modulated to resemble a melee weapon‟s structure. The battery technology makes these weapons very expensive, as their energy requirements are truly massive. Damage is horrendous explosive tissue combustion. They are illegal on almost every planet in the TDE. The „blade‟ is variable in output and shape. It is rumoured that Lightforce are about to release a whip type plasma weapon. ACC +0 CAP 200 combat rounds. Ammo LF plas-weapon cell Ammo Cost 200,000 RLD 3 CONC 6 ENC 5 PEN +8 DAM 22 Alt DAM 2d10+2

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Cost 250,000

Sa-Tech Blackjack An apparently normal looking blackjack loaded with a grav-shok device that can be activated from the grip. The normal black jack action is used to trigger the grav-shok device, if activated, to help keep the weapon quiet. The power cell is shielded inside the grip to prevent scanner detection (Passive -25, Scan -10). ACC 0 CAP 100 CR Ammo Rating 4 power cell Ammo Cost 400/cell RLD 8 CONC 8 ENC 3 PEN -9 DAM 10 stun (45) Alt DAM d10 (7d6) Cost 5000

Vance-tech daggers Come in a variety of types for the neo-bladesman. Monomolecular edge cuts through all non-monomolecular materials with ease. Blade looks like glass and can be ordered in any colour tint for no extra price. Patterns +20cr. Balancing for thrown weapons costs +50cr. [Use the melee weapons table for basic types.] Acc 0 RNG ST x 2 metres (when balanced) CONC as weapon type ENC as weapon type - 1 PEN as weapon type +12 DAM as weapon type +2 Alt DAM as weapon type +2 COST as weapon + 4,000

Vance-tech swords Come in a variety of types for the neo-swordsman. Monomolecular edge cuts through all non-monomolecular materials with ease. Blade looks like glass and can be ordered in any colour tint for no extra price. Patterns +50cr. [Use the melee weapons table for basic types.] Acc 0 CONC as weapon type ENC as weapon type -2 PEN as type +12 DAM as type +2 Alt DAM as type +2 COST as type +7,500

Name desc Acc RNG CAP Ammo Ammo Cost RLD CONC ENC PEN DAM Alt DAM COST

Name desc Acc RNG CAP Ammo

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Ammo Cost RLD CONC ENC PEN DAM Alt DAM COST

Missile and Thrown Weapons Ancient thrown and propelled weapons from before the days of mechanised missiles can still be found. Some of these weapons are rare and the art of their use equally obscure. This makes it very hard to find a teacher. The bulk of the scarce users are self-taught. Modern versions of some are listed.

WEAPON ACC CONC ENC PEN DAM ALT DAM RANGE RLD AMMO AMMO COST TYPE COST Blowpipe 0 25 18 -3 2 1d2 special Blow darts 1 50 Bola -2 10 4 -6 7gr 1d6 Throw 50 Chakram -1 8 3 -2 3 1d6 Throw 30 Large shuriken -1 5 2 -4 3 1d4 Throw 10 Longpipe +1 30 22 -2 4 1d4 special Blow darts 1 100 Shuriken 0 3 1 -5 2 1d2 Throw 5 Sling -1 4 2 -4 5 1d4+1 3 x Throw 5 small stones free 15 Slingshot -1 12 3 -5 4 1d4 15 3 20 War bola -2 14 5 -2 11gr 2d6 2 x Throw 100

Melee Weapons (aka Ye-olde Standards) The old standards are the melee weapons throughout time that are still available in Black Dawn society. The martial arts of these weapons are, in many cases, an almost dead tradition that few maintain. WEAPON TYPE CONC ENC SIZE PEN PARRY DAM MAX ALT COST 2 handed broadsword 40 28 L -2 13 24 1d10+3 250 Bastard Sword 30 20 L -1 11 20 1d10+1 250 Battle Axe 35 22 L -2 14 25 2d6+2 150 Bayonet 12 7 M -2 6 13 1d6 60 Bo 42 14 L -4 +2 9 20 1d8+1 80 50 20 L +1 +1 8 14 1d8 100 Broadaxe 40 24 L -1 11 18 1d10+1 175 Broadsword 18 18 M +2 8 18 1d6+2 220 Bullova 38 28 M 10 18 1d8+2 175 Claedhaemmer 45 32 L -2 18 34 3d6 500 Claymore 42 28 L -1 12 26 1d10+2 300 Club 9 8 S -6 -1 4 11 1d4 20 Cudgel 12 10 M -6 4 16 1d4 30 Cutlass 16 10 M 6 16 1d6 120 Dagger 7 5 S -2 5 12 1d4+1 50 Dai katana 28 16 M +1 9 20 1d8+1 500 Epee 15 11 M -2 4 11 1d4 200 Estok 16 11 M +2 +1 5 14 1d4+1 200 Falchion 26 16 M +1 8 22 1d8 300 Fighting Knife 6 4 S -1 6 13 1d6 120 Flail 30 22 M -4 +3 9 15 1d8+1 150 Flamberge 39 30 L +2 11 24 1d10+1 550 Foil 16 10 M -2 5 12 1d4+1 110 Francisca 15 9 S -1 -1 5 13 1d4+1 90 55 30 L +1 10 22 1d10 250 Great Axe 46 30 L +1 16 27 2d6+4 300 Halberd 54 30 L +2 10 20 1d8+2 350 Hammer 10 7 M -4 -1 7 16 1d6+1 25 WEAPON TYPE CONC ENC SIZE PEN PARRY DAM MAX ALT COST Harpoon 28 19 L -1 8 16 1d8 60

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Hatchet 14 8 S -1 -2 6 13 1d6 20 Heavy Mace 26 26 M -4 +2 8 19 1d8 150 Iron staff 23 17 L -4 +2 7 18 1d6+1 100 Javelin 22 13 L -1 5 13 1d4+1 80 Jo 16 10 S/M -5 +2 5 18 1d4+1 30 Kama 14 8 S -1 5 12 1d4+1 60 Katana 28 12 M +2 8 19 1d6+2 350 Knife 6 2 S -2 4 10 1d4 30 Kusari Gama 10 5 M -1 +3 6 13 1d8+1 120 Kyoketusu Shoge 9 5 S -1 +3 6 11 1d8 90 Long Spear 38 26 L +1 8 15 1d6+2 80 Longsword 22 14 M +1 9 19 1d8+1 300 Mace 18 12 M -4 +1 5 18 1d4+1 200 Machete 16 10 M -1 -1 9 14 1d6+2 80 Main Gauche 9 6 S +2 5 12 1d6 100 Morning Star 20 13 M -3 +3 7 22 1d6+1 250 No dachi 40 28 L +2 16 28 1d10+2 600 Nunchaku 14 6 M -6 +1 5 14 1d4+1 40 Pike 54 28 L -1 +2 6 14 1d6 120 Pilum 28 12 L -1 8 16 1d8 90 50 36 L +2 14 25 1d10+4 400 33 14 L -5 +2 7 15 1d6+1 100 Rapier 19 11 M +1 7 16 1d6+1 200 WEAPON TYPE CONC ENC SIZE PEN PARRY DAM MAX ALT COST 18 15 M +1 8 17 1d8 220 Scythe 28 22 L -1 +1 9 23 1d8+1 190 Short Spear 25 14 M +1 6 14 1d6 120 Shortsword 13 9 M 6 14 1d6 150 Sickle 15 10 S -1 +1 6 13 1d6 110 30 18 M +2 8 20 1d8+2 360 Throwing knives 6 2 S -1 -2 4 9 1d4 35 Throwing Spikes 4 1 S -2 -2 2 6 1d2 15 22 21 L +2 9 21 1d8+1 220 Truncheon 9 7 S -6 5 10 1d4+1 20 50 34 L +2 7 16 1d6+1 260 Wakizashi 15 9 M 6 14 1d6 250 War hammer 27 20 M -3 +1 10 18 1d8+2 280 Weighted chain 8 6 M/L -6 +3 6 13 1d6 55

Notes: Some RPG veterans may notice that the katana does no more damage than most other swords. The katana is a weapon that has achieved „false status‟ in RPG systems. Just because it is incredibly sharp (matching historical descriptions of Damascus ) doesn‟t mean it inflicts more damage. Katana weren‟t designed to penetrate the heaviest armour of the medieval world and were not any better at penetrating lamellar than a spear. As such I‟ve gone with the old standby, physics, and used a weapon‟s mass as a better indicator of damage potential.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings]


This class of vehicles refers to all planetary craft. From motor scooters to mega-whales, all non-spacecraft and non- powered armour vehicles should use these steps as a basis for custom construction. You will notice how much more incredibly expensive it is to construct a car from the chassis up. You miss out on the cheap labour of a mostly robotic work force.


Bikes A-G Space # Handling Mnts Turr Racks THR AR HITS Cost Scooter N 2 1 7 1 - - 2 3 10 150 Sports N 4 1 8 1 - - 2 3 14 300 Road N 6 1 6 2 - - 2 3 18 300 Tourer N 8 1 5 2 - 1 2 3 22 350 Trikes A-G Space # Handling Mnts Turr Racks THR AR HITS Cost Sport N 3 1 6 1 - - 2 3 12 250 Trail N 6 1 6 2 - 1 2 3 18 300 Road N 10 1 5 2 - 2 2 3 26 350 Jammers A-G Space # Handling Mnts Turr Racks THR AR HITS Cost Scooter A 3 1 18 1 - - 5 8 22 500 Sports A 6 1 20 1 - 1 5 8 28 700 Tourer A 9 1 16 2 - 1 5 8 34 1000 Heavy A 12 1 15 2 1 2 7 12 48 1500 Cars/Skimmers A-G Space # Handling Mnts Turr Racks THR AR HITS Cost Compact O 20 1 10 2 1 2 3 5 50 1000 Sports O 30 1 11 2 1 2 3 5 70 3500 Sedan O 38 1 9 3 1 2 4 6 88 3000 Luxury O 40 1 8 3 1 2 4 6 92 4000 Limousine O 50 1 6 4 2 2 5 9 118 5000 Vans/Skimmers A-G Space # Handling Mnts Turr Racks THR AR HITS Cost Mini-van O 45 1 7 2 1 2 4 6 100 2200 Utility O 60 1 5 2 2 2 4 6 135 3000 Transit O 70 1 4 4 2 4 4 6 155 3500 Long O 80 1 3 4 2 4 4 6 180 4000 Trucks/Skimmers A-G Space # Handling Mnts Turr Racks THR AR HITS Cost Half-ton O 90 1 3 4 2 4 5 7 195 3000 5-ton O 120 1 2 4 3 4 5 7 250 4500 Rig * O 60(80) 1 0(-3) 6 2(4) 5(8) 8 10 140(260) 8000 Prime Mover * O 90(120) 1 -1(-3) 6 2(6) 5(8) 10 14 200(300) 20,000 Big Trucks A-G Space # Handling Mnts Turr Racks THR AR HITS Cost Hauler * N 200(1200) 1 -2(-6) 6 3(8) 5(12) 9 15 450(2000) 30,000 Super-Hauler * N 450(3000) 1 -6(-10) 8 4(12) 6(18) 12 20 1000(6000) 75,000 Buses/Skimmers A-G Space # Handling Mnts Turr Racks THR AR HITS Cost Mini-bus O 65 1 3 6 3 6 4 6 150 3500 Trail Bus O 90 1 2 6 4 6 5 7 200 5000 Omnibus/Coach O 110 1 -4 8 6 8 4 6 230 10,000 Double Decker O 190 1 -6 12 8 10 4 6 400 30,000 Cruisers A-G Space # Handling Mnts Turr Racks THR AR HITS Cost Cruiser (*) A 200(400) 1 6 4 6(6) 8(8) 30 45 500(900) 80,000 Whale A 500 1 5 8 8 16 30 50 1100 75,000 Hover-truck * A 100(800) 1 6(2) 4 3(8) 6(12) 45 68 350(1500) 50,000 Hauler * A 300(1500) 1 4(1) 6 6(12) 12(18) 48 70 750(3000) 75,000 Mega-Whale [moby] A 1200 2 3 18 12 18 35 60 2500 150,000 Super-Hauler * A 650(4000) 1 2(-3) 10 9(20) 14(20) 50 76 1500(8000) 120,000 Floaters A-G Space # Handling Mnts Turr Racks THR AR HITS Cost

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Loach O 30 1 15 1 - 2 6 9 80 3,000 Evac O 60 1 11 1 - 2 6 9 140 6,000 Utility O 100 1 10 2 1 2 8 10 220 10,000 Gunship O 90 2 14 2 1 4 30 45 270 25,000 Transport O 200 1 6 4 1 4 8 10 420 20,000 Lifter O 500 2 2 4 2 6 10 14 1000 50,000 Dirigible O 180 1 -5 2 1 2 2 3 370 18,000 Airship O 300 1 -6 6 2 3 2 3 600 30,000 Zeppelin O 700 2 -9 12 4 5 3 5 700 70,000 Hang-ball O 450 2 -4 2 2 2 2 3 900 45,000 Ober-sphere A 5000 2 -15 16 8 12 12 20 10000 2.0 M Military A-G Space # Handling Mnts Turr Racks THR AR HITS Cost Light tank O 100 2 -2 4 2 2 150 200 300 50,000 MBT O 200 2 -4 6 3 4 200 250 500 75,000 Heavy tank O 350 2 -6 8 5 6 500 600 1200 100,000 AFV O 250 2 -3 4 2 2 50 60 200 35,000

 Type [The hull type gives a general classification and use for this chassis.]  * next to type [Any chassis type with a * usually operates with a trailer. The number in parenthesis () next to the space rating is the maximum space a trailer for this type may pull.]  A-G [Can this chassis be fitted with an a-grav drive? O= optional, N= Never, A=Always: must have an a-grav drive]  Space [Is the space inside the vehicle‟s chassis for power source, drive, passengers, shields, life support, etc. Each unit is one crate. There are approximately 100 crates in a container. A number in parentheses indicates standard trailer space.]  # [The accepted skeleton crew for any vehicle based on this chassis size]  Handling [This is the absolute maximum handling rating for any vehicle based on this chassis]  Mnts [Number of fixed or pivot weapon mounts the chassis will support. Any number in parentheses refers to the trailer.]  Turr [Number of turrets the chassis will support, includes radar turrets. Any number in parentheses refers to the trailer.]  Racks [Number of external equipment rack mount points. Any number in parentheses refers to the trailer.]  THR [Basic Threshold of this chassis as is. Any number in parentheses refers to the trailer.]  AR [Basic Armour Rating of the chassis as is. Any number in parentheses refers to the trailer.]  HITS [The amount of damage the vehicle can sustain without modification. Any number in parentheses refers to the trailer.]  COST [Cost in CR of the chassis itself. Any number in parentheses refers to the trailer.]


Separated only by category, a player can attempt to fit any type of engine to any vehicle. Skimmers, cruisers and other anti-grav vehicles are the exception to this, having by necessity an a-grav drive to function as craft of that class. The following are the most common classes and types of engines available „off the shelf‟ in Black Dawn. Other types are available but require more effort on the players‟ behalf to track down.

Mechanical Mechanical engines are for wheeled, tracked and fan driven engines. They are basically any power plant that mechanically drives the vehicle. Internal fluid/gas combustion: piston, rotary, radial, turbine, pulsed, etc. Electric: bushed, gauss ring-drive, etc.

A-Grav A-grav engines come in three basic variants. All are electrically powered. Pad. Used mainly by the civilian market, the pad is vulnerable to damage in collisions unless placed within an armoured hull. Plate. Much more efficient pad and damage resistant, the plate replaces the pad in heavier vehicles. All GalPol and mil- spec vehicles use a-grav plates. Field. This a-grav drive is a very low powered grav-shield/field drive like those used by starships.

Brisenfeldt Generators are massive lift providing machines roughly cylindrical in shape that are used in the majority of floater type vehicles. Self-contained power source provides the energy to run until recharge is needed. They are relatively cheap for their size and provide upwards of 50,000tonnes of lift. Standard. Used in most smaller vehicles, must be mounted internally. Tanks. Externally mounted on larger vehicles. To mount internally, and thus armour the tank, costs an extra 20%.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings]

MECHANICAL Space Torque Powe Consumption (L/hr) Cost r Alliance 1.5litre [flat-4] 2 1100 140 1 Alliance 3.5litre [straight 6] 4 2200 220 3 Alliance 4.4litre [V-6] 6 3200 250 4 Alliance 5.7 litre [V-8] 8 4500 305 6 Alliance 6.8 litre [V-8] 10 6500 365 7 BMW APV [V-6] 4 3700 255 3 BMW ACW [V-8] 5 4400 360 4 BMW AVT-7 [Turbine] 8 12,000 320 8 Ford JP9 [Turbine] 4 3800 400 6 Ford-Mazda R-12 [rotary] 3 1600 240 1.2 Ford-Mazda R-13 [rotary] 4 2400 270 1.3 Ford-Mazda R-19 [rotary] 6 3600 380 1.9 Cheverolet CX-34 [V-8] 6 3500 360 3.4 Cheverolet CX-55 [V-8] 9 25,000 240 5.5 GalCorp P-109 [V-6] 4 3200 230 1.5 GalCorp P-215 [V-6] 5 4400 260 3.8 GalCorp P-308 [V-8] 6 16200 310 4.6 GMC 240D [V-6] 5 2400 240 2.2 GMC 510N [V-10] 12 36,500 330 5 Subata T-5 [Turbine] 12 60,000 220 7.5 Subata NT-16a [V-10] 16 100,000 160 12 Subata XRT [Turbine] 20 250,000 205 15 A-GRAV Space Torque Powe Cost r Power Requirements Alliance Tiny-T [pad] 1 900 90 1 2000 Alliance Mini [pad] 2 1300 160 4 4000 Alliance „Pinto‟ [pad] 2 1500 180 4 5000 Alliance „Apaloosa‟ [pad] 3 Alliance „Arabian‟ [pad] 3 Alliance KSR [plate] 4 Alliance XSR [plate] 4 Alliance Bluegrass [field] 22 4000 60 2 5000 Alliance Tundra [field] 40 8000 130 5 30,000 BMW AG750 [pad] 3 BMW AG859 [pad] 4 Cherokee „Elipsis‟ [plate] 6 GalCorp P1 [pad] 2 GalCorp P2a [pad] 3 GalPol PT 3c [plate] 3 Subata Ev-33 [pad] 3 Subata Ev-86 [pad] 4

BRISENFELDT GENERATORS Space Torque Powe Endurance Cost r Light 50 10,000 80 5+ years 20,000 Medium 100 25,000 75 8+ years 50,000 Heavy 200 50,000 62 10+ years 100,000 Light Tank 500 10M 55 15+ years 250,000 Medium Tank 750 25M 48 15+ years 400,000 Heavy Tank 2500 50M 45 15+ years 650,000 Michiwa Heavy Tank 3000 65M 48 20+ years 750,000 Ulzagroe Heavy Tank 3250 72M 40 30+ years 800,000 Space: the amount of space inside the hull that the engine will fill. Torque: The maximum weight the engine will pull or lift. Power: The maximum speed the engine can generate without modifications (at any load). Consumption: The fuel consumption rate for the engine under full load. Cruising and standard operation is usually half this rate. Power Requirements: The electrical output required for the A-Grav device to operate at full capacity. Endurance: the amount of time the Brisenfeldt Generator can stay in operation without refuelling (a major operation).

