United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 4,834,817 Zeuner Et Al
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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 4,834,817 Zeuner et al. (45) Date of Patent: May 30, 1989 (54). GAS-GENERATING COMPOSITION 56 References Cited (75 Inventors: Siegfried Zeuner, Munich; Walter U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Holzinger, Deisenhofen, both of Fed. 3,931,040 l/1976 Breazeale .............................. 149/35 Rep. of Germany 4,376,002 3/1983 Utracki ... ... 149/35 4,386,979 6/1983 Jackson ................................. 149/35 73) Assignee: Bayern-Chemie Gesellschaft Fir Primary Examiner-Stephen J. Lechert Jr. flugchemische Antriebe mit Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Toren, McGeady & Beschrinkter Haftung Associates (21) Appl. No.: 252,519 (57) ABSTRACT Sep. 30, 1988 A nitrogen-generating composition useful for inflating 22 Filed: air bags as protection for occupants of motor vehicles is (30) Foreign Application Priority Data disclosed which is composed of an alkali and alkaline earth metal azide, an oxidizing agent which is an alkali Oct. 1, 1987 DE Fed. Rep. of Germany ....... 3733176 or alkaline earth metal salt and an nitride, and optionally 51 Int. Cl." .............................................. C06B 35/00 silicon dioxide. The nitride or combination of nitride (52) U.S. Cl. ........................................ 149/35; 149/61; and silicon dioxide are present in an amount effective to 149/76; 280/741 bind all of the alkali and alkaline earth metal as slag. 58) Field of Search ............................. 149/35, 61, 76; 280/741 7 Claims, No Drawings 4,834,817 1. 2 years, the chemical stability of this composition leaves GAS-GENERATING COMPOSITION much to be desired. According to German Offenlegungsschrift No. FIELD OF INVENTION 2,407,659, a composition containing silicon nitride, so This invention concerns a gas-generating composi 5 dium azide and ammonium perchlorate generates gas by tion useful for inflating air bags for protection of occu reacting according to the following equation: pants of motor vehicles. More particularly, this inven Si3N4-4-3NaN3-3NH4CIO4->3SiO2--- tion is directed to a gas-generating composition wherein 3NaCl--8N2-6H2O (1) no water or toxic substances are formed during the to As shown in equation (1), the reaction of this compo gas-generating reaction and wherein the solid compo sition results in the formation of a relatively large nents resulting from the reaction are in the form of a amount of water, which condenses in the air bag. Fur glassy slag. ther, due to the resulting heat of condensation, the air BACKGROUND OF INVENTION 5 bag is heated, and aside from the mechanical stress, the bag material also has to withstand appreciable thermal Air bags for protection of motor vehicle occupants stress. This problem is difficult to solve, because it runs must be inflated by the gas-generating composition counter to the desire, or necessity, of making the bag within a fraction of a second, and they are generally material as thin as possible, due to space constraints. constructed so that their gas content is released at a Another disadvantage of the composition disclosed controlled rate. The propellant formed for such air bags 20 by German Offenlegungsschrift No. 2,407,659 is that must not contain any toxic components. the ammonium perchlorate, which is used together with Alkali and alkaline earth metal azides in particular, sodium azide, becomes acidic in contact with water and which form nonpoisonous gas consisting essentially of reacts with the formation of highly explosive and highly nitrogen when reacted with an inorganic oxidizing toxic hydrazoic acid. In practice, the complete absence agent, come into consideration as the gas supplying 25 of water cannot be attained, or requires an inordinate component of such compositions. Alkali and alkaline effort and expense. earth metal oxides, which form during oxidation, are Even though it is not evident from equation (1), in relatively difficult to separate and may reach the inte practice, the formation of hydrochloric acid, a toxic rior of the vehicle. To make the oxide harmless, it is substance, from ammonium perchlorate is unavoidable. known, for example, from German Aulegeschrift No. 30 Finally, as shown in equation (1), sodium chloride is 2,236,175, that silicon dioxide may be added to the gas produced, and moreover, it is produced in finely di generating composition. The silicon dioxide and the vided form. The removal of sodium chloride creates alkali and alkaline earth metal oxides form a glassy slag, difficulties; if it is not removed, it exerts an irritant effect the separation of which presents no problems. on the occupants of the motor vehicle. 