

Photo# Chyanneweekly Moore


Stephanie Baker Kerry Duane Brown Jacob S. Combs Randy Cornett Coco Gagnet Justin Gault Danny Hamen Victoria Harley Brian Johnson Eric Keck Emily Mendenhall Tom Morgan Chyanne Moore M Ross Perkins Vince Williams Lisa Patrick-Wright

Illustrators Sophie Dannin Erin Dreis Adam Eckley Ben Riddlebarger Brittany Schwarck Wakka Christopher ‘ETCH’ Weyrich Jason Young

Publisher: Brian Johnson [email protected] Editor: Kerry Duane Brown [email protected] 937-580-8551 Copy Editor: M Ross Perkins Designer: Justin Gault [email protected] Director of Photography: Stephanie Baker [email protected]

© Copyright 2014 by Telephone Media 2014. Reproduction of any content, in whole or in part,without written consent of publisher is strictly prohibited.

# weekly Photos Stephanie Baker table of contents PHOTONS|6-7 Photography by Chyanne Moore WHAT WE’RE DRINKING |8 Craft Beer Writer Tom Morgan , WINE SPRITZERS & YOU|9 Emily Mendenhall love chemicals|10 Coco Gagnet / Illustrated by Erin Dreis DIY: BREAST AND TESTICLE SELF EXAM |11 Lisa Patrick-Wright / Illustrated by Adam Eckley RECORD ROULETTE: |12 , FLEETWOOD MAC & ROTARY CONNECTION M Ross Perkins

POKEMON FEVER: THE ECONOMICS OF JAPANESE MONSTERS|14 Danny Hamen / Illustrated by Brittany Schwarck GUIDED BY VOICES INFOGRAPHIC |16 Erin Dreis/M Ross Perkins/Vince Williams SUBARUS AND MICROBREWS: THE ETYMOLOGY OF “HIPSTER”|18 Victoria Harley / Illustrated by Erin Dreis OFF THE RADAR: BECAUSE POP STARS ARE PEOPLE TOO|20 Jacob S Combs / Illustrated by Sophie Dannin ANGELS IN AMERICA|22 Mindy Parade / Illustrated by Adam Eckley STATUTORY ROCK|24 Randy Cornett / Illustrated by Adam Eckley TELEPHONE ASKS... ”WHO’S KNOCKING ON THE WALL?”|27 Illustrated by Etch, Wakka & M Ross Perkins TIC ‘KECK’ TOE &| 29 TELEPHONE’S PHRASAL TEMPLATE WORD GAME Telephone Comics|30 Kel Crum, Wakka, ETCH & Jason Young BEN RIDDLEBARGER’S COLORING PAGE (3/4 PAGE THAT IS)|31

# weekly Chyanne Moore | Moore Chyanne Photos

6 | # weekly # weekly | 7 What We’re Drinking: So You Like Craft Beer? by Tom Morgan

craft beer, I think that enthusiasm for craft craft beer, not for any of these (or any other) beer is important, but without the reciprocal specific institutions. From my perspective, a knowledge to complement that enthusiasm, smarter consumer means better beer: both you might as well throw your vote away. producers and consumers have their part to Similarly, beer cannot be divorced from the play in developing Dayton’s beer scene. social, political, and economic factors that After all, it is an exciting time for beer in go into its production. Ignoring the ethical Dayton. When I first moved to Dayton, there dimensions of beer production is not that wasn’t a brewery to be found; now, the greater different than naïve enthusiasm: it ignores Dayton metropolitan area is home to several communal obligation by ignoring the less breweries with more on the way. However, pleasant features of the social contract. It while Dayton is now a beer town, it is not yet may be your right to be a bad citizen—it’s a a good beer town. And it has a ways to go— privilege, actually, but that’s another matter— quite a ways, in fact—to be considered a great but as my mother repeatedly reminded me beer town. I know that many people reading Introducing during my childhood, just because you can this will undoubtedly disagree. Vehemently, do something doesn’t mean that you should. in fact. They’ll cite line and verse of all the Thus, while I’d like to focus on providing great things Dayton breweries are doing, readers with a greater context for local craft many of which I would undoubtedly agree beer, I will not shy away from the thornier with. At the same time, though, consumers elements informing these issues at a local have a responsibility to hold local breweries level: when appropriate, I’ll be critical of to a greater standard of quality—sure, local is producers and consumers alike. Maybe I’ll great, but buying beer just because it is made burn some bridges along the way. Hopefully locally regardless of quality is not: that’s not, but who knows? I will say that craft beer— called marketing. This tension between the and here I am speaking of the philosophical enthusiasm for craft beer and the honest idea of craft beer and not the actual nuts-and- assessment of it as a commercial product bolts business side of the equation—matters is where the vast majority of productive more, specifically as it relates to the larger conversation regarding local craft beer good of the community. breaks down. When beer drinkers resort Before getting to the job at hand, I’d like to parroting back marketing as self-evident to offer a bit more regarding my personal truth, they choose to be cheerleaders for background—the justificatory beer biography, the economic interests of breweries and not Tom Morgan so to speak. While I would like to pretend consumers playing their part by contributing that my witty, clever repartee is more than to the development of local craft beer. Yes, enough to bring you all back for more, some breweries are businesses—they need to turn divulgence of practical knowledge is no a profit to continue operating—but they doubt also required. That, and as my editor should not turn that profit at the expense of will undoubtedly point out, journalistic the consumer. When I am served a local beer integrity requires just such an accounting. that should have never been released to the I began homebrewing fifteen years ago; public, I am left with one of two conclusions: I moved to Dayton in 2006, and joined the brewery either doesn’t know enough DRAFT, the local homebrew club. I’ve been about beer production to discern that there is blogging about beer since 2009. Additionally, a problem or they just don’t care about their I’ve been a beer judge through BJCP (Beer customers. Neither prospect is flattering to I think beer is important. For good or for ill, a civic responsibility. Think of it like voting, Judge Certification Program) for the last five the brewery, and yet this problem continues beer-related activities consume a fair share of only more fun. years, and more recently, I’ve been involved to happen—far more than I would care my waking hours: reading, brewing, judging, Undoubtedly, beer as a symbol for the with a couple of the new breweries that to admit, in fact. Given the enthusiasm writing, ruminating, or even just drinking. social fabric of community and nation will have opened: I volunteer at Yellow Springs surrounding craft beer in Dayton, we need And while my personal sentiments regarding strike many as odd. Still, that belief informs Brewery when I can find the time, I’m on a larger body of consumers willing to argue beer are neither novel nor ground-breaking, my interest in beer; it is, after all, what led the Fifth Street Brewpub Co-op’s Beer Team, for quality, not just those willing to swallow beer matters. To put it bluntly, good beer is me to this column. As an advocate for local which tastes and troubleshoots pilot beer the Kool Aid. recipes with the head brewer (I’m also a co-op To argue for quality requires treating beer member), and I’m good friends with the new as more than a fashion accessory—it means “This tension between the enthusiasm for craft beer and assistant brewer at Warped Wing. I initially educating yourself as a consumer in order met most of these people through DRAFT; as to take responsibility for helping to make the honest assessment of it as a commercial product the Dayton beer community has expanded, things better. While I will talk more about is where the vast majority of productive conversation so has my network of friends. Still, I am not this in our next issue, part of the problem paid by any of these entities—the University facing the Dayton beer community—whether regarding local craft beer breaks down.” of Dayton pays my bills—so when I speak intentionally and unintentionally—stems here, it is as a consumer advocate for local from a disregard or dismissal of beer style.

