DO YOU WANT L-UI NO. 63. PLAINFIELD.PLAINFIELD. N.N. J..J.. THURSDAYTHURSDAY.. DECEMBEDECEMBERR 2211 18931893.. ML BABCOCK'S FUNERAL. ENTHUSIA8TEENTHUSIASTIC KNIGHTSKNIGHTS OOfF PYTHM8-PYTHIAS' YOUTHFULYOUTHFUL BEAUXBEAUX ANDAND BELLEBELLESS FULLY UP TO THE TIMES. A BANKS DOORS CLOSED. allr Ladca, to Wh.m tka Plum TaJL tkis Half U Mate Ua SlrtM.j laoafttoa Th» W»Ii WaUk tka Cfcristlaa Ik* St. MltUaa, of STMT T«rk, Callapaat u Tuaa, IHU to Cawa tka Dutt i« t Dtpatr MIM £BC* |. Huricu Put ia a Tarv Lum-ta D Soeiaty of ta« mat PiMBTtarlaa Ckatek Aa Aged I*s>. am Csateal Avsna, Tall laa Ora.dCb»nctllor.—amid Xaeta AppUu* FROM PARK AND •nt trIKM at D>a*lJ*m Is HoIdUf, Is 4 I (SPECIAL TO THE CODRIER.) tar KtA lattatMJ IijariM Wbiefc tn Pr»d laars la Bateau*, art Tkaa tat Mta W.rt Oina, ud th. Tout 0»«aU and i. Atuadai aa iu OfaaJaf ATENUE8. NEW YORK,nee, 21.—The doorso Tair tsriNS Taaafk th.ir Isttat waa aot Ealfkta Strikt oat fcr •aautkimi to Bat. Wan Sorry Tkn tka BictpU— Camt to b J Xaaj Plaiafleldars. the St. Nicholas Bank ai Disasvsnt uttl TtiUrdij. tk- funeral wvkM of George n • ML 23 Broad street, were closed this more ThThee annualannual district . meetinmeetingg oofr TheThe lecturelecture rooroomm ofof ththee FirsFirmt PresPrvu.- 'Aunty1' Yarnell, an old woman KnightKnights* oror PythiasPythias wawass heldheld Ilan UnitCaltj; Miss Eugenie Harrigan, tbe daughter byterian. Chnrch at Duneilen looked ' by Superintendent C. >f. Preston. ■‘Aunty" Yaraell, an old woman w iii« house on west t.trnin bylenan Church d I-unelleo looked 'he Superintendent posted s> little' pentpast ninetyninety-tw Awoo yeanyears laIs confinecon leadd ttoo herber Lodge-odge roomroom lastlast nlgbnightt witwithh DistricDistrictt or Mrs. Edward H. Harrigan, of Craig veryvery prettprettyy laetlast nigheightt withwith IiuU decoradecora.- bed at her home on Central avenue 'epntj Edward Bowman In tbe chair, place, was twelve yean old yesterday notice on the door which Informed tbe bed at her home on Central avenue SSjttjr.srssJTsr.Tita.!Sw.U,.Je-£tJjcJy o- Deputy Edward Bowman la the chair. boastioas ofof flag, flags and and buntingbonUng intertwinedintertwined near Fifth street by a broken limb There'here waswas a largelarge delegatiodelegationn presenpreeentt kud m honor of the event ahe beld a -iih evergreens and lighted op by a irioua mud surprised throng who read near Fifth street by a broken limb J .'iu Lre preeent,C thea capectt,it o» with evergreens and lighted up by a whicwhichh Canaancanses barher aa great great dealdeal ofof pain.pain. WHERE? ^r Kl^Sn ? e U fromrom thetbe variousvarious lodgeslodges iinn ththee districdistrictt birthday reception at her home, Irom limber oi handsome piano lamp*. It it- that tbe bank was closed pending ^ g U and reports were read which showed number 01 baodeome piano lamp. It an investigation, ItIt iaIs fearedfeared thathatt ththee accidenaccidentt may may J^om. Dflcetaarlly limiting the »■"- and report, were read which showed five until nine o'clock. Bbe was assist was the opening night of the fair which prove serious to her on account or ber TO PARK AVENUE AND ~ial tbe order In this section waa mote waa Urn opening night of the Ur which prove serious to her on account of her that the order la this section was more ed tn receiving by ber cousin Hiss thethe ChristianChristian EndeavoEndeavorr SocietySociety IsIs hold-hold- A.B.Graves is the