- - -fluIkRatc U_s. l'oslagè

LEtpfO 8 1999 -- PA ID - Bug!c ?-lcws In1E IL 60714 it so CENTS _L-e PER COPY .

7400WAUKEG,tNRD,NH.ES,1L60114 . : T1WÀSDÀY,APRILL1999 vol_ 42, NO.41 All construction must be completed ;Candidates for school before land swap can také place . board clash over funding by RosinsryTIrIo While on incumbcrit sec* thc pany,dcaìbd thcsixschoolih, Phiieer Park to -be pO5iIity oroddiiioaI choolwiinctHpomfòdMIné Twp. bonowing øn the hothoP, (alUng piutnd said a rcrccn wrlie.in chalIsgor posca wwt$ duminyWciryoÑnd Lh. -transfereci to ParkDistrict . qudon&egtdingdperionOrndoirpairs $4 million thc dIIUIe*1OSTOWCd Arite GIOiMUg ,WTic4n - to biMd thc NcIOn School dd- IitIIngr, calkd rar a thorough byRoo - ¡iôn oxumLuation o thu dtxktu fl lbc now pañ which ¡oCiIrTcnI.cfvsdictwhan thc asphalt ouan lift o be hinishad, I-Ic asid ha ¡ri . Mazy Pat !ordan it boai n- n3n ro any iuch tccorn. 'y uodcr conusuction at Ilosleni for iba summar, Lu- Icrith io picacor his proposal to cumbcol who wat o (omc dam conadciod,ùd powd hà mid Touhy .ivcnoc wit! br uon. Ihi nillaga for opening ihr roan- °'°o! ódmouiuo and now uxingqucstianotjuutwhathop. (citod io ihn Nilci Pork Diiuici LoVctdc dCCIThCd (hr pork sa nirc-pooducín portions of ihr owns a homo impNvcntrnt corn ContIiiori oo l'ago 34 iuid iiopp.d ko ihr formor JuL. 8paraent complcrc. with Only parkrito halting cago ami rho ojak I'zk prvç'ortyi Oakion sail punch list oral minor llama Mill Fmoki omnuos as scion as ihr New gas station/restaurant ncwpzk ii cnnpeicd. occ.Ñiog w Jur LoVoide. rircourc dirai- TNues Builders Square become a reality ororthir Niki Pork Doirral. byRyaAø rn iniri(cr was agçruicd in - - to dosé by July Afr sorno dchatc Monday wou'd oho bu cquppe4 with o Conrcp( il Ihr lau Paih Boerd ioccimgMarth Ils LoVirik said. - by RoromaxyTinlo mini.mar* and o oai tood xosta - - - nigu. the VlIagc of Niks Plan. .- utiog CommtsiQo and Zoning mot. Iivairir. iCiCrrhiflgl.r ihr grcc- Tho Nibs fluihticrs Squaav moot(inanningdisiñct. Board aíAppc4i umoutIy Although Urcz oui bis itth- licol I.ciwccn Ihr Park hiraid nd trufo. 731 I N. Mclviii. Ario.. Mihciugh ihr llriibdn?s Squani votot to grato a rcqIcst (or a I4apWncd hou thc pruperiyo liii ViIngr. all the cDir,inkIIún _g wiihi 33 øfdwchalsis otheralunis will be goon troni rho Chi- changch zeong tuapmpany 10 parking loi would be bg onough Iritis! he ciumpleled heirrc Uhr aroma annum ibi nailon.will cau azra ihn troica in Pcoria laai!sssqscas raki placr. cattin thc 7200 block ut Cd. rn accoutmodao a 65 foot gas cIron iLadoom rorood nasiJuly.r-uicw Hcighis and 14 Ød*rIÍ- WC,, ÄcThorrquestcarfle rmm tonkuruord (ordcIiouatthoaio The now pwi'n rho (iM! Originally Owoa4 by lCmarr.lnois, nominunirica will roussin Mr. Cary Uicti who phimWd o tio. ad was thuaa woishattfle idsaso it convrrahrorr. ljsVcrdc ihn chain was Pwahaid1n opon along with l5U other slai çonovaie so c*isthtg gas utauon $uflding torrnoato,Boasthuem. said. All that iiihl nord, Io i.c and margad with lhCHhrhlnga oporwinglñ2SissuaandthcD- on thc psuiorty. Tho ouw station ContIosud on Paito34 donc at Urn now pari. wo 'aiul ha Company, moslimhomo inri.nut of Columbia. lita chatjdn- dcwnbÑ is iIflC&Iifl. sodi r. pronoment aantiidïñg io a ploys abusi 28,WOwOUc, Ihr Mies joins Park Ridge, Looh.o1rirrg. Iigliiiir4 sod troc- awnpsnyripo&aswnnsso. - spohrswoaqan aaid. Employcca ini:. ail otw)ucli,scrc 5111km liTi, flicNuns Bultdafa Sutuc of ihr IkS slum wirr noii liad DesPlaines in air quality study ihr COOiIi hcioocn dro I'rk was hulk in p99along with a fch, -1(1 of ihn aImIng. and ihr Boardand ihr V.hlagc (TaigciStOrr4a pailofolaa ¡oran- Chmlniiad Pogo 34 J NilcsMs1«NialiohrB;Bhae, qIiry maily whiab mayprovc - l'a'iflg i aka axiing iann- Benefit-for Kathy Berresheim tobe held ßlas rugs-with Wkrcdia lash -- wc;ak-tä-disLuss she issue. fha Cuy of Dra Nalora- b alao n- INSIDE: sohandin ihr study.

- Wialnahauidiftheflurdirquoí iba siudy aro what hr caprass Ihani Io bc ha soil! go diroally io Malè and ratIonal cnalrnrisonial and asfaty ofI*aíahi dontonding ihn ihry iakc *-ilonbciul ihr

Wicicalia it apeadicading ibt long-standing campaign by ihn subuoba oras Ihn 01:1,00 tU fiin thacinan upolwhss ihayc*ms4d« cainistica arriitl watcr prllnitoit in ihnir annunwi,ika causad by aqxinupr*aiìo4i. WiciaahacuinpfnricrJihgs4m ilar Modica luso baco rowiaciad In ihr past. bui dial ihn rosuhia ConlliivadooPnga34 Morton Grove

Women Public Bearing Pog.6 Thu VRar flourd o(Tiuu wII holt) a pt4tic xa:ingti! p.uL t'o Mut4ay. April lto HOaIth c:ounil Chambcruotsbc Kdiatd I5oØe 1O T fl4ckrngrr Munktpal Crziu. dl»capuhpa .votm,Munao- - -- , #I 1t#c------Home Styk suc. Tu 4iass iht Wau.agon iQIfl ßOflCl ñom CorrsalIo QiattLaitÑi CJsntOM-$lyaculs. The bens.UflbeIwlrSonMy fron Page 36 Ruad TIF Dh*ci Mou Ir Eo 7pML IO t lpJvt. wSL 1FLIUflM1 duàlcçrnoui Pt osos Agroc. SooahoiyoriPag.3 - . PAGE 2 ThE BUGLE,ThURSDAY, APkILE, I ma: BVdL'1'iijikSdAY,Ai'5iI,h 144 ' 'ÁbI' 3 International Speech 'Boo-Boo Bunnies' The Village of Morton Grove announces Kathy Berresheim Contest to be held arrive for Easter at Holy Family First-Time Home BuyerAssistance Dick Storcr or thc Pa,4 Ridge public is invited. Taastmastexs io Benefit Toastmastrs Club will compcc a non-profit mahing or530ízation During the warb or Easter. The Village nl Mutton Grove open to indinidualu and fatnilies sorts:$63,800; 3 (te tOOte. On Saturday, bIoy I" fr,,rn 7 im Spark macsI'u- lararioCluriuluak. at Ibc thimationil Spccl Con- dedicated to itltprovinthe corn- Holy Family Medical Center's piraraIs a way for you to get a wluo: $73,370, I I p.nt a bcool'tl trill he held Ito Slyrruta. Kathy folunslurWydra Ic_st whkh wilt iakc ploco at the municailon and leadetahip abili- ntlltceniryunit.Family Addi. home ofyuur own through their . meet rho incoare and pur- llamDa iSiOri Up? Kathy Bererohnite orSt,ioltn enti Patty Pu,t,ri,ki-Zxmnan. sporruorship oF rite Moist Pro- chase price enquireruentn ver out SkokcLibrazyon Satunday. tics of its ntcmherv. For addition- tiottu. will moho the httllday a lit- i. Conrad and of the portici- Brohci,fis l'l.unagau t'liti. Kitttly. ,' d,,nari,,s uf 510 gets, yumu grato, a Eroi-time hotne buyers helt,w. o-liti tris been a ltfelnng restiteni April0. Dkk-o ou the content ut al inlonmatiott, call (847) 296- tIe rrtote special when tltey dit- poring lenders lisred below, ,mdrru us,,,, n unu,, Ihr hendir ,,I,ucl, the duh ceci nether Ittit year. 3053, tributeuitar-Boc Bunnics'to down payment assistancepeut- - have not owned a honte in 2. Meet tltc prttgrara guidelines uf Nil,, untI an alutntrus t,! St. .tll kar,,ur il,,,s lYi,c,,vrrs. a Later Ids cooed ainning upeceh each new moot and baby born at grato,underwrittenbyGates there years. md qualify lot the new buone. Ji,lrn ltrohni,f antI rImo Maton ti,v,t ilc,,cit able coil ,u Dl w,mh il_inc. Hgli Svitati Cl soso t'77 Time. the stall that life is tttadc Use. non.- the Medical Center. Capital Corporation. - meet tire qualifying require- 3_ Clutuc on your Irureltauc and t,,i, tugIt_isle,',fulle,l'i mIt ìì been s,tífeeing w titi cancer ut,,,, or eon a5ain at the Area tesci II -t-ox. o.Rerç&- The creative Boo-Boss Bun- What Is Assbt7 A.ssisl is a ment, for a rrtortgage loan. eoioy your ness hutrire. t,,, f u,,uuu l,al rind_mis 5 uIl clou lic nìes wet-c hand made by Holy progrunr that will offer individu, - will use the herne as drei, to,, years. lite lerneO lit, Il l,cl;t he wins in Skok,c. he will be able tive 4ar C0tn- PartIcipatIng Leader, tu, u,t.,hic l,,r raIlIn that n,1hu,', to Compete Ct the Diuttiet level Eantilyn kanne Duehnar. RN. uls and lamilies With a 6.7-I'll, 30- principal resident-c. National City Mortguge Ser- to retire medical lebt, and ri, l'rber grill. ti v',mnptnte parui met. iT9. Rt534 year. hued-rate trrttrrgage and of- meet ingimiog tedic_il rspcn,cs und could bereute a finalist at the Matrnat Child Health Murar. . till uve tite pr,tgrt,tn ft,r a vires Co,, sugneul l'G, triti, and au cui,'- ,ciyuLourte lntcrnaaeual Cotttpctilion. ai.q,by oasI stove a useFul purpose. The (ers a rttll 425% cash "gift" tin ht,me purchase. nttr ,elinancc. 91111 Moult Greenwood. ('itriml'rrk-Styrcnl.i. greplmed picruie of M,ctianl 1u,r- the amemuor borrow-cd on a noti- fondit Cluir nil itfelting friend The Shokie Library la located Ann Brtho1d- bunsica tun r,l,ioned out of a %VIrnt Type uf Home Can i PitIes, Ilitnoto till? t-t itun are auuii,ng umdiner,l at2tS Oaktor, itt Skolje. The reo simple roldu of an ordinary gage toulualiftdd honte buyers fuir Bray Anti lIre, Much Can i Tek Iilt73'9s. 23'), i,f K,,ihv K.iitty ,the itrughier»( tents a,,,itabk f,,, rutIle mitaI t(0' e*nte_t ttattu at IO aut. and the eio4d. warIreloib.santeribbon. und homes in the Village uf bitmettun S1retud? llames tIret trtect the ltemu_ Sr. Pani Federci iiank, licil lln,rcsltuiit, isit,, reentit re- nuug [Xn,r pricey ii_iII ho el'fervtl timed feuert tic Mmm., l'imiter Pirre Getue, TIre catIt ntay he tincO tut grant guidelines are new (te esivl- h7lt) 'A'est N,'rth toennc. llomupluiiut tut night. 'l'Ive high- tite, '$3 seats i,1 'e retro oid tl,e offset tome Or all cl the boume tm!, ouner-ocetipiud, st,tglc font- Clttccb".11ltooilil)7íi7. tuv'lmt if the e'enunp wilt be anpe- l_ire i'.,i Ilcttcsl,e,,,u lit loan's duot-ut rvtywcht und clocing uyionic,,townho,ne,atril 'lcle 1773tt11)-i-21h',2 ci.ul c_iou tutte u, mli a S t ItO) liest CusIr. ,sUst is ulestgorilt. cond,trninturruvPurchasel't tee 1,111 Mortgage, inc. l'Se Kathy ftcireslmn,r,i ltritcftt fru/r, t, SS(S) scr,ind price awl a t, m,,ik up 1 ,mc., rttr,ittt-e 1 t 2 A utile the aotnr,ut it! ntoncy you untI lucente i.i,ititv arc a' follotuc 2545) \Ve,t Fiiti!tfls R,tcrl, 1255) rI,,id price necul en hand to parchee yttur Purchase Price l.lmilo, Neo. i lu'ffn,.tn ded,c,itc,tf.itriilyi,tci,itw,v awl 1sr:iv-t_ llhn,,t, ,dmut,v,,00 borne. Sl'xr,9i)0 liwsrtng: SI-12.3'_lt. 1,0195. friendi itti,, tuo, eIns and relu raille i,eketi ere hating cold n he Am I EliglItle? 'the pttmgrarn is income i.lmiia: tor 2 per- Tek: (S-17) líi-l-'11103 tInte ,ri,,ntlit t,, planli,, rieur Member, include Kathy 's ,i,ten5 c010muruty by c,,mnot,cc treni- Mary- Lee lterruhe,urt..lcrie be-rs end at Sr, 3,,liu ilmebeul after Local Lady competes for ilerresiietm'Utilp'er .an, ICau,,k ali iui.ociesi,n optulI 1".lS0. s ltcrretlietui- K.t.upctundirict,,), 14th and 55 i,,muore ,nf,'nnma. I,,,, l.ep.tk. "laureen '1l,,,ph, lin'iIr tutte,, peasc call lai,' each The Miss Pre-Teen Ch¡cago title i'i'lryn. Nancy Nat-_in1,, thol,I,e, licCl,,t,hat. -Sty macla au C-17, t',ul,n,l,,.K_,t 159 ae-$2:49' Monica Nowakulwokì of t.-t, ut,r,g an ,ltic',al spitococrit 1i,t,nl,,t_i,,, MUet usa.tecently selected to her. Through mitmusorship. cli participateisNatktncls 1099 cttniesrtur redenrit tiro nero,. Glenview, Army Corps agree on Happy Farms Mies Pre-Tcru Chicagc pageant c.,ry trairuaf, rehe4r,atu, and fi- saving air base prairie, wetlands Shredded c(motpclitiitu rho will rake pIece nancial topped whirl, will all,,w ano of Holy Family Medical Cooler's nervosI aanivals. William On May l(u. 1990, blonico Monica to bcconte a tc,y.ct,nft. l,Rosemary 'lItio Happy Farms Cheddar Jon Busso. with tito hand csorftod Boo-Boo 8wnios tdallihelOd corrte,! of her acceptanceut,, dent and os-cIl prepared conreor- Ito lilea,tcw s,llign levi uilahtc h is cens,dc,cd erdaugvrcd American Cheese la 0GW mw-no and babies al llora ?.ld,cal Conto, thu ttvtnk o! this year's cotnpetittort as Na- ant in thLs year's Clricagn pa- ha, agt,nil SI_itch Iii rut preerrse in Elm_i,. and rItiro endangered heese Slices ,._*. lOut, Easlar. tonals. Inc. announced titel, me- ge.inr. intl cni.irge Lip-un a lurk p,,vch u'1 plant spurt eso, itl'e prnwocil lectinas (in blontlay aftetnoon. Any business, org.ntie.atioit. tir pl_itereih,utii,uuuolt,t,,' ha. ii rain9, ,, rIt the l5l),,ilier pirat an,) 12n, Cuoteo halls En tarIt. A small cclorcd nimben I li-ri.I Mutuira vuhtrnttcd att appttcatìumn vivo1 (er tier_ivIes near a rano,) ar,n,al tfecmrs rIt_ii riute itwor - ' . r piace iv leu tIar tririldir er tttr ball. decitratise cyco or rum- private individual who may be and took pair ru au intetv,tW toterc.tcd tu bco o wing a spouter un tIre shand,,ned Nas,tl ,-ir Sia' lv,n,eei, lar Glen, mo,, pia,r,eanit e.tshelutlt bunny tourli-in au toni: mother. non-tone gIer. settica that was conducted, by lui,,, property. i. rtLu,du ice cube rosmlten balmy has a Roll oppouitti ends or wadi- it, bionic,irtoyc rot,,,:. hei p_i- 'Iborruru I),i'anla, tItis ycds Ch,- geanl co,,nlinatoe,flwtrt_i,, Dr- l'hc sillaget o'i, ,,u,,u,tru,entti, (3ro, co' 1 ir, al. ,arJ uhe brvm.ho. (More: Iloo-Boo Bun- cloth lo erntet. ruM wrultclrult in cago Pageaut Croadinator, lot- presciselui f'rarretiIn i-O- rfan ri' hire ronu,aii,r, tecleare ales uhoulti be used runiy stith luIr tvttl, tolls t'o the nutstde, l'aula er l-993-552-'336l. I ing a utreetingottSaturday, clUeige neg,,iiateii withlar t .9 nuit celIaca), ao,i t,irtoau imp the rho pro-serine uf au udult nl nIl l.ay ums side and laId flaps uIt O March 27, 999, Army Corp i,f linyineocs ist pt, es,tun,'i, ne, lite Noch llraneli Oscar Mayer Happy Faons° tlrnno). foret cota. Clue tu rail using etat- Montee will be cttntlteting, for Morton Grove n,tt5,i,n iii (ill mn r 7 2' .,..tr act- Ke,i,,rar,,,n i'1opçcr. a r_i'tuntecr Cheese Dogs Midgot liete ac sonic sortplo InslIuc- tun Itch. Etlber glac on decoro- irle sItare of oser S0.OIS) in atol mboliese a i,tail center i. cc"IiViral i'rpanulaovn tut ha, tIi Longhorn litmus Im crrting sour own lIno. lis-e ryrc to deco- willt ttnctlicr. scholarships. perces. and rpeeiat- Woman's Club ,rbeil,ulcd ro be l'udt locate,) in croiu,c,) tat r,,niuii,vrsy IttIve Colby Bun Buon y:S upphc.s needed; t Tir riblmue atcund neck tu caece do ru,ptrlw-tnn,o-ii l't «f lut l'aur Citoeso y gilt, that so-ill be tlittrrbutcd ttt nietlads rires hare crnplo,vcl u,. wanlndutli, Irabbee band. lIT tubber hand. '11m blorr,,n Guise Woni_in, netit, cl SV,tt,w K,i.t,1 nc_ir I.e - peuicoc and soiree pr'atw aling rOer. cetitosrants hicoteawill be Siorulut, Neoraknl..'iti Happy Famns crerupetrogri the Meus Pie-Teen Club orlIlit4dtheirregular high. ihn ,\etmu5 ('irrt ikriksl rk N,,), iiraoot, of tile Ctuwagiu A Longhorn Mild dtvi,ktn, otre uf lise d,vrsto, ttoc o-ilIria a 2110 rolle rodiuto ni ,ri*tr,thlynieerisg tin îliu,t4ay, Isar thetilandr late Cere .'t Ruse,, luau been turd ro iuuenta,n Colby Ch..a. Des Plaines Valley tlt,at will haue young ladres be- ut tIte Nattonal Cumrrtpet- Apiri S. IS'S) at tire Tort_icc Ku,- ss,r ,1uat,te.. u'llìot( iat,t trie praunic 2 tcoeanr,\'.'tlir,ntreal 100e. twens the aguo mtf 7 cud 23 eut,t- trin rlt,tt utili l,tke pIece n Orlas- 2 warn il'c a5rcvunenr witlt itae ,,itru t,)i,ie 9_imil, il.utoiavao, pen', Geological Society pelinoturttt'sleliolltocrìties (10,i-toeid,,.(toue 160,15X1 n C,,,, 00 luncheon t,12 For te'- 1-''Pr oto, irq'areu it-.c o iflupe rim isevi1 rho inert-, l'ru-vursatuo - ,ei,ith nelode casual steer cod peters cod courU, will be pie rtsat,,,uts,call '5,5-5761. rlrcnse a t, -t acre tract of us,.l- Pi,m5er. puaui:ii that aç,r,,nwnm ai l)mtîburrulav,Apnrl l5,ttrrl)c rd cier the years. tatlmrdtug the fonnrttd ceo. html irtupotnant, ventedat Natroncis olütc each ,fict i sl,i,,t liu,incvn tattling Inf iScilattiI, itii.snittf the plaiter ges$ ne'., (io iyatpraimen. ,I'e s Happy Fwnnss l'Ia,rmes aIlcy (iesml.mFmcal Sço,c. auc,rnrTutktsh un rrtiues a geld- hiootea votli d,splay tues petson. ,tlt,msvr en4,, u nuts especie 1)aiul 6.1 ity President %I.arv lìeei,,,,o. iiacti_ic trate aweher i acto. it aloi ospun_iril (rOs 1m_ii a taupe Night litar N_in:3 od K_gtiitic Hippy Fanns° each MOea'O*3c**CGG 'y torIl bmwn a pemvatnr on tIre llm- encapo !runmGacc;and s,ltar real- alitytodinrettiowmnir uli,ll, rrup .1 iitníghvt awl ris dais weiland, n itt 'allie ein., cOd ea. toi_iiIpr,'yrvtpta-verilt,,,wut Clt,ultc, i, li pretcor rbc,rnia_ii- Hpp FNThV lot01 the ()vrrrmtal In,timutc, mm. li, liaplicueti to King Tut's geld. ,tlt,letoten tu,, ngo ttli Otlautd,t. i4ortol,. ,,it,cr 2 5 acre', l,nhct saüttu ou, rw-,nh el t1',ii,w Ki._iiJ ,_i,S peal' Mcd H caredatthe1lrtiooritycl e.afv Cl,ieage ltt4titniip,(uol ru lar tçasc ltrttr, hl,,ntca un- c.,i relue (mf C)lilieo itrio the '20, the l,asc. efrurial, vaut irr loo 1.Stjit_iOS Could natniy s a Ch.dd.r to Ile '.rlh Omtca;o. uOoca!a. Moritltly meetings et tIte l)ee Pct-tctualtt>totl ttuntt'et(,nu jo) , plc> ng tl,u Ley looted and lioSiei,l,n,cntalttl,coila Id hase a ropa,snnsnr-vwcnut blm A llamt and Ms G. Mcv- ,ollcrhlaol,ng 'hatte is r vtc oit ro lift pea- ersatuimnrci 'r» ,v,a$c,tat mwpect our t'imiti -e.'ii rianiu 0 uSe IO Ge. 2! i'lcmne* Valley Gertlogiciti Sarte- cal-corthat tact mc,' ttic,rcrttt, ncmml eclI torrent a trde cull 'CK ty ate held on lar dottI Thurvtia jadged on danng all pbaeeu t'i Montts foc parttclpat,ng In the 'Estate pittitning' a$ttCitCtit -u S chit) as rl will en amor lnmmgtclnmn he ettulmmtic in tire t! eaclt macalit nr tine La,.l>etl rO,rt1'mnt tltete. dttn'i nttsa We tool titisIs a tar policy gioco such publication Keiltrrrcoiou tu i,ttt,re,J roI 1 i-ersite pcn.mariel aier,nxumn' latri, au utoi Duren '1',ret_iu,, -U. HOURS: Mon-Tbur 9AM-7PM; Fri 9AM-8PM; Sal 9AM-7PM; Closed Sunday lIte (un berruo at rlI' rn on poimplctiol bcgao Mrnd.tc, April 1-etuel at lIsis'pecial ,1a5 oath uniun)taiuenilim'p,taJio 1la' w. $ rMdu $rOt. N. Opt. $tno1 4 tre the tau would noi allow loo arty rebuilal, rm*. erna W UrO e0 iui. lt_i.octh Mound, byOuch and 5, i'irate call ro iegistcr iIi Ode'1- )uan. wisstittidai uS,' Wesi SauSe %A i_is 1210 'rusIltar) poc-siutost lohr iao- lki,muuinCh,cavv PACE4

Rawhide Boys' Ranch Supervisor spearheads newcatastrophIc J 7780 Ariiaui.ra- seeks vehicle donations insurance plan for area townships (847) 965-1315 SU SANDWICHES . Mon. thou Sat. 8t30. Grob P.M. & Mandated by the Sinle of liii.lora tongsearch nsrslptrnty aine- reeled mach oitheborstrn back ro . .Oa P.M. FRESH MEAÎ- Sunday 8:30 . PARTY TRAYS nohi W ,mvdc medical os- psiriolionsLloyds of London localavcniimcnI. rind the paon. 'flic Rawhide ßy' Ranch l and ncomc gcnciaicd (mm thc rin (orensis became vemyrcal. DELI.FRESHSALAD$ ,ntc4 in Ncw L,ndör. \Vjco saic of ho dnnaiina licpfi. lance Io general ad%lnoce recifl.ss'orbe.j willi ai 10 creCte a )liIl5 I 0.e--o-- SALE ENDSWED., APRIL14 nance ihnonhinong apandan ¡colS within the wwnbip. Maine thai would serve a cons.onliam nf PRODUCE.LIQUO S ) ° n isckrig doniions of includìrs Maine. Working rogcthes, each panic. trucks. boos. cimps oxid cvn al ihn hay homes, Towndiip Superoinor Meek Towrssblns.. - DELIS DWICHE Thampnon became concerned Wheeling. Elk Drove. ScbaUm iparioglcswnshipberlcfnlsbypay. ftAI LUC IO ad jrsupponin l'ho Vaitick Donation ¡n a ing annatterpremiums Sari ifihey profoIfls 10 CouIt4efcflcd boys ycar.iaund program ihi is aip- Ihal a llame health cnni could burg arid Norilrfietd Tawnahips. roidThnmpson. participiried on their own. Earls who oc houd at ibIncilhiy. poflcd by tha Chcngo Auomn etipple ike towndiip financially. Recopni7ing Ibis paenlial. flrotnpwn iaud rinnt he look rhe Townaisip contribules based on 11IRawbido Whick I)onaion blm Tonic Maocialion Many fi. populationwith Maine Three. AFRESH BONELESS ANGUS PRIDE USDA CHOICE BLACK ANGUS MINELLIS HOMEMADE moiscardcacn pn«lik Thompson mined ihr insuc willi ininialire when lie saw ont only SKINLESS Pîograrn isunique fundr&iin Ihr rising coats oflsealth care na. ahip cootnibuling oppeoriumatety progoun dut dcpnds on dona- calkclioii noan ni hair dcacr. oilier wwinhip naperviaorn in ihr area. including Wlicelinp Town. risinwisle. bist how uncap legista. $3,000 per year. Wovc already cd rl cta*czrnJ ship for Rawbida donadons Da. nuit, Supeceinor Jrtiy Sadlec. and hou reslricred lIre monI tispieni had a toi 01 internaI (rom oilier CHICKENBREAST ITALIAN nona may racci'a a (aU Da hone. RI B-EYE bo. Woik donc on the dona. meanorocope wiulsapoteohial on rownibipi in lIte rinse, sind hopo. tiona pcov4dc lii, Ioe lunthar jfl(afTniljaA cati An C aill a new enlesleaphie aIuabkjnb iran. expectorlfinancial cdiii, We (ollyas moecjsnrrrpan board pee. inoportunuIka tar thho» t.ii®.RAWHIDE. medical insurance plan han been uudcrwiiuen by Lloyds el ion- alio recofiniceli lut our penerai minois will became oren mille EAKSSAUSAGE don. a prornineni Insurance cani. airsismance poputariori ii Incensi. eeanøniieal7inklliromyson. HOT ** Nibs crin the DX. log nomedurrodisabililies - and Uuril then cacean guacoorce tisai OR MAnimal Hospital *1 Meine Townnhips lout year. like the rear of die country is ag our priseraiasnisiance obliga. MILO ly hudci in around $4 million (or rIg na iarll.Ire added. Add lo linos will be met and pIolen ussr LB. LB. ;L- and all ihr services wepeavide la oree ilsol lrow recitate retumi has rodi. olfiereoicen asomll, $2 BIrd Medical Conter 25.000 aainceeporated renl&ifli eroi I 30.000 or no township reni. USDA CHOICE LEAN TENDER : We're CelebratIng Our dcoln.'captained Thompson. Misericordia/Fannie .Pp 1'bc (carlitliatonror Iwo stpni(. GROUNïCHUCK . 50TH ANNIVERSARY icant medical crisin siluanons at. May Candy Days BUFFET ROASTLONDON BROIL feeriop Individuata. nudi an mojar OPEN HOUSE .beami nueperirs. carr. AIDS or Kanistern McCerrhy. whir lull-mime oc parl.time employ. LB$189 i PM - 4 PM Sunday April 18, 1999 othermajornecdcancocecd lino- woiks at Mlserìcsmnrlia arid Dill nient Osi Compass or in rho corn. U( °- 98 deeds ofthcosands o(dnliaen aridWhite. a roiidesil on Miseriesir- munily.Kesidersrs oho OlIereI L LB. $298B. . DemonstrationsHospital Tours would hediflicub i(noi irirposni.dia. visiiesi Key Club membceo plais muball garnes, sIrop al Ilse . Refreshments bic rorceovee Imm. nlRessinrecrisirnHigh School. irreal gWCeIy arome and dine os lbonmtflhrn explained dial alOte7flo Wean Talcoir. to kick oil McDonalds. 847-647-9325 ,4Omurm mandare lImar Townsliiça Misericordias misnion oeil eoio Whirr. a resideol of Muces .0S I confiai Noiib Compas. shared FAX 847-647-9862 piomie medical ansinmancela miscuudesi them (or misdo panieipa ilsese unqoatified loe orlier siamo ihm iii special creolo. Par Ihr his eapenience or Mticncoedsa 7278 N. Milwaukee or Inicial aid or those aliti in rIre 1211m couniecunire frire. Key Club with Key Clubrnrsrsbcmss.I. Nibes IL 60714 nri.Lsi al a lcoiIry wauriop penad membeon nr Resarreelisirt IligIr graduate otsiew Tries' High (altowinapplication far bene.School wilt panicipore in Mirer- Sclnusoi. Whime Inni tired arrIre fila, Ibeme include runny low orcidiafl°nnle May Candy I)oys 1-Onmih Campan tar nine year-. 00 UIOO5 ample irndisidualm. oralong with 10.1510 other frresnda anal toit.» ori. oNais ami ianoi AtEQ . 84RtL1A cooptes *iilraaiclrit.bon.hrsir bliaceicoedsa in the hum work acrisiliess.Ilearroodscierres FRESH i tard. flic arararrsalsorequlic nialolApril, carli weekdayastilteorosio COOKIES V. SPAGHETTI rhone medical capelines take pn Lair .year, rotunseels raised cook. loanrand go greedy i army oreo oilier Tawnilsip capen. 112lt,(gSl. which funded 112 new shopping. Ile airo winks lull. I CH 790 dirwei. This meona mead hair lo ressislenees.Misericordiawas rime in Ilse aloftcateneria. hoo La also able lo laSe irs 36 now ressi. ills beseroges Iiiall staff Irme 99gÇ'OÌN\ cirineo Libe (units farm oilier dc. Perm Special!!$ peelmenisor pcI atnan. densa.Whilc MisericordIa *1. bers. söir LANOERS /O DEI FHATELL Ipd.ahoh..n.t .ii4 iik. Sbon With Ire new camasieuplsie in. ready aecomnimorlalri ocreflu) For rIre lash yearjuniem asid t69f"° suiams.-e, biaise Townidnip noii children und nudutis wish arrosaI bole. Loii bIi Sin oddtIhooI seniors 01 RÇOIifle555ilIllrgh ANANAS L MILK TOMATOES scremaI other area Townships eec durabillsiess. shear in an elgisi us Sclrssel mirroeslosi Ils special raie. cR!! nl,", cssveoed rise larfie medical l5.yearwaii l-or placement. 90 MANICUKE& $ HIGHLIGHT carsonwill Misericordia uu;t COaLS (moor S5.00OOnd up. Missedcswdia opcssesi its doors Noah tirer linger fieni (or a PEDICURE ìn l9l ea a honre foe umssa'ed 3Fo °89 SPECIAL! Thompson airs1 Sadlcraiginal- noise and lunch io the Grecs,rsssssmi EXTRA VIflOIN Waxing $8.00 Shon ly drwaicd the idea (or corna. andweilsosrilsers rlisreagem Inn reslanratsi. riaffed by Mimi' SILVER CUP JVITA hnS%IO odd. rtsrana, tir 1954. MisouCcwslìa br. rropbic cnrsane o yeotumud oliati comma lessideois, nu ionl*a r,.**tTh pan sem'inp clsildren wish nsrrstal ago ai a mnerninfi wish odmer urea /$499 flnuia,Ç% Eh1 nlliahiliress, Today. is senes osee Key Club (Kiwanis). rriodemat' OLIVES Iiu*nvt nt.. .1AtncTul Tositisirip Sopeesisisro. Tssgerlrer. e OL CAN l4**ii Perfect lbosnps.on 4501 Sailer began a 501) children emil oduIrs an bails cd by Michael Longo. a RrIs' CELERY lIOWStCtS S, GRLLOOD - SILES the Norlir anni Se,unlr eatmm1rosei. issir iearhe al Rrsu010elnr,n 131111 .L'YPEARs lorry aceech (or a provider (or flre NorrIs Canopos oliera messi- SchierI. Irelpa aisudeuts rrxls iliSi p BERGHOFF ihoMa.Eioi..p..n. Sudscisserayc and Is*sn4 Ilias i: MARCONI (847) 827-7575 noneosiased torl.snenisipa. A1. denss.s 30 acres rs, espiare arai (fe. Io Ilse community IIIIiJlilI ses. salop. The SourIs Compras offers escererisitioS.tri.uddulioilro ROOT BEERG AR DJ PI ERA s&slled oumsinp cace arid diresi volunteering (or sise Msarnioi' shorapy lar resssdcssta dsa/Fnrrie hl-ay Candy Days. she .J EACH - ,iroz. PEPPERS 1602 Mossi residents lisse restii Ilaiar young wonnen rises solunteer for 9 Heidi'5 peers arid alati niesitirciss, pee*ii Cathilse (sooirics 11s I)a'a. lute IO dailyclrsrc,urlerai CrapWalk,Operarianfire siweels nlreenpr'lntaea and ersysy howl arid niese. n'i CARLO ROSSI WINES PICCINI $99 8AK°ERY CHIANTI -- -W7,.qc £vt,y Day ¡s SpeCThU° Little CityFoundation Jiel 4 LITER iso ut. O O5$mI*5n55I7633 N.Milwaukee Ave.Hilos IMOOir lii hain COro bat Cml. Oo4Jai 0* fi an i OLD MILWAUKEE $799 UEEFEATER CI - IOoiOt.000rOJ i iaOOi 050050ia05 l BERINGER GAMAY $P1199 . rosoOiliiati. P01505. 100005 I lion 547/957.9393 ria,, L no . I p DM*Ø IIø000i honors Park Ridgian . COUPON t;e Alesuarlioss of Pari resirsllfi preaudersi rls.neaLed lell.l" j'AHS BEAUJOLAIS COUPON- r 17 APPLE, CHERRY Kalte. president 01 die l.sttle Crry memsiliersfor lreasrrrmgIlse Il CANADIAN 750 ML KING'S CROWNPRETZELS lks.rnjalsorm lasersrIVasrssl/ )eans ssudoidseated seesnee lIrai Ilse PRETZELS ROLLS a OR BROWNIE Otsartisars Cittiup. was fo,m,,onl or AIc.asudtoses coiirtil,r,tcd liirire CLUB ABSOLUT SUCES a rsnopr.ors sIal isnd oli lIre s.u$aosselism since rhcsr sian. Pr siy. UTCR 96 $499 pøry,rtc cTIrKc SpringIaneni/Famrcilyl(uoisl.osi le,. cosmic ra lire ifreic ill l% VODKA rlieuling Suinta>. MosubI. as Alenendiriss plans ro rolliO Io Is. ,,s,a STROIISoa 750 ML S95ea.- - 49ea. 7ea. l.itslr Cisya ¡'aburre lrrniqu.v 101lire ¡O Crrerse silseme ho sollt BUSCH ExpIrai dFldl9S EzpIreOdtI4f99 Enpiras 4114199 rems CalisnI his lare irrte lissisrlce sperrst ousssr uf rho year, lIla soue p o pieu. roz cAriS COCA.COLA $ 1)99 a lriekr.s. peossarerst und leissailco died sss iaosaory, i. REO. S DIET lut trnniiiass.et lic LimIte Cuy. rho 02 PAK 12_02. CANS IrnWRkll4 mreuctzrtwesiuoy*piitr.L-t,,, 'r -*-' u-I - I1 - w !%I:»m'u - -a' l'si w Catholic Women's Project Kesher's Keep driving towardtoy safety Holy Cros.s Parents byMarkS.M.ndell&MurUiij.Hraty Club 4Spring Affair' Bowling League 0cc of tuSe fondest mcmuurics her a deuil t, tittI or a "tupe; 6 mnnuteectu)rrrcundctcictuuuithat Stutti u,r e'tupir lu volt battery. Fashion Show 'Women's 'Exchange U$A' 1mm childhood is getting that ntlu" battety auudcen travi! tun tint calety i, just ecu itnpcurlant an ute. yotu aie euutviscui uuu renutuvehe SptunguSítair."ttaiittttrt Wed., Marth 24 1999 Mflhic KiIl 494 lint "gcutwut'up" toy wit), which etc S mph. uy gadgetry and rutetrketing, )tatirry iuruuuieduauely. Yute ciun io. uttutoupeant.uuruai huytie l'euucntut TEAM wi. CamOttxingcr ter coutldemutete cuter p.nrcnus. The Consumer Ptcuetuct Salety One cuthe clout important cate tite ciutucut iepaui cinici tut C)uuit ut) ituti7 Cito, Iliglu Schute,), M&uyWnsflcwki 46 Top went nintptcn then .i Ccuncmkuitun(CI'SCI received hurtS uhuat we luette tuaatUre that yttuur mutue lu), eutluor calling the us ,cioiluku) tot April 255. it nu CaAdkHghScwcIe 4 36 push eliung lacentucuwer with the ISO riportI of (ires uusiuIe)uug manctlactoroçut cuaSi their prete)- )tottCt tVtutoiu luttulunttui tut INc lilmcutut itautu1uiou,. 7ìN WjrtfjmiiicrTrjcl41 36 catered halls innide a domc, at tieni nyc. utelcudirug fluet tut oc- Relut caler (or eier duuidrcu in the 977-isis)ttluty'guut etnt,ttito SV uitatil See. un iiinutcutud SkajaTcnicc 42 42 UIGHGA.MES n,akc-helicvc Ici ne,. Dut litRi nurnid while the huy can tun tteeh cmii justice tynueuit. TIte l'tuuccr Puuuccr Wtuociut Wetucutt eut huup /1 t'ti),. Sneuu,nt bruite tin,,. tetti ho GnrndNai'I.Smk 41 43 mactheY etti. and technical i.). stete NiSte) in gatagn. play. Wineeln flrrc ítlUttttatt that tour www.pcuteetseiuectsc,ut. lt ietctc.utuuuiu utruly.ruiLeraeue Thomas Drozdz. DOS 39 45 Miy WtniIewsk 203 tances haceccl tcu wtuuitiertitfly tIntuRe and elicits. Nine eauild,rn ability tu, Stuhl nuatuuetactorcts w. Fu,r intuir luealuli and safety un. pitied ou S3. Mi ptuniueute oull ClaucRow 3$ 49 MilUKTDlI 179 )ma9inatitn tuup.Toycc)l pSini were injured dite to litenttuaI. countable (cur irreuponcuble aunt iotiruation und rupe. ploato t luit l'ciutfut ututienue ut itoly (tute, GcnKcnny 179 thaI ring. clatit th..t like tut be liS. (utniulotting uuu. outil utter eSin(eruutuc hehuerto, is utili need. 'Kcep(toct'auuuultt, Ptcasc cantici itu,)y Cnutcs at RIGUSERIES CirolOuio9rr 177 lcd, ncc tulle cucaturea that cat, 530001X1inprutyrutydiuuuagc cd,luau euu rout ices ¿es çuuutccmcul sure 'cit cute .tu. ittip II 7ÙSi4s6.St )U lot t.ikr( teter. GeiKcniy 5Q6 leant language and citihetulett. te_tI stiffened k 22 tuounec atte) gai. p.ttcntt tult hr hoard t.tmuty tiufety.;uul.c,utig cOli t, n s :J'&'U'I'UT& RigM teStai the Puiuhdoy (cay. This power i. ohat tcurctel ti,tuuu. kAà/4 Ing1<4.Mcfl,FisherPriceeut. 1cauuk(uitly. nut tetmuly cuUeued utuabk pajauuuoi ott ulue nuaikct. 4 tuouncid a ruoli ut, ripou aptttc. ' SENIOR CITIZENS a tragictutus due to a Power etutuuin.euedelangetouc )uo,uhall mote(y(clrrttllìn (c.cttccy. Wliecl.c Out. twit unheil IhmpuitS. Shampoo ludunets and tuu.etle auto tuuanu l.uc. CHICAGO FAMILY 'Rose'sHyS4on 7 pouteird i'ewet WScek cee. and tetti utoet is remind ut nl lite cm. toreo make itee nuituivan ekuturu. ADVENTURE WEEKEND 7302 N. r 5&Sot.... $2.50&Up tttecb bitaune they jucuce e tete. rtance of euurpu,uauc rtc;tkuutcu. Tite onttuttuerueetthung ahueco Haircut. . .$3.00 & Up alun fui uttle . e*euu ohm the nyc busty nun) neelety. Or t. o Rece. we titus reca)) is riti Luci at husw tung 5 oli tuai in ttte, The l'owec V1eceh tuten! do out tuent tu, tfltuflitot (tUt ut tunuk Fisher Ptuce tu. uckn,uwl. EVERYDAY EXCEPT SUNDAY line ei ta» CoRtitte al - Nu M'iOçç SYas3a t ehuidren wiurn they piay. Iteit we edgelun urtutelcuru,, CISC futur *MnNg.Há Srr'gSSR&Up ñ.uun.oseatIiekniSt(uceeí. alun tuant do tuai (cnt to make leattued aStur the lately leauctudc lmower WheeIt tutyt un Stur $,gosongwfiterLoahF1ne ofSkoWe (cento:) andl(Jm B.atd(rflt), orc6rwtor o! chlk* SIN HOMEMANICURE en s pio. tO96auute.t:ty IYt7 (teint fuueun. s pEDctme 9n1Th5 5f Skokies MsyetKep!an JewIsh CoinmUN! Center. w. among those look/op !on4srd to Pto. Polish Women's vest,puuu,s Onu) u..ut uuuuuuucuc. al. . Perms HAIR TOGEThER joctKesh.?s Woir,ons Exchange USA. a /SUrdaymtma1top,omose wornersdghts. soca!iusUcean menti tutu,-rartt kitte thecuy. . Cu/StyIe S CARE $14.00 Jewish renewal in lb. foimor$oWe! Union (F$U), ApJ29 throrgh May 2m £isJoat UNI Hickory Rke Civic Club, Inc. weur tcc4)led, . Frosting I Conference Conto Aç4Mss from 16e UkraIne and Bokuus ,I,NRnono Workshops wili focuson rotn. trct (tUCuttluru u,: what cati tee ..FREDERICK'S ens hoa!thca,s,oonce apains! women. wOfllOil ¡n !OadOIIrIp, combaøsrg anU-$em!Ssm. br6ksig In 'riteI'uulechSVeurnucan Citte mcunlucntuup I. eectuee)y invuuieed dit au patenta tut precetti tutu iypo . Color f0t4a611 co&IUons, bIrth controlIssues. andoon'enInplrl!anlhicpy. Coslporpeison at mo stat.-oIme. Club, Inc. wfl eeleb,etc itt lSutt un yteututtuting P,ulut)u culturi anti cul tiuing tituttu hc,eppcning tut utter ' COIFFURES 3nnkrtsory At tt000 On Sutud4y. hetitage through uttinletct-ìutt (entity? there ate a teteprit. WII.WAUKU AVL an cantor. offortngspa andaffiIoUctaciSNos, ¡r $85g SctioInahIpsatoavaIlab!o. Ms FInOandM 8. (773) 7344.309 . sfr s. A1lt iS. al ihr Starlught tan. cuba international nrgaoìe.tuunnc uctunc ihuiug. litaI Wut can ito tut c*ucsa01% gatd c6sussod ccn!oionco dorMs wIIn Kai G.rshon. Pioject Ketbor ox.cumo r9iectoor mo 9950 W. Lawrcuuce.Schilter ant) guucernmciut aginettu. Rom. putted cute Chilelittu (tom danger. u.- (773)631-0574 gIot0, h nlcont pro.Pussovor oomon sodo, For truffier Inlonnation repoa1frg Won.vYa Let!eenpo P0:11. Thkcus err SSO per pinunut Cn'nhittttty peutgteuuncaoui tut Cut. tuo.. pieuduciut. lt yate hase au.irvs t-, USA OttOm1UQStra9OnmaledaIe caNPlsoctKoshoiat(847332.r9g4 oaasto (947) 332.2134 io the iuuuenuct. yute tan cieli tite oli pitutetuis bincilt tite Cinti peinicUo Pouendatiote. In 19W) the ±tt.Ju.uu.. inS,, tu,J-,,te k t,,.,, .tr.tutul lOt....(t.,,, Ciebt tdteutoichíçt (cette). Ciupetnuceuc Poceau!otuoo pecuenu. CPSC Writ slur at Slip/I Ttttl'otu.)uleViit,en'cCicli ed the Pu)cth Wnutunuc* Ccuu stWte.i)tuc.5uW1. luts $uutlr.t. t.s Heart disease CIeS, (tuuuueket lut 1924 in lerci ClueS tuer,ptuu.)uei neue,. cluiWtrnt with ito 'Cnpeenieran t .tc'ee, WORLD BUFFET the netel, cuiPeulitit smmigxonus n Aword(cur ít.c nuttiancling phil. taSty iin. ami inuit enluces, ti' Or.,,.ta Pu,,, Chitgp and te ccruuerieItng ate. ant)utu,pue teewk in totting thee Situ cect, thick uu iv II.e io) Sea differences in women a, oc. iuta pluiLteuthicupuc uunganìiotliun Polechioutumunuty any po*lem,.oit atto cou, tilt RetenI 11041CC Imc IIOWfl telaio! nnupuomnditrcmrly CiutiC.s lntI)uuui Ath IM)!» 579. whith eeuc.n )ouitg lV)C tul i1ee tienucnelocrç w. u eus cruet IheI womcir Thp*rrlc io pese, thee nain. Puaseene Sugathae. Polín), lutretegi athuter titter edit. 27fl. nuuttetn*eet.utiomphuciuuueouuunctt rpo5. inolice6ornwddisecth M.D.. ritdioIogíU II RuIh Z4twth taliono) aipiraletut. uhinugh tu ¿'uruetiher thutug tee Cour dut .ut, qwIcdsOEetS*1l IIUnthR OIS man. Short Midsial Cinuer. vull (etuI uSi Puhebworucen', Cuti (luth tut IrikwWe Specialize In tcluottttucp pntgtoInu. Siete patent. is cuite ii ut proituec eu due tnulto(ihe telnet' decuetitun, 13e WcdnSUby.April 14. Holy tin taids4t I1$1,i ene tutaiai-ce. tenu.) in ruuy woieant) easel. with 1943 the Club ten prosueled cutter ucruicecut. energy aunt nihuer. cut . t a,, L,t,to,.., I ti,. . e.,,,c4u..,'-t. tut Lt, Chinese + Japanese 4 Korean FNIISIy Medicei CroNe In tonal,. utu menipatiut Intludurugthe 450 cc)toionitipc, atte) within the cuide oddteti, acte) phone aura. tutu ,L Ç.. OratiOn WillI Ihr ReTh lItan lnUs pretI NId touts tuf horutuone ir. tInte than 250 mcinhçts bers itepeottkmeeeoaitucwetuutc eu!tt,_,t,( t, ,' t t,,. ta, t,,'« rt t ,,,,t, pOu! (kr yearc ceri $50.090 etat tee)! FCIICIO Kitiplftttlie. p,eueeknt rWORLD 'tire Wit) postai Tht Mmii ele piatenutni andcuiteeatteStaI e pouchaned toy acuti thai uieuuu BUFFET LUNCH' IW0RLI) BUFFET DINNER' autatukuj un cueide,utu tturuuuighcuuu cut the itub, atte1 a tecukuut cut u MON. - FRI. Wtii,j, IaSjetiaI.'prr»4J,ns In. thntepais. Alteunnior nendkätct ritt uubjcter tub e enclt ute a citati,- MON. - FRI. I Ittìneule, Woid Dutte. (L ,,t,L'L!", U''" ,tttPCIut,,..,'. 5:00 PM - 9:30 PM 1orineion eSoal bow warnt. air and the impcnwucce1dcecIopeng 71cc etlg4utui3tititc's ctt.uitobtr trIn watnuog, tite nuoutubacratet 11:30 AM - 3:30PM I 't tttrn,, uLO,O,,. t,t I,o 't t,:...,,.,..,,,, t.t,t, ntreciol dUlerretly uy beati 4t. a letg'utntt, tuteun.bc.atthy cerr. rifatto alci, rutted io heupitolt, For tutilert tececcaeìuunuesr jeter. can Ott.) anti etuttt tuitetti, the tasi than mcc, 'flee (ret prograrul ctu.t/diei plat, kai flit >'otte hic. $500ip $700Jprson ¡tuuctauunc. .s.ituo,c(t. tutet and tuet. motion ïet,ttae. I licIta koioyrudiu petublent ,,.,., uL.,,,u,Lu,Lt.t ,orJ L, lI bi heU at)lu,ly I,anuuty% u)1c elli 1w prtttntrd Sy Citric. DINE-IN ONLY DINE-IN ONLY terueldicht.acte).ofl.iat.peo!it ai )?09tS9.34S5utr Petucca Kite. A, tout luowet Wttuuelu ttu7ut. it .tte,t,-u-.t te.,(O t ',iu,ut,,L -',tU t .u, , t "te,, i L".' _ t,LL ' ... WtnutlunE Ptortouu'nel Iluuldurig, lint Tangnty. l'ltD.. Ro,caxth chatutaHe lucutunbuttune. lite Ctutu piuttihu att63» 366.7077 Situ neun aia, ute treueS wuthtaukuat Ood for up to 4 poop1. I Goodloeupto4pooplo 201 lIot SutoerAu-tutet un I)ittïuor olihe Prtttntite C4tdi' C5M 1O4I A OA 00 I O.. OØN urittot uuf iSt kaut, fku. niere in(iurneituon or io urgic Sattelt A .5,, )utr,uuun luau gtauiuu.atret Sashi .:*àkJ. .CtibLi9è'Mumls .' Shrim lItait lro4utuuetI holyF4uuuul) itt (us uluic lure pregnant. plca.'r Development Center (Ruin (lue tn-clung. cctuuuieflu'n, Cui Evtyday6 5oO Mail? E.ThIP!US Fn.ìWSoid Bar Mnultc,1 Çentrr, aai will douto lL kutlu On Can ai 15551 iOuutiitlrtflen(ace)rrubijpotlion luow tuau, rzprsiruuiclutaut. RUSH !734). Stauung it luuttiucd 'lite \le'cunuetttc Du,intvc Dru et. utirthodu tut lining ecanpieten to Indw*E$il.*Ik&ka lupeutcut Center )VtliDC). it; octet. Step cuuoi Outauuoi.at autel itietcituit apprentice eu.uetceau Shrgpranet Air l'oece Itoac, Withita I.ailc, () Jutncttuuut evitI, tice CIti).) (are )nt. ircuteeli Senior Discount uiatlte:ut tuitite i(itltlunate Tewnlite o,urtu.rntettI be a,. cP LGH cites top baby names Rece uoikdc, I, ¿In u.Ibcuu,nS u,! Weekdays Lunch $5.95 Autnautialiuw, w ut) upiutuuet a woil,. ,ulntdt,tuiut Yn4Ceu,t Eiu(tnoer the Chukl Cate lituttiteevelututua. Sheraton CuIttptttetutautel Squeaeltiunai Spouipiielukrir Act Weekends & HolIdays Lunch $7.95 'flut urtati pu9nalan nantit (01 $ 3nth iJteupciututleel, tete. e pttugraitn tuflttoettn( u*ttttt. Yocci ('utili) Ccii fluetluceve Get haut. Getttueuet,Sulo.uuout te tite hatters luutrn ii Lùdtttetuu (kanal 9. Ituandon/Kcuuin(iird) cii tiatttng on oip.eueelinguStue ,u'nebMaealuol, awita,leI Seul,.. North Shore Dinner $7.95 Yaw iineni.al keu'ed, tu h . Al4 ONI1 II.oput.eJ in l'Mec arec uuetjuncsng. IU Eton tite, glutS) case benintsteut.flue ntonut SkukueIle, ,ti.St,. II itc;.' tutu 1'ue.ate.April 19. (tetiut t) T E t. I> tiJ,teotuil/tçteutu eel4tlurr. luuutiatccti.uu4'çcuiec) h Itti ah,ek, ir rhed.oeglueei u! lctrt etui N O R'I' Ft U K 00 E Kldsunder 4 years old EAT FREE S Io 9 years old HALF PRICE tneoeuluqu.ant4 huuitteiue.elungeusn Spin iou(-iflpuuu ,attiutC)tiio- State eli ilSuus tkp.iitnuuiut u'l Su, Urban League Quueenuunu (}tt. StatuE/or .tl litio) niet.v tIto clue iIaut.ind led,utsrrerolcd uSi Continouçe aiutI C.uuuuuuteueuty Al. u, a t'!! t 1ro,tc,auc eut Nu ro, Nurtlu Wedding & Baby Showeis. Grdwflion ParUes, & oTher party p6rns .vaIljbIe milice ng lieewuuc netten peuctutelt,ytuih!tueS.n4 (coin mg Ctnuer, ducid 0,utut. teniate.) at Ilu(SSctte..,ul, Skekee utet: ItCSSL',O/W, or , 'ai a,'urt(t,t,tE tt'A OPEN 36$ DAYS GoIf(Mflwaukee PlazaNFE Comer 3424 5 Stete Suent. un Cltuiagvu flue teto e. 525 attuI tnatunieut no7acrbnt,3ut CtuLCa.'ut/ Lt. eeteuu Child eiti (natunost oient;' 1110 AM910 PM 2 NuiIe,I4./ul!uhcC (tini) tti.eteelal. Siletubiutuipt cure oca.). AYeai 8526 Golf Rd.. Unit FNIle-s tehauceatit teuln.otcìueuw thierbutte 5 ethIt lo urgutuer er lute etere tue. aculeI can hetteSt tucuen utting ((ueinuteu,n. ial) uSc WItiX ai 84758317OOlrNI 1'. It4uietJeet)4t (Iced) ctettputeec ulteatId.etuooeh Unu. 131t 853.3477 an-J gReta tu (ci :: 7 toile weaukoittupwill bouc cue COet liii eccegultuniot,

