
Nitride tuning of transition metal perovskites

Cite as: APL Mater. 8, 020903 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5140056 Submitted: 25 November 2019 . Accepted: 21 January 2020 . Published Online: 10 February 2020

Amparo Fuertes


Paper published as part of the special topic on New Perspectives on Emerging Advanced Materials for Sustainability Note: This paper is part of the Special Issue on New Perspectives on Emerging Advanced Materials for Sustainability.


Recent progress on the electronic structure, defect, and doping properties of Ga2O3 APL Materials 8, 020906 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5142999

Mechanism of Mn emission: Energy transfer vs charge transfer dynamics in Mn-doped quantum dots APL Materials 8, 020901 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5140888

Superlattices of covalently cross-linked 2D materials for the hydrogen evolution reaction APL Materials 8, 020902 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5135340

APL Mater. 8, 020903 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5140056 8, 020903

© 2020 Author(s). APL Materials PERSPECTIVE scitation.org/journal/apm

Nitride tuning of transition metal perovskites

Cite as: APL Mater. 8, 020903 (2020); doi: 10.1063/1.5140056 Submitted: 25 November 2019 • Accepted: 21 January 2020 • Published Online: 10 February 2020

Amparo Fuertesa)

AFFILIATIONS Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), Campus UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain

Note: This paper is part of the Special Issue on New Perspectives on Emerging Advanced Materials for Sustainability. a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: [email protected]

ABSTRACT Transition metal perovskite oxynitrides are emergent materials for applications as visible light-active photocatalysts for water splitting and CO2 reduction and as thermoelectric, dielectric, and magnetic materials. They have been reported for early transition metals Ti, Zr, Hf, V, Nb, Ta, Cr, Mo, and W in the B sites and alkaline earth or rare earth metals in the A sites. is less electronegative and more polarizable than oxygen, and nitride is more charged than oxide. As a consequence, the introduction of nitride in an oxidic perovskite has important effects on the covalency of bonds, the energy of electronic levels, and the valence states of the cations. This work discusses fundamental and recent developments of perovskite oxynitrides of transition metals of groups 4, 5, and 6 as photocatalytic and electronic materials, focusing on the important aspects of synthetic methodologies, crystal structures, and anion ordering, in connection with the observed physical and chemical properties. Some examples of compounds with late transition metals and complex structures such as layered and double perovskites are also discussed. © 2020 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5140056., s

I. INTRODUCTION to the visible light.9 The higher charge of N3− increases the ionic polarizability and the dielectric constant. The possibility of for- Transition metal perovskite oxides are of permanent inter- mation of permanent electric dipoles8 is affected by the order of est because they show innumerable important properties and the two anions,10–13 which also has an impact on the bandgap14 applications. Their chemical diversity may be expanded by mod- and other relevant properties. To compensate the −3 charge ifying the anion composition with the introduction of nitride of nitride, the oxidation states of the transition metals have that shows electronic and crystal chemical characteristics close to be high. They should be stable in the reducing conditions 1 to oxide. Nitrogen is less electronegative and more polarizable under NH3 or at high temperatures under N2 flow that are than oxygen, and nitride is more charged than oxide. These used for the synthesis of oxynitrides. These two requirements crucial differences between the two anions are the important have directed the majority of explored compositions of perovskite factors affecting the chemical and physical properties of per- oxynitrides to early transition metals from groups 4, 5, and 6, ovskite oxynitrides ABO3−xNx (A = alkaline earth or rare earth which have stable high valence states and show relative low metal; B = transition metal). They have been investigated for electronegativities. several important applications, more intensively as water split- The most common method for the synthesis of perovskite ting photocatalysts active under visible light for hydrogen gen- oxynitrides is ammonolysis of ternary oxide precursors.15,16 2 3 eration and as materials with high dielectric constants. Per- The direct state reaction under NH3 between individual ovskite oxynitrides also show remarkable applications as non-toxic metal oxides or salts has been used for perovskites contain- pigments4 and as thermoelectric,5 magnetic,6 and ferroelectric ing alkaline earth cations, and also high temperature reactions 7,8 materials. between nitrides, oxynitrides, and oxides under N2 have been When substituting oxide in a semiconductor, nitride introduces performed.17 2p states at the top of the valence band, decreasing the bandgap Research in perovskite oxynitrides was initiated in the 1970s and affecting, for instance, the photocatalytic activity that shifts by Marchand and co-workers, who reported the first example of