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Cost: how much to shell out for this engine‟s basic setup.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings]

ARMOUR The stuff that stops your vehicle, and thus you, from being smeared by weapons fire. The last few types of armour are the military types in popular use throughout Black Dawn. Should help you build hover-tanks and other mil-spec combat vehicles from scratch using the existing technologies presented here. If you have good reason to make up better armour than those types presented here, justify it with price, weight and rarity.

Civilian Armour Types THR AR STR Weight Cost Light Steel with glass windows 10 20 200 space*10 space*25 Light Steel with plexiglass windows 12 22 250 space*10 space*27 Light Steel with plexiglass half windows 14 24 300 space*11 space*29 Light Steel with plexiglass window slits 15 25 320 space*12 space*30 Medium Steel with glass windows 12 22 300 space*15 space*50 Medium Steel with plexiglass windows 14 24 350 space*15 space*70 Medium Steel with plexiglass half windows 16 26 400 space*16 space*85 Medium Steel with plexiglass window slits 17 27 420 space*17 space*100 Heavy Steel with glass windows 14 24 400 space*20 space*500 Heavy Steel with plexiglass windows 16 26 450 space*20 space*510 Heavy Steel with plexiglass half windows 18 28 500 space*21 space*530 Heavy Steel with plexiglass window slits 20 30 520 space*22 space*550 Kevlar with glass windows 20 30 600 space*15 space*700 Kevlar with plexiglass windows 22 32 650 space*15 space*800 Kevlar with plexiglass half windows 24 34 700 space*16 space*850 Kevlar with plexiglass window slits 25 35 720 space*17 space*1000 Heavy Kevlar with glass windows 30 40 700 space*20 space*2500 Heavy Kevlar with plexiglass windows 36 46 750 space*20 space*3500 Heavy Kevlar with plexiglass half windows 39 49 800 space*21 space*4000 Heavy Kevlar with plexiglass window slits 42 52 820 space*22 space*5000 VX compound with armourplast windows 45 55 2KP space*20 space*15,000 VX compound with armourplast half windows 60 70 2500 space*21 space*17,000 VX compound with armourplast window slits 80 90 2700 space*22 space*18,000 Full VX Compound [inc. 8 view-ports] 90 100 3KP space*25 space*20,000 Civ-grade Ceramisteel with armorplast half windows 120 220 4KP space*30 space*22,000 Civ-grade Ceramisteel with armorplast window slits 160 260 4200 space*32 space*24,000 Full civ-grade ceramisteel [inc. 8 view-ports] 200 300 5KP space*35 space*25,000 Military Armour Types THR AR STR Weight Cost Chobham with armorplast window slits 450 550 5KP space*50 space*35,000 Full Chobham armour [inc. 8 view-ports] 500 600 6KP space*55 space*37,000 Heavy Chobham with armorplast window slits 550 650 7KP space*65 space*38,000 Full Heavy Chobham [inc. 8 view-ports] 600 700 8KP space*70 space*40,000 Mil-Spec Ceramisteel with armorplast window slits 750 850 10KP space*25 space*50,000 Full mil-spec ceramisteel [inc. 8 view-ports] 900 1000 12KP space*30 space*52,000 Full ARK Compound [inc. 8 view-ports] 1200 1300 15KP space*40 space*70,000 Armour Type: being the type of the armour. THR: threshold of the armour type. AR: armour rating. STR: the structural strength of the armour. KP is 1000 points. Weight: the weight of the armour. [Where space is the space to be armoured] Cost: cost in credits from standard worlds where armour type is legal. The armour shaded at the bottom of the table is considered military grade, and thus is not available to civilians. [Where space is the amount of space being armoured: use the same figure as the weight calculation]

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings]


There are many popular makes of vehicle in Black Dawn. The most common being those produced by the largest mega-corporations such as Alliance, Subata, Sedri-Motors, RepCo, GalCorp, etc.


Alliance Superhawk: A large jammer bike with full canopy. Blistering performance, the Superhawk is one of the fastest factory standard jammers available. It sports triple fusion thrusters and massive a-grav output for potent altitude control.

Options: Sports body kit [+1 handling] cost +4000cr Light armour [THR(25), AR(40), -1 handling, -10/-15speed] cost +6000cr Harsh weather kit [passive +1 scan +2] cost +2500cr Crew/Passengers 1/1 Cargo Space/Luggage Space 0/2 Speed Max/Cruise 1800/900 Max Altitude 10,000 Fuel Capacity/type 100/fusion Endurance Hours@max/@cruise 1/5 Handling +14 Weapons - THR 7 AR 12 Hits 48 Cost 46,000cr

Campagnolo Jet Tourer: Luxury sports tourer marketed to the virile single traveller. The pillion passenger position is too uncomfortable for anything more than a short hop. Few options are available for this vehicle. Crew/Passengers 1/1 Cargo Space/Luggage Space 1/1 Speed Max/Cruise 610/280 Max Altitude 5000 Fuel Capacity/type 120/fusion Endurance Hours@max/@cruise 2/7 Handling +11 Weapons - THR 2 AR 4 Hits 30 Cost 19,000 name: description Crew/Passengers Cargo Space/Luggage Space Speed Max/Cruise Max Altitude Fuel Capacity/type Endurance Hours@max/@cruise Handling Weapons THR AR Hits Cost


Alliance CityLord: Popular luxury skimmer sedan. Has all the appointments, mini-bar, farsel leather seats, climate control, navi- comp, etc. The CityLord is a status symbol in popular Black Dawn mainstream culture. The most common colour is „charcoal pearl‟.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Crew/Passengers 1/7 Cargo Space/Luggage Space 4/8 Speed Max/Cruise 450/290 Max Altitude 15,000 Fuel Capacity/type 400/MAG LH Endurance Hours@max/@cruise 4/12 Handling +3 Weapons - THR 12 AR 19 Hits 205 Cost 200,000cr

Alliance CityLord Lux : The lux has a high performance engine and enhanced armour. It can be fitted with a single after market weapon. Crew/Passengers 1/7 Cargo Space/Luggage Space 4/8 Speed Max/Cruise 650/400 Max Altitude 16,000 Fuel Capacity/type 400/MAG LH Endurance Hours@max/@cruise 3/10 Handling +4 Weapons 1 hardpoint THR 15 AR 22 Hits 300 Cost 500,000cr

Ferarri AeroSports: Screams speed, status and small… cargo space. Only come in red or black. Crew/Passengers 1/1 Cargo Space/Luggage Space 2/4 Speed Max/Cruise 900/300 Max Altitude 12,000 Fuel Capacity/type 200/fusion Endurance Hours@max/@cruise 1.5/6 Handling +9 Weapons - THR 3 AR 6 Hits 160 Cost 1.1M

GalPol PatrolCar 2360: The latest cop car from the Pig Sheds is fitted with potent electronics including auto-ECCM modules and advance radar tracking systems. Like all cop cars it has a computer system tied into the Police database via police-band data transmission frequencies. Crew/Passengers 2/4 Cargo Space/Luggage Space 4/12 Speed Max/Cruise 800/290 Max Altitude 25,000 Fuel Capacity/type 500/fusion Endurance Hours@max/@cruise 14/40 Handling +7 Weapons 2 hardpoints 1 turret THR 24 AR 34 Hits 260 Cost GalPol

RollsRoyce-BMW Platinum Wraith: The luxury sport skimmer that spares no feature and thus expense. Easily recognisable for its classy styling and baked enamel platinum finish. Crew/Passengers 1/1 Cargo Space/Luggage Space 2/9 Speed Max/Cruise 760/450 Max Altitude 16,000 Fuel Capacity/type 350/MAG LH

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Endurance Hours@max/@cruise 2/8 Handling +6 Weapons 2 hardpoints THR 18 AR 28 Hits 230 Cost 1.4M

GMH Castellan: More affordable sports tourer with plenty of grunt. The vehicle has all the standard features but is engineered with exceptional handling. Crew/Passengers 1/3 Cargo Space/Luggage Space 4/12 Speed Max/Cruise 750/460 Max Altitude 16,000 Fuel Capacity/type 300/fusion Endurance Hours@max/@cruise 3/9 Handling +8 Weapons - THR 12 AR 22 Hits 240 Cost 60,000


WHEELED Subata Atlas-9 Hauler: A large hauler truck, each wheel over a metre in height. The design is intended to pull all cargoes in modular trailers. It is used in mining and bulk continental freight hauling.

Trailers: Enclosed small [handling -2]: space 400 cost 10,000cr Enclosed large [handling - 4]: space 800 cost 20,000cr Enclosed long [handling -5]: space 1200 cost 45,000cr

Trailer Options: Refrigeration cost: space * 6 Armoured [THR-25 AR-49 Hits-600] cost: space * 50 Open top cost: half Liquid transport cost: double Dangerous goods cost: space *60 Crew/Passengers 1/3 Cargo Space/Luggage Space 0/4 Speed Max/Cruise 160/100 Fuel Capacity/type 2000/MAG- LH Endurance Hours@max/@cruise 12/30 Handling -2 Weapons - THR 10 AR 16 Hits 450 Cost 90,000cr

GalCorp Bison MTAV: A large heavily armoured bus that has plenty of ground clearance and solid armament potential. An impressive electronics package is available that should make this vehicle a fantastic addition to frontier planetary trading, especially on worlds with little law enforcement.

Options: Electronics package includes: Mil-spec commo range: 200km, passive +2, scan +5 Motion sensor (sonic) range 100m]

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Cost: 12,000cr. Armoured powered turret: THR 36 AR 48 Hits 50 Weapon Enc Max: 60 Cost: 15,000cr Crew/Passengers 1/12 Cargo Space/Luggage Space 20/12 Speed Max/Cruise 180/90 Fuel Capacity/type ethanol/500 Endurance Hours@max/@cruise 2/9 Range @max/@cruise 460/100 Handling -1 Weapons Turrets 4 Mounts 3 Racks 2 THR 36 AR 48 Hits 210 Cost 395,000cr

name: description Crew/Passengers Cargo Space/Luggage Space Speed Max/Cruise Fuel Capacity/type Endurance Hours@max/@cruise Handling Weapons THR AR Hits Cost name: description Crew/Passengers Cargo Space/Luggage Space Speed Max/Cruise Fuel Capacity/type Endurance Hours@max/@cruise Handling Weapons THR AR Hits Cost

HOVER name: description Crew/Passengers Cargo Space/Luggage Space Speed Max/Cruise Max Altitude Fuel Capacity/type Endurance Hours@max/@cruise Handling Weapons THR AR Hits Cost name: description

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Crew/Passengers Cargo Space/Luggage Space Speed Max/Cruise Max Altitude Fuel Capacity/type Endurance Hours@max/@cruise Handling Weapons THR AR Hits Cost

name: description Crew/Passengers Cargo Space/Luggage Space Speed Max/Cruise Max Altitude Fuel Capacity/type Endurance Hours@max/@cruise Handling Weapons THR AR Hits Cost name: description Crew/Passengers Cargo Space/Luggage Space Speed Max/Cruise Max Altitude Fuel Capacity/type Endurance Hours@max/@cruise Handling Weapons THR AR Hits Cost


Bentleigh RoyalCraft: This luxury cruiser class skimmer is the size of a yacht but moves like a jet fighter of the late 20th Century. Possessing heavy armour and a massive price tag the RoyalCraft has all the luxury fittings. Crew/Passengers 2/16 Cargo Space/Luggage Space 60/200 Speed Max/Cruise 1800/700 Max Altitude 25,000 Fuel Capacity/type 5000/MAG LH Endurance Hours@max/@cruise 10/36 Handling -1 Weapons 2 turrets 4 hardpoints THR 30 AR 40 Hits 450 Cost 6.0M

GalPol Gates TacResponse: Cruiser APC that carries E-SWAT to response/intervention locales. Armoured, fast and tied in to the GalPolNet with burst transmission encrypted mil-spec pulsed-radio. Advanced radar and auto-nav systems.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Crew/Passengers 3/20 Cargo Space/Luggage Space 24/60 Speed Max/Cruise 1300/500 Max Altitude 25,000 Fuel Capacity/type 1500/fusion Endurance Hours@max/@cruise 5/12 Handling -2 Weapons 3 turrets 4 hardpoints THR 120 AR 160 Hits 650 Cost 2.2M

Volvo-Flygmotor Volgren: Whale type bus that carries 90 passengers at high speed over large terrestrial distances. Used on many resort worlds to speedily ferry passengers from the starport to their isolated resort on the other continent. Comfortable seating and excellent safety record make these the most popular of the Mega-Whale class buses. Crew/Passengers 3/95 Cargo Space/Luggage Space 220/440 Speed Max/Cruise 2350/1800 Max Altitude 15,000 Fuel Capacity/type 3000/MAG-LH Endurance Hours@max/@cruise 10/36 Handling -4 Weapons internal stunners THR 60 AR 70 Hits 4800 Cost 1.34M

OBER SPHERES name: description Crew/Passengers Cargo Space/Luggage Space Speed Max/Cruise Max Altitude Fuel Capacity/type Endurance Hours@max/@cruise Handling Weapons THR AR Hits Cost

name: description Crew/Passengers Cargo Space/Luggage Space Speed Max/Cruise Max Altitude Fuel Capacity/type Endurance Hours@max/@cruise Handling Weapons THR AR Hits Cost



GalPol Pursuit Mk-9a: standard GalPol pursuit cruiser. A-grav plate drives and decent armour that does not compromise its handling capabilities. Crew/Passengers 1/2 Cargo Space/Luggage Space Speed Max/Cruise Max Altitude Fuel Capacity/type Endurance Hours@max/@cruise Handling Weapons THR AR Hits Cost

name: description Crew/Passengers Cargo Space/Luggage Space Speed Max/Cruise Max Altitude Fuel Capacity/type Endurance Hours@max/@cruise Handling Weapons THR AR Hits Cost


Hurrel Gryphon 9C: Modular weapons outfit makes this tank popular with many forces, private and government. Standard weapon load out is a single 25mm railgun turret with smoke launchers and sensor pod. Crew/Passengers 2/3 Cargo Space/Luggage Space 160/30 Speed Max/Cruise 240/150 Max Altitude 30m Fuel Capacity/type 500kg/Hard fusion Endurance Hours 2/kg Handling -2 Weapons 25mm Railgun GE Rapidpulse AA laser THR 600 AR 700 Hits 4000 Cost 4.2M

Oberstansh “Black Opal”: hi tech armour and sleek design with twin turret makes the black opal hover tank amongst the best on the field. Crew/Passengers 3/4 Cargo Space/Luggage Space 220/90 Speed Max/Cruise 450/260 Max Altitude 50 Fuel Capacity/type 500kg/hard fusion Endurance Hours@max/@cruise 1:kg/2.5:kg Handling -1 Weapons 2, Hailbore coil guns

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] 2, Thurean AA plas-guns RAMCOR Aggat CIWS THR 2KP AR 2100 Hits 12KP Cost 22.6M

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings]


Powered armour is a suit of mechanically assisted armour that far outstrips the protection of any personal amour suit that known life could wear. The unit is often fitted with systems that allow the wearer/pilot the ability to engage light armour or aircraft with on- board systems and, because of the mechanical assistance, bestow beyond normal levels of strength and speed. The refinement of engineering has developed a kinaesthetic control device that allows the pilot to control the suit as though it were merely an extension of self or a set of bulky clothes. Mind though that a suit that loses its control system becomes an expensive piece of target metal.

The largest application of powered armour is in the form of industrial powered chassis. These are used to augment the worker and incorporate all the functions of previous construction vehicles into one unit.


Type HITS Space Engines Hardpoints Limbs Cost Superlight 75 8 1 1 2A&2L 10,000 Light 80 10 1 1 2A&2L 18,000 Scout 100 12 1 1 2A&2L 22,000 Heavy Scout 135 15 2 2 2A&2L 25,000 Medium 150 17 2 3 4 33,000 Striker 180 20 2 4 4 38,000 Medium Striker 200 25 2 5 6 43,000 Heavy Striker 250 30 2 6 6 52,000 Heavy 300 40 2 8 6 58,000 Heavy Assault 400 45 2 10 8 72,000 Super Heavy 500 48 2 14 8 97,000 Light Mecha 600 50 2 16 8 150,000 Mecha 1000 70 2 18 8 200,000 Heavy Mecha 1500 150 3 20 8 300,000 Strider 2KP 200 4 24 8 500,000 Heavy Strider 3KP 250 4 30 8 750,000

Type: Type of chassis. A loose indication of construction, purpose and size. HITS: The basic hits of the chassis. Additional armour and reinforcing will add to this total. Space: The internal space for fitting engines (within the number allowed), powercores, subsystems, sensors, a pilot, etc. Engines: The maximum number of engine mounts this chassis can fit. Hardpoints: Chassis built weapon mounts. Limbs: Type of limbs (A=arms, L=legs) and the maximum of that types. If no type is listed any limb may be fitted. Of course a minimum of 2 limbs are required for movement. Cost: Credit cost for the chassis itself. Body shell, limbs engines, and anything else are extra.

