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Engineering1 And1 Science ENGINEERING1 AND1 SCIENCE PUBLISHED AT THE CALIFO.RMIA INSTITUTE OF TEBHNOLDGY t - Compact industrial television system-developed at RCA Laboratories-lets us see the unseeable in safety! Continue your education with pay-at RCA Graduate Electrical Engineers: RCA Victor-one of the world's foremost manu- facturers of radio and electronic products -offers you opportunity to gain valuable, well-rounded training and experience at a good salary with opportunities for ad- Something's gone wrong in a big blast needed is the Vidicon camera's suitcase- vanccment. Here are only five of the many furnace, and heat is too high for engi- size control cabinet, which operates any- projects which offer unusual promise: a Developn~ent and design of radio re- neers to approach. Focus the Vidicon where on ordinary household current. ceivers (including broadcast, short wave and FM circuits, television, and phono- camera of an RCA Industrial Televi- The Vidicon camera could he lowered graph combinations). sion System on the flames and the fiery under water where divers might be en- Advanced development and design of dangered-or stand watch on atomic reac- AM and FM broadcast transmitters, R-F furnace can be studied in comfort on a induction heating, mobile communications tions, secure from radiations. And it is prac- equipment, relay systems. television receiver. tical to arrange the RCA Industrial Tele- Design of component parts such as coils. loudspeakers, capacitors. This is only one suggested use, for vision system so that observers can see a Development and design of new re- RCA's compact industrial television sys- 3-dimensional picture . real as life! cording and producing methods. Design of receiving, power, cathode tem is as flexible as its user's ingenuity. ray, gas and photo tubes. See the latest wonders of radio, television, and elec- IVritf today to National Recruiting Divi- "Eye" of the tiny camera-small enough sion, RCA Victor, Camden, New Jersey. to be held in one hand-is the sensitive tronics in action at RCA Exhibition Hall, 36 West Also many opportunities for Mechanical 49th St, N.Y. Admission is free. Radio Corporation and Chemical Engineers and Physicists. Vidicon tube. The only other equipment of America, Radio City, New fork. Photo by USAF Air Materiel Command Glass face that can tak The man you see here can wade into the hot- That question was put to Coming Glass -because of Coming research-you can test part of a gasoline or oil fire and stay to Works, and the answer was a fire fighter's use glass in many ways that you may never put it out. face made of Corning's Vycor Brand 96% have thought of before. He is wearing the latest in fire-fighting silica glass. Throughout industry, Corning means re- dress, developed by the Engineering Divi- Two thin panels of 96% silica glass-the search in glass-research which has made sion Laboratories at Wright-Patterson Air Coming glass that can be heated till it glows glass a material of practically limitless uses. Force Base, in Dayton, Ohio. and then plunged into ice water without That's a good thing to remember when Designing the suit-to protect the wearer breaking-are used to make the visor. And you've finished college and started working. against heat up to 2000Â Fahrenheit-was their inner surfaces are coated with thin, Then, as you plan new products or processes, a tough enough problem for Air Force sci- transparent films of gold. we invite you to call on Corning before the entists. But once they had solved this by This glass transmits cool, visible light, blueprint stage. Corning Glass Works, Cor- using layers of glass fabric, nylon, and metal allowing the fire fighter to see. The gold film ning, New York. foil, the problem presented by the visor for blocks the hot, invisible rays by reflecting the fire-fighting suit was yet to be worked them outward. A small dead-air space be- out. tween the glass panels prevents conduction Was there a material transparent enough of heat through the glass from the hot, to let the fire fighter see, yet fire-resigtant burning gases. and fire-repellent enough to let him face up We hope this special use for Corning's to a 2000Â Fahrenheit blaze? 