
arXiv:physics/0304025v1 [physics.acc-ph] 8 Apr 2003 nlyaedtce tosriglcto rminstant from location observing at detected are finally he rnfrrltosms hr aetm eae character related same share tra must longitudinal relations the transfer corresponding with three themselves, increment accompanied flux relations micro transfer differential essential ca few a in application important int potentially present and their acc observer, are and and which properties t source relations basic between flux transfer of function differential domains time three time of the between up knowledge set a re will particu with we transfer a as differential physical time direction, quantity’s of moving with physical rule its density their along flux r element with detecting with flux accompanied affects observer micro by it the received signal’s of that is length flux so t element the source, till flux of at the gain variation which emission in a system’s interval Meanwhile the time amoun of release. for an energy energy observer, system’s system’s at the micro density the flux to energy adds proce c transportational to the negative contribution in for qua lost m related ways; physics be and two might general source in of number from density compound originated particles’ flux a and or detectable of the charge kind contributes , a of waves, consisted of e element into flow phase divided micro pos here as quantity, the to such Physical within due significantly. signals quantity location flux physical observing different of sourc for variations of time domains both time transportational that on realized intervals time be corresponding can of pair a during n bevrdrn rnfrtime transfer during observer and t ∗ ˙ lcrncades [email protected] address: Electronic ∈ o n ir otnosflwcnitdo ido hsclquantit physical of kind a of consisted flow continuous micro any For ir u nrmn ∆ following: increment as flux process micro transportation A the is there Specifically mic specified a of process transportation physical whole Observing I EIAINO H IFRNILTASE EAIN,BAS RELATIONS, TRANSFER DIFFERENTIAL THE OF DERIVATION II. [ ,t t, + T ( t eain r nerdadeape fptnilapplicati potential of examples domai and two the inferred between de are are function relations observer time and and source of physical domains time between energy’s, ] osqetytedffrniltase eain a ederived be can relations transfer differential the Consequently )]. ieeta rnfrrltoso u est,gnrlphy general density, flux of relations transfer Differential ewe ieDmiso h lxSuc n Observer and Source the of Domains Time Between ieeta rnfrRltoso hsclFu Density Flux Physical of Relations Transfer Differential ceeao etr nttt fHg nryPyis Beij Physics, Energy High of Institute Center, Accelerator .Drvto fteTreDffrnilTase Relations Transfer Differential Three the of Derivation A. Q ( t ˙ srlae rminstants from released is ) T ( t − ∆ t and ) Dtd oebr1,2018) 10, November (Dated: .INTRODUCTION I. T INFERENCE ( t o edadti ftemcoflweeetrsetvl,and respectively, element flow micro the of tail and head for ) iLuo Ji t ′ − ∆ t − t ∗ ′ = ∆ siso ierelations. time or istics sadfist ec h bevr o nryexchange energy for observer; the reach to fails and ss t naeilsrtdaddiscussed. and illustrated are on ga omo h ieeta rnfrrltos their relations, transfer differential the of form egral t nrbto,sm uniyo h ir o which flow micro the of quantity some ontribution, sotto rcs iutnosy hyaethe are they simultaneously; process nsportation maido obndfraykn fpyisflux physics of kind any for combined or ompanied ainsmlaeul.B obnn conservative combining By simultaneously. lation − to feeg rgntdi xenlsse on or joins system external in originated energy of t tte ieamcomlicagdpril system, particle multi-charged micro a like ntities oflxiceetfo en mte odetected to emitted being from increment flux ro il oso nryecag ntepoesand process the in exchange energy or loss sible ftemcoflwadeeg u,teeoethe therefore flux, energy and flow micro the of w anctgre eea hsc quantity physics general — categories main two s nadto,itgae omo the of form integrated addition, In ns. isqatte’adiscorresponding its and quantities’ sics ∆ ie rmcnevtv ueo various of rule conservative from rived cosse’ nrycridb h ir flow micro the by carried energy system’s icro ec h bevr hra ti ovrefor converse is it whereas observer, the reach o t n bevrrsetvl,afnaetlfact fundamental a respectively, observer and e atr nadto,avraino longitudinal of variation a addition, In factor. eetcncnrbt eetdflxdniyat density flux detected contribute can lement m oan fsga oreadosre [1], observer and source signal of domains ime hnps hog h pc ewe source between space the through pass then , t sett h ieitra fteflxelement flux the of interval time the to espect ses. a hsc uniy xssi h rcs and process the in exists quantity, physics lar rnpraintm ilrsl navariation a in result will time transportation + rmsuc oosre,teeaethree are there observer, to source from y T ( t − below. ∆ n,China ing, t oinstant to ) CPOETE AND PROPERTIES IC t ′ = t + T ( t 1,here [1], ) 2

