Sample File Sample File Secrets of the Phoenix, 0 2003 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc
Sample file Sample file Secrets of the Phoenix, 0 2003 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. Secrets of the Scorpion, 0 2003 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. TH5 LICSKSS Secrets of the Crab, 0 2003 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. Secrets of the Crane, 0 2003 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, and is Copyright Inc. Secrets of the Unicorn, 0 2003 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. 2000 Wizards of the Coast. Inc ('Wizards"). All Rights Reserved. Secrets of the Dragon, 0 2003 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. Secrets of the Shadowlands, 0 2004 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. 1. tkfmrtrons ,a) "Conrnbutors" means rhe copynghr and or trademark owners who have con- mburcd Open Game Content, (b, 'Denvauve Marerial' means copynghted marenil including dcnvative works and translarions (including mto other computer languages,, poiarron, modifica- lion, correction, addition, extension. upgrade, improvement, compilation, abndgmenr or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted (c, "Disrnbutc'mems tu reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display,transmit 01othetwise diwnbute. d! "OpenGame Conrenr' means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures. This printing of The Cornplere Exotic Amtr Guide" is done under version 1.Oa ofthe open Game processes and murine< io rhe extent such content does not embody the Product ldcnnty and IS an License and the draft version of the d20 System Trademark kcense, d20 System Trademark Logo enhancement over the pnor an and any additional conrenr clearly rdentlfied as Open Game Con- tent by the Conniburor, and means anv work covered by rhis License, including tranrlaiions and Guide and System Reference Document by permission ofwizards of the Coast.
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