President,»ndW.J. rreat age and tbe length or time it lan holding Iu own during these times Helen Walloa, of New York. ng, and the attendance was very grat Gardner cashier -%f tne Bt Nicholas great age and the leogtb of time It FOURTH STREET. •gSge" carte* wver^l with tan-draO thanof depression holding Its. own during three Umee ing, and the aueudaace naa very grat- lakes•akes forTor thethe booeebones oolf ageegadd personpersonss ttoo of depression. As the hour drew near for tbe reifyingIfyin- g toto thetho youngyonng peoplepeople.. Both were much surprised at the action tnit. The accident waa a peculiar one i HOTICE Grand Chancellor Walter P. Ilp.y- ception to begin, ihe two young ladles, ot the Superintendent. Hr. Preston knit.tnd tbThee exten accidentt of waathe ainjur peculiary waa onenot Grand Cbaooellor Walter F. Hay- TheThetable table.s uponupon whicwhichh ththee manmanyy arar-- explained that at tbe moment he hodand the extent or the injury was not sSHSS'- huratirst delivereddelivered aann earnestearnest,, practicalpracucsl wbo were becomingly atUrad in white ticleUdees werniwere-offere oflhredd foforr sale,sale, werwaree nicelnicelyy known nor suspected until yesterday dowers. the offering* Of speechpeecb onon thetbe principle,principles ofof fraternitfraternityy iion I'lk ami lace, !ook their station ia tbe decorateddecorated,, madand theirtheir ooioracolon hannooUndbarmonttod io statement to make as vet concern- thougknownh inort happene suspectedd four anday ul* agoyesterday. fut. Arthur E .Main. rraridenl of 'met like the present wlicu so man;arge bay window where tin ing tbe condition of the bank. thoagh It happened four day. ago. tltnee like the ]-resent when to— man j prettilyprettily withwith ththee bewlublnbewitchingg costumecoelomeas On Snnday night she *as moving l um;rally, read the scriptures, menen artare thrownthrown outout ofof workwork foforr cause*causes young guests were Introduced olof thethe fairfair attendantsntteodnnto.. ThThee fancfancyy '•I closed Its doors,'" he added, "be On Sunday night aha wan moving IT which they have no control, and welcomed. The room was cause I found the espiUl impaired. aboutabont herher roomroom afterafter puttinpottingg tbthee iiyhlightt 1 over which they have no control. He goodsgoods l.blot.ble naawas InIn chargecharge ofof ihthee HisseMissess I, and (tumbling against something Sronler mads lb. prayer ud Kn. Dr. wawa*s followedfollowed byby GranGrandd Master-st-ArmaHaster-at-Arm* very prettily decorated with Ella Dunham, Sallls Gray, Haggle "I've known that such was the ease out, and slombilng against •omethlug briefly hr word, of eulogy lotchklna, of Newark, Grand Inner greens while in tbe dining room yellow Ella llont-am, Hallla Gray, Maggie since yesterday. laUroll heavilyheavily.. WherWheree shebee lalayy untilnntll assissama-- llolcbklos, of Newark, Grand Inner Swackhamer and Mrs. Abbott Tbe nce could be summoned. Her grand- upon *he many Guard Kockafellar, of Borne rville, and ribbons, evergreens and lowers were candHwarkhamery table ba andd tb eMr. Hisse sAbbott. Hand BenThe- ra nee could be summoned. 11 er grand- GEO.GEO. W.W. ROCKFELLOW,B00KFELL0W, Guard'ast Gran Kockafellar,d Chancello of r Somerville,Kl I boa roe, and or leen on every bide. During the even' randy table bad the Mleaes Mend Bea- son,m, Thomas Randolph,Randolph, wawaas callecalledd auaudd Vuiua A. Ooddisovow, ILl cbaract.