
_;.n.~.. . THE 'WORLD TODAY ,. .,_ '. ., \ 'Catonsville Nine': Guilty BALTIMORE ( UPI)-A federal court jury found nine Roman C'atholil: pal:ifists, who were al:cused of destroying draft records, f.~ guilty on all three counts late yesterday after only one hour and ,.., •.. illil 25 minutes of deliberation. The defendants, on hearing the verdict, began to sing, "We '" ..., ~ shall overcome," the civil rights anthem. One man among the { spectators shouted, "Ltdies and gentlemen of the jury, you have just found Jesus Christ guilty." The two women and seven men, including two priests, could each be sentenced to a maximum of 18 years in jail and fined up to $22,000 each on the convictions of disrupting the ope rat ions of a draft board, destroying federal property and interfering with Kathleen Casey Ann Jimieson Linda Sue Compton selective service personnel in the performance of their duties. The "Catonsville Nine" entered the small Selective Service headquarters in the Baltimore suburb of Catonsville May 17, scooped two drawers full of records and burned them outside in a parking lot. Two of the nine, the Rev. Philip Berrigan, 45, a J osephite priest, and Thomas Lewis, 28, an artist, already are serving six year terms for pouring blood on Baltimore city draft records Oct. (~ 27. Weather May Stall Apollo launch CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -The countdown for Apollo 7, the three man, 11 day test of America's moonship, entered its critical last hours "like a charm" yesterday with weather remaining the only question mark for today's launch. Dr. Wchrncr Von Braun, head of Saturn rocket development, said astronauts Walter Schirra, Donn Eisele and Walter Cunningham were "in a highly confident frame of mind, eager to go." Shahla Kaussari Judy Coffey Liz Culwell" "I have never attended a preparation for a space vehicle that has gone as smoothly as has this Apollo 7," said Von Braun. One of these charming young ladies will be crowned Notre Dame's 1968 Homecoming The nation's first manned venture into space in nearly two Queen. This year's winner wil1 also reign as ND's NCAA Football Queen representative; years was scheduled to roar aloft atop a 22 story Saturn I B and will participate in a nationwide contest offering scholarship and trip prizes. Voting rocket at I 0 a.m. CDT. will be Sunday night in the dining halls. The weather, heretofore expected to be good for the launching, may turn out to be a snag for the start of the 4 million mile earth orbital test for later flights to the moon. "The weather is a little bit of a question mark," said Von Braun. I Ieavy rain was falling on the spaceport as he spoke to newsmen. "The predictions arc good at the moment but there will be some shower activity in the morning. Should the shower situation THE indic

Calling for a mobilization of the features of the New Politics "the hard core disgruntled," Party, technicalities and vaguely Assistant Professor of English worded statutes which are ever Richard Bizot pictured the the servants of the present American political establishment," and "some signs parties as "essentially of a purge." undemocratic" and offered his New Politics Party as a refuge As ample justification for his for the disenfranchised dissenter. party's proposed "symbolic Bizot, chairmen of the party in protest" write-in candidacy of Indiana's third district, spoke Dick Gregory and Mark Lane, last night to an estimated sixty Bizot pointed to the two major people in the library auditorium, candidates. Their nomination he Gee Dad, it's a hologram! as part of the Student Union called a "thwarting of the Academic Commission's democratic principle," and their "University Lecture Series." pl,.atforms "cop outs." To "Old politics", according to demonstrate the inadaquacy of 3 ·D Photography Experiments Bizot, are outmoded because of voting for Humphrey on a their basis in "uncritical "lesser of two evils" basis, he Using a helium-neon laser on traveling in phase. The laser's the plate, and the viewer sees alliegiance to the party machine, said, "Put up Humphrey's loan from Bendix Missile narrow beam can be focused what to all appearances is the the systein of politican favors proposals not against Nixon's, Systems Division, Assistant with greater precision, and it original form itself-in full and patronage, an inherent love where they would look Professor of Electrical remains. straight over great three-dimensional form, for compromise, and a general appealing, but against the needs Engineering Alan