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A powered armour engine comes in many varieties. The engine is given 2 ratings. ST and MO. The ST rating is the base strength of the armour‟s limbs. The MO is the speed and manoeuvrability of the armour. The ratings are added together to determine the engines overall power rating. The power rating affects the space the engine will require on an individual engine basis.

Example 1) A Subata X10 series engine with a base ST rating of 45 and a MO of 15 has a total Power Rating of 60. It requires 6 space inside the chassis. It costs a total of CR12000. Example 2) An Oberstansh Panzer 12 series engine with the same ST and MO ratings (Total Power Rating of 60) requires only 4 space.

Engine Type Cost/ST rating Cost/MO rating Space:Power Ratio Subata Hydraulic X10 series 100 500 1:10 Subata Flexor-P series 65 540 1:8 Oberstansh Panzer 12 series 100 480 1:15 Oberstansh Dresden 8 series 80 520 1:10 GalCorp Rojin series 110 475 1:12 GalPol NPT series 140Restricted 460Restricted 1:20


The power core of the armour dictates the unit‟s operational endurance. Power cores available are listed below and are generally cross-brand compatible only with a coupler adaptor (CR500).

Power Core Type Space:Rating Base Duration Extra Duration Cost/Rating Signature MAG-LH Zion-pak 1:10 10hours (rating * 100) per hour 100 rating/10 Oberstansh Ranger 1:30 10hours (rating * 150) per hour 180 rating/40 Oberstansh Schiller 1:40 50hours (rating * 200) per hour 200 rating/15 Subata LiteAce 1:10 12hours (rating * 100) per hour 100 rating/8 GalCorp Hoover 1:20 25hours (rating * 160) per hour 150 rating/20 GalCorp Xtend 1:20 100hours (rating * 50) per hour 220 rating/25 GalPol B6 1:50 20hours (rating * 500) per hour 350 rating/60

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POWERED ARMOUR - ARMOUR PLATING Without the plating one would be left with a powered chassis. Skip these modifications if that‟s all you are after. To take advantage of this great vehicle type, buy some armour. This armour cannot be stacked or layered.

Armour Types THR AR STR Weight Cost Light Alloy Plate 16 26 250 Space * 7 Space * 100 Medium Alloy Plate 18 28 300 Space * 8 Space * 130 Heavy Alloy Plate 19 29 350 Space * 9 Space * 150 Double Heavy KDA 20 30 400 Space * 10 Space * 200 Light KDA 32 42 900 Space * 6 Space * 3500 Medium KDA 34 44 1200 Space * 7 Space * 4000 Heavy KDA 36 46 1500 Space * 8 Space * 4500 Double Heavy KDA 38 48 2KP Space * 9 Space * 5000 Light VX 50 60 2KP Space * 5 Space * 8000 Medium VX 60 70 2400 Space * 6 Space * 9000 Heavy VX 70 80 2800 Space * 7 Space * 12,000 Double Heavy VX 80 90 3KP Space * 8 Space * 15,000 Light Civillian Ceramisteel 100 110 2200 Space * 6 Space * 20,000 Medium Civillian Ceramisteel 120 130 2600 Space * 7 Space * 22,000 Heavy Civillian Ceramisteel 140 150 3KP Space * 8 Space * 24,000 Double Heavy Civillian Ceramisteel 160 170 3400 Space * 9 Space * 25,000 Light Military Ceramisteel 800 900 9KP Space * 5 Space * 45,000 Medium Military Ceramisteel 850 950 10KP Space * 6 Space * 50,000 Heavy Military Ceramisteel 900 1KP 11KP Space * 7 Space * 55,000 Double Military Ceramisteel 1KP 1100 12KP Space * 8 Space * 60,000 Light ARK 1500 1600 16KP Space * 3 Space * 120,000 Medium ARK 1750 1850 18KP Space * 4 Space * 150,000 Heavy ARK 1900 2KP 20KP Space * 5 Space * 200,000 Double Heavy ARK 2400 2500 25KP Space * 6 Space * 300,000

Armour Types: name of armour installation. THR: Threshold of the armour. Added to base THR of the chassis. AR: Armour Rating of the type. Added to base AR of the chassis. STR: Structural points of the armour type. Added to the base STR/HITS of the chassis. Weight: weight of the armour. Is a function of the total space of the chassis type it is to be installed upon. Cost: cost is based on the amount of armour. Is a function of the total space of the chassis type it is to be installed upon.

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There are many makes of production powered armour in Black Dawn. Subata and GalCorp being the best known civilian and industrial manufacturers while Oberstansh, GalPol and PCK are the prime military/para-military producers.


PCK-1M: early model scout powered armour for desert environments. Large feet to increase surface area for traversing soft ground make this suit distinctive in appearance. Without camouflage is a off-red colour. Alloy armour is small arms and light shrapnel resistant. Crew/Passengers 1 Cargo Space/Luggage Space 6/0 MO 30 ST 24 DX 14 Fuel Capacity/type -/fusion pack Endurance Hours 40 Weapons 2 arm mounts THR 26 AR 36 Hits 260 Cost 725,000

Oberstansh Silver Wulf: light striker class assault scout powered armour for dangerous recon operations where anti-personnel measures are expected and casualties are unacceptable. The Silver Wulf will survive any known anti-personnel explosive detonation at point blank range. Crew/Passengers 1/0 Cargo Space/Luggage Space 25/18 MO 35 ST 25 DX 10 Fuel Capacity/type -/fusion Endurance Hours 120 Weapons 2 arm mounts (15enc. each) THR 65 AR 75 Hits 250 Cost 1.5M

Oberstansh BarenJager: The bear hunter is a heavy assault unit designed primarily for perimeter offence and protecting tanks against infantry and light powered armour. The BarenJager unit is widely regarded as the nemesis of all light mechanised infantry. Crew/Passengers 1/0 Cargo Space/Luggage Space 40/25 MO 65 ST 55 DX 12 Fuel Capacity/type 12/Hard Fusion Endurance Hours 10hours per unit Weapons 2 arm hardpoints 2 shoulder racks 2 thigh racks THR 1KP AR 1100 Hits 12,500 Cost 6.0M

SNG “Garksin”: light mecha unit for urban strike operations and counter armour incursions. Heavily armoured and armed it is a powerful unit but out of place in open terrain. Crew/Passengers 2/12 Cargo Space/Luggage Space 120/40 MO 30

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] ST 140 DX 4 Fuel Capacity/type 600kg/MAG-LH Endurance Hours 12months Weapons 4 back racks 2 shoulder hardpoints 4 arm hardpoints 4 thigh racks THR 1KP AR 1100 Hits 4500 Cost 12.2M name: description Crew/Passengers Cargo Space/Luggage Space MO ST DX Fuel Capacity/type Endurance Hours Weapons THR AR Hits Cost



Subata Olston T-5: Industrial powered armour for underground construction and demolition. The right arm is fitted with a demolition grade grav-hammer and the left with a potent fusion cutting torch. Comes in yellow or orange with black stripes over shoulders and forearms. Crew/Passengers 1/0 Cargo Space/Luggage Space 1/0 MO 7 ST 120 DX 9 Fuel Capacity/type 240/fusion Endurance Hours 20 Weapons 2 THR 36 AR 46 Hits 460 Cost 850,000 name: description Crew/Passengers Cargo Space/Luggage Space MO ST DX Fuel Capacity/type Endurance Hours Weapons THR AR Hits Cost

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Generally vehicle types can be split into three classes. Space, Terrestrial and Powered Armour. Powered armour may be thought of as a terrestrial or even a space vehicle, as there are variants that function as either but it is best treated as a distinct type because of its basic operational nature.

SPACE VEHICLES Any craft that can operate outside of a planets atmosphere under its own power is a space vehicle. Space vehicles come in many categories. Orbitals, sub-orbitals, shuttles, interplanetary craft and starships. All of these categories have many classes and they will not be listed here.

TERRESTRIAL VEHICLES (GROUND AND ATMOSPHERIC) Terrestrial vehicles are any planet bound vehicle. To clarify, any vehicle that cannot travel off a planet under its own power is terrestrial. Sub-orbitals, orbital shuttles and their ilk are considered space vehicles for classification purposes.

POWERED ARMOUR Although powered armour is most often designed for terrestrial use there are suits engineered for space use. Powered armour is a very specialised type of vehicle and for this reason has its own category. Powered armour is a suit of mechanically assisted armour that far outstrips the protection of any personal amour suit that known life could wear. The unit is often fitted with systems that allow the wearer/pilot the ability to engage light armour or aircraft with on- board systems and, because of the mechanical assistance, bestow beyond normal levels of strength and speed. The refinement of engineering has developed a kinaesthetic control device that allows the pilot to control the suit as though it were merely an extension of self or a set of bulky clothes. Also in effect are direct neural interface controlled suits and CEC linked control rigs. Mind though that a powered armour suit that loses its control system instantly becomes an expensive piece of target metal, most likely with your character trapped inside, not good.

BUILDING VEHICLES This section details the building of customised ground and air vehicles, including powered armour, planes, skimmers, cruisers and whales. Customised terrestrial vehicles are fantastic devices in a game as it gives players something easy to relate to as well as a means of portraying image, style and power. A player who always looks at the stats of something before they buy any item is most likely a power gamer. Go for style, size, colour or if you really have to; try manufacturer brand bias. Do not create vehicles that are combat leviathans or capable of engaging starships thrice their size as this is meant to be an impossibility in Black Dawn. Finding loopholes in game rules is easy. Try playing instead.


Space travel is a common and easily accessible mode of travel for the majority of all people; much like jet travel was in the 20th and 21st century. With the advent of the Keeler drive, FTL travel became easy and very fast, but the Keeler drive system is expensive. The mass production of Keeler type engines was eventually refined in performance and manufacturing cost. The reduction in price of the Keeler drive saw a consequent price lowering with other drive types. This was so they could remain in business. The Keeler drive now gives space folding in the range of a parsec per second for middle band drives and less than a second per parsec for high performance military drives. The main time delay is the programming of the navigational controls as the computations necessary for a safe and accurate fold take about an hour.

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The old hypershunt type drives are still used for cruise liners, yachts and other craft that are not in a hurry or have little distance to travel. Hypershunt craft are older but cheaper to purchase. A Keeler drive must have a Daazig/Mahler energy converter, a very expensive piece of equipment. So, if one cannot afford the awesome speed of a Keeler drive, it‟s back to the hypershunt. Hypershunt uses a warp field to establish a frictionless state with gravity and then a controlled matter/anti-matter reaction propels the ship at supralight speeds. Hypershunt drives are fuelled by anti-matter which must be purchased from one of the three consortiums of isolation companies that commercially sell the fuel in containment pods holding a standardised volume of fuel. Average hypershunt drives achieve a speed in the range of 3 parsecs per hour.

If you can‟t afford a hypershunt then there‟s always the old warp drives. The standard warp drive propels a ship in the 2 parsecs per day range and is unreliable and finicky. It is true that the superior versions of the warp drive that exist, such as the smooth space warp drive used by the Stimow, can propel a ship as fast as a high grade hypershunt engine using less fuel. The technology is not at all common; especially on the civilian market.

GETTING A LICENSE Licensing is carried out at any starport or space station. Some space platforms have licensing officers, but as most are located in frontier space, it is usual policy to have no licensing officers on board these particular platforms. (The bureaucratic justification being all people in the frontier must have been licensed to get there so why bother.) The exam is carried out in the applicant‟s craft that is inspected before the test. The applicant will be asked to perform five manoeuvres the first at +5 then +2, +0, -2 and the last at -5. If all these are successful then the applicant will pass. If any manoeuvres have a FM of more than 10 the applicant automatically fails and loses the 100cr-testing fee. Licenses last for 5 years and upon expiry the licensee must pass a retest of the final three manoeuvres. Renewals cost only 60cr. Separate licenses are needed for larger classes of spacecraft. You must have a Class 1 license to apply for a Class 2 and a Class 2 to apply for a Class 3 etc.

Cost in CR. License Type Vessel length/class Average Training Time 100 Class 1 (Standard) up to 30m/small 2 weeks +150 Class 2 (Transport) up to 120m/medium +1 month +200 Class 3 (Heavy Freighter) up to 500m/large +3 weeks +200 Class 4 (Bulk Hauler) over 500m/super large +3 weeks

BUYING A SHIP For PC‟s to buy a ship it is a process much the same as if they were buying any other type of vehicle. Selection, acquisition and registration are the three steps to owning their vehicle. This will be a simple procedure unless they opt to buy a custom made ship. Registration of the vessel is a legal necessity as unregistered vessels are vulnerable to confiscation by GalPol. Resisting confiscation can result in GalPol resorting to force (not really an option for PC‟s).

Selection There are over three thousand two hundred current ship designs throughout the galaxies and at least three times that amount of designs that are either out of date or out of production. A custom vessel is any ship that is completely built to order; from the hull up. Once you have found a ship that you wish to purchase the next step is scraping together the credits.

Acquisition and Registration Simply handing over the credits and taking the keys is not enough for GalPol. They need to know whom you bought the ship off, for how much and that a space-worthy certificate has been received for the ship in the last month. Once they have this information they will transfer the registration over to you with the authorisation of the previous owners signature or signatory. If you are to receive a ship as the result of a duel then the witnesses sign on the forms for the deceased. When the “paperwork” has been completed you will be handed a transfer of registration disk. This is to be loaded in to the ship‟s computer and will change the transponder codes to match the new data.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Transponder Codes Transponder codes are transmissions that communicate the registration details of a ship to GalPol and Naval craft. This is to prevent accidental shootings when ships are on red alert. Naval and heavy combat GalPol ships are often fitted with auto-engagement weapon systems and when on red alert these systems will shoot down anything within the specified range. If a ship without a transponder enters the kill zone, they will be fired upon. The transponder tells the weapon systems not to fire. This is to prevent scenarios such as jumping into the middle of a pitched battle, or flying in formation of twenty ships of the same type with one of them carrying a wanted criminal, from having lethal results. It also tells the GalPol and the Navy what weapons, shields and drives the ship is fitted with. Modifications of transponders are illegal but not impossible. Anyone with the appropriate technics skill or engineering skill can make a level-50 skill check to alter the information in the transponder. Minimum needed tools are an advanced electrical tool- kit and a diagnostic/modification computer of the correct production company type.

Example 1) When trying to modify a transponder unit on board a RepCo AC-4 Drachsam needs a RepCo diagnostic/modification computer and an advanced electronic tool-kit.

One drawback with this is the transponder is a weak point in a ship‟s defences. For security and safety reasons the transponder on ships is linked to the reactor. One of the reasons is to prevent a ship with a critical reactor from docking at a major starport. It is through the transponder system that a tele-hacking device can access the control of another ships reactor albeit the acquisition of such a device will be extremely difficult and costly.

COMMON SYSTEMS ON-BOARD STARSHIPS IN BLACK DAWN These systems are general operations equipment integral to nearly all craft. Any ship not fitted with these systems must have something to function in its place or be considered non-space-worthy.

LIFE SUPPORT This is a complex series of circuits, tanks and reclamation units that constantly refresh and maintain atmospheric content and temperature to the desired consistency. The life support computer is usually separate from the navi-comp and the ships database to ensure some measure of security. It is very common for life support systems to have any number of backups with three being popular. Advanced systems even recycle sewage, waste and trash into life supporting substances for energy efficiency.

POWER CORE Below is listed the two main types of power cores that are currently available.

Daazig/Mahler Energy Converter In simplest terms it is a self perpetuating energy source that has an output beyond the range of a small planet‟s mantle.

Fusion Core This is a cold breeder fusion reactor that powers the ship‟s drives and other systems. If the plasma containment field is breached, the 500,000 degree Celsius plasma will consume the surrounding area. This is why the Fusion Core is usually at the centre of the hull, protected by as many decks and bulkheads as possible. In the case of nearly all starfighters, the reactor is so close to the pilot that only EMP and radiation shielding are installed. The breach of a starfighter‟s Fusion Core almost always results in the total destruction of the vessel. Fusion Cores come in two types, matter fusion and magnetic liquid hydrogen (Mag-LH).

NAVI-COMP The navigation computer is just one of the important electronic systems that is crucial to the ship‟s continued operation. The navi-comp takes data from an astro-sextant (which is incorporated into the navi-comp system) and plots the course for FTL jumps accounting for local gravity influences and other anomalies that can affect a ships accurate displacement. The complexity of such calculations makes a computer almost compulsory. It is true that a good astrogator can figure it out in her head but this will probably not be the case and even if it is, it would take close to 48 standard hours to plot an

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] accurate course. So if you want to jump in ten minutes instead of two days a navi-comp would be a good idea. Navi- comps are required to make a ship spaceworthy.

SUB-LIGHT OR FTL DRIVE Well if you want to reach jump you‟ll need one of these babies. FTL drives are any engine that can propel its vehicle Faster Than Light, that is over 300,000 kilometres per second, or in the old scale 186,000 miles per second. Modern FTL drives usually propel the ship at over 400 times the speed of light. FTL drives consume a gargantuan amount of energy and thus require a potent power source. This is a major factor in the expense of a spacecraft. Unless otherwise stated the ship DOES NOT need another engine to facilitate sub-lightspeed movement.