8 | # weekly Kalimotxo & Wine Spritzers & You by Emily Mendenhall

Dayton bartender and friend. We talked about the idea of making drinks that may not be our personal favorites, but are popular. The cool thing about drinks like these? There is room to make them better. We agreed that that’s what good bartenders do and I decided to share my love for making this misunderstood drink better. Here’s my favorite spritzer recipe for warm weather, done in a manner that improves upon the white wine and Sprite that I used to drink: MARCH 19 – APRIL 27 5 ounces white wine (I recommend an Albirino or Vinho Verde. They are crisp, delicious, and super budget-friendly) .5 ounces gin or vodka 3 lemon wheels Soda water Squeeze of lemon juice Simple syrup to taste

Another current favorite of mine is a red wine drink that I first learned about from a Basque friend. It’s on our brunch menu at Lily’s Bistro and we call it a Kalimotxo (cali- mo-cho) in honor of that friend, though it has other names in Chile, , Bosnia, , the Czech Republic, and . Many people are hip to this drink and it Michael Jones contains only two ingredients: Cola and red wine. Some say the cheaper the red wine, the better, but I’m a big fan of combining FOOD SERVICE an easy-drinking red and some Mexican coke AN EXHIBIT OF FUNCTIONAL CERAMICS from a bottle. Bonus: With both a white wine spritzer and a kalimotxo—once wine has been open for a touch too long, mixing it gives it a whole new life. Additionally, every time I make either of these, it reminds me to be a little TAPROOM HOURS less judgmental and a little bit nicer, a lesson of which we could all stand to be reminded. Wed. — Fri. 3–10 pm Sat. 1–10 pm • Sun. 1–6 pm 305 N. Walnut Street • Suite B When I was 22 and worked at a fine with Sprite and a lime was just enough to dining sushi lounge in , I would take the edge off while working an intense Yellow Springs, OH 45387 not-so-secretly scoff at people who ordered shift. wine spritzers. I had no aversion to the In 2010, I moved to Louisiana. At this 937-767-0222 drink, having never had one, but felt (with point, my knowledge of spirits, wine, and life my fledgling wine knowledge) that I was had grown exponentially. I now understood YELLOWSPRINGSBREWERY.COM supposed to think it was uncool and people that we often pass judgement on things we who ordered them were unsophisticated. know little about and perhaps we are better Confession: a few years later, I started when we consider why we do that. I also had drinking wine spritzers because they looked learned that, at their least, wine spritzers are a IT’S A BEACON OF HOPE like I was drinking soda while working refreshing drink and moreover, that nothing brunches. Unprofessional yes, but I learned was a better accompaniment to working in that the drink served a purpose and in an the garden on a 96 degree, heavily humid FOR YOUR PALATE. industry where many folks are taking secret day. shots, the calm buzz of a little white wine I recently had a discussion with another

# weekly | 9 Love Chemicals by Coco Gagnet / illustrated by Erin Dreis

the all-encompassing ephemeral. So, why can we only gain romantic satisfaction by the justification of a relationship, when so many things around us are just as worthy of infatuation? The things that define our humanity - nature, art, music, literature, science, writing, creating, and feeling - are also the things that inspire and electrify our ability to love. These, therefore, deserve equal reverence. I’ve always been a little volatile, deviating from exuberance to pessimism (I have a lot of faith in my own ability to self-destruct), but my bipolarity is met with a stronger propensity for falling in love with everything all the time. It cushions the perpetual cycle of disappointment, the dissatisfaction that innately plagues existence. I am given a sense of purpose in my complete insignificance. Relationships define our lives but they shouldn’t be constricted by staunch conventionalism. I’m not naive about the world being filled with subversion and depravity (I’ve been reading a lot of Sartre) but I believe cynicism should be taken in strides. Thinking about or looking at something and feeling stirred is a formidable substitute for all those highly coveted love chemicals and, arguably, can generate them. I have made it my prerogative to fall in love at least once a week. We’re all subject to disillusionment but you can be puppy dogs and ice cream for just about anything, even if it’s something you hate, because you can fight it. A fight (hopefully with no fists involved) implies passion and purpose and progress, and we all need those things. You can’t really be a lover without being a fighter - the two are infinitely connected. At some point, most relationships become unsustainable and I seek solace in love without the expectation of something in return, or acknowledging that I am so replete with love, by others and for others. Everyone is so starved for an ambiguous something that seems abundant or at least has the potential to be. The world is full of divine Spring is upon us and, with all its invigorating relationship and embrace the autonomy we sensation, waiting to affect and intoxicate. fertility, has delivered the world a coma seem so eager to forgo. I’m in a poly-amorous “The happiness of life is made up of minute of oxytocin and primal, procreative urge. affair with everything around me. fractions - the little, soon forgotten charities Many people, myself included, are somewhat Sure, requited love is irrevocably cardinal. of a kiss or a smile, a kind look or heartfelt embittered by our romantic entanglements All that symbiotic ooey-gooey is irreplaceable compliment.” Coleridge was the original or lack thereof. Partially propagated by an but there is something entirely too charming romantic, and let me tell you he had the insatiable need for connection and partially about being totally enthralled with someone right idea (minus the sexism and religious for the independence that is so often or something and requiring absolutely intolerance, but who needs equity anyway). condemned in society, I’m answering this nothing in return. It’s selfless and completely I’d prefer not to put such a conventional sometimes psychotic, all-consuming craving self-serving in the most fulfilling way. label on it, but romanticism is the closest for affection, for “love,” by committing Happiness in all its brevity is composed of descriptor of what I have come to call living, myself wholeheartedly to romanticism. I disparate moments of sublime equilibrium, and god it feels good to be alive. have decided to combat the pressure of a an understanding and an appreciation for