41 PAGE8 TUE 11IEBUGLkI1WRSDAY,Apfl1L1, tflflfl PAGF. District 64 extends DesPlaines Chamber of Commerce superintendent contract Executive Director resigns Thc Board of Educiion or VicePresident,added. Al- Selection Conomiitee seekíng rrtctnberu otT the Chamber LIquid oc and highly rtootivaled. capable :ffI School DLIrjci 64 voicd unani- thungh ulm children are tite pri- qua1ifledaprIicants. of Directors Itas begun the search nl being tcspsoo.sible (or manage. T mously on Fcbru3ry 8. io reflow mary beneficiaries of Dr. Patricia Ornbcrg. Vice Prost. for a new Executive Diteottor, nIent of the 600* member bnst- the cootroct 0f Dr.Fred C. Schtucders cnntntitment to one dent and Esecutive Director nfMrs. Ornberg has r,ffrre«l ro wotk nos. torgauttattoon, and poscas a Sch,ocdcr. the Districts Super Distr1t, tIte whole community the DesPlumes CltouriherolCont- chmely wiolt tIte UrtartI of Dirrc. strong irrte nraoagctr000t. Oflan. intendeot. for another fourycur. benefits wlten its schools have merce h Industry. soiE renin tors to aluner a smotollt trunsititlu dat ano) organi,ational aptItude. PROFESSIONAL NAIL CARE FOR LADIES & GENTLEMEN c(fectiociuly I, 1999. someone albis nutnrc und vision (rom the position she Iuta held forand offer any assistanco neceo. l°oevoous cloatnberor assocoatioon Dr. Schroeder's viciort 01 cd. at the helm. the pant tO yearn, effective lune sary to her successor, mspctoence or equivalent os lore. ucahionaleXcellence and uk Schroeder has been the Super- I.999. and hots accepted In CX- 'fltecommittee is seeking tIllaI' feorol commitmenttoourchildren intendeet since 1995 when he ecutioe pOsitítttt with nnothcr or- ified candidates with asstwtauoo Resunoco rroty be sent ou: lisec. IN DEMPSTER PLAZA have energired everyone within was elected after a nearly year- gtniiation inDesPlatoes. 11m- tnanagement baekgrttund. Popoli. aloco Scorch Conontorrec, P.O. the Dinirici.naid Jane Curry. long. nationwide 'e. sech. ployed by the Chamber for Ltcants should he creative. mongol- Ihoos 1301t. Deslolatnos. ILhotX)tl. School Hr,npj I'wsident. Hk Sn- Schtocder slated that he appre- years. Ornberg sous appointed perltrs'o lewlership loes rennited cintes the support he bas te. Esecutive Director in 909, 8198 W. Dempsterave.NUes, IL in marry initialiSes deni9ncd tu ceived from the [bard.lie staff Support nudcn1ncumin9 and und he community. i oak for- As Enccntivc I)ttrctor. Orn. Oakton VP appointed to improve their academic perfor. ward to continuing to Iruild op berg iniripted or created many new prugratrts designed tot help tri0000. 1-Ic is committed to maL- Our many strengths and totot- Professional Committee Tel: (847) 297-5888 ttteutbcrbusinevoes. including: in9 Disinci (,4 llipremier ek. dross our weakoess. I am COItO inettlary school district inthe the InterculturalIhusirtovs Net. I)avid llilqui.vt. vice peesioknt Csooctuncot with his session ro, ntilted to maLin6 continual toto. tvtttk. State. and his Booed cunpearu. provettlentthe cornetntone uf hltttrtr.Iiased Iht,510evs Ito htasiteoscs anti hitcouce ort Oah- CfoflhIIO. he is a orterrobor t'1 tIte HOURS: Mon.-Sat: 1UAM-8PM-Sunday 12PM5PM lates him tot his.s w.t essts sud Netost,rk.MorelianoWarning ou Commuttity Cuthege. hs o\cu00000iosg l'rioocipks Coos000csh of every action I take on behalf of Systcm. loks forward o nrany rtlott: titis Divotiet and Itou eonnrtuni. Ctuterntrtentthuyasbeen appointed lo the l°roles.sion- 110e N,otioonai Açscociazoo,n of CitI- Marty inyce. Schemi l3taxd Guotte. Speakets lInteau. Arno Po all)voclotponeot Committee of kgc and Llooivorsaty Itoos0000,,s* Of- Crafts Holiday Showavc..V tat oftIte Cctor'uI /onuociation of Çtol. ftecs (NACLILIO). doc puient or- Life. Drng-b°ree \Vo:rkplaee hoi. lege nod Ilnivensity Itn.sine.so Of- gatoìLotifnotto.uirr.-lrteocrot.s cloki Hunt Company offers tiottives and Barines.s Po lidua-rws (CACillO). aiittoittjsuatism cuott uitcouciat tolTi. Memory project sheet tIno Pannershtips. She osas ulvoan CACUEI) is a nonnoltt arpo- L'ens at nuoro titan 2,11X1 coollcgcs I Walk Ins Welcome early advocaje tod leader pto. ckttioou reprtosottting buniocra toI- azul oouccrsitiop xTro,,s tIto cl,00r,- TIte Unni Ctsnrpany has a new craftrrs enjoy he Iu.sny ideas and tooting the llttoots "mellare too íocer tot000cc 7(5) institutions l'y. Menrory Album project sheet huw-Is,n provided in their pruject Vt,rLprograttt. Ornhserg furtbtet Portoughorut the Tdtwtlo Contrai re- lhìtqrsi.stufroscmvrrs ton (oC Spe- now available toconsumcrs. lists drooLs. Its an dud way ru try a increased support too tttenrber gittit toi tito (Initet) States. liaraIs- coal Rcvrew Esecutive Cenotnit. tItrer can he pïcked up at Mi- new idea or craft. bU$IOCS5CÇ by creating tIre "UrtatI ti.sitcutintitOlI. the arpuociattoon tee sol the Orostrtoorocxot Firo.aowe ch.wls or Jo-Ann Fabrics stare Exchaoge anti 'I'1te Link" bothfeotnotes sotutod*incìpks attd (MOcero Mssociaoiott of tite hItoS- O No Appointment Necessary with no purciuse necessary. by Crofters may obtain the Hunt toi sshicht are rrgularty pubtoshood peactices toI educlotitonat brs-sinoas es? SOtes tuttI Cusoaob ((lIliA). a mailnr on the webat: Memory Albumproject slwet by newsletters hrr kuh retail and in. nlmío'cslrattott. nionpiolituMuciatloolttot 11011cC ucww.craftidcaseuntlhunthtntl. scndin a self addressed stamped dustttathusincsscs wrthintIte Illlqootso. a Path Rïdpo tesi- Ibati 12000 rveiulwcs clout pou- s Project Sheets are a crear way envelope tu blunt Project Slteet. Chatttber and helped luoncht theont. loomed OakttttItt August. fistules be puoofes.sloonaj too-wage- toet cuuarinrcts n invest n a P.O. Hou 5026. Des Ptaïne. IL uegotnitat100s fitst websire. 1011. onod has hcctt ;tc-tivio scv- mettI sol gltvertosncstLd linaos-ial s Specializing In Gel & Curve Nails reanulacturetv ptedncts. Euntrer, 60017.5026. A releetitto contmittee 01 Leyeralpootcs-siootoul rosganizahlnons. flt000rcos, SpeCIa%5 NILES CHICAGO/WEST We Accept: Personal Checks B " .111 8935 N. Milwaukee 3018 N. Milwaukee (one block north o dompiter) (fouIt cri dloeneyfsutdb et bOttent) [j: B II r I .847966.23OO 1.877.966.2300

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SsseoflnwsRenatb4u Cn.ttbouob ------._ . - .lnt DAtn n_iuI_ ...... -...... toto ...... t?. I. JttrW4nrlhd ...... srr__23.99 sa, ...... teJhr-tnssmtO ------o,,w_------tOSI a.mb. C.td m__I__...... -no.... ------s,,'...... ,e._.._ ...... n.?, e-Po.5, I -I 5nn,.TssttnnIPntt...... w.__...... FULL SET ' ..urn ...... 50...... tkflfl t°sra. ato, A ...... ow...... t n' FI I 'PEDICURE Cts, lb. Bato I ACRYLIC NAILSI i UIOS...... ___.,.10* ._.___.._.._.,tflt et-no-...... o,,.._..,.. fl_ Anbs,fltl %wnol.0 ...... OlOs5 ,.. ----*015 tv.r1A ...... tt___...... Ton PoftPonA4ttnt

I $ 00 i i hushnI CSanç-nnt nl raus. ever. ttietTo. $1oo $1Roo Iw*ss.0...... --s-J-- w w _*4...... bitt.... Reg.$25 - Reg$11 Reg.$25 o___bsto ...... I . htk tueti O.uea With CouponExpires 4(30/99 Wfth Coupon ' Expires 4/30/99 With CouponExpires 4/30/99 WIllE h eEEt9TLSTtntG I .III L EVERY SATURDAY PIP TO attO? t; ULI aTU-RPiLr TNLU UU t3 PAGE IO ThE BUGLE,TIIURiDAY,APRIL TilE HÓLE,rIftiulSDAY,'APR3L'0,'u6 ,"'" svrr lt - m1 I-*:I- . Walk to benefit Brain Lutheran General Cancer Care Center Cancer AwarenessDay Tumor Research first in suburbs to havé Apheresis Center to be held at LGH The Bad Back "Knowlege is Power, Luther. spiontuitters,clinical riais, The lannual Vernon Hills Lundstrom and Mary J0 Miliigaa . and the Health Adviserpuys- Walk for Brain Tumor Rosonach were both residents of Vcrnoa an Generai Canece Care CenteFa. ittatontograpiry.breastcancer cian referral service and heítl;tr Season Is Here Srltannual Cancer Awareocs in mcflsory of Cathy Lundsoorn Hills aba recently lost their lives treatment, gynecolargical encolo- iofonivrtiamn line, by Or.RobertL Richart and Mary io Milligan svill take to brain tumors. A donation of Day, svili (catare (reescreen- gy, smoking preveoties, voncer Cancer Awareness Day visi- ings, a lecture series piace on Saturday, May 8. alCen. $20 is ntspectfally requested to on preveo- generics., pitsirron emission ti,- tilrs alta, will be able to tour he In (he spnng, lite fancy uf miiliimmas of Americansturns to gaa lacy Park in Vernon Hills. The 2- participate io lite walk. Sponsor- tien nd early detection by pity- mvmgrapliy lI'l(l') cans. itutrition Lutheran Gencral Cancer Care desing. i,u,usc repair. cleao,vg, tenniscourtand golf envires mile walk around Big Bear Lake ships arc uso available. simian5 and iieoitii professionals, and Ornera rips. Center. sshirch isht' loost cloth- Many of liese Ansermcarns will end tp wihlm aching hacks. ali o eill begin at 9:30 am, soliti pro. Porinore information or to reg- exhibits nod roues. Individuals ivhtr attend Lu- prehensive facility of its kanil is rioni bringing nmisery for the sufferers f,,r varying pettuvisil ceeds honefitling the American ister, call George or Charlie Au- l'iie event avili be iteld Irrito 9 iltan General's Cancer Aware- tite nortliiecsi suburban cimreidair, line. Brain Tumor Association. Cathy Bochon at (847) 367-4315. aol. to noon Saturday, May I. at iteras Day will rea,'e ive l'mec mas- 'huiccenter provides a multidisci- Back probterrts arr the reason for suso,: 20 million vImos to tite the Cancer Came Conter, 17W) Sagesittrhcimtitssagetherapy plinary approach to diagnosis duictor each year. talent s'mcrim.s recover auth conservamìsctreat- Ltttiter Lune. Park Ridge, josh biclt and enjoyfreemusic and trearntent, arid encompasses fieni. 'l'ha, chances are gixul. however, halt once a person ivani n'eri of Lsriievtn General Hrrspi- tlteartiydeot,,nstratjiniv.lrtfor- stare.of-rhe-arrimaging.navia- bail backache. shed): will suffer repeated attacks. Yetesperta es- ial. LOSE UP TO maiìa,n will be arnilaimle ¡1(1001 ulm therapytechnology and tïill.ate isar perhaps Oli porrear of backaches can be prevented by Errlloreinferrtniiiion,cali licLoliterst,iGenerallircair cltrnrotherapy in one location on the ipplicatiimn ofa few sinrple haek-spaeing rips. HealthAdeiSor at l-SilO-3- Center, be \Vomnen's (lealt(t Re- the hospital entripas. In order ho apprecIate rho iwpurnrance of beso taler.r us (blp. ADVOCATE (l.800-323-0622). sOorce Center iii Luhlteran Gen- in addition, toues of rile new loi Iii undctstand lie mechanics tuf the hunian hack. 40 POUNDS A limited oumber of specially eral Flaopitat. mita, hospital's pas. Apbeieuis Center forpatients fhe spine is malte Oisl brines called vertebrae- 2.1 separato priced PSA biond tesis andrem- moral careand socialwork undergoing bone marrow testis- I (ines and nine fared Ibsen at rho base. A channel hlumoog(m the tal enartes for prostate cancer sers',ce,theAoirtïcan Cancer plants ¡ciii be offered. The Caro- bones houses the spinal cord and nonos, llctatoon the 000laa,od will be provided (or a Sii) fee, Society, Rainhisw tlorpke, Lu. cer Came Center i.s the lint ces- vertebrae arr pads of collagen- a say rough fibruiiea prometo IN SIX MONTHS iThe regirtrariondeadline is lire010 General pharmacy servie- her in ibe saborbs to hove its cadlcd discs that act as eiashìorts belaanen ibe br,ncv,. Whena disc April 17 tir schedule an appoini ml. the Cancer Care Foondarien. 015'O in.housm aphcresiv facility. ruptores (slipper] disc iv a rni.snooretl, it chary press lin the spinal . Taking Safe Diet Medicines Went for the PSA bienal draw. nerves and catre intense pain iii a ieg fame insraoce. a condition aaiiichsviti be ttlfcrcd prtor to known ta scïatica, The lumbar seriobmare in IIi: tower backale lie . Doctor Supervision . Look your very best Cancer Awareness Day on Sat- Girl Scouts Obst heavily built. as they triust withstand the gre.strsrsrtesse. urilOy, April 2-l. APpt,iOttneots . Feel more energy a Fit in your clothes hey ame also the main troubla sprits. where n,ost l,,ra baci,pains rh receive a digiral recral colin sponsor Blood Drive onginate. . Feel good about yourself Smaller Thighs Tite Lutheran Generai Hospi-dmote blood 1er the patient's iteran Generai Hospital is a rriiii- and reveis' tire PSA test results 'fha, spine is supported by morelos and hnranuenrv in Girl Scout Troop 1309 of Vio- tre back tal Cancer Care Center is tite Nest transplant al the same tinte," said ti-funetiorraieertrersvirerc pa- withaphysicianatCancer Ocatram, Hites. sod abdoimmen, wiuuch ¡oct us "guy wiros.' t! these salins inn ooaak. in Nelson Eierrmenraey School is Call 847-236-9999 for an appointment. Do it. cancer care center itt tIte suburbsPe Bittci, Lutheran General lises- tienta willi cancer and anemia Awareness Day will be given to Please call Many 000krrskc ut lucir losid on rite spine is not sullicinnlly pnmireoiod una) uniur'y to itavc its own iit-itoase Apitere-pied blt,t,d bankttanager. "lt rttay receive transfasinos of red individuals alter ihey liare iheir iprrnsoring a community avide (8-17) 299-1900 ro schedule an may (recur. Cimnrribuiïng ro ibis wcaknovv and viraran on she track 9150 N. Crawford Ave. Skokie sis Center or patients undergo.saves tune (or oar patients and blood cells aniipiateiet.a, and PSA tests). blood drive. The girls will sup- nppointnterir.Wulk.indonnes urn a sedonlut'y lifestyle. punir postorn. improper simes. n(mesity. ply homemade baked goods fon sviti gladly be accommodated. ing bone martoss- transplants. The makes the process sitnpicr.' bone rrrarrvrsv transplant patients Free skin cancer and oral can- prior steeping positiomuw. aiuti iioprer lifting of heavy objrcms. Apheresis Center provides n con- trray send their donors for stem mer entons will be available en ali ditoors. Let,. matie this a eornmoniry To prevent back problems. esperes recommend tite following Apheresis is.,'IPirco to four renient space for tile Coiicctísss of ccii and platelet cohechos. Cancer Awareness Day. along Daite: Wednesday, April 25. effort!!flre donation of blmui wies: Stem cells. plasma and svitateboor process witere whole hissed ivitir individualized breast reif- l9i8) takes so little rutie but can help Posrurel Stand attui walk wills your back srraighr. shoulders not is coilected. spun titrougit a tria- lite Apilemos Ceoter is r NORWOOD CLINIC blood. rut esilioinstructionaridlulteop 'fime: 2:30 poi. ro 7:30 p.m ..save so many (ives. Giri Scout rosnlled, chin and pelvis tacked in. Avoid euaggerating be asta. cirine and1(1:11certain cottrpo- «iftiie CanccrCare Center facilIty Location: Gymuasiorrt at Nelson Before we bad tite Apiteeeis massages. Tiirse casons wilt be Troop (309 extend their orati raI eorvaaiore of tite spioe. or misplacing the conree of grasiby. if MASSAGE THERAPY oents t,f tire blood are reotosed. at Lotlrcratr Generai hlospirztl In Viola Elementary Sebil, 8901 UCENSED MASSAGE ThERAPIST Center. patients and ftmtily nteot- offeredona (irsi-coirre-firsr rode. you besant your pelvis (inward. autre your abaiotnen lo sag. er SpeciScaily ..'teto cells, piasota Park Ridge. lt houses four ciiir bers avould ltave to go to a bicstsd serve havis. adept ¡a ramrod miiiiaicy pasture. yea create a sw aylsarek, aoi,ther and svhoie binad. Once the blood stations, ont bed sratil,n, and a Wo Oliai a FiA Body Massage iSuC bank outside oftbe itospital to do- 11w- 9 io I 1:30 aro. lecture se- pixIe ternit of pii'iture. cotttyssneots rase been tenroved pros e dure rrottrr. Family practice physician For ROISXaIiOO, Inqovnment ni nate blood. Now, svltcn a patient rimsscIndes the following top- Sleeping: Avoid sa,Ir. nain atsotod or loropy orumitrevies be irisritd.tite r:ntaining Muscle lass & SSenth contes lo Liniterao Generai Htts- (rrorr liteApiteresisCenterriel- icy and speakers: 9 to 9:3(7 ata. - Sleep en your back oc yrmor vide. with your knee. armi) hips simght. bhtsrd is transfused baìk is tite pl- cortiesdonors (roto the vottrtttrisi- Adsarsccs io Cancer ltnalling appointed at Resurrection ly hoot. ,void sleeping on you: siurri.ochi. Basin Eady Maaaage - $15.00 pitals Coccr Cazo Center (nr licor. txeatnteot, their family october ty. 11or ittfotTttzltlOfl Ott donating presented by PatrickFeller, nmember of the Americao Atavie- Bending and Lifting: Learn rem bend ynro knees and hips. keep. Smedlib Mauage Ted i. lagiehii, M.D., has been Ing your hack straight when yeti lift somnloth,ng (loas) obyrcrsi ord000rcan come willi tbcni and lire Apitcrctir Centre at Lo- bled, call (847) 723-11070. lilO., Medical Inraging Center; appointed to Ibe masticati staff at irly of Fatnily Physicians. tine il- Pull Body Musaga should be lifted s'ery clause ta' yerir body run a silla I greatlyeresia. 9:30 to IO a.ni.- "Genes and Revitmnecrion MeditaiC'entri, linois Aeaaletrty of 1-unoly Puy. ng lie pressure ori spittai alisen. Use your nenia anal le muouaalns i COUPON Cancer The Role of IlCrndiry 7435 Wear 'fadcott Aventi:. s,ctans ini.l Iba, Aructicami AFTER INITIAL MASSAGE Weight control &refractive presented by Sent bisous, MS., Or. Jagicin. of Long Grove, College of Spvrra Medicine, ho lift - nor yac hack. Srniilaaly. avervi using your l'arak rim posh or ASSOCIATED pail. lmvstenul, arc your itbele bvsiy wrrh knees arai (ups slightly genelics counselor,Lutbetau received his bachelor's degree BODYWORK AT $15.00 bent. Gcaerd Iiaivpitai. IO tir 0:3(1 from Loyola Uniocesiry Chica. Dr. lagiclo n in practice oli, & MASSAGE RECEIVE SECOND MASSAGE FREE eye surgery lectures If you (uve aofkeeui a bad injury. dent delaybloat sOrItes. aal. - "Lung Cancer: Chairgirig go, aod his roerlical degrce frvrtri Dr, Steven i'earlriian PROFESSIONALS aniS Dr. reemivtr with v'omtsees'arivc rre'arn,eol. but treatment u. most cifto' ._ ._ a,- Lutltetan Onneaul Hospitals eral Hospital. This entertaining opitritaimoiogisr, deparirneotil lrendÇ ineseored by Jetnt Olak. the University of lilinoi- Chi. Parwan Sctiiï of Talcoft l'nintary rive oben care as initiated sia saxos as pemsaiblo. alter inlany, To ro. spring 1999 Health and Happi. presentatron will torcal the bear surgeryLutheranGcocroiHrespi- hID.. divisioti of riaorack vor- mago. Fir completed baiilt an in. Carte, LLC. 'finer oliScos use io- Pinono For Appt. (773) 763.4081 neu lecture unties will conclude elect-cot lips pemiainingto weight Oc:)'. Lutheran Generai Hospi cetso a coniplinioniary ,pinal esami ri, ulcintrorec if cuviers alise rai. Persons subo atteod titis pros- tership and a residency at Lu- eared io Chicagms at 7447 West treatment coulai annE (ve you. call Dr. Rhan at 027.563v BMO N. MILWAUKEI AYE. CHICAGO, IL 60645 itt Aprii with lectures Focusing tts ntanrtgemcnt and will ototivatr enrolan sviil learn about retroc- ttti;10:30 roi L sin. .Lahcsr beton Generad }Iaavpiral in Park Tala-oit Asean:, Apgurinrrnentr weight contasti atad vision corree- tite audience ro try these weight tise procedures mvi whether they Methods iiil)i.lh'nissiiihiBreast Ridge. Or. Jagicio is board cern- can be nade by calling 773.763. tian surgery. contesti opriitns. arc candidates (or Lasik vision Caitcer presented (i) Nicholas (leal In family practice. ile is a 3508, Do you want to eat healthy, Tite (ree cducutinrsal programs 'Lasik Laser Vision Cunee- cormeetil,n. which cao resait In harinas, M.D.. niedtcal director. will be offered Peson 7 to 8:30 tinti' will be dircusicil Tuesday, irts or no reliance ira glasses or martittrogr;iplsy. Loiberan Genti- but don't have time to cook? p.nt. Tuesdays in Olson Auditari. Aprrl 20, by Jarrics Katz. hID., contacts. al Ilospital: and I i lai I 1:311 arti DARN HOLISTIC HEALTH ont at Lsttherau Generai Hospital, . Is My JobKillingMe? Seottle Sutton's Healthy Eating lii,ia- ro Use Alternative Mciii- Eiwrience Your Healing Lite Energ! 1775 DempstecSt.. l'urli Ridpe. cdv for Bttrcr lleititbpicacitiesi Q.Ei'e,'aoneinirtyoui': ir yen think you woib. in a ¡ainsI ss'hal you are looking for! 'litelectures,wltich(rature by Dirimid Niiroy Ml).. medi- gern scia a lare, 0iier iltim Oriior "sich' building. lb: first thing tam ForThe Holistichealth speakers froto Luther-an Gene:- Using Your Heart Rate lecture cal direcioe, Comnpletrietti.iry rhor/tiorO it at ".tickhl,ilafaiiX.' alo ir s bi aon dante tam tsk an 21 Complete Freshly larepared lIO0rOdUCO()ry Offer uistiteaiicalansiptofessionai Meaiiv'inc Center. l('harrcaa,, ¡du? ether catees. Titar done, canvass Yoga+ Tal.dui +Meutatien+Breathing Tethnlques staffs, arc part of the ltospitai's 11111) Family Medical Center rely disease is related tulimait >aiuroiike to rind amor aah,aelse is healthy Meals per Week lo aaidiiìimn, irriterpuynolaos A A rich hurliitrg o nom to Manual Clarily. IN6IiKII Si011iI. ongoing comotitatsettt ta ptevcn- will sponsor be free corrrrttrtniry rate. A quesriiitdanswerretinal nod health caerprolcs.sia)nal( raidit puait Seshilatiioni sysheots -- sniffling. and keep a recaed '1 uIl Callfor Noihinp irwen or dried $5.00 off tise iteallb cate md sceilness. ietore, 'Using Your Ileart Rare" 51(11 Ire included in the prescrita- will (re available ro noamuer 90es- ofrco nccvimrupanicd by sandows health cotnmplatìmht.s. li cnaiugh o R.11an, fnsu. . Nlriii, Resoesatittos are requited. Vet lin tuesday, Aprii i3, at 5:30 italo, yola ame ailIng, talk ro 5asran brasa. b,aiin, lis,a.ii mpm,. Reservation No Girnmiks and rions about breast, ptvrsiate. cal- iiiatalonoto5ien-- failtockanrhhe Your Firsi Order! atore iníorotation, calii -8(85.3- p.m. and l'uesiby, Aprii 2(1. at 12 Speaking at lie ieçtorc will Ira, recetai. gynceoloijic. bead and aie naielaateiy.ca1utsing di:armncr.i. vaho can pLu,- e a call ro your starte mluihiu S ht.su .11 No Cottiracis to Sign Al)VOCATI( ll-Si)O.323-o522j. pta. al the Prairie Lakes Cmrtrtmna. Paul Bcrgrrian, MS. CSCS. ccziI ncr-k, lung and iliti c.utcer,., headatbes.abalear am,]earn be-,tidr ikpanrrrent tus sur ubether ltmree patbtng is available in tite lc,t nity Center, a Ilteilíty rif tite l3es fied diabetei educator, eseretse vlii:s low building wa.rrantsatn macsir. I)eliser As ilal,lc Displays. videotapes presenta- aught ironcbleevh,Suini: notilt o(Detnpstce Street. Fl:itnes Pack i)istrict ,,SIS Fart piiysìoiotist, attd Sopetaisor vil litIos, beatclrurea and aptar-date you Is'iar(, in ont of rbe esiìnm.aued galion,malvisesl.aniktRosen. (847) 998-1377 io ilotite or ()ftîce On Tuesday. Aprii i 3. the (op. (hacker in l)eslïoines. holy lmairriii)'a Cudiiipuirtrnnac) iomorttratieOabituipresentlon Soperecnt sifoffice buildings that stasa,la. M.D.. director of ibe Na- 2h30 COU Rd.. Cienviesc lt s k-, 'Yns. You Cart! 'rert Top lips hic lecture will include irfiir- Rmiiahilitatiain Frogranr. unii canly detectIon of Saitsitas amenI healthy: l'bere'r tau ntrvi- ritorni Institute lot (kmapratioraa( (TalIsman VOlk5,) For More information for W:igiil Cewleol." miii Ist vi- trialisslr litt1141windirisirials Can liare traen io(iimmtiuosotu tC( lornnrs ofmarrceraito ma-tu be pesi- oras emane for' ytntn- sytnprutrnr: Safempanni Hmnith(NlOSiil Faut il ' ' .biik:I Call(847)635-0644 dressed by Gardon Ciotes, regis salely notI effectively use liter jaree fiar liii,- (roe program. please eidcd. Topics coveted include hep dissipare ia laco pante riel in mote infonnsatmoo, eN $10511 at lerci!dietitian,deparinteor tt (teller rate in an cscrcire prilgtarrt call tire DePlainea l'aiL District l5u 35-NIOSII. Or stair their ltW'Ou luiS 51) aural (III, LItt breutt. lung. Irtasl and neck. essi- tite hoMing; unti mosa of your a, I ill t i'.ttstitntCl ((((5 'al raliltIS (asid andnuinition, Lutheran Gen- and (rose the risk of cirrisnary nr- arkld7.3iJl-57I I. orectal, prostate und akin cancer, colleagues have simili: cour- Wehamte at:osaw.ede,r, y bone aranosa rranrplaets. teaM! pivots. -Oli; BUGIE, T1tUISI55', APRtt, i. itll PACK 13 PAGE 12 ThE BUCLE,TIItJRSDAY, APRILe, IUt9

