The Sama Veda
TRANSLATION"~ or THE SAMHITA' or TJIE SA'MA VEDA. BY THE REV. J. STEVENSON, . - · · /i~i\ _N_j_Nff;··~ 1.~· ~\ 1~ LIBRARY ~\ --..: O' -~' OR.FI.I.RIOB.&.RAN ....,·, '~,. '~~:~~'.~, ~'ffeJ: LONDOrl, 'f,;, '_0![0~1iJ PRINTED FOR THE ORIENTAL TRANSLATION FUND OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, l.f.DeC«:.XLII, CALCUTTA SoCIITT roa TRI RESUSCITATION OP INDIAN L1TIR41'tlllt, 401 NAYAN CHAND DUTT's STHIT, 1906, Downloaded from Da,t11 St C r,i .Class. ~ ---------· 1---=aii~, ..... Cat. LIL-lr'1 Bk. Card Checked PRINTID BY W. HU0HU1 KING'S HRAD COURT, GOUGH SQUARE, REPRIIITID BY ff, C. OAS1 ELYSIUM Puss, 40, NAJAN CHAND OUTT's STREIT, CALCUTTA. Downloaded from t'HE TRA~SLATuR.'S PREFACE. lN introducing the V~da which is second in order, though first in excellence according to the Bk4/avad Gita, to the notice of the English public, it seems proper that I should premise a few things relative to the matter and style of the original, and the helps used in making the translation. · SUBJECT OF THE SAMtUTA' 011' Tl4E SA'MA VEDA. The Sam.hita of the Sama Vida consists of an arrariged series of verses, directed to be sung especially at the Somayaga or moon-plant sacrifice. The praises of the dilfer ent deities who are supposed to honour the ceremony with their presence, and prayers for the prosper,ty of the wor shippers and those connected with them, form the principal subject of these verses. Some of them are supposed to have the power of consecrating the fire into which the oblation is cast; and others, the Soma Juice, of which it principally consists.
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