zine Maga

Different countries the same youth 2 8-12. april 2009.


Special edition of the weekly newspaper "Grad", Krusevac

Publisher: IGC "Albos" ltd.

Owner: Slobodan Milovanovic

Manager: Dejan Miladinovic

Chief editor: Slavoljub Markovic Word of the host: Vukman Korac, the headmaster of Gimnazija Krusevac

Executive design: Ivan St. Rizinger Technical design: Dear Friends! Ljubica Lacnjevac It’s a great pleasure and honor for me to by the Celebration of Youth from the whole Eu- Internet presentation: welcome on behalf of Gimnazija in Krusevac rope, how they sing, dance, act and create to- www.krusevacgrad.rs the participants and the guests of the Spring Fe- gether... e-mail: [email protected] stival 2009, the students and their teachers from And now, owing to Spring Festival we ha- Italy, Slovenia, , Mon- ve a lot of friends not only in Maribor, Slove- Address: tenegro, , Russian Federation, nia, but all over Europe. This year we’ve been 37000 Krusevac, Cyprus, Romania, and of course from . offered to organize and host Spring Festival in Majke Jugovica 43 Also I would like to thank all the people who our Gimnazija. Though that was certainly a have been working hard to make Spring Festi- challenge to organize such a big event and un- Tel: 037 418 718, 418 710 val 2009 possible. til the last moment we didn’t believe that we When we got the letter of invitation from could do that, we’ve accepted the offer. Law solicitor: Vesna Mrdja Maribor addressed to the School Headmaster’s Today, with a great pleasure and pride, I can of- I have to mantion the man, who is respon- name seven years ago, we were very surprised, ficially say: WELCOME TO SERBIA, WELCO- sible and „guilty“ for everything that’s happen- Print: as we didn’t know anyone from that school. ME TO KRUSEVAC, WELCOME TO OUR ning right now, the founder of Spring Festival, GP Company This was the first time we’ve heard from them. SCHOOL, WELCOME TO SPRING FESTIVAL! Headmaster of Druga Gimnazija Maribor Mr. "Stamparija Borba" a.d. And we were even more surprised when we re- There are no bounds for young people no- Ivan Lovrencic. I think that the task we took is Distribution: "Nikos" ltd. ad the letter itself, as it was invitation to Spring wadays, no wealthy or poor people, there are complete, positive energy like epidemy is spre- This publicitation is listed Festival 2003, which we immediately accepted. only those who have positive energy, who ra- ad all over Europe. at the registry of public As a participant of that Festival I was amazed diate optimism. Enjoy the Spring festival! information system, number 3324 Grammar School Editorial: Jelena Vujicic Chief editor: Vukman Korac

Editor: Nada Budimovic, Let’s spring Jelena Vujicic Our dear and respected friends from the II sting if the Music Workshop wasn’t around Contributors Gimnazija Maribor, who are the initiators of the with the cheerful students playing the instru- to the newspaper: Spring Festival, did the greatest honour by of- ments and singing the top hits ‘Nothing Else Anna Grigoryeva, fering the organisation of the festival to our Matters’ and ‘Dancing Queen.In order to ex- Jasna Lazarova, Grammar school. Having taken the offer serio- press their interest in learning foreign langua- Danijela Malisic, usly, our school started the preparations for the ges,some students decided to join the Serbian Nina Arsic, arrival of the guests in October.A great number Course Workshop and have a challenging expe- Isidora Matic, of secondary schools took an interest in taking rience while learning the most common words Kristina Nedeljkovic, part in the festival and we had a privilege to and expressions in Serbian.Finally,the nature- Aleksandra Milanovic, host the young students from Bosnia and Her- lovers were able to give their contribution to le- Marina Sljivic, cegovina, Cyprus, Italy, Macedonia, Montene- arning more about nature in the last wor- Bogdan Brkic, gro, Russia,Slovenia,together with two Serbian kshop,the Ecological Workshop. Jelena Stosic, secondary schools from Belgrade and Valje- The young foreign participants were able to ted sights worth seeing in Krusevac and aro- Aleksandra Babic, vo.In order to appreciate their youth and moti- make a choice,based on their personal interests und its vicinity.Apart from taking an active Tamara Gapic, vate their creativity we would like to have them and gifts, and to join one of the eleven, previ- part in all the festival events,our friends from Bojana Golubovic, on the pages of our magazine. ously mentioned workshops,together with their Slovenia performed their famous play ‘Feel Stefana Mihajlovic, The magazine of the Spring Festival has its hosts.Thanks to the message expressed by the The Beat’ three times in a row. tradition and recognizable idea.This magazine motto of the festival ‘Diversity in Unity’,they Marija Markovic, When you read every corner of this maga- is the creation of the School Magazine Wor- showed how imaginative they were and how Marija Jakovljevic, zine, a new world will be revealed to you.We kshop itself,together with the skilful and origi- much fun they had.The participants of the had fifteen pages of the school magazine ‘Ven- Marko Milosavljevic, nal work of other eleven workshops.The rea- School Magazine Workshop will publish the in- turi’ printed.Traditionally,the school magazine Jasmina Stevanovic, ders will be able to find out the final advertise- formation about all these activities. ‘Venturi’comes out every June, when the annu- Marija Veljic, ment created in the Advertising Workshop,so- However,our intention was to make the al celebration of the school takes place.Excep- Ivana Micic mething about young talented students who Spring Festival Magazine a collection for de- tionally,the school magazine was published Translation: wanted to express their skills in the Art Wor- scribing some of the most interesting and earlier this year because of the festival.While Sanja Stevanovic, kshop.More information will also be given abo- amusing events during the festival.The artic- leafing through the pages printed in cyrilic,you Dragana Milic, ut who was the most creative and poetic student les of the Spring Festival Magazine include will see that ‘our students are very original,cre- Tanja Stosic, in the Creative Writing Workshop.If you enjoy how the guests and hosts met each other,how ative,skilful,optimistic,knowledgeable’,as BA Svetlana Milenkovic, dancing ,the Dance Workshop will show you they introduced themselves to their new fri- Nela Milojevic,one of the editors of this edition Jelena Gajic, the rhythm and the steps,if you like taking part ends,what their first impressions had been of the magazine’Venturi’, points out.We tran- Zoran Jevremovic, in discussions,you can find the main topics in and whether they changed their opinion after slated some extracts to show how we Ekaterina Mijatovic the Discussion Workshop.For those interested visiting the town,meeting the Mayor,having think,work,study,live. in drama and film,the Drama Workshop and the fun during the trips and parties.While the par- ‘Diversity in Unity’ was the main motto of Language editors: Film Workshop were designed to express the ticipants of the workshops were expressing the first Spring Festival held in Slovenia in Sanja Stevanovic, creativity and skills of some young future ac- their creativity and enjoying with their 2002.We agree with the motto and we think that Bojana Golubovic tors and film directors.It wouldn’t be so intere- hosts,the teachers went on a day trip and visi- this magazine is unique,but different. 8-12. april 2009. 3 Spring Festival in our town Hospitality in the first place

