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Idirectory&Gazetteer MORRIS & 00.'8 1 l COMMERCIAL IDIRECTORY &GAZETTEER I . i ,--....-- ~ .~ Ii I I~ OF CHESHIRE. SUBSORIBER'S COPY. HOUNDS GATE, NOTTINGHAM,," I CHE.S"TER I PUBUC I UBRARY f5- JUL 1951 I Re,:: IID/_ ~150 I L.C. J I j PREFACE. .~, L>r submitting this Wark to the Public, the Publishers beg to tender their sincere I. ~ thanks to the nnmerous Subscribers who have honored them with their patronage; 0 -- also to the Clergy, Clerks of the· Peace, Postmasters, Municipal Officers, and other ,1 . Gentlemen who have rendered their Agents valuabJeassislance in the collection J of information. f MORRIS & CO. Nottinglw.m, &ptemher, 1864. I IN D;E X. PAGE . PAGE PAGE Abbotts (Cotton) •••••• 49 Barrow, Little 46 Broxlon 59 Acton-in.Delamere ••• 406 Barlhomley 90 Bruen Stspleford 158 Aeton Grange•••••••••••• 361 Barlington 380 Brnera ;.. 4$ Aeton (Nantwieh) .••••• 33 Barton..................... 62 Budworth, Great 376 Adlington •......••..•••• 251 Basford 113 Budworth, Little 398 Adswood (see Cheadle) 236 Batherton 113 Buerton (Aldford)..... 45 Agden'(Bowdon) •••••• 317 Bebington, Higher! .. 522 Buerton (Audlem)...... 89 Agden (Malp..)......... 58 and Lower Buglawton '132 Alenmlow ••••••.•.•.••.• 149 Beeston 94 Bnlke1ey 59 Alderley •.. .•••••••• 299 Betehton , 124 Bunbury 93 .Alderley Edge ••••••••. 306 Bexton..... 315 Burland 84 Alderley, Nether ...... 299 Biekerton 58 Burloy Dam III Alderley, Over... ••. 300 Biekley 58 Burton(WiiTal)......... 47 Aldersey 50 Bidston-ewn-Ford 491 158 Aldford ••• 44 Birches .. 381 Burwards1ey 94 Allostook : 377 Birkenhesd 429 Butley 255 /' Alpraham •• ,............ 94 Birtles 252 Byley-cum-Yatehouse 416 Alsager 91 Blaekden 123 Caldeeott:........... 66 Altrincham 327 Blaeon-eum-Crabwall 47 Caldy 498 Alvanley 369 Blakenhall 114 Calve1ey 95 ,, Alv..ton 408 Bollin-fee (see Wilms- Capenhurst ,........ 67 Anderton 378 low) 303 Capesthorne 256 Antrobns.................. 378 Bollington (Bowdon) 317 Carden..................... 72 Apethorn. (see Wer- Bollington (Prestbury) 252 Carrington 338 neth) 232 Booth Lane Hesd 130 Castle Northwich (see Appleton 378 Bosden 236 Northwich) 385 Arelid ,. 123 Bosley, or Lea Bosley 255 Caughall...... 46. Arnfie1d (reo Tintwis- .Bostoek 400 Chsdkirk, or Romiley 229 . tie) 246 Boughton, Great (see Cheadle 238 Arrow 501 Chester) 1 Chesdle Bulke1ey 238 Ashley 409 Bowdon 322 Chesdle Heath 236 Ashton-juxta-Tarvin 157 Bradley (Malpas) 59 Chesdle Hulme _ 283 Ashton-upon-Mersey 422 Bradley(seeFrodsham) 369 Chesdle Moseley 238 Astbury 131 Bradwall 124 Cheekley-eum-Wrine- Aston-by-Budworth 379 BramhaIl.................. 200 hill 114 Ashton Grange 361 Bredbury... 201 Che1ford 256" Aston-juxta-Mondrnm 33 Brereton-eum·Smeth· Chester 1 Aston-by-Sutton 361 wick 128 Chidlow 60 Aston-juxta-Tarvin 1~7 Bridesmere 114 Childer Thornton 485 Aston (Newall) 112 Bridgernere 114 Cholmondeley............ 60 Aston Heath 112 Bridge TraHord........ 64 Cholmondestone......... 65 Audlem 87 Brimslage 484 Chorley, or Alderley .. Auslerson 84 Brindley 84 Edge 805 Bache 45 Brinksway (see Stook- Chorley (Wrenbury)••• 110 ~~ord 45 port) 160· Chorlton-by-Baekford 46 Bsdd¥ey 90 Brinnington .. 