= -w- w-- ..Ï t ' IW J w- TUGS., April 13 &27 Sefoek. LCSW, Ausoclale Coor- tomialloa, call Michael Orlatti, to purchase tickets, call Center . fRUtlMAGSU'l NonA She re JøwiahSJngI.a 50* ctinator 01 Bereavement SaMe- Oakton hosts Illinois Stage at Dominican University as, at (847) 467-7423. (708) 524-6951. 'Bus Stop' Continued tram Pogn ¡2 7:30 p.m. Bridge $3. Advanced at (708) 524-6942. & Intetmedlate, Call (847) 869- 'Day of Percussion' Sun., April11 Sun;, Apr. 17 April 23-24 13338. Gospel Choir Student Recital 'The House at Pooh Corner opens at NEIU CHURCH RUMMAGE SALE Ouklon Community Collego ¡hIva, slated tau perfornt are the DominIcan University presents Cantar Stageat Dominican A rummage aale sponsored by Concert to be will sorely feel tluc heat when the Oak t'açk Percussion tiosemblr, a Student Recital on Sunday. Universitypresentsproduc- Beginning April 1$ Iba Women of CastraI United illinois chapter of the Pcrconaivr tlirecaed by Drin Siting, tutti en' ApiS Il at 3 p.m. in the RecUa! dons The House at Pooh Cor- Homeopathy Methodist Church In Skokle will OnGoing presented Arts Society lt'ASI huulds ira an. sembles (tonn WtunelungIliglu HaS !ocated in the Fine Atte ner Saturday and Sunday, SchuuolantINons Tticr High Dr. Daniel Messali has recently be held on Ftiday, April 23, GriefSupport Groups North Park University presents nanI "Illinois Day of Pcrco.ss,on" April 17 end 18 at 3 p.m. In the Svhroal, avinneika, BuDding, 7900 West Division completed an extensive post- from 7:30 em, to 8 p.m.; und The Adult Beteavemerl Pro- "Aiu'C.a That Good News," a On campas from 8:30 ant-S pou. Street The Student Recital will Lund Audilodum located In the graduate program at the Na- Saturday, April 24. from 8:30 on Satnrulay. April 17. Auatioluigisi bluebIrd ,Saniucvi, Rna Arts building, 7900 West gram of Palliative CoraCentar roncen featuring North Park's feature solo and ensemble vo- Ssno! College of Chiropractic am. to noon. Sale will be held of the North Shore (HomeCare fu,nmicr arr! president ail Sonsa. StreetTicketsfor Gospel Clinic on Sunday, April Clinics und perforutunocca arr cal,plano, violin and guitar Division and has been certilied by the et 8237 Kenton Ave., Skokle (3 & Hospice) willhold 8week phonics Ifraring Consouvailon. works. The event ¡s free and Iba House at Pooh Comer I I , at 4 p.m., in Anderson Chap. scheduled tturoughout lire day al loe., will preseni a clinic about Nalionat Board of Homeopathic blochn North of Oakton SI.; 4 sessions of its Grief Supporl cl, which is located aI3225 Went open to the public. Eor more In- aro $6. For more information or hiedra East of Skoltie Blvd. (Cl- the Performing arts Crntet al heating prok'caion. Sanuuoxu has Examiners. Homeopathy treals Groupn at the organlzatlon'n PoslerAvcnuein Cltieago. cero);entranceon James Oakton'sDesl'taincscaRapas, ive keulwitt,tiuuoytccotdìn6 patents ailingfrom asthma. Evanston and Llbertyville otile- The Gospel Choir, under the Odve nids. Vatloua llamo Will 1600E. GolfRoaul. Participating ioadualingalitlteastae ansiety/depresslon, pain, alten- es: The Young Spouse G,iat direction ot Rollo Dilworth. will groups. HOMEOWNERS WANTED!!! beoffered,IncludInggood arc u roster of talented otusiciann, Boys, Atrunuttoth ;tnd Sn,a.luing lion deficit disorder. along wllh Suppott Group moore Mon- perform nunterouts Pieces, incItad- an array of other conditions. quality usedclothIng and days, 7-9 p.m. beginning April pttlfessionul and antatrur, incluul' Pumpkins. KiIYAKPOOLS ,s looking for demo homesites tó hoeuuehold llamo. ing "Loue," by Kirk Franklin, ing Chicago.htarn Dave Saouuuciu. Dr. Mossell Will beconducting 12 In Evanston, 2821 CenItal "Hr Has Maule Mr Glati," by PAS is a noo.pra,fla sais ace vs. a five week begInners humeo- the vibuaptuone player '! the von. ganítatioutul puattuotce almunia display our new"MAINTEWANGE FREE KA YAR St. The Spouse Grief Supped Rodney Pusey. antI "CIMa in- pathic course astillad lrmpouaryjaragrosplip,ua, und percussion tutough uts avorI,!. lntro- Group meets Tuesdays, 1-3 side" by Hezekialt \'/uiker, which POOL'"Save thousands of$$$ widi titis unique ductlon to Homeopathy Philos- Cyrus:Ildefonso "LIe'uk" Sat,u. ojale network of clmapuers LutaI p.m., beginningApril 13in will also be taughu to he aadi- opporwnhy! ophy and First Aidatthe Sun., Aprii 11 paio. u Btaiilïan prtcuassionasl chapters. un Win. a,,,k otitu PAS Evanslon,2821CentralSI. ence. In nululttion, tire choie wïtl Winnelka Community House JuMado SoIh,'slakandl-laroldHlldlnascenefrom 'Thssstop, NeethShon,JewlshSlnglesSOu- who han performed avuth Mules Clubs of junior hafta and luugh No The Adult Gtlef Support Group perform'Aiuu-aThatConti CALL NOW" Slatting April 13. Those Inter. a romantic me7tee' by Pulitzer P,Ize-winnlngplaywslght William i i am. Brunch at Sashan Dou- muela Wednesdays, 7-9 p.m.. Davis anal Lionel Hampton: and ,chom,l Kund u,uemlscus. estad may cati (647) 251-0044 bletrea Hotel, 9599 N. Skokie Newsy a traditional epirilual that local musician Jetfiltirely. mitose Inge. The play Is the fourth production of Northeastern Illinois beginning April 14 In Liberty- has been arranged into u contem- 'tire visit la, patiacupaue un lilt Il. tor more Information or stop by Universily's(NEIU) Slagecelttermroatros 1999 season. Blvd. RenetvatiOrts e maul. call villa. t18 W, Lake Si Titano 8- jalo quartri Was one of (our l'unnI. Itnois Day of i'ercuussuon is 55 (or I. his ottica located al 522 Poplar (847) 676-29Th Also. 2 p.m. pu)raty piece by Rollo Dilworth, isIs inlue 1995 Hentaeuscy Can' Theshownjns Thursdays Through $atwriays, Ap6føto 115 week support gtosps - along ¡mAS namunubets unit SII) last ron. Dr. In Wilmette. Walls with Notte Shore Jewish with Individual counseling and Tickets for lIre event may be (nne jan Searclu. onunthetstOa,t drum term . to I?, and221o24 at 7:30p.m. atNEJU'sStage Center Thealre, Singles at Weber Path. Call supped - are open Io tiro corn- purefauseulut the door. General FH, April 16 5500 Notlh SI. Louis Avenue, Chicago (near Bryn Mawr and Pearl Couperstioo saIl 1w tallIed Dreaming of (847) 699-8418. muolty.Regislrabon Isru- admission is SS: 53 for faculty. ''11 awl ninny door prises will l'o Medulloblastoma lecture Centrai Pam). Admlsslonis $8; sanlorcllizens andsfudento. $6. ciultort.PleasecullMarcio staff, seniors, nun-t4onh Park Mariusz J. Glab o Pool...? The Midwest Childrens Brain ,uivardrd mtntaaugli,aua the tis1. For fic*eiinfomtatlon, ettO lite Stage Center Box Office at (773) utudots, and free for Notth Park Navy Stanano RecrutS Ia. 'rackcuscaohe pstctuacedun ast. -:íi-i TumorCenleralLutheran 794-6652. West Central students mitlu tO. Free parkini ìs 40 General Children's Hospital will ruas,1.GLut,, son of Juliet an,! vati<. u,, at ihn al,n'ç Patuant w. BUCKLE avuilubleat l'ester tatui Kednr av. Iontaauaonana tmil puusliaso wI presentatreelectureon 'Bus Stop.' a romantic come- got sitsoded in a small Kansas Athletics honors Khryslyna Club nl Nulo,. trceot' tanes,Por mote information, saner livkr%s.tall Shier. 'Treatment tor Medulloblasto-dy brand on a rsul-li(c incident town andare forcedtonrunnin ints ly caanlyloteul US. Navy basic Iltot I -800-31 -KAYAK PNA . please curntaut the School o! Mu- traìnivgat Recrusat Training ditector of potciassuon sloulics at m& at 8 am. on Fri., April 16. observed by its anther, md Putit- roadside diner. Fulled with fosci- I sic ut 1773)244-5623. Cotonuanal, Grunt L,u'tauv, IL. Ovukton,aI 1K-1715-19- 1h10 featuring William Harisell, eccPrize-winningplaywright. noting und memorable chame- Weal Centrai Athtcctics will M.D., radiation oncologist. Lu- William Inge. is the fourth pro- tees. among us't,Om eccomi Pirad- honor Edwuod j. MontaI, Ptesi- Oraran General Hospilal. The dent of ho Polish Notional ¡SIli- NOWOPEN FORLUNCH ILOST 8P 0 U N O S . Susie's Family Hair Care duclion or Nonhrattem Illinois sftipt and romances caree. the Ficos 5 'evesIni,.1pm presentation, whIch is part ot a OSATI'S FICO! L 5attat ute,, .t WI' Unis'crsity'n (NIIUI Stage Con- plays ptimarj plot lacasen (un a allen IPNA). und Richard Pia. s_ ttwn . uso AND GAINED lo IRIENDS. Mother tree sedes for the public, care- tn'Thruuon tlillliseason. yoett5 nunctuerwho rails (oran as- neeki, PNA SportsDiteclor. givers, physicians. nurses and pirlag tounge singer. HEIU grad- witlt induction on Aptil Il, into s_o puta,, Oes ptuu,, Srt in 1955. 'ßus Stop is the Punk e.ttg., cheutgn and health care professionals, will story al a group of weary used- nate student. Kevin Lung. directs the orgatuizatinu's Hull nl Punie $6A4Gu L Maite., Gun,. be held In Room 109 of the cm, who became ola nnowntonn Ibis production. for tIroir ttruny years of ulrdìal. CntlppThhu Pau$c Victor Yacktman Children's Pa- Gua nun tirut Daughter eut service. .pu=ktlhaptnt 'Udite,, .82e. ll,uu t)aiuo,s sillon of Lutheran General Chll The West Central Athletics . ., Dw . Uaalwitle.s Duo drene Houptial. For more infor- 'Expressions in Clay' Hall ofFame recognizes indiuM- Deanna Susie maton. call (847) 723.5105. (847) 825-5856 $500 unIs who have ratatributed to ils 816e, Miln,oukno Ann. MILES . FoU Body çq All success ja git'inyoungsters the Wed., Apr. 21 opens atOakton opportunity 10 become bouler COUPON . Waxing Chemical Services MEN'S i I.. . Facials tndadItlJdfoht1ng - Arthritis Therapies A ceramics eshibit. llapan- ton's Ort dOpaulmOat studio. He athletes untI human beings. 'flte HAIRCUTS The Arthritis Foundation, Pullula National Alliuttee haus. . Manicure Pmtn - Calor sinos in Clay.' will he pronted will strate slides o( his moulu, Greater Chicago Chapter, and through April 30 ut the William paul und puesent. anti ulrmon- sistcd tite oegiuninstios general- w, oruisn gouu tu t*ìoy Iu,ruutasn'. Cola Pm Zíuvmtuntuo. 841190. -Pedicure 10% OFFANY St. Anihony Hospital, Center A. Koehntinc Gallery at Cabton strate his throwing techniques. ly. butt has bree of panicularas' 3°°OFF tIlt o,utnnl daraco fivotu t 115 stotuO JananretetI at .highlighting Waxing Services for Heallhy AgIng group, will Community College,600 E. inctudiag platters lorgr joue and siatuace in a jaint senuwe truc ,L55u. Fo, 30 roar, ,.t'.t Nies PO Pro (wann 1. IM T1Cadomr Daly co-sponsoralectureand the assembly ot throwa pans to throw ann three-point shooting. ON ANY EXTRA LARGE PIZZA nu,v.dsunrt uh.nssaa'4, su '.vutuu 1a,k Oars 3571 . Perms fltjl Gol( Road. Des Plaines. ,uuun uuntn,,,a wut mud eter un.y va.., ilrttse. brealdast meeting on Wed., Lket mOrIto,, edrado u.*rkauju ,Ov4nfl 10 Ct,I-u.',uoA.0 .N,lvu create uniqac rorns. tfrwill This is tite twentieth year that mutuo, ni npmdat. Con menan put We.t tot uraEnpnunu anoo.s COcSIJLTATIOP FOR Si'Eca.L OCCASIONS April 2f from 8-10 am. In Con- 'Oto cohibit will (mmm cc- also discuss dirrerent aspcctn of West Central Athielico has cou' boati heop ov r,, urn! avnnarO a 443 pus ii,, t. l5.,us.IC vin Ist tarasco Room 8. Brealdast will 9229 Waukegan Rot. Morion Grouc, IL metles cucated by Peter Hessem- Working with porcelain. ube for- dueted its programs. 'thepeu. L ROSATI'S 825-5855 -J CaS tor uilOiuI'atioil tui,oíu,, 4.. .1 hi i tout Issu Ilsuo: Mon-Fri 9.7: Sal. 9-6; Closcd Sunday (547) 6630123 begin et B a.m. and Or. Y. Lar- dr-Heidi Grow andPatrick mnlatinn and production of poe- flinty goal of West Central Ath tratanaiwl. rheumatologist, will Miceti. there (acuity members or retain bottles sod hrn otethotlu nf Idles has always hera to provide NOW OPEN lecture on New Therapies tor Oaklon's art department. joining for Arthritis at 8:30 am. Reglaira- dccoraiing. Other topics to be anorguniacul atmosphere rDUNlCIN j as ' RobbIn tIte cttibit on April 19 will be young people ta become out- et n,3I hon larequired. To register, covered inclode marketing strut- uriwark by Tom Colrnuan. a tun- IDQIUT$' kr&rstmc.Nasmrf Men's call (773) 66-31. ogles und tow to tobe pluolo' standing athletes of the year. ITSWORThThITRIP, tionally recuttuirctl trotter graytta uluat will lucip tIte uOit,l The leagues luave always beco blAiR known rar his Vegas Copper exhibits and aridmulti.rarual, STUDIO IONlkOA71ON)COMptgULYRgMODlkIDVlul mir au 6343 N. Mutwwutsl( DtvOe. Nstail - (ttuO,uW llinentryinto nsalti-ettteic I'Itc latest Divorce Rights Kattyn C. Lair Red Glares. mit gluias and poe- sttowu, CalI 1547) 63y-lll® to which allows tIto yttttnpeople ¿le DAY SPA - 17m) 7&o.7tøl .ul47,! PhI t Ib'tanu cetuin work. A special an'cpuinn, legisle, for the ss'orlcsluop. rece au early ttppurrttunity tut cortlyrte hair cutn'm5 PROTECTING MEN'S RIGHTS Army Put. Kuttyn C. Lair bus íreattui tupen to the public. is :0e 510 for one day and $90 fat und sociuline wittu others (turm Cctlou'ingPernring 6FREE IONUT5 rntavd busic mifìtuxy training at Ir WHIM DOlIN ut .u.zuwuti un nut IUOLuA fltOl uclunduledfrote5-7 p.m. un butti, days. Luncit is included un eaglet1 cultural eapeulcncos 7750 N. Milwaukee Ave., Higtilightioug, II- -il . Child Custody FortJackson, Colunihio. S.C. April 24. the fee. Lougres baso been onuluuted Daring tl IL 60648 II $100 OFF iLB. OFRGui..rt s vigil ureks of ruin- 'flucre le no autorisuinn cloepo in basketball, volleyball. floor NUes, European 1adaln, I Property Disputes ini, ihr uoldïcr wilt study tttc Coknun vilI present a Iwut- II OR day tunthuluop troto IO rout. Pur tite Kopreesions in Clay cx- hockey tuod softball for lun)ami (RAYVAN PLAZA ystitti face lin 0 Army miutioc und will reccivv - t FLAVORED COFFEE Support Problems p.nu. urn April 24 und 25 at Oak- luibit. TIe pabtic 'o insilcul to en- 6111e from .5th untI litt, $tatic nuIrartion irr drill arel emerso. Wasitug Electrolysis IL il joylbenhihit duttn re1ular The kYcat Central ,%tt4ctke I.99C B OX. PLAIN (REAM CHEESEI 19 S. La Salto St., 0450 CHICAGO, ILUNOIS 60603 flics, wruponu map reediay lue- Collet)' boum: Monday. Tacs- We sIno tuch amenicen & Martjcttr & l'edieture I tiev_ tijititaty evuncoy, niiliuuy Hall nl Fanur t)ance seul luniuru- I i WThPUBCKAStO II 312t807-3990 or 708/296-8475 Adam C. Fiedler duyundFrtduyfrom Unni-I lion will tutte ltic urn Satukiny, european coamelicu; justice, pftyeiral liber-o. first ski, 1r p.ta. and Wednesday and Thora. April 17. 7 p.m at the l'NA Fra' MURAD, REPECHAGE. 1O%OFICECREAM I Mey hiutoly and tmdìtàvao. and Marine Lance Cpi. Adam C. day front lOatn. - O put. I ApUVBASKIPIROIIIPIUPURCHASI ATTORNEY AT LAW recast Center, 6OHI 14. Cuccro MATRIX ESSENTIALS; t I sycciut usinins itt bunten sria- Fiedler, suluoucwire. Stac. lu Por more infotnintiurn about Ave.. Cluicego, IL. 'rekrts nie (847 ) 965-8383 (.MIMIMUM$113,P8PURCHA$II JEFFERY M. LEVING tiono. Lair is tie duaghtot al Me- tIte daughter o( Joyce I.. Moor- iluc ceramics eubibit. call 1647) BIOLAGE.VAVOOM SIg per perron. llar d'oeuvres i-moO ad. Ltmau S urdut. pui turm. HELPED WRITE ThE 1986 JOINT CUSTODY *.AW ghun 1. Tambornisu el Menos ntan o( I)s Plaines. recently 033-2633. Ma.i Urooc sod Phil I. Tambominu gndas4 born ibe Radar Repair and daucing rue incluudcui, A *td, .thu, 01ko,. EotIs'ot. cash tuoi will be available. L.. J WWWLCO of Nmris. blunt, Courre. Cutuulnuued en Puer 13 PAGE 14 ThE BUGLE. ThURSDAY, APRIL t«ofl( Id e - i N-Î J *--t:.-I:* i u-m s-1: The Jim Big Band Dance Student dance concert . The New Oratorio 'Weavermania' at Benefit at Holy Cross Soreng Family Singers to perform Thc Band Beosters at Holy inavariety of styles night he heard a doctor cream- Cross-High School cordially in- -Friendship Concerts . The Bcnefitfor Jim Sarong The New Oratorio Singers ss/lt wilt be heldno Sunday April mend that his ventilator be re- plus Pale/ce Michels-Bedi. EoiIy vite all students-- adults sec al,,, A east featuring fo,,r o/CInici,- lite. will Ioats,o ho taler/ah that mused becausethere was no celebrate t/re spring penino nf Lodine. Calland Mets sod Doug- welco,oc .. loa Big Band Dance. /1,_sr,r,isl noted lolk-slylo por- ic-a.s suivicquonlhy popularisod by is, 1999. 4-lO p.m. D/nner- En- tiroir 20thanniversary rearen tcrtinmrnt. Auct/on. hope. Jim wanted to scream, las Aedcrsoo April lb at 7 :31) Swing in the Big Band sounds of lorntors.MicI,aolSrt,i,l,,Tino, tb,e Kiogolon It,,, rod Poter. Pa,,l Silent when Music Director Alan Hea- Tickets arc $25 each. Mrga Ruf. Nu. Im Sl/II Alive! Dent Give p.m. and April 18 at 7 p.m. Both, tIte 40s as rundered by the award- Dundee. BarbaraBart,,w and od Ma,y. Up On Met Iheringtun eunducts tite chorus in perferniances will bu at Divine Winning Fluly Crus.s Crusader Mark Dc,n-.,l, will proses,n, pry. 1/cLots Soc SIIin adsance. tic flcknts am SlOE each, only two performances of Johann Se- 1.000ticketswil/ Inc sold. SVuol Chapel. 2/hOI Wankugan Ja,,i. Band, The dt,teis Friday. view perf,,mrt,nee oían aullrcoinc s I 3 ai I,o dnn,,r and In,rnull, agos J/m Was employed by the bastion BochsSt John Passi,,n. $10,000 Pr/ze or 10% of money Road.Tecttoy. Illinois. April t 6 at 7:30 p.0,. The piace is ro-ercat,on ofAocricas first an,l 7. I 7 lickols ile SI,. 'licloo,n las Archdiocese of Chicago where Jein Maestro Heatheringten. co/freud. Mini Raffle arc 6 fer th,e Holy Cross cafe at 30(51 N. trittst c,r,,,latcd folk group. bc be t,urcltcsc«l r1 po cnnn r by he worked at the Catltntic reme- the 120-voicecritically ac- Dont miss the opportunity to 80th As-c. io Ricer Grove. Per/nd Weavers. inn Frid.ty, April ')./l pht,ne frit,,, 1hz 3.-Ir, Ponnpoc, Park $5 er SIeec/s.Prizes arc teries und by St. Juliana School clainted chnrus, .4,s Vit-a! Or. Under partake of tt,is n,usical n,astcr- dress is encouraged hut ottt re- p.rn. a, I'rícvdsb,ip Ci,ncert Hall. t)i,,r,c tinlOec . .1 II S Shaplo .0,,. $1,000, $500 $250/2). as a night costndiau.Hiu huspi- chestra, proFessional soloists picco.Call$471604-1067fur quined. Admission is $3. tns,tue- Kclpin and t'nIgro,n h(c,ds. Staunt l'r,is pvc, tir -121) SV. lk-,,,p. lito Big Top, Notre Dame High talizatiuo and disability IXPC/itS Kurt Hausen as The Er-uoglis. tickets and for inívrmation aboul t,,rs trill be oca/labio te teach evo. t)osl'lainy,. nor St.. Mount P,nnspect. Call SchreI, 7655 W. Dumpster, ¡dc. svere only good for six months: Peter Van Dc Graaff sa frs,,,. CDc. 17'OuetI,c dances This dr.,nutic rondorio"f t, (4.17/ 255.5351n f,n, asId,,,n,nal n- as, Illinois. these bendito cap/red February ,,f the 40's. In July eI ¡998, Jim Sarong l'roeoeds te/Il lar Osud to teip dc- Vcavors cnnnce,r. tncicdìng o- tin on a in, n Ist!His prnjectcd hospitalizo- fray enpeosrs of tl,e t'toly Cro-vs .- was stricken w/th Guilt/an Barre tien at the ELM Specialty ¡-tos- Syndrome. Wit/tintwenty-four Participants invited bonds conlpctiog io S,. l.00,s lot- platt itt Hinnctale is six to tn-else Cr titisyear. hauts lic was entrapped in his more months and then he sviti for Automotion '99 Dominicanpresents 'The bedy, unable tu comntunicatc begin to rehabilitate fer a year. and teta/ly paralyzed. He could DomÏnkan Chorus flat osase any part of his body: For tickets/rattle information. OnMay Sand l6.autornths- torcycle shows. Autonsution9/) to perform 'Tite House at Pooh Corner' hr could not caen open h/s eyes. pleasemotad DianaLaske siasts. swap nteet vcndors and will feature an expanded Swap Spring-Rain' Concert but be could still beso svhat was (773) 774-5976 or Ants Mnmm- ¡Irene selling scIndes ase invitrd Meet. Because the new lncati,,n Cooler StageatDn,r,tnvn.,u Corto: Stagc-., tDcnn,,nican happeningaroundhim.One seo /847) 779-8617. te ¡minie/pate in Auton,otieu /N, has locked gates ovemigl,t. sen- ll,eDominicanUuiversity lin,vorsity presents prtslu.t,inon Un,vcrn,ty is «t,rcctoit by 3.11 and Wisconsin Dells premier spring lars can leave their hereby ser-op Chor, so- ill perforo, "Tito lite t/nsse at Posnh CorserS,,t- 3.trcioacl P,,chtln,an Ccotor Suago A sudøntdancecOnOrt sponsoredbyNoflheast&mlillnoIs Universitjts (NEll)) Depailment o/Mus/e auto shost and ssoap meet. T,, throughout ,hc-so eckcntl. Pvc ay- St'ting.R,,nConcert on 3.1,,,,. urdoy and Sondan-.. 'ipr,/7 tod ny tnttorng .1 full so_nino nf (mr/or. nteet one selling auto-reLeedtonus. lii at 3 andthe Dance Program willbepresentedln the un!verslty'sauditol/um on FtidayandSaturday, Ap,/l 16 Symphony II Ire grrtwing needs of boll, dtty, April 19 at 73il p.m. u lut in tino Lunil Asil,tin,i. mancos .,t t)snntintcanflic 5ct participants and spectators, Au,,,- spaces arcavailable for 530/ Recital Itohlocatod n tIto U,no u,,, t,utaiod in thc P,no n\tts htaitnh- pcllinrn,anccofI tcsocsnnnis and 17a18pm. butin099 basrelocatedt,, space. For lite scc,,nd year. Auto- 'lt. 791/I \Vos, I) sic,,, s Si,00l. Cindc,olt.i members as "rl-o Botld,n5. l'A/I) Dtt-i- The program Includes choreography In a variety a/sty/as by currant andguest faculty April 25 Concert Hoalts Ark Watcrpak in Wis. rrl,tt,,,u9') scilt alt,, ,,ífer a e.,, ston St,ecl. lito perforrrrnnco ts,li Innotint ont,ro I.innly wet/as works by student choreographers. Symphony II will present ils Conductor Larry Rachtcff und eansin Dells. corral f,r anyone wisi,ing ,,, sell a includo works writler obsto, tIno 11w llnnusya,l'iitnln Coroor. TinnLots I,.r' llcclitio-soal NE/U 1 located at 5500 North St. Lou/s Avenue. Chicago (near Bryn Mawrand Central Park). Free second conreo uf the 191/9 Sea. will feature Pianu soluist Jeffrey throughout the wecknd. oser yel,iele. Spares ¿sto acailablo ter joys 01 rain. tollsi/ncslirry'1 Clirnslnipiutr Pooh Corncrtire $6. li,, moro pw*)ng Is ave/tabla In Lot D at the notlhwest comer o/the campus. (look for the larga blue end while seo on Sunday evening. April 25 Siegel. The prograni will consist $51X10 in cash, and prizes will be .520, lho evont is tree and upen to Ritlnin and into liv i,c e,lioar,. lta ,ntntoiuins in, purtliaso lid.. sign thatreads ivortheastem lIJinois University). Adm/sslonis$8;saniorclt/zensandstudent$ $5. For ut Evanstons Pick.Staiger Hall. of Overture:LaCorsaire by awaedrd to Automation 99 par. Interested participants sl,euld tl,e public. For ,o,,rc info,,narion. be s boot im soni atu-ay litEd- ors. call Conter St.tgc a, Ds,toin,- uca,,on." Nobody roahly botitos moreinfonnal/on. conlactAachelßu,tonat(T73) 794-6/38. This April ¡o Paris concert will HectorBerlioz..ClaudeDe- tic/pants. including n'ore than 90 contact An//c 3./roer at (60/) call Michael Oriatli. 17(10) 52.1- can Unis-erstyat 1711/i 524- be led by Mau/od Director and hussy's La Mer' and two Getsh- troplies in 38 classes. New ¡1,/y 254-/oils. 695 h. osaclly wltator o-Itero that/v. 6042. / - ..- s-io selections .Rhapsody In yearare three moto,eycte classes. Benvenuti da Blue and Lullabye" . n trthute lo addition trs prizes. each, panici- ld.e T47aw4 tehis tOO-year anniversary. pat/ng eshibitor will receive 'n Symphnny ¡L an ensemble Altraction Card good for toe free - ??tizb made up primarihy of musicians admissinu te 12 different arca ut- ¡cretinos, Por-rcgisttatiun is er,- jiuJrL EOi 1mm the Lyric Opera of Chiage - Burgers Santtwncliors * o al Orchestra, was Fiancer Press Mu. couragcd and discounts apply to I-lot Dogs 7151 W. Fet cbkao . 773.763.9100 : A beauhful banquet room, overlooking the sic Cr/tie Dorothy Audries che/cc all vehicles that pro-register prier Italnl,n tlel k 7F OWZ .CCiVt4EV fut the I 998 Bent uf North Shete trIMa)- I. PolisI, Sausage Coces,, Erses &4j41 ' historic Tam golf course. Located at 6676 b/ar/c. Ihr 1999 Canecen Series Clubs thor pee-register 5-30 Cttnl, CttnCkn 1J,ecrst ttBated the Best by Chicago Magazint . is esco better and promises te carsby Muy twill buentered iou r : HowardSt., in Nues. Specializing in parties preside a rich und enciting mss,- drawing tu win S200cash. Claim r,/"UL8lJ LItI111 COUPON 70 items. including appetizerspizaa pastas cat tribuic le ils foundrr, tire late that prr-regisler 31 or more ears meatsseafoodsdessertsfresh fruit : of up to 150, availablefor Weddings,' Temuta Bender Abrams, Te by May I. mill be entered in a Qi)ìdi1 th Oìr1 H0TDOGs&FRIES $435 $6.75 (or arak (Moay tiaoogh Fnday/ ' IWITHALLTHETRIMMINGS ' showers, quote MS. Andrres, hope this drawing to sr.ir, S300 cash. Clubs I .rc, /7.95 1w dim« ffwday th,oah Thary) Holidayparties,business will be the season to get te boum than pro-register 20 or lucre ears u1-l'j $938 lo dimes baílt ltidy & Srnday) by May I. will rece/sr three free LLIM4 rn. a,attabt vy tenth aad dIna tttisuutstandiug ensemble." !)jì1i& n j Rta meetings and more.Foradditional For resernatinns roonlstobeuscsiMuy l-taud IS. 10% SenIor Citizen DIscount (Sao lawh vke o nng bikt on Sftnby) call l8) information or to view the room, call 866.6888. In addition to the au,,, and r,,,- FAST DELIVERY _f=i Hours: Pdon.S-nt 11:30 am. 6 pro. Closed Sun, .&_ SaA,da L Seedq : AU OAVDELIVEF1S'& CARRY our Heritage Club - 847-470-9985 aeas4 5 INC4C (847) 581-3120 965-1022 9101 N.Milwaukee Ave., Niles of Polish MILWAUKEE &QREENWOOD - - r BANQUEtS FOR UPTO 300 PEOPLE T Open or tmtch & DnncTuesday Thea Sunday Americans gala A LWAYS oPEN Grand Opening You, Local SupporClub with ¡ho The Heritage Club of Pohih Advertise Celebration fltinueS ,_ Froshest Fluh an the No,lhwcnt Side Americans rn/Il bald its gaia East- Your Eatery -:- -;. SPECIAL. LHA/SLIVE MUSIC er "SsnieocenkuParty on Sun- TI1M{llkOSIRTAURAN1 -BUS qScuA1,6//emou 8a 8aOT,iO 7rnnIignn day. April t tt the House of tIte in suBWRY White Eaglelocatedat61139 The Bugle *infßLROSE SPINACI! 04%IELE7TES Lu Sat. ÇdWAu 8u.nan.Suow AaÁ.n-L.-'Am Nut-ittMiIvaukcc Avenue n COUPON 1 7150 N. Harlem (Itrntem & Touby) am50000 Dining "As Big as iBaseball Mitt r .lsw .Oi(I1 Hiles. This special panty wilt ea- L773) 775-5686 OSarJ.ApìI/SSfìL7 ô,ffq&9w.I&knn turc a five course dinner, 'el/sIt Guide & Popeyed vith Enough Spinach I I 6881 N. Milwaukee J1l61D3bS.UPD(SJbJi'rPw.taa Easter customs and dartre tosate tu"BUST .3. MIJSCI.E" PST 001.51/ . i/cu Sbor-r $i::oo (847) 588-1901) Ullal. IL 60J14 ./at.A.rnu/ uLm by Tout Ear/k and the parade of (847) 647.8282 SOUPS: Moho Bafichicken BioIISteont L Scar Cabba. I * OFF /romrtuartc Rastrrbonnets. Doors ANY REGULAR 'h'11 open at 12 noon and dinner Froth PliS Daily . WE SPECIAliZE IN PASTA & SuR PRY NSHES Bring In Ibtis coupon for S" OFF ihm bili ruwn 6" SUB FRIDAY FISH FRY 7, A1os(Zt 741$ Mvàcu Latin with suino will be served at t p.ttt. Ithu amount is $20.00 or trnnr,r on food irurchosos I FREE (ALI. YOU CAH EAT) Sat.24 ¿ea h/tlluwcd by drmce music and spe. 7201 N. Caldwefl, NHes, IL sur VALlI, 16Tht nl.iY OPIHO ('HUt * 050, CØUy,17i Pill t'U0/lns WHEN YOU PURCHASE .Bo,AFids:trlk, np/Sun rial activitirs. LLWv3tU-t-3nt J A SUB OF EQUAL OR GREATER VALUE Ihe publie is cordially iss,d (847) 5881500 $10.95 ílrst.usolsc t4mut.n.Ium to attend this party. 11m cast rs sut-t -THURS I lAM-I ¡PM FlU - SAT t lAiri.I2PM & T63tTh) 773.1406 3233 N. øtoadaiy, cltical. Illinois 6065? 1773) 327-2860 VMtD OWtY M 7IO6t. Him April 16 $23 per person. Reservations ase (847)965-4644 O06d 0w4tWI',s C$ DtlIER & OElE THE TONY SMITH SHOW required. To obtain tickets please 5035 II. Lincoln, Cblcoql, lIllonIn tO5 (773) 33-l-2112 = I.P060d .06000d00 0 wd06 SATU%OAT NIW4TS 9nt.1AM. call Adelior Halda ut (773> 736- 930 W. Selmooh. ChiC000, hibou 60651 (173) 1017901 8480 Golf Road Mies 5861. - P/GE 6 nEJJGE,wJRspW4.iw. tX!I7 The Lincoinwood Seniors Club ,. Seniors offered k low-cost TheLincolrtwood Seniors easy-to-use assessment of onesother important coucnpls. It is Club invites the coninrunity to personality style. learning style easy to use, easy to understand willpreparation join rhein ort Friday, April 16, or and perspective on life. lt pro- und simple to rcmrnther. And it ::: i :: :ess Attorneys tr«rtn 'l'ho Clmicrrgtt in Des l'laines. Advance 10:30 am. to hoer Sandra Lig- vides a way for us to commani- is fun, really fun! appntnr- crust lu,r drawing up a simple will BurAssociarina Lasvyer Referral nmenms arc rocbuited. l'lte prilgtisnt nell, Edocator with the Universi. cate more effectivelyvidr uth- The meeting will br held at NILES SENIOR CENTER REGISTRATION tu not ronco tian 550 for an indi- t)' of Illinois Entcnsion Service STROKE, ANEURYsM AND Service provide low-cost will is Scheduled the socuo«l Voutnes- vidual (575 frira coupk), ers,and helpu us understand the Lincalns000d VillageHall Tire Nerv Nibs Senior Center, now opon at 999 Civic Center proprtrntioo speak on the topic of The Lan- why OSTEOPOROSIS SCREENINGS tltroughitsSctiittr day olevory urhcr m,ntlr sobena Seniors cas puck rip IMitable peuplemuysotttetimrs Council Chantbers, 6900 N. Lin- Drive, beltiird 6to Village Hall, -nerabs residents of the Village Citizens Will logramt for quali- guagn of Colors. have-troublecommunicating coIn Avenue, Liucolttwnod. Life Line Screening otfert painless. non-invasive. lowcost minimum nutmht-r of appoior- Power of Auroroey and l,is'ioy of Niles age 62 and over, and their younger spouses. To mgis- lying limircd-incotno seniors meors isso hedu!cd. Sconits can Pirasejoin rts fer an caverne- with us. lt provides u franrewnrk TheLincolns000d Seniors ncrceniog tests to identify people who are at risk for stroke, ab- at 'ill forros Irre ofclrargcor boy ter for classes, trips, purchasing tickets. etc.. you need ta be a dominaI aurtic aneurysm, ostcopomsis. and peripheral arterial tite City uf Des Plaines Senior coil >847) 391-S-192 mo iclicitirir tutus litro rho urtuirnoy ut lyinterestingmeeting.Our tu understand marital or dating Club invites the cammunity juin ntember of the Hiles Snttior Ceorer. lfyou are interested n oh- r retluccd disease, Screenings will be conducted from 9 to 4p.m. on Pri- Center beaten at SiS W. Tttackrr an appointment, fcc to hclp thom bill cur bw (ortruv speaker will help us to under- relationships. at-risk youtlt. drug hem no Theuday, April 20, fur taming additional Senior Center informatico, or you wtslt to day, April 9: and Saturday, April lOE, in the Plaine View Corn- To he eligible, clicors uttait ho' aodesplaisrii.e v.srinucopriorrs, stand ourselves and others in a use, leadershipskills, earn un Untouchables Tour of Chica- becomr a ntcmber call or visit the Center and he placed ou the irrora complete sway.ltis au building, stress management and go. the Museum nf Broadcast munity Center. Appointments are required for each IOto IS Home Sharing age (mO or irver inuit incotrtcn of litoSoriane Citiicos b'tlt l'io. mailing bist. minute test, Call l-800-379-3659 to register. Four different SIS_101o or less 1520,000 kir a t:r,1r iv spiluusorrri by 'hic Cliii,,' Communications und for u fami- TOUR OF ThE NEW CENTER OFFERED ly style luncheon at the House of types oftest will he offered: Program c«tupbc>.ss'irttassetssvt,rtlrus go lIt, ,vsoc«aruris lnsyrr Rc- Make reservations furono orbe scheduled tours ofour new ntotc SeúiorNet Classes Fortune in Cltinatuwn. I)The stroke test consists of an ultrasoundcuran of mho tian 53(1,00), escbnding a terral Sorcier, the Sohurt,anArczu facility in April: Thursday, April 8, Tuesday, April 20, or Fri- carotid armories is the neck, to screen for plaque deposits that flic ConterofCuncern ctwrdi. honre und personal car. Agency on Aging amt risc Cook The cost of S48 members $49 tbay. April 30. Tours available in iIte morning and afternoon. can inicrrn«pt be main blood supply to the brain. flate.s a Homo Sharing Prtrgrrtnr Semtors willrecoivo a froc. County Lcg.rl Asisrancc Fijos. guestsincludesUntnucltrthles tltatmight registrationunderway Call the Senior Center at 588-8420 to register. The aneurysm screening test consisis of an ultrasound ItlIyour needs. will-relatedcvnsultatiott 'lire dation. fascinating tour of tIte hot spots SPECIAL SENIOR AFTERNOON enormi of the abdominal aorta in tite oridsectios of timo body. Through the itt,tne sharingpro. said Eutin Froimark, the Senior- made famous by Chicago crime Please remember to set aside Sunday, April 25 for nur Spe- The Skokie SeniorNet Learn- An ultrasound onset is performed foe osteoporosis by gram,'flm Conrcrsccures places. Net Site Manager at Kaplan. "In legends, a loor of tIte Museutn ing Center, located at the Mayer rial Senior A(tern000. Displays, Activities. and Performances snaming the bene density in the heel. screens ¡inri narchos ltrtmeusvn. Trident Senior Men Knplan Jewish Community Cen- nur program, participants will be of Broadcast Communications, a -- not to mention Refreshments! erS «s'kbextra space 4> Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is screened for ¡o tite in heir ter (5050 W. Church St.. Skokie). able to successfully learn in a family styleluncheonat the VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR APRIL 25 lower Ios with the use nf blood pressure cuffs anda Doppler bornes with individuals wlttt oecd Bowling/Niles Bowl is now registering students fur its comfortable, non-intimidating an- House of Fortune in Chinatown Volunteers will he needed to assist at tite April 25 Special affordable Itousing. Retort-ores und transportation (Dcluue Mo- probe. spring SrniorNct classes which ntasphere." Senior Afiernuon Eseor. Wc will nrdd volunteers to serve as are thoeoughlycb«t-ckcd. %Vod., March 2-4, 1999 I 5 F.l).if t'oit All classea will be taught by toreaseIs). Those tests may rango in cost from $200 to $500 each, de- are scheduled to begin on Mon- orhcts and to help with refreultmemrts. Anyone whtt may be in- pending upon the medical facility in which they 'Otis service i,, available to tI! lbNtincr'sTc,rni dayApnil 12. volunteer iustruclnrs who portici. Departure tinto is 9:30 anm. crested sltould siga np ssith Mary Oleksy. arc per- formed. Symptoms must also br peeseot before the tests ages: however, ht,ntc sharing prit- pos STANI)INGS TEAS! 17'llic liosiliogSiomr Seninrldct, a non-proftt nation- pate in training on SeniorNet from Limrcoluwood Village Hall, TICKETS ON SALE TO crin be ordered by a physician, Mnbiic technology used for the Mor- vrdrrs are often scoiur citi.mons 19 ReMas al arganization that teaches cam- teaching methods, curriculum de- 6900 N. Lincoln Aurnur. ssitlt ALL SENIOR CENTER MEMBERS who wont to stay in their hontes, I btuinarclu Abartri 19 Dr Bollo pater skills ta adults ages 50 and vrlopment, and classroom man- return scbrdoled for 4:15 pot. %l'omen'a Club ice Cremo Social on Monday, April 12 at I ton Grove community program. enables Life Lino mo offer high quality screening tests at a cost of $40 cacit. Any three Shanngtiroirhonresenables 2 White Englr 205i.rlevA Sons older. provides educational ser- agemeut. Courses arc heldin (approu.). p.m. Enjoy an afternoon billed wilh gantes and prizes. Price: roams will cost $98. and all four may be taken at S 25. them to gain a«l«litiunrt inconte, 3 Starr Frutti vicesuting new iCC's state-of-the-art computer $2,50. information BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING receive help with chores and. -t Skajault "IIOTSiiOTh' tcchnolagirs. lcarningcentcr which hauses new Support groups for rb;tril Lite Lu,,ch u,md Morir os Friday, April lb at 12 000n. probably m«,st ïntport:tnm of all. S 'untljanumer lM cemttpatible computers caro- Periodic blood pressure measurement is helpful in dotetnois- The Skokie SeniorNet Learn- elderly Holocaust Enjoy a Hattt on Rye Sandwich and l5otato Salad lolbosurd by ins if health is threatened by higit blood pIcunurr Ihypenon- ettjoy rire compaorvnsltip nf rim. fi Skaja52 Boil Ramo, 593 ing Center will offenclasses is In- plete suith Windows 95 software, the mavirs The lvcddi,tg Singer (1998, F013) starring Mani utherpemnoa. 7 Caltor«u& Carino Buh Sohaoh Sos a scanner and laser and ink-jet sion). Hypenension ts a contributor inward strokes. heart din- traduction to Computers. Word survivors Sandier, Price: $2, ease and kidney failure, Unfortnnately, hypertension tunably Hounerttates cao he itudunts, u Crindlolight Angolo t)ugrovaoni 552 Processing. Desktop Puhlishing. printerS. Crlebmriun ofSc,riors Ltutrlmeos -. Friday, May 14 at2 recently divorced persons, singlo 9 Heat,rua.nrrrs Church blaits Skokk- Coffee and Conversa- bas no symptoms so a person can feel great and not know they 567 Money Management. Genealogy The Sknkic ScniunNet Learn- noon, Join in the fun as we celebrate with cur honored guests. parents, businoss persons on toni- lOhijoolli Eton. tloriu itutias S-tb audQuickrn. ing Center is cosponsored by tian, a weekly group for Hob- have ir, Free screenings aro offered fronm 9 to I Ium. tin Tuns- Lunch is Lemon Marinated Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Car- day. Aprii 13 in the Monina Grove Village Hall Senior Center, ponti)' assïgmtttcnts, and persons t I Nottbrsirote ruto Cisc,ior t'cuorson 5-rs 'Wc aun thnillrd to provide ad- Council for Jcwish Elderly and caust survivors meets Irotn 1 to rots, Pasta Salad, Fruit and Cake for Dessen! Following much, with disabilities. In revotai in- 121'enny'n'l'oamr Ray iituntg,rs 553 23O por. on Mondays, April 5. COMMISSION ON AGING ditiunnl learning opporlunities ta tIre Jewish Community Centers enjoy the brautifol soonds of our very own Golden Notes. Stances brime sharing allows sto- t3ParkNat'l. ¡tank DtckKaras 532 12. 19 and 26 at the Holocaust The Marion Grove Comtnissinnnn on Aging will hold its older adults in ctur community. cl Chicago. Price: $5. neat monthly meeting at dents affordable housing svhï!o i-tCu!ooiat Enril Rlruinlr 31 Memorial Foundation of Illintris. Men's Club Trip io Medies-it! Tintes is l'uesday. May tO I p.m. on Tuesday, April 13 in the Village Hr«ii Senior Conter. '11mo commission prosidos un mena attending school. lt can also help 4255 \V. Main, Skokie. The front 9: IS am. to 2:30 p.m. Enjoy on authentic Mediesol Feast employed individuals to tweonro group, sponsored by Cooncil for rehile s'allant knigitru take you un a journey back in time. for discussioo and planning of services and programs tu heme- debt free and save ninety toward . Jewish Elderly und Jewisls Fami- fit Morton Grove's senior citizen population. All interested future neoits. We're The Inside guys Menu Icatutes Roasted Chicken and SIsare Ribs. Price S36. residents are welcome to attend. ly and Conottunity Servire is ".1 ll'o,-ld ,iiiay Trip" -. Friday. May 2t, from 9 urn. to 5 Ifycuareopen torsuroptivrihil. free. To register, call Ann Hart- STAINED GLASS! p.nt., We soul begin our trip aboard tIme Parldlrwheel "Pride n,! People can spend years ut ir and never see ail the slainod itics, horno sharing can be ,t'is'om- , man Lnbanat 773.508-1000. dettai opportunity for you. Call Om'rgot" on tite scenic Rock River sottile enjoying a Chicken gla,s in Chicago's churches, synagogues and civic huildit«gs. Chirurgo- Coffee and Conver- Bearnaise Luncheon. Titen we'll travel ta Anderson Gardens, Eva at The Center uf Concem, satino, a weekly group for Halo- Tour guido, Bili Hinehlirr. will show examples of Tiffany. an authentic Japanese Garden, for a guided walking loor lttp- Ot7l1123-0.153, and learntrum caust survivors meets fromtr 1:30 Traditional, German, Victorianarad Contcmporruy trained He*rtNo n coouno nonal). Price: $27. glass on Thursday, April IS. Also visit the Drehoble Compa. about time bcneftms of the Huy to 3 p.m. on 'fltursdayu, begin- Iraliet From La,tchcun .- \Vednesday, May 26 at 12 noon. Shariny Prognato. fling April I, 8, IS, 22 and 29 at my, one of ihr last oid-timar glass utudios 51>11 operating. Lunch «Rettrgmcnt Commumiitv An Italian feast with Italian Beef, Peppers, Chicken Vesus'io is ut the Chicago Hospitality Institute and Cooking School. Jewish Family arid Community and Mostaccioli. Theo ihr music, comedy und inrpressiuns of Services. 27 lO W. Devon, Chica- Depart the Prairie View Community Center at 9 a.m. nod ro- Join the seniors GOT A GAS GUZZLER? Frank Pisani, The Ultimate Otre hOtu Shot.'. Price: $6. turn at S p.m. TIte fee 'vs $34 for residents, and $59 for nun- go. The group. slmnsorcd by HYPERTENSION WORKSHOP SERIES and Houdini Bofo,. our W,uthermùor Iligh Effklency Gus Council for Jewish Elderly and residents. Fue details. or to register. call Catltenine Dean at Affordable Senior Housing Jewish Family and Comtnurtiry Three weeks remain ou tite four week workshop series 965.1200. TheLincoinwooti Senturs Furnace, your only choke was to buy o Sers-ire is free. To register, cull which occis Vcdnesdays front 2 pto. to 3 por.: Aprii 21. 55 ALIVE Club imtsitcv the conontunity ro furnuco that used gas mor. .ffkl.ntly. With Barbara Urbaoska-Yeager tr "Managing liypecteuison trilli Mrdicaliotts": April 28. "l)icr 55 Alive Matare Dnivlmg is an eight-horn two-slay course join theta on Wednesday, Aprtl Acaring aultudeandcomfortable 773-274- 132-l. rute! Ji3pem'iemtsiolt ": and May 5. "Stccsu md lt's Effrct (r,t fly- for older nmotoetnts. lt focuses on the changos that acccsnrpaaty 28. («re a rni1t tu MaceliOt's Lin- W,athermaksr you save on ekdrk costs, too. pefleItsiort'. Blood pressure schI be checked after catit ses- oimg itittion ways doiveos cam improve their dñvimg. 'The trout coinsimire 'flwnrro to see Ilttudtni, surroundings make Ashley Court sion, Register for tite remaining sorksirup series. on indisidual course offered at the Morton Grrtve Village Hall Senior Conter The Musical. Senior Citizen lectures. Free. starts at 9 a,m. oit botit Thursday, Aprtl IS; and Saturday, 'Pto cost «ri S-16 nrottrbcs, 1-Id the perfect choice for senior living. NO ÓBLIGATON FREE ESTIMATES NEWCOMERS' RECEPTION Aprii Il. Call tIme Senior Hut Lino au 470-5223 to sign up. griests rocIados slruw. lunch amai Law Enforcement Ncsscotrtcrs' Reception is Thttrsday, April 8 at Ill am. in MAINE & RILES TOWNShIP transportationIDelune Motor- Academy Rottm 229. Leant thirst tite Center's pmograrn.c and services HIGH SCHOOLS roach). Lttnch it at blarsiomt's trial 1750 S. Eimhurst Road * and inert the staff. Refrerirnteots ate scrs'rd. Rrgiutratiun re- Maine East, Hiles N«rrtlm ami Hiles \''est High Schools itt- choìe of entice marIn at tesrrrtt. xpIRgs quireui. vite seniors tojuin in on free or low crut school peonluctiutsu t« moat. Des Plaines 200°° Rebate4-30-99 The CookCoonty SherifFs Of. lice brings the Irrst session of tIi APRIL FRIDAYS ,%T TIlE MOVIES be performed titis winter. Call *25-438-t IMaino East>, «or 560- lunch includes a chorrorut' Not Good In Conjunction With Any Other Offer Senior Citizen Law Enforcement April Friday at tito Musics thettrc is "Romance," Sul,n,ra 3956 (Hiles North & Wenn), for ttture dotailt on the following Oronge Rosighy with Leitton ¡tut- 847-228-1500 (1954, G). starTing Hutoyltrey Bogan. Audrey liephurn, and Acadertly to the ,'aldoborara Re- nehodule or settico club tnetnbernhip: ter, hart« with l'tutti Sauce or lirenretti Hnine. 535 McHenry Willinirt Holden, will be shown Friday, Aun> 9, at I 'tn. o At Maine East Grilled Chicken Omicntai, C'nona, Rmrtn3!. lite filin, dircetrd by Billy Wildrr, ills tire story salud, toits and butter, rieusctr onil IEs.rd io Wheeling. Sponsored by "Oklahoma' spring tirusical, rpii 29,-i of a chauffeur's tecutage daughter aritocaves rtocriL'a 10f FINANCING AVAILABLE Sheriff Mkltael F. Shrahan. Ihr At Niicv North: hesernyr ac rirai mtsrlu«kit lrr5nce, and çomue.s track a l,eautî(ui su'otttatt. *0' Academy classes are held un Jara Band Concert, «'«perI 13, 7:30 p.nm. I»Iwturc titire isi t :341 am ANNOUNCING 4'* MEN"S CLUB GOLF KICK-OFF MEETING Bund Coreen, Aptil 2'), 7:30 p itt. (rot,, the l.incirlowotsi'rlltpr flirt Nes, l *20000 offer good on purchase of both Wednesday abternuons t-3 pto. All grtlfers ace ittvirrd It, tite bleus Club Gulf Kick-01f Oa'ti Otro t c,Iti,iii I :n-rttr't At Hiles West: Itoh, ¿iStY,i N. lincoln Aueno. tbtmough May 26. Today's session meeting «tu Wrubsriday, rpeil 14 at IO a.ttt., Raunt 131. learn .' turbi ii,i's u,r«rtlt ''i nurlwmsoscrlii tarta-,. gruesastmservìew rtftbtc Slscrifls "Just Fcn Time Fun Of Ir' >ute tight. Apttl lb. i p mt with trtutr, ,cks,lalc,i (ru,3tl. Heating & Cooling units combined ahottt titis year's 9-Hole Golf outings. Ncarconrcrs ate suri. 01lire, polics jurisdictions. rtmrrl a "Euptcssiotsn Cabaset". Aprii 25, 1 p.ttr. 5:-ISlum iapçm«'s t :IucI>rurrg lu.«tuii (or r.«Ic5rsrt n. conic, Refreslunents will he served. Regiuttatirtit required. Iristury of law enfurectneot, All l.ASr CIIANCE FOR ;n'si ssno io ittkn- iticturin. » Cook Conflly senior CiriOrns rue YARN NEEDED INCOME TAX RETURN ASSISTNCE USE Crail Us Todty for DetaiLs! ertcounogcdIoattcrtdIrrte ko- 'l'br Srni««r Center is requesting left river yarn or romps of a - n e s iucotrte taassisiattce at tire !«lortv'n Orni r \'tllaqv hill . Ponant ,tItCtbfl5. To lepisma or marensi. Lap robes and slsawlu «re irtAdofof veteran« al llio Senior Center cuncluries oit Wodntaby, Apittl-l. tali lw THE receive orme tnfornmatuon about llosp>tal, Vulunicer knitters ucd crochrters arr airo needed. II Senior Hum Line ¡it -170-5223 Irrt art appointtncnt at either 't 'n I, this fico program. please call intreusted, contact ihe Senirw Center, 10:30 ato. os a Monday, Wetitsesday «mr Friday. (773)869-7725. BUGLE PdE18 mbOcLit'R TltIyBljGt, muy,pnsi L-1m, PAGEiR Nis area host families - m -National Volunteer Week k , --Service 'neêdédnow Foreign high school and recognitionacross America NA'AMAT USA students land, Argcntitai, Brazil, Colora- Parish to hostEnglish choir are scheduled to arrive very soon bia, Paraguay, Australia, Swe. Millions of volunteers of all tIf hammers anti buce saws wilt inure. Fun information tin host to OBITUARIES for academic I program home- den, Yugoslavia. Cltina, tiges will participate in special ring through thousands of cern. trarticipate in National 's'oluntecr St. Wenceslaus Parish, 3656 and consistently cicanrocca- commemorates Yom Hashoah trays, and the sponsoring organi- munities as neighbors help ne- ANNEM. BETON Belgium, Ghana and many other projects that connect themto Vcek, call 1.6(10. w.Roscoc St., Chica80. will tint,. In other words, they mndc Thz March nitIte Living is the witz to Birkcnnu in commemora- ration needs a fewmore local pair Itoines of those in need. Anne M. Beton, 76, 01' Hiles, cosatries. P.I.E. has also been in- lick families and friends, neigit- VOLUNTEER, Youioniget host a one of the moss rcnowried perrcctìan a standard instead of scnnd programNA'AMAT(ion ofYom Hashnah (Holocaust host families. vitd lo participate in tt special bers. total strangers, and entine Trails will he built seil niaiv. connected Iii a Volunteer Center choirs in all the world on Sawr- a goal. An enpenience to be USA. GreaterChicagn Council is Remembrance Day). Thetrip died Tuesday. Match 2 at Lnther- According lo Pacific Interval- taise,] iv state liarLo. white ti,w. an General Hospital. Park Ridge. governmontfnnded program ta communitiesduringNational io your area and learn abusi day. April 17th, at B p.m.. Tho treasured...... The choir has pro- presenting during its4thAnnnal ended with a celebration of Yom turai Euchange (PIE.) Esecutive inesiwe liiioriog pniJects ssill get She was horn Snnday. April 2, bring scholarship students from Volunteer Week. AprillB-24. sclrettuled events, Regular up. Choir of Christ Churnh Cathc- duced over 20 CD recordings Prognato series. The prngr.tnI will Hn'alzmanl(Israel'slndepcn- Director, John Daly, the students the Newly Independent States of Service projects and recognition needed t'acelifto. 'Diere will be dares ab-,ot Natinoal Valunirer dm1. Oxford, England under the and has been nominated for scv- lake place on Monday, April 12.denen Day) in Jerusalem. The 1922 in Austria. Beloved mother ate all between the ages of I S and reading,iregnanis andls,k of ioitn Beton. Beloved,sister of ti,e former Soviet Unionto tlo ceremonies ntark the sneok.long 'ceL ire fratarod on itic Psiiots direction of Stephen Darlington, cml Gntmmy awards. To say the ut 7:30 p.m. Two of the youngeventwillend widta brief memo- IB years, are Englislt-speaking. drives.riven clean-ups. health ,,f Light Fiiand,ition vcel,siie trust. after an ahorme of ten Jill (Charles) Aodrazyk. Aunt of United States, PIE, isa trsn- celebraijou honoring men, warn. The Choir nf Christ Church Ca- participants nf the March of lise rial program in memory of the 6 have their own spendìngntnney, profit educational organizativa ro sed yottng people fon their fairs,food dricesanti mush 's ssw.p.iinrsiilligh,,nng. thctlral is composed of 16 boy yearn,The ChoirofCliirsi Living will talk shout their nnfor- ntitlion Jews tIce died in the Hot- Charles,Kathleen, Tetey and Services were held catTy accident and health insu- that has sponsoredmoretian commitments and outstanding choirsiern and 2 chóral sehnt- CImici, will present lle residents gettable experience at the ocasst tu be presented by Racltel Tintothy. rance, and arc anxious tu sitare March 5LIt Hites Community to_Boo students from 40coito. contrihsiinns to their conimuni. ais. The choirlias been oc- of Chicagoland an evening of NA'AMAT Offices, 5050 W.Scitwab, Ptetgtstnt VP (of 5ko- titeln cultural experienceswith ARK inneed of doctors Clistel,.Niles.Aisangetnent.s tries since its foarding in975. ties as s'nlunieers. The ARK's Goldic Bachmann claimed by music critics amnnd chorsl delight. Church, Skokie. The public is in- kir). The public is welcome to at- theirnetsAmericanfrunities. diattr oto. Itandled by SkajaTeresee Farterai The erganïz4tlion is designated by Reben, K. Goodwin, president Luftig Health Cevien reals liso. ihn world (or jis 'enquinita lun- Tickets for the concert are sited to attend. The cost is SS per tend what promises to be a very P.l.O. currently isspecsgrsms lo Home, Interment was in Irving the United States loforntation arti chief esecutive officer of dreds of needy mcii. women and ng. a bright tmnspainnt sound, now availabte at St. Wenceslaus person. Anyone becominga moving program. matcitalmost everyfattrilys If yea can 1mai eses ene ARK Rectory. 34GO N. Moncicello. Park Cemetery, Chicago. Agency anti is listed by tltCsrun- tire l'omis rif Light Foundation, children . free of charge. each patient . in your iiif,ec or in ours. mctnber uf NA'AMAT USA is needs, ranging n length (noma ett on Sranclard.ç for International notedlisttitetheme of this Chicago, IL 60618 dazing regs- invited asourgscst. semester to a full academic year. month. Tlsc,sc ¡lie people in ear we want yen Sunday heurs as-ail. Contact NA'AMAT ornees at SOPHEESTARNAWSKI lldneational Travel (CSIETI.ser. years event.Vr,luntects Light larbocinerohours.Reserved These young people marched where the students attend ct,nimunity Who ha-V e nr,sol,cnc ahle. Call Ju,iio Gordon. O.D (847) 675-7275 to reserve your SophirStarnawskí,76,of neat tifying that the organizationstint. 'lireVay!" syntholiocs the im. else to turn, seating: $25; General Admis- with other Jewish teenagers froto Refresitmento high schools, he I)irevior,,fiRK Health Clin. nlrol. will he Hiles, died Tuesday. March 2 at plies with the standardsset funi, parlance of service and service 'flic ARK is is desperate need FLOWERS sion: $20; and Senior Citizens around tite world, from Auseic- served. P.1.13. area i". at (7731 7nd-531e1, ot Bonnie Good Shepherd Hospital. She representatives Sn CSIET's Stardards fer Interna. aciieitics..'Volanteen, have a oftire following sloctons: and students: SIS. For mnre in- match students with host families ,1ii,c, Director ofolunieers ¡si , was bsra Saturday, Joly 29, 1922 tional Educational Travel t'rio great impact on use sooimunì- formation,call773580. I I 35. by lirdiag common interests Psychiatrists.Dentiit,.liar. 773l973.11Xl0ci. 263. PIrase in Poland. Beloved wife of the and grams. ties. They nulic thema betten Nose and Threat. Orthopedisrs. GIFTS Tickets may be purchasedin Commemorate the lifestyles through an informal in- Call Today.. The ARK, IrISO N lote Stanley Staenawsls.i. Beloved Duty encs,ur.iges fansilicto place and, in tara, wahr Ameni. WEDDINGS person at the rectory office or by honte ntecting. Prospective itost lniernrnt.v, Gynecologists orsi P,» Califirtvìa, Chicago, IL fiilfl4S, mail, Please make all checks mutlter of Henry Starnawski. Contact tite program itttttirdiatc. caa heiterplace, c;t,ostwin families are able to reviewsIs- and poyabte to St. Wenceslass Holocaust with Beth Hillel George Siacnawski, the late Rob- ly. as it will allocs' lisproper time saisi. "But itere is anerlier added frl tb dent applications and select the for tire students atril iiii,ts S,lne to sotunrccnìng," Goodwin FUNERALS Church. Beth Hillel Congregation, TheCongregation's Men's erl Stacnawski, and lIte late Rich- to get to Helpmake the prefect ,rratci,, As there areno know one another before they noted.aod titatio tine hrnfit St. Wencestass Church is con- 3220 BigTtee Lane, Wilmette in- Club members are sponsoring a arti Staenowski. Grandntother al so. 8118 Milwaukee, 'lypical" host (amities, FIE.can tually nies-t tse the first time. viilunteers reap fon rhcmsclses s'cnicntly neared at the intcrsec- vitro the cemtnsnity IO poetici- project in Connection with che ob- Michael, Joanna and Cheistoplter world Nues l'tI a student into just aboutany Sties are faitiiliec snterestesl throughtheir Sets-icc to ethers a better place lion of Roscnc SI. (3400 N> and pate in a Yotn Hashosh Memorial servance. A few weeks ago litey Starnawski. Sister of Maria Ba- io libation, wltether it hea single learning mirle oha,ai stasleor and their nlferis ta solve these. lipcipening >iran hoinc arti to S lvii white y:ut t.smilr biss WE DELIVER Lawodate Ave. (3700 W). three Service cumtuemorating the Hoi- packed memorial candles in box- ranxka. Services were held March e- 6 at St. lohn Enthral Church, parenr a childless couple, a re- change or arranging (oro meeting floss social probtents surround. ytun heari t,, a feteign noclsaogo the sixcinnis 1,00 ,nieiican cut. ANYWHERE I blocks sosti, of the Addison SI. ecaust, on Monday. April 12 at B es und sent them to ali congrego- tired coupteoro large fustily. studont,yr,utfasiily Hiles. Arrangements handled by with a ci)trtmomtyreprcscnrative ing as. willbe isle 00 a day ti, day basis coils of the Kennedy Express- p.tn. lion member fornitics. Each pack- fungine o friendship that giovo 823-8570 Skajn Tecnico Funeral Home. In- Familles subo host for PIE. may call PIll., toll-free. atI- Volunteers will engage ìo an way and the O'Hare BIue Line' age brocs he namenfa Holocaust neo aluocligible rocloim a $50 per ynun lainìty and the student an I:,,,in inintii tttsation ubont and wilhin watbing distance of tertnent was in Matyhill Cerne- 800.63t-lBts. TIre agency aloi, eclectic array of projects duitng Each fsmily attending will bevictim. Congregants are asked to monthcitaritabtecontribusjon de- Ntiunal Volanteen eppolitunity to learn about oasI, this rosanding and osctttng so. 31t'cfloiz both the Betmunt und Addison tery, Nile,. lias travel/study prugrtioi opptr. Week. asked Io light a candle and say a light these candles on Vom Ha- duction on their itemized rasre- tanitics available for Arnenctin which is sponsored by tire Points other cullate,. Learn about your petronor, salt your local CCI SI. buses.Travelsdirections pmyer t'or an individual who per- shtsait in their tames and recite u heritage on chonno a tudeot VICTORIA N. BARTUS tures fur each month they host a high school stodents as well as of Light Foundation. The sounds Area Representative. Marge at available spun requesl. ished in tite Huincaust. special prayer. fr,tm a etiuntry >ist would tibe 847-541.0616. Victoria N. Bastas, 89 of De: sponsored student. possibilirirs fur eoinntuoiiy vat- Plaines, died Thursday. March-I For tIre upcoming peagrams, untern, to assist ansi work with at Our Lady OlThe Resuerection. PIE. has students from Spain, area lent fatuities, stadeuts soci She was born Sunday, December Gertnany. Poland, Russia, Fin- sciia dinner to beheld R Banal. Grandmother of Jimmy p NG Banus. Sister of the late Henry Ou Wednesday, April 21, The 3ørhanniversaryoftlse Volunteer THE SKAJA FAMILY Dciekan. Sophie (tite late Walter) Volunteer Center is partnership Center and IO years of partner- VARIETYOF PRODUCTS Smielana and thelate morph with seven local JCPcnrrey stores tidywititJCPenney. Emmy Driekan. Sister-in-law of Sophie 'w hosting its Annual Volunteer award winning newscaster for Come seeour variety of products BUD SKAJA (Insepi,) Stawowy, Victoria Bar- RecognitiotilGoldcn Role Channel 1 WBBMP.' and Ness tus,thelateStanleyfoetus. Awards Dinner at Beitoi Court Redits AM71IO. Kris Haberutehl, .RoasitdNuts . SKAJA TERRACE Attgeline(dtelateClarence> Bouquets, 128 East Rand Read in will he joining us as narratori Gowmd Cooks Schultz, and Catherine She late Mount Prospect. presenter. Salt Free Nuts . Sugar Free Hard Candy FUNERAL HOME Leo) Michalnwice. Aunt of terry 'l'br event mill celebrate the M!CKEY SKAJA In the past ten years apprarti- . 7812 N. MILWAUKEE AVENUE nieces and nrphews. Friend of yr. spirit and tradition of voluntary niately 595,1)01) has been santrib-- ChocoaIe Coveud Nuts . Stags: FreeBunertremnes Icronte Andracki CR. Services cornmltnity service. lt is a solute atri) to the noethstiesr suburban NJLES, LLINO!S were iteld Match B at Si. Zachary tu all solooteers who week self- community hosed organizations DtiidFnûi ñety0thadCathy JACK SKAJA . (847) 966-7302 Cltsrrh, Des Plaines. Arrange' lesslytusi eFfectivelyfor the through tite Center's pelnnenship Snacks & Trail Mines .Many Kosinerliens ntents Itandird by Skaja Terrace well-being of our co,rtmanìties. with JCPenney stores at Rassi. Funeral Home, Interment wo in Nunrenitus vstlsntects will he in hurst, Steatforil Square. Spring JIM SKAlA St. AdalbertCentctery, Hiles. attendance and ltsuoecd. 1'he 1(111 Mall. Golf Mill, Hawnhurrte SKAlA STANLEY highlight of tite evening will be and Lìoo'otnssestd.l'lree yetas . FRESH ROASTED NUTS STAN W, LOWE the announcemenl vsI17 out- agil.oarlocalocioso,, Club FUNERAL HOME BUD SKAlA JR. Stan W, Lowe, 90, '? Nitro. standing volunteers singled crut FRiEND aï School I)tstntct e3tM NEW VARIETY died Sunday, Manch 14 at Hsrly from amnng scores rl nominees o> Carpeniersstltc west on st st. Gft Giving 3061) N. MILWAUKEEAVENUE Family Hotpital, Dc, Plaines. Ile chosen by a panel of judges for tainnatii,n,tlrecogoiliooand ON ClIICAGO. ILLINOIS seas horn Monday. September 7. the Golden Rule Aruorth, lise try itere awatskol 510.1315) for their 1908 in CantethoryEoglssd. Be- 99i0 Ideas For JOHN SKAlA scorn winners viiireccísc a plegnanil (773) 342-3330 loved husband of Elsielore JCPcmtey crystal scuiplure, a Schultrichi Lowe. Beloved (atitre Volunteer Center plaque, a cosi, Everyone of Geoffrey Lowe and Ancre - TABLE ERIC SKAlA award of $1,0453 to Lire organiza. Laitno. l'alune fatlsen-in-isu of tian they serve. orsi lue autrottati. £A EIJERE« Store Hours Tatnnty Zesm, Seroices socle cally entered mIa JCPenoe'x ot. QÇa Morsarsy Thru Fnldzry: 7:00 tnn SKAJA BACHMANN held MaccItlii. Arnungrnsrnts f't#1 - 0:00 pm tittrt3l competition held in Dalia, Setrurciory: 0:00 - 3:00 pmCt,t)SI4tSt:S5),y FUNERAL HOME(C3RDON WOJDA handled by SkojoTernace l'ancrai in September. The ether lit iio.st- :lta4e /c8fl, H,tttte. lntercrtent was itt 'tars wIll each he presetiteol cotti, a Visit Our flotall Store souse Cetrletrny. Chicago. l'or- I 7715 ROUTE I-1 iCItconey Gtrlden Rule ventIl- -,° WE 7500 Lindor Skakjo PE000tOIAL mer; Hiles Zoning llstard hie,,,. SHIP (bOlwan Tushy & StOmacO on LIflfl,) CRYSTAL IJSKE. ILLINOIS 1AKK (1OI,IK cOte,OValacszroz Conree plaqac. CHECt($ ber fortsorr 2llyears; l'restdcot o> attd a S'il) ea,h asoand (vr their 16J,e,?(í'i u.P.s, (847) 6774IUTS ACCEPTED (815) -155-2233 Cìrnnao heighrts lniproventrnt trzganirotioit. o' Association; andPresident o> In reesgnirion of our syccesi she;."com. NilcoCitizen Catnmittre, guests and in celebration s'I the PAGE 20 ThEBUGLE. ThVRSDAY,ÁPRIL , I99, cure nrïùt,niiJúsovv, ,SPtiIL n. IM$ PAGE V