The Spring Festival unoficially started on Tuesday, April 8th,when sevac. They noticed that Krusevac is a smaller town than their ho- remark that they only have one secondary school in Brcko. They the first participants arrived in Krusevac.The Grammar School in our me town.The Russians also said they were glad they got an opportu- complimented us on hospitality and kindness. town was prepared for the arrival of the guests, and both the students nity to be the part of this event. They broke the ice and the festival The last to come, but not the least, were the participants from Slove- and the teachers were eagerly expecting the first delegation to come. was about to begin. nia. The students, together with the school principle and the teachers, got Our students,the hosts,were very excited and happy because they had Although the Russian delegation had arrived the day before, the together with their hosts with the tones of the accordion. When the Slove- an opportunity to be the part of the whole event,but unfortunatelly, so- Spring Festival oficially started on Wednesday. The organizers of the nian delegation came after a tiring 12-hour- journey,the opening ceremony me of them had good reason to be dissapointed and sad when they he- festival were waiting for the guests to come from the early morning of the Spring Festival could begin and join all the’springers’together. The ard that the French representatives couldn’t come. hours. The representatives from Bosnia and Herzegovina were the building of the II Gimnazija Maribor is currently being refurbished, so the The first day of the festival was Tuesday, April 7th. The Russi- first to surprise the hosts that day, followed by the guests from the initiators of the festival, which took place there for the first time, gave us an delegation arrived at about 9P.M.. Their hosts were very cheerful Serbian town Valjevo, the Russian school from Belgrade, Macedo- an opportunity to prepare the festival. The guests from Slovenia particu- and excited when they got together with their new friends in the nia, Romania, Montenegro, Cyprus, Italy. The ambitious, future jo- larly enjoyed the cordiality of our people and the national cuisine. school yard.Both the guests and the hosts were reserved a little at urnalists welcomed the guests as well in order to ask them about the- The organizers of the Spring Festival were disappointed when first, but their youth and enthusiasm overcame all the obstacles and ir first impressions about our country and Krusevac itself. the Greek and Bulgarian delegations decided to give up participating they greeted each other with warm smiles and hugs. While refres- Italians told us that they had never visited Krusevac before, but in the event. The most disappointed ones were our students who we- hing themselves in the school club, the guests admitted having qui- that they were quite familiar with Serbia. They decided to come to re expecting the French to come,but they couldn’t because they did- te an exhausting 2000 km- long journey,but also being impressed Serbia by train in order to visit Austria as well. The Bosnian partici- n’t bring their passports, as well as a student from Slovenia, who had with Belgrade and surrounding places they saw on their way to Kru- pants noticed how an imposing and spacious school we have, with a to come the following day. Nina Arsic, Isidora Matic

The hosts were eagerly expecting their guests The guests from Macedonia Special gifts were prepared for the participants of the workshops

The Opening Ceremony Diversity in Unity The Opening Ceremony of the Spring Festival was held at the formally, the foreign schools started presenting themselves. All the Krusevac Theatre on Wednesday evening. The Krusevac theatre was presentations were different, but worthy and interesting. Some of them the place that united so many young people. Various languages we- attracted our attention more. The school from Macedonia presented a re spoken,various people could be seen and their youth,enthusi- kind of a mini-show, the school from Montenegro showed ten Monte- asm,creative and original ideas brought them together, giving a negrian commandments, very important for their nation, the school symbolic meaning to the festival,with the well-known motto ‘Diver- from Slovenia tried to persuade us not to be so judgemental and pre- sity in Unity’. The audience were looking forward to seeing all the judiced about them. The Russian school from Belgrade involved pro- young presenting their countries on the stage and having fun. blems of the world crisis, global warming and market economy. They Although being exhausted, our guests made an effort to pre- wanted to draw our attention to the current problems all around the sent their own country in the best possible way.Each scene of the- world, making us see these problems from different perspectives. ir performance was interesting and original.The audience were ple- They created the song ‘Bipolar World’, taken from the original song ased to have seen something like that.Both the guests and the hosts ‘Hot and Cold’. The students from the grammar school from Belgra- were excited and optimistic. When we asked the guests to com- de did the final presentation of the spectacular rock show. ment on the presentations they were speechless. They couldn’t find The students from our grammar school participated in the event appropriate words in English because they were exhilarated.Sho- also. They were the hosts on the stage and they tried to express all im- uld the students be serious or not? Should they have formal or in- portant, unusual, specific details about each country that took part in formal presentations? Should they be conventional or creative? the festival, which was quite funny. The audience roared with laughter. Everybody who came to support this festival wondered about all Everybody was present at the opening Both the students and the teachers enjoyed this spectacular perform- these things. The participants received tumultuous applause from The students from our school appeared on the stage and welco- ance, together with the Consul of Cyprus, Constantin Marku and the the crowd no matter whether the former were a little confused and med all the present. They announced the formal speech of the head- representative for the culture of the Embassy of The Russian Federa- tense or creative and relaxed. master Vukman Korac. After the Spring Festival had been opened tion, Oleg Buldagov. The Ministers of the Serbian Government were also invited to the opening ceremony of the Spring Festival, but none of them appeared. The Opening Ceremony of the Spring Festival was such an extraordinary event, and everybody will definitely agree. Kristina Nedeljkovic, Aleksandra Milanovic

Ivan Lorencic, headmaster of Druga Gimnazija Maribor, presents the crystal key of his school to this year's host of Spring Festival, Vukman Korac 4 8-12. april 2009.

In Krusevac Assembly building a reception was arranged for the guests of this year’s „Spring festival“ The mayor greeted the participants of the „Spring festival“ „ We will try to justify the confidence that has been shown to us and maintain the level of previous festivals“, Dragan Azdejkovic said and greeted the participants in English, the official language of the festival, but he could not resist to remind everybody of the old Serbian saying: „Speak Serbian so the whole world can understand you!“

The mayor Dragan Azdejkovic arranged a formal reception for At the beginning of the meeting, the mayor greeted both foreign delegations of all countries that took part in „SPRING FEST 2009“ and native guests and thanked them for accepting the invitation. In his speech, he emphasized his satisfaction with the fact that Krusevac had been honoured and privileged to organize such a big and important festival which more than ten countries from different parts of Europe took part in. „This year, Grammar school in Maribor can not be the host of „Spring fest“, so that pleasure, but also a great responsibility, belon- ged to us. We will try to justify the confidence that has been shown to us and maintain the level of previous festivals. I hope that people from Krusevac will be great hosts and that the guests will like what our town has to offer“, the mayor declared both in English, the offi- cial language of the festival, and in Serbian. „Speak Serbian so the whole world can understand you!“ was the sentence that he said immediately after he made a mistake in En- glish, which made the visitors applaud in approval. In informal conversation with the participants, the mayor inquired about the guests’ impressions. We eavesdropped a little and heard that they like Krusevac a lot and were delighted with a very warm welcome at the theatre. They think that we are pleasant and hospitable people and The participants of the festival in Mosaic hall most of them believe that they will come to our town again. introduced them to the symbolism of the mosaic in famous MOSA- After the mayor’s speech, the guests walked through the As- IC HALL. sembly building built in 1904 and the National museum custodians Aleksandra Babic, Jelena Stosic