APL Mater. 8, 020903 (2020); doi: 10.1063/1.5140056 8, 020903-1 © Author(s) 2020 APL Materials PERSPECTIVE scitation.org/journal/apm

18 layered Nd2AlO3N with K2NiF4-type structure and, later, the alka- line earth tantalum and niobium perovskites BaTaO2N, BaNbO2N, 15,19 SrTaO2N, and CaTaO2N. The interest in the field was stim- ulated in 2000 with the publication in Nature by Jansen and Letschert4 of new non-toxic red-yellow pigments in the solid solution Ca1−xLaxTaO2−xN1+x and, later, with other early reports from different groups of new compounds with additional appli- cations.3,20–22 Research during the first decade after these ini- tial reports was reviewed by Ebbinghaus et al. in 201023 and Fuertes in 2012.24 This perspective aims at giving a present overview of the reported compounds in the three groups of tran- sition metals, identifying new challenges, and focusing on rele- vant aspects and progress in the synthesis pathways, important structural features such as anion order, and chemical and physical properties.

II. TITANIUM, ZIRCONIUM, AND HAFNIUM COMPOUNDS A. Titanium Within the group 4, the titanium compounds are the most FIG. 1. Crystal structure of the perovskite SrTaO N29 projected along (a) [001] and investigated because of their photocatalytic activity and dielec- 2 (b) [010] directions of the superstructure 2ap × 2ap × 2ap of the perovskite sub- tric properties. LaTiO2N and NdTiO2N were first prepared by cell (of parameter a ) showing N/O occupancies determined by neutron diffraction. ○ p Marchand et al. by ammonolysis at 900 C of Ln2Ti2O7 (Ln = La, Oxygen, nitrogen, strontium, and tantalum atoms are represented as white, black, 25 Nd). For Ln = La, another method treating this oxide and urea golden, and blue spheres, respectively. SrTaO2N has an apparent I4/mcm space 26 group at room temperature because of tilting, but N/O order lowers the tetrago- under N2 has also been suggested. The crystal structure of the lanthanum compound was initially reported to be triclinic I-117 nal symmetry to Fmmm. (c) N/O order in ABO2N perovskite oxynitrides showing cis 11 from the refinement of neutron powder diffraction data. Further disordered N-M-N zig-zag chains (blue line) confined in planes. investigation on a highly crystalline sample prepared by a flux method indicated the orthorhombic symmetry Imma, using elec- tron diffraction and refinement from synchrotron and neutron pow- Highly sintered of this perovskite cannot be obtained 27 ○ der diffraction data. The distribution of nitride and oxide was because it decomposes completely at 1100 C under N2 into a mix- 41 found totally disordered in the two studies, and more recently as ture of LaTiO3, La2O3, and TiN. Using DFT calculations, spon- partially ordered28 with occupancies in agreement with a cis con- taneous polarization has been predicted in thin films, induced by 42 figuration of nitrides as suggested for SrTaO2N, SrNbO2N, and epitaxial strain on the anion order. 11,29,30 43,44 other perovskite oxynitrides (Fig. 1). Recent density func- The compounds LnTiO2N with Ln = Nd, Ce, Pr, and tional theory (DFT) calculations have indicated that whereas a Eu45 have also been also investigated for their photocatalytic and N-cis configuration is more stable in bulk2 LaTiO N, a non-polar electronic properties. The four oxynitrides show the orthorhom- + − − trans arrangement of nitrides is preferred at the (001) surface of bic GdFeO3-type structure with tilting system a b b and space this perovskite.31 group Pnma, with a disordered distribution of nitride and 22,43 LaTiO2N with a bandgap of 2.1 eV and an absorption edge oxide. In the Ce and Pr compounds, short range anion of 600 nm is one of the most studied perovskite oxynitrides since order has been suggested from electron diffraction experiments. the first report by Domen et al. on its ability to split water under NdTiO2N, CeTiO2N, and PrTiO2N show bandgaps in the range of 32–34 visible light in the presence of sacrificial agents. It showed a 2.0–2.1 eV, close to LaTiO2N. The photocatalytic activity in water low apparent quantum yield that was improved significantly using oxidation of NdTiO2N in the presence of a sacrificial agent is 35,36 CoOx as co-catalyst. The photocatalytic activity improved in similar to that of the lanthanum compound. However, the Pr samples obtained by treatment of La2Ti2O7 crystals in NH3 using and Ce compounds show lower activities, which is ascribed to 37 different fluxes. LaTiO2N is also active as photocatalyst under the presence of localized f-orbital states in the bandgap or near visible light for the reduction of CO2 into CH4 in the presence the valence band maximum that act as electron–hole recombi- 38 44 of H2O. As a dielectric material, it has been investigated in nation centers. EuTiO2N can be prepared from the oxyhydride − 3− 45 the form of ceramics and thin films. The films were grown by EuTiO2.82H0.18 by H /N exchange under NH3. Magnetic mea- 39 radio frequency reactive magnetron sputtering on Pt/Si/SiO2/Si surements indicate that in this oxynitride shows the oxi- 40 or Nb:SrTiO3 substrates using LaTiO2N or La2Ti2O7 targets, dation state +3, in contrast with perovskites of other early transi- +2 +2 6 +2 46 respectively. The measured dielectric constant εr was 750 for a tion metals such as Eu TaO2N, Eu NbO2N, and Eu WON2. sample,28 whereas it was 325 for a thin film deposited A similar H−/N3− topochemical exchange synthetic approach 40 on Nb–SrTiO3. has been used to introduce nitride in the perovskites BaTiO3

