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General Index Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-26021-3 — Medieval European Coinage William R. Day, Jr , Michael Matzke , Andrea Saccocci , General editor Elina Screen Index More Information GENERAL INDEX Ordinary type indicates pages, bold type catalogue entries. The index covers mainly personal names and place names together with exceptional denomina- tions (e.g. pegione, bagattino, etc.) and references to speciic issues of individual mints. It does not cover more generic references to denominations such as denaro and grosso except where such terms are explained. Personal and place names are given in the forms and spellings used in the text, with cross-references where Latin or other forms diverge appreciably from these. Persons of the same name are placed in the customary sequence of saints, popes, emperors, sovereigns in alphabetical order of the states they ruled, and others in whatever order seems best adapted for easy reference. Names of modern scholars, and names in the section ‘Collectors, dealers and donors’ that precedes the main catalogue,have not been indexed.Coin hoards and inds are indexed in alphabetical order by ind type under the heading coin inds. Aachen (Germany), Peace (812), 627; renewal (840), 628 Adige, river and/or valley,65, 554, 606, 607, 618, 631, 653 Abati, lords, 101 administrative reforms, early tenth century,35; early Abbiategrasso (Lombardy), 484, 501 fourteenth century,80 Abundus or Abundius, saint, patron of Como, 84, 87, 365, Adolph of Nassau, king of Germany,3, 208 368, 369, 370, 710 Adorno, family,of Genoa, 298, 301, 308; coat of arms, 705; Acciaiuoli, Simone di Giovanni, Florentine merchant, 238 Agostino, 298, 300; Antoniotto (I), doge of Achaia (Akhaïa, Αχαϊα, Greece), principality,206, 208 Genoa, 288, 290–1, 292; Antoniotto (II), doge Acqui (Piedmont), 18, 94, 97, 101–6, 162, 163, 220, 222, 433 of Genoa, 287, 300; Barnaba, doge of Genoa, bishops, 101, 108, 243 295; Gabriele, doge of Genoa, 291; Giorgio, church of San Francesco, 104 doge of Genoa, 292, 293; Prospero, doge of coinage and/or mint, 99, 102–6 Genoa, 296, 297; Rafaele, doge of Genoa, communal, 102, 103–4; imperial status, 103 294–5, 300, 319 denaro imperiale,103;denaro mezzano,103,104,142; Adria, bishops, 606 grosso,103,76 Adriatic Sea, 286, 413, 562, 613, 627, 628, 632 episcopal, 102, 104–6, 331 Aegean Sea, 250, 286, 629, 631 denaro imperiale, 105; obolo (half-denaro), 105–6, 143 Aemilia, see Emilia grosso, bolognino, 104, 105; grosso matapan,104,144, Africa, North, 2, 16, 17, 249, 250, 261, 301, 716, 740, 741; 222; grosso tirolino, 105, 243, 77 West, 7, 743 minting rights, 102, 103 Agincourt (France), battle (1415), 121 territory,94 agio, 729 weights and measures, monetary weights, 722 agleier, 565, 569–71, 584, 585, 614, 615, 730, 737 Acre (Akka or Akko, Israel), 2, 630; battle (1261), 630 Agnadello (Lombardy), battle (1509), 8 Adalbert, king of Italy,30, 94, 302 Agnese del Maino, consort of Filippo Maria Visconti of Adda, river (Lombardy), 5, 370, 387 Milan, 473 Adelaide (St), emp., 30, 31, 32, 41 Agostino di Lignana, abbot, 146 Adelaide of Susa, countess of Turin, 112, 205 