The young from Krusevac introduced their town to the guests Young Europeans in the city of Prince Lazar After the guided tour around Krusevac, It was like a little Europe! Under the sun shine, the guests from red our rich history as well as the spontaneity of our guides. But, the Europe learnt about the history of the town, its tradition, and the most smiles remained till the end. the guests were enthusiastic about all the important thing was that they were guided by their friends from Gim- While seeing the sights of Krusevac , it was not only the love traces of historical events that this town nazija. They did their best to show them all the sights of Krusevac, for this town that was born, but new friendships, too, the friendships but they also told them about their inte- among the participants who spoke different languages, had different possesses in abundance, but they also rests in this town. The participants were cultures and lives, and, yet, they all shared the same interests and suggested that they should try to make divided into several groups. There were the same desire to meet new people and make new friendships. participants from two countries in each We all went back to the past when we listened to the story about the their town cleaner. Nevertheless, group while the teachers from all the co- Kosovo battle and Prince Lazar in front of the Monument to Kosovo he- the love was born and the sights of untries were in the same group. roes. We admired the courage of Serbian heroes while our guides expla- The groups headed towards the centre ined the songs of Filip Visnjic, the famous Serbian minstrel. Krusevac were taken photos of the town, smiles on their faces, eager to There was a real pleasure in front of the famous Donûon Tower. La- of to remain forever learn more, curious and ready to get to zar’s Tower was illuminated by flashes! The foreigners wanted to take know the culture of their friends. As the ti- a small part with themselves, in the form of images. Comments were me was passing, their feeling of from „How cool’’ to „I have never seen anything like this“. Most of the satisfaction changed, the gu- guests had never previously visited Krusevac, so expectations were va- ests had comments on the ried, but all of them agreed on one: Krusevac fulfilled the expectations! town not being clean eno- The weather conditions were favourable, too. Nobody knew whether ugh, but they also admi- the sun was involved in creating all these great smiles or it was just the desire of the young people to get acquainted with something new. Bogdan Brkic Jasna Lazarova Marina Šljivic 8-12. april 2009. 5 shops work Advertising: Internet approach Lively and dynamic One of the workshops of the Spring festival was the advertising. The participants had a difficult task which they completed thoroughly. The time spent on the Festival was full of activities and they constantly received new information and adjusted them for putting on the website. There were about fifteen participants. Together with the hosts, there were guests from Russia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Belgrade and Valjevo. The task was creating the website of the festival you can visit on www.spring-festival.com.

The leader of the workshop was Saša Paunovic from Krusevac, „The aim is to avoid formality. We tried to make everything li- glad to have learned many new things - how to create a website, how who, in addition to other things, deals with creating websites and va- vely and dynamic because it suits the mentality of the people invol- to organise it , what it should contain... I haven’t experienced this rious aspects of marketing. ved. kind of work before and if we had more of it at schools, it would be „The essence of Spring is being with friends and working with The communication between the leader and the participants was more interesting . them. The participants have a great time and a lot of ideas“, Saša says. excellent. „I see the willingness of all the participants to work in an The company is excellent, we all speak Serbian, which makes On the first day they planned their activities, made brief presen- unusual way, without any previous preparations, but aiming to get a our communication easier. We get on well and work together. tations of their schools, visited other workshops to collect materials, clear result.; and insisting on equality and mutual work“ , Jovana Everybody is satisfied. I really like the lecturer, he is a great guy, reshape and put them on the website of the Festival. On the second Vuckovic, a student from Gimnazija, Krusevac shared her impressi- very kind and always ready to explain something and help us. day they prepared presentations that were given later the same day. ons of the workshop. „I came to this workshop by accident because I recommend this workshop because we enjoy the company of The choice of ideas was made by brainstorming and democratic it was the choice of my guest from Montenegro.I thought we would our friends, many new things can be learned and we have the oppor- voting. Some of the ideas were parodies of some adverisements and pay more attention to advertising but I didn’t know it would be con- tunity to see all other workshops and present what they do because TV news reports. nected with the website. I got something I didn’t expect but I am our workshop in a way covers the activities of all other workshops.“ Finally, the leader of the workshop sent a message from the Festi- val:“ The organisation of the Festival done by Gimnazija, Krusevac should be an example for other institutions so that we have many si- milar events which promote our town and help the younger generation learn and accept some other values present in their invironment.“

Working on a web presentation

Art club A Better future through art Art club consists of fifteen members and many of them are foreigners. Professor Milena Komatinovic wanted to emphasize that the arts communicate with their souls so that the official language in her classroom is the language of the soul

The workshop is divided into two parts. The first day is devoted racteristic of the countries participants. All this is done aiming to to action painting and the second to installation. For the action pain- promote the message: Mutual care for the future. It is also important ting it is important to know that the picture created is a harmony of to say that this workshop is attended by gifted students only. the body, soul and emotions. In the beginning a huge canvas is pain- ted by each participant personally and then, in the second part of the painting individualism disappears and everybody unites into a sin- We asked the students why they chose this workshop and how gle creator. they liked it. Many of them say that in these very moments they feel like God That is how they answered: creating the World out of nothing. Every line, every drop of paint, Ana Stojiljkovic-Serbia every move of the brush is a signature the authors leave on their pa- I think this is an extraordinary thing! The best workshop ever! intings. Their paintings are nothing but the confession of their he- People are great, fun, kind,always ready for action, I really love art. Installations include combining things typical of a country, regi- them… I think we should have this kind of learning more often. on or a town into a whole which would consists of all the things cha- Eleonora Tossato-Italy I love every kind of art, so I’ve chosen this workshop and I’m so excited to be here because I can show my creativity and I can see other people’s creativity. Nina Nrûic-Slovenija I really like art but I decided to go to the art workshop beca- use my friend asked me to go but I can only say I’m really happy I joined it and loved every moment of it. Maja Horvat-Slovenia What would the world look like without colours? What would the world look like without lines and dots? Well, I don’t want to know. That’s why I decided to join art-to refresh my mind how im- portant is art and so I can use the knowledge I already have and even make some progress. Armina Ahic-Bosnia and Herzegovina I came here because I like drawing, and I wanted to meet mo- re people that are sharing this love. By the time we spent together, we became one. Participants spoke to us as if we had known each The participants of the art workshop other for a long time. with their mentor Milena Komatinovic Creating a master piece 6 8-12. april 2009. shops Creative writing work One idea - various ways This workshop has fulfilled my expectations, because for this short period of time I have managed to improve my writing style and to develop new ways of thinking - we were told by Dragan Jacin from Romania, one of the workshop participants