The Warp Drive Usually uses electrical energy from a fusion reactor to create a magneto-gravitic field around the ship that stabilises the inertia and the localised gravity internally. The field is then modulated so that the gravitic constant of the universe propels the ship in the direction the field was weakened by said modulation. Think of it as wet soap and ones hands are the gravitic constant of the universe squeezing on the soap. Where your hands are open the soap will pop out with as much speed as you applied pressure. Current middle band engines produce ship speeds in warp of 2 parsecs per day.

The Hypershunt Powered by an anti-matter reactor, the drive harnesses the incredible energy of a controlled explosion of matter and anti-matter. The ship is cloaked in a Relative Inertia Field, similar to the warp drive, which is powered by residual energy from the A/M reactor. The explosion propels the craft at an incredible rate. The drive uses the power of warp drive and matter/anti-matter to achieve speeds of 3 parsecs per hour; well beyond the standard warp drive.

The Keeler Drive Powered by nothing less than the awesome Daazig/Mahler energy converter, the Keeler drive consumes vast amounts of electrical energy to fold its spatial location over to another. This is very dangerous because of the accuracy involved, not to the ship, but to the destination. Objects not in sub-space cloak will be hurled into the space fold and more than likely destroyed. Actual fold-error, not miscalculation, is usually caused by poor maintenance or energy fluctuations. On the occasions that there is a true fold-error, the ship vanishes. Some scientists speculate the ship crosses over into one of the parallel dimensions or even the Astral Plane. Keeler drive displacement is near instantaneous, clocking in at over a parsec per second. It is possible, with enough energy, to fold inter-galactic distances. A ship fitted with a Keeler drive uses its own low level warp field to manoeuvre at sub-light speeds.

Pulse Ion Drive Electrically charges hydrogen based fuel into a near plasma state and uses it as a thrust mechanism. The Pulse Ion Drive has become the standard engine type for intra-system vessels. It is reliable, easy to repair, and cost efficient in the sub- light scale. Some fighter craft still use pulse ion drives.


Anrugairn Shipyards Builders of all manner of small obscure designs. A great many are purpose built for illegal operations but Anrugairn is an anarchistic world where such things are irrelevant. Among the most famous of the Anrugairn Shipyard designs are the bounty hunting craft and the blockade runners.

Galaxy Thruspace A small, in terms of mega-corporations, manufacturer that has rested on its crown jewel of design; the Galaxy Transport. A large freighter that runs on an incredibly small amount of fuel and is the widest used bulk hauler across the galaxies. The Galaxy Transport is the benchmark by which all other freighters are measured and the majority fail to match up.

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Gan-Tech Astrodesign Small spaceship producer that survives through versatility and moderately well designed craft. Gan-Tech have been in business for over 100 years but have no models that are considered to be benchmarks or groundbreakers. Many are generic performance, price and design specification. To the company‟s credit their vessels to retain value in the second hand market.

General Stardrive Incorporated The largest producer of space worthy craft known to the TDE. General Stardrive has secured the bulk of military orders for the next decade and has filled many important and voluminous orders in the past. One of the most important of these was the Tomahawk class Police Cruiser of which over three hundred thousand vessels were produced for in-system security and patrol. These craft have performed admirably throughout their service careers and are easily re-fitted because of the incorporation of modular design.

Groma Stardrive Industries The ship wrights of the Gromek empire have made many high standard low level warships of destroyer and cruiser class that are currently one of the best buys for the entrepreneurial. Groma Stardrive profits are fed into the Gromek Imperiums coffers, as it is an Imperial industry.

HADES Shipyards The largest producer of star-faring vessels in the known universe. Hades Shipyards is “Hellish Power” a throwback to late twentieth century slang. The mega-corporation builds all manner of high-tech spacecraft ranging from small single pilot fighters to the titanic Leviathan Five Dreadnought. HADES builds high performance, high cost military capable ships in five locations. The first is in orbit around Hades 669; a world deep in the core of the Milky Way. This is the largest yard and it builds military contracts of a declassified nature very quickly. It also functions as a custom shipyard where ships are built to the specifications of the customer‟s order. Average output is 20 ships per day. The second is in orbit around the GalCorp Deepspace Station 13. It is again a very large facility and is only slightly smaller than the Hades 669 yard. Construction of non-sensitive military contracts are carried out her as well as large civilian craft. The third yard is a secret deep space depot that is anchored in space some 500 light years off the galactic rim of the Milky Way. This yard is responsible for all military contracts of small sensitive vessels such as the Saracen and the Harrier. The fourth yard is deeper of the galactic rim, around 6000 light years and is manned by workers with powerful cortex stabilisers to cope with the strange effect the lack of mass has on reality. Here is where the Pike class heavy cruisers are built as well as the new MT-0444 deep space patrol cruiser. All the larger ships of military nature are built here except for those at the fifth yard. Actually concealed inside a planetoid that drifts through deep space on no apparent orbit, the top secret Dreadnought Yard is dedicated solely to the production of this class of warship. The Leviathan Three and the dreaded Leviathan Five are produced here by over 250,000 clone labourers. These are controlled by a „hive mind‟ AI to speed through production without rest. Other implants in the clones produce nutrition and rest states in their brains while travelling from one site to another. The clones are easily produced and live about 10 years, of which they work without stopping ever. Some of the Ships Produced by Hades Shipyards: Saracen class; heavy fighter. Pike class; heavy cruiser. MT-0444; patrol cruiser. Leviathan Three; Dreadnought Class. The second largest ship produced by the yards. Three kilometres long and bristling with point defence turrets it is a heavily armed and armoured vessel massing close to three million tonnes. The Leviathan three class are fitted with small fighter and gunboat bays, CIWS and heavy laser and plasma cannon that are rivalled by few other weapons in terms of sheer power and destructive capability. Weapons testing reported that the main guns on the Leviathan Threes, the Supra mk. 9A burst laser and the Igniter 3C plasma cannon, delivered blasts that when combined could produce explosions on the surface and in the local atmosphere equivalent to a three hundred megaton nuclear warhead. The main flux shield on these ships can withstand fifteen direct hits from either of its own main cannons. Leviathan Five; Dreadnought Class.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] The largest ship produced by the yards is five kilometres long and is crewed by over thirty-two thousand personnel. Its frontal armour alone can withstand a direct hit from a Supra mk. 9A burst laser.

LMX Conglomerates A broad interest company that builds broad interest ships. The bulk of their ship designs are Armoured Cargo and customs type Gunboats. Their best example is the Pitney mk-4 Customs Cutter LMX ships perform well but are not technically brilliant or exceptionally well designed. Cargo space tends to be ample in most models.

Moxpo Space Systems Moxpo Space Systems produces generic ships of low to middling quality. Moxpo have few „good‟ ships but they are all affordable. Low budget companies use mostly Moxpo ships, as do small space oriented corps. The corporation expanded into space ship engineering and production from a solidly held corner of the missile component market. Moxpo missile components are prevalent on the market because of the company‟s high output and excellent distribution network. All Moxpo need to do to rival Hades Shipyards is for the space ship wing of the corporation to work as efficiently and to the high standard of the missile component wing.

Navstar Industries Primarily producing navigation systems for the general market. Navstar have a reputation and pride in producing the best components for astrogation and navigation on the market. Navstar‟s components are used by most of the space ship producers including Hades and GalCorp.

Outworld Workshops Outworld are a black market ship building operation. GalPol believe they operate from a captured General Stardrive Incorporated bulk-hauler that has been refitted into a factory. It is believed that Outworld Workshops are connected to pirates for the supply of parts.

Proctor & Jones Engineering This company produces freighters, gunboats and pleasure craft of middling to terrible design and performance. The hallmark of a cheap outfit is a fleet of Proctor & Jones ships. Some people say that they should have stayed in pharmaceuticals.

Reepaxi Interstellar Goods Many people think of the Reepaxi Interstellar Goods as the Reepax equivalent of Groma Stardrive. This is far from the truth. RIG manufactures all manner of craft, systems, weapons, engines, cargo modules and management modules for many craft besides their own. The RIG product has a well-deserved reputation for being the toughest on the market. One pays handsomely for them too. RIG makes a surprisingly high percentage of its turnover from after market sales of parts for other companies‟ ships. RIG armour modules and hull re-armouring are considered the best products and services of their kind available anywhere.

RepCo Producers of the popular AC-4 and other reliable ships RepCo have a reputation for manufacturing no frills cost effective ships that will perform admirably for many years. Minimal servicing requirements compared to equivalent designs in other companies is another factor in RepCo‟s ships incredible sales. They are in the top ten company sales figures for ships and their closest rivals are General Stardrive Incorporated and LMX Conglomerates.

Varian Techtronics Production halted by malicious court action in lieu of a finding. Varian Techtronics produced one of the best drives available, the Gryphon-9. General Stardrive Incorporated claim that Varian stole the technology from them. Varian

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] claims that GSI never had the technology to begin with and is using their massive resources to steal it through the courts. This makes the Gryphon-9 rare and elusive in the market place.


Vorsh Probably the pirate gang that is most despised by GalPol. The Vorsh are Reepaxi and Gromek deserters who have no home worlds to return to. The circumstances of their alliance are unknown but a few have been found with Knessenar Industries equipment. This poses some potentially disturbing questions.


For those GM‟s lucky enough to have players that don‟t mind buying a standard production ship (at least as a foundation) this is a listing of a tiny fraction of ships that are available for sale. Note that some of these ships are restricted in their sale, especially those fitted with extensive armour and/or powerful weaponry. Those of you who enjoy making spaceships send in your ideas so that we can put together a free database of ship types and manufacturers. (Purple Reef can in no way pay monetarily for these ships but can offer credits. Ship stats maybe modified to more fit with the designer‟s concept of game balance.)

SHIP SHEET Name of Model AC-4 Class Light Freighter Purpose Armoured Cargo transport Size Class 2 Producer RepCo Length 30m Production Dates 2278-2320 Span 8.5m Skeleton Crew/Normal 3/6 Height 6m Passengers 8 Mass 65tonne Brig up to 4 Armour Civilian ceramisteel Cryogenic Births - THR 65 Power Core NPT-yeoman AR 75 (125) Output 200 HITS 450 Endurance 350 Refuel 120 Defence Systems Drives Warp Drive Shields Flux Output 19 AR +50 FTL Speed 7 Breach 250 Manoeuvre 8 Recharge 10

Sensory Systems Neutrino (Rating 5) Weapon Systems None included

Navigation Systems Astrogation Block Munitions None

Computer Systems Basic (Rating 5) Hardpoints 2 turrets, 4 fixed

Communications Subspace Radio (Rating 1) Additional Features Universal Docking Clamp Standoff armour layer Superstr. Reinf. (Rating 3) Cargo Bay 24 containers Atmospheric Controlled

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings]

SHIP SHEET Name of Model Class Purpose Size Class Producer Length Production Dates Span Skeleton Crew/Normal Height Passengers Mass Brig Armour Cryogenic Births THR Power Core AR Output HITS Endurance Refuel Defence Systems Drives Shields Output AR FTL Speed Breach Manoeuvre Recharge

Sensory Systems Weapon Systems

Navigation Systems Munitions

Computer Systems Hardpoints

Communications Additional Features

Cargo Bay

SHIP SHEET Name of Model Class Purpose Size Class Producer Length Production Dates Span Skeleton Crew/Normal Height Passengers Mass Brig Armour Cryogenic Births THR Power Core AR Output HITS Endurance Refuel Defence Systems Drives Shields Output AR FTL Speed Breach Manoeuvre Recharge

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Sensory Systems Weapon Systems

Navigation Systems Munitions

Computer Systems Hardpoints

Communications Additional Features

Cargo Bay

SHIP SHEET Name of Model Class Purpose Size Class Producer Length Production Dates Span Skeleton Crew/Normal Height Passengers Mass Brig Armour Cryogenic Births THR Power Core AR Output HITS Endurance Refuel Defence Systems Drives Shields Output AR FTL Speed Breach Manoeuvre Recharge

Sensory Systems Weapon Systems

Navigation Systems Munitions

Computer Systems Hardpoints

Communications Additional Features

Cargo Bay

SHIP SHEET Name of Model Class Purpose Size Class Producer Length

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Production Dates Span Skeleton Crew/Normal Height Passengers Mass Brig Armour Cryogenic Births THR Power Core AR Output HITS Endurance Refuel Defence Systems Drives Shields Output AR FTL Speed Breach Manoeuvre Recharge

Sensory Systems Weapon Systems

Navigation Systems Munitions

Computer Systems Hardpoints

Communications Additional Features

Cargo Bay

SHIP SHEET Name of Model Class Purpose Size Class Producer Length Production Dates Span Skeleton Crew/Normal Height Passengers Mass Brig Armour Cryogenic Births THR Power Core AR Output HITS Endurance Refuel Defence Systems Drives Shields Output AR FTL Speed Breach Manoeuvre Recharge

Sensory Systems Weapon Systems

Navigation Systems Munitions

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Computer Systems Hardpoints

Communications Additional Features

Cargo Bay


Players, being the fussy individuals they are, will probably want something that isn‟t off the shelf. This is wise if they have the credits, but like a choice of mail order clothing, the ship they choose may be an ill fit to their playing styles. Customising a ship can be a great source of game hooks and chasing down an elusive part or installation guide can provide the game with an urgent sense of need. Ships come in four general size classes as described in getting a license. Ships of all configurations fall into each category and class three vessels are generally the heaviest a PC crew will acquire. Military ships have their own classifications but for the purpose of vessel class they will fit into any of the ascribed sets.

Military Vessel Classification Equivalent Sized Civilian Vessel Size Class Fighter Scout 1 Heavy Fighter Surveyor, Scow 1 Light Gunboat Light Transport 1 Heavy Gunboat Yacht, Racer, Tug 1 or 2 Light Destroyer, Corvette Small Freighter 2 Cutter Barge, Transport 2 Destroyer Hauler 2 Heavy Cutter Passenger Liner 2 or 3 Heavy Destroyer Heavy Transport 3 Light Cruiser Medium Freighter 3 Medium Cruiser Cruise Ship 3 Heavy Cruiser Heavy Freighter 3 Pocket Battleship Heavy Freighter 3 Battleship Bulk Hauler 3 or 4 Carrier Super Freighter 4 Dreadnought None 4

Definitions: Fighter; all attack fighters that are not a heavy fighter. This includes interceptors, snubfighters, strafers and point defense fighters. Heavy Fighter; light scout craft, fighter/bombers, attack sleds, combat sleds, drop pods, reconnaissance, bombers, torpedo fighter, missile sleds, gun sleds etc. Light Gunboat; short range patrol craft with a turret Heavy Gunboat; fast vessels with turrets for interception of larger craft Light Destroyer; fast vessel for fleet point defence and engaging light capital ships Cutter; patrol craft, frigates, corvettes, customs ships Destroyer; ship for engaging capital ships at long range Heavy Cutter; also covers heavy frigates they are designed to intercept capital ships, harass capital ships, enforce blockades and maintain patrols Heavy Destroyer; designed to engage capital ships at any range

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Light Cruiser; lightest capital ship, perimeter vessels for major capital vessels, flank protection, etc. Medium Cruiser; planetary bombardment craft, barrage support, multi-role, fleet engagement, point defence for larger capital ships, etc. Heavy Cruiser; largest vessels used in patrols of systems, effectively a light battleship. They add EW, sensor and firepower to the core of the fleet. Pocket Battleship; smaller, but faster Battleships, used for high damage strikes against cruisers. Battleship; heavy dedicated combat vessels with firepower second only to a dreadnought. Carrier; very large ship for carrying great amounts of fighter craft. Carriers are fitted with masses of point defence weapons, heavy defence shields, potent ECM, state of the art communications and more. Dreadnought; mobile star fortress with the heaviest armour and weapons available. Often designated System Control Vessels some have firepower capable of razing entire planets. Used as flagships, anti-fleet roles (single handed in some examples), planetary assault/destruction and other tasks that require immense firepower and survivability.


Okay: so you‟ve scraped together a few mega-creds through means better left untold to the law. Now you want to start spending that hard earned blood money on a starship but the models on the market aren‟t quite what you had in mind. “To the custom shipyard!” you beam making haste, cred-stik in sweaty hands, to the local Custom-Fit orbital dock.

A hull base is an empty hull. They are built by most custom shipyards, from the remains of other vessels or from product over-runs, to the specific design or needs of the customer. Nearly all of the large custom shipyards have a design service to assist in making the right choice about things like where to place the head, bridge and cabins. Currently quite a few shipyards order hulls from the large producers such as General Stardrive Incorporated and LMX Conglomerates. Other hull manufacturers such as Gammon Industries (which sub-contract to Hades) also sell hulls of their own design to the custom yards. Alternatively if you just can‟t settle on one of the existing hulls you can have one custom made to order by any large custom shipyard.

Custom Hulls Calculating the cost of the hull is pretty simple. Just add every cost of the following steps together. You will notice that a custom hull is much more expensive than a pre-existing model.

Class is a function of Space. Class 1; less than or equal to 100. Class 2; greater than 100 and less than or equal to 1000. Class 3; greater than 1000 but less than 5001. Class 4; 5001 and greater. Space costs 500 per unit (container). Mounts cost 2000 each. Turrets cost 5000 each. Racks cost 1000 each THR consider a base of 10 * Class for free. Extra armour is bought afterwards. AR consider a base of 20 * Class for free. Extra armour is bought afterwards. HITS consider a base of Class * Space for free. Extra armour is bought afterwards.