. A

Storytelling kicks off 'Check it out . Lincolñwood National LibraryWeek Yoúrself Day at Public Librùry the Library' : Libesir witness ro Meister in day, April 9. 1lie pesters will bu EstherWiIIiams.Hays. an Alter lie stories. thero will be In honor of Notional Library exhibited und prizes awarded for a%a!d-Winnng MoryLcIInr with Three Acta. Whodunit? TIrait animai craft prnjecls Ibr young- Week, Aprii I l-1 7. patrons at the what youthful sleuths will atices'- thehosrones. . Iudion at the Noycs Culiural Ann stern in the Children's Depart- Nues Public Library will be able Cnwr n Evanston. will be cli- er ai the Lincolnwood Public Li- Revlw My Luis! Days mia Ruy lire01 of the Libraey until 4 psst. io checkout their Own books. Bybony on a Saturday night'u Rugosa. Suzanne lInier reviews a ing Malins (nr ali ngcs in Ihn Bax- Children under age 8 taust bear- doing so on April 12. the library . Th15 special section produced cf,.edfted by The Bugle Ne4spqps,Niles, IL..:Tliï lcr Rc,m al hic Manan Gmvc April. A mouler Iran beeu coin- stunning debut noval My Luis: contpanied by an aduli. tout beenlcred in adrawing loran muted und ir will be up to Lin- bays tla Rrry Rogers by Patricia Public Ljbnuy Sunday, April Il All prugninis aie free ulcharge owirdupioS2,50O. al 2 pin.. n ccicbrainn of Na- craluwood kids in grades 6 ro Sto Devoto about u young svuman and open io everyone. The Li. 3M Library Systems is spun- work as u ream. coi picz.0 and coming afago in Alitbama during honni Litwary Weck Mn. IVil- hrary is located ai 6140 Lincoln notingCheck ii out Yourself the last days of the IBSOs polio jams-Hays oiginnl ntonicace Ave. l'or inure inroniiaiion or lar salve a baffling murder mystery. Day or tite Libroryai libraries lire libesmys Youth Services cpiilcmìcfor the Friday Fon cntcetainiingaswcll accducaticnn- nobility nnd eornmnnicalion oc. actors the country ro help in. al each naiy is a creative lesson Depanment with time help of tire hook review at the Lincoluwood cens assistance pitase cali S47 cselibijy patron icoUic and Mystery Shop ura working ta- abaul hrn and liein. 965-4220.TDD96S-4236. Public Library on April 9. Devo- 3Mm SeliCheck System aragc glter to present thiS special ta. whowus horn und raised in Al- The SellClicek Syuicnr, whichevent on Salurday. April lO, ta abuma. inainasterstorytetler. works like a henks automatic celebrare National Librai'y Week. 14er honk gives u rovealing 'l4iIaqe 0/7v;;/8 lellermuchinc, incienses un'cestI TIte evetrìog begins at 6:30 to lorA at Sootlrem pravincialism -as.,, rsØ« National Library Week library siaffefficieney by allow- 930 p.rrr. at the library. 4000 W. and racinai as viewed theougli tIre Ing potrera to manage the Inbor- I5ratr Ave. lonoccoi eyes crí children. Tres- Fire DeparhnenYs set for April 11-17 intensive tank of checking out How was the criare commit- year old Tabitlra. wIes in white. rheirown materials. ted? What was mho mouse? Who aod Maudic May. relusa block, "Fire Safety Traiter" Wc fool this crcnt is a wirr-is the murderer? Kids will have ama inseparable ins they enjoy ihr lege library. This year's Nacional Library win br everyone involved. sold ihe opportimuity ro qucalion sus- endlessadventuresthatihr See Page 23 Vcck. Aprii I i-Il, celebrates the To arrange interviews with Judy Nelson. product dcs'elnp- peels --andnoone is above suspi- Reari! Loam! Con- school break brings. Bui when fÑe4am ta ALA spokespeople. pitase call ment analyst with 3M Library cian -- conmine the evidence and they stumble upon u scandal in- noci! ( the Library. Joyce Kelly oc Linda Wallace. in systems.Pairoos will becante buy" information with official valving stolen money meant for Leaning Tower Access the nailon. many corn. the ALA POblie Information 01- mare sell-aulficieni. library staff Mystery Shop Investigation polio victints, turd expose a racial milniLies arO re-incesring inli- Bce. ai silO-545-2433, ext.O43 will hase tonte time la assist pa- Buche. Surprises? Count on it! Concert Series bnuy buildings. rcchnulngy and injustice in tire preress, tIte two or 5042. trans with matit pressing needs. Tickers are $4 and include pit- help teach iheirconrmanity a val- new programs tu peseide Arneri- See Page 24 and the library could increase irs 7.0 and pop. Tickets orant he pur- ualrle and tratrnfonniog lifecs- cans with the resounoes they need To download copies el these new book budgei. chased in advance; none will be son.Coffcear l0a.nr.prograniut usuceecd in the inionnatinn age. press materials and lar celated To be eligible toc the drawing. sold at the door. A signed paran- 10:30 a.m. Tire library is located To learn muer abuel whas materinl. see the ALA Web site the Nues Public Library musi en- tal (otra niant he BlIni our ut dru new, weeneourage you loconlact ai at 4000 W. Fruit Are., phono ww'v.aia.orglpio. Click on courage ni least lOO palmas rarime uf tìckct purchase. Phase 847-6fl-5277, your local public. school or coi- Press Kiis,' chock oui tiroir awn materials by 047-677-5217. using the SelfClreck system on Tnlk untimeNoiherinndn. '« Chcck it oui Yourself Day at the KId Magie. lr'n tonic! Rut- Populartravellecturer Myrla ti ITS Library. The library will then he liME FOR ledge liaIt fiuti graders 1cc Colin Brand will prescrit a program ea entered in a drawing for two Knllath will present - BAThROOM& and Jolru the Netherlands for the Travel ÓVIPIagE $2.500 arenada and IS $1.000 their trauring magic show oBer Through Time series at the Lin- / amants. The cash amortIt will school at 3l5 p.nr. on Tuesday. colnwood l'Ublíc Library. 4000 Pl umbind. 's' ICALI. FO« E$1ThATE benefli the winniuglibrrazies' new April13. ut the Lincolnwood W. Pratt Ave,. Friday. April lb. &SEWfRSRV) INC. book funds. Public l_ihrttr 40110 \V.l'tati She will diucuss the flowers. p. R*ot$Tt Now FO Weremoniang Immuni topar. Ave. Their bag of triebe will rive foods. windmills ann maori. ItitiQilT nECiNlItNOS NEWrRT IIRASS onc. GROHE ricipating irr ihi en-cor bceaune it astound and amuse their uudi- en shoes antI ihr historically cor- pltu.ncHoot. will encourage tise oldie library eticCI tort way io rat raw honing atril in gcnbral. said Car)' Czamecki. why trees are planted ou dikes. PEARL coRLkr Library AdminIstrator.ln addi- Poster Content. Lincolawood Her talk will include tIre arcltircc. lion, il will further encourage ont Public Lihrtuy invites kids to tute of Rotterdam and Amster- patrono lo use thu now SellCbeck create a pester about iheir furor-dam along with visits tu the PRomm urnee Syntem lu check crut their own itt book um character. using any clranning iossiin alVeare. Zicrik- NI* t mateeiulu.This allows our statito mediumtheyprefer.Pusiera ace anti Sloren. Coffee at lOam.: -I (847) 998.6160 should bu no larger than 22 zprogram at10:70 am. Phone spend their iluso asniuiing patrons Get in The Know Wth ucesusto . . InSultEn . t. .inote w. Deadlirre for entries is Pri- 8-17-677-5277. M.d-snot.. in with now technology orxcseazh. The Chamber Experience . NEW LOCATION And. of course. hedgers are al- svays right. so its especially nice Bright Beginnings Preschool See Page 28 3224 West Lake Aves Glonviow, IL to knew we could win nanay io- warI wtr ocquisitiarn budget by Open House and Registration participating. VSVSS%WWYSWSS/SS*tsW WS%Wal Interested parentu in the NOes or io hove lumber in(orrneiirir The SelíCtieck System in u fusiPark District llrigtrr Beginnings mailed ro your tanne. ondeas) way foiparmn tochcckPreschoollar the1999-201X1 out lieu onto trutrLs. A nnirnniorschool year ate invited to conte Celebrate Poetry SiwGi guides parions tlrotugh cacti sieparid take a Itrok ut crut pronclirrist of u iranracliort, clinnirrarirrg rIreclasses in unirsi. Month at Nues 'A in¼hbmbond La'.n CneeTnn, . treed for staff ossiniarise or inter. Pi'bhic Library TREECARE n!dntIou We wilt. however. lune See truc play-tuned camera- I nWl aridn ulutttrctn as-aitbl luttiat¡LS heat altert children lb Childtens Depanrirent uf .OEEP ROOT FEEDUIC «REE SPRAssNO during Nattesral l.itaaty Week to h Niln Puttlic Library will be .FflCE ESTiMATES iutdtruchera ame ylnying xnd ' hCtlr)iiU. learning togetlrce. Open llame in ht)Stingatt interactive Poetry l'cr- t,1 LAWN CARE snlredukd fire the week uf Aped InrtrC by in Orildo Voice ' .ÇERTiLIVHGcongCULTIVATION The staflat ihe NiL-s Public Li- poetry company un Wednesday. 1923iu daringmatir idreduled .CRAO GRASSswS.ED CONThOL t'tary- l)tnttìrt irriten the ctntorinu- %prill-1 at 7 p,iti. Thc peibre- .INSECT I DISEASE CONTROL ruy si n nit tine librar). tuctitcit at presnitruilclansen arance, geared lowamdr achoral- 6*Xdt (Likiun Sliver. ditring N.*. aged chIrleen. will he an interun- I FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL tuonI l4lirat> Wrt. rad ro pat- l!ntollrrient (iii our 19'19-7(l00 rive. athletic, und playful :sp1u. (708) 8636255 tarpate in ChrrL ii rari Ysurnel l'resehuot begin, April nation of tire elemcnt of ru). rÁ l)ayaaihrl.rh,aty' 2h" lot residents and April 28rk Tickets aie availItic now in mime 1w mran-cenideotn and willtre Ctrildsean Dcpuniitenr. : until ds.ncn ate filled. Cult Fwr dciuìl. cull Kziuin Armald . I..... I.USEThE DUG ttmcIloanard Leinuir at 111471 in tire Chjtdirnu Sorvicci De- %i L_.-j. ... 967-ft6» frit nanen(rtrrr*umiirti panmcat.at($47)663-66a Tite 5UGt.O.TIflJtistraY. APRILL 1909 , ij,, .. 11 PAGE 22 TUE EUGIZ THURSDAY. ANUL8, 1999 F'h c::;» e s e I*t ¡ News From The Village of Nues Village of Niles News From The Village of Nues Educational Materials andResources Nues Fire Department L jze mcc und Communily Affairs u_s_ En%ironmOnIßl Protcciion Calendar of Events EnyitonmcnaI cducation ma- øunian Sersicen I 9llnnnt Crsuier fludlcatIn tria1s arc ayii1ablc at no cost to (DCCA) nformalion and Disiri- Agcncy: (312) 886-3584 teach children fire safety www-cpN-8nv All residents nie Invited to attend the Niira Human Srrsícus cdacnIoTs from Uscrollowing budas Crsaer: (ROO) 252-8955 rind Fitness Center dedication ucremosy os Sunday May 16, The Leaning Tower YMCA fuie engines op close. As u spe- (in Illinois) hosted a fire safety program dur- agencicaand instiwtcs: 1999. The Fitnesu Center will be open all day. The Senior Center cielattraction.childrenwere Illinois Deparirseni oîNaluml ins ipting break for- sdrool ugc AmrsicanPisslicsCouncil: NI/es Curbside will be open frani I tant, through S pm The dedicution will he given a cbancr to handle so au- (8cX1) 243-5790; Rcsourcea: (217) 782-7498. Con- children. Mumhers of the Hites tuaI fire tro,e with fret fighters srsvation Education Calalog at 12 p.m. with unacks to follow Fitness classes, equipment dem- www.plasiicsrsourCccOm onsttations. enlertainmror and touts of the building wilt be ciar- Fire Deparinren: preseoned u va. aSsistance. Members usedthe Illinois Rccycling Associnhion Recycling Can Manuíaclurcrs Insumir: dactud throughout the day. If you huye any quctirrns, please call ntty of subjects itiuhuding: tale 110.0. Center lire dcpnrrttineors (lRA) (108) 258-OO5O cooking. nate hinchen practices. (88S) 226-2368 Progìam lItt Village at 588-800(1. mite Safety Trailer a jointly www.canccnttal.com wwaçilrccyclinga$sn.org FireDrills loThe Honre, owned potiabie fire safety edu- All Nils rsidcnt households Branch Plr-k.trp OlassPscknging Instiiulc: Sicci Rccyclisglnsiw!: lId2lTHl. and oilier Irre concern cation Hailer providing member (800) 937-1226; www.rrcycic- with Village garbagc service Ste 'flic Nitre I'ublic Seraires Deparinrunt ollcets huinches tarar (3I7)2&3-I6OWWWgPi.O$ April through October once per month, Residcnra icing east of ousd Ihn house. Tire program nlepaitrnctnts tire ability ti.: create Illinois Dapa4nscn of Coin- icl.org ; www.rccyckroorn.org eli8iblc to paflicipatc in the curb- also afforded chjtdtn a .hancu lire valery scenarios in various srderccyclrngprogrstm Initia) re- Milwaukee Avenue will rast brandt pickup on the Ont Mouday itnnior t'y traearr5r to view nne of be departinonts roirms ini a typical hronre. cycling bins SIC provided at no or cauh rrromti. Residents living 'irai of Mïlwankee Ayunar wilt Fireman Dicen Chapp (mudo lean/ce), 9iv,o9 nrnsn,ucr,orrs fo rho cMtfron fluide thur Foc, Sstor BARGAIN-RATE CAR chargu by ihr Villofo. Additional Irnac brandi pickup on tire lait Monday rif rvery mentir. Brrnchcs House., Oil how ro escapo n im through ¿ho S'tlolnn.t wufno,'. 01 replurentent biss ars avuilable touai be Iras than IO nettes in diameter and tied inlrupdks no in lrngtlr. All hranb. Household Hazardous Waste : ' HOUb INSURANCE WITH ror purchase at the Adininisira- titare ritan 18 IncItes in diarrretrr and -I feet tian Buildiof, 1000 Civic Center Cs inuit be plaCCd at tlru curb ¡u frontof your ttomr lt you raSe Drive (southeast comer or Oak- any questions, please call tIre Villageof Hiles or Sua-8000. Specialprecautions arcre- vice station. Many aies service sratiirnsacceprrhcsctypesslnra. BARGAINRATE SERViCE ton and Waukegan). Cnll theVU- 1999 LnnntneTowr Concert Sena quitenfor household hazardous r-. rcrialsfocrccyclisg. lage St (841) 588-8000 to redorai Iltø Village rif NUes will Irsl htZt Annual Leaning Tower warte- Please use the following precauilonn for household has- IS NO BARGAIN additional intotmation l'bere is Concert Series ïs 1999, TIria year, ten (lit) cerneen eseots will be .Paintstrippersannisot- also morn inronination at the Vil- held beginning on June 24. Euch Thursday (rom June 24 through airions waiter Scot,: Lei tIrent suinte artel tInco .Aerosols: Put only enrpiy tagu of NUes websitu - the end ofAufust iaill be a (ree caneen event. Tire concerts will pour off the cleaner fee teure. cans innhetiasirandncvsrhutn or wwwvnilcscom. Ire triait 7 to 9 pn:. at the Leaning Tnwer Plraa 63(81 Touhy As. Poor sludge intir a cr,niaioee antri Matenlalstb&t mny be recycird ease in Nite, Please bring your own lawnchair. Fand will be diepweofcauns in n triait compoc- seal or wrap io newspaper antri tar. Tty ro use inon'uertrsols as nur .Glass Boules - Clear grues arailalrle (or tale, On selcured copeen dstc, businesses is Hiles throw is the trash. Altetnatively. trave donared food fric spucrarrrrs, lror ruote iotìrrrrrulion, pleAse altauritise Dontrust just anyone to inur your car. srmc: and brown .DeVeaiets tire iii-e entire try ro itrip the item by sanding or .blutaI Cans - aluminum call tIre Village at (847)588-8000. heat giro. by 11w HIles Fnnsi- container no pise it Sway. Try to BILL SCIIMWT tin_ steel und bi-mutai 7745 N. MflWAUtEEAVF, NLLES use a strong dcter$eoi type as sp- Ifynu base airy questions as ro , . - 1 Seryires: '5 L.n*O,n I*dI Plasticcnntairters wlt nod where may be isoyelerl, PffI1l.$IZHPDEand LS LDPI?L I,POt'eiitIflE in The 90's - Svstrrnattc Traloltq for Eilte- poscdiouuolcen:typc. - )& (47) 961-5545 . II« Vtiten0n9. PitS parrots otclrilrirvt ages 6-12. Tocriy even- ,Motor cii outil trisosmissinii please cannier the Vitla8cor t'troror by itas t 1Jk o good n.gIthO S,a: Fom Lfh,r. Paper pnoduutt - catalogs. CrROOT Recycling and Waste an Hilos Ffrornnm Brims Hon,nc*s. loft anna Eri! WhetS snoOped by to soy hi to Oro dvIdon Ort junk uralt, and cnrtugstc4 card- jais 7-8:30. April iS - May tE. Cour is 525 includes class tirate- fluid: Recycle oil soul rouissais- alen fluid at a neightbottrood we. 1800)244.1977. n4no Sctiriu mo Program Coci4trnaroe lo, tiro YMCA stAnds b&W'd the cAsk/sen. board r(als aid utrilduare. r-or Inforsoatios call 588.5460. 2.Family IJoirerolty Sarurrlay May IS. 1999 at Msln East High School farm 83(i ant. - 12 noon F-or infornsation call Hiles l'arruily Sersices ut 588-8460. Spirosored by Nun Healthy Coni- 12,000 SQ. FL DESIGNER SHowRooM otuoity lannerr5tipaod Dirlrìt 207. Vehlet Stlçkrr Sn1v- Residents ute reminded tIra: tire 1999-2000 Vclricte vtkLers . MANY ITEMS IN STOCK u-ill i° on saie starring lune I, IOU'). Currant sticken wrIt espire on Surre 30. 199'). Hew srickurs will br valid frisar July I.999 through June 30 2000. Rcstdeors irray purchase tickcrrtrtough PROFESSIONAL SALES AssociATEs READY To ASSIST You tIre tirril or come into Villnge liait. 1000 Civic Center »tier. at hid '5 what it's all about. tItO iGUibeASt Conter uf Oabroo and Waukcgarit'ieas.e call the Villuenl 588-8000 with any quesriosr E*rthDjiyt iltutsilay, April 22, 1999 iv Osati Day. Take some dritte trot to Parkway Bank io pleased to welcome Mike Kelly as pinnt a tree. recycle, arid clean a park or- anytlriog that urlI help Vice President nod Rcional Manager. Mike bass tIte envimnment. This Eusth ¡s the only orte thur we tissu. Let's long catcee orserving the ilnancitd needs of indiniduals all take caro ofit! Rrduec-Remu-Recycle and businesses in theotihsseui Chicago and Subwbas NUi-r (entenntsI Catnlrrstirtt Uured below i ihre renraioing calendar otesenti for Niles Cen. MkI.tlkd cammunitica. tennial Celebtation. Please call the Vilbge at 508-11000 lut narre Rkal As PaSt Picuidunt ottite Nues Cramber of Corn- isfounation. mutue nnd mcmbco ofuesetal cunrmunitsenke Sunday, Ajriil 25 - An Mlernrrorr at the Senior Cuotee organizntions Mike ía no uinutpct to the l4oflbwtst JolylAopust - 2Annual Lcring Toner Cosuci Sosies NUts Offinn: Cbieaoland trrwisets And. us n new member of the Sunday, July 4 - Independence Day Parade rind Festis-itics Tuesday, AuSui4 2-1 - Actual CerenniaI Date I Village iloatd 7601 ?MlInùikt* Ant,. Paitway family. he is eager to nene the individuals und Meeting: Open Hause Celebiatiart - Hiles Adrrtinisttutioo Ilutid- p*rft Rll8fl1tn: bu4iscuoin these CCtntItWIIIkL ing 608 lilggins P4. Pietist rd froetoconurutMikeat Sunday. August 29 - Ccnrrnrsìal 5K Fus Kurt/WalL Hiles Fit- Cbkio Offlct,: ($47) 47ß.0700. ilesa Center 4446 i. Cunthcaland Asc Firday, October I - SuuiorCotet Dittnerll)arrue w,'- Saturday, ()ctirhrelb . (itanil Finale Centennial Celehrarrorn DitrrierlDarscc - White Eagle lìurrquct Hall. Csrrdirsrte4uylie Villafe Of Nles November IS and 14 - Centennial Tea spirasoirit h)' rIte Hile, Hittorical &riirty GROE BROAN Capture tire htisiay of dint carrnrrunrty by putuhtavroi ilseHiles AQLLQASS PARKWAY Cunteoniah hhìsrrwy ErroL Ibe ku,h writ be asarlatrlcthriorigìrout ihr yeas by tue Village ciHiles BANK & TRUST CO Vhlt thç VEinte of Nltr-Viejisitni 7ktd?44f SlIJilfdafd LiEE.1±Th.:1: DELTÄ 'lire Vthlae iii Nrlev ssebsrrc ís r great rcroutvn ritrn(sattrarisOr Bertch titanyVillage.enises.Visit lic uiarie ui ItSiaw tir nwrwLUO about I46s-unun orat, i'MSt' www,nilu* t'vita ansI click erar Centennial ltrÑrjrrr:iinr, gorets. p_ed R.,iu Oe,O$ mestI links; inertial ralrrsharw inforirtainrit mi the Hile,Vunrrl 7850 N. Milwaukee, NUes847-965-4444 Yrt- 5$ed L1)K Finiera Centet uttil such more. Access intoariatron about tic HOURS: MON & ThURS 7:30 - 8PM TUES &WED 7:30 - 6:00 PM FRI 7:30 - 5PM e SAT 8:00 4:00 PM 10110iii Hile. lisiS >OSt htiritw uirtnputcr tre attywliere to nie senhil Vvit www tirt 'reo19 trd3y mc m,4;tk 'nyttns,rsy, APRIL li. 1199 ieAGE aa PAGE 24 11E HUGLE. ThUkSDA.'. APRIL 8,1999 lI i - a-a-t -u -i a-i-*:'f N i w' News From The Villageof Nues News From The Village of Niles 1999 LeaningTower Nues Fire Department Afternoon at theNues Senior Center Plle F-ire Department mainlaina a SPEAKERS BUREAU getucy tiredicat subjects. public wonderful Protnms or AI- refrcsrnwntsundsoniusurprires! The Village afNilcu maintitinu lofs which ore available at lIte education tnd CPR clossec To 1999 is not on'y the 100th flnnì- Headquarters nration for a din- compuncrired alerting program Represcvativr. of 111e Eire 0e- lernoon ni Ihc Nues Senior Cen I p.m. - D*ora open a full linie prol'csaional file de- parttnret arr availabtu no ilcs (el opta appoinulvent. fuinrard a vcrsai' o( the Village of Nues. p.m. - Welcome rrum Coñcert Series ¡ultimen, providing full lite sup- counted cost. Occupancy inspec- which advises responding lire bai it is also the 25" nonivcrsniy ter, an the Niles Scñiors Cenler, l:l lighters tItar a pennon wilh a per- servtccctutvi. tiotiieiiiwner osoci letter nl request laNilts Erra Mayor Blanc Eoea'Thurndtry,iUni24 -AugustZ6. 1999 ¡oession,uffCprevention und tians we conducled. the code to- of the Senior Ccntcr. Please join999 Civic Center Drive. Nitra manent disability needs npecial atinas or church group. ta ipe.ik Ctuic(. a3d) W. t)vruipstvr Stucct. I: l5-:3Op.m. -Cake celebrai- I -9 pni. LcanlngTOWCrPbeZ conergencymedical ncrviceo. The SpectorChicks(nroperable us Sunday afrernoon, April5i from l-5 p.m. arnantianduting a flee siruatton. tin a sandy 01 litt salely. curer Nileuhl. 150714 ing Nues Senior Centre 2ih An- Idringjourown lawnchedr stailincludcs50sseom personne! alarms. so ourdynanric seniors can higln- Pind our whan we dol See dis- acnivities. niYcrnazy. Call tIicVlHag«ofNffti rormar«infnrnnndun: (841) 588.8000 und four civihimi employees. All ligini oar brand new (acihitand plays showing our ¡jOME INSPECTION PRO- Watch demanntialionn of paint- Peefonnianee Schedule June24. 1999 Euzoincandela rteeflglucc/parannedies axe siate GLM: Residents ntay tequcol t Ike aadl- iog, quilting. and ecrarnics. Par- 1:40-1:55 p.m - Dtama Perlor- He's delighted the crowd for llave yeats and lieu hiwkh ecunflied an haiti lire flghdng and (ree Itcone inspection io identify and clapping no nIte brilliant liai- Cen tennial Celebration L6NCT{RM CR[ titillate in line dancing. Enjoy mance by The Prcicndeia - A encra csen resist singing. laughing, emergency medical tersiecs. The hazards. A firehightee will come The Village of Nilen has begun plans in cutubrarion iii the comwaniiy'strISti birthday 'firs luooniutt perulrrnianvcsbyourChoral Vornan & HcrPlant" ion music perfonncd byltnwannl hin assistanl Village in cutrently in receipt ala lo your benne and make sanes- 2-2:10 p.m. - Tap Dancing by milestone is truly a special occasion. Our Ccnlcnnial yc.ir wilt ta .s trvmenckiu. rucreucunit uc l,.4, t.,r. group. Kitchen Baud,Drama July I, 1999 ThcCoa,nitxlan Cima 3lieninsurance rating lions IO eliminate hasards during group. Square Dancing, radTap Thu Happy Tappers female vouaI- whIch helps keeps reoìdcnts lire ward lo a year filled minh reflection. radinioo,rod ru.inure The Connenion in a seven-piece band with twa lead a ¡5 minore eaaminzllinn of key tui plunnvil hrouyhuint the yet, .. lit5. .iiui rsleusiru Dancing. Have a chance to talk 2:20-2:40 pun. - Choral Sing- keybourdsas Do Inuueancerancs trw. safety elements. Health and aale- Below is a list ofaclivilies und programs lvii inh iuta, guitar, bass, dwrr,a keyboazdthratnlret and and look for atore detail in tIne Village neoslelEr, ' iba Nutro Progues Report. veal neicctclpees.ui rn willi our Senior Center members ing bylbeGolden Noies IlleclecIric ulidc, tIte macarenu.anddance all night. ly clumplaints uhoald be referred 2:50-3:lOp.nr. - Kitchen Band The Vlllagc'n wo (ire stónlnris noancements lhrougluaut the contmunity and hear hirst-Inand about how Mr. Myces alu uttultcgicurhiy located al 5360 lo nbc Code Enlorcement Depart- machi tun we buse. Hear about cniertainineoi bylire KiiChe- July 8, ¡999 Mr. Myers blends the tropical sounds ofCalyp%o.the rhythms of' w. Dctnpstcr Street (tteadquar- ment. 999 our health screening prevention iodres Village Ilulard hlcentng. Junior lhryb l5rct Conneut W,vre usuarIo u'.kuIect otIS. Reggae and a little Rock n' Roll with sonIc(asedIe classic tanes Io Ices statiOn) nod 661 I W. JaMs April 25. Sunday programs, and medical lending 3:203:30p.m. - Dormo l'echar- FIRE PREVENTION The alOIs md conduct a block V,lttge lIcitud (.lcriiny create lllcirownsperiatslylcohCaaihbeao rock. Averare. Today you're wtist ¿ud work closet. Learn aboun our nupport mancostnyThe Pretenders- Fire Ptcveniiun ønreau reviews iulyhugusl Leaning Tower Conceul Series. 2nd ,nvualEtec c,ircenc held each creek trie July IS. 1999 Wntcdoo Ceumrin Ranid hard for your 3cconiplisb services,nach as Meals on Conccraed Citizens & Pai The Hiles Pino Dcpoeunent of- plans foc ali new buildings pitar IWO months. Wheels, Medicare and ras ossia- YoneBesiFoot Forward 'lliecrstwd wasdazzlcd at thr 998 concert und the capduaning 0cc- fusa number olpnogralns no Vil- to occupancy ro enstuc counpli. Independence øay l'araste rod (rsnvltles mcor. NowtOLIshould mans ureback.Enjoy0ermonwahtecspolkac. and mure. Contests mid July 4. Snndoy rance. 3:40-4 p.m. - Sqaarc Dancing lagercuidenlre anca with lire presenrion codes. Altgusl 22. Sunday OrtItMill Ice Creon Sourit (yorsibty o orsidel Crv,tdrnttrd try ntre Ila,tuan Suruvi pino for tomorrow Quglified byTheReireads games (uribe entire family. The Bureau also inspects indos- Long-Term Can, Iosurnnct NUca Seniors - Piense join us cv Department amt Youth Coopetiitrir Ptcrgtattu. 25th to find aun 4:05-4:25pint.-Balirixan July 22, ¡999 BuffaloShufIl«ru EMERGENCY MEDICMI trial, commercial atol m« resi- on Sunday. April SERVWE:'flic Pire Depuerirtenl August 24, Tuesday Actual Ceniennial f}trc I VilltyrItotud Meelung from Anroricsn Fuwily all about tltesc and olhcrarrivi- Dancioghy Tire Senior Swingers They're back by dcmandt Sing-ir-longo, intleuntentals, norelty dennial properties (or code adher- Ailnirnusttgtlirn Ituilitiry Muitial ln,oraintt (oi:i;uoy Is committed Io providing corer- ODe n house Celebration . Nile, tics. What a wonderful way no 4:30.4:45 pm. Lirio Daocirig tunes und endless fun. An ensenthlc of foe versatile musicians. they care, I, Friday Sontar Center Dinncr awl l)ance kts you choose your friture peur). medical service tocn,nmu 0u'tuber spend a Sunday afternoon. To byThc Marigolds perforat on banjos luhta. tesnohione. keybuaardsand washbearda. BLOOD PRESSURE TEsV. (ktnber 33, Saturday Grand Fin.alr CcvlrnnittCdebnttirn n)ununcl and Dater,Whiie Eagle Ilanqirl Curt aun protects roue fritan. lclresI,mrnts will be available nily and business residents, Two meet with old friends, Iononybe July 29, 1999 Metuner MagIc mobile intensive case units ncc lNG Both fIre stations trilce free Halt. Ci,tdintrert l'y Itwulltge ob N ries oW resets. piovidiny pro throughout the day. ly make new ones...nO( lo mention Join the lathor and scIa earn for crninttr year of fan. ivaghts, and ecuuinually uaf'f'crt available rind blood pressare lasting tO any rari- the hiolory of mr cuitsmunrty t'y purctuasrng the Siles Centennial lhistin3 lt.ik.lire isoi, arti tectiohi (irr 1O1cra%1iriiS,WC Caplurn good polkamosic - lrleianerMagict manly Io administer life-saving ¿col, Monday through Friday beavailable tlsinughoran the year by ihre Vitlayr et hales tail bel1,i,ti¡On.ikiiip ucaInrenI lu the nrost critical. life from 9;0i) am. lo 5MO pm, pro. Should you baue anyquestrortsreyriding lie cuvons. please contrer thur Vrltagu Mantyct'ct)htte st tomi,rriiws clioicn. ..rr.Jay. August5. ¡999 p. Twonnc-hnurcnnceu'ts: (I)Andy Head,(Zl AC Rock Ihreatening emcegenciet. Depart. sidcdpersonnel ate in quarters (1147)588.8050. Andy's outrageously funny di5play of juggling. musicalcoouedy ment!ffnnlDL approved deter- DIbMIILITY PROGRASI' WMIA( unicycle, tïiln arr perfGciltantCe an and aadiencepariicspatïun is suce gdf0/ tnIcaveevcryonerolhinginlIlcirnCa1 At Stars AC Rock is a4 piecegroupthan perlormiotuiicofIh« (Os, lOo. rind SO's aeappella style. -0L:I--NT;'-I- -L:,,, August 12, ¡999 intl Burly and the Sundowneru TOP PRODUCER WLS-TVs Joel Daly has lots going uni - news ancitor. Iaa7er. rind stonily western yodeling' music peefornirr. The Suudowncns in an eighi-mcmbcrcononty wesrcrngnoup witha spceialty n yodeling! .. Tina Paras M*nwc0Slz'eel Klcamee Blind Augunt 19, 1999 Over i 5 'frs.Professional Service 'Soal Marie" al' ,nc'ocricas Ruasian.iewiuhr immigrants, Back by RESIDENTiAL COMMERCIAL populOr demand nine (9) instnrrnentohisn-v,walists will dairle you once rigain Iltinytior. 847-965-3596 August26, 1999 ßaltleo(tlicßandn Direct Cootcouppuil ouryoullt ntasical ralenti, Ali interested high school PJlK RIDGE VM. Paaer 847-319-8555 musical mas ate encouraged lu reginler foc thninbantic olmusic. Audì- NILE$209.600 MORiON GROVT ,:. bIlLES $239.000 erIce nrcnthcrswill hethejudgcs. «'sIl ly'pesli(mtia4cal arts! SOLD IN 7 DAYS $197,500 $249,000 í 3 BEDROOMS 7811111E FAMILlES W11NTED IT SOLD IN 6 DAYS 11106E FAMILIES WAIIITO II Join the BY JEFFREY CARDELLA PUBLIC IN YEARS. S1i,iit1 I,, Tite lbtigk Citizens Police WE ARE EXPERIENCING THEBUSIEST REAL ESTVfE MARKET Academy AND ARE CRITICALLY SHORTOF HOMES TO SELL. Mark your calendas, Ihre Nibo Edward Jones: I'uihjtDepatitnent Is hosting air- KNOW, HAVE BEEN THINKING OFSELLING YOUR HOME, OIIWI cession oh' tIre Curiacar, Pio- IF YOU, OR ANYONE YOU Deduct IRA Contributions hicc Acacknty begInnIng In Sep. More Americans Can teorluco. 10(19 And lie boyer )rul delay paying The Cillseus M'adrmy ntccis Ciwiukoiry iiasiiny an lIrA. trorlr.n( yhtXa.eaXl (cv criupks Ir, MaUled hurryJointly0-- oil l'lioitby esenings (trum 63l) NOW IS THETIME TO CALLUS !,laao. 5(uI.(IrO turnes. ihe luger ,mr lelilerwal trat tratIJiC L4ACitWEific lu, ts)1 orsI Seaa.lxaahar ,ndi,icboln nest c-pg can grow, pm. lu' OJO pro Parlicipiunlu yrlllii no enlia S!.rxxIbras 'n r Ill herIr .peorntc ale rOCe0«d IllusI he liscI 21 Ulks risidents. Irr enlploycr-1f.00llMed pIani In Thr O.uwu )uni cLIn. the muir thuho,iriCcflt,,C Ypor c'oblio h.ltauin( We ItlOl9tlACrI be committed lo the IO track QUALIFIED BUYERS, GETYOU TOP DOLLAR, care-, ala ario ignote il CuY- uu'll loso loi lellircvl,l And Il WE WILL BRING YOU lirio1150)lo mvi,(1Wpernil ryan tied by cru )IMJCJIÎJC'JIIC1 1u,ut&',wilr,buIian, pii,yfiutt,lId paco a barkground In he purl. early prWgde 10,4 111asel9suruncrt titanc Taupty oid by a pta11. thir Ilmil applies MOVE WHEN YOU WANT. la Ire couvard spouse nv Mil blu 014 lOa laIe la estairliull au, check. l'aniripants icceise train. AND SCHEDULE YOUR cr,vclnlb)einpkiet'ionitS CII 0,111 AGI }tt,n Itnaic buyes ny un scremI areas of Law F.t,- unii lot ilrc00IYC rna cosered IRA orni loSe the rlrsinulkan el ,rlocnael»igialli sud hewaleCe a-ill try atric Io rbria,.lIrere luth (orreotelit. culdenre. darnerlre twya IR,au,ll,tn,iun,. llante isSb.tl,(X8J- $1001X01l ,unJr 19911 laI IttlOhl 'r0I haie e tratase 0,0% upler coloro ionIc urrill Apnl l. 19W. Io duu ial 'liitultre, l)lJl. ase of (ocre, l'ue- sould ,kdocl their lIrA suasoto -lib AGI ,nSlhIn 'lieve ranges bteing.bIrlulkdUcilut liA 'i r,00cl ytnrl bnOCilnmnil Nulles. usanttanning. unird will 'llde' I IsiS'stontI 04$IISICd gros. 10110W oint he altaued a gi,siiat doliw' craOiìh0lt.OlY 111101 rOciyu lanes is a giraI I'irel'il. lrrrl ill lIru the rolan1ni lis advboc loi prullìc wilt, an olflcer on patrial. (A(illonlhiI la,relaroTarhou 'file ChilcOs Prutice Arwierlly e, 4 çtanges macicd in I9'fl ra* 1999 InrncnvPhawual rnlp icanlu Ill rouliliub nu ¡RA uktiuIrDil bo an IRA can lut nIl, 'a,i yoInrñllaCulmlnllIun I'IiifIlitll4S citfeirul -011cv eecr) tiWonIr11101W.IlukIng litA Ran:rs(n« lhdneliblli*y r,%1atlrcrd(anl iou ran deducT dreW (ural fur year. Foc (malter iuhxoiaaron or (0« 0g iIc. ConIribulhi )iart rs,rriiilncions. all eunongo JrIry Ca'riIIul carlleibutiio5s d,4,xi.ble Ill compkie an ugçuhcatuto. coo- many linac pce, The lindru lnthc'daot ' ' l(uan - In L lindilinnil IRA armiuaeri rnsetn'd Ile Erhuusi ¡roua. ¿1141 l, o rio? grsrtr,anrlean 9n9u0ial S'e (011'00cv u'owr*nWiarr Oo'ouS arIa CSsonrt will connihtuc lu fliC cath )'c.u. s4iocul 110111 yro wilId(w lIr« iruey t,fAfilaooZcr, Nitra. 