Creative writing workshop has gathered fourteen members. pic was given to each participant, and the to- „I have chosen this workshop because I can The participants were able to choose several topics which had the pics were about various subjects - from the say that I am good at creative writing and becau- aim to give them some practice and help them increase the ability discussions about virtues to the modeling of se my teacher referred me to it in order to impro- of watching, listening, observing and noticing. The choice of to- the impressions they got during the sightsee- ve my capacity. During the first minutes of the ing of the city. workshops we were talking about how we perce- According to Snezana Jakovljevic, the lea- ive creative writing, and then we played a con- der of the workshop, the aim of the workshop centration game. This workshop has fulfilled my is to improve the ability of its members in cre- expectations because I have managed to improve ative writing. The participants are having a lot my writing style during this short period of time of practice to improve concentration; they are as well as to develop new ways of thinking. We talking about what creative writing is to them, have helped one another to express our thoughts discussing about the reasons they chose this and ideas in as many ways as possible. I am glad workshop… that we have accomplished our goal and I am The task is to write a text about one of very satisfied. This is a new experience for me three given subjects. and apart from being edifying it was also a lot of - I hope I have managed to help the parti- fun,“ said Dragan Jacin from Temisvar, Romania. cipants and that they will all feel a certain im- In the end they all have concluded that provement in their creative writing after this they have a hard job ahead and that they need workshop. Our goal is to express the same Dragan Jacin from Romania more workshops and time to fulfill their goal. thing in as many different ways as we can, which Nevertheless, they have all tried hard, and there contributes to better writing and better opinion expression - said is no doubt that everything will be finished on time. Creative writing is all that remains Snezana. Aleksandra Babic, Nina Arsic, Isidora Matic

Film Kruševac in the centre of attention all over Europe

Some of the participants from the Spring festival gave their best to show Kruševac under camera. - Film speaks a universal language and young people have their own aesthetic view of the world-said Bratislav Kostic

We visited the Film workshop and we found out lots of things It was really hard to find the participants from this workshop be- that are interesting for the others to hear. First of all we got the in- cause all the time they were out capturing the town to get more ma- formation that in the film workshop there are two groups of people terials for more successful film. But the ones we managed to find sa- that have different things to do. But, they all have the same ambiti- id the following: on to make a film. There will be two films, each about 3,5 to 4 mi- We asked the students from the first group mentioned above, nutes. about the idea and how they got it and we were said that when they got out in the town( the centre of Kruševac) they came back with an idea to make a short film. This film is about teenagers’ life .They wanted to show their friends from Europe the beauty of being a te- enager and the life that can be as interesting as they want it to be be- cause now we are the best period of our lives and that in combinati- on with the euphoria from the festival gives a great result. About the second group we found out that the movie would be about Krusevac, about the main school and one of the biggest events here - The Spring Festival. Nowadays the festival has the biggest value here in Krusevac and every single person that is given an opportunity to become a part of it is a lucky habitant from this small town. In the film workshop there are fourteen participants ,three of them Most of the students from the main school in this town have ta- Italians,and there are also other foreigners with different talents and all ken guests from all over Europe and this fact is followed by lots of together seem like a great team ready to give the best of it. interesting events that must be shown to the ones who have neither The leader of this activity Bratislav Kostic told to us that he tri- time nor opportunity to be a part of it. In our opinion ,the film wor- es to make them make their own decisions for the film to be well kshop is the best way for the Spring festival to be represented in an understood by the audience. interesting way following all the events of the festival. Jasna Lazarova, Marina Sljivic and Bojana Golubovic

Do not disturb! It is being filmed

The crew that was filming 8-12. april 2009. 7 The closing ceremony Diversity in Unity On the third day of the festival at the Krusevac theatre there was a presentation of the workshops. All the participants presented the final product of their two-day work. In spite of the minor technical problems the atmosphere was fantastic and both the paricipants and the audience went out full of the wonderful impressions

The first to show their work was the Drama Workshop. Firstly, a pair accompanied by classical music performed their love dance. This was crowned by the family scene showing the birth of Mazart. There came a group who performed a pantomime, miming out of un- defined shapes a horse in a coach, which ran away. After a pause fil- led with beautiful music, out of a translucent screen, there showed siluettes of dancing girls. The final choreography followed Mozart tunes, which were coducted by a Mozart puppet. A completely unexpected story on the stage was performed by the members of the Art Workshop. During their preformance, a tree could be seen on the stage representing simbolically the motto of the festival - Diversity in Unity. After taking out the transparencies on which they had written the way they made their creations, they sho- wed the products of their work. In the end, they showed the work of the whole group. The spectators responded with ovations. The Creative Writing succeeded in adjusing its work to the scene, so each member explained what writing meant to him. For some of them, it is a way to get to know themselves, others see it as a way to express their feelings. However, there are those who say that writing is a way to memorise things. The answer which made people burst in- to laughter was that writing could be a way to the riches. At the end, the audience got the message - Writing is all that is left to us. The workshop with the most unusual performance was the School Magazine Workshop which was making the Spring Festival Magazine. Since the deadline for the final product was the next day, considering the fact that events on the picnic were supposed to be covered, they inform the audience that they would soon be in a po- sition to enjoy reading the newspaper on which everybody worked hard. Their performance consisted of searching for the newspaper and the leader of the workshop informed the audience in a hurry This is how we announced this magazine when we could expect it. ide to the Spring festival. Apart from taking part in The news followed by the music of the evening TV journal sho- their making, some of them tried their hands at acting. wed how we could draw wrong conclusions on the basis of the in- The whole story was accompanied by a comic kind of complete information. The first items of the Spring festival, while music, which was enthusiastically accepted. the following items of news explained what the matter was and con- Hip-hop and salsa may seem incompatible, but veyed the real state of things which could not be seen at the begin- the dancers in the Dancing Workshop managed to ning due to the lack of information. combine all these streams and made a spestacular per- A chance to learn the basics of the Serbian language was given formance. Milena Veljkovic, the state champion of to the members of the Serbian Course Workshop. Their performan- Serbia in hip-hop led the introductory coreography. ce showed meetings of foreign tourists with the Serbs and their com- Although their performance was short, the audience munication which was the most successful in Serbian. Having suc- was fascinated by their skill and the harmonious mo- ceeded in understanding each other, they went to the disco where vements which they practised in only two days’ time. they enjoyed listening to EX YU ROCK. They were, of course, dressed in adequate costumes. The members of the Ecological Workshop reminded us of the The Vocal and the Instrumental Workshops appea- world days of protecting the environment. They planted trees in the red together on the stage. They addressed the audience park of Kosturnica, one for each country. They made brochures with with the songs Nothing else mathers, Dancing Queen environmental topics and made Gimnazija more beautiful having and Jovano, Jovanke. The choir was accompanied by the planted flowers which will make the surroundings fresh for the stu- guitars, drums, the piano and the flute. Their out-of-the- dents of the grammar school. ordinary performance was rewarded with aplauses, and The memebers of the Advertising Workshop presented their some people even stood up, sang and danced. work in short, also their roles and the way of the whole team was The experiment of joining all kinds of arts has functioning. The product of their work can be found on www.spring- succeeded! The participants did their best, the mem- festival.org. bers of workshops lived up to the expectations and the Of course, the whole story would not have been complete if it audience appreciated their efforts - they got a big ap- hadn’t been for the coffee boy who „kept them all awake“ during plause. their hard, but exceptionally creative and amusing work. The festival has reached its goal - we learned a Film-makers managed to satisfy the spectators with two short lot, having fun and letting our imagination play. Nice films. The first was about Krusevac and the other was a kind of gu- memories will stay forever. Exercise has paid off - dancers in action