Aimone, count of Savoy,206, 218 1090 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-26021-3 — Medieval European Coinage William R. Day, Jr , Michael Matzke , Andrea Saccocci , General editor Elina Screen Index More Information General index 1091 Aimone of Savoy-Achaia, 212 Alfons I the Magnanimous, king of Naples, also Alfons V of Aix (France), 93 Aragon, 250, 287, 439, 477, 533 Alasia of Montferrat, mother of Marquis Manfred III of Alfonso I d’Este, duke of Ferrara, 8 Saluzzo, 224 Alfonso I del Carretto, marquis of Finale, 306 Alba (Piedmont), 94, 97, 106–8, 138, 139, 163, 164, 198, 199, Algeria, 641 305, 448; ancient origins, 106 alloy,730, 736, 739 coinage and/or mint, 99, 107–8; denaro,107,306 al marco,730 commune, consuls, 106; institutions, 106 Almeria (Andalusia, Spain), 252, 255 merchants, 140, 198 Almohads, 17, 260, 301, 740, 741; coinage and/or mints, minting rights, 106, 107 half-dirham, 741 territory,106 Almoravids, 740 Albenga (Liguria), 94 al pezzo,730 Albert I of Habsburg, king of Germany,3 Alphonse, count of Poitiers, 201 Albert I, count of Gorizia, 563, 583, 585, 586–7; see also Alpignano (Piedmont), 210 Albert II, count of Tyrol Alpine passes, 9, 94, 243, 335, 627; Brenner, 580, 618; Great St Albert II, count of Gorizia, 587 Bernard, 93, 158, 190; Little St Bernard, 158, Albert III, count of Gorizia, 583, 588–9, 613 190; Mont Cenis, 93; Mont Genèvre, 93, 224; Albert, count of Norital (or Ortenburg), 618 San Bernardino, 537; Simplon, 190, 191, 247 Albert I, count of Tyrol, 618 Alps, 65, 67, 68, 79, 86, 93, 199, 224, 291, 306, 358, 551, 567, Albert II, count of Tyrol, 563, 585, 587, 621, 622; see also 580, 582, 653; Cottian, 94; Eastern, 15, 583, 618, Albert I, count of Gorizia 639, 650, 653; Italian, 581; Maritime, 249; Albert III of Habsburg, count of Tyrol, 618, 619, 620, Western, 93, 243 625 Altinum (Quarto d’Altino, Veneto),581, 714 Alberti, Leon Battista, artist and scholar, 390 Amadeo, Giovanni Antonio, architect and sculptor, 6 Alberto I, marquis of Incisa, 155 Amali (Campania), coinage and/or mint, 747 Alberto II (Albertinus), marquis of Incisa, 155 Amasea (Amasya, Turkey), Sibylline temple, 716 Alberto III (di Enrico), marquis of Incisa, 156 Ambrogio da Clivate, engraver, 29, 497 Alberto I, marquis of Ponzone, 222 Ambrogio da Como, mint-master, 356 Alberto Malaspina, marquis, 252 Ambrose, saint, archbishop and patron of Milan, 82, 83, 84, Alberto de’ Fieschi, count of Lavagna, 152 87, 133, 184, 330, 332, 352, 357, 358, 370, 413, Alberto of Savoy,390 424, 427, 442, 444, 445, 449, 450, 452, 453, 455, Alençon, coat of arms, 705 460, 461, 462, 476, 477, 486, 488, 497, 498, 508, Aleramici, house, 95, 96, 98, 106, 146, 163, 170, 197, 220, 225, 516, 527, 710, 712, 730, 736 227, 302 ambrosino, coin type, 730; see also Milan, coinage and/or mint, Aleramo (I), count and marquis, 94–5, 96, 162, 220, 225 passim Aleramo (II), marquis of Ponzone, 95, 96, 220 Amedeo I, count of Savoy,205 Alessandria (Piedmont), 97, 101, 107, 108–11, 112, 138, 162, Amedeo II, count of Savoy,205 163, 192, 198, 220, 234, 239, 247, 284, 518, 712, Amedeo III, count of Savoy,205, 303 715; renamed Cesarea, 109 Amedeo IV,count of Savoy,206 bishops, 108 Amedeo V,count of