Envoys Sign Peace Treaty Royal Arcanum Rates
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• mmit lb W. H. TROXELL, Editor & . Established by Samuel Afotter in 187:-1. TERMS-$1.00 a Year in Advntiec. • VOL,. XXVII. EMMITSBURG-, MARYLAND, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 8,1905. STORM ON LAKE SUPERIOR A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED. ENVOYS SIGN PAID FOR HIS SCARE. MAS-TE13$ OF CARVING. • Several Vessels and More Than a Score ROYAL ARCANUM Wednesday, August 30. ROBERT BACON I of Lives Lost. The comptroller of currency has is- Napoleon's Reward to the Maker of Our Ancestors fled a ilasesitsatary We • • a Bullet Proof Coat. PEACE TREATY Ashland, Wis., Sept. 5.--Mores than sued a call- for the condition of na- Have Quite- Forpfaiten. a score of lives were lost and property RATES UPHELD tional banks on August 25, SUCCEEDS LOOMIS Just before Napoleon set out for the What do we- necielserne know abetit. court of Belgium valued at $500,000 was destroyed in a 'The 23d annual convention of the he sent to the clever- carving? I say that I carve a pheasani Vinal Ceremony of Portsmouth Con- furious storm that swept over Lake Committee Recommended Tnat No National Association of Newsdealers est artisan of his class in Paris and when I divide it into two more or lees Superior from Friday night to Sunday New York Banker Appointed Assis- demanded of him whether he would equal portions. Lot so our ancestora. ference Was Change Be Made. was held at Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Brief. night, according to reports received Nathan Lipsky, arrested for begging tant Scc.-rctary Stat,,. engage to make a coat of mall to be Carving is an art. Let inc quote flees: here. The gale was the most destruc- in New York, had $2000 in gold on worn under the ordinary dress which an old book on carving some of the tive to lake shipping that has been ex- MINORITY REPORT DEFEATED him and is said to own real estate. would be absolutely bullet proof, and terms of that art: A FEW WITNESSES PRESENT perienced in many years. Cracksmen removed a safe from the TO TAKE OFFICE IN OCTOBER that if so he might name his own price Remember that ;Imre a-ere carving for such work. The man engaged to masters Besides the wreck of the steel Put-in-Bay, 0., Sept. 4.-The com- Atlantic hotel, Long Branch, N. J., and in those days, etrafessore uf make the desired object, if allowed ,steamer Sevona, which broke in two mittee on assessments appointed by blew it open at leisure on a vacant lot, Oyster Bay, N. Y., Sept. 5.-Presi- the art. They weee ltinentettss. Vast Portsmouth, N. H., Sept. 5. - The proper time, and he named 18,000 did not on Sand Island Reef, seven of the the Royal Arcanum to hear the claims getting $500. dent Roosevelt announced officially keep stelae. They latest( ifeetta 'Treaty of Portsmouth" was signed francs as the price of it. The bargain crew, including the captain, losing of the protesting delegates reported J. P. Morgan will be created a com- the appointment of Robert Bacon. of house to house SI J taught flier Iluitese. today. The treaty was engrossed in was concluded, and in due their lives, the barge Pretoria, of Bay on the various petitions, resolutions mander of the French Legion of Honor New York, to be first assistant secre- time the As for their social position, I= Mete French and English, and consists of work was produced and its maker not ascertained City, Mich., carrying a crew of 10 and protests in regard to the new in acknowledgment of a statue of tary of state to succeed Francis B. it. Probably: they honored with the second audience of were 17 articles, preceded by a short pre- Men, sank, five sailors drowning. rates. The report reaffirmed and de- Franklin he presented to the city of Loomis. classed wills the itinerant ewe- the emperor. "Now," said the im- trait painter. amble. The ceremony of signing was The schaner Alive Jeanette, which fended the action of the supreme coun- Paris. The announcement was accompan- Certainly they aid not perial majesty, "put it on." The man sit at table the brief. M. Witte teud Baron Rosen act- carried a crew of seven men, Is also cil at Atlantic City in May and recom- Thursday, August 31. ied by a statement that Mr. Bacon with gentlefolk. I did so. "As I am to stake my life on fear that their place was the kitchen' ed for Russia and Baron Komura and thought to be lost. The Olive Jeanette., mended that no change be made in the Luke Saunders, 63 years old, was would not assume the duties of his its efficacy you will, I suppose, have no and that Lady Mary took her lessome Mr. Talrahira for Japan. it is believed, went to the bottom rates. run over and killed by a heavily load- office for some