To get a basic figure for delivery time: Hits divided by Class in hours.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings]

Hull Base Class Space Mounts Turrets Racks THR AR HITS Cost Shuttle 1 25 1 0 1 20 30 70 6,000 Mini Scout 1 35 1 0 1 25 35 90 10,000 Light Scout 1 40 1 0 2 25 35 100 12,000 Medium Scout 1 50 1 0 2 30 40 150 24,000 Heavy Scout 1 75 2 1 2 40 50 200 31,000 Light Fighter 1 30 2 0 4 25 50 120 14,000 Medium Fighter 1 45 4 0 6 40 60 180 23,000 Heavy Fighter 1 60 6 1 10 60 80 250 44,000 Gunboat, Light 2 120 4 2 8 60 80 200 46,000 Gunboat, Medium 2 165 6 3 10 70 90 300 77,000 Gunboat, Heavy 2 250 8 4 12 90 125 500 108,000 Scow 1 90 2 0 2 50 70 200 24,000 Tug 2 110 0 1 2 35 50 240 34,000 Yacht 1 45 1 0 1 20 30 100 12,000 Yacht, Large 2 120 2 0 2 25 35 200 30,000 Barge 2 300 1 0 0 35 50 500 62,000 Liner, Small 2 300 0 1 0 55 75 550 70,000 Liner 3 1500 0 2 0 70 90 2500 320,000 Cutter, Small 1 90 2 0 3 60 75 200 25,000 Cutter, Light 2 325 2 1 4 80 100 600 83,000 Cutter, Medium 2 450 2 1 6 100 120 900 110,000 Cutter, Heavy 2 600 2 2 8 150 200 1200 142,000 Freighter, Mini 1 75 1 0 1 30 50 120 18,000 Freighter, Light 1 100 1 1 1 50 75 200 33,000 Freighter, Medium 2 900 1 2 2 75 100 1500 204,000 Freighter, Heavy 3 2500 2 2 2 100 150 5000 526,000 Freighter, Super 4 15,000 2 8 4 200 250 30KP 3.1M Bulk Hauler 4 50,000 2 12 6 500 650 90KP 11M Corvette 2 750 4 2 4 150 200 1300 182,000 Frigate, Light 2 750 2 2 6 200 250 1400 180,000 Frigate, Medium 2 900 2 4 10 350 400 2000 240,000 Destroyer 3 1550 4 6 10 500 600 4800 728,000 Cruiser, Light 2 900 8 4 6 350 450 1800 232,000 Cruiser, Medium 3 2500 8 6 10 500 600 5000 586,000 Cruiser, Passenger 3 3750 2 2 2 200 250 2000 776,000 Cruiser, Heavy 4 10,000 12 10 16 700 1200 20KP 2.2M Line Cruiser* 4 15,000 16 12 16 800 1600 25KP 3.2M Flag Cruiser* 4 20,000 12 20 12 800 1600 30KP 4.2M Battleship, Pocket* 3 4500 8 12 20 650 1100 10KP 1056000 Battleship* 4 25,000 12 15 18 1100 1600 50KP 5.2M Dreadnought* 4 40,000 32 50 40 1100 2000 100KP 8.6M Fleet Carrier* 4 250,000 2 24 12 650 1500 100KP 12M *Denotes that these hull types are for comparison only and should not be available for general civilian purchase.

Definitions: Hull Base [The name of the hull type. Also denotes approximate potential of the hull] Class [The size class of the hull. Also the skeleton crew number.] Space [Each unit is one container (approx 10 crates). Amount of space inside the hull for power core, engines and all other major systems. If a system has no listed size it is considered negligible unless it looks like a typo.] Mounts [The amount of specifically engineered slots for mounting weapons that are not turrets. Weapons do not use the Space of a vessel. They must have a mount, turret or rack.] Turrets [As with mounts except pertaining to turrets.] Racks [Connect-points for eternal rack type weapon systems and pods.] THR [The initial THR value of the hull if no armour is added.] AR [The initial AR value of the hull if no armour is added.] HITS [Initial amount of HITS the ship has without added armour.]

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] REPLACEMENT SHIP SYSTEMS AND MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING SYSTEMS Among the following systems are the kinds of things all you budding space jockeys will be howling at your GM to acquire. Be aware that the best of these systems are not only restricted but unauthorised possession of them may incur a severe penalty such as, frag-labour or even death [not that there‟s a great deal of difference for a PC].

Note to GMs: Be careful what you allow your players to get hold of and if it‟s second hand it is going to have something wrong with it or the previous owner wouldn‟t be selling it. So when you let your players pick up a bargain space-time targeting computer and sensor array for 20% of the normal rate, make sure it is worth, or better still as effective as, 20% of a perfect specimen. This does not mean something as simple as a reduction in range or bonus or even a chance that it will work correctly in any given situation but that it may have a finicky choice of wiring that hasn‟t been manufactured in their quadrant in the last decade. If the system doesn‟t get linked up with the old fashioned wiring it will short out or perform inadequately.


The accommodation of the crew of the starship is vital to its extended performance. Without a comfortable place to rest the crew of a vessel will find their performance severely hampered by fatigue and other symptoms of poor rest. If a vessel is intended for short duration work [less than 24 hours] it need not have accommodation for the crew. The actual number of crew quarters should be listed on the ship sheet. Examples of the ship sheet are given further below.

Basic [Proletariat] Class Quarters: These quarters are the bare minimum for adequate rest. Shared rest-rooms and washrooms are some of the features that make this class of accommodation unappealing to the discerning traveller. Bunks are stacked four to a room and the walls between the rooms are often minimum safe thickness. The section is poorly ventilated and life support is likely to have brown outs if cheaply installed. Size: 1 per 4 passengers. Cost: 2000cr per room. Installation: base 1000cr per room.

Economy Class Quarters: Economy class quarters are the mainstay of the shipping lines throughout known space. The economy class has two beds per room and they can be joined for twin share sleeping arrangements. There is a small wash and rest-room that adjoins the sleeping compartment and the life support systems are adequate but thin. It is common to find the economy class quarters to be stained and damaged by irresponsible travellers and the necessary repairs not carried out by companies who think it not worthy of their time. Size: 1 per 2 passengers. Cost: 3500cr per room. Installation: base 1200cr per room.

Military Quarters: In all respects these quarters are almost identical to the economy class quarters save for the security of the storage areas and the level of comm access available from the room‟s console. Unless otherwise stated the quarters on any ship for the crew (not the passengers) are military class quarters. Size: 1 per 2 passengers. Cost: 4000cr per room. Installation: base 1200cr per room.

Business Class Quarters: The first of the available range of standard crew quarters which departs from the small area to sleep and change and becomes a small apartment. The Business Class quarters sport facilities for taking a short shower, cramped private toilet and a mini-stove. Size: 1 per passenger. Cost: 5000cr per room. Installation: base 1200cr per room.

State Rooms: The most luxurious standard crew quarters are known as state rooms. They comprise of a lounge, dining, kitchen, bathroom, powder room, bedroom suite and ensuite as well as bathroom and guest bedroom (for the brats). Size: 3 per passenger. Cost: 50,000cr per State room. Installation: base 12,000cr per State room.

First Class State Rooms:

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] These are the richly appointed multi room apartment style accommodations so often shown on the TV in pirate sagas and popular elitist soaps. Even those lavishly fitted rooms still don‟t compare to the luxury and splendour of a true fist class stateroom. They are monstrously large with what is effectively a condominium in their boundaries and only the best fittings. Expensive and impressive. Only installed on the largest, most extravagant liners and yachts. Size: Minimum of 4 per passenger. Cost: upwards of 500,000 per state room complex. Installation: base 25,000cr per state room.

Secondary Life Support Systems: The secondary life support system is a fully operational, full capacity life support that will kick in if the main life support fails for any reason. This is extremely handy if the ship‟s repair staff are out of action or not available. This unit should function until itself is rendered inoperable like the original. Cost: 500cr per life to support. Installation: 250cr + 50cr per life supported.


Cargo Bay: The standard fitting of a wall, floor and roof to the cargo bay. In game effects, turns the designated space inside the hull into a cargo bay. Cost: 100cr per container of space held in bay.

Security Bays: Security bays are small cargo areas separated from the main cargo and reinforced to provide armour against possible robbery. Security bays maintain locks of various types and these are not included in the construction cost. The construction of these modifications only includes the actual structure, doors and any needed bracing. Security bays are intended to house large valuable military type hardware such as powered armour, robo-sentries, missiles etc. Cost: 4000cr per container of space. Additional containers of space to be included in the one security bay are only 2000cr each.

LIFE SUPPORT MODULES Standard Cargo Bay Life Support Module: An extra atmospheric maintenance unit is installed for the cargo bay. This will allow the transport of refugees and those that don‟t mind sleeping on the metal floor to save a few creds. Cost: 2000cr + 500cr per container of cargo bay space.

Atmospheric Control System: Control the atmosphere to specific tolerances. Composition of air, pressure, temperature, light levels are all fine tunable across a broad range. Will support many life types. Cost: 5000cr + 500cr per container of cargo space.

Alien Environmental Modification: This is life support for any environment different to the human standard. It costs the same as life support modules for the cargo bay. Cost: 2000cr + 500cr per container of cargo space.

CRYO-TANKS Multi-Purpose Cryo-Tanks: Cryo Tanks freeze passengers or special goods in a state of cryogenic suspended animation. This allows for the transport of people over very long distances at a cheaper cost. The cryo tank takes up little space and a standard container can hold twelve cryo tanks. Larger tanks are available and should increase the cost proportionate to the size expansion as a percentage. Cost: 5000cr per standard size cryo-tank. Installation: 200cr per tank.

Time Stasis Pods: Cutting edge technology developed by a few top notch research agencies has developed the time-stasis pod. It is for game purposes a cryo-tank that makes the contents invulnerable to all affects while the pod is in working order and integrity is maintained. Each pod is the size of a standard container but only one tenth of a container is held in time stasis. Cost: 2.5 million cr per pod. Installation: 25,000cr per pod.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] SMUGGLING BAYS Scanner resistant pockets hidden from normal inspection for the sole purpose of transporting contraband goods. Most TDE worlds consider these modifications to be illegal and possession of them carries the charge of “going equipped”. Which in relation to smuggling can result in the confiscation of the craft and imprisonment. Cost: [Detection Penalty squared times 100] times Space hidden.

MISCELLANEOUS CREW ORIENTED SYSTEMS Robotic Arm Loader: Strong robotic arm that utilises hydraulic pistons for mechanisation. It can lift one container load of goods at a time and put it in the cargo bay. Cannot position all the containers for flight. Space: 1. Cost: 200,000cr. Installation: 50,000cr.

Mag-Lev system: Actually uses anti-grav pads installed in the floor of the cargo bay to levitate the containers into desired position for flight. When linked to a balancing computer the task will be done automatically. Cost: Mag-Lev system, 1.0Mcr + 200,000cr per additional container of space. Installation cost: 2000cr + 500cr per additional container of space. Balancing computer: cost 36,000cr. Installation cost: 25cr.

Force Field Bay Doors: A force field bay door is usually an additional measure to prevent decompression of the cargo bay. The added bonus with these is that heavy objects can be allowed to pass through the force field. Fully programmable the force field can also be set to one-way mode, or the precise impact force needed of an object to be allowed to pass. It is not a good idea to leave these doors as the only protection for a cargo bay; especially since if one jumps to FTL travel as they will collapse and the ship will be destroyed. Cost: 50,000cr per square meter of field. Installation: 2,000cr per square meter.

Laser Powered Clean Field: Uses a low intensity laser to clean the surface of everything that passes through the field. These are usually installed on every air lock and pressure hatch leading to the outside of the ship. They can operate in conjunction with a force field bay door. Cost: 16,000cr +500cr per extra square meter of door. Installation: 500cr + 60cr per extra square meter.

Mag-Field Bay Door: Using a principle similar to the force field bay doors this system also acts as a clean field. This is the most popular entrance field for military ships on the shuttle and fighter bays. Cost: Hatch 10,000cr; Bay 50,000cr; Dock 100,000cr. Installation: half of unit price.

SCAVENGING MODULES Large bays which attach to the main cargo hold for salvage operations. The wide open mouth of the bay allows the retrieval of goods from space and the physical inspection in the relative safety of the actual module. Installation cost includes the construction of a access tube to the workshop of the ship or, if the ship does not have one, the construction of a workshop in the scavenging module. Cost: 300,000cr. Installation: 25,000cr.


Power requirements for communication systems are negligible. Comm-sys are a required system for spaceworthy vessels.

Invector Band Systems Current psionic technology has produced a communications system that can uses electricity as a power source to produce psychic transmissions that are 100% secure. The invector band system seeks the specified receiver and establishes a link before any data is actually transmitted. The intricate details are not for intellectual lightweights like the author. Range Rating in Kiloparsecs

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Installation Included Cost 500,000 + (Rating x 100,000)

Tachyon relay Uses pulsed Tachyons to send coded transmissions through standard space. The Tachyon, being a near massless particle travels around 10LY/second. Unfortunately signal strength is easily diminished by many natural phenomena such as gravity wells and radiation belts. Range Rating x 10 Parsecs Installation Included Cost 5000 + (Rating x 7000)

Tight beam dish Truly secure laser communications that are fired between parties. The laser has a limited range and is most used in communicating from orbit to ground, ship to ship and from ship to spacedock. Range Rating x 20,000km Installation Included Cost 1000 + (Rating x 1000)

Sub-space radio Broad transmissions of sub-space energy waves were detected decades ago. It quickly became a means of transmitting non-secure information throughout the galaxies. Sub-space transmissions have extended range and are near instantaneous. Time distortion through transmission range is limited to 0.1 second per 100 kiloparsecs. Range Rating x 100 parsecs Installation Included Cost 50,000 + (Rating x 30,000)

Standard radio/Microwave Still used on some worlds the old radio wave and the higher frequency micro wave is not popular in the TDE. Still some powder worlds and regression colonies have adopted these archaic communication methods. Range Rating x 1000km Installation Included Cost 200 + (Rating x 50)

[TRANSMISSION SECURITY SYSTEMS] Simple encoders that jumble a transmission to a preset algorithm. The receiver [or eavesdropper] only has to have the same algorithm to decode the transmission. When used with open transmissions offer a measure of security. Popular with the semi-professionals and small time criminals.

Security: modular security transmission modifier to encrypt and decrypt all signals within a set algorithm. Broken up into different security algorithm sets use the following list as a guide. Type Cost GalPol 5000 R - illegal SF (special forces) 7000 R - illegal Milspec 6000 R - illegal Elite Criminal 7000 R

Generic Encryption Module: a generic encryption device that uses preset encryption codecs on all transmissions sent or received (if necessary). Codecs are generalised for game simplicity into a letter and number. Letter bounds: A through Z Number bounds: 1 through 100 (are assigned to each letter bound) A module can have any combination of letter and number bounds.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings]

Encryption Range Cost (for all) Codec (inclusive) Letter bounds A - J 100 each (1000) K - M 250 each (750) N - W 300 each (3000) X - Z 500 each (1500) Number bounds 1 - 20 25 each (500) 21 - 50 50 each (1500) 51-100 60 each (3000)

Example: (Purchasing a general encryption module) Ephram Zed is buying a module with A through C, N and O letter bounds. Ephram decided to buy number bounds 1 - 20 for A, B and C. 90-100 for N. 33, 77 and 99 for O. Thus Ephram has the following codecs: A - C | 1 -20 Cost: 300 (100 x 3) + 1500 (500 x 3) N | 90 - 100 Cost: 300 + 660 (11 x 60) O | 33,77,99 Cost: 300 + 50 + 60 + 60 Whole module costs: 3230

Superior Encryption Module: Superior encryption modules may have number bounds higher than 100. They otherwise operate the same way as Generic Encryption Modules. Encryption Range Cost Codec (inclusive) Number bounds 101 - 499 100 each 500 - 999 150 each 1000+ 200 each

Atmospheric Compensator: a small module that has a sensor that must be exposed to function properly. The unit senses atmospheric radiation and conditions from which it can compensate against transmission interference. Game effect is to nullify weather and environment penalties up to its rating. Slots Taken 1 Ability Rating based (see text) Enc - Power Source slave to master unit Duration varies by master Cost 500 + (100 x rating)

Transmission Encryption Module: In-line module for wireless and cabled transmission. Placed between the „data- handler‟ and the „transmission-output‟ it is for modular devices only (which is most devices in Black Dawn). Any signal sent through the module will be encrypted with a strength equal to the rating. Slots Taken 1 Ability Encryption rating Enc - Power Source slaved to master unit Duration varies by master Cost 50 + (Rtg x 500)

Decryption Module: In-line decryption module between receptor and „data-handler‟ for most wireless and cabled devices. Rating is decryption strength. Slots Taken 1 Ability Decryption rating Enc - Power Source slaved Duration varies by master Cost 50 + (Rtg x 800)

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings]

[COMPUTER COMM RELAY SYSTEM] This is a fancy name for a modem. They come in each type of communication system listed so far. Thus one could install an Invector band modem and/or a Microwave modem.

COMPUTER TELE-HACKING DEVICES Dedicated hacking devices that force access to another ship‟s computer through the engine registration transponder. This is state of the art technology and is understood by few. Nevertheless they are expensive, rare and tightly restricted. Most sales go to elite stellar security forces such as the Anti Terrorist Orbital Militia and GalPol‟s Blitzer Brigade.

Tu-Sat 601: As far as tele-hacking devices go these are the most common model. Produced by dedicated stellar communications manufacturer, Tu-Sat, the 601 uses a Retiger-Ivanski code compressor to access the ship‟s engine management system via bootstrap code. A favourite of veteran tele-hackers and ship-jackers alike. Transmission Range: 20 LS Bonuses: Access +2 Reprogramming -1 Fatal Instruction Set -3 Cost:60,000cr. Installation:2,000cr.

StellarCom Invader: Considered by those fluent in the field as the benchmark average unit. The StellarCom Invader is somewhat less user- friendly than other makes but offers powerful transmission and competent code compression. This unit is the most commonly used by official groups. Transmission Range: 40 LS Bonuses: Access +4 Reprogramming -2 Fatal Instruction Set -5 Cost:100,000cr. Installation:2,000cr.

