FROM the CONGRESS of VIENNA to the WAR of 1914 Ch
STUDIES AND DOCUMENTS ON THE WAR 1815-1915 FROM THE CONGRESS OF VIENNA TO THE WAR OF 1914 < /. by V Ch-SEIGNOBOS . Professor in the University of Paris Translated by P. E. MATHESON Cette brochure est en vente à la LIBRAIRIE ARMAND COLIN 103, Boulevard Saint-Michel, PARIS, 5- au prix de 0 fr. 50 STUDIES AND DOCUMENTS ON THE WAR PUBLISHING COMMITTEE MM. ERNEST LÂVISSE, of the « Académie française », 'President, CHARLES HANDLER, professor of.'German literature and \language in the University of,Paris. », \ ," JOSEPH BÉDIER, professor at the «<C,pllègé de France ». HENRI BERGSON) of the « Académie française ». EMILE BOUTROUX, of the* « Académie française ». ERNEST DENIS, professor" of history in the University of Paris. , > \ -,,, •< , - * EMILE DURKHEIM, professor, in the University of Paris. , JACQUES HÀDAMARD, of the3 « Académie des Sciences ». , GUSTAVE LANSON,. professor of French literature in the , University of Par-is. • ./ ' . * * , CHARLES SEIGNQBOS, professor of history in the Uni versity of Paris. , , " > ' ^ ANDRÉ WEISS, of the «Académie des Sciences morales et politiques ». All communications to be accessed to the Secretary ofi the Committee : M. EMILE DURKHEIM, 4, Avenue d'Orléans, PARIS, 140. STUDIES AND DOCUMENTS ON THE WAR 1815-1915 FROM THE CONGRESS OF VIENNA TO THE WAR OF 1914 by Ch. SEIGNOBOS Professor in the University of Paris. Translated by P. E. MAI HE SON LIBRAIRIE ARMAND COLIN 103, Boulevard Saint-Michel, PARIS, 5» I0l5 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. — The work of the Congress of Vienna. The principle of the Balance of Power 4 The European Concert as a conservative force 8 The first breaches in the system 12 II.
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