MARAIMALAIYAM - 32 (A commemorative publication of centenary celebrations of Pure Tamil Movements) Ocean of Wisdom Ancient & Modern Tamil Poets Letters of Maraimalaiyadigal Author Mummozhi Chemmal Marimalaiyadigal Editor A. Mathivanan Publisher G. Elavazhagan Tamizhmann First Edition : 2015 Pages : 320 Price : 400/- Maraimalaiyam - 32 Author Marimalaiyadigal Editor A. Mathivanan Publisher G. Elavazhagan Published by Tamizhmann No. 2, Singaravelar Street, T.Nagar, Chennai - 600 017. Ph: 24339030, Cell: 9444410654 E-mail:
[email protected] Paper : 16.0 G Maplitho Size : 1/8 Demmi Font : 11.5 Pages : 320 Binding: Perfect Copies : 1000 Book Design : V. Chitra & Mrs. Kayalvizhi Wrapper Design : Kavi Baskar Printers : Venkateswara Offset, Thousand Lights, Chennai - 600 006 & Process India, Thiruvallikeni - 600 005. 3 Preface Maraimalai Adigal who sowed the seed for the Pure Tamil movement was a multi-faced personality. He was a Professor, Scholar, Researcher, Linguist, Orator, Literary critic, Author, Journalist, Nature cure expert, Leader of movements, Printer, Publisher, Psycho analayst, Reformer, Philosopher and Saint. It is rare to find a scholar in the whole of ninteenth and twentieth centuries who could be equated with him. As a scholar par excellence in Tamil, English and Sanskrit, he was the inspiring source for Devaneya Pavanar (1902 - 1981) who spent all his life to establish that Tamil was the primary classical language of the world which could exist independently without the support of any other language. He worked with a single - minded devotion to establish the supremacy of the Tamil language. He put in his best efforts to propagate to the world that Tamil as a classical language deserved the place which the linguists of the world had offered to other classical languages such as Greek, Latin, Hebrew etc.