Black Market Devices: PowerComp Mantis: PowerComp are still eluding the pursuit of GalPol forces and are still making lethal space craft systems that exceed most other manufacturers abilities. The Mantis has the best fatal instruction set of any tele-hacking device known to be mass produced. The very successful pirate Barry “Raider” McKenzie claimed to use one of these devices in his posthumously released memoirs. Transmission Range: 40 LS Bonuses: Access +4 Reprogramming +3 Fatal Instruction Set +5 Cost: approx. 250,000cr. Installation: only DIY.

PowerComp KillBoy: The KillBoy was the first tele-hacking device known to be produced by PowerComp. It is roughly equivalent to the Invader except for the transmission power. Transmission Range: 24 LS Bonuses: Access +3 Reprogramming -1 Fatal Instruction Set +1 Cost: approx. 150,000cr. Installation: only DIY.

PowerComp KillBoy Plus: Of all the devices that the various pirates have been known to use this is the one most often found onboard their ships. Transmission Range:36 LS Bonuses: Access +2 Reprogramming +0 Fatal Instruction Set +1 Cost: approx. 175,000cr. Installation: DIY.


[Databases; ships, weapons, tactics, languages, navigation] [Personnel recognition] [Engineering reference system]

Auto Inventory: is a computer system attached to internal sensors that can catalogue the composition of an item and compare it to a comprehensive pre-programmed list of cargo goods. It then logs the item into a database for retrieval at the crew‟s whim. This is very handy when going through customs because of the integrity of the system. Some customs agents are very quick to check only the auto-inventory of a ship to avoid a manual search. The system can be patched into a computer load balancing unit to facilitate the automatic loading and unloading of goods from the auto-inventory console. Cost: (does not include internal sensors for cargo bay) 8,000cr. Installation: 500cr. Patch: 25cr.

Basic Computer System: crew log, communications logs, data recording, inventory, fuel usage and self-diagnostics. All pegged to the rating of the System. Cost: 1000 + (Rating x 300)

Standard Computer System: logs (crew, comms, repair, navigation), data recording, inventory, self-diagnostics, servicing-scheduler, personnel recognition, and ship recognition. All pegged to rating of the System. Cost: 5000 + (Rating x 500)


FLUX SHIELDS The principle behind the Flux Shield is a potent field of rapidly fluxing electro magnetic energy that destroys or interferes with incoming attacks so as to negate them entirely. Flux shields are very effective against high-energy lasers and low line plasma weapons. They are not good at stopping high velocity mass attacks such as GAUSS weapons and ripperbolts.

Name Desc AR Breach Recharge Power Req Size Cost Installation Optional

RepCo AC-4FS The popular shield modules from the RepCo AC-4. AR +50 Breach 250 Recharge 10/CR Power Req 2 Size 2 Cost 50,000 Installation 10,000 Optional -

Cervox-MQ29 Flux Shield: A modulated flux shield designed to be used in conjunction with another shield system. Installation is a fixed percentage of the unit cost. The MQ29 is also available with its own slave power core to prevent drainage of main system power. The slave power core produces 8 energy points and adds 1 to the size of the unit. It is possible to use the slave power core for other purposes. AR +60 Breach +500 Recharge 25/CR

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Power Req 8 Size 2+1 for slave power core. Cost 150,000cr. Installation 75,000 if shields fitted already 7500 if no shields Optional slave power core 25,000cr.

WARP SHIELDS Warp shields use the Keeler effect to bend local space around the ship so as to be immune to all but the most potent attacks. This effectively makes an attack seem to pass through the ship without harming it. The warp shield actually bends the attack around the ship through complex magneto-gravitic field modulation. Warp shield control systems are the most complex defence modules that anyone would be likely to see.

Lucom Indira: Potent warp shield module for class 1 vessels only. AR +650 Breach 2000 Recharge 30/CR Power Req 35 Size 1 Cost 1,500,000 Installation 10,000 Optional -

Hiborian Energy Corporation “Crom”: Heavy duty warp shield for up close fighting in outnumbered situations. AR +1000 Breach 5000 Recharge 40/CR Power Req 100 Size 4 Cost 2,250,000 Installation 10,000 Optional -

Hiborian Energy Corporation “Helm”: Middle range warp shield for class 1 through 3 vessels. Can be relied on to protect against most weapons. AR +500 Breach 1500 Recharge 15 Power Req 30 Size 1 Cost 600,000 Installation 10,000 Optional -

Cervox Maltese Cross: Bottom end unit that can save your arse in heavy fire combat. AR +350 Breach 2000 Recharge 10 Power Req 40 Size 3 Cost 300,000 Installation 10,000 Optional -

GRAV SHIELDS Using an anti-grav generator to make a shield around, or in most cases in front of, the ship to reduce the effects of mass attacks and atmospheric descent. The grav-shield is the standard shield for any ship that has no mention of any specific

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] type of shield. They are almost ineffective against pure energy weapons such as lasers and plasma weapons but quite useful against the dreaded torpedo. Grav shields are a bare necessity that are easily and often replaced with a unit more suited to combat.

Cervox Corpinium: Middle band grav-shield popular with bounty hunters, skip tracers and smugglers. GalPol undercover ships are also generically fitted with a very similar unit produced under license by the GalPol workshops [colloquially referred to as the Pig Sheds]. AR +50 Breach 80 Recharge 4 Power Req 1 Size 1/size class Cost 10,000 Installation 4,000 Optional -

Gordon-Epoch GS-9: Gordon-Epoch‟s cheapest grav shield is of minimal usefulness. AR +35 Breach 46 Recharge 2/CR Power Req 1 Size 1/size class Cost 6000 Installation 4000 Optional -

Gordon-Epoch GS-9x: A potent small package grav shield useful for protecting high security cargo transports, escort and carrier vessels. AR +100 Breach 250 Recharge 20/CR Power Req 4 Size 2/size class Cost 25,000 Installation 4,000 Optional -

BARRIER SHIELDS Sometimes called deflectors these are currently the most effective shield type. Barrier Shields form a high-energy field around the craft that blocks attacks on a point for point basis. This equates to the shield only having a Breach rating. The Barrier Shield is highly visible and blocks psychic effects, scans and apparently even teleportation.

Cervox Draco: Bottom end barrier shield used for high security freighters and small military vessels. AR - Breach 10Kp Recharge 500/CR Power Req Size 4/size class Cost 2.0M Installation included Optional -

General Stardrive Incorporated Henry8: They always make their own model of everything more or less. This is accepted as the average for barrier shield technology. AR - Breach 20Kp

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Recharge 1Kp/CR Power Req 650 Size 5/size class Cost 2.5M Installation included Optional -

Hades Shipyards Gamirha: Potent protection named after the wonder turtle from the 20th century rubber suit monster films of Japan. AR - Breach 32Kp Recharge 1200/CR Power Req 800 Size 5/size class Cost 4.0M Installation included Optional -

SHIELD MODIFICATIONS Zieman Full Cover Deflection Grid: This after market shield add on module enhances the protection given by any barrier shield already installed. If a new shield is fitted this module needs to be replaced. AR +30 Breach +200 Recharge +100/CR Power Req 1/size class Size 2/size class Cost 65,000 Installation 2500 x size class Optional -

ECM Electronic Counter Measures are the various means of interfering with an attackers targeting. In effect they are a penalty to hit the ship for sensor guided weapons as well as a penalty for a torpedo or similar weapon to garner lock on.

ECCM Electronic Counter-Counter Measures are only effective against other counter measures. The system will effectively negate the penalties of an ECM system on a point for point bonus. It will never give a bonus to strike.

[AMM‟s] Anti-missile missiles. Shoot down incoming missiles and torpedos with a small proximity charged missile of your own. They are cheap and can be quite effective.

[Miscellaneous Systems] These are the things that don‟t fit to well into the quick-find list above. Heat Trace Dampening: Reduces the chance of lock on by IR or Thermal means. Cost: [Class squared times 1000] times total space.

Magnetic Signature Reduction: Lessens the chance of detection by magnetic means. Cost: [Class squared times 400] times total space.


Figuring the speed of a ship. Sub light speed:

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Total Output divided by Total Size = % of C. Where C is light speed. FTL speed is calculated: Total FTL Output divided by Total Size = Parsecs/hour. Manoeuvre = Total Manoeuvre.

WARP DRIVES Currently the cheapest method of FTL travel available; the warp drive is what propels 83% of privately owned craft. Speeds for middle band drive units are around one parsec per day.

GSI Moltac2: Moltac2‟s are among the most popular drives throughout the galaxies. They are frequently used in multiples to save on costs and maintenance. Size: 2 Power Requirements: 70 Output: 9 FTL Output: 2 Manoeuvre: 5 Cost: 258,413cr.

GSI Galmekki: Huge Warp Drive for the largest vessels. Found fitted to most super-freighters produced by General Stardrive Incorporated. Size: 400 Power Requirements: 450 Output: 160 FTL Output: 80 Manoeuvre: 1 Cost: 319,028cr.

Hades Shipyards Saracen: Blistering performance drive for small vessels. The engine that made the craft so famous is now available for separate sale. Size: 3 Power Requirements: 100 Output: 45 FTL Output: 8 Manoeuvre: 12 Cost: 293,185cr.

LMX Conglomerates Haberdone: Competent after market drive that is used frequently in ship overhauls. Often used by scouts, surveyors and colony vessels due to its reliability. Size: 40 Power Requirements: 100 Output: 36 FTL Output: 9 Manoeuvre: 6 Cost: 77,796cr.

RepCo Streaker: Specifically designed to leave a light based shock wave upon going to warp the Streaker was marketed at the upper class and their “showboats”. Fantastic for making an exit, especially at high warp speeds. Size: 6 Power Requirements: 78 Output: 19 FTL Output: 7 Manoeuvre: 8 Cost: 176,957cr.

Moxpo Space Systems Cainiff Booster: Boosters are modulating units to increase the effectiveness of the warp field in all directions. They tap extra power but increase manoeuvrability. These units are the best way to gain greater ship agility.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Size: 1 Power Requirements: 5 Output: +0 FTL Output: +0 Manoeuvre: +1 Cost: 15,000cr each.

HYPER-DRIVES The old hypershunt is thought of as the most dangerous of the FTL drives due to the matter/anti-matter reaction that is used to give the ship the „shunt‟ through the light barrier. Still the amount of accidents is within .03 percent of the warp drive, being the next most dangerous. Average units can push the speedometer up to 3 parsecs per hour.

Hades Shipyards Bantam: Light, moderate powered hypershunt for class 1 vessels. Size: 2 Power Requirements: 150 Output: 8 FTL Output: 120 Manoeuvre: 2 Cost: 7,017,500 cr.

Hades Shipyards Wolf: Powerful hypershunt designed for large class 2 vessels. Size: 8 Power Requirements: 650 Output: 18 FTL Output: 200 Manoeuvre: 5 Cost: 3,252,991 CR

Hades Shipyards Firebird: Very fast hypershunt for trans-sector travel. Size: 18 Power Requirements: 780 Output: 42 FTL Output: 720 Manoeuvre: 3 Cost: 4,711,355 CR

Moxpo Space Systems Regis: Reliable and manoeuvrable at the price of low top speed. The Regis is a benchmark for customisation standards in hypershunt drives. Size: 33 Power Requirements: 450 Output: 20 FTL Output: 600 Manoeuvre: 9 Cost: 2,201,515 CR

Varian Techtronics Gryphon-9: Famous but rare hyperdrive that has one of the lowest external power requirements to output power ratio of all drives available. Size: 18 Power Requirements: 380 Output: 28 FTL Output: 890 Manoeuvre: 9

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Cost: 5,324,249 CR

GSI K-12: K-12 engines are currently among the largest commercially available hypershunt units. Size: 380 Power Requirements: 1200 Output: 60 FTL Output: 680 Manoeuvre: 3 Cost: 902,281 CR

KEELER DRIVE The Moebius Space Fold Warp Drive or Keeler drive is the most expensive FTL engine available. They fold the ships local space to the destination point. The actual folding of space takes around one minute per parsec covered for middle band drives.

Hades Shipyards King: For a short time after the initial tests were complete, Hades was the only starship manufacturer that made Keeler Drives. The patent was licensed to many other manufacturers after Hades since Keeler was still alive, he was easily persuaded by a cruiser full of cash being dumped on his lap. The King is the best Keeler drive Hades produces and is probably the best of all. Size: 200 Power Requirements: 36,000 Output: 25 FTL Output: 60000 Manoeuvre: 4 Cost: 390,166,667 CR

Hades Shipyards Turin: The Turin is sometimes referred to as a mini-Keeler Drive. It can be squished into a class 2 vessel with a bottom end Daazig/Mahler Energy Converter. An example of this is the Christ-star. Size: 55 Power Requirements: 2500 Output: 12 FTL Output: 40000 Manoeuvre: 4 Cost: 126,410,606 CR

General Stardrive Incorporated Vortex Strider: Fancy name for a fancy drive. The only rival to the Hades King. A large powerful unit that gives good sub-light performance even for class 4 vessels. Size: 250 Power Requirements: 12,500 Output: 24 FTL Output: 48000 Manoeuvre: 3 Cost: 193,195,111 CR

General Stardrive Incorporated Star Jumper: This is the benchmark for Keeler drives in performance vs. Cost. Size: 150 Power Requirements: 5000 Output: 15 FTL Output: 30000 Manoeuvre: 4 Cost: 103,933,333 CR

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings]

PULSE ION DRIVES Ships such as shuttles and landing craft use the pulse ion drive for sub light speed travel. All the above drives use their warp fields to travel at high sub-light speeds. Most pulse ion drives run on Mag-LH fuel but a few use simple breeder reactors and plain hydrogen. In general these engines are for any craft that is not going to be FTL capable. Although if you have room in your ship it may be wise to install one of these as an auxiliary or backup drive.

HZ Whiplash: Performance engine for high speed and tight manoeuvres. GalPol use the Whiplash on most of their interceptors. Size: 1 Power Requirements: 18 Output: 40 Manoeuvre: 10 Cost: 4,500 CR

NPT-01 Jumiss: Common mid -range engine good for small fast ships or mid size orbital haulers. Size: 2 Power Requirements: 22 Output: 48 Manoeuvre: 8 Cost: 75,000 CR

Hades Shipyards Gormathon: Fitted to many tug vessels. A real towing engine. If you want to be able to turn the craft in less than an hour get some kind of thruster kit. Size: 3 Power Requirements: 60 Output: 80 Manoeuvre: 1 Cost: 9,115 CR

NPT-889 Axial Fusion Thrusters: After market add-on system to soup up your ship‟s performance. Output: +2 Cost: 3,500cr. Installation: 500cr.

Anserke Systems Z-18 Manoeuvre Thrusters: Simple output boosters for you spin and retro thrusters. Manoeuvre: +2 Cost: 10,000cr. Installation: 2,500cr.


DAAZIG/MAHLER ENERGY CONVERTERS Descriptions include only the output rating of the power core. Endurance is considered to be over a thousand years.

Daazig/Mahler Energy Converter Mk3: The Mk3 is currently the smallest of the D/M converters on the market. It extracts and isolates the energy waves that the researchers discovered into a controlled chamber where they are introduced to form electricity. As with all D/M converters it needs no top ups and has a huge output. Size: 60 Output: 5,000 Cost: 4.0Mcr. Installation: 40,000cr.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Daazig/Mahler Energy Converter Mk7ae: The mk7ae is a larger, more powerful version of the above. This is the standard power core for military capital ships. Size: 400 Output: 19,000 Cost: 25Mcr. Installation: 150,000cr.

Daazig/Mahler Energy Converter “Carron”: The largest commercially available D/M converter. Huge output suitable for Bulk Super Freighters, Heavy Cruisers and Dreadnoughts. Size: 750 Output: 45,000 Cost: 200Mcr. Installation: 250,000cr.

FUSION CORES NPT-“Tokamak” 9r: Fuelled by Mag-LH this reactor can put out enough power for a small gunboat or large yacht. Size: 16 Output: 150 Endurance: 150 Refuel: 100 Cost: 30,000cr. Installation: 5,000cr.

NPT- “Yeoman”: Another Mag-LH fuelled power core. Good for class 2 vessels or a heavily armed class 1. Size: 7 Output: 200 Endurance: 350 Refuel: 120 Cost: 55,000cr. Installation: 6,500cr.

NPT- “Olog Prime”: Potent reactor useful in military ships and cruise liners. Has a large storage chamber to reduce the need for refuelling. Size: 290 Output: 500 Endurance: 700 Refuel: 400 Cost: 200,000cr. Installation: 15,000cr.

Anserke Systems “Licola”: Popular product for powering privately customised vessels. Breeder reactor easily powers a drive, 5 weapons and 50 sub-systems. Size: 19 Output: 90 Endurance: 350 Refuel: 200 Cost: 33,000cr. Installation: 8,000cr.

Anserke Systems “Estokan”: Mag-LH fuelled reactor with extra large storage tank for extended operation. Size: 35 Output: 150 Endurance: 1500 Refuel: 750 Cost: 60,000cr. Installation: 8,000cr.

LMX Conglomerates “Makavot”: Middle band breeder reactor for freighters and tugs. Size: 12 Output: 250 Endurance: 200 Refuel: 100 Cost: 100,000cr. Installation: 20,000cr.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Moxpo Space Systems RT-109: Fusion core for the privateer. Strong output : price ratio easily applied to combat/trading applications. Popular power core that is easily maintained and repaired. Size: 2 Output: 125 Endurance: 90 Refuel: 50 Cost: 85,000cr. Installation: 12,000cr.


ARMOUR PLATING Layer thickly a coating of high density ablative material and you will have one well iced spacecake. Chunks of hard stuff to make your ship tougher. Comes in many flav.. umm types.

