ML BABCOCK'S FUNERAL. ENTHUSIA8TEENTHUSIASTIC KNIGHTSKNIGHTS OOfF PYTHM8-PYTHIAS' YOUTHFULYOUTHFUL BEAUXBEAUX ANDAND BELLEBELLESS FULLY UP TO THE TIMES. A BANKS DOORS CLOSED. allr Ladca, to Wh.m tka Plum TaJL tkis Half U Mate Ua SlrtM.j laoafttoa Th» W»Ii WaUk tka Cfcristlaa Ik* St. MltUaa, of STMT T«rk, Callapaat u Tuaa, IHU to Cawa tka Dutt i« t Dtpatr MIM £BC* |. Huricu Put ia a Tarv Lum-ta D Soeiaty of ta« mat PiMBTtarlaa Ckatek Aa Aged I*s>. am Csateal Avsna, Tall laa Ora.dCb»nctllor.—amid Xaeta AppUu* FROM PARK AND •nt trIKM at D>a*lJ*m Is HoIdUf, Is 4 I (SPECIAL TO THE CODRIER.) tar KtA lattatMJ IijariM Wbiefc tn Pr»d laars la Bateau*, art Tkaa tat Mta W.rt Oina, ud th. Tout 0»«aU and i. Atuadai aa iu OfaaJaf ATENUE8. NEW YORK,nee, 21.—The doorso Tair tsriNS Taaafk Isttat waa aot Ealfkta Strikt oat fcr •aautkimi to Bat. Wan Sorry Tkn tka BictpU— Camt to b J Xaaj Plaiafleldars. the St. Nicholas Bank ai Disasvsnt uttl TtiUrdij. tk- funeral wvkM of George n • ML 23 Broad street, were closed this more ThThee annualannual district . meetinmeetingg oofr TheThe lecturelecture rooroomm ofof ththee FirsFirmt PresPrvu.- 'Aunty1' Yarnell, an old woman KnightKnights* oror PythiasPythias wawass helheldd Ilan UnitCaltj; Miss Eugenie Harrigan, tbe daughter byterian. Chnrch at Duneilen looked ' by Superintendent C. >f. Preston. ■‘Aunty" Yaraell, an old woman w iii« house on west t.trnin bylenan Church d I-unelleo looked 'he Superintendent posted s> little' pentpast ninetyninety-tw Awoo yeanyears laIs confinecon leadd ttoo herber Lodge-odge roomroom lastlast nlgbnightt witwithh DistricDistrictt or Mrs. Edward H. Harrigan, of Craig veryvery prettprettyy laetlast nigheightt withwith IiuU decoradecora.- bed at her home on Central avenue 'epntj Edward Bowman In tbe chair, place, was twelve yean old yesterday notice on the door which Informed tbe bed at her home on Central avenue SSjttjr.srssJTsr.Tita.!Sw.U,.Je-£tJjcJy o- Deputy Edward Bowman la the chair. boastioas ofof flag, flags andan d buntingbonUng intertwinedintertwined near Fifth street by a broken limb There'here waswas a largelarge delegatiodelegationn presenpreeentt kud m honor of the event ahe beld a -iih evergreens and lighted op by a irioua mud surprised throng who read near Fifth street by a broken limb J .'iu Lre preeent,C thea capectt,it o» with evergreens and lighted up by a whicwhichh Canaancanses barher aa great great dealdeal ofof pain.pain. WHERE? ^r Kl^Sn ? e U fromrom thetbe variousvarious lodgeslodges iinn ththee districdistrictt birthday reception at her home, Irom limber oi handsome piano lamp*. It it- that tbe bank was closed pending ^ g U and reports were read which showed number 01 baodeome piano lamp. It an investigation, ItIt iaIs fearedfeared thathatt ththee accidenaccidentt may may J^om. Dflcetaarlly limiting the »■"- and report, were read which showed five until nine o'clock. Bbe was assist was the opening night of the fair which prove serious to her on account or ber TO PARK AVENUE AND ~ial tbe order In this section waa mote waa Urn opening night of the Ur which prove serious to her on account of her that the order la this section was more ed tn receiving by ber cousin Hiss ththee ChristianChristian EndeavoEndeavorr SocietySociety IsIs hold-hold- A.B.Graves is the President,»ndW.J. rreat age and tbe length or time it lan holding Iu own during these times Helen Walloa, of New York. ng, and the attendance was very grat Gardner cashier -%f tne Bt Nicholas great age and the leogtb of time It FOURTH STREET. •gSge" carte* wver^l with tan-draO thanof depression holding Its. own during three Umee ing, and the aueudaace naa very grat- lakes•akes forTor thethe booeebones oolf ageegadd personpersonss ttoo of depression. As the hour drew near for tbe reifyingIfyin- g toto thetho youngyonng peoplepeople.. Both were much surprised at the action tnit. The accident waa a peculiar one i HOTICE Grand Chancellor Walter P. Ilp.y- ception to begin, ihe two young ladles, ot the Superintendent. Hr. Preston knit.tnd tbThee exten accidentt of waathe ainjur peculiary waa onenot Grand Cbaooellor Walter F. Hay- ThetableThe table.s uponupon whicwhichh ththee manmanyy arar-- explained that at tbe moment he hodand the extent or the injury was not sSHSS'- huratirst delivereddelivered aann earnestearnest,, practicalpracucsl wbo were becomingly atUrad in white ticleUdees werniwere-offere oflhredd foforr sale,sale, werwaree nicelnicelyy known nor suspected until yesterday dowers. the offering* Of speechpeecb onon thetbe principle,principles ofof fraternitfraternityy iion I'lk ami lace, !ook their station ia tbe decorateddecorated,, madand theirtheir ooioracolon hannooUndbarmonttod io statement to make as vet concern- thougknownh inort happene suspectedd four anday ul* agoyesterday. fut. Arthur E .Main. rraridenl of 'met like the present wlicu so man;arge bay window where tin ing tbe condition of the bank. thoagh It happened four day. ago. tltnee like the ]-resent when to— man j prettilyprettily withwith ththee bewlublnbewitchingg costumecoelomeas On Snnday night she *as moving l um;rally, read the scriptures, menen artare thrownthrown outout ofof workwork foforr cause*causes young guests were Introduced oolf thethe fairfair attendantsntteodnnto.. ThThee fancfancyy '•I closed Its doors,'" he added, "be On Sunday night aha wan moving IT which they have no control, and welcomed. The room was cause I found the espiUl impaired. aboutabont herher roomroom afterafter puttinpottingg tbthee iiyhlightt 1 over which they have no control. He goodgoodss l.blot.ble naawas InIn chargecharge ofof ihthee HisseMissess I, and (tumbling against something Sronler mads lb. prayer ud Kn. Dr. wawa*s followedfollowed byby GranGrandd Master-st-ArmaHaster-at-Arm* very prettily decorated with Ella Dunham, Sallls Gray, Haggle "I've known that such was the ease out, and slombilng against •omethlug briefly hr word, of eulogy lotchklna, of Newark, Grand Inner greens while in tbe dining room yellow Ella llont-am, Hallla Gray, Maggie since yesterday. rollaUl heavilyheavily.. WherWheree shebee lalayy untilnntll assissama-- llolcbklos, of Newark, Grand Inner Swackhamer and Mrs. Abbott Tbe nce could be summoned. Her grand- upon *he many Guard Kockafellar, of Borne rville, and ribbons, evergreens and lowers were candHwarkhamery table ba andd tb eMr. Hisse sAbbott. Hand BenThe- ra nee could be summoned. 11 er grand- GEO.GEO. W.W. ROCKFELLOW,B00KFELL0W, Guard'ast Gran Kockafellar,d Chancello of r Somerville,Kl I boa roe, and or leen on every bide. During the even' randy table bad the Mleaes Mend Bea- son,m, Thomas Randolph,Randolph, wawaas callecalledd auaudd Vuiua A. Ooddisovow, ILl cbaract.-ri.tir* ol Mr.II tilingnetwork.* abou oft ton, Fannie Smith, Ella Bolce and Dora , Alter* PastJew GrandHrunawlck Chancellor, each or wbuKIIm bourne, gave en or- ng, tbe young guests amused them- ton, Fannie Smith, EUa Bolee and Dora PERSONALIA rendered whatwbat aaslataneeassistance hhee coulcouldd tlan THE GEOCER. •lL thorough of his kindliness touch wlih, of >11J.18 thing, gentleness .bout, Randolph as Its sponsors. At the PERSONALIA THE UROCER. D4ud XvTfabrr MX. IMS Newhusiaati Brunswick,c addresse eachs o ofn th whome goo g*red of en-lbe selves in playing games, and for eicel- Randolph as lu spooaor. At tba liftingifting herhe r toto beherr bedbed,, wherwheree shebee waawas M,rfh nf « artistihis kindltoea*,c 9cnse,o fof hi Jll.s iudnetry gentleness., and wp-coro table were Hrs. Asa Merrill, StephenWilcoz,the partner of Georgi made comfortable as possible, ll was thaslaailrr. Pas addresaeat Chancello on r theJones good, o ofr Perthe - ence in determining where tbe tail of poyecorn"las Jenni tablee Churchil were lMr. and AsaHis s Merrill,Mabel Stephen Wilcox,the partner of George made comfortable as posable. It waa ifJK'hrwlla ki« artistic nsense,of manhood lit* .industry, He briefl nody order. Paat Chancellor Jones, of Per- Mice Jennie Charcblll sad Miss Mabel H.I. Babcock,Babcock, dieddied twtwoo weekweekss agoago.. BByy >ecullar that tbe injury was not dlscov- rfh«UDn«isn manhood. He briefly severance Lodge, and a veteran in the ihe donkey belonged, Hiss Eugenie Bnrneiton. Tbe lancy table, over il* will which was read yesterday he peculiar that the iDjory waa not -Uncov- nltoBiud the ancestry.lhat made such ordeseverancer also delivereLodge, dand a ashor veterant address In the. Smith secured the lirst lady's prize Burneeton. The laaey table, over his will which waa read yesterday he 1 until yesterday, and that not suffl- ration lied the ancestry,that made such which Hrs. Itanck presided, wastended tit an estate rained at $600,000. > He eredt untilpai nyesterday, was cause andd ibalto Indicat not suffi-e a .lir'lifee Maa |,muu justjust gonegone ououtt possiblpoaaiblee anamid order'ast Chancello atao deliveredr Fre d aSear shorts wa saddress. chosen aud Fred Bonny tbe first for tbe gentle- Whichby member Mrs sRaricx of the presided,JnniorC. Ewaa. Society tended. left an eaUle valued at $600,000. > He cient pain was canned to Indicate a HOWARD A. POPE eiplimed buw its influence could belt gave_ave $60,0v0f.W,(Mi toto thetbe MemoriaMemoriall andand -Li - Ik. Hrs. Yarnell I* [.early blind HOWARD A. POPE, explained How IIS influence coold belt Pastf a unanimouChancellors votFrede a Searss tbe nexwast Depchoaen- men's, while Miss Edna Smith and by members of the JunlorC. E Society. irary Association or Westerly, K. I. break. Mr. Yarn ell Is nearly blind [y Grand Chancellor, and returned Waller McNaugbton were awarded Hiss Bessie Beoton, wbo was dressed brary Association of Westerly, K. L and the case I* very lamentable, for