20 Chorlton 60 dington.............. 84 Brosdbottom (see Mot- Chorlton (see Wybun- B9.gll!ey ."............... 338 tram-in-Longdendale)237. bury) 114 Bank (see Odd Rode) 149 BrokenCross (seeMae- Chowley 50 Barnston .. clesfie1d) 259 Christleton 48 ~arnton 380 Bromborough 483 Church Coppenhal1 82 arrow.................. 4.6 . Broomhall 110' Church Hulme 12&' !; ii. INDEX, rAGE PAGE . p:;l Church Lawton 129 Eduisbury 404 Harth111 04i Church Minshull 416 Edge 61 Hassall.. ;.......... 1271 Edgeley(seeStockport) 160 H.slington 921 Church Shocklach...... 66 1~1 Churton-by-Aldford... 45 Edgerley 44 Hassall Green Churton Heath ......... 49 Edlelrt6n ,.............. 85 Hatherton 115 Churton-by-Farndon... 53 Edmunds, Cotton 49 Hattersley '" 2391 Clarke Green (sec Ad- Egerton 61 Hatton........... 73~•. Hatton (Runcorn)...... 363 lington) 251 y Egremon' 519 Claughton-cum-Grange 491 ELlesmere Port 487 i Haughton 9 Clifton 361 Elton (Northwich) 130 Ha.annah (see Eaton) 148 Hazle Grove (see Bram- i: Clive 415 Etchells, or Northen 1 CIDtt"on Hoofield J58 Erchells 248 '.hltll) 2OOJ~ elutton 53' Etchells (see St6ckpon) 160 :Heaton Noms (see .. , 0OOding!on 55 . Fiddiley 85 Stockport) 1 COgshall 381 Fallybroome 2;7 :Helsby 3741 Gomberbach 381 Farndon 52 Henbury-cum-Pexall 2S Compstall (see Wer- Flookersb-rook 6J; ffenhull . neth) ; 2311 Foulk St.plelOrd 159 lIeswall ; , COngletGn 134 Frankby 498 rr"swall-cumcOldtl"ld 4 Coole Pilato 85 Frith (see Wenbnry- IDgh Laue(see Marple) , Coppenhall, Church 82 .cum-Frith) 10jl High Legh -3. COppenhall, Monks... 74 Frodsham 366 Higher Kinnerton .•• .•• " Cotebrook (see Rush- Fuishaw (see WilmS'- Hilbre Island M•·· ton) 155 low) ' 303 rJOckenhnl1-Stapleford 1. Qotton -;-.. 125 FUrn(>ss, or Furnace (see Holingworth ~•. COtton AbbOtt' 49. .Disley-Stanley) ...... 203 Efolme. Chapel 1~.m €lotton EdmonclS . 49 Gatley (see Stockport- Hoofield (Clotton) l~l cranage 12:; Etchells) 230 Hoo Green (see Mere) 3lt'l Crewe, or Crewe Green 91 Ga\~sworth 301 Hoole 6t{ Crewe (Coppenhall)... 74 (fayt<m 4S:S: Hoose , 499' crewe (Farndon) ...... 53 Gee Cross (seeWerneth)233 nooton 48li CrossTown(see Knuts- Godley-cum-Newton Rope Green (see Ad- ford) 308 GrC'en ~ 238 lington) 2., Croughton . 50 Golhorn Bellow......... 70 Horton-cum-Peele 100 (trawley- ..-••..-..•-.-.•...... 381 Go!born David .. "'..... 64 Horton-by-Malpas -19' Crowton 406 GODsttcy-cnm:.Barn:. Hough (see Wilmslow) SOO Croxtoh 415 sha\v ......-......... ..... 126 Hough (Wybunbury) 1U Wddington (1l'ro:<:ton) 60 Gorst-age (see Weaver- Hoylake MI!l Cuddington(Eddisbnry)407 . ham) 405 Hulme Waltield 14il }:Mre8bury 361 Grafton 72 Hulse :'~ Darnhall 408 Grange .- 491 Hunsterson 11. Davenham... .. 399 Grappenhall 347 Huntington . Davenport 148 Greasby 49H Hurdsfield (see Macel"-. {" Dean Row (see Wilms" Great Barrow....... 46 fielu) 2 low) 302 GreatBudworth 376 Hurlestone . Delam~re 404 Great Saughall 67 Huxley ~ Dernhall 408 Gre.t Sntton 486 Hyde 219' :]<)lsIey-Stan!ey 203 Gresty 116 Iddinshall "........ • Dodcott-cnm-Wilkesley III Guilden Sutton 69 Inee . Doddington............... 115 Hale 341 Irby '5 DoddI.ston............... 50 Itale Barns 341 Jenkiu Chapel (see Dodds Green 112 Hall Green (see Odd R.inow) 29 Duckington................ 