Jane S. Jaquette Professor of Politics, Emerita Department of Politics
[email protected] Occidental College 925 Yale Street 1600 Campus Road Santa Monica, CA 90405 Los Angeles, CA 90041 310-828-5434 74 Williams Path West Barnstable, MA 02668 508-375-9373 Education Ph.D. Cornell University (Government) 1971 B.A. Swarthmore College (Political Science) 1964 Employment Occidental College: Professor of Politics, Emerita, 2005 Teaching two courses a year. Bertha Harton Orr Professor in the Liberal Arts (1996-2005; emerita 2005- ) Professor of Politics (1982- 2005) Associate Professor of Political Science (1975-82) Assistant Professor of Political Science (1969-1972) Social Science Analyst,/Office of Women and Development. USAID (1979-81) Teaching: At Occidental, I have taught a range of courses in International Relations and Women’s Studies in the Politics and Diplomacy and World Affairs Departments, and I have team-taught courses in the Core Program and in the Critical Theory and Justice Studies department. Administrative Responsibilities at Occidental College Chair, Department of Diplomacy and World Affairs (1995-99; 2001; 2002-2004) Chair, Women’s Studies (1977-79, 1983-88, 1990-91) Director, Core Program in the Liberal Arts (1986-88) Chair, Department of Political Science (1972-3, 1981-84) Chair, Latin American Studies (1981-98) Member, Educational Policy and Curriculum Committee (1970-73, 1986-88) Member, Advisory Council (Tenure and Promotions) (1974-77, 1981-84, 1991-94, 1995-98) Organizer of Mellon Faculty Seminars on “Feminist Theory”