ININ SENATE_ANDSENATE_AND HOUSE. HOUSE . THREE COLLIERS KILLED. ■**-»“ I AdjourTill. IMi|n T RandolphRandolph ththee Drtugiat STEVENHRlTp. WUkssfcarn. AUOCITA, Ga., Dec. 21.—William Car- DON'T GET LEFT: PsoUr, who four years ago killed Pr-ton WAanxciTOMWlimiaiua,, DnDso .11. 81 .TW. -Th sHaw Hawaiia n mAKU, p.,., D^ !!.—A fall ait asi added to hit stock a complete line of •MlwwMdtaiMd of for ths promt Vaaos, In Edg»fleld county, 8. a, ggoommendatioDgtioiiB byby tbe the Sacretarj Secretary Malta. .aadl.pM of lot the pi TkTk«e Ei-MiniiUrEx-Miniiter Sharply Sharply Amigni Arraign i ">ek at the I*nc!ln> lli d fader tbe management of Wm. A, Bntdy. Regular price.. Inl Ith hae aaa.lasemite raatanla,. yesterday .ban., when aft, after an who after being Mntsnosd to *>*-r teller Ike m.n.goment of Win. A. Bred;. Rega ooff thethe Treeaurj. Treasury . argumenran mamt hrby Mr. Mr Hoar,. Hoar la, IwhichD whic bh he VIH- ththee OhitfChief Mngiitrate.Magistrate . Jtantly killed u«. .^^ZMM —JJ,|° m^lni his-cap.. "" They willwill ell »U bo b aolde «ol dIon* loo l*fbr*K l*f»r Uhriatmee.e Chrietmsu . ! We thong oronslj dennonced the admintntnttton, Clark, John Donbroakl and Hlchaal Sin- habedd tootoo many many bnt ba wot w findo find wo w Won'to Won' heret hav enoughe onong toh f to go nroand. tbe mes«aiife and accompanying documanta oaU. CTark and Dombroaki pnbljc know ft ecod thing uLen U107 see it and tlii foHowtoff- FLiNS FOFOBB IN0&EABII0INCHEASIHG BEVIHE VENUE TOE. . were referred to the committee on foreign ALLEGEALLEGEDD U8UKPATI0IU8OBPATI0N 01 O TOWELF POWER . noeki was a laliorer. They had fl™ pntdin know a good thing uLee they eee it end th relations, thnt committee wan directed to a blast which knocked from Its place within•• itliJTi thetlie reerh reach of o ferery ever yone. one . Inquire and report whether, and if so, prop which sustained the roof. The meu A. Pkyslalau 1163 Celluloid Fhot*.jcrapri Frames. what trremi|»rlties have occurred In th* wea* back lo replace the prop, and just at N«W HAVEK, Dee. M._A warrant 1168 Oellnloid Photograph Frame*. diplomatic or other interconrse between they reached it the roof, welching hun- iaened yeirt«rt» afternoon for the ar dreds of ton., Wi i them, ernihins; 7 ' i6 6a0 8c.0 ,10a1 12a2 eact b the I nlte-t States »od Hawaii In wUtion n OB of Dr. J. Edward I.*e. of this city charg- gay Invest Their tavlig*-Favor* all tare* of them into nnrseognixabts GENDIN!OEN^NI% ODOWNW§ -^OPtllLOWS,W 8°; 49c.1?? U ing him with tnnrder. Dr. l^ee attended The onfortanates wT^" T*..s •* t tgnra. Spirits. Eta Mrs. George .Miller, the wife of a res- tied, and leave large families. NwYork fgDOTM, Dec.-»1.—Th* Annual ra thr»e senator-rand thrwe mrmbera to ex- taurant keeper who died ttereral day. ago, f JohnJohn t«It Carlisle,. Carlisle secretary, wcrelsr yof o th*f th e amlne and report to congrea* npon tbs and the physician Is charged with c*os- Celebrated Bonbou and Chocolate*, ittMurj. WHS *ubmltt«»d to congress jt«- Maritime C«n*l Company of Nicaragua, wsstiry. was nbmitted to cougrswe y**- PITTBBUKO, Dec 81.-W. B. Anderacm, a Cream Peppermint!, Chocolate fra- ,. • i, Tlir most important features of with Authority to viait Nicaragua, waa Crma PepptrmlnU, Cboootou Pr*- ,miav The iro-l important feature* of •peed to. Theaenate also concurred in "Hi eminent criminal lawyer, of Youngs Iiom,linei, FigFi gWafers, Wafers ManhmaDowa,, Hanh mallows , lb*th. reportreport sre arc the the secretary’s secretary's rwouunends* rfromnirnd. . •omstiniea faila to seenrs all the just ob- •wn, O.. who helped to defend Jack CUf- Opera CLocolatea, French Noogala, etc lion* for tax** the house rpsolntton fora holiday recess ABBUHGTOW, Dec SI.—These fourth Op«f* CbocoUu*, French Non*.!*, ate. ni G. L TUNDElR THE BANK. itoas for tax— on certain cl*i-»w ofan In-d >n of congress from I bin evening until Jan.«, Ject*jects forfor which which I* ibaat ha bwatmud.s been created No. N. tord In the Homentead riot and murder DNDXB THX BANK. nnwe. Inierlro and ...eMeelon., and an onono» whowh obu ha astudied stndie dthe tb doing,e doing ofa theof the triaJa, haa been retained by a oommittee, CISJIS postmasten have just been appointed FronFrontt Street,Street, Opp. Park Are.Opp . Park Are. lDC us* or the inte Tsmarkable body of men who formulated repres*ntin a large number of employes. in Pennsylvania: Litchfield, O V John- larre*** ol the Internal twenufand taxe*other on] Temarkehl* body of uiea who formaleted K ALWAYALWAYSS FRESH,FRESH , rigsrs. cigarette*, spirit* *nff other pro- thethe constitutionconstitution ofof the th nU United States haa With ft view of commencing units for son: Plymouth Meeting, J. S. Young; ^—_dnrts- dnrt*. . failedtailed to' otmerv* what~ r danuges agalnat to«*Camegie company. Wtadham, F. K. Hagadorn. Nsw Jerasr— TheThe seerrtarrsecret arr recommends an Increase It i. ctal.ed by the committee that inoie Golnmbna, T. 8. Page. and will pleaa* all. ofofte tenn cent-cent* s « gallon (r» on the internal rev*, which won id not be abuaed for pnrpn— they represent were poisoned during the nue tax on spirit* ani nadditional ad ditiona Internall of aaurpatton and tyranny. Tha extra- labor trouble, at Homeatead, and that ROGERS, revmn*revMitie taitax on "n rl|jars cinun tand an dcigarettes, cl«nre new ordinary tier of power by Georg. Ill had the company Is reaponiilble for their in- VmniA, Deo. Bl. -The station master at L. W. Randolph’s ROCKERS, ta*t*lv« onon playing plHTiuK canl*. I'artls co-metir*., CtMnwCtOB per-, per - caueed the American eolontea to revolt ftris* tUch ,ult will b. bright Saiiburg has received a letter in which L W. Randolph's f(om*rr« a merle- . legacies1PRHH« and> an *ucve-*«on*.d t '. and aad to eetablieh a aew goverameah in the •10.000. t h roan are made to blow np tbe station oa tomekiogB Ineonttnmmesfrv.mM from mve-tment*invest merits In i nMock* stock ands an d 1 Intereel. of civil liberty and the people Christmas day. Precautions have been - bondsbonds ofof corporations corporations and and Joint join tstock stoc com- # Mnesj«r*r Mneker Paroled. taken to prevent the outrage. CitCityy Pharmacy,Pharmacy, panies. *’ ^ InimpoeaibU mating tothe pr»»vide office of agmlnat preeldent all contlait JEIWBJnmiTT Clrr. CITT .DM Dee 11.-Th.. M.-The New New J.r~, Jerse y In relation to the proposed taj board of pardons met in chancer'W,y .tarn-cham - Big Cut in Prices In relation to the p^qv-jd ®tt grocie*genoies ofof nanrpatioa nmirpation by b thaty tha office*.t officer The. Th i ber, and wen in set-ret, session two hoora. NUGGETS_ONUGGETS OFF NEWS NEWS 31 Watt Front 8t, Flttfnfleld, N. J. clgarv.cigars, apirita.spirit* .cigarette* riRsreltM -nd »nd playing pVayin ncard car d proriaion for lmp««chment wu the bent bir, .od ••» In ocm taon l-o boar. Big Out in Price provision for Impeachment wu the ben Tbs most notable prisoner whom freedom edealer*lrr*., theth esecretary secretar ysay- «jy the**» thes woulde woul d safeguardaafegnard thatthat the the framera framerao of fthe th consti-s oonati - Th. OHM prMooor .ta fmdom Jane_ne Roy,Boy, a a 18-yeanold 18-year-ol dcolored colore girld gir ofl of (all upon a comparatively small number York, but ii was finally passed by •' de- wawass decreeddecreed Isis Arthur Arthur Htocker, Stacker ,who wh oshot sho t Washington, D. C, wu fatally burned upon a comparatively small number tutiontntlon couldcould . hi. wife and her sister, Kti, Tterney, Washington, D. C.. waa fatally bunted of people. Connuntra vt "•Only once in our poHUeal history haa hU wife sod her sister. Kate Tierney, whilwhilee ployingplaying withwith Ore fire. OOFV BBGOffDSKCOJVB HAND HAND WHEELS. \\TIJelEI;#. of people fonsamer* of the-* articles ••Only once In onr poItUegl blatory haa whomwhom behe found found with wtth John Joh nK EDunne. Dunn aade an d ought not to complain, a* they ar* a majoritymajority of of the I h arongreaa congres ofs othef th Unitede Unite d George Bremmer the morning after tha ThereThere laU a aprospect prospec oft otroublef troubl ote theat nr*v«**rynettwary toto health benlth or or comfort. com Slat™ solemnly resolved In favor ot I «w*ege Brammer the morning after tho ooaeoall minesmines st^Unton.ntJUnton ,Ind Ind. , over, ore ther th Impor-e impor - NeNeww PlaningPlaning Mill!Mill ! », Ul.—Secretm-y Herbert de- John Dunne association ball, in January. Tal on Lrgatttn mul ^ ASIIIXMTW. 21. —Secretary Herbert de- f Statea solemnly reeolved in favor of im- John Dunne aaeorlatioii boll. In January. f*> *»* legacies sn«l Income#. cline.