1. General Physics Flux Density’s Differential Transfer Relation

From factual relation experienced by the micro flux increment ∆Q(t˙) in transportation process, where ∆Ql(t˙) denotes the loss amount of physical quantity from ∆Q(t˙),

d∆Q(t˙) d∆Q (t˙) ′ = − l t˙ ∈ [t,t ] (1) dt˙ dt˙

′ ′ t d∆Q(t˙) t d∆Q (t˙) dt˙ = − l dt˙ Zt dt˙ Zt dt˙ or

′ ′ ∆Q(t ) ∆Ql(t ) ′ d∆Q(t˙)= − d∆Ql(t˙) (1 ) Z∆Q(t) Z0 there

′ ′ ∆Q(t ) + ∆Ql(t ) = ∆Q(t) (2)

1 1 ′ to multiply Eq. (2) with ∆t or ∆t′ , then take a limit as ∆t and ∆t → 0 dQ(t′) dQ (t′) dQ(t) dt + l = dt′ dt′ dt dt′ dt or J(t′)+ J (t′)= J(t) (3) l dt′ here J(t′) > 0, J(t) > 0. J(t′) and J(t) are instantaneous flux or rate of physical quantity’s flow corresponding to ′ ′ instant t at observing location and instant t at flux source respectively; Jl(t ) is rate of a total accumulated flux loss at instant t′ at detecting caused by the possible loss amount of physical quantity during the transfer time t′ − t = T (t)= T (t′); and

′ ′ dQl(t ) ′ t 2 ′ ′ dQ (t ) d Q (t˙) dt dQ (t˙) J (t )= l = l dt˙ = d[ l ] > 0 (3′) l ′ 2 dt Zt dt˙ Z0 dt˙

2. Transfer Relation of Longitudinal Length of the micro flow along moving direction

As a particular physics flux, the length can be either compressed or elongated. So except that the micro length ∆ℓ(t˙) could be increased or lengthened whereas the general micro increment ∆Q(t˙) can only be decreased in general due to ∆Ql(t˙), it has same transfer relations as general physics flux has.

d∆ℓ(t˙) d∆ℓ (t˙) = − c t˙ ∈ [t,t + T (t)] (4) dt˙ dt˙

′ ′ t d∆ℓ(t˙) t d∆ℓ (t˙) dt˙ = − c dt˙ Zt dt˙ Zt dt˙ or

′ ′ ∆ℓ(t ) ∆ℓc(t ) ′ d∆ℓ(t˙)= − d∆ℓc(t˙) (4 ) Z∆ℓ(t) Z0

′ ′ ∆ℓ(t ) + ∆ℓc(t ) = ∆ℓ(t) (5) 3

dℓ(t′) dℓ (t′) dℓ(t) dt + c = dt′ dt′ dt dt′

′ ′ dt v (t )+ v (t )= v (t) (6) io c sis dt′

′ ˙ ˙ ′ t d∆ℓc(t) ˙ Where ∆ℓc(t) denotes the compressed length in transportation process whereas ∆ℓc(t ) = t ˙ dt denotes ′ ′ dt the total accumulated length of compression during whole process T = t − t; vc(t ) is a rate ofR total accumulated ′ ′ compressed length passed through observing point; when ∆ℓc(t˙), ∆ℓc(t ) and vc(t ) takes positive values they reflect compression related amount respectively, whereas negative values express the opposites’ of compression or elongation related amount. With a variation of the length, have a change of longitudinal density of the flux quantity and relevant consequence been involved.

ρ(t′) ∆Q(t′)/∆ℓ(t′) ∆Q(t′)∆ℓ(t) = = ρ(t) ∆Q(t)/∆ℓ(t) ∆Q(t)∆ℓ(t′) ′ ∆Q(t) − ∆Ql(t ) vsis(t)dt = ′ ′ ∆Q(t) vio(t )dt ∆Q(t′) ∆ℓ (t′) = 1 − 1+ c (6′)  ∆Q(t)  ∆ℓ(t′) 

This relates to interaction between the ∆Q(t˙) and external system and to energy exchange in the transportation process.