APL Mater. 8, 020903 (2020); doi: 10.1063/1.5140056 8, 020903-2 © Author(s) 2020 APL Materials PERSPECTIVE scitation.org/journal/apm

49 FIG. 2. (a) Diffuse reflectance spectra, bandgaps determined using the Kubelka–Munk function, and powder photographs2 ofLaHfO N, NdHfO2N, SmHfO2N, and LaZrO2N. (b) Time courses of H2 or O2 evolution from aqueous methanol solution or aqueous AgNO3 solution, respectively, on (a) LaHfO2N, (b) NdHfO2N, and (c) LaZrO2N sample under light irradiation (λ > 300 nm for LnHfO2N samples or λ > 400 nm for LaZrO2N). (a) and (b) are adapted and reproduced with permission from Black et al., Chem. Commun. 54, 1525 (2018). Copyright 2018 Royal Society of .

7 and SrTiO3. Ferroelectric BaTiO2.4N0.4 has been prepared by and 2.85 eV, respectively, determined from diffuse reflectance spec- 49 ammonolysis of BaTiO3−xHx, and oxy-hydride-nitrides have been troscopy [Fig. 2(a)]. These are reduced by 2 eV or more with obtained as intermediate products starting either with BaTiO3−xHx respect to the oxidic perovskites SrHfO3, BaHfO3, or BaZrO3 that or SrTiO3−xHx. show bandgaps of 5.7 eV, 5.8 eV, and 5 eV, respectively, and are larger by 0.7 eV or more as compared to LaTiO N. The bandgap B. Zirconium and hafnium 2 increase in LnBO2N (Ln = lanthanide) perovskites within the 4 LaZrO2N was prepared for the first time by ammonolysis of group of transition metals from 3d to 5d row is due to the increased ○ 22 amorphous La2Zr2O7 during several weeks at 950 C. The same potential of the empty d orbitals that mainly contribute to the con- perovskite has been more recently synthesized in N2 by reaction duction bands. The Zr and Hf compounds show photocatalytic ○ 47 between La2O3, ZrN, and ZrO2 at 1500 C during 25 h. Zirconium activity in water oxidation or reduction in the presence of co- perovskites of smaller rare earths such as Pr, Nd, and Sm could not catalysts. LaHfO2N and NdHfO2N have adequate reduction and be prepared by similar synthesis methods, but they can be accessed oxidation potentials to perform the overall water splitting reac- ○ under 2–3 GPa pressure at 1200–1500 C starting with a mixture tion, and LaZrO2N has the ability to oxidize water under visible 48 of Zr2N2O and Ln2O3. All zirconium rare earth perovskites adopt light although it undergoes self-oxidative decomposition evolving 47 the distorted GdFeO3-type structure, and a total disorder of anions N2 [Fig. 2(b)]. In contrast with LaTiO2N, the measured dielec- has been reported for LaZrO2N. The isostructural LnHfO2N com- tric constants of zirconium and hafnium perovskite oxynitrides pounds with Ln = La, Pr, and Sm are prepared at room pressure are relatively low. At room temperature, εr was 30 for LaZrO2N ○ 47 at 1500 C treating a mixture of Hf2N2O and Ln2O3 for 3 h. and LaHfO2N, 16 for NdHfO2N, and 28 for SmHfO2N(Fig. 3). As reported for LaZrO2N, a totally disordered distribution of N These values are similar to those for the oxidic perovskites BaHfO3, and O has been found from Rietveld refinement of neutron pow- SrHfO3, and CaHfO3 (εr = 24.2, 23.5, and 21.4, respectively) der diffraction data. LaZrO2N, LaHfO2N, PrHfO2N, and SmHfO2N and suggest potential applications of these oxynitrides in memory are semiconductors with bandgaps of 2.80 eV, 3.35 eV, 3.40 eV, capacitors.50