10 | # weekly Love Chemicals DIY: BREAST AND TESTICLE SELF EXAM by Coco Gagnet / illustrated by Erin Dreis by Lisa patrick-wright

So... this is the One Year Anniversary DEEZ NUTZ: Issue. The editor told me the DIY needed • Check one testicle at a time to be good and I thought, boobies are • Hold the testicle between your thumbs good and healthy boobies are even better. and fingers of both hands and roll it Checkem’ ladies. gently between your fingers I don’t want you to think I’m some kind of • If you notice any of these symptons: sexist jerk so here’s one for the gentlemen -hard lumps as well. Testicular Self Exam. Checkem’ -smooth or rounded bumps dudes. -changes in size, shape or consistency It is recommended that these DIY exams . . . please see a urologist right away should be done once a month. PS: We are not doctors, we are a magazine full of PINK RIBBONS the bold & beautiful. Please do your research and Step 1: Lying Down seek professional advice on what to look for when • Lie down on your back with a pillow performing these exams on yourself or others. under your right shoulder • Use the pads of the three middle fingers of your left hand to check your right breast • Press using light, medium and firm pressure in a circle without lifting your fingers off the skin • Follow an up and down pattern • You can also begin at the nipple, moving in dime sized circles, until you reach the outer edge of the breast • Feel for changes in your breast, above and below the collarbone and in your armpit • Repeat on your left breast using your right hand YOU CAN REPEAT THESE STEPS WHILE 20th Century Modern Furniture Art Decorations BATHING OR SHOWERING WITH SOAPY HANDS Wednesday-Saturday 12 to 8 Step 2 Look for any changes then inspect with these four steps • Hold arms at your side • Hold arms above your head • Press your hands on your hips and flex your chest muscles • Bend forward with your hands on your hips

Lisa Patrick-Wright Co-Founder/Program Director,Grass Roots Enrichment and Wellness Center 400 E. Fifth Street, Suite C. Dayton, Oh 45402 937-723-6747

(937) 520-3782 605 E. Fifth St. Dayton, OH 45402 Record Roulette with M Ross Perkins Photo Stephanie Baker M Ross draws three random records from musically scrutinous listener as well. The his collection of LPs. He then listens to melodic twists heard throughout the entire them and writes about them. are relentlessly catchy and nearly the entire second side is dominated by a cleverly named, 17-minute suite. This album charted modestly in 1968, a fact that confuses me every time I hear “Skip Softly, My Moonbeam.” These were some of the most smartly crafted psychedelic tracks being recorded in the late sixties and still, Procol Harum was carried off by the tide of the progressive underground. Early Procol Harum material can truly never be recommended enough. For the unfamiliar, the 1967 debut is the most logical place to start, but “Shine On Brightly” is a sequel that gives you something to look forward to.

Procol Harum - “Shine On Brightly” (1968, A&M SP-4151)

Procol Harum’s second record, “Shine On Brightly,” was released in 1968 as a worthy answer to their self-titled debut. While none of the tracks on this album managed to suckerpunch the western world quite like the groundbreaking “” had done a year prior, the songwriting we hear throughout “Shine on Brightly” adheres tightly to that trademark, hyper-literary form. When you get right down to it, this album is a good friend of the lyrically-minded listener. practically reads verses off of a giant scroll, Fleetwood Mac - Then Play On (1969, turning ideas into miniature odysseys that Reprise RS-6368) beg for close reading. As a whole, “Shine On Brightly” is also agreeable with the For those who have not already skipped

12 |# weekly this inclusion upon reading “Fleetwood The Rotary Connection - S/T (1968, Cadet Mac” and instantly thinking of Lindsey Concept LPS-312) ® Record Roulette Buckingham’s cocaine boogers, you can This bizarrely ethereal record was the W INNER! 2010 TONY AWARD with M Ross Perkins be glad you stuck around. “Then Play first by The Rotary Connection and the On” is a record by a band that had yet to first album released on Cadet Concept adopt the silk-bedizened gypsy dancing Records. At some point in 1966, Marshall and the sweaty, inter-band scrogging habits Chess (the wet-behind-the-ears son of Chess BEST MUSICAL typically associated with what they’re Records honcho ) decided to calling Fleetwood Mac nowadays. In 1969, form a label that strayed from his daddy’s Lindsey Buckingham, Stevie Nicks, and African American mealticket and ventured Christine McVie had yet to join head-first into uncertain psychedelia. and the mercury-slick Soft Rock of the mid Marshall was a 24 year old Jewish lad, no 1970s had yet to be dreamt up. At the time less white than a frozen stick of chalk, whose of “Then Play On,” the group’s driving goal was to merge soul and with the force was, instead, the enigmatic Peter burgeoning electric fuzz of LSD. To help get Green. Green (along with drummer Mick Cadet Concept off the ground, Marshall Fleetwood and bassist John McVie) had cut enlisted a team of highly competent studio his teeth in the rock superstar factory that musicians to form The Rotary Connection. was John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers, leaving Strangely included among them was a young in 1967 to form Fleetwood Mac. However, receptionist named Minnie Ripperton who a combination of truly heavy hallucinogen was later discovered to have a 5 ½ octave use and crippling schizophrenia ultimately vocal range. (Her later hit was “Lovin’ sent him into the welcoming arms of You.” The one with that ridiculously electro-shock therapy. “Then Play On” was high-pitched vocal riff that you’ve heard a his final record with Fleetwood Mac, the thousand times.) Laced with Ripperton’s band that he truly masterminded. And the incredible coloratura soprano parts, this mood of his departure doesn’t hide. The record finds The Rotary Connection in songs are lonesome, hollow, dissonant, dangerously varying but often beautifully and lamentful. Tracks like “Underway” accomplished compositional landscapes. and “Before the Beginning” seem about The record is lined with sometimes curious, right for a mescaline-fueled bonfire in the sometimes dated, but often reasonably Sierra Nevada, while “Closing My Eyes” and enjoyable tunes. Amongst its rambunctious “Although the Sun is Shining” are effective excessiveness, The Rotary Connection’s tonics for awful winter hangovers. I found debut features a supply of impressive layers, this copy of “Then Play On” at Feathers on lush , and crafty feats of 5th Street and it became the soundtrack for engineering. Track 3, the song “Turn Me an entire year of my life. On,” is one that I’ve gravitated towards many, many times while stoned. PHOTO BY KYLE FROMAN PHOTO BY APRIL 8–13 • SCHUSTER CENTER