Monkewicz is distances. Monkewicz's laser is complete with real-life visual discouragement of of the country." working in two areas, one low-powered• - a minute effect~ such as the ability to participation." He delivered a B d involving a study of minute fraction of one watt - and a lo0~ behind objects. It is as izot ec 1ared that George "sad narrative" about the ll " density changes in gases fingei placed in its thin, red though one were looking wa ace has performed a Democratic Party machine in the valuable service by opening a (supported by a $50,221 Air beam feels nothing. through a window at the original object, even though that object state of Indiana, which sent an fitssure m· t h e two party system," Foree 0 ffice of Scientific Holography does not record administration delegation to the which provides "a real chance of Research grant), and the second an image of the object being may have long since been removed. Democratic convention in re-s ha ping t h e American political and more interesting for the photographed, as does the Chicago after a 69 per cent structure." The present maJ·or non-technician, usisng laser camera. Instead it records the The possible uses of anti-administration vote in the " bl photography, known as ob;ect-reflected laser light waves holography range from parties are una e to provtae J state primary. He attributed this the public with a clear choice holography, in research themselves on a light-sensitive three-dimensional color to a "Governor who was because each party expects to sponsored by the College of plate. television to improved especially interested in retarding embrace the whole spectrum " Engineering. The record - a hodgepodge of microscopy. Monkewicz predicts liiterested in the The third and fourthpai:ties, he The principles of recording a specks, whorls, and blobs - 3-D color television, perhaps as ?. bl three-dimensional image without bears no resemblance to the early as the late 1980's, and the Study Of Law said, would solve this pro em. and that of the alienation of1 using a photographic lens were original object, but its optical hologram is already replacing the prepared specimen under the A representative of the dissent, by "polarizing" the two discovered as early as 1947 but code contains not only the Washm.gton Universt'ty al't' holography awaited the standard data found in the microscopes of many parties between new co 1 tons Sc Itooi of Law of the Republican with "old development of the unique laser regular photograph, but also laboratories. Since holograms St. Louis) will be ., h light source in order to become additional information which produce extremely realistic 0 1 r-mpus~,..., Monday, OctobQO" right" and the Democratic wit practicable. cannot be garnered by any other images-images which can be '"'' the "new left." 14t h to ta lk to student~ Unlike the "white" light from photographic process. examined from different points planning to enter law schoo the household bulb, which is a To create a recognizable of view and, indeed, even ~pon graduation, o Slmerls mixture of all colors and image from the hologram, the focused at different hink_ing about it. Mak~ OPEN TO"SERVE ND therefore of varied wave lengths laser is again used, this time not depths-they are superior to the ~ppomtments by signing lis1 STUDENTS WITH BEER, traveling in diverse directions, to illuminate the object, but to real thing, which is often ~.n Pre-Law Society Bulletir LIQUOR AND MEALS. f distorted or· modified during poard outside of Roo~ You Must Be And laser light is what physicists call ocus on the hologram itself.ln ~41, O'Shaughnessy. 21 "coherent", its rays parallel and effect, the laser light releases the sample preparation. ~~---~--~--~~--~S=h=o~w~Y~o~u~r~I~·~D~.~~~-L ______or~~~hlwD~~ou~on Because of its ability to record in detail and store the physical appearance of an object, holograms taken over a period of time can detect even the smallest changes. The hologram's pattern retention and For An ExciUng Finale comparison qualities might well qualify it as an excellent To A Great fingerprint searcher. Homecoming Weekend Stewart AHend Sandwich Service

THE PRESIDENT'S BRUNCH Available in every hall on campus 2210Miaml -Stewart Sandwich HOURS: Service At Randall's Inn 2-10 10-10 1-6 925 Blaine M-F SAT SUN 232-2625 12:30 pm Sunday October 20 Wygants

Drop by The Social Commission Offke Between WE HAVE YOUR FAVORITE FLOWERS FOR YOUR FAVORITE GIRL! DON'T FORGET THEM FOR THE PROM NEXT FRIDAY! 2:30-5:30 Today Or Mon.-Thurs. of Next Week