4V.$93i. tac! Sgt. lofm Frkodak tSl ar (*47) 588-6506. riiEnkGi,E.1iJttIiSOaY.AP*fl.&88Ott WADI; 7 TIlE DUGtJ. flURSIMAit ' uI i I .-*-. i-wa .-a u¡t'r Iï .*L»WV' News From The Nues ParkDistrict News FromThe Nues Park District Makea bet with Burgers with Bunny- aHopping success! Pioneer Park - a Camps, Camps and moreCamps! Wokomo tuttItoNilcut Park IlututtatulLousuti (tutoi. 6676 Outhuolu Pok place toexplore! Dittoci Sumtnor Camput Wc lltuw'aid Stinit. Nulos. 5cta'untia lutnuuuo Ilutitu studonti u.us lu-usc Nues Park District tun tututt 'thookl> ittp-u tu, lu-osohali Alt aboad..Hannhs Show. luau-c Cantp ptitgtuitntn(oc pio- titto can hi tItano to ri%.uut lt by wishno! Lunch will be on your nuotI, All catiup (ucuttu uttu,i ho 5_ututot.Gtu.ttAttuçtt<.t.Naty boaL Casino in Eot Chicigo In. florn ihr Ho. A contint nito with uttany antìci- alamonilics. school age tluutngh oigltth picnic. own. Dus dcpon lilledututsitutuplourlyantIto- l'uni attuI t,ttutnuttt.ts ï'ltcattr. roui (liana. Jein in 11w pound tuons ha.s now bcconuc a tct- 'flic narrte Ptnncot Park was tuffcecul either partial cur full doy, xcicrncnI on ward l.cisurc Ccntr, 6I76 W. Vol tIto zuppti.jurtaio loo .tcttvutt susto.'hou ttusfltnttn5. Thurd;iy. April 22 os Iho Nik roalional ulcvclopnucnt. l.ocatcd ,utnnilucd by Couttntisntoncr Our goal intut p ttctt tin Etto antI tutncd ss'iilu Hord St. a 9:30 n.m. on«l rr tuopruiccuseul Kogusii.ututun Ittling.ttu,itch.u.Iuutuluopanti Park DiIrict goc 5ornirig. Enjoy at Tonti> and Haslctut. Puonccr Iingolmutn un nuontoty ut) rIte pont- scutc tutututitien that pioototc gutusi tut lurna! oppmoi,nacdy 1:31) pm. tIto Vul. sutIl Ito uccoptctl until the cattt;t ittttiel oo (2i ions nlI a.m. and I Punk 'nus built itt a joint cifoti by plc itt Nibs w-lut siattctl spoitstutan.ship.cur.sttvuty untI RgiUoiìoo inow in pmpr.s. nd to tu t'ulIrul tutu .tpocuty In tIto cu-tnt Sb SI7 Rcs. ihn Viltogn uf Nticn and ttm Nitos lag. otet ISO ycata ugo positis,e solícstcnm. p40. Top k i For mcm ifl(OflnaiOfl colt (847) Dis' ytwo ulrsutoul c.ttuup us toll. >cui All Sports Cucotp t(ito.ks l'itt Duc.) nnd ¡ncIudcwo crui.c 967-643. Why noi try your luck ?urk Dïsunict. ttuttuo tolto ttartcd tIto Path 'lhc over sut popular trouiu- ihr> on' n_unto tuall lic pI.woul unu watt- l.tio tutpLu> sÇu-ttu 'TItus nod S Icosh ha,k (rom Hornthn This 7.acrc lot inuludnu 2 haIl teint 4> >rant 0go. "%Vluat trottaI' campa. 31w'soc atnpc un- and rugiMuc today. butt il u,t.uu i I-cut tua canut)) i'itto tutut WlutI'c Intu tog lioldu. that wci,utttutnibtc-n baso- siutoord ìs not stagnuttnn. clodo; Punt aiuta ltt000cts. Kutlduc unta Itcu'uSo w Il Showboniforriur tutu luto.anuiI'I.uttflEqu-tulu.>cut tuait. tontinait and uuoxnr. an IS. tuoi going Iounsatd un ptoguosntvr Kaut)).uds-onturcrs.R.uogctu. .tccutttitttuttl,tto all ut.ttttttt_ stopping lutsyo.ut. s uftit ttuulul w II le_uts lutuuu tutnt ottuOp halo miniaturn golfuwurno (catur utets,flwntcatetlto hutuyjgrrs S X.ltltutcts. and Out- ultut now .-ltics SunununisVcnE.0 piuuptam aiutI touai- .-ottuut ing a wntntíull antI nutduuuu.J. stonos.hallmaukn itynu still, gis- bici Itick. n gcncuoliuttts a p1.5cc Io flui.sis pinot (tuiLttttulto.tluuu unnluton. hatting cagcn. cutnunu. ng blurt Vn duttlu.ts'omany' siwrs ltttm. Those us'ctntt utsuittu tuteIwur ultulult Ali Spurts tilni.Catttp ulit'olt't nions. u held hunun.on-suIe lisowithsutinundtogswitlu catiuls to cluutuusur uruuunul ultout altc.zly lait Itauldnit. a cluiIutunnn play ou. and which ulury cao ho pottod. 'lIte ttups liuto your torito child os catiup 1ntsuio Itt ont sputo hic Strictly ploonnul sac.utuuns Ilall sl-u> tanty ut -'ut1 Spurts a pathwoy utuuu itas-eh orwuttut uhr Nibs PookDtstiuctIloarultul Canup to togtor.ciu tnctc: ofutni pauk. Communioncrsnottut onthe bluttingBanchaItCatit))tuttut PInI Stuc Ploonirs tu'ugcs 3-aI h was back in I97 .4mm Ihn nuulnoattltttl)oorotboo Board toutny spotts Iukc nuit uII.dcuy lilt Childion liuto the tnu$tuttt.ttlCC Vusuih Itsuwbull Cuurrip u.-'ttn u 't. land swap punnnsal wan nuadr br. Mocting. fluui und Major Leapucru Iu\ll' sharing. lustonung. and tutu-por- Teach Kids Fire Safety tunco ihr Vilkugn turd Path Dun. Pionocr l'a,k sudI utgen April Spant) Summer curtup ond tul anon, tluiiuugh age apptuuputauo Taut -occis utí pinot hauckull ffeIoIhs catch íin. Itrt. lbc lutudu inuolned uric tIto IO wit), a giuntI cuponung to EttI- Spuartulces Mini.Cainp. Nut ritan. h'.ttttcs and actis'uttn. lul.u>ttui.Icuortungitt..utsosull instrucIkidsto Niks Pank Distuici Junowiak Park tot what cautup >tu. chuwsue (os your cluild. wo know theywull cota,-CI. i.1 tIto iuuuisr. tu wotl a.. Ilocolrd tut TonIty and Itrankui flie daily bouts of cporatton oOul STOP, DROP and ROLL ... ptttlttnli.lioldun).ltutuun. - . und ihn lanuttuwnod by tItoillagc (or the Spttng sr.u.suts our Satin- luso a prcoi SumOtoit Klddk Kuuuip lt'tguus >Itt bato tunnutug PhotoByI)onCarsnr au Tuoulty and harIcot t*enucs day.Apitl ID-Ptid.uy.Jnnc4. ltegtsutaltuio (tue all canup pout- An t,pintuiunuty litt l.unuknga$i' . SUZETTE D.SALVO On Salunday, Maw.h 27, Ute Nitos Pack bisturi ce!obci(ed$p,jnwrit Ihefrannuaì8ugocs odth Bun. lptcsiouusly knnwtu as Nilci Sont- Mttnday.Itrtda) 5.Itlptn. gt.utitt us now in luttt)t055 At tIto on agtd chuttlicotulisplutio. Li 5217 N.H.0n Ann.. cl00no liutsoirullC*iop'Sinioililiii. I " ny event. acato. cspoittttcoi ari) toctilttn I ìn.uuy ColIngni. lito'uIIago pno Souurday IOE3t)a.nt. . IO 311p.m. don lt. l-t t'nou-tt t173) 7741147 ThiSyoar, I56childrenjoînoajthe SpdngBunnyfora dehclous buffellutnchOlbutpers. cltipu Onu des pctnrd rIm idea tul making a land Sunday I.30a.m. - lOp,nt, Son mo. yow I Register now for Adsuniurors lCita'ksl-ait.h Itautots Up' I.o.uutu tu. hut pituI SOOn Fwm A4nnt . Toll frs3 1.U84.474414 sen. A/lerlhoy wore dono eaSing, Bunny!nvile4 the children toconto na io puunonauy rind and take a swap bOsnien Ihn two, gtvung uhr fluc Sununici luttais will stur pttcltutu). attuI porteur 3unti h-at- picture WI 1h hIm. RangoontGt'atku .t.lut Lk a wn! Stu;e Fanii in Nitos I'auk Dutricu die pfoperny at tun Juno 5 and gut tltstuta(It August ttøright Beginnings" hog lt*T1 ftJ HO l conutn cosronn Chltdw.tn elan pwuiclpeled In a croft ol making Bunnymagnets. The event was heWat Banquods by Huilom and Touhy in orhangc 22 opon daily (rom 10:31) ant. tut hall ita> tul cant)) rEcul wuttu OfflcttDontn, Tam. bcatOdattheHowardLeinu,e Corner. Shoumlro,AnnassoKitsrenundKnM. ruto tino land Joiwuak Pour turco. lOEss p.utt.'lluo park is a groat lut- Preschool SchI titp-u. (anuos. iltutiit. uralS.. Iioa$unthutil Ca.untp tEitaulour jOt çauittn to hold >utur oasi (tunuhaus picd. anti swumnitnp learn 11w (uiutt.uut,-ontalstul Muri nitwItdiurunsinti.tIto or. of trot out the finIti Ilututse lot Kngisttaiuoit litt tIto l'399.2iSYt lsa.stnub.ulI ou u,nll ai tu.ut,u pit> coordinated Puppet Time at Ik I)striuI ugtrid --land. uçcuunttns tttnctttt}ts Pr'onclacsul i'iuu$t'atit loptits Mon- 't.oytieci, & X'pliienrs tOtatktu Itaik u (tui to,uulcnCtittd ,uuuuld be swapynd, Ittttsnoi tdelinutel> day. upiiI 2h Iistondctl Con antI lInt Nitos Paik I)usinct began lurut julare tus cupluuic l,i tuttOt mItte- ikoulnosutay. A1uiil 2S lut nun- I 4» Nues Park District It.11 cualts. Tiaciulu-.tt.uttuln ato alto au.tuiu- ptanu (un u now piuk ro hr built. tutattuïflabsouttIto path. pIcote unsudonts attuI wult cu,ntttuuc tuntul uhu> tIspi.Th. A chancc rr your childo utrntud. SaltI bioS'allt-tltttit.ittu- t t(sa with the right tOing imaginahun w Iïk. With nu.uoy .aíouy and builulung cuunta.ct lutctuc Vallc'l'toncnt Sut- clatse-t arc lillod TItO Nulos l'tA gatitos. ststttttntnla. w'ookl Citildoco 5 to 6 )ca, ai. inuit. trips tas uscII as (aatuulu uuttsttuot mcii ttutcitïttttuO rd to pauuicipalc In thin piuduc- curnccoruu.macluunscaiclu was potsiutte.it ltt47 S&-h633 tut I5strtct Iltuglut iloitunnutuEs l'to- opportunity Euch cluu buginu with on ru tim class. Held ut the Howand donc and tlicplant urne u))- (Bd?) l47,u)fli(a(tnt April liti. scluuol us guuuleul h> the pluuluu-uuu- citing nbc). Thrn thuir iniagina. I.niuurc Ccnicr, duos XUfl% ApflI goosnd. A flow 15.1k willi similar liourci P-uk lucatcd ai 713> plu> tulirainung tl,iuuuptr çulat tissu urn put co wotk u.n ilmy 4 Io May 19 at 43O.53o pun. (colurOs us usinaI loi had. would harben ,'ssnouo au uhr t-ut tout nI Outuicul un ,cll-rnrtt.utctl. unto ho- Parent's AfternoonOut hr drsolapcd .. ) ci u iuh auldttt ont- huaso l'lo> os an nssrnut.tl utsuitiÇnu' meansfinancial cicatu puppclu. rrpccnonling chur. Fcc is S25. øiS25 Iortnuidcntnor IlaulenuausilTtuit)ui. >1cm,ctrulDati. l'catu >ont mtosibct-ticitcutnotl t turnt to uks'clusptnptItouslouk l'ttupi'auts ri ittuO al tIto luuauu ticirru Ins, Ihn nssy. I'uppcln mc the Nilcu Pat-k Diuuici RcgiOra- citult)3-S pu-irs uslilt to i tOntu nnadc owo(dïffcrnnt Iypcuotmo. tion is in prøgrcß IciW ai thc Ho. chu l-d. ittitotuttut cl au-sinus tomdc.wit' l'att ttnuiitci ltccicait.-tsal tos' Ictiol. M the cod or tt Something'sCookin' at OttIco the gUu'e tul ultualt. tot. 7517 Stul-cauhco Aso ltt,tu success. unnoin,,. wattj Lcinutc Crulur. 6676 W. .luntI otsitlnnt.u) statuc stIl' Ihr cloua wilt put on a puppct Haunted St. I¼w morn inftnutu. . Nues find to.ociuuru. chakirin null Icarut ulc-sri'sd lico tunicVutsi cItAI l I!- Iy wto Wodn.u'uuiu7t utniw mr fontily and Iriendu who Iiun,culI(817)967-6633. Park District tui luulttuuu dutictutsuss. sitoic toutit tiollrIa) C.itur'. ruuOIiuitoil'Ic tuno t' 'S4ttt'O S.lwutlu to'tuaitnt - others, attuI tttku)ui tut u gruau)) sot Thc Nulrn laak DisUs) us cindy I)nttutct Ilnutoalitan Cinici. lair! ta1li. itud bouc (ori rartt'utn( disutuacum lks.suun itatt.5 .'tl.oul lu hlulw-auuhco Aso. liar us 525 tintI 'l)utr i.uiuitot.>ear ctuuitctuttunt arai ruto..ttit-.tst(tu bio> 'tCult 0 Alphabét Soup ro teach your chukl noro( ihn nisoittus octtstttOi l'Oranttung ttut-tctukittn un.) 525 In insu- asilI trutrurduco tututidion tut a bitsutl (ittt.luifl tn.o7ittcul.ourtut l,ru5tt.uulu AND' join I)ionn /.u;uc nf ttw Nilcu muntuiotpkfianIliteItss.tns uitu.Ockwith a bunk Cltttjurn must 1w buccn 3 and> s'oflnt> tut cspeircttcn us a talc : Cwukung Two clanans are01. dciutnt,(ultr Nulos ParI. District. NATIONAL BANK Purk Dutri1. an uhr Icadu >wut yearn. Clau lucginu Apti) 14 und oi$uttnttulatunji ont utuuuttttcnt u. - (otod (attIc Owls mud IntdtI'lo Au uhr risi ot bruit cl Itt pita. cttiliatong ajouanryci hr alpha. tntn through May9 Itwut 1.2 itsutict un ari. manto. ttu&t%eiiteoi. 0 S giants. ciutldton sumll trense a Kids Crafty Corner hctcxh urn ptn at dur howard I.c,nnun Cun. Eduhks, ouuiuog. parti-ci. *tuuu)iellung untI tAttle Clurts tu Etc chtlslucn7-> lucl. (tlkd witla tisupot tito> Iwo- Caltung all kult tui ttett ccat» ,.n lhucit.!.atu tu--ct -t - you S.tur. AcHuilicu oua> indiuk wng. tru. (478i W. Itowawi St. Cta.,.n in diana-audI lst)p isututtutic tIte tIc sol- cluld will bu pond Kr)tsuutttum is brtnp toton tt0000ItuM utu- nt'h >rausla 'u.n tn5'tuu-i.í-tt IIttout tute, all atad cian.Iwtìcu, urud mo,c. S2n (us nuntrsutcntuund S2$ tot )cann utld., Yeux tupoutotut tui sol(.cinituul. ph>sucol tttalo now ai ihr Ilutwatul (chuto Con- aiutI Istur t,' uIt, croSs. tutuuitnt ttuIit lutO> tu (.l.us,s loo ut Stt. Make a safc & stable invcstmenwi,h n mum tt weuk cruld incluk twin. rcfu&nts ut Ihr Nuns Pas). t)t. iorugItI a saninui tug incultos cit.uiduusaluoo jouI niOto) ,t ttc0nt- and oun.bord), ubk ounwurs. tee CalIln.tlI%7.&i33 Iuut tufO tiuss (nr >tutu tu S If tu at icutcictis act) to inku, tIni colonu blur. black, ci uso stillt tuattn8. sharing.ttttt ituttic Class tn)oçitt.attcn BuuflAltÇ..iitt' (.luuIuItoo cull i.t'utuStu-tIuctotlt.. cItai.,'sdIto-.,-pltus-antli. biown, hannan, balloons. fistIc Kcginttotton ttn ptutctct.s now II> uitupinitucittuuui ttttu ltuututt»' is lurId run Mtu*Ja» (ruait 12I>- as'Ottutulu-I trait puu1cct. that ito5uitttatuit st cut, to pou-5rusu T-Bi!! Money Market Account bltukn.halli.andtnn*n. at ihr Uuwatd Iciuwn Crown. utut)u ph>. we luogo tut aiIst lltusatti I otutuft (cOlor A gmat lus (w ihn nduId IIt.st CaIl()l3719h74i6)3 (usi ,uwtcdc. II 5 ' itt. Min S. Kirn tIsutoti utsutouIt io >otto Ituocti, s Incroslubtc Eduttks lutulds >taut clatit .stth aoun..>oblr. .ittttuui.tt' Sun t4, t,c.ht7 ami tutotot ut>, ho ligherr;ucWithOUt tying tip your money!(4.57%%APY* of 3/8/99) ti inkpcsidcnt (rom parmI and tails. Paucnt ttclpc. scull hr ourd in tutul Itou-ul>Clatis us iotultI ti tIst chulsI'scrcttstt) utuaunt4ttc tcut, >Im S. Kuto luci pttnd the ng tust) ptutIttcittn puca.clos'l ou tuul,,u mifn tututuntalu.-,c, call tndv to Icaro alunit hr ulplutwt thìn pno$tuun. 0-tutu) utuc tian- Nulo. t'osI. Itnititci I(t,-toa.tI lou' s Maikec rntcsbascdon thtI 3week Treastiry ifututtd Sities Aitni attIri the poiwtuco. 'docrnl 'lu ttct, eues) t BlU Yunttluld willtutu Icanntog tut 'tuco Contun. iuit& 'ctatI,t-ucuattait usa ltalrsl andusai- Dota>oul Enti> Pruuyttcrs au hut suitco unto ktttdt'ugattrn .Unlimited depobits and Witlldr8WaIS (in brncb) Village of Niles 1999 Branch rtuakrsutttplO Itutont su nitiuptai Pickup lia,u cciauuttty SLuluwn. luutcto-itcul flw Villagc cl >hIc, will agoto b.ácd(tasIs I'intctusi'iItothe Puppet Time - %ut}1 iituítcd check writing access dIr) No uIunsp. riants an uttuchcd .k,llt. ntcasuutn$. uit,stfld. (tul- Mt. Itiuutpuciflut 1fia)tottt gutes llcututtuutps ofk: bausch pwknp octuicc tittu duri sutIl inn ucccptrd. Yusd wusw lt»t.su:u) tclon,Io.uc c-u. Moulu Stn >55tO uhuLl nl'l,uOtItus SOrO) dttettitta,auntk*tuhnn >sinn) riten and sttuitstnttic ,.i,. e MInIIItUIU opening balance$10.000 >nutio iraidntnn. Ihr hcincti lungi ci stkkcgn aun nui ncrdcd un lousing a iuttlo tut stOwÇtn'tcluss.ul tlat,os curoitse pat'5iaaflitnu> t.00k ii,ssutil 0005 usuttu i ututtn to otttytu.nrutud Euslt 15.iiunul3 tua uStl cunacrung auc)tic pickup tun. 110008k Snpicmhcr. aki>arc un .ucttuuw Sor ihui pta> -int'utuulMi- tltul,Stnn Sb >o'.arn tad urtit itsatu tucl;u ,tO.ttt the pspçoi ch.toaut- ow thus ncruiçc, L.otgci uid lop urck yaw: chuW stall outEr ustust. dutt> tuf up tu) utsc >-ratKint. u 7100West Onkion St NUes, unii un piuutdcd to rnnidnniu uni« and hu-uuctwn niutusukt bn dinpounti ittusulutto at ti, beau when situldoto tlu,t owls Itsuptuot tutti usi ,iutkuint totsSd thut c*,4 u-a catIt st:i.s00u5, IL 60714 dung nra Itt tait luritut tf cOttut luttil gra.luuoto itt Nulos I t'usituup pm nnunth. and ir.ucl'tcrsutepla tugattuI tui otatortollseu.suu,n root, tint tito.sull lico u ç.ttguostt 0th>' 0 0CC scrsacc um luundsuaper clan, ('lass us asatlulak tochat Cotututtunut> Ilu)lt Sottisul. Sichte toros 847967.5300 fitatirluc, meut tiç Ipa than O hfltuj hyiho humucoiuncr. ircunto'is5utltoi('oil uhu tl,t %itatIisu-sui.u>.Aputll-itttttusu1tu t!nttt Ptu5tatut (tuo ti StI, (I rw., o..,.. n dirtt Ó9 )-nanu.4,l Clot. ut ut). ocçcitntltsuItuI lkOusund.Clcttt-- u..i., itw&u itt diumnin: und ikilio us tau-tod l..oiiuro au ii7.%l.(-6t! tui Ma> l'i au -t iAS3t) pitu. at duc tcttittt'ut.lOuttuluttct,utntPacunos .....keI. MCanC cututucu Ihr Publtc Sci. luirduin Mutmia>s Irtuatu (t.? p nu hua, (tA . (ti tutuuc iivattung Ib hunuilci nomino thou I Il incises in tit.4o an aç%wttnittscni I.tstuiur Nuks Pari. Dsti.itui l(uu*ttI lou- ato uckotusu u.0.uutcnuitito toot _n.. t.tt TMt,t* %.t.w..)....,4 t. cirri Doputuornu oi 5887900 Clamo-u lurgin ApirI I')att) tun tlur stun tt( Cb.ua5l Ic Ktm tun Situ- chu ... .. duunnntco and 4 turi un Innith lotir should peu hann un)qucuuïonusn. aui t titt stuic Conuci, ItOt7Ot W.Ikuaaoul utl.uss tui thur uc*,ucfl uhustugli May 24 au ihn NticslMI, lac twin.. muti be ¡Idi w liti bust. uidinSuiusucnvicc. r

norsI)GLE.TlflTht$IMY, APOlLO, t8 PAGE2O PAGE$ ' - = A Pd i I = '- .-wiI:'V- i . R,', ¿tthe credit ERASalesperson News From The Nues Chamber of Commerce Avondale's you've earned lutel6itned lurnuncTan Credit of the Month Get in the know, experience ARMANEtFI BEVERAÓE MART (EYtC) etreen enrie canO lus the Nile-sresident. linaPanolI Nues Chamber peckete of marry wecken. But was tecngniccd u.s tIte 'liatosçet- the Nues Chamber Expo Presents many pcq'le who aretigibtC fee noi, nl ihn itlnntltlot Fehunany the coctilt dont get IL'mtf? Oc- ai tiRA Callcntt & Cuninti tOe-el. Th NUcs Chambcr thout local business- ifl-abbk; Mr. A hc r&iing ny. She was tespinsilile fo the aauhat Chtìckic thc njsh,at of Commerce niece lu nuder tut get ¡(liC. you meItanji lndUStTy is hodn cr. nnd their services. o iddirion, sale obero S7IXI.(XI0 in residen. their rowm busìncs io corsumcr ihgrwill bcntcrvinmnl (or kid, and Lhe blue dog. Sct,iinar WhaUnthe NUenChamberoîCommerec? Great Wines of Alsace muai mea ta.e rctum.Some wrtuk- will i]so h hId throughout the AIrare makes Geninanic win$ in u Ftench style. Pnimatily cli- ens cant to little- that theylcgatly rial real e-state dnnng tian montI.. cxposion, Epciicncc E,po 99. both dutls and chiIdn. inuskiI The Niles Cltamber ofCoutrneree and lnducty (NCC» in u not-for- She lcd tIte teal estate sales traut dayhegrnnrna!9:3OzLIfl. mare,wll,and the chnicenlgrntpc vasieniendctermine thin. A teuvel- tlout have to file. Dy tuoi filing. on Satuçday. ApnI 24,it Oak aciLad ewncrous prizes and ptnlit organiottion matie up el local huainenes, pruknsiunal and ut- to a nere- bioy ntt)ntb .11 btoi ganitatiuns working together to contribute tu the botlncss decclop er ut nIne tinte of the Otench resolution found ir incredible tltattitis they ano untintitig out an moutry Mill Mall fre,rn 9 am. t,3 pm. s'cawy. nc-ns, in ,pttc of the bed nieuther, c'enL is open to Ibe public Vendor spaces ate ntill acalIa- tuent audccunoniicclitttateoltlte Village. Although thechaniber in not lund.nockarly intended by nature tu be pant010ennany. was acto. theyte entine-ti torcedor - piel. Ile-caItas been a ,e.tle-state und udmiusiuu u Erce. Over 30 lnlcfluinmcnt viII include the bic. Vermute ¡n(umaIiuu rcgtud- a departtncnt ortie Village otNilc. it rvotk clotely will; goveruttletll ally inneren! to Prenne. What differ-n is the intcn.rerutiun nl wnne- bly an much uS 83.756. DieiclattdTriu, Cacepaintittg. Bic ng pricitig or achcelulcd cvetu, TheEITC Inanpecifli ru herab afoot (no I? )oexs and lye-s been buuiuesses willboucae their tttensnt-e that Nues it tltebest place to Ilc. woth and todoIotincta, neuling - incaute today Oncean and Ahatiun cineprowers hold a.ssoe-tetoil citi. lillA Callont, A eu:e at this unnual ceent. 1btee tite Cle%n and seertl pepulac contact tIte Cltarnbcrfflcc at Whotu'e Ihr Chumber'uMemhern? opposite paints of view of what they want their wine to do und be. 6w lowe-t.ltncouttc wonken. lisre- chantctcrincluding: (841)966-7606. funtlablc credit thai tennero the Cutin,, vinco lO)O. She t' a atEundliit will reeciec s'luubl ehUdren' Chamber or Cotntnterce tttentbeN are huinces on onganhi.ttivas The Genmator une looking for balance accented by sweelnesa, the -«''?'r Alsatians use Inching tc.çstecngthand acrnpucidity ro pair with the tau noltic wvibeø owe tuntit may u_ste nf the tIlinons Kealtinis loan.. concerned u4ilt the social and economic clptttate oíNíIc. lucy believe tate and hold' the National An. liten ForerO in giving hacl to the exttntnunity aud undtt.ind Iltat collectively they (nun! elthe region. Alsace pie-e. the linee-uy scented grapen of 13cr. give dieci refunds. A urique feu- tif Ocultos ty.nciiii,,lftcosn Nile, end can achieve no ntnch mote. The el,atnbet encoutagen te%idcnt.s and many the body und autheciny olsach table wines anwhite butgundy turc of d.c cncdut in that you can mere-atine perle-scieraI destgn.tt.n ail 'An' Sn'hanmht.ig. lt.a,s kid lie huasie-ti heninesves to tltnp our tnctnbers. fltcy stand betend their wøek and . pncpenacrt,tnpunitntcntn tuntrong andsasutry fee-ti. get II esco il you nkmu owethe e-rcdtted tluyer Rcpconantattun ye-unti lieu Otite-r) 0 l'.$)t, und typically are active witltin tite comtounity. Irate-ad of gtape sugar lingening delicately imtite wine. the gtuw- Ills any tax cx have tuo ran taken lIiez linus re-coined nunteínni.. le-ns surie-d otanl's) seecell, SVIto iratlu the Chuniber? of the tait nf your paychecks. Itt kant. et like-n n tiny. lion clean flavoc. They lentcnt eneny ounce dalla. i_sIr' l5azt nl tIte rename (en their nie' give them. concentran yutu rani get tite cneditcvcn if your n.ulrï million The Nues Cltattiberialcad by tnrnember. They electa ßoaeiof Di- nugar, 'nhïchthc Inngdrynunntncns*fAlance awards. In atlnlitton t,, hung a cc-ns it their suppeer t'i univa-ne-od rectota who volunicet thelt titan. dctcrttünev policiev and ct goalu. A ing the ense-n.x ofthein highly peurtutied Gcemarstylc grapes inn., rantings arc no low tb! 7011 legal- ,ucces,(ul teal 0.-nuit sales pnn'k'vstooul dovnitipnsent pteidcnt ptesìdc.oserull utteeting.1bcday.to.duyactivitieaze han. asomctïrncsustonninhingly upicy fragrance. lytlouttiant un Otearan reinere- agent. ilse teites heme buying anming e-gente likeltni 'they died by an executive dtttctorand vtafr. Many voluttteern nerve cornet. The only grape v.uietuisnitat ate uutfu*lecd lu ll-ntthcnuntroOthe The actEr L. bawd on the atniet oíincntruiccurncd and the und sellingseminarsIlitinugi. ..all ho enpu.nding them N.tes of. tniutevItic)teutttnhute tothcCIotttiIan' vuccc. grupe ne the label me -Riraling. Pinot Blanc, l'inni 13ris. fie-o lins your anti uno attisoly Oewtkrflrun,ìne-r. M.uacai. Sylsanen and Pinol nett. The ne_sr uf the niunibcr of quatifylug einleiten u Cubico unnI Triton cnmmun.cny Where In ibrChunnbrr lernten!? seeltogatd,tntn'iattealosiate lite Nile Chamber n( Cntittttcrtc in lerated on the ,econd Once nl WItte- pu.dtwed in Alse-e legally could bane the nanee Vet diable. worket has ¡15108 wIth theern for college-s. ,..lIRA Callero A Canteo Oral. agent. Oak Mill Mall. 191X1 N. Mil'vaukec Ave.. Suite 2I3. Out nitntie runt. There one uhodutfereni designaninasdc*entnineti by titee of ltunsnnt mere than hell l,criu(847l9&t-7606. (timilat t.. (neennianny). flncsc late pickings unen! io be labeled suith lying tubi cuit be autm. dangin... preuttkhihl. tIno eon the Chomber help? the Gcnnnan meets Anule-se und llcerenau.nle-nc. Teday rite pittaan ref.aokifiucti child. child. ttutorc: The Nilcu Cltuntbe; lu your cottrtttunieatinn lieb tuvarinto husme-ny- Vendange Tueuse (lane mancatI is use-d. lVr tite equinalent cl u ruer child oc fu.stc Skokie resident Cs. induttr) und ne-tn-lee otgunie-atinns. lite stuttçan provide tueriste Bcceenau,letc, In which Individual grapes are grown (ne their su. citikiecO miel lire ebb eu fot inlnnttation, locator maps. telectals. job nenne-heu. etc. Put tuentbers. per.rìpene-n-n . nontctimee with a degree cl neble nue o bettyrn.. the entire year. Waiters citletut appointed to ISBA ncicci.00 dra Cneo. Nnble-s, Such wine-s n'en a qualifying child canalan get tite the Nues Clrnober pete-ides oser ¡(XI be-edits and se-tykes. call ut re. the rento 1er t1tis is t.o,eei I.tIraren. 01 Skt,k,c, ceisea ntembenlup packet. reach hei8hts al lancinurnesu cci (un removed from the rarest unni ererBt. ha-n been appeintesl annotant see' rnootc*pehsivt viali Grimant citan.. Tri quality. ckas must tncusc retary o(tbe bound '1 dinretans A lute-picked Gctotlransumit,ct er P.luwar hua perhapa the most canned incomc from wagen ou 6 the lIltoosi tian l'taundattera. rIm ecotle snodi olnaywitie in rise world. und can aube turne titee keep nel(emdnmcot. F'ric 19911 in- Chamber offers Grand qualttdng clnuntahk anti c.Iucaitnue-ul aunt of a remarkable cie-unness und Oneuse of flacr. lts nor necetenenty cuico limite utuaucd on chllnlncuu) unni tue nucuimum flfl the ulmen, State lEal Assottatiofl Opening Celebration Services very sweet: imenseet pneinablp u berree corti. The winos orAlsaceuse annueg the best loud cintos in the torrId. lu knelt are au folloanz itou utellSllAi Âne you planning a gtand nytning at rr.opening el your Ito-ni- fiaren ti a jante pnacitlu0000 un thanks to Ire-tb Inuit llanees unebacuned by oak. The best wnnes uitsur qnnullfyie8 chittirene- lttct'cne ness? 'the Nues Cittonbee nr Cntnnnerce and indusay can help. manI. tlnnc,ugns. ahnte be cunee-retratos the regaceare almo.zezctuaisely chite. Despee the Gernnattic vine. tintar l'e tenu (Iwu 530.098. Our stall snill announce yout opening in Itur neenlettet. supply quanlily- it. es'nnttncroual hue-aile-n. fa,n,ti your cnnttflany with n list cl dignitarieS, supple thetshbon unni yard nenne.. which lead many canutul witte consumer-n tu bellese mum ctc'tiu S3.756- oint Ing etti1.t. incoutte manu be 1mo law annI elder l.aia. Anntse- in tIse cerentonial seisnoes. ttkc plrotnngrupits and aced Itcot along snith a titan rhone winneshasenubstuntïai re-sidual nugaerhrctentk w,ne-n,,t titan $10.473. mosliriunnu cretini iSBA. he nu a prenions chuntnman Atntan.sadnnts Alune-e tante no ncedtrthufl tItc ancrage California Chudonn.uy. prc-ns release to lerul nennpapcm. The Cbatvnbet of tIns Generai Puentee- ikaeun,n flic uppeflnumoo (tir the whole rogne o. uintply Alsercun'ti i. S221l; mn quebifylnU eblIJ. In- ciii nine attcnd your rune-tian, Cutnpanie-s ccicbc4ting a SIOEDIO, Conne-il and Unite Leo See-i.e-ri oc.çnninity u.cd with a genan variety, ouch u.s Altacr Riettin&e-» Es- courte mann be levi tteuo in their business ate tIno cneuuragenl luaIne tdsanlage cl titis Ce-oactl In ad.itto,it. he s' a tite' ccitt Edeluwirken and CroulantdAIsace. all rho wince une inno. a tnaaiutmticnvdul S3-I I. Wuxheis.itti ou qtcnlif,ín8 met pnentdcu.titiltne Notih Suber- lltin service i' Itee to ntettnbern neri as-anlat,le to tmn'nyettti'etn tingle grupo. Erlelewlekee meute-n Noble blend antrI Cccnnaat in a thUd moor uLM) tue to leant age 25 Ño lIas Mseeoatiunn. anni ero-nani ttnnte temnennutoen contact the Chamber n,lf,e-e nputtlin wine aiscgencraflyubkrtti. lot a small Cee. Fn a" legal e-t,unsel lot theSie-inc flucre ate nioto over 50 cluesifled ninryatni nitos. which ate at. anitbunulen fiS.not beeI-ilbk lobe t,luoocl I, Urnurn ut (647) 966.16«.. ntrdne'itchaume. le-wed to rail ihentuelees Orund Cnu ce Great Growth ter %rne. claitnesl us a niqictuleuil uni torno- Club. I,tcnis n'i the E.oils. rnvlcesr du' legal fIe-froue-us. (te,t,tate- the ej. these ate itheonically cvcelknt. unid deterne titeo unte cInc'. Us rerun.anni must yurrLMoot of m,nntuniaitsitt iii fie-Once-. pti'.tteoe Nues Curbside recognition; bui bacul pelitira hue tniesìtubly te-id ins uoy.untd been- hune a mala baton: itt the 11.8. lot All toreb- Eitalilnulseul itiI'n)ttIteIII. ruse-tee-it utnilcusontraing t,uio adia' duties torre rIot nianayndrawn quite us severely un they mipiti inane- t'it. -'o cmcblnlu. tian creulit iIOi, Bar bree-stiatton. t, u eolie-e' cation, gaNciO lite-ray Recycling Program been. Howevci tine taco anti rc8uheosts .,f rIti-i urea une tightening. pn.(,t.'ug.tntsa4tus dialed t,, Inn' ne-c la'., anni recoso ,l,çn,isrflas I 5 MONTH CERTIFICATE eon! nhcJetítnatiueIaectwcoheag more specirte unti deliberate liane crone litait 82.3W itt irte-cnt. cl lee aJ nii.tautain tise ln,orer of te-ne sil lag..t .noal'ne-ane-c All Nile-n resIde-nt horanelenWy lait N,lcn scehade Alano. clues une good saler. ultltotigit pencos ne-r ne-sos tieck hei. tutelo inc-mae. nodi as tniuctnnl 01 sh-o-w,nn;lescom. f cith Village gathuge serstee ate liant. «tries (rinnt the heiter cnej'cnui.nrs nioruldstinte nunietel citan. ttieinlcr4'. and cuertoil bequeubt- eligible to patlicipute in the nnnb ('iattt,uty that tn:the rery- actes uetl typical Álsine sleco. hot fir retItnd,cnintalst7 nu null fyltug child Ott cn1w einen re. Poor Cre41?? 8,na'up?cy? Fonclosure? tieni: rute rrrycltng portgrattt inittal te' need ta buy inne cci the bette. canne-. Inetti a gerd gnosuen or nne-e- tasti. $10,000 Minimum c)cling inn, ate previded al en. . (lann (tuttle-s. Cleuc, green \Vc,.uii hclp! Chaut . suiuçtt tolti tan upçnrcrultly terne enperis.se. But relubibty ni While rite IRS cetina ptoj.le dn.ege l'y lite and innen iIlac Addittonul pod. und theenAlnanc totttcse-ontutn cunde-ural tlunenyrhet une .ini. sum ectigrhkfor uttr tendit to Emp1oyed? Cash tncome? tar ivplaceitte-ttt hs use us'atlabk . i.tetal Cans . abonen,,,. on. Self Limited Time Offer! New Money Only plie-aient re-ebene else tu the cou., clebnuu it. they use Du) otutolitoing tot puthuc ut tIte Adntinrstru steel atti be- nietal Lupaya .inluoctaim tbc,mhu to \Vc ILa'. No noonicieiifc:iliotl L.Lt.U1S. t,nn htutinittig 1063 Cirre Centet be certain they qunaisip. than io . Plastn contatners. t lEflì. 1gmortgage? Offer Expires AtThe Discretion Of Management Drive (onotbeunt corner of oak. w Illl)L, md 04 U)l'li new Us k.bIuiittr. 0repk obst tvn unti WaaLe-runl. C'all tIte V.1. State House ofRepresentatives atcn'u cli8it'fr (nr ihc croujathat utiibo 1,.oanIs i(C t'UI7pcCi311)! lure- at 1*471 5bS.(ot i., . i'upe-n PVniutn.r.ntalnngs. claIm It unpuy-cuuui.J b pinrBab- u.ki.tionalnkvtuatu.n their t' Wstk t,.utl, and flartnrale.tnun. slaps Illinois SmallBusiness reni fnuuu tubing ib: cretitu (or np 7400 Waukegan alu, ,t,tn tynenI tnflnttnat,n,n al tIne V.1. ihr Illinnis LIe-n.e ut Rep... rintptacts with 311 or nicer vini. to lD1ran, he intone U.lutntnatwo .0 nine .enn.uiise-. noted afano lo POI Ill.. pintv. io allef 12 werk.. ai un. NUes, IL 60714 noii_ .nnall tnnennnne-n un a dtytot puad ka'C hi thee einnpt..lnelIlI Le-anura incutoic leu (retinn. call MAINEMORTGAGE COMPANY Just moved to Ni/es? e.sietch 11w Ani to lIlnecs ero tite IRS ai I (tlftelil'l.lttb. You. suntallc with nerghlwrrng niales ni C_elI tint ililce (ltunttlte-t et C,ntt,i,e-ant une-i Isniuttic tot nrinna. by passing eutsm.itn e-t tie tam pkt)on citO ?3 nit renne e'n$.. o-nui$nuOdei atree e-n''7 lucatioui orc.tatmtitnc,.nc- Park Ridge 847-292-6500 (847) 647-1030 tornnlnrnut,00. Matettal. anatlul,1c tnnluniv In(ettuyot, uls,nt Ilatol btenicul l-rate At. .an- cro 11w nilluge. tusk .tintinct. litsat>-, oMrntttnrtit) .ng.anttatuIns. k(tn (ncninttnt F.ue--ttdt eel san,n.Jit rurthrrt ru tIte National Fudenu' N.a,,.... sa.,,.., t,m.....,rn,, 'van n... . n,..,., kityts, .kttre.uaç).tc.. .tut. tratn.paut.on. nnn.a utunun nernne-a. by çell,Pg ihe 11(3 an I $200 Minimum SBin¿tcvount mcvti member5bipquirimcnt 1:01KM (ï°t'.he16i ne by onotiag s..,, ... naco., 5e-5W nuinurotoingage unir, ltlune-t tni nnttsittp, t.ult e-tttpta)e-n l.n$,vg.. t'lu' line-er..1 l.nal (NIqUI. Iluu.(till 2 pasied the Cluteber ni Cntttron« tetstttyte-s('.sll the (.hutt,kr .yt ÚSE.ThE BUGLE the IRS Wh tite ut fQr those who or work iii Maine or NiIci ibwnshp. lIe-Ill lllinronohleeneti..?O-l...... *4.7ot1l, (ne .ktuth Current (mImaI klan metp.iuro - .5 iSst1.' ..' ,t..;t r ThESIIGuZ 'nusteartay. APRII. L 190 PÀGE3O BUGLE,ThURSOAY APRiL 8,insu

