Quote of the Day In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; Email:
[email protected] it must be achieved. Phone: 0093 (798) 341861/ 799-157371 Franklin D. Roosevelt www.thedailyafghanistan.com Reg: No 352 Volume No. 3484 Monday January 09, 2017 Jaddi 20, 1395 www.outlookafghanistan.net Price: 15/-Afs 200,000 IDPs and ICOIC Accepts Constitution Return Refugees Has Some Problems Urgently Need Aid KABUL - The Independent controversy about the func- Commission Overseeing the tion of parliament and elec- Implementation of the Con- tions, whether parliament stitution (ICOIC) on Sunday can still continue its job said there are problems with without holding elections,” the constitution and some ar- said Abdul Wahid Ferozaie, ticles need to be clarified. a lawyer. ICOIC earlier said there were Lawyers also said the consti- KABUL - Up to 200,000 re- million returned from Paki- challenges in terms of im- tution needs to be amended turn refugees and internally stan and Iran. plementing 20 articles of the and some articles should be displaced persons (IDPs) are The officials said many re- constitution and as a result revised.“Articles related to in urgent need of humanitar- turn refugees have still not these had not been fully im- courts, to interpretation of ian assistance, officials of the been resettled in their origi- plemented. the constitution, to renewing Afghanistan National Disas- nal regions. “Article seven of the consti- elections and holding elec- ter Management Authority With the surge in violence tution says that Afghanistan tions, need to be amended,” (ANDMA) and Ministry of in the country over the past will implement those con- said Ainuddin Bahaduri, ex- Refugees and Repatriations year, thousands of Afghans ventions that it has joined.