CA ll-232-3354 FTD FlORIST 327 liNCOLN WAY WEST 3 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1968 THEOBSER~V.~~~R~ ______PA_GE_ ------Michael Patrick O'Connor 111111111 Badin Opens Coffee House The Badin llall Council has functions: First, it should be a his council arc able to provide. Touching 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 announced the opining of the nice place for a guy to bring a So far, there have been no definite committments from any " We're going to win no IIUJtter who runs,' Wallace told Badin Coffee llouse on October date. Second, it should serve as a performers; but Ryan promises 7,000 textile workcrs... speaking at an airport rally where I H, the Friday of Homecoming gathering spot and meeting place fried chicken dinners went jiJr $5 each and straw hats from weekend. for hall residents, and third, on entertainment by opening night. boxes that Governor Wallace touched were sold j(Jr $6 .... " The coffee house will be open weekends, it should provide "The purpose of the Bad in 'f PI release to all Saint Mary's and Notre food and entertainment for llouse is not to make money," It was my pleasure recently to tour the famous Famous Things Dame students on an students and couples." emphasized Ryan. "In fact, Museum operated by Col. Rodney Doggo and the collector was around-the-clock basis. Coffee students wiH pay for their coffee The construction of the jubilant over his newest addition. and hot chocolate will be sold at and hot chocolate on an honor facilities, which are being done "Is that it'r I said, pointing to a box on a shelf next to the glass five cents a cup throughout I he system." by students on a four hundred If successful, the Badin Coffee display case protecting from the overly curious a collection of shot day. In addition, a snack bar dollar budget--is nearing glasses touched by Kissin' Jim Folsom. featuring sandwiches and pizza House may be the first of completion. Among the several, informal gathering spots "Nah, son," boomed the colonel, "that's the box Hummon will be open daily from furnishings arc wall paintings, around campus. As part of a Talmadge touched when he took his red suspenders out of !O:OOpm 12:00pm, and on including an attractive mural of general renovation of the it another high point in history, I might add. The box Wallace weekends from a feminine figure, large cylindric basement, Walsh Hall plans a touched is that newer looking one over there by the gooscquill 8:00pm-! :OOam. Informal lights designed to afford a coffee shop, designed mainly for touched by Barry Goldwater when he wrote the Declaration of entertainment will also be I ndepcndence." offered on weekends. certain privacy to sections of the hall residents. Since this room, and a stereo hi-fi. renovation depends upon "Oh," I said. "Then your museum is :1political?" Dave Ryan, hall president, The success of the coffee University funds, it will not be said, "The coffee house is meant house may depend largely on the completed until sometime next "What say, son?" to serve three badly needed entertainment which Ryan and semester. "I mean it crosses party lines- you use l'Xhibits regardless of race, creed, or color'?' "You one of them Miami 'The Revolution Is Coming~SDS horn-rimmed communists, aint you, By ED MATTINGLY son'r ''The Revolution is coming to as a land holder for profit, of prejudicial adm1ssions "No, no," I said hastily. Notre Dame!" (Columbia U. is the second procedures. Sould violence break "All righty, then," he said, somewhat Last night, the first largest private land holder in out with the police intervening, appeased. "Shut up. This museum is dedicated to one thing. If organizational meeting of the New York City- the Owrch is well, then those are the somebody famous personally touched something, then I want it." Students for a Democratic first)." consequences they (the lie gestured. "TI1ere, for example, is the first dollar Huey Long Society (S.O.S.) took place in authorities) assume." ever touched as emperor." O'Shaughnessy Hall. On the national level, S.O.S. is At the end of the meeting, the "But that's only 35 cents." Approximately 35 people an activist organization which is chapter decided to meet again "you sure fi~d a lot of fault, son," he said, moving on. "Now, attended as preliminary plans trying to establish a "popular next Tiwrsday at 7:00 p.m. in heres a purnpkm touched by Boss Tweed-used to be a golden were set for the organization democracy", that is, a room I 02 of the Liberal Arts