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# weekly | 13 Pokémon Fever: the Economics of Japanese Monsters by Danny Hamen / illustrated by Brittany Schwar

hands with Nurse Joy. My entire being was expanded immensely since I was a lad) dedicated to my collection, which at the that only have the vocal capacity to say time was a sad stack of Ratatas, Weedles, their own name, which is advertising gold. and Pidgeys. Being an unemployed nine Every sentence that a creature spits is year old with an addiction is not easy. I simply their name roughly five times. That would beg my parents for cards, only to repetition alone is enough to help children gain anecdotes about Pogs, Yo-Yos, and memorize the name of every Pokémon in micro-machines and how they had been existence. Then, halfway through, the herding dust bunnies in the bottom of show breaks with a “Name that Pokémon” my toy box. I contemplated running away quiz game, which reinforces all the names because clearly I was taken for granted and the children learn each episode. In episode they didn’t love me. 39 (“Goodbye Pikachu”), the protagonist Fifteen years later, a grown man of Ash Ketchum and his electric mouse twenty four, a friend drops off his sidekick, Pikachu, run into a band of modest collection of Pokémon cards to other wild Pikachus deep in the forest. In my house after a move. I casually flip that episode alone, the words “Pikachu, through his binder and am slammed by an pika, and chu” appeared over 200 times. overwhelming sense of nostalgia. At that (I went back and counted because I have moment, I connect with my childhood no life.) By the time the episode ended, my urges and realize that now I am an adult; I subconscious was invaded by these words, can buy my own cards. I scour the internet my dreams haunted by bands of rabid and find a gentleman going off to war Pikachus. who is looking to sell his giant binder of Finally, the show ends with a “Pokerap”, 5,000 cards out of his mom’s basement. which lists off thirty one Pokémon, I spend a little less than 150 dollars on followed by a reminder that “if you watch his collection, a bargain. I take get the all week, you will know all 151. That’s why cards home, my nine-year old erection you can’t miss a show!” This is the most prominently excited, and flip through the unsubtle message that pulls children in pages in awe. and won’t let them go until they reach the Six months later and my collection sits status of a Pokémon master. All of these untouched in my damp game closet. I tried messages combined with a collectable card playing the actual game with the cards, but game created an unbeatable combination soon realized that it is targeted at children, that started a Pokemon revolution in making the whole thing dull, repetitive, elementary and middle schools across the and saturated with luck. I put the cards nation. Moms were battling in toy stores back on Craigslist, convinced they would to obtain rare Mewtwo cards to prove how be an easy sell, but my only offer was from much they love their children. And what an illiterate construction worker who is left of it all? A wave of nostalgic twenty- was eager to trade them for 400 pounds somethings with Pokémon half sleeves and of sand. Though I always wanted to have cut-off tee shirts, a generation of adults a beach party, I gracefully declined and longing to be young again, to find joy in began to wonder why my impulsiveness to the simpler things in life that don’t involve buy these cards was so strong in the first drugs and booze. I love Pokémon as it is place. and always will be a part of my past and Soon later, the original Pokémon television present. However, it is clear that our minds program that aired when I was growing up have been stolen by Japanese marketers popped up on Netflix. After watching all and I say “good riddance” as snuggle my 54 episodes I was able to understand the plush Wigglytuff pillow and dream about I have caught them all. I have wandered They caught me with their Pokeball and marketing genius of the show. The title catching them all. the tall grass of the Veridian Forest, sought they won’t let me go. song of the show is upbeat and catchy and the secrets of Lavender Town, used the If you were in elementary school in the sings the flagship slogan “Gotta Catch Pokeflute to awake a snoozing Snorlax, and nineties you were most likely hustling ‘em All!” nine times. After playing once crushed the Elite Four with my epic bench Pokémon cards behind the tire swing at at the beginning and once at the end of of cute little monsters. I have collected over recess, convincing that 1st grader that your the show five times a week, that adds up to five thousand cards, prominently displayed cute little Jigglypuff is more than a fair 90 times per week I was reminded of the in a grand binder at the edge of my coffee trade for his shiny Zapados. I remember importance of catching all the Pokémon, table. And now I am left with emptiness being hypnotized, transfixed by the notion and how my validation as a cool kid was that sits at the underbelly of my soul. I of how to obtain more of the “cardboard based on my ability to do so. have been duped by Japanese marketers crack.” I couldn’t sleep at night. I dreamt The Pokémon universe is inhabited by and their child indoctrination program. of holographic Charizards and holding 151 adorable little creatures (which have

14 |# weekly

16| # weekly # weekly |17 Subarus and Microbrews: The Etymology of “Hipster” by Victoria Harley / illustrated by Erin Dreis