35 The composition disclosed by German Ausleges SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION chrift No. 2,236,175, as used in practice, contains 56% sodium azide on a weight basis, a relatively high pro It is an object of the invention to provide a new gas portion. Moreover, sodium azide is highly toxic, com generating composition with a relatively low azide parable in this respect to potassium cyanide. Due to the content and a high stability which is capable of forming at least an equally large volume of nitrogen from the constant increase in the number of motor vehicles same volume of gas-generating composition as known which are equipped with such protection equipment, azide containing compositions. the disposal problems which arise when scrapping are Another object of the invention is to provide a new appreciable. These problems result both from direct gas-generating composition with a relatively low azide contamination of the environment, particularly soil and 45 content and a high stability which leads to a physiologi subterranean water with this highly toxic salt, and from cally safe propellant and a solid residue which can be the reaction of sodium azide on the scrap heap with easily separated. acids. For example, sodium azide can come into contact with bacterial acids to form highly explosive heavy These and other objects are accomplished by the metal azides. invention described below. 50 It has been discovered that a composition based on Therefore, every effort is made to reduce the azide alkali or alkaline earth metal azides, an alkali or alkaline content of such compositions or to make do without earth metal salt oxidizing agent and at least one nitride, azides. For example, azide-free compositions based on wherein the nitride is present in an amount effective to solid rocket fuels have been disclosed in German Aus bind the total alkali and alkaline earth metal as slag, has legeschriften Nos. 2,334,063 and 2,222,506. However, 55 highly desirable characteristics as the gas-generating these compositions have a serious disadvantage; carbon composition for inflating air bags used for motor vehi monoxide and other toxic gases are formed from the cles. Optionally, the composition of the invention also carbon containing components thereof. contains silicon dioxide; when silicon dioxide is present To avoid carbon monoxide formation, the use of together with the nitride, the amount of nitride and oxygen-free oxidizers, such as chromium chloride, mo- 60 silicon dioxide is such that all alkali and alkaline earth lybdenum disulfide or iron fluoride and tetrazoles as a metal is bound as slag. nitrogen source has been disclosed in European Patent No. 0,055,904. In these reactions, a propellant is formed DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF INVENTION which contains free metal, i.e. chromium, molybdenum Due to the presence of nitride in an amount sufficient or iron, and in some cases, substances which are even 65 to bind the total alkali and alkaline earth metal in the substantially more toxic, such as potassium cyanide. gas-generating composition of the invention, the solid Furthermore, in view of the long time span over which residue formed as a result of the gas-generating reaction an air bag must be usable, for example, more than ten is a glassy slag and can be readily separated. For exam 4,834,817 3 4. ple, if chromium nitride is used as the nitride, sodium materials. Accordingly, the composition of the inven azide as the azide and potassium nitrate as the inorganic tion is distinguished also by exceptional stability. oxidizing agent, the reaction of the gas-generating com According to the invention, any alkali or alkaline positioin of the invention proceeds according to the earth metal salt with a strongly oxidizing anion can be following equation: used as the oxidizing agent. For practical reasons, potas sium nitrate is preferred, since, despite a relatively low decomposition temperature, it is comparatively stable, 6.CrN + 4.KNO3 + 2NaN3 - G) (2) hardly hygroscopic and, moreover, readily available, (% by wt.) (42.6) (43.4) (14.0) In addition to the nitride, the composition of the 2K2O.3Cr2O3Na2O - 8N2 + 1923 ki/mole O invention may contain silicon dioxide. This means that a portion of the nitride can be replaced by silicon dioxide As shown in equation (2) the total solid residue is as the slag forming agent. In this case, the amount of bound in the form of K2O. Cr2O3. Na2O, as a glassy nitride and of silicon dioxide should be such that the slag. Moreover, the sodium azide content is reduced to two together bond all of the alkali and alkaline earth 14% by weight of the composition, which is a quarter of 15 metal as slag. For example, with a silicon nitride/silicon the sodium azide content of the composition disclosed dioxide mixture in a ratio by weight of silicon ntiride to in German Auslegeschrift No. 2,236,175. silicon dioxide of only 10:90 and only a slight reduction Moreover, nitrogen is formed exclusively as the pro in the combustion chamber pressure, it has been possible pellant; in particular, no water vapor is formed, which to achieve a considerable increase in the air bag pres would lead to heat evolution when condensing. 20 sure and a distinct reduction in particle emission com According to the invention, boron nitride (BN), alu pared to that attainable when pure silicon dioxide is minum nitride (AIN), silicon nitride (Si3N4), and the used to bond all of the alkali and alkaline earth metal.