Dicots Versus Monocots

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Dicots Versus Monocots Dicots versus Monocots • Dicots • Monocots • Two cotyledons • One cotyledon • Flower parts in fours or • Flower parts in threes fives • Leaves with parallel • Leaves with distinct primary veins. vein network • Vascular cambium • Vascular cambium present absent • Vascular bundles in • Vascular bundles ring scattered • Pollen grain with three • Pollen grain with one apertures aperture Fruit and Seed Dispersal • Water Dispersal ! Some fruits contain trapped air. ! Some have a waxy coating. ! Both means help the seed to float. ! Example- coconut • Mechanical Ejection of Seeds ! Capsules dry and split in a way that flings the seeds far from the parent plant. ! Example witch hazel Fruit and Seed Dispersal • Wind Dispersal ! Small and Lightweight seeds. ! May have attachments like wings or hairs to help give them lift. ! Example- maple, ash, dandelion • Animal Dispersal ! Seeds can pass through an animal’s digestive tract. ! Some fruits and seeds have spines or thorns that catch in fur or feathers. ! Oils attract ants. Corn- pollinated by wind Birds, Butterflies, and Bats How Seeds Form • Pollination is the transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma. • This may occur by wind or pollinating insects, birds or other animals. • Wind pollinated flowers usually lack showy floral parts and nectar since they don’t need to attract a pollinator. • Their non-showy flowers, however, do produce a lot of pollen to increase the likelihood that a pollen grain will land on a receptive stigma. How Seeds Form • Brightly colored flowers, those with distinct markings or patterns on petals, containing fragrance or nectar, are most likely pollinated by insects, birds, or other animals. How Seeds Form • The surface of the stigma contains a chemical which activates the pollen, causing it to grow a long tube down the inside of the style to the ovules inside the ovary. • Fertilization is the union of the male sperm nucleus from the pollen grain and the female egg found in the ovary. • If fertilization is successful, the ovule will develop into a seed. How Seeds Form • Self-pollinating plants are capable of fertilizing themselves. That is, pollen from a single plant unites with an egg on the same plant. • In some plants, self-pollination may take place before the flower even opens. • In others, complex floral structure decrease the probability that pollen from another plant will reach the ovule. How Seeds Form • Cross-pollination occurs when pollen from one plant fertilized the ovule of a genetically different plant. • The surface of the stigma of self- incompatible plants recognized its own pollen and prevents it from germination, or causes the pollen to grow so slowly that it is not likely to reach the ovule before another pollen grain fertilized the ovule. How Seeds Form • Many fruit trees require cross-pollination for fruit development. How Seeds Form • Structure ! Cotyledons - Food storage organs that function as first seed leaves. ! Plumule - Embryo shoot. ! Epicotyl - Stem above cotyledon. ! Hypocotyl - Stem below attachment point. ! Radicle - Stem tip developing into a root. .
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