Cheshire. Tarvin
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DIRECTORY.] CHESHIRE. TARVIN. 651 The Union comprises the following townships :-Aldersey, Letters through Chester, via Tarvin, which is the nooresi Aldford, Ashton, Barrow, Barton, Beeston, Broxton, money order & tele.graph office, I mile distant Bruen Stapleford, Buerton, Burwardsley, Burton-by BURTO:N-BY-T.ARVIN is a small village and township Tarporley, Caldecott, Carden, Chowley, Churton-by within the manor of Bruen Stapleford, in the parish of Aldoford, Chur·ton-by-Farndon, Churton Heath or Bruera, Tarvin, 3 miles north from Tattenhall Road station on Clotton Hoofield, Clutton, Oodd~ngt{)n, Cot.ton Abbotts, t.he Crewe and Chester ·section of the London and North. Cotton Edmunds, Crewe-by-Farndon, Duddon, Eaton Western railway, 3! north-west from Tarporley, and 3 by-Tarpnrley, Edgerley, Farndon, Foulk Stapleford, Gal south from Tarvin. The soil is of a light sandy nature~ borne Bellow, Golborne David', Grafton, Guilden Sutton, small portion clay. The crops are oats, wheat and Handley, Harthill, Hatton, Hockenhull, Horton-by-Mal potatoes. 'l'he area is 345 acres ; rateable value, £5o2 ; pas, Rorton-cum-Peel, Huntington, Huxley, Iddenshall, the population in 19II was 41. · Kelsall, Kings marsh, Lea Newbold, Moulrl·sworth, New ton-by-TaJttenhall, Pryors Hayes, Rowton,Rushton,Sajgh Letters through Tarporley. Tarvin & Tarporley ar~ th~ ton, Shocklach Church, Shocklach Oviatt, Stretton, Tar nearest money order & telegraph offices, 3 mile;; distanli parley, Tarvin, T.attenhall, Tilstoh, Tilstone Fearnell, ·wall Letter Box cleared at 7.40 a.m. & 6.5 p.m Tiverton, Utkiillwn, Wavert·on, Willington. The area of the union is 63,o6g acres; rateable value, Lady Day, CLO'fTON-HOOFIELD is a township and small vil- 1913, £138,g7o. The population in 19n was 15,791 lage, 2~ miles west-north-west from Tarporley, and 4 Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Comm.ittee. H. G. north-east from Tattenhall Road station, on the Crew~ Bailey, Westminster buildings, Newgate street,Chester and Chester section of the London and North Western Treasurer, J. R. Thomson, Parr's Bank, Chester railway, on the high road between Chester and Nant :!\ledical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Tattenhall district, wich. There is a Primitive Methodist chapel here. Thomas Booth Brierley M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A. Labur- er~cted in 1886. Hoofield Hall, an anci~nt mansion or nam house, Tattenhall; Tarvin district, Thomas Wm. bnck, the property of Lord Tollemache, 1s now used as Earl Moreton B. A., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P .Lond. ' a farmhouse. Lord Tollema~he, who is lord of the Tarvin; Shocklach district, Albert Leigh M.R.C.S. m.anor, and the Earl of Haddmgton K.T. are the prin Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. The Hayes, Malpas; Tarporley cipal _land~wners. The soil is of a _clayey nature. The district, HFmry Francis Golding Noyes M.B., B. C. land 1s ehtefly pasture. The.. are_a l'S 1,552 acres; rate· Camb., M.R.O.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Bowmere cot- able value, £2,]51; populatiOn m Igii, s6o. tage, Tarporley Wall Letter Box, cleared at 8.15 a.m. & 6.40 p.m. week Relieving & Vaccination Officer for the Union & Collector days only to the Guardians, Rowland Willis, Tattenhall Letters through Tarporley, which is the nearest money Workhouse, Great Boughton, is a plain building of brick, order & telegraph office, 2~ miles distant erected .in 1857, 1o hold 147 inmates. Hugh Atkinson, master; Rev. William Rowley M.A. chaplain; John Hoofield is a small hamlet, half a mile south. Thomas Moore Giffen L.R.C.P. k S.Edin. medical Letters through Huxley officer; H. Atkinson, master; Mrs. J\'Iiriam Atkinson, matron DUDDON is a township, on the road from Chester t() Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Tattenhall sub N antwi0h, 2l miles sO'Uth-east from Tarvin and 4 north district, Rowland· Willis, Tattenhall from Tattenhall Road station, on the Grewe and Chester section of the London and North Western railway. St. Police Station, Sergt. Wm. Hy. Morgan, & 5 constables Peter's cha,pel {)f ease, erected· in 1835, is all edifice of brick, in the Early English style, consi&ting of nave only SCHOOLS. and an open western turret containing one bell~ in 1894 Grammar, founded & enliowed in 16oo with £25 yearly, it was restored, re-seated, a wes,tern porch added, a by Mr. John Pickering, of London, in memory of his vestry built oand hea·ting apparatus fixed at a cost of father; under the cont.rol of governors appointed in about £350: the chapel affords 132 ·sitltings. There is a T 8 Bg ; it will hold so boys; average attendance, 12 ; Wesleyan chapel in the township, erected in 18go. Herbert Alfred Trott B.A. master Lieut.