apprehended by police airer antI' of 115e vehicle unii placed tIne re' uf sIse neighborhood was unsmuc' Criminal damage mentaeeawetcrausitekcd' As un' ing mire store. While searching liii Immole riponI in lits apartment io ceosful. Cramming: Mystery Phone Charges to property known nam000i or jewclry cash clutbimtg. police found tlurcu try. mine 07151 hIsci. ofVismter. fire , Police received an alunit from and a mink cour were rerstovesi. posiertrsic needles in an iroler victim hourd Ai aluno gis oli However,tIte ahonden(o) by Theft Cnmming. No, wc'rc not u1k- serotse, or some similar phrase, cult to comprehend and in very unfamiliar insu code. The uds unscrupulous company can crani a tireand batmcrystore io the9000 re gockel urfthesr(feniler's csi,sI, 'lise around 7:4) p.m. Apsil 2. sud told passed sevcrsil televiniens, VCRo Unknown offesrder(s) ing ubøu swdying lbi an cxam. to get tIte udvertised froc service. fine print, und you do ont gea lite dual cnplaiu thaI these numbers charges onto your phone bill. block of Milwaukee Acense moved lIre rear tailgate (rom a closed circuit television rapo unii his wifc Inscull police wlnile Ire run nithough you may vant Io swdy scrvicc-.juslthe bills. What's mord. siuce this technolo' and pomrable stereos. it police tIre occdles were placed into cvi' ultiwn.Iair. inst iisorsed a 73. You muy have no opportunity to urn for expensive interoationol around 2:33 n.m. Apri> 3. Rc- black 1998 Chevrolet Silveraulo . hill tIme canvassofthe neighborhood was yeat.nuhd woman pouring sume' your month'y phonc bill morc speak witlt an, operator or ask "Instant"Catting Cards. calls, and Ilsat the entertainment gy can automatically spoisding officers found the en- pick up truck helonging io u 44' dcnce pending on April 26 court closely iiithe Iuturc. This Iypc of questions. but you are nutomuli- Someone muy use your phono lo phnne rusher that iscalled from, trance dourand wiodow had been unsuccessful. appeArance-(hindssa.sseltit miring moni a brows plastic Ouste cl provider is making money every ycar.old Chicago man vonmelinse call an 800 number fur nu adult sprinkling can insus mho prtmnnk sil coimmng refcts to unexpIaineI colty eutnlled in a club or service minulcyon slay on the line, other peuple using your phone broken by unknown offenderlo) between 5 p.m. und I 1:59 p.m. $20,000. cntertisinmeot service, and be of- . can cause charges to be billed to tite *ictmui'v scudo, chargoo on your phonc bill (or program. The phooe number "Erce Miaules" Deals. You using uts unknown lype of force. A 411-year-old supervisor re' April t while il was parked in a / ferud ou'instant calling canal." Criminal damage l'n,Iic e arrived and vii. mite ei' services you nover ordered ¿w- from which you cull is coptured may see ads promising. "free yonrylmono. The interior of the business ap' ported that unknown offendcris) lot al 2002 Golf Mill Center. 'Ihr thoñzcd rcccivcd.ortwcd. cl 'The "culling card" innI au actual rime" foradate line, ptychic line. lender irlo ctuittoii', lrnnvpusrllng and bitted. You oftcu never .Caeefullyreadthe line print penned to ho undiuturbed. Police used u psy tool Io (oece open tIte crut toeeplace the muilgate was es' to vehicle Sometimes n Onc-timc charge (or the "(mc" service you called fur, caed, but is roUter an access cade or other adult curersainment ser- A 31)'ycar.old policeman wIns ber lis 515e 'ums 1'u,lso t)epnrm. before you fill nul contest forms. areinvenligatingthc incident. roar doce ofhis housein the 11900 ortheserviceyou'rehilled (nr. based on the phone number front viro, When you call, you'ru pur timated at $900. buss lud onguting vandalism prols' rusent (or psvcessnng. Tite sprint. entetlainmeot scrviccs will bi especially if they ask foe your block ofiiakton Street sonuetime .Coureur Entry Fornas. You which the coil woo placed. The on huId but told that you won't be lews aiImliii white 1997 GMC lins eau uvastnvenlveis'tl.s crammtl noto your phono bII. phone number. Likewise, reamI Stolen auto between 7:20 p.m. April 3und nil out a contest entry foros, card is used ro access anti hill for charged for this time. Not nlwuyu Retail theft!possesrnIon Jimmy iostalledu wireless ducir April 15 court nlrpear'noc 55,55 Othw times, monthly recunio tIte fine print before you plico u A 59-year.old Gmoendale, WI. 12:01 April 4. The whole house chArges nie ewïnmd onto yorr thinking you're euteriug to wiu n theentertainnicurservice.Iftrue: Sometimes, Ilse "hold lime" malt reported that unknown nf' unknown of hypodermic needles bell alunno systemmr in Ilnu pus Inni. scheduled, cull in response io a wcepslakes was ransacked, orni an A 211r'yeae'old Chicago munir phonobilt. Crnmmin oftnonthly paten. to fact, some unscrupulous someone lises yourphonu lo sign is deducted froto your free mio- fender(s)removedhis 1990 removed promoter is using thu coulest to up for such a eard,your phone promotion. amount errjcwnlry was was observed vii closed circuit rccumng chargot (ails into two otra. In luci, you may be hilled for GMC van from the punting lot of from threojeweley houes located gcrtcrol cntcorico: club rncmbcr- get your phone number. enroll number wilt be billed (orali pur- . melevision camera placing esglit sonic ofyonr "bold timo" us well lie cautious uhoul culling restourant in the 9100 block of under n dmessOr in due northwesr DO YOUWANTTOBE HEALTHY? ship such as psychic clubs ncr- you for a calling card or sume chases ofeutertainment made ut- as your "talk lime." uufumiliarSøo numbers. Beespe Golf Road sometime lrelween 4 bedroom nlosig,witlt a VCRval' OVO movies valued at S211'.ll similar service, und bill you on ing that carat. wltedter or nut they sonni clubs. or ¿nivel clubs; and Don'lGciCrammed ciallywury ifyou're told racoler p,m.aed630p.m. April). ucd al 9190, a li-inch television nasi to-o butler> packs valued al tckcommunicatons products or your phono bill. The disclosurn acernade from yoarphouc. Hero arc some lips to hclp you codes, leave your nutne. Str an. SI 1.89 into his lriei in a storeri . valued ut $200 and $400 cash. A service pmgrams. such as voice on the entry form. wltieh is very Dating Service Calls. You avoid crarnmìng scums. swer "yes" to prompts. Unsern' Attemptedrobbery! wallet containing credit cards the hICO block ssíTonluy Asenue Herbal mail, pngiugnndcnlling carats. difficult to comprehend And in call an 800 number advertised as 'Sc Aware that your local around 2:53 p.m. Aprst 2. 11e wum.s puIons enleeruinnment providers battery woo also stuben, Apolice canvass Remedies CrrunmingScbemcs very fine print. says that by cons- a way to meet ocal people for relephnne company may hill fur nmuy use this raise ro send you n A 2Ilyear.old Muesrirt Grove Most of tlrese scams occur plering the fono, you authorized (ree. You're told your dale will services provided by other corn- bill. hairdresser reported thur a min cull you back, or you're asked io - Misterious Morrison mural through the use of an 800 nuns- the service. You may never get pantes. Your local pitone bill muy .900 nunshers may cost about 18 years ofage wearing a theserviec justthe hills. enter u cede tu be "leleconfer. include charges for long dislanec Health & ber. Otisras are initiated by cou- mosey, even if you're culling to black nylon jacket and black appears OnGlenview office building tests or sweepstakes. They are all .Direct Mull Sweepstakes. coced" with your date, What telephone colIn. Information or baseball hat grabbed mho strap of clairrm u 'free" price. All 900 nom- Fitness deceptive and you should dis- You receive asweupstakes pro- you'ru not told is that you'll be entertuiuntelsl services accessed lire sltouldee trug os almo wan exit' In mIraI nsay have beco a pee- uighr. He iheoeiaed that the paint. tiers Ibat cost flore tIman 52 must er sIntesi on rIse rourfufavehìle iii Books pute tite charges. Here are sume motion in the mail attuI tells you to charged a belly fee for your con- through 900 numbers or presnh- give you a brief introductory ing the dryuntmncot atone al 220 oratore April Foul's Day prank, common ways crooks get your dial an 800 nnmber to enter qr servono9 withyourdute. Charges scripliun ugreenrents. club ment' Golf Mill Center around 11:-10 an unknown person or persons resets the topofllic,w.11. message about the service, ihr Tire painting Inlay be n sont of phone number and canut charges claim your price. When you call. for iltescaili'how up on your berships. and nun-basic telecom- folded spnay.painted a li.fuor Itigh pur- service provider, and tlmcost of p.m. April 3. lIse victim comfltlicmunuition of Mortmron's Herbal Teas - onto your bill. a recording follows an automated phone bill incorrectly labeled as mnnicotions services tikc voice bec meist tir keep hold ed tIre posse ir.tit nf the lame rock 'n' roll star the cull. You have three seconds attesI foe pobik mroieeeucy 30 .800 Number Cults. You script (o automatically cuenil you collect orteIl charges front adif. mail ormuging. steals. und mhooffender used his Jim Moreisurts on au enmcuior wall Zinc Lozenges after the meosagnends to hung up years ago taM week at a Minori call an $00 number arherticed as in a club or service program. The feront city. .With tIme right technology, right hind to punch the victltn on ofuGlenvicte of l'sec building. without boiugchnrged. concess. Mostisou. suIte r-aol with u (ree ¿tate tine psychic line or phone oumber (rum which you .tniemutinnat Calli. Souse companies can gel your phone theleím videof her face. 'fIre colotful umural was in. TIse Ditems. died io Paris its ludy ur adult entenninusent service. cult is cuptured and billed. Once ads fur aduli entertainment ser- number when you call ¿houa, us. .Consider n 900 number 'fbi,victimcotrinued lis hold stalled" sometime betweenIl FooÇf Magazine A recoeding prompts yuu to gicu again. thedisclosure on the vices loll you so call a number ins u process similarto caller ID. block; Im smopu calls from gOing thepucocundomniggle with the of- p.m. blanch 30aral 7 am. MArcir 1971. 'nce- Health you: nuore and to sny i want the sweepstakes malIce in very dliii. starling with011, 500, oranother Once they huoc your mtonmtmer, un through ro SOIt nantirer seMces. fossiler. wIse Ioni his lulanec and 31, when building occupanisand Slim ' Oewfl For theSummer 115v , fell mo his knees. The victim workers hogan attiring al , - kicked the offender iii the groin Lahe-Waukegas Offlce Center al NEED IT INSTALIID? The Natural Way anua, and he (led normhbouud 1701 0. Lake Ase, Professional r20% Iheciugh the parking loi. A chock Harsy Geanulewi. nianager of OFF These Products the building. said the painting Installations On.... How tO keepyourchildgangfree 0f the anca by Hiles police was . unauceesofmil, The steams tolsI po' stai pretty good, but he was rus- cth Vent Foss .SOtLA °SCHIFF lice she con Identify tIre ofrersict, hOed 55 10 how the "anisa" was ShownsDoon arid she went to the Nile. Police Patire orns ore freqtmendy asked by parents what in the heat amy to keep their children away (mom gings. There in not one caSals oilrelpoemse to that able to got ttir high enough tir . Sinks o Vnsmbieu Famxefs SOLARAY--- _nn. However, them are several tecbmdqnen that womb tu keep gangs out ofycur child's life. The mutt ImportarmI factor In nchild staying gang free it Dciotetmcnt to mIo a composite of paint il ovirlsout being noticed. . Gutboqo Dispovok o NATURE5S WAY their parrots. she offender. The victim did nor Ilailding snaisrtenance winkers TWIN.LAB loscany property in Ihn incident. tried uusuceesr(mully ro remove . Ojilturailmen Parcntn ptiy the hey mule in keeping mIroir eltitd gong free. Parentu sslrld incredible puworuver their child's (atan. What a parent does user¿be course uf rise painting with tu pmevsuníecd SOLAGAR 0KAL O a esdld's devclupmneut directly lmpaetstho child (w more than iou abe present The impact of the purentteadsd* foe into rho ehild'i adult developnseot, 0004'l00501I550 Dorn, hopeoS o.p.O sr. miun_J Burglary wirer hose nod bustiIonosIer Lenta Pl000in COISPO5O7lO including bOhOViO1 antat nodal dcvelnptnont. o-. Ceramic tile Unknown offender(s) used o with your chemicals toeompkle Ilsejob tIns All lo ultent gamut's manir ¿oeil i problem misen then mount. Unfunuurtely, thai Is tuo late in the development of o pusimlem to become involved pmytypctooltogainentry . CourtIse tops child. The panent thould be hwulvrd constantly in their child's life. Once a child hecontOn involved In sangs. dro parrots mail play raIds up, torho years week. s..- through a fttsl Ouest window of a Goanoleus raid Inc feomsd comp- s-', ofdeeelnptncntal letns which ¿huy busc manifested All mo tmnqnently. mho remedies applied orn ineffective in the nImmt teem und entremely time eon- And Muse bouse itsthe 7900 block of ny spray canislemoin a Irruir bun ¡s. sunming osen the IonI hull Parents can weetnu a pungo otTers. bc(ome dru salmonI. eoauseluts mmd police become irteolsed. tREE ESI1MMO Wriokegun Road aotmsctitno be. miens the buïldìng.Ile mhece'meed must lake tO be a parent. Becummtlmtg a parent in the otear matitag mime ufhis err ber life. hut anyone cm becotne a piment. There um no liecnies or lests mme tweeo 5 pto. and 10p.m.April). the animai used mIre light of Toes- lonpt er.dtess' . e, ¡u So nomnetmmes oirhoum onong internal family suppams, seine preener ano st a lora as to how to deal asith their children. lfynmmrcommnunrmy pmusides parent- 1tme kimehems. usaster bedroom, a If )nmm con noi find classes tu yomreummunity, mio trot 1w uhuid tu day night's foil voceo tus sllrunut' ing dataot. takmng these classes can prusiato valuable tools mu dealing antik your ctmd sceamnd bedtoon5 md the bare- tr.clond teach ont ro local todul uerslee ogrucres (o, usthnance, They can usually peuvide altemnimisno. referrala and or counseling n dealing with your htld. name his wink as the lïghis Ilse building ocre turned off thin 8479675269 Sume títmics patenta forget lIte basics ad altcmu tu udo$ IOcImniqors dril auth io the pareut's adult social relanionslapt. A parenthas topurrnt" tiret, child. Ail to feequendy. parents baso tait i am nng io be my altihI's (mienmE" Ilonasce recent atedies have shown thnm youths mesleandiront oben pur- Neil M. McCabe cuti poseido i stable, structured home. rurcnt'n valso nosidc renlitrie nskm rdtheqmmalty rculliticpenaltirafcenegorivebehoviac. ree reworded nith a tuteen 8Out of 10 Americans degree utattìuk behivtor from theirclúld.Thin research nIto bOaad that ifyomaths lose the tespcat (on tiroir parents they amo none tmboly ru geminsolscd HIlts Pollee Officer Army Psi, Neil M. McCabe the yusttlts mend to olmolleope ttmeir pietosi decistoni regard- Back Pain. lu a a1-tssk" bohasiun. Irr idditiut,, it almo placed a greater undo rum the family wut, becante Robert Tornisbene his graduated from basic mnfunlry Will Suffer From less uíthey arc in the treO ¡meneas oftime child. Take au ourse pats in yew child's training ut Post Ibentiitmg. ColonI. We Can Help t5on rsampte If you set i curfew uf 12 oint. nsd your chrld violates the curfew by an houe or ion. Set the penimhmoutmenttslkally. Firta. litten to yourlife. In this slay sod age parents live. bus. GA. Thc soldier received s4fl h wenn,. C.s55. 5W, 0 in wo otee io chttd's escote. They ntiy terse a valid escaso Iluwerter, remember tory few encunen cou get teunud mime telephone, il'tlmey ore running lite alltngalwaysare eomterrsrly hectic, lretsseen auth. Lioti. çsuo nvs to rit icon c,.rnsus u5ini ss .Ssntf'u.s u0ining in drill nod ceceuritnies, ordmn list voit 'tute'S lss'v bi u.u.:, tt,$n.,tOr Inns cid 45555 ruluiqi.os. 1* V,-Pnrt tocen erSterer is boO. EspIsta this mo prote chìbi legammitess uf time reason foe belulate being. If mho memo thsow't teitit rolls you threrita the pantthmemn. not saying.ing mine o. two jobs and artermdmu ro tIr Weapons, snip needing. tacttrs. ultesteiO.'505', 555515 ISa 5'ia rit o-iO 5551 r-'nt5' -''n r' r'' eine rimen "you sr, gmuded for Irk," Most uf all dir nom cmii a psmuislsnmemtt shots h«auw they ¡nc getting oms your nerves u,being a problem ir lmnme These onlythe day to day necessities trabes st tot pun orsi 155es military courtesy. umilitasy jus' 'I d,O'5'iiiS'5 seri,cut esse, ,,se,uil, SItte, tor lo., t,-r a tnn,utut rien sul> undetrmaues your authomsly. mmd maires thorn tlminb )on nie o pWImOsvr. dm(flcult mi, take atm arrive roll in boor tu,ues e alirmoC Imtld's life, So wIsst does brin tice, physical 01nov.. first aid. isnrsSvntusr tap5S555II55O55 l'lui-I 5 5te,I-,er tnSts.r5n'5 Tnlkmog tO)oum eloid almut mIroir feelings ii also arustiree way trartbsorsr problems befuec they tuse (mmllyules'cloped?One «the rratestbunks I hase foundrelise inemim druId's lii, menu. nusl Army hissuaty attuI imudumii'rrt. that helps llumtratc tirts. atol prua-sde realist mmnys to ¿leal aStIr ynste rinItis feelings s a book railed "Ilote mo talb so kids rettI tinten& Ionen so kids willTaking part tu their sole n the euro. McCabe ii mise uro of lvumrteia A. without getting insolenti in a full' talk." by Adele Fuhre nerd lìlne Mo4trls. This hoch pmamdes belpfsl trchniqaei mo bow >mir child's cmnoiioes out minimi). suchs SpartS. luibbiri nod ¿mmmd lack M. hls'Cube of ttmail. m'i Nuten fight. social acisciries.If >'our dottis usi Free Exi misused n a spars, besides itmermihng Ridge. lie is n 199f pmaduute 5.555 Iii rnees'vn.oei i lLsprre-s 4(2S'°I llonesen. acmdetg eonfmootstltins mlmould nos 1w rire real The puai mtssrtld be mn cf(ecmtioly coennutmuattof with yore clsld andmeumlumog lIme pmublem im the s[osst, take''y mm, child ns4do und Muinc Seuils ltsgh Selsuuil. VsrL pemsirlonsa Srnmng sloan hand. flur ut Orvet may t'e dirtiest:. becante dvtdren see pmmre mo emotional mmrlmmsts ritti fits of quiet when they discuss their help ilsemupsacute at miroir sputI. l'la> Ils Civil I.. bt'..v.,snl'utoon t,'chuuin i',s,u ti%uuvi asith i child. espeesatty a child who may tie dabbling mnat.mmsk bebusan em gang retOrd aelissty it pamoemmnaw In loirigiog ta mire (cueltomO time pumbiem.catch. kiec sacco, ball around. orsi 5551' toes,5s, Sc-s's tend, tItis,75055 litSs ddit Acting in ari cstrrniely 1uslgnurvval and amgnrmesicmsse attitude osen 5satr hrld's problem ouI only solidify yuste child's attit4eand strokemtr arteottos¿loua a (ea ptdir%If they luir 55u.sSsil'lssis9uteS. tUti5 to help that ninth buriles, liubhmc, rrassumaye thorn. and neat y55I50 tio.sslrtsn iciihilmemai lrelosl'hy. tirid o R1CHnRï' C11ROI»C11C CLINIC Rementiur tisaihil. BUCKLE ìnluvt IIerArnsida" When you decide w dsscscms mu child's psrrtrtcms. uy me aitemps as, mcc trou dulls t,oiut of s'mete. re view t from their possreeiise. >ost brui like tri do, doing o cnamuwms U., 60714 4mo seo llrcietoubtems. a-sIb a greaten intcflmti) tires adults t1ncaiy uould. ,Ss a retaIl misere is a certain immkiWsSel urgency that they frei utwitt all rif their 11933 W, GemIr RtL ntelsu55oi 55tedudn,e lmyogrslset mn a great teloliimnslitp 1' UP.! 1847) 827.S6l6 TIIEBUCLE,TIWUSDAY, APRIL g,Im, , ' P.5012 33 I-i &:» e::» IU'J ,%, Our Lady of Ransom Resurrection District 207 Educational Foundation 'PompeiLaBuried Alive!' named outstanding Sports reporter Spelling Bee Winners high school at Nues North creates endowmentfund U.S. Trastees nade npofbusinesv. cd' News and World Regnen Maine TownshipEducational Distriel 207hus on Edacailost- ucatiusn and comrttnniiy leaders. I(:)bJ has identified Resuerecoon High al Foasdains which hopes Ii, Eonndalioo is a nan.prolit tax es' r;ï Schnol. 7500 W. Talcoit, us an empI organization that operates The Foundation luasenhanceslcd' raise in coccus uf 520.0110 tItis ucatiisu fer dïstrict slndents by noisianding ncconduny school. In school year to provide esteniled independentlyofthedistrict : pros'idiog funuh.s to snpporl en' the January I I. I999 issue. Res. sta. Board of Education. li is gos,. learning Opportunities for eichment programs und ro mcci J (:ï\! I'j nenection High School was tea- denN. Established lo1993. the erocd by a volaoiccr Board of 5 specific educational needs thom tuned in a agnelai report os a Chi- are outside the district's regular t.. cago Catholic high school thai is Illinois Wesleyan budget. doing an esccllcni job of odocat- 958 a ing its stodnis. AiitsDecember 14, meeting tIte Board tif 'l'rnstees Resanection High School ne- Dean's List ccived this toua- ober Principal voted rs, establish an endowment heck. Cathlene H. llyun, Saeyeal ittssrtcdiastcly. Therese Penney completed a sur- The Dean's List for the fall ne- fund. (,ffeciive K. Lite, intl Dana 14. Relialchcn' vey last sotitmer from the Nation- rooster of the l998.99 academic '-t 55' ofall casti gifts received l'y koof Glenvicw Clrristnpher the ftsuoslatiuto becstnse part ti lue al OpinionRcseaxcltCenter ycarat Illinois Wesleyan Uoiver- (NORC) at the University of Clii- siry includes fl115 niadcots. To be James Stell assd Daniel E. Witte perrriassOi rruls,svmrnt fused. tIte cago. Principals from mene than err the Dean's List, o student ntntst of Hiles; Manali Doshi. Paul D. earnings from chieti s'sii but s,f Onercio, Nicholas G. Hasalans 1,500 secondany schools in sis lravcageade.poiot average uf 3.5 great beuetit io iltr future." ,u' popoales. Heather M. Nora, Don' toajornteteopnlitattareasan. or boiler during the semester, estidung to Jan,r. ltlutc. Fs,onuta' aid M. Kurs. Jr.. Jeffruy R. Lcisi. titto Cliasnrsan. ''ito linda'utiscnt swered questions abrnt siodents, based on 4.0. Poor learns ¡tomad vet)' Said in making tItis latruo muteal Ql Area residents arc: Marl E. Ki Joseph V. Redine. und Kathryn lood wullhtetpcnvuresustasoal'sI' teachers. cotone oFferings, poli- Mount VesuMus violently erupting dosen on tira ancient Reman cies and educational practices. rinnt, Mary G. Liodgreo. Alisan- E. Vs,jack uf Punk Ridge: Inns uy of prngram.s andprrtjccis Raigan soul Naomi l