3. Energy Transfer and Exchange Relationvc Respect to the ∆Q(t˙)

From factual relations and defined restricted condition or terms in below

d∆E(t˙) d∆E (t˙) d∆E (t˙) = exc − l t˙ ∈ [t,t + T (t)] (7) dt˙ dt˙ dt˙

′ ′ ′ t d∆E(t˙) t d∆E (t˙) t d∆E (t˙) dt˙ = exc dt˙ − l dt˙ Zt dt˙ Zt dt˙ Zt dt˙ or

′ ′ ∆E(t ) ∆E(t ) d∆E(t˙)= d∆Eexc(t˙) Z∆E(t) Z0 ′ ∆El(t )=∆E(t)−∆Eso(t) ′ − d∆El(t˙) (7 ) Z0 there

′ ′ ′ ∆E(t ) − ∆Eexc(t ) + ∆El(t ) = ∆E(t) (8) and dE(t′) dE (t′) dE (t′) dE(t) dt − exc + l = dt′ dt′ dt′ dt dt′ ′ ′ ′ dt or J (t ) − J (t )+ J (t )= J (t) exc l dt′ ′ ′ ′ dt or P (t ) − J (t )+ J (t )= P (t) (9) exc l dt′ 4

Where ∆E(t) and ∆E(t′) are the corresponding total energy carried by the micro flux increment ∆Q(t) and ∆Q(t′) respectively; ∆Eso(t) is a fractional part of ∆E(t) and it is carried by ∆Q(t˙) from the flux source to detecting section as a contributed part of energy flux source to observational energy flux at detecting position. So exchange energy ∆Eexc(t˙) could have positive values for ∆Q(t˙)’s energy gain or negative values for ∆Q(t˙)’s energy loss. ′ ′ ′ dQ(t ) dQ(t) ′ J (t ),J (t)are energy flux which correspond to J(t )= dt′ and J(t)= dt respectively; here J (t ) > 0, J (t) > 0, and ′ ′ t 2 ′ dE (t ) d E(t˙) J (t )= l = dt˙ (9′) l ′ 2 dt Zt dt˙

′ ′ ′ t 2 > 0 energygainof∆Q(t ) ′ dEexc(t ) d Eexc(t˙) ′ ′′ Jexc(t )= = dt˙ < 0 energylossof∆Q(t ) (9 ) dt′ Z dt˙2  t =0 no energyexchangeof ∆Q(t′) with outside  B. Basic Properties — Simultaneity, Independent Conservation and Dependent on Rate of Signal Transfer Time

1. Simultaneity of the Accompanied Variation of ∆Q(t˙), ∆ℓ(t˙),∆E(t˙), the Three Essential Transfer Relations and Time Function Factor

Any change on the physical quantity in the micro increment, longitudinal length, energy carried by ∆Q(t′) and physical or differential state inside of the micro flux element occurs simultaneously and is inner related.

2. Independent Conservations of Physical Quantity and Energy

Physical quantity and carried energy of a micro flux increment are independently conserved in their transportation process (Ref. Eqs. 1 and 7) and their differential transfer relations between time domains of source and observers; From equation (1′)

t+T (t) d∆Q(t˙) t+T (t) d∆Q (t˙) dt˙ = − l dt˙ Zt dt˙ Zt dt˙ there its derivative for t′ d∆Q(t′) d∆Q (t′) d∆Q(t) dT (t′) + l = 1 − dt′ dt′ dt  dt′  d∆Q(t′) d∆Q (t′) d∆Q(t) dt or + l = (10) dt′ dt′ dt dt′ then ′ t t 2 d∆Q(t˙) d∆Q (t˙) 2 d∆Q(t˙) + l dt˙ = dt˙ Z ′  dt˙ dt˙  Z dt t1 t1

′ ′ ′ ′ ∆Q(t2) + ∆Ql(t2) − ∆Q(t2) = ∆Q(t1) + ∆Ql(t1) − ∆Q(t1) thus ′ ′ ∆Q(t ) + ∆Ql(t ) − ∆Q(t) ≡ 0 (11) Similarly, from equation (7′)

′ ′ t d∆E(t˙) t d∆E (t˙) dt˙ = exc dt˙ Zt′−T (t′) dt˙ Zt′−T (t′) dt˙ ′ t d∆E (t˙) − l dt˙ Zt′−T (t′) dt˙ 5

′ ′ ′ take its derivative for t , then integration on corresponding [t1,t2] and [t1,t2], there ′ ′ ′ ∆E(t ) − ∆Eexe(t ) + ∆El(t ) − ∆E(t) ≡ 0 (12)