Civilian Grade 1 Ceramisteel: Civvy grade 1 is the most common armour. It attracts no attention from Gal-Pol as it is almost useless. It must be remembered that the real purpose of this armour is to increase hull durability for normal space travel. AR +10 THR +10 HITS +100 Max Layers 4 Cost 6000cr per size class times layer number.

Civilian Grade 2 Ceramisteel: Grade 2 armour is fitted to most transport corporations freighters. It requires a „class 1 armour permit‟ in the TDE. AR +25 THR +25 HITS +400 Max Layers 4 Cost [25,000cr per size class] times layer number.

Military Grade 1 Ceramisteel: Military Grade 1 armour is used on non-assault craft. It is exceptionally durable and costs little to manufacture. Requires a „class 2 armour permit‟. AR +500 THR +650 HITS +1500 Max Layers 1 Cost Restricted. 30,000cr per size class.

Military Grade2 Ceramisteel: The best the military fit to non-special operations vessels. It is a macro-alloy that can resist most large calibre GAUSS weapons. AR +1.5KP THR +1.8KP HITS +5KP Max Layers 2 Cost Restricted. 60,000cr per size class times layer number.

ARK Compound: Top secret compound developed by the Reepaxi. Their assault craft are fitted with this while their special operations vessels have something superior. AR +2KP THR +2.2KP HITS +20KP Max Layers 2? Cost 290,000 times SC


BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Active armour is a layer of explosive material in shaped panels that react violently with nearly all types of anti- spacecraft weapons. The explosion should halt the incoming attack or at least lessen it to a degree that will save your hide. These modules are for those who cannot afford the shields they need to guarantee survival against an unavoidable enemy.

ARMOUR AND HULL MODIFICATIONS Anti Laser: Reflective and ablative modules that are fitted to the exterior of the ship in special cells. The cells provide extra protection versus lasers that translates into game terms as +5 THR, +10 AR and +200 HITS. This is only affective against lasers. Cost based on size class SC1 5000cr. SC2 20,000cr. SC3 45,000cr. SC4 80,000cr.

Glacis Ribbing: Ribbing the hull to present a greater chance of deflection of incoming attacks. Works extra well with anti-laser . In game terms it increases the effectiveness of your armour. +10 THR, +20 AR Cost based on size class SC1 10,000cr. SC2 40,000cr. SC3 90,000cr. SC4 160,000cr.

Interior Hull Bracing: Reinforce the hull of your ship to lessen the effects of the terrible torpedo. It increases the amount of hits your ship will have. Size 1*(size class * size class) Effect Adds 100 hits per size class of the vessel. Cost 5cr per hit gained.

Additional Structural Supports: Pretty much the same as above. Size 1*(size class * size class) Effect Adds 120 hits per size class of the vessel. Cost 6cr per hit gained.

Stand-off Armour Layer Adds 15 THR to ships stats. A thin layer of steel to negate some of the attack energy. Size 0 Effect +15 THR Cost Size Class x 500

Superstructure Reinforcement Adds 100 hits per rating of reinforcement. Size Rtg x 2 Effect Adds Rtg x 100 hits Cost Rtg x (size class x 5000)


NAVI-COMP Navigational Computer. You‟re going to need one of these or you WILL become hopelessly lost and have to explain to the rescue crew why the hell you didn‟t buy one and who the fuck let you fly the ship without it. Heads will roll! Well I still have to tell you what it does. It processes all the stellar data you can feed a Byzgotium in a year and figures out how to make a faster than light jump from where you are to where you want to be. Doing this manually takes most people a couple of hours with a direct mental calculator interface. All Navi-comps come with the sector map and astro-

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] sextant installed otherwise the ship is un-spaceworthy and thus not allowed into the starsea. The astro-sextant measures the precise wavelength cycle of each star in sensor range and the navi-comp compares them to the sector map to triangulate your location. The navi-comp will also take bearings from navigation buoys, outposts and accept sensor information to construct extensions to the existing sector map. In short the astro-sextant gathers data about the stars for the navi-comp which tells you where in blazes you are and how to jump you the hell out of there. In raw game terms the Navi Comp will give a minimum time to attempt a jump and a time to accurate [read safe] jump. It will also, depending on the quality of the unit, give a modifier to the astrogation roll of the navigation crew.

Hades Smith Navi-Comp: Industry standard and probably the most common of all models of Navi-Comp. Astrogation +1 High Speed Jump Capable Yes Time to Jump 6 minutes Cost 10,000 CR

General Stardrive Incorporated StarNav: General Stardrive insist on making everything themselves. Astrogation +2 High Speed Jump Capable No Time to Jump 10 minutes Cost 8,000 CR

Galaxy Thruspace AstroBlock: Common on board re-fitted freighters. Astrogation +2 High Speed Jump Capable Yes Time to Jump 6 minutes Cost 15,000 CR

Navstar Industries “Galileo” Navstar Industries have built this unit to highest specs. Fast and accurate it is a must for Bounty Hunters and back-space fringe dwellers. Astrogation +5 High Speed Jump Capable Yes Time to Jump 5 minutes Cost 50,000 CR


Neutrino Sensors Emits neutrinos to receive information upon their rebound based on the change in flow and spin of the return stream. Can give hull composition, armaments, power output, engine type, crew makeup [genetic], and any other information that the GM says so. Active +Rtg Passive +Rtg / 2 Range Rtg in parsecs Size Rtg / 2 Power Requirements Rtg Cost Rtg x 10,000

Radio-spectrometer Archaic scanner system used by short range space craft. Uses radio wave reflections to determine the material of a target. Active +3 Passive -2 Range Rtg x 20,000km Size Rtg / 10 Power Requirements -

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Cost 2,000 x Rating

Electro magnetic long wave scanner Detects disturbances in the massive bandwidth EM emissions of stars. These units are unusable when in deep space. Latest and most expensive units have shown great improvements. Active +5 Passive +1 Range Rtg x 20,000km Size 1 Power Requirements - Cost 3,000 x Rating

Invector band scanners Top-line passive scanner that detects Invector band transmissions. Useful in tracking anyone with such a communication system. Need special permits to own and operate. Active +2 + Rtg Passive +1 + (Rtg / 2) Range Rtg parsecs Size Rtg / 2 Power Requirements Rtg / 10 Cost Rtg x 50,000

Interior Sensors Sensors inside the ship for security and maintenance purposes. Active +(Rtg + 3) Passive +Rtg Range Interior Size Neg Power Requirements Neg Cost Size Class x (Rtg x 2000)

[Cloaking Fields] Cloaking fields are currently available for all the active systems and the Electro magnetic long wave scanner. Neutrino cloaks are the most expensive.


Avtek CT-39 Targeting Computer: Competent missile and torpedo guidance system. Bonuses: Strike +0 Lock On +8 Cost: 215,000cr Installation: 600cr.

Avtek Vector and Ranging Modules: Single weapon mount control modules ideal for small ships where each weapon mount is manned. Manual control of weapons is necessary for bonuses to become effective. Bonuses: Strike +4 Lock On +12 Cost: 65,000cr each module. Installation: 3000cr per module.

Avtek MQ-963 TAC: Ion shielded at a reported 76% reduction rate the MQ-963 is a must have for lone bounty hunters. It has become something of a status symbol to have one of these fitted to your heavy fighter. Can control multiple weapons and comes with built-in hardpoint recognition circuits to allow the easy installation of any new payloads. Bonuses: Strike +3(+5 with forward weapons) Lock On +8 Cost: 560,000cr installed.

Corellian Basic TAC:

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Named after the infamous LucasCorp‟s favourite sub-company which manufactures starcraft bits. This basic Targeting Acquisition Computer is considered the absolute bottom end of the TAC market. Bonuses: Strike +0 Lock On +1 Cost: 1100cr. Installation: 200cr.

Encom CT-603 Combat Computer: Competency is a reputation well deserved by Encom. This TAC will co-ordinate multiple weapon systems and gunners if needed to overcome heavy odds or maximise firepower. Automated turrets and gunners will be directed to different targets to free up weapon systems. Adds the CMD option to sensors at no extra fee. Bonuses: Strike +3 Lock On +3 Cost: 365,000cr. Installation: 1000 per linked weapon system.

OT-1 Targeting Computer: Generic Targeting computer that is a liability in serious combat. Bonuses: Strike +0 Lock On +2 Cost: 1800cr. Installation: 200cr.

Thruspace Defender TAC: Little support for missile and torpedo lock-on makes this popular for gunboats and cannon craft. The potent accuracy enhancement and prediction software makes this a heavy combat favourite. Bonuses: Strike +5 Lock On +1 Cost: 125,000cr. Installation: 5000cr per weapon linked.


The sheer volume of different weapon systems and munitions is sufficient reason to devote an entire section to this topic.


LASERS Lasers fire amplified light to rapidly burn through the target. Especially heat conductive materials often expand so rapidly as to break apart. (re: titanII laser tests). Black Dawn lasers have been advanced to the level where they can cut through a ship in less than 3 seconds. The Supra Mk9a Burst Laser can penetrate1500mm of military grade cerami-steel armour in a single direct hit. The average ship has only 150mm of civilian grade armour that is much less effective.

Gordon Epoch GE-062 Standard low power laser cannon from the ordinance giant Gordon-Epoch. Acc +0 RNG [km] 9000 ROF 1 Power Requirements 1 PEN 40 DAM 40 Alt DAM 4d10 Cost 15,000

Gordon Epoch GE-063 Slightly improved version of the GE-062. Acc +1 RNG [km] 10,000 ROF 1

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Power Requirements 1 PEN 45 DAM 45 Alt DAM 4d10+5 Cost 25,000

Gordon Epoch GE-071 High energy laser cannon. Acc +1 RNG [km] 150,000 ROF 1 Power Requirements 4 PEN 150 DAM 100 Alt DAM 1d10x10 Cost 50,000

Gordon Epoch GE-073 Improved GE-072. Acc +2 RNG [km] 200,000 ROF 1 Power Requirements 4 PEN 165 DAM 120 Alt DAM 2d6x10 Cost 100,000

Gordon Epoch GE-941 Rapid fire burst laser. Incredible firepower to cost ratio. Very popular weapon for the Bounty Hunting set. Acc +2 RNG [km] 300,000 ROF 6 Power Requirements 24 PEN 120 DAM 80 Alt DAM 8d10 Cost 400,000

Aggat Impact Laser Serious ordinance for the serious combatant. Acc +2 RNG [km] 250,000 ROF 2 Power Requirements 12 PEN 200 DAM 120 Alt DAM 2d6x10 Cost 300,000

Beerbaum Light Comes fitted to many smaller freighters. Acc +0 RNG [km] 5000 ROF 1 Power Requirements 1 PEN 30 DAM 30 Alt DAM 3d10 Cost 12,000

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Beerbaum Medium Acc +0 RNG [km] 20,000 ROF 1 Power Requirements 3 PEN 60 DAM 80 Alt DAM 8d10 Cost 30,000

Hades Supra Mk-9A Burst Normally fitted to dreadnought class vessels. It is listed here mainly for comparison. Acc +0 RNG [km] 600,000 ROF 6 Power Requirements 100 PEN 600 DAM 35KP Alt DAM 3d10+5KP Cost Restricted

Omega-19 High tech rapid fire gamma laser. Acc +0 RNG [km] 100,000 ROF 19 Power Requirements 57 PEN 95 DAM 63 Alt DAM 6d10+3 Cost 10.0M

Gordon Epoch Particle Beam Gun Acc +1 RNG [km] 600,000 ROF 1/3 Power Requirements 30 PEN 200 DAM 400 Alt DAM 4d10x10 Cost 3.0M

Gordon Epoch Particle Beam Cannon Acc +1 RNG [km] 1,200,000 ROF 1/5 Power Requirements 50 PEN 250 DAM 650 Alt DAM [6d10+5]x10 Cost 11.0M

NP-015 Pulse Laser Acc +1 RNG [km] 10,000 ROF 1/2 Power Requirements 5 PEN 20 DAM 90 Alt DAM 9d10 Cost 260,000

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings]

MQ-Ten Acc 0 RNG [km] 4000 ROF 8 Power Requirements 12 PEN 180 DAM 360 Alt DAM 6d6 x 10 Cost 1.9M

Gan-Tech Super Acc -1 RNG [km] 40,000 ROF 6 Power Requirements 120 PEN 100 DAM 1200 Alt DAM 2d6 x 100 Cost 4.8M

Ultra Sixty Acc 0 RNG [km] 20,000 ROF 1 Power Requirements 60 PEN 180 DAM 6KP Alt DAM 1d6KP Cost 15M

Gorgon/Chimaera Heavy Acc 0 RNG [km] 40,000 ROF 1 Power Requirements 130 PEN 400 DAM 5KP Alt DAM 2d10 x 250 Cost 8M

Zabian Heavy Acc +1 RNG [km] 36,000 ROF 1 Power Requirements 9 PEN 24 DAM 900 Alt DAM 9d10 x 10 Cost 1.4M

Gordon Epoch 183 Acc -1 RNG [km] 66,000 ROF 4 Power Requirements 60 PEN 120 DAM 2KP Alt DAM 1d10 x 200 Cost 5.7M

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] JK Pulse Acc +1 RNG [km] 70,000 ROF 1 Power Requirements 7 PEN 80 DAM 900 Alt DAM 1d10 x 90 Cost 390,000

MC-16 Acc 0 RNG [km] 22,000 ROF 1 Power Requirements 8 PEN 60 DAM 800 Alt DAM 1d8 x 100 Cost 250,000

Zahlan Heavy Acc 0 RNG [km] 80,000 ROF 2 Power Requirements 90 PEN 300 DAM 3KP Alt DAM 3d10 x 100 Cost 2.4M

[PLASMA/BLASTERS/ION] All different methods for the same weapon effect. A charged mass is launched at the target at near light speed velocities. These cannon have some of the highest damage yields available. Plasma cannon fire raw plasma that is produced by the weapon itself as part of its cycle. The plasma burns at 200,000 degrees Celsius and is highly charged. The effects on ships are rapid hull destruction and system damage. Blasters use a gas tank as a source of fuel for the plasma. It is inducted into an electromagnetic compression chamber and then released into the barrel to be fired with a Gauss effect. The plasma leaps out of the barrel like short disembodied bolt of lightning and is usually a pale red to pink colour. Ion cannons fire charged packets of plasma energy at high velocity through a Gauss effect. The plasma energy is more like lightning than the plasma from a true plasma cannon. The effects of a penetrating hit from an ion cannon are systems failure, overloading of power management and even meltdown of circuits.

Arminex Blast Cannon Acc -2 RNG [km] 300,000 ROF 1/3 Power Requirements 20 PEN 60 DAM 450 Alt DAM [7d6+3]x10 Cost 15.0M

Avtek Omni-8 Plasma Cannon Acc +0 RNG [km] 900,000 ROF 1 Power Requirements 90 PEN 288 DAM 640

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Alt DAM [6d10+4]x10 Cost 32.0M

Gordon Epoch Light Plasma Gun Acc +1 RNG [km] 150,000 ROF 2 Power Requirements 40 PEN 36 DAM 160 Alt DAM 2d8x10 Cost 1.5M

Gordon Epoch Heavy Plasma Gun Acc +0 RNG [km] 350,000 ROF 2 Power Requirements 70 PEN 75 DAM 240 Alt DAM 4d6x10 Cost 2.6M

Gordon Epoch Light Plasma Cannon Acc -1 RNG [km] 500,000 ROF ½ Power Requirements 100 PEN 146 DAM 380 Alt DAM [3d10+8]x10 Cost 10.0M

Gordon Epoch Medium Plasma Cannon Acc -2 RNG [km] 900,000 ROF ¼ Power Requirements 150 PEN 180 DAM 500 Alt DAM [5d10]x10 Cost 30.0M

Gordon Epoch Heavy Plasma Cannon Acc -4 RNG [km] 1.2M ROF 1/5 Power Requirements 200 PEN 200 DAM 650 Alt DAM [6d10+5]x10 Cost 50M

Gordon Epoch ITP Ion Cannon Acc -5 RNG [km] 1.0M ROF 1/6 Power Requirements 140 PEN 290 DAM 150 Alt DAM [2d8-1]x10

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Cost 50M

Gordon Epoch „Euryale‟ Ion Cannon Acc -5 RNG [km] 1.5M ROF 1/6 Power Requirements 160 PEN 380 DAM 460 Alt DAM [4d10+6]x10 Cost 75M

Gordon Epoch „Medusa‟ Ion Cannon Acc -6 RNG [km] 2.0M ROF 1/20 Power Requirements 500 PEN 1000 DAM 2500 Alt DAM Cost 200M [R]

Hades Igniter 3C Plasma Cannon Acc +0 RNG [km] 600,000 ROF 1/6 Power Requirements 1060 PEN 860 DAM 6KP Alt DAM 1d6KP Cost Restricted

Ramshell Ion Cannon Acc -3 RNG [km] 250,000 ROF 1/5 Power Requirements 60 PEN 95 DAM 110 Alt DAM 2d6x10 Cost 8.0M

VP-93 Plasma Cannon Acc +1 RNG [km] 300,000 ROF 1 Power Requirements 60 PEN 93 DAM 217 Alt DAM [2d10+1]x10 Cost 24M

TC-116 Acc -2 RNG [km] 60,000 ROF 2 Power Requirements 25 PEN 50 DAM 400 Alt DAM 1d10 x 40 Cost 385,000

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] TC-216 Acc +1 RNG [km] 68,000 ROF 1 Power Requirements 100 PEN 1KP DAM 6KP Alt DAM 1d6 x 1000 Cost 2.9M

GSI Mesonic Blaster Acc -1 RNG [km] 115,000 ROF 2 Power Requirements 48 PEN 400 DAM 2400 Alt Dam 4d6 x 100 Cost 1.95M

SH-SN-105 Acc -1 RNG [km] 95,000 ROF 1 Power Requirements 50 PEN 1KP DAM 4KP Alt DAM 4d10 x 100 Cost 2.6M

Gan-Tech Astrodesign Mk-50 Acc +2 RNG [km] 600,000 ROF 1 Power Requirements 250 PEN 6KP DAM 60KP Alt DAM 6d10 x 1000 Cost S-Restricted

FMB-48 Acc +1 RNG [km] 55,000 ROF 3 Power Requirements 90 PEN 300 DAM 2400 Alt DAM 4d6 x 100 Cost 1M

TC-119 Acc +0 RNG [km] 50,000 ROF 2 Power Requirements 30 PEN 50 DAM 800 Alt DAM 2d4 x 100 Cost 180,000

KT-968 Acc +4

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] RNG [km] 48,000 ROF 3 Power Requirements 180 PEN 500 DAM 7KP Alt DAM 1d6+1KP Cost 3.8M

Arminex SPT Super Heavy Blaster Acc +2 RNG [km] 580,000 ROF 1 Power Requirements 190 PEN 800 DAM 10KP Alt DAM 1d10KP Cost 15M (R)

Ironhorse Blaster Acc +1 RNG [km] 305,000 ROF 2 Power Requirements 150 PEN 500 DAM 5KP Alt DAM 1d10 x 500 Cost 8M

Arminex Dragon Heavy Acc +5 RNG [km] 500,000 ROF 1/10 Power Requirements 550 PEN 5KP DAM 50KP Alt DAM 5d10KP Cost S-restricted

I.D.N. Acc +1 RNG [km] 500,000 ROF 2 Power Requirements 60 PEN 600 DAM 6KP Alt DAM 1d10 x 600 Cost Restricted

[RIPPERBOLT] A GAUSS cannon fires a plasma-coated shell at extreme velocities. Currently the largest ripperbolts, which are fitted on some Dreadnought class ships, can penetrate a planet‟s crust.