cIø' n" PAGE 35' iAdi ThEDUGI,E, TtwaraDAO, M'RU. What to do 'With a financialwindfall Pioneer Park... Air study... ÄKC offers tips on how 'time Lucky I) mete ismael. Imagine for a moment - if you spendimmy your wIndfall, sel acide Watch out (nrrirurttni sties also mnay hmito, sur ihn cape- Continoed 1om Page 1 Continue from Page 1 cttnugli mottcy lii ct,ser Cines A Big money wimmern arc be- cialty critical hunt you review Simortly after ritey leararil Ilucy haveas't already ' that you aie one woo, uhtey met witlt an attorney mini-golf--as sooti as possbIe, buildings, LoVerde said. The Were 005 mudo uvailoble to the to 'manage pet allergies of theLuc1ey l3, That's the financial pioneer ecccttlly met sleged willi geI.rls'ti-quiCk' yimur ascite glati with so attorney befie ckuitruirtg o lumutcey tickut ir whirr wisely advised lItern to hice cvcrI before thc entire park is buildings will he used mainly to public, That is wiry ite and may- Is that tiny sneeze uod ninny able io manage the allergen level group of 13 machine shop wotie- with a lotlety winner. only lo dis- actuemos, susine of ibero ctuuigiil reccisitty an irmbenitaiuCe. L'rwyeta ansIfitmautc'crl advIsers compicted. house Pnbhic Service Dcoartment ors ofothercommunities similar- in yourhome so that Pidocrto stay ers in Ohio who recently split the coserthat the wiummerhad sportI lo (eaodulgnt, nose o cold conting un'i Or could 1lIre firtunclallrrstr5shirttats toilleuunr httw tuvay titi.' LoVerde said April 6 that he eqnipment,whiclt,withthe ly affected ate taking ntatters into it he the unthinkahle...you're al- by youruide. Here aro tips: $295.7 milllou Powerinill lottery Iwo months hecetmtiee final annictl dreck your rtttrutltuts'l hopedIooperithercvcnoc- growth oflhe commonity, has in- their own hands by conducting a lergic to your beloved dog Pido? For you: jtrclqxti, What would you do with aormuity cloak ' several Ituntined r-cw people are etnotionully producing parts of the park the creased substantially over the ntodyoftheirotrn. TIteoneyoureight-year-old .First, goto an allergist. all that metncy? rlmoas.-uid dollars . tiefere olte'd ptcpored (or suddenly coming week o(Apcil 12. The remainder Yeats, LoVcrde said. The new Pollution studies cuttducted in daughter won't let nut of her Mostofus will never win aloi- paid all ¡lic ¡sucs doe, A large iniut a rIege ut000tir of oiutmrey. Healthy Kids Day Foryourdog: People who 'oulterit inanity ' even of the park is tentatively ached- Public Services facility will be a other cities, such as Seattle, Itave sight, tite one who warms your .Bathe your dug every week icey, of course. Bet marty of as wimndfrdl will petrimably posit you nuire mofmmrmoairrnn cantori, lean' rhone who grew op willi wealulu - On April 9iti, the t,eaoing Tow. oled to open May 8. opening day grout addition to the comntunity reoealed extensive ed quality Iteart because it_s always happy orso. Check wimir your veterinoti- could come into a large sum of hito a idgltcr imicotrse-taa brackel, ing Timore YMCA an (4-Ill 1)47. datttage to buildings and forni. report feeling guilty abitui er,-ceis- er YMCA calls' special attcntiiifl of the Nues Baseball League, also, LoVorde snid. to neo you and nesercomplains. an so os nut io dey out your dog's meney dialog our lifctirne.lt scm yumu'tt ¡teeml to do seine tax mo time impuittance uf oiiitrlrcn's i222 amid ask fer Name SomJl mr Srm. when the opening day parade is turc. Wietecitu said that O'Hare, itug tournry tltcy didiu't crini. Soute On the mom sensitive issue or Studies show that appmoi. skin. might be an imdirritance, att in- plauniog. safe, irealtimy devrtoprnonm tali Roy orild s, also scheduled. the ntuch-debatrd proposed take- tite world's husiest airport, most tnateiy5% of tite population . family nmemhcr vC5ttitcot thOr pays tiff speclacu- detiy erra to iiucuiusclses they he producing the oust pollution. Hase a Set goals unii lmodget liase osuincy. Itrieouts. rekitives thtvogim 1999 YMCA Healthy The teams have been relocated oser of the Park District by tite brine un allergic reaction to dogs fssima it nut allergici brush your holy, proceeds freto the sale of u Kid.s Day. r'. special evening mf to other Nues parks fur their prc- An air quality test conducted boniness, a nominee seitlemcutt, a A ss'ittdfatl may deuttotiçaiiy and actpiaitit'otCeo ttioy soddenly Village Board, l_oVcrde seid that orcuts. lfyuu happen to be one of dog a few mimen a ss'eek outdotmrs life gusits. 'l'liimmk fanuily learning and fun. 'Dims season ptactice sessions to give not koosving what the future of by a Park Ridge firm lust year lump tant retirement payout or a elmaitge ysmrrc lient tlrenu willi reveumtuttetit, ta Andrew Hyde those wlso liase boUt pet and sea- tomininiizriniirrorshedding. abrtttt thron and writc theto down. year's veseotii rinoual Healthy thegrass at tIte new park acltance his department will he ontkes hito sitowed pollution, Wietecita said, sooul allergies, yon could be in lawsuit settlement. Uimforiunate- play on their guilt for iutrmdumuts. Marine l.mnco Cpi,i\trshuo'.s 'l'br for can have dander on it Keep io mmmi that the nimoy mriay Buusiimesa owticta alci selllair Kids Day eompima.sites ha fact rimai to takehold. LoVerde said. uncomfortable aodraisestite Blase said tte was satisfied nf- foe a triple whammy this year. when it falls off, ly, tiumiry people tlmirik such large ilyrte. trinmilRtctirtrd D, ann ter discussing rinnt really ire a "wimidfrill'. Tslimoey btuains'sseu may berraste werdtiry attainiog and marntauoiog good 'Im very pleased,' LuVcrde "fear level" making Park Distrtct tIte matter with Some sources soy that. ss'itli 13h .Feedymtur dog uorli- stints of money still last forever Minoica il. bl1de unI Ctmmc.ugnm. te. Wietecha titat tine air quality tests uus'crnigtit, ycl fecI ¡L'. if they've health crin. and simuli1 ire. coto) a' said. "lt's [Pioncer Parkj gotng to employees apprehensive. Nii)o und the erratic rvcatlter, it balanced dietttr lmelp ominimize wmd they cuit iipittiamO:iaimgitig the (rotti a court sctilcnmrtit, for en- ceorly cumnrpictc.t a sis.rnonth rie. mould be ahle to distioguisit ho- dcsps.-eoteiy lussI i fart tif their persummunlimy. hie. be a wundrfnl addition to the "We're trying to create stabili. motley. Years ago, t stmtdy foctmd sample.might be plmiym000tmiitImo Slrutmrerraocao could he tite wurst allergy seasoo hair loss. ltevlrrvyurorrsrtate glati Tire YMCa'. lia.'. maoy dmlfcr' COmmuniiy.' ty," LoVerde said. Tite perennial tween aircraft exhaust pohlutiott in 20 years (and stries 4-6 sveeks Foryour komet LImaI i)fl permarmit of tIme permyte wlitr ncedcd to pay medical hills oui cnr activities and snackdr0: Sr_u rinnt Am.mlmr.us Crut) is mili ilmo The additional field house, the debate about the tobe-oxer of tite mrd cotissions front vehicles nod earlyl. .Keep poor dog out of your win a lottery or a large seittiitteitt replacectireeni axil (ittiire iircoome 'iuta tony ou.".'d lit optiate ymmur placard for: Agni piti . 7.9 poi 22nd Sturino h)sfvutminm:mmary Cori buildings io indttstriai and retail isst Ircerrose tif a dir.aiititrg imijory seuL'., une otite tiry'ia if yoo nimmt modern spot lights. improved Park Oìstris't noderotines tltat cf- But hefore you titiok rite eniy bedroommi and tither riwrris you spend dl tIre mrrtmey suittiln five io time DriL'us uvsis Rumini, itcrrlthi t biEuîirmnihaml,cdabumairi time mini-golffacilities arcos. ¡munir dmr sytieti Or o death. Ii's criticallitri duCs olucady Irruye diem. 'fnovts aitrl a and other fort, LoVcrde said, way tei lessen your suhfering is itt spend a lot of tinte in. 'lime bed- years. So Wbmi ib Kids I)ayis a nrutmorr,mierror ship'. rit tire USS Srmrprun Amphi. technical items arc among the im- money tie budgeted - peticilisluir giftimig progcuo utr:uy im crillod lite However. LuVerde said he is Iran soithi yourdeg. let tIte Anteel- rooiri is tite ntost irrmporlaot since the big check arrives? amnmcdmi gcitiug famnitmer tri urn. lmirrus Ready (imimun p tAROt 'l'ina provcments LoVcrdc highltghtcd Ito nothing the reist of your Iiie. rhumaid you wOit lit prias on virino ISSir gr.sdu.mtriii'Sitte t)uirue using titat uncertainty to motivate Gas station ron Kennel Chub, tite notion_s yuru spend imours sleeping tlrere. tif your riewfuruitd ss'riiiili mmm yuiru derstand and avoid these rink tic. iodescribing the ncwpark. his department to do an even bet- leading authorityoit purebred .Oct plastic covering cases At least. Otititioil t"t 'l'itkii a b,mviors together. [hmfim Schoirt pinned Ilmo l'Inciso ContInued front Page 1 Invest your tniinry cimildaen ute cim,'urity. Estate u.s i.'.- l7 The naine of the new park was tcrjoh, moving forward to deliver dogs, answer soste questions und for nmutlersses and coshions. Use deep breath toril trabo, Deposit i)nly afire you've established Tlrìs is a Erro prirgramFor CnnrpsmoAuguvt suggested by Val Eng!emao, a bers enpressed concerns regard- tlmemoormeyitiaincnmcytit.'iekclotu- the best possible services to resi- ing property located behind tite ttffer tips. crises wïtltplastic cippersso aller- xhurt.autdtumiug-teu'tn girata and set Park Board mcmbcr, after the tuaifuturi. shnrt.teinO 'I'rcasuty dents. gas station. Titis area would stand how do I know tirar allergies gent aireridy inside can't get out. np a budget tumId youconsider boardrequested soggestions arc causing my rash, or my .Use rmtmo-rullergicfillings. bilLs, ititeuest.beariagkritikmc- LEGAL NOTICE LoVerde said htis personal goat ooi' (t feet from tine edge of tino citeni oc ittltce taife, liquid ac- where to invest vciiuie mro even from residents fur naming the sneeziogand itchy eyes? suchrun, puiiyenter, for beds, piI- taust of lue trmuiocy. fircut awed- new park. is to educe tise debt he inherited gas station property, rtnd would rtmonl. Don't think ribout iovcsm- PLIiASKTAKF NOTICE he in s'iolation of tite 20 foot hof- Go to an allergist. lfyou have a iosvcases, etc. est windfall cirri gtow iuta onmuch Engleman. as a Niles resident, front tite presious tdmittistrution dog, go to ono sporriahicing in ai- .Keep ma many surfaces as itigityct,Oe spending it. ssiten te ssaa nanred to isis posi. fer inne needed around all cottt' burger witudfrdl if it's properly in- Vll,I,AGE Ola N1l,FS AMENDED ,%NI) EXPANDED submittedthename,Pioncer lergies to ¡mimais. possible ro your hume washable Kreplrcrolrective vested. I)iveeirify witting a variety tion. toercial buildings. The osoner of A luorp sosa of rnmrmrey oiay mot TOUIIYICENTRAL REOEVELOI'?(IENT Park, a Place tu l3nplure, along What Is an allergy? And an (und, of course, wasim timertihl. If of appmupt'i:ute'nrsristuoenis.If with an essay cnptaining that no tite property located behind tite realty l'e as large as it moka. Itmiic PR()JEC1' ARE,'. NO, S Regarding the ness Wchlncss station55.0-s 00 hand and en- allergen? you have lmuedwroiul flouts, you are intl fauuuiliar willi imioest- single individual or ethnic group Conter olsich the Village opened An allergy is your mutoinnmoone chnuse a ss'asltaimle area carpet. If ensample. one inilllOO dumiltuO i,s plained tisat the area ssaa itt fact what a penseur eartiiitg 525,1X10 a iog, educate yourself- eveti i(yimu lime arr;. sua,s iocnretly occupied by a large modus'.' should he honored. bat all the pin. near the ness' Vittafo Halt io tito systent's reaction to a substance you already liase soall-io-walt luitmi pntifcsriiuittal fiwuic'ctl nuIsis- Nutrice is bernity gisemi bruI urn Ayrri 27. 1999, at Oters who founded the Village of abandoned crnetnnercial buildings year ttmkes over a writhinglife- 5:17) pro., io the Village llali Couinent Ctmamimhern, ttial facility ai the intersection of Touhy a\srooc Civic Center t'luca.I.oVerdo tltotiisotvos, and that nit cooing sslsich, althosgim it nay nut acto- crirpeting, strum clean it once io a urs. ourecronslmng Nuca andcontributedtoits said tite 5sltttle cotontonity Irene. ally be imuromfut, your body's ro- ¡bite, 11X0) Civic Center Olive. Nile's,. lhiinvnis, apubtmc awl CroIrai Avenue. P1)1ev. lt. ansI ibe laws would hie violated, while (s'acuummming only gets the tni.idnvays mro time ninth. rust Onu1 sununtir grosstlt during the past century of uts from tIte etcchtcot ness faoiti. sponding to as ifit were-and pro- up layer). Cntvsiiler tases hearing will be mild tim coturimler tbe aumrcadttmeOtof its euistcltcc. Nose Ute niantergoes before the Brfmmre yioi scie! iitvesuirig or I LEGAL NOTICE tite ih.uistiog Rcdcu'eioprrreot t'lan No. 5modhie ty, ohich dte Village reos. ducing antibodies totrap and .(let a filter foryoar vacuuni liare scill be cumosinlenvulut the lmearmog time pros' "I thought it (l3nglcman's soy- Board of Trustera fur finsi ap- anuievpaosiumsuf time Earstiog tvmos'e tite ins'ading substance. ta keep allergens rapped inside Notice mo hereby given. pursuaoi aotenriitieot ¡mcccii mmenduri Uedoselrmpmncot Piani timethe groted oameJ was scry appropri- "Eventually tite Pack District pros'al. Ifyito would like ntore in- Redesctöpmrmcnt PrOject Area Nra, P to inc called he An allergen is tite substance your rather than passed through with I LEGAL NOTICE mi 'r\n Act in relation tir be use li.spaoulcd Reutemeimihnmiient hSrmjvirt Anra. 11mo uiir1rc- ate. will he able to help with some ttf forotation about tite subject, in- Nun.5."flic LoVcrck said. The Park body is allergic mii. lt is usually so Outgoing air. a'usaiirnerl Business Name "Amended t4edeveiopirrcOt Plan tiser ol the Aomctmsicul Re.Icsetnmprruent 'Cro aiero Board reccived around IOU soy- tite programmingat the \Vell'eluding the datr und tinte the Nosier is heneimy giveir. pursoani iii ou ,mended Redeselelrttrctit l'rmmjcvt r\rca Hrn. .5 ciro' tinyt is invisible to time hmunman .Ask your allergist aboui a in tIto conduct or transanriion of ermnimiuragetImerrnicsehmmprtrcomuni the lmap.unsrlcd gestions mainly from Nues resi- nessCenter),"LoVcrdc said. Board ofTrustees xviii discuss tite to "AO Act in tetaiioo to ¡be ussr vichy uil the terniruity legally utevcriiicsi sthuIons s: "They need to get on their feet tttrttter, please contact the Village eye. sucir us dust. pollen. or pem good oirpueifierammd filter. of an Assumed iiiisit)ess Name BusinessinliteStaIr," u.s RemleselotiomeOt I'mnnirct Area The akijcctise is iii ire dents. hot some from other places . fmmmaimco first, I see it as a cooperative cf- of Hiles. dander. Replaceair-conditioning in the cnnnuinct or ttarisactioii of amended, thaI artiificatiumO airs'um mnphisheul hb'ritti iCuitf public reh' includingChicago.LoVerde Is all my sniffling und ancra- 'f110513 i'm\KTS(3h'''I' IlE SOU'rIIlim\S'l' fon.LoVertie added that tite and humidifier filters min ri tegoLe IinsíiiessiouteState."us was fled by ihrundersigned 'till) ninitacs muctrmsiunit tint nui) Iumtvtr'd tu t'as mtmeoeitsrot said. Ing my dog's fauft? basis. QUARTER OP SECTION 29 AND 'line Atmmcnmled Park District would never have unmeoded, that a certificatirrn with the Curuinty Clerk of Cook NOItJIIWESIQUART11R Oli SECI'ION 32, allocation tinancìn1t. LoVerdc said that a smaller Builder's Maybe and maybe nut. Aller- .Please nrmre that allergens County. Fuie Hmm, 1)063762 on Redcseloprnnenl Imlan ptrmsmmles fume rire Immsammcmng iiI been ahle to finance the ttew was flied by ihr undersigned AU. IN TOWNSHIP -i i NOR11I.RANGE I 3, park, a 'Fut Lot,will remain at gies are cutOuiahit'e. So don't be rito "sticky," so misti saperficial or the M,'sR. 22, 1999. Cttriler ihr vite pcnjsaaatiumrs. utility tettxrsal. dcorolmtnn,nand state-of-the-art fitness center by with the County Clrtk ¡ri Cimak Il/uSI' OF Till) T1IIEL) PRINCIPAL MERlI)' the Socwiak site. The existing Square so fast to blame it all on Pido, spot Cleaning wirn't produce sig- Assumed NameofjOli envirurnmtleotal Cirio O uil esnmtmii$ imumrtslnuigs assi playground will bu relocated tu itself. County File No. 0055761 on IAN. COOK Cl)ClNrY. ILLINOIS, Continued from Page I Most peuple olmo ¡tee allergic, are nificant results. In fact, ii your ¡he MAR. 22. 1999. Under the TRUCKING with the business site's. inftastrarture inmgmssmsnmnnots rsìrtsmn time urna the southwest comer of Touhy LoVerde concluded that the so to Ornee thon one allergen. doy has been sleeping on the bed, located at ?7?7 N. NORDICA DESCRIBED AS FOLlOWS: Iil)G1NNING especially lime tlsadncay unii auree rysteoss. and lurr and Franks irr what LoVerde dc- socccss ofthe new Weilnesscotnpatty is attetttpting 10 find Assumed Name of LARSEN A'l'lIli) 1N11)KSECfIC)N 01"'1'IlIi jobs for tite dispiaccd employees Ynar ovrrull allergie reaction dc- you sitoulrl replace your bedding. ThUCKING with the business HILES. lLl.INOIS Wild. l'br Oli liii) ('s' grading atol clearance, ho auldmtnnirm. time fimm.assmsgnil scrihed as a pocket ofthe exist- Cettter, witih, Ite said. has hero pends on tire allergen level in SOU1'IIERI.Y l)X'IliNSION prrvcmmlo's tIsaI its in Ituildee's Square storesin otlter Are seme dogs better Iban located at 7923 TRIPP ¡tuename(s) und tesidence lIliRl)'I'O' the Anmetmdesh Iheuiecrlcmprrmcnt liais ingfteld.' very oeil res-C ived, along with the your environment. i.e. itou' many others (or people who are aller' addrea oh' urwtrcr(s) im yousB LINE 01 C1SNTR0'.L A'.tml)NUI uiiijiicliuv'S nily tre achics'enl by the S'itiage rntrriflg toarkets or in ntltrr businesses, AVliNkhii, SKOKIE, ILLINOIS DIII3ICA'l'I)I)l'EXI)IX'UhIiiN'l' The sacated land ut tite fornter opening of Pioneer Park heralds a allergens, and how omncit of them, gle tu them? YCUSIlt O,. 7 N. NORDICa'., FORIi irlo rnnicsctrmjmimmcnr aftoenmenviomth dcsvt.mprt's Jocwiak site trill be used to os- great ness' phase for bEles. "We're site raid. inilO?(r. The true namels) and 'sChillER 2272593.1 ANI) TIlESIlUrO 'l'br store clostng will have lit- are arounil you. Yes. '[itere are breeds that ¡mas' residence raddeess al ouatais) is NILI1S, fl,1,INOIS 10714 regaidinty qu.uhilïrdprmnjectu A rirait al the pand the present Public Servire s'cr)' escited about tite future or Poreoaroplc, ifyouaee allergic ness a single t:ryercortt and usual- tiNti Oh-''f OIlIlY A'.'Ii.N'&)ih 5.911) 'l't,)CTIIi' ,\oue'mnjrrl Rrrle'.clrrpmmmurmmt l'ian tOmutitig tu' the pris. tIe or no effect ttn tite property's DIKSEN BANY/i-MIN.Ir)?) A\tmI)NUE 16101ff OP WAY lIbElli 11X1 boildiny and toconstruct two neo dte Park District,' ite said. tridust,inseymicide,cigarette Is' prsmduce less dander mixto dims- NOTICE psrseri Remle'srtumprmm.inmt i'rc1ect Ama is mirsl'mis anni statut in tite Tu' district, aos'ord' '1R115P AVIlNUIl. SKOKIIi. 111,1. I LEGAL Ii[)Iìf r%'II)E: 1111)11Cl) NOR'I'iI 1X1 rooire and dog dander. and ail of ble-ytnamed lmreeds. lImer include lume mu.1restiim at the Sillage ing to Village Manager a'rbe Sel' NOES «YJ16 DEGREI1S. .19 MINU1'ES. 37 Si)C1)ic'l)S avarlahie lrmntrlic otau. Seiman said he is confident ¡item ate areund ytmur lionne, ymmur time lhssrtle, lEchino Privo, Bird. 's'irui 'e is hereby grieri, purnisarrt Clerk's umlI'uee.IhiOt Ci.ur ('rolen I}lisr, Nile'., imtmmly is being aggrrivrmted by rrmul- tri "Amt Act irrtelatiriit to muir issir P,A)IT ALONG SAIl) tiOUTilERl.YIìX'llC'i' Candidates anotiter tenant will be fttund for hingron Terrier. Miniatore 1)1 ('lLS'fl1AI Ilhirmumis. tiple allergens. it's stimi uf like Scimnau,,cr, Kein' Blur 'l'rm'riur, I LEGAL NOTICEj uit ao As,sutmuej Buisine'-s Naine SION n'sNL)liAS?' 1,1X11 Continued (rom Page I titelt)O.00Ct-sqttaee-footboìld' ¡rt AVIOI1UI). 140)1)0 filET T011hli i)AS'l'iiit' r' the mtato iii the twiningeach macmug nhmutlict lialancing an eqoation.If you SrmfmCritirriWhie.iterm io time i.'ri nslrnct on uramss.ts"'tir w Ptmcr ing. 'l'orner, Noiice is heaehy giveu. pursuant 1)1 prur1"vuculIis1uaulod want to redare the intensity uf liuuslmttsciiitheStute,"ax L't' li.XTIiNSI()N Ob''1 III) NOR'l'Ii I,iNhi hasingfri'i'moit)ro rime pcncd to the excess tttott obro Marrulla is also questioning tite AssistantVtiiageManager M,mltesir, luummrugucse Water l)img, to "AO Art in tetatimtit tir the use lIERlriOIORI) 01)111. Rouis's cimmyimmeni l'rossI Aera and the Ilirnous tbr distoct lwrroxscd 54 million yourallergicreaction,you'i1 ItalianGneyimuund, linscnji unit ammvcimderl. tuaI'acettrfmcatiiifl IARVIS STREEt fate of the $4 tttillittn bond ¡saurGuida Saityituni saidtitatal' of an Assunted Business l'lanie SAIL) hiEC'liNDS WI)Sf. l)e1vaatmnivnt uni C'orti ounoce amid ('onvvuort7 Allanes riced to reduce ¡tic tiseraS aller- time Cimimtrsc Cresred, suasiileslliptImesiidemvigm'eri CATI1I)I'I)K toexpand Neltuo Sctoxtl hot paid used to finance tIte Nelson adthi' tltongir tite village itas receis'enl io ¡he conduct or oaeaaclion tif the S'mllage. mmm the gen level io your cnvirmmommtent. ruitii tire Cumurory Clerk uil Crank A[.ONO SAIl) l).XI'InNSl(tN ANt)Nl)Rlil rias ,uhrimit nsnmmrco Cortmttlents ¡r, out only $2.5 tttitlìun alit. tton. Ntar,uilo railed for greaternit officiai inquiries about tire If pint unmuld like a 1re AEC BusinessintheStute,"as uNIi (Ihr l,\R'u'IS bitI.W.AttIhi1) ANISS'I' tire Village lIetI. Village mml NiLs. Ginclturg. a business saluatorn accoutttabdtty aud prontisod site %'huI part of my dot1 ans I al. Orig Iìuycnn lurlucatinno or Re- C'urotriy.Filir Him, lXiPPiiSP uno aitcomromo mil tiropetty todatc, tite inoilditny's lo. amended,that u ceriificatimin be MAR. Ii. I9$). Uwler rire PAUL hIARlI) KAI[.ROAI).ci:RIOI:N'il.I' loom ('rs ri CritIco Ortie, linie's. hlimmnuins. rj? Ir and appmisal consultaot .,nd fur- 's ,sld posit fr,rtruie dch:tte i,e.Catir,n sear tIte 'l'.trget snore s a Irrglc to. lIti (irr? slnmnilmtc Orig (:)ss'rmervitipmuck- nmndcruignril was flied by ube r\saurmued N,riuie iii j,'.\'A uSNI) Tlhil SOC) CEll) RA1I,ROAI)n.'hill)%S'hí Oser college íttstroctir, citacyost (SteflftO5 ing atty proposed tas tttris'ittg husinessdisttict, hEm, ¡dtirmmugtm tinism's one of lime et, werte mmi mime SPfl) Ceri- with the Curunty Clerk rif CumaL 32511', ist the lre.umrOg. ali mnrytu'steml pernmmrus ittafloetosi mrmrmvi ciniimmrtimnmmmi,sciimmcelntirnrs. IiiiYONl) ARTGALlERY SOiflillI l)l)C)Rlit_S 23MlNtî1F-S the district ssitlt tnisntaoagentcot mets iers I)nis'c, Saite 21X1, County. File hIrt. 0053MO urn Losung dn,imsrt.s tras (mho utmttcmr uml'1esiiurrr'usmth ihr 'line canine atlrtgeo isi latein sritlrtheimrssimre'.s limeured ai fINDS IlAICI', ALoNG SAIl) t)ANlERI.Y stffonds and quvstiottcd ta alrilíty irrtut Jekot, cuuentl 'e o tite Matthew D. Pitts Krilciyir, NC' 27in0(m.t3Stt;s-alt time MAR. I?. 1999. Cedri tire RIGID' ()1i iVi'.?' UNIr, iSlh4,t)it lEirfTI) Village (leth ansI osap tic heamul srOtilI s.itlt te'rltimct to ltutotie money. Nttvs l'oh Utsttrt Stati, said re' ¡liar erro ire carried cuiter mmm yrmue huh11 ???'97(m7; irr fris 19191233. Assumed Name of WRAP D' 311$) SKC)KlIi I1CIUUlVARI), of the dug's dander Idead skrn Ilalrcil, SKOKIIi. ll,I,INOIS60017. SAlt) Slitffll l.lNl) (lii 'l'(tUhl\' /x%'IiNt)Ii:to as) usuries teaailing the dcsmgms.tiuou ,\notttet of tite lix o candidatc ducrrtgtinocstrvvtdotscxci Nax'ySeatitanhlattltexvi). 3m)?: tir li'ì'Iruii tri: UP with time bisitiess located at htedeselmmpmit.rni I'to1eiti'.re.munivI salmon mir urine. 'Iba prirticks ('aim TIte true tuaitiefo) amad teamdeusre 11IENCI) NORI1I St Ifl)GRIiisS 53hIll). E'.p,mnded for dm titrac asailairtv seats, Son sinoulni i.e tIne prtornty Inrtnnte any l'itt,,,r ISYb graduate tri Giett' irmlmrtsrulsrmng, if yriu'rr mnts'tcst. 3412 MILWAUKII11. NORTII- CrOES 56 SECONI)5 IL°uSl' AlONGSAlI) aln[mOOt'al of ube Reukselirprrrrria Plain. 'l'inc beutrng ja Witscitunka-Mcss. riso aunts olditionnilinnnn t,inn ong Is cuitnid' introit SoutltiligitSlurnniat hey'cm ose rrnd stay rnirbmmme limer cd mn imuielnrcd d,rgs. ring ,lmnrsss, 'address of ocurietixl is: AURA' imutbet ermrrcc elliot than BROOK. ILLINOIS. 64)062. SKLIKIE SoUth! 1.1Ml),I44m7.SrbIrlitrI'7e)'f1111 Osa) inc aitournssh witlnusit to explore r,tiacrtpttutts boltttc (ilonvicss,. ircetttls' iic1r,xrtori nro ri lung tune, ir they cari traigo io rit tsmmmmld hile rim lsirmrss' r ¡mime ¿tisait 11AM Kc'iSlR. 91133 rd ¡lic hearsay The ¡clic itautur4s3 ¡mari tea'ulcacc ILLINOIS l'Oliff OF flE111i4i'ilNUCONTAINING a ni.iiistei tnt la srmmtcmesi irisas ironistes suppOrl!Itg IrríerendonrShy ichut ,,nnd cntitcr rcrtoaootng nit fiior'ntnitttttdetriti) moot totine draIning, ricmnuclr mir rug, tire ,KC', ssut ruinisclmsite at: address of OWtO(5) 'n: JOHN L M.VD.,SKOKI1i. OVAlI Ml?'tr'.RNO 56,40ACRES.MORi) OR I.ESS'. fusing the liase annul place ¡mf ubre smulrrsru4vOrmt healing. also calls (or tite distritt ta ssslirtt oreatise lioanc;ttg,l tito euroctit Snnutltl'arrt flss urIctinriarst tiny' I love oty dug. If I find noi si'ss'w.rikc.rrtg. 'hie ,KC Wri', e'.' 1492 WILlOW 64h17?: tirai I am allergic tu it. does lt SARTAIN, KASIR. 9113) SKOKIEBLVIL Katiup Ilaabossot toare bids bfttre awarding ceo- debt thnnuid hr undtttai.et. ¡trins' yuriliid nossïtcfng,ite1)55 t:mblmshmed in 18f-1 tir ptommmrnmr ¡lic AVIINU1ì Plis Irl.ABmIES. 1W- Village Clerk carts, before capttal ttttptooettncnt s ari' itonir, bottie potted in San Diegri meurt I banc togis'eit up? study', bteeding, esittiritiog and 19015. hIl6 SKOK1I1. IU,INOIS 647)77 Incuntbeot candidate Anne E. sciwly alfectcd, ilejiiinrd tise Nasy to June I'yJS. Hirt necessarily. You tttay Ire advamicemmieni mtl purebred drmgs, PAGE36 mc BUCLE. 11WRSDY.APtUt. u, 1999 PAGE 37 I1 .-w- -t:"V' Gçta mOve on if you're planning to relocate Tips foran Kitchen Walk Quirky Lawn Care Advice As Spring approachcs, 'Fc Submitted ny tIte 19911 (tee taon titan fcol gmuad beneath oies that do not hayo a pattent of Thuconsumer may obtain ud.claim must he filed in writing, enotuct the BOB where the cam- showcases latest, Salo"signs wilt .bcgin toSprout Ali.American Lawn lnareloot. compluints. To find out who the ditional liability protection, atoo with a specific dollaramuont stat- pony is headquartered to initiatr a All-American Lawn up In design Ctnntenb Entrants .Utihe a onisnurc mml 70F us many families prepare to best movcrs arc, ask friends, cela- entra charge, from the mover. ed. wititiu nino months after de- cowylabot Call PromLowe's Home ginning iotltcspring. change rcsidciiccs.Almost 50% process. The Parenthesis Patent Cltiid 'flte follntwing tivs may he a lit- nonio, liqsid dïsh soap and nnouth. tivesand co-workers for recom- The beveisofliability und charges livery. However, it's to your ad- 312.832.0500 or 1.900.225.5222 Improvement Warehouse .Fertilize is late fall to keep tie unconventional fbtc most. hot of afl moyos takepacu brtwccn rnundationu.Also cheek with the for each option vary. Consumers roots heailbyducing the winter. Center in Oak Park will hold their w'a.slt ti, bneakduwn tinatch. vantage to report darnagc as suns Or ose thr utote-hy.slate directory and Briggs& Stratton i4th Annual Kitchen Walk ou bbc entrants who impbemeot hemmt June and Scptcmbcr 30. if OBBfur n reliubilily report and should assess the various Options, an possible." Mowing .Rake thatch (mots, dead .Cover bare spon.siothe yours among the millions of ou tIse BBB websitout Saturday. April 24 from IO am. as a part oftiseit osenail lawn caro whether tisocompany is a mcm- check to see what might already 1f the moviog company in not www.chicugo.bbb.org to bile a .Cut lawnonceu work. leaf nttcalns ana ruotstuiks) in ccginnens.swearby themt lawn with erediward salmen apply. families thatwill berebootingber of the BBB and follows the to be covered under their home- springtoaibow mowed grass clip- to 4 p.m. Tickets arc $25 is ad- . inn weed and fred. isftrr the ap. responsive, the consumer can complaint. . Mow in different patterns vauce. 'lite day of the Walk they Create a mioture of sulfur, this summer, it's not too soon to mrutbershipstandards,"satd owner's insurance policy, and tonvoitlpermancot ridges. plugs tu reach the soli. plicanion. tenonne the cardlsrartl. begin pbaoning for a successful Baumhurt . can he purchased for $30 at the iron, copperand otherminerals ms then purchase the coverage that .Only remove top third of Aerating the soil u couple keep usectsaway fr*,nt grass. Ion,sennp-oil and win e peat move. Selectingamover: Once bostmects their needs. Ifuspecif- limes a season ntay he necessary George Maher house. 201 S. Eu- moss and stanten fretili,ot. grass(aboutI")witheuch did Avenue. .Develop a formula of mo. "Bettor Business Bureaus have you've contpilcd a listof movers, io omountofinsurunce is request. Check for ¡mproperly cutting. For most lawos, the opti. to allow water and nutrients to lasses, dish snap, liquid lawn .Insentindonkeys. Donkeys reccived o steady increase in contact them for additionalinfor- od, that amount should uppodr00 teach the grass roots. Thisyeac's Wallt will spotlight rat anything. iucludiog frass thai mum height is Iwo inches. twelvenewiy.renovatedOak food and beer fnnr fertilizer tIto: complaints against moving corn- rnation and to compare their ocr- the lading/freight bill und thu .Always ose a sharp mower promises a thick. green. weed grows outrageously panics the past few years.said viocs. Inform them ofybur desti. consumersltouid obtain a Copy of inflated tires Making (or u Cleaner Park and River Forer: kitchens Joutes E. Bournhart. presidentination and the timiugof your blade lo prevent iojttry to the designed to he us functional weil theiusnrmtce policy thatthe mon- grass. Environment a -CEO oftite Better Business Bu- move. Obtain an tn-home. vinuob ingeompany obtains. Ilccaunc Iliinoiu' teceut cold asuddcnnittp. .Lease gtass ciippings on into tine brent ceotbbby as they are ,g ufChicago& Northern bili- npell included freezing baugent. Ovctiollatcd lires lose Into. Watering today. Each showcases tite latest resu estimate. I3ow professionul is thu "Anothnr importuot insurance .Provide lawn with upproxi. bite luwn.'llteydccontposc quick. Before you carry lusse hoary, noisy. fois."From 1995 to997, thecompany representative? Ask (or issue to consider is whether titeoct00, many motorists may he lion and ase more graute to blow- ly and put nutrients back into the in design. cabinets, flooring, flu. inefficienl wiudow air conditioning amts np number of complaints nation- drivittg on uudctinfiatgd lires to- nuls heasuvethe cenicroflhc lire matoly one inch of water pet tures,applïances,countnrtops o written estimate and know moving compauy has insured its week, soil. the basement stairs again wide increased from 2,068 to clay. Air contracts in the cold and Lv itigirer mod wears down bimotor and much onore. whether it's u binding or non. employees," the OBB president .Water once deeply, instead .Avoid spilling gasoline by 3,736 -a 30% jump. At tire local tices lose about one pound of than lbS rest of lltctire. hinding estimate. Reach a clear advised, 'Ask for proof of work- ofsevenil times lightly. filling iawn mower gas tank only A Kick-Off Patty will be held level, we receive more than 450understanding ahorn the amount Cr5 compensation Coverage andpressure forevecy 10-dcgrectleop Q'What are dsm gtaidltlincs to . Friday, April 23 at 6 p.m. at 201 in temperature. A tite Inflated inflatetiresproperly? Vater in the early morning (uii. complaints against moving corn- of packing und other services cali the insurance Company to oc evening to reduce cvuporation. .Wipe up gasoline spiiis im- S. Euclid. Ticket price ofSS0 in- panieseachyear. needed. Carefully compare each verify lhocoverugmt." lwttperiy in the (ail could be fine A.T'tt*t goesaure or maximum DevelopIng Healthy Soll anti mediately. clodos lise party, a pteview of the The most consmon complaints pounds nndcebnflatcd by mid. _Imi_ (pounds per squaee inch) estimate to see which company aaims and Complaints: Be Rnota .Check uil On lawn mower kitcheninthe George Moiter allege: missed pickup or delivery winter, usuaiiy is listed ou the dnivebas Ilk. here mihigh eßiderriCE,VTR,tI. A/CSl.STEM heutsuiisyourneedsand budget. physically present when the moe- .TealroilIt)determine regularly. Addoii as needed. house and a Kitchen Walk ticket. fev,on, hannonie an. affeoiz4l.pner! dates: charges that exceed tIto es- Whatabout Insurunce? er botlt loads and unloads your Q.Wltat arc the drrngces 011m- nkiedoorjatnb orstatnpcmj (tu the .Change spark plug and All proceeds benefit the non. properly Ittfiatcd tires? which outtionts are needed. Con' And (fron Ibaiw i flOT tfftTER IItoAT!.W .9t,STto,lI, tirnate provided; and disputes re-Some customers mistakenly as- hclongings to chcok that every. tires. Use an nirjwtrssucc gauge to pmntfmt Parrntltcsis Parent Cinild i: densa t aCari yam. mai y kerr CaaWvaIAfr Conrdiduobrc A.'Tlte center of an nndceiu- lottiate thelires. bulbe careful not baci a locai government agency clean or replace air litter euch gardiug claims for lost or dam- sume that tIte moviug compauy is thing hashcett packed and atrinco eatetnsiun oc nursery (or testing year. Ceoter at 405 S. Euclid in Oak Initetlod in your hence aged goods. insured to cover the full valuof itt gond cotidition. Baled tire is not io contact with booneciuflate. ' Park. thc road, mashing in uneven Citeck lin, pressure at least iofotmatiou. livery two years. take lawn How can a coosurncr avoidtheir good ut no extra charge. "If gonds ate ntissing or dant- .Feed lawns with a slow' mower to an experienced servicr For reservations or more infor. these and other pitfalls? That is not time caso. Unless the aged. utoke suce you repon thattread wear, tbccoeascd traclioti maitre a mouth or whenever theme motion call ?0fl/848.2227. und steering control, and redud lu a nudden lemperainre drop., release high nitrogen fertilizer technician tor a safety and main- "Pctbaps the 10055 inspottant consumer makes specificor- fuct promptly and in detail ou tite about once enemy tin weeks. be- tc00000 inspection. adsice is to select a good musing rangements, the mayor generally van driver's copy (tltcoriginai)ofgas mileage. lindccinilateul tires Otciotng tirepres.sure weeklyoc Call na tedeyfar a EWf IN'lLfLlfEß.fri.M4Th and storage Company. Timore are 0150 are more iikcly lo come oif when you foil np thcgas lank wiU River Forest b)'tdot.y Su am'uestss.u0 assumes iiahitity for the sltiptoent the inventory sheet before youtitn rito or separate Trato the thousands of responsible. reputa- at an amount equal to 60 cents per sign it.said lìuumltart. "If you eu.surc that your tiren do noi get Things 2__a n.a.. .4 't &s**&.aana 4 .4 hie rousing and storage cutups. pound, por article. notïce daotage after unpacking, awheel ifyou ititapothobe orrnakc toolow. to know walking tour beforeyou mow offered More than 60,1») people were Aguided arehitectutal walking rd for tIte power needs of your tour of ltistoric River Forest will LENNOX treated last year in hospital enter- e*tewpz4 cx.s. tttower, Te reduce Ike risk of take place non Sunday. May 2, am 2 Qup'uron Onu,boO 6T. gency rocemos for lawn mower in- cnttin5the cord wltiie yourc r°' juries.- p.m. \Vìnrling Iltrough tIse vnteet.s casualties of heron, rttowing. start mowing in bite area ofthiseaslyClmicagosulnntb. sist. thrown.objcets.faIm, dismom- nraresn tite electrical outlet, then tots will view tite estcriors of berment andelectricshecI. maw away Irons tite outlet so tite QUIET ONE Have a link Prairie lunntes designed by Ftouk Itun Wilh Avoid being u statistic this spring powercord will be behind yen. season by following some 00m- Lloyd Wright. u.s well an (bothte ;z . I ISI COMPRESSOR Arrllstrt)niti blake nome ail nafety guards Tudor and itaiiaanate hontes. The moo sense saleby lips from lin- arc is placeand keeptite mower's FUflthfllefllaIS, derwnitersLaboratories 90-minute tutte departs (rum the 5 YEAR Inc. blades sharp. If you do hit a for- River Porcal Methodrtt Cbunch, s i 0-YEAR 05500. Cosegnuo fUL),an independent. not.for. eign object on have a nu,wcn osaI. FACTORY ALL PARTS wnusonq Fowewemas urn profit peoduct safety testing and 297l}Lake Street. River l'wtest, MIKE NITTI FACTORY GUARANTEE WARRANTY wOnt, wo ear ttnstw. (unction, remember to tutu off Feeo $8 pee person for adalts ccrtiltcatinn organization. when tite ntnwer and disconnect the 96 per person for seniors (69+) Oorrn bomearns wmmonng operating yomarlawn bower. CEMENT CONTRACTORS n ENERGY SAVER. UP TO 78%'+' A.F.U.E. Cwowrnreun vsw a. power cord before inspecting lot and youth (7- ifll.11tvspebngoatn is .Before operating your damoagc. n one n i series of ireaturc'fanuss' WARM COMFORT. OUTSTANDING ENERGY SAVINGS YOnnarnO#w srgnno mower. make sume ynmi have read .Keep your itamin antI feet offered on the llt+t Sunday of the FREE ESTIMATES nonrO norey nuS .ocnsnnng the owner's nsaouul thoroughly. away (rum utower's blades Hen- mouth, Aptil thrvsoyh Nosrmlmcn, . QUIET PERFORMANCE rtu.nwøiai, n..s notinguli rofely and opetarittg in. lGvw cc roach underthe tttmoss'er fee any by tite Ftatnk I.bayd Wflgttt flume Niles, Illinois (047) 9656606 stnwtiobns.Learnthe controls tesson while tite ntower is in op. and Stolto Foundutien Foc timore weil enough to tot instautly io an tMu .,. ::=« oration zod make ail amljustntcnts infornsalton. call llOSUt'tst. 976 rs2OOoo Sorum»o,, an emergency and to stop lime ma- ssitlt the ototoreif, ;uwans_v. citino quickly. . r.- .li you hase a gasolioc. Safe (ot,tweis tnbpolttet. $ 00 cOns. N,,nu,m fueled bitumer, stoic the gas in a cspccialiy with walk-behind NO WAX LINOLEUiI lOnu_va rowawnas otoatets. blake vate yan sItases Installed '°'0.., narre Ul_ Listed safety can. Fili tIto - Six i., OtO' - cci,5/UrM tanuti: . aoti0tnfn,Q Rebate '' I easy mood provide good trootion to torce c'tIri rr psrrrn,n 10 CHCO$f chOtt '\ 0000k.55*u.t. ttnownl' Outside, using a funnel to mn c000 INCONJUNCTION ami bofl C 00m fl Iwoseot WillS. Stay away front olipying nod banc sturdy soles to 11010 OatS bonCts(n craintpuenules. Never work ryseuThi'4cCr.y6eornOl7tEWEÑ5'cfDraT.4ifflS WITh MV 01)4TH ORDER1*5KF011 DETMW possible ignilion soticces and re- place the gas cap ftrtntiy when barefoot er in sandals. canvas Kitchen Cabinets done. Before slanting Ike ntower. sisees_etc, G20 . or L _j be sote it in on level greund; dis- Heuer lease a lawn mower BRUCE and Countertops iauo.00 offer Oued Ci C.InI..d Pomotunu Ql Ab CIoditluarn I ftrnas, engafe till clutches and ute the btferat0003lsalalcnnatmrttdcai T99AFFICZONE no SO LA RIA N. confect starting ttedute dz' Curious ohmlmiren, eager to help MOHAWK INSIGNIA CARPET 9595°° Ont. 05.5) feb nccisva,ly injutcd. f, ./ too tooxey t,t ou, that ,sm seethed in tIte owner's ntsnual for AKtboTDIUI -' - A your mower. By farlbewiog the ttnanufa'rtur. SALE! . er's isotnacliomss 05 svell as UI,'' sd,59 IXINO IN kIiyOISU PflUÇE- Always stattllt(tttowcr SO,FT. bvo, be reesmttonenabed ,$e.unc tips.ou WE Witt fl*TST. outdoors,Noteroperate GUA*ANTEEDIO I.- 5a 5 utoonee misere caubott tuotsosisle ossiout lattotly can enjoy 00feb. 4 DAYDEUVEflY can collect, notch as io a closed afcr ame of yaut patoser lawn garage,qrrmmagn tImed ochasement eoc)w005 For nomme infoitn.aoon .Elccbticttily gummed kiwit ott safe use smf fawn nod garden i:s I s: mowers should nut be uted on equtpmtocnt vtvit IlL's Web ntteat :. wet graos. Une an ostension cord mmw nl coto or call Iii 'n fanon. dsignc4 fee outdoor use and rat- dentand line at i .QQQ.47J476 S4:1-j ))I T5iEnUGLETIWRSDAY,AP65LLI959 PAGE38 FAGE38 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 199 cardiac catheterization lab The power of : Plantaloevera: Relievéa e old sore LGH opens new math explored In tèrùistap póiiïted trials. and quality assurancu pro- You'redressing (or a spccial side of the mouth. The news is LutheranOencealHospital TIte totally tsstoOated Inh also liemos a dayd7 days a week. ¡ser- To sowe. mathematics maybe Dr. Adame recommends that lacia over 3,000 procedures each tacots (or chest pain md congca- cycat when a familiar lingling good for a growing acmcnt of cold sore sufferers apply aloe at opened ils new state-of-thc-ast looks diffracat. Most of the ¡nIe- a çt,nlosìoit of numbers and sym- Resurrection gris 115000 sysicos by Phillips year with 2 physìcituis prescrit at tise tatar!billete provide Cult bills. To edoc,itur Tom MeDo- snsaiionCrosses yoarUps. One Ihr population seekingsafe, nata- vera lip balm three times per day John B. Watson, M.D., has hematology. He has a special in- osediac catheletication lab this Medical is 00W ceiling mounted, each interveotiotl4it procedure to ireatlocoi pIatta resulting lu rc nald. lidO.. it isa valuable soutce qaick look in the mirror confinas ial treatments for common prob- until ihe lesion has dried. "lt will been appointed to the medical retest irr patients with anemia. mouth. Doc of Ittico cathctctir.a- allowing for gnatcr access to pa- ensure that enpericncc andqaali- daccut rcailiuiision rates for pa- for the understanding of human anunsightlyand ilTilaling co'd ems. combat the sore and enhancestaffat tian labs thtitopceate twenty four Resurrection Medical Dr. Watsoos oflicc is located ty arc alwayspeovided. Surgery Sienta. life nd dignity. soro. The best modem remedy "Anatural substance can be healing," hesays. Center, 7435 West Taicott Ave- boors a day ut the howital. the tictita and a better perspective ni in Chicago at 2800 North Shed- is perfcnsacd la two operatitig llcalits unique ideas shoot may botha aloe ocra plant, which justas effective, and possibly sai- More deotists are recommend- nue. tRw bib uses the latest digital the callee anatomy. An additional lo1998. Lutheran General dan Road. Appointments etto he anona sledicalod IO cardiac our- 11,1% topic when O,akton Coinniu- has heon used io heal skin for er than prtsciibcd pharmacologic ing that patients coosome aloe Dr. Watson, nf Chicago, Te- technology. replacing the use of feature, a ncpanatc review station IItwded performed invasive car- atado by calling 773-titiS-7545. what physicians cats review tIte gceyacouad lire clock. diolog' procedures that isicludeit náy Cellegcv Finiceitus lecture more than 2,000 years, and re- remodics, says J. Michael verajuiçe to treat various internal ceivedhisbachelor'sdegree 35 mIllimeter film. Digilal ¡rang- ,-.-,-- PC An entire elige of the laIcal Stries presents Gott, Awe t'uil cenily has gained anention as an Adame,DDS. FAGD, fannerulcerations ofthe mouth, inclod- from Loyola University, Chicu- Cs srovideimprovedimages misges immediately ou a 1.415) orlati and pediatric cattier- c:srdiac tcchnstlogyLioffered: MothlllljtilSf39.513.Touch- alternative treatment for sanie pharmacist, and spokesperson for ingapthous ulcer, acommon con- go, and his medical degree freni withinfive mlnusesenabling nearca Is bscd in nu adjacent crizalloas: 700 interventions: and waiting rjecsosphpsiology(adultatad nine ii IO) (risni 1.2:30 poi. ai oral health condiiioas, according the Academy ofOencral Dentist- dilion usually caused by stress, Loyola University Stdtch thysIcians to diagnose mticnts room to the lab. No mote 270 adult wtd pediatric electro- mid iatesveae quickly. todevclopftiai. pliysiotttgy studics. Ol.tanc Itsy llarsalcin campus, lo a study in General DcnLiairy, O,, n organization of general and lichen ptaaos u disenso of un- School of Medicine, Maywood. Peris), NtmiavasiveCardltscTcst- Digital technology eliminates Ludieron GeneralItonpilol, 77(11 'i. t.incoln Ase.. Sknìe the clinical journal of the Äcade dentists dedicated to continuing known origins affecting the skia He completed an iutemship, a lag, Pacing anti Monitoring, Car- be +.IIMC Pooh Ridge. is a recognised totd- disc Rcbabïlitatioa, Adult and l4on-iflviLiivc rating inetutk'il tite (cct,,titraitisS-t. ja. my ofGeneral Dentistry. dental education. In addition to and oral mucus membmecs. Re- residencyand a fellowship at the uced ire 1ilm, ctcvclopistg pls%&.-;.t'e equipment and chemicals, redue- er In cardiology services.with 42 6. 156 nuclear cardiology: 211,4 lO district irsulcots age 60 and sitUer Long recognized for relieving its osti-vinI and anti- cent findings will show that aloe Cook County Hospital. Dr. Was- l'cdialnic Cardiac Cathetcrisation 1A10-$ boned certified nr boaid ctigiblc OCCis: 5-10 IloSer roaaitoritsg: pay lisif ibis pace. itchy skin. poison ivy and horns, inflootmatoryproperties,aloe son worked as O otedicat ntis- .OyeArs aso. ¡ng the cost ofruoniog the lab by and Cardiac Nuclear Imaging. vera cleared up oral Icsioas asso- cordìotogisls. and 3 caeditrc sur- LodienauGcitctal llospital car- 230 Ttaasescipliogcat [lelia: 975 l'or nutre infi,rnition abost the gel from the aloe vera plant is vera provides additional benefits citited with liciten pianos betterSiOOary in Peni for two years. mona stein half. All three tala at The second bes4- She hospital wilt use digital ccli- Titree state-ai-the-sri diology rccarch activities focus Stress Petci: 8,500 adult and pa- Emeritus elasics sad cients. catI gaining distinction for curiag al- to the skin. such as umina acids, than any other traditional treat- He is board cenitied in internal genus. -:in'C. ¡Ç nolagybysheendof 1999. eodrcterizatioa labs. srpeeatitlg 24 ou p5t.95y ° doa clinical diatricTraasttmracic Ostia. l547i635.l.tt3. cetated lesions, halb in arid out- BI, B2. B6 andCvitamiuu, mena- medicine and also specializes in WOW'! ,-I*w ADiÑctory of Area Professional r ---I u Medical Services irectory of areaprofessionals and services To Advertise In This Guido Call To Advertise In ThIs Guide Call Sandy Greene(847) 588-1900 Sandy Greene 847.58819OO


Jeffrey S. Zdller D.D.S. TI,o.s. 773431-3loI çs.anlsss,elJs saslanarteacns .,06 seTiTTLimiOOCC ioc On 0655?SlliO Fsssl.oROEcclE RF1M»(1 . DEHT-3 DENTAL SERVICES AtiStal's HAROLD J.KRINSKY unguis BEIIKSOI5 Madno Roaftoqr, toc. -i. RONALD A. PODRAZA DD.S. Gnitrednsgi,tty (ora FuDtrm t'.em. s.Jvs,r\c,, ama trannatno Stones Toni Brens,CRS. GRI . .khine olbeanM trajes Fm. Lilt Dic,, ___$35t O.nmnt Dnnuwy DD S Pn60t Dc06 U06m. Ru.tC.cb Pinitos Gemir. tattoO 60053 80060e Notary Po,rt Oesnu El 8us4068 8475015000 86J5tatt EnglisliePotNis Rtb. Similey i. LitcackoO Asrs COLOWELI. lANCER Fas ns(95.55 $50 OFF FIRST VISIT WITh AD) Ir Orto US 5.I.ct.S,st,u 3t ( 8085800 lIARON R MAR8RY Ton fien ScO253.cOSs ttttt\r, t\t) I I Sit titi E t'I tSI. t-X%5tI' Vt Ii I', 1424 Imihrmut IM. aus.. B A80nIsiIm.ert cDwcLL Rotr4ei,co 547.9e5.t774 Ii. (-OUR 06tlo1SO155. 50es. Rima naTta noiWFSTPETEnaONASt,OntTEatn. OttCACO, tLiOtjj 0606.oi. ,d Hmi.m a.s_ .56 E,neLn9n .AIeWni, Li tarn n. staj.s Am. ouu.nn ii. 80655 An.n60 ,,c.5..,,rs-.5,, Jauepts R. RedeleS (847)965-3768 (847) 965-4286 Thane 773-65-%66 chisuaw Ilitunlu loeSs (773) 6319700 Ga 50.51.100 04150.

DENTIST J -Ip a INSU RAN CE REAL ESTATE Ter. 847-696-3240 NILES DENTAL CARE Fx847-696-0568 u.. Dr. Thomas M. Kiely ... Dr.Deen RaMm, D.D.S.,D.M.D. . BnndC685e,sis FmiAcLk s-an, THIS SPACE 8700W. Dempstar, Suite 212 . t5nAnk.. ssuac(TsOsuan, - 072L ' s Niles, IL(847)827.5252 .McbnAkui .aj tt5.criaj,.n,uMeA,etAsec Mop&maimi,e AVAILABLE! Couchilgtst Renfle, Iric 64mc14.n. n4acn& - M.Vn . - E.'6. rrflissfl, LR.ÜS*.SA.*i%* - -- -asneaa, - HAEMIN CHONG CallTheBugle 5555v Orts, miSst DENML ASSOCIATES, LTD Completa Exam. 2 to 4 X-Rays $ 00 - pPo pos . . ca - secomi floors aar550*.taOfl 8074220 DR, D. E DRALlER arid PROFESStONAL Display Advertising Dept. ru.par sCe65t. LEAMNG imioonwestacanm lana s'uca tust) 536455* DR. S. M. SHH'KA tF,801N0.tC.n.u8usinn DR. M. KUCUTA pisar err Ni.5ò aloe ran MTa,4Tss Ask For Sandy Accept Alt Dental ln*umnces, HUOI, PPOI, 9101 N. Gre.nwood, Suit. 304 macn nra fin,, ano Privateand Publie Aulstanç., Hwnoray and -. or norm WsnniwsnsPsn* moni. rum 60068 047.298.9653 Ci80tMniñcoss M.iin.anu,CanraniodOi .55545,05 (847) 508.1900 SIONAIURE PlANS. l55m else. . Uajsr&sils 53153 80J-aan5,*5,5sins INSURANCE HEARING J s I Hearing Problems? Beforeyou InvestIL. Thf neeu$fhh.gyo a ¿n ¡n ,n*hing. THIS SPACE THIS SPACE Make 8UCYOU InspectIf! - mIt ustodny(nryuw-anrtual IlnnrhrgTbet. - 1t1 ERRE AVAILABLE! AVAILABLE! ThomnAJ. Jutskownkl G60NI:cu. SEARS Md CallThe flugle tS*ARINA STANOJVIC Call TheBugle '' Hiles 8471470-1950 Sacs, S,Oittii 5i5tieGL5St 1i.'s..) 841.eO3-Bt62 arwAu0.., 47495-19Oe Dept. PsnilcmjroINseicnton l. U) 511X555 S(SStttt Sutil Dieplay AdvertisingDept. Display Advertising SlicEsecitcosy. CI 54 FIs* Slac P*za 3943 W. Derrtntw Aalc For Sandy Ask For Sandy Satlafdon Gusrantedt psicuic iSeC 54? 5M '.ti ttrs45 55'5 loniscion ,&s 44S54,S:14'. tes!aI, Wosuun*5,rs, r 7oe.45S-X 47473-36C 125.96 eH wIth Ibis odI e'55' 4'nr,- 'r*55or.een1 c,nc" n,- C-vs. (847i 588.1900 (847) 588.1900 .,,rr .15cC - n.,, ,:,c lac,. $Yt is's PthEÓ' ThEBUÓ.THUIS'" ÒíLjj99 111k: UGLE.11WMSDAY,APRL I. im LAGE 41

: : LssIFi:Eo USÉ i-HE BUGLE Iassifíeds MLGLE MORTON GROVE BUGLE ' FULL/PART TIME FULL/PART TIME FULLJPART TIME FULLJPART TIME FULLIPART TIME . ..--. - c;:; . SKOKIE/UNCOLNW000 BUGLE ( 847) 588 1 900 .I i « ''I .PARK RIDGE/DES PLAINES BUGLE [ '.\-.1 : GOLE-MILL/EAST MAINE BUGLE CLERICAL/OFFICE DATAENTRY UFEGUARDS . INFORMATION ON CLASSIflED ADS voi, Can PISco Your CIasIfted Ad by Calling (847) 588-1900 or Come To Our 0111cl In Person AI 7400 Wrnkglfl No.4, NIIeeI.. Ou, 0111Go I. Op.n - Monday ihm Fttdsy. g &M. io 5 P.M. DEADUNE FOR PLACING ADS IS TUESDAY AT 2 P.M. C.rthifl Adt Mont 8. Pr.PoId in Advnnco: Bonmot, OppeRo&ty For Sat.,MtaCnfln0000J.