I own a turntable. I like art-house cinema. I once imagined that the clash of subcultures in paragraph one. Correct me if I’m wrong, I follow the advice of Stereogum. might remain confined to the scene itself but I thought whole point of hipsterism was I have an unopened package from American and to those frustrated bloggers who made to value independent thinking and reject Apparel waiting for me on my kitchen the mistake of moving to Williamsburg or rigid conformity in all aspects of life. My table. Conveniently essentialized for the Tarrytown. That’s what I imagined. first introduction to the concept came to lazy reader who won’t go further than the I was in night class when I felt an me, like so many concepts, from Seinfeld. headline; I might be a hipster. (And I don’t unexpectedly strong urge to defend the Cosmo Kramer represents the nineties New care who knows it.) hipster tribe. Every class has a jackass. York hipster, with his interest in vintage If only you knew how difficult it was to (If yours doesn’t, then guess what?) Ours clothes, unusual hairstyle, and creative label myself as such in print. The term was a particularly dislikable graduate solutions to life’s problems. He uses holistic ‘hipster’ is pejorative, usually spit out of student, the kind that speaks loudly and healing, mental alarm clocks, butter instead person’s mouth rather than spoken (and slowly, with thinly-veiled ambition to self- of shaving cream, visits veterinarians instead like any slur, an easy grenade to toss). So aggrandize. We’ll call them Ira. Somehow, of doctors, and leaps at the chance to forgive me if I feel a little sick using it. But who remembers how, the instructor used celebrate Festivus. Conversely, he espouses insults only affect those who give credence the word hipster to describe a similar strange philosophies and takes a hard line to them and it doesn’t take much mental phenomenon in theory. When one of our at the strangest turns. He doesn’t carry a effort to dismiss the assertions of an idiot. older classmates confused “hipster” with wallet or use a watch, doesn’t dress up for Though the expression ‘hipster’ does “,” our instructor asked a question no the opera, doesn’t wear the red ribbon at have roots in the 1940s, its contemporary one wanted to answer. “Who knows what a an AIDS walk, and once had Gerald Ford incarnation might be attributed to very hipster is?” airbrushed out of a photo of them together. clever marketing. This is a far graver Had I more wit, I might have said The “hipster doofus” stands apart from association, one for which the evidence is “Urban Dictionary”—there you will find social conventions, preferring the avant- fairly damning. Wayfarer glasses. Vintage a very loving, but honest treatment of the garde, no matter how problematic. clothing. Subarus. Microbrews. Vegan subculture. Instead, Ira, without hesitation, The origin of “hip” can be traced to as early soap. Fair-Trade coffee. Mustache wax. It’s attempted to address the informational as 1902. Being ‘hip’ meant being aware. this conspicuous consumption of goods deficit with the practiced conceit of If you weren’t hip, you knew nothing. If that draws the most vitriol from others—as academic superiority. It’s been said that you were hip, you knew something. And my cursory internet research yielded, and communication in 90% non-verbal, that the search for something might be the as years of show-going have indicated. (A paralinguistics, the gestures, tones, and only search worth making. One finds the modest sampling below) intonations that accompany speech, are common suffix “-ster” appended in the A Hipster is… more indicative of meaning than words liner notes of jazz records from the forties-- alone. Ira’s remaining 10% is barely heard, an era in which atomic-paranoia took hold Amoral when accompanied by his usual 90. in the wake of unprecedented violence, Pretentious As he continued to pontificate, my pulse death, and extinction, the likes of which Referential quickened. I had passed on the opportunity mankind had never seen. At the close of the Ironic to define a large and varied subculture out Second World War, artists of a kind became Anarchistic of respect. It was the same hesitation that concerned with these societal endorsements The bastard offspring of a hobo and a gripped me when labeling myself as a hipster and sought instead a new existence, a new rocker Someone who liked the first album better A character who talks jive “Mailer collected the stories of predominantly young An ugly kid who gets laid white men and compiled them in “The White Negro: Over-civilized to the point of decadence Superficial Reflections on the Hipster”... Many of Smart enough to Google philosophy Not smart enough to see how big of a these young men were rejecting social conformity and tool s/he is embracing the most immediate atypical culture they An underground man could find: black culture.” The dead end of western civilization Someone who denies being a hipster.

18| # weekly awareness, as Norman Mailer observed, philosophical withdrawal from petty “electing instead to divorce from society, concerns of materialism, or it might register to exist without roots, to set out on that as a thoughtless emulation of a lifestyle uncharted journey into the rebellious others have been forced into. imperatives of the self.” In more recent history, post-modern Idealistic as it sounds, one has to also fashion stores like H&M, Urban Outfitters, consider the fine line between adoption and others that cultivate and cater to and appropriation. Mailer collected the hipster aesthetics have come under fire for stories of predominantly young white their appropriation of ethnic patterns and men and compiled them in The White designs. Multinational clothing retailer Negro: Superficial Reflections on the H&M pulled the ‘hipster headdress’ Hipster. Though I have to imagine a few (a Native American-inspired, feathered forward thinking sisters took steps toward headband) from their shelves when a satisfying their own rebellious imperatives, customer raised concern about the product. overwhelmingly the “wandering Meanwhile, the Navajo nation is currently existentialist” Mailer studied came in a male suing Urban Outfitters for the “Navajo vessel. Maleness lent itself to hitchhiking, Hipster Panty.” Part in parcel of the drifting, and exploration with a kind of homogenization of cultures is the flattening freedom few women possessed in the forties of cultural meaning. (We like your clothes. and fifties (or today). Many of these young Not your past.) This fetishizing of the men were rejecting social conformity and authentic reeks of colonialism, conformity, We are back! embracing the most immediate atypical and coercion. culture they could find: black culture. I won’t pretend to invalidate all attempts Check our facebook to Identifying with their “otherness,” young at multiculturalism, but our aesthetic white men in search of an alternate way choices have social implications beyond see where we will be! of life found a familiar sound in the trying to get the tall guy at an Animal @Zombie_Dogz explorations of those on the outskirts of Collective show to notice you. The hipsters “normal.” The jazz musician represented of the forties appropriated a lifestyle. We a new kind of masculinity, as young men appropriate accessories. Men in suits bought adopted his clothes, his easy way with slang and re-distributed the dominant counter- and wit, and his relaxed attitudes toward sex cultures of the past, rendering the lingering and drugs. The crop of dissatisfied youth aesthetic gasp of nostalgia a visual symptom began adopting the customs of a life on the of our fractured post-modern existence. We fringe. They forsook white traditions for hunger for a food that many of us have never black innovations. Most black musicians tasted. While I shall no doubt continue lived a life of poverty, not by choice, but to enjoy minimalist design, witty banter, because social structure demanded it. For independent politics, and Built to Spill, I young white men to choose self-imposed chose my steps (and my words) carefully. poverty might indicate a thoughtful,

# weekly |19 OFF THE RADAR: BECAUSE POP STARS ARE PEOPLE TOO by Jacob S. Combs / Illustrated by Sophie Dannin

you’re not sure you even like. You go to April 4th three shows a week and can’t remember two of them. The ones you call your close We ride at 5:30pm friends, you’ve probably spent a collective thirty-six hours with over the course of three years. Eventually, a couple guys you’ve seen around town since high school may start a magazine and ask you to write about music. What’s even more strange is realizing you aren’t sure you even enjoy music the way you once did. It’s strange, but it doesn’t have to be bad. The musical atmosphere here in Dayton isn’t like it was during my teen years. From 2007 to sometime in 2011, no matter what month it was, I knew I would be able to see an all-ages show somewhere in town. I didn’t care what the genre was or who else was attending, and rarely did the lineup or the audience fit comfortably into a singular subculture. Stumbling into shows where I got to witness noise artists open for Astro Fang, Hookerspitwindex share a basement floor with some nondescript pop-punk band, and an acoustic living room show 5.41 end with a two-hour dance party provided by Yheti; these were performances worthy of being documented and kept forever, and sometimes they just happened. Of course, not every audience member was intrigued by every performer, and we were all aware. That was the beauty of it. You went to every It’s strange realizing that your laughable show you could make it to just to see your excuse for an adult life has so far revolved friends and there was always a slight chance around music. Higher education has been of having an amazing time. postponed indefinitely. You work, but you The magical naïveté that accompanied me kind of have to. Money that isn’t spent on in my late teens lessened as I learned that weed goes to tapes and CDs you cannot a music scene can’t maintain speed just be trusted to keep track of and by bands because a few people wish it would. The