-Col. F. C. F'rance-Hayhurst, who is lord of th~ Tarvin & Whitchurch Education Sub-Committee. manor, .and the Earl of Haddington K. T. are the Meets at Westminster buildings, Newgate street, principal landowners. The area is 662 acres; ;rateableJ Chester (no specified time). value, £1,352; the population in 19II was 203. Clerlr, H. G. Bailey, Westminster buildings, Newgate Post Office.-Alfred James Jackson, ·sub-postmaster-. street, Chester Letters through Tarporley, Cheshire, a.rrive at 7 a.m .. Attendance Officer, John Joseph Barker, Sunny side, & 5 ·5 p.m. ; dispatched 8 a.m.. & 6.35 p.m. ; n() Tarvin . sunday delivery. Tarvin, 2! miles distant, is the Public Elementary (mixed & infants), built in 1B.=:o. for nearest telegraph & m·oney order office 207 children; average attendance, 130; Harry Blissitt, Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1873 & en master larged in 1913, for 150 children; ave·r.age attendance. CONVEYANCE. 108 ; Miss Lucy Line, mistress Chester.-Omriibuses, daily at 10 a.m. 12 noon & 6 HOCKENHULL is a tovmship in the parish of Tarvin~ p.m.; saturd~_tys, 9 & 10 a.m. 12 noon & 1.30 & 6 p.m. from ' Red Lwn ' at the junction of the roads from London and Man Kelsall-Omnibus daily at 2, 4 & 6 p.m. : sat. 2, 4• 5 & chester to Chester, ~~ miles south from Tarvin church. 6 p.m Messrs. John and Hume Cookson are the chief land Carriers to Chester & Tarporley .-:M:rs. Fleet, tues. owners. The soil is loam; subsoil, sand, clay and peat. '.fhe chief crops are wheat, oats and barlev. The area thurs. & sat.; Mrs. Hemmings, tues. thurs. & sat • • 1s 344 acres; rateable >alue, £559; the population iD BRUEN STAPLEFORD is a small township and village IQII was 28. in Tarvin parish, consisting of scattered farms, a mile Letters through Chester via Tarvin, which is the neares5 south-east of Tarvin church, 3 north-east from Waver money order & telegraph office, x! miles distant ton Road station on the Crewe and Chester section of the London and North Western railway, and 6 miles east PRYORS HA.YES (or Priors Heys), a mile and a half from Chester. The township formerly 'belonged to thl' south-east, and formerly extra-parochial, is now a town- Bruen family, from whom it derives its prefix : it is now ship. There is a United Methodist chapel. The area the property of Lt.-Col. F. C. France-Hayhnrst, who is is 106 acres; rateable value, £144; population in I9I l, 9· lord of the manor. The soil is loam; subsoil, clay. sand This township is reputed to be extra-parochial for and peat. The land is chiefly pasture. The area is 754 ecclesiastical purposes. acres; rateable value, £1,387; population in xgii, n8. Parish Clerk, James Leach. Frost John, Hockenhull lane Price Robert, The :Mount • TARVI~. Hunter Claud Pierepont, Tarvin hall Pritchard John Charles, Fernlee PRIVATE RESIDENTS. ,J efferson Miss, The Crossways Radcliffe Gersham Brainerd,Pool bnk Blissitt Harry .J ones ~Iiss, Hockenbull lane Reece Jose,ph, Howe Glen Bosworth Henry, Hill view Lea George. Hillcrest Reynolds Joseph, :Mount Pleasant Brassey Ernest, Holme bank Lea Mrs. The Flags Rogerson Major Edward Chesters,. :Brostl'r Wm. Fredk. The Crescent :\Iackav Mrs. Brown Heath Grove house Cawthorne Miss, The Limes ·"'illiam Henry, The Laurels Sacre ~frs. Abbevfield ~!oore • C'hristie Harry, Manor cot. Willington :\Ioreton James Earl. Earlscroft Smith Mrs. The Hawthorns Davies Mrs. Tarvin Sands Moreton Thomas William Earl B.A Tamlin Mrs. Holmt> Bank villa Dickson Wm. Arthur, Hockenhull la Pigott George, Brooklands Tomlinson Henry, Field house DOO!d Miss, Bronwylfa Platt EJward, Hillside Underwood Philip Hull, Sunny b1nk Ellwood Dan, Hockenhull lane Platt Henry, Bank cottage Veerman Leon, Hockenhull lane .