Savoy,120, 159, 206, 209, 242 coinage and/or mint, 99, 109, 139 Amedeo VI, count of Savoy,97, 173, 175, 199, 206, 207, denaro imperiale,110;denaro mezzano,110,111,142; 212–13, 216 denaro piccolo, 110, 111, 78; grosso minore,110 Amedeo VII, count of Savoy,213, 214, 215 diocese, 101, 108 Amedeo VIII, count and duke of Savoy,161, 164, 175, 206, foundation, 108 213, 214, 216, 217, 218, 228, 242, 245 minting rights, 109 Amedeo, prince of Savoy-Achaia, 206, 212–17, 220 statutes, 110 Amelia (Umbria), 713 weights and measures, monetary weights, 722 Ampollario, Nicola, of Pavia, mint-master in Vercelli, 246 Alexander III, pope, 37, 54, 101, 108, 417, 629 Analectus II, anti-pope, 33 Alexandria (Egypt), 628, 631, 714, 715, 716 Ancona (Marches), 714 Alexius I Comnenus, Byzantine emperor, 63, 628, 741, 744; Andechs-Meran, counts, 580, 581 chrysobull to Venice (1184), 63 Andrea of Anjou, duke of Calabria, 199 Alexius III Angelus, Byzantine emperor, 629 Andrew,saint, 389 Alexius, pretender to the Byzantine Empire, 629 Andriolo de’ Toscani,mint contractor in Verona, 665 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-26021-3 — Medieval European Coinage William R. Day, Jr , Michael Matzke , Andrea Saccocci , General editor Elina Screen Index More Information 1092 General index Andronicus II Paleologus (Andronikos II Palaiologos), coinage and/or mint, 13, 20, 26, 54, 557, 559, 564–80, 584, Byzantine emp., 163, 225 588, 614, 615, 616, 617, 648, 726, 727, 730, 737, Angelo da Chivasso or Blessed Angelo (Carletti), humanist 740, 746 scholar, 715 denaro,556,557,558,559,566,577,614,615,648,828–42, Angera, count and/or county,alluding to the supposed royal 845–9, 852–4, 856–65, 868, 870–87;asgrosso origins of the Visconti, 477, 488 denomination, 568; Friesacher type, 567–8, 569, Angevins, see Anjou and/or Angevin, house 571; Eriacensis type of Friesacher denaro, 569–70, Angiolieri, Cecco, Sienese poet, 731 571; denaro aquilegense (agleier), 571; double- Anjou and/or Angevin, house, 95–7, 107, 108, 138, 192, 198, denaro,577;(denaro) piccolo, 568, 573–4, 575, 576, 199, 204, 235 577, 578, 579, 586, 594, 843–4, 850–1, 855, 866, Annales Brixiensis,348 888;half-denaro, 576, 577, 869; grosso da 2 Annales Parmenses maiores,352 denari, 867 Annales Placentini,78 mark, monetary weight, 567 Annali genovesi, 266 minting rights, 33, 391, 554, 563, 566 Anne d’Alençon, French noblewoman, 183, 185 monetary area, 24 Annunciation (25 March), 714 monetary system, 565, 566, 568 Ansa, queen of the Lombards, 345 renovatio monetae, 571, 572, 574, 575, 614; (1277), 587; Anselm the Younger of Lucca, patron of Mantua, 710 (1281), 574; (1363), 577; (1399), 590 Anselmo, bishop of Asti, 112 aquilino,cointype,14,596,730 Anselmo(I),marquis,95,96,106 Arabs, 1, 30, 94, 97, 98, 106, 205, 226, 234, 244, 249, 252, 302, Anselmo, marquis of Albenga, Ceva and Clavesana, 95, 96, 449 146 Aragon and/or Aragonese, kingdom, 198, 250, 287, 308 Anselmo, marquis of Bosco, 220 Archelaus, martyr, 713 Antioch (near Antakya, Turkey), 2, 715 Archimedes, ancient Greek mathematician and physicist, 723 anti-popes, 150 Arduin, marquis of Ivrea and claimant to kingdom of Italy,
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