APL Mater. 8, 020903 (2020); doi: 10.1063/1.5140056 8, 020903-3 © Author(s) 2020 APL Materials PERSPECTIVE scitation.org/journal/apm

splitting among other chemical reactions. Alkaline earth oxynitride perovskites were initially prepared by solid state reaction between the carbonates of calcium, strontium, or barium and Nb2O5 or ○ 15 Ta2O5 at 950–1000 C under gaseous . Alternative syn- 3 thetic approaches have used precursor oxides such as Ca2Nb2O7, Sr2Nb2O7, or SrNbO3 for treatment at similar temperatures under 54 55 NH3 or other nitriding agents such as urea. Synthesis under N2 gas requires higher temperatures, up to 1500 ○C, producing highly crystalline materials and sintered ceramics suitable for electrical measurements. TaON, Ta3N5, or TaN have been used as reagents, mixed with the alkaline earth carbonate or oxide, for the syn- 17,56,57 thesis of CaTaO2N, SrTaO2N, and BaTaO2N. More recently SrNbO2N has been prepared in similar conditions, starting with 58 a mixture of NbN and SrCO3. Large crystals, with sizes up to 10 μm, have been obtained for Sr and Ba perovskites by ammonothermal synthesis at 627 ○C, starting from Nb or Ta and 59 Sr or Ba metals and using NaN3 and NaOH as mineralizers. For BaNbO2N, a self propagating high temperature synthesis method has been recently used, starting with Ba(OH)2, NbCl5, and NaNH2. The reaction took place heating at 225 ○C,60 and the thermodynami- cal driving force was the formation of NaCl together with BaNbO2N. ○ A similar reaction was previously reported for BaTaO2N at 223 C although it was not described as explosive.61 These are the lowest temperatures reported up to now for the synthesis of perovskite FIG. 3. Temperature dependence of dielectric permittivities of (a) LaHfO2N, (b) NdHfO2N, (c) SmHfO2N, and (d) LaZrO2N measured at 100 kHz. Reproduced oxynitrides. with permission from Black et al., Chem. Commun. 54, 1525 (2018). Copyright Rare earth perovskite oxynitrides LnBON2 with Ln = La, Ce, 2018 Royal Society of Chemistry. Pr, Nd, Sm and Gd or EuBO2N (B = Nb, Ta) are generally pre- ○ 6,12,25 pared by treating the scheelites LnBO4 under NH3 at 950 C. Ammonothermal synthesis has also been used, by reacting the met- als or their alloys with NaN3 or NaNH2 and NaOH at pressures III. VANADIUM, NIOBIUM, AND TANTALUM 62–65 COMPOUNDS of 100–300 MPa. This method produces crystals with sizes up to 15 μm. A. Vanadium Vanadium oxynitride perovskites have been investigated for 2. Crystal symmetries and anion order their electrical and magnetic properties. LaVO − N samples (0 < x 3 x x Some tantalum and niobium oxynitride perovskites look cubic < 0.9) were first prepared by Marchand et al. by treatment of LaVO4 51 from laboratory x-ray diffraction data, but they show distortions under NH3, and perovskites of Pr and Nd were further synthesized 30,52 from synchrotron x-ray diffraction, electron diffraction, or neutron using a similar synthetic approach. The nitridation of LnVO 4 diffraction data. BaTaO N and BaNbO N have only been reported compounds proceeds through a first step of reduction to LaVO 2 2 3 in the ideal cubic structure Pm-3m.66 Neutron diffraction data of followed by the incorporation of nitride in this perovskite with con- 3+ 4+ SrTaO2N and SrNbO2N are refined using the space group I4/mcm comitant oxidation of V to V . LnVO3−xNx (Ln = La, Pr, Nd) √ √ with x up to 1 show the GdFeO type structure at room temperature. in the superstructure 2 ap × 2 ap × 2 ap due to ordered rota- 3 17,67,68 NdVO N and PrVO N with vanadium in d1 and d1/d2 con- tions of the octahedra, and electron diffraction showed sym- 2 2.24 0.76 11,29 figurations, respectively, show partial anion order consistent with metry lowering to Fmmm induced by anion order (Fig. 1). 0 cis-VN2 chains similarly to perovskite oxynitrides of d transition The observed anion distribution in both compounds is consistent metals, indicating that this distribution is robust to electron doping with a cis configuration of nitrides stabilized by covalency andthe and to the disorder created by non-stoichiometry. LaVO N and formation of disordered zig-zag N-M-N chains as suggested for 2.09 0.91 69–71 PrVO2.24N0.76 show spin freezing transitions at low temperatures, other perovskite oxynitrides including cubic BaTaO2N. In the and NdVO2N is paramagnetic. Epitaxial thin films of LaVO3−xNx Ba1−xSrxTaO2N series, a sharp crossover from two-dimensional to have been grown by plasma-assisted pulsed laser deposition.53 They three-dimensional distribution of cis-TaN chains occurs for x near 71 are highly crystalline and electrically insulating which is suggested to 0.2 (Fig. 4). be a consequence of carrier localization induced by anion disorder. CaTaO2N with the GdFeO3 type structure shows N/O dis- 67 tribution similar to SrTaO2N and SrNbO2N compounds. Diva- B. Niobium and Tantalum lent europium compounds EuTaO2N and EuNbO2N show struc- tural distortions similar to SrTaO N and SrNbO N,6 in contrast 1. Synthesis 2 2 to the remaining rare earth compounds that show more dis- Tantalum and niobium perovskites are extensively investigated torted structures, with different tilting systems and space groups 12,29,67 72 for their dielectric properties or their photocatalytic activity in water I2/m or Immma for LaTaON2 and Pnma for LaNbON2,