A musical farewell 8 8-12. april 2009. Workshop Fun Instead of Lessons The students from Gimnazija are getting to know their guests While the participants of Spring Festival were working hard in their workshops preparing for the final presentation, the rest of the students of Gimnazija were visiting the countries of their guests in a virtual tour. Instead of having regular lessons at school, the students organized various activities with the repre- sentatives of different countries-participants, which helped them to get familiar with foreign culture, customs and traditions. Tho- These workshops were working hard, as well ugh they were very interested in everything that’s happening back in the home countries of their guests, our students enjoyed taking part in cooking the specialties of national cuisines most „Springers“ and Hosts United in of all. We had a chance to see how it looked like, and if you want to know how successful the tasting was, you should ask them. Humanitarian Act Blood for Krusevac In order to welcome the italians, we were making pizza hospital Alongside with Spring Festival that is taking place in Kruse- vac Gimnazija the act of voluntary blood donation was held. Kru- sevac Blood Transfusion Team was working within the walls of Gimnazija with the students, teachers and Spring Festival partici- pants who in the breaks between their workshop activities came to be a part of this humane deed. Our staff managed to make pictures of the first ones. Uros Raicevic, student of Gimnazija, was one of the first to give his blood.

The presentation of Russia Students didn’t think only about fun on the Spring festival 8-12. april 2009. 9

Musical of the II Gimnazija Maribor The beat that takes over Europe The show „Feel the beat“ is a product of the Slovenian English Student Theatre and it has been played for two years. The crew of the show consists mainly of already professional dancers and singers, although they are all very young. So far the troupe has had performances in Italy, , all over Slovenia and finally, they swept the Serbian audience off their feet

The musical „Feel the beat“ is a story dedicated to youth, music, dancing and life itself. Ron, a teenager from Chicago, moves to a small town in the „Wild West“, called Shandon. Enchanted with rock music and dancing, he gets surprised with the repressive atmosphere that has taken over Shandon. Ever since the tragic death of four teenagers, dancing in Shandon is forbidden. Therefore, Ron is an outsider in his new town and soon gets into conflict with Reverend Brown, the local minister, whose son was one of the four boys who died in the car accident. The only person that helps Ron fig- hting against the ban of dancing is Jenny, the Reverend’s da- ughter. Quite expectedly, the friendship between these two teenagers results with love. The musical background is covered with songs of famo- us rock bands, such as the Police, Bonnie Taylor, the Do- ors… The participants of the show have had the opportunity to present their skills in acting, singing and dancing and what’s more, the ability to combine their talents. - Technical coverage of the sound was better than ever before for this show, thanks to professional help from Bel- grade - says Zvonko Babich Kurbus, the mentor of the young actors. The performance has left an unforgettable impression on the audience, who were clapping and singing together with the participants of the show. The theater of Krusevac was fil- led to the last seat. - I suppose the audience round hear is used to classic the- ater, so I had the impression they were a bit surprised with the concept of a musical. After all, it is the hardest way to present a certain story - says Zvonko Babich Kurbus. the lack of space completely. Musical theater in Serbia is still Domen Fajfar, in the role of Reverend Brown Aside from talent, it takes a lot of effort and sacrifice to developing, and I have already heard about some shows I - I act since secondary school. It took a lot of effort, but prepare a show like this. We asked the participants how hard would like to see myself. One of them is „Maratonci trce po- the feeling after each performance is great. It’s absolutely it was for them to give their best in order to make a first-class casni krug“. worth it. The hardest thing for me was to find myself in the musical. character I act, because he’s forty years old and wears a man- Matic Ketish, the main actor, in the role of Ron Taylor: tle! I had to learn some new acting techniques in order to ex- Zvonko Babich Kurbus, the producer, costume designer - After a performance like this I feel very tired, because I press my feelings in a better way. and leader of the troupe: always tend to give the whole of me. To feel comfortable on the - I have been engaged in arranging shows of this type for scene, I just have to find myself in the character I act. I started Anja Struc, the main actress, in the role of Jenny Brown twenty years now. You have to be like the bird phoenix in acting at primary school and at the same time I was singing in - The feeling on the scene was strange at first, but the this job - always to bring out something new and refreshing. the school choir, so it was natural that I finish up taking part in atmosphere was wormer with each moment. The hardest We have been working on this musical for about two years. a big show like this. There was a lot of sacrifice on my side: I thing for me was to manage dancing, singing and acting This year was particularly tough for the crew of the show was training football, but I had to drop it. Rehearsals take most at the same time. The message of the show can be under- „Feel the beat“. We traveled a lot, making performances in of my time. On the other hand, it is a pleasure spending so stood in many ways; everybody should form their own Milano, Ljubljana, Maribor, Zagreb, and finally, we finis- much time with other people from the show. We get along not one. hed up here in Krusevac. The scene of the theater in this only on scene, but in private, as well. In my opinion, the mes- town is small, but the reaction of the audience makes up for sage of the show is that dancing is not a crime! Bojana Golubovic, Tamara Gapic 10 8-12. april 2009. European high-school students felt the spirit of Krusevac at night A little bit for each taste What young people have always been attracted to and what they usually retell each other and remember excursions (in this case the festival) by is getting to know the night life and entertainment offers of the town they are visiting

