EISA gratefully acknowledges the generous financial support for this project from the Royal Danish Embassy, Pretoria; the Embassy of Finland, Pretoria; and the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), Harare. PARTIES AND POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT IN MOZAMBIQUE Zambia Tanzania EMBASSY OF Swedish International DANIDA FINLAND Development Agency MOZAMBIQUE Zimbabwe South Africa Maputo Eduardo J. Sitoe, Zefanias Matsimbe ISBN 1-920095-27-6 Amilcar F. Pereira 9781920 095277 Order from:
[email protected] EISA RESEARCH REPORT No 22 EISA RESEARCH REPORT NO 22 i PARTIES AND POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT IN MOZAMBIQUE ii EISA RESEARCH REPORT NO 22 EISA RESEARCH REPORT NO 22 iii PARTIES AND POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT IN MOZAMBIQUE BY EDUARDO J. SITOE, ZEFANIAS MATSIMBE AND AMILCAR F. PEREIRA 2005 iv EISA RESEARCH REPORT NO 22 Published by EISA 2nd Floor, The Atrium 41 Stanley Avenue, Auckland Park Johannesburg, South Africa 2006 P O Box 740 Auckland Park 2006 South Africa Tel: 27 11 482 5495 Fax: 27 11 482 6163 Email:
[email protected] www.eisa.org.za ISBN: 1-920095-27-6 EISA All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of EISA. First published 2005 EISA is a non-partisan organisation which seeks to promote democratic principles, free and fair elections, a strong civil society and good governance at all levels of Southern African society. –––––––––––– ❑ –––––––––––– Cover photograph: Yoruba Beaded Sashes Reproduced with the kind permission of Hamill Gallery of African Art, Boston, Ma USA EISA Research Report, No.