3. Flux’s Dependence on the Time Function Factor — Rate of Signal Transfer Time

Differential transfer relations of general physics flux and energy flux are time functions’ derivative dependent (Ref. Eqs. 3 and 7 ), here (Ref. [1])

dt′ dT (t) t′(t)= t + T (t), =1+ ; T (t)= T (t′) dt dt or dt dT (t′) t(t′)= t′ − T (t′), =1 − dt′ dt′ as the time function is reversible and longitudinal length and relative spread transfer relations ′ ˙ ˙ ∆ℓ(t ) − ∆ℓ(t) = ∆ℓ(t) t′ − ∆ℓ(t) t ′ t = vis(t,t˙ − ∆t) − vis(t,t˙ ) dt˙ (13) Z t   there

′ t ′ dt ∂vis(t,˙ ris) dtj vio(t ) ′ − vsis(t)= vis(t,t˙ ) dt˙ (14) dt Zt ∂ris dt or

′ ′ ′ ′ t dℓ(t ) vio(t )dt 1 ∂vis(t,˙ ris) dtj ′ = =1+ vis(t,t˙ ) dt (14 ) dℓ(t) vsis(t)dt vsis(t) Zt ∂ris dt

′ with to multiply equations (13) and (14), then take limitation as ∆tj (t˙) and ∆t → 0

′ d∆ℓ(t˙) d∆ℓ(t˙) t − = ais(t,t˙ − ∆t) − ais(t,t˙ ) dt˙ (15) dt˙ ′ dt˙ Z t t t   and

′ ′ ′ t ∂vis(t , ris) ′ dt ∂vis(t, ris) ∂ais(t,˙ ris) dtj vio(t ) − vsis(t)= vis(t,t˙ ) dt (16) ∂ris dt ∂ris Zt ∂ris dt or ˙ ′ d∆ℓ(t) ∂vis(t , ris) ′ |t′ ′ ′ t ˙ ˙ ∆tdt˙ ∂ris vio(t )dt 1 ∂ais(t, ris) dtj (t) ′ = =1+ vis(t,t˙ ) dt˙ (16 ) d∆ℓ(t˙) ∂vis(t, ris) vsis(t)dt asis(t)+ ais(t,t) Zt ∂ris dt |t ∆tdt˙ ∂ris

Where ∆tj (t˙) is time interval during which the ∆ℓ(t˙) pass through a specific point, that has a relative distance ris with respect to signal source; vsis(t) is initial relative velocity of head of the length with respect to signal source, ′ ′ vio(t ) is a relative velocity of the length’s head with respect to observing point; asis(t) and ais(t ) are corresponding accelerations respectively. 6

C. Major Inference From Eq. (3) and (9)

1. General Physics Flux Transfer Function between Two Time Domains

′ ′ t −T (t ) ′ ′ Q(t )+ Ql(t )= Q(t0)+ J(t˙)dt˙ (17) Zt0 or

′ t t ′ [J(t˙)+ Jl(t˙)]dt˙ = J(t˙)dt˙ (17 ) ′ Zt0 Zt0

2. Energy Flux Transfer Function between The Time Domains

′ t t [J (t˙) − Jexc(t˙)+ Jl(t˙)]dt˙ = J (t˙)dt˙ (18) Z ′ Z t0 t0 or

′ ′ t −T (t ) ′ ′ ′ ′ E(t ) − Eexc(t )+ El(t )= E(t0)+ J (t˙)dt˙ (18 ) Zt0 Both of the transfer functions are ever increasing function.


A. Examples of the Relations’ Use

1. Phase Flux Density and Consequent Energy Flux Density

′ d∆ϕl(t˙) dϕl(t ) For wave phase flux, dt˙ ≡ 0, dt′ ≡ 0, from equation (3) there ′ ′ ′ dT (t ) ω (t )= ω(t)[1 − ] dt′ or ′ ′ ′ dT (t ) ω (t ) 1+ = ω(t) (19)  dt′  or

′ t t ′ ω (t˙)dt˙ = ω(t˙)dt˙ (20) Z ′ Z t0 t0 and from equation (17), the phase transfer function

t ′ ′ ϕ(t )= ϕ(t0)+ ω(t˙)dt˙ (20 ) Zt0

′ ′ ′ dϕ(t ) dϕ(t) ω (t )= dt′ is observer’s measuring angular ; ω(t)= dt is emitting angular velocity or frequency at phase flux source for the same micro phase increment. 7

′ ′ dEexc(t ) From equation (9) and suppose Jexc(t )= dt′ = 0 in non-absorption media,