APL Mater. 8, 020903 (2020); doi: 10.1063/1.5140056 8, 020903-4 © Author(s) 2020 APL Materials PERSPECTIVE scitation.org/journal/apm

(BaNbO2N) and 2.4 eV (CaTaO2N), with corresponding absorp- tion edges between 730 nm and 510 nm, respectively.84–86 Some of these perovskites have adequate potentials for photocatalytic 87,88 89 water oxidation and reduction; however, except for CaTaO2N, they cannot achieve the overall water splitting. Recent progress has been made in lanthanum based compounds. The complex oxyni- tride LaMg1/3Ta2/3O2N, with a cation disordered double perovskite structure, was first reported by Kim and Woodward.90 It has been reported as the first example of a overall water splitting photocatalyst active under visible light up to 600 nm91,92 and the most promis- ing material with respect to its wide range of usable wavelengths. LaTaON2 shows a bandgap of 1.9 eV (absorption edge of 640 nm) 93 and can evolve H2 and O2 from aqueous solution. The H2 evolu- tion activity is weak, but it can be enhanced in core-shell structures 94 obtained by ammonolysis of LaKNaTaO5. 4. Electronic properties

FIG. 4. Plot of oxygen occupancies from room temperature neutron refinements The dielectric properties of tantalum perovskites SrTaO2N and 95 against x in the Ba1−xSrxTaO2N series for the c-axis anion site. Values for the BaTaO2N were initially investigated by Marchand et al. and fur- ¯ x = 0–0.2 cubic Pm3m refinements are fixed at 0.67 which averages over the3D ther by Kim et al. that reported relative permittivities at room tem- cis-TaN chains. Occupancies for the x = 0.4–1 samples are refined against the peratures of 4900 and 2900, respectively.3 Further measurements tetragonal P4/mmm model which averages the 2D cis-TaN chains model. Repro- 96 duced with permission from Johnston et al., Chem. Commun. 54, 5245 (2018). performed on dense ceramics led lower values of 450 for SrTaO2N 97 Copyright 2018 Royal Society of Chemistry. and 320–620 for BaTaO2N. Ferroelectricity in SrTaO2N has been reported for epitaxial thin films98 and in the surface of sintered 8 ceramics post-annealed in NH3. Both compounds are centrosym-