People in Dayton have the proper connections and know- how for this to be a regular thing, so what’s holding us back? Pride? Resentment? Laziness? I’m just going to go ahead and say “yes.” It’s 2014. Let’s forget about making sense and focus more on making dreams come true.

20| # weekly Dayton Dirt Collective, where I spent many instead of collaborating like we used to, we Friday and Saturday nights during my junior organize different events on the same night OFF THE RADAR: year, proved to be a great idea that just ran in an attempt to let all the others think we out of steam and closed down. House shows have it under control. We complain about BECAUSE POP STARS ARE PEOPLE TOO still happened, but leases eventually ended all the good bands leaving or breaking up by Jacob S. Combs / Illustrated by Sophie Dannin and bandmates could no longer stand living while being so quick to antagonize young PRESENTS in the same homes. Some of the most eager artists for doing something different from eveAling Amily RAmA participants ultimately had to shift their what we’re used to, even if they do it very A R F D attention to being good parents, acquiring well. the college degree they had put off for the I’m not trying to convince anyone last decade, or simply relocating. that I know what the people of my city Present day, shows still happen quite desire or that I’m full of only great ideas. frequently in the area. But rarely can I find I know my faults. I’ve got a few. I fall out one that isn’t held at a bar and there always of social interaction for weeks at a time. I seems to be an unspoken formula that book shows and only tell people I’m sure can discourage individuals from wanting will show up, and when they don’t, I take to attend them. Bands who come to town it personally. I’m just as guilty as the folks are placed on a bill with locals of like genre I’m complaining about, if not more so. and even eclectic lineups are geared toward Otherwise, I wouldn’t be offering such a a specific audience. Every show-goer seems detailed critique of the scene in its current to know when to push their way up to the state. Though I’ve connected with so many stage, either to pump their drunken fists musically active locals over time, I could non-rhythmically at the lead singer of the count on one hand the artists in my city I band whose name they forget, or to get that would lean an ear to, even despite knowing perfect blurry photo of the bassist so they them. Being part of such a diverse scene in a can hashtag something and show the world small town used to be my driving force and that they actually left their apartments. now I often feel discouraged from making Some nights, individuals will keep their myself involved. We’re lucky to have such eyes peeled for that perfect moment to all a high concentration of talented people in take off their shirts so everyone can see our part of the rust belt, yet we constantly each other’s seven most recent tattoos, even find reasons to be annoyed. if they are still scabbing. If you happen to While the scene I love has slowed down in be a performer who uses a loop pedal or some respects, it has far from stopped. I’ve doesn’t have a drummer, prepare yourself seen a few shows in recent years that took for frequent distractions from some of the me right back to the glory days. Half Ghost finest hecklers in the Midwest. And don’t played their first show ever the summer of by Jon Robin Baitz even think about speaking your mind when 2012 opening for Schwervon! alongside Alli directed by Margarett Perry this happens, because this is Dayton, that’s King and Normal Torso in a basement on how we do things. And if you don’t get Hillcrest Avenue. An already-interesting Join Us March 27–April 13, 2014 Online the joke, you either need to quit being so show at Blind Bob’s featuring Daikaiju, $25 SeatS available at all PerformanceS sensitive or move someplace where people Grenades?!, and Grand Mammoth was will actually like your bullshit music, like made so much sweeter after watching There Performed live at THE LOFT THEATRE in Downtown Dayton • 126 N. Main Street Seattle. Or Columbus. Is No Mountain, a quirky pop duo from For tickets: This, my friends, is exactly what I wasn’t Portland. Last summer I went to a house 937-228-3630 ready for. I didn’t want to believe music show on Burkhardt where I got to see Jean- or online: or could create divisions between otherwise Louis, a psychedelic jazz trio with members

like-minded people. Attending a show from France, Belgium, and . These The LofT SeaSon SponSor addiTionaL LofT SeaSon SupporT used to be exciting and now it’s another things do happen, we just have to look a responsibility. At one time, music was how little harder. I made friends and now I fear losing them People in Dayton have the proper

if I don’t make it to their biweekly gigs. connections and know-how for this to be organizaTionaL SupporT provided by Maybe the magic was lost when I took the a regular thing, so what’s holding us back? responsibility upon myself to books shows Pride? Resentment? Laziness? I’m just going that I thought would be fun, whether to go ahead and say “yes.” It’s 2014. Let’s Other Desert Cities SponSored by anyone else thought so or not. Each forget about making sense and focus more Morris Home Furnishings promoter in town struggles to get people on making dreams come true. Maryann and Jack Bernstein • Mrs. Wallace E. Johnson to come to whatever they put together and You with me?

# weekly |21 Angels in America Southpaw by Mindy Parade

Toasted White Bread

Grilled Buffalo Chicken


Sauteed Red Onion

Boars Head BBQ Sauce

Jason Watkins A few weeks ago, the snow got the better of for weeks and neglecting my son because of accept, but instead, he pointed at the tires me. (Believe it or not, there IS a better of that. And to top it all off, I had my first cold and made a motion with his hands as if they me and the snow got it.) I was leaving my in years. I felt completely weak, helpless, and were on an imaginary steering wheel and apartment to drop off my son at school and inadequate in this moment. I laid my head he was turning the tires straight. I put my then head to work when my car got stuck in on the steering wheel so that my son could hands on the real, tangible steering wheel the snow. It simply would not budge from not see me crying as I texted my boss to say in front of me and followed his motions its parking spot. I tried all the tricks: I called that I was stuck. When I raised my head up until he signaled me to stop. He then made it an asshole, I kicked the tires, I walked again, there was a Mexican man standing in a movement with the palm of his hand to around the car and glared at it, I apologized front of my car. I swear, he appeared out of indicate that I should press down on the gas for calling it an asshole...Still, nothing nowhere. Or somewhere. to slowly move the car into reverse. Now, I worked. I was apparently at my breaking I rolled down my window to see if he was don’t speak Spanish, let alone understand point, having worked nonstop at my job going to offer help so that I could tearfully sign language, but son of a biscuit if I didn’t

