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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-06236-8 - Imperial Ambition in the Early Modern Mediterranean: Genoese Merchants and the Spanish Crown Céline Dauverd Index More information Index Abulafia, David, x, 10, 13–14, 24, 26–28, Caffa, 28–29 36–37, 39, 67, 86, 111, 113–114, 116, Campanella, Tommaso, 55, 70–71, 79–80 120, 128, 256 Canny, Nicholas, 15 acculturation, of Genoese, in Kingdom of Capaccio, Giulio Cesare, 56–57, 61–62, Naples, 4 134, 188 Adorno family, 63–64 capitalism, 15, 249–250 Alba, Viceroy Duke of, 137, 141–143, 153 Caracciolo, Battistello, 193 alberghi (clans), 10 Caracciolo, Francesco, 144–145 Alcalá, Viceroy Duke of, 143, 156 Carafa, Count Diomede, 93 Alfonso I (king of Naples), 86 Castillians, rapprochement between Genoese Alfonso the Magnanimous (king), 170–171 and, 57–65 Alfonso V of Aragón (king), 59 Castro, Viceroy Francisco de, 51–52 Americas, Spanish trade with, 155 Catalans, Genoese and, in southern Italy, Annunziata, 222–224, 228–233 1300–1500, 113–127 asientos (short-term loans at high interest), 12–13 Cataponte, Marino di, 88–89 Catherine of Genoa, Saint, 224 Banco di San Giorgio, 61 Catlos, Brian, xi, 26, 258 banking Cavensi, Pietro, 88–89 Genoese and, 68–70, 238 Centurione family, 58, 61, 63 Barbarossa, Khayr al-Din (corsair), 33, 44 Centurione, Christoforo, 143 Bartlett, Robert, 17–18 Centurione, Don Carlo, 49 Battista Alberti, Leon, 217 Centurione, Giulio (Baron of Crispano), 78–79 Battista del Tufo, Giovanni, 181–182 Centurione, Ottavio, 154–155 Bâyezîd II (sultan), 30 Cerda, Viceroy Juan de la, 46 Benavente,
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