zine Maga Different countries the same youth 2 8-12. april 2009. IMPRESSUM Special edition of the weekly newspaper "Grad", Krusevac Publisher: IGC "Albos" ltd. Owner: Slobodan Milovanovic Manager: Dejan Miladinovic Chief editor: Slavoljub Markovic Word of the host: Vukman Korac, the headmaster of Gimnazija Krusevac Executive design: Ivan St. Rizinger Technical design: Dear Friends! Ljubica Lacnjevac It’s a great pleasure and honor for me to by the Celebration of Youth from the whole Eu- Internet presentation: welcome on behalf of Gimnazija in Krusevac rope, how they sing, dance, act and create to- www.krusevacgrad.rs the participants and the guests of the Spring Fe- gether... e-mail:
[email protected] stival 2009, the students and their teachers from And now, owing to Spring Festival we ha- Italy, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mon- ve a lot of friends not only in Maribor, Slove- Address: tenegro, Macedonia, Russian Federation, nia, but all over Europe. This year we’ve been 37000 Krusevac, Cyprus, Romania, and of course from Serbia. offered to organize and host Spring Festival in Majke Jugovica 43 Also I would like to thank all the people who our Gimnazija. Though that was certainly a have been working hard to make Spring Festi- challenge to organize such a big event and un- Tel: 037 418 718, 418 710 val 2009 possible. til the last moment we didn’t believe that we When we got the letter of invitation from could do that, we’ve accepted the offer. Law solicitor: Vesna Mrdja Maribor addressed to the School Headmaster’s Today, with a great pleasure and pride, I can of- I have to mantion the man, who is respon- name seven years ago, we were very surprised, ficially say: WELCOME TO SERBIA, WELCO- sible and „guilty“ for everything that’s happen- Print: as we didn’t know anyone from that school.