|ment o tof th*aye S'eiwhatT Vor Is tok "am he itbs th emove- MwnTono ^ peachingpeaching thethe orrnpantoccupan tef o thef th eierutlvee exeeatl 1609. Mrs. Stocker waa instantly killed tatiotuticmn ofof -acab”"scab "colored colore dmlnree miner froms fro mthe th e The secretary Bays tbe t. chair. Proliahlj it wu well that tha i lm. Mr. Mocker was latently killed, rath. HarUnrdd WoodWood FIF l log,itg Mould-, Mould - COP.CentraCop. Centrall Ave.Ave .& & Fifth FifthS St t Th* secretary-ay- the tax on legarie* mentih ofwhe then Newthey York shal andl hav I hee Mubee monon mad e chair. Probably it waa well that tho of- but Mlas Ttemey recovered. Stocker was south- fort to remove Andrew Johnson from his but XIlas Tierney recovered. Hlocker waa and succemton- ha- the merit of not being reailmah ywhen for »eathey. shallThe orderinhave beeng o fmade the S«n fort to remove Andrew Johnson from hU •entenced in June, 1998, to ten yean' im- EAcieocyKfficlency Inin thath firee fire drill dril aaredl wive thed tha -inquisitorial or liable to evasion. Thegov- office waa arrested juat on the brink oentenced In June, 1«W, to Un yeare’ im- scholars of a public school at Katouah. ind■nge., WindowWindow m-M. Frame" . TXLXPH0NXTKLKPHONK IS1(0O . LONG DI9TAN0XLONG DISTANCj E lta^uL'ltoils’- or liable to eva«ion. The goe ready"ninfiw f«»rn *e*.to Ilio The. wir orderingh A-lmifa of thel Beaba San m offloe waa arrested Juat on the brink of prisonment. He is paroled. scholars of a public school at Katouah, gnmro'ernnient wouldwnul. l n*H'no lier l wdependent dependen upoct upo n Francisco to Rio. wtrb Admiral Ben ham aacceee. TheThe greet reluctance of theoon- prisonment Ha ia paroled N.N. YY. . ,from from a Orea fir whiche whic destroyedh destroye thed the TurningTurning and*nd Scroll Scrol lSawing, Sa-wlng , ~" to* beneficiaries or this class of property n hiiani. puts tluit oftlcVr in command of building. tbe >»neflclarim td ihts cl a— nf property on board. pi|t« that officer id cotnruaud of aervaiive men of the countryintt- toy removeto Railroad «>«k In South Carolina. building. for(or truthtruth of of statement •taivnifii tas a tos t theo th valuee valu ofe of he I'nitnl Btat«M oaral forces there. S«e- the chiefchie feiecutive e for abas* of power -President Harrison last night ad SteaSteaam XUaKiln Dried Driod (ladling K In d Hn aWood. Woed , Ih* property, but would nt*d only to In- thertar rnlte«ly (.reshai Slatesn wa-asfeer naval forcesi whethe there rSee- it w AcoraTA,.oorBTA, fia.,G«., Dec. Dec .*1.—A 21.—A serious seriou wrecks wrec k Ex-President Harrison laat night ad CITY GRAIN & PRODUCE STORE tb# property, but would nee«i only to retarv t.reeham was asked whether it was M aeemH to ha» e encouragediraged President Presiden Cleve-t Clevo - dresseddrewed thethe graduating graduatin gclass clam of oPierce’sf Pierce' i CITY7>RAIN & PRDDUCE STORE! *pe:tipfct (Itli *e fveor.1. rre.rr.l sof o fthe Ih courtse cotirt whereB wher 1 e the thehe intentintentio kmn ofo thef tli Unitede I'nite Statesd State gov-s go* - landaiirt tolo retort resor tto tn the th extraordinarye extraordinar ymeas- xneata - occurredarred onon the the HichmoudRichmon dand an dDanvtlla Danvill e ^nainesBusinesss college,college, Philadelphia-Philadelphia. TonightTonigh t LEHIGHLEHIGH COAL,COAL, rnment to n|a>n up a |>os*ible blockade | nr» of overtuniiiiK the pi-OTislonal go»- railroadIrowi atat Granltevllls. r.raniteville SC, S. C The. Th News Ne w ie will be tendered a reception by the document* relating to the property m ernment to open up a possible hlnckada ure of overturning the provisional gov- York fast passenger train ran Into a local he will be tendered a reception by the b—MB*«t uland deoei d«n«t frewrr.m UOU. .b«k)o « KIWD . ba fllf-1. The tni would I* just, also, in- f Klo hwrlKir in the interesl of A._.. emment of Hawaii, while as much aa York fast passenger train ran Into a local Jnion l^ngne clnb. T. B. ZANDT he filed Thetax would l«# Just. also. In- of Hln harlsir in tlie interest of American ernment of Hawaii, while as much as freight train on the aiding. Engineer W. Union league club. Munich•mnnrh aaa* the t lie henefleiarie* iM-tiPflciMrle sowe ow thele thei r ac- ommrriv The only reply he would oon- : poaeiblepOHHitile mtirealipgcoiirealing hi« hi arbitrarys arbitrar designy d«aig a freight train ou the aiding. Engineer W TB imi Alex McClelland and his son dis- (Suoosasor 10UI. HumnUr). Dealer In commerce The only reply he would coo- L W.W. Kick!Ficklt inn and an dFireman Firema Yorkn Yor jvetek .wer e Ib I-I Alex McClelland and his bod dis- galiementquirement ofof theth eproperty properl yto t noo n effoio effor t on fromfrom theth eAmerican America ncongreaa congn-A andA an thod ths appearedappeared fromfrom Centralis.Centralia ,Ilia Ills .Recently Recentl y LumbeLumberr andand Mason's Mason's Material Materia l "their part. sent In make was that he did not under, ! Anx-ricnn people. thrownthrown throughthrough the the cab cab window, window Flcklln, Fickli n their part. etandlan.l thattliat l(k>KM was »» -a «blockaded l.lnpkud. port. In American people. being horribly acalded by escaping st«am twowo skeletons"keletons wereware discovered discovered In i nthe th Moa M < I*Is.. A-A .Khoauma, Krieaume Aft.,, Act. . FLOUKFLOUR., GRAIN,GEAIN, FEED. FEED ,HAY. HAY STRAW. STRAW lIna thethe case case of o fIncomes income sfrom from Invest! investmen t PrttMr.1I' Cleveland'sClf-TFland-i r—rpnilon.r«nrpsitLi.n . being horribly scalded by escaping steam. Clellnud pond, and a coroner1! jury noi ID corporations Hnil joint stork ronipanie* other quarters the reported Intention of EngineerEngineer Hugh**Hughes and and Fireman Firema nAllen, Allen of. o( Clelleiid pood, and a coroner’s Jury now WM BROADWAY.BHOADWAT , Incorporation* and Rant stock com panic* "I-ook"I^iok atat the tb ehietoncal historica lfacta faotndispassion dispassion- - thethe freight,freight, leapedleape dfrom from the th cabe ca beforab befor e holdholdss JohnJohn .McClellandMcClelland for fo rmurdarlog mardwing hi* hi* 0FFIUBOFFluB ANDAND STORK, STORE ,»M !M PARK PARK AVRNOT. ATENDE . thetbe inronieincome isis s*rure.I Hr tar a te Italy. Da!*HC»t.OAHBURT. Coon..Conn. ,Dee. Dec *1.—'Tbe. SI.—Th lockede locke d HolidaHolidayy PresentsPresents pvrmieH. the governmentshould W.V deplete"! revenue*,srhoio powssion the governs «r incute suc shouldh as t c Ennt.Ennr. X.N .XL. M. Di-, Dec . M.~VVlHUm MMe-e la«t. coupled with the ciparte «tar rham- WAcmvetoN.TIIX iN. Dec.Det .SI.--Superintendent 21.—SuiwriHtendiMi t outit battershatten arear ebeginning beginnin tog t showo sho wsigns tdgn a p hiu rtereii (he return to Italy by OFOF FINKPINB FORFOR tax thi** who** po>»s««-ionawholl arey such or iasn part Millaii. of At. IVini.. .l K. 11 Uionson. ber course of (*nmral*elonev blount rela- Stump ha« ordered lb- return to Italy by ooff weakening,weakening, andand many many are ar eleaving leavin towng tow n no illing them of eoshl-th-iii t.. es-'s|» wholly or in part of Rl Pan), mi nuihoriiy olin prehistoricprehistoric tivtivee l«»to the the actrpte*I nni-ptei lteatimooy testimon yof oLlliuo-f I.iliu i the st earner .01, pany ••! nging them of dallydally forfor Newark. Newark. N. N J.srnl. J.,and other otbe hattingr hattin g MENHEN ANDAND BOY’S. BOYS . Sweater*,Sweaters Gloves,, Gloves Robber, Bobbe Costs,r CoatsNeckwear, Neckwear . ] the general hnrdeu’of taxation kalani s fallen ami corrupt-np minister.,t f are CrencenmurencenKO Pallato.I'allntn. an an Italian Italia nImmigrant immigran t townatowns.. TheTh eunions union haves hav rrdaoede redaoe thed the Incomes from capital inveted»» dIn 1 tbeth e Indian ruin*, Atftrnveml at fromfrom twentytwenty to forty miles In-low K-ldy Hihe* crumbled rrumhln l more .weeping and more boat ile to Anglo- aclMorscissorsa grinder,grinder, andan dfour fou rchildren, children who, wh o weekly:ly financialflimncinl benefit benefl tto t othe th memberse membe n stork* and -ei iinti*-. mentioned are not Saxon liberty i han tha arts of George 111 •—-nllrecentlyy arrivedarrive.1 at a tNew Ne Yorkw Yor onk theon the small amount. It Is aaid that tbe now taxed liv lbe government nr Mt.ates, - ihffi-ri-iii Axle•cs townsto' that to a small amonnt. It la said that tbe U. B. CRANE Hatter now taxed by the government or state*, former I .nlln anil the I «r*l North ministry, which drove steamer Gellert. Tbe man paid for the factoriefactoriess willwill start start upup next nex weekt wee ask aInde-s Inde - I . B. CRANE Hatter \ and could well -nanil such tux ns propoaed. sod could well stand such tax as proposed. timatee.llDMta II to is-»p|r•opie Kvcava-. EM the American colonies toi t aurreeafulo Kiiccessfu re-l re- passageige ofor himself himself andan dchildreo dttldn nto tthiso thi a pendenpendentt shops.shops . Removed to No. UO Went Front SUret, Thewm.itItTheseln»tltitiionu Umi- tar*Invested. are invested withwith valua- valua - tlou* are anon to Is- o.s.le loexpo-eths volt. There is nothing in American his- country,.try, hutlin tarrived arrive dhere her withoute withou anyt an y Rife sms Bsmoved to No. l'.o West Front Street, bleble franchises friuichiin-H not not cujoyed enjoj-ed hy b yother otherci cttixetvat Hi* f<11nation la Rrult. Rnk Slips a Del t>we *w*r eiislence -omethlng. to tb* government for sands from the hills near hy Thedlscov- ranny and injustice than the attempt of WaWIXotov.4SHINOTON. DecDec VI. 31—Minister. —Ministe Men-r Men - •y »how* thnt Mgrlenltare was tarried Presidpnt CleveU donea received no news from Brazil today. Of all klnda ery shows that agriculture waa carried President Cleveland end Secretary of BosniN. l>ec. 21.