22| # weekly completely understand what this fella those who are saved go to heaven and those was communicating to me. I nodded my who are not, go to hell. (I could tell he was Angels in America understanding and he shoved both of his serious and not Fruit-Loops by his tone.) by Mindy Parade giant arms under the front of my car and So, this brought to light two thoughts: First, in one motion, with no hesitation, pushed he thought I was going to hell. I have not me into the safety of the snow-free street. I been saved in the biblical sense. I am not rolled down my window again to express my Christian. I am not Atheist, either. I do not immense gratitude but he simply waved and even know if I qualify as Agnostic because, wandered off into the sun. For reals. frankly, I am too lazy to believe in anything I told this story to a few friends later and that does not exist in the present time with one said, “I bet that was an angel,” to which me. Not that I don’t want to believe in some I loudly guffawed but then was all, “Wha?... greater power, it just seems to require a lot Are you cereal?” He said yes and to never of effort. So, there’s that. call him cereal again. Second, I HAVE been saved in the NON- He explained to me the phenomenon of biblical sense. People try to save me all angels appearing in human forms to help the freaking time. I run in the belligerent, out those who need it most. And while you confused-yet-amused gamut of a whimsy- may think that they help out saints and child, but with all the responsibilities of other godly creatures who would recognize an adult. I think that freaks people out. I and praise and appreciate that miracle, they have seen real horror in people’s eyes when actually appear for people like me who are I tell them I am using a wooden spatula to skeptical. And here I thought it was simply scrape off my car because I broke my legit a ‘Magical Mexican.’ But maybe that’s the windshield scraper while digging a tunnel only way I could comprehend what was to China. (Or was I digging a hole to bury happening to me. treasure in? I forget.) Anywho, what they fail to see is the intense, satisfying amusement “LORD, WE GOTTA HELP OUT MINDY I get from scraping off my windshield in PARADE. SHE IS ON THE EDGE.” the morning, all the while thinking, “I just “OKAY, FINE. BUT DON’T BE WEARING scrambled some eggs with this spatula! And YOUR WHITE WINGS. WEAR YOUR now! NOW it is an ice-scraping tool! You ’MAGICAL MEXICAN’ OUTFIT SO THAT SHE CAN FATHOM WHAT IS ACTUALLY wonderful, little, versatile, wooden spatula, HAPPENING.” you!” I mean, some people don’t even own a wooden spatula, so I think I’m a leg up. So, angels. I don’t quite know if I believe There are other things, too. Way more in them or not. I will tell you that I did buy serious things that cause people to give me a book entitled ‘Angels...ARE FOR REAL!’ the ‘I WILL SAVE YOU’ look. Like when (That is not the exact title, that is just my power gets cut off or I forget to bathe March 28 what I say in my head when I think of the or I have -$367 in my bank account and no Yellow Springs Brewery book.) The book goes on to reiterate what food, or when they realize I have no partner my friend said and between him and this or parents and I’m ALL ALONE. These author, I am almost convinced. It really got things bother those close to me - some me thinking of other times in my life when things bother my loved ones more than they Every Friday at a stranger/angel has come out of nowhere do me. And the ones that I love come in Ghostlight Co ee and helped me out when I really needed and save me. it. Like the time I was in a car accident Are they the real angels? For real? If you are 10-2 and a lady appeared out of nowhere and someone’s angel, do you even know it? I surrounded my car in orange cones that she haven’t gotten to that chapter in the book happened to have with her so that she could yet, but I will let you know. I am certain it is direct traffic away from my busted vehicle. going to have something to do with magical I just thought she was a nice and good Mexicans. And cereal. person, like my magical Mexican. I asked the same friend who believed in Mindy Parade wants you to text her about angels what he thought would happen what you think happens when you die. She LIKE US ON FACEBOOK FOR when we died. This is a question I avoid will listen. 937.610.8895. She has a blog- UPDATES ON OUR LOCATION GEM CITY FOOD TRUCK asking and answering because I’m afraid the thingy over at ConversingWithEarthlings. answer is that nothing happens, and I don’t You can email her at want to hear it. He said he believed that [email protected] |

# weekly |23 Spring Forward Statutory Rock BY Randy Cornett Saturdays, April 5-26 10-11:30 am Cost: $12 per session/ $40 for all 4 weeks Ages: 3-12 yrs. Let’s get ready for Spring! kids will learn how to make: homemade sidewalk chalk, bubbles and games out of nature found objects. We will also learn how to dye eggs naturally and learn how to make and outdoor weaving center! YOGAFORLUNCH! | nourishment for body + soul | NOON-1PM MON., WED., FRI. ALL LEVELS Moderately heated, moderately paced for a refreshing mid-day break. Special $10 drop-in rate through March! [ Also available: $39 month unlimited for new clients! ] | 937-321-7676 | 504 E. Fifth St. New At The Tavern I’ve got a confession to make: I am a Rock exciting. In the 60s, it was very psychedelic. and Roll boy. I can’t get enough of the stuff! In the 70s, it embraced a sense of oversized The thunderous guitar riffs, rumbling bass bravado and machismo. In the 80s, it got Share a Pizza grooves, and relatable lyrics really speak to a little weird. In the 90s, it got sad. And at everything going on in my 15 year old life. the turn of the millennium, well, it became My parents don’t understand. And why a bit of a watered down little milquetoast, would they? They’re from a time before disastrously incorporating Hip Hop, among Special Sandwiches people knew it was safe to eat eggs and their other things. But now as we approach the only form of entertainment was sticking halfway mark of the 2010s, Pizza & More two forks into baked potatoes and moving has changed yet again into something bold them around like dancing clodhoppers. It and unexpected: is the music of my soul. What’s great about All of modern popular Rock and Roll is Rock and Roll is how it has gone through written by and for registered sex offenders, dramatic changes every decade since it’s pedophiles and misogynists. Rev Roxy, Sat 2-6p conception. In the 50s, it was new. It was Maybe I’m just bad at reading the subtext