Krusevac is not an exception to this rule. So, young fo- rent. At night, there is noise and a lot of people gather cafés should be prolonged after 1 a.m. but only for the we- reigners with their hosts rush to find out something more together and friendships are made. I like it there, says ekend. about the host-town of the Spring festival and feel for them- Natalija, continuing to underline the advantages of Ma- selves how their peers from the Rasina banks spend their free ribor. Party time time. - There are more places in Maribor for going out, more various cafés for all sorts of people. So, it is simple there for A borderless flavour of a good party was felt from the people to find what they like. A very good atmosphere Youth Centre on April 10TH. European high-school students Her fellow citizen Mihalj Struc, however, does not find continued their getting together in the club, one of the few Natalija Kovacic from Maribor, constantly smiling, says differences between the night life offers of Krusevac and which stayed „unpolluted by a mishmash“ that is now called that Krusevac is a nice town with opportunities for entertain- Maribor. music. ment. Considering the fact that she is into good old rock, her - Last night we went out. We ate grilled meat (cevapcici) Grammar school students have proved that they are little choice for going out was, logically, a status single of Kruse- at home, then we went to the Salsa café and after that to Por- above this level. The international party devoid of a bad ta- vac for all the people who like this kind of music, the Grizzly ta. I like Krusevac. The people are great, the atmosphere is ste in music, was really cool as young people tend to say no- café. very good and we all understand each other. In principle, it wadays. It was an unseen spectacular! Dancing a little, ha- - We have been to the Grizzly, which is a spacios is pretty similar to Slovenia; the town is about the size of ving (soft) drinks and discussing spring topics, universally café with a very good atmosphere. We have visited Por- Maribor, so it is not difficult to find your way around the accepted, young people had a great time. ta, both by the day and night, when it seems quite diffe- town - Mihalj points out, adding that the working hours for The boys reminded me of pine tres, the girls were as gra- ceful as fir-trees and the teachers were more casual and rela- xed than usual. The party went off in the spirit of European joy and carefree teenage years. It was a wonderful sight, that group of young people - different in language, culture and religion, but, basically, all equal. Dejan Milojevic 8-12. april 2009. 11 shops work School Magazines Spring Fest Magazine Nineteen young people, with a teacher and a journalist, created the newspaper, which showed every site of this event

This workshop was led by Jelena Vujicic, Serbian language te- bassy school said: „I chose School Magazine because I wanted to acher and Nada Budimovic, a journalist of local newspaper „Grad“. check my talent in journalism and publishing. This festival gave me Nineteen students joined this group to learn something about journa- the opportunity to learn something precious. I am working with my lism. Separated in groups, they covered all workshops, gathered in- colleagues from Serbia and other countries. We speak different lan- formation, took pictures and wrote stories which were published he- guages, but we have the same goal. I think that is very good.“ The re. Working together, we have all created this newspaper, and all im- final product of our two-day work is in your hands at this very mo- portant facts and events about „Spring Fest“ can be found here. Je- ment. We hope you’re pleased and that you will appreciate our hard lena Vujicic told us:“This was better than I taught and I was surpri- work even if it’s not perfect. sed how good this was in the end. For most people in this workshop, Bogdan Brkic, Danijela Mališic, Marija Markovic everything was new and interesting, too. But those who already had experienced journalism were no less interested in lectures about ba- sic journalism rules.“ Students learned how to write news, how to be objective, how to collect information, how to ask questions and what the best way to improve their writing is. Our guest from Russian em-

Professional help is always welcome

This is now creative news

Discussion Re-examination - the road to the truth Many workshops in the Spring festival were in the spirit of media, and thus the Discussion workshop had media as its main topic. A group consisting of sixteen members from Cyprus, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia with the leader Naim Leo Besiri discussed about the function of media and the consequences of presenting certain news. They used numerous interesting games, intriguing examples and a completely different work methodology compared to the one which they have at school

Those were actually interactive workshops which included all other people and to comment on that. I am satisfied with the whole is much better than regular classes and that everybody should come the participants. „I am trying to transfer the whole story to them so story,“ says Dusan Milosavljevic, one of the participants in this wor- to these workshops and see this approach to work, because we do not that they can reach conclusions based on their own knowledge, skills kshop. „My guest from Cyprus, who is with me in this workshop, is get the opportunity to look at the problems this way.“ and my instructions.“ really good and the people are great. I hope we’ll stay in touch even Naim Leo Besiri got them interested in this type of informal During the first day, the stress was on theory - through games after they have gone. The leader of this workshop has thrilled me. He education and, if they maintain this level of enthusiasm, many parti- and discussion they had to find out how the media create news, how is very interesting and I liked his approach.“ Dusan says that he will cipants of the discussion workshop will go deeper into this sphere of prejudices lead to misinterpretation, what can be the result of impre- remember the workshops first of all by the good times he spent with education. ciseness which offers people freedom to interpret the story in their the other participants, but also by the interesting topics. „I think this Marija Jakovljevic, Marija Veljic, Anna Grigoryeva own way and what is the factor which leads us, as the recipients of the news, to confusion, concerning the fact that we are all different and that we all perceive the given information in a different way. „Our discussion does not want to say that the media are giving wrong information, but that they are not providing enough informa- tion. It should be considered whether objectivity and subjectivity are actually possible, because people working in the media are only pe- ople with certain mental pictures based on which they can make the- ir own prejudices and stereotypes,“ says the workshop leader Naim Leo. They were working on concluding what the news is based on the context in order to realise what is being presented to us by the press, internet, radio and television. The main point was that every news can be seen from a different perspective. „In order to realise what the real news is we have to see every side of the news if we are really interested in it. Since we are human beings and we judge abo- ut everything, if a topic is important to us, we have to see every aspect of it before we reach conclusion about it,“ says Leo. On the second day the participants made false news which was sensationally presented on the billboard. The second part of the gro- up was working on the responsibility of media in giving the inform- ation. „Mass media led us to the stadium when we receive informa- tion mostly from them, we read less and we get less information from other sources. There is at least a speck of truth in each news, which makes the context where we place the news very important. That is why the message of our workshop is to re-examine every- thing,“ stresses Naim. These students came here mostly to have some fun and meet new people, but they have also shown great interest. Most of them are trying hard and, more or less, everybody is participating in the discussion. „I didn’t have any idea about what this would look like, but I like that I have an opportunity to improve my English. I love having discussions about various things; I like to hear the opinion of Discussing the media 12 8-12. april 2009. shops Drama club work Mozart is visiting Krusevac today For the performance, drama club has chosen a part from the famous play known as „Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart“, which describes the life of one of the most famous and most intriguing classicists

