Midpacific Volume24 Issue3.Pdf
VOL. XXIV. No. 3. 25 Cents a Copy. SEPTEMBER. 1922 011111111111111MME1111111111316111111111111111113MIMIIIII L .191e MID-PACIFIC MAGAZINE and the ra" BULLETIN OF THE PAN -PACIFIC UNION Hon. Yeh Kung Cho, Minister of Communications in China, and an officer of the Pan-Pacific Union. sIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiat%r.11111111111111111Ca1teIIIIIIIIIIIl01L IIIIIIIIIIIInIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIC IIIIIIIIIIIIIIICaleIIIIIIIIIIIIIIne UNITED STATES AUSTRALASIA HAWAII ORIENT JAVA Am. News Co. Gordon & Gotch Pan-Pacific Union Kelly & Walsh Javasche Boekhandel ' • ' ' • ' • ' • ' ' ' •i ztlattlAttAtttatts.v Pan-Parifir Tinian Central Offices, Honolulu, Hawaii, at the Ocean's Crossroads. PRESIDENT, HON. WALLACE R. FARRINGTON, Governor of Hawaii. ALEXANDER HUME FORD, Director. DE. FRANK F. BUNKER, Executive Secretary and Treasurer The Pan-Pacific Union, representing the lands about the greatest of oceans, is partly supported by appropriations from Pacific governments. It works chiefly through the calling of conferences, for the greater advancement of, and cooperation among, all the races and peoples of the Pacific. HONORARY PRESIDENTS Warren G. Harding President of the United States William M. Hughes Prime Minister of Australia W. F. Massey Prime Minister of New Zealand Hsu Shih-Chang.... President of China Arthur Meighen Premier of Canada Prince I. Tokugawa President, House of Peers, Tokyo His Majesty, Rama VI King of Siam HONORARY VICE-PRESIDENTS Charles Evans Hughes Secretary of State, U. S. A. Woodrow Wilson Ex-President of United States Dr. L. S. Rowe Director-General Pan-American Union Yeh Rung Cho Minister of Communication, China Leonard Wood Governor-General of the Philippines The Governor-Generals of Alaska and Java. The Premiers of Australian States. John Oliver The Premier of British Columbia The Pan-Pacific Union is incorporated with an International Board of Trustees, representing races and nations of the Pacific.
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