Studia Politica Nr. 42014 Ghiță Ionescu on the BBC Goșu, Armand Veröffentlichungsversion / Published Version Zeitschriftenartikel / journal article Empfohlene Zitierung / Suggested Citation: Goșu, A. (2014). Ghiță Ionescu on the BBC. Studia Politica: Romanian Political Science Review, 14(4), 439-468. Nutzungsbedingungen: Terms of use: Dieser Text wird unter einer CC BY-NC-ND Lizenz This document is made available under a CC BY-NC-ND Licence (Namensnennung-Nicht-kommerziell-Keine Bearbeitung) zur (Attribution-Non Comercial-NoDerivatives). For more Information Verfügung gestellt. Nähere Auskünfte zu den CC-Lizenzen finden see: Sie hier: Ghi ță Ionescu on the BBC ARMAND GO ŞU On 9 March 1947, Ghi ță Ionescu landed in London. He had a transit visa to “Belgium-France”, bearing the date 24 February 1947 1. He had obtained the visa at the General Consulate of Great Britain in Istanbul, Galata. The British clerk crossed out with his pen “valid for one day” and wrote “one month”. Ghi ță Ionescu had to hurry. On 22 March 1947, his diplomatic passport was set to expire 2. He had its validity extended by the chargé d'affaires at the Romanian legation in Ankara. He had just been recalled by Alexandru Cretzianu, Romania's Minister Plenipotentiary in Turkey. Shortly after, a new ambassador to Ankara was appointed, convenient to the Petru Groza government, which was dominated by communists. Most likely, his chances of carrying on as economic adviser at the Romanian legation in Turkey's capital, and therefore of having his passport renewed, were rather slim, and the political events in Bucharest did not inspire optimism, since Ghi ță Ionescu made meticulous preparations to head over the the West.
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