The preparations were a part of the workshops, and they were do- Aleksandar Kamzalov - Russia ne within two days. Leaders of this club are Branislav Nedic, the di- I decided to take up this workshop because I think it’s very in- rector of Krusevac Theatre and Dejan Toncic, a well known actor. As teresting. I must say that it is very difficult to work with the profes- a reason for their participation they point out the desire to „help their sionals. They want perfection. future colleagues“, but also to enjoy themselves in this „great idea“. Iva Mladenovic - Serbia Of course, the main actors are the participants of the Spring Festival, I already act in a theatre so the drama club was logical choice. I who have chosen this workshop in order to try something new as well can’t say it’s hard but we are just short with time. We work within as test themselves by working with professionals. In their opinion two days for about hour and a half. Also, this is a part of a modern Spring Festival is a good opportunity to find out more about „modern play, without dialogue, just mimic. and innovative theatre“, rather than to work in a classic way of prepa- Katarina Stankovic - Serbia ring which they have done until now. They are honored with a way the Firstly, I’m here to help Toncic with other things but they invi- professionals treat them, showing their great respect. They believe ted me to participate as well. Of course I couldn’t turn down this of- that it is „mature and complete relationship“ and that they found sup- fer because the play is extremely interesting and I think the audien- port and understanding of their leaders and colleagues. Also they are ce will like it. I chose this particular workshop because I like to act satisfied with role distribution and the choice of the scenario. They ho- in the first place and it’s not hard at all. The director is great and the pe that the audience will enjoy their play as they did while preparing whole team works like one. I believe that promises a good play. it. We asked the participants why they chose this particular workshop, Milanovic Aleksandra, Micic Ivana, The preparation of the scene for the performance if they were satisfied with their choice and what they felt working with Gapic Tamara, Nedeljkovic Kristina professionals. Their comments are outlined bellow: Milan Babic - Serbia First of all I took up drama workshop because it requires a lot of creativity. The team is great and we work with the professionals. Also I have to say that it is an honor to work with them because they really know how to make us to do our best. Damjan Stojanovic - Serbia This workshop is really good. It’s not that I am biased but I think that it demands the most creativity. I’m so excited about the fact that I’m working with the professionals. It’s such an intensive feeling that simply I can’t find proper words to describe my current state.

Music- Vocal Metallica, Abba and Jovanke

They practiced for two days, they improved their skills, learned new things and most important of all had a lot of fun

This workshop has been chosen by thirty-nine people. It’s led by Dejan Stojanovic, music teacher of the Grammar school Krusevac. Its plan is similar to the plan of all other workshops, to make new fri- endships, to make the guests and the hosts spend a lot of high quality time and to learn something new. The school choir has received some new members from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, from Grammar school Valjevo and Russian embassy school from Belgrade. They prepared two worldwide known songs: Metallica - Nothing Else Matters, Abba - Dancing Queen and one Serbian song Jovano, Jovanke. The music is the easiest way to break the borders between different languages, cultures and opi- nions. It’s the best way to show that all the people are similar. Our guests are pleased with the organiza- tion, they like the school and they feel like at home. A girl from Montenegro said: „The hosts are very hospitable. Girls here are more beautiful than boys… Ha! Ha! Ha! I’m just kidding. You’re all handso- me. I like you all.“ |A girl from Bosnia said: „I hope this manifestation will take place in our country so- metimes. Everything is perfect here.“ Although tired and exhausted, they like singing, the way the teac- her works with them, also the songs they sing. They think that boys in Krusevac are handsome and com- municative, they like café „Grizzly“best. A girl from Russian school said: „Everything’s great, I’ve met a lot of people and I am very happy because of that.“ Some of them have perfected their language skills, learned Russian, for example. The most important thing is that we all got what we expected, even more. Danijela Mališic, Bogdan Brkic, Marija Markovic

The music workshop was the most visited one 8-12. april 2009. 13 shops work Eco-workshop „Let’s make this world a better place!“ This is the motto of the workshop in which 18 participants have been trying for two days to make the face of Krusevac prettier. They will leave behind them 12 trees with the names of the states participants in this year’s Spring

We asked Nenad Zujic, the leader of this workshop, in which too late. The publication of the work done at the workshop will be a ends who helped me in need. We made a poster that should tell the way he thought they would make this world a better place, and he poster in the school hall - said Zujic. others how to help the nature.- gave us this answer: We asked a guest from Romania about the impressions of the The workshop consists of 18 members, and for this short period of ti- - Everyone participating in this workshop should learn to workshop: me they were given, all members tried to contribute to the preservation of think and behave ecologically, to take care of the environment - I have chosen this class because I want to help the nature. So our environment and to teach people to think about the nature, because our for the wellbeing of the people in it. It is known that there is an far we planted 12 trees in the park Kosturnica. I’ve made a lot of fri- survival depends on it. Aleksandra Babic, Nina Arsic, Isidora Matic ecological misbalance on our planet which is created when the living environment starts to influence negatively on the survival of living species and certain population, and all the members of this workshop are trying to contribute to the decrease of this ecological misbalance and to make our planet a better place for life.- During the first day, the participants planted 12 trees with the name tags of their countries in the Kosturnica Park. -We have to try as much as we can to contribute to the preserv- ation of the nature, because when we lose anything from it, it will be

With us, there is no worry for the future of the planet

Serbian Language course Foreigners speaking Serbian „I think that this is a very good experience. Here we have the opportunity to communicate with other students and to see their culture „, said Erstathia Yiannakou, from Cyprus, one of the participants of the Serbian workshop In this course there is a different type of learning the Serbian The guests tried to make simple dialogues for example at parti- language. While guests from Cyprus and Italy tried to get some new es, picnics and going out in the evening with friends. The final pro- language skills and gave their best to stay calm and slowly but secu- duct of this workshop is a sketch ( short acting ) in Serbian. It is rely to acquire the Serbian words ,they also find the Serbian langu- planned to have two parts. The first part is going to happen in the age very interesting and their pronunciation funny in their own church and the second one is about the impression the town will le- way. ave these days on the guests. Serbian participant taught the guests some basic words like: Some of them said the following: Rehearsing for the closing performance numbers, colours, parts of the human body and Serbian national fo- „I think that this is a very good experience. Here we have the od. They’re trying to notice the difference between cyrilic and latin opportunity to communicate with other pupils and to see the culture new friends. There is a very good organization and the students are letter. .I am glad I have learned some Serbian. I will never forget this ex- very hospitable ! „Maria Hangovdi, Cyprus They also learned sentences from the type of everyday questi- perience.“Erstathia Yiannakou, Cyprus We believe this is a good way for the guests to stay focused on the ons, like: Kako si? ( How are you?), Kako se zoves? ( What’s your „I believe that is an excellent and interesting programme which classes and try to learn the Serbian language and maybe when they co- name?), etc . gives us the opportunity to meet a new country, Serbia, and make me back to their country they would like to continue learning this fa- bulous language. This workshop also makes better relation and appro- ves communication between the hosts and the guests because every language is a new world of knowledge and great communication. Jasna Lazarova, Marina Sljivic and Bojana Golubovic

They obuiously managed to understand each other, after all 14 8-12. april 2009. s shop Dance work „Funny and real great“ This is how one of the participants of Spring Festival described the atmosphere in her group, but so were the reasons why she had chosen that particular workshop. Everybody was having fun, but still working hard, following the beat of salsa and hip-hop