charlo_!. Up there is a communist halo touched by Eugene V. Debs. during the 1968-69 school year. democracy where the people tell College. H~rc ~~ a sore spo~ on the voters literary test touched by Richard During the next few weeks the government what to do and N1xon, there hangmg from a thing wire is the high C touched by committees will be set up to then the government executes 'Trip to Where' Gov. Rhodes when the Agnew decision was announced." adopt a local chapter these wishes. Also, S.O.S. wants John Mroz and the Student "You sure have some famous touched things here." constitution and to do research to decentralize government, to Union Academic Commission "You said a mouthful-WATCH IT!" work of the power structure of break up the stranglehold the will present three films on drugs: I jumped back and asked "What's that?" Notre Dame. 200 'big' corporations have on their use and attendant evils. "That's a late grass root return touched by Harry S. Truman." The goal of the national the American economy and to The films, called "Hooked," I asked "Who touched these little soldiers?" S.O.S. organization is: "to destroy the 'environmental "LSD," and ''Trip to Where" "Them aint toy soldiers, son, those are toy kings, one of my reform the entire system ... the polution' that pervades were prepared by the United favorite exhibits," he said. ''Those toy kings were made by Strom system is destroying. us, American society today. States Navy and are being shown Thurmond as a boy, with his own toy kingmaker. Sec that framed therefore we must reform it" in co opera lion with Naval­ envelope with the barely decipherable scrawl?fhat WdS written on a according to one qf the S.D.s' After discussing the "scene" ROTC. They will be shown in train. You know what it is?" spokesman, Dennis Doering. at Columbia and Chicago, the the Engineering Auditorium "You don't mean-" "We are concerned with society members then touched on tomorrow at 7:00, Sunday at "No, not Lincoln. That's the first draft of Norman Thomas' as a whole, not just anti-war possible moves to affect many of 2:00, 4:00 and 7:00 and next acceptance speech. Here's a makeup brush that touched Reagan, the the antiquated attitudes demonstrations, but many, in Wednesday, Oct. 16, at 7:00. new low touched touched by Tammany-l've got to have that fact, most of the values of prevalent here at Notre Dame. cleaned one of these days, and here in this red, white, and blue society." As to the possibility of trash barrel, some historically priceless trash. This is litter personally At last night's meeting, several FOUND. Marble colored kitty in picked up by Lady Bird." S.O.S. leaders stated that one violence here at N.D. similar to vicinity of stadium. If not claimed "Boy," I said, "it gives you cold chills, !1Uh?;, goal of the organization this year Columbia, Doering and his in two days will drown. Call "I'm glad to sec you understand," he said simply, almost is to find out the backgrounds of associates said: "That possibility Pouch or T·Bear 283-6763. reverently. the various members of the is dependent on what one means "Look down at your feet. Know what that is?Herbcrt Hoover Notre Dame lay Board of by 'violence'. To society, touched that. lie used to stand on it." Trustees. "We want to know property is sacred and any THE POOL ROOM "What is it?" what interests these men have of seizure of property is a violent 20 I N. Michigan "The threshold of a new era." the Notre Dame campus," said action to them. We do not hold I 0 a.ril.-12 p.m. Special rates on As we cam~ round again to the entrance I asked "Why do you one of the S.O.S. leaders. "Are that we are wrong or violent if, collect only thmgs touched by politicians?" they benevolent men solely for example, we seize the Thursday for N.D. and "What else can I do?" he shrugged. "Politicians make more interested in advancing h ighcr admissions office here in protest St. Marys students. touches than anybody else." education, or is Notre Dame Year of Turmoil being used to do, let us say, research work for counteracting Another The Professors, the television and will be chaired by Rev. guerrilla warfare in South show where Notre Dame James Burtchaell, CSC, America. Or, maybe, is Notre Farley Party professors consider pressing Dame being used like Columbia Chairman of Notre Dame's laurel Club problems of the times, will Th co logy Depart mcnt. present the second in a four part Ask the N.D. Senior Fri, Oct 11 9:00-12:30 series on 1968 as a "year of The question posed will be where his favorite whether the present period of MUSIC BY THE NIGHT RAIDERS turmoil" tomorrow night at place .for fresh- cooked midnight on WNDU-TV. The change in the church is one of spaghetti is. $3 per couple Door Prizes discussion this week centers on change for its own or one of long needed reform. ______''The Turmoil in the Church"_c __ Doris Day and SMC Football Game happiness 2 P.M. Matinees Sat.