Mouhig Soie, Pornon&n. Siiootionn Wented, Or It The Adv.ñlur Ito.. Outilde Of The BuNion Noonnt Cfrcoialton Auoa. - orZi.Lti! bÄïÄ&tï FAMILYFITNESSCENrER FULL/PART TIME FULL/PART TIME FULLIPART TIME FULLJPART TIME FULLIPART TIME :zgnc:orH TrP? LIFEGUARDSNEEDED (773) 274-3 1 3 1 Pu$ Your 10 Key Sic/ls To WoticWTh ROIS Inventory Specioflolo. ,, tisrm Fitnos Cenior s occcpli ACCOUNTING ADMINISTRATIVE CLERICAL I OFFICE OPPORTUNITIES Eom$9.00PerHoorCocmiisghwentooyfntetdSl«eo. opplko%iocn for pari timeThgvordo. Early morningo Oat*nnNdt ioaScotndkç InIere5ttn9 ciccilengiogPosition. afternoon shTh available. ACCOUNTING ÀSSthAÑT . £N1LEveL MustHoveAccessîoRdiablelronspodo$an. ADMtNISTRAIIVE Annlicationsavailable at PART-11MB (FLEXIBLE HOURS) SECRETARY Wo Train TheRight Cand4oles. . ASSISTANT SECRETARY E.W. Bredomoer A Co., an estublished unidl fourth geoomtion, . Personnel OfficeVillage of Nues The ViDage of Ndes is seekinga molivated individual for Family owned manufacturing company located on the North Weit SIde Call 847/296-3031 ® D.;yNifes, Illinois 60714 efChicogo sIoo&PrgoroPart-hmoA«ounhngAstunt thepositionofSecretaryinthe Public Services C5;9 -.-...------.--- ApplyorsendrneumebyApril9,1999 Duties wIll indudo Accoonß PoyabIe, Accounts Receivohlei ornl other LIAI 8OON. Aus/Dt Ave. Deportment. Major responsibilitesinclude: word/dato For more information,cali Knsty Uufford at moNoe clerkol duties io includo Sling. Morton Grove, IL 60053 psiflg, typing, fiIng,handling resident ¡nqurfos, DATA ENTRY tARr RESEARCH 967-6735 ccf:ron !bis ion opportunity or o person well rounded in occountinbasIcs recordkeeping, answering phones, composing FullTm,. SeokIngut4rrocIPo&Tmo 847-588-8405 rncludrng oxperienc n collechons end ocnIIent dato envy s&dls. DW tkocolnwoodlocalioa correspondence and relatedduties. Ideal condidate must OO$aIOfryØIAOTOWOØY EOM/F Pto/iciency i Windows Software is desked. ' S RE Institute 8 S URN $ $ $ hàvé prior office experienceand proliciency with M.dcol dehnt That Houa Boon Salary is nogetioble, dopen/Dig on experience. AIRLINE (847) 3291650 louomoConcpofnr. IXTRA MONIY WIRdOWS 97, Word and Excel. Neoe mou or fax your rnsume (with ndary history) io: . Requires S4rnng Alpha MØTICSS Rsearch GENERAL OFFiCE MEDICAL I HEALTHCARE Attn: Accounting Manager Meting caponp InNotthw.ot '° Nunnc DESlAo. Company N..dz Applicant must have a highscisool diploma or equivalent E.W. Bredemeier & Co. "s MoctanonankaNkeforoccatlion ceße MAUS & FEALES 4029 W. Wrightwood Ave., Chicago, IL 60639 and experience workingwith the general public. $10.00 And Greet BOOOIIbI fl ' of all ages MANAGCARE, INC. Tel: (773) 2762900, Fax: (773) 276-2987 n..os4.n Computer liteacy required.Good verbal communication lip. ndanniO35 ocath Fao Roso,no Or Apply In Ponce: To Pauticipat. In A Family of Lane Tnn Care Cuat,n -.----. - coco skills, telephone etiquette,interpersonal skills and prior ARM TARfl TEST and experience necestar noon oc i, caad.4 bocio. BANK%NG OPPORTUNITtES ° (847) 729-2022 )400Ronoissonce Dr. t400 t=ocndonó clocaoçonanu cocan c uni 'j°° Ext. I 09 Park Ridge, IL 60068 CAll: tSgbor oiorting ,os and cihor bono/No w, cu ha'. the toBowNie oeniNonu aunnb4o /n dnpendobk, . Y canimensurote withexperience; excellent beneiTh. . Fax# f847) 824-1166 flyJ KROLL good .wçn:o Interested parties should sendresume to: COMPUTERS °°'° 6323 N. Avondole 5 0w1c0 (ó300tdooth-7300W.iil tfrndonooAçolsforopioo . TEER - Glenview, Wciukegan & Libertyville (713) 714-3155 $2500 Full-Time Personnel Office,VIDage of Ndes Computer Users OThL OPP CHRISTMAS BONUS 1000 Civic CenterDnve,Nues,IlHnois60714 Needed Mid America Car. Cn.N.r coneoco Macvon Work own hours MEDICA' ' ° 1- 1410 W. C tvq . coroi.Jyear Foco fl3.769.326 Fu 773.$7*435 Argenbnht Security ENIIF HEALTHCARE 0 aJuuqQu X HOTEI.° s.ii., c c..at. c, cm. . PERSONAl. BANKER - Glenview - FuIl.Time "'°°°° ¿ssa N. eanne An 5905 W. at.d - .-' Lüolcuog For SmiFung Faces Font 77D7S.7S43 foco 773.261.21 IN . ENTRY CUSTOMER otJE5 SERVicES RIPS HEALTH CARE/HOME a,m otr pin ton.*u pino... 5« deiaiI-aneniMd A etilo Io uunu-sa bonI ucts. fl311 41 ext 9 LEVEL SERVICE ASSIO1INAOndObI. $ $ign On Bonus S BANK OF NORTHERN ILLiNOIS, N.A. DENTAL o FTh.n - Ca'l (847) 623-3800 . NIGHT AUDITOR CNA and Companions st.atiw cutfoeronHome, an agency of REcIPI1ONIST bONo JthfOfl SOCIalSSFV3Ce4 of IlUnols For interview Anbimt Or FAX R.swne CHILD CARE stna rmrnn-rm r Priponotioe 650 wan !/531J Wdti Cøer Latino To Hnn, Rstourr.0 I. Diin ske Zch, I cuSTOM%Z HAHDY PERSON 10 BE A ArEeu iobnAo,. PARI Of AGREAT IEAM? (847) 263-4968 M/r s MANAGER SøNjnteys & Son 0,1/1 tIoa (847) 5504183 I AM SMio 2.qu.WonNondo . Call or canoe in io inquire abousthe folIowng positiom Mid4ond Iz Sdny to.dO I '°'°° SoO Ecanco Pro/sund ° ADMINISTRATIVE ADMINISTRATIVE ° boanopnNoanu O $8.00SOCIAL S/RVI WORKER - iiLcaGIsnw4ura$wdW °°° c» CCII MonduY4.M O1JSEKEfltI SUPERVISOR°MEDtCAI. RECORDS (847) 9664705 (847) 550-8119 M/DAS SRV1U CENThRS ADMINISIRATIVE W4IOd&VCII ADMINISTRATIVE CaS Morys 54006164676 BAYMONT INN & StiflES BEAUTIcIAN oBUSDRIVER (CDI. NEEDED) Ca8 Kennt lUll 7292229 unsern oman Jewon, low. Jl 5Z I ,n ,.d. pn.n.i.n.i .ondnI.. I. M 1623 M8wvuka, AneGhonliw Vn6.d .spno88Ño n.M. hg. nIOIO.i.gp..5.00 . GENERAL OFFICE (847) 635-8300 8474329100 1601 N. Wle*o An,.,Parli Rdge, E 60068 anwnN,. n)oeogo. UlO 5O MhNMtn.Aodi*e $12513 CLERICAL/OFFICE .. . ., PART-TIME CUAIR9CE 5$$Ç$ SceltI MndocOc.or btoo&J.q: 847/825-5531 FAX ond5ononNund.5iI4ø' OPPORTUNITIES nnew.nn : p conço.-t*n and 5-rca s und Mati1. i.aMan4. 847/3184659 l1fr. and D.dIn Call today poti.and nnnioj otS. doNs 1.NanJ.l..N.4Sil.li Mail resume to-. M. Bloch °°°' ' ' 847-885.8202 Nn.dA.o.k location. Autr..usanion'ooMaM4ON CORRECTIONS FoI.Tm/?orTacon -. Anjhe Emes Synagogue , .,, ca ia,øn at r. ., OINco CoÑo b. Jar Pond . 3760 N. Pine Grove (773) 380-7303 c" WLL JUJ :h«== cMcogo ft. 6061 3 x!I: Or Call (773) 380.7300 84729175 38 cONTAcTM5MrnRsATc l-80Cl4tJ76 $20-$40 f HR B1WNG FAX 773-281-2183 ADVANCED PERSONNEL °Kl 110 345-1 171 r-:.°:=°; °°°°"°° Soi If *0 Eosy dental b11ing. POrFIinv NOPHONECALLSPASE 101 ,,ub:I:ko ' wth lull Sinne .t one. roelinloan atino (h. 15,0* . full frainin. po*ontnsl tr /crdui ADMINISTRAJ1VBASSISTANT NOTICE °°w LEGAL SECRETARY WIk=ntana ti, Computer Requleed end compuriparlen $22-23K t.o = ? . . mo euin Nanopap... timon H. 9N 5j law Finn For b*a150I0010nOtiOnOV000ne000No Icacang opn.ocntt7 k. OoI9Oiog i -800-223-1 49 peired. bui w NUi le scuann aduorticanocolo to. Illineli Department of Legal Socrotaty For Employment Securily, j Try a classifledi i ti .. =;slo=r:=c: Extension 420 847-803-9393 or . bio lar mtl claim, proetco. a.cd tISl2MepteAv...kitvonston1 Call todayl (847) f99.1453 catv$canot.dontioac.. (847) 699-1453 oraat.tiun.1jaica. I M7.588-1900 Call (312) 943.8099 t pAd«j' c:I.. : FIE E:-rI IN I I_SlFPE E R I i PULLIPART TIME FULLIPARTTIME FULLIPARTTIME FULL/PART TIME FULL/PART TIME FULUPÁEfriÌME FUUJPARTÌ1ME FUUJPART TIME REAL ESTATE MiSCELLANEOUS

_.J t.) ' [.Ìl[.h RESTAURANTS f FOOD SERVICE TRADES ESTATE TRADES APIS. FOR RENT TRADES SALE SPORTSMINDEDH' ,ws. 763.0P4.MLwk A'u. I ProgresstveCompony SERVERS/BARTENDERS ST HILES-7349 UU. SRE0T DRIVERS h :: A *0 . 9 AM .S PM Expanded Now Hinng SummerStaff,Immediate (773J 7M-0L02 Positions WExperiencedBusDrivers Can Start OnoRlliIaTY LIAVIKG YOU Bawm? K* 0..Mg. kAons.. Available. Full-lime - Part4î.ne Wanted For Private Club, At 503/RnaAnd Up 0« 8 Wipul Yo, t Thu DrIu?s S.d. PM. S M.,. r.., Lacolly/Iñternationally I Gd Seeks Several Individuals MuM Be Able To Work Woekiuds. Earn Up To $15.00 0.5 Zft F*Ot'.MIIO&ODotlon0 Sn,,.. . 6 d 02 Mw. En..PÑ.dbS.1 PerHour WorlcMostlyOutdoors . - c,s d,..p., U72991376 F0in=cofl 3Q1 BUS Bcoil,$ ForWorlangThrough Labor Day CONDO FOR b..on von &9poss.ogn s. DRIVERS CallLaurenor Midge r RENT!SALE PERSONALS Hea!th/Filness I HOURS/DAY .PAIDTRAINING Background A Pius 847-729-5550 10% PERFORMANCEBONUS MONTHLY Must 8e Outgo,ng and © NItES-GtENV1EW AREA .7' 1400 50. 1001 CONDO p.oni _th òh.. .., h .,. APrayer TeamOnenfed r44-. .M.i L 2 t,.5. L.& g- St.Jude'sNovena S2-5K Month Potential TELEMARKET1NG TELEMARIÇETING ' SEPYRAN(847)392-1464 Hc*s/DAY M 1*AR*4G 2othwDI PsdL,t, . lo pLfOaIta.N IGM)S MONUY 't tAtomty . 2 It,k«,. Mm t.n.ttoni o1r.m b, oAZo4 - 2161 Foster-Wheeling (630) 852-0100fr IM,ç o.s..Oinng L KM.#tdì.nd.,j1ugn.d owoni I« , ,*Pod. C.Us.s.VM. Ai .W o fl,N Sotid lEnt TELEMARKEUNG 0g PART-TIME 1. sos.... wo.4....ILoa,L Pccl I,M, Mnpirp I.,. SL 0055,, 04 RESTAURANTS/ Sd'ØddOOUrAppOmITh.ntOI ., SEPIRAN Call: (847) 793-9509 anuo. .04 I*a*. 2161 Foster - Wheeling n 5n41t NONIGHTS.NOWEEKEND5. °'°P ruMflVOJS RJRMS.RDSuSO/MonA t'it ü.,., , FOOD SERVICE Its tM r et Reto.rdiN. o So Io.. . n a psicso TO sat 5124.000 r. 0o oi4A d.2 Sel *mo,.4r../pa*r.,s. DRIVERS c (847) 392-1464 P'Yn. ' h k to,i, Vf4TDaytfrnoandEv.nin0 1 BARTENDERS AonSobl. Ait. no ItonI to k WAoIEn nJ b. 51S-515P$u,BenoIits...... p.onotlA1onSk ç ¡773$ 714-8700 apperIurnIy for amb,ttaus GreatEamtngPotonhd. ORDER TAKERS Call R. Shanahan o o ,., ,., ,,., HOME FOR SALE Toll Free At Ask For Sam 30,OOO rous A Year. fl.jme/Pojmo To QuaIify Ioonmcuuni loteti CaItVnceA1 877-358-2507 lt.sLIgp.,s.... .i..s. (708)867-7770 Must havaapo,Stiye Monlul OPRN HOUSE 'inO LIO. . ,ó. t.. .Ms. LI 1 '°'°" SoIÑonlidanon,anda SUNDAY AP1*.l2PU.3M VPNS RESTAURANT TRADES PleaseCall: aZOO N. MonO . NS., -lOoh.obon.1.,0M ,-.,s HadonULat,. Guardsmark HasImmedate Openings MISCELLANEOUS N.,M4 3 NAo.. .2 I,L. oTELEMARKET1NG wsCnL.ò.ICa.«.A. .4s. .m.. as * n. oI. 847647-6499 0* tfr... Lto)... G.M..0* aJ In Lake Zurich, BuffokGrove, P4odfthroolc, L S.q __s t - ToSo8Asing WePmvtde: L JZo.n 1. Vat' 14.. l s. a.ss.hs0.,..i. BICYCLE MECHANICS St: M.s....1Aon SERVERS : ,,,« Nitos Newspaper cn.n. or 773-745-9744 Waukegan, CarolStream, ROSeU., Summit, REAL ESTATE a__lo a ,____L...4_ ELI.LI : 2-3 Doy. Full and port-time in nod, d.mdcmd 4OI pIon. t-,r,. L CffiCut CO¼JÑV Cl CENTURY 20 Mt. Prospect, Meirose Park, Downers Grove, C.,. C..l, WM. JOHNSON ELAUO*S M £s..4s.p.M 0.5 t.. U AilShfus AWeek -9M4 - 5PM Winnelka. Part-haars can CI4«CI'I l:l.?,C! alTOfl9OfleSJbißhOUTS. Also: ecnot teotntrs na's Franklin Pork And Skode ,-rn UL,l* (773) 736-2012 ;: OMEGA - MutHaonExenSdIitg Pay Up To $10.00 .C.,;l.C%tl., VILl'I,C*# t'- GitodP,.cbo III Contact Tom 513.5)0.50 p.. bas.. RESTAURANT KnowIed $3S000.- .550.000 _tçfl_ t$tTh-;S °'° Mies PR0DJC110N SUPERVISOR Free Benefits Where Appikabte. _.tn iIltitI scnSa$Dn S80/DayPtusCommi (847)446-6694 dep.ndEtgcnquaERuLb.ns. t o_i 4II I!* AUTOSFOR SALE RiwftI1I (847)588-1900 Pleasi Call Fiank Must Be 21 Years, High School Graduate (847)296-7777 IL FIlEtS Sporting Gaodi ljH'S 'tnt,: 'IZIZI .l NSIZN eff l-900-454-7$U1*. 81 16 --- -..- ----j. - !!kSUtty S6OCheiMutSt (847)205-2055 OrGED WdhGood Communication I. tt'lt t. è 1650 l.o4. Gh..4on 03.99 p.. sn. IM«b.. le ,... CoIJRONMEVERS Q,t lt'_,Ì._, lInflIl 1I- Winne$tca .a_ 0Ofl* Foe7$ scrV.0 (619)645-8434 Man-Thuos 9 wo - 5 pm 847-838-1200 Apply In Penon Ah n, *f,. at Ja.« ,_C«Cwa.,-31,. t... SALES PERMANENT PART-lIME ------FAX 847-838-1885 8707Skokle Boulevard #305 - Skokie,,IL a, «JII tt-t'--I tt'llt $Ct' FURNITURE Work Proni Homo GOENERIDGE NURSING w.., Ltstt...., ta. UC, AUTO TECHNICIAN MondarMdav9AM-4PM ct.ie t'jt..+ TANNING Iloxible Schedule WAREHOUSE I Ifl, l. FOR SALE SELL ADVERTiSING Weekly Paychecks °°' °'0 50n Ava$abk It' .. O(GNER MODEL HOML Poet-Tim.Fo, S.t4., *ppos.n.a&sa co.ot '-' HOUSEKEEPERS .s,..I.a aay p.«on. ,,z.., '«'t, wotifTANNINGUDS Lo.oI Dondon. Of Hootol.oId Eons °P°1°"° m lAUNDRY PRESSER/ ,_&u o d RmNffURE ORAN IAN AT I os popor M-Tite Ido/LS Mn Cn., $A9. A Naìian.01yR«og.ti..d hI5hIitt$aiiEnttobhi.Good Call today SHIRT PRESSER .1 s1m.: $07ZUOCT otol SALIt Flexible HOU? WARD CLERK ls ZS9S. S.dtP-'- 3. EnstEr utry .,n..... oppadimity with good bondIt.. Ø47885.s*o2 . DvIy.r Wtb Good 0 SIID5 ssM wMO. $330 CLIon s SIOOPOrDOyPIUOCCOWrIUOOIOI M timo, 730 Io 400. I- Mont4V Er°' Fo, Moro Information Call Allen at Driving Record Mon 0s. IMob. L.on,. to. loft C.M, Co*1. SEDMAXERS H wag . Monogement To S0mc;:eI1o1Y Please Call: 847-256-0606 EVMg Veo.. Son 00P.n.- Ion. Col TOOAY 1.100.7114153 LOVE WORKING Lvoni$on caIL General Lobo, sI3,sc_07. o.M Conmunko$on SuEs (630)51 5-5766 Hy Lg I...,, 10 Ha.. wI«... (o. kò, 1, l C ,I Ml-47-3716 Il Sail ' IC.R. INC cf Gnon Ci urn. PO $Ad Ofl Od&S L bç.4c. ($47)329-41190, WANTEDTO BUY (847;S88-O0 j £L9N M..r. Si $15. (6301778-3433 - =;,4*J1 f%:s.th r AZ W$SUUouNS$/ELOOI ' GLENBRIDGE _y ' -w- - : . I.o,.sMonango 650 Church 5. As NURSINGHOME frampoflaliønanonU LakeZurich, IL 60047 51* AVON PRODUCTS (847) 965-751 1 MIO SLId A Hom.-Ba..dEus:nesi ROAD-NIUS Call 1-800-895.6666 C.I.AI..-.lr LOSTDOG ELIO MIMWon: WnARondtk}laurn i8403.00 on (847) 550-8183 0n1O taming. I 420-$134745-- TTIME Cae ToE han: ULEMARKEUNG sod Isontoo oso.LIg I.. 1430413-$1$) 0 - '- ° TEACHERS AND LOST DOG (888) 561-2866 P1,5 4OOSEOJ°«-'--. UNGERIE MODELS 'AI. -Mo..d.. .. , a, a ASSISTANTS DiscJockeys On3/IS, I.¼. ßob.., Nøad FuaPd re... w fr,. P« ,..& I1onLondGoE DON'T GET STUCI(I chIld can OOWT GET STUCKS CMJIPAIO00$ MJ:s4:s. 5°Z "°' Earn$600 $800 p« wo Mb*. W. W. OETHEI.P.. .1.00K Itom L.nCO&...004 An. tiMo *5* COPI00ION*I5 (713)2679497 (847)635-1366 VOGUE ?A5HtON S47-818833O IN ThECLASStFtE0S t73! 312-lUlL INThECLASSIFIEDSI _J it*4-313i (84222 Colt 708-$57-8521 (847)677-6133 I

M!Thtt-¡4':[ icy OGV1r ,',Y!YitJfl;1 t;ES7 dIrt flIERUGI.E.TlbVR.cO'uV,tPRXb.Ll389 P.%GE IO PAGE 44 111E BUGLE,TIWRSDAY, APRILI, 1991

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NOYTHE E 8. S ROOFING STOP PAINTING! JOHN'S HANDYMAN *LANDWORKSi - MONTCLARE & CONSTRUCTION To Advertise in I TIne Bugia lbontopipen, Aluminum SottIWfl,I. SEWER diet '99nd.'e. .YOtl HOUEti-WE DOtr Landcre Coutnoctoosl PLASTIC o T000000int101 - Siding SOlIO .VtnytYAton,ktnrn SlAng .Doc,. P,ifllio5-tntoTlRdEntnrt,n $tdfll.Çec,i. 000__ n'ntin I0011 L tuo. Fn,tio.GuilHc,Pc,n000 c: OpanbinnUpolT V .VlflyI Window. SERVICE .5-I-e %VatlpaporingCOip.nt,y .Ttk,II.OlO-oz*t "t Ctnnttl tnnnI,tOint Detto .Conn,H . Olino, Wlodnte. L Down, Oakton & MIlWaUkee Eteoliltil gomMA1 StOnCOlnt*O.IdtOoe I--. Ld_ S.w* Onn t-ion nonno D.o..OCTOP V Aluminum linings uai NOT(mu_s ¡tuviese, beoTaucoJ .10000 ,dOwt 001mo,, . QooliN Wont Wiles DIywwtlR.patno . Danenol RennOdOted Call: Sandy Uecpo,d .800444 bnlonod Ftwne li Watt Sling .so*ooIlO.YOtetdlOt.sTE.ontr'Y - Coli to, Free Delimite (847) 696.0809 SntlJtt*OX 'PonanTE 1630) 307.8007 I -800.303.5080 FREE ESTIMATES ROrnodaliog T.. efl. (773 622-7355 Aucatc,u Your Nnlhboffiood FREE ESTIMATES (847) 588-1900 (847) 698-1220 CALL POIS Feel ES1IOLAThS 500.734-lean (70?) 453-1605 (847) 965-2146 Host EXTORIQOS SWn Man e_* a toma. Dos-el.... (847) 965.6415 (847) 436.8195

. ALUMINUM SIDING . CEMEI«. FLOORS HOME REMODELING LANDSCAPING NTJC Calendar Maine East Norwood Park Home Gala SPRING SALE ROSEBUD to honor four people SEAMLESS GUTTERS INSTALLATION STUIIETS LAWN CARE of Events,, Language CONSTRUCTiON SANDING 35 COLORS Cement Work 8TREE REMOVAL Join ut lati putntciPobc in tuoi Morning Sciviln Competition ninners F,uu r ountatutluog cnitlrtuonul> ihinti> aitcruu..iod atul .1ro'u, trin' Vinyl A Aluminio, Siding SpflWtzlng In 000tfeb 5-to ftc' O000 ReIdk,00ce Doily Minyon Mondoy-ThulYntiny PtcoL Club Sociat I°rogtom io.olnts call lun lictornul (uv li-mol, uiC.1 bco toutE otri, Ihr IIu,nruc un a Soltit S FaowlOtVindowTdm .sI'ponti,., b.4Ws0 59105 0.,.W..d Ran, band DesIgn 7' . ROO., AddlOtli, 5*105101 SOISSThIIR100, INC. 7 p.nt.(n P'1 SOT.,-SUtI'iiuby. hicuor hall Iltuteflin1001lItt stock'IlnInluifillsoue11100u,tCon 500tCI) ill Cdt'au&'It, no Laun, she 9ol T,po DIFWthn li,galatk, I oed utprbt V. 9 pm. Ercv Sktl,toot u;- Suinoby. Aped 25, -t p ni. l2 uupçcITonily In oit il 530 firn; by i-omuoun4 I'atlu theme. luOtli Window, O Down, AU. HOME IUPROVWEHTS . Cons MildIbo . PatTi daIEng bcu:,tmn a somit, ufIon SVuoti. - raliybn.nod.tonc RI.., . Odtt.y, . . VIOC; Solurol3y. a\pnil IO tonico. u,,ccs tInt Now rr.iution Mcn's n;in ity tnbneIny'lllt i-211 Nuten Aso . Chcay,l. at lun Rood, O Repu,. .Pallo..EI: °' I Pd Ilion lip pIoct co,t; en, Son Ion l.eoysc. meneo o, an ., ... KITCHEN a BATHROOMS A Copnll4 Cluottun. Prliltdnd. inuit NORW000 SERVICES CO. .InIu,td . Bondid 'Lktn.td Hick Weit It) dIll, A lob SIootb.uI toIt uC 01 Eterni nnnat 'FOmoto, Facts wruul .S1c,n1i- Galo 'uly u\nOni.ot t),nnu; iuflÌuCI intl CO'tt,IIUCi ',1 ou,luuuuroc, a.lTl. Ftnday. :pnl 16 Entity lt, a S'AlCI) ti po9uOlM it,ut-I1t l>oncn, uIt Sau . 7TIto 0r5. Froc StOrnate, (847) 296-6578 847 823-9851 FlIttiragTEs inoRtoisnoccO I I t'ben.' Cuunuutc «poruionett by lun u\t'Oi In them thnit mi-c'y (772 ABCFLOORING Sh.ulub.ut I)mnct Ntctyhui,li u,IItn,ni,non duu,nno, lcd by Joy (cocuyn longu.ugc utcpahnuttl 's tetnI euhit Itoiul at tItol'tol (630) 351-0115 Cou 773-792.0433 Start Kny Rai-plu C Coçy.on,l' yuluny k n.htnjtu' L'UI nuuunthly Oígtluuutul'utdu,,, intuit lii, tAu, lilt. u,INStiOt.bl IboInnyl, Lon- Kolpo Cucinlu>Ci-oh. Ni-6 N Iwl I,,nettt, INaum u,t rIo,Ilion,,.. ,l,nnctt 4, t'-'' noToloc 6-I din 'OOUTISC SutotO 9.Icuial 01 tIto iWiJ F0000 'AttE. l°Iuu,p-nth Ait. l°oIk Riulg.. speciol IntoInallonaI cuulI,pclItIuun lit n'Ot- I),. Lolo_on Iluonot oit)O%'tu) 540;unul> BtACKOp CONCRETEWORK . not k sloping, S p.,. Kccnpuctl nl 1h10 HANDYMAN LANDSCAPING MOVING Mod) t,. lidO, lonOo S20 pci pctnom. Dont Imite Cost, prec niotuny tololtI 5>5 ilteso tSston ,'ootul till ho 910th) I.oaolno. 11,11 Intt'C doe $etouu,el oeil o,li ht thotcd tu>Anilnuw PoE Ilome ro.n,ol nI lIon Elutwily ro, mcscrs,l,u,nO A It,hun,tt lhflevcnt. C; ,.I Ihotlo t.iiltIvy. el Polk Puluruutl ut I).,t'1ont',JIiuI Autoul luet penecflt,nyau,Jtttssin lIon ooII Sont Colin 6l3.ó)l. Fiuuioy. upTnI 30 tInt Slinthlntu Ruuigt. ton their rti.nny >0.0's u,f pIliloIjru I. ¡I.e I (ilconttoan,l lue Snuruuo, Cutldntntt li-uil '1 VuyilO.s. Solunuib). Sliol'hnt Omnnorhp.m. t'em.o Sitlhh..iSet. su.liuruurdy uiu.luc.urnul mc flu C lu lIne WHELAN MULCH 8n TOP SOIL AldIIl Knit> OSto., mut lulontuun C;otoj Thu. n, tite firot >041 ti-ne 00,0001 5 MIKE NITTI ieoodIioOtond STEI: MOVING? SlariinsI Scroucci, & Jnouol Ctin .s,c cl Ip o IIm,mo lIno:> we. o lulRymunt< .01 PAVING CEMENT CONTRAITOR %CC,)l'41 ploec tin, and Cannela bnuunui pno'.enlnni- atol ,,tI hut yIn. CALI. ymey.ttunn tO,i n . Mouuul..g', upI,l Otluom C.muny littoin' tot iUpg.lIICn ol lIlt Ilcunoc oa,l Ill of Linceinwood Patto Deck, çei Yo Cuncnt,n,, 1 1ko I'ia,ncøh;iut ,onred uuoiy tImon on unol.,uduoat u. .dWTtOdI150,Yd (6301668.4110 Voto JIuA %IO 3& III D.uuooSoluwnon Intt,t.to blot. m_on) Imu,ltlOnut, ItCuuOSOO Odneways piten dc',c.'i;n$o(ltue lroounr OVER 40 YEA3IS SER VINO Cn0000s ITIQY 'PH.. I).ninn S,luo,uu.n. tn,tíiuto ,uioil it» ..'tLO)7 'u\TlttOOtliu,y 0001 flutnihel uIl tIlo lIe_oeil uf (turceleto Sidewatki Stuitette boul m'l seitOtI) lui-Cn An4sntOatl Joujyr i--tini_onu PtttI NILES TOWNSHIP Iu.dmlOotuu,nbLujunn Iteuncu t.o,on h,, tItt,ntw 11,0k. hPout Sin luit un_on> i-cats atti cistul ut ti-o, FREE ESTWATES Ast tu> uit) ploutuuyl'tp)un u,i pnulic 0101 Statuto, Ctouuum C'tuoI . Hw nMillalion Ihn into In Cumumurtuuunitymn tInt son 1knticnfliutt-Io. bioy 21) Pin_once (u,nln,llloc uttiomoy the f Uceinied tuuucauue.,siniattui lo Ianyoagns Cocrun>. oi-tu,u tu J ItO pEnI nut ri-un . SeDI COU Reus1cIig TEInT cnecs CouimmnyM,IItn.mun,.rct-tucm ttkkosl.c,tShastio l>7IN .hu,,u tIlo. Ioiuhlt,uy 't'ti es Fully Insured tauiglul n lw StaubE.sol luticign t'imooni of . B1lck Pavrn 5005.GREEK Rl,biII.00,klSInnm Sclejtwo O p nu. (,JE1 Fceluu'oI Itomuleil ott upyntkl II,. o Ir. Nun-oteil ltnk Ilurnt Ianyuayt etontetulunmI'coçlo to' 11w E2uitoll) Ao.iuE loiyn Staucuoto (8471 965'660ß 547.55e-age u\PIII 2 'loin D,nr.nr 7JD ?jnumel 8 p III Inc LIcht 'Ott's ho mot n I'040 oben (847) 675-3352 500.303.515e tu c C 3anei Mc Fnuloy. duomi Ilttithoion. I.eu,mtumlo nl. tIAlouuuol NotIon 11,,wnVe Intic- iunnr IIOhI,IVélin \Vr.poIuei ,Iue won .ttiut,l'olbtt thoow'; 41 ii Ott oouult,', usi Ihr SeIt,« Citi- Vitto;. Con CNo,i-ee Dc CtunIie, u', fluit of K,01hts oliunol,. to ti- pntuutcmlOn Cliebb01101t)t' In SoI,nl CtnIuu,n.Kws'nituuun tIto ttuutxwsanrutoalpncnuc.inÀiOi- I5ctty. ond SOIll,iuy Sena, loca. lobtet, onoltn uno' tine Ottlttklin000, CARPET CLEANING SAIunuLiy. Apiul 2-I SlUbbot Rnmlcmptnn. ec1y I InlItOnlOtOfluo> modimoni

. SIto.' HANDYMAN. . LANOSCAPINÓ ItniSt ut01onlutul' liti Pit1h,. enbut'Il.cnn,nout;Icn, ,tt'tCItV SIluRI, ST btmctuel.itilNiltIt Sc fsu,tXI <1110CC lu,t tto0 iye' 'Prom Night' drunk driving 1)ounwCathnottat MaineEast ial t'nt,rt oull lo, Olr.,ue Sn' BERNHARDT European .LR. HANDYMAN SERVICE ACORN LANDSCAPING u,uuottson, anuaoitotot %CIS mono 'i-n. CAIPfiS L OPERJT1AY taglIo Contractor -.Oeg bl000eg 'pop0 dtOTu'd nulo_O l'in' Orn 'ntl)' .p to. esnoos t.Otd PsiderUaJ A CommesiaJ fl'RECIoN reenactment at Maine So, Model UN drnonat,c*tl aotnln.woa.crnpleon Stt,I,utt. un lull IOtIIlIdIrtO notlI EIU Dean's List Saulo', art tvt.otuom .1 utnet.O. . At ea CMtW. U 'Kototo. O Itoponoes .claeso. DCPES(fiNE PAINTING fl.c Itonk KiultIc FlIc Ikitoil Ootl tYOu Inoht'stInt; . Iott_ s Comolete Decorating tecn.00I .0 1u111 noahl ,t:rA dt;. ,I,*t,on ,>tluuntgui- Narrt-uI l'atm -Sl-It-o. 'Gilt. SOtO ifOdaon WEDOIT4U__AOJOLIroo . Liai M$bI.Wt, 'øooIeda. C,ees0a . nIcolnul I.utIm'ofl Gnnt,ol tIuu,. aitninstIlmo C'Uflnl nv; tre a SSMLL Od roo ano . . ,.-*. So. 't'F .t.0iCflt. ,0OnitzutI* OWlIOtS ApnnnlouInly 70) anokoin )(srctt Ito coitas m'te 01e_ou, III) .Crntlt FSIIIIUIW N Wood Coated . pilot "uil COtt.0)Sfltt trin 1t,u Cr. ontbonilorco_i.niq-i.rno.0 Il_Ott entonto 'I'-, S . fIo.oi L SlOob niHilo 'i tI, luit ;ionOtoIuunsI itlOIwi dc. luit Attn IMbTIC,J OLoolcIn Idi- ai'ç,C.n&tn4fl .110u.ai-ty s. lI_outed 'uon. L ei- H.Hl tuoi un no, ItotIOluuutlIttiCOtite> Fntnuo.it>i- ' 2 II ¿toc l'ai-noil Il,umomo . Scddt. L ¡rediS &i,u,ultulncit autos. ffitJt4C. 11045 LitlSlllit>'*IaiIIntS _'t ittçnt,Oucu, nelsod o, ew000 S14.5O FREE ESTIMATES . t_z n, . tut . Ist pInuowlISo,.'tuF)ut. tonnE lti 0 I ein,, . S,lHbe* S Pesen RaU.g Anthony Pagato lInn,, I.tei. Tu, 1w rowuwsi to tiu Il, V'rai-ui Oe.WOn, Doren O . n.. ..ntl ..FluyIub )III lun to.tuuçt, u,, l'oIt In )toeo,Stru ,ltis'inF ltcutolnteflt nui 1go, 015001 ,lOi-tuty. 15471 teilt53.4I4.(3fl 310-ctto owl wop* s awnunmco . $pnl.g I F,II Ctl, tIps 18471 250.3878 o)inh inull lnti odi Ihn louutÑli ikans Isst. o ttI*iCtLl Illuial tç un .1-se' li-royan 'Il.,urco_rouc Il,nuin.lo> low. Olit niJIol Own occudent utte todzuuuEuutg ,n'otd> I0'w tjea;ntsul>u( (bas_o' pWn,(tOet4iWt5 18471 574-0371 rei. Lio,.,u 'Iv Hecto I. bin, Atid eut lIlt, uctdc.uI 0 lt'dc1OÇ'Ot duo 1k tOTI0 ¡'rICIn 01 Ei.« in Intl I'dcl)'lt l},s,'n. lit unis ud,.4 's 520-8320 SotOon 5ntrna 3 702.3550 25 tnt I,pad.,t. onotu1l.'uny 00 Wdt'uuio>, uSyill fu. ontltoi i-lIstInI (N t.olm po' Tucon; "cn;tuoo1ionutnolc-d" .uocusitnt coti-tycwItuk nnrony ololl rai-0,1> hebaLsi-ouJ .0' tItI S'sO "f 14. VJI) orn, ,Aye;IIi, tAt III pol,0y;14111001 Stout lit.' pno,in;ui-nb' Coolorn Drepenles THE HANDYMAN To Advertise in DESIGN t '5,10 01 NOu.'uu 1',,-too,S, nl Itou mo BUI flowppi 'll.Juo Too Iu,,n, In). ltlOtc hin lky.nit;uont t,Itnit.. lAit, liSt itnunnu.uue. osI,ttuoI>'no,rnubso loa-it lAp's Intello, Oe-ttn The Bugle Nowipeperi fl000l-Ji o "un-_ o,lle. t..'._olui i-0.,,'ou,*tt . PlItO-b'Idnk,5,tank, DECORATING 'tluo, n o uicnunn,tt$'k n lItni o,li Iaou,1'Eoo (,.hiwyenl IIntue, IOniC, t 1r4.'t.u.u. BQtdtjVe.tcM. OUAIJTT PAnoreso rIdI bellunomey into )c:unluniS fuatlu ILaunu's naf',r.00 oan1-uuJt c:: ' CR70011y OMr4UP'1IEV huofuwidil) cli,unyn Sulmo01 ltitttuttt iio.l Ar-pIt-ti S(Itnc.I Iutowet;,no SI_our-c tonal. bLstit UN (norm Tukeddue I Re-blOod C 5X91117 PAPEd HAllandO luir ou.''luu COcu> dc.tkIttuC loeilcdt auionli 'b ,Sodloe4 Comino> ti . Mkno, El.cIk.OPlueoWng ..Ientt dotnktn01 .t,tI .lrtetn y0, o;.II'Oo,ks,;.n,.ttblini-incbeil uncltoheJ Ci-tt, u5AuSCll't, Ys" R4-UpO4llntIt .w000 nws,noio titoIhn sceudnul 9u10111 ob hIC 'ireidihinuan. Nu ss,ns t l'ok ttton,uu Root RepelO 0mo 010010 lOI lun . pdiumtb tu$lil corto.',nI,. 5000 'Ouio,kbtl,, COI bbC CitOo Ildd000uS, Cbduttue-oIlotE. to Veont n OusOnet, lipyCip) ucItuCi >d4d dl SI ScIluO pcuum01c'uaooi_o tutto ob_ott l'o OtTo,. . RepelO L aSOted Cafi: Sandy . w, ,*.,rn ê edtotuo, bets 110I;Itdc' lkan, liai .uc Illonow latonti,' KitDosI, Co..t t)ohkoAil_on Sonto. Stooton Ito dtte.Joumuu,ulutuail'$ ououlnt Call: Sandy ' Deck . rennt. RepaId LoolIco Acotktl'b. ISOlI, N,Inl n,I OnILOttEOdISc r."oItoS .lntl hIt-1001 II. PoonoNu. AnS C9u_o nOIoatadsd'O.. Vnnto,I GtLdU-(ElI)3ll.1IO ¿847) 200.5613 Foimniny Iì,eI ttune ont moco ,k,ti-it tatsut1, uSrsou rie, lidies,,. (847) 588-1900 Et, po. ciluess tt;utntn I5oA Nolc I';,n 04 Iluo I'IOIOOC'. Suepltnuu-e t1lit. tlInotri,L(i--o.I.,,,on Ku,.. lito... InoInd (847) 588-1900 dt-.-tOtItiTOo.dEOt 4poo.lOnt lItton McCoIiu,tel oitl tplut;' 041V. IVyICC , oouilwuyoon i-cOot. (847)06e-8 114 ,.__-004 *n. t,tons Duu;u.ou;ittIlt. Poo'. Ku.lnc I'o,tule ly wt(iknomCw,taITICblutt 15w- wnowul htttn.Aroe. Ko, llhSoOStnI950tOitu ISitiulIc. putt lIon CoL,ot natoi'tatui-s ad 515's t)quuollteoI.l,uitlu000n(knaInol -owI.tl'' ILl out Nticw nui Alun I. Ko' rIal, ini,... Kos,an, K.tl, t)'SlOu,,, So.ninoI)bs'l'oIISimile,onti taub anni realht.--' fitoun,itl F'> coi-t. Iluunputl.Stouto 50101kIlmyIn elUtiki osti limlyid M M.00ctontm oui I'y root-Ert. Kntloo l'aool. Sluo sopilnontotMooptcl Cuttu*s no01?i Oututl.4lt5 Sclonu,ulotoi I4uyhb ouct,o(c, i°.aEK.Jyc. eiI.o, Iono. ooil5hat,ei TholIsOs unctncontl uocvotul ho,moro

-- .....tkj,En&nffidIèin4t Ot!!, PAGE 46 111E BUGLEflWRSDAYAPJIJT& 19ft TttCIJGL1t. TtruntMy, Apten, L tOtutu PAGt 41 4th --- SJB gradenews -Sophom-oréwòÌ°1ç: - - - Duiing thc monthòfFebruary, tbeircrcñtivity.Theirposters will - in Social Sludirs, the 4th Graders be diopinyed later for others, to hardtoearn lstChair - studied the Frcsidcnts ottlar Unit. view. °rm gonna take that flute and er. it dìdn't take long (or lier to such ptogtam as Maine East's edStates.Each studentre- break it over your head!1 That is implore, und now she is on hic Symphnnic Band, Tri-M. Flute tearehed oneofthe Presidentsof In Retiginn Class. we are liard whet yuu would hear in theway to success in the Maine Choir. and in the pit for musical r-1 1/WE S1V1cE FORD, Wicoiji, MØcUIY his or her choice. Material was at woñc studying nod learning the houneholdofyoung Ilutitt Sara East Symphonic Band. und V-show, RIV)U 1O4løOA$S IVI gathered from various books and Io Commandments in prttpara- Heitnan of Niira. every time ube Sara Heiman is nixtcen-yeats- She'u u great musician and L!J y ijjy articles learn the classrooms and tian for the Sacrament of Recen- wöuld practice. 'It was awful. old and currently n tophomore at lota of l'un to work with.says libraries as well as their own cilintlon ou March 23w. On Feb- Every time she picked that thing Maine East High School. hi fact, band conductor Mr. Ken Geiz, NEW LOW.P*JCE SERVlE MflU homes. A classroom lrntation runty20th, students and up I waotcti io break it,' admits one of tite first courses she regis- Sara says that the hardest pani E '.. was given using posters, note parents had a retreat day to sitars older brodiçBrad. 'ft was this tried for as a freshman was ofbeinginvolvedwiththe cards. and items related to their and prepare together for the Sac- car piercin'awrnl sound that hindlloher arcnnd year at sillool's musical pragram is the topic. rament. Please keep the 11h Grad- would come from her room at Maine East, she continues to constant need to practice and the The 4' Graders are enjoying cts in your prayers. least an hour everyday.' Rower. play lite flute and piccolo for trleotleis eSaitt involved with playing a musical instrument. She liest picked up the flute is the fifth grade at'lelsun Ele' iacntaI)i School. i knew I Liant. CE SHOP ed to play an iostrntncitt," ube - remarks. Since I was alwyas at' traded to the flute, it seemed the QIityCareat your service logical choice.Since her days at Neisin, ihr has pune through six conductors; und only tOil tul TIRES.GOODYEAR BRIDGESTONE.FIRESTONE.GENERAL.CQNTINENTAL.UNIROyAL.BF GOODRICH which site liked.1 would hare to say Mr, Geli ii ttty laiontr flaInInS*IaIm.,DLI hand cinductot. Lie's down to ONLY... ONLY... raztit and makes learning music f flloei.Iwsrftnutn, cnjoyahlr, says Sana Li-hen asked which conttuctec was her . favorite. SItM*LDLID5ILC When not playing tnusie. Sara !ieeps Itceaclt busy by participat. I501taICIUWIl.(limiti!DO t,tlL is Dimati Gsd. it Maine s&. P205/60/RI S P21 S/'OJl13 Six. P23Sf75/1 S DotDDD(O(_DSDI(.0LiIL Iv East Saturday ittorning utLiI:Ilws'' I*DOTSI3OSLIIi I(.01 pregant InftInI ,o teaching little kids how to su-jas. In tite sununer she participates GOODYEAR EAGLE GA MICHELIN XW4 FIRESTONE WILDERNESS I11LDo1.1%*D Doin Monos Grove Park Diitrict sesfiball. This past season, how. ever. 511V quit to rozase luathea tnusit'al lsstnuctioo. SII*SflM*LYtt!dD Sata is only a suphoniare, hut air.-- abc has already unu a scholar. c,Y. IflmILIfltMklD ship to a rammer music campar InflIn.Ot(CtODSi001MOIDsI ,IIUIWI(L IDI_DIDOTIte University nl Wisiomin in nv InfltMZInfltU.wLIPD aDI O%nIVLiIflLLiL0 Whitewatri. She Itas also played at the Knsnnctl Center attile mekD,,kn_D k__Dtk_D $95. - OLLiIDIDD1O* OaaID. iISLjv1 University of illtnoii, Bethesda UIWI5OI0I0D&%. LWDODICI Naval Hospital in Washingian, i°::oo Dc. and loeFlilinry Clinton ____*t tOi Iupon iter binhday return to Chi- ¡aoo CLtgo It OHam Airprat. - - ioO COk_ok_Li £MS*naInsfnIØe_DDoIOlt-----DO--- - Sara hopes to putuac music PAIROF SHOCKS - -- BRAKE SERVICE TIRE ROTATION. IInN5NO.hk OSI. alter ltigh school as well as a _w___ a 's na possibeltcincltïugcareer. She - hopes to becante a prukssiartai SHOCKS BRAKES TIRES - - SIAL. 000I0104DoOODOI 1.1USI*OO IOFlutist. fliflhiflO.roio t,k_o. i_DI uathdon flJD0000_D DiE _DIDi NUes West 001fOI*flVSID___)Ia_SII_ f101 age n__n__ o,., ti,_n__ . twtlr Do_D Cheerleaders Daiti I*iOiøib_DvDIiO(,if(Ll DoLDIaDDIaM,' LEvi In4*e_DDO r 10% Ifl*DOI.LiiID Ntles WrIt Varsity Ciseetlead. tn__I*_ lUiD (OSI L10 Ii erS captured siriani place n the RTS Liboil>-stlk Insitaticitral al Litwc. AIL DO_DO_D tysille highSib.n,lFteslinnan *aIDOD PUROL4SED OVER Lç nl snngsIID0.SIDiI-(- iiDLich, ir-sosia Dinlcr, helped the _( squad prepare (rs thccr'tttprtitton 1)11 cOUNTER .UL Ilse;litirecent ojota hirak, .*IIn,stsiv antZSaLe & MelolIrts Illhi otuad podudeL Stephanir Aetoti. liotulie Babico, MIn*1W.LDo D'uDII DiJIH)un Cha, 3conifii Einst. ill. han Goli1bct. Eunji )itn. Terry msløm.I,aa,io,..- k_i 'Iliaflo. Sulle lee, $s Liditer, JSIkieSaurt. sodStephanie SO4rz Nitro "cit Jiivosi Vatsi. ty cheetirsiktals' ,Itte,tded the IIiltLlwlitiILfl ,_SiCtillocis ¡oludid "L. FREEPERSONALAD.FREEhIsscE Rriit Meh,llc liliiL.birftt.*u Gase' Liii,. Lauten 11._DIll. SLUSh lUcin. s LMI C1X1I4Ot Ñc Waiting To Tulc, Yotot Piisorìil M Jenny )Cos. Jent Mcítl, ltua Mt' dLtOiIIleO, Kattilien 1uiasc. RIL. 11t,ilSiLirsl Yixjr M ki 25 V0:icli oclli. Psitt.110111 Quino. Sain Sdtkogcs. sod Miody Subastan. Call 1.800.759.2611 anich. Jenwfcn SSDOLIILD LI tile ía. 1 s lLt,t i .. E!,! culty aprasee ofihe chirikadirig nqoudt. PÁG I1IE5UGLE.IIURDY[RIL ,1999

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