′ ′ t ′ dT (t ) dJl(t˙) J (t )= J (t) 1 − ′ − dt˙  dt  Zt′−T (t′) dt˙ ′ dT (t ) ′ dJl(t˙) = J (t) 1 − − T (t ) ξ  dt′  dt˙

′ ′ ′ ξ ∈ [t − T (t ) ,t ] ′ ′ dT (t ) ′ dJl(t˙) or P (t )= P (t) 1 − − T (t ) |ξ (21)  dt′  dt˙ According to the electromagnetic wave energy flux relation, observer’s measuring or measured optical intensity not only has been determined by optical energy’s spatial diminishing factor related with T (t), but also depend upon time function’s factor which is determined by a rate of signal transfer time. From equation (19), it’s known that time function’s effect must be considered in frequency-shift relevant measures and data analysis.

2. Charged Particles Flux and Energy Flux in Linac

For charged particles flux in linear accelerator there exists the particles’ number relation of a micro increment

′ ′ ′ ∆N(t ) + ∆Nl(t ) = ∆N(t) and ∆N(t ) 6 ∆N(t) (22) consequently

′ ′ ′ ′ ∆N(t )q + ∆Nl(t )q = ∆N(t)q ∆N(t )q 6 ∆N(t)q (22 )

′ ′ ′ ′′ ∆N(t )mq + ∆Nl(t )mq = ∆N(t)mq ∆N(t )mq 6 ∆N(t)mq (22 )

This means that the number of particles in the micro element will diminish as they are accelerated. However, according to the number’s flux differential transfer relation

dN(t′) dN(t) dT (t′) dN (t′) = 1 − − l (23) dt′ dt  dt′  dt′ at observing location instantaneous number flux can exceed the emitting number flux due to time function related ′ dT (t ) factor when dt′ < 0. Furthermore, as to rf accelerator T (t) or T (t′) is periodic function with a designated τ ∗, T (t + τ ∗) = T (t) and T (t′ + τ ∗)= T (t′); hence on different time domains along higher energy of the micro flux increment, there will be ever increasing high frequency fractional factor in a Fourier analysis on number flux, charge flux, mass flux and energy flux, although number of the particles, and corresponding mass and charge of the specific micro increment will decrease continuously in the transportation process. According to equation (8) the carried energy of the micro increment, ∆E(t˙), can be progressively increased by positive ∆Eexc(t˙) values; then

′ ′ ′ ∆E(t ) = ∆E(t) + ∆Eexc(t ) − ∆El(t ) > ∆E(t) (24)

Compare equation (22′′)

′ ′ ∆M(t ) = ∆M(t) − ∆Ml(t ) 6 ∆M(t) with equation (24), we can make an inference that the energy gain ∆E(t′) − ∆E(t) can not be stored as or converted into any mass of the micro element for ∆M(t′)−∆M(t) 6 0. Then where has been the energy gain stored in the micro flux increment? We will find it stored as internal electrical in the micro increment, and partially converted to the mass center’s of the micro increment [2]. 8

B. Potential Application

A. By means of phase transfer function (Ref. Eqs. 19, 20), the phase function on observer time domain at measuring location of wave interference region can be transformed to phase source time domain on which the angular frequency or velocity is known. Then phase difference on observer time domain is expressed by term of time function and known or designated parameter of phase source [3]. B. Energy flux analysis on frequency-shift astronomical [4]. C. As an analytic approach one longitudinal properties, energy exchange and flux of charged particles in accelera- tion [2].


The differential transfer relations of general physics flux between time domains of source and observer, accompanied with a longitudinal length’s transfer relation, and corresponding energy flux occur or exist simultaneously; and they reflect different aspect of a specified flux increment’s transportation process between source and observer. Time function factor could significantly affect the values of corresponding fluxes on two time domains and itself or rate of it is a necessary fraction of the transfer relations. The differential transfer relations are set up on conversation of various physics quantities independently and shared time transfer relation. Based on the differential transfer relation of flux, its integral form — physical quantity transfer function between the time domains is inferred.

[1] J. Luo, Time function of signal transportation between time domains of signal source and observer, (In Preparation). [2] J. Luo and C. Zhang, Energy differential structure and exchange of specified micro flux increment of charged particles in longitudinal acceleration. [3] J. Luo, Phase difference function and unified equations of steady and non-steady interference. [4] J. Luo, Distance related to red shift caused by dispersion medium and characterastic optical source, (In Preparation).