61 Rode) 149 Keckwick 3 Duddon' 158 Halton 362 Kelsall............... 16 Dukinfield 20J Hampton 61 Kent Green (see Odd Dunham Massey :.. 339 Handforth-cum-Bosden 236 Rode) . .. 144' Dunham-on'the-Hill... 488 Handley 53 Kermincham 1.' Dutton............ .. 381 Hankelow 89 l{ettleshulm 2. Eastham 484 Hapsford 489 Kinderton-cum-Hulme Eaton (Astbury) 148 Harthi1l 54 (sec Midulewich) .. , 410 • E.ton (Davenh.m) 400 Hargrave (sce Foulk- Kingsley 81~ :E.ton (Ecclestone) 51 Stapleford) ...... 15D Kings Marsh • Enton (T.rporley) 155 Harrop (sce Hainow) ~02 K·UlgswOO d 4()/):51 . Eccle'ton.................. ;1 Hartford ........ "" 381 !{inncrton, Higher•.•••• INDEX. iii. PA.GE PAGE' PAGE Kinnerton, Lower 51 Milton CBeeWeaverham) 405 OUerton 315 Kirby, West ....•• •.•••• 497 Minshull, Church 416 ODston 407 KnutBford ...••• ..•..•... 308 Minshull Vernon 415 Oscroft 156 Knutsford Superior, or Mobberley 315 Oulton, Low 422 Over 314 Mollington Banastre... 63 Over 418 Lache, or Marlston-cum- Mollington Tarrant... 46 Over Knntsford 314 Lache Csee Chester) 7 Moor 363 Over Peover 320 Lache Dennis............ 382 Monks Coppenhall...... 74 Over Poole 485 Landican.. 502 Moresbarrow-cum- Over Tabley 321 Langley (,ee Sntton)..• 295 Palme 417 OvertoD CMalpas) 62 Larkton 62 Moreton-cum-Lingham 496 Overton(,ee Frodsham) 86a Latehford 347 Moreton-cum-Alcum- Oxton 503 Lawton, Chnrch 129 low 151 Parkgate 532 . Lea Bosley 255 Morley (see Wilmslow) 303 Partington 343 Lea (Wybnnbury) 116 Maston 63 Peckforton 95 Lea (Wirral) 46 Moston (Warmingham) 31 Pedley Green (Bee Ad- Lea·cnm·Newbold...... 55 Mottram St. Andrew... 290 lington) 251 Ledsham . Mottram-in-Longden- Peele 159 LeeBe, or Leighs......... 127 dale : 237 PeDsby 502 Leftwich 383 Monldsworth 160 Peover Inferior 394 Leigh, Little .. 383 MOulton ...... 400 Pe""U 258 Leigh.juxta·Partington 383 Mowcop (see Odd Rode) 149 Pickmere 895 Leighs, or Leese , 127 Nantwich.................. 98 Pickton 65 Leighton (Nantwich) 109 NeBS 533 Plemonstall 64 Leighton (Wirral) 533 Neston 529 Plnmbley 395 Liscard 508 Neston, Great 529 Poole 86 Little Budworth 398 Neston, Little 532 Portwood Csee Stock- Little. Leigh .. .•. 383 Nether Knntsford (see port) 160 Little SaughaU ..••••.• 68 Knut,ford) 308 Pott Shrigley .. .•. 292 Little Sutton ., 486 Nether Peover . 394 Poulton 66 Little Warford 318 Nether PooL...... 485 Poulton-enm-Seacombe 515 Littleton 49 Nether Tabley 396 Poulton-cnm·Spital ... 528 Longdendale, or Wood- Netherton (see Frod- PownallFee(seeWilmsc head (seeTintwistle) 246 sham) 369 low) 303 Lostock Gralam..••.... 384 Newbold Astbury 131 Poynton and Worth 291 Lower Kinnerton .. 51 New Brighton 512 Prestbury 250 Lower Withington 298 NewhaU 111 Preston Brook .. 364 Lyme Handley 258 NewhaU (Davenham) 401 l"reston-on-the-Hill 364 Lymm 372 Newton-by-Bntley ... 256 Puddington 48 Maccleslield .. 259 NeWfon-by-Chester... 63 Pnliord ·65 Macclesfield Forest 289 Newton-by-Daresbury 363 Qnoisley 98 Macefen 62 Newton-by-Frodsham 371 Raby 533 Malpa' 56 . Newton-cum-Larton ... 500 Radnor 150 Mauley 371 Newton-juxta-Malpas 62 Rainow .~ 292 Marbury (Budworth) 393 Newton (see Middlewich)4lO Ravenscroft 411 Marbury-cum-Quoisley 97
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