Armour, E. C., 129 N Ascroft, William, 91 Ashcroft, Rev., 18 Ashton, James
INDEX Names mentioned more than once on a page are indexed only once. Names of places are printed in italics. ABERYSTWYTH, 61 Bennett, Walter, 145 Abram, William, 122 Beresford, M. W., 58 Alderley, 79 Bermondsey, 143 Aldersey, 45, 57 Kckerton, 37 Park, 48 Billinge, James, 26, 28 Aldford. 36, 45, 54 Billinge, 17,29 Aldridge, Edward, 27 Birch, Jane, 10, 11; John, 10, 11, 14-5 Alexander, E. P., 101 Birchall, James, 5; John, 6; Joseph, 16; Alford, Lincolnshire, 140 Mary, 2; Richard, 6; Robert, Allerton, 93 1-3, 5-7; Thurstan, 6 Altcar, 137 Birkenhead, Prior of, 96 Amounderness, 63 Bispham, Grammar School, 28 Armour, E. C., 129 n Blackburn, 63 Ascroft, William, 91 Blackheath, 3 Ashcroft, Rev., 18 Blakehurst, Richard, 115 Ashton, James, 18, 19; John, 18, 19, 24; Blundell, Lawrence, 122; Margaret, Nicholas, 19; Nicholas son of 123 n, 157: Nicholas, 123, 155; John, 19; William, 17, 18 Thomas, 155; William, 134, 135, Ashton, Cheshire, 48 137, 141, 153, 155 Ashton-in-Makerfield, Charities, 3, 21-2, Blundeville, Ranulf, 93 25-6, 29-30, 32-3; Grammar Boardman, William, 20 School, 1-34; Sunday Schools, Booth, Elizabeth, 110; Nathaniel, 110 23, 26; vestry, 22 Bollington, 85 Ashton-under-Lyne, 69, 70 BoIton-le-Sands, 80 Ashurst, Henry, 9 Bowden, 35 Ashurst Hall, 9 Bradwater, Sussex, 165 Aston, Sir Thomas, 160 Brick houses, 80-3 Aston-in-Hopedale, 93 Bridgemen, Henry, 66 Bridge Trafford, 48 Brinslcy, John, 11 Broadbank, Briercliffe, Excavation of a BAILEY, Henrietta E., 172; Dr. F. J., circular enclosure at, 145-152 172; Dr. F.
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