Red Bank Register Volume Lxx, No
RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXX, NO. 32. RED BANK, N. J.. THURSDAY. JANUARY 29, 1948 SECTION ONE-PAGES 1 TO 12 Firemen Set Date Moves To New Studio Mayor English Is Chamber Asks For Annual Ball Rumson Budget 9 The Red Bank fire department Board Approves New President Of Residents Help will hold its 23d annual ball Satur- Has Estimated day, February 28, at Molly Pitcher hotel. Fred Brown has again been Riverview To Form Program selected to head the committee in Rate Of $53.58 charge. School Budget Members of the committee are Annual Meeting Public Questionnaire Terence O'Donnell, Joseph Oalvtr Slight Reduction and Joseph Fix of Hook and Lad- And Election Held Prepared In Hope der; Raymond Brower, Augustus From Last Year— $500 Teaching Bonus Denied— Colmorgen and Joseph Holiday, Re- Hearing Feb. 11 Monday Night Of Obtaining Ideas lef; Harry Aumack, Abram Zager $410,850.80 To Be Raised By Taxation and Allen Collins, Independent; The municipal budget for Rum- David W. Russell, newly re-elect- The annual meeting of the board Dominic Figaro, Charles Douglas son borough waa passed on its first Tho Red Bnnk board of educa- ed president of Red Bank Commun- of trustees of Riverview hospital and Jacob Bloom, Liberty; Harry reading at the meeting of tho tion Monday nljrht adopted a $524,. ity Chamber of Commerce, is call- wag held at the hospital Monday Hoffman, Kenneth Drury and Fred mayor and council last Thursday filH.IU M-II.IUI lor the 19-18-49 night, with an exceptionally large ing on residents of this area to Jordan, Union, and Vernon Dey, night and provides for an estimated Loeal F.B.I.
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