—The jury in the case doooa received no news from Hraxil today. Whal It Wwlil Realise. i by irriunlii.u l.v the jirehi'.toric dwell- State (.reshnm to BoatvN. l»ee *1.—The Jury In the case Ha stated that he did not tblnk there < John lVengle, on by irrigation liv the prehistoric dwell- State Gresham to crush ou* liberty and of Miw Dr. .Mary J. Hend.-rson. charged He stated that be did not think there was NowNow isis the th eTime Tim e of Miss l»r Mary J. Ileiidrreon. charged any change in the situation, and was The secretary hints that a tax of 1 per ers. and a dense population supported. Amerlcau Interests lu Hawaii by the with criminnl m.ilprnctlce In causing tha any change in tbe situation, and was cer- John IVeagle, edit, on [nrniiif-i of H,i«m rierived froi with criminal maipmrtioe In causing tho talnly not of the opinion that the rebels wnt on incomes of H.(«»0 derived from In threat to restore the extinct Hawaiian death of.Mrs Klleu 1'prkii.s. of Everett, tainly not of tbe oplufcm that th. rebels 424 W. Seventh St. TOTO ATTENDATTEND Teotments of BO.DOO in I) per cent, stock ot New J w,'i Vsliuitlnn. < of t death of .Mm Klim I Vet in*. of Kverett, were gaining ground. His latest advloea vestments of fcVi.flOft in ft |»er rent slock of Frsey's Yalaatlen. monarchy by force of arms or by diplo- verdict of miilty. The de- were gaining ground Ills I sleet advice 424 W. Seventh St. --thithiss rhaructercharacter wouldwould net ne tau.oun.nnot *30.«X),0 tontba EESTOS. IX-c. -'!.—The stHte board of matic chicanery and•tid pressure, preasure If, ipossiblef pt rendered a verdict of guilty. The de- fromfrom lUoRio were were to to deny den yall al reportsl report of- orebelf rebe l roTerumfutaiicJ be an Insignifir 21— The -Isle l*osr*i of fendantfendant w»swns deeplydeepl yaffected nlTecte dby bthay th an-e an- taxation hat i-oinpleteipletevld aa tabulation labulation of of th. tb e tbsnjnn thethe use nneof'lml of hell andl an bayonet.d bayonet . nbbing di gainsB"in« . ___ Carey'Carey’ss AuctionAuction Sales Sale s ami peraona] property in Xew.tenwy nouncement. and el silently sobbing dar- »»w runmoi. 1 property in New Jersey ‘In my answer to Mr. Blount s report, •gthe jtiilgi-'sch mead A Reenanl Dented. (tetiih ely pulilished In the ing the judge's charge She was s*ut*r»rad A It rein st Desled. Th-Tha secretary rstlmates that the rev which in ta\.ililf> undiTthe Ki-neral taxa- extensively published In the United » eight years in t EVEBEVERYY NIGHTNIGHT and an dIRIDAY IBIDAY AFTERNOON- AFTERNOON - Ba■oee forfor the th effsclal fiwial year yea rending Juneif Jun neie n Inwi. Thi> total aswn-wj valuation States. | showed conclusively. as did Min- to eight years in the honae of correction. NEWNEW HavSUVKH en. ,Dec. Dec 21.-On. 21.—O technicaln technloa l *illtrill beW*,«W.««IK-tWO.dOO.mK)l, ltd «nd the eip-nditnr ol Monmouth isterister Thnrwinn.Thur-ion, and «nr ias B aother <>HC. B1-—Jit'lffe W. nel for a recount of the ballots cut AAlt 326326 W. Front «treet, Flainfield, N. J. ToTo in“etin*et theth eemergency emergenc they tb -ecretaie HWreta r 1 mtlon of ine nrrlnetofuall 1 i«•;**<.s |rps.)wi.wi>j sfirt. . the allegni iou" in i hat report axainet the Pi N. .1 . Ib-C. 21.—Judge W. counsel for s recount of the hallota caat HenrHenryy F.F .Windham, Windham , 26 W. Front street, Plainfield, N. J. asksasks forfor authority Huthority to t oissue IMI MgjgD.t*«,« •ann.uoiyio■» o OfOf thisthis anBmoiin i thp rpnl estnt«tatee aggregatesagi;rea(ites official conduct of Captain Wiltaeaud ray- A . ('oddiiigton.t'oddiiintoii ,of o Hi.f th citye rit court,y court waa, waa atat lastlast weekweek' - scity cit yand an townd tow election.n election Th.. Th i perpercent ceut., fivefive year yenr l-nids. bondn In. i nsums sum of* to f ».'•• inin roundround nuinW- fK.vsl*ii.(ifin•k'.«»*.. andMIK th.) th a •ell are gr>«sly untrue, are In manifrot horsewhippedii'i'-r-.i ji-;i;. ••: byby Jeptha Jeptha 'Vaguer, Wagner ,aa a oldn ol d RepublicaRepublicann lawyerslawyer* will tril lamend amend their tbei peti-r pet l • I'd it* multiple*, to ln> sold at personsl pn-pcriv fl43,f*Wt,0tRl Kvery mam.i.w.11n well lno.nbh,K~nlH(ll,known for bis errent rlc-ityi, JnMjus t tion and again apply to the court. and Its multiples, to lie sold at suh-trea personal ,:!4d.m». Every antagonism to all the tcaaonalde proba- aaan hebe was wa leavings leavin ghis hi offices office for, home.for horn* , J.1. J.J. Carey,Carey, •AuctioneerAuctioneer oneanriw oror poafofficea piatoHice-i .Such Suc bondsh be won bilities and logic of the situation in llonon(lon t ""agner waa arrwted. His wrath against afford k "" " " ' 1'iTRident Clere- ArlingtonArliDgton HotelHote l afford to the people at large an oppn lulu in January last. President Cleve- idge (.-odtllngton srmw from the fact id •faamefnlly nn- Judge Coddlngtoo arose from the fact Pa. Dec. 21- — Martin tunliv «o convert theirtbei rsurplus earnlnt land's grossly untrue and shamefully uo- he latter had appeared as counsel In Columbia, into a form of security which,bU-b whlls. w I ».y«elf and tbe that the latter had appear—I as counsel In DougfaeriDougherty. whose ag.-_ Is- -said — to b. be- Colombia, an ejectment anil against him.. " 'sen 107 and 110 rear*, died nt Newtown. would be perfectly aafe. would not on senate com- tuwal commander rests entirelys entirel ony thaon the tween 10T and 110 yeara, died at Newtown SomerautSomerset 8L,St. ,>nd Jand GreenGree nBrook Broo Roodk Roa d Bepelrod,BepaJml, H.icamet cam- too tbeth ecounty count yfrom fro mIreland Irelan Ind BalelghBalelgti,, F iy vote of the statements of 1 he P*ur notoriously corrupt Itegueeted t* Rmlgw. 13. He worked as a farmer np to last Banted,Baktad T lugi'.^ Interest,Interest, hut bu het b eat all time. a»a\lah - allegeallegedd Ifir -ministers of the (alien queen.nneen.o oC Wilson,t Wilson , 1812. lie worked as a farmer up to laat BICYCLEBICYCLESS Stored, PoTTsrn.i.K. Pa.. Dec. ai.—At a meeting Stored, as a means of procuring money wbi ii!ic dealinjta Ihe Tablliall bull brer Pr»TT«VlLL»:. Pa.. Dev. 21 .—At a meeting summer. miner lieH wase wa undoubtedlyn undoubtedl the*y the Meet. re4 byb ya aBoll. Ball . Hertford,Hertford, Bamodtuadi bonds to he sold at par tion. an*! ihnl it will have p^ivecin•pcci.lll referrefer -iivelysiv"ely' merwhelmiiig" testimony of all rep.rrp - •e, and *« investigiiting committee The lends t mittee, and an Investigating committee Waeuaw.HWAW, N.X .Y.. Y. Dec.. Dec 21. 31 -7-Wna— Zebln Nich-a Nich - Tbe cecrwtary recommends that unt ence. to ihr ripfH.iiiln.But of Mr..Mr .Blount Bloun treaeutative men of the .American colony. 1 he bad miniip pro printed cerUIn the effect of the" re[w Porsons of the highest character for int*l- found he had misappropriated certain ols.ota, aa prosperousprosperous fanner, farmer living, livin twog tw mileso mlle a ■ PRICES and TERMS bom fort-re- the effect of I be rep»«tl of the silver pu anil th- iMnk perfanood li»yy him him in In Ha- Ha Pmon.- of the highest snma of money, and by presenting; fraudu- I PRICES and TERMS const- law is more fully dpvPloped no r ligenre an'l integrity, who know and wit. sums of money, and hy preaentlng fraudu- west of Dale, was fatally gored by a bttll. chan* law is more fully developed no mo o—it ion mini- ligence and integrity, iow and wlt- •nt bills hail defrauded the l-orough out w«at of Dale, waa fatally gored by n bull. t'rOr onon aaay- easy ; •ilrer legislation I.- enncle... iic-.-l T t.i IVtnress Yjc- "I only . amply IlalHa lann barkbark off of Capef Cap Matae Ma pan.t span In, thaIn the 80' yearsyears old,old was, ww removed remove dfrom froi tbeo th citye cit y dutiesiS-iti, on imports,sailH||(| savatheHMVHthC [Mff ldifficult!tie * toria. ilKiiithter»r thr linkf ni Sm,. (_'o- verifieTeriti—Id aAgai n and «cain that neithe1 herr byby southernmost. itbernmost axtarmityextermlty ofo fGreeoa, Greece and, an d hospitahospitall toto the tbe insane insane asylum, asylum ,haring havin beg be - B«lHslrr (Cutting uttins A* Shampooing Slunpoolii sParlors. Parlore . ofof adminad 1st ration• of ad valorem datl tin torts, daughter of the I by any eat her to the water edge. There an DO xime iqaane from the grip. burieHii.l (inMm (ill.- D.ikc i.r i;.i-,,,,,,r«iH cat her to tho water edga. There are no AREASS NONOWW FRAHHFRAAK I,;I.J C.€ . MARTIN.NA.B1'1!V . barhat.e beenbwne exaggerated.i •atad. burgwill takande Go'llpi*.™ a it.iuri.i lie ft K tlie fn»l wrekol action of mint-, umihe fall of tbs mon- fartherfarther details.details . TheTh Britishe Britis warshiph warshi p Th.The Ms-retarywere•tary defend, theth tariffe tarif fiT for Aprilwill take. Th placee jiro*i»i.<-livi during 1 Eiri-le nijil room archy preiipiintf.1. Krmii thi- honr on Amphton haa gone to tbe scene of the col- N.w York and N.w Jersey BHdge Bill. April The pn—pr-clivv dc sud groomu Ampkion has gone to tha scene of tha col- WABHISOTOV. Dec. 2!.