time, perhaps not until objection to do the same." in that room surrounded by about 10 miles from Portage entry. They further recommended an ed brick cart at Chester, Pa. about the middle of October, after Sec- the admir- Besides the plenipotentiaries only And he took a brace of pistols and ing maids. The Sevona was ore laden from Al- amendment to the laws providing that Major General Leonard Wood and retary Root had become settled in the Assistant Secretary Peirce, represent- I prepared to discharge one ofhein at But I lonez to Erie, Pa., and ran ashore on any member 65 years of age or over or Mre. Wood sailed from New York on office the only thing she "carved" a-as ing the president; Governor McLane, of secretary of state. the breast of the York Island in a heavy storm, after- their the Philippines. astonished artisan. mutton or beef. Yon had to "break a the mayor of Portsmouth, Admiral hereafter reaching such age may pay way to Mr. Loomis' resignation has been • There was no retreating, however, and deer, rear a goose, lift it swan, ward breaking in two at the fourth only one-half of the prescribed Edward R. Ladew, one of the most practically in the hands of President mulct! Mead and commander Winslow were , half dead with fear he stood the fire, a capon, spoil a lieu. frush a chicken, hatch and sinking. amount of the assessment and the prominent leather manufacturers in Roosevelt for several months. His de- present. j and, to the Infinite credit of his work, mibrace a tuallarla unlace :a cony. dis- Two boats were put off. One boat balance, with 4 per cent, interest, com- the United States, died at Glen Cove, sire to retire from the office of as- The articles relating to the non-for- I with perfect impunity. But the em- mount a heron, display a "-crane, dis- was in charge-of the first engineer and pounded annually, shall be charged L. I. sistant secretary was known to the tification of the island of Sakhalin peror was not content with one trial. figure a peacock, unjoint a bittern. on- contained besides aim Miss Jones and against his benefit certificate and de- The United States collier Marcellus, president at the conclusion of the and La Perouse Straits, and the evac- He fired the second pistol at the back tack a curlew, alaye ir pheasant. wine j Mrs. S. F. Spencer, of Erie, Pa.; Mrs. ducted therefrom upon payment of the welch went aground near Baltimore, Bowen-Loomis inquiry, which resulted elation of Manchuria were settled. of the trembling artisan, and afterward a partridge or a quail, mince a plover, ' Cluckey, of West Bay City, Mick.; benefit. was floated and was apparently unin- in the forced retirement of Minister Roth parties .bind themselves not to discharged a fowling piece at another thigh a pigeon or any other small bird Mrs. William Phillips, Adam Fiden, They also recommended that a spe- jured. Bowen from the diplomatic service. fortify the island. La erouse is to part of him, with similar effect. and border a game pie." Nick Eiden and C. H. Cluckey, two ciel fund be raised by the payment of The next meeting of the Southern The death of John Hay made it ne- ,be "open" and Japan agrees not to "Well," said the emperor, "you have And the xequisition of these terms fishermen, and one deck hand. 20 (seats a year, to be used only for Educational Association is to be held ceseary for the president to select not ,erect works to command the strait. produced a capital work undoubtedly. was only the beginning of knowledge. Battling with waves all night, the the relief of members of the rate of jointly with the Association of Col- only a secretary The article relating to the evacua- of state, but also a What is the price of It?" Eighteen -London Queen. occupants of the boat suffered terribly 65 years or over whose circumstances leges in Nashville, Tenn., November :don of Manchuria provides that the first assistant secretary who would be thousand francs, was named as the from cold and exposure, and several are such Oat they are not able to pay 22-25, -troops, immediately upon the exchange acceptable to the chief of the depart- agreed sum. "There Is an order for times the crew was almost forced to a portion or the whole of their assess- Friday, September 1. FUNNY LITTLE "FIDDLER." of final ratification, are to :be with- ment. Practically immediately upon them," said the emperor, "and here is give up the struggle. When day broke, ments. Fire destroyed the White Pine Lum- the acceptance by Elihu Root of the drawn respectively „to the lines of another for an equal sum for the fright One of the Most with land in sieht, the party was in The expenditure from this fraternal ber company's mill at Priest river, office of secretary of state he and the Interesting Members.