12 metric, and the origin of their high dielectric constants or ferroelec- CeTaON2, and PrTaON2. The anion distributions reported for tricity is under discussion although it is generally ascribed to the LaTaON2 and LaNbON2 are similar to those found in SrTaO2N, presence of local electrical dipoles induced by the anion order in the 69,99 SrNbO2N, LaTiO2N and in vanadium oxynitride perovskites, con- TaO4N2 octahedra. sistent with a cis configuration of nitrides (Fig. 1). Recent DFT Analogous divalent europium compounds EuTaO2N and studies have shown that anion order has an important effect on EuNbO2N are electrically insulating and show ferromagnetism the bandgaps and band edge positions of CaTaO2N and SrTaO2N, 6 14,73 induced by coupling of europium 7/2 spins. The niobium com- affecting the photocatalytic activity and other properties. Epitax- pound may show slight nitrogen deficiency which induces giant ial strain in thin films of1 Ca −xSrxTaO2N has been found to affect magnetoresistance as a consequence of coupling between the Eu2+ the anion order in a recent study performed by a linearly polar- spins and the Nb4+ carriers. ized x-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) and electron microscopy.74 75,76 Ruddlesden–Popper perovskite oxynitrides (AX)(ABX3)n IV. CHROMIUM, MOLYBDENUM, TUNGSTEN, (X = N, O) have been reported for tantalum and niobium. n = 1 AND LATER TRANSITION METAL COMPOUNDS 77 21 Sr2TaO3N and Sr2NbO3N, and n = 2 Sr3Nb2O5N2 crystallize Perovskite oxynitrides of group 6 have been less investigated in space group I4/mmm. For A = rare earth, the only reported than for other early transition metals. All of them show nitrogen examples are n = 2 Eu3Ta2N4O3, which has been recently pre- non-stoichiometry and form solid solutions ABO3−xNx where the 78 pared by ammonothermal synthesis, and the related compound transition metal shows mixed valence states of +3/+4 for Cr, +4/+5 Li2LaTa2O6N, that shows with tetrahedral co-ordination in or +5/+6 for Mo, and +5/+6 for W. Chromium compounds have 79 the AX layers. For n = 1 compounds, neutron diffraction stud- only been reported for LnCrO3−xNx with Ln = La, Pr, and Nd and ies show that anions order partially so nitrogen and oxygen occupy nitrogen contents up to x = 0.59, that have been investigated for their 100 the 4c equatorial sites with 50% occupancies, and oxygen prefers magnetic properties. They are prepared by nitriding LnCrO4 pre- 80,81 the 4e axial positions. This order can be rationalized by Paul- cursors under NH3 for long treatment times and high flow rates. 10,82 ing’s second crystal rule because the equatorial sites show larger The ammonolysis reaction proceeds similarly to that observed for bond strength sums than the axial ones, and it is also consis- LnVO3−xNx perovskites, with a first reduction step of 4LnCrO to tent with the local cis order of nitrides suggested for pseudocubic poorly nitride LnCrO3−xNx compounds with chromium mainly in perovskites. +3 state, followed by increased incorporation of nitride with con- comitant oxidation of Cr3+ to Cr4+. LnCrO perovskites crystallize 3. Photocatalytic properties 3 in the GdFeO3 type structure and show antiferromagnetic order Extensive investigation on the photocatalytic activity of tan- of Cr3+ spins which varies with the size and 4f n moments of the talum and niobium perovskite oxynitrides in water oxidation and Ln3+ cations.101 The hole doping trough O2−/N3− anion substitution reduction has been developed by Domen’s group.2,34,83 The alkaline decreases the Néel temperature but less drastically than for cation earth compounds of Ca, Sr, and Ba show bandgaps between 1.7 eV substitutions of Ln3+ by rare earth cations. The larger covalency of