—The senate hai revenue principle, and .ays revenue shoo! both Krmi'li gtit-i-Jurenu Victoria.Victoria.. lisiolisionn toto render reader assistant*. assistance . OPEN FINEST LINE collectedoo ileetnl withwith thellll- leastI.TI-I possiblepMSfbl Injinc in] nry areTh* bothGran gmu'l*d Unk Inldren.e fiin-l i- I lie «m of the tbetha.;..n U>t ocall .ni oul othen th navale nava l xmcttrred In tbe conference report on the OPEN totfltb tbee people,I.WIDI but without regard to tl tha Tbe GrandBrand DukeDuke Km-t 1-adui B IVmr•*e WMil ofPrlm»« the i commander for aid onlyml jIn in the event that New York and New Jersey bridge bill. late Grand Duke l.udui rere in dan- WitWithh entireentire now new fittinga. fittiiigB. groundlessabl."p|>aili»ubf apprehensions, timid orseltlsh and nurcaAOi interest Alke of England. gerAmerican a lifelife aud property were in dan- PARLORPARLOR IJ STOVES STOVES ANDAN DRANGES, RANGES , Th.The reductionredaction ofo fduties dutie wills -mourn* "If President C leveland sees fft to make •bovoshown InIn tbe the city, city for, for qaallty. quality . imports andHIIJ in*rtawthru«re«seIher revenue*e to* l* a point against my official conduct that It In estimated, alxrnt 180,00 ftlCHMOKO, Ya . IWc. 21 -The retH-.rt of month- Ijrfore the event- of fI«»t las J.-tnnary PRICEPRICESS LOW.LOW . FURNACES,FURNACES , The rep«.-n- u-e.1 1 had advocated annexation, he deliber- WE DON'T KNOW HEATER WORK, PLUMBING, HARDWARE. ' bounty,b lait(t recommendsd that theclosn atelyately andand purposely purpom'ly conceals conceal sthat tha whatt what 1 l Dealer.Dealers InIn Packer Packe rVein Vei Lehighn Lehig h U> elect ntenilwra to the le-gi-lature said in my dispiU'h in November. 180-2, KODomy i«ei" observed olinervef lin i nmaking makin "ppropig a|>propri - said la my dispatch in November. IMU. of B more BlnsibleBiDBible Christmas Ctariatma* present presen tto to either ettbe r boy ibao Valley Coal. 1313 XA3TSAST FRONT FROMT ST. ST . at. u « l -|-n-[„. lal, j,,cauli umiii. ion shouldn nboul bed o be ob- wwaau aa eoaOdetitiai confidentia l-talcment statemen U>t ttheo th do-e de- Valle; Coal. bardwd to nomlpale candblaleadillSUH f.w fo Ucr United partpart menmeri rt of o fstate Htat ofe o tbef th truee tru conditione conditio n one of our warm ^ Yard. South PlalnflcM. N, J. A. M. GRIFFEN, States senatig before tbeb eDemocratic Dei ofof affair*affairs ini nHawaii, Hawaii a, reporta repor oft factaof fact s City (lOoe,firt-Sb la Wslehun*Avfc. naleljM.K.J PUlnflcId A.M.GRIFFEN, tus The report was wnanlmou-ly aothin ghaa ba ye*n yet date my opinions were so privately held TOst©rs amd _.. riHlixei] on thechar«e-emocratae i Toted to a rehe»r«al of the events leading SCHWKD BROTHHRS, ,»£.:? Wuhiagfoe Rock .ad Ibc Moaqmlo, gl.oo. at Ottawa. Ia»uis \\ . 1'ratl n voted to a rehearsal «»f the events leading SCHWED BROTHERS. Washington Rock snd ihe Mosquito, »i.oo. toto i«ebe e*»llector of internal 1 o • hiiot texpect f.\p."< al cvmte-ta conien unlesst unle^ thei th officiale offr toto thethe revolution, revolution aa, a nalready alread published,y published , FKourtevnthb districtdiMtric tof o N mads to of the company's money, was sentenced •piracspiracyy to:n make mak ewar wa onr o tben th provisionale provisiona l Receptions Teas, Weddings and Parties Second quarterW brain* begu nJanuary Januar 5,y fors, for HERMANHEEMAN A.A .WEBER, WEBER , "Ijnibliimlynch him.. to°' two^o™^* year* ami^ ten "en'Tnonlh months impneou-" JnTri* governmenEernmentt atat Hawaii, Hawaii and, an u*ed u* militarye militar y rare-bad wtlb erer; reqntalre whicwhichh classescUues ar*ar enow now forming. forming . forcee*s ofof thotb sUnited Unite dStatae State ors other th diplo-s diplo - ForFor particular*particulars addreasaddre uHoled’s Hulett' Musici Mali c Hew Jersey's Vital luitvlto. matimaticc pressurepressure of o fthe th Unitede Unite Statesd State fors to t Store. li-rstss Released -a I’ar-le. the restoration ot a •« mi-bar baron* queen SC NORTH AVBTOS. rtAUFIM. B. 1. Tunoa, Dec tl —Th* annual report Dec. 31.—Ceorge B. Boynton. tbe restoration of a eeml barbarous queen STAPLESTAPLE ^I)D^D B^pGG^06E!(IESY GJ(OGEI(IE S *$Skof the state l-oardW4of7lW^tjX of vital statisticsL shows sh™ Bru-.EI.TN. Dec 21 Georg* B Boynton, In wanton defiance of the heat AmaricM nn Increased death rate In New Jersey. tbehe AmericanAmerican accusedacenwd ofo fhaving havin triedg trie tod to opinionIn wantons nn defianced antecedents. of the best" American an incrtawMi .leaib rale In »w Jersey. blow_>iow upup Mello's .Malld'H warahip warship Aquidaban. A>|uldaban haa, ha a opinions and antecedent*.” rnaoBMim B»*ik. ~ |8U Wxtchci Th*"be populationpopttjatton Is io [,afl8,I»*ud , thean ddeath the death been released. Ife Has let go on parole, Llbertj Btreat. (Oor. Second Btreat. fnte«•«« IVHtWHJI l'«# in* ieveryn ever !.«y ■I.WK• persons.I person* Dur-. Dur - been released, lie was let go on parole, Full Tlm«. THETHE BESTBEST OYSTERS OYSTERS (Oar. Beeond stmt lag the year t her* wer* 17.17H marriage*, but commaml*id'Jill IIIHli'i'l IIf Admiral ,\tl III IrH Gherardi1 Cr herH r'l naysl IHF I Urn* ™« '}•*births vMirtljt-r and e .s.-rdeath*.s 17.17 ThereB inurriagen wer* , hebi know-t wherewher eto t Ando fin Boyntond Hoynto Ifu h« i f ha PEPee* Akotlk.LK .Ph, Pa. Dec., Dec 21—The. 21.—Th P*ne Pa n ABARKE TOTO BK B EHAD HAD AT A T F.F. BREEMBREEM *5? .aoo-rMiidctit marriages', mostly in •ho«iId want him. Argyl* Iron works, employing IU) mao. ***aoo-re»i-c. Dec 21. at.—Durin —During ag streeta atree t time. Najurronsmn sorder* ordiT for. fo boiler*r boiler ands an d RogersRogers’' SeaSea Food Food Market Marke t SEE OUR OFFERS “—I Wnleaeed. flght at J udftcnia II P. Clereland, a prom- been received. IW tl.—|r1—In theth etrial tria lof o fiftyf fifty - fight at JmUcnia H. P. Cleveland, a prom- engine*enBim-• hateh$l been received. CanCan yonyou comprehend comprehen dwhat wha wet w anye sa wheny whe wen wtelle telyonl yotheu the ineninentt lawyer,lawyer, waswa sshot sho andt an probablyd probabl fa-y to- *****ray* liy'barged a system with of defrauding bribery. tallytally woundedwounded byb yTown Tow Mnrahaln Mr.raha J.l N.J. N. Husaslh’s Psvsrty. ° railway servants have been BichardsRichards. TheTli emarshal marshn ial underI* unde arreaLr nrres C VlEHHA.'TENS V Dec.Dec .21.—A 21.—-A committee committe eformed forrna d : Secret of Making Ends Meet, variously fnun three months to at Pe*thPesth has ba abought bough Koasath’at Koaanth' library,a library , TheThe HolidayHoliday Stock Stock Has Ha Come.s Come . SESEAA FOOD,FOOD , ! Secret of Making Ends Meet. Nineteen rattle dealers hare whicwhichh povertypoverty compelledcompelled the th aHungarian Hungaria n "nerd from oae u> to aix month* Generally fair; warmer; variable patriopatriott toW sell. sell. ItI willt wil bel bgivens give ton th*tota Na-e Ha - ii*s payingpaying oaah cash and an dgating gettn gthe th bargain,e bargain froms fro ma anda anthatd yourthat your w a. becoming southerly. Uonaitional TbTbee elefnctelegant [rnnh preaenl * are BOW■ onon axhlNUon. exhibition . TtxTn Snnle shrew bnj—•d bnyer nr.s arg*Uln«e gettin g OYSTER0Y8TERSS && CLAMS CLAMS neighbor*neighbors areare earing saving monoy mone yby b buy!y buy lg. lfromg fro u.m as . thth.e Br—first pickpick Ho- from OB half shell Iknoknoww .nan old ol dnjIOler soldie whor wh bado had Pm.HITTMII no,BO ,Ita, Dec at. SI. - W.- W. n. DJ»«. Jone end* an d coootc*wle dltrrlicca.dlerrboea ,of o flong lon gHanding atandin tog to J. Bart DavidMin, Ihe two denperadoes n J. Burl Dar—M. the df.pared(ta ManMan;y KnbbomBtobborn and an dnggraenUng »ggr*vaUn g OuOurr GrandGrand Display Display of o Holidayf Holida Gooday Good & karobMn»*e been i^raanently permanently cored cured Urb ytak- uk - whwhoo pieadrdpleaded nolitfguilty '« t o'ho th Maltae Htatlo rob-n rob - caaea of rhenmatlsm that were beliered A SPECIALTY.SPECIALTY . JUSJUSTT THINK.THINK . ing ChamberiaiD'a Colic, Cholera and baiiea at Wild wood, Idlewood, Ingram cam ol rbeomatiMn that wore beltwred Something for everybody, snd everybody is pleased. tn* Chamberlain". Colic, Cholera and anboriMd fU atd BankWildwood,, were Idlawood.brongbt u I(i«ranip for sen - toto bwbe iocnrable incurable and tu daccepted accepte ud Ufau life PLAIHJISLD. M, 3. ctarrbI'lsrrhtE «medy Inin tbl. this city city for fo o.err ove M.enr aeve roar,o year « Tba;Uwlr atapal ,aoaportad Forreater of, who harIniM mutilate mordatald re - Chain, Drums, HOTM, Stdgh.' Borte* utd OarU, EttpreM Wagons, DoiiV Carriage, tbatr pal, Korrrolar, wboaa emtllalod rw pllcaOoapUeaUon willwill rellere relieve the tli epail pai nand am .of-i lof - Single and Double Hocking Horsei, Chrurtmm»-tree Ornament), B.Kjue Figure*, Japanetc •nd*n<] coniiderconsider It I tinjierior superio tor t oan; an othery othe r malna wen recently found In tbe Monon- AdvertisAdvertisee medicine now on the market tor bowel gahelmalnaa war. rtTer rw-antl;. The detective found les tbaare Mouoa-continen t feringfering aadand IU lU oootiowed continue dnee HM Inenree ln>ara eai an Vasetv Silver-plated Ware, Harmonica*, Muiic-boiea, Pocket and table Cutlery, fianki, -MiclDO no. on tbe mirket for bowel gabala Hrar. Tba dafattlraa ara ctaddao, Maeie Lanterns, Steam Engine*, Ten-pin*, Arkt, Faacy Candle* and Holder), Scrap-bookt C.C. 8CHEPFLINSOHEIPFIJIN && CO. CO . ferncomplaiuu. plaint#,”" 292 5end an 00d 5 m-nt0 cen bottle.t botUo a that they will be able to show that ths effec-.uaeffectuall core.cure. ForFo .aler tal ate Bejnotd'aat Iteynold' a Jf UIIB remady for aale at HaynoWa mathatn tba;carrie willd th bae tog abow body thatof Forre-ta tba r Pharmacy, Partt and North •Tenoei, and picture*. *nd hundred, of othrr wonderful thingj, bnides a full line ot home, fnrniih- in the * tbi. mned; for —e at Bo;noU’e man carrtad tba blaadln. bod; of ForraMM Pharmacy, Part aad North .Ten nee, iagt, til niitabk for present!. Sample of tomethinf good frsc to each cuitomer. ClothilOlothli gg Mannfactnrer,Manufacturer , PharmacyPbannacj,, ParkPark and and NorthNort haemaee, arenuea , frofromm tbath* railroad railroad track trac kend an ceetd cu Ut taleit Int o T. S. Armstrong, Manager. I"t., Ai amutrongAnutrong . taIkew drwKivar wbUo while be ha w#e waa —II stil aUral alire . T. a Armetrong, Manager. 