-Sun. Only Sunday 1 pm. (behind LeMans) is eating Doors Open 1 :30 - Juniors vs. Frosh Evenlng11: Sun. Tbru Fri. 7:30 Brian Keith music by Soul Circuit at the ox 2:30 to 4:30 -refreshments and programs­ "With Six You Open House in all dorms 1-5 pm. The Ob~ervtr il published cbily Get Eggroll" durin11 the coD¥ ~emesler except vacahon~ by die students of lhe Color h.v flt>luxt> FilmNI in Panu\·i~iun•. U11lve•sily of Notre D1mc. lh•lt-a:-;enc•ral Pil'lurt>!-. Subscriptions RIIY be purchast"d A Cinema (\•nlt'l' Filmt' Pn•!*'nlation. for $10 from The ObserverJ Box NATIONALLY fRANCHl~EO II, Notre Dime, Ind., 4o556. RIVER PARK THEATER Second class postage paid, Notu· U.S. 31 north 2929 MISHAWAKA AVE Dame. Ind •• 46556. near toll road. 288-8488 ~------~.... .------


There's been acid-rock, folk-rock, rock 'n roll, rock antom of the Opera" complete with spooky organ, mystery, using forms ranging from Bach to Kagel, 'n soul, and now there's gothic-rock, with Procol eerie vocals, satanic lead on fuzt.y tone by Trower, while demonstrating a depth and skill that is as Harum's latest release. Shine On Bright~v. They make and gypsy folk dance finish. The song is reminiscent spacious and fascinating as the realms that he usc of all the gimics of a 1930's Hollywood horror of the Door's freaky music act, but if anything, the explores. Juxtaposed on top of this organ is Trower's classic, but there's nothing wrong with a gimic as long song is a parody on that act. I can dig it, but for lead guitar which is violent at times, maniacal at as it works, and Shine On Brightly works. laughs only. others, and always demonic. At this point, Trower begins a quitar descent into Emphasis is on the lyrics in the first band, called Witli the instruments they handle, Procol Harum Haidcs. His lead IS the longing and desperate cry of a "Quite Rightly So," in a despairing Nausea-like spirit. has the potential to do it, and the band "Wish Me man alone in the darkness of ctcrnily, while Fisher They tell of a man, lost and searching, who has no Well'' do~s it -a real blucsy tunc. Funky piano, heavy continues to paint shades of bldck on the organ. The hope and is "in need of saving grace." The music SOIJI organ and beat, and spadey vocal by Brooker. lyrics arc a Dantcish lament over lost life; conjures up the complementary environment, with Trower manages a subdued but dirty blues lead, while Wilson on drums and Fisher on organ providing the Brooker a·bandons 's Sartrcian lyrics long I know iff'd been wiser power. enough to give a "sock it to me Robin" .. this IWJUld never have occurred The key to the mood which Procol Harum creates "Magda lcnc", band one side two, has a lament type but I wallowed in my blindness in this and in every piece for that matter, is not in the lyric of lost glory and "sun's sailed out to sea," so it's plain that I deserlle ... lyrics nor in the music alone, but in the synthesis of backed by a Salvation Army dirge, complete with (to) spend my life among the dead of the two. Both seem Zonophonc (whatever that is.) Sounds melodramatic, who spend I heir liiJes in fear. pretentious and even but the organ brings it off. Brooker delivers an out of sight vocal, while Trower melodramatic when isolated, The next cut, "In Hell Twas I", ta kcs up the rest of crashes in and out with electrifying leads. but t ogcther the cffcct is the second side and is the culmination of Procol The piano begins the ascent out of Hades, sup­ overwhelming. When Gary lb rum's cffort to put you into the black and po·.;cdly to heaven(?) They seem to be declaring the Brooker sings, haunting world of the soul, a Ia Edgar Allen Poe. The possibility for hope or faith in their finale, but the '17wuglz nothing most effective way to communicate this idea is tunc comes out sounding like the theme song for shows, someone knows through int irnat ion (i.e., Poe often speaks of u horror "God is My Co-Pilot." I don't buy the ending, and I wish that one was me, " "that is ineffable," one wit bout words.) Procol apparently neither docs , for he breaks while Robin Tower is knocking Harum suggest this kind of terror with their lyrics but in