APL Mater. 8, 020903 (2020); doi: 10.1063/1.5140056 8, 020903-5 © Author(s) 2020 APL Materials PERSPECTIVE scitation.org/journal/apm

can be prepared in similar conditions to SrMoO3−xNx. It shows high stability as photocatalyst in oxygen evolution under visible light, in contrast to the lanthanide perovskites LnWO3−xNx (Ln = La, Pr, Nd, 107 Eu) that evolve N2. Highly porous LaWO3−xNx has been recently reported as a photoelectrocatalyst for water splitting under infrared 108 light, at wavelengths above 780 nm. Pseudocubic EuWO1+xN2−x compounds are prepared by ammonolysis of Eu2W2O9 with N con- tents tuned by the ammonia flow rate and temperature.46 They may show europium in +2/+3 oxidation states and tungsten in +5/+6 oxi- dation states, which to different electrical and magnetic prop- erties as a function of the N/O ratio. They order ferromagnetically at 12 K, and colossal magnetoresistances at low temperatures are observed for the least doped sample (x = −0.04). Double perovskite oxynitrides of tungsten or molybdenum and iron are prepared by topochemical nitridation of the corre- FIG. 5. Cr spin ordering temperatures corrected for lattice effects for doped LnCrO3 sponding cation ordered oxides. The ammonolysis of Sr2FeWO6 ○ ○ materials [LnCrO3−xNx (Ln = La, Pr, Nd), La1−xSrxCrO3, and La1−xCaxCrO3] as a at temperatures between 600 C and 660 C produces new antifer- function of Cr4+. Reproduced with permission from Black et al., Chem. Commun. romagnetic Sr2FeWO6−xNx compounds that keep the cation order 52, 4317 (2016). Copyright 2016 Royal Society of Chemistry. of the precursor oxide, with 0 < x ≤ 1, and Néel temperatures between 37 K and 13 K.109 A similar synthetic route has been used to investigate the effect of nitride on Sr2FeMoO6, an impor- metal-nitride bonds compared to metal-oxide bonds increases the tant material that shows metallic conductivity, ferromagnetism, and antiferromagnetic interaction between Cr atoms, compensating for magnetoresistance at room temperature. The topochemical nitri- the reduction of TC induced by hole doping (Fig. 5). dation of this oxide leads the cation ordered double perovskite Molybdenum and tungsten perovskite oxynitrides have been oxynitride Sr2FeMoO4.9N1.1 that is ferromagnetic with Tc ≈ 100 K 110 explored for their magnetic and thermoelectric properties and more and also shows negative magnetoresistance. The two oxyni- recently as photocatalysts in several chemical reactions. Molybde- trides Sr2FeWO5N and Sr2FeMoO4.9N1.1√ show superstructures√ of num compounds have only been reported for strontium in the the perovskite subcell with parameters 2 ap × 2 ap × 2 ap and ○ A sites. The treatment in NH3 at 750–900 C of SrMoO4 scheel- 2 ap × 2 ap × 2 ap, respectively. The tolerance factor increases with 5,20,102,103 2+ ites produces cubic Pm-3m SrMoO3−xNx (0.40 ≤ x ≤ 1.27) nitriding as a consequence of the oxidation of the B cations (Fe to perovskites that have been investigated as thermoelectric materi- Fe3+and Fe4+, and Mo5+ to Mo6+), inducing symmetry increasing, als. Tungsten compounds were first reported by Marchand et al., from P21/n for Sr2FeWO6 to I4/m for Sr2FeWO5N and from I4/m that prepared tetragonal LnWO3−xNx perovskites (Ln = La, Nd; x for Sr2FeMoO6 to Fm-3m for Sr2FeMoO4.9N1.1. The introduction of 104 = 2.2, 2.3, 2.4) by treatment of Ln2W2O9 in ammonia at tem- nitride in Sr2FeMoO6 produces changes in the magnetic structure peratures between 700 ○C and 900 ○C. These compounds have been related to the lowering of the Fermi level associated with the oxi- recently prepared as thin films105 by radiofrequency reactive sputter- dation of iron and to carrier localization induced by anion disorder 106 ing, using elemental La and W targets and Si substrates. SrWO2N (Fig. 6).

FIG. 6. [(a) and (b)] Schematic band filing of Sr2FeMoO6 and [(c) and (d)] Sr2FeMoO4.9N1.1. In (d), localized states are formed around defect-related potential wells (e.g., nitride sites, Jahn-Teller Fe4+ ) that trap electrons, hin- dering carrier mobility, weakening double exchange ferro- magnetic interactions, and canceling long range ordering. Reproduced with permission from Ceravola et al., Chem. Commun. 55, 3105 (2019). Copyright 2019 Royal Society of Chemistry.

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