4.0, ALUMS, FtaMWd, N. J SI318S WestWest FrontFron t8tr««t. Street Plalnflsld,. Plalnfleld N., N J.. J. FIELFIELDD COCIilBR.COURIER-THURSDAY THURSDAY.. DECEMBEDECEMBERR 2L21. I89S1898.. Standees' ««tAe. 9»UU, Ac. ffesl A Mflaf THE WJ|fl BRAZIL. QMKUAL EAIUWAP OF MMW MS. T. WUJTAn, E. H. HOLMES essssssass Merton ta New Tork fMHflMRTflt •• wa*r ramm AlAlll BmuMwBueineea iain BiBioo JaneirJiauroo PraoFno-- snfm'TatiSs tiooDytioallj Bmpended.Suspended. Uip' 6ie day when ho was crossiiig Fin# Wloon. Llquora aa# Squ* from the Pirwus to Constantinople on LEHKrfcOAl P 60VEE1KEHT TBOOPS DEFEATED. boarboardd hi.BuUaban Enzlwh Maw.WadocMlsteamer, his dog fell ■OTBUMEn HOOFS DEFEATED. orteboard.overboard. Trtooopte.Tricm.pi*. whwhoo waawas no«not lain Dry Kindling officaOce atat thathe (teathne anandd paa atraagtestranger tko "th e Dry Kindling Wood captain, entreated tin Utter to stop the HotHotee GrenadaGrenada Ksj* eonsUoUroaiiustlToabud te hand. vessel in order that ha might rescue the Oen, *7 Nort* irauiMka hound. NorthNorth AvsnusAvenue.. Yard.Offlc, JOB11 NortZ»HMlr«teJ’h Arnn ‘> '••Impoesibh> TmpoaMbterr rapdadreplied th.tha Eo(Uah_ trie nil SUGotL “’“•■W-B* »Jty orders ar* Tery strict. I dan EPPS’S COCOA lteSDoa.lyiKwiN, DnDec II.-Tb.SI.—Tn« TimeTl—s poblltetepublli “My ordwa ara wry odet I dara not . tk.the lollcwtogfotlowtna dtepatebdispatch fromfrom RiR*oo ddae Jaa-Jan - - It*• a-, ua*»nf» instealutedd ooff a «*!.,eiro daavia A- Buzzard, of West Monterey, PAMPARK AVZ,ATE., OOBNEOOBHSBR SECONSECONDD tt3T IIkI iwaaMiamclriagj depotludaiwau they will sumndm. Davis k Ba rrard, of West Monterey. Strength.Strength. AmongAmong otherother fenta,feats, hhee could< they will aorrendiw. ClarionClarion Go,Co., Pa.,P»., MJB»ays:: "I-Itt hahass curecuredd carry a 34 poondeT cannon and bad been payable on demand, with "Durioa“I taringj thethe ahirmlabceskirmishes oonn tthel shore people that our physicians could do carry a 24 pounder cannon and had been PLAlNFIStD. K. J. payable on demand, wllh front ilunni! the past week the Insurgents i, the "Enoel . ._ people that our physicians could do known to lift a cartload of hay weighing PLAIKFIHLD, JX. J. front dunotf the peat weak the ln*nr*tnU lotblDg for. We pereusded them to known to lift a cartload of hay WtiUmnapert. WHkwwrTri end «nnt.^nim internal at tba rain oftkrte loulostt flrefire killedkilled andand fifteenAftean wounded«•,.• ' " •ed on Thanks giving Day after an nothing for We |wraunded them to a tonton andand aa halfhalf npnuupon hihiss back.back. HanManyy sunaunuma A First-class i'amiJy Hotel. mt«rMt at the rate orttare* thathe governmentgovernment Ilos nett a hundredhundred It U ice of twenty-six yearn, to find his try.ry a bottlebottle oofr Chamberlain'Chamberlain'ss CoagCoughh g timetime behe tooktook unpp a jackassJackman,, anandd carrcarryy A First-class Jr'amily Hote! possible to obtain the exact Hgi wife married to bis brother. Unlike Remedy, and they now recommend It (3) per cent, per uup' poaalble in obtain tha exact flgurm. wife married lo his brother. Unlike Remedy, and they now recommend It toging itit onon hi*his shoulderahonlderas walkewalkedd througthroughh For Permanent aadand TranMsniTnuialmt fluaata.QueaU. (*) P«r cant par Uo»- •Penrtittent rumors ar* in icirculation “Enoch"'Enoch" hahe waswan notnot contentcontent afterafter gaslugffaxlog withwith thetbe beatbest olof usas . 2235 anandd 5500 cencentt thethe tollgmte.—Ciminnatitollgate.—Cincinnati GCommercia l regardinregardingg aa navanavall engagemenaugegemeott flair]said ttoo Inn onon thethe domesticdomestic peacpeecee ofof hihie* wifwifee anandd bottlesbottles forfor saleaale atat Reynold'sReynold'! Pharmacy,Pharmacy, Gazelle.Gnzelte, StobleaStables da*and BilliardBilliards* AAttache ttmehedd havhavee takentaken placeplace batwaenbatween tbatbe AqtildabaaAquldaban _ieherr faithfulfaithful "Philip""Philip" toto withdrawwithdraw withwith aa ParParkk andand NorthNorth avenues,•.venues, T.T. S8.. Arm-Arm - Siede’s andand HrpublieRepublic anandd ththee TirairenteTlralrenUes anandd crashed heart and die et a wayalde lan. strong, manager. monitormonitor Hahify.hU la,, resultingresulting fiIn the capture leavingleaving theirtbeir happyhappy homhomee circlcirclee undtsundis-- strong, manager. 1 LittleLittle Ml—Mias—I' I'mm goinggoing to havee a birthbirth InteresInterestt PaidPaid onon alalll DeposiDepositt ooff thethe ! Jaj letter.”Utter.' turbed.urbsd. ObOn tbthee contrarycoolrarr., hehe Iiss tilleAiledd witwithh dayday partyparty nextuext week.week. FURS Th.The dlepetchdispatch conclude,concludes withwith thathe remarremarkk i spirit*ptrit ofof revenue,revenge, notnot forfor ththee pmemalonpoftaeaslon o Mr. Nicefellow—The members of thatthat furtherfurther protectionprotection ooff foreigforeignn cumcom-- of•f bishi. wife,wife, butbat forfor a portioportionn ooff hihtss patrlpatrl.- Notice of Assignment Mr. Nicefellow—The member* of yot» ENTABI.IHHFD 1 Rii Clothtng(Clothing,, gats,Jfats. Caps,<£x\>s. etc e t mercemerceUtlirposslble Itiwpnaalble., enlraaunless thethe armedarmed Inin-- nony thahstt has beebeenn disposeddlnponed ooff during Notice of A8sigDm nt familyfamily alway*always celebratecelebrate theirtheir birthdaysbirthday*,, ]O tervention trf foreign powers prevenl il« long yean of absence. No*toe• loe laIs hrv-rbrberrbv alvsngiven thathatt Sylveste8ylv#e»err I believe? tervention ef foreign powere prevents fur- hia long years of absence. Sharkey,,-.... kev, ofof thethe CllvClli ofof PlsinOeldrtalnBcM.. CountOsintyy ooff I beHere? thstherr Bgbttag* , HaHs baahas retainedretained asa« hlahis attorneyattorney ArchAreh H.H. I'nlon.rnlon. 8ia*oSlate ofor NewNew JerseyJersey balkbath thithiss da dayy LittlLittlee Mia*—Yee,Miss—Yes, allall butbut sister.sister. Bbe’a Sacr Jke Sale SUfiPH-SMhdsrat JOHJOHNN W.W. HHERATHURRAY,, PraallnLFnaUaL BowandRowaud., Jr.,Jr., whwhoo laI* nownow engagedengaged Ilan look-look- mude sn assignment to tbe surmerlber of hi. it so careless Blie'f> beginning to skip m.M. j.J. coyni;COYNi; wtnU'.rortbpcqua*s»alc.rt>rmade so assignment the o]usll beevUtbenefi to ihet >>odGdN New a. % LOKDOlt, Dec. 91.—There haTe bee suit ppromisee to be onei ooff thaI moat re- tliv v®e dalclaim inss uooder:c»t tx) cc V • th h ouraSrr smrm«llc> n t o Ihe M;O of i hr arwsoc we hav# ogooTuU. _ tLIAflELI AS RE. POPK,TOPE, Trea»urerTreaaqrar.. newel gale* sjong the cos»U of tbe Brit' markablelarkable everever broughtbrongbt beforbeforee thethe AlleAlle-- subscriberutwcrtbersthl at hi#s placeplacenfhustnesn.No.fflOP <>f l»ua'ii#ea.Nso rathi sail our « nt're stork of bl«lt- f* Merchant Tailor lih Island* and various casualties are n ghenygheny countycounty, aaas ItIt wilwilll developdsvelop,, nonott avenue.venue InIn thethe CHyCltv ofor Plainadd.PlHlntield. NeNeww JaJersey.n Me tlkpy*l HiiBNtiBf. Merchan0uaU>m Work n BpeoUK*.t Tailo Cleaning andr ported. The ItattBn bark Iota ha* beei onlyonly a moatmost peculiapeculiarr domesticdomestic compiles-complica- CB«BI.CI'niiiuS B.U currvon.C I.IFFTOS, MrsMr*.. SIMSonggn; (muling.' - A man la Sontk Lone Bsasox, ocna* Oaora. nwi. E^alrtng.CuMom WorLedlaa*k . SpeoUltrCloaka .Altered CMuln ami« ui Re-d wreckewreckadd offoff iloacaatle.Boscutle, a amallsmall townlawn onon theth>_ tlon.tion, butbut Involvesinvolves somsomee ooff tbthee mosmostt val*al-- Dared December 7, IW D.ixbury.D.nUury, Jinn,Mam. , linnliits cougtad npalOkrul . Leave PlalnSeld ml lxr. amri iim ■ Krp«irlo«. LUiet Cl.aki Altw«d ul R»-#eai gatate, |unnrance. HrlatolBristol channel,channel, foufourr milemile,s nortnorthh ooff uable• propertyproperty InIn thethe nortnorthh aide,side, whicwhichh Ilas piecepiece behe swallowedHWhllon'rd M«mie time agu. m »»No.. 1 EASTEAST FOURTPOT7RTHH SSTT eal g»tate, Jusitrauce. Cornelford, In tbe count; of Cornwall. now beld by ontslde parties without » " . Simgwt—Vr«, 1 • e UOLiOMl otbpr In Ji ST5 Seal Peoquee, ruffle ooUAr..