Gordon Epoch „Gunhir‟ The Gunhir is currently the most powerful ripperbolt cannon produced in the TDE. Its bolt can tear through an average rock planet‟s crust from low orbit. Acc -6 RNG [AU] 60 ROF 1/12 Power Requirements 5000

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] PEN 6,000KP DAM 80,000KP Alt DAM 8d10 x 1,000KP Cost Restricted

[FORCE/CONCUSSION/PUNCH] All different names for the same weapon system. A concussive field of energy is fired to crush and pound the target. Discharge is invisible to most visual systems and life forms.

[DISINTEGRATORS] Destructive weapons that strip matter of its bonding force. The most energy demanding weapons systems available and probably the most destructive.

Churash Disruptor Acc +1 RNG [km] 20,000 ROF 1 Power Requirements 220 PEN 600 DAM 4KP Alt DAM 1d4KP Cost 6M

[GRAV; Shears, Well generators, gravy guns, grav-pulse, compression cannon] Gravitic weapons have been around since shortly after the a-grav drive and since the time of invention have been refined and enlarged. Gravy guns is basic slang that refers to any gravitic weapons system. Gravitic weapons have 4 basic types. Shears: Fire two anti grav beams that are opposed in force at a narrow distance apart. The result is a kind of blade that can sever anything not protected by gravitic shielding. Well Generators: form a large gravitic field at the target point. If fired into the path of a ship this will drop it out of hypershunt or warp. Keeler drives are usually unaffected by gravity well generators. These huge weapons usually take up most of the space on-board the ship and are very demanding of power. When used on planetary bodies a well generator will produce powerful seismic activity. Grav-pulse: Gravitic pulse cannon are effectively concussion weapons that use a high grav shockwave to break up the target. (see Force/Concussion/Punch) Gravitic compression cannon: are a relative new advancement that rapidly amplifies the local gravity of a ship. This will cause the vessel to be crushed under its own mass effect. These are restricted or illegal in most TDE controlled areas. Larger craft are more susceptible to the effects of these weapons. Compression cannon also have an extremely long effective range; usually in the order of a hundred light seconds.

[PROJECTILE; Gauss, ETA (electro thermal accelerant)] GAUSS cannon fire slugs of high-density material at extreme velocities via a magnetic propulsion system that steps up acceleration with each ring. The more rings the better, thus long barrels are a tell tale sign of a GAUSS weapon. ETA weapons use an accelerant that is triggered by a potent electric charge that near instantaneously converts it into a plasma state. These weapons achieve extra high velocities with the use of a magnetic venturi; a device that concentrates the rapidly expanding gases into a jet for extra thrust.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] [EMP] Electro-Magnetic Pulse cannon fire a non-light EM energy that is used to overload electronics, give differing signals to an area or even infect the crew of a vessel with radiation poisoning. They are not very popular because most ships can easily shrug off such attacks.

MISSILES AND TORPEDOES Missiles and torpedoes follow the same basic construction principles. Start with a body and engine. Add a warhead and a fuse. If desired, add a guidance package and motor improvements, and to prevent flak casualties add armour to your missile or torpedo.

The difference between a missile and a torpedo is really only in the size of the unit. Missiles have a total load of less than 50. Torpedoes start at 50 but are usually at least 75 in size. The average torpedo size is 100.

Note: the torpedo cargo rating is in crates NOT containers.

CALCULATING SPEED Sub light speed: Total Output divided by Total Size = % of C. Where C is lightspeed. Maximum speed is 100% C.

BODY TYPES Chassis types are based on size and intrinsic armour value much like spaceships of a more useful scale. Missile and torpedo bodies are made by many a different company and so the cost is competitive. Quality differences are minimal enough for the company name and brand to be of no importance. Construct missile chassis using the formulae below. Cost is based on: 10 x Load 40 x AR (THR is always, AR - 10) 20 x HITS

Example: A light chassis has load of 5, AR of 20, THR of 10 and 40 hits. It costs: 1650 (50 + 800 + 800).

Chassis are designed for one number of engines. Most chassis are for single engines. Multi engine capable chassis cost no more than normal chassis but must be noted as such because a chassis can only work with its designated number of engines, be it 4, 2, or 1. Multi-engine chassis are rarely designed for more than 4 engines.

Note: it is a good idea to use multiples of the same engine type in multi-engine missiles. Especially when considering duration.

ENGINE TYPES The motive system for all missiles and torpedoes is a sub-light drive. Some are fusion super-drives, others are antimatter rockets but most are ion pulse drives. Multiple engines can be mounted in any chassis that has been designed for that number of engines. All outputs are added together.

Griffon T Cost effective performer. Used mainly in missiles. Output (sub-light) 70 Weight 5 Duration 10CR Cost 2200

Jenkins Burner The benchmark for missiles.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Output (sub-light) 80 Weight 3 Duration 10CR Cost 3000

MoxPo Rocketor A good system but it is too large in size for most missiles. Output (sub-light) 110 Weight 8 Duration 25CR Cost 7500

GE Chariot Designed for torpedoes, massive output and duration. Output (sub-light) 180 Weight 16 Duration 20min Cost 12,000

GE Flameburst For the missile that must be on time this engine is the best choice. A very powerful motor that is small in size and affordable. Output (sub-light) 200 Weight 4 Duration 10 CR Cost 4500

Hades Shipyards Francisca mk-6 Big daddy of the torpedo engines that produces massive output and has a long duration. Represents the high end of the market. Output (sub-light) 350 Weight 20 Duration 1 hour Cost 30,000

WARHEAD TYPES [SHAPED CHARGE] The concept behind a shaped charge warhead is that the explosive is fashioned to focus the blast in a conical shape; the target being at the point. This produces an intense jet of armour piercing energy that has been the mainstay of anti- armour missiles for centuries.

Light PEN +20 DAM 100 Alt Dam 2d10 x 5 Weight 2 Cost 500

Medium PEN +50 DAM 250 Alt Dam 2d10 x 12 Weight 3 Cost 1250

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings]

Heavy PEN +120 DAM 300 Alt Dam 2d10 x 15 Weight 3 Cost 2000

Extra-heavy PEN +250 DAM 700 Alt Dam 2d10 x 35 Weight 4 Cost 5000

[PLASMA] The plasma warheads release explosive plasma bursts. The effects of which are high-energy destruction over a large area. Useful against cargo vessels and other lightly armoured craft. GE “Plasmax 2” PEN +80/+160 DAM 240 Alt Dam 2d10 x 12 Weight 5 Cost 5000

GE “Plasmax 5” PEN +80/+160 DAM 500 Alt Dam 2d10 x 25 Weight 6 Cost 10,000

MoxPo Systems “Elorina” PEN +80/+160 DAM 900 Alt Dam 2d10 x 45 Weight 6 Cost 25,000

[CONCUSSION/HESH] Uses a shockwave principle to shatter armour on the inside of the target creating a fusillade of spall fragments. HESH are used against troop carriers in battle situations. The concussion warheads are often grav-shok or HESH rounds; HESH being High Explosive Squash Head.

GE HESH-10c Gordon Epoch‟s generic HESH warhead is used in multiples by TDE Navy torpedoes. PEN -10/+200 DAM 350 Alt Dam 2d10 x 18 Weight 5 Cost 5000

[SABOT] The sabot warhead uses a high-density penetrator that is fired by an oversize charge. In missiles this is usually a blast at a short distance from the target that launches the sabot from the warhead at extreme velocity.

GalPol “Hurando”

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] GalPol standard issue sabot warhead is a very effective unit against most pirate and smuggler craft. PEN +220 DAM 150 Alt Dam 2d10 x 8 Weight 2 Cost 3300R

Hades Shipyards “Charcharius” Milspec sabot warhead good for lighter combat vessels and those with middling armour density. PEN +400 DAM 300 Alt Dam 2d10 x 15 Weight 15 Cost 8000R

Hades Shipyards “Charcharadon” Milspec torpedo intended warhead that is effective against smaller capital ships like destroyers and light cruisers. PEN +2KP DAM 1600 Alt Dam 2d10 x 80 Weight 30 Cost 30,000R

[EMP] Electro Magnetic Pulses are the bane of every electrical instrument dependent on transistors. Solar flares and other ionic storms can produce equipment failure and even overload electrical components to the point of meltdown.

GE Flashpulse 11c A potent EMP warhead works like an Ion cannon blast except at point blank range. PEN +50 DAM 650 Alt Dam 2d10 x 33 Weight 6 Cost 16,000

[TAGGING] Marking a fleeing ship can be more useful than fragging it.

GE “Paintball” Splatters hull with sensor-active metal-adhesive. Nanite swarms are present to produce signals based on absorbed radiant energy. If a shield starts up it will destroy the nanites and block the sensor transmissions but shields are very easy to detect. PEN 500 DAM - Alt Dam - Weight 2 Cost 3750

Moxpo “Magi-Marker” Special radiation burst marks the hull of the ship with an identifying signature in the resultant charge. Shields will block the radiation from being traced but shields are easier to trace than a smoke trail. PEN 500 DAM - Alt Dam - Weight 2 Cost 3750


BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] Specialised EMP-C warheads that can kill or at least infect crews with radiation sickness. The Radiation warhead can be produced to emit thousands of Rads within the blast. Unfortunately for the wannabe slayer: ship hull developments over the last thirty years have made these weapons almost redundant. All energy shield technology will also defend against radiation.

MoxPo Systems “Rad Reaper” An old warhead in surplus stock being marked down for quick sale by many arms dealers. It is useless against combat worthy ships but effective against civilian and some transport craft. Often seen in use by Vorsh pirates. PEN Special DAM 5000rads Alt Dam 2d10 x 250 rads Weight 10 Cost 5000

[FEEDBACK] Feedback warheads carry a power generator that detects and then fires a pulse of modulated energy into the target system. This can force a shield or sensor systems‟ emissions back into itself at a level that may shutdown or destroy the system. Feedback warheads have not become effective enough to be popular in the arms market and thus the manufacturers are not continuing research into this weapon type.

MoxPo Systems “Shield Shunt” Absorbs target shield energy and feeds it back in a pulse in an attempt to breach or shutdown the shield unit. PEN - DAM shields + (Rtg x 10) Alt Dam shields + 2d10 x Rtg Weight Rtg / 4 Cost Rtg x 1500

Gordon Epoch “AFShM Mk-3a” Anti Flux Shield Missile. This is GE‟s only model. PEN +100 vs Flux Shields DAM 20 x Rtg Alt Dam 2d10 x Rtg Weight Rtg / 4 Cost Rtg x 500

FUSES [CONTACT] Contact fuses detonate upon direct impact with any object or shield. Simple, effective and cheap. Cost: 20cr.

[DELAYED] Delayed warheads are usually situated behind a penetrator. Once inside the targets hull they explode. The following types of warheads cannot be delayed: Sabot, HESH and Shaped Charge. Cost: 120% of normal warhead cost.

[PROXIMITY] Proximity fused warheads detonate when within a set distant of a designated target. Cheaper variants detonate when within range of any object with a mass greater than a predefined limit. Low-tech proximity fuses are set to detonate the warhead after a certain distance is travelled, eg. 8000m Distance: 20cr True-proximity: 100cr


PDMS, CIWS Point Defense Munition Systems and Close In Weapon Systems are turret type weapons designed to be auto-engaging. They are specifically designed for engaging Fighters in the case of PDMS and missiles in the case of the CIWS. Effectiveness is based on the tracking system and the cannon type. Most have a very high rate of fire to ensure complete fragmentation of the fighter or premature detonation of the warhead.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] BY CANNON TYPE

Firelance CIWS Includes sensor and prediction suite. Acc +9 Actions 6 full RNG [km] 5 ROF 22 Power Requirements 3 Type Pulse PEN +12 DAM 26 Alt DAM 4d6+2 Cost 500,000

Steeleye PDMS Includes sensor and prediction suite. Acc +5 Actions 4 full RNG [km] 90 ROF 10 Power Requirements 2 Type Laser PEN +6 DAM 40 Alt DAM 4d10 Cost 200,000

Ramcor Impact Laser PDMS Complete system includes rapid ascent rotation turret and laser system with micro-sensor & guidance system integrated to prediction computer. Acc +6 Actions 4 full RNG [km] 40km ROF 6 Power Requirements 2 Type Impact Laser PEN +12 DAM 56 Alt DAM 7d8 Cost 300,000

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] SHIP CONCEPTS Assault Carrier Any ship that has been designed to land cargo or troops in a militarised zone can be conceived as an Assault Carrier. Should be heavily armoured and defended with potent weapon systems. The Assault Carrier should be fast enough to outrun any Corvette class ship and armed with enough firepower to destroy light fighters and interceptors easily.

Blockade Runner Small fast ships with stealth capabilities produced for the importation of contraband. If armed they are fitted with light weapons or occasionally one heavy weapon such as an energy bomb dispenser. These ships are almost invariably produced by a Black Market or Independent operation such as Anrugairn Shipyards or Outworld Workshops.

Dreadnought Very large ships that have enough firepower to engage planetary defence installations directly. Dreadnoughts invariably mount the most powerful weapons available at the time of construction and are fitted with hoards of point defence turrets and missile launchers to protect its bulk from torpedo carrying attack fighters. Most are also designed with heavy gunboat bays. Dreadnoughts are the epitome of destructive power.

Mites A small fast ship, often remotely piloted, that latches on to its target and charges the hull by direct contact with a disintegration weapon. Breaching modules are also fitted to allow the infusion of toxic substances into the hull. EMP contact pods and other such items are available.

Gunboat The gunboat has a crew of less than 12 but more than a heavy fighter. They fill the gap between the Heavy fighter and the light destroyer class of vessels. Gunboats tend to have as much firepower as a light cutter and although not as fast as a fighter, are still very fast. Gunboats are usually loaded with high-powered sensors and electronic warfare packages. The gunboat is used as a heavy recon unit and is the class of choice for merc-teams going into hot zones.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings]

BLACK DAWN : SHIP SHEET [pg. 1] Model of Ship Length Class Span Crew [skeleton/normal] Height Producer Mass In-service date Hull Type Rego # Armour THR/AR Owner STR Hits

Defence Systems Weapons

Drives Hardpoints



Sensory systems Munitions

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings]

BLACK DAWN : SHIP SHEET [pg. 2] Crew Cabins Nav-systems Passenger Cabins

Brig Cryo-Sleep Other Computer-systems

Licenses Communications

Cargo Holds Additional features

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings] GLOSSARY TERM MEANING See AU Astro unit AU One astronomical unit, or the distance from Earth to its star, 150million km, about 500 light seconds Hypershunt An FTL drive system powered by anti-matter annihilation reactors. They still use warp fields to shield the craft. Hyperspace Where a ship is when it is travelling faster than light Impulse power Impulse power is a generic term for travelling at less than C, the speed of light, where one is the value of the speed of light. Thus when ordered to move at at point one seven you should speed up to seventeen percent of light speed. Jump This is used as a status noun and as a verb. To make jump is to go FTL. To set jump is to set an FTL course. To drop out of jump is to return to sub-light speeds. Warp is used in the same way. Light mach An old unit of measurement for faster than light travel. One light mach is the speed of light; two light mach is twice the speed of light. Some of the oldest warp drives made by humans still move at light mach speeds and thus take an extremely long time to travel interstellar distances. Light minute The distance travelled at light speed in one minute, or 18,000,000km Light second The distance travelled at light speed in one second or 300,000km Light year 9,460,800,000,000km, or a very long way to go. Parsec 3.27 light years. The term is derived from parallax second. Shunt See Jump Smooth-space Superior warp drive engine technology that is NOT distributed by the Stimow race. It is faster than hypershunt and is believed to use an entirely different power source to any other technology. Warp See Jump Warp drive The warp drive is an inferior version of the hypershunt that channels the anti-matter annihilation energy into the warp field itself. It is arguably more dangerous than the hypershunt as well. Witchspace This is a region of hyperspace that is not proven to exist but some explorers who have done more than 5000 jumps claim that it is a border state between realities.

BLACK DAWN - Equipment [Listings]