96% silica glass will remind you that today / THE WATER SEEKERS tions of mathematics. The outcome by Remi A. Nadeau was a vast literature that no philoso- Doubleday, N.Y., $3.00 pher could understand. In an endeavor to bring the mathe- Reviewed by Franklin Thomas maticians and the philosophers with- Professor of Civil Engineering in shouting distance of one another. Dr. Maziarz proposes in Part I1 of FORTUNATELYTHERE ARE delibera- tive agencies and courts which have his book a return to pure metaphys- jurisdiction over rights to water in ics as practiced in the Middle Ages. the arid West. Controversies over Part I is a summary, with hundreds where limited quantities of water of references and excerpts wrenched shall be used and by whom become from their contexts, of the efforts of very acute. mathematicians to understand their You can Mr. Remi A. Nadeau, fifth genera- subject. To the reviewer it seems tion descendant of an early Cali- that the summary is slanted toward fornian, graduate of Stanford, and the author's scholastic bias evident FFORD to use a resident of Santa Monica, has pro- in Part 11. The mathematician who duced a fascinating narrative of hopes for illumination from this crucial events and plans which have part will have to understand numer- largely determined the destiny of ous passages such as the following important areas in the Southwest. on page 195: "Quantity is analogous- world's finest drawing pencil The author recounts the activities of ly divided by metaphysicians into a individuals and happenings related transcendental and predicamental. to the origin and consummation of They point out that transcendental the Owens River Aqueduct and the quantity, a field of metaphysical in- various proj e c t s using Colorado quiry, is used to signify the amount River water to exemplify the tensions of perfection or entiative being and conflicting interests which arise. which a thing possesses. (The author here refers to Saint Thomas Aqui- Why wait until you graduate? The book is an important and factual record based upon very ex- nas, In V Metaphysicorum, Lect. 15, Start using the Drawing Pencil nn. 954-976.) The being of a giraffe, of the Masters today-smooth, tensive research covering an exten- sive bibliography which the author for example, is intrinsically greater free-flowing,grit-freeCASTElL, lists as an additional benefit for his than the being of a stone. Transcen- accurately graded in 18 un- readers. dental quantity, as based on the sub- varyingtones of black,76to9H. Anyone who spends time interest- stantial or accidental perfection of a ingly in a perusal of this book will being-on its amount or plenitude YOUCANAFFORD CASTELL- have increased appreciation for the of perfection-is spoken of as vir- because if outlasts other pen- water which flows freely for his tual quantity, while that based on a cils, hence is more economical. comfort and convenience. consideration of a plurality of such In addition, you get the per- things is spoken of as transcendental quantity or transcendental number." sonal satisfaction of superior THE PHILOSOPHY OF MATHEMATICS Not having a copy of the Meta- craftsmanship that only phjsicorum at hand, the reviewer by Edward A. Maziarz, C.P.P.S., CASTELL gives. Unlike ordi- is predicamentally unable at the M.S., Ph.D. nary pencils, CASTELL sharp- moment to decide whether pi Philosophical Library, N.Y., $6.00 ens to a needlepoint without (3.1415926. .) is a transcendental Reviewed by E. T. Bell number or a giraffe. , breaking. Professor of Mathematics INTERNAL BALLISTICS Ask for CASTELL at your book OR ABOUT 2400 YEARS philoso- OF SOLID-FUEL ROCKETS siore. Don't allow yourself to phers from Pythagoras to Kant tried be talked into using a substi- to tell mathematicians what mathe- by R. N. Wirnpress tute. CASTELL is a life-time matics is really about. Then, in McGraw-Hill, N.Y., $4.50 habit for up-and-coming Engi- 1854, George Boole published his IRST OF A TWO-VOLUME series on neers. Laws of Thought, the effective be- ginning of symbolic logic. By 1895, rockets from the California Institute with the work of the Italian School of Technology, this book carries the of symbolic logic, it at last became subtitle: Military Rockets Using possible to state the basic problems Dry-Processed Double-Base Propel- of the so-called philosophy of mathe- lant As Fuel. It has been compiled matics in a clear and unambiguous by R. N. Wimpress, now associated form. In the succeeding half cen- with Industrial Engineers, Inc., and tury the English, German, and Amer- a former member of the Propellants ican schools of symbolic logic Group of the rocket development created subtle and penetrating tech- organization working under Contract niques for investigating the founda- CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 SOCONY-VACUUM OIL COMPANY, INC., and Affiliates: MAGNOLIA PETROLEUMCOMPANY GENERAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION on the three great groups of viruses Amrine knows what he is talking -those which attack animals, plants about here, as he was publications and bacteria. The book has been director of the Federation of Amer- OEMsr-418 between the California edited by Dr. Max Delbruck, Pro- ican Scientists. If he himself did Institute and the Office of Scientific fessor of Biology at the Institute, not provide a Roman holiday for Research and Development. who warns readers in a foreword the Senate committee, he evidently The material presented here is not to expect to find a comprehensive knew somebody who did.
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