24| # weekly in lyrics. Maybe I’m just not hip with it of their tunes ends with - after the music anymore. Maybe I’m God’s only man has stopped, apropos of absolutely nothing Statutory Rock sitting around on my laptop listening to - with the singer saying “Ask your girl what BY Randy Cornett “Glycerine” because it “seemed like the my dick tastes like!” right thing to do.” But I’d wager that if Who cares, Randy, it’s macho posturing. you were to flip on any FM Modern Rock Well, even more so than with most Rock radio station right now, at least - at least - a music, this type of heavy music attracts slight variation of this would be what you’d an even younger crowd. A very underaged hear set against Drop R tuning: “She screws crowd. And as we all know, there is nothing so good - wus’ the best I had/She bangs in this world more dangerous than an 18 so good cuz’ she hates her dad/Cuz’ he year old boy bursting with hormones and smacked her ass when she ran her mouth/ a mustache so wispy a spider takes roost. Pull yer panties down, girl - WHO’S YER Bands like Emmure are not just spewing DADDY NOW?!” misogynistic bullshit - they’re doing it with In this year alone, there have been two absolute conviction. With a frothing hate somewhat high-profile cases of musicians for females. That scene has a notorious being busted for crimes of rape and sexual reputation for mistreating women. I know Telephone Turns 1 assault, unfortunately both involving because I’ve seen it (The urge to cite a The “Old” Yellow Cab underage persons. The first was the story certain example is literally killing me). Saturday March 29, 7:00pm of Ian Watkins, the lead singer/sentient- Thus, 18 year old Cody is adopting these tub-of-Axe-hair-gel for the Welsh “runway- ideals because the Metal community is a core” band Lostprophets, who was charged tight group. He feels a sense of brotherhood Memphis with a staggering amount of gross sexual to this “scene” and his surrogate “family” Mead Theatre - Schuster Center misconduct with minors, the details of nurtures him. He’s slamming bodies in the which are so disgusting that I’m not even pit while some gorilla in a basketball jersey April 8-13 about to repeat them here. Next, recent is threatening violence on an ex-girlfriend. news broke of Steve Klein, ex-guitarist We’re creating a generation of rage-fueled of Sodapop-Punk-McNugget-Core band young adults who will take what they want. New Found Glory, who was arraigned on To think, some of this music is played at Dayton Crafty-Con charges of child pornography and lewd high school sporting events - Nickelback’s Yellow Cab Building conduct with a minor. Both of these bands “Animals” blasting from the loudspeakers predominantly attract a young demographic to pep up the players, cutting out after Friday April 04, 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM of fans, some underage. Famous musicians the chorus and before it’s revealed that serve as role models to their younger fans frontman Chad Kroeger is literally singing and as such, their actions and conduct are about having sex with an underage girl instrumental in molding young minds. In in his car. Not only that, we’re teaching a defense of the aforementioned bands, as far generation of kids to have no self-respect. First Friday as I know, neither of the groups deals in the Fast forward many years later: Cody is at a Downtown Dayton / Oregon District philandering themes and undertones that bar. The song “Crazy Bitch” by Buckcherry Friday April 04, 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM befall many of their chode-bros. The crimes plays on the jukebox. An inebriated young and demons of these men rest squarely on woman and her friends start to dance, the individuals themselves, which leads me taking every chance to scream “I’m a crazy to the bigger problem. bitch!” in unison and at the appropriate A while back, I was informed through time. This is Cody’s cue. It’s all he needs Bike for the Health of It! talk/the Internet/osmosis of a band called to know. The drinks continue to pour; Emmure. You know this type of group: he manages to sneak her from her friends Wolf Creek Bikeway knuckle-scraping meat-headed br00tal and back to his place with the promise of Saturday April 05, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM metalcore shit sacks in flipped-rim ball a bed to sleep on and some food. The next caps with the 59fifty stickers left on, morning he goes to his job at the Verizon sitting on a couch playing Xbox, drooling Wireless store with the biggest shit-eating unknowingly as a cockroach walks across grin on his face. Maybe it all started years their face. Emmure has a song called “Drug prior, in a mosh pit, as some jaded 32 year Dealer Friend” (har har), which opens old man enacted a violent rape fantasy to a with this quatrain: “I wanna watch you room full of kids who had school the next suck his dick!/I know you f**king love it, morning. bitch!/CHOKE! Do you see me now?/ Look into my f**king eyes!” Another one

# weekly |25 26| # weekly TELEPHONE ASKS...

“Who’s knocking on the wall...?”

M ross perkins: Wakka: Kato Kaelin! Maneki Neko!

Jason Young: Jack Tripper! Etch: Checkered Moustache Cat Rat!


Make Dayton a better place to live, work and play. Submit your ideas online then join us at the Summit to vote for your favorite and take action to ignite change. TICK KECK TOE

Mark your calendar for the UpDayton Summit on Friday, April 11th, 2:00-6:00pm at the Dayton Art Institute.Register and submit ideas at

Up All Night After Party from 6:00-9:00pm at the Southern Belle.

28| # weekly Telephone’s phrasal template word game

Look Who’s Turning One Well well well, looks like ______is finally turning one! It’s been a friends name ______and ______year, so lets ______this birthday properly! adjective adjective verb First, be sure to invite your friends ______and ______. Those celebrity famous criminal guys are so ______that they’ll be sure to bring tons of ______. Also, emotion animal don’t forget to mention that this is a ______party, so that they don’t theme for a party forget their ______. Next, make sure to provide plenty of ______liquid types of food so that your guest have a full and satisfied ______. If your guests are body part polite, they’ll bring you a ______for your birthday. Make sure to write noun their name down so you can send them a ______note. Now that all emotion the formalities are taken care of, it’s time to ______out the candles, verb perhaps sip on a ______cocktail and just relax during your ______liquid adjective day. TICK KECK TOE

Wednesday The Old Time Acoustic Jam with Rick Good and Ben Cooper Thursday Acoustic Thirstdays with Alex Speller Friday March 28th Sawgrass Saturday March 29th Bella Ruse and The Young Heirlooms Friday April 4th Greg Burroughs Band Saturday April 5th Adam Pope

# weekly |29


etch + yheti + Brett hill + sub x + grand mammoth + Eye swatter + M Ross Perkins +TIno + Forage

Toxic brewery + Yellow Springs brewery+ Warp WIng

voodoo taco

the big wheel + photobooth + interactive seek & find + much more

700 E. 4th Street, Dayton, Ohio 45402