Ștefan BAGHIU Faculty of Letters and Arts, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu Sibiu, Romania
[email protected] Cosmin BORZA Sextil Pușcariu Institute of Linguistics and Literary History, Romanian Academy Cluj-Napoca, Romania
[email protected] THE SICKLE AND THE PIANO. A DISTANT READING OF WORK IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY ROMANIAN NOVEL Recommended Citation: Baghiu, Ștefan and Cosmin Borza. “The Sickle and the Piano. A Distant Reading of Work in the Nineteenth Century Romanian Novel”. Metacritic Journal for Comparative Studies and Theory 6.2 (2020): https://doi.org/10.24193/mjcst.2020.10.06 Abstract: This article conducts a semantic search of The Digital Museum of the Romanian Novel: The 19th Century (MDRR), through which the authors attempt to identify the occurrences of several key concepts for class and labour imagery in the nineteenth-century Romanian novel, such as “muncă” [labour/work], “muncitor” [labourer/worker], “țăran” [peasant], “funcționar” [civil servant], alongside two main words that strikingly point to a dissemblance of representation of work: “seceră” [sickle] and “pian” [piano]. The authors show that physical work is underrepresented in the Romanian novel between 1844 and 1900, and that novelists prefer to participate to the rise of the novel through representing the bourgeois intimate space. Keywords: work, labour, Romanian novel, nineteenth century fiction, realism. We proceeded to this analysis with a semantic search conducted on the archive of The Digital Museum of the Romanian Novel: The 19th Century (MDRR), through which we attempted to identify the occurrences of several key concepts for class and 107 METACRITIC JOURNAL FOR COMPARATIVE STUDIES AND THEORY 6.2 labour imagery in the Romanian novel of the nineteenth century: “muncă” [labour/work], “muncitor” [labourer/worker], “țăran” [peasant], “burghez” [bourgeois], “funcționar” [civil servant], and so on.