Marianna Martines= Martínez (1744- 1812) Pupil of Haydn and Friend Of
Marianna Martines= Martínez (1744- 18 12) Pupil of Haydn and Friend of Mozart C LASSICAL YIENNA BOASTED such women com Vienna, Domenico Passionci (1682-1761 ), appointed him posers as master of ceremonies [Maestro di Camera], a position thal he held under five successive nuncios, thc last being Marianna von Auenbrugger, dcdicatec of Haydn's Sei Vitaliano Borromco (1720-1797) (who left Vienna in 1766 Sonate per il Clavicembalo, o For1e Piano Opera XXX upon being named a cardinal). In about 1762 Empress (published by Arlaría in 1780); Maria Theresia made her father Knight of 1he Realm. Mozart's pupil and co-performer Josefa Barbara von Al age seven (175 1) she began studying music wi1h Aur(e)nhammcr (b Vienna September 25, 1758; d there Joseph Haydn, "presently Maestro di Cappella of Prince January 30, 1820), with whom he played the premiere of [Nikolaus Ij Esterházy, and a much es1eemed individual his Sonata for two keyboards KV 448: 375a (November in Vienna, especially as regards instrumental music." 1781); [Haydn told his biographer Griesinger tha1he1aught her singing and keyboard playing three years-receiving for the blind keyboardist Maria Theresia Paradis (b Vienna his instruc1ion free board in the Martines household, May 15, 1759; d lhere February 1, 1824) for whom which was on a lower íloor of the Michaelerhaus where Haydn wrote his Second Concerto pour le clavecin oü le he himself inhabited a garret.) Aftcr Haydn, she studied forre-piano ... exéculé ou Concer1 Spiriluel par Made counterpoint with Giuseppe Bonno [1710-1788), member moisel/e Paradis (announced April 26128, 1784) and of the Imperial Court Chapel (who, after his decade of Mozart composed his Concerto KV 456 (dated Septem siudy in ltaly wilh Durante and Leo, 1726-1736, was in ber 30, 1784); 1739 named Hoflcompositeur; Mozart in a lener dated and Magdalena von Kurzbock to whom Haydn's Grande April 11, 1781, referred to Bonno as "der alte ehrliche Sana/e pour le Piano-Forte ..
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