«f#U j Camel ford. In tha county of Cornwall. held by outside parties without a Mr. SnngiPB- \ra. I've ootioed other ladl RH5Se.iaao.iu.fl, Wi U M. DUNHAM, ThreeThree ofof herher crawcrew WereWere drowned.drowned. SeveSevenn clear titletitla.. PatterwiPattersonD sayaMVH hlahis fathefatherr leftleft NoticNoticee ofof DissolutioDissolutionn ooff PartwrshipPinnership.. cmtlnnn ibel the boenlmgofin* of Dtoorymoney ULb com •3M Bead Bacqure, without •• f-M , :rr: M. DURHAM. other,others werewere earedsaved withwith ththee utmosat moatt dif dif-- aann estateestate ofof #23,000.135,000, whicwhichh bbee wilwilll eo on-- o but -»-• — Pittsburg Chronicle. #9*0SealJ2S0 Seal andand PrralaneFt Barques, .ft* ficulty. The st-smcr Trawler collided Notloee lale herebyhereby givengiven thatthat thetbe nenacrehlppartnership *mSeal DotmanB S»l COMMUTERCOMMUTERSS I NoHO.. T1 Easttin Fbowthon Bnswf$tur.. ficulty The ataemer Trawler rolUded stdy subsistingUvrmi-i.-iBtinsrljetircen AlfredAlfred KCookD. Cook andsod ) ! Thefolowlns Military Capes have! witwithh andand tanksank a GrimsbyGrlmabv smacsmackk oonn Son Shortllyy afterafter returninreturningg frofromm thethe warwar., H. Vttok, under tbe ena mmr of A. D. DAVID M. HIM.IKEHT. G. BVBOB LA: V*Zk.rro.1 Q|M In Tte whte■ dayi All on board tb* smack < • says, he got the gold fever and went Uro, wu oa thin dale dlaeolvid bj DavidPresident M. DsHAaasr., O. BvaoaSecrttar LATiasa.) ■oaber*aOi North Av», youaan get the he aaya, he got the gold fever and went sent. Deblsowlns"tosild p«rtn ooff •», « AVS and Is shout an*-fartierh of the tenement E ► fortieth of the tenement late.ate yesterdayyesterday afternoonafternoon InIn BraddockBraddock., iInn 'ember ». !« not exceeding•icceding 930110,93000, payablepayable oaon anandd aflafteii HeadgeaHeadgearr houaehouse dletrlrtdistrict only.only. AAtt thethe samesame propor-propor- whichwhich a womawomann andand a A5-jenr-ol year oldd boboyy werweree Monday, January 15. 1899. Deposit* made tiotionn ItIt iala eatimafedestimated thathatt thertheree araree 78,8678,9000 fatallyfatally burned %anDd anan Amontba-oldB-months-old babbabyy Monday, January 15, 1894. DepoiiU made] are at Paper Hanging •araonawwii] laIn ahathe citycity unemployed.uneniployed- jadly bnrnsd. TbsThe firelire waawas InIn thethe bousehouss NoticeNotice ofof OrderOrder ttoo LimiteLimitedd CreditorsCreditors.. 00 oror beforebefore JanuaryJanuary 10,10 , wilwilll dradraww ininlereai ManalactaringManufacturing Farrier.Furrier. Paper Hangings >f Charles Streke•ke,, a Hungarian,Hungarian, onon ThtrThir-- fromJanuary•mJanuary L1. ^ ^ ^ are at a ALA ITS UANCEn. A Bs4aBade BullishKnsrlUh Woman.Womu, •enth street. When tbe flames were ex- David M. Dbmaxb Q>« 1. Seft&lffi's US ALL ITS ERA5CH es. "Speaking of British rndeness," re- st reet. When the flamen were ex- “Speaking of British mdrneaa," rev tinguishedtinguished thethe burneburnedd bodlobod!#** ooff Mrs . SomerKl County Surrogate'! Office. WilWilll Pipersfttpers andami PaintosPainters'' SuppliesSnpplMs.. markernarkedd aA N**witt^P YorkYork Hwoman oman ththee otheotherr StrokeStreke andaud herher AyeeroldB-year-oId boyboy werwaree foundfound Somerset County Surrogate’* Office. iwaa.issi 1U. t«J Wtet ftrtet MM., “I"Iwaeinvjtedlas waa invited laatt winterwintert too receivereceive lying on the floor.floor. ThaThe babbabyy waswas InIn tbsth e 1 at a 'tea' given in honor of a distin- cradle, and the clothing in which it was MASON&HAHLIMASON&HAHLINN at a ’tea’ given in honor of a distin- cradle, and the clothing In which It was mayjsE be bad o No. m Wawt itwal HneL guished English woman, which left me wrappedipf*i savedsaved Itit fromfrom death.death. ThThee mothermother Fatale of WILLIAM WHIT*, deceased. Udket agent a guished Englieb woman, which left ine i lighting tb* Ore with coal oil, using ChaseCbase &A AlleAllenn inin nono doubtdoubt whateverwhatever a»aa toto thethe conductconduct waa lighting tha Are with coal ell, using 158158 FifthFifth Avenue.Avenue. B. P. BABALDS LDW,N." Q ofof atat leastlesst onouee ooff Britain'Britain'ss daughtersdaughter... in, anandd ItIt exploded.uploded. NEWNEW YORKYORK CITY,CTTT, GREATGREAT BARGAINBARGAINSS Thii woman was, mark you, neither an trtsss'% sst.-assria-jss' "BUGGIEBUGGIESS atat *+ PricPricee " poetPOST OfficeOFFICE timeTIME table-TABLE- Thia woman warn, mark yon. neither an made by the Hormeale reuulrtng the creditor* CASTS AND HAKNB8S A larj.large unnnnlassortment ofof GrandGrand tedand UprightUpright actrtwsactress nornor anan author—fromauthor—from whowhamm pepe-- of William White, deceased, to brine In t*rtr ,. au arwite of; PaintersPainters CHICAGO, Dec. 21.—In the Prendericast culiarities are to be expected, 1 nnder- Chicago, Dec. 91—In tha Prendergast debts, deuirdt and claim# aralnet the said Kiw Ton HAH*. ruliaritira are to bo expected, 1 under- trial Attorney Wade, of counsel for thedscadent. under oath or aMrmatloe, and pra- w. cut lh. pnicffi etand—but a mil known and active trial Attorney Wade, of coon sal for the aeot the same to the undmliroed within nine Cwe»-7.80 sad 8.80A. M.; S.00 B.90 defense, created a nensatjon by announc- ad «.00 r. M. stand—butworker in philanthropi a well knownc and educationaand activel so. created a sensation by announo- at not a* from tlm data «.f mid oede#: end in 15, ST *“ InteriorNTERIOR DEOORDecorjJ TORtobjS worker in philanthropic and educational inlagg Inin courcourtt thathatt hhae woulwouldd accepacceptt an anyy default thereof any auch creditor should be SHI .?gv«!ggLS!! PIANOSPIANOS.. AKKJVB—7.80, «.40 and 11.00 *. M., and WalWalll PapersPapers matters.matters. forformm ofof punishmentpunishment forfor PrenderguPreudergaatt bubutt forever barred of hla er ber action thereof fJOandlS.aOp. H. the rope. "I will not contest *nj other agalaat the undwatgosd containingotaining theirtheir ImprovedImproved motmotho hodd ooff stringstring,. BOMBBVIX1.B, EASTON, OU\, M HIM. “To••To beginbegin withwitl> sheshe camecame longlong beforebefore the rope. "I will not contest «ny other Georg* F. White. - .:,sS Raa ng, the greatest improvement in half • wr-te.....te, ateivn, lav., niua for tba next« days. the hoar that thegueetn had been invited "orm m ofof a verdict,”verdict," saidsaid thethe attorneyattorney,, Mora*, ttaddl. . ,1 a, ing. Ihegieuleat improvement in half a cen- Cltek—7.10CLOSB— 7.80 a.A. M., anandd 4.S1100 r.a.P.M. ANANDD PAPEPAPERR HANGEBSHANGERS.. the hour that the guests had been invited id the prisoner's family will accept a tury. TheTbe celebratedcelebrated toto meetmeet ber,her, andand boBO buuonoon aaas ththee drawingdrawing and the prisoner's family will accept a U. A BCOOY a CART CO., AJtunAiaaiiB—fl.40iKKivi—8.*0 a.A._IJ.. *.,m,, 82 4040 anandd Fp... «.MM. . MARSH.MARSH, AYERSAYERS A CO.CO.., ententeitrnre forfor life life inIn prisonerpriaon or anan Institutioninstitution Direct 'orfor TnrnuiaTre andand PblladalPhiladel roomroomss beganbegan toto fillfill abe«he abruptlyabruptly declareddeclared tor the Insane. 1 will suggest snch a dis- LISZT ORGAN, Bhe most take her leave, pleading by way or the insane. I will anggrst auch a die- LISZT ORGAN. bla at 4.80 e. m. she mut take ber leave, pleading by way positionlon ofof thetbe casecase ttoo ththee juryjury,, bubutt tbthee U Do MOTT. A DIVIDENDDIVIDEND PAYERPAYER 1I MaUMai! forfor WsrrcnTilleWarrtnville dalldallyy 12.018.000 Mu.. ft lee 118 East Second Stre«f of excuse a my special and suddenly prisoner munt not hang. I will contest a for Parlor Parlo aadr an dChurches, Churches i*, U the th emoat mos tperfect perfec t Office ua East Second Street of exenae a very apucinl and suddenly : Post-offlce prisoner must not hang. I will cent Graduate of Dalted 1 -istruments 0/ its class. Illustrated catalogue PostofflcPoaVoflloee onnasopens atIITLIIT 7 *. EEM. anandd closclose,l e W. J. TUNISOIV, rrmerobvevdremembered engagement.engagement. NorNor waswasthi thisk death•| sentencesentence Inin thethe highehigherr courts."courts." menu of if* class, niuafrmfed catalogue atat r.p. «.a. SaturdaySaturdayfttenrday.s closecloacas aalt 7.807.80 T. J. TUNISO1V, - PLAINFIELD,PLAINFIELD, N.N . J.J . all. Prior to her departure she picked CKDEBTACNTIEBTA kIha'sHKMKYB'AN'?) 1MB R A LHKRI.MKR,, Dealer ta all. Prior to her departure she picked Onc< e at residence. Ho,,amr. ITS Bomene t stre TUBTbol GoldM DollaDollarr MjiioItningi CoCo.. Organs sad Piano* told for c«h or 01 “••- OpenOpen everyevery eaienlngevenini g onill.tiill 808.0(.0000 r.r. a Dmiflm upup thethe lonLongg fairefnrredd cloacloakk thathatt shshee hadhad ,Malnfleld!S3iWJ!*Ta,, S.J. Lm3j As.nt.nt. OF CS1PPLBK CBSKKCBEKK COLORADOCDLOHADO . ”>i owner*owners ofof looklock boaaa.boxes. characteristicallycharacteristically droppeddropped Inin oneone cornercorner Yuuu'D.i AM> N.K. J..J . Dec.Dec. 91.—TheEl.—The authori-autherl- Organised under Laws ot Colorado.Cl Capital SmniaiBCNDAT Mteia—Or*,MAILS—OPS* aatt 0.38.000 *. _ Flour. Oraln, of the room, anil throwing it over her ties off thisthis placeplace areare mirsuree thetheyy havhavee capcap-- LMBCS open from 9.80 to 10.80 of the room, and throwing It over her d the murderer of Baker Christian '^?'LTrr7XhfS'»’o“.'-aS!i£lYt.r‘ 3Doa open from 8.80 lo 10.10 a. m MaU riour. Grain, A.A. M.M. SEGUTNE’SSEGUTNE'S shoulders she al tbe same time sent tured the murderer of Baker Christian OurOur FortyForty Imm-rUlaImmnrtaln. dosedote,s alat 6.80S.80 r.p. u.a. shoulders she at the same time sent Zalaa,Zalaa, whowho waaw« fatallyfatally stabbedstabbed bbyy a burg-burg- FEED. HAY. STRAW, crashingcrashing toto thethe flourfloor a daintdaintyy tei-aa tablcablee larlar aboutabout twotwo monthsmonths ago.ago. LouiLoulas FlehleFI ah 1 a, A PUZZLEPUZZLE WITHWITH MONEMONEYT PRIZESPRIZES RIPANS•RI-PA-NS • FEED. HAY, STRAW, LIVERLIVERYY that with Its fragile, freight wasvti ~ that with Its fragile freight was aland aliasalias LudwigLudwiR Betserman.Hetsertnan. hahass beebeenn posiport- W P MONEY Prmlt, YesetabkA laging near.near. livelytively IdentidedIdentified byby Mr. FisherKiaher., ththee bakebakerr d nlcht, si Fruit, VegeUbK who was working with Zaiss when the WorklsoarTled on day fABULEfABULESS To LOAM m Iiu BSTATS. ' “The"The restrest ofof nsas fairlyfairly heldheld ouourr brentbreathh who waa working with Zalaa when the rnidgradea oreore lala befogbetas lakeataken out In Litrser Loam cm Rbai. Bcta And nil Country Produce. AnAndd BoardinBoardingg htablestabless burglar entered the bakery and stabbed CHARLKi A. BBBD, And all Country Produce. atat thethe totaltotal wreckwreck ooff soso muchmnch exqui«it° burglar entered "Sjsauarr. IBM. the Ogmpanr wlU befflnl ItREGULAT SOU LATEE THETHE CHARLES A. HEED. china, bat milady merely shrugged her thethe leCterUtter, lie alito snntn tbe descrip- ptTlngntuWmcmthlr atvldeadsatttaerato 8 Wot Second Street. china, but milady mcrvly shrugged her 'ZtiXZZLTJSSr ■S^SSS. STOMACHSTOMACH., UVERLIVER ANDAND BOWELS0WELSS SST-»U rl t*n M1IU r«MI asd Hes' a sp«ctai tr 8 W—t Second Street. shouldersshoulder* andand withwith a ‘What'What a nuisancenuisance tion given by Zaiss In his .uti-mortem ofM.pce.ocat par statement. Fieble declares his Innocence. AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. 636j Broadway, OoaobeeSS forfor weddlng^Juntcmlaweddings, funatsj* anamid pnrapn* . toto havehuve suchsuch nastynasty littllittlee thingsthings righrightt iion * H.H. H.H. OFFICES,OFFICER. Bee.Sec. andand TramTrean AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. PLAWrilLO. H. J. Xdgfcticbt carriage*carrlsces^ oft allatl ffmcttpUooadsacttptloM one's way,' sailed majestically oaoutt ofof thethe Impertawt fsavtslisa A limitedAT amount •* CENTS of the FI' ahai BHaKK. re ere now offer EXFANS TAB CUES eve tb# $ room."—Her Point of View• iina NewNew Pitt*nrko.rmnntR, Dec.Drc . Tl21.—Th —Tb#e minersminer*'' J. T. VAIL, York Thnae. van tlontlon whichwhich IbIn to bbee belheldd iinn thithiss citycity tlmTn.lli.. Sli J. T. VAIL, Steam SSSTSWSUS? ’ H. R. L0U3SBERY, 57 Broadway, S. T, Steam tomorrow___iorrow forfor tth bee .purposepurpos . e ofof arrangearrangin.lag g a H. E. LOU.tSBERT, 57 BroaUwi;, K. 1 BwBa«r*MM HtneihtthtMto*Hsnc* Benin «MI CSX*. Bemaeee ef the Werd Chapel. scale ooff pricesprices toto bbee submittesubmittedd ttoo thetfa ReaReall EfUUEstate andand InsurancInturanoie TheThe wordword chapelcbapel hahass a highlhighlyy romanroman- operatoroperator*s laIs sxprrtedexpected toto bhee thathe lar*satlargest anandd IflrMs k Bnuita Worts. ticorigintic origin.. IItt isis associatedassociated witwithh ththee storatcryy out representativerepresentative gatheringgathering ofof miner*miners “Empire"Empire CollectionCollection”' Ba.»•. 4*W MRTnorthH atbx*.ATDTE . MartilG & Granite Works. YrofesstotuilMvofcasioual «XartlsCurds.. of St. Martin's sharing his cloak with a ar heldheld here.ben. PresidentPresident FryeFryv expectsexpects a att of 8t. Martin's sharing his cloak with a leastsat 100100 delegate*delegate* toto hebe presentpresent.. IItt iiss ttoo oror EUSI0MUSIC FOEFOR Monumental At emelery Work beggarbeggar.. ••CJoak”"Cloak" inia latlatee LatiLatinn iiss capcap-. a Joint convention of river and railroad Monumental 4 (emetei^ Work J^OHTOHLH VON * MOFFETT.HorRn. pella, a little cloak or cape, from cappn. be a Joint coavwtlon of river sad railroad PianPlanoo oror (Cabinet)(Cabinet) Organ.Organ. Bine Stone Flagging, Ste. pel la, n little clonk or cape, from cappa. miner*cers IIff a generagenerall strikstrikee IIss ordereorderedd iItt Bias Stone Flagging. Etc. a Specialty. ATTOHNETS-AT-LAW,ATTOHNKTB-AT.LAW. cloak,cloak, cape,cape, ©ope.cop*. TheTbe PrankisFreakishh kingkingss will11 affectaffect fromfrom 12,0019,9000 toto 14,0014,0000 men. a Specialty. preservedpreserved St,St . Martin's cloakcloak asas a sacredsacred stare Qatelss is n SF-SSSSSSE*** Wisrty•teter.Wwrr. Qatnoj- srw l Taraant Orsnll*. aaa Frant Btra.1, Plalnflrtd. * relic. The/ had it carried before them Wm. A. Pond k Co, 25 Union So.., N. T. wGfei" W1B not bs oudmotd. Imprond omiUamj relic. They had It carried before I ■ l a. Wm. A Pond fc Co. 25 Union Sq. X. T. s^:*s5tfte-a.jnfen. Genera,». r. Opticians. 1 . OODDDfOTOll. intointo battlebattle andand usedused iitt toto givgivee sanctitysanctity Nuratrymm, Ucuera, N. T. Opticians. w.W. to oethe. oath*. itIt warnwas preservedpreserved iins a sanctusanctu-- Administrator'Administrator'ss Settlement.Settlement. . L L.L. MANNING,MANNING, COPMSEf.LOE.AT.LAW,COFH8KLLOE.AT-LAW aryary underundM/ thethe carcaree ooff speciaspeciall minister*ministen s: sn ot win Corner OamtralCcolnJ eve—a a Jl Prowl Su. FlainSeM. celledcalled cnppellealcappelUnj oror chaplains,chaplains, andand fromfrom awyieaas are who. by deeds orworha, have i. ta ao dlalaEuSbtd themearvae ea deservedly to ACKBOH * AHGLKMAK. ththee mifeistsnministers ththee namnamee camcamee ttoo bbee at-at- have won the forty hl«h«m pleees la Amart- GOOD D. W. HYDE. J ACXSON * ANO LEMAN, tached'totached to fitsthe building,building, inin ololdd K East Trout siroet. Cor. rark ian capella and thence to any sanctuary d offan Uam, a* pay- TeacherTeacher ofof PianPianoo 4& HarmonHarmonyy M East Front auvet. Oer. Park containing : relicsrelics anandd s. o w> any privateprivate C.C. DICKISSOSDICKINSON., P1ACT1CALPRACTICil OPTICIA0PT1C1UN are larterRfMSrMntery (av I sanctuarysanctuary orat holyholy place.—PW!place.-Philadelphiladelphia a (asur In 1 THETHE WORLD’SWORLDS FAIRFAIR IE1MUHBLBON ECNYON.HUNYON, Post. - ' ; j Iiw-iude ewlr native or net* Ete* tetedted fret 18 Park k Tte ate 1 *'" aA rrdsasMwr. Cyclow Btsrr . SiritS. mra b2^w"*S5 br drath SSSSt/SHB JuTISJ^£IS*S FAWCETT'SFAWCETTS OnOiteof* of ttomMtthe most peculia(ncnli&rr itenltaofresults of _ KISDEROARTKN,KIMIERHAKTEN, ac.' eycloo,cyclone c&nOIL bbee mnmsees hiin teteeast JacksonvilleJackraitll,. A.A. 1CM. SUSTOROJCTOKK &A SOU#OK.. PRIMARY , A knp*large I oaomkk ti-etie,* twistetwtetedd bbjy liwthe Photographer—NowPhotographer—Now,, madam,madam, ifif ttit IWf , > PRIMARY / fore*force o,4f Ib.the win«ni'!d halhelff wawayy roundrue ad,, ye ye*t nonott asking—^r—tooasking—er—too mucmuchh ooff yonyou,, wilwlbi Kgs^rT -■ jfeag* S aadml INTEBMEDUTINTERMEDIATEE SCHOOSCHOOLL yyliriLLLA 11.1 JAMM K.K. MoCLtMoCLI KBEH., on—er—kindly make an effort to—ah tei. Asnartelo. ml, -. — WHY remaineremainedd upruclit,upright, anandd thertheres arane noyoo or kindly make an effort to—ah WHY Counaellor-at-1.-. Snpnw Oour- -to look pleasant? It will only b* for S “ Satear w*b Oooita* w*m poa oaa V S«te*iia, ai 2 5 WashingtoWashingtonn AveAve.. split•plltes oror crickscracks enablevisible oponupon itItss earsurface . —to look pleasant? It will only he far ■ BT’iSa: Bother with OooUng when jon c*n bnj UndertakeUndertakenn andand EmbalmenEmbalmert CoBstssJCBsr. r ThisThis Inin Itaetfitattf wonwont Idd nonott bbae ssoo peculiapeculiarr moment.—Harper'sloment.—Harper's Bazar.Bacar. ISiSvyH werweres Itft nono*t feefor*. Tactfact thathatt tbthae treUeae stil.tilll Meat*Meats AlreadyAlready CookeCookedd W«We WantW«m OnlOnl^^YoanffT Young MeMenn ofor stays In its new position, and tbe limbs Maya in it* new puutton. and tha lltnlie bass A few saek can SSOar* perntaneat and whichwhich wearwese fcqriouslfnrlmnlyy onon ththae weseetet sidAlae Dora—OhDora-Ob.. I’mTin inin sucsuchh distresdlstrrass ooff r dealraWe position, br'^ddre^n, p A. DUNHAM. are now on IM east. The body of themind,iinil. andand I wwanti your advice. I mm PlmlmtoldPUin&cld PackingPicking Bomm 1 ' "' '"1 -j'-. ara now oa thB eaat Tha body a! tha loved try three i 4n ill, tel ItetteLW*, tree is probably split, so that It will loved Vy three men. and I don't know 16 WBH BS-, I« Tark. CrCmU BigineerEngiawr aidand Sirreyw.Snnejor. Uea la probably iplit.h ao that it wtU isiarnoniniB. / 11 VAIS, Vte Twk. e6.. W.v. WHOM,SEAMEX •• iI;7 uiEiUBUTTn sSTi »y-"'"»"teltMUyy jUB.Mttfte-V. >mt 1 * barbukjtete.k seem s to whicwhichh toto accept.accept. have. •IisjisiiiTiiiiliiiiiand intaot,and Chrt-Wb».Clara— Wlju-l hi oueruie bseha* thgthe mootmost mooeyl CC. M.M, ULRICH.ULRICH. ■O. Ml PAW ATIkUl. PlAlUklMU Dora— If I knew that, do yaw I CABINETCABINET MAKERMAKER.. therein 11M tbe peculiarity.—Florida Dora—If 1 knew that, do you auppoaa &gggE3S5 'd vHie precious time running around S'ffi^^'- Tinna-Union. A waste pvorloua time rwnatng around TAplkte 141, a I foglor advice?—Nrwad vk*?-New YorkYork W#nkU.WMUT.