with one more savage lead, before the piece ends out a lead that expresses the the real feeling of dark and shadowy places comes with a beautiful but too "national anthem sounding" lyrics in sound, you know the from the combination of Trower's guitar and Fisher ending. It comes off soggy. Perhaps they have the feeling or predicament of the on organ. faith that transcends the existential nothingness of lost man. The piece deals with different times in a man's life their lyrics, but their "heaven" doesn't come across "Shine On Brightly," title song and second band, and is divided into se-d ions, all of which point out th~ with I he convincing force of their "Hades". continues the existential rap with, absurdity and frustrati"n of the scarcl1 for something I don't understand it all, but tllat's part of the search in vain, by candlelight called "truth". The lyrics arc subtle and capsulizc the attraction. Shine On Brightly is mystical, terrifying, for the road that goes nowhere confusion of life and words, melodramatic, soap-opery, intriguing, heavy, and a lot of other "sell-a-million" promo adjectives, but it is a while a combination of classical organ, in the German write it down, someone might read it, sophisticated and complex approach to rock music. gothic tradition, and Trower's stunning lead guitar, nothing's left better unsaid, on~J! sometimes. create a demonic and haunting effect. There arc rough edges, but it is an impressive , Behind this Fisher demonstrates on the organ his deriving it's worth from originality, and the ta!ent "Skip Softly" is a musically impressionistic "Ph- classic virtuosity. His music is full of power and that Procol Harum demonstrates in their originality.

From a down by the OBSERVER. To There can be only one of two freshman quad in last week's And then there was the Freshman give you an example of what I answers (or possibly bot h). elections and, more openly, in prefect incident. Once again Mr. mean ... the recall pet it ion of Either we freshmen are being Joel Garreau's fatherly letter in Rossie's mccs Editor: California's Ronald Reagan was treated in the same paternalistic Monday's Observer. Before the And then there was the As a freshman I am sick of signed by many people who did attitude which we all condemn class is tagged a nest of prefect incident. Once again Mr. this attittude fostered by many not vote in the election which so much and arc being reactionaries, a word in its Rossie's message was garbled. of the upperclassmen to the saw him elected with his hypocrites about it, or we arc defense is in order. The tone of his remarks effect that we are little "mandate", but the validity of being punished for having had The most significant cause of indicated that the main point of children-unable to do what is their signatures was never the audicity to sign the recall the class's apparent conservatism contention was whether or not "good for us." questioned by this standard. petition. is its confusion - confusion the prefects were necessary or You complain about the Then Mike Shaughnessy If it's the former, than I think which, ironically, was fostered desirable. The truth came to "paternalistic attitude of the comes across with his bright that this should be stopped. You by Student Body President light at a Freshman Action Administration." But then you resolution barring us from may have the "experience" on Rossie. Three occurrences point Committee meeting when the go and do the same thing as far signing recall petitions for SLC us, but then, so docs the up the truth of the preceeding frosh were allowed to question as we're concerned. On one hand members, using for an example administration. statement. Rossie. As it turned out, he was we are criticized for having how easy we were "misled" on If it's the latter, then this The first piece of student upset not so much over the signed the petitions for the recall the R.R. recall (BACK THAT shows that we arc not pursuing government communication to prefects per se. Rather he was of Richard Rossie, but when he STATEMENT MR. "responsible student power" by reach the freshmen was a letter upset that student leaders were makes rash and untimely SHAUGHNESSY). When he stiffling the views of a sizable intended as an indictment of the not consulted before the statements you praise him and came to Cavanaugh to talk about minority of the Student Body. present Notre Dame condition. prefects were appointed. contend that this is the way the the F.A.C. (to which I belong) This is also a very d