When we entered the room, we saw cheerful faces of the stu- dents who were trying to remember the first steps of their dance. „The atmosphere is tense; we are all working out to make this num- ber perfect“- said the leader of the group. Nebojša Slavkovic, an international show-dance judge from „La Luna“ dance school, introduced his students to salsa and hip- hop as two different dance traditions. There are fourteen partici- pants from Russia, Macedonia, and Slovenia including the stu- dents from our country in the workshop. „These two dance traditi- ons have been chosen as they are the most popular today and the steps are easy to remember in the short time. Hip-hop is a modern dance which is lead by Milena Veljkovic, the National Hip-Hop Champion, when salsa is shown by Marko Vasic, the dancer from „La Luna“ group“, Nebojša Savkovic said. Salsa was practiced on the first day, and was easily remembered by the young dancers. The participants’ comments were extremely positive, everybody was very happy to be in that particular workshop. They worked hard on their steps to make their presentation success. „I chose this workshop because I like to dance. It’s a little bit hard, but funny and real great“, said Alexandra Karaeva, the participant from Rus- sia. „Dance is very funny and makes all people happy. It is not so difficult if you try and if you have a great time with the group“, were the words of Sara Brkljacic from Macedonia. The students made us believe that the presentation of their workshop would ra- ise the audience on its feet and elicit the roar of applause. They think so, as they believe that dance radiates lots of positive energy, intense emotions and flying beat. Jasmina Stevanovic, Marko Milosavljevic, Stefana Mihajlovic

Workshops Music instrumental „All the participants are showing their perfoming skills at a very high level“

„It is an excellent idea to bring all these young people together, een’, ‘Nothing else matters’ and ‘’ make the reperto- The participants are very pleased with their work and are cer- their talent is a contribution to this Festival“, says Saša Ognjanovic, ire of the band. Jefta Ralic, Jovan Filip, Dušan from Belgrade and tain about the audience to react the same way. The teamwork is the frontmen of „SCARPS“ rock group from Kruševac and the lea- Bojana from Macedonia bash out a tune on the guitars. Voja and Ar- fantastic, they are working hard and their expectations of the final der of Instrumental workshop. sa are on the bass, Luka and Luka are the drummers. Dragoslava is performance are very high. New friends are made, the fun is gre- Coming up to the White Hall in the House of Youth in Kruse- the flute of the group. The teacher of music from Gimnazija Dejan at. New band has emerged, everything has been arranged in the vac, where the headquarter of the Musical Workshop is located, the Stojanovic is assists the band playing the keyboards. short run, the project is very well assembled owing to the talent of sounds of rock music, played by the musicians-participants, can be „All the participants are showing their perfoming skills at a very the participants. heard. Everybody is in a hurry to complete the project, good mood high level. There are very talented young people in this group. The „There are a lot of new guys. We are having fun, Sale is great“, is in the air. There are eleven young gifted musicians, who are wor- songs are performed in a non-typical manner sung to the accompa- says Bojana Samardûiska from Macedonia. king hard and practising their songs together. There are students niment of the choir, so the whole presentation will be very intere- Jasmina Stevanovic, Marko Milosavljevic, Stefana Mihajlovic from Slovenia, Macedonia and Belgrade in the group. ‘Dancing Qu- sting to listen to“, Sale informs us. 8-12. april 2009. 15

For the springers Touristic „desert“ What kind of companionship would that be if it wasn’t troduced to big architectural achievements from the past keeping the „crowned“ by a trip to attractive tourist destinations. All partici- spiritual continuance of certain nation. Foundation of Serbian ruler pants of the Spring Festival must know the answer to this que- Stefan Nemanja was built in 12th century but even today, in the 21st stion, because on Saturday they have experienced such event. century, it impounds with the beauty, peace and hospitality. Little bit of everything-mountain, spa, history and tradition -is „Meet Serbia I order to love it (more)“ might be the motto well-known receipt for one relaxing one-day trip. Probably this was of this trip in which both the hosts and the guests enjoyed equ- the reason why the organizers decided to visit Kopaonik, the favouri- ally. Will all this result with expected love we will see when te tourist destination of „high“ class in Serbia, the Vrnjacka Banja Spa fresh-made friendships be put to trial of time and geographical (Spa Vrnjci), the most visited spa in Serbia. There is also a visit to Stu- distance. Nevertheless, this Saturday was just one more day of denica Monastery- one special event , like every other time we get in- good entertainment.

Outing with teachers „Serbia is a very beautiful country“ Those were the comments of the teachers that were visiting the graces of Krusevac area

While the students were busy with their projects in the wor- sed her. You could see a second oldest building of that area in the kshops, the teachers were enjoying the morning picnic organized monastery yard; these days it represents a hostel, the doors of for them. The first destination was St Roman’s Monastery, which are now open to everyone. A small gravestone of Russian known as the most visited monastery in Krusevac area. The gu- volunteer Rayevskiy, known as a prototype of Tolstoy’s Vron- ests were warmly welcomed and served with the frugal meal by skiy from „Anna Karenina“, has attracted great attention of the the nun of the monastery. The number of foreign visitors impres- guests. The Most Holy Mother of God Monastery in Djunis was the next place on the list of sights, which most likely will be re- membered by the female teachers. One of the requirements of the monastery was the skirt- and kerchief-wearing for women. Although, some of them considered that discriminating, they were all impressed by the mural paintings with golden foundati- on. Our excursion spent most of the time Ribarska Spa. It was an overwhelming experience for all of them; „Serbia is a very bea- utiful country“, said the teacher from Montenegro. Oksana E., the teacher from Russian Federation, expressed willingness to swim in the famous swimming pool which was full of bathers who had been tempted by caressing weather. At the end of the tour our guests took a short walk and rest in ambient environ- ment of „Vojvodina“ villa. Stefana Mihajlovic Guests in spa Ribarska Banja Our guests in monestery St. Bogorodica

Professors in monastery St.Roman Professors like on secret mission 16 8-12. april 2009.

Spring festival We ArE We ArE cReAtIvE

Slovenia, Maribor Druga gimnazija Maribor

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brcko Javna ustanova Gimnazija "Vaso Pelagic" Brcko

Italy, Cividale del Friuli Convitto Nazionale Paolo Diacono

The ice was broken - the day

Macedonia, Skopje Josip Broz Tito High School

Romania, Timisoara Liceul Teoretical "Dositei Obradovici" Serbia, Belgrade Prva beogradska gimnazija 8-12. april 2009. 17

val in Krusevac E yOuNg, vE, wE’rE fUtUrE

Serbia, Krusevac Gimnazija u Kruševcu

Serbia, Valjevo Valjevska gimnazija

Cyprus, Nicosia General Secondary Public School Nicosia

ays when youth creates began

Russia, Russian Embassy School Belgrade Russian Embassy School

Russia, Ryazan Lyceum52 Montenegro, Berane Gimnazija "Panto Mališic"