-ri.tir* ol Mr.II tilingnetwork.* abou oft ton, Fannie Smith, Ella Bolce and Dora , Alter* PastJew GrandHrunawlck Chancellor, each or wbuKIIm bourne, gave en or- ng, tbe young guests amused them- ton, Fannie Smith, EUa Bolee and Dora PERSONALIA rendered whatwbat aaslataneeassistance hhee coulcouldd tlan THE GEOCER. •lL thorough of his kindliness touch wlih, of >11J.18 thing, gentleness .bout, Randolph as Its sponsors. At the PERSONALIA THE UROCER. D4ud XvTfabrr MX. IMS Newhusiaati Brunswick,c addresse eachs o ofn th whome goo g*red of en-lbe selves in playing games, and for eicel- Randolph as lu spooaor. At tba liftingifting herhe r toto beherr bedbed,, wherwheree shebee waawas M,rfh nf « artistihis kindltoea*,c 9cnse,o fof hi Jll.s iudnetry gentleness., and wp-coro table were Hrs. Asa Merrill, StephenWilcoz,the partner of Georgi made comfortable as possible, ll was thaslaailrr. Pas addresaeat Chancello on r theJones good, o ofr Perthe - ence in determining where tbe tail of poyecorn"las Jenni tablee Churchil were lMr. and AsaHis s Merrill,Mabel Stephen Wilcox,the partner of George made comfortable as posable. It waa ifJK'hrwlla ki« artistic nsense,of manhood lit* .industry, He briefl nody order. Paat Chancellor Jones, of Per- Mice Jennie Charcblll sad Miss Mabel H.I. Babcock,Babcock, dieddied twtwoo weekweekss agoago.. BByy >ecullar that tbe injury was not dlscov- rfh«UDn«isn manhood. He briefly severance Lodge, and a veteran in the ihe donkey belonged, Hiss Eugenie Bnrneiton. Tbe lancy table, over il* will which was read yesterday he peculiar that the iDjory waa not -Uncov- nltoBiud the ancestry.lhat made such ordeseverancer also delivereLodge, dand a ashor veterant address In the. Smith secured the lirst lady's prize Burneeton. The laaey table, over his will which waa read yesterday he 1 until yesterday, and that not suffl- ration lied the ancestry,that made such which Hrs. Itanck presided, wastended tit an estate rained at $600,000. > He eredt untilpai nyesterday, was cause andd ibalto Indicat not suffi-e a .lir'lifee Maa |,muu justjust gonegone outout possiblpoaaiblee anamid order'ast Chancello atao deliveredr Fre d aSear shorts wa saddress. chosen aud Fred Bonny tbe first for tbe gentle- Whichby member Mrs sRaricx of the presided,JnniorC. Ewaa. Society tended. left an eaUle valued at $600,000. > He cient pain was canned to Indicate a HOWARD A. POPE eiplimed buw its influence could belt gave_ave $60,0v0f.W,(Mi toto thetbe MemoriaMemoriall andand Li-Li - Ik. Hrs. Yarnell I* [.early blind HOWARD A. POPE, explained How IIS influence coold belt Pastf a unanimouChancellors votFrede a Searss tbe nexwast Depchoaen- men's, while Miss Edna Smith and by members of the JunlorC. E Society. irary Association or Westerly, K. I. break. Mr. Yarn ell Is nearly blind [y Grand Chancellor, and returned Waller McNaugbton were awarded Hiss Bessie Beoton, wbo was dressed brary Association of Westerly, K. L and the case I* very lamentable, for <M rlobo by a unanimous vote aa the next Dep- men’s while Mias Edna Smith and Miss Hearts Benton, who was dressed asidsad e thefrom casethe dimnesla verys olamentable,r sight ahe S-arfort DULZH rii norm*Iionne thethe eervlceservice .a quartette,quartette, comeora-- utyDank Grand* to tbChancellor,e brethre nand